Technical Description
Technical Description
Technical Description
The flashlight is a device used to make light more portable. Most flashlights use an
incandescent bulb or a light emitting diode (LED) paired with a battery to make the flashlight
a portable light emitting device.
The Nova 5000 is a small handheld device meant for easy access and portability. It has the
capability of emitting high-powered light for the purpose of general use and uses in
emergency situations.
This description is for a general audience and explains in a technical way the descriptions,
specifications, and functions of the Nova 5000 flashlight.
The Nova 5000 is a high-powered LED flashlight that is small and easily portable for all
needs and purposes. This flashlight has the capability of illuminating objects up to 100 feet
away in complete darkness. It has an overall length of 5 inches and a diameter of 2 inches
around the LED case and 1-1/2 inches around the body casing. It has a cylindrical shape so
that it can withstand drops from 20 feet. Being only 5 inches long make it so that the overall
weight of the flashlight is 10 ounces with batteries. The Nova 5000 is covered in high density
rubber for better grip. The energy efficiency of this device makes it so that the Nova 5000 can
run off of two size D batteries and can last up to 8 hours.
The cylindrical structure of the Nova 5000 contains two major parts: (1) the bulb assembly;
this contains the LED (light emitting diode), the reflector, and the positive battery contact,
and (2) the body; this contains the switch, and the housing that holds the batteries. These
parts form one unit (Figure 1).
Parts Description
(1) The bulb assembly: The bulb assembly contains five parts:
LED: The LED is the part that emits light and is the most essential part to the
flashlight. The LEDs are arranged in a cylindrical pattern so that they fit inside of the
bulb. As electricity runs through the semiconductor (diode) it emits light. The LEDs
are connected to a LED holder.
LED Holder: The LED holder is the part that holds the LEDs in place and supplies
the electrical current to each LED. At the other end of the holder is a connector that
connects with the positive terminal of the battery.
Lens: The lens is made up of a clear plastic. The purpose of the lens is to protect the
LEDs from damage and prevents dust from getting into the overall assembly. The lens
is what encloses the LEDs within the LED case.
Reflector: The reflector contains a mirror-like surface meant to reflect light into a
certain direction. The reflector is cone shaped and lays around the inside of the LED
case. Its main purpose is to reflect the light being emitted from the LEDs to increase
the intensity of the light.
LED Case: The LED case is the hard plastic enclosure that surrounds the rest of the
bulb assembly. It protects the parts that lie within the assembly. The Case connects all
of the parts in the assembly and connects it to the body.
Switch: The switch is what completes the electrical circuit. When you press the
switch it turns the flashlight on, this means that the circuit is complete and
electricity will flow from the batteries to the LEDs, this is what causes them to emit
light. When the switch is pressed again the flashlight turns off, this means that the
circuit is not complete and there is no electricity flowing from the batteries to the
LEDs. The switch itself is a button that sits proud from the body casing. The button
can be pressed inwards so that the flashlight turns to the on position, if the button is
then pressed again the flashlight will turn to the off position.
Battery: The batteries are what provide the flashlight with electricity. The Nova
5000 uses two D sized batteries. This will provide the flashlight with up to 8 hours of
light. The batteries are arranged so that the positive end goes in the case towards the
bulb. This ensures that the positive end from the second battery touches the negative
end of the first battery (See figure 2). The negative terminal of the second battery is
then connected to the spring on the end cap and the copper strip and this creates part
of the circuit.
Copper Strip: The copper strip is a thin copper strip that sits inside of the body
casing. The copper strip connects the LED holder to the spring that sits on the end
cap. This connection makes and electrical circuit that can be completed with the
Body Casing: The body casing functions similarly to the LED case. The body casing
is what protects the assemblies inside of it. The casing is also made up of plastic and
is meant to keep all the subparts together and connected. The body is connected to
the LED case.
Battery End Cap: The battery end cap is a cap with threads and a spring protruding
from the inside. The spring is connected to the copper strip that runs to the LED
holder. The spring touches the negative terminal on the second battery and when this
happens a circuit is made and can be completed with the switch.
Operating Description
In an operating cycle, two D sized batteries are placed inside of the body casing, placed with
the positive end facing inwards towards the LED case. After putting in the batteries, screw on
the battery end cap, press the switch once so that the flashlight turns on. When the
flashlight is in the on position electricity will flow through the circuit allowing the LEDs to
emit light. After use, press the switch again to turn the flashlight off, this will break the
circuit and stop the flow of electricity.