Pmi Man
Pmi Man
Pmi Man
Pressure Analyser
ssure Analyser PM
ure Analyser PMI
e Analyser PMI Pr
ssure Analyser PM
The PMI System ...
e Analyser PMI Pr
collect and display a complete set of
r PMI Pressure An
Indicates the max. pressure deviation of each
cylinder and computes index settings for
balanced output from all cylinders.
MI Pressure Analy
No time consuming planimetering of
diagrams... Replaces the traditional
mechanical indicator.
ressure P ser P
MI Pressure Analys
Pressure Analyser
ssure Analyser PM Cylinder Pressure Measuring
Balance Plot
The PMI System is a user-friendly computerised tool for The pressure transducer is mounted on the cylinder head
reliable and precise performance evaluation on two and indicator cock for measurements and then moved from
four stroke diesel engines in both single and multi-engine one cylinder to another in order to complete measure-
plants. The system replaces the traditional mechanical ments on all cylinders. It is therefore only exposed to the
indicator, and hence no planimetery or manual calculation harsh environment of the combustion chamber for a very
is required. short time.
Reliable calculation of mean indicated cylinder pressure A unique feature of the PMI System is that it compensates
and other performance data requires accurate measure- for the twisting experienced by each section of the crank-
ment of cylinder pressures and detection of crankshaft shaft due to the torque generated under different loads.
For detecting the crankshaft position a number of alterna-
The PMI System uses a high performance piezo-electric tive pickups are available. For example, depending on the
pressure transducer of well proven design and can auto- engine layout either an angle encoder or a light emitting
matically identify which cylinders are measured. pickup may be fitted. These generate a continuous train of
electrical pulses which are used to trigger the PMI System
in accordance with the rotation of the crankshaft.
Junction Box
24V DC
Intermediate Box
Angle Encoder
Converter Box
PMI Controller Box
Value Table
Balance Plot
Computer Requirements
Pentium II Processor, or later
32 MB RAM or more
Hard disk with 500 MB free space, or more
SVGA video adaptor with 640 x 480 resolution
or better
CD-ROM drive
Free Communication Port
Operating System
Microsoft Windows NT (v. 3.5.1 or later),
Windows 95 or later
ser PMI Pressure A
PMI Pressure An
MI Pressure Analy
MAN B&W Diesel A/S
Teglholmsgade 41
DK-2450 Copenhagen SV
Telephone: +45 33 85 11 00
Telex: 16592 manbw dk
Telefax: +45 33 85 10 30
E-mail: [email protected]
Pressure Analyse
ressure Analyser P
MAN B&W Diesel A/S
re Analyser PMI P
Analyser PMI Pres
MAN B&W Diesel A/S
Holeby Diesel
stervej 2
DK-4960 Holeby
Telephone: +45 54 69 31 00
MAN B&W Diesel A/S
Reproduction permitted
provided source is given