Pe Program Letter 8-1-17

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Sparks Middle School Physical Education Program

Welcome to the Sparks Middle School Physical Education Program. Our goal during our time
together is to create a safe environment for you to learn about yourself, your body, how to stay
active, eat healthy, and most of all, have fun! Expectations will be high in order to ensure that
you and your peers get the most out of your experience during your P.E. time. Below you will
find our expectations for Sparks Middle School Physical Education Program.
Physical education program expectations:
Locker room procedures:
All students will receive their own locker and Combination do not share combinations with
anyone. You are responsible for everything in your locker. The school is not responsible for
stolen items. So lock everything up and if it doesnt fit in your locker you will be allowed to
place it in the P.E. teachers locked office. Take pride in keeping your locker room area free of
litter and trash.
************ not allowed in locker room**************
Glass containers
aerosol cans: hair spray, deodorant sprays, body spray (axe), etc.
running around
loud noises- screaming, banging on lockers etc.
horseplay or rough play
food or drink, except for water
phones must be turned off and placed in locker, they are not allowed on or out in the
locker room

Prior to the start of P.E. activities students are to remain in the locker room until called out for
roll call.
No returning to locker room during activities without teacher permission.
At the end of the PE period, students are to sit by their locker, make sure their row is clean,
lockers are locked and wait for dismissal from the PE teacher. Leave locker room only after the
P.E. teacher dismisses the class. Leaving early will effect grade, it will be considered a cut.

Participation-Attendance-Uniform = 50% of your Grade

Participation (Effort)- All students are expected to participate in the days activity. P.E. is a
participation class. Your grade is based on your effort during the activity not your athletic
ability. Performance grading is individually based and adjusted to each student.
Attendance- Attendance is required for every PE class. If you miss a class (excused or
unexcused) you have two weeks to make up your missing class, from the day of absence. You
can make up your missed PE class by performing some athletic activity for at least 40 minutes
(Please refer to the Sparks Middle School PE Make-Up Form). Bring in the form that will be
provided for you filled out and signed. Turning in this PE Make Up Form will allow your absence
(missed class) count for credit. If you were still struggling to find a way to make up a day
please talk to your PE teacher for other ideas.
Students will be marked tardy if they are not in their assigned area by the time attendance is
being taken.
Medical excuses from parents/guardians are accepted for a maximum of three days and must
be presented within 24 hours or a non-dress and non-participation will be recorded. Long term
medical excuses will be handled on an individual basis and will require a physicians request for
limited activity.
Students will not be given passes from P.E. to other classes to complete make-up work, take
test, etc. Do not ask.
Tardies: Students must be inside the locker room doors before the tardy bell. Consequences for
tardiness refer to the student handbook. Tardies will also affect behavior grade.
Uniform- Sparks Middle P.E. uniforms are sold through the PE department. Our uniforms cost
$20.00 and are a must. In addition, laced athletic shoes are also a must. Shoes must be
properly tied. Any other footwear will result in a non-dress.
For safety, hygiene, and freedom of movement, the following clothing is required for all Sparks
Middle P.E. students.
The Sparks Middle School athletic uniform consist of the following: Green SMS athletic shorts,
gray SMS athletic shirt, and Tennis shoes. SMS sweatshirts and sweatpants will be allowed
during cooler months as well as plain black or gray sweats.
Every student is expected to dress out in PE.
If for some reason you are unable to wear your PE uniform, you must bring a written note from
your parents or guardian explain the circumstances and complete a make-up assignment.
Students are asked to take outfits to be washed once a week.
P.E. uniforms are not to be worn underneath school uniforms after attending P.E. class.
Sportsmanship (citizenship)- 50% of your grade:
Bear power behavior will be expected during your bell to bell experience in PE. We take
pride in our equipment and have worked hard to ensure that the best athletic equipment is
available for you to use. On occasions cell phones will be used as educational tools at the
discretion of the teacher. Some examples were cell phones will be used or to measure heart
rate, timing you or a friend during an activity, or to do any assigned research. If any form of
technology is used when not permitted, it will be confiscated and given to an administrator. If
any reason you are not exhibiting bear power behavior, appropriate consequences will be
delivered and your sportsmanship grade will decrease for that day.
We look forward to helping you become the best version of yourself. We are always
open to any questions or comments that you may have.

Excited to be your P.E. teachers,

Mr. Williams & Mrs. McNulty
Parent Signature:______________________

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