This document provides a recapitulation report of narcotics and psychotropic drugs from Apotek Simpang pharmacy in Garut Regency, West Java for April 2017. It lists 34 narcotic drugs and 36 psychotropic drugs by name, unit, initial stock, intake from other facilities, outtake for prescriptions, disposal, and final stock, all of which are reported as zero for the month. The report is signed by the responsible pharmacist, Rida Rodhiatham Mardliyah.
This document provides a recapitulation report of narcotics and psychotropic drugs from Apotek Simpang pharmacy in Garut Regency, West Java for April 2017. It lists 34 narcotic drugs and 36 psychotropic drugs by name, unit, initial stock, intake from other facilities, outtake for prescriptions, disposal, and final stock, all of which are reported as zero for the month. The report is signed by the responsible pharmacist, Rida Rodhiatham Mardliyah.
This document provides a recapitulation report of narcotics and psychotropic drugs from Apotek Simpang pharmacy in Garut Regency, West Java for April 2017. It lists 34 narcotic drugs and 36 psychotropic drugs by name, unit, initial stock, intake from other facilities, outtake for prescriptions, disposal, and final stock, all of which are reported as zero for the month. The report is signed by the responsible pharmacist, Rida Rodhiatham Mardliyah.
This document provides a recapitulation report of narcotics and psychotropic drugs from Apotek Simpang pharmacy in Garut Regency, West Java for April 2017. It lists 34 narcotic drugs and 36 psychotropic drugs by name, unit, initial stock, intake from other facilities, outtake for prescriptions, disposal, and final stock, all of which are reported as zero for the month. The report is signed by the responsible pharmacist, Rida Rodhiatham Mardliyah.
SIPA: 503/2019/SIPA.017/II/Diskes/2017 REKAPITULASI LAPORAN PSIKOTROPIKA Nama Unit Layanan: Apotek Simpang Provinsi, Kabupaten/Kota: Jawa Barat, Kab. Garut