Rule 1 BJMP Rule Book

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Rule 1

Mission, Objectives, Principles and Definitions

Sec. 1. Mission. The Jail Bureau shall direct, supervise and control the administration and
operation of all district, city, and municipal jails to effect a better system of jail
management nationwide.

Sec.2. Objectives. The broad objectives of the Bureau are the following:

a. To improve the living conditions of inmates in accordance with the accepted

standards set by the United Nations.
b. To enhance rehabilitation and reformation of inmates in preparation for their
eventual reintegration into the mainstream of society upon their release; and
c. To professionalize jail services.

Sec. 3 Principles. The following principles shall observe in the implementation of the
preceding sections:

a. It is the obligation of jail authorities to confine inmates safely and provide

rehabilitative programs that will negate criminal tendencies, and restore their
positive values to make them productive and law-abiding citizens.
b. No procedure or system of correction shall deprive any inmate of hope for his
ultimate return to the fold of the law and full membership in society;
c. Unless proved otherwise, any accused of a criminal offense shall be presumed
innocent and his rights as a free citizen shall be respected, except for such
indispensable restraints during his confinement in the interest of justice and public
d. Inmates are human beings entitled to the same basic rights enjoyed by citizens in
a free society, except that the exercise of these rights are limited and controlled
for security reasons.
e. Health preservation and prompt treatment of illness or injury are basic rights of
every person confined in jail. It is the duty of jail authorities to arrange for their
treatment subject to security measures.
f. Members of the custodial force shall set themselves as example by performing
their duties in accordance with the rules and shall respect the laws duly
constituted by authorities.
g. No jail personnel shall use abusive, insulting and indecent language on the
h. No jail personnel shall use unnecessary force on inmates, except for legitimate
self-defense or in cases of attempted active and passive physical resistance to a
lawful order.
i. No penalty shall be imposed upon any inmate for violation of rules/ regulations
unless in accordance with duly approved disciplinary procedures.
j. Penalties to be imposed shall not be cruel, inhuman, or degrading. No physical
punishment shall be employed as a correctional measure.
k. Members of the custodial force must understand that inmates need treatment and
counseling and the primary purpose of confinement is for safekeeping and
l. When conducting routinary custodial (in cell or compound) guarding, the ratio of
1:7 or one guard for every seven inmates shall be observed.
m. When an inmate is in transit, the ration of 1:1+1 for every inmate shall be
observed. In case of high risk inmate that demands extra precaution, additional
guards shall be employed. This manning level shall be national in scope for
effective jail administration in all regional, provincial, district, city, and municipal

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