Chapter5 - Building Muscular Strength An Endurande PDF

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The key takeaways are that resistance training can help build muscular strength and endurance, improve overall fitness and reduce fatigue. It involves exercises that stress the musculoskeletal system using weights, resistance bands or body weight.

Resistance training can help enlarge muscle fibers, improve muscle function and control, reduce injury risk, and maintain daily activities without undue fatigue. It can also improve bone health and metabolism.

Muscular strength is the maximum force a muscle can generate, while muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle to repeatedly contract over an extended period of time. Strength is measured by maximum weight lifted once, while endurance is measured by weight lifted 20 times consecutively.


Strength and

Define muscular strength and muscular
endurance and describe the benefits of each.

Discuss the basic structure and function of

skeletal muscle.

Outline the fitness and wellness improvements

that occur with regular resistance training.

Assess your muscular strength and muscular


Set appropriate muscular fitness goals.

Describe common resistance-training methods

and programs and create an exercise plan
compatible with your goals and lifestyle.

Identify and observe precautions for safe

resistance training.

Describe the benefits and side effects of

supplement use, including anabolic steroids.
Hi, Im Gina. Im from San Francisco and Im a sopho-
more majoring in economics. Im taking a fitness and
wellness class this semester, and this week were start-
ing the section on muscular fitness. Im curious about
it because Ive never lifted weights before! I like to go
hiking, and I take yoga classes from time to time, but
I wouldnt call myself an athlete. Does it really make
sense for someone like me to start a strength-training

hether youre a beginner like professionals often measure muscular strength by

W Gina or an athlete interested

in conditioning, this chapter
will answer common ques-
tions about muscular fitness,
explain the many benefits of
strength training, and give you the tools for design-
ing a program that is custom-made for you.
Muscular fitness is the ability of your musculo-
skeletal system to perform daily and recreational
determining the maximum weight a person can lift
at one time. Muscular endurance is the ability of
a muscle to contract repeatedly over an extended
period of time. It describes how long you can sustain
a given type of muscular exertion. One way that fit-
ness professionals measure muscle endurance is by
determining the maximum weight a person can lift
20 times consecutively.
You can build better muscular strength and
activities without undue fatigue and injury. Muscu- endurance through resistance training. Resistance
lar fitness involves having adequate muscular training is also referred to as weight training or
strength and endurance. Muscular strength is the strength training and can be done with measured
ability of a muscle or group of muscles to contract weights, body weight, or other resistive equipment
with maximal force. It describes how strong a (i.e., exercise bands or exercise balls). Resistance
muscle is or how much force it can exert. Exercise exercises stress the bodys musculoskeletal system,
which enlarges muscle fibers and improves neural
control of muscle function, resulting in greater
muscular strength and endurance.
muscular fitness The ability of your musculoskeletal Are you already participating in a resistance-
system to perform daily and recreational activities
training program? If so, you are not alone. According
without undue fatigue and injury
to the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS),
muscular strength The ability of a muscle to contract with resistance training is the fourth most popular
maximal force leisure-time activity for adults over the age of 18.1 It
muscular endurance The ability of a muscle to contract is more popular than jogging, aerobics, and many
repeatedly over an extended period of time other recreational sports (but is less popular than
resistance training Controlled and progressive stressing walking, working in the yard, or stretching.) In
of the bodys musculoskeletal system using resistance 2004, 17.5 percent of women and 21.5 percent of
(i.e., weights, resistance bands, body weight) exercises to men reported regular resistance training.2 These
build and maintain muscular fitness numbers have climbed steadily since 1998 but still
do not approach the Healthy People 2010 national


health objective: that 30 percent of adults partici- structure and function of actin and myosin allow
pate in strength-training exercises at least two them to slide across each other and shorten the mus-
times per week. If you are not participating, now cle. You can picture this sliding and shortening as
may be the perfect time to start because of readily similar to the way your forearms can slide past each
available facilities and classes at most colleges and other inside the front pocket of a hooded sweatshirt,
universities. pulling your elbows closer together. Simultaneous
Resistance training offers such varied benefits shortening of the many fibers within a whole muscle
that exercise professionals recommend it in nearly causes the pattern of muscular tension we call con-
all health-related fitness programs. Regular resis- traction. It is this whole-muscle contraction that
tance training can make daily activities easier: moves bones and surrounding body parts.
carrying around a backpack full of heavy textbooks Every muscle fiber can be categorized as either
wont tire you as much; bringing in a bag of gro- slow or fast, depending on how quickly it can con-
ceries will be less taxing; and taking the stairs will tract. Slow-twitch muscle fibers (Type I) are
seem natural and feel better than riding in an eleva- oxygen-dependent and contract relatively slowly, but
tor. No matter what your health and fitness goals can contract for longer periods of time without
may be, resistance training can be an important and fatigue. Fast-twitch muscle fibers (Type II) are
rewarding wellness tool throughout your life. not oxygen-dependent and contract more rapidly
than slow-twitch fibers, but tire relatively quickly
(they also produce greater muscle power). In slow-
HOW DO MUSCLES WORK? twitch fibers, the energy for contraction comes from
the breakdown of fat from the blood, muscle cells,
The human body contains hundreds of muscles,
and adipose tissue. Fat breakdown requires oxygen
each of which belongs to one of three basic types:
and minimal levels of glucose breakdown as well. In
(1) voluntary skeletal muscle, which allows move-
fast-twitch fibers, the energy for contraction comes
ment of the skeleton and generates body heat;
from phosphocreatine and glycogen reserves within
(2) involuntary cardiac muscle, which exists only in
the muscles, glycogen stored within the liver, and
the heart and facilitates the pumping of blood
glucose in the blood.
through the body; and (3) involuntary smooth
All fiber types exist in skeletal muscles, but
muscle, which lines some internal organs and moves
some muscles within the bodysuch as postural
food through the stomach and intestines. Together,
trunk muscleshave more slow-twitch fibers, while
resistance training and cardiorespiratory exercise
other muscles (such as those in the calves) have more
will benefit all three muscle types. Here we will focus
fast-twitch fibers. The proportion of muscle fiber types
on skeletal muscles and the signals from the nervous
varies from person to person based on both genetics
system that coordinate and control their contraction.
and training. Elite athletes have muscle fiber compo-
sitions that complement their sport. Marathoners, for
instance, have higher levels of slow-twitch fibers that
AN OVERVIEW OF SKELETAL MUSCLE supply them with optimal muscular endurance. Power
Each skeletal muscle is surrounded by a sheet of weight lifters, on the other hand, have more fast-
connective tissue that draws together at the ends of twitch fibers that allow feats of enormous muscular
the muscle, forming the tendons (see Figure 5.1).
Muscular contractions allow for skeletal movement
because muscles are attached to bones via tendons.
These attached muscles pull the bones, which pivot tendon The connective tissue attaching a muscle to a bone
at joints, creating a specific body movement.
muscle fiber The cell of the muscular system
Within each skeletal muscle are individual mus-
cle cells called muscle fibers. Bundles of muscle myofibril Thin strands within a single muscle fiber that
fibers are called fascicles. Each muscle fiber extends bundle the skeletal muscle protein filaments and span
the length of the fiber
the full length of the muscle. Within each muscle
fiber are many myofibril strands, each containing slow-twitch muscle fiber Muscle fiber type that is oxygen-
contractile protein filaments. These filaments are dependent and can contract over long periods of time
made up of two kinds of proteinactin and myosin fast-twitch muscle fiber Muscle fiber type that contracts
which are arranged in alternating bands that give with greater force and speed but also fatigues quickly
the whole cell a striped appearance. The microscopic




Muscle body

Connective Fascicle

Muscle fiber (cell)


Protein filaments
(actin and myosin)

Muscle fibers
in fascicle

A muscle is attached to bones via tendons. Tendons are a continuation of the connective tissue that surrounds the
entire muscle as well as each muscle bundle (fascicle). A fascicle is made up of many muscle cells (muscle fibers). Within
each muscle fiber, myofibril strands contain actin and myosin proteins.

strength over short periods of time. Sedentary individ- A motor unit can be small or large, depending on the
uals and people who do general resistance training number of muscle fibers that it stimulates. Small
typically have 50 percent slow-twitch and 50 percent motor units are comprised of slow-twitch fibers;
fast-twitch fiber composition. larger motor units are comprised of fast-twitch
fibers. The strength of a muscle contraction depends
upon the intensity of the nervous system stimulus,
MUSCLE CONTRACTION the number and size of motor units activated, and
REQUIRES STIMULATION the types of muscle fibers that are stimulated. For
For a voluntary skeletal muscle to contract, your ner- example, if you are getting ready to lift a heavy
vous system must send a signal directly to the mus- weight, your central nervous system will send a
cle. When you want to move any part of your stronger signal. This will activate a greater number
bodyfor example, a finger on your right hand of large fast motor units, resulting in a more forceful
your brain will send a signal down the spinal cord muscle contraction than if you were merely picking
and through motor nerves to the skeletal muscle up an apple.
fibers in that finger. One motor nerve will stimulate
many skeletal muscle fibers, together creating a THREE PRIMARY TYPES
functional unit called a motor unit (see Figure 5.2).
Muscle contractions all result in an increase in
motor unit A motor nerve and all the muscle fibers it tension or force within the muscle, but some con-
controls tractions move body parts while others do not. There
are three primary types of contractions: isotonic,


Spinal cord
Motor unit X
I love to go on short hikes. There are some gorgeous
trails in the San Francisco Bay Area. Some of them
are kind of hilly, but I dont mindthe views from

the top are always worth it. My calves definitely get
Motor unit Y a workout! Id like to be able to do longer hikes, but
the truth is that I usually get tired after about three
miles. I know there are some longer hikes with spec-
tacular views, but I dont feel ready for them yet.

1. Given what youve learned so far, what would you

Contraction tell Gina about how resistance training can benefit
Contraction strength

strength of
12 fibers
Contraction 2. Which type of muscle fibers would you guess that
Contraction strength of Gina has more of: slow-twitch fibers or fast-twitch
strength of 7 fibers fibers?
5 fibers
3. Name an outdoor activity that you enjoy. Can you
give one or two examples of isotonic contractions
that occur in your body during the course of that

body part. In order to perform isokinetic contrac-

(b) tions, you need specialized equipment that holds the
speed of movement constant as your arm, leg, or

Motor Units and Muscle Contraction Strength
other muscles contract with varying forces.
Isotonic contractions are the most common in
exercise programs. Lifting free weights, working on
(a) Motor unit X is smaller (5 fibers) than motor unit Y (7 machines, and doing push-ups are all examples of
fibers). (b) The strength of a muscular contraction isotonic contractions. Isotonic contractions can be
increases with increased fibers per motor unit (X vs. Y) either concentric or eccentric. Concentric contrac-
and with more motor units activated (X  Y). tions occur when force is developed in the muscle
as the muscle is shorteningfor example, when
you curl a free weight up toward your shoulder.
isometric, and isokinetic. Isotonic contractions are In eccentric muscle contractions, force remains in
characterized by a consistent muscle tension as the
contraction proceeds and a resulting movement of
isotonic A muscle contraction with relatively constant
body parts (Figure 5.3a). An arm curl with a
10-pound hand weight involves isotonic contractions
throughout your arm. Isometric contractions are isometric A muscle contraction with no change in muscle
characterized by a consistent muscle length
throughout the contraction with no visible move- isokinetic A muscle contraction with a constant speed of
ment of body parts. An example of an isometric con- contraction
traction is when you hold a hand weight at arms concentric A muscle contraction with overall muscle
length in front of you; your arm is not moving, but shortening
you feel tension in your arm muscles (Figure 5.3b). eccentric A muscle contraction with overall muscle
Isokinetic contractions are characterized by a con- lengthening
sistent muscle contraction speed within a moving


Isotonic contraction Isometric contraction

the wrist
Biceps contracting

No movement
Biceps contracting lowering
the wrist
contraction Muscle contracts
Eccentric but does not shorten

(a) (b)

(a) Isotonic contractions include concentric (shortening) and eccentric (lengthening) contractions. (b) Isometric contrac-
tions produce force in the muscle with no movement.

the muscle while the muscle is lengthening. This greater gains in muscle size due to higher testo-
occurs as you lower a free weight back to its origi- sterone levels, women can often have a larger capac-
nal position. Figure 5.3a illustrates these muscular ity to improve strength.3 Stronger lower- and
contractions, using a bicep-curl exercise as an upper-body muscles benefit both men and women.


Physiological Changes from
IMPROVE YOUR FITNESS Resistance Training

Increased Decreased
People used to think that weight lifting was solely a
means of improving body shape and producing big- Muscle mass Percentage of
ger muscles. We now know that, in addition to body fat
Muscular strength and/or
improving physical appearance, resistance training muscular endurance Time required for
can also result in specific physiological changes that muscle contraction
Bone mineral density
have significant fitness and wellness benefits.
Blood pressure
Table 5.1 summarizes these changes. We discuss Basal metabolic rate
(if high)
the benefits of resistance training in detail in the Intramuscular fuel stores
section that follows. Blood cholesterol
(ATP, PC, glycogen)
(if high)
Tendon, ligament, and


Regular resistance training with an adequate load, Coordination of motor units

or amount of weight lifted, will result in an increase Insulin sensitivity
in muscle strength. Although men tend to realize


Neural Improvements When you start a REGULAR RESISTANCE TRAINING
resistance-training program, you will gain muscular
strength before noticing any increase in muscle size.
This is because internal physiological adaptations to Muscular endurance helps you complete daily tasks
training take place before muscle enlargement. The and take part in recreational activities without tir-
strength of a muscular contraction depends, in large ing easily. It helps you perform both cardiorespira-
part, on effective recruitment of the motor units tory activities, such as hiking and running, and
needed for that contraction. The better your body muscular fitness activities, such as circuit or sports
gets at recruiting the necessary motor units through training. In fact, just doing these activities will
voluntary neural signaling, the stronger your mus- improve your muscular endurance. Muscle
cles will be. In the first few weeks or months of a endurance exercises trigger physiological adapta-
resistance-training program, most of the adaptation tions that improve your ability to regenerate ATP
involves an increased ability to recruit motor units, efficiently and thus sustain muscular contractions
which causes more muscle fibers to contract. for a longer period of time. The end result will be the
ability to snowboard five runs in a row instead of
two before having to rest; to walk up three flights of
Increased Muscle Size After the initial stairs with ease; or to rake leaves vigorously for an
improved neural activation, the amount of actin hour without difficulty.
and myosin within your muscle fibers increases in
response to resistance training. This results in an
increase in the size or cross-sectional area of the REGULAR RESISTANCE TRAINING
protein filaments or hypertrophy. With more con- IMPROVES BODY COMPOSITION, WEIGHT
tractile proteins, a muscle can contract more force-
fully; in other words, larger muscles are stronger
muscles. While both slow- and fast-twitch muscles Improved body composition is an important outcome
will increase in size with resistance training, of resistance training: The amount of lean muscle
greater increases in strength will result from hyper- tissue will increase, the amount of fat tissue will
trophy changes in fast-twitch muscle fibers. decrease, and thus the ratio of lean to fat will
Muscle growth in response to resistance training improve. Research has demonstrated that such
takes longer than neural improvements. Neverthe- higher lean-to-fat ratios improve your overall health
less, muscle growth is the most important contributor profile and reduce your risk of heart attack, stroke,
to strength gains if your program is long-term and and death from cardiovascular diseases.4 Fat does
consistent. The degree of hypertrophy or enlargement not turn into muscle or vice versa; the number of
you can expect with weight training depends upon fat and muscle cells remains the same, with cells
your gender, age, genetics, and how you design your merely enlarging or shrinking depending on food
training program. Some individuals will develop intake and activity levels.
larger muscles more quickly than others; some will More muscle means a faster metabolic rate,
experience only limited hypertrophy. In particular, because pound for pound, muscle tissue expends
women and men with smaller builds will realize less more energy than fat tissue. With more total calo-
muscle development than those with larger builds, ries being expended during the day, weight control
even with identical training programs (see the box becomes easier and more effective. The most suc-
Understanding Diversity: Women and Weight cessful weight maintainers (those who lose weight
Training). The same is true for older individuals, and keep it off for long periods of time) incorporate
though they can still see significant improvements. some type of resistance training into their overall
A program with heavier weights, longer dura- fitness programs.5 Resistance training during
tions, or more frequent training can produce greater weight loss helps ensure that you will lose fat and
gains than a more standard fitness-training pro- not precious muscle tissue; your body can be
gram. People who stop resistance training due to
injury, life circumstances, or disinterest will experi-
ence some degree of atrophy, a shrinking of the
muscle to its pretraining size and strength. To avoid hypertrophy An increase in muscle cross-sectional area
atrophy, you need to make a long-term commitment atrophy A decrease in muscle cross-sectional area
to resistance training.


While it is true that fewer American women are
currently in strength-training programs than men,
the benefits for women are just as great.
A common misconception is that women dont
benefit much from resistance exercise because their
muscles are generally smaller than those of men. On
average, mens muscles are larger and more power-
ful than womens. Men produce 5 to 10 times more
testosterone, which promotes muscle development.
Mens nervous systems also signal muscle contrac-
tion more rapidly, producing greater power. Because
they have more total muscle tissue, mens absolute
strength is greater than womens but when muscle
mass is compared pound for pound, women are
equally strong.
Another common misconception is that weight
training will cause women to bulk up. In truth,
women who do regular resistance training rarely
look heavily muscled. Women who train for compet-
itive bodybuilding are self-selected to begin with,
meaning they have a natural tendency toward mus-
cle definition that they augment through hours in and health issues. These benefits include stronger
the gym every week. Very few women build large, bones and better prevention of osteoporosis;
bulky muscles without major effort (or the use of reduced body fat and greater ability to control
dangerous steroid drugs.) body weight; improved stamina and decreased
Although the benefits of weight training are the fatigue; better sleep and less insomnia; and
same for both sexes, several of the advantages are increased self-confidence, body image, and sense
especially appealing to women based on other life of well-being.

lighter, stronger, and leaner (i.e., more toned) measurable increases in overall body image after
instead of just lighter (and potentially still flabby), circuit weight training (a form of resistance train-
as often happens with traditional diet-only weight- ing) for 6 weeks.6
loss methods.
When you begin a resistance-training program, REGULAR RESISTANCE TRAINING
you may experience a slight initial weight gain as STRENGTHENS BONES AND PROTECTS
muscle tissue grows. If you focus only on the scale,
this can be discouraging. It is better to focus on how
much stronger and more toned your muscles feel. Bone health is an important issue for everyone, from
With a consistent fitness and nutrition program, fat children to older adults. Osteoporosis-related frac-
loss will eventually catch up to muscle gain and tures are common among older women and men and
will be reflected in weight loss as well. Since muscle can cause dramatic decreases in a persons mobility,
tissue is more compact than fat tissue, your body independence, and quality of life. By putting stress
size will gradually decrease over time as muscles and controlled weight loads on the muscles, joint
become toned and fat tissues atrophy. Even without structures, and supporting bones, resistance train-
dieting, resistance training leads to more lean tissue ing stimulates muscle tissue growth and the genera-
and less fat tissue. This, in turn, can improve your tion of harder, stronger bones, thereby reducing the
body image. In one study, college students realized risk of fracture.


Building strong bones is especially important in force rapidly. While no one is immune from the
the period starting with childhood skeletal growth aging process, resistance training throughout ones
and development and ending at about age 30. The life can significantly slow natural muscle loss. In
reservoir of bone tissue you lay down in those fact, older individuals who do resistance training
years and then maintain throughout life will help can show a rate of improvement equal to that of
prevent weak, brittle bones as you age. Even the younger people. The increase in muscular fitness
bones of older individuals can benefit from strength and the improvements it brings to everyday physi-
training. Several research studies have revealed a cal functioning help individuals live independently
positive relationship between resistance training for a longer portion of their lives.
and bone density.7
Getting hurt will put you on the sidelines.
Whether you exercise for fun, fitness, or competi- REGULAR RESISTANCE TRAINING
tion, preventing injuries is a key to continued par- HELPS REDUCE CARDIOVASCULAR
ticipation. Injury prevention tips are often specific to DISEASE RISK
your chosen activity; however, strong muscles,
Regular resistance training can lower your risk of
bones, and connective tissues are the common
cardiovascular disease by increasing blood flow to
denominator for preventing injury in any activity.
working muscles and vital tissues throughout your
Regular resistance training improves not only mus-
body. In fact, people who perform regular resistance-
cular strength and endurance, but also the strength
training exercise have lower blood pressure and
of tendons, ligaments, and other supporting struc-
blood cholesterol readings than sedentary people.
tures around each joint. As they grow stronger, the
Since being overfat (having a higher than recom-
joints themselves are better protected from injury.
mended percentage of body fat) increases your risk
A stronger body can handle the physical stresses of
of cardiovascular disease and adult-onset diabetes,
everyday life (carrying heavy books or groceries, lift-
an improved body composition achieved through
ing laundry baskets, moving furniture, etc.) with
resistance training can help you lower your risk
less chance of injury. A strong, pain-free back and
of both of these diseases.
proper posture are crucial to daily functioning with-
out injury. Individuals who participate in regular
resistance-training exercise have stronger postural REGULAR RESISTANCE TRAINING
muscles and report less low back pain.
Imbalanced muscles around a joint may result in
a change in joint alignment with subsequent pain or AND ACTIVITIES
injury. Muscular balance will reduce this risk. A Achieving muscular fitness through resistance
well-designed muscle fitness program will work training has yet another benefit: A stronger body is
toward improving strength and muscle endurance in more resistant to fatigue, moves more quickly, and
opposing muscular groups, promoting overall muscle recovers more quickly from illness or injury. All of
balance. these traits contribute to better performance in
sports, recreational activities, and other fitness
pursuits. Resistance training is often the common
REGULAR RESISTANCE TRAINING denominator among training programs for different
HELPS MAINTAIN PHYSICAL FUNCTION sports and activities. Because of these benefits,
WITH AGING physically active adults often incorporate some form
of resistance training that builds strength and
Starting between the ages of 25 to 30, men and endurance in the muscle groups most crucial to
women begin to lose muscle mass. As they age, they their sport.
lose up to one-third of their muscle mass due to
changes in hormones, activity, nutrition, and chronic
or acute illnesses. Sarcopenia, literally poverty of
flesh, is the term applied to this aging-related loss sarcopenia The degenerative loss of muscle mass and
in skeletal muscle (see Figure 5.4). Sarcopenia strength in aging
reduces overall physical functioning by decreasing muscle power The ability of a muscle to quickly contract
muscular strength and endurance and causing with high force
losses in muscle power, or the capacity to exert




CT scan of healthy young CT scan of sedentary

adult shows normal older adult shows
amount of muscle area greatly reduced muscle
area, indicating sarcopenia

CT scans showing the difference in muscle mass in a healthy young adult vs. an older adult with sarcopenia. Age-related
muscle loss can be slowed down with resistance training.

HOW CAN YOU ASSESS room where measured weights of all sizes are
readily available.
AND ENDURANCE? 1 RM Tests One repetition maximum (1 RM)
Before you can plan an appropriate resistance- tests are the most common tool fitness instructors and
training program, it is important to assess your personal trainers use to assess their clients muscular
current muscular strength and endurance. You can strength. To participate in the tests safely, you must
then compare the results to norm charts for your age be medically cleared to lift heavier weights than you
and gender, or simply use them as a starting point have in the past, have detailed instructions for the
for designing your program. After youve followed test procedure, know general weight-training guide-
your program for a while, follow-up assessments will lines, have a few weeks of weight-training experience,
help you evaluate your progress and make adjust- and have qualified spotters standing nearby to watch
ments to stay on track. and assist if necessary. If you are weight training on
campus or at a gym, an instructor will be able to help
you through these preliminary steps.
TEST YOUR MUSCULAR STRENGTH One RM tests are performed by discovering the
maximum amount of weight you can lift one time on
Tests of muscular strength gauge the maximum
a particular exercise. You need to accurately deter-
amount of force you can generate in a muscle.
mine your 1 RM within three to five trials so that
People usually carry out these tests in a weight
muscle fatigue from repetitions does not change your
result. In general health and fitness classes or begin-
one repetition maximum (1 RM) The maximum amount ning weight-training programs, instructors often tell
of weight you can lift one time students to predict their 1 RM instead of actually
spotter A person who watches, encourages, and, if attempting a maximum lift. This is particularly true
needed, assists a person who is performing a weight- when students are new to resistance training and
training lift are unfamiliar with weight-training guidelines. To
predict your 1 RM, you will lift, press, or pull a



Ive always wanted to hike to the top of Nevada Falls 1. Name at least two ways that resistance training
in Yosemite National Park. Im told that it can be done can help Gina realize her goal of safely hiking to
as a day hike, but it is about 7 miles round trip. There the top of Nevada Falls.
is also a steep section of rocks near another waterfall
2. How would you respond to Ginas concerns about
along the wayapparently you get completely soaked
bulking up?
while hiking that part of the trail! Im always extra
careful hiking downhill, because I once sprained my 3. Whats your Nevada Fallsthat is, what is some-
ankle on a hike, which was not fun. thing you have always wanted to do, but feel like
If resistance training can help me take on Nevada you need to be in better physical shape to take on?
Falls, Im interested. Ive also always wished I had
better muscle tone, but to be honest, I dont want to
bulk up. . .

weight that will fully fatigue your upper- or lower- Twenty repetition maximum tests are particularly
body muscles in 2 to 10 repetitions. You can then use useful for setting muscular endurance goals and
a formula that converts your actual weight lifted and then tracking your progress. Try to discover your
your real number of repetitions to a prediction of 20 RM within one to three tries to avoid fatiguing
your 1 RM capacity for that exercise. In LAB5.1 your muscles and altering your results. Lab 5.1 also
(at the back of this chapter), you will use bench-press walks you through the steps of finding your 20 RM
and leg-press exercises to determine your 1 RM. You for the bench-press and leg-press exercises.
can perform these tests for any weight-training exer-
cise and then convert to the predicted 1 RM value. Calisthenic Tests Calisthenics are conditioning
Many weight-training programs use a percentage of exercises that use your body weight for resistance.
your 1 RM or predicted 1 RM to determine a safe Calisthenic tests use sit-ups, curl-ups, pull-ups,
starting level for weight lifting. push-ups, and flexed arm support/hang exercises to
assess muscular endurance. The procedures for each
Grip Strength Test Another common test of test vary. You will learn how to perform the curl-up
muscle strength is the hand grip strength test and push-up assessments in Lab 5.1. Calisthenic
using a piece of equipment called a grip strength tests allow you to test yourself outside of a weight-
dynamometer. As you squeeze the dynamometer training facility and to compare your results to well-
(with one hand at a time), it measures the static or established physical fitness norms.
isometric strength of your grip-squeezing muscles in
pounds or kilograms (kg). HOW CAN YOU DESIGN YOUR
Muscular endurance tests evaluate a muscles abil-
Designing an effective resistance-training program
ity to contract for an extended period of time. Some
takes some knowledge, and many people enlist the
of these tests must be performed in a weight room,
help of a personal trainer or fitness professional.
whereas others require only your body weight for
resistance and can be performed anywhere.
20 repetition maximum (20 RM) The maximum amount of
20 RM Tests You can use any weight-training weight you can lift 20 times in a row
exercise to find your 20 repetition maximum calisthenics A type of muscle endurance and/or flexibility
(20 RM). This test determines the maximal amount exercise that employs simple movements without the use
of weight you can lift exactly 20 times in a row of resistance other than ones own body weight
before the muscle becomes too fatigued to continue.


OkayIm ready to begin a resistance training pro- 2. Knowing that Gina has never done any weight
gram, but Ive never lifted weights in my life. Ive been training, would you advise her to take a 1 RM test
to gyms, but mainly to take yoga classes. I dont know right off the bat?
my way around a weight room and dont know where
3. Have you ever taken a muscular strength or
to start. Ive heard about 1 RM and 20 RM tests, but
muscular endurance test? If so, describe your
am not sure what they testare they dangerous?
1. How would you explain to Gina the difference
between a 1 RM test and a 20 RM test? Which one
tests strength? Which one tests endurance?

You can become your own personal trainer, however, and then reevaluate whether your muscle tone has
by using the guidelines in this section to plan a safe improved.
and effective muscular fitness program.
Function-Based Goals Include some specific
goals for improving muscle function in your fitness
SET APPROPRIATE MUSCULAR plan. Function-based goals focus on your muscular
FITNESS GOALS capabilities and include gaining better muscular
strength, greater muscular endurance, or both.
Remember to use SMART goal-setting guidelines:
LAB5.2 will guide you in setting goals for realis-
Goals should be specific, measurable, action-
tic changes in muscle function, and then help you to
oriented, realistic, and have a timeline. Your goals
assess your improvements.
may be appearance-based, function-based, or a
combination of the two.
Appearance-Based Goals Many people have
appearance-based goals for muscular fitness: they Should you use weight machines in your
want larger muscles, or muscles that are more resistance-training program? Free weights?
toned and less flabby. Spot reduction (i.e., trim- Other equipment? No equipment at all? These are
ming down just one area of the body) is another important decisions, and they depend on your
often-voiced goalbut is not realistic as the box fitness goals, the type of equipment available to
Facts and Fallacies: Does Spot Reduction you, your experience with weight-training exer-
Work? explains. cises, and your preferences.
In order to judge your progress toward
appearance-based goals, be sure to include some Machines If you are new to resistance training,
sort of measure of progress in your resistance- weight machines can be very useful. Systems such
training plan. For muscle size, measure the circum- as Cybex, Nautilus, Life Fitness, and many others
ference of your biceps or calves, for example, then allow you to isolate and strengthen specific muscle
set a goal to increase or decrease this number. For groups as well as to train without a spotting part-
overall body size, your goal may be to increase lean ner. Table 5.2 compares machine weight training
tissue weight but decrease fat tissue and percent- and free weight training.
age of body fat. If your goal is to become more
toned, quantify this in some way, too: look in the Free Weights Personal trainers and exercise
mirror and make notes about the way your body physiologists consider free-weight exercises to be a
looks and moves. After you reach the target date more advanced approach to weight training than
for your plan, reread your notes, look in the mirror, machine-weight exercises. Free-weight exercises use



Have you ever thought, I dont need a resistance- exercise to one area. Instead, fat stores throughout the
training program for my whole body. I just need to entire body dwindle when a negative caloric balance

lose some fat off my hips (or causes you to use up calories stored in fat tissue. In one
thighs or abdomen)? study, researchers compared fat thickness in both arms
Indeed, why work on your of several tennis players. If anyone could work off fat
whole body when you selectively, it would be a tennis player, since he or she
could just work off holds and swings the racquet thousands of times per
the fat in one week with his or her dominant hand and arm. The fat
offending area? thickness, however, was identical in each arm.
Despite peoples Even though spot reducing wont work, as you
desire to spot-reduce exerciseparticularly with resistance trainingyou
and the multimillion-dollar simultaneously strengthen and build lean tissue. If
industry it has spawned for your calorie balance is also negative and you lose
ab-crunchers, thigh-slimmers, fat body-wide, your muscle definition will show
arm-toners, and cellulite creams, more clearly, both in the offending spots and
the answer is disappointingly simple: spot reduction elsewhere as well!
doesnt work. Source: American Council on Exercise (ACE). Why Is the
Researchers have punctured the spot-reduction Concept of Spot Reduction Considered a Myth? ACE Fitness-
myth with several carefully controlled studies and have Matters (January/February 2004).
verified that fat doesnt disappear through repeated fitfacts/ fitnessqa_display.aspx?itemid-341.

dumbbells; barbells; incline, flat, or decline perform many different exercises with these bands.
benches; squat racks; and related equipment. Free- They also fold up and pack perfectly in a suitcase or
weight exercises allow your body to move through gym bag for a portable workout. Stability balls
its natural range of motion instead of the path pre- (also called Swiss, fitness, or exercise balls) are
determined by a weight machine. This both requires 1830 inch diameter vinyl balls that have various
and promotes development of more muscle control. uses for muscular fitness, endurance, and balance.
Some athletes prefer free-weight exercises because Ball routines involve performing exercises while sit-
the balance and movement patterns needed to suc- ting, lying, and/or balancing on the ball. The ball
cessfully lift free weights are closer to their sport exerciser must use core trunk muscles to counteract
movement patterns, whether that be tossing a foot- the natural instability of the ball, which enhances
ball, putting a shot, or doing the breaststroke. Since overall body function. People sometimes use heavily
workout facilities often have both free weights and weighted balls called medicine balls to increase
weight machines, many people start their resistance, either individually, with a partner, or in
resistance-training program exclusively with a group. You can hold a medicine ball while doing
machine-weight exercises and then progress to free calisthenic or free-weight exercises or pass a ball
weights within the first few months. from partner to partner for a functional increase in
muscle endurance.
Alternate Equipment You can increase resis-
tance on your body with equipment other than
machines or free weights. Resistance bands made of dumbbell A weight intended for use by one hand;
tubing or flat strips of rubber allow you to simulta- typically one uses a dumbbell in each hand
neously increase resistance throughout a range of barbell A long bar with weight plates on each end
motion and to improve muscular endurance. You can


Machine Weight vs. Free Weight Training

Machine Weights Free Weights


Safe and less intimidating for beginners Can be tailored for individual workouts
Quicker to set up and use Range of motion set by lifter not machine
Spotters not typically needed Some exercises can be done anywhere
Support of standing posture not needed Standing and sitting postural muscles worked
Adaptable for those with limitations Movements can transfer to daily activities
Variable resistance is possible Good for strength and power building
Good isolation of specific muscle groups Additional stabilizer muscles worked
Only good option for some muscle groups Lower cost and more available for home use

Machine sets range of motion More difficult to learn
May not fit every body size and type A spotter may be needed
Some people lack access to weight machines Incorrect form may lead to injuries
Core posture supporting muscles not used More time may be needed to change weights
Limited number of exercises/machines More training needed to create program

No-Equipment Training Calisthenics such as usually includes a combination of machine-weight,

push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, squats, leg lifts, and curl- free-weight, and calisthenic exercises. Individuals
ups do not involve equipment. Instead, they use may work alone or with a partner and will usually
your body weight to provide the resistance. Like perform multiple sets and repetitions of a particu-
resistance bands, they are perfect for maintaining lar exercise before moving on to the next exercise.
muscular strength and endurance while traveling.
Circuit Weight Training Circuit weight train-
UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENT ing is done in a specialized circuit-training room, a
general workout room, or a weight room. Exercisers
move from one station to another in a set pattern
PROGRAMS (the circuit) after a certain amount of time at a
You can plan a resistance-training program with station or after performing a certain number of
various types of equipment and numerous exercise repetitions of an exercise such as a biceps curl, leg
routines. Choosing the right program will depend press, or chest press. Some circuits include only
upon your goals, experience, and personal preference. resistance-training exercises and have the single
goal of improving muscular fitness. Some circuits
Traditional Weight Training Traditional involve cardiorespiratory or aerobic training equip-
weight training takes place in a weight room and ment, such as stair-steppers or stationary bicycles,
mixed in with the resistance exercises to improve
both cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness.
set A single attempt at an exercise that includes a fixed In circuit training, it is important to remember
number of repetitions the specificity training principle: in order to get opti-
repetitions The number of times an exercise is performed mal muscle fitness benefits, you must focus on the
within one set resistance exercises, and in order to realize added
cardiorespiratory benefits, you must spend a


minimal amount of time on the cardio machines quickly through varying foot patterns (using agility
(20 to 30 minutes total per exercise session). dots or other markers). Speed and agility drills can
Circuit exercises should be organized properly in be performed by anyone who is physically fit enough
order to ensure a safe and effective exercise session. to learn and perform the skills. Proper instruction
For example, multijoint exercises (bench press, leg and modification of the drills for differing ability
press) are often performed before single-joint exer- levels is essential to prevent injuries.
cises (bicep curl, leg extension), muscle groups
worked are spread out to allow recovery between
sets, and exercises that stress the core postural LEARN AND APPLY FITT PRINCIPLES
muscles are reserved for the end of the workout. FITT stands for frequency, intensity, time, and type.
The acronym represents a checklist for determining
Plyometrics and Sports Training how often, how hard, and how long to exercise, and
Resistance-training programs designed to support what types of exercise to choose at your current
specific sports can be quite different from general level of muscular fitness.
resistance training. Athletes may use many of the
general weight-training exercises illustrated in this Frequency of Training Your goals and your
chapter, but they usually also perform exercises or schedule determine how often you will train each
exercise methods that specifically benefit their week. At a minimum, you should work each muscle
sports performance. Plyometrics, power lifts, and group twice per week, and if you do a full-body mus-
speed and agility drills are examples. cle workout, that means two sessions in the weight
A plyometric exercise program incorporates room each week. If you split your muscle workouts
explosive exercises that mimic the quick, percussive (for example, into upper/lower body), then you
movements needed in many sports (i.e., basketball, would go to the weight room four times per week.
wrestling, and gymnastics). These exercises are Table 5.3 presents American College of Sports Medi-
characterized by a landing and slowing down of the cine (ACSM) guidelines for muscle strength and
body mass followed immediately by a rapid jump in muscle endurance programs.
the opposite direction (for instance, jumping down It is important to let each muscle group rest for
off of a box and then immediately jumping back up 48 hours before taxing it again with resistance
as high as you can). Plyometrics is a highly special- training. Therefore, especially when you are just
ized training method that should be performed beginning, schedule your workouts so that they are
under proper direction and only by individuals who at least 2 days apart.
have achieved a high level of muscular fitness. When you perform an intense weight-training
Power lifting is a type of resistance training in session, microdamage occurs within the muscle cells
which an individual lifts a heavy weight quickly. and rest time is needed for muscle repair and adap-
Examples include the Olympic lifts such as the tation. Your muscles will adapt by constructing new
clean and jerk, snatch, front squat, and push press. actin and myosin contractile proteins and other
Sports that require high levels of explosive move- supporting structures. Over time, this adaptation
ment and power (football, wrestling, gymnastics, results in stronger, leaner, larger muscles. Intense
and track-and-field events) may require power- workouts of the same muscle group on subsequent
lifting training to build strength with speed. Power days will disrupt the repair and adaptation process.
lifting is also a competitive sport in itself. Like Rather than faster muscle development, this over-
plyometrics, power lifting should be practiced only training is more likely to cause injuries, muscle
by experienced athletes or those with comparable
weight-training experience. Spotters and proper
form are necessary for safety. plyometric exercise An exercise that is characterized by
The training regimens for certain athletes may a rapid deceleration of the body followed by a rapid
include speed and agility drills. These drills are acceleration of the body in the opposite direction
also making their way into mainstream sports train- speed The ability to rapidly accelerate; exercises for
ing and boot-camp-style group exercise classes. speed will increase stride length and frequency
Speed and agility drills improve muscle responsive- agility The ability to rapidly change body position or
ness, speed, footwork, and coordination. Typical body direction without losing speed, balance, or body
speed and agility drills include line sprints, high- control
knee runs, fast foot turnover running, and hopping


Each choice for each exercise should be enough
to overload the muscle group you are working; that
Try It NOW !Many people find means you should feel slight discomfort or muscle
fatigue near the end of your exercise set. If you feel
group exercise classes to be moti-
no fatigue during the entire set of repetitions and
vating. If you are among them, find a feel you could lift the weight another 3 to 10 times,
class that will help you meet your then the intensity is too low. If you choose the right
muscular fitness goals (such as intensity for building muscular strength, you will be
Pilates, fitness boot camp, muscle almost completely fatigued by the end of each set of
pump, etc.). Some classes are repetitions. The right intensity for building muscle
endurance will leave the muscle group fatigued but
designed solely for muscular fitness,
not near maximal exhaustion as with strength
while others address both muscular building.
fitness and cardiovascular training. Resting between sets will affect your weight-
Be sure to use enough resistance or training intensity and performance on subsequent
weight to elicit a muscle training exercises. The greater the weight you lift for
response. strength building, the longer the rest period you
need between sets. Resting periods should be
shorter for muscular endurance building exercises.
In fact, shorter rests will help build better muscular
endurance. Table 5.3 provides guidelines for deter-
fatigue, and weakening. An exception can be made mining appropriate rest periods between sets.
for lower intensity muscular fitness classes or
calisthenics, which can be done daily as long as they Time: Sets and Repetitions Choosing the
are not overly fatiguing. appropriate number of repetitions or lifts within each
Muscle soreness that sets in within a day or two is set is yet another important part of setting up your
called delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and is a resistance-training program. Once again, your fitness
sign that your body was not ready for the amount of goals help determine the number of sets you will exe-
overload you applied. Contrary to popular belief, it is cute for each exercise and the number of repetitions
not lactic acid that causes DOMS; accumulated lactic within each set. Your weight-training experience and
acid is cleared from the muscle cells within hours of the time you have available to work out will affect
exercise. If you choose weight amounts correctly, your your planning as well. ACSM recommends that to
muscles will sustain small amounts of microdamage start with, you perform one set of each exercise dur-
that do not result in soreness and that your body can ing a given workout session (see Table 5.3). If you are
repair within 48 hours after the workout. new to resistance training, you will see progress with
just one set per muscle group. Although you will gain
Intensity of Training The intensity of a additional benefits from extra sets, two sets will not
weight-training program refers to the amount of translate into double the benefits of one. If you are
resistance you apply through any given exercise. pressed for time, one is sufficient. As you progress in
Resistance here means the weight that you are your resistance-training program, you can increase
moving. For each exercise, the intensity you choose your sets from one to two, and eventually to three or
will depend on your fitness goals for that particular more. Evidence suggests that three sets will produce
muscle group or your body as a whole. The ACSM twice the strength gains of one set.8 You can execute
guidelines in Table 5.3 for muscle strength and mus- one, two, or three sets for all your exercises, or per-
cle endurance can help you choose weight-training form one set of certain exercises, two of others, and so
intensities (shown as a percentage of your 1 RM or on. Keep in mind, however, that overtraining one par-
predicted 1 RM). ticular muscle group can lead to muscle imbalance
and injury.
If your muscular fitness goals include improve-
intensity The resistance level of the exercise ment to both muscular strength and endurance,
resistance The amount of effort or force required to com- choose a number of sets and repetitions that falls
plete the exercise between the ACSM recommendations for strength
and endurance in Table 5.3. Intensity and repetitions


ACSMs Resistance-Training Guidelines for Muscular Strength and Endurance

Recommendations for the General Adult Population

Frequency (days/week) 23

Intensity (how hard) Lift to fatigue

Time (sets/reps) 1 set; 320 repetitions

Type (exercises) Machines, free weights, and/or calisthenics; 810 exercises to work all major
muscles of the hips, thighs, lower legs, back, chest, shoulders, arms, and abdomen

Strength, Endurance, and Progression Guidelines for Healthy Adults

Muscular Strength Frequency Intensity Time (sets/reps)

(13 min rest between sets)

Novice 23 days/week 60%70% 1 RM 13 sets, 812 reps

Intermediate 24 days/week 70%80% 1 RM Multiple sets, 612 reps

Advanced 46 days/week 80%100% 1 RM Multiple sets, 112 reps

Muscular Endurance Frequency Intensity Time (sets/reps)

(30 sec2 min rest between sets)

Novice 23 days/week 50%70% 1 RM 13 sets, 1015 reps

Intermediate 24 days/week 50%70% 1 RM Multiple sets, 1015 reps

Advanced 46 days/week 30%80% 1 RM Multiple sets, 1025 reps
Sources: American College of Sports Medicine. ACSMs Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 7th Edition.
Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006; and Kraemer W. J., Adams K., Cafarelli E., et al. Writing Group
for the ACSM Position Stand. Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults, Medicine and Science
in Sports and Exercise 34, no. 2 (2002): 364380.

have an inverse relationship relative to muscular fitness goals in Lab 5.2 and use Figure 5.6 to start
strength and endurance (see Figure 5.5): for muscu- planning your resistance-training program. The next
lar strength development, you will lift heavier step is deciding which exercises will help you attain
weights and do fewer repetitions. For muscular your muscular fitness goals: complete LAB5.3 to
endurance, you will lift lighter weights with more plan a muscular fitness program using Figures 5.7
repetitions. A good starting point for a balanced and 5.8 to assist you in exercise selection.
strength/endurance program is one to two sets of Muscle balance requires a selection of upper-body
10 repetitions per exercise. Table 5.4 outlines sample exercises, trunk exercises, and lower-body exercises.
resistance-training programs. Choose exercises from Figure 5.8 that allow you to
work muscles on both the front and back of your
Type: Choosing Appropriate Exercises body. For a starting program, choose between 8 and
Which exercises should you do during each session? 15 exercises, remembering that each additional
The final part of designing a muscular fitness exercise will add time to your exercise session; with
program is deciding on appropriate exercises, remem- too many exercises, you may need to split your
bering to work toward muscle balance within all of workout into alternating selections of exercises on
the major muscle groups. Create your own muscular different days (see Table 5.4). In choosing exercises,


100 Muscle strength


Resistance (%1RM)
Moderate Muscle
muscle strength endurance
Fewer repetitions with higher resis-
and endurance

tance will produce gains in muscular 50

strength. More repetitions with lower
resistance will produce gains in muscu- 40
lar endurance. An overlap between
the two kinds of development is 1 5 10 15 20 25
reflected in the strength and Repetitions (Number)
endurance continuum.

Determine muscle fitness goal

Increase muscular Improve general Increase muscular

strength muscular fitness endurance

1 1 1
Choose 5-10 key Choose 8-10 basic Choose 8-10
weight training resistance training resistance training
exercises (include exercises (full body) exercises (full body)
exercises like bench
press and squats/
leg press)

2 2 2
Write out your plan Write out your plan Write out your plan
per exercise: per exercise: per exercise:
60-80% 1RM 55-75% 1RM 50-60% 1RM
1-3 sets 1-3 sets 1-3 sets
6-10 reps 8-12 reps 10-15 reps
2-3 min rests 1-2 min rests 15-90 sec rests

Use this flowchart as you design your
Get started:
Find a good weight
training facility,
Get started:
Find a good weight
training facility, work-
Get started:
Find a good weight
training facility and
muscular fitness program. Just start- workout partner, out partner, and instructor, if needed,
ing? Begin at the lower end of all rec- and instructor if instructor if needed, or use resistance
needed or use resistance equipment at home
ommended ranges (except rest
equipment at home
periodbegin at the upper end).


Sample Designs for Resistance Training Programs

Beginning Intermediate

Frequency 2 days/week 4 days/week

(all exercises done each day) (1/2 of upper/lower done each day; trunk done all days)
Intensity 55%65% 1 RM 70%80% 1 RM
Time 1 set, 10 reps (12 min rest) 23 sets, 512 reps (23 min rest)
Lower body Leg press Squats or lunges
Leg extension Leg extension
Leg curl Leg curl
Heel raise Heel raise
Upper body Bench press Bench press
Chest flys Chest flys
Lat pull down Lat pull down
Seated row Seated row
Lateral raise Upright row
Biceps curl Overhead press
Triceps extension Lateral raise
Biceps curl
Triceps extension
Trunk Abdominal curl Abdominal curl
Oblique curl Oblique curl
Back extension Side bridge
Back extension

you may select weight machines, free weights, calis- follow through consistently with training sessions.
thenics, or a combination of all three. Most weight- What other steps can you take to ensure success in
training programs will include all three and will also your muscular fitness program?
depend upon the equipment available to you. As
mentioned earlier, focus on weight-training Track Your Progress Use a weight-training log
machines if you are new to resistance training. or a notebook to track your progress. Lab 5.3 pro-
vides you with a log that allows you to (1) see your
week-to-week progress, (2) stay motivated, (3) detect
WHAT IF YOU DONT REACH problems with your program design or goals, and
YOUR GOALS? (4) know where to redesign your program if needed.
Once youve applied FITT principles, chosen train-
ing levels, designed a program, and set target dates, Evaluate and Redesign Your Program as
you may find that your muscular development is not Needed Periodically reevaluate your muscular
keeping up with your ambitions, or you cannot fitness program. Common times to reassess are at


Muscle Anatomy (Anterior View) Muscle Anatomy (Posterior View)

1 Pectoralis major 10 Trapezius

Draws arm forward Lifts shoulder
and toward the body blade
Draws head and
9 Deltoid shoulder blade
2 Biceps brachii Raises arm back
Bends forearm
at elbow
13 Triceps brachii
11 Rhomboids Straightens fore-
3 Rectus abdominis Pulls shoulder arm at elbow
Compresses abdomen blade towards
Bends spine forward spine
14 Latissimus dorsi
Rotates and
4 External obliques 12 Erector spinae draws arm
Lateral rotation Extends backward and
of trunk the spine toward body
Compress abdomen
15 Gluteus maximus
5 Tensor fasciae latae Extends thigh
Flexes thigh at hips Rotates thigh
Draws thigh away laterally
from body
16 Hamstring group
Draws thigh
6 Adductors
Draws thigh
toward body 18 Soleus Bends lower leg
Points foot at knee
7 Quadriceps group away from
Flexes thigh at hips knee 17 Gastrocnemius
Extends lower Bends lower leg
leg at knee at knee
Points foot away
from knee
8 Tibialis anterior
Flexes foot toward

These muscles or muscle groups are commonly used in resistance-training exercises. Figure 5.8
illustrates exercises you can use to work the muscle groups shown.

your target completion date, when you feel you but set more challenging goals based on FITT
arent making progress, when your improvement parameters. If you have not met your goals or dont
rate is faster than anticipated, and when you feel like your program, rewrite the goals and target
overtraining fatigue or injury. First, retake the dates, redesigning to solve your issues. In addition,
initial tests for muscular strength and endurance. get help from an exercise professional if needed.
Second, reassess your goals: accomplished or not? Evaluating and redesigning should allow you, once
Third, evaluate your overall program and write out again, to move toward your muscular fitness goals
what you like and dont like about it. If you have successfully. Lab 5.3 provides practice at evaluation
met your goals and enjoy your program, continue and redesign.


Lower-Body Exercises
1. Squat
(a) Free weight squat and
(b) Machine squat: Place the
barbell (or pad, if using
machine) on your upper back Muscles targeted:
and shoulders. Stand with feet
shoulder-width apart, toes
pointing forward, hips and
shoulders lined up, abdominals
pulled in. Looking forward and
keeping your chest open, bend
your knees and press your hips
back. Lower until you have
between a 45 and 90 degree
angle between your thigh and
7 Quadriceps
calf. Keep your knees behind
the front of your toes. To return
to the start position, contract
your abdominals, press hips
forward, and extend your legs
until they are straight.
(c) Ball squat: Stand with the
ball between your lower
back and the wall. Keep feet
shoulder-width apart in front
of your hips, so you are leaning
back on the ball. Bend your 15 Gluteus
knees to a 90 degree angle while maximus
pressing your hips back toward 16 Hamstrings
the wall. Contract your quadri-
ceps, gluteals, and hamstrings,
(a) (b) (c)
pressing your body upward until
you are at the starting position Muscles targeted:

2. Leg Press
Sit with your back straight
or firmly against the backrest.
Place your feet on the foot pads
so that your knees are at a 60 to
90 degree angle. Stabilize your 7 Quadriceps
torso by contracting your
abdominals and holding the
hand grips or seat pad. Press the
weight by extending your legs
slowly outward to a straight
position without locking your
knees. Return the weight
slowly back to the starting
position. If your buttocks rise
up off of the seat pad, you may
be lifting too much weight. 15 Gluteus
16 Hamstrings


3. Lunges Muscles targeted:

Stand with feet shoulder-width

apart. Step forward and transfer
weight to the forward leg. Lower
your body straight down with
your weight evenly distributed
between the front and back legs.
Keep your front knee in line with
your ankle by striding out far
7 Quadriceps 15 Gluteus
enough. Return to your starting
stance and repeat with the
other leg.
16 Hamstrings

4. Leg Extension
Muscles targeted:
Sit with your back straight or firmly
against the backrest and place your
legs under the foot pad. Stabilize
your torso by contracting your
abdominals and holding the hand-
grips or seat pad. Lift the weight by
extending your legs slowly upward
to a straight position without lock-
ing your knees. Return the weight
7 Quadriceps
slowly back down to the starting
position. If your buttocks rise up off
the seat pad, you may be lifting too
much weight.

Muscles targeted:
5. Leg Curl
(a) Machine: Lie on your stomach
so that your knees are placed at
the machines axis of rotation and
the roller pad is just above your
heel. Keep your head on the
machine pad. Grasping the hand
grips for support, lift the weight
by contracting your hamstrings 16 Hamstrings
and pulling your heels toward
your buttocks. Slowly lower the (a)
weight back to the start position.
(b) Calisthenics with ball: Lie on
your stomach with knees bent and
place the ball between your feet.
Keep your head on the mat. Lower
the ball to the ground and lift it
back up by contracting your ham-
strings and pulling your heels
toward your buttocks.


6. Hip Abduction Muscles targeted:
(a) Machine: Sit with your back
straight or firmly against the
backrest and place your legs
behind the pads. Grasping the
hand grips or seat pad for sup-
port, press your legs outward
slowly by contracting your outer
thighs or hip abductors. Be careful
not to extend the legs further 5 Tensor
than your normal range of fasciae
motion. Slowly lower the machine latae
weight by bringing your legs back
(b) Calisthenics with resistance
band: Connect the resistance band
to a low point on a machine and
attach the free end to your out-
side leg. Stand with good posture
and hold onto a wall or machine
for support. Contract your hip
abductors and extend your leg
out to the side of your body.
Slowly release the outside leg
back to the starting position
beside or crossed slightly in front
of the standing leg.

7. Hip Adduction
(a) Machine: Sit with your back
straight or firmly against the
Muscles targeted:
backrest and place your legs
behind the pads set at a comfort-
able range of motion. Grasping
the hand grips or seat pad for
support, press your legs together
slowly by contracting your inner
thighs or hip adductors. Slowly
return your legs to the starting
6 Adductors
(b) Calisthenics with ball: Lie on
your back with a ball pressed
between your knees. Press your
knees firmly together, squeezing (a)
the ball. Hold the squeeze for
310 seconds and release.



8. Hip Extension
Stand tall with your working leg
Muscles targeted:
extended in front of you. Support
yourself by contracting your
abdominals and holding onto the
machine or handrails. Press the
working leg behind you,
contracting the gluteals and
hamstrings. Hold the end
position for 13 seconds before
slowly returning to the starting
position. 15 Gluteus
16 Hamstring

9. Straight Leg Heel

Muscles targeted:
Stand tall with good posture and
place your heels lower than the
toes (you should feel just a slight
stretch in the calf muscle). Look-
ing forward and contracting your
trunk muscles for balance and
support, lift your heels up by
contracting your gastrocnemius
muscle. Be sure to do a full range
17 Gastrocnemius
of motion and slow, controlled

10. Bent Leg Heel Raise

Place your body in the machine Muscles targeted:
with your heels lower than the
toes and the weight pad placed
comfortably on your thighs. Lift
your heels up slightly and release
the weight support bar with your
hand. Slowly lower and lift the
weight by contracting your soleus
calf muscle through its full range
of motion. 18 Soleus


Upper-Body Exercises
11. Chest Press
Muscles targeted:
(a) Free-weight: Lie down on the
bench and position yourself with
the weight bar directly above your
chest. Stabilize your legs and back
by placing your feet firmly on the
ground, a step, or the bench and
keeping your lower back flat. Grasp
the bar with your hands slightly
wider than shoulder-width apart
1 Pectoralis
and lift the bar off the rack. Slowly (a) major
lower the bar to just above your
chest. Press the weight up to a
9 Deltoids
straight arm position and return
the bar to the rack when your set
of repetitions is complete. Use a
spotter when lifting heavier free
(b) Machine: Place yourself on the
chest press machine and adjust the
seat height so that the hand grips
are at chest height. Stabilize your
torso by firmly pressing your back 13 Triceps
against the seat back and planting brachii
your feet on the ground or foot
supports. Press the hand grips away
from the body until the arms are
straight. Slowly return your hands
to the starting position.

Muscles targeted:

12. Push-Ups
(a) Full push-ups and
(b) Modified push-ups: Support
yourself in push-up position (from
the knees or feet) by contracting
your trunk muscles so that your
neck, back, and hips are completely 1 Pectoralis
straight. Place hands slightly wider major
than shoulder width apart. Slowly 9 Deltoids
lower your body down toward the (anterior)
floor, being careful to keep a
straight body position. Your elbows
will press out and back as you lower
to a 90 degree elbow joint angle.
Press yourself back up to the start
position. Be careful not to let your
trunk sag in the middle or your hips
lift up during the exercise. Continu-
ally contract the abdominals to keep (a) (b)
a strong, straight body position. 13 Triceps


13. Chest Flys Muscles targeted:

(a) Machine: Sit with your back

straight or firmly against the back-
rest, plant your feet on the ground,
and place your arms behind the
machine pads. Your arms should be
directly to the side but not behind
your body. Press your arms together
slowly by contracting your chest and
shoulder muscles. Slowly return your
1 Pectoralis
arms to the starting position.
9 Deltoids
(b) Bench chest flys: Lie down on (anterior)
the bench and position yourself with
the dumbbells directly above your
chest. Stabilize your legs and back
by placing your feet firmly on the
ground, a step, or the bench and
keeping your lower back flat against
the bench. Holding the dumbbells
with a slight bend in the elbow joint,
slowly lower the dumbbells out to
the side until your upper arms are
parallel with the floor. Be careful not
to extend the arms beyond this posi-
tion. Return your arms to the starting
position by contracting your chest
and shoulder muscles.


Muscles targeted:
14. Lat Pull Down
Position the seat and leg pad on the
lat pull down machine so that your
thighs are snug under the pad while
your feet are flat on the ground.
Grab the pull down bar with a wide
overhand grip on your way down to
a seated position. Sitting directly
1 Pectoralis 14 Latissimus
under the cable, pull the bar down
major dorsi
to your upper chest. Focus on con-
tracting the mid-back first and then 2 Biceps
the arms by pulling the shoulder brachii
blades and elbows back and down.
Slowly straighten your arms back
to the start position.


Muscles targeted:
15. Pull-Up
Grab the pull-up bar with a
wide overhead grip. Contract
the back and arms in order to
pull your body up until the
bar is at chin height. Slowly
straighten your arms back to
the start position. 1 Pectoralis 14 Latissimus
major dorsi
2 Biceps

16. Rows
Muscles targeted:
(a) Machine compound row:
Grab the handgrips and pull
your elbows back until you
have reached the end posi-
tion (pictured.) Hold this
position for 13 seconds,
then slowly return to the
start position.
(b) Free-weight dumbbell: 2 Biceps 11 Rhomboid 9 Deltoids
Position right hand and right brachii (posterior)
14 Latissimus
knee on bench as shown. Pull dorsi 10 Trapezius
dumbbell up with left hand, (a) (b)
leading with your elbow.
Return to start position and
repeat on other side.

17. Upright Row

Stand with your feet either in
a stride or a shoulder-width
position. Keep your hips and Muscles targeted:
shoulders in line with each
other and your abdominals
pulled in. Hold a barbell
down in front of the body
with straight arms and your
hands positioned slightly
narrower than shoulder-
width. Lift the weight to chest
height keeping your elbows
above the bar. Remember to
9 Deltoids 10 Trapezius
lift without shrugging the and medial)
shoulders up toward the ears.


18. Overhead Press
Muscles targeted:
(a) Machine and
(b) Free-weight dumbbell:
Sit with your back straight
or firmly against the back-
rest, plant your feet firmly
on the ground, and pull in
your abdominals. Position
your hands just wider than
shoulder width and just 9 Deltoids 13 Triceps
above the shoulders. Care- (anterior brachii
fully press the weight over and medial)
your head until your arms (a)
are straight but your elbows
are not locked out. Slowly
return the weight to the
start position and repeat.

19. Lateral Raise
(a) Machine: Position your- Muscles targeted:
self in the machine and sit
with a tall, straight back.
Contract your shoulders and
lift your arms out to your
sides until they are parallel
with the ground. Slowly
lower your arms back down
to your sides.
(b) Free-weight dumbbell:
9 Deltoids
Stand with your feet and medial)
shoulder-width apart. Hold
the dumbbells to your sides (a)
or slightly in front of you.
Lift your arms out to your
sides until they are parallel
with the ground. While lift-
ing, your elbows should
have a slight bent to avoid
over-extension of the elbow
joint. Keep the weights even
with or slightly lower than
your elbows and keep your
shoulders down. Slowly
return the dumbbells back
down to the start position.


20. Biceps Curl Muscles targeted:
(a) Machine: Position yourself in
the machine so that your feet are
on the ground and your elbows
are placed at the axis of rotation
for the exercise. Grab the hand
grips and start with your arms
straight but not over-extended.
Lift your hands toward your head
until your biceps are fully con- 2 Biceps
tracted. Slowly lower the weight brachii
back down to the starting position.
(b) Free-weight barbell: Stand (a)
with your feet either in a stride or
a shoulder-width position and your
knees slightly bent. Keep your hips
and shoulders in line with each
other and your abdominals pulled
in. Hold a barbell down in front of
the body with an underhand grip,
straight arms, and your hands at
shoulder-width. Lift the weight up
to your shoulders while keeping
your back straight and abdominal
muscles tight. If you are leaning
back to perform the lift, you may
be lifting too much weight.
Return the weight back down to
the starting position slowly and
(c) Free-weight dumbbell: For
one-arm concentration curls, sit
on a bench and hold a dumbbell
in one hand. Start with the work-
ing arm extended toward the
ground and your elbow pressed
into your inner thigh. Lift the
dumbbell up to the shoulder and
then return slowly back to the
starting position.
(d) Calisthenics with resistance
band: Place the center of a resis-
tance band under one foot and (c)
grab the free ends of the band
with a straight arm on the same
side. Stand tall with your feet
either in a stride or a side to side
position and your knees soft.
Keep your hips and shoulders in
line with each other and your
abdominals pulled in. Lift the
resisted hand toward your
shoulder until the biceps are fully
contracted. Slowly lower the hand
back down to the starting posi-
tion and repeat.


Muscles targeted:
21. Pullover
In the starting position your
upper arms should be just
above your ears and your
elbows slightly bent. Pull the
weight back up and over the
body without changing your
elbow angle. Stop when the 1 Pectoralis 13 Triceps
major brachii
weight bar is directly over the
chest. 14 Latissimus
22. Triceps Extension Muscles targeted:

(a) Machine: Grab the hand

grips and start with your arms
bent to at least 90 degrees.
Press your hands away and
down until your elbows are
straight but not locked out.
Slowly release the weight back
up to the start position.
13 Triceps
(b) Free-weight dumbbell: brachii
Start with the weight behind
your head and your elbows (a)
lifted to the ceiling. Contract
the tricep muscles to lift the
weight over the head until the
arms are straight. Slowly
return to the start position and
(c) Calisthenics with resistance
band: Grasp the middle of a
resistance band with one band
and the free ends with the
other hand. Place one hand
behind you and anchor the
band at your hips or low back.
Extend the arm until straight
by contracting the tricep mus-
cle. Slowly return the working
arm to the start position and



Muscles targeted:

Trunk Exercises
23. Back Extension
(a) Calisthenics on a mat: Start in a
prone position with arms and legs
extended and your forehead on the
mat. Lift and further extend your
arms and legs using your back and hip 12 Erector
muscles. If you are free of low-back spinae
problems, you can lift a little further
up for increased intensity. Hold the
position for 35 seconds and then
slowly lower back down to the mat.
(b) Calisthenics on a ball: Lie with
your stomach over the ball, anchor-
ing your feet and knees on the
ground. Place your hands behind
your head or extend the arms out
straight for increased exercise inten- (a)
sity. Lift the head, shoulders, arms,
and upper back until you have a
slight curve in the back. Hold this
position for 35 seconds and then
lower back down over the ball.


Muscles targeted:
24. Abdominal Curl
(a) Machine: Place yourself in the
sitting or lying abdominal machine
per the machine instructions. Place
your feet on the ground or foot pads
and press your back firmly against
the backrest. Grab the hand grips
overhead and/or place your arms
behind the arm pads. Contract your 3 Rectus
abdominals, pulling them in, while abdominis
you flex your upper torso forward. (a)
Slowly return to the starting position
and repeat.
(b) Calisthenics on a ball: Lie back
with the ball placed at your low to
mid-back region. Place your feet
shoulder-width on the ground so
that your knees are bent at about
90 degrees. Cross your hands at your
chest or place lightly behind the
head. Contract your abdominals,
pulling them in, while you flex your
upper torso forward. Slowly return
to the starting position and repeat.



Muscles targeted:
25. Reverse Curl
Lie on your back and place your
hands near your hips. Lift your
legs up so that your hips are at a
90 degree angle to the floor. Your
knees may be bent or straight for
this exercise. Contract your abdomi-
nals, pulling them in, while you lift 3 Rectus
your hips up off the mat. Slowly abdominis
return to the starting position and
repeat. Be careful not to rock the
hips and legs back and forth when
doing this exercise; instead perform a
controlled lifting of the hips upward.

Muscles targeted:
26. Oblique Curl
Lie on your back with your hip and
knee joints bent to 90 degrees and
your hands lightly supporting the
head. Contract your oblique abdomi-
nals and lift one shoulder toward the
opposite knee. Keep the other arm
and elbow on the floor and refrain
from pulling on the head and neck. 4 External
Return to the starting position slowly obliques
and repeat to the other side.
Muscles targeted:

27. Side Bridge

(a) Modified side bridge and
(b) Forearm side bridge and
(c) Intermediate side bridge: Lie on
your side with your legs together
and straight or bent behind you at (a)
90 degrees. Support your body 4 External
weight with your forearm or a obliques
straight arm. Lift your torso to a
straight body position by contracting
your abdominal and back muscles.
Hold this position for a number of
seconds or slowly drop the hip to the
mat and lift back up for repeated



Muscles targeted:
28. Plank
(a) Forearm plank and
(b) Push-up position plank: Lie on
your stomach and support yourself in
plank position (from the forearms or
hands) by contracting your trunk (a)
muscles so that your neck, back, and
hips are completely straight. Your 3 Rectus
forearms or hands should be under abdominis
your chest and placed slightly wider
than shoulder-width apart. Hold this
position for 560 seconds, working
up in length as you gain muscular

4 External

WHAT PRECAUTIONS selected was very low or a certified fitness profes-

sional instructs you to do otherwise.
The greater muscular fitness achieved through COOL DOWN PROPERLY
resistance training helps prevent general injury
during sports or daily activity. However, weight Weight-training guidelines include a warm-up and
training itself can cause injuries such as muscle a cool-down before and after training sessions.
or tendon strains, ligament sprains, fractures, A proper weight-training warm-up includes a general
dislocations, and other joint problems. This is warm-up and a specific warm-up. The general warm-
especially true if the lifter pushes for an unrealistic up consists of 3 to 10 minutes of cardiorespiratory
overload. Injuries tend to occur while using free exerciseswalking, jogging (on or off a treadmill),
weights, but you can prevent them by getting biking, stationary biking, elliptical trainer use, or any
proper instruction and guidance, and by heeding activity that increases body temperature (breaking a
a few basic suggestions. light sweat) and blood flow to muscles. The specific
warm-up should include range-of-motion exercises
that mimic (without weight added) the resistance
FOLLOW BASIC WEIGHT-TRAINING exercises youll be performing. Move your limbs
through a full range of motion before using a given
GUIDELINES weight machine or lifting free weights. Then, do a
When starting your resistance-training program, be warm-up set with very light resistance. Now you are
conservative: Do not begin with too many exercises, ready to perform your serious sets.
sets, or too much weight! Before increasing your Some people also like to stretch before weight
resistance-training intensity or duration, observe training. If you want to add stretching to your
how your body responds to the training over a few warm-up, do so only after a general warm-up where
weeks. After that, you can safely increase the the body has been adequately warmed up in prepa-
number of repetitions and/or amount of weight. The ration for stretching. The pre-exercise stretching
safest approach is to follow the 10 percent rule. should be light, and you should hold each stretch no
Do not increase exercise frequency, intensity, or time more than 10 to 20 seconds. A proper cool-down for
more than 10 percent per week. Gentle increases resistance training includes general range-of-motion
will help prevent injury, overtraining, or soreness. exercises and stretches for the muscle groups
Break this rule only if the initial intensity you applied during the weight-training session.


My main goals in resistance training are to improve 2. Explain to Gina the differences between tradi-
my muscle endurance so that I can go on longer hikes tional weight training, circuit weight training, and
and to strengthen my muscles and joints so that I can plyometrics programs. Which would you advise
lower the chances of getting injured on the trail. I live her to begin with?
close to campus and there is a gym with weight equip-
3. Think about your own resistance-training goals.
ment available, but how do I decide what equipment
Are they appearance based or function based?
to use and what exercises to focus on?
4. How would you apply the FITT principles to your
1. Describe to Gina the benefits of using free weights
own resistance-training goals?
versus machines.


Learn the proper use of weights and weight Seek out people qualified to provide accurate
machines. When lifting free weights, use a spotter resistance-training information, especially if you are
to watch, guide, and assist you. Ask the spotter to just getting started. How can you recognize a qualified
keep your free-weight movements slow and con- exercise professional? Ask any potential personal
trolled, not fast, jerky, or bouncy. Spotters typically trainer or instructor questions such as the following:
assist a weight lifter who is attempting to lift a
weight near his or her maximal fatigue level and Are you certified as a personal trainer or fitness
the lift requires full-body balance. Exercises such instructor by a reputable, nationally recognized
as squats and the bench press require the weight organization such as ACSM, National Strength
to be lifted over the head or in a position that could and Conditioning Association (NSCA), and the
present a danger to the lifter. A personal trainer American Council on Exercise (ACE)?
can help you learn the proper head and body Do you have a certificate or degree in exercise sci-
position for lifting each type of weight (with or ence from an accredited two- or four-year college?
without the help of a spotter) and for using weight
What types of experience have you had as an
machines of each type. Learning to adjust the
instructor or personal trainer?
machines properly is part of this training.
Muscle strains are common among people who How long have you been working in the field of
use improper lifting techniques and machine fitness and wellness?
setups. Eccentric contractions, in particular, tend to What are your references from employers and
cause microtears in the muscle fibers and connec- past/present clients?
tive tissue within and surrounding the muscles.
How current are you with the changing guidelines
Since eccentric contractions typically take place
and emerging trends in exercise and fitness, and
during the lowering of a weight, it is important
how can you demonstrate this currency?
not to drop a weight to its starting position,
whether lifting free weights or using a machine. Youll want to look at practical details such as how
Lift the weight slowly and lower it at a slow, con- much the personal trainer charges, whether or not he
trolled rate. Some personal trainers recommend or she has liability insurance, and how well his or her
using a count of two up and four down to control schedule will accommodate yours. Intangibles are
the weight-lowering phase. equally important: How well do you get along with this
The box Tools for Change: Safety Tips for potential trainer, and how motivated does he or
Weight Training gives you additional important she help you feel? Consider enrolling in a specific
safety tips. weight-training class at your college or university.


SAFETY TIPS FOR WEIGHT TRAINING Getting off balance is an easy way to create strain
Always observe the general guidelines for safe resistance on one side and to pull or tear a muscle. Balance
training (see Table 5.3), as well as these safety tips: your exercise as well so that you build equal
strength on both sides and from front to back.
Get a proper introduction to weight training
Breathe in deeply in preparation for a lift and
before beginning. Learn the proper grips and
breathe out continuously as you lift. Some weight
postures; the right way to isolate muscle groups
lifters use a Valsalva maneuver (that is, they exhale
and stabilize others; the correct way to adjust
forcibly with a closed throat so no air exits) as a way
machines for your height; and the safe way to sit,

to stabilize the trunk during a lift. However, holding
stand, and move during weight lifting to prevent
your breath this way can cause an unhealthy blood
pressure increase and slow blood flow to the heart,
Wear gym shoes to protect your feet and wear
lungs, and brain. Breathe out during the push or pull
gloves to improve your grip and protect your hands.
part of a lift, particularly while lifting heavy weights,
When using free weights, ask a spotter to make to avoid doing the Valsalva maneuver.
sure you are lifting safely and can return the bar
Use lighter weights when attempting new lifts or
safely after the lift.
after taking time off from your routine. You can
Work out with a friend or partner to spot your lifts build up by 3 to 5 percent per session or 10 percent
and point out any positional errors, equipment per week. Dont assume you can pick up where you
problems, and so on. left off before a break in your training; thats ask-
Use safety collars at the end of weight bars to ing for muscle strain or injury.
secure the weights on the bar. Do not continue resistance training if you are in
Perform all exercises through a full range of motion. pain. Learn to differentiate the effort of lifting
With free weights, you must determine the range from the pain of an injury, particularly to a joint.
yourself and may need extra training and attention. Seek the advice of a qualified fitness professional
Perform all exercises in a slow and controlled before significantly changing these aspects of your
manner. Some trainers recommend counting as you routine: amount of weight, number of repetitions,
lift: two up and four down. The object is to avoid speed of movement, or body posture.
fast, jerky, or bouncy motions that can injure your Source:
muscles or allow the weight to get away from you American College of Sports Medicine. Building Strength
and cause injury. Safely. Fit Society Page (Fall 2002):
Stay balanced: Set up in a relaxed, balanced posi- Georgia State University, Strength Training Main Page.
tion and maintain that after a lift or set of lifts.

Instructors in such courses are already screened for Safety guidelines and appropriate exercises will
the above-listed qualifications, and the cost will be sig- vary for different individuals and depend on the
nificantly lower than hiring your own personal trainer. disability or limitation of each person. Everyone
will need medical clearance before beginning a
resistance-training program, and those with certain
PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES MAY chronic conditions and muscle disorders may need
Weight-training programs benefit virtually every- Valsalva maneuver The process of holding ones breath
one, including people with some limitations or while lifting heavy weight. This practice can increase chest
disabilities. Resistance training can decrease pain cavity pressure and result in light-headedness during the
and increase mobility in people with joint and mus- lift; excessively increased blood pressure can result after
cle disabilities and orthopedic conditions such as the lift and breath are released.
arthritis, multiple sclerosis, or osteoarthritis.


I started resistance training last week! It was funI order to minimize her chances of getting injured
have never been able to do a pull-up on my own, but while working out?
the assisted-pull-up machine at the gym made me feel
2. What advice can you give Gina about interviewing
like I might be able to work up to one. Im impatient,
a personal trainer?
though. I know that I should warm up before begin-
ning a workout, but I like to just go straight to the 3. Do you have any injuries or chronic conditions that
machines. Im also thinking of hiring a personal will affect your ability to resistance train? If so,
trainer, but am not sure how to go about it. how might you adapt your program in order to
train safely?
1. How might Gina build a warm-up and cool-down
routine into her resistance training program in

specific exercise recommendations and directions Dietary supplements marketed as promoters of

from their physicians. If your gym lacks specialized muscle conditioning are called performance aids or
equipment, look for a trainer who can help you per- dietary ergogenic aids. Some supplements are safe
form modified exercises on the available machines. but ineffective; some are both unsafe and ineffective.
Wheelchair exercisers can perform many seated Few, if any, are worth the risk, making this an area to
resistance-training exercises in the gym or at home. tread lightly into, if at all. Manufacturers of nutri-
Visit this books website to view demonstrations of tional supplements need not prove their products are
easily adaptable resistance-training exercises for safe or effective before offering them on the open
people of all abilities. market. The FDA may remove unsafe products, but
this occurs after the product is tested on the buying
public. To avoid being an inadvertent subject in an
IS IT RISKY TO USE uncontrolled experiment, look into the risks of any
SUPPLEMENTS FOR supplement very carefully before considering its use.
Some ergogenic aids, such as anabolic steroids, are
MUSCULAR FITNESS? also controlled substances. This means they require a
Many people are satisfied with the muscle changes prescription for legal use and should not be used for
and health-related benefits they realize from resis- nonprescription purposes. In addition, their use can
tance training. Others, however, set expectations get you banned from athletic competitions.
that their bodies cant meet without taking supple-
ments and/or steroids. These individuals are
unsatisfied with their genetic limitations and the ANABOLIC STEROIDS
results they have gotten from exercise training
Anabolic steroids are synthetic drugs that are
alone. Their solution is often to use performance-
chemically related to the hormone testosterone.
aid supplements to improve muscle size, muscular
Physicians sometimes prescribe small doses within
fitness, and muscular performance. Is this safe,
a medical setting for people with muscle diseases,
and do common muscular fitness supplements
burns, some cancers, and pituitary disorders. How-
actually work?
ever, some athletes and recreational weight trainers
take anabolic steroidsillegally, outside of a medical
setting, without a prescriptionto increase muscle
ergogenic aid Any nutritional, physical, mechanical, psy- mass, strength, and power. Anabolic steroids can pro-
chological, or pharmacological procedure or aid used to duce some of these results in some usersbut not
improve athletic performance without overwhelmingly negative side effects that
far outweigh the benefits. Besides being illegal,


steroids increase the risk of liver and heart disease, 4 years. Minor issues are water retention in mus-
cancer, acne, breast development in men, and mas- cles, muscle cramping, and overall body dehydra-
culinization in women. Anabolic steroid use can also tion. Once a person stops taking creatine, water
promote connective tissue and bone injuries because retention and temporary muscle enlargement due to
dramatically stronger muscles may exert more force that retention disappear. Since the long-term effects
than the body can handle. Steroid use can also be of creatine use are unknown, however, potential
habit forming, lead to other drug addictions, and users should proceed with caution.
even cause death, as explained in the box Spotlight:
Behind the Steroid Warnings.
Steroid use is relatively high among young ath- ADRENAL ANDROGENS
letes in certain sports. Public awareness is continuing (DHEA, ANDROSTENEDIONE)
to increase along with media coverage of steroid scan-
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is the bodys most
dals in the sports world. In 2005, for example, a
common hormone and acts as a weak steroid chemi-
series of congressional hearings investigated steroid
cal messenger (a conveyor of internal control signals
usage in major league baseball. Members of Congress
and information). Although DHEA occurs naturally
examined the adequacy of drug testing and the
in the body, manufacturers produce and sell it as a
impact of steroid use by professional sports figures on
supplement in a synthetic concentrated form despite
impressionable teenagers. Most of the baseball play-
no definitive proof of its safety or effectiveness.
ers called before the committee denied using steroids,
DHEA proponents claim that it increases muscle
but popular player Jos Canseco stated that steroids
mass and strength, lowers body fat, alters natural
were as prevalent in . . . the late 1980s and 1990s as
hormone levels, slows aging, and boosts immune
a cup of coffee. A 2005 survey of drug use among U.S.
functions. Despite manufacturers claims, research
adolescents reported that steroid use is down signifi-
studies have produced some conflicting results on
cantly among 8th and 10th graders from its peak in
DHEA but overall do not provide strong evidence of
2000 and has declined among 12th graders from its
a large positive effect on muscle mass and strength,
peak in 2004.9
or on body fat levels.
Androstenedione (nickname andro) is another
CREATINE naturally occurring steroid hormone with a struc-
ture related to both DHEA and testosterone. It is
Creatine is a legal nutritional supplement contain-
found naturally in meats and some plants. Even
ing amino acids. It is most often sold as creatine
though manufacturers claim andro will increase
monohydrate in powder, tablet, capsule, or liquid
testosterone levels, one pivotal study found that it
form. The bodys natural form of creatine (phospho-
actually lowers the bodys natural production of
creatine) is generated by the kidneys and stored in
testosterone, did not increase the bodys adaptations
muscle cells. You can also consume creatine in the
to resistance training, and increased heart disease
diet by eating meat products.
risk in men.10 Androstenedione was ordered off the
Creatine taken at recommended levels can
market by the FDA in 2004, and its use is dwin-
improve performance by temporarily increasing
dling. Both DHEA and androstenedione appear to
the bodys normal muscle stores of phosphocrea-
decrease HDL or good cholesterol,11 which helps
tine. Since this natural energy substance powers
explain why these substances increase heart attack
bursts of activity lasting less than 60 seconds, cre-
risks and other cardiovascular problems. Both also
atine users sometimes find they can train more
increase the risk of developing certain cancers and
effectively in power activities and may be able to
accelerating the growth of existing cancers. These
maintain higher forces during lifting. This can
serious side effects strongly argue against the use of
result in increased training adaptations such as
DHEA or andro.
strength and muscle size. Creatine intake also
causes a temporary retention of water in muscle
tissue that produces a small temporary increase in
size, strength, and ability to generate power. Crea-
tine has no effect on performance of aerobic Your bodys pituitary gland produces human growth
endurance exercise. hormone (GH), which promotes bone growth and
So far, there have been few serious side effects muscle growth and decreases fat stores. Drug manu-
reported in studies of people using creatine for up to facturers produce GH synthetically for medical use


BEHIND THE STEROID WARNINGS the human brain. The same may be true of a region
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) publishes that produces serotonin and is involved in depres-
two postcards for young men and women with a sion. Such changes during teenage brain develop-
potent message on the dangers of anabolic steroids. ment could mean lifelong changes in a persons
Each card lists the risks and side effects of steroid use, aggression and depression levels, even after he or
ranging from cancer and heart disease to HIV infec- she stops using steroids.
tion, behavioral problems, and unwelcome body 5. Steroids disrupt the way the body processes
changes. Why are government drug regulatorsnot cholesterol. As a result, steroids promote heart
to mention parents, educators, and coachesso disease, heart attacks, and strokes, even in athletes
worried about steroid use in young people? younger than 30. The liver and kidneys must
Steroid use in teens and young adults is a problem detoxify and remove steroids from the body, and
for several major reasons: both organs are more prone to cancerous tumors
1. Use of these drugs is surprisingly common. More in steroid users. The drugs also cause blood-filled
than half a million 8th and 10th graders have used cysts in the liver that can burst and cause serious
anabolic steroids, as have tens of thousands of internal bleeding.
high school seniors. According to NIDA, steroid use 6. Injecting steroids, rather than taking them orally,
and sharing needles with other users can lead to

is also probably widespread among athletes and

would-be sports competitors at all levels. dangerous infections transmitted through dirty
2. Steroid use can lead to the abuse of other drugs. needles. The disease risks include hepatitis; HIV;
Some of the side effects of steroid useinsomnia, and endocarditis, a bacterial infection of the heart.
fatigue, restlessness, depressionare so disruptive Sources:
that people turn to opiate drugs such as cocaine American Psychological Association (APA). Animal Models
and heroin to relieve their distress. Show that Anabolic Steroids Flip the Adolescent Brains
Switch for Aggressive Behavior. Press release. February 26,
3. Anabolic steroids can permanently disrupt normal 2006.
development. A persons body and brain are still
Grimes, J. M. et al. Plasticity in Anterior Hypothalamic
developing during adolescence and into their early Vasopressin Correlates with Aggression during
20s. Steroids interfere with the normal maturational Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Withdrawal in Hamsters,
effects of sex hormones. In males, this interference Behavioral Neuroscience 120, no. 1 (2006): 115124.
can shrink the testes and reduce sperm production, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Research Report
stunt normal height, induce breast development, SeriesAnabolic Steroid Use. SeptemberNovember, 2006.
and cause baldness. In females, steroids can reduce
breast size, deepen the voice, and induce excessive anabolicsteroids.html
body hair growth while thinning the head
hair. Most of these changes are irreversible.
4. Steroid use can lead to behavioral changes,
including irritability, hostility, aggression,
and depression. Researchers injected adoles-
cent hamsters with commonly used steroids,
then observed as their playful fighting
wrestling and nibblingturned to outright
attacking and biting at levels 10 times
higher. This aggression went on even after
the drugs were withdrawn and stayed
throughout half of the hamsters remaining
adolescence. The researchers found
increased levels of a neurotransmitter called
vasopressin coming from one brain region
that closely resembles the same structure in


in children and young adults with abnormally slow AMINO ACID AND PROTEIN
or reduced growth and related disorders. Although
the FDA regulates growth hormone, athletes want-
ing to gain an edge over their competitors sometimes Many bodybuilders and weight lifters take amino acid
obtain and use it illegally. Marketers claim that supplements because they believe that consuming
growth hormone supplementation will counteract protein or its building blocks (amino acids) will lead to
the muscle mass lost with disuse and aging, among enhanced muscle development. However, evidence is
other alleged benefits. However, GH side effects mixed that high intake of protein or taking protein-
include irreversible bone growth (acromegaly/ based supplements will improve training, exercise
gigantism); increased risk of cardiovascular performance, or build muscle mass beyond the levels
disease and diabetes; and decreased sexual desire, achieved through normal dietary protein. When com-
among others. bined with resistance training, moderate increases in
Marketers of oral GH supplements (GH promot- protein intake may lead to small increases in lean
ers, not actual GH) claim the same positive benefits muscle mass and strength beyond resistance training
to lean muscle mass and fat mass, but this is not alone.13 In contrast, supplementation with the amino
borne out in tests or actual use. Oral GH, in fact, acid glutamine produced no beneficial effect above
cannot even be absorbed from your digestive tract and beyond resistance training itself.14 Taking moder-
into your bloodstream! A far better way to increase ate doses of these supplements has no dramatic side
natural levels of growth hormone is to perform effects, but large doses of either the supplements or
regular exercise. In a study of women who ran for protein itself can create amino acid imbalances, alter
exercise, baseline resting GH levels increased by protein and bone metabolism, and be dangerous to
50 percent in those training at higher compared to individuals with liver or kidney disease.15
lower intensities.12


Im a big baseball fan. Growing up in San Francisco, 1. How would you answer Ginas questions about
I used to go to Giants and As games all the time. So steroids and creatine?
I was kind of shocked to hear about the allegations of
2. Give two other examples of ergogenic
steroid and drug use among professional baseball
supplements. How safe are they?
players. Im confused about the health risks of steroids
and supplements. Are they all dangerous? What about 3. Have you ever taken an ergogenic supplement? If
the products you can buy in a health store, like so, how much do you know about the pros and
creatine? cons of taking that supplement?


1. Muscular strength is the ability to 6. Muscle strength improvements in the first few weeks
a. contract your muscles repeatedly of a program are due to:
over time. a. Increased size of muscle fibers
b. run a 6-minute mile. b. Increased activation and coordination of motor units
c. look toned in a swimsuit. c. Increased ability of muscles to move through a full
d. contract your muscle with range of motion
maximal force. d. Increased blood flow to working muscles
2. Which of the following benefits of resistance 7. A good test of muscular endurance includes
training will reduce your risk of cardiovascular a. a 1 RM test.
diseases? b. a grip-strength test.
a. Increased bone density c. a 20 RM test.
b. Increased muscle power d. a pull-up test.
c. Reduced body fat levels
8. One disadvantage of using machines for resistance-
d. Better sports recovery
training exercises is
3. What is a single muscle cell called? a. the machine takes time to adjust for your height
a. Muscle fiber and desired resistance level.
b. Muscle fascia b. the machine does not promote the use of postural
c. Fascicle and stabilizing muscles during the exercise.
d. Contractile bundle c. spotters are needed.
d. it can be hard to isolate specific muscle groups.
4. Which of the following will result in a stronger
muscle contraction? 9. Which of the following is NOT part of the criteria you
a. Eating more protein before your should use when selecting a personal trainer?
workout a. Certified by ACSM, NSCA, or ACE
b. Activating slow, smaller b. Good references by former and current clients
motor units c. Number of years in the field
c. Taking DHEA before your d. The number of dietary supplements they can help
workout you obtain at a reduced cost
d. Activating more motor units
10. Which of the following supplements/drugs have
irreversible bone growth, cardiovascular disease,
5. Sitting down in a chair and standing up again is an diabetes, and decreased sexual desire among its
example of this type of exercise: negative side effects?
a. Isotonic a. Anabolic steroids
b. Isokinetic b. Creatine
c. Isometric c. Growth hormone
d. Isostatic d. Androstenedione


1. Why is weight training a popular activity among 4. Discuss the role of resistance training in preventing
college students and adults of all ages? injuries.
2. Define sarcopenia and discuss how it can be reversed 5. How does circuit weight training differ from regular
through exercise. How are sarcopenia and atrophy weight training? What are the specific benefits of
different? doing circuit weight training?
3. Which fiber type is activated most during a sprint?
What is the predominant fiber type in the postural
trunk muscles?


Please visit this books website at to view videos of strength training exercises and to access links
related to topics in this chapter.

Baechle, T. R., and Earle, R. W. Weight Training: Steps to Hesson, James L. Weight Training for Life, 8th ed.
Success, 3rd ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2006. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2007.
Delavier, F. Strength Training Anatomy, 2nd ed.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2006.

1. National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), U.S. Physical 9. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Research
Activity Statistics: 1998 U.S. Physical Activity Statistics: Report Series: What are Anabolic Steroids?
Participation in Select Physical Activities, anabolicsteroids2.html#scope. (accessed December 11,
pasports.htm. (accessed December 11, 2006). 2006).
2. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Trends in Strength 10. C. E. Brodeur and others, The Andro Project: Physiologi-
TrainingUnited States, 19982004. Morbidity and cal and Hormonal Influences of Androstenedione Supple-
Mortality Weekly Report 55, no. 28 (2006): 76972. mentation in Men 3565 Years Old Participating in a
3. M. J. Hubal and others, Variability in Muscle Size and High-Intensity Resistance Training Program, Archives
Strength Gain after Unilateral Resistance Training, of International Medicine 160, no. 20, (2000): 3093104.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 37, no. 6 11. M. L. Kohut and others, Ingestion of a Dietary Supple-
(2005): 96472. ment Containing Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and
4. S. Calling and others, Effects of Body Fatness and Androstenedione has Minimal Effect on Immune Func-
Physical Activity on Cardiovascular Risk: Rist Predic- tion in Middle-Aged Men, Journal of American College
tion Using the Bioelectrical Impedance Method, of Nutrition 22, no. 5 (2003): 36371.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 34, no. 6, (2006): 12. A. Weltman and others, Endurance Training Amplifies
56875. the Pulsatile Release of Growth Hormone: Effects of
5. B. L. Marks and others, Fat-free Mass is Maintained Training Intensity, Journal of Applied Physiology 72,
in Women Following a Moderate Diet and Exercise no. 6 (1992): 218896.
Program, Medical Science Sports Exercise 27, no. 9 13. D. G. Candow and others, Effect of Whey and Soy Pro-
(1995): 124351. tein Supplementation Combined with Resistance Train-
6. P. A. Williams and T. F. Cash, Effects of a Circuit Weight ing in Young Adults, International Journal of Sport
Training Program on the Body Images of College Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 16, no. 3 (2006):
Students, International Journal of Eating Disorders 30, 23344.
no. 1 (2001): 7580. 14. D. G. Candow and others, Effect of Glutamine Supple-
7. G. A. Kelley, K. S. Kelley, and Z. V. Tran, Resistance mentation Combined with Resistance Training in Young
Training and Bone Mineral Density in Women: A Meta- Adults, European Journal of Applied Physiology 86,
Analysis of Controlled Trials, American Journal of Phys- no. 2 (2001): 14249.
ical Medicine and Rehabilitation 80 (2001): 6577. 15. E. L. Knight and others, The Impact of Protein Intake
8. J. Munn and others, Resistance Training for Strength: on Renal Function Decline in Women with Normal Renal
Effect of Number of Sets and Contraction Speed, Function or Mild Renal Insufficiency, Annals of Internal
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 37, no. 9 Medicine 138 (2003): 46067.
(2005): 162226.


Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________
Instructor: ________________________________________________________________ Section: ______________
Materials: Calculator, exercise mat, leg press machine, bench press machine, measuring tape (ruler or
yardstick), tape, weight scale, handgrip dynamometer, metronome.
Purpose: To assess your current level of muscular strength and muscular endurance.
Directions: Complete Sections IIII according to your instructors direction. If you are completing this lab
with weights, you must have proper supervision. You can complete calisthenic assessments safely on your
own if you follow the procedures carefully.


One Repetition Maximum (1 RM) Prediction Assessment
The gold standard for measuring muscular strength is using a one repetition maximum (1 RM) to deter-
mine the maximum amount of weight that you can lift one time only. This lab will estimate 1 RM for the
bench press and leg press by finding the amount of weight you can maximally lift 2 to 10 times.

1. Warm-up. Complete 3 to 10 minutes of light cardiorespiratory activity to warm the muscles. Perform
range-of-motion exercises and light stretches for the joints and muscles that you will be using.

2. Use proper form while executing the bench press and leg press exercises. For the bench press, posi-
tion yourself so the bar or handles are across the middle of your chest. Spread your hands slightly
wider than shoulder width. Bring the handles/bar to just above your chest and then press upward/
outward until your arms are straight. For the leg press, position yourself so that your knees are at
a 90-degree angle. Press the weight away from your body until your legs are straight.

3. Perform one light warm-up set. Set the machine at a very light weight and lift this weight about
10 times as a warm-up for your assessment.

4. Find the appropriate strength-assessment weight and number of repetitions. Set a weight that you
think you can lift at least 2 times but no more than 10 times. Perform the lift as many times as you can
(to complete fatigue) up to 10 repetitions. If you can lift more than 10 repetitions, try again using heav-
ier weight. Repeat until you find a weight you cannot lift more than 2 to 10 times. In order to prevent
muscle fatigue from altering your results, attempt this assessment no more than three times to find the
proper weight and number of repetitions. If you do reach this level of muscle fatigue, rest and perform
the test again on another day. Record your results in the Muscular Strength RESULTS section (see step 7).


5. Find your predicted 1 RM. Predict your 1 RM based upon the number of repetitions you performed. If the
weight you lifted was between 20 and 250 pounds, use the 1 RM Prediction Table to find your predicted
1 RM. If you lifted over 250 pounds, use the Multiplication Factor Table to find your predicted 1 RM.

6. Find your strength-to-body weight ratio. Divide your predicted 1 RM by your body weight for your
strength-to-body-weight ratio (S/BW). Since heavier people often have more muscle, this is a better
indicator of muscular strength than just the weight lifted alone. Record your results in the Muscular
Strength RESULTS section.

7. Find your muscle strength rating by using the Strength to Body Weight Ratio chart provided on
page 45. Finding your rating tells you how you compare to others who have completed this test in the
past. Record your results below.

Muscular Strength Results

Bench Press: Weight lifted __________ Repetitions ____________________________

__________________  ______________________  __________________

Weight lifted (lb) Multiplication factor* Predicted 1 RM (lb)

____________________  __________________  ___________

Predicted 1 RM (lb) Body weight (lb) S/BW ratio

Rating _____________________________________________

Leg Press: Weight lifted __________ Repetitions ____________________________

__________________  _______________________  __________________

Weight lifted (lb) Multiplication factor* Predicted 1 RM (lb)

____________________  _________________  __________

Predicted 1 RM (lb) Body weight (lb) S/BW ratio

Rating _____________________________________________
*Multiplication factor from the Multiplication Factor Table on page 45.




Wt (lb) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
20 20 21 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 27
25 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
30 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40
35 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 45 47
40 40 41 42 44 45 46 48 50 51 53
45 45 46 48 49 51 52 54 56 58 60
50 50 51 53 55 56 58 60 62 64 67
55 55 57 58 60 62 64 66 68 71 73
60 60 62 64 65 68 70 72 74 77 80
65 65 67 69 71 73 75 78 81 84 87
70 70 72 74 76 79 81 84 87 90 93
75 75 77 79 82 84 87 90 93 96 100
80 80 82 85 87 90 93 96 99 103 107
85 85 87 90 93 96 99 102 106 109 113
90 90 93 95 98 101 105 108 112 116 120
95 95 98 101 104 107 110 114 118 122 127
100 100 103 106 109 113 116 120 124 129 133
105 105 108 111 115 118 122 126 130 135 140
110 110 113 116 120 124 128 132 137 141 147
115 115 118 122 125 129 134 138 143 148 153
120 120 123 127 131 135 139 144 149 154 160
125 125 129 132 136 141 145 150 155 161 167
130 130 134 138 142 146 151 156 161 167 173
135 135 139 143 147 152 157 162 168 174 180
140 140 144 148 153 158 163 168 174 180 187
145 145 149 154 158 163 168 174 180 186 193
150 150 154 159 164 169 174 180 186 193 200
155 155 159 164 169 174 180 186 192 199 207
160 160 165 169 175 180 186 192 199 206 213
165 165 170 175 180 186 192 198 205 212 220
170 170 175 180 185 191 197 204 211 219 227
175 175 180 185 191 197 203 210 217 225 233
180 180 185 191 196 203 209 216 223 231 240
185 185 190 196 202 208 215 222 230 238 247
190 190 195 201 207 214 221 228 236 244 253
195 195 201 206 213 219 226 234 242 251 260
200 200 206 212 218 225 232 240 248 257 267
205 205 211 217 224 231 238 246 255 264 273
210 210 216 222 229 236 244 252 261 270 280
215 215 221 228 235 242 250 258 267 276 287
220 220 226 233 240 248 256 264 273 283 293
225 225 231 238 245 253 261 270 279 289 300
230 230 237 244 251 259 267 276 286 296 307
235 235 242 249 256 264 273 282 292 302 313
240 240 247 254 262 270 279 288 298 309 320
245 245 252 259 267 276 285 294 304 315 327
250 250 257 265 273 281 290 300 310 322 333

Repetitions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Multiplication Factor 1.0 1.07 1.11 1.13 1.16 1.20 1.23 1.27 1.32 1.36

Table and multiplication factors generated using the Bryzcki equation: 1 RM  weight (kg) /
[1.0278  (0.0278  repetitions)].
Source: Adapted from Bryzcki, M. Strength Testing: Predicting a One-Rep Max from a Reps-to-Fatigue, J Phys Educ
Recreation Dance 64 (1993): 8890.



Men Superior Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor

 20 yrs  1.75 1.341.75 1.191.33 1.061.18 0.891.05  0.89

2029 yrs  1.62 1.321.62 1.141.31 0.991.13 0.880.98  0.88

3039 yrs  1.34 1.121.34 0.981.11 0.880.97 0.780.87  0.78

4049 yrs  1.19 1.001.19 0.880.99 0.800.87 0.720.79  0.72

5059 yrs  1.04 0.901.04 0.790.89 0.710.78 0.630.70  0.63

 60 yrs  0.93 0.820.93 0.720.81 0.660.71 0.570.65  0.57

Women Superior Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor

 20 yrs  0.87 0.770.87 0.650.76 0.580.64 0.530.57  0.53

2029 yrs  1.00 0.801.00 0.700.79 0.590.69 0.510.58  0.51

3039 yrs  0.81 0.700.81 0.600.69 0.530.59 0.470.52  0.47

4049 yrs  0.76 0.620.76 0.540.61 0.500.53 0.430.49  0.43

5059 yrs  0.67 0.550.67 0.480.54 0.440.47 0.390.43  0.39

 60 yrs  0.71 0.540.71 0.470.53 0.430.46 0.380.42  0.38

(Continued )



Men Superior Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor

 20 yrs  2.81 2.282.81 2.042.27 1.902.03 1.701.89  1.70

2029 yrs  2.39 2.132.39 1.972.12 1.831.96 1.631.82  1.63

3039 yrs  2.19 1.932.19 1.771.92 1.651.76 1.521.64  1.52

4049 yrs  2.01 1.822.01 1.681.81 1.571.67 1.441.56  1.44

5059 yrs  1.89 1.711.89 1.581.70 1.461.57 1.321.45  1.32

 60 yrs  1.79 1.621.79 1.491.61 1.381.48 1.251.37  1.25

Women Superior Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor

 20 yrs  1.87 1.711.87 1.591.70 1.381.58 1.221.37  1.22

2029 yrs  1.97 1.681.97 1.501.67 1.371.49 1.221.36  1.22

3039 yrs  1.67 1.471.67 1.331.46 1.211.32 1.091.20  1.09

4049 yrs  1.56 1.371.56 1.231.36 1.131.22 1.021.12  1.02

5059 yrs  1.42 1.251.42 1.101.24 0.991.09 0.880.98  0.88

 60 yrs  1.42 1.181.42 1.041.17 0.931.03 0.850.92  0.85

*Source: Cooper Institute of Aerobic Research. The Physical Fitness Specialist Manual. Dallas, TX: 2002.


Twenty Repetition Maximum (20 RM) Assessments
The 20 RM assessment is a weight-lifting assessment of your muscular endurance. Performed in a weight
room, this assessment will help you plan your muscular fitness program. By performing the assessments
before and after completing 8 to 12 weeks of muscular fitness exercises, you can measure your improvement.

1. Prepare for the muscle endurance assessments. If you have just completed the muscular strength assess-
ments, you will already be warmed up. If not, perform a warm-up similar to the one described in Section I.
Follow the position, form, and warm-up instructions for bench press and leg press in Section I.

2. Find your 20 RM for bench press and leg press. Set a weight that you think you can lift a maximum of
20 times. Perform the lift to see if you were correct. If not, increase or decrease the weight and try
again until you find your 20 RM. In order to make sure that muscle fatigue does not alter your results,
try to find your 20 RM within three tries. If it takes longer, rest and perform the test again on another
day. Record your results on the next page.


Muscular Endurance Weight Lifting Results

Bench Press: 20 RM weight lifted _______________

Leg Press: 20 RM weight lifted _______________


Push-Up Assessment
In this muscular endurance assessment, you will perform as many push-ups as you can with correct form.
This test will assess the muscular endurance of your pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, and triceps brachii
muscles. If you work with a partner, your partner can check your positioning, form, and count your

1. Get into the correct push-up position on an exercise mat. Support the body in a push-up position from
the knees (women) or from the toes (men). The hands should be just outside the shoulders and the
back and legs straight. Review Figure 5.8 on page 25 for proper push-up positioning.

2. Start in the down position with your elbow joint at a 90-degree angle, your chest just above the
floor, and your chin barely touching the mat. Push your body up until your arms are straight and then
lower back to the starting position (count one repetition). Complete the push-ups in a slow and con-
trolled manner.

3. Complete as many correct technique push-ups as you can without stopping and record your results in
the Muscular Endurance Calisthenic RESULTS section on page 48.

4. Find your muscle endurance rating for push-ups in the chart below and record your results.

Curl-Up Assessment
In this muscular endurance assessment, you will perform as many curl-ups as you can (up to 25) with correct
form. This test will assess the muscular endurance of your abdominal muscles.

1. Lay back on a mat with your arms by your sides, palms flat on the mat, elbows straight, and fingers
extended. Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle. Mark the start and end positions with tape. Your
instructor or partner will mark your starting finger position with a piece of tape under each hand. He
or she will then mark the ending position 10 cm or 3 in away from the first piece of tapeone ending
position tape for each hand. Your goal is to rise far enough on the curl-up to achieve a 30-degree
trunk elevation.

2. Your instructor or partner will set a metronome to 50 beats/min and the exerciser will complete the
curl-ups at this slow, controlled pace: one curl-up every 3 seconds (25 curl-ups per minute).

3. To start the test, curl your head and upper back upward, reaching your arms forward along the mat to
touch the ending tape. Then curl back down so that your upper back and shoulders touch the floor.
During the entire curl-up, your fingers, feet, and buttocks should stay on the mat. Your partner will
count the number of correct repetitions you complete. Any curl-ups performed without touching the
ending position tape will not be counted in the final results.


4. Perform as many curl-ups as you can
without pausing, to a maximum of 25.
Record your score below. Determine your
muscular endurance rating for curl-ups
using the chart below and record your

**Alternative: One minute timed curl-ups. Your

instructor may choose to have you complete as many
curl-ups as you can within 1 minute (without the
metronome pacing). Use the same start and end
positions, perform controlled repetitions of curl-ups
for 1 minute, and record your results below.

Muscular Endurance Calisthenic Results

Push-Ups: Repetitions _______________ Rating _______________

Curl-Ups: Repetitions _______________ Rating _______________

**Alternative 1 min timed curl-ups: Repetitions _____________________


Men Superior Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor

2029 yrs  36 3136 2430 2123 1620  16

3039 yrs  30 2430 1923 1618 1115  11
4049 yrs  25 1925 1518 1214 911 9
5059 yrs  21 1521 1214 911 68 6
6069 yrs  18 1318 1012 79 46 4

Women Superior Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor

2029 yrs  30 2230 1621 1415 913 9

3039 yrs  27 2127 1420 1214 711 7
4049 yrs  24 1624 1215 1011 49 4
5059 yrs  21 1221 811 68 15 1
6069 yrs  17 1317 612 46 13 1



Men Superior Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor

2029 yrs  25 2225 1621 1315 1012  10

3039 yrs  25 1925 1518 1314 1012  10
4049 yrs  25 1925 1318 812 57 5
5059 yrs  25 1825 1117 910 78 7
6069 yrs  25 1725 1116 810 57 5

Women Superior Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor

2029 yrs  25 1925 1418 713 46 4

3039 yrs  25 2025 1019 89 57 5
4049 yrs  25 2025 1119 610 35 3
5059 yrs  25 2025 1019 89 57 5
6069 yrs  25 1825 817 57 24 2

*Source: Adapted from Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. The Canadian Physical Activity, Fitness & Lifestyle
Approach: CSEP-Health & Fitness Programs Health-Related Appraisal & Counseling Strategy, 3rd ed. Canadian Society
for Exercise Physiology: 2003.


If a handgrip dynamometer is available, your instructor may direct you to perform this assessment. In this
muscular strength assessment, you will squeeze the dynamometer as hard as you can to test the isometric
or static strength of your forearm gripping muscles.

1. Adjust the dynamometer to fit your hands. The second joint of the hand should fit under
the handle. Make sure that the dynamometer is set to zero. Hold the dynamometer in the
hand to be tested. Make sure that your hands are not wet or slippery.

2. In a standing position, hold the dynamometer at your side with a straight arm. Make
sure that the elbow joint is not locked and keep the arm from touching the body or
swinging. Support your back by slightly bending your knees. Squeeze the dynamometer
as hard as you can for 2 to 3 seconds. Avoid holding your breath during the test.

3. Repeat the test with the other hand.

4. Perform two trials on each hand. Record the highest score of the two trials for each
hand in the chart below. Add the best right-hand and the best left-hand scores
together and record below.

5. Find your handgrip muscular strength rating in the chart below and record your results.


Handgrip Muscular Strength Results

Right Hand: Trial 1 _______________ Trial 2 _______________

Left Hand: Trial 1 _______________ Trial 2 _______________

____________________  __________________  _______________

Best score right hand Best score left hand Best score total

Rating  _______________


Right and Left Hands Combined

Men Superior Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor

1519 yrs  108 100108 9299 8591 7884  78

2029 yrs  115 106115 97105 9096 8389  83

3039 yrs  115 106115 97105 9096 8389  83

4049 yrs  108 99108 9098 8489 7983  79

5059 yrs  101 94101 8693 8085 7579  75

6069 yrs  100 93100 8692 7985 7278  72

Women Superior Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor

1519 yrs  68 6168 5460 5053 4749  47

2029 yrs  70 6470 5963 5458 5153  51

3039 yrs  71 6471 5963 5458 5053  50

4049 yrs  69 6269 5561 5153 4850  48

5059 yrs  61 5561 5054 4649 4445  44

6069 yrs  54 4954 4648 4245 4041  40

*Source: Adapted from Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. The Canadian Physical Activity, Fitness & Lifestyle
Approach: CSEP-Health & Fitness Programs Health-Related Appraisal & Counseling Strategy, 3rd ed. Canadian Society
for Exercise Physiology: 2003.

1. What was surprising about your muscular fitness results, if anything?

2. Based upon your assessment results, which aspect of muscular fitness will your program focus
onmuscular strength or muscular endurance?


Name: ______________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Instructor: __________________________________________________________ Section: ____________________
Materials: Results from muscular fitness assessments, calculator, lab pages.
Purpose: To learn how to set appropriate muscular fitness goals (short- and long-term). You will also
critically evaluate the obstacles you must overcome and the resources you will need in order to successfully
complete your goals.
Directions: Write out your personal goals and reflections in the following sections.


Create short- and long-term goals for muscular strength and muscular endurance. Be sure to use SMART (specific,
measurable, action-oriented, realistic, timed) goal-setting guidelines. Also apply information from the Chapter 5
text and use your results from Lab 5.1. Remember that choosing a goal to improve your assessment scores is a
highly measurable way to set goals. Select appropriate target dates and rewards for completing your goals.

Short-Term Goals (36 months)

1. Muscular Strength Goal:


Target Date: __________________

Reward: _______________________________________________________________________________________

2. Muscular Endurance Goal:


Target Date: __________________

Reward: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Long-Term Goals (12 months)

1. Muscular Strength Goal:

Target Date: __________________

Reward: _______________________________________________________________________________________


2. Muscular Endurance Goal:

Target Date: __________________

Reward: _______________________________________________________________________________________


What barriers or obstacles might hinder your plan to improve your muscular fitness? Indicate your top three
obstacles below and list strategies for overcoming each obstacle.





List resources you will use to help change your muscular fitness:

Friend/partner/relative: ______________________ School-based resource: ______________________

Community-based resource: __________________ Other: ______________________________________


1. How realistic are the short- and long-term target dates you have set for achieving your muscular
fitness goals?

2. Are there any other strategies not listed above that could assist you in reaching your goals?

3. Think about all of the opportunities that present themselves in your daily life to work toward
muscular fitness. List as many of these as you can think of:


Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________
Instructor: _________________________________________________________________ Section: ______________
Materials: Lab pages, calculator
Purpose: To create a basic, personal resistance-training workout plan. Forms for following up and tracking
your muscular fitness and your resistance-training program are included.
Directions: Complete the following sections.


1. How many days per week are you planning to work on your muscular fitness program? ______________

2. How experienced are you at resistance training? (circle one below)

Novice Intermediate (training 1 to 2 years) Advanced (training 3 yrs)

3. Which will you focus on first? (circle one) Muscular strength Muscular endurance

4. The best muscular fitness programs are well-rounded and work the entire body. However, some people
want to focus more heavily on one area than another. Which muscle groups do you want to focus on?

5. Which type of equipment do you plan to use and why? (check all that apply)

Weight machines

Free weights

No equipment (calisthenic exercises)

6. How much time do you plan to spend each day on your resistance-training program?

7. Do you have a workout partner? Do you plan to work with a partner, trainer, or instructor to help you
get started?


Plan your resistance-training program using resources available to you (facility, instructor, text). Complete
one line for each exercise you have chosen to do in your program.

Exercise Frequency Intensity Sets Reps Rest

(days/week) (weight in lb) (number) (number (time between
per set) sets)



1. Goal and program tracking: Use the following resistance-training chart to monitor your progress.
Change the amount of resistance, sets, or repetitions frequently to accommodate your stronger
musculature and ensure continuing progress toward your goals.

2. Goal and program follow-up: At the end of the course or at your short-term goal target date,
reevaluate your muscular fitness and answer the following questions:

a. Did you meet your short-term goal or your goal for the course?

b. If so, what positive behavioral changes contributed to your success? If not, which obstacles blocked
your success?

c. Was your short-term goal realistic? After evaluating your progress during the course, what would
you change about your goals or resistance-training plan?



EXERCISE Wt. Sets Reps Wt. Sets Reps Wt. Sets Reps Wt. Sets Reps Wt. Sets Reps Wt. Sets Reps Wt. Sets Reps
















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