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Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 29 (2016) 1 11


Nutritional therapy for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Paola Dongiovanni a , Claudia Lanti b , Patrizia Riso b,, Luca Valenti a, c

Internal Medicine and Metabolic Diseases, Fondazione IRCCS Ca Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, 20122 Milano, Italy
Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS), Division of Human Nutrition, Universit degli Studi di Milano, 20133 Milano, Italy
Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation (DEPT), Universit degli Studi di Milano, 20122 Milano, Italy

Received 21 July 2015; received in revised form 26 August 2015; accepted 26 August 2015


Following the epidemics of obesity, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become the leading cause of liver disease in western countries. NAFLD is the
hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome and may progress to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. To date, there are no approved drugs for the treatment
of NAFLD, and the main clinical recommendation is lifestyle modification, including increase of physical activity and the adoption of a healthy eating behavior. In
this regard, studies aimed to elucidate the effect of dietary interventions and the mechanisms of action of specific food bioactives are urgently needed.
The present review tries to summarize the most recent data evidencing the effects of nutrients and dietary bioactive compounds intake (i.e., long-chain PUFA,
Vitamin E, Vitamin D, minerals and polyphenols) on the modulation of molecular mechanisms leading to fat accumulation, oxidative stress, inflammation and
liver fibrosis in NAFLD patients.
2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD); Food bioactives; Molecular mechanisms; In vitro studies; Animal models; Clinical trials

1. Introduction mechanism by which selected macro-/micronutrients and food

bioactives exert a benecial effect on the hepatic outcomes of NAFLD.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), also known as hepatic
steatosis, is dened by liver fat deposition in the absence of excessive
alcohol intake [1]. Following the epidemics of obesity, NAFLD has 2. Pathophysiology of NAFLD
become the leading cause of liver disease (prevalence, 2034%) [2,3],
and it is epidemiologically associated with the metabolic syndrome Fatty liver results from an unbalance between TG accumulation
and insulin resistance (IR) [46]. NAFLD is an umbrella term used to and removal and represents the safest way to store free fatty acids
described a histological spectrum ranging from simple steatosis, (FFAs) in the liver [6,14]. Excess hepatocellular TG derives from
dened by a concentration of hepatic triglycerides (TGs) exceeding 5% several sources including dietary fatty acids, increased peripheral
of liver weight, to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) characterized lipolysis due to adipose tissue IR and elevated hepatic de novo
by hepatocellular damage, lobular necroinammation and brogen- lipogenesis due to hyperinsulinemia. Indeed, the major determinant of
esis [7,8]. NASH may evolve to cirrhosis and then to end-stage liver NAFLD is systemic IR [4,15]. Reduction of lipid secretion through very
failure or hepatocellular carcinoma [9,10]. Genetic variants play a low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) and a decreased fatty acids oxidation
major role in disease predisposition [11] by interacting with are also involved in hepatic fat accumulation [5].
nutritional and other environmental factors, typically hypercaloric The development of NASH has been explained by the occurrence of
diet and lack of physical activity. To date, there are no approved drugs multiple so-called second-hits leading to the activation of inam-
for the treatment of NAFLD, and the main clinical recommendation as mation in the context of hepatic steatosis [16,17]. The initial hit
an initial step is lifestyle modication. leading to the development of fatty liver renders hepatocytes
Systematic reviews on the role of specic nutrients and phyto- susceptible to other multiple hepatotoxic insults including (a)
chemicals on NAFLD and related outcomes have recently been peroxidation; (b) oxidative stress secondary to free radicals produced
published [12,13]. In this review, we will specically focus on the during - and omega-oxidation of FFAs; (c) inammation triggered by
endotoxin engaging Toll-like receptor-4 in Kupffer cells (KCs) and
Corresponding author. Division of Human Nutrition, Department of hepatocytes due to increased intestinal permeability; (d) qualitative
Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS), Universit degli and quantitative changes in gut microbiota [18,19]; (e) hepatic stellate
Studi di Milano, 20133 Milano, Italy. Tel.: + 39-02-50316726; fax: + 39-02- cells (HSCs) activation; and (f) mitochondrial dysfunction. All these
50316721. conditions lead in the end to inammation, cellular damage and
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Riso). activation of brogenesis [20].
0955-2863/ 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 P. Dongiovanni et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 29 (2016) 111

3. NAFLD management selected the compounds that have been most investigated in in vitro
and in vivo studies, especially if there is accompanying evidence of
The usual management of NAFLD includes lifestyle counseling to efcacy clinical trials. Evaluated bioactives and their putative
achieve a gradual weight reduction and an increase in physical mechanisms of action are listed in Table 1. In the following paragraphs,
activity. Patients are encouraged to lose 8% of their body weight. An we will review the most important evidence supporting their activity
intensive lifestyle intervention focused on diet, exercise and behavior and discuss the evidence supporting the mechanisms of their
modication with a goal of 710% weight reduction that leads to benecial effects.
signicant improvement in liver histology in patients with NASH [21].
Indeed, weight loss improves steatosis [22], reduces hepatic inam- 4.1. Omega-3 PUFAs
mation and hepatocellular injury [21,23] and improves cardiovascular
risk prole. However, weight loss through energy restriction is Long-chain omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids have been proposed as
difcult to achieve and sustain [24]. Physical activity and exercise potential treatment for NAFLD. These fatty acids are present in large
also effectively decrease steatosis. Cross-sectional and prospective quantities in sh oil, axseed and some nuts. They can be synthesized
studies have shown that physical activity decreases intrahepatic lipids in vivo by the human body from -linolenic acid and mainly occur as
[25,26]. Both aerobic and resistant exercises have been shown to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and decosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which
improve liver function, independently of weight loss [2729]. are both antiinammatory. Omega-3 PUFA supplementation amelio-
In addition to total energy intake, the composition of the diet also rates hepatic steatosis in animal models and in human studies [42,43].
affects the metabolic and endocrine functions and overall energy Clinical trials, investigating the therapeutic effect of omega-3 in
balance [30]. Most recommendations encourage the consumption of patients with NAFLD suggested benecial effects on hepatic fat
diets rich in fruits and vegetables for prevention of chronic disease, accumulation, liver function tests, fasting blood glucose and serum
and NAFLD is not an exception. Such diets would provide signicant TGs [4446]. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of
amount of bioactive components with known benecial effects due in DHA, EPA or DHA + EPA supplementation has shown that EPA
part to their antiinammatory properties [31]. enrichment in the peripheral blood is linearly associated with
General recommendations include a reduction in the intakes of decreased liver fat percentage in patients with NAFLD [47]. Two
total fat, saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids and fructose. Indeed, controlled clinical trials performed in NAFLD children also demon-
high fructose intake has been associated with increased risk of NAFLD strated that omega-3 supplementation for 624 months reduced
and liver damage [3234]. Dietary fructose (consumed in the form of hepatic steatosis, IR, circulating TG and ALT levels [48,49]. Moreover, a
soft drinks) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of NAFLD [35]. recent meta-analysis conrmed the benecial effect of omega-3 on
Mice with ad libitum access to fructose solution showed signicantly steatosis [50]. Conversely, evidence about necroinammation and
higher levels of hepatic lipid accumulation, lipid peroxidation and brosis progression in NASH after omega-3 supplementation is still
endotoxin levels in the portal blood compared to controls and mice fed lacking [51]. However, clinical studies are ongoing, and there is a
with glucose solution [36]. strong mechanistic rationale for supporting such an effect. Indeed,
Conversely, an increase in the intakes of polyunsaturated fatty DHA specically binds with high afnity to the G protein-coupled
acids (PUFAs) and monounsaturated fatty acids is advised. Moreover, receptor 120 (GPR120) that mediates potent insulin-sensitizing
there is recommendation to include long-chain n-3 fatty acids to effects in vivo by repressing macrophage-induced tissue inammation
reduce the risk of NAFLD. [52]. In pediatric NAFLD, DHA treatment reduced liver damage, the
A few trials were conducted to evaluate the impact of specic dietary number of inammatory macrophages and increased GPR120 expres-
patterns on liver damage in patients with NAFLD. In this regard, sion in hepatocytes. Modulation of GPR120 plays a key role in the
Mediterranean diet led to similar weight loss but induced a more regulation of the cell-to-cell cross-talk that drives inammatory
marked reduction of liver enzymes and of IR compared to a low-fat high response, hepatic progenitor cell activation and hepatocyte survival
carbohydrate diet [30]. Indeed, the diet of patients with NASH is usually [53,54].
enriched in saturated fat and cholesterol, whereas it is poor in In HepG2 hepatoma cells, the expression of fatty acid synthase
polyunsaturated fat, bers and antioxidant vitamins C and E [31]. In (FAS) and sterol regulatory element binding protein 1c involved in de
addition to an imbalance in fat intake, higher odds of inammation were novo lipogenesis was suppressed by DHA or EPA supplementation
associated with higher carbohydrate intake in NASH patients [37]. [55]. Moreover, PUFA supplementation modulated the antioxidant
Apart from lifestyle modication, statins (lipid-lowering drugs), defense increasing SOD, GST and GPX activity [56].
glitazones (insulin sensitizers), antioxidants and metformin have In high-fat diet (HFD) fed mice, dietary intake of EPA reduced
been used as therapies for NAFLD [38,39]. Glitazones improve steatosis steatosis by reducing hepatic cholesterol, TG and FFAs [57]. Moreover,
at the expense of an increase of weight, and the long-term safety of EPA intake seems to abrogate HFD-induced modulation in genes
their utilization is still not clear. Randomized clinical trials with involved in hepatocellular lipid metabolism. These include up-
antioxidants (Vitamin E and N-acetylcysteine) have given conicting regulation of Srebp-1c, which induces the lipogenic program, FAS
results, suggesting that their effect may be different depending on age, and acyl-coenzymeA-carboxylase-1 and the decrease of expression of
dosage and lifestyle modications [39]. A few studies have tested carnitinepalmitoyltransferase (CPT1), which transports FFAs to the
metformin in nondiabetic patients but with inconsistent results mitochondria and promotes -oxidation [58]. Several studies have
[40,41]. demonstrated that EPA decreases steatosis and brosis progression by
All these ndings emphasize the difculties to achieve success in reducing TG synthesis and the expression of brogenic genes, and
NAFLD clinical setting and attract attention to the importance of indeed, it represents an established treatment for hypertriglyc-
alternative approaches for the prevention of liver damage progression eridemia [59,60]. EPA supplementation is associated with decreased
in NAFLD. hepatic ROS production and activation of AMP-activated protein
kinase (AMPK) and Peroxisome-proliferator activated receptor-
4. Promising food bioactives (PPAR), which stimulates lipid catabolism. In mice fed with HFD
and steatogenic choline-decient diets, DHA supplementation re-
In this review, we will focus our attention on the most promising duced hepatic steatosis, inammation, brosis and lipid peroxidation
bioactive compounds studied in the last years for their possible [61,62]. Increased activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and down-
benecial effects on the prevention and treatment of NAFLD. We have regulation of Srebp-1c seem to account for the inhibitory effect of DHA.
P. Dongiovanni et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 29 (2016) 111 3

Table 1
Food bioactives for the prevention of nonalcoholic fatty liver: promising compounds and mechanisms
Nutrient/Bioactive Experimental model Mechanism

Omega-3 In vitro Lipogenesis [55]

PUFAs HepG2 cells Antioxidant defence system [56]
In vivo Inammation [52,61,62]
HFD-fed mice, ricesh medaka (Oryzias latipes) Hepatic cholesterol, TG, FFAs [57]
Wistar rat Lipogenesis [58,64]
Lipolysis [58]
Steatosis and brosis [5962]
Lipid peroxidation [61]
Patients Steatosis, FFAs, fasting glucose [44,45]
Adults and children with NAFLD IR, hepatic steatosis, ALT, [49]
Inammatory macrophage [53]
Vitamin E In vitro Lipid peroxidation [78]
Human broblast, rat hepatic stellate cells, human Collagen up-regulation [79]
and mouse hepatocellular carcinoma, Hepa 1-6, Lipogenesis [80]
HepG2 cells -oxidation [80]
In vivo CD36 receptor [81]
Wistar rats, obese (ob/ob) mouse model of NASH, Oxidative stress [82]
guinea pigs Lipid peroxidation [84,85]
Fibrogenesis[84], inammation [82,83], lipid uptake [81]
Patients Steatosis, inammation, brosis [72]
Adults with NASH and NAFLD
Children with NAFLD
Vitamin D In vitro Detoxifying enzyme [100]
HepG2 cells Inammation [103]
Hepatic stellate cells FXR and LXR [100]
Fibrosis [102]
In vivo Lipogenesis [103]
Balb/C mice Lipolysis [103]
D-depleted rat
Patients hs-CRP, serum MDA[97]
Adults with NAFLD
Polyphenol In vitro TG synthesis [112]
HepG2 cells Oxidative stress [113]
Primary rat hepatocyte Lipolysis [114]
Lipogenesis [115]
In vivo De novo lipogenesis [116]
db/db mice fed with MCD Glucose metabolism [118]
Mice fed with HFD Inammation [118]
Liver lipid accumulation [118]
Patients Oxidative stress, inammation [108]
NAFLD patients Body weight, FFA, steatosis [109]
ACNs In vitro Lipogenesis [124]
HepG2 cells Lipolysis [125]
Primary rat hepatocyte Oxidative stress [126]
ROS production [126,128]
In vivo Lipogenesis [127]
Obese mice Steatosis [128]
ApoE3 Leiden mice Inammation, oxidative stress, brosis [129]
Patients Liver enzymes [122]
Adults with NAFLD Oxidative stress, apoptosis [123]
Silybin/silybinin In vitro Lipid accumulation, resistin[139]
HepG2 Inammation, brogenesis [140]
In vivo IR, ALT [141]
db/db mice fed with MCD Inammation, oxidative stress [142]
Obese fed with MCD-diet mice Visceral fat, gluconeogenesis [143]
Lipolysis [143]
Patients Liver enzymes and histology [137,138]
Adults with NAFLD
Resveratrol In vitro Lipogenesis [148]
HepG2 cells TG synthesis [147]
Primary rat hepatocyte
In vivo Liver weight, TG accumulation [149]
Mice fed HFD-diet Lipogenesis [153]
Zucker rats Lipolysis [154]
Patients Liver enzymes, IR, inammation [144,145]
Adults with NAFLD
Minerals In vitro Selenium
Human hepatoblastoma (C3A) Fibrosis, inammation [162]
HepG2 cells Antioxidant enzymes[162]
Trasferrin receptor [169]
In vivo Copper deciency
Rabbit Lipolysis, antioxidant system [159]

(continued on next page)

4 P. Dongiovanni et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 29 (2016) 111

Table 1 (continued)

Nutrient/Bioactive Experimental model Mechanism

Sprague-Dawley rats Lipogenesis [158]

TG levels [163]
Cholesterol levels [161]
Antioxidant defenses [163]
IR and dyslipidemia [168]

Abbreviations: necroinammatory score (NAS), sterol regulatory binding protein (Srebp), acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), carnitinepalmitoyltransferase (CPT1), radical oxygen species
(ROS), AMP-activated proten kinase (AMPK), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR), cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), transforming growth factor (TGF), tumor necrosis
factor (TNF), cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36), Farnesoid X receptor (FXR), liver X receptor (LXR), C-reactive protein (CRP), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione peroxidase (GPX),
thioredoxin reductase (TrxR1).

DHA was also found to ameliorate hepatic steatosis through the down- prostate cancer [76]. Vitamin E may have prooxidant effect at high
regulation of other nuclear receptors involved in TG synthesis such as doses disrupting the natural balance of antioxidant systems and
Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor and Retionid X receptor increasing vulnerability to oxidative damage. High-dose Vitamin E
(RXR). Several unsaturated fatty acids, including DHA, have the supplements (N or =400 IU/d) have been reported to increase all-
capacity to specically bind and activate the RXR, since PUFAs have cause mortality suggesting that the dose-dependent effect of Vitamin
been shown to t into the ligand-binding pocket of the RXR crystal E should be carefully considered [77].
[63]. Finally, both DHA and EPA are able to restore adiponectin levels The mechanism of action is not limited to its antioxidant
which contribute to improve hepatic insulin sensitivity [64]. properties, determining reduced mitochondrial damage, but also to
In summary, omega-3 fatty acids may be a possible therapy for the indirect inuence on other pathways as highlighted in in vitro and
NAFLD. They have several potential mechanisms of action, the most in vivo studies.
relevant is the regulation of hepatic gene expression, thereby switching Cultured human broblast and rat HSCs treated with Vitamin E
intracellular metabolism from lipogenesis and storage to fatty acid showed a reduction of lipid peroxidation and the inhibition of collagen
oxidation and catabolism, and activation of antiinammatory pathways. gene transcription [78,79]. In addition, T3 supplementation inhibited
TG accumulation in human and mouse hepatoma cells through the
down- and up-regulation of genes involved in lipogenesis and
4.2. Vitamin E
-oxidation, respectively. In particular, T3 reduced Srebp2 and
Apoliprotein B100 enhancing VLDL efux [80]. The uptake of fatty
Vitamin E is the generic name for eight lipophilic isoforms: four
acids in the liver is crucial for the establishment and development of
tocopherols (, , , -Toc) and four tocotrienols (, , , -T3). Toc is
NAFLD. In a recent study, the expression of the fatty acid carrier CD36
present in a variety of foods as vegetable oil and nuts whereas T3-
was reduced by both Toc and atorvastatin [72,81].
containing foods are limited as palm oil and cereal grains [65]. Both
In rats fed with HFD, Vitamin E reduced oxidative stress, protein
Toc and T3 have a chroman ring structure with an isoprene side chain.
nitrosylation and tissue TNF-alpha levels [82]. A 5-week dietary supple-
Toc have a saturated isoprene side chain; conversely, T3 have three
mentation with either - or -Toc in genetically obese Lepob/obmice
unsaturated bonds in the side chain [66]. Although all forms of Vitamin
decreased LPS-triggered lipid peroxidation, inammation and hepatic
E have an antioxidant effect on lipid peroxidation, the most important
damage [83]. Moreover, Vitamin E inhibited hepatic TGF-1 gene
for human health are and -Toc due to their dietary abundance.
expression and protected against liver brosis in rats [84]. The
Despite all the isoforms reach the liver, only -Toc binds -tocopherol
amelioration of steatohepatitis and the reduction in lipid peroxidation
transfer protein that is located in the cytosol of hepatocytes.
were also observed in mice and rats fed with a methionine choline-
Afterwards, it is incorporated into nascent VLDLs and released into
decient diet [85]. Conversely, in Wistar rats fed with methionine
the blood circulation [67]. Since oxidative stress is a major feature of
choline-decient diet supplemented with Vitamin E, despite the
NASH [6870], Vitamin E has been investigated in this condition.
reduction of lipid peroxidation, inltration of inammatory cells, lipid
Clinical trials with Vitamin E supplementation in NASH patients
deposition and brosis were not prevented [67].
yielded promising results. In the PIVENS (Pioglitazone, Vitamin E or
In conclusion, Vitamin E supplementation could be considered a
Placebo for Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis) trial, high-dose Vitamin E
therapeutic tool in NAFLD management. However, the optimal
(800 IU/day) reduced hepatic necroinammation and facilitated
benetrisk ratio has to be determined for the specic individual.
resolution of NASH, as compared to placebo, but there was not an
improvement in brosis score [71]. A combination of atorvastatin,
vitamin C and high-dose Vitamin E for 4 years reduced hepatic 4.3. Vitamin D
steatosis (by 71%) in subjects with NAFLD [72]. In another study, 12
patients with NASH and 10 with NAFLD received 300-mg/day -toc Vitamin D refers to a group of fat-soluble secosteroid hormones
for 1 year. Steatosis, inammation and brosis were improved after which are involved in the regulation of mineral and skeletal
-toc treatment in NASH patient [73]. homeostasis. Vitamin D derives from both dietary sources, such as
Few data are available on the effect of antioxidants/Vit E in oily sh (Vitamin D2) and from dermal synthesis (Vitamin D3). In the
paediatric NAFLD. Diet and physical exercise in biopsy-proven NAFLD skin, ultraviolet radiation converts 7-dehydrocholesterol to pre-
children led to a signicant improvement of liver function and glucose Vitamin D3 and then to Vitamin D3. In the liver, Vitamin D is
metabolism beyond any antioxidant therapy [74]. In the Treatment of metabolized to 25-hydroxyvitamin D [86] or calcidiol. Calcidiol is then
NAFLD in Children trial, Vitamin E improved hepatocellular ballooning transported to the kidney where it is further hydroxylated to the active
and resolved NASH more frequently compared to placebo [75]. form (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) or calcitriol [87]. The production of
However, it should be noted that a meta-analysis of randomized calcitriol is regulated by hormonal cues (such as parathyroid hormone
controlled trials showed that high-dosage Vitamin E is associated with and FGF-19) and serum calcium and phosphate levels [88].
an increase in total mortality, and Vitamin E supplementation has Besides calcium and bone homeostasis, Vitamin D also regulates
been associated with increased risk of haemorrhagic stroke and cell proliferation and differentiation and has immunomodulatory,
P. Dongiovanni et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 29 (2016) 111 5

antiinammatory and antibrotic properties. Evidence showed that juice twice daily for 4 weeks. The consumption of polyphenols-rich
Vitamin D deciency contributes to the development of IR and NAFLD bayberry juice reduced the levels of oxidative (i.e., protein carbonyl
[86]. This is relevant since up to 55% of adolescents in the US were groups), inammatory (i.e., TNF and interleukin-8) and apoptotic
reported to be Vitamin D decient [89]. Obese children are more likely (i.e., tissue polypeptide-specic antigen and cytokeratin-18 fragment
to be sedentary with reduced sunlight exposure, and often they M30) biomarkers in young individuals with NAFLD [108]. Another
consume caloric foods low in vitamin content [90,91]. Moreover, study demonstrated that a Hibiscus sabdariffa L. extract rich in
Vitamin D levels are related to the histological severity of steatosis, polyphenols (1.43% of avonoids, 2.5% anthocyanins (ACNs) and
necroinammation and brosis [87,9295]. 1.7% phenolic acid), administered in capsules, was able to decrease
However, short-term Vitamin D supplementation did not consis- body weight, serum FFAs and improve liver steatosis in overweight
tently improve NAFLD histological features or dyslipidemia in affected subject [109].
subjects [96], while longer-term supplementation was associated with It must be considered that avonoids are a very heterogenic group
reduced inammation and lipid peroxidation [97]. of compounds with numerous benecial effects; indeed, they could
The biological activity of calcitriol is mediated by binding and target different pathways possibly involved in the pathogenesis of
transactivation of the nuclear Vitamin D receptor (VDR) [98,99]. In liver diseases [110]. First of all, avonoids could control de novo
hepatoma cells, VDR directly induces detoxifying enzymes and lipogenesis, inhibiting lipogenic (ACC, SREBP-1, FAS, LXR) and
regulate bile acid homeostasis [100]. Vitamin D could avoid excessive increasing lypolitic enzymes (AMPK, PPAR, CPT-1). Secondly,
inammatory response in hepatic macrophages since these immune avonoids are very effective scavengers since they can protect or
cells express both VDR and 1 hydroxylase [101]. enhance the endogenous antioxidant defense. Lastly, avonoids have
HSCs are the main producers of extracellular matrix components antiinammatory properties inhibiting NFB pathway [110]. In HepG2
playing a pivotal role in liver brosis. VDR is expressed in HSCs and hepatoma cells, polyphenols reduce the activity of hydroxymethilglu-
orchestrates myobroblast trans-differentiation and the brogenic taryl-CoA lyase [111] and the activity of acyl-coenzyme A diacylglyc-
program. VDR ligands inhibit HSC activation by TGF and abrogate erol acyltransferase, which catalizes the nal step in TG synthesis
brotic gene expression, whereas VDR knockout mice spontaneously [112]. In particular, within polyphenols family, quercitin inhibits TAG
develop hepatic brosis. Mechanistic studies revealed that activation accumulation and promote cell proliferation in HepG2, while SOD,
of VDR signalling antagonizes a wide range of TGF/SMAD-dependent GPX and CAT activities are up-regulated [113]. Primary rat hepato-
transcriptional responses on probrotic genes in HSCs, suggesting that cytes treated with phenolic fraction show a down-regulation of ACC
the dynamic VDR/SMAD circuit could represent a possible target for and hydroxymethilglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGCR), regulating cho-
antibrotic therapy [102]. In vivo studies tried to investigate further lesterol synthesis and activities [114]. Caffeic acid addition in HepG2
applications of Vitamin D as therapy in NAFLD. In rodents, Vitamin D cells induces hepatic lipolysis and reduces hepatic lipogenesis up-
signaling was involved in maintaining hepatic lipid homeostasis, and regulating AMPK and PPAR and decreasing ACC, SREBP-1 and FAS
Vitamin D depletion promoted NASH development [103,104]. On the protein expression [115].
other hand, Vitamin D supplementation attenuated HFD-induced Concerning in vivo studies, the investigation of polyphenols
hepatic steatosis in a dose-dependent manner along with improve- properties have been performed using different poliphenols-rich
ment in serum lipid prole, by decreasing lipogenesis and promoting extracts in heterogeneous animal models. In genetically obese db/db
FFAs oxidation [105]. mice, a polyphenol extract reduced the activity of lipogenic enzymes
Although the potential use of Vitamin D in NAFLD has become more involved in de novo fatty acid biosynthesis [116]. Moreover, in mice
intriguing with preclinical model of steatosis, further studies are fed with HFD enriched in polyphenols, the up-regulation of fatty acid
necessary to better clarify the biological activity of Vitamin D and the and TG synthesis-related genes (FAS, SCD1) was reversed [117]. In
clinical impact of supplementation. diet-induced obese C57BL/mice, a polyphenol-rich Rutgers Scarlet
Lettuce improves glucose metabolism, liver lipid accumulation and
4.4. Polyphenols reduced TNF- [118]. In mice with fatty liver, induced by orally
supplementation of high-fat milk, a polyphenol-rich Chrysanthemum
Fruits, vegetable and beverages including fruit juices, wine, tea, morifolium extract decreased lipid accumulation and hepatic PPAR
coffee and chocolate are important sources of bioactive compounds gene expression [119]. In the light of this promising evidence,
such as polyphenols. supplementation of polyphenols may represent a useful approach
Polyphenols are a group of phytochemicals mostly investigated for for the management of patients with NAFLD, but additional research is
their potential role in the prevention and treatment of oxidative stress required to conrm this initial data.
and inammation. Polyphenols are secondary metabolites of plants;
they are characterized by the presence of at least one aromatic ring in 4.4.1. Anthocyanins
their structure, linked to different chemical group as phenolic, ACNs, a subclass of avonoids, have been largely investigated for
hydroxyl or carbon groups. They can be classied based on their their potential protective effect in the prevention and treatment of
source, biological function and chemical structure. different diseases. ACNs are the principal components of the red, blue
Polyphenols are generally subdivided in avonoids and nonavo- and purple pigments of the majority of ower petals, fruits and
noids depending on their chemical structure. Flavonoids are the most vegetables such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries,
abundant in the diet and include avonols (e.g. quercetin and blackcurrants, elderberries, grapes, cranberries, red cabbage, red
kaempferol, avones (e.g., luteolin, apigenin), avan-3-ols (e.g., radishes and spinach. ACNs in plants mainly exist in glycosidic
catechins), avanones (e.g., hesperetin, naringenin), isoavones forms; a total of more than 500 ACNs are known depending on the
(e.g., genistein), anthocyanidins (i.e., cyanidin, malvidin, pelargonidin, hydroxylation, methoxylation patterns on the B ring and glycosylation
delphinidin, peonidin, petunidin) and proanthocyanidins (i.e., con- with different sugar units [120]. The colour of ACNs is pH dependent,
densed tannins). Nonavonoids are represented by stilbenes, phenolic that is, red in acidic and blue in basic conditions, and they are
acids and hydroxycinnamates [106,107]. chemically stable in acidic solutions [107]. To evaluate their benecial
Several in vitro and in vivo studies investigated polyphenols effects on human health, it must be considered that ACNs are rapidly
properties related to NAFLD despite having few clinical evidences of metabolized and their presence in the circulation is limited to a few
the benecial effect in NAFLD treatment. In a randomized, placebo- hours. Despite their low absorption and rapid metabolism, regular
controlled, double-blind trial, participants received 250 ml of bayberry intake of ACNs may ameliorate hyperglycaemia, modulate endothelial
6 P. Dongiovanni et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 29 (2016) 111

function and decrease inammation [121]. Moreover, their role has reducing the biochemical and ultrasonographic changes induced by
been investigated in the prevention of oxidative stress by scavenging NAFLD. These data were in agreement with those obtained by other
reactive oxygen species and free radicals [122] and their role in the authors [136]. Similarly, in a multicenter, double-blind clinical trial,
modulation of lipid metabolism and fat deposition [108,123] in patients with steatosis received silybinin combined with phosphati-
different tissues, including the liver. As we recently reviewed [121], dylcholine and Vitamin E for 12 months. Combined treatment was
ACNs can reduce hepatic lipid accumulation, but their impact on associated with an improvement in liver enzymes, IR and liver
NAFLD has yet to be understood. Until now, only few clinical studies on histology without increase in body weight [137]. In another recent
humans are available, and they diverge for ACNs source, doses and study, the intake of 210-mg/day silymarin orally for 8 weeks
clinical features of patients. Suda et al. showed an effect of ACN intake decreased hepatic enzymes in patients with NASH [138].
(200-mg acylated ACNs from purple sweet potato) in the reduction of Few in vitro studies investigated silibinin properties. In hepatoma
liver enzymes (e.g., gamma-glutamyltransferases) in subjects with cells, silibinin prevented lipid accumulation and resistin induction by
borderline levels of one or more hepatic markers [122]. In a recent fatty acids targeting the insulin signaling pathway [139]. In HSCs
study, NAFLD patients received either puried ACNs (320 mg/d) isolated from human liver, silybin inhibited dose dependently cell
derived from bilberry and black currant or placebo for 12 weeks. proliferation, cell motility and de novo synthesis of extracellular
Individuals receiving ACNs showed a decrease in plasma alanine matrix components. Silibinin was also conrmed to act as a potent
aminotransferase, cytokeratin-18 fragment and myeloperoxidase and antioxidant and antiinammatory agent [140].
an overall improvement of IR [123]. As concern in vivo studies, in obese db/db mice fed with MCD,
Several in vitro studies, performed mainly in HepG2 cells silibinin decreased IR, serum ALT and NAFLD histological activity. This
supplemented with oleic acid and/or palmitic acid, highlighted three was associated with reduced oxidative stress and inammation, due to
different mechanisms of action by which ACNs could prevent the lower isoprostanes, 8-OHG and TNF- expression and restored
progression of liver dysfunction/damage: inhibition of lipogenesis mitochondrial reduced glutathion levels [141]. Again, in obese mice
(i.e., reducing SREBP1c), promotion of lipolysis (i.e., inducing PPAR fed with MCD and in rats fed with HFD, silibinin improved hepatic
activity with activation of AMPK pathway) and reduction of oxidative oxidative and nitrosative stress mediated by iNOS and inammation
stress (i.e., induction of antioxidant enzymes). Mulberry ACNs (0.1, modulating the expression and the activity of lipid metabolic enzymes
0.3, 0.5 mg/ml) supplementation in HepG2 reduced lipogenesis [142]. This resulted in improvement in liver damage. In HFD rats,
(SREBP-1, FAS, ACC and A-FABP), cholesterol biosynthesis (SREBP-2 silibilin ameliorated IR mainly by reducing visceral fat, up-regulating
and HMGCR) and TG biosynthesis and enhanced fatty acid -oxidation lipolysis and inhibiting gluconeogenesis [143].
(PPAR and CPT-1) [124]. Cyanidin 3-O-glucoside reduced cellular These ndings are a rst step in the comprehension of the plausible
lipid concentration in HepG2 cells by rewiring the expression of genes mechanisms of action of silibilinin, but further work is necessary to
involved in lipid metabolic pathway as PPAR [125], whereas in better characterize the possible use of these polyphenolic compounds.
primary mice hepatocytes it decreased intracellular ROS production
acting as free radical scavenger and enhanced PI3K/Akt activation 4.4.3. Resveratrol
[126]. Resveratrol (trans-3,4,5-trihydroxystilbene) is a stilbene occur-
In vivo studies were performed in different experimental models of ring naturally in several plants and provided in the diet by various food
NAFLD and metabolic syndrome and evaluated different outcomes as stuffs such as grapes, berries, red wine and nuts. Evidences have
lipid metabolism, oxidative stress and liver damage. Obese mice shown its health benets, such as improvement of insulin sensitivity
supplemented with 200 mg/kg per day of ACN fraction extracted from and glucose tolerance, reduction of serum lipids and suppression of
purple sweet potato showed a reduced hepatic fat accumulation inammation and oxidative stress. Moreover, resveratrol is able to
associated with a decreased hepatic lipogenesis [127]. Moro juice with modify lipid metabolism and more specically to induce a reduction in
an ACN content of 85 mg/l administered ad libitum to mice prevented liver TG content [144]. Few studies were performed in humans with
fatty liver suppressing LXR- expression and activity [128]. Moreover, conicting results. Recently, patients with NAFLD who received
1 g of puried ACN from bilberry and blackcurrant administered to 1500-mg resveratrol capsule twice daily for 12 weeks had an
mice ameliorated hepatic steatosis, inammation, oxidative stress as improvement of liver enzymes, IR and inammation [145]. Similarly,
well as brosis [129]. ACN-rich bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) extract patients receiving 50-mg resveratrol twice daily for 3 months
was tested in E3Leiden mice fed with high-fat/high-cholesterol diet. associated with lifestyle modication had a higher attenuation of
The ACN extract reduced NASH development, attenuating both inammatory markers and hepatocellular apoptosis compared to
steatosis and inammation, and reduced hepatic brosis. These effects placebo treatment [144]. Conversely, 8 weeks administration of 3000-
were associated with a decreased hepatic free cholesterol accumula- mg resveratrol led to increased liver enzymes in NAFLD patients [146].
tion and cholesterol crystal formation. On the basis of these data, ACN- Few in vitro studies investigated the potential hepatoprotective
rich food could be useful for the prevention of liver diseases as NAFLD, effect of resveratrol. In primary rat hepatocytes, resveratrol supple-
even if additional studies are needed to deeply characterize the mentation (25 mol/l) reduced ACC activity [147]. In a study
molecular mechanism of the different extracts. performed in HepG2 cells exposed to high concentration of glucose,
resveratrol supplementation reduced triacylglycerol accumulation by
4.4.2. Silibinin increasing AMPK activity and down-regulating SREBP-1c and ACC
Silymarin and its major constituent, Silibinin, are avonoid activity [148].
compounds extracted from the medicinal plant Silybum marianum In vivo studies revealed that resveratrol could reduce liver weight
(milk thistle). Extracts have traditionally been used for the treatments and TG content. In mice treated with 22.4-mg resveratrol/kg,
of liver disease [130134]. histological examination revealed a reduced accumulation of large
Only few controlled randomized studies has been conducted in lipid droplets [149]. Recent studies in mice fed with HFD showed that
patients with NAFLD. These studies suggested that silymarin could resveratrol protected the liver from fat accumulation by activating
reduce steatosis severity, liver ballooning and brosis, acting also as Sirt1 [150,151]. Sirt1, a NAD-dependent deacetylase, stimulates the
efcient insulin sensitizer and lowering aminotransferase levels in activity of FOXO1 [152], which may in turn indirectly inhibit SREBP1
both short- and long-term trials [135]. In a study where patients expression [153,154], suggesting that the AMPK/Sirt1 axis could
received Vitamin E, L-gluthatione, L-cysteine, L-methionine and Sily- down-regulate genes of the lipogenic pathways (FAS, ACC) and up-
bum Marianum, it was observed that silymarin was effective in regulate genes of the lypolitic pathway (PPAR, CPT-1). As concern in
P. Dongiovanni et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 29 (2016) 111 7

Omega-3 Minerals
Minerals Omega-3
Polyphenols Vit E
Vit D


Minerals TGs
Polyphenols IL-6
Anthocyanins DNL TNF
Resveratrol Srebp, Fas, Acc IL-1
Vit D and E

FFAs Polyphenols
LDL Anthocyanins
Vit D and E


Fig. 1. Molecular mechanisms explaining the hepatoprotective effect of food bioactives. Development of NAFLD/NASH is induced by different risk factors, such as western-type diet, physical
inactivity and genetic predisposition. In the presence of obesity and IR, there is an increased ux of FFAs to the liver. These FFAs are stored as TG in lipid droplets leading to hepatic fat
accumulation or undergo -oxidation increasing oxidative stress and the inammatory pathway.The damaged hepatocyte leads to a further increase of inammatory signalling (IL-1, TNFa,
IL-6) and the recruitment of circulating and residual macrophages (KCs). All of these mechanisms can directly induce the activation of HSCs, the major cell type involved in extracellular
matrix deposition and liver brosis. The bioactive compounds may exert benecial effects on NAFLD development and progression by inhibiting lipogenesis, -oxidation of FFAs,
inammation and HSCs activation. In the cartoon, we have listed the food bioactives indicating the putative mechanisms by which they may improve liver damage in NAFLD.

the antioxidant activity, in Zucker rats supplemented with two [157]. Since inadequate copper availability may increase lipid
different doses of resveratrol (15 and 45 mg/kg body weight), it was accumulation in the liver, its potential contribution to the develop-
able to reduce oxidative damage in liver measured as hepatic ment of NAFLD has been investigated. Hepatic copper concentrations
thiobarbituric acid and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) levels [153]. were reduced in NAFLD and inversely correlated with steatosis, NASH
In conclusion, recent evidence demonstrated that resveratrol is and IR [157]. Development of hepatic steatosis and IR in response to
effective in decreasing de novo lipogenesis in the liver and it could be dietary copper restriction in rats suggests that copper availability has a
used in the prevention of liver diseases. causal role in the development of NAFLD [157].
Interestingly, fructose feeding exacerbates complications of copper
5. Minerals deciency. In rats, fructose consumption impaired copper status and
precipitated copper deciency possibly inhibiting its absorption
It is generally recognised a progressive decay in the homeostasis of through the intestinal epithelium. Moreover, copper deciency and
trace minerals in patients with NAFLD; this may reect an increased fructose appear to act together to accelerate hepatic fat accumulation
oxidative stress and inammation condition. In particular, minerals and liver damage [156,158]. According with histological ndings,
such as copper, selenium and iron have been investigated for their copper deciency markedly suppressed CPT-1 and up-regulated FAS
possible contribution to the development and treatment of liver expression [158]. In addition, copper deciency also contributed to an
diseases as NAFLD. impaired antioxidant defence system considering that the activity of
Cu/Zn SOD depends on adequate copper availability [159].
5.1. Copper
5.2. Selenium
Copper has a role in antioxidant defence, lipid peroxidation and
mitochondrial function. Copper deciency has been linked to different Selenium deciency could be considered a dietary condition
metabolic disorders as hypercholesterolemia, increased blood pres- correlated with oxidative stress in patients with liver diseases [160].
sure and glucose intolerance both in rodents [155,156] and in humans Selenium levels have been associated with cardiovascular disease, and
8 P. Dongiovanni et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 29 (2016) 111

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investigated. contributed to critical discussion of results. Claudia Lanti performed
Human hepatoblastoma cells supplemented with selenite showed the literature search and contributed to the writing of the paper draft.
a reduced TGF1-induced collagen and IL-8 production and maxi- The authors declare no conict of interest.
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