Perspective: Systems Biology of Metabolism: A Driver For Developing Personalized and Precision Medicine
Perspective: Systems Biology of Metabolism: A Driver For Developing Personalized and Precision Medicine
Perspective: Systems Biology of Metabolism: A Driver For Developing Personalized and Precision Medicine
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Systems biology uses mathematical models to analyze large datasets and simulate system behavior. It
enables integrative analysis of different types of data and can thereby provide new insight into complex
biological systems. Here will be discussed the challenges of using systems medicine for advancing the
development of personalized and precision medicine to treat metabolic diseases like insulin resistance,
obesity, NAFLD, NASH, and cancer. It will be illustrated how the concept of genome-scale metabolic models
can be used for integrative analysis of big data with the objective of identifying novel biomarkers that are
foundational for personalized and precision medicine.
the so-called genome-scale metabolic model (GEM), can be cessed separately before they can be used for integrative analysis.
used as a scaffold for integrative analysis with the objective to Another challenge is that multi-omics data represent varying types
identify novel prognostic biomarkers that can assist in the of information with very different timescales and different dynamic
advancement toward personalized and precision medicine. ranges. Thus, metabolites change with completely different time
constants than mRNAs and proteins, and the level of metabolites
Challenges for Systems Medicine in a cell is determined not only by the enzyme levels, but also by the
Advancing systems medicine faces several challenges: (1) the kinetics of the individual enzymes; by post-translational modifica-
challenge of analyzing large datasets, (2) the difficulties in iden- tion of enzymes, e.g., protein phosphorylation and acetylation;
tifying mechanistic causes for many biomarkers and drug tar- and by metabolite regulation. Furthermore, metabolites circulating
gets, (3) problems with translation from model systems to the in the blood are determined not only by the metabolic activity of the
clinic, and (4) problems with sample heterogeneity. different tissues, but also by the food intake and by the metabolic
The detailed analysis underlying systems medicine results in activity of the human gut microbiota. Similarly, the plasma prote-
generation of very large datasets, generally referred to as big ome is a complex function of the physiological state of the different
data. Even though they are smaller in size than other types of big tissues and cell types in the body. It is therefore challenging to
data generated, e.g., in the financial sector, traffic control, and apply plasma metabolomics or proteomics for diagnosis and to
meteorology, it is challenging to analyze multiple types of omics integrate these data with other omics data, unless one uses a scaf-
data as there is a large variation in data structures and formats. fold that provides a priori information on how the different variables
Thus, a recent analysis demonstrated that with four different are connected.
data types, the resources required for data analysis are larger Metabolism is closely integrated with practically all cellular
than the resources for data generation for only four datasets, processes, and any kind of perturbation in cellular physiology
and the resource requirement for data analysis increases rapidly therefore typically results in an altered metabolic footprint, i.e.,
when more datasets are to be analyzed (Palsson and Zengler, altered uptake or secretion of metabolites from or to the blood.
2010). This is because different data types need to be pre-pro- Plasma metabolomics data therefore have a huge potential for
identification of altered health status. This concept is already metabolic changes associated with disease onset that is not
widely used for monitoring of triacylglycerides and cholesterols caused by genetic dispositions.
in the blood, but analysis of blood chemistry could probably be Another challenge for systems medicine is that even though
used much more widely for diagnosis. However, it is a major there are many good model systems available for studying
challenge to link an altered metabolite profile to onset or pro- different human diseases, the translation to the clinic often fails.
gression of a specific disease. To illustrate the complexity, the This is often ascribed to biological differences between, e.g.,
Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) includes about 42,000 mouse and human, but it may equally well be due to impacts
metabolites (Wishart et al., 2013; A large num- of diet and lifestyle, as well as the presence of much larger var-
ber of these are food metabolites (about 32,500) and drug me- iations in genetics and gut microbiome composition between hu-
tabolites (about 2,500), but still about 4,500 metabolites have man individuals in a clinical trial than in a controlled preclinical
been reported in serum (Psychogios et al., 2011; www.hmdb. study. In the field of cancer, complexity is further added by a
ca). With so many metabolites present in human serum, and large heterogeneity across and within tumors, which even ques-
the large sensitivity of the levels of many of these toward lifestyle tions the traditional histopathological classification of cancers.
differences, in particular diet, it is of course challenging to iden- N-of-1 trials on large cohorts will assist in overcoming some of
tify biomarkers associated with specific diseases solely from these challenges as it will allow the identification of the common-
human serum metabolome analysis. Only few biomarkers have alities across a population in connection with disease develop-
therefore been identified from this kind of analysis, exemplified ment, i.e., which are truly conserved biomarkers and associated
by the identification of elevated levels of branched-chain amino mechanisms, and which are associated with specific genetic dif-
acids as a marker for obesity and diabetes (Newgard et al., 2009; ferences and/or lifestyles. Such studies will therefore assist in the
Zhao et al., 2016). Even though transcriptome analysis of identification of prognostic biomarkers that can be used for strat-
abdominal human fat biopsies, enriched in adipocytes, showed ification and for prognosis of disease development.
that elevated levels of branched-chain amino acids in obese
subjects may be caused by reduced respiratory metabolism in The Central Role of Metabolism in Cellular Physiology
this tissue (Mardinoglu et al., 2014a), there is still lacking a mech- Metabolism plays a central role in living cells, for it provides the
anistic explanation for why these amino acids are such strong energy and building blocks for cellular growth as well as ensuring
biomarkers for obesity and diabetes. More detailed analysis of protection against external stress factors, e.g., xenobiotics and
metabolic alterations in different tissues is required for obtaining oxidative stress. Metabolism has evolved to support function
a mechanistic explanation for this finding, and this will require of the cell and can roughly be divided into three types: (1) central
both large datasets, e.g., transcriptome or proteome data, carbon metabolism, which ensures conversion of carbon and
from different tissues in large cohorts, and detailed models energy sources into free energy, redox power, and precursor
that can be used for integrative analysis of such data. The diffi- metabolites required for biosynthesis; (2) biosynthesis, where
culties with identification of prognostic biomarkers solely using precursors are converted into building blocks like amino acids,
plasma metabolomics are well illustrated by identification of sar- nucleotides, fatty acids, etc. required for cell growth; and (3) sec-
cosine for prostate cancer progression (Sreekumar et al., 2009). ondary and endogenous metabolism, which is typically highly
Later studies could not validate these findings (Jentzmik et al., diverse among cells. Enzymes of the central carbon metabolism
2011; Ankerst et al., 2015), and like many other biomarkers it are the most catalytically efficient but have evolved to generally
has therefore not been translated for clinical use. Through the be smaller than enzymes of other parts of metabolism (Bar-Even
combination of plasma metabolomics with other omics data, it et al., 2011). They are, however, still the most abundant in bacte-
is possible to get a mechanistic explanation for changes in ria, single-cell eukaryal cells like yeast, and human (Liebermeis-
metabolite levels. This has been demonstrated in several studies ter et al., 2014). In microbes, about half of the proteome is allo-
where plasma metabolomics was used for genome-wide associ- cated to metabolism, with about 25% being allocated alone to
ation studies (GWASs). Using GWASs of more than 200 metab- glycolysis, whereas in human this number is lower as a larger
olites in a large cohort of more than 2,000 subjects with a fraction of the proteome is allocated to cytoskeleton proteins,
detailed cardiometabolic phenotyping resulted in identification chaperones, and the spliceosome (Liebermeister et al., 2014).
of inborn mutations in AGXT2, a transaminase, being associated The high catalytic efficiency, small size, and high abundance of
with altered cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels (Rhee et al., enzymes in the central carbon metabolism are consistent with
2013). In a later study on the same cohort, but using more the central role this part of metabolism is playing in ensuring con-
detailed genetic profiling, mutations in several metabolic en- stant provision of energy, primarily in the form of ATP, in handling
zymes were identified to be associated with altered plasma electron flows by balancing the co-factors NADH and NADPH,
metabolite levels (Rhee et al., 2016). GWAS analysis has also and in providing precursors for cellular growth. Thus, the flux
been done with metabolome data from urine samples, and here- through the central carbon metabolism typically exceeds the
by several loci were identified that have also earlier been identi- flux through other metabolic pathways by a factor 10 or more.
fied to be important for clinical outcomes, and this led to the With these multiple roles, the central carbon metabolism has to
identification of several potential metabolite biomarkers that be highly connected with the other parts of metabolism, i.e., in
can be measured in urine (Suhre et al., 2011). These are exam- yeast ATP is used in more than 200 out of about 1,500 metabolic
ples of single genetic differences specifically causing an altered reactions, and metabolism therefore forms a highly connected
enzyme activity, and they are valuable for identification of pa- metabolic network (J.N., unpublished data). This means that a
tients with increased risks for disease development, but GWASs perturbation of almost any part of metabolism results in a global
of plasma metabolome data do not allow for gaining insight into response in which a large number of enzymes have to alter their
Figure 2. Illustration of the Concept of Integrative Data Analysis Using Metabolic Networks
(A) Illustration of how a metabolic map, represented by a genome-scale metabolic model (GEM), can be used for integrative analysis of omics data, e.g.,
transcriptome, proteome, or metabolome data. By overlaying these data on the metabolic map, it is possible to identify reporter metabolites and/or sub-networks
that represent parts of metabolism that have altered activity in response to change, e.g., disease development. A set of reporter metabolites may be connected in
the metabolic network and thereby point to altered activity of non-canonical pathways.
(B) Illustration of how tissue-specific models are a subset of a generic GEM for human metabolism, here illustrated by HMR2.
(C) Example of a reporter sub-network identified in ccRCC using a specific cancer GEM together with transcriptome data from both the cancer tissue and
corresponding healthy kidney tissue. The sub-network involves a large number of reactions in heparan and chondroitin sulfate biosynthesis pointing to altered
levels of metabolism in plasma and urine.
function in order to maintain homeostasis. This explains why Genome-scale Metabolic Models
almost any perturbation of cellular physiology will have a meta- Concept
bolic fingerprint, i.e., changes in a certain part of metabolism, GEMs are comprehensive compilations of all the metabolic reac-
and this may be quite specific. It further means that with the tions that take place in a particular cell, tissue, organ, or organism
high degree of connectivity in metabolism, it is difficult to analyze (OBrien et al., 2015). Each reaction is associated with one or more
changes in metabolism without the use of mathematical models. enzymes and encoded by specific genes; thus, a direct gene-pro-
I therefore hypothesize that any disease onset will result in a shift tein-reaction connection can be established. This is an important
in the metabolic homeostasis in the body, and such shifts can feature of GEMs as it allows for overlaying omics-type data, e.g.,
possibly be detected through metabolome analysis of plasma. transcriptome or proteome data, and thereby identifying co-regu-
These changes may be very small, in particular at the early stage lated sub-networks in metabolism (Figure 2A) (Patil and Nielsen,
of disease onset, and therefore difficult to detect unless a tar- 2005). These co-regulated sub-networks, or reporter metabolites,
geted approach is applied. This has to follow a hypothesis gener- point to parts of the metabolism that need to have altered expres-
ated from analysis of, e.g., transcriptome or proteome data from sion in order to maintain cellular homeostasis. Often these co-
tissues associated with the disease combined with integrative regulated sub-networks are not directly associated with the parts
analysis. As will be discussed below, GEMs represent an excel- of metabolism that are affected (Patil and Nielsen, 2005). Thus, if
lent scaffold for this kind of analysis. cells are exposed to oxidative stress there may be alterations
not only in glutathione metabolism that is directly engaged in basis for the elevated levels of these metabolites in plasma
coping with the oxidative stress, but also in more distant parts of in obese subjects or those with T2D. Other tissue-specific
metabolism, e.g., the pentose phosphate pathway, ensuring GEMs have also been reconstructed computationally using
regeneration of NADPH used in glutathione metabolism. data from tissue-specific gene expression values (Shlomi et al.,
Through specification of the stoichiometry of the different re- 2008) or from data from the Human Protein Atlas (HPA) (www.
actions in a metabolic network, GEMs can be used for simulation (Agren et al., 2012, 2014). HPA data are partic-
of metabolic functions using the concept of flux balance analysis ularly well suited for the generation of cell-type-specific GEMs,
(OBrien et al., 2015). This concept assumes that all fluxes into for immunohistochemistry has been used for identifying the
a metabolite pool equal all fluxes out of the pool. Of course, presence of proteins in 80 different human cell types, and cell-
perturbations of metabolism will result in deviations from this type-specific models can therefore be generated. These models
steady-state condition, but the flux through most metabolite allow for direct analysis of the metabolism of different cell types
pools is so high that the pool turnover is on the order of seconds present in tissues, and thereby enable better understanding of
or minutes (depending on the part of metabolism), meaning the mechanisms underlying changes in overall tissue meta-
that a deviation from flux balancing will be resolved in just a bolism. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) has recently been shown
few seconds/minutes by the resulting rapid change in metabolite to provide much new insight into biological differences between
levels. Flux balance analysis imposes a large number of different human tissues, and using this kind of data 32 tissue-
constraints on the fluxes and thereby allows for calculation of specific GEMs were generated (Uhlen et al., 2015). Human
fluxes through different parts of the metabolism based on mea- GEMs have also been used for the identification of novel
surements of a few exchange fluxes, e.g., fluxes of nutrient up- drug targets for cancer treatment (Folger et al., 2011), as thor-
take, but as the degrees of freedom in these models is quite oughly reviewed elsewhere (Yizhak et al., 2015), and recently
large, all fluxes cannot be uniquely determined (Mardinoglu illustrated for argininosuccinate synthase (ASS1)-deficient tu-
and Nielsen, 2015). Recently it has, however, been shown that mors (Rabinovich et al., 2015). These tumors have elevated
by incorporating kinetic information into GEMs, together with a levels of aspartate, which is beneficial for de novo pyrimidine
constraint on proteome usage for metabolic enzymes, it is biosynthesis, and it is therefore important to block this part of
possible to improve the predictive strength of GEMs significantly metabolism in ASS1-deficient tumors. As mentioned above,
(Thiele et al., 2012; Nilsson and Nielsen, 2016) and thereby cancer cells are extremely heterogeneous, and using proteomics
describe overflow metabolism to lactate in cancer cells (Shlomi data from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tumors, personalized
et al., 2011). GEMs were generated for six individuals with HCC (Agren et al.,
Human GEMs 2014). HCC metabolism was indeed found to be quite different in
In 2007, the two first GEMs for human metabolism were recon- the six individuals, but by using the GEMs it was possible to iden-
structed (Ma et al., 2007; Duarte et al., 2007), and these models tify anti-metabolites that block cell growth in all six tumors. One
formed the basis for Recon2, a much expanded model with of these targets was the carnitine carrier system, which is
broader coverage of metabolism (Thiele et al., 2013). In connec- responsible for the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria
tion with building tissue-specific GEMs, more details in lipid for b-oxidation and thereby ensures sufficient energy generation
metabolism had to be incorporated and this resulted in Human for the cancer cells. Using HepG2 cells, a cell line derived from
Metabolic Reaction (HMR2) (Agren et al., 2014), which is HCC tumors, this target was validated and shown to prevent
currently the most comprehensive GEM for human cells, cell proliferation (Agren et al., 2014). Considering the large het-
covering 3,765 genes, 8,181 reactions, and 6,007 metabolites. erogeneity in the six tumors, it is, however, very likely that this
HMR2 has been used as a basis for reconstruction of detailed identified drug target may not constitute an effective treatment
models for different human cell types, which become sub-sets across larger cohorts, clearly pointing to the need for a more
of HMR2 (Figure 2B). Cell-type-specific GEMs have been recon- personalized approach to cancer treatment. GEMs were also
structed for adipocytes (Mardinoglu et al., 2013), hepatocytes used to contextualize gene expression changes independently
(Mardinoglu et al., 2014b), and myocytes (Va remo et al., 2015). associated with distinct cancer mutations and revealed a trans-
The adipocyte model was used for integrative analysis with the versal metabolic signature revolving around arachidonic acid
objective of gaining insight into metabolic reprogramming in and xenobiotic metabolism (Gatto et al., 2016a). This finding
abdominal fat tissues in response to obesity, and it was found may be important as it could lead to the identification of a treat-
that respiratory metabolism was significantly reduced in obese ment strategy that can be used for several cancer types.
subjects. At the same time, catabolism of branched-chain amino Identification of Metabolite Biomarkers
acids (valine, leucine, and isoleucine) was found to be attenuated GEMs have in several cases demonstrated their power for iden-
(Mardinoglu et al., 2014a), which can explain the elevated levels tification of biomarkers that have subsequently been validated
of these metabolites in plasma (Newgard et al., 2009). The adipo- from plasma metabolomics. Using a hepatocyte GEM, it was
cyte model was also used to illustrate that attenuated respiration possible to study metabolic reprogramming in response to
caused problems with oxidation of accumulated triacylglycerols development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (Mardi-
and therefore resulted in reduced dynamics of lipid bodies in noglu et al., 2014b). From this analysis, it was found that patients
obese subjects (Mardinoglu et al., 2013). The myocyte model developing non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) had a signifi-
was similarly used to identify co-regulated networks in meta- cant decreased expression of genes encoding for enzymes in
bolism in response to type 2 diabetes (T2D), and for muscle tis- serine and glycine biosynthesis, which can explain observation
sue attenuated catabolism of branched-chain amino acids was of elevated levels of plasma homocysteine (Gulsen et al., 2005)
remo et al., 2015), further pointing to a mechanistic
identified (Va and decreased levels of phosphatidylserine in the liver of
NASH patients (Gorden et al., 2011). This finding was validated in ongoing and planned N-of-1 clinical trials, it is important to
a follow-up study in which it was shown that NASH patients have further expand and include more subjects and also expand the
reduced levels of serine and glycine in the plasma, pointing to scope of some of these studies to ensure that very detailed
serine deficiency in these patients (Mardinoglu et al., 2016). phenotypic characterization of the individuals is performed. As
Moreover, serine supplementation could improve the health sta- discussed, GEMs offer much in terms of integrative analysis,
tus of such patients. This study gives a very strong indication that and through further expansion of the models with description
serine and glycine levels in plasma can be used as a non-invasive of protein synthesis and other cellular processes, the scope of
biomarker for NASH development in patients with a fatty liver. these models will expand and allow for simulating the impact
HMR2 has also been used to find a very strong prognostic of many key cellular processes underlying human diseases,
biomarker for clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). This was e.g., oxidative stress and protein mis-folding stress. Other
identified from a study that initially evaluated metabolic reprog- computational approaches should, however, also be consid-
ramming in eight different cancers using RNA-seq data from ered. Recent development in machine learning, with emphasis
the Cancer Genome Atlas (TGCA) database (Gatto et al., on deep learning (Angermueller et al., 2016), has shown to be
2014). From this analysis, ccRCC was found to have a unique powerful for analyzing large datasets and holds promise to adapt
metabolic reprograming, distinctive from the other epithelial can- to problems in computational biology that may in the future
cers. This was, in turn, associated with repression of metabolic assist with diagnostics in the clinic. This was excellently illus-
functions in several different parts of metabolism, e.g., nucleo- trated in a large dietary N-of-1 clinical study that was carried
tide metabolism, which makes the tumor more vulnerable out with the objective of enabling personalized dietary advice
against inhibition of specific enzymatic functions according to (Zeevi et al., 2015). Using a very large dataset, involving an
experimentally validated GEM-based simulations (Gatto et al., 800-person cohort with measured responses to more than
2015). More importantly, the integrative data analysis also iden- 45,000 meals, a machine-learning algorithm was generated by
tified a strong de-regulation of heparan and chondroitin sulfate integrating blood chemistry, dietary habits, and gut microbiota
biosynthesis, and subsequent quantification of these metabo- composition. Using the algorithm, it was possible to successfully
lites in the plasma and urine of patients with metastatic ccRCC predict glycemic responses in a 100-person follow-up cohort,
resulted in identification of a systems biomarker that is deter- demonstrating that this algorithm can be used for personalized
mined by altered levels of several of these metabolites (Gatto nutritional advice. Even though machine-learning algorithms
et al., 2016b). This systems biomarker was further found to cannot directly provide mechanistic insight, these algorithms still
have prognostic value; it can predict the aggressiveness of the allow for providing clear connectivity between a very large num-
tumor and thereby survival rate of ccRCC patients (Gatto et al., ber of variables, and these can then be used for follow-up studies
2016c), and it is now being brought to the clinic for evaluation with the objective of identifying the underlying mechanisms.
of its diagnostic and predictive capabilities for the treatment The above-mentioned study, like many other N-of-1 clinical tri-
of ccRCC. als, included analysis of the gut microbiota, as this has been
Finally, a recent study used HMR2 in combination with a bio- shown to have a large impact on overall human metabolism
logical network derived from protein-protein interactions for (Karlsson et al., 2013a; Arora and Ba ckhed, 2016; Wu et al.,
analysis of transcriptome and proteome data for insulin-resistant 2015). However, even though clear correlations have been iden-
patients and matched controls (Lee et al., 2016). This resulted in tified between the gut microbiota and many different human dis-
the identification of mannose metabolism to be significantly eases, e.g., T2D (Karlsson et al., 2013b), most of these studies
altered in insulin-resistant patients, and subsequent analysis of are only correlative and no causal effects have been identified.
metabolomics from more than 1,000 subjects could validate Here mathematical modeling can assist in gaining insight into
mannose as a novel biomarker for insulin resistance (Lee the interaction between the many different species and their
et al., 2016). host (Heinken and Thiele, 2015). The gut microbiota represents
The above-mentioned studies are all examples of how sys- a very complex ecosystem with a large number of species that
tems biology analysis of specific human tissues resulted in the express different metabolic phenotypes. GEMs are well suited
identification of changes in specific parts of the metabolic for modeling of this kind of ecosystem: models for individual spe-
network, and these changes resulted in altered plasma metabo- cies can capture the overall metabolism of each species, and
lite levels. It would have been difficult to identify these bio- various algorithms can then be used for simulation of their inter-
markers without a directed search, but based on identified and actions (Shoaie et al., 2013). Hereby it has been demonstrated
statistically significant alterations in the metabolic networks, a that it is possible to simulate how the human gut microbiota is
hypothesis could be generated about certain metabolites being impacted by diet and how it impacts plasma chemistry, including
likely biomarkers, and from targeted metabolomics these could the level of many amino acids (Shoaie et al., 2015). Even though
thereafter be validated. The strength of this approach is that this last study only considered the five most dominant species in
not only are novel biomarkers identified, but a mechanistic the gut microbiota, it clearly demonstrates that it is becoming
explanation for their function is directly provided. possible to simulate how this complex ecosystem is impacted
by diet and how it interacts with host metabolism. By adding
Perspectives more models, it will become possible to simulate not only the
There are some challenges for advancing systems medicine, impact of diet on the gut microbiome development but also
but these basically condense into developing better methods how the gut microbiome should be modulated, e.g., through
for integrative analysis of data and the establishment of N-of-1 addition of new probiotics, in order to attain properties associ-
clinical trials with large cohorts. Even though there are several ated with healthy subjects. Here a recent study describing 773
GEMs for gut symbionts provides a valuable resource for ex- Gatto, F., Schulze, A., and Nielsen, J. (2016a). Systematic analysis reveals that
cancer mutations converge on deregulated metabolism of arachidonate and
panding our description of the gut microbiota metabolism xenobiotics. Cell Rep. 16, 878895.
(Magnusdottir et al., 2017). Hereby it may also become possible
to use probiotics as combination treatment with drugs that are Gatto, F., Volpi, N., Nilsson, H., Nookaew, I., Maruzzo, M., Roma, A., Johans-
son, M.E., Stierner, U., Lundstam, S., Basso, U., and Nielsen, J. (2016b).
impacted by the gut microbiota composition, as identified for Glycosaminoglycan profiling in patients plasma and urine predicts the occur-
some anti-cancer drugs (Vetizou et al., 2015; Sivan et al., 2015). rence of metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Cell Rep. 15, 18221836.
From the above, it is clear that systems biology can lead to Gatto, F., Maruzzo, M., Magro, C., Basso, U., and Nielsen, J. (2016c). Prog-
identification of novel biomarkers and drug targets, and at the nostic value of plasma and urine glycosaminoglycan scores in clear cell renal
same time provide a mechanistic explanation for why they can cell carcinoma. Front. Oncol. 6, 253.
be used for diagnosis and in development of effective treatment Gibbs, W.W. (2014). Medicine gets up close and personal. Nature 506,
strategies. However, much more data are needed in order to 144145.
develop strong biomarkers that are personalized and allow for Gorden, D.L., Ivanova, P.T., Myers, D.S., McIntyre, J.O., VanSaun, M.N.,
precise detection of disease onset. GEMs represent an excellent Wright, J.K., Matrisian, L.M., and Brown, H.A. (2011). Increased diacylglycer-
scaffold for analysis of this kind of data, and a particular strength ols characterize hepatic lipid changes in progression of human nonalcoholic
fatty liver disease; comparison to a murine model. PLoS ONE 6, e22775.
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can be expanded with more biological knowledge and thereby Gulsen, M., Yesilova, Z., Bagci, S., Uygun, A., Ozcan, A., Ercin, C.N., Erdil, A.,
acquire increasing predictive strength. I am therefore confident Sanisoglu, S.Y., Cakir, E., Ates, Y., et al. (2005). Elevated plasma homocyste-
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that together with big data obtained from large N-of-1 clinical holic fatty liver disease. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 20, 14481455.
studies, GEMs will contribute significantly to the advancement
Heinken, A., and Thiele, I. (2015). Systematic prediction of health-relevant
of personalized and precision medicine in the next 510 years. human-microbial co-metabolism through a computational framework. Gut
Microbes 6, 120130.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Hood, L. (2013). Systems biology and p4 medicine: past, present, and future.
Rambam Maimonides Med. J. 4, e0012.
I would like to acknowledge valuable discussions with Adil Mardinoglu, Fran-
cesco Gatto, and Jon Robinson. I also thank Francesco Gatto with assistance Hood, L., and Friend, S.H. (2011). Predictive, personalized, preventive, partic-
in drafting the figures. I acknowledge funding to my lab from Knut and Alice ipatory (P4) cancer medicine. Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol. 8, 184187.
Wallenberg Foundation, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, Vetenskapsradet, Bill
Hood, L., and Price, N.D. (2014). Demystifying disease, democratizing health
& Melinda Gates Foundation, FORMAS, and the Swedish Foundation for Stra-
care. Sci. Transl. Med. 6, 225ed5.
tegic Research.
Jentzmik, F., Stephan, C., Lein, M., Miller, K., Kamlage, B., Bethan, B., Kris-
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