Importance of Vocabulary...
Importance of Vocabulary...
Importance of Vocabulary...
Birjees Fatima1,
Intakhab Alam Khan2i
1English language Instructor, ELC, Jazan University, KSA
2King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
This paper focuses on the role of vocabulary in second language learning with reference
to the teaching of English language to learners at tertiary level in Saudi Arabia. As we
are well aware that English language is the demand of the contemporary times, a large
number of people around the world are rather bound to learn English for different
reasons. The learning of any second language hugely relies on vocabulary. Keeping the
relevance of English in view, the Saudi government implemented English language
courses in almost all the levels and domains of education. Therefore, it is expected from
the language instructors that they will provide an environment within the classrooms in
which learners can acquire the targeted language easily. Therefore, this paper also
explores the perception and role of English teachers in the attainment process of
Vocabulary learning goals in English language classrooms. The study is exploratory in
nature, and it utilizes qualitative analysis. The finding will lead to improvement on the
curriculum design, contents selection and teaching styles.
1. Introduction
the most crucial element of a language that can be utilized for appropriate
communication at different levels. On the other hand, L2 learning is the ultimate target
for academic, professional and technical purposes.
It is quite known that words play a crucial role in an individuals language
proficiency in both his and her first, second or even foreign language. With reference to
teaching English language at all the academic levels in Saudi Arabia, its indeed
important for an instructor to make learners familiar with the actual meanings of the
target words, and it is only possible if the teacher is well equipped with the latest
technology and techniques of teaching. In order to communicate the target meaning,
and achieve the target of expression, a teacher uses various approaches (even
bilingualism) to interact with people.
Research has shown that second language readers rely heavily on vocabulary knowledge
because lack of the knowledge of words and their uses is one of the main obstacle for L2
(Huckin, T. & Bloch, J. (1993).
With the reference of English language learning, it is not wrong to say that in most of
the lessons, vocabulary is almost ignored by instructors. They focus on four skills of
English language and grammar, instead of developing learners vocabulary, although
vocabulary is a part of each lesson. It is almost impossible to learn a language without
words; even communication between human beings is based on words. The teachers
and students should keep in their minds that four skills of English language depend on
vocabulary. It is one of the most important components of language. Zhang and Anual
(2008) and Anderson and Freebody (1981) found that there is a significant and strong
relationship between foreign language learning and vocabulary knowledge. Therefore,
if learners read more, they will enhance their vocabulary knowledge. Vocabulary
learning not only develops learners spelling but also their writing proficiency.
According to Harmer (2007) the learners will face difficulties in recognizing the content
if they do not have sufficient vocabulary knowledge. A large vocabulary of course
provides more opportunities to learners in the field of language to express them well.
Regarding the crucial role of reading skill in the learning of vocabulary, Horst
(2005) opines that one of the main sources of new vocabulary is reading of English texts.
Reading plays a key role in increasing learners vocabulary, and that is according to
comparisons of large corpora which showed that written texts are richer in lexis than spoken
ones.It has been suggested that vocabulary learning and reading if occur simultaneously will
create a pedagogically efficient approach (Huckin & Coady (1999). The activity would
facilitate learners achieve autonomy, motivation and interest by providing them
contextual vocabulary. (Thornbury, 2002).
Vocabulary has roughly been divided into two types: active and passive vocabulary.
Harmer (1991) differentiates between these two types of vocabulary. The first type of
vocabulary is one that the students have learnt and that they use in day to day life. On
the other hand, the second one refers to the words which the students will recognize
when they meet them, but which they will probably not be able to pronounce. Haycraft,
quoted by Hatch and Brown (1995) indicated two kinds of vocabulary: receptive
vocabulary and productive vocabulary. This category includes active and passive types
also to a great extent.
Gunning (2003, p. 236) suggests that a certain amount of time be set aside each week for
vocabulary instruction, and contends that a planned approach ensures that vocabulary
instruction is given the attention it deserves. Important words and techniques for
learning words are taught systematically and in depth. Vacca et al. (2003, p. 308)
stresses on the need that teachers provide explicit and direct vocabulary instruction for
all students Vocabulary is the tip of the iceberg: Words reflect concepts and content that
students need to know.
2.3.2 Dialogue
This strategy assists the learners to grasp new words with great confidence. The art of
dialogue delivery inspires the learners to enhance their vocabulary in different
languages. Boudreault (2010) claims, As an English teacher, I have often been amazed at
how effective drama is to capture the attention of the students in the ESL/EFL classroom. Easy
European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 Issue 6 2017 506
Birjees Fatima, Intakhab Alam Khan
dialogues can be incorporated in dramas and plays to enrich collection of active words. Haley
& Duff (1978) categorically mentioned some of the benefits of drama for vocabulary
learning include: integration of language skills in a natural way, verbal and non-verbal
aspects of communication and cognitive and affective domains.
2.3.4 Dictation
Though many teachers dont usually practice dictation strategies in classroom due to
many reasons, it can prove to be an outstanding measure towards facilitation thinking,
writing ns memorizing through dictation.
Google image*
Differentiated approaches have always been followed due to the reason that teachers
and pedagogues believe in different theories: intelligence, individual difference,
learning, teaching, personality etc. Based on the same principle and approach, recently,
the concept of Differentiated instruction emerged as a principle of teaching leading to
appropriate teaching strategies.
3.1. Participants
For this study, 50 English teachers in KSA filled in the questionnaire asking them to
give their feedback on the importance of vocabulary and its teaching in Saudi
3.2. Instruments
A self-developed questionnaire was used to elicit data from experienced teachers of
English working in different parts of KSA.
The questionnaire consisted of 16 items (15 statement based and open ended).
11. 86% teachers confirm that the level of students within the group is varied despite
placement testing.
12. 84% agreed on the point that the students consult words in a bilingual
13. 74% respondents confirm that the students sometimes failed to guess the
meaning from context.
14. 72% teachers feel that the students must learn lots of new words to improve their
15. One to one teaching is helpful but hard to practice, affirm 64% teachers from the
Item 2: Data show that 39/50(78%) teachers stress that vocabulary is extremely important in the
process of second/foreign language learning
Item 4: Responses show that 82% teachers feel that teaching of vocabulary only ensures
teaching of reading as a whole. This confirms the role of vocabulary
Item 7: Data show that vocabulary can be better learnt if the learners practice reading and
writing to a great extent
Item 9: Data reveal that 82% teachers are in agreement with the idea that teaching should be
based on the level of the students.
5.1. Findings
Some of the important findings are: vocabulary is the most important aspect of
language learning. In other words, it is the key to start with. Though reading is the most
important skill for EFL students to begin with learning skills, it becomes a failure unless
one learns vocabulary. It can also be said that if vocabulary is properly learnt, one can
attain the overall goals of learning a language. Vocabulary enriches all other aspects of
language and skills, however, learning of vocabulary is also negatively affected by lack
of reading and listening. It was also found that one can teach vocabulary in many ways
using strategies and innovative methods, but it is not an easy task due to work
pressure, syllabus coverage etc.
5.2. Conclusions
Based on the findings, it can be concluded that vocabulary teaching is quite crucial
because it is related to almost all the skills and aspects of the target language. There are
many factors that negatively affect the learning process, and vocabulary is one of them.
It has also been found that vocabulary learning is not achieved due to the lack of
practice in reading and listening. Levels of difficulties in vocabulary may fifer from
students to students, so a differentiated approach/instruction is important to tackle such
issue when persist.
5.3. Recommendations
Important recommendations are:
1. Due emphasis should be laid on the teaching/learning of vocabulary,
2. One should identify the areas and causes of such difficulties,
3. Teachers must develop innovative approach especially differentiated instruction
to cater to the need of the learners who dont maintain the pace of normal
Dr. Intakhab Alam Khan (M.A. in English, B. Ed, M. Ed, M. Phil, PhD and D. Lit (Hon)
is currently associated with King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia. He has
almost 24 years of experience in teaching/training/research at various universities. An
author of a dozen of academic and research books, and around 70 papers in different
national/international online and print journals, Dr. Khan has taught
General/medical/health/business English in Saudi Arabia. His presentations at
international conferences have already been published in ISI indexed proceedings. He is
13. Nation, I. S. P. (1990).Teaching and learning vocabulary. Boston, Mass.: Heinle &
Heinle Publishers. Nation, P. (Ed.). (1994). New ways in teaching vocabulary.
Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
14. Nation, I. S. P. (2001).Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
15. Norwood, NJ: Ablex. Huckin, T., &Coady, J. (1999). Incidental vocabulary
acquisition in a second language. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 21,
16. Read, J. (2000). Assessing vocabulary. United Kingdom: Cambridge University
Press. Reed, D. K. (2012).Why teach spelling? Portsmouth, NH: RMC Research
Corporation, Center on Instruction.
17. Thorburry, S. (2002).How to teach vocabulary. England: Pearson Education
Limited. Ur, P., (1998). A course in language teaching. Cambridge University
18. Wilkins, D.(1972) Linguistics in language teaching (1972),Edward Arnold,
19. Zhang, L. J., & Anual, S. B. (2008). The Role of Vocabulary in Reading
Comprehension The Case of Secondary School Students Learning English in
Singapore. RELC Journal, 39(1), 51-76.
Appendix A
Teachers opinion about the importance of vocabulary
S.N. Statements Agree Undecided Disagree
1 Vocabulary is the most important aspect of language learning.
2 Language learning relies mainly on vocabulary only.
3 Vocabulary is key to learning grammar, meaning, sound and
over all expression.
4 If we teach vocabulary, we teach reading.
5 Teaching vocabulary is teaching language itself.
6 Contextual vocabulary is the ultimate target of language
7 Students lack vocabulary due to lack of reading and listening.
8 Teaching in a different way leads to lack of syllabus coverage.
9 There is a need to teach students based on their levels.
10 Most students dont understand the majority of the words while
reading texts or listening.
11 The level of students within the group is varied despite
placement testing.
12 I study the word in a bilingual dictionary.
13 The students sometimes failed to guess the meaning from
14 I believe I must learn lots of new words to improve my English.
15 One to one teaching is helpful but hard to practice.
16 Any other comments you want to add: