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Aging of Pentaerythritol
Tetranitrate (PETN)

M. F. Foltz

July 27, 2009


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Aging of Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate (PETN)

1) Key Points 2
2) What is Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate (PETN)? 3
3) What is Known About the Stability of PETN 5
a) Particle Size/Morphology 5
b) Thermal Decomposition 7
c) Moisture 10
d) Phase Transitions 10
e) Crystal Structure 11
f) Purity 11
g) Occlusions 12
h) Chemical Incompatibility 13
i) Biological Activity 14
4) Drivers That Affect Stability 15
a) Temperature 15
b) Radiation 16
c) Stress 18
d) Residual Solvents 19
e) Impurities 19
5) Processes That Are Involved in Change 20
a) Sublimation and Recrystallization 20
b) Surface Diffusion 21
6) How Change is Assessed 21
a) Threshold Test Fire 22
b) Particle Size Distribution 23
c) Specific Surface Area (So) 24
d) Thermal Analysis 24
e) Chemical Analysis 25
f) Powder Compact Specific Surface Area and Density 25
7) Factors Relevant to Stabilizing Particle Size Growth 26
a) Crystal Morphology, Particle Size Distribution and
Powder Surface Area 26
b) Crystal Density and Internal Defects 27
c) Powder Compact Density and Density Gradients 27
8) How PETN Powder Surface Area Can Be Stabilized 29
a) Additives 29
b) Surface Agent Treatment 29
c) Heat Treatment 30
9) Acknowledgements 30
10) Acronyms 31
11) References 34

Page 1
Aging of Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate (PETN)

1) Key Points
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) is a relatively sensitive explosive used in many
electroexplosive devices as well as in medicine. Of primary interest to LLNL is its use in
items such as exploding bridgewire (EBW) detonators and exploding bridge foil initiators
(EFI). In these devices the crystalline powder is pressed into a granular, low-density
compact that can be initiated by an exploding wire or foil. The long-term stability of this
pressed compact is of interest to weapon stockpile lifetime prediction studies. Key points
about potential aging mechanisms can be summarized as follows:
There are a number of factors that can contribute to PETN instability. These
include particle size, polymorphic phase transitions, crystal structure,
impurities, moisture, occlusions, chemical incompatibility and biological
(microorganism) action. Of these factors the most important for long-term
aging of high surface area powders used in detonators appears to be that of
particle size growth.
There is a great deal of literature on the thermal degradation kinetics of PETN,
unfortunately much of it with little bearing on ambient temperature aging
during long-term storage. PETN is very stable with respect to thermal
decomposition. Low-temperature thermal studies have not revealed evidence
of chemical degradation products in archived PETN. Data extrapolated to
30C predicts a half-life of 12 million years.
Moisture seems to lower the activation energy for and accelerate the
decomposition of PETN.
External drivers affecting stability include temperature, moisture, radiation
fields, and stress, while internal drivers include residual solvents, and
impurities. Temperature affects kinetic processes of crystal growth such as
adsorption, desorption, and diffusion rates of molecules on the surface of
PETN crystals. A low-level radiation field may induce unexpected changes in
the chemical makeup of PETN and its homologue impurities. Stress at high
pressure points caused by crystalline surface irregularities may cause a
decrease in surface area over time due to smoothing of contact points and
sintering. PETN has been found to contain a number of impurities, including
homologues, pentaerythryl ethers with a mixture of hydroxyl and nitrate
functional groups, and organic salts, that can alter its physical and chemical
The processes of sublimation/recrystallization and surface diffusion are
important processes that can cause changes in PETN crystal morphology,
particle size distribution and specific surface area. Sublimation feeds a process
called Ostwald ripening, which involves the spontaneous growth of larger
crystals from those of smaller size. This process proceeds with age regardless
of storage conditions unless the crystals are treated to retard growth. The

Page 2
coarsening mechanisms include Ostwald ripening, sintering, and surface
diffusion. The latter has not been experimentally observed, but a molecular
modeling approach has attempted to investigate this phenomenon
Threshold test fire, particle size distribution, specific surface area, thermal
analysis, chemical analysis, powder compact specific surface area and density
are approaches that have been used in the attempt to assess changes
attributable to aging of PETN, with varying results. The biggest problem lies
in the aging mechanism itself, which likely influences small changes in
morphology, both internal and external, and particle size distribution changes
on a scale too small to reliably monitor. Other aspects, such as subtle changes
in density profiles within pressed powder compacts, may be beyond the
capability of current technology to assess. Crystal growth significant enough
to affect the PETN particle size distribution is expected to impact detonator
Factors relevant to stabilizing particle size growth include crystal morphology,
powder surface area and particle size distribution; crystal density and internal
defects; and powder compact density and density gradients.
Several methods have been tried to stabilize the specific surface area of PETN
powders against crystal growth: additives, coatings, and heat treatment. Examples of
additives are naturally occurring levels or doped quantities of homologues such as
dipentaerythritol hexanitrate (DiPEHN) and tripentaerythritol octanitrate (TriPEON). The
mechanisms by which additives and heat treatment work are not understood. The
following sections are designed to familiarize the reader with some of the available
unclassified literature on topics related to aging of the type of PETN typically used in
detonators, specifically long-term storage issues. They do not necessarily reflect aging
processes of PETN used in plastic bonded explosives (PBXs), which also involve
interactions between the explosive and the binder. Note that the section on biological
action is included for a sense of completeness since the literature widely explores both in
vitro and in vivo biodegradation pathways of PETN.
2) What is Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate (PETN)?
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate [PETN; C(CH2ONO2)4] also known as corpent,
pentrite, pentaerythrityl tetranitrate, or rarely and primarily in German as nitropenta or
pentrit, shown in Figure 1, is a very stable, powerful and brisant high explosive (HE)
commonly used in many electroexplosive devices. It is also used in medicine for the
treatment of cardiovascular-related disorders. It is an organic nitrate ester in the same
family of high explosives (i.e. the nitric acid esters of polyalcohols) as nitrocellulose
(NC), nitroglycerin (NG), and ethylene glycol dinitrate (EGDN) to name a few. Its used
as pressed powder compacts or with small amounts of desensitizing additives when used
as boosters and fillings for small caliber projectiles. The principal uses of PETN are in
the explosive core of industrial detonating fuses, in the base charge of commercial
blasting caps, in industrial boosters, in linear shaped charges, and in commercial and
military detonators.

Page 3
Figure 1. PETN molecule
PETN is used throughout the U.S. stockpile as an energetic material. Of interest is
its use in items such as exploding bridgewire (EBW) detonators and exploding bridge foil
initiators (EFI)1. [Varosh 1996] In these devices the crystalline powder is pressed into a
granular, low-density compact that can be initiated by an exploding wire or foil
respectively. This pellet in turn initiates either a second high-density PETN pressing or a
plastic bonded explosive (PBX) pellet that in turn can initiate either a booster or main
charge explosive. The long-term stability of the low-density pressed compact or pellet 2 is
of interest to stockpile lifetime prediction studies as the weapons age over time.
PETN is prepared by nitration of pentaerythritol with concentrated nitric acid
(98%+), as the standard mixed acid method can create unstable sulfonated by-products.
Since PETN is only slightly soluble in nitric acid it precipitates out at the end of nitration.
The precipitate is then filtered, washed with water, neutralized and recrystallized from
acetone. In some processes the nitric acid is diluted with water after nitration to keep
some impurities in solution. [Kaye 1978] It forms colorless crystals that have a melting
point around 141C. The U.S. military specification governing chemical and physical
requirements for PETN is MIL-P-387C. Classification 4 is for use in blasting caps and
detonators. [Military Specification 1976]
A second recrystallization precipitation is often carried out as a particle -size
adjustment process to produce a powder with a desired specific surface area. The process
of making high specific surface area 3 (So = 10,000-20,000 cm2/g) powder involves shock
recrystallization. PETN is dissolved in acetone in a ratio of ~1:5 respectively and shock
precipitated by dropping the solute and solvent into a super-cooled water-alcohol bath at
30C. Resulting crystals have irregular faces and sizes, with a size distribution usually
ranging from 0.516 microns (equivalent spherical diameters), with the median ~2
microns in size. The resulting So is high due to the fineness of the crystal size and
irregularity of crystal surface and shape. A variety of shapes are formed ranging from
spheres to high length-to-width ratio needles. The preferred shape for use in detonators is
a tetragonal rod. [Duncan 1972]

EFIs are also called slapper detonators.
The low-density pressing is also called the initial pressing.
Specific surface area is a material property of particulate solids that measures the total surface area per
unit of mass, solid or bulk volume, or cross-sectional area. The specific surface area and void structure of
pressed PETN are dependent on the particle size distribution, degree of reentrant void formation, particle
morphology and density. [Young 2006]

Page 4
The particle size, shape, and texture of the crystals of PETN precipitated from
acetone solutions by the addition of water depend upon many crystallization factors.
Among the most important of these are 1) the concentration of PETN in the acetone, 2)
both the volume of water and the rate at which the nonsolvent is added, and 3) the
amount of agitation of the solution during the precipitation process. All these conditions
can be easily controlled because the explosion characteristics of PETN are strong
functions of the crystal description. [Dinegar 1985]
3) What is Known About the Stability of PETN
An enormous amount of material has been published on PETN. Its among the
most studied explosives from both the experimental and theoretical points of view. A
great deal is known about PETNs physical properties, solubility, chemical properties,
preparation, detonation characteristics, thermal decomposition, combustion and
deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) processes, just to name a few areas of
interest. [Kaye 1978]
PETN is the least stable of the common military explosives, but retains its
properties in storage for longer periods than other nitrate esters such as nitroglycerin or
nitrocellulose. PETN is the most chemically stable and least reactive of the explosive
nitrate esters. The stability has been attributed to the symmetry of the molecule, [Berlow
1958] although this hypothesis has been disputed based on liquid phase thermal
decomposition rates similar to that of other nitrate esters. [Andreev 1961] It is less
sensitive than nitroglycerin, but is easily detonated.
While PETN is relatively stable thermally, there are a number of factors that can
contribute to instability. These include particle size instability (i.e. growth), temperature-
and pressure-driven polymorphic transformations, crystalline instabilities, impurities,
occlusions, chemical incompatibilities and even the effects of biological activity. In
addition, degree of confinement, purity and crystal size are all known to influence
degradation rates. Of these factors the most important for long-term aging, probably the
most studied and least understood, appears to be that of particle size growth of the kind
seen in high surface area crystalline powders used in detonators.
3a) Particle Size/Morphology
An aspect of stability, and perhaps one of the most important, is that of crystal
size and morphology. Understanding the effect of particle size, shape and surface
characteristics on the behavior of a powder has been the goal of many studies. In quality
control of a powder, seldom is a given parameter known well enough to predict
accurately overall behavior of a powder. Therefore, many particle parameters must be
evaluated to determine the influencing factors, including width, length-to-width ratio,
volume, surface area, reentrant surface, bulk density, compressibility, surface roughness,
pore volume, degree of sphericity, etc., and their relation to extrudability, pressability,
firing performance, etc. Determining these things is called powder or particle
characterization. [Duncan 1970]

Page 5
PETN powders used as an initiating explosive typically have high specific surface
areas (5000-30,000 cm2/g).4 If no steps are taken to stabilize the sample, the surface area
decreases due to coarsening mechanisms such as Ostwald ripening,5 sintering (fusion
of crystals at contact points or agglomeration),6 and surface diffusion. Internal and
external factors affect crystal growth rate and morphology. Internal factors include
defects in the crystal structure and external factors include crystallization conditions
(temperature, supersaturation) and the existence of impurities. Thermal cycling and
doping with certain impurities have been proposed as methods to minimize crystal
growth problems arising from sublimation under service conditions. [Pitchimani 2007a]
Modeling efforts have attempted to describe crystal growth mechanisms to predict
how powder specific surface area, density, and powder to detonator bridgewire gap
change with time and temperature. [Burnham 2006] This includes mimicking crystal
shapes using kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations with an accurate intermolecular
potential for PETN [Burnham 2005] and development of a coarse-grained model for
PETN crystals to speed up simulations. [Gee 2006] Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of
evaporation from the predominantly exposed (110) surface of PETN crystals show that
different surface structures, such as islands and straight step segments, move in very
different ways during evaporation. It has been theoretically shown that that closed surface
structures (e.g. islands or convex step edges) evaporate faster than open features (e.g.
straight or concave step edges). From Arrhenius plots of step velocities researchers have
obtained activation energies for evaporation in excellent agreement with predictions from
a model and experimental data. [Zepeda-Ruiz 2008]
Duncan used a model that sought to phenomenologically explain the mechanisms
of individual crystal growth. [Duncan 1972] With time PETN reduces its total crystalline
energy by adopting its preferred shape, a tetragonal rod. This transformation involves
rearrangement of molecules within and on the surface of individual crystals by internal
relaxation of molecules, molecular flow at contact points, surface diffusion, and bulk or
vapor diffusion. Duncan used Kossels crystal model to describe a molecules location on
the surface of the crystal and as a result its relative likelihood of migration or deposition
to describe crystal growth. [Duncan 2002]

Methods developed for achieving high surface area PETN for detonator applications have included 1) the
purification of the starting PETN from hot saturated solutions by chilling prior to its shock reprecipitation
in cold alcohol/water (Pantex method); 2) purification by charcoal prior to reprecipitation in cold solution
(LLNL method); 3) ball milling; 4) conventional spray and ultrasonic spray of an acetone/PETN solution
directly into both a nitrogen atmosphere and into water; 5) using the high speed blades of the Cowles
Dissolver to disperse the PETN solution into water; and 6) using an 8-inch Micronizer (English method).
[Osborn 1968]
In Ostwald ripening, many small crystals initially form in a system but slowly disappear except for a few
that grow larger at the expense of the small crystals. The smaller crystals provide the source material for the
bigger crystals. The growth of large crystals is driven by a thermodynamic driving force to reduce the
surface to volume ratio.
Sintering is governed by two interrelated properties, a change in free energy, which provides the driving
force for the process, and kinetics, which provides the mobility of the system to the lower free energy state.
Sintering can occur by many mechanisms, including viscous flow, plastic flow, evaporation-condensation,
surface diffusion, volume diffusion, and grain-boundary diffusion. Predicting the kinetics of sintering has
practical aspects for both process optimization and material lifetime prediction, which involves
extrapolation of artificial aging experiments outside the range of calibration. [Burnham 2004]

Page 6
3b) Thermal Decomposition
PETN is relatively stable toward thermal decomposition although there has been
some controversy about its stability. When the NO/NOx chemiluminescence data of
Volltrauer is extrapolated to 30C, a half-life of 12 million years is predicted. [Volltrauer
1982] PETN has been found to show no signs of decomposition when stored for as long
as 18 months at 100C. In fact analytical and stability tests have indicated the stability of
PETN is improved by prolonged heating in water at 100C. [Berlow 1958] Aubertein
found that while untreated crystals of PETN gave an initial high loss of water and acid,
twice recrystallized (from acetone) PETN did not decompose significantly when held at
100C for three weeks. [Aubertein 1954] Chambers et al. did not see evidence of
autocatalytic type decomposition by-products in archived PETN. [Chambers 2002b]
Nevertheless Cooper points out that as PETN is heated, it undergoes thermal
decomposition long before the melting point is reached. He therefore concludes PETNs
useful service temperature range is limited, normally not to exceed 70 to 75C. [Cooper
The thermal stability of PETN, its degradation mechanisms and reaction by-
products have been studied extensively, in most cases in studies using air not inert or
nitrogen atmospheres. 7 Many of these studies have focused on high temperature
degradation, which is probably not relevant to answering questions about long-term
storage but possibly relevant to understanding the chemistry involved in combustion and
the heat treatment of PETN. Such studies often focus on kinetics of thermal
decomposition important to understanding initiation processes and detonation
phenomena. The thermal decomposition of PETN below its melting point (141.3C) has
been investigated by monitoring product gases by mass spectrometry. [Miller 1982], [Ng
1976] Other studies have assessed the thermal decomposition characteristics of PETN
using thermal analytical techniques, specifically thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) (see for example [Lee 2002], [Kawamura 1997]),
high temperature infrared spectroscopy, pyrolysis gas analysis and hot-stage microscopy
(see for example [Makashir 1999]), high temperature gas manometry (see for example
[Oxley 2000]), and mass electrospray ionization (ESI) and chemical ionization (CI)
Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (FTMS) (see for example [Kruppa 2002]).8
Anhydrous low-temperature decomposition of PETN is poorly understood.
Studies searching for the decomposition products of naturally aged PETN used nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC),9 and
mass spectrometry, but did not detect any decomposition products. [Brackett 2005]
Because the NMR, HPLC and mass spectrometry experiments did not detect condensed
phase decomposition products, it was surmised that the decomposition products might be

One exception is a flash pyrolysis study that compared reaction products from PETN in simulated air and
in argon. [Hiyoshi 2002]
Other thermal degradation studies like the one-dimensional-time-to-explosion (ODTX) experiments have
generated input for the development of multi-step chemical kinetic decomposition models in two- and
three-dimensional heat transfer computer codes. These models are then used to predict the times to and
locations of the onset of thermal explosion in large explosive charges that cannot be tested directly. [Tarver
Or high-pressure liquid chromatography.

Page 7
gases as is seen with explosives HMX10 and RDX.11 On the other hand, Duncan found in
his study of environmental conditions affecting unstabilized, recrystallized PETN that in
each thermally aged sample, pentaerythritol trinitrate (PETriN) was present and the
sublimation product contained the greater amount. [Duncan 1972] PETriN appears to be
a product of thermal decomposition. [Shepodd 1997]
Kaye has summarized thermal decomposition literature on PETN up to 1978. At
that time thermal decomposition kinetics had been studied repeatedly, but there was no
general agreement about the decomposition mechanism or values of the Arrhenius
parameters. [Kaye 1978] This confusion continues today. According to Dosser, the
reports on aging of PETN appear to be consistent regarding the evolution of the principal
gaseous products. [Dosser 1989] Nonetheless the activation energies for the
decomposition reaction(s) are in disagreement. In addition, the activation energy is not a
constant, but changes greatly as the temperature changes. [German 2002] Dosser and Ng
[Dosser 1989], [Ng 1976], [Ng 1986] independently attribute this problem to different
methods of measurement and methods of sample preparation.
The thermal decomposition mechanism is complex, involving retardation,
autocatalysis, product interactions and other complications. Most authors agree that
decomposition takes place concurrently with sublimation. [Ng 1976] It has been noted
that the dominant degradation process at lower temperature is influenced by numerous
side reactions involving recombination of radical products. In general a wider distribution
of decomposition products are generated in the high-temperature, solid phase
decompositions than in those generated at 20-65C. [Shepodd 1997] There is general
agreement that the first step is the scission of the O-NO2 bond as a reversible, rate-
determining, first-order process. The first decomposition products are relatively reactive.
Depending on the conditions, a number of second-order decomposition routes are
proposed that involve attack by nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a strong oxidizer. These
subsequent decomposition routes are often referred to as autocatalytic or autooxidation
reactions. For PETN at ambient temperature, the possibility for a number of autocatalytic
mechanisms exists involving oxidation of the PETN alkoxy radical by NO2, resulting in
the formation of peroxide, nitrate or aldehyde by-products. The PETN alkoxy radical,
although less mobile under low-temperature conditions than NO2, might also be expected
to attack PETN, resulting in the formation of polymer-like by-products (e.g. DiPEHN,
TriPEON). [Chambers 2002a] A low temperature (40-90C) chemiluminescence study of
PETN measured faint light emitted from the condensed phase due to termination
reactions of peroxy radicals. Kinetic analysis led to the result that the formation of peroxy
radicals, produced by oxidation of the primary products of nitrate ester bond cleavage,
predominates a consecutive series of radical reactions. [Kimura 1989]
It has been proposed that the agent of PETN autocatalysis is not the product NO2,
as is generally believed, [Pickard 1990] but may be the product formaldehyde. [Batten

HMX is a high explosive, also called Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine, Cyclotetra-
methylene tetranitramine, or Octogen. The has been attributed to High Melting eXplosive, His Majesty's
explosive, High-velocity Military explosive, or High-Molecular-weight rdX.
RDX is a high explosive, also called Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine, Cyclotrimethylene
trinitramine, or Hexogen. The acronym has been attributed to Royal Demolition eXplosive, Research
Department (composition) X, or Research Department eXplosive.

Page 8
1985] This proposal appears to be supported by earlier work on the thermal
decomposition of organic nitrates, which showed that initial addition of nitrogen dioxide
retards the scissioning of the O-NO2 bond. [Phillips 1950] Another study showed that
NO2 retarded the decomposition of another nitrate ester, ethyl nitrate, while nitric oxide
(NO) accelerated the reaction. [Levy 1954] In the thermal degradation study of Dosser
and Seliskar, PETN showed no reaction with NO2 at room temperature. [Dosser 1992b]
Since the distribution of decomposition products is influenced by the temperature of
decomposition, and both NO2 and NO are formed in relatively large amounts, it is
possible that the way their relative abundance changes influences the decomposition of
PETN. [Ng 1976]
Dosser studied the thermal stability of a series of PETN samples with various
surface areas using isothermal calorimetry and ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy over the
temperature range of 363 to 408 K (~90 to 135C). [Dosser 1992a] The former method
measured isothermal induction times while the latter monitored NO evolution rates. Rate
data measured at 383 K (~110C) were in accord with predictions based on detailed
kinetic modeling. Below 383 K, NO evolution data suggested that additional geometric
factors might be significant in controlling PETN stability. Time-to-maximum-rate (TMR)
of decomposition increased with the surface area. The authors concluded that PETN
reactivity is governed by 1) thermally-induced changes in surface area with concurrent
production of crystal imperfections at the surface perturbed by differences in stabilizers
and 2) residual solvents. Thermal aging would then minimize the surfaces free energy,
decrease the surface area, and increase the mean particle size of PETN. However below
383 K, thermal microscopy indicated that aging of PETN with high surface area may
produce additional crystal imperfections as the mean particle size increases and the
surface area degrades. This phenomenon would lead to additional surface-active sites.
Therefore the apparent correlation between stability and surface area suggested by the
TMR data could be different at lower temperatures.
High temperature decomposition studies have identified gaseous degradation
products. Early work showed that the reaction products produced in a closed system at
210C were NO2, NO, N2O, CO2, CO, H2, H2O, H2CO12 and unidentified residue. [Rideal
1948] These products were later confirmed by mass spectroscopic analysis of thermally
decomposed PETN at 94, 126 and 158C. [Ng 1976] T-Jump/FTIR13 and T-jump/Raman
spectroscopies have been used to analyze the gaseous products from PETN that was
rapidly heated (2000C/s nominal) to high set temperatures in the 250 to 500C range
while maintaining a pressure of 5 atm. argon. [Roos 2002] The resulting products
produced at 450C, for example, included CO, NO, H2, O2, CO2, H2O, N2, CH4, HCN,
CH2O, C2H2, NO2, HNCO, and N2O.14
Hiskey and coworkers proposed an alternate high temperature (140 to 225C)
decomposition pathway that involves PETNs loss of all four nitro groups and two

In order: nitrogen dioxide, nitric oxide, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, water
and formaldehyde.
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) (spectroscopy).
In order: carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen, methane,
hydrogen cyanide, formaldehyde, acetyladehyde, nitrogen dioxide, isocyanic acid and nitrous oxide.

Page 9
molecules of formaldehyde to undergo a double ring closure to form a spiral-ketal.
[Hiskey 1991] They proposed that this unstable species would then decompose to
produce a polymeric residue (polyketo oxetane).
3c) Moisture
Andreev and Kaidymov studied the thermal decomposition of PETN and found it
to be greatly affected by the presence of water vapor (and slightly by the presence of
oxygen). [Andreev 1961] Addition of water to PETN makes it possible to induce the
hydrolytic reaction from the outset. According to Andreev and Kaidymov, judging from
the data for the nitrate ester nitroglycerin, nitric acid is formed directly, not the nitrogen
oxides. Alternatively, the presence of water has been proposed as promoting a
decomposition pathway involving attack of the ester oxygen forming an alcohol end
group. [Chambers 2002b] Because this reaction can occur at each nitrate ester group, a
stable mono-, di- or trinitrated pentaerythritol can be formed, proceeding sequentially and
relatively slowly.15
In response to an undocumented literature reference that PETN may be unstable
under tropical conditions, one study compared the decomposition of PETN at 10-degree
intervals over the range of 60 - 100C. [Goosen 1984] The three conditions studied -
acidic, recrystallized dry, and recrystallized wet (high humidity) - were considered
extreme military storage conditions. Weight loss measurements indicated very little, if
any, loss at 60C and 70C with a loss of about 5.5% at 100C after 350 days. No
conclusion could be made regarding NO2 catalysis, but the addition of moisture seemed
to lower the activation energy for and accelerate the decomposition of the PETN.
3d) Phase Transitions
Another aspect of stability of importance to PETN is the possibility of a
polymorphic phase transition. Blomquist and Ryan first reported the polymorphism of
PETN in 1944. [Blomquist 1944] Both of the known ambient pressure crystal structures
have been analyzed. [Cady 1975], [Trotter 1963] The common form PETN I16 is stable to
the melting point (141.3C). The high-temperature phase PETN II melts 0.2C higher
than PETN I. PETN II transforms rapidly to PETN I at temperatures below 130C. The
heat of fusion of PETN I is very dependent on the crystallization technique. Cady noted
that it varies from 38 cal/g for well-formed crystals to 32 cal/g for rapidly precipitated
fine crystals. Small changes in the X-ray diffraction patterns accompany the changes in
heat of fusion. More pronounced changes occur when dipentaerythritol hexanitrate
(DiPEHN) or tripentaerythritol octanitrate (TriPEON) homologue impurities are
incorporated by solid solution in the crystals. [Cady 1975]
The amount of PETN II that can be quenched to room temperature also depends
on the chemical purity of the PETN melt. DiPEHN, TriPEON, and thermal
decomposition products stabilize the PETN II phase. PETN II stabilized by impurities
trapped in the crystal lattice as a solid solution transforms more slowly to PETN I than

On the other hand rapid heating in the presence of moisture is little different from a dry environment.
Relative humidity in the 0-60% range had no effect on the product concentrations in air when T-
Jump/FTIR spectroscopy was employed to flash pyrolyze PETN. [Hiyoshi 2002]
PETN I is also referred to as Alpha PETN, and PETN II is referred to as Beta PETN.

Page 10
does chemically pure PETN II. [Cady 1972] Nevertheless, the existence of the PETN II
contaminant is unlikely to be an issue with very long-term storage of PETN powders or
granular compacts since it is not thermodynamically stable under ambient conditions.
Other polymorphic conformers of PETN have been observed at high pressure. See
for example [Pravica 2006] and [Tschauner 2007] for more information on high-pressure
phase transitions of PETN.
3e) Crystal Structure
Molecular arrangements which assume strained lattice positions, asperities where
high energy molecules exist, and reentrant cavities where migrating molecules are more
efficiently retained are created in the recrystallization process used to produce high
surface area powder. All these factors affect the stability of PETN, as each crystal
attempts to perfect itself through molecular relation, plastic flow, and surface and bulk
diffusion. [Duncan 1972]
PETN molecules can fit into lattice sites as mirror images and in doing so, both
molecule and lattice must distort. Such trapped molecules have a high activation energy
to reorientation because large cooperative motions of surrounding molecules are required
for the transformation. According to Cady, trapped, distorted PETN molecules are
probably responsible for the high internal energy of superfine and needle-habit PETN
crystals, each with a high activation energy for annealing. [Cady 1972]
PETN is a flexible molecule that can change its geometry via internal rotations
about single bonds; there are 12 such bonds in the molecule. [Gruzdkov 2004] The
numerous stable conformations of PETN differ in symmetry and dipole moment values.
However, the energy expense associated with such rotations could be several kilocalories
per mole, making them energetically unfavorable. [Gruzdkov 2000] Prolonged heat
treatment could assist in the transformation to more stable conformations and stabilize the
crystal lattice.
3f) Purity
Another aspect of PETN stability concerns the role of impurities, especially the
naturally occurring homologues often left from the synthesis process. An extensive study
of the PETN-DiPEHN-TriPEON phase diagram system has been made by Cady with the
goal of providing information on the thermal stability of PETN, particularly with regard
to stability of physical properties and chemical decomposition. The system is very
complicated in that there are at least two polymorphs of PETN, two of DiPEHN, four of
TriPEON and three of the 1:1 DiPEHN-TriPEON addition compound. All the solid
phases show evidence of solid solution formation with the other components of the
system. In addition, other types of lattice defects influence the physical properties of
these phases. [Cady 1972]
The molar heats of fusion and decomposition have been reported for PETN and
its commonly found homologues DiPEHN, TriPEON, and tetrapentaerythritol
dodecanitrate (TetraPEDN). Both sets of values increase with increasing molecular size,
with a larger contribution to the heat of decomposition attributed to the ether group rather
than the nitrate group. [Wilson 1970] An estimate of the heat of decomposition gives

Page 11
insight into relative stability.17 Thus a small amount of homologue deliberately added to
stabilize the surface area of the PETN powder might be more susceptible to preferential
degradation. Environmental factors that might not appreciably degrade the PETN could
preferentially destroy the less stable homologue, leading to a resumption of crystal
The effect of the presence of DiPEHN on the stability of PETN has been studied.
According to early studies of these materials, [Berlow 1958] one author stated its
presence decreases stability while two others reported improved stability from the
presence of very small amounts of DiPEHN. One of these authors (Blomquist) attributed
the improved stability to the decreased amount of occluded material trapped in PETN
crystallized in the presence of DiPEHN. DiPEHN itself is distinguished from PETN by
its lower sensitivity to heat, impact, friction and initiation. Its rate of detonation, brisance,
and explosive power are somewhat lower than those of PETN. According to authors cited
by Berlow, however, DiPEHN is distinctly less stable than PETN and decomposes far
more rapidly at higher temperatures (100C). Pure DiPEHN melts at 75C. The other
common impurity, TriPEON, is very stable toward heat and moderately sensitive to
impact. It melts at 82-84C.
With the improved heat stability of UK PETN, many attempts have been made to
duplicate their process in order to produce a PETN powder with high thermal stability.
The improvement in stability was thought to be due to the purity of the UK PETN.
Therefore the process of double recrystallization and filtration through activated charcoal
was employed to remove impurities from PETN prior to shock recrystallization. After
thermal treatment, it appeared that the initial specific surface area (So) did not affect the
final stabilization level. This may indicate the particle shape is responsible for the final
stabilization level and not initial So or purity. [Duncan 1972]
3g) Occlusions
Another issue concerning crystal lattice stability is the presence of occlusions19
within the crystals. Small pockets of solvents such as acetone have been observed trapped

The larger the heat exchanged, the less stable the molecule. By measuring the amount of heat given off
or taken from the surroundings it is possible to determine the overall change in enthalpy of the reaction and
thus the degree or level of stability of a compound. The more heat generated or given off by the reaction,
the greater the change in enthalpy, and thus the greater the change in energy. In other words when a very
unstable compound forms a stable compound, a great amount of heat is released. The change is an indicator
of how stable the compound was initially. A big change suggests that the compound was relatively unstable
initially and a small change indicates that the compound was relatively stable initially. Much like enthalpy,
it is impossible to specify a specific value of stability for a compound. Rather its stability must be
compared to a reference. In other words the stability of a compound is relative to other compounds.
[Wikipedia 2008a]
On the other hand, it has been shown that the activation energies for thermal decomposition of PETN,
DiPEHN and TriPEON are essentially the same (~50 kcal/mole). [Cady 1972] According the DSC studies
of Reddy, the thermal stability of PETN is not affected by the presence of DiPEHN, which showed better
thermal stability and higher decomposition energy compared to PETN. [Reddy 1992]
Occlusions are foreign materials, liquid or solid, that have been occluded (closed up, blocked off, or
adsorbed and retained) within the crystal structure.

Page 12
in internal voids (solvent inclusions)20 in crystals, a characteristic of superfine crystals.
[Rogers 1972] According to Berlow et al., Blomquist found that slow recrystallization
produces PETN with a few large occlusions while more rapid crystallization gives
crystals with many small occlusions. His work showed that a major cause of instability in
PETN is the presence of occluded material in the crystals. [Berlow 1958] It is unclear
whether instability is affected by the size of the occlusions. During their PETN solubility
study, Roberts and Dinegar found that the addition of water was necessary whether it was
miscible with the solvent (acetone, ethyl alcohol, ethyl acetate) or not (benzene) to
prohibit the occlusion of solvent as the PETN sample approached dryness. [Roberts
3h) Chemical Incompatibility
PETN may become destabilized and degrade when in contact with other
materials. The chemical stability of PETN when placed in physical contact with
microcrystalline metal oxides including MnO2, CuO, MoO3, WO3, Bi2O3, SnO2, and
Fe2O3 has also been investigated. [Mileham 2008] Samples were placed in a controlled
temperature environment at 50C and checked periodically for the presence of
decomposition products using liquid chromatography. PETN proved to be inert over all
of the oxides except MoO3, which showed the relatively rapid evolution of a brown gas
over a period of 48 hours. Analysis of the evolved gas indicated that it was primarily NO2
along with N2O4, N2O, and CO2.
Another study evaluated the kinetics and products of PETN degradation in the
presence of granular iron. [Zhuang 2008] The iron material contained 89.8% metallic iron
with a surface layer of various forms of iron oxides. The degradation pathway was
proposed to be sequential pseudo first-order kinetics denitration, in which PETN was
stepwise reduced to pentaerythritol with the formation of pentaerythritol trinitrate
(PETriN) and pentaerythritol dinitrate (PEDN or PEDiN) as intermediates. The short
duration of the dip in nitrogen balance indicated that the intermediates degraded quickly.
The intermediate pentaerythritol mononitrate (PEMonoN) was not detected; however, the
nearly 100% nitrogen mass recovery supported complete denitration. Nitrite (NO2-) was
released in each denitration step and was subsequently reduced to ammonium (NH4+) by
iron. Nitrate (NO3-) was not detected during the experiment, suggesting that hydrolysis
was not involved in PETN degradation. Batch experiments showed that when solid-phase
PETN is present, dissolution is the rate-limiting factor for PETN mass removal.
A third study assessed the usefulness of HPLC in combination with
chemoluminescence-N-detection (CLND) for the analysis of PETN and its degradation
products PETriN, PEDiN and PEMonoN. [Seeling 2006] It was found that quantification
is more convenient and sensitivity of this method is about four times higher compared to
UV-detection. It was also noted that PETN was surprisingly stable at 37C in aqueous
systems of pH 1.2, 5.5, 6.8 and 7.4, but exhibited dose-dependent degradation after the
addition of thioles (thioglycolic acid and cysteine).

A type of occlusion is a solvent inclusion, a cavity entrapped in the crystal. Solvent inclusions are linked
to lattice imperfections. Most crystals grown in solutions exhibit solvent inclusions with sizes in the range
of 1-50 m.

Page 13
3i) Biological Activity
Areas of interest with respect to biological activity of PETN are in the fields of
medicine, and both bioremediation and phytoremediation of the widespread
contamination of the environment caused by the manufacture, disposal and testing of
Like nitroglycerin, PETN is used at low dosages as a vasodilator in the treatment
of angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction and chronic congestive heart failure,
although higher doses cause symptoms such as headaches and convulsions. [Russek
1966], [Arce-Gomez 1980] A medicine for heart disease, Lentonitrat, is nearly pure
PETN. Metabolism of PETN has been studied in human subjects and rats both in vivo and
in vitro. [Yinon 1990] The metabolic pathways of PETN in humans and laboratory
animals can be summarized as the sequential denitration from PETN to pentaerythritol
trinitrate to pentaerythritol dinitrate to pentaerythritol mononitrate to pentaerythritol. In
vivo rat dosing studies indicated that unabsorbed PETN might be further metabolized by
intestinal microflora. [King 1984] In contrast to all other anti-ischemic organic nitrates,
PETN is able to upregulate enzymes with a strong antioxidative capacity, thereby
preventing tolerance and the development of endothelial dysfunction. [Daiber 2008]
A variety of microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, fungi) are able to metabolize
explosive compounds in the environment. White and Snape have reviewed known
microbial transformations of nitrate esters. [White 1993] In some cases a complete
mineralization has been found whereas in others only biotransformation reactions took
place producing more or less toxic and/or recalcitrant metabolites. [Gorontzy 1994] There
have been some reports of PETNs degradation by bacteria, for example a strain of
Enterobacter cloacae designated PB2, [Rosser 2001] whose enzyme PETN reductase
(PETNr) denitrates PETN into trinitrates and then dinitrates [French 1996]. The last
compound shown in the pathway, pentaerythritol dinitrate (PEDN or PEDiN), is
degraded further to unknown products. The metabolites PEDN, 3-hydroxy-2,2-bis-
[(nitrooxy)methyl]propanal, and 2,2-bis-[(nitrooxy)methyl]-propanedial were identified
by mass spectrometry and 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance. [Binks 1996] A similar
enzyme (nitrate ester reductase) was found to be responsible for the nitrate ester
degrading activity in Agrobacterium radiobacter subgroup B, a bacterium recovered
from sewage sludge. [White 1996]
The ability of fungi to produce extracellular enzymes and factors that can degrade
complex organic compounds has also sparked research on their use in decontamination of
explosives-laden soils and waters. [Gadd 2006] The filamentous white-rot fungus
Phanerochaete chrysosporium has been shown to hydrolyze the nitrate ester nitroglycerin
(glyceryl trinitrate). [Ducrocq 1990] As long as the nitroglycerin extracellular
concentration was under the lethal dose, metabolite formation and regioselectivity depend
on the nature of the strain used. Composting has been used to treat a wide variety of
sludges and soils contaminated with organonitro explosives, including PETN. [Doyle
1993] Fungi are thought to play a vital role in the composting treatment process. In
isotopically labeled laboratory-scale compost tests, PETN was mineralized to some
extent although highly polar 14C-compounds were initially found in the composts. These
compounds slowly disappeared with the production of 14CO2 as the composting process
continued. Pilot scale tests in the same study used an aerated static pile with soil spiked

Page 14
with RDX, HMX, TATB21 and PETN mixed with amendments (20:20:10 mixture of
horse manure, alfalfa hay and horse feed). Results indicated that RDX, HMX and PETN
were reduced below detection limits within 18 days with TATB degrading slower than
the other contaminants. Analysis of the final compost indicated there were no persistent
degradation byproducts.
One study has shown that the nitroglycerin degradative activities of plant cells are
only tenfold less than those reported for bacterial degradation, suggesting that plants may
serve a direct degradative function for phytoremediation of sites contaminated by
xenobiotic22 organic nitrate esters. [Goel 1997] The intermediates observed, and the
timing of their appearance, are consistent with the sequential denitration pathway
reported for microbial degradation of nitrate esters. The phytoremediation of the
explosives trinitrotoluene (TNT), nitroglycerin (NG), and PETN using in vitro plant
cultures23 of Rheum palmatum,24 Saponaria officinalis,25 and Populus simonii26 were also
studied. [Vanek 2003] These explosives were degraded to less toxic products and
ultimately probably bound to the cell wall or further involved in the metabolism.
According to products analysis, PETN was fully degraded after ten days and all four
possible products of nitroester enzymatic hydrolysis were identified. The final product
pentaerythritol is reportedly utilized as a carbon source.
4) Drivers That Affect Stability
External drivers affecting factors that govern PETN stability include temperature,
radiation fields, and stress. Internal drivers include residual solvents and impurities,
which include additives, contaminants and coatings. While impurities may instigate or
retard (but not prevent) change, the other drivers tend to facilitate change. The processes
by which change occurs are discussed in Section 5, and the methods by which changes
are assessed are discussed in Section 6.
4a) Temperature
Temperature affects all the important kinetic processes of crystal growth such as
adsorption, desorption, and diffusion rates of molecules on the surface of PETN crystals.
Experimental data suggests that at lower temperatures crystals grow to be more spherical
(less rod like) with an aspect ratio near unity while elevated temperatures yield needle-
like crystals. This contrasting behavior is due to differences in rates of surface diffusion
occurring between molecular additions vs. nucleation during crystal growth. [Zepeda-
Ruiz 2006]
Duncans study on the effects of environmental conditions of unstabilized
recrystallized PETN found that two conditions influenced thermal aging in the range of

TATB is the insensitive high explosive 1,3,5-Triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene.
Since the C-O-NO2 linkage is extremely rare in nature, organic nitrate esters like nitroglycerin are
considered to be true xenobiotics. A xenobiotic is a chemical which is found in an organism but which is
not normally produced or expected to be present in it.
Plant cultures cultivated hydroponically under sterile conditions.
The soapwort Bouncing Bet.
Poplar tree.

Page 15
50 to 125C. One was the type of oven used (circulating vs. static air) and the other was
sample configuration (confined by covering vs. open to the atmosphere of the oven). The
circulating oven resulted in lower surface area values than the static air oven (i.e. greater
crystal growth). Confined samples also showed an appreciable decrease in surface area
compared to open samples. This change adheres to Ostwalds ripening theory that in a
confined state, equilibrium is reached more rapidly due to the sublimate being retained
within the local area, and growth is at the expense of the smaller particles. It was noted
that this behavior would also be expected in the confinement of detonators with
unstabilized PETN. [Duncan 1972]
Duncans study went on to observe the effects of temperature above 90C. In each
case the drop in surface area was most rapid at the beginning of the exposure (e.g. 2
hours), leveling off asymptotically over time. As time and temperature increased, crystal
size also increased. As duration time in the oven increased with each temperature, crystal
agglomeration increased. From these results it was noted that each growth is the result of
a sublimation process and that rapid surface area decrease at the onset of aging is
primarily due to loss of fine crystals in reentrant surfaces, as well as formation of tightly
bonded agglomerates. [Duncan 1972]
An extended pre-aging study was also done on high surface area PETN at 100C
at ambient pressure for 816 hours. After 70 hours of aging, stabilization had occurred in
all three batches, which held constant for at least 700 hours. The level of stabilization
appeared independent of the starting specific surface area (So). [Duncan 1972]
Since different outgassing and decomposition processes apparently occur above
and below 110C, this temperature is used to delineate between low- and high-
temperature phenomena. Low-temperature thermal studies are relevant to shelf-life
issues. One NO/NOx analyzer chemiluminescence study found that when fresh PETN
is first heated, it evolves more NOx than when held at temperature a few days. The
investigators believed this emission was due to desorption of adsorbed NO2. [Volltrauer
1982] This desorption may initiate autocatalytic27 decomposition. 28 [Chambers 2002a]
Kruppa et al. studied the thermal decomposition of PETN that was crash
precipitated followed by thermal treatment, and found that vaporization is the
predominant process up to the melting point. They also found that the presence of minor
impurities from the large-scale synthesis of explosive grade PETN may influence the
properties of the material. [Kruppa 2002]
4b) Radiation
Long-term exposure and stability of explosives to radiation may be critical for
stockpile stewardship. However, irradiation studies tend to expose the explosive to high
doses in a short period of time, not low doses over a long period. As such most probably
provide little information on the stability of PETN when stored long-term in a low-level
radiation environment.

A chemical reaction is said to be autocatalytic if a reaction product is itself the catalyst for that reaction.
According to Chambers et al., monitoring of NO2 is complicated by the fact that a significant amount of
it is absorbed onto the PETN powder, and because it is a reactive and polar gas. [Chambers 2002b]

Page 16
Radiation damage initiates decomposition uniformly within the material by
formation of ionized molecules. Unstable ionized molecules then decompose along
thermodynamically favored pathways to more stable products. The ranking of explosives
susceptibility to radiation damage, as measured by changes in chemistry or performance,
is not the same as impact or thermal stability. It reflects the electronic stability of the
material and is therefore a fundamental measure of the sensitivity of a molecule to
disruption. [Beard 1991]
Irradiation affects thermal decomposition by shortening the induction period to
shock initiation and increasing the decomposition rate in the accelerating region. These
effects translate into a shorter run distance to detonation under shock initiation
conditions. This change has been ascribed to the creation of significant numbers of
additional decomposition sites by the radiation. There is some evidence that the
decomposition sites may be dislocations or impurities that can act as hot spots. [Dick
Studies on the effects of ionizing radiation on explosives have included white
synchrotron X-ray radiation, higher energy gamma rays, and slow neutrons, fission
products, and low- and high-energy X-rays. The synchrotron X-ray radiation experiments
of Giefers et al. showed that PETN rapidly and irreversibly decomposes in the presence
of X-ray radiation. The radiation-induced decomposition reaction in PETN was seen to
be first-order and nearly pressure independent. [Giefers 2006] Reaction products that
appear red when PETN is pressurized become gaseous at ambient conditions. The authors
were unable to determine the reaction products. [Giefers 2008] It was also found that the
decomposition rate varied dramatically depending upon the orientation of the crystalline
axes relative to polarized x-ray beam and for differing diffracting conditions (spots)
within the same crystalline orientation. The authors suggested that this effect was due to
Compton scattering of the polarized x-rays with electron clouds dependent upon their
relative orientation. It was suggested that this novel effect might yield valuable insight
regarding anisotropic detonation sensitivity in energetic materials such as PETN. [Pravica
Kaye summarizes studies to 1980 of the radiation-induced changes in explosives
(weight loss, gas evolution, mechanical sensitivity, thermal sensitivity and stability, and
explosive performance), according to the type of nuclear radiation. This includes alpha
particles, neutrons, fission products, reactor radiation (fast and slow neutrons plus
gammas), gammas, underground testing, X-rays, electrons and other nuclear radiation.
[Kaye 1980] However only a few of the studies discussed by Kaye involved irradiating
PETN. None shed light on aging processes of PETN in a long-term low-level radiation
Steady state gamma irradiation of any explosive has not been known to trigger
rapid reactions, i.e. initiate a detonation. Instead, the effect appears to be a slow
decomposition with deterioration in the functional properties of the explosive. For
example, a Co60 gamma radiation experiment by Avrami et al. showed a decrease in
detonation velocity of PETN with exposures greater than 107 R. [Kaye 1980] PETN has
exhibited weight loss when exposed to high doses of gamma radiation. In Urizars study
on PETN powder in a power reactor, a 5-MR gamma dose caused weight loss of 0.2%
and a 240-MR dose caused a 14 % weight loss. A variety of physical and chemical tests

Page 17
were performed on the irradiated samples. Dosimetry followed by energy deposition
calculations revealed that about 90% of the energy deposited was due to the gamma field
of the reactor. Although properties such as melting points, phase transition temperatures,
and densities were lowered, no significant evidence of sensitization to impact initiation
was observed. [Urizar 1962], [Kaye 1980] It was noted in one study that an excess of 1016
n/cm2 or 108 R gammas was required to produce a 10% weight loss in the more sensitive
explosives such as PETN and HMX. A 5% weight loss is considered detrimental to the
performance of a component containing these explosives. [Kaye 1980]
Miles and Devries conducted an Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)29
investigation of -irradiated PETN. [Miles 1984] Low-temperature irradiation
accumulated at least two different radicals. The more stable radical was the NO2 radical,
presumably produced by photon cleavage of the NO2 groups and/or by radical reactions
in excited states resulting in detached NO2. The spectrum of the more reactive radical
was obtained by computer subtraction. The authors proposed decay kinetics for the NO2
and the unknown highly reactive radical.
Single crystal studies did not result in weight loss in PETN for gamma doses up to
5 MR, but did result in formation and growth of platelets and crack-flaws and yellow
discoloration attributed to trapped decomposition gases. It was surmised that flaw
development was sensitive to the initial state of the crystal, related to internal strains and
imperfections, and that crack growth relieved internal stresses due to accumulation of
gaseous decomposition products. Shock initiation of the irradiated samples showed no
shock sensitizing effect at doses 0.6 Mrad or less, but an effect above 0.6 Mrad. It has
been surmised that the site of a molecule decomposed by a gamma ray could also act as a
site for further decomposition in the material after it is shocked. [Dick 1982]
The stability of PETN is decreased by exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The loss
of stability resulting from 60 hours exposure is greater than that caused by heating at
105C for 450 days. [Berlow 1958]
4c) Stress
With PETN powders having many surface irregularities, the contact areas
between crystals will be small. This creates high pressure points upon contact which
cause plastic flow or internal flow. This results in smoothing of contact points and a
decrease in surface area over time. Fusion of crystals (sintering), which is related to
surface contact points, also decreases surface area. [Duncan 1972]
Samples of PETN were subjected to ball milling or ultrasonic grinding to assess
the roles of surface area and physical attrition. There was no observed change in heat of
fusion compared to the original samples, which lead to the conclusion that surface area
(i.e. surface energy) is not responsible for observed variations in heat of fusion in various
PETN samples. It was also concluded that grinding did not produce significant amounts
of stored strain energy in the crystals. [Rogers 1972] This conclusion may extend to the
residual strain left due to grain crushing during preparation of pressed pellets.

EPR is also known as Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) and Electron Magnetic Resonance (EMR).

Page 18
4d) Residual Solvents
PETN is insoluble in water but soluble in a variety of organic solvents [Roberts
1958], [Berlow 1958] and particularly in acetone, which is commonly used to
recrystallize PETN. [Kaye 1978] Small pockets of solvents such as acetone have been
observed trapped in internal voids (occlusions) in crystals, a characteristic of superfine
crystals. [Rogers 1972] Over a period of time this residual solvent may change the nature
of these voids, which could lead to changes in bulk behavior such as response to initiating
4e) Impurities
PETN often contains a number of impurities that can alter its physical and
chemical properties. In studying the thermal decomposition of PETN that was crash
precipitated followed by thermal treatment, Kruppa et al. found that the presence of
minor impurities from the large-scale synthesis of explosive grade PETN may influence
the properties of the material. [Kruppa 2002] Commonly reported impurities in PETN
from the synthesis process or sequential thermal decomposition include pentaerythritol,
pentaerythritol trinitrate (PETriN), pentaerythritol dinitrate (PEDN or PEDiN),
pentaerythritol mononitrate (PEMonoN, or pentaerythritol nitrate), dipentaerythritol
hexanitrate (DiPEHN), and tripentaerythritol octanitrate (TriPEON). [Chambers 2002a]
Yasuda notes that DiPEHN, for example, can cause a measurable change in the firing
characteristics of exploding bridgewire detonators. His work focused on the separation of
PETN and PETriN, DIPEHN, and TriPEON by thin layer chromatography (TLC).
[Yasuda 1970] Rogers and Dinegars study on the effect of impurities on the heat of
fusion of PETN showed that while 1% by weight TriPEON had no effect, larger amounts
had a profound effect, lowering the value. About 1% is considered a degree of impurity
expected in pure PETN. Of note is that TriPEON is known to form a solid solution
with PETN and is not present as a separate phase. [Rogers 1972]
In addition to the homologues in synthesized PETN are other impurities. While
the homologues have been synthesized from high purity reagents, TLC indicates
numerous satellite impurities present in all the PETN homologues with the exception of
ultrapure PETN itself. [Sandoval 1972] Separation and isolation of these contaminants,
from a high impurity concentrate, was achieved by liquid chromatography. Infrared
spectra of these components suggest these compounds are the various homologues and
pentaerythryl ethers with a mixture of hydroxyl and nitrate functional groups.
Klassen et al. identified several organic salts as impurities in PETN. These salts,
which include formate, acetate and oxalate, were also found to increase under certain
accelerated thermal conditions. [Klassen 2002] According to Chambers et al., the organic
salts are probably carried over from synthesis of the pentaerythritol starting material, and
are not indicative of a major decomposition pathway. [Chambers 2002b]
Pitchimani et al. studied changes in morphology between the pure PETN and
PETN doped with the nitrate salts of iron, calcium, sodium, and zinc. These metal ions
were chosen since they are commonly found in tap water, and high surface area PETN is
often crash precipitated as a saturated liquor into water. They also carried out studies on
the effect of annealing on the morphology of these crystals at the macroscopic and
microscopic levels to determine how the different ions modify the crystal. They

Page 19
concluded that controlling the water-soluble impurities during PETN production may
yield powders that do not coarsen over time due to better control of the final morphology.
[Pitchimani 2007c]
The effect of additives on the kinetics of thermal decomposition of PETN was
studied using high temperature IR spectroscopy. [Makashir 1999] Variation in the
absorbency of the NO2 symmetric stretching vibration was used to monitor
decomposition. Evolved gas analysis by IR shows that NO2, H2CO are produced in the
initial stage of decomposition followed by NO, N2O, CO2, HCN and H2O,30 with the
rupture of O-NO2 bond being the primary step in the thermolysis of PETN. Plots of the
fraction decomposed with respect to the original weight of both pure PETN and PETN
mixed with 10% carbamite, calcium carbonate and magnesium oxide at 150C showed
that there is an accelerating effect by these additives on the first stage of decomposition
of PETN. Similar results were also obtained from TGA-DTA31 studies on the effects of
these additives.
5) Processes That Are Involved in Change
The processes of sublimation/recrystallization and surface diffusion are important
processes that cause change in PETN crystal morphology, particle size distribution and
specific surface area.
5a) Sublimation and Recrystallization
As PETN ages with time, changes in its morphology have been attributed to
sublimation and recrystallization through sintering, ripening, and other coarsening
mechanisms. These changes in morphology lead to a decrease in the surface area, and
therefore changes in the overall material performance properties. [Dinegar 1987]
Sublimation and recrystallization play a role in affecting all the variables
associated with crystal growth: crystal morphology, powder surface area, particle size
distribution, crystal density, powder compact density and density gradients. Sublimation
feeds a process called Ostwald ripening, which involves the spontaneous growth of larger
crystals from those of smaller size. As the larger crystals grow, the area around them is
depleted of smaller crystals. Microscopy has shown that smaller particles disappear and
particles fuse. While the formation of smaller crystals is kinetically favored, larger
crystals are thermodynamically favored. The smaller crystals nucleate more easily than
larger ones, but the larger ones have greater volume to surface area ratio with a lower
energy state. This process proceeds with age regardless of storage conditions unless the
crystals are treated to retard growth. [Duncan 1972]
Information is available concerning sublimation of PETN over a broad
temperature range. Lau et al. reports the sublimation pressure of PETN from room
temperature to 109C. [Lau 2004] The vapor pressure of PETN has been determined over
the temperature range of 50 to 98C. [Crimmins 1969] According to atomic force
microscopy (AFM) studies of the activation energy for evaporation of PETN (33.50

In order: nitric oxide, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen cyanide and water.
Differential thermal analysis (DTA).

Page 20
kcal/mol),32 sublimation is not significant below 40C. [Pitchimani 2007b] At room
temperature, the vapor pressure of PETN is quite low, in the range of parts per trillion.
[Dionne 1986] Cundall et al. also reported the equilibrium vapor pressure, standard
enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs energy of sublimation for PETN. [Cundall 1978]
Burnham et al. used atomic force microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis
(TGA) evaporation experiments to investigate the process of sublimation. These methods
show that PETN molecules are quite mobile on the crystal surface even at temperatures
as low as 30C. Based on this work, calculations suggest that about 2% of the PETN
might be expected to recrystallize during a year at this temperature. [Burnham 2005]
Below 130C PETN sublimes to give crystals of PETN I, the polymorph stable at
room temperature. PETN II is the stable polymorph between 130 and 140C but quickly
reverts to PETN I below this temperature range. As the temperature is increased to near
the melting point, PETN II crystals are observed in the sublimate. PETN, like many other
explosives, decomposes at a finite rate in the solid state as it approaches the melting
temperature. Although some PETN decomposition products are gaseous, others are
liquids near the melting point and form solutions with PETN, hence catalyzing the
decomposition. [Cady 1972]
5b) Surface Diffusion
According to Lin et al., the morphology of a PETN crystal can change through
two proposed mechanisms: surface diffusion and sublimation, both of which are believed
to occur simultaneously. No experimental observations of surface diffusion have been
made, but a molecular modeling approach has attempted to investigate this phenomenon
theoretically. [Lin 2007a] Surface diffusion on a PETN crystal was investigated by
treating surface diffusion as an activated process in the formalism of transition state
theory. In particular, surface diffusion on the (110) and (101) crystal facets (the surfaces
most exposed on the PETN crystal) as well as diffusion between the facets was
considered. Results show the (110) facet is more thermally active than the (101) facet and
the PETN molecule mainly diffuses from (110) to (101) facet. The results are reportedly
in good agreement with experimental observations and previous simulations. [Lin 2007b]
6) How Change is Assessed
The following approaches - threshold test fire, particle size distribution, specific
surface area, thermal analysis, chemical analysis, powder compact specific surface area
and density - have been used in the attempt to assess changes attributable to aging of
PETN with varying results. The biggest problem lies in the aging mechanism itself,
which likely influences small changes in morphology, both internal and external, and
particle size distribution changes on a scale too small to reliably monitor. Other aspects,
such as subtle changes in density profiles within pressed powder compacts, may be
beyond the capability of current technology to assess.

Rate of mass loss measured using TGA with PETN crystals heated from 110-135C yielded an
activation energy of 32.50 kcal/mol. While these two sets of experiments showed similar activation
energies at different temperatures, total evaporation rates estimated by extrapolations of the AFM
measurements were >300 times faster than from TGA experiments. [Burnham 2005]

Page 21
6a) Threshold Test Fire
There are two dynamic processes involved in the initiation of an EBW detonator
the bursting of the wire by an electrical signal and initiation of the explosive by the
bursting wire. The latter is related to the current at which the wire bursts. It has been
shown that this relationship depends only on the properties of the detonator and not the
properties of the firing set. Thus the threshold and transmission time of any given EBW
detonator are, from the electrical point of view, functions only of burst current. [Tucker
From the perspective of the PETN pellet in the EBW detonator, it undergoes a
deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) during initiation. Experiments with pressed
granular columns of PETN indicated that upon ignition, early choked flow of the
combustion gases prevents the continued propagation of the combustion via a convective
heat transfer mechanism and that the propagation of reaction becomes governed by a
leading compaction wave which causes ignition through the mechanical formation of hot
spots. [Luebcke 1996] More recent studies have indicated that the detonation criterion is
not dependent on the rate of deflagration, but on a volume of material that must be
burned to create the critical pressure needed at the compaction wave front that occurs
before the onset of detonation.33 [Martin 2006] Modeling of the DDT phenomenon has
addressed the effects that the variability in the grain microstructure in PETN explosive
powder beds can have on the overall mechanics of DDT. [Senz 2008] The variability in
the distance to detonation was noted to occur at a wide range of initial powder bed
densities, but is higher for low initial bed compactions (i.e. low density). The authors
considered it likely that a significant source is the variability in the microstructure in the
powder bed. In an example they noted that because the thickness of the compaction wave
was on the same scale as the size of a few particles it is reasonable to expect the
microstructure to have a significant effect on the mechanics of DDT in explosive
powders. This observation is echoed in an experimental study of shock initiation of
standard and ultrafine PETN powders. It was found that the sensitivity of the material
was dependent on the chemistry, the grain size, the density of the charge, and the nature
of the shock itself (long or short duration). [Chakravarty 2002] Earlier work by the same
laboratory had shown that short pulse duration shock waves with thickness on the order
of a few microns (on the order of typical hot-spot sizes) readily initiated ultrafine PETN
(~1 m grain size), but not conventional PETN (106 m grain size). [Watson 2000] The
investigators noted there is a trade-off between initiation from a short duration intense
shock and a longer duration, lower intensity shock. Grain size is important in this case as
the grain burning time is the critical factor when looking at the shock duration required.
Tucker carried out an experimental study of the dependence of threshold burst
current (Ibth) of exploding bridgewire detonators upon major detonator parameters. It
was found that over the range of parameter values of practical interest, Ibth with gold or
gold alloy bridgewires and loaded with PETN could be related to bridgewire length and

See also [Gifford 2002] for a discussion of Type I vs. Type II DDT in porous PETN powder.
Threshold burst current is defined as the value of burst current that produces 50% firing of a given
sample of EBW detonators. Burst current is defined as the current flowing in the bridgewire at the time of
peak voltage across the wire, and can be used to define the initiation sensitivity of an EBW detonator.

Page 22
diameter, explosive specific surface area and density, and firing temperature. Threshold
burst current was seen to increase with increasing pellet density. Increasing wire diameter
or decreasing wire length generally resulted in an increase in Ibth, but the magnitude of
the increase depended on the specific surface area of the explosive powder. Small-
diameter bridgewires required high specific surface area to minimize Ibth. Thus the
explosive needs to be matched to the bridgewire and changes in either will affect
threshold firing. [Tucker 1968] If the threshold current begins to rise due to aging of
either component, then the detonator function time can be affected. Additional explosive
characteristics such as purity, particle size distribution, crystal shape and surface
properties are also expected to play a lesser role in the initiation phenomenon.
Rogers and Duncan carried out particle characterization of production lots of
RR5K-type PETN35 to develop predictive models that would identify those particle
characteristics influencing sensitivity and performance. In general, large distributions of
shapes and sizes, with the larger particles being needle-like or elongated, led to low
threshold burst currents and short transit times. The Ibth was also found to be inversely
proportional to the temperature at which the units were test fired. [Rogers 1982]
6b) Particle Size Distribution
Crystal growth significant enough to affect the PETN particle size distribution is
expected to impact detonator performance. Blackburn and Reithel note that the size of
PETN crystals has a pronounced effect on the buildup zone during exploding bridgewire
initiation. Comparing two powders with significantly different specific surface areas
showed the build-up to detonation both in time and space is shorter for the finer PETN.
[Blackburn 1964] Dinegar showed that heating PETN powder causes an increase in
sensitivity to detonator bridgewire initiation and an increase in detonator function time,
attributable to an increase in transit time.36 In addition, heated PETN was seen to build up
to detonation more slowly than unheated material. The effects are attributed to a physical
rather than a chemical phenomenon, and are caused by a decrease in the explosive
particle specific surface area, i.e. increased particle size. [Dinegar 1987]
The simplest method to a determine particle size distribution is sieve analysis, in
which powder is separated on sieves of different sizes. The most obvious disadvantage is
that the smallest practical sieve size is 20-40 m, and many particle size distributions
involve much smaller sizes than this. A 20-m sieve is exceedingly fragile, and it is very
difficult to get material to pass through it. [Wikipedia 2008b] This method is also not
practical for the very small samples of PETN used in detonators.

As an aside, the thermal degradation study of Dosser and Seliskar showed that the behavior of samples
of RR5K PETN was significantly different from that of other powders studied. [Dosser 1992b]
Function time is the time from the start of discharge of the firing capacitor until breakout at the end of
the detonator. It is the sum of two values, the time until burst and the transit time, the time from burst until
breakout. Transit time is mainly a function of the detonator design, the type, density and length of
explosives in the detonator. The transit time is equal to the length of the explosive pressing, divided by the
detonation velocity, plus the excess transit time due to buildup of run distance to steady state detonation.
Excess transit time is a function of the initiating shock pressure. And initiating shock pressure is a function
of burst current. [Cooper 1996]

Page 23
Other methods include optical counting, electrical counting (e.g. Coulter counter),
sedimentation techniques, laser diffraction, and acoustic spectroscopy (aka ultrasound
attenuation spectroscopy). [Wikipedia 2008b] Each method has advantages and
limitations. The optical method requires a large number of particles to be measured,
which today can be done with commercial software reading scanning electron
micrographs. It is still impacted by non-representative dispersion of particles within the
field of view and the fact that it is a two-dimensional analysis. The sedimentation
methods are limited in not being able to measure sub-micron sized particles due to
Brownian motion. However, it is possible using the latest generation of commercial laser
light scattering instruments to focus the detection and measurement on the submicron-
sized fraction of the powder. Nonetheless, instruments that use a flow-through cell for
light scattering measurements exhibit a preferential alignment of rod-shaped and platelet
particles in the direction of the flow, which precludes a random distribution of
The biggest problems associated with monitoring changes in particle size
distribution are detecting a quantifiable change in aspect ratio as PETN particles grow
and monitoring the distribution of sub-micron particles, which would be expected to
diminish over time due to Ostwald ripening. Most light scattering instruments rely on the
assumption of individual, smooth spherical particles. Complications with real powders
include surface roughness, high aspect ratios, agglomeration, a wide variation in particle
size, and a large fraction of submicron particles. Some sample preparation steps, such as
use of a carrier fluid and sonication meant to deagglomerate and disperse the PETN
powders in a liquid medium, may alter the characteristics of the particles in suspension.
[Young 2006]
6c) Specific Surface Area (So)
Because of the difficulties encountered in directly measuring the surface area of
small particle samples, several methods are in use that indirectly estimate the surface
area. Two examples cited by Young are gas flow permeametry using the Fisher sub-sieve
sizer (FSSS) and gas adsorption using the Brunauer, Emmet and Teller (BET) methods.
The FSSS method measures resistance to flow or permeability, which is related to the
compacted bed pore structure and reentrant void characteristics as well as powder surface
area. Results are unaffected by particle shape, but surface roughness affects gas flow
around each particle and it fails to measure much of the deep surface texture. Packing the
bed for FSSS analysis may damage crystals and arbitrarily increase the surface area of the
powder. [Young 2006] The BET method has the advantage of measuring the surface of
fine structures and deep texture on the particles. However, the results can differ markedly
depending on the type of gas adsorbed. [Wikipedia 2008c]
6d) Thermal Analysis
For practical purposes none of these techniques have proven sufficiently sensitive
to detecting changes in aging PETN that has not undergone deliberate accelerated thermal
degradation. Thermal analysis comprises a group of techniques in which a physical
property of a substance is measured as a function of temperature, while the substance is
subjected to a controlled temperature ramp. All these methods can be used with materials
that decompose at elevated temperature. In differential thermal analysis (DTA), the

Page 24
temperature difference that develops between a sample and an inert reference material is
measured, when both are subjected to identical heat treatments. A DTA curve provides
data on the transformations that have occurred, such as glass transitions, crystallization,
melting and sublimation. The area under a DTA peak can be related to the change in
enthalpy. The related technique of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) relies on
differences in energy required to maintain the sample and reference at an identical
temperature. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) monitors changes in the mass of the
specimen on heating. [Bhadeshia 2008] Examples of TGA data for PETN and DiPEHN
and other explosives can be found in Zemans paper. [Zeman 1993] Examples of DSC
data for PETN and DiPEHN can be found in Reddy and Rao. [Reddy 1992]
6e) Chemical Analysis
Measuring the content of naturally occurring or doped homologues in aging
PETN samples is only meaningful if the original content is known. Analysis for thermal
degradation products such as PETriN may not provide useful data about the aging
process if detectable changes do not correlate with changes in performance. Surveillance
of PETN homologues (DiPEHN, TriPEON, and TetraPEDN) and PETriN in the stockpile
is currently carried out using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with
ultraviolet detection. Harvey et al. assessed the use of a quadrapole mass spectrometer as
the detection system to provide mass clues to the identity of unknown chromatographic
peaks. [Harvey 2005] HPLC in combination with chemoluminescence-N-detection
(CLND) has also proven useful for the analysis of PETN and its possible biological and
chemical degradation products PETriN, pentaerythritol dinitrate (PEDN or PEDiN) and
pentaerythritol mononitrate (PEMonoN). [Seeling 2006]
6f) Powder Compact Specific Surface Area and Density
These factors appear to be the least explored yet play an important role in
detonator functionality. PETN powder is compacted to 50% of crystal density (~0.88
g/cc) in many exploding bridgewire devices. [Cooper 1996] In general, all exploding wire
detonator configurations exhibit a decreased sensitivity with increasing explosive density.
[Tucker 1968] For example, Cooper estimates that a 10% increase in density from an
initial 0.88 g/cc calculates to an increase in threshold burst current of 32%. [Cooper
The surface area and compaction properties of PETN are important to
performance and aging characteristics of detonators. Removal of the powder from
detonators destroys the compact and prevents performance testing, losing the relationship
between physical or chemical changes with performance. The relationship between
specific surface area and performance properties and how they change with aging are of
particular interest. Firing time variation is dependent on a number of factors, including
not only the specific surface area, but also the density and density gradient within the
compact. The lower the specific surface area, the longer the firing time between current
input and explosive event. Edmonds et al. developed a detonator test system based on air
permeability measurement of specific surface area that allows in-situ analysis of powder
compacts prior to performance testing. These authors note that during aging, specific
surface area changes may occur through both surface and bulk effects. Since air

Page 25
permeametry cannot detect surface changes, a gas adsorption method may be necessary.
[Edmonds 2007]
7) Factors Relevant to Stabilizing Particle Size Growth
With time, changes can occur in the PETN crystals driven by the instability
mechanisms listed above. Some changes may have counterbalancing or synergistic
influences on the performance and initiability of PETN, making it difficult to predict the
outcome with single parameter models. These changes occur on the molecular, crystalline
and powder compact levels, and include deviations in:
Crystal morphology, particle size distribution and powder surface area
Crystal density and internal defects
Powder compact density and density gradients
7a) Crystal Morphology, Particle Size Distribution and Powder Surface Area
Explosive powders consist of a distribution of crystalline shapes and sizes.
According to Rogers and Dinegar, at least three general crystal habits of PETN have been
observed: 1) tetragonal with apex angles and little evidence of strain, produced by slow
recrystallization techniques, 2) needle or hour glass with reentrant cavities from the
ends and/or high aspect ratio, and 3) superfine, named after the original Dupont
product, consisting of irregular plates. [Rogers 1972] An example of the needle shape
with end cavity is shown in Cadys papers on growth and defects in explosive crystals
[Cady 1993] and on the PETN-DiPEHN-TriPEON system. [Cady 1972]
The crystalline size and shape distributions control chemical, mechanical and
thermal properties different from the bulk. Because PETN molecules have a high surface
mobility, the morphology and surface area can change over time due to surface diffusion
and/or sublimation and recrystallization. The rate of recrystallization and aspect ratio37 of
the crystals is strongly dependent on the storage temperature. The aspect ratio of the
crystals may change with supersaturation of the storage environment. Although the
particle size distribution can be measured experimentally, there is little information on
the mechanism associated with the commensurate change in powder surface area.
[Zepeda-Ruiz 2006]
To study crystalline surface irregularities produced by shock recrystallization,
Duncan compared the total surface area to external surface area. The thought was that
both surface and volume effects could be important during the aging cycle.
Measurements were made by both air-permeability (Fisher Sub-Sieve Sizer, FSSS) and
gas adsorption (Perkin-Elmer Adsorptometer, PEA) to compare the external surface area
measured by the FSSS with total (external plus internal) surface measured by the PEA.38
[Duncan 2002] Results indicated that volume effects are occurring with the decrease in
internal surface area being quite significant in terms of the size of the decrease, and
occurring quite early in thermal aging. In other words, in the process of surface diffusion,

The aspect ratio of a shape is the ratio of its longer dimension to its shorter dimension.
Airflow around individual particles in the FSSS does not include its reentrant surface while physical
adsorption of gas measures an area represented by the surface covered by a monolayer of close-packed
molecules of gas. Surface area determined by gas adsorption will include a particles reentrant surface

Page 26
reentrant pores and cracks are filled, resulting in a smoother crystal. When all the surface
irregularities are eliminated, measured gas adsorption and air-permeability surface areas
are seen to become equal. [Duncan 1972]
Interstitial gases and specific surface area play an interacting role in initiation if
not the aging process. In small-scale gap tests, Dinegar et al. found that the initiation
sensitivity of pressed low-density granular PETN decreases both with an increase in
specific surface area and as the gas pressure is increased. [Dinegar 1973] Later work by
the same author showed that decreases in PETN surface area correlated with an increase
in detonator function time. [Dinegar 1987]
7b) Crystal Density and Internal Defects
Both crystal density and internal defects have been associated with the initiability
of PETN. When explosive powders are pressed to near theoretical maximum density
(TMD) pellets the phenomenon is known as dead pressing, which desensitizes the
explosive. Dead pressing is a well-known phenomenon in solid explosives that occurs
when all the porosity is compressed out of the explosive resulting in a voidless material.
[Muraour 1950] It has been observed that at or near theoretical maximum density (crystal
density) that it becomes nearly impossible to induce a detonation. This is because the
number of internal defects that serve to create hot spots under shock conditions decreases
as crystal perfection is approached. [Dick 1991]
Crystal defects, in particular dislocations, have been observed to play a significant
role in crystal growth. Speculations have also been made of their involvement in both
slow and rapid decomposition of energetic solids. The properties of a dislocation are in
general strongly dependent on its character and whether or not it is formed during growth
or induced mechanically at a later stage of growth. Halfpenny and coworkers used
transmission X-ray topography to determine the nature of the growth-induced dislocation
structure of PETN. Most dislocations observed originated from either inclusions or
growth-sector boundaries, both of which are characteristic of growth-induced
dislocations. There was no direct evidence of dislocation motion by either glide or climb
mechanisms, which the authors attributed to likely solvent-impurity pinning of the
dislocations. [Halfpenny 1984]
Shock sensitivity may relate directly to the absolute number of internal voids and
defects, which is expected to scale with crystal size, and not just interstitial voids. The
effect of particle size on shock sensitivity was determined for PETN, RDX and Tetryl39
in a modified small-scale gap test. The dimensions of this small-scale test were believed
to correspond to those typical of explosive components. The shock sensitivity of PETN
was seen to increase slightly as particle size is increased, with a larger effect seen for
RDX and Tetryl samples. [Scott 1970]
7c) Powder Compact Density and Density Gradients
The density of a packed powder can either increase or decrease due to
environmental factors and either way affect detonator performance. Packing density and
interstitial voids have been related to changes in performance and initiation
Tetryl is a high explosive, also called N-Methyl-N,2,4,6-tetranitrobenzenamine or Tetranitro-

Page 27
characteristics, respectively. Both detonation pressure and detonation velocity are seen to
decrease with decreasing packing density for the same lot of material. [Hornig 1970]
Shock initiated energetic material typically demonstrates a characteristic distance
for the detonation wave to appear. A plot of the run-to-detonation length40 against percent
theoretical maximum density (% TMD) shows the commonly observed U-shaped plot
with an increase in length to both higher and lower densities. [Luebcke 1996] This data
indicates that either densification or increase in porosity can lead to a slower turnover to
detonation and therefore slower detonator transit times.
The shock sensitivity of PETN decreases as packing density increases, a trait
reportedly common to practically all explosives. [Kaye 1978] This trend implies that
aging processes that could densify a pressed pellet could lead to decreased sensitivity to
initiation. In threshold firing conditions this could lead to an increase in detonator
function time.
It was also found that although smaller particles are less shock sensitive than
larger particles, once initiated41 smaller particles more readily reach a stable high order
detonation. This phenomenon may be due to differences in the interstitial voids between
large and small crystals pressed to the same density. [Scott 1970] Interstitial voids have
been related to the initiation behavior of explosives. The most acceptable theory that
explains initiation by mechanical stimuli is the hot spots theory. The dynamic action on
the material causes strain and stress to appear locally resulting in heating in hot spots,
which result in ignition. If the number of voids between grains of explosive is
proportional to the number of grains, then the coarse-grained material should have fewer
but larger voids than fine-grained explosive at the same density. Experimental results for
pressed granular explosive have shown that the volume of fine voids is more efficient in
producing chemical reactions than the same volume of coarse voids. This suggests the
importance of surface reaction, which may take place at the surface of the void or more
likely, at the surface of the hot spot produced by shock convergence beyond the void.
[Campbell 1961] Thus it may be surmised that crystal growth (e.g. by Ostwald ripening)
will change the void volume such that larger voids are formed and the material becomes
less sensitive to shock initiation. This in turn leads to a longer run distance to detonation
and longer transit times to breakout of the shock wave on the surface of the pressed
pellet. Changes in the density gradient within pressed pellets would likewise be expected
to affect shock wave transit time. However it does not appear that this phenomenon has
been studied.
Interstitial gases and specific surface area play an interacting role in initiation. In
small-scale gap tests, Dinegar et al. found that the initiation sensitivity of low-density
granular PETN decreases with an increase in specific surface area of pressed explosive
with air at atmospheric pressure in the crystal interstices, and decreases as the gas
pressure is increased. Substitution of helium, argon, nitrogen and carbon dioxide for air

Also called run distance to detonation.
In low-density pressed explosives, initiation is not the result of uniform shock heating nor is it explained
by shock heating of the interstitial gas. [Seay 1961] Initiation seems to depend on the discontinuities and
resulting shock interactions. The shock interactions are believed to contribute to spalling, jetting or some
combination. [Seay 1963]

Page 28
for both low and high specific surface material is accompanied by a decrease in explosive
sensitivity. Substitution of oxygen sensitized powder compacts with mixtures of oxygen
and nitrogen showing sensitivities intermediate to those observed with the pure gases.
This effect was also noted with exploding bridgewire initiation under an oxygen high-
pressure atmosphere. The greater the molecular complexity of the gas, the greater its
desensitizing effects. [Dinegar 1973]
8) How PETN Powder Surface Area Can Be Stabilized
Successful use of PETN in detonators requires use of high surface area powders
pressed into powder compacts. A number of stabilization methods have been discussed
that are meant to mitigate sublimation of PETN crystals, and therefore crystal growth,
under service conditions. These include thermal cycling, doping with higher molecular
weight homologues, and the addition of certain impurities during or after crystallization
of PETN. [Pitchimani 2007a], [Pitchimani 2008]
8a) Additives
Homologues DiPEHN and TriPEON have been noted in the literature as two
naturally occurring impurities in PETN. One study referred to the use of 1% TriPEON
additive in the PETN as a mild binder. [Campbell 1961] TriPEON has been used to
stabilize PETN. [Moore 2004] (See Section 3.f on Purity and Section 4.e on
Impurities for more discussion about the PETN homologues.)
Maiti and coworkers developed a simple working formula to calculate the
desorption rate of TriPEON, referred to as a foreign surface inhibitor, from the (110)
surface of the PETN crystal. [Maiti 2007] They compared the desorption range of a
PETN molecule from a kink site42 on an exposed crystal face with that of TriPEON
from the same kink site. They concluded that once all kink sites on the surface are
saturated with TriPEON there should be a significant slowdown in the kinetic processes
on a PETN surface resulting in surface and morphology stabilization for at least a few
8b) Surface Agent Treatment
Polymers such as polysaccharide, binders, and wetting agents can be used to
retard sublimation by coating the surface. [Moore 2004], [Osborn 1969], [Osborn 1970]
It has been speculated that the presence of certain types of large molecules on the crystal
surface should interfere with the surface activity, resulting in less growth and crystal
change. [Osborn 1970] As an example study, twenty Micronizer43 runs were made to
ascertain the effects of various fluids and wetting agents on the stability of high surface
area PETN and to establish the limits for process repeatability. One sample, after being

The work done to take a molecule away from a kink site is half the work necessary to extract it from
the bulk. [Mutaftschiev 2001] The kink site is of special importance when evaluating the thermodynamics
of a variety of phenomena. This site is also referred to as the half-crystal position and energies are
evaluated relative to this position for processes such as adsorption, surface diffusion, and sublimation. The
term half-crystal comes from the fact that the kink site has half the number of neighboring atoms as an
atom in the crystal bulk, regardless of the type of crystal lattice. [Wikipedia 2009]
A Micronizer is a jet mill employing compressed air or gas to produce particles less than one micron in

Page 29
treated with the wetting agent dodecyl sodium sulfate, stabilized at 7400 cm2/gm after the
300-hr bake at 100C. [Osborn 1969] A polysaccharide used to wash PETN crystals in a
surface area stabilization study is a commercial guar gum sold by Stein-Hall under the
designation Jaguar J2S1. [Osborn 1970]
8c) Heat Treatment
Thermal cycling has been proposed as a method to alleviate the sublimation of
PETN crystals under service conditions. [Pitchimani 2007a] An example is heat treated
micronized PETN, prepared by heating recrystallized powder at 212F (100C) for 300
hours. It was found that PETN could also be effectively stabilized after 8 hours at 240F
(~116C). [Osborn 1970], [Osborn 1971]
In Duncans study of recrystallized unstabilized PETN, it was noted that
preheated material did not lose any appreciable amount of surface area after 586 days of
storage. This stability was suggested as possibly due to the fact that surface irregularities
were removed during the pre-aging, in that molecular relation, contact points, and surface
diffusion had been completed, and additional loss would be due to bulk diffusion. At
ambient conditions bulk diffusion is quite slow, so that slight changes in surface area
would not be obviously detectable. [Duncan 1972]
Another part of Duncans study used coarse and fine (<10 micron) PETN samples
sieve cut from the same batch and compared the surface area of each with a sample of the
uncut batch after thermal cycling. It was found that the uncut sample maintained a higher
surface area than either coarse or fine samples, which attained the same surface area
during the first two hours of aging. The stabilization level of the <1 micron sized material
was unexpected in that it was significantly lower than that of the original sample.
[Duncan 1972]
9) Acknowledgements
The author would like to thank Peggy Olsen and Craig Tarver for their support,
advice and technical editing of this report.

Page 30
10) Acronyms
AFM atomic force microscopy
BET - Brunauer, Emmet and Teller (gas adsorption method)
Bi2O3 bismuth trioxide
C-compounds molecules with 14C (or radiocarbon), radioactive isotope of carbon
CO2 carbon dioxide labeled with 14C (or radiocarbon), radioactive isotope of carbon
C2H2 acetylene
CH4 methane
CI chemical ionization (spectroscopy)
CLND chemoluminescence-N-detection
CO carbon monoxide
CO2 carbon dioxide
Co60 Cobalt-60, radioactive isotope of cobalt
CuO cupric oxide
DDT detonation-to-deflagration transition
DiPEHN - dipentaerythritol hexanitrate
DSC differential scanning calorimetry
DTA differential thermal analysis
EBW exploding bridgewire (detonator)
EFI exploding foil initiator
EGDN ethylene glycol dinitrate
EMR Electron Magnetic Resonance (spectroscopy)
EPR - Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (spectroscopy)
ESR Electron Spin Resonance (spectroscopy)
ESI - mass electrospray ionization (spectroscopy)
Fe2O3 ferric oxide [Iron (III) oxide]
FSSS - Fisher sub-sieve sizer (gas flow permeametry method)
FTMS Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry
H2 hydrogen
H2CO formaldehyde
H2O water
HCN hydrogen cyanide
HE high explosive

Page 31
HMX - Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine, or Cyclotetramethylene
tetranitramine, or Octogen (acronym may be from High Melting explosive)
HNCO - isocyanic acid
HPLC - High-performance liquid chromatography, or High-pressure liquid
Ibth threshold burst current
IHE insensitive high explosive
KMC kinetic Monte Carlo
LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
MnO2 manganese dioxide
MoO3 molybdic oxide (molybdenum oxide)
MR mega-Roentgen (unit of radiation exposure)
Mrad mega-rad (mega- Radiation Absorbed Dose)
N2 nitrogen
NC nitrocellulose
NG nitroglycerin
NH4+ - ammonium ion
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
NO nitric oxide
NOx any one of the oxides of nitrogen
NO2 nitrogen dioxide
NO2 nitrite ion
NO3 nitrate ion
N2O nitrous oxide
N2O4 dinitrogen tetroxide
O2 oxygen
PBX plastic bonded explosive
PEA Perkin-Elmer Adsorptometer
PEDN or PEDiN pentaerythritol dinitrate
PEMonoN pentaerythritol mononitrate
PETN pentaerythritol tetranitrate
PETNr PETN reductase (enzyme)
PETriN pentaerythritol trinitrate

Page 32
R Roentgen (unit of radiation exposure)
RDX - Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine, or Cyclotrimethylene trinitramine, or
Hexogen (acronym may be from Research Department (composition) X)
SnO2 stannic oxide (tin oxide)
So specific surface area
TATB -1,3,5- Triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene
Tetryl - N-Methyl-N,2,4,6-tetranitrobenzenamine or Tetranitro-methylaniline
TGA thermogravimetric analysis
TLC thin layer chromatography
TMD theoretical maximum density
TMR time-to-maximum-rate (decomposition)
TNT - trinitrotoluene
TetraPEDN - tetrapentaerythritol dodecanitrate
TriPEON - tripentaerythritol octanitrate
UK United Kingdom
WO3 tungsten oxide

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