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Fluency Strategies

for Struggling Readers

Marcia Delany

New York ● Toronto ● London ● Auckland ● Sydney

Mexico City ● New Delhi ● Hong Kong ● Buenos Aires

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
My sincere thanks to the following people:

Thelma Dill and Laura Toburen, former principals of

Washington-Wilkes Primary School, who supported and
encouraged me in my efforts to reach struggling readers

The teachers, administrators, staff, and students at

Washington-Wilkes Primary School and the many other
teachers and students with whom I have worked

My editor, Sarah Longhi, who has guided

me with expertise and endless patience
through the publication process

A very special thanks to my husband, Jack,

without whose unfailing love and support
I would not have been able to write this book.

Scholastic Inc. grants teachers permission to photocopy the reproducible pages from this book for
classroom use. No other part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. For information regarding
permission, write to Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

Cover design by Victor Zarkovic

Interior design by Kelli Thompson
Interior photos by Marcia Delany
ISBN: 0-439-60970-4

Copyright © 2006 by Marcia Delany

All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 12 11 10 09 08 07 06

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Literature Response Stories . . . . . . . . . . 6 8
Fluency Terms and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . 8 Recorded Repeated Reading. . . . . . . . . 7 1
Disfluency Symptoms Chart . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Untimed Repeated Reading . . . . . . . . . . 7 4

Fluency, the Key to Comprehension . . 1 2 Expression and Prosody . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7

How Fluency Impacts Comprehension . . 1 3 Teacher Read-Aloud With Multiple

Copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8
Help for Teachers With Struggling
Readers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 Dialogue Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1

Emergent Reader Strategies . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 The Little Red Hen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4

Letter-Name Fluency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 Trees for Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6
Letter-Sound Fluency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 Three Homes for Three Puppies . . . . . . . . 8 8
Cross-Age Repeated Reading . . . . . . . . 9 0
The Interview Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2
Zookeeper Interview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5
Accuracy and Automatic Decoding . . 2 2
Sight-Word Fluency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Sight-Word Wall Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 Assessing Fluency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7
Vocabulary Identification and Practice Appropriate Assessment for Fluency . . 9 7
(VIP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0
Individual Oral Reading Fluency
Multisyllabic Decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3
Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 1
Text Chunking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6
Using Assessment to Guide
Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 04
CHAPTER 3 Ongoing Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 06
Accuracy, Phrasing, and Expression . . 37 Oral Reading Quality Scale . . . . . . . . . . . 1 08
Sight-Word Sentence Building . . . . . . . . 3 8 Retelling Comprehension Rubric. . . . . . . . 1 09
Sight-Word Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Fluency Assessment Record . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 0
Sight-Word Sentences to Build . . . . . . . . . 4 4
Individual Experience Story . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Appendix A: Dolch Sight-Word List . . 1 1 1
Experience Story Question Appendix B: Basic Noun List . . . . . . . . 1 1 5
Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 Appendix C: Suggested Children’s
Story Picture Prompts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Literature for Building Fluency . . . . 1 1 7
Picture Prompt Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0
Sight-Word Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 Professional Sources Cited . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25
Make-Your-Own Sight-Word Book. . . . . . . . 6 4 Children’s Literature Cited. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 26
Subject Paragraphs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 27

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
n the summer of 2005, while I

I was shopping in Atlanta, I ran

into Alicia, one of my former
first graders. I was absolutely
delighted to see her and to hear that
she was finishing a bachelor’s degree
at a state university. This came as
a particularly satisfying discovery
for me, her first reading teacher.
When I met her, Alicia was reading
below grade level and came to me
for two hours every day for extra
reading support. She was a bright
child who was very enthusiastic
about learning to read, but she needed
a lot of support to gain grade-level fluency. Her knowledge of letter sounds was
limited and she recognized only a few sight words. Given a short passage with
basic words she knew, she read word-by-word at a very slow rate, which sounded
labored and monotonous. She did not read to comprehend—she read to get through
the text at hand.
To help Alicia become a fluent reader who found meaning and enjoyment in
what she read, I employed many of the fluency strategies described in this
book. I used strategies that would increase her decoding and word recognition
skills as well as her phrasing and expression. As Alicia’s confidence grew, she
not only began to read more smoothly and rapidly, she also began to keep her
own box of favorite books and enjoyed going back to practice her favorites and
perform them for me and her family. She was becoming a fluent reader. By the
end of her first-grade school year, Alicia was reading and comprehending at
grade level. Seven years later she had earned a place in the top eighth-grade
language arts class at the middle school. And now, in her young adulthood,
college graduation is on the horizon.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
hile oral reading skills alone did not create Alicia’s success story, they have
W laid a strong foundation for her academic growth and that of many of her
struggling reader peers.
Improving fluency has been a part of my teaching agenda for more than 36 years.
Much of what I’ve learned about how to help children improve their reading was
learned through continuing coursework, the work of leading educators and
researchers on fluency, and, most important, through working with children like
Alicia. My work has shown me that with a supportive teacher, good assessment,
and repeated encounters with reading materials in ways that target a child’s fluency
needs, struggling readers can become fluent readers—and success stories.

About This Book

nlike other fluency books geared to teachers of this age group, this book
U focuses specifically on struggling readers. It provides a brief overview of oral
reading fluency including what it is and why being a fluent oral reader is so
important to reading for comprehension. Most importantly, this book provides
you with ways to develop children’s oral reading fluency through a variety of
engaging strategies and activities that you can easily make a part of your everyday
instruction—either with the whole class, small groups, or individuals.
The 20 fluency strategies included in this book are presented in a lesson format
through the use of individual student vignettes and step-by-step, easy-to-follow
procedures. In each lesson, you’ll find an approach that incorporates the following
fluency instruction principles based on the work of reading experts Timothy
Rasinski and Jay Samuels.
Students need:
● multiple opportunities to hear the fluent reading of text (Rasinski, 2003b)
● practice through repeated oral readings of a text (Samuels, 1979)
● guidance in their reading practice (Rasinski, 2003a)
The strategy lessons are designed to develop children’s fluency through the use
of texts and materials that you already have or can create with minimal preparation
in your classroom. In each lesson, a section titled Putting It to Work in Your
Classroom provides four steps for implementation: Preparing and Introducing
the Activity; Modeling Fluent Oral Reading; Guiding Repeated Oral Reading; and
Extending Repeated Oral Reading, which includes engaging activities that extend
the learning in the lesson.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The strategies are organized by chapter to address the specific fluency issues of
accuracy and automaticity (chapters 1, 2, and 3) and phrasing, expression, and
prosody (chapters 3 and 4). Although oral reading rate is a component of fluency,
I do not offer strategies that specifically target rate improvement. This is because
a child’s reading rate increases as his or her accuracy, automaticity, phrasing,
expression, and prosody increase—gains that can be made by lots of reading
practice supported by the lessons in this book. Chapter 5 describes types of fluency
assessments and gives you the tools you need to evaluate your struggling readers
and effectively plan instruction that meets their needs.

How to Use This Book

irst, take some time to familiarize yourself with the fluency terms and definitions
F you’ll encounter in the chapters ahead (see pages 8–10). Determine which of
your readers are in need of fluency-targeted instruction and determine their
areas of challenge. You may already have assessment data that indicates students’
specific needs, or you may want to use the fluency assessment procedures and
tools in Chapter 5. Then use the chart on page 11 to find strategy lessons that
address the specific fluency needs of your readers. The symbols shown in the
chart serve as a quick reference to help you find lessons that address particular
needs. Use the lessons as guidelines and add your own innovations: You may wish
to adapt a given lesson to meet the specific needs and interests of your children.
Remember to keep the activities quick and fun, and have children return to mean-
ingful text to practice new skills as much as possible.
I find the following materials useful when teaching the lessons in this book.
Some are simple to make, others are tools that your school may have on hand.
● Word cards and letter cards. I use 4" x 6" index cards and markers to make
word cards and letter cards. Manipulating the cards encourages children to
practice working with letters, sounds, and sight or vocabulary words. For
example, some of the lessons suggest that children use letter or word cards
to build words and sentences. You may wish to laminate the cards you create
for durability.

The strategies in this book provide your struggling readers with multiple opportunities to hear fluent
expressive oral reading and to engage in the repeated reading of words, phrases, sentences, and text.
This repeated exposure and practice is a key element to making gains in reading achievement.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
● Rings.I use metal rings to hang chart paper with word lists and to make letter
and sight-word mini–flip charts. Punching a hole at the top of each word card
and then grouping similar cards (short vowels or word families) together
and attaching them with a ring enables you to create a manipulative that the
child can use by flipping through the cards on the ring. This becomes a helpful
tool for children to use independently or with a partner for practicing and
reinforcing their recognition of letters and sight words.
● Magnetic letters, magnetic boards, and letter tiles. I use magnetic letters and
letter tiles to give children an alternative to word and letter cards. Their color
and form often help tactile and visual learners remember the shape of each
letter more accurately. You might want to have the children place the magnetic
letters on individual magnetic boards or right on a table or desk.
● Smallwhiteboard. I use a small dry-erase board when I work with individuals
and small groups of children. This portable tool can be adjusted so that every-
one in the group can easily see it. As suggested in several of the strategy
lessons, I write familiar words featuring key letters or sounds and write
sentences that the children and I create together. When I want to highlight
an element, I can do so with markers of different colors. I can also have
children come to the board to write a letter or fill in missing letters, or to
write the words they are learning.
● Pocket charts. I find pocket charts very useful when I have children work with
letter and word cards and sentences. For example, the words we use to build
different sentences can be mixed up and placed in the pocket chart. I might
have children build the sentences in the pocket chart during center time.
● Largewhiteboard or chalkboard. I use a large board for writing longer text
such as lists of multisyllabic words or the writing of a child’s dictated
experience story.
● Teacher-made checklists. I make my own checklists (they are part of my
lesson plan) when I teach letter, sound, and word recognition. Checklists
enable you to be sure that individual children have mastered the material
and to identify areas where they need more support.
● Chartpaper. I use chart paper for listing the words, rhymes, and poems we
work with in the classroom. I generally hang the pages on a chart stand or
tape them to a wall or board where children can use them for reference.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

he terms below include key concepts that you will likely encounter as you
T read this and other resources about oral reading fluency.

accuracy: the correct identification of words; reading without substituting,

mispronouncing, or omitting the words in the text

appropriate reading rate: reading at an oral rate that is grade-level appropriate

and varying the reading rate according to the purpose for reading

automaticity: processing text rapidly and with little attention or effort; having no
difficulty recognizing words and decoding words in text at or above the reader’s
grade level

choppy phrasing: grouping words inappropriately, without attention to meaning;

may indicate a lack of comprehension
Example: A disfluent reader may phrase the sentence The girl and the boy want
to visit their grandma in this way:
The / girl and / the / boy want / to visit their / grandma.

decoding: sounding out the parts or syllables of a word for the purpose of
determining its intended meaning

expression: appropriate phrasing and prosody that make oral reading sound like
spoken language

grade-level text: level of reading difficulty determined by publishers or teachers

using a readability formula, so that the text reflects only the words and features
of a text appropriate for a given grade level

guided practice: teacher-supported reading and rereading of words or text for


hesitation: a pause while reading aloud, often due to the reader’s inability to
decode words

insertion: during oral reading, the addition of one or more words that are not in
the text

A great resource for additional reading terminology is The Literacy Dictionary (International Reading
Association, 1995).

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
instructional-level text: reading material that is challenging, but not frustrating, to
the reader; text that can be read with some instructional support and results in 95
percent or better word recognition and more than 75 percent comprehension

mispronunciation: saying words incorrectly during oral reading

Example: A child reads the printed word like as lake and present as peasant.

monotone: reading in a droning voice without using expression or prosody; no

variation in tone, using no inflection so that the reading does not sound like normal
spoken language

multisyllabic words: words consisting of two or more syllables

omission: words from the text that the reader skips or leaves out during
oral reading
Example: When reading the sentence The dogs like to play fetch, a reader might
omit the phrase like to and read instead The dogs play fetch.

oral interpretation: reading text aloud in such a way as to reflect the author’s
tone, mood, and intent; exhibiting an understanding of what is read

oral reading fluency: reading aloud quickly and accurately with expression and

phrasing: grouping words into meaningful thought units

Example: An appropriate phrasing of the sentence The two kids like to play with
their friends is:
The two kids / like to play / with their friends.

prosody: reading orally using pitch, loudness, tempo, and rhythm to interpret
the text with attention to meaning; a fluent reader notices, and gives emphasis
to, bold print, capital letters, commas, exclamation marks, and quotation marks;
a fluent reader also expressively interprets a text correctly when there are few
or no typographical signals
● In the sentence “Look out!” they shouted, “Here comes a truck!” the reader

would deliver the command with excitement and anxiousness, emphasizing

the phrase Look out.
● In the sentence I am so sorry to hear your sad news, the reader might drop his

or her volume and slow the rate of reading to achieve an apologetic tone.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
punctuation: typographical signals in the text that guide the reader to pause or
interpret the text with expression

reading rate: reading text at a certain rate or speed; usually measured by the
number of words that are read correctly in one minute (words correct per
minute, or wcpm); a child’s reading rate may vary depending on the type of
text and purpose for reading

repeated reading: reading the same text several times, thus increasing word
recognition, decoding, phrasing, and expression; an important way struggling
readers gain fluency

repetitions: repeated words or phrases during oral reading

Example: When reading the sentence The boys and girls liked school, the reader
says the word The several times before reading the rest of the sentence.

substitutions: replacement words for those that appear in a text; often synonyms
Example: In the sentence Mary and her mother live in a green house, the reader
uses the word mom for mother or home for house.

text chunking: breaking a large selection of text into smaller, more manageable
sections for instruction

vocabulary development: increasing the number of words and word meanings a

reader knows

vocabulary knowledge: a fund of known words and meanings

word-by-word reading: recognizing and orally reading words in a slow, labored

manner, characterized by pausing after each word; inappropriate phrasing that
inhibits comprehension

word calling: reading quickly with rapid word recognition and a lack of
appropriate phrasing, punctuation, expression, and prosody; usually
accompanied by a lack of comprehension of what is being read

words correct per minute (wcpm): measurement taken to assess a child’s

reading rate; reading a certain number of words correctly per minute

10 Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources


Cross-Age Repeated Reading

Individual Experience Story

Recorded Repeated Reading

Sight-Word Wall Dictionary

Untimed Repeated Reading

Literature Response Stories
Symptoms Component

Multisyllabic Decoding

Story Picture Prompts

Letter-Sound Fluency
Letter-Name Fluency

Question Generation
Sight-Word Fluency

Teacher Read-Aloud
Subject Paragraphs
Sight-Word Books

Interview Strategy
Sentence Building

Dialogue Theater
Text Chunking
Unable to Accuracy
recognize X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Unable to Automaticity
decode multi- X X X X X
syllabic words

Reads word Rate

by word X X X

Reads too Rate

slowly X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Reads too Rate

fast X X X X X

Reads with Phrasing


Ignores Phrasing

Reads with a Expression

lack of and Prosody
expression X X X X X X X X X X X X X
and prosody
Lacks Expression
appropriate and Prosody
oral X X

Doesn’t like Motivation

to practice X X X X

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Fluency, the Key

to Comprehension

luent readers are able to better understand what

F they read than are their less fluent peers (Kuhn

& Stahl, 2000). In fact, current research cited by the
National Reading Panel in its 2000 report on teaching
reading shows that oral reading fluency is a critical factor
in reading comprehension—so critical that the panel named
fluency one of the five essential components of effective
reading instruction for young children.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
How Fluency Impacts Comprehension
hy is the ability to fluently read aloud so important to a reader’s ability
W to read and understand text? A look at two very different readers sheds
some light on this question.
Jessi is a fluent reader. She reads two grades above her grade level and usually has
her nose in a book. She reads both narrative and informational text with ease,
rarely stumbling over a word. She is often able to sound out unfamiliar words
and determine their meaning from the context of the sentence. Jessi reads
aloud with such great expression and enjoyment that she brings the voice of
the author right off the page. She conveys the appropriate feeling, tone, and
mood of the selection. She can put her little brother to bed with a comforting
rendition of Goodnight Moon or make an audience cheer when she delivers a rous-
ing speech at a Martin Luther King, Jr., Day presentation.When Jessi reads, peo-
ple listen.
Justin is a struggling, disfluent reader who is reading well below his grade level.
Justin struggles to sound out phonetically regular words and to recognize basic
sight words. He has only one reading speed—slow.When Justin reads aloud, he
stumbles over the words and delivers the passage in a labored monotone that
wears on him and his listener. Although he wants to be able to read like his
more fluent peers, he has so much trouble reading he is embarrassed to pick up
a book.When he has a choice of learning activities, he seeks the one that
requires the least amount of reading to accomplish.


Fluent readers like Jessi read quickly with ease and automaticity, recognizing
sight words and decoding multisyllabic words by sounding them out or breaking
them into recognizable units that they can reconstruct. As they read, fluent read-
ers call on many decoding and word-attack strategies without thinking much
about or laboring over the process. In this way, they move along smoothly
through the text and complete reading assignments with ease. Because fluent
readers expend little effort in decoding, they can rapidly process print and use
their cognitive resources to make meaning in these ways:
● to connect words to their meanings (Sinatra, Brown, & Reynolds, 2002;
LaBerge & Samuels, 1974)
● to understand the intended meanings of unfamiliar words (Pressley, 2002)
● to keep focused on the meaning of the whole text

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Struggling readers like Justin lack automaticity, and this slows them down so
that they are unable to complete reading assignments. They often get stuck—and
stay stuck—on individual words, unable to recognize or decode them, and there-
fore, unable to connect the words on the page to their meanings (Pressley &
Block, 2002). Because they miss so many words and spend so much energy on
each one, they are also unable to process text adequately and to gain meaning
from the larger context of the story or passage they read.


When fluent readers like Jessi read
aloud, they carry expression in their
voices and read prosodically, changing
their pitch, tone, and rhythm as
suggested by the passage. They
pay attention to punctuation and
typographical signals such as bold
print and capital letters to provide
emphasis (Opitz & Rasinski, 1998).
As fluent readers read, they seek a
meaningful delivery by breaking long,
multiline sentences into meaningful
phrases, even when there are no
commas to direct their pauses.
These abilities enable them to correctly These three girls are using the Dialogue
interpret the text when reading aloud Theater strategy (pages 81– 89) to
and to better understand what they are practice reading the dialogue from a
reading; they can retell and answer favorite story with appropriate phrasing
and expression.
questions about what they have read.
Struggling readers like Justin read in a halting, choppy way, moving through a
text with word-by-word or choppy two-to-three-word phrasings, while ignoring
punctuation and other cues from the text. This keeps disfluent readers from
grouping words into meaningful units and impairs their comprehension. They
are so busy trying to figure out each word that they can’t think about what the
author is trying to tell them and how they might give voice to the ideas on the page.
Ultimately, this lack of fluency prevents a reader like Justin from understanding,
enjoying, and succeeding when reading.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Help for Teachers With Struggling Readers
hat is a teacher with one, several, or a whole class of struggling readers
W like Justin to do? The first step is to identify specific aspects of fluency that
affect these students. Look to the struggling reader portraits in each lesson
and read the fluency terms and definitions listed on pages 8–10 to familiarize
yourself with the details you’re listening for when children read aloud.
The next step is to assess children to gain an understanding of their fluency
strengths and weaknesses. Assessing your students’ oral reading fluency allows
you to hear and identify their difficulties with word recognition, decoding, rate,
phrasing, expression, and prosody—all obstacles to fluent reading. Just as oral
reading gives you a look at the child’s reading process, initial and ongoing fluency
assessment enables you to measure a child’s progress toward fluency and to
assess the effectiveness of your fluency instruction. A more complete discussion
of fluency assessment, along with ideas for basic assessment techniques, is
provided in Chapter 5.
Finally, you’ll need to develop strategies to target those areas in which your
struggling readers need help. Refer to the chart on page 11 to find strategy lessons
that target specific fluency issues.
In the next section, I begin with lessons that reinforce basic phonics skills that
all beginning readers need: the ability to identify the names and sounds that letters
produce. Depending on your struggling readers’ needs, you may want to skip
ahead to later chapters that target strategies for more advanced readers.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

e hope that our first, second, and third graders come to us with all the
W prerequisite skills and print experiences they need to become great readers.
However, we must often back up to the very beginning and tackle the skills our
emergent readers need to master before they move on to connected texts at
grade level. Letter-Name Fluency and Letter-Sound Fluency are two strategies
that you may want to implement with readers at the emergent level.


he ability to name letters is one of the fundamental stepping stones in the
T decoding process. Teachers often introduce emergent readers to letter
names by showing children a letter, naming it, and then giving a verbal cue, such as
“Circle or point to the a on the page.” A struggling reader can usually point to
the a when you have given the letter name as a clue. However, if you point to a
letter and ask the child to identify it by name, he or she may be unable to tell you.
While stronger readers may be able to identify the letter easily both by name and
by appearance, we need to be sure to help struggling readers identify and name writ-
ten letters quickly and correctly, so they can move on to the next step and properly

The Problem
The beginning reader has difficulty recognizing and naming letters.

The Symptoms
Unable to name the letters of the alphabet when presented with the individual
letters on flash cards or in sight words

Jerome entered first grade able to name only the letters d, b, j, r, t, h, u, p, m, e,

and z. He often mixed up the letters with numerals.This made it extremely diffi-
cult for him to learn and remember letter sounds and beginning sight words,
even phonetic ones such as can and go.

The Solution
Work with letter naming until the child can quickly and accurately recognize
and name each of the 26 letters in random order. Children should be able to
identify both upper- and lowercase forms for each letter.

Every day I worked with Jerome and two or three other students who needed
similar instruction in a small group. I taught the letters he did not know, while
always reviewing the letters he did know. I provided Jerome with specific, direct

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
instruction; meaningful, active practice; and lots of repeated exposure to the target
letters in different contexts. Jerome learned to recognize each letter and to
begin connecting the letters to the sounds they made.

Putting It to Work in Your Classroom

Use Letter-Name Fluency with individuals and small groups of beginning and
struggling readers who have similar needs. Begin working with the letters the
children see in their names and in the sight words they are learning. Point these
letters out to them on the covers and in the pages of books you are reading aloud
to them. Learning the letters becomes meaningful for them and easy to remember
when they connect the letters to important people and things in their lives.
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Secure a small whiteboard and prepare letter flash cards, using two to three
letters the children do not know and two to three they already do know.
● Write several words on the board that begin with the target letters (such as
a classmate’s name or the name of a child’s pet). Say the word and point to
the new letters. You might explain to children that everyone’s name begins
with a letter of the alphabet, and they will need to know letters so they can
write notes to and read notes from friends and family. This is a great
opportunity to point out that names begin with uppercase letters.
● Repeat these procedures, teaching both lower- and uppercase, until children
can match the lowercase letters to their uppercase counterparts. Begin by
teaching the lowercase letters that the children see in the words in familiar
texts and introduce the corresponding uppercase letters as they occur in
words you are teaching, such as in the children’s names and the names of
their classmates, and at the beginning of a sentence.
2. Modeling Letter-Name Identification
● Review the names of known letters and introduce new letters one at a time.
Show the card as you name the letter. Then write words that contain the
letter on the board, and have children find and name the letter in the written
words on the board. Repeat with each of the day’s target letters.

Always review known letters before introducing new ones. Use a checklist to keep track of each of the
letters students can identify and those they must still master.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
3. Guiding Letter-Name Identification
● Use the letter cards you prepared in step 1. You may also use magnetic letters
on a magnetic board or on the table in place of the letter cards. The bright
colors and shapes may assist children who are visual and tactile learners.
● Ask children to say the letter names as you show them the cards, giving
each child a turn. Go through the letter cards several times, challenging the
group to name the letters a little more quickly each time.
● Place the letter cards facedown in a pile on the table. Ask each student to
turn over a card and name the letter. Name and replace in the stack any
missed letter, and call on that same child when the letter appears again.
Repeat until each child can name the letters.
● Guide students to write the letters with their fingers in the air as you write
them on the board. Describe the letter formation as you write. For example,
when writing lowercase a, say, “Around, up to meet, and down again makes
an a.” Once students can recognize, name, and write the letters, ask them
to write each letter on their papers as you pick up a letter card and say the
letter name.
4. Extending Letter-Name Learning
Match It! Play a matching game with the letter cards. Write each letter on
two cards. Lay the cards out facedown. Have students take turns flipping
over a letter card, saying the name, and flipping over another card to see if
they can find a match. Let them keep score by earning a point for each
match they make.
Letter Bingo Play Bingo with the letter cards. Write the letters in random
order on bingo cards using both lowercase and uppercase letters. Give each
child a Bingo card and paper squares to cover the letters. Draw a letter card
from your stack and say the name of the letter. Students cover the space on
their Bingo boards containing the uppercase and lowercase letter. The
winner is the first player to correctly identify and cover five letters in a row
on his or her board.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
nowing the sounds of the letters is crucial to struggling readers’ ability to
K recognize words, and these children need extra support distinguishing
among letter sounds. Teach some of the easiest letter sounds first, the ones for
which the letter name sounds like the letter sound, such as b, t, v, long e, i, and
o, and so on. Note that the letter sounds struggling readers almost always miss
are q—/kw/, y—/y/, and w—/w/ because they don’t sound like their letter names
when they are read. For example, when you say the letter name y, your mouth
forms a sound more like wuh, causing some struggling readers to make the
sound for w when they encounter a y in their reading. In contrast, a much easier
letter for a struggling reader is b; as the child says the letter name b, he or she
makes the sound /b/. I teach and review letter sounds as I introduce sight words
(see Sight-Word Fluency, pages 23–26), because knowing and using the sounds
helps children distinguish one word from another.

The Problem
The beginning reader has difficulty remembering letter sounds.

The Symptoms
Unable to give the sounds of the consonant letters and short and long vowels
when presented with the individual letters on flash cards or in phonetically
regular sight words
Margo entered first grade able to say only the sounds for the letters b, c, m, j, k,
p, t, r, and hard g.This made it very difficult for her to learn and remember
beginning sight words such as can, man, and go.

The Solution
Letter-Sound Fluency enables beginning and struggling readers to recognize
phonetically regular sight words. Continue this instruction until each child is able

When teaching the sounds of the letters, try to minimize the final -uh sound that we attach to most
letter sounds. The added -uh gets clunky and interferes with blending the letter sounds together to
form a word. For example, in sounding out bit, pronounce it /b/-/i/-/t/ instead of buh-i-tuh. Staying
true to the sound of each letter helps children easily blend the sounds of a word together in a way
that sounds like the word.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
to quickly give the sound of each consonant letter and the short and long vowels
when shown the letter in isolation and in the context of short, simple sight words.
Every day I worked with Margo and two to three other students who needed
to learn similar letter sounds.Through repeated practice that included seeing
the letters in phonetically regular sight words, words from favorite poems, and
in classmates’ names, Margo learned the sounds of the letters she did not
know. She was then able to begin sounding out the words she was learning.

Putting It to Work in Your Classroom

Use Letter-Sound Fluency with individuals and small groups of beginning and
struggling readers who have similar needs. Begin working with the sounds from
the phonetically regular sight words they are learning. For instance, if you are
teaching the word man, teach the sounds for m, short a, and n. Always remem-
ber to relate the sounds they are learning to words they are learning.
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Secure a small whiteboard and prepare letter flash cards or gather magnetic
letters, using two to three letter sounds the children do not know and two
to three they do already know.
● Write on the board two phonetically regular sight words that you are teaching
that contain the target sounds. You might wish to include a child’s name and
those of his or her classmates when appropriate. (For example, you might
suggest, “Let’s list the names of kids in your class whose names begin with
M–mmm.”) Point to the target letters in the words and explain that sounds
are like part of a word’s fingerprint. Learning to say the sounds for these
letters will help children recognize and remember these words.
● Review the known letter sounds and introduce the new sounds one at a time.
First say the sound of the letter, and then write the letter on the board while
saying the sound. Then have children locate the letter that stands for the
sound in the word.
2. Modeling Letter-Sound Recognition
● Place the letter cards you created in step 1 in a pile facedown. As you quickly
turn the cards over, make the sound of each letter.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
3. Guiding Letter-Sound Recognition
● Use the letter cards for this activity. You may also want to use magnetic
letters in place of letter cards and adapt the procedure accordingly (see the
note in step 3 on page 18).
● Ask each child to say the sounds of the target letters as you quickly show
him or her the letter cards, challenging the child to go a little more quickly
each time. Repeat as necessary.
● Show the child a group of letters containing a target letter and ask him or
her to say the sound of the letters as he sorts the cards.
● Place the letter cards in a pile facedown on the table. Ask a child to take a
card and say the sound of the letter. If the child misses a letter sound, say
the sound for the child and connect it with a familiar word. Then replace
the letter in the stack, and call on that child when the letter appears again.
● Say a letter sound and have students write the letter that stands for that
sound on their paper.
4. Extending Letter-Sound Learning
Sound Spelling In this activity, children work from letter sounds to make
words. Make sure you have a set of letter cards or magnetic letters for each
child. Give children the same four to five letters (including a vowel) for which
they know the sounds. Say the initial sound of a three-letter phonetically
spelled sight word the children are learning, such as /c/ for cat. Have students
find the letter that makes that sound and place it in front of them. Repeat
with the second letter of the word and then the third letter. Invite students to
read the word from the sounds. Students may also write the sounds to make
the word.
Letter-Sound Flip Chart Make a flip chart with letter cards. Punch a hole in the
top of each letter card and put them on a ring. Challenge students to take
turns flipping the cards and first saying the sounds of the letters, and then
naming a word that has the letter sound. Add new letters as their sounds
are taught.

Keep a letter-sound checklist with the letters and corresponding sounds running alphabetically across
the top and the children’s names listed in the first column. This checklist will help you to remain
current on the letter sounds students can identify and those they cannot.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Accuracy and
Automatic Decoding

struggling reader may have difficulty recognizing

A sight words and may not be able to sound out

unfamiliar words during reading. Missing one in
every three words, as some struggling readers do,
makes it virtually impossible to read fluently, to understand
what words mean, or to gain the meaning of words from
context. Imagine a pianist not playing, or leaving out, one
in every three notes in a song. It would be impossible
to recognize the piece! Readers must be able to quickly
recognize or sound out the words if they are to read fluently
and gain meaning from text. The strategies in this chapter
help children learn to recognize the words they need to know
and to decode longer, unfamiliar words, thus freeing them up
to process what they read faster and focus on making meaning
from the text.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
eaching sight words is so important to children’s reading success that we need
T to teach these words with deliberateness and persistence until our students can
accurately and automatically identify them. Most of the words children will see in
their reading are the basic sight words such as those found on the Dolch Sight-
Word List of 220 high-frequency words (excluding nouns) in Appendix A. If
children don’t recognize sight words, they are absorbing very little information
from their reading. These are the words struggling readers need to learn right away.

The Problem
The beginning reader is unable to quickly recognize sight words.

The Symptoms
Confuses and is unable to recognize and remember sight words
Ralph, a first grader, had great difficulty learning sight words. He was unable to
remember them when shown the words on flash cards. He continually confused
words such as see and some. He often said he couldn’t remember the word and
just made a guess.This was beyond the scope of context clue work—he missed
so many high-frequency words his reading was labored and without comprehension.
In addition to strengthening his ability to accurately identify sounds, he needed to
be able to recognize and recall a large bank of words immediately.

The Solution
Use the Sight-Word Fluency strategy in addition to Letter-Sound Fluency activities
(pages 19–21) to enable beginning and struggling readers to accurately and quickly
recognize basic sight words. The Dolch Sight-Word List gives you an idea of the
“bank” of sight words readers should recognize automatically by second grade.

When I coach primary-grade teachers, we begin teaching sight words in kindergarten and set a goal
for students to identify as many of these words as possible by the end of first grade. The first-grade
teacher then sends the second-grade teacher an assessment record that highlights the words on the
list that a child still does not know. The second-grade teacher does the same for the third-grade
teacher. In this way, a child’s next teacher immediately begins to review or introduce the words with
which they have trouble. You may wish to use this strategy every day throughout the year to help
students master as much of the list as they can.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
I began by having Ralph read the Dolch Sight-Word List to identify the words
Ralph did not know. I worked each day with Ralph and several other children to
give him lots of opportunities through reading and writing to see and recognize
the sight words that he stumbled on in his reading. Since his letter-sound
knowledge was also weak, I continued to teach and reinforce letter sounds to
enable him to match letter sounds to sight words. By midyear, Ralph had
learned to identify almost all of the first 50 sight words.

Putting It to Work in Your Classroom

Use Sight-Word Fluency with small groups of children who have similar needs.
You’ll find that you can use the same techniques and strategies to teach sight-
word recognition that you rely on to teach letter identification and letter
sounds. Begin working with meaningful, high-utility words that children have
seen in class texts as well as words necessary for writing and reading simple
stories, and, of course, the children’s names. (I find books like Dr. Seuss’s One
Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish great for this work.) These words, taken
from the meaningful context of their work and relationships in the classroom,
are easy for children to remember. Children often experience success with
words that are regularly phonetic. Prioritize these sight words in your lessons.
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Prepare sight-word cards or gather magnetic letters (see Appendix A:
Dolch Sight-Word List). Select some words the children know and two or
three new ones that are very different in shape from one another and that
are of high use (for example, see, can, the, dog). Show children these
target words.

Choosing words that look different will help students distinguish each word in the group more readily.

● Write on the board or have ready a sentence that has the target words in it.
● Read the sentence aloud smoothly, pointing to each word.
● Ask children to locate the target words in the model sentence. Explain that
they will see these words over and over as they read, so they need to learn
to recognize them quickly.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
● Review the known words on the cards and introduce the new words one at
a time, saying the word and discussing the shape of the word. For example,
encourage students to notice how two e’s look next to one another, as in
see, or how the letters are tall-short-short-tall in took. Ask children to write
the words from the board on their paper as you say the word.
2. Modeling Sight-Word Identification
● Fluently read aloud the model sentence a second time, and then read the
word cards as you show children the target words.
3. Guiding Sight-Word Identification
Use magnetic letters, letter tiles, or letters written on cards as well as
the sight-word cards you created for this lesson as you complete the
following steps.
● Show the first target word and have children name its letters. Put the word
aside and give each child the letters he or she needs to spell that word. Ask
children to “build” the word, look at the word carefully, and name each letter.
Ask them to close their eyes and picture the word, and then check to see if
they were correct. Have students mix up the letters, “build” the word again,
and then run their finger under the word from left to right while saying the
word to check it. Remind them to use the sounds of the beginning and ending
letters of the word to help them remember the word. (See the strategies for
struggling emergent readers in Chapter 1.)
● Challenge children to say the words quickly as you show them each card in
the stack.
● Repeat these steps a few times as appropriate and try one or more of the
extension activities below.
● Each day, review known words before introducing new ones. Keep a check-
list to remain current on the words each student can identify and those they
must still master.
4. Extending Sight-Word Learning
You can provide extra practice for children by creating simple sight-word
games and activities such as these:
Sight-Word Match Play a matching game with five to ten words from the lesson.
Write each word on two cards. Lay the cards out facedown. Have children
take turns flipping over a word card, reading it, and flipping over another
card to see if they can find a match.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Sight-Word Bingo Play Bingo with sight words when children have learned
at least nine sight words. (You will need to fill nine spaces on each three-
by-three square board. If you have fewer than nine words, you can write
several words twice on a card and have children cover two spaces when
that word is called.) For a more challenging game, when children have
learned at least 25 sight words, use a five-by-five square board. Write the
words in random order on the Bingo boards. Give each child a Bingo board
and colorful paper rectangles to cover the words. If you are not playing
with a caller, have one child at a time draw a word card from the stack
and say the word aloud. All players should cover the space or spaces in
which the word appears.
Sight-Word Mini–Flip Chart When you have finished the lesson, create a dupli-
cate set of sight-word cards, punch a hole in the top of each card, and put all
the cards on a ring. Show children how to flip the cards and say the words.
Then let them do this independently. Challenge them to go a little more
quickly each time.

Check out these two great sight-word resources on the Web:

● “The Best Thing in the World,” a story that includes all of the 220 Dolch words. You can download
and print a version at mrsperkins.com/dolch.htm.
● Author Jan Brett’s Web site provides illustrated sight-word lists that correspond to her books at

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
eachers often advise children to use phonetic spelling in their writing to the
T exclusion of teaching children to correctly spell basic sight words. While
encouraging children to spell phonetically facilitates their use of phonics, it usually
creates a big stumbling block for struggling readers whose phonics skills are
shaky at best. I find it helpful to give struggling readers the tools to correctly
spell basic sight words and simple common nouns in their writing; I want these
children to practice recognizing and reading the correctly written words from
their own writing to increase their word recognition accuracy. This strategy
supports readers as they learn to read from their own writing, helping them to
become more resourceful spellers.

The Problem
The beginning reader has difficulty recognizing and spelling sight words.

The Symptoms
Unable to recognize sight words or to remember how to spell them in independent
writing assignments
Bonnie, a first grader, had great difficulty learning to recognize and spell sight
words. When she finally recognized the word go and then wanted to use it in
her writing, she couldn’t remember how to spell it. She continually asked for
help to spell go and other high-utility sight words.

The Solution
The Sight-Word Wall Dictionary enables beginning and struggling readers to
recognize and accurately spell sight words and basic nouns, and other high-utility
words. With this strategy, you can add sight words to the wall dictionary
throughout the year until all of the 220 Dolch sight words have been taught. You
can add other high-utility words children need to use in their writing as well.
Every day, I gave Bonnie opportunities to write and spell sight words and basic
nouns in response to writing and reading activities. I reminded her to use the
wall dictionary to help her with spelling.Within a short time, she began to look
up and use the wall dictionary to locate the correct spelling of sight words.
Her spelling and recognition of other sight words improved markedly. She also
learned to use the wall dictionary without having to be reminded.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Putting It to Work in Your Classroom
Use the Sight-Word Wall Dictionary with classes and small groups of struggling
readers with similar needs. You’ll want to use this strategy as soon as you begin
teaching the sight words. The words you put on the wall dictionary can be
meaningful, high-utility words from poems and shared reading that you have
been working with in the classroom along with words that are necessary for
writing and reading simple stories. Refer children to the wall dictionary to
“look up” how to spell these words as they write. Make sure the words are
large enough to be read from the farthest seat in the room. Too often I’ve seen
word walls in classrooms with words so small that no one can read them!
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Using large print (4" to 6" high) prepare a letter card for each letter of the
alphabet and place the cards on the wall around the room from left to right
in alphabetical order. These letter cards mark the section of the wall on
which the sight-word cards will be placed.
● Using large print again, prepare a word card for each high-utility word as
you teach it (see Sight-Word Fluency, pages 23–26).
● Explain to children that they will use these words over and over in their
writing and that they will be able to use the wall dictionary to help them
until they can spell the words on their own.
● As you build the word wall, include words children collectively continue to
misspell in their writing. You may also wish to include the children’s names.
2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading
● After teaching a word, read the word aloud and add it to the wall dictionary.
Have children use the first letter of the word to guide you in placing the
word in the appropriate section.
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
Use the wall dictionary for the following activities:
● Call on students each day to read the previously taught words. For
example, say,
“Susie, read the words that begin with the same letter that comes at the
beginning of your name.”
“Bill, can you read our sight words from bottom to top, Z to A?”
“Keisha, what word in the R section means to move or go quickly?”

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
● When a student asks you how to spell one of the words on the wall, ask,
“What letter [or sound] does it begin with? Can you find it?”
4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading
Remember the Words! Call out one of the words you and your students have
been working with. Have children locate the word on the wall and write it on
a sheet of paper. Repeat with other words. For a quick assessment, you can
also cover the wall dictionary with butcher paper and ask children to write
all the words they can remember from the wall dictionary in five minutes.
Then take the cover off and let students see which words they remembered.
Collect children’s papers and repeat this activity in another month or two so
that you and your students can see how their word bank is growing.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
raditional reading programs tell you to introduce new words prior to reading
T and to focus primarily on word meaning. Following this approach, struggling
readers are usually able to learn (or they may already know) the meanings of
these words, but they never learn to decode and recognize them in the lesson
text. When you introduce vocabulary, remember that meaning instruction must
go hand in hand with word recognition. Use the VIP strategy in conjunction with
teaching word meaning. If your vocabulary words include multisyllabic words,
use the Multisyllabic Decoding strategy described on pages 33–35.

The Problem
The struggling reader has difficulty remembering new vocabulary words in text.

The Symptoms
Unable to quickly and automatically recognize, remember, or decode new
vocabulary words in isolation and in text; unable to connect the meanings of
words to the corresponding printed words in the text
Kevin, a second grader, loved the science units his teacher presented, but he
struggled with the science textbook passages. He had trouble recognizing and
decoding new vocabulary words such as wilderness, identical, roar, and wolves. In
class discussions he could relate the new words to his own experiences and use
the words correctly in sentences. However, when he came to these words in
the textbook, he could not read them.

The Solution
Use the VIP strategy to enable beginning and struggling readers to recognize
and remember new vocabulary words and to connect the printed words with
their meanings. Use this strategy when you introduce new vocabulary words
prior to reading a new selection, whether it is a selection in your reading series,
a content-area text chapter, or a poem.
When Kevin was given instruction and practice in recognizing new vocabulary
words prior to reading, he was able to recognize the words when he came to
them in the text.This also enabled him to connect the words to their meanings
and to read the text much more fluently.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Putting It to Work in Your Classroom
This strategy helps both classes and small groups of struggling readers who
cannot easily remember new vocabulary. Use these ideas to teach children
how to recognize new words and connect the words to their meanings.
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Use the words provided in the instructional material or from your own
vocabulary list to prepare word cards. In addition, list these words on the
board or on a sheet of chart paper.
● Ask children to skim the text for any other words they think they’ll have
trouble recognizing or decoding. Have them spell the words for you as you
add them to the list.
● Teach children to recognize the selected words prior to reading, along with
their meanings. Point out unique features of each word on the list so that
students can begin to visually and auditorily recognize the words. This
might include noting initial letters, word shapes, word sounds, and number
of syllables.
● To help children connect the words with their meanings, use mnemonic
strategies such as having children find a familiar synonym for each word or
come up with a symbol to identify a word.
● If children have difficulty decoding words of three or more syllables, follow
the directions for Multisyllabic Decoding.

Check out these two great resources for developing children’s vocabulary and teaching word-study skills:
Bringing Words to Life: Robust Vocabulary Instruction by Isabel Beck, et al. (Guilford Press, 2002).
The Spelling List and Word Study Resource Book by Mary Jo Fresch and Aileen Wheaton (Scholastic, 2002).

2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading

● Say each word clearly and then repeat it within the context of a meaningful
sentence: Growl. My two dogs growl when the doorbell rings.
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
● Read each word again, pointing to the word as you say it and having the
children say the word after you.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
● Have children chorally read the words again as you point to each word.
Select the sentences from the book in which the words appear. Write the
sentences on the board or chart paper. Have students practice reading the
sentences with a partner.
● Let individual children come to the board or chart to read each of the
words out loud, pointing to each word as it is read. Repeat until each child
accurately and automatically identifies each of the words. If a child mispro-
nounces or has difficulty with a word, pronounce it, and have him or her
repeat it. Then have the child finish reading the list, and go back to the
word or words he or she missed.
● Review the words each day of your lesson, with the word cards, the sen-
tences containing the vocabulary words from the text, or other activities
such as Word ID (below). Be sure children can use the words as well as
identify them visually.
4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading
Word ID Use the word cards you created to play a word identification game.
Place the cards in a pile facedown on the table. Have small groups or pairs of
students take turns drawing a card and saying the word. If they say the word
correctly they score one point. If they can use it in a sentence meaningfully
they score two points. If a child misses a word, say the word for him or her
and let the child use it in a sentence to earn one point. Then have him or
her place the word in the middle of the pile. Let that child try again when
the word appears next. (If a different child draws that word card, let the
child who missed it jump in. Then have the child who drew the card take
another turn.)

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
lder struggling readers face textbooks and other grade-level reading materials
O that are full of common, multisyllabic words like usually, disastrous, and
reducing—words that are not on the vocabulary list. Struggling readers often
know the meanings of these common words but can’t get a handle on breaking
them down and sounding them out. While the VIP strategy (pages 30–32) is
designed to help children learn to recognize and understand the meanings of the
vocabulary words, this strategy helps them tackle the multisyllabic words that
appear more and more frequently as the grade level of the text increases.

The Problem
The struggling reader lacks adequate decoding skills.

The Symptoms
Unable to recognize or decode words of three or more syllables that are in grade-
level texts but that are not taught as a part of the vocabulary instruction prior
to reading
Mark, a third-grade struggling reader, was unable to decode multisyllabic words
such as imaginary, miserable, and accidentally when he came to them in text. He
showed no enthusiasm for reading and was an unwilling participant during reading
instruction time. He did, however, want very much to read a novel that was well
above his instructional level, and chock-full of words of three or more syllables
that he had no way to decode.

The Solution
The Multisyllabic Decoding strategy helps second- and third-grade struggling
readers learn to automatically decode words of two or more syllables at a
sufficient rate. Continue using this strategy as long as children need support
with multisyllabic words.
Prior to reading the novel, I selected the multisyllabic words that I anticipated
would give Mark trouble, wrote them in syllables, and provided Mark with plenty
of practice decoding them and reading the words in context.Through this
process, Mark gained the tools he needed to successfully read the challenging,
high-interest novel he chose and was ready to tackle others.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Putting It to Work in Your Classroom
Use Multisyllabic Decoding with struggling readers who are unable to decode
words of three or more syllables. You will need to skim the text ahead of time
to select words containing three or more syllables that you think the students
will have trouble recognizing or decoding. Breaking the words into syllables
will help children separate the word into sound and meaning parts they can
handle. Text chunking (see page 36) provides more manageable amounts of text
to work with, making it easier for children to learn to decode and recognize the
words. Taken together, these two strategies will increase readers’ ability to
decode and recognize these words, to connect the word meanings they already
know or have learned to the printed words, and to, therefore, read the text much
more fluently.
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● From the text, select the words of three or more syllables that you think
will give your students difficulty when they are reading.
● Explain to children that learning multisyllabic words by syllables will help
them learn to decode and recognize many big words. List these words on
the board in syllables, grouping the words by their commonalities (for
example, all the words that end with a specific suffix, such as -ly, -ble, -tion,
-sion, or -ment; all of the ones that begin with a specific prefix, such as un-,
re-, pro-, non-, or bio-).
● Show children how to break down words with affixes; ask students to
determine what the suffix or prefix and the root word mean in each category.
● Ask children to scan the text for challenging words, clap or snap the
syllables, and spell for you any multisyllabic words they will have trouble
decoding. Add them to the word list.
● Prepare word cards with the words written in syllables.
2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading
● Read aloud each word clearly, pronouncing each syllable as you under-
score it with your hand.
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
Use the word list on the board and the word cards you created in step 1 for
these steps:

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
● Have children pronounce each word chorally after you read it aloud. Then
have them read the list chorally as you point to each word. You may also
want to have them use the word cards to practice with a partner. Have
them read aloud the word and tell what it (or each syllable) means and use
it in a sentence.
● As students gain familiarity with this word list, encourage them to search
for more words that fit the categories listed in step 1. Help them learn to
sound out the words by breaking the words into affixes and roots if they
can. Also teach them to think of other words they know that have the same
base to seek meaning (for example, if children know furious means very
angry, then you can help them find the meaning of the noun form fury, or
extreme anger).
● Provide ongoing instruction in small groups again during the day to children
who have difficulty with multisyllabic words. Use sentences that highlight
the meanings of the words and the decoding activity included below.
4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading
Self-Competition Decoding Use the list of target words with an individual child
or a small group of children. Challenge each child to compete with him- or
herself. Ask for a volunteer to read the words. Write the child’s name on the
board. Place a tally next to the student’s name each time he or she reads a
word correctly. Congratulate the child, read aloud the words he or she
missed, and have the student read the list again. Add a tally mark each time
the child correctly reads one of the words he or she previously missed. Have
children try to read more of the words with each repeated turn, so that
eventually they read all of them. When the activity is over, ask the children
how they will remember the words that were the most challenging to recall.
See if you can help them make a visual or other mnemonic link.

In small groups, readers experiencing the most difficulty usually volunteer to read last, which gives them
time to hear the words read repeatedly by the others.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Text Chunking
Why not give struggling readers only instructional-level texts to read ?

I n addition to supporting struggling readers with texts they can more easily
manage, we need to help struggling readers tackle grade-level text.We sometimes
challenge our struggling readers with grade-level reading materials because we
need to prepare all of our students to take state and standardized tests, which are
written on grade level, and often because our schools expect us to use the grade-
level textbooks provided in class to teach all students the same grade-level content.
Text chunking is a way to break lengthy text into manageable sections, enabling
struggling readers to handle difficult text. It also gives them time to practice the
repeated reading of the text to develop appropriate phrasing, expression, and
prosody, and to improve their rate.This technique supports the strategy lessons in
this chapter. Used in conjunction with VIP (pages 30–32) and the Multisyllabic
Decoding (pages 33–35), text chunking gives your struggling readers the time they
need to learn to recognize and decode words and to learn their meanings.


● Chunk the selection you are working on in class into short, manageable sections.
For instance, if the story in your reading basal is seven pages long, divide it into
sections of two to three pages. If you are reading a long chapter or section in a
social studies or science textbook, use the chapter subheadings to guide you.
If the content and vocabulary are very challenging, select only one section at
a time.
● When you have selected the section to present to your struggling readers, be
sure to teach the vocabulary and build background for the content prior to
having children read the section.
● Vary the way students read aloud the section. For example, you might have
students read alternating pages or paragraphs with a partner or place children
in small groups of three to four, assign a part of the section to each group to
practice reading chorally, and then call on the groups in order to read their parts
so that the group can read and hear the whole selection fluently.
● If your struggling readers can’t finish the whole chapter or assigned section and
the rest of the class needs to move on, select the most important sections for
these students to practice and read the rest to them, or let them listen to a
recorded reading of the section.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Accuracy, Phrasing,
and Expression

struggling reader may have difficulty not only

A recognizing words but also stringing words together

in phrases and sentences. This can make under-
standing the meaning of the words on a page even
more difficult. Reading a story word-by-word or with awkward
phrasing is like reading sheet music by playing each note
without looking at the notes and holds in the surrounding
bar; the notes only sound right together when they are played
by a musician in sequence and grouped properly. Readers
have to work like musicians, looking ahead of and around each
word to understand and deliver it as part of the surrounding
phrase, sentence, and paragraph. The lessons in this chapter
help you give children the tools they need to continue building
accuracy in decoding, break text into meaningful units so
that their phrasing enhances their comprehension, and read
aloud with appropriate expression.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
truggling readers often need help making the transition from recognizing sight
S words in isolation on flash cards to recognizing and reading those same
words in the context of sentences—they often cannot make that connection
without support. Sight-Word Sentence Building is one in a progression of strate-
gies: reading isolated words (see Sight-Word Fluency, pages 23–26), reading the
words in a sentence, and finally, reading the words in a simple text of several sen-
tences on a page (see Sight-Word Books, pages 61–64).

The Problem
The beginning reader has difficulty reading basic sight words in text.

The Symptoms
Unable to recognize and read basic sight words in simple sentences
William, a first grader, had trouble remembering his basic sight words and difficulty
with one-to-one correspondence when he read words in text. Sometimes, when
he was able to recognize the sight words on flash cards, he was unable to
recognize and read those same words in sentences.This was extremely frustrating
to him. His poor sight-word recognition caused him to read very slowly and to
doubt his own reading ability.

The Solution
Sight-Word Sentence Building enables beginning and struggling readers to read
simple sight-word text with the appropriate accuracy, phrasing, and expression.
Use the Dolch Sight-Word List (Appendix A) and the Basic Noun List (Appendix B)
to guide your choice of words for building sentences, or use the reproducible
sight-word cards on pages 42– 43 with the suggested sentences on page 44 for a
ready-to-use lesson.
I worked with William every day along with two to three other children. He
liked building a sentence, putting the punctuation card at the end, and then
practicing reading the sentence aloud. He liked pointing to the words as he read
and he especially liked mixing up the word cards for his peers.This gave him the
practice he needed to make the transition from recognizing individual sight
words to recognizing the words in the context of a sentence.William began to
recognize more and more of the words both in isolation and in sentences. His
reading of the sentences became more accurate and automatic and his ability to
phrase correctly improved.William eventually was able to build and fluently read
his own simple one- and two-line sight-word sentences.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Putting It to Work in Your Classroom
Use the Sight-Word Sentence Building strategy with small groups of children
who need help making the transition from recognizing words in isolation to
reading them in sentences. Begin with three to four meaningful, phonetically
regular, high-utility words that you are already working with in the classroom.
This will enable children to use the letter sounds they are learning to help them
remember the new words.
To create a set of word cards for sentence building, select a group of words such
as can, go, and I, that together will form a sentence. Include in the set nouns
such as man, boys, and girls (see the Basic Noun List) as well as children’s
names—children love to use classmates’ names to build sentences! Also include
words such as The, Boys, Girls, Can, with the first letter capitalized so that these
can be used at the beginning of a sentence, and cards with end marks such as a
period and a question mark. (You may find when you first begin using the period
card, beginning readers will say the word period when they come to that card.
This is a fine way for them to note that they have come to the end of a sentence
and to reinforce their print-awareness skills.) Continue with the sentence
building until the children are able to fluently read the simple one- and two-line
sight-word sentences.
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Prepare the word cards as described above. Review the known words in the
card set and introduce the new words one at a time, saying the word and
discussing its shape. Have children find the new word in a familiar text,
such as a class rules list or a book they are reading. Write the word on the
board while saying the word.
● On a small whiteboard, write the target sentence and read it fluently to the
● Explain that they will learn to “build” and read this sentence fluently.
● Arrange children at a table so that they are sitting across from you. Build
the sentence so that the cards face right side up for the children.

I can go .

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading
● Each time you build and introduce a new sentence, put the word cards in
order and read the sentence through, pointing to each word as you read it.
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
You may want to use the reproducible word and punctuation cards provided
on pages 42–43 and the suggested one- and two-line sentences on page 44 to
complete the following activities.
● Ask each child to read the sentence and point to each word as he or she
reads it. Let children try it a second time in order to read it smoothly.
● Mix up the cards. Have the group work together with your help to sort the
cards, build the sentence, and read it smoothly.
● Mix up the cards and give them to one student at a time. Ask the child to
build the sentence and read it smoothly, grouping the words in a way that
sounds like he or she would say it. You may need to read aloud the sentence
for the child again to help him or her find the right order. Repeat the sentence
until he or she can build it correctly and read it fluently with appropriate
phrasing and expression.
● Have the child mix up the cards and hand them to the next child. Repeat
until each child has had a turn.
● See if children can suggest an alternate way to arrange the cards. Or you
might change one card to make a new sentence with a different meaning.
Let them practice reading the new sentence fluently.

Can I go ?

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Building and Reading Two-Line Sentences
When children are able to build and fluently read one-line sentences,
demonstrate how to build longer sentences that break at the end of, and
continue underneath, the first line. Show students how to fluently read a
two-line sentence by running your finger under the words as you read,
emphasizing directionality (at the end of the first line they will see you drop
down to the second line and begin tracking the words from left to right
again). Have them share examples from a favorite book.

The boys and girls can

run and jump up .

4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading

Use the word and punctuation cards you prepared in step 1 with these
Sentence-Building Zone Challenge children to create their own sentences. Mix
up five or six word cards and a set of punctuation cards and spread them out
faceup on the table. (Include only words that children know.) Invite each
child to build and fluently read his or her own sentence.
Build-and-Read Sentence Center In a quiet work area, place sets of sentence
word cards and sample sentences in envelopes, resealable plastic bags, or
other containers, and set out writing paper and pencils. Have children build a
sentence, write it on a sheet of paper, and read it to a classmate. Students
may also keep a set of the word cards at their desks in a plastic bag or enve-
lope to practice building, writing, and reading their sentences. You may also
have them take a set home to use with family members.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Sight-Word Cards

see and

jump Dad

dog Mom

cat I

up boys

down girls
Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Sight-Word Cards (continued)

can a

go Can

run The

man .

the ?

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Sight-Word Sentences to Build

One-Line Sentences Two-Line Sentences
I can go. Can the cat and dog jump up
The man can go. and down?

I see the man.

I can see the man. The man and I can run
and jump up.
I can see the man go.
Can I see the man?
I can see the man jump up
Can I jump?
and down.
The man can jump.
Can the man jump?
The cat and the dog can jump
I can jump up. up and down.
Can the cat jump up and down?
I see a man. The boys and girls can run
Can I see the man go? and jump up and down.

The man can jump up.

I can run. Mom and Dad can see the cat
and the dog.
I can jump down.
The man can run.
Dad can see the cat and the dog
The man can jump down.
jump up and down.
The dog can run.
I see the dog. Can Mom and Dad see the cat
The dog can see. and the dog?

The man can see the dog.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
hildren enter school in the fall full of expectation. Children who haven’t yet
C learned to read or who cannot read well expect to become readers and writers—
and we want to do everything in our power to invite them into the literate community.
I always have my first-grade nonreaders begin to read on the first day of school. I
do this by teaching them to read from their own dictated story sentence. By reading
their own words they can recall and repeat their story, using appropriate phrasing
and expression. This strategy is a confidence booster and a great reference point
for word building; you will find that even two to three weeks after children have
dictated their stories they can still read what they have written. Having struggling
readers frequently revisit sentences they have constructed reinforces word
recognition and supports fluent reading.

The Problem
The struggling reader has difficulty recognizing words and fluently reading simple text.
The Symptoms
Unable to recognize sight words in simple text and reads word-by-word,
demonstrating choppy phrasing and a lack of expression
Courtney was a small, wiry child with a sparkle in his eye and a penchant for getting
into mischief. He entered first grade with little prior experience with print and
qualified for a special reading assistance class. He had trouble learning sight words
and stumbled through simple text. Although Courtney was behind the other first
graders academically, he was a smart child and he loved the computer.

The Solution
Writing an Individual Experience Story with beginning and struggling readers enables
them to fluently recognize and read sight words and nouns from texts they have
created. Continue until children are able to write their own experience stories
and read them aloud accurately with appropriate phrasing and expression.
On the very first day of school, Courtney dictated a two-sentence story and I printed
it on the board in phrases.With my help he read his story several times until he could
read it fluently to the class. I printed his story on a piece of paper and taped it to the
computer. Courtney typed his story and printed two copies.We put one copy on the
wall for display and he took the other home to read to his family. Courtney loved
typing, printing, and reading his stories aloud. As the year progressed, he also helped
his classmates tell and publish their stories.Through this process, Courtney became a
fluent, motivated, and confident reader.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Putting It to Work in Your Classroom
Use the Individual Experience Story strategy with classes or small groups of
children who have similar needs. You can begin using this strategy on the very
first day of school by having the children dictate stories about common experi-
ences, such as what games they played last year during recess, or personal experi-
ences, such as what they plan to do after school.
Call on a different child each day to dictate a story. (I find that using the class
roll is the easiest way for me to keep track of whose turn it is, and it also lets
the children joyfully anticipate their turn.) Write each story on a sheet of chart
paper taped to the board so that children can come to the board, read, and point
to their words. Keep the stories and revisit them several days later, encouraging
children to expand their sentences with descriptive words. You’ll find that
increasing the complexity and length of their stories builds children’s oral
reading fluency.

One first-grade teacher who used this strategy found her children in competition with one another to see
who could “write” the longest story! She had wondered why her students’ experience stories were getting
longer and longer each day, and discovered that the children were going home and writing their stories
ahead of time with help from their families so theirs would be longer than the story of the child who
had shared before them. Talk about motivation for reading! Not only were they dictating longer stories,
they were able to read them as well.

1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity

● Select a child to dictate a story.
● Have him or her select a story topic (see the list of sample story topics on
page 50) and discuss the topic with the group or class to help the child
generate the main idea. If you are working one-on-one with a child, you may
prompt him or her with questions such as “What are you going to do this
afternoon when you get home? What is your story going to be about? What
is a good name for the story you are going to write?” Agree on a title (see
page 50 for suggestions) and print it at the top of a sheet of chart paper.
● Ask, “Who will be the author of the story?” or “Whose story is it?” and print
the child’s name under the title (e.g., “by Courtney”). You may want to vary
the procedure by asking children to dictate their stories first and then give
you a title when they’ve finished.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
● Ask the child to dictate his or her story. Write the dictation on the chart
paper, indenting the first line and supporting phrasing by keeping words
that belong together on the same line and separating the phrases of a
sentence with extra spaces (see the example below). Be sure to write the
sentences children dictate with accurate punctuation and spelling so that
they learn to recognize words and ideas written correctly from their “writing.”
When you finish writing, point out print cues in the text, such as indenting the
first line, which support appropriate phrasing.

In this dictated story, I left

spaces between phrases to
encourage Courtney to
correctly group the words
when he reread his story.

2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading

● Read the child’s story fluently, pointing to the words while reading the text,
emphasizing appropriate phrasing so that children know to take their time
and string words together that fit together.
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
● Have the child come to the board and read his or her story aloud. Encourage
the child to repeat the story once or twice to read it fluently. (A pointer is
helpful and children love using one!) Read in unison with the child as needed.
● Ask for volunteers to read the story aloud or have the whole class or group
read it chorally. You may find that all of the children want a turn!

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
● Print the child’s story on paper and put it at the computer where he or she
can see it. Have the child type the story, print two copies, and practice read-
ing it aloud to a classmate or to the class. Post one copy in the classroom,
and let the child take the other home to read to a family member. More able
readers can act as editors and assist classmates with the writing and reading
of their stories. Have the editor add his or her name at the bottom of the page
(e.g., “Editor: Samuel”).

Before sending children off to type their stories on the computer, be sure to point out how to center a
title, indent the first sentence, capitalize the first letter of the first word in each sentence, and end each
sentence with a period, question mark, or exclamation point.

● Make a book of each child’s stories, place the books together in your class
library, and have children practice orally reading their own and others’ books
during independent or partner reading time.
● As children become more proficient at reading their stories, substitute the
child’s name (and he or she where appropriate) for the word I, and change
the corresponding pronouns, setting the story in third-person narrative. This
makes it easier for children to read one another’s stories. You may want to
make a lesson of this by working from several of the children’s story sentences

Courtney’s story told in

third person with appropriate
pronoun substitutions.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
on the board. For each sentence, erase each pronoun and draw a horizontal
line above it. Ask the children to tell you the pronoun that would fit on the
line and write it in for them. Then have the author and volunteers again read
the story aloud. Discuss with children how the story stayed the same but
who tells it changed.
● For an added challenge, have children tell their story using a different time
frame. For example, a story set in past tense beginning Yesterday I washed
my dog . . . could be set in the future (Tomorrow I will wash my dog . . .).
Have children read aloud and compare the two stories and notice that the
action words change when the time changes.
● When children are able to dictate and fluently read aloud their experience
stories, have them write an experience story on their own. (See the sample
student story below).

Vernon chose the topic

“What I did this morning
before school” and gave
the story his own title.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Sample Story Topics and Titles
What I did yesterday after school After School, Yesterday After School
What I did this morning before school This Morning, Before School
What I like to do on the weekends My Weekend, My Trip to the Mall
What my friend and I like to do My Friend and I, _____ and I
What I like to do on Saturdays My Saturday
What I will do this afternoon This Afternoon
What I will do today after school Today After School
How I got to school this morning My Bus Ride to School

4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading

Class or Group Experience Story Let each child contribute a sentence to a story.
The story may be about a class trip, a school or class visitor, a person the
children have interviewed (see The Interview Strategy, pages 92– 94), a story
they’ve read, or a content area topic you’re studying in class. As each student
dictates his or her sentence, write it on the board. Read the completed story
aloud fluently for the group and then call on individuals to read it. Type the
story and give a copy to them to practice reading with partners. You’ll want to
repeat this activity on a weekly or biweekly basis. When the group has written
four or five experience stories, have children compile the stories in a book to
read in class and take home to read to family members.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
truggling readers, particularly the first graders I work with, frequently don’t phrase
S their thoughts as questions. Instead they make statements, or commands. They
also have difficulty recognizing and reading question-starting verbs (may, can, will,
could, would, should), adverbs (why, how), and pronouns (who, what). The question-
generation strategy gives struggling readers practice phrasing their own questions.
Through reading and writing meaningful questions, they learn to recognize and recall
question-starting words and to phrase interrogative sentences accurately in their
oral reading.

The Problem
The struggling reader has difficulty recognizing question words and reading questions.

The Symptoms
Unable to recognize common words that introduce questions (who, what, where,
when, why, how) and to read questions and response choices with appropriate
intonation, phrasing, and expression
Melanie entered first grade lacking the language skills she needed to learn to read
successfully. One area she found particularly challenging was using interrogative
sentences in her speech and reading them in simple texts.When she wanted to ask
for something, she usually made a statement in place of a question, such as “I want a
pencil,” instead of “May I have a pencil?” She also had trouble learning to recognize
words that introduced questions and would mix them up, reading the word who for
the word what, and the word when for where. She was, however, eager to learn to
read and loved being read to.

The Solution
This strategy builds on the previous strategy lesson, Individual Experience Story.
Answering and then asking questions about their own personal experience story
helps beginning and struggling readers increase their recognition of question words
and fluently read questions and response choices.
Melanie developed fluency as she learned to read her own experience stories and to
generate questions from them. She learned to ask who, what, where, when, which,
why, and how questions from her own stories and those of her classmates. She was
also better able to answer questions her peers asked about their stories. Once
Melanie could orally ask and answer her own and others’ questions, I began writing

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
her questions on the board and providing response choices. Melanie soon
learned to fluently read the questions and item choices I wrote from her
experience stories and those of her classmates, and to select the correct
answers to the questions.

Putting It to Work in Your Classroom

Use the Experience Story Question Generation strategy with classes and small
groups of children who have similar needs. Begin by guiding a student to dictate
a one- to three-sentence story about a personal experience (see pages 46–49).
You’ll find you can begin generating oral questions from a child’s individual
experience story once all of the children are able to fluently read the child’s
story. Be sure to include the question words on the Wall Dictionary (see the
strategy lesson on pages 27–29) as you teach them.
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Prepare word cards with the question words who, what, where, when, how,
and why.
● Select an experience story that children are familiar with and that all of
them can fluently read. Post the chart paper on the board.
● Ask the author a question about his or her story. Model a “Who?” question,
asking, “Who is this story about?” and have the child answer in a complete
sentence (“This story is about me.”). Then ask the child to ask a peer the
same question.

When you model a question, young children may actually have to practice repeating the question after you.
(I remember saying to one first grader at the beginning of the year, “I want you to ask, ‘Who is this story
about?’ ” She then repeated verbatim, “I want you to ask, ‘Who is this story about?’ ”)

● When a child answers, ask the questioner, “Is that correct? Did he or she
give you a complete sentence? Do you accept the answer?” If needed, say
the answer in a complete sentence for the child who is answering and have
him or her repeat it after you.
● Repeat with each question word. You may want to see if students can come
up with a different question about the story than the one you pose (“Who is
Courtney’s friend?”).

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
● Write each question below the story on the chart paper. You may want to
include the answer in a different color after each question. Encourage
children to read aloud the question and answers with proper intonation.

Generating Oral Questions

Yesterday After School
by Courtney

Yesterday after school Courtney rode

his bike. He went over to his friend
Robbie’s house. They had chocolate cookies
and milk for a snack.

Who is this story mostly about?

It is mostly about Courtney.

Where did Courtney go?

He went over to his friend Robbie’s house.

What did they have for a snack?

They had chocolate cookies and milk.

When did Courtney go to Robbie’s house?

He went yesterday after school.

How did Courtney get to Robbie’s house?

He rode his bike.

Why did he go to Robbie’s house?

He went to Robbie’s house because he likes to play with Robbie/
because Robbie is his friend.

● When all of the children can orally ask and answer who, what, where, when,
why, and how questions from their own stories and the stories of others, write
one of their questions with two response choices on the board.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Generating Written Questions

Jeff and his brother played 1. What did Jeff and his brother do?
outside. They played with •They played with friends.
their dog Baxter. •They played with their dog.

2. Where did the boys play?

•They played in the house.
•They played outside.

●Once students can read and answer one question per story, write more than
one question per story.
2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading
● Review with children the question words on the cards you created in step 1.
● Read aloud the questions and response choices you just recorded. Emphasize
proper intonation for interrogative sentences.
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
● Use several experience stories with two written questions and several
answer choices. These can be typed or photocopied or posted on chart paper.
● Either monitor student work in pairs or work with individual children.
● Have one partner read the question and two answer choices and have the
other read the correct answer choice.
● Then ask partners to choose a new story and switch roles.

I find that Experience Story Question Generation helps children not only remember question words and
read them fluently in text, it also gives them practice reading the question words in a context similar to
the one they will encounter on tests.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading
Use the question word cards and student stories to complete this activity.
Just Ask Me Write one of the student’s experience stories on the board or on
chart paper and give each student one of the question cards. Students take
turns asking a question from the story that begins with the word on the card
they have been given. Students call on others to answer their question. The
group must agree that the answer is correct before another child takes a turn.
Have children swap cards and time themselves to ask and answer all the
questions in under three minutes.
Question the Class After your next read-aloud, let children choose two question
words and then write two questions about the story. Invite children to read
one of their questions to the class after a second read-aloud. This will support
their reading practice as well as help the class build comprehension skills.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
hildren rarely get enough daily practice writing stories and compositions, nor
C do they have adequate opportunity to read their writing. Yet, guiding students
to write and reread their writing is one way for them to become more fluent
readers. I find that offering different types of writing prompts is a motivating way
to improve my struggling readers’ writing and reading. A picture prompt of a
familiar animal or object gives them a visual image for reference, making it easier
to generate words to include in their writing. This strategy also encourages them
to work with the sight words they are learning, including simple nouns, such as
common animals and objects. These useful words become a solid part of their
spelling and reading repertoire as they write and reread their writing.

The Problem
The struggling reader has difficulty recognizing and reading basic words in
simple text.

The Symptoms
Unable to remember basic words or to read them in simple text; reads simple
text slowly with inappropriate phrasing and expression
Sally, a first grader, had great difficulty recognizing the sight words in simple
text. She stopped frequently during reading to try to remember words.These
hesitations cause her to read very slowly with a mixture of word-by-word and
choppy phrasing.

The Solution
The Story Picture Prompts strategy enables beginning and struggling readers to
fluently read basic words in the context of their own writing, using appropriate
phrasing and expression. The picture prompt is a scaffold that also helps children
jump-start their writing. Once they have experienced success in communicating
several stories with prompts, they often become motivated to write stories
without prompts. As their writing improves, so does their reading.
Sally loved coloring pictures and using the sight words she was learning to
describe the pictures and tell stories about them. She loved reading aloud her own
sentences and stories to others. She did a great job coloring a picture of her dog
(black with brown spots) and describing how he looked and what he liked to do.
With this practice, Sally learned to connect familiar words to pictures and read
her own stories in a fluid, narrative voice. Soon she was able to transfer her
phrasing skills to smoothly read short sentences in simple picture books.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Putting It to Work in Your Classroom
Use Story Picture Prompts with a class or a small group of children who have
similar needs. I find that using the animals, objects, and creatures pictured in the
literature I read aloud to children is a great way to motivate them to respond in
writing and then to read what they have written. For instance, I have discovered
that after reading P. D. Eastman’s Big Dog, Little Dog to my students, they enjoy
coloring and writing about the dog, which I present as a picture prompt.
Beginning and struggling readers and writers find it easier to write when
prompted by pictures of familiar things, and they enjoy sharing their stories with
the class. This also provides them with the frequent repetition of familiar words
and opportunities to increase their use of appropriate phrasing and expression.
Once children are able to write a simple response to the picture prompt on their
paper, you can have them respond on lined paper to a class picture prompt, giving
them a list of words they may use in their responses (see below). Eventually you
may lead them to respond to a piece of literature they have listened to or read
(see the sample student story on page 58).
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Make a copy of the Picture Prompt Sheet
(page 60) and draw a familiar picture at the
top of the page or use a resource such
as clip art to paste in a picture. Write the
title above the picture (for example, The
Motorcycle or The Duck). See the Picture
Prompt Ideas on page 59.
● Distribute a copy of the prompt sheet to
each child. Show the picture and discuss it.
Ask children to tell you the words they will
need for the title and their story when they
write, and list the words on the board or a
sheet of chart paper. Use words from the
student sample (for example, for The Duck—
water, wild, fly, swim, green, head, quack). Picture prompts with favorite animals
get children excited about telling a
● Pronounce the words as you point
story. I record the words they want to
to them.
use for their stories below the picture.
● Ask children to read the words. You Children return to both the picture and
may need to review some of the the word bank as they write.
words several times.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
● Ask children to color and write about the picture on their own page.

My struggling readers really love

cars, trucks, and motorcycles.
I photocopied this motorcycle
drawing by an older student onto
a picture prompt sheet and it
became a high-interest writing
prompt. I let children talk and
then write about it. The finished
descriptions became reading
material that the children were
able to return to again and again
to read and enjoy.

2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading

● Write one child’s story on the board or on chart paper. Read the child’s
story fluently.
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
● Have the group read the story chorally, following your phrasing and intonation.
● Let children practice reading their own story to a partner while you monitor
the group. Have them read it through several times until their partner agrees
that the reading is smooth.
4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading
Hi-Tech Stories Have children work with a simple graphics program like KidPix ®
to pick a piece of clip art or draw their own picture on-screen. Then have them
write a story about the picture below the image. Let them print their stories,
practice reading them with a partner, and then read them to the class.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Picture Prompt Ideas
Animals cat, dog, cow, fox, kitten, puppy, calf, squirrel, pig, horse, pony, turtle, hen, duck, bat,
kangaroo, bear, rabbit, chicks, tortoise, duck, deer, lion, tiger, elephant, camel
Vehicles bike, bus, SUV, pickup truck, semi, motorcycle, wagon, train, race car, tow truck, school bus,
bicycle, fire engine
Amphibians, insects, and other creatures Teddy bear, frog, caterpillar, ladybug, butterfly,
beetle, earthworm, ant, snake

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name ___________________________________ Date______________

Picture Prompt Sheet

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
eachers often have to teach sight words without a student text that uses these
T words in context. As my struggling readers learn sight words, I provide them
with sight-word-rich sentences in a picture-book format. This strategy gives them
multiple opportunities to encounter the words they are learning in a simple text
of several sentences on a page. Reading the story increases their ability to read this
text fluently and boosts their confidence. Struggling readers also enjoy coloring
the pictures, which gives them ownership of the books—and assures that they go
back and reread them.

The Problem
The beginning reader has trouble reading text containing sight words.

The Symptoms
Doesn’t recognize sight words and basic nouns in simple text; reads word-by-
word; is unable to read simple text with appropriate phrasing and expression
Demetrius, a first grader, was overwhelmed by much of the grade-level reading
material available in the classroom. He read word-by-word and often confused
words when he was reading, stumbling over sight words and basic nouns. He
wanted so much to remember the words to stories. He needed lots of practice
making the transition from recognizing the words in isolation to reading them
in text.

The Solution
The Sight-Word Books strategy assists beginning and struggling readers to quickly
and accurately read sight words and basic nouns in simple teacher-created texts.
The Dolch Sight-Word List (Appendix A) and the Basic Noun List (Appendix B)
can be used to guide your selection of the high-utility words to use in the sight-
word books you create. Since you control the complexity of the sentences and
the length of the story, these books can be leveled precisely for your struggling
readers. Use these books with your students until they are able to fluently make
the transition from isolated words to the words in simple text.
Demetrius had many opportunities to practice reading the sight-word books I
created for him and his classmates. He enjoyed working on a new page each day
and putting his book together. He also liked having a book he could easily read,
and he read each book many times.Through this practice, Demetrius learned to
fluently read simple grade-level texts containing basic sight words and basic nouns.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Putting It to Work in Your Classroom
Use Sight-Word Books with classes and small groups of struggling readers who
have similar needs. Create the simple text for the books using the meaningful,
high-utility words you are working on in the classroom. For children gaining
proficiency in letter-sound identification, using regularly phonetic words allows
the children to sound out words as they read.
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Select a topic for the book and use previously taught sight words. (I find that it
is best to write the sight-word books around topics that are age appropriate for
and of interest to the children, such as animals.)
● To prepare the pages of the sight-word book, hand-print or use a large point
size in a word processing program. Each book page should contain only one
or two sentences with space above for a simple drawing that you or the
children can make. On the final page of the book, present the entire story in
a single passage. This will give children practice reading the paragraph format
(see the sample story on page 64).
● Introduce one page of the story each day.
● Review target sight words and read the text on the page aloud fluently for
● Have students read the page and color the illustration or draw their own.
● When each page has been completed and read, compile each child’s pages
into a book and have them design the cover.
2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading
● Read the full text on the last page fluently, emphasizing phrasing, with the
children following along.
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
● Monitor children as they reread with a partner any page they have struggled
with. You may need to ask a child to read the page several times, guiding
their fluency.
● Check that each child can read the last page smoothly, with accurate
● Let students who are able to fluently read the book write their own book on
the topic and share it with a classmate (see Create-a-Book Center, next page).

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading
Create-a-Book Center Provide a book-making area where children can author
their own sight-word books. Include a list of the sight words they have
learned and remind students to use the Sight-Word Wall Dictionary (see pages
27–29) to help them spell familiar words. Stock the center with pencils,
crayons, blank paper, and copies of the Picture Prompt Sheet (page 60).
You may want to scaffold their writing by supplying pictures related to the
current sight-word book. They can paste the picture at the top of a Picture
Prompt Sheet and write about it at the bottom. When students have created
their own books, have them practice reading the books to one another and
then to the class.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Make-Your-Own Sight-Word Book

created this simple book in a few minutes using a word processing program,
I typing the text at the bottom of each of five pages. I used sight words the
children were learning, including fish, blue, run, like, and see to write the sentences.
Then I made a printout of the pages and drew a few simple outlines of a fish that
children could color according to the story description. To prepare the lesson for a
group I made photocopies and stapled the pages into booklets. You may wish to
leave the top of each page blank and have children make their own drawings,
which may save time and help you gauge their comprehension.

A Fish I see a fish. I see a blue fish.

I like it.
by ______________
1 2 3

The Fish

I see a fish.
I see a blue fish.
I like it.
Can the blue fish run?
No. A fish swims.
Can the blue fish run?
No. A fish swims.

4 5

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
ike the Individual Experience Story (pages 45–50), Subject Paragraphs gives
L struggling readers the practice they need writing and reading meaningful
text—text that contains the words that are important to their own lives and
experiences. The goal is for students to generate text using words that name and
describe familiar places, like school and home, and objects and people found in
those places. The greater the child’s attachment is to the words he or she is reading,
the more quickly the child retains those words and the stronger his or her desire
is to read.

The Problem
The beginning reader has difficulty reading simple text.

The Symptoms
Makes word errors, reads with choppy phrasing, and lacks expression
Kenny, a beginning reader, had difficulty reading simple text.Though he was able
to identify many sight words, he missed words he knew as he read. He read with
a mixture of word-by-word and choppy phrasing and lacked expression.

The Solution
Having students compose their own story about a familiar subject you’ve chosen
allows beginning and struggling readers to read as the author. This perspective
makes it easy for them to attach meaning to the text of the story and see the
words on the page as a complete thought, rather than as individual parts.
Kenny was given lots of practice reading the subject paragraphs he created. He
loved writing about things familiar to him.Through this practice, he increased
his ability to read with phrasing and expression, notably varying his tone to add
emphasis to the story, which showed he understood what he read.

Putting It to Work in Your Classroom

Use the Subject Paragraphs strategy with small groups of beginning and struggling
readers who have similar needs. As children create subject paragraphs about
their home and school experiences, help them make connections between
their writing and the format, words, and style of other texts they encounter in
the classroom.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Select a topic (see the Subject Paragraph Topics list on page 67).
● Introduce and discuss the paragraph topic to help children find words and
ideas to use in their writing.
● Each day, have students select an aspect of their topic about which to write.
For example, they might write a description of their family and then include
a sentence about themselves, a sentence about each family member, a
sentence about their pets, and so on. Have them write one or two sentences
each day, depending on their writing abilities.
● Ask for the words students will want to use. For example, if the topic is
“Me,” they might give you the words eyes, brown, blue, hair, black, and
smile. List these on the board or on a sheet of chart paper.
● Further assist students with their writing as needed. To scaffold the writing
more intensively, you might prepare a paragraph with sentences partly
completed (for example, My name is __________. I like to play __________.)
and have students fill in one word in each sentence. If children are writing
the paragraph on their own, you might have them write two or three sentences
the first day and then add a few the next day and the following day to
complete the paragraph.

Crystal wrote her subject

paragraph about herself.
She brainstormed what she
would write with me and her
peers and then wrote part
of the paragraph one day
and finished the next. She
enjoyed reading it aloud in
many contexts—at share
time to the class, to other
teachers, and to herself.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
● When the children have completed all of the sentences, you may want them
to illustrate the paragraph.
2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading
● Read aloud each child’s paragraph, attending to proper grouping and pausing
at the end of every sentence.
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
● If children are struggling with the words, have them read aloud the words
on the board, repeating after you and then on their own.
● Listen to each child read his or her paragraph, helping him or her with
phrasing and expression.
● Have children share their paragraphs, with different audiences reading them
to you, to a partner, and to the group.

Subject Paragraph Topics

Me What I look like, What I like to do, My best friend, My friends, What we like to play, Where I live
My Family Me, My mom, My dad, My grandpa [or other extended family members], My pet
Our School What the school looks like, Where the school is, My teachers, My ride to school, Our
custodial staff, Our lunchroom, My principal, My media specialist, My teacher(s), What I am learning,
My/Our classroom, My classmates, My favorite subject

4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading

Sports Paragraphs Encourage children who enjoy watching sports to write
about big sports events, such as the World Series. Following a team with a
small group of children who are sports enthusiasts can help them generate a
tremendous amount of sight-word vocabulary and ideas to share in their
writing. You might invite these children to become classroom sports
announcers who read a one- or two-sentence team update to the class
each day.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
hildren love to respond to favorite stories they’ve heard. This strategy invites
C struggling readers to respond to illustrations in books they’ve read. As they
react to the illustrations, they identify new vocabulary that is meaningful to them
and use concept words that were introduced to them through the read-aloud. They
reinforce their word recognition and practice fluent phrasing as they reread and
share stories they have written using the new vocabulary.

The Problem
The struggling reader lacks appropriate phrasing and expression.

The Symptoms
Reads slowly, grouping words in awkward phrasings; delivers a story with
little expression
Kara, a second grader, loved being read to and was eager to become a good
reader. She listened intently when she was read to and joined wholeheartedly in
the class discussions of the stories.When Kara read aloud, however, she read in
a monotone voice and did not read words in meaningful units. She was unable to
answer questions about what she had read.

The Solution
Literature Response Stories is a strategy to help struggling readers read text
with greater accuracy, rate, phrasing, expression, and prosody. Inviting children
to actively respond to stories they hear during read-aloud time helps them
approach new texts with the expectation that there will be something to
respond to—and this expectation carries through in their delivery and
expression as they read.
Kara liked responding in writing to the literature read aloud to her and she
liked reading her responses to others.When she combined what she had
learned from hearing the story read fluently with her own retelling and
response, her use of appropriate phrasing, expression, and prosody increased.
With practice, she was able to transfer the fluency skills she had learned from
reading her own writing to reading aloud other stories at her reading level.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Putting It to Work in Your Classroom
Use Literature Response Stories with classes and small groups of children who
have similar needs. Reading a picture book and providing the children with an
illustration from the literature acts as a springboard to jump-start the children’s
writing (see Appendix C: Suggested Children’s Literature for Building Fluency).
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Select an engaging book to share with children and prepare an illustration
sheet for the book.
● Read the book aloud to the group. Remember to hold the book so that all
children can see it while you are reading.
● Discuss the story and include the questions “Who is the story about?” and
“What is the story about?” Tell children they will retell the story or write
about their favorite part to give other readers a review of the book.
● Ask them to give you the words they will need when they write their
responses, and write these on the board or chart paper. Say them as you
point to each one. (For example, words children might request for writing
about Franklin in the Dark by Paulette Bourgeois might include scared,
dark, shell, monsters, night, and light.)
● To assist children who are writing their own responses, you might provide
them with the Picture Prompt Sheet on page 60. You may need to have children
who require more support dictate part or all of their response to you.

This student responded to the

book Franklin in the Dark by
summarizing parts of the story.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading
● Review the words children requested as needed, by reading aloud the words
one at a time.
● Read each child’s completed response story fluently.
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
● Listen to the child read the story, helping him or her with phrasing and
expression. Repeat as needed.
● Have children read their stories to one another and to the class.
4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading
Response in Print Invite students to type and print their responses to literature
on the computer and practice reading them fluently to you or a partner.
Display students’ writing in the classroom for others to read and let children
take a copy home to read to a family member.
Response Journal Writing Have children keep a notebook in which they reread
their responses to books they have read independently, writing retellings or
commenting on a favorite part or a character. Have them write the book’s
title and author and the date of their response for each entry. Be sure to have
them practice reading their literature responses to partners or, alternatively,
to the class. Make it a goal to have struggling readers read you their written
responses once a week so you can monitor their expression and phrasing.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
ecorded reading is a valuable way to provide students with repeated reading
R practice and is one of the quickest ways to increase a struggling reader’s
fluency. Recording his or her own voice reading helps the child self-monitor and
self-correct and boosts his or her confidence in reading—a big motivator for
struggling readers. With this strategy, the struggling reader can practice reading
texts that others in the class are reading with ease until he or she, too, can read
it smoothly.

The Problem
The struggling reader reads too slowly or too fast and lacks confidence.

The Symptoms
Makes multiple word recognition errors and lacks appropriate phrasing and
expression; or reads too fast, ignoring punctuation, and lacks appropriate phras-
ing and expression
John, a second grader, lacked confidence in his reading yet wanted to be able to
read fluently for his mother the way his younger sister did. He read very slowly
with choppy phrasing. He was unable to recognize many words, and because he
always made mistakes when he read aloud he was embarrassed by his reading.

The Solution
Recorded Repeated Reading helps struggling readers to read text accurately
with appropriate rate, phrasing, and expression. The strategy is simple and easy
for children to use independently: They record, listen to, and re-record their oral
reading of the same paragraph until they are satisfied with their performance.
John simply needed to practice his reading aloud with some guidance. I gave him
a short paragraph from his grade-level reading text and read the passage fluently
for him.Then I had him read through the paragraph and helped him with
unknown words and with his phrasing and expression. I set him up with a tape
recorder and blank tape and showed him how to record himself. John recorded
and re-recorded his oral reading of the same paragraph for 15 minutes, until he
liked the way he sounded.Then he read the paragraph to me and to his teacher,
making only two errors. He could already taste success. “This is the first time I
will be able to read to my mother without making a whole lot of mistakes,” he
announced.This became a great fluency-building activity for John, who was eager
to challenge himself and work independently with new passages.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Putting It to Work in Your Classroom
Use Recorded Repeated Reading with individuals or small groups of struggling
readers. You will need to set up a recording/listening center and provide children
with a paragraph to practice reading. For example, you might select a paragraph
from the reading selection you are working on in class. Allow a child 10–15
minutes to record and re-record his or her oral reading of the paragraph. Then
have the child read the passage aloud to you.
You may wish to use this strategy with your group divided into three smaller
groups and have them rotate as follows: one group at the reading/recording/
listening center practicing a fluent reading of a passage independently, one group
receiving teacher-directed instruction (providing phrasing tips on a child’s oral
reading, building vocabulary, or using another activity to support fluency), and
one group practicing their reading in pairs.
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Prepare the recording/listening center. Have one tape available for each
child to use. Mark children’s names on the tapes and place them in a basket
to keep the center organized.
● Select a paragraph for which the child has learned the vocabulary. The child
should have read the paragraph but should not be able to read it fluently.
The child may read from a copy of the paragraph or directly from the text.

For the child who reads too rapidly with inappropriate phrasing and inattention to punctuation, put a
slash mark after each phrase in the text. Have him or her group together the words within the slash
marks, pausing briefly at the end slash mark before reading the next group of words.

2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading

● Read the passage aloud fluently for the child.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
● Ask the child to read the paragraph silently and then to read it aloud to you.
Assist him or her with the words and with his or her phrasing and expression
as needed.

Remind children to observe punctuation as they read. For example, you might tell them that a period
marks the end of a thought, and a reader must take a breath before reading on.

● Have the child record, listen to, and re-record his or her oral reading of the
paragraph, until he or she is able to read the text quickly and accurately
with appropriate phrasing and expression and is satisfied with the fluency.
● Have the child read the passage to you. Praise his or her effort and make
specific suggestions for improving the next reading, such as making sure his
or her voice rises at the end of a question (inflection). If you do not have time
to listen and respond to each child during the course of your instruction
time, encourage the student to read the passage to a classmate. Listen to his
or her taped reading later in the day and provide feedback on a sticky note
for the child to read the next day.
● If the child needs more practice, you may wish to fluently read the passage
aloud to the child again. Have the child read it after you, making sure he or
she takes a breath when he or she comes to a slash, comma, or sentence
end mark.
4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading
Select and Share Invite struggling readers to select a passage from a story or
nonfiction passage they have read. Challenge children to practice reading and
recording the passage smoothly and clearly with expression until they have a
recording with which they are satisfied. Let children then read the passage to
another staff member in the school.
Before and After Have struggling readers make two recordings of the passage,
a “Before” recording before practicing, and an “After” recording when they’ve
worked on the passage awhile. Let them take the tapes home or invite parents
to listen during parent-teacher conferences. Note specific areas of improvement
evident on the recording, such as word recognition, phrasing, and expression.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
oo many times, teachers present a reading lesson and then move on to the
T next one before many of their students have learned to read the lesson text
comfortably. Yet struggling readers need repeated exposure to and practice with
the text to build accuracy and proficiency. This strategy helps meet the individual
needs of struggling readers and to involve their family members in building literacy
as well. It works even with families who have limited time and resources—the child
brings home only passages that he or she has practiced and can read accurately
with correct phrasing and expression, so that any family member can listen to the
child read, if nothing else. Reading the story or passage multiple times in different
contexts (school and home) improves the child’s reading tremendously.

The Problem
The struggling reader reads below grade level and with little confidence.

The Symptoms
Reads too slowly with word recognition errors; lacks expression; ignores
punctuation; lacks confidence in own reading
Sammy, a third grader who was reading below grade level, was embarrassed by
his inability to read aloud fluently.When he read aloud, he usually missed words,
ignored punctuation, and read very slowly.

The Solution
The Untimed Repeated Reading strategy enables beginning and struggling readers
to increase their fluency and to read aloud with accuracy, appropriate phrasing,
and expression. You might use this strategy three to four days a week until the
student is able to read a paragraph aloud quickly and accurately with ease
and confidence.
Sammy’s grandmother had the time to listen to him read. So every day I
provided Sammy with a new paragraph and helped him practice reading it several
times. Then he took the paragraph home, read it aloud five times to his
grandmother, and the next day he read it fluently to me. At first he practiced
reading paragraphs at his instructional reading level, but as his fluency increased,
I gave him paragraphs from our third-grade reader. Sammy was proud of his
improvement in fluency and in his ability to fluently read grade-level text. As
Sammy’s fluency increased, his classroom performance improved as well, and he
participated more frequently.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Putting It to Work in Your Classroom
Use Untimed Repeated Reading with individual readers. Begin by giving the child
a short selection to practice reading that is at his or her instructional level. Make
sure the child is familiar with the vocabulary. As the child becomes more fluent in
his or her reading, gradually assign more text. Giving the child a longer paragraph
or moving from one to two or three paragraphs increases the amount of sustained
reading time the reader has to practice a single passage. This helps the child
develop a sense of flow in his or her reading and enables the child to perceive
more easily the sentences in the paragraphs as a series of connected ideas.
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Select a passage the child has read before and for which he or she has
learned the vocabulary. The child may read from a copy of the passage or
directly from a text he or she can take home.
2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading
● Read the passage aloud fluently for the child using appropriate rate, accuracy,
and expression.
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
● Help the child read the passage for or with you to ensure his or her accurate
word recognition and to guide his attention to punctuation, phrasing, and
expression. If the child misses any words, pronounce them correctly and
have him or her reread the sentences with the missed words.
● Have the child read the entire passage orally to you several times until he is
able to read it fairly fluently.
● Have the child take the passage home to read at least five times to a family
member. Ask the family member to sign the passage with his or her name and
the date or send a note indicating that the child has completed the readings.
● The next day, listen to the child read the passage and provide positive,
encouraging feedback. Make note of his or her ability to phrase appropriately.
Also note the rate of the reading, which should increase with practice as the
child learns to anticipate the words and ideas in the passage.
● As the child gains fluency, you may want to increase not only the length but
also the difficulty of the text. As with the Recorded Repeated Reading strategy,
if the child is unable to handle the passage, go back to a more comfortable
reading level and try a longer or more difficult text again later.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading
My Choice Reading Allow the child to select and practice reading a paragraph
or passage of his or her own choosing from a text in the classroom. Encourage
the child to choose a passage that he or she would want to share with someone,
such as an informational paragraph about the solar system with facts about
the sizes of the planets. Make sure the passage comes from a text he or she
has previously read. First have the child read the passage to you or a partner
who will offer guidance. Then have the child practice reading it to a family
member or a partner. When he or she is ready, ask the child to read the
practiced passage to you. The child may also record his or her reading of the
passage at a recording/listening center before taking it home to read (see
Recorded Repeated Reading, pages 71–73).

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Expression and

n effective read-aloud moves the listener—the

A reader relays lines of dialogue in an argument as

if the words had sharp edges; brings a hushed
tone of seriousness to a news report about a natu-
ral disaster; makes a dramatic pause before revealing the
identity of the thief at the end of a mystery. Fluent readers
select from a toolbox of prosodic and expressive aids:
tempo, rhythm, pitch, voice level, and phrasing to under-
stand and communicate what they read.
The strategies in this chapter help children build their flu-
ency skills and improve their comprehension as they prac-
tice reading aloud to interpret text and reflect the author’s
tone, mood, and intent. The ability to capture a listener’s
attention with an expressive reading is highly motivating to
struggling readers. I find these strategies to be some of the
most engaging and rewarding for these students.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

ead-alouds offer a highly motivating purpose for struggling readers to practice

R reading—they want to read what you’ve read with the same enthusiasm and
expression. This strategy helps students practice intonation, phrasing, and using
expression to convey mood as they reread and interpret a meaningful text.

The Problem
The struggling, unmotivated reader lacks expression and prosody.

The Symptoms
Has poor word recognition, reads too slowly with incorrect phrasing and in a
monotone, and lacks motivation to read; or reads words rapidly with incorrect
punctuation and phrasing; does not attempt to read books on own
Tanya, a first grader, loved books and showed a great interest in reading. She
loved being read to and was an enthusiastic participant in the class discussions
of the stories. Her own reading, however, was fraught with difficulty, and she
stumbled through text, missing words and reading without expression.This
made it difficult for others to listen to her when she read.

The Solution
Hearing good literature read fluently and expressively motivates children to
practice reading the same text. When you use this strategy regularly with
struggling readers, they soon begin asking for copies of your read-aloud books
as soon as you’ve finished reading. Encourage them to pick up and read books
on their own.
Each day, I read aloud a book to Tanya’s class as they were gathered around me
on the rug. For this strategy I chose books I love to read, like The Little Engine
That Could, so that I would read as expressively as possible.This gave Tanya and
her peers the opportunity to hear the text read with appropriate phrasing and
expression. Afterward,Tanya practiced reading the book with a partner. She was
thrilled as her peers began to notice how well she was able to “act out” the
stories with her voice.This strategy was key to her becoming an avid, expressive,
fluent reader.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Putting It to Work in Your Classroom
Use Teacher Read-Aloud With Multiple Copies with classes and small groups
of struggling readers who have similar needs. Select a variety of sight-word
books, easy-to-read books, and books with dialogue-rich text of which you can
obtain multiple copies or book sets (see Appendix C: Suggested Children’s
Literature for Building Fluency). Make sure that the books also contain words
children are learning in class (or add these words to your list before introducing
a book). To build excitement about and familiarity with the featured text, read
the book to the children more than once during the week. Display the multiple
copies on the chalkboard tray and in other prominent places in the room so
that children notice them and have easy access to them.
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Gather multiple copies of the book.
● Read through the book to plan how you will orally interpret the text and to
identify key concept words that you want children to know.
● Discuss briefly with children, before and during reading, the meanings of
key concept words and phrases or expressions essential to understanding
the story.
2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading
● Read aloud the book fluently to children. Present the story in a meaningful
way through phrasing, intonation, stress, rhythm, pitch, and so on. Hold the
picture book to one side of you with the pictures facing the group and turn
the pages so children can see the pictures and text as you read.
● After discussing the story, point out the text’s prosodic features and typo-
graphical markings, such as punctuation marks, large bold print, underlin-
ing, and italics, that guide expressive reading. Read aloud selections with
examples of these features and ask children how the features help you
read expressively.
● Read the book again to the children during the week.

Using a Big Book will make it easier to call the children’s attention to typographical markings, which
serve as guideposts for reading expressively.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
● Give the children a copy of the book. If you have more children than you
have book copies, put out the multiple copies of the previous week’s feature
book, too. Let children take turns with the books.
● Ask children to read through the book once, asking you or a partner for
help with any unfamiliar words.
● Have students read the book with a partner. Listen to their reading and
provide suggestions for improving their phrasing and expression, pointing
out contextual and typographical cues. Reread sections fluently for those
children who need extra support.
4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading
Poem Time Plan a time each week to read aloud poetry and rhymes to your
class or to a small group and provide the children with copies of the poems.
Have students practice reading the poetry and rhymes with partners and in
small groups and invite them to perform their poems chorally or in parts for
the class at the end of the week. Let children compile their copies into a
book that they can read aloud in other school settings and at home.
Cliff-Hanger Reading Leave students wondering. Read a simple chapter book
that struggling readers will be able to handle and stop at a particularly
exciting part. Students will want to know what happened next and will
continue reading the book on their own. Many of the children I’ve taught
began reading chapter books on their own with this encouragement. Ask
students periodically to read a favorite part to you so you can monitor their
fluency and interpretation.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
ust as students love to respond to favorite read-aloud literature in writing (see
J Literature Response Stories on pages 68–70), they also love to enact these stories.
Dialogue Theater scripts make great fluency-building materials that engage students
in repeated reading for a purpose: to practice expressively reading the dialogue
they enjoyed listening to in the read-aloud. The simplified Dialogue Theater script
contains sight and vocabulary words students recognize from the literature, which
students will practice reading repeatedly as they rehearse. Children tend to get so
involved in learning to read their parts well that they never mind practicing the
parts over and over, thus increasing their accuracy, rate, phrasing, and expression.

The Problem
The struggling unfocused reader has little motivation to read.

The Symptoms
Reads too slowly, with inappropriate rate, phrasing, and expression, and lacks
appropriate oral interpretation; or reads too rapidly and lacks expression
Toby, a first grader, had a sense of humor and a ready grin. But he was a disfluent
reader with limited sight vocabulary and he read with a lack of expression. Unable
to sit for long,Toby was constantly up and down and it was a struggle to get him
to focus on his work. He liked being the center of attention and created daily
disturbances in class.

The Solution
Dialogue Theater helps struggling readers to focus on the meaning of a text and
improve their oral interpretation skills. It works particularly well with children
who thrive on interaction and attention.
Toby was a natural for theater. He loved read-aloud stories with funny problems
and dialogue. His favorite book was The Little Red Hen. He loved hearing the story
over and over and repeating the words as I read them: “‘Not I,’ said the cat,‘Not
I,’ said the rat,‘Not I,’ said the dog.” Toby loved practicing his favorite lines from
the scripts I created and adding gestures and movements. When he fluently
performed his part, he glowed with pride.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Putting It to Work in Your Classroom
Use Dialogue Theater with classes of struggling readers who have similar
needs. I find the scripts that work best come from stories and books with lots
of dialogue and predictable repetitive phrases, lines, or sentences, such as The
Little Red Hen (“‘Not I,’ said the pig”), The Three Billy Goats Gruff (“Trip trap,
Trip, trap”), and The Three Little Pigs (“‘Not by the hair of my chinny chin
chin”’). I also look for a story problem that provides opportunities for reading
with expression. Encourage children to add movements to their performance
and allow those who need lots of movement to act out their parts.
On pages 84–89, you’ll find scripts that I have written for my struggling beginning
readers. These scripts use sight words and simple text to tell the story of The
Little Red Hen and two stories based on Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina:
Trees for Sale and Three Homes for Three Puppies.
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Select a story or scene from a favorite read-aloud book that contains a lot
of dialogue. (Make sure that you recently have read the book to the class
or to a small group of struggling readers.)
● Discuss with children how the voices of the characters should be performed
(orally interpreted) before you have them work with the script. For example,
you might ask how the children will read animal noises or the voice of a
worried mother.
● Prepare a script that uses sight words that students have encountered.
● Write the lines of dialogue in simple sentences that your readers can handle
without experiencing frustration.
● Make copies of the script for the group and distribute.
● List words that may give your students trouble.
● Review the words, saying the words and pointing to them.
● Assign the script parts. Two or more children may be assigned to each of
the parts, and the parts can be read chorally.

You can change the number of characters in the script, depending on the number of parts needed. To
create more parts, I sometimes split a single part into two, or have several students read the part of
the narrator or chorus; to create fewer parts, I stick with the most important characters and have
them explain or summarize the parts that I’ve cut.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading
● Read aloud the script fluently with children reading along in their scripts.
● Read the script fluently a second time, emphasizing the appropriate expres-
sion that each character’s lines and personality suggest. Demonstrate how
the mood or tone of the scene determines how you interpret the lines with
your voice (for example, you might show frustration as you read the part of
the Little Red Hen, who is left to do all the work while the other animals
won’t help her but want to eat the bread).
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
● Have children read through the script until they can read their parts fluently
with appropriate phrasing and expression. Encourage students to use
appropriate movements, gestures, and facial expressions to convey the
appropriate tone and feelings intended by the author.
● When children can read their parts well, have them perform the script for
the class. For students who need to move, encourage them to keep their
gestures simple so they can also deliver their lines.
4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading
Compare-and-Contrast Group Dialogue Theater Assign the same script to several
small groups. Provide minimal guidance, encouraging each group to interpret
the script. Have the groups practice reading their parts and then perform the
script. In a class discussion, compare and contrast the different ways each
of the groups approached the task, their oral interpretations, and the merits
of each.
Book Conversations Perform Dialogue Theater with conversations read directly
from the text. Have children pair up and read conversations between two
characters, such as Frog and Toad in Frog and Toad Are Friends by Arnold
Lobel, and from memorable scenes, such as those in Charlotte’s Web when
Fern pleads with her father for Wilbur’s life and when Avery finds out his
sister Fern has a pig.

As they practice their lines, remind children to reread the text from which the script was written so
they can better understand the dialogue in context.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name ___________________________________ Date______________

The Little Red Hen

Dialogue Theater

Narrator Little Red Hen Cat Dog Pig

Narrator: One day Little Red Hen found some seeds.

Little Red Hen: Who will help me plant the seeds?
Cat: Meow, meow! Not I!
Dog: Woof, woof! Not I!
Pig: Oink, oink! Not I!
Little Red Hen: Then I will do it myself.
Narrator: And she did.

Little Red Hen: Who will help me cut this wheat?

Cat: Meow, meow! Not I!
Dog: Woof, woof! Not I!
Pig: Oink, oink! Not I!
Little Red Hen: Then I will do it myself.
Narrator: And she did.

Little Red Hen: Who will help me take this to the mill?
Cat: Meow, meow! Not I!
Dog: Woof, woof! Not I!
Pig: Oink, oink! Not I!
Little Red Hen: Then I will do it myself.
Narrator: And she did.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name ___________________________________ Date______________

The Little Red Hen

Dialogue Theater (continued)

Little Red Hen: Who will help me bake the bread?

Cat: Meow, meow! Not I!
Dog: Woof, woof! Not I!
Pig: Oink, oink! Not I!
Little Red Hen: Then I will do it myself.
Narrator: And she did.

Little Red Hen: Who will help me eat this bread?

Cat: Meow, meow! I will!
Dog: Woof, woof! I will!
Pig: Oink, oink! I will!
Little Red Hen: No, you will not. I will eat it myself!

Narrator: And she did!

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name ___________________________________ Date______________

Trees for Sale

Dialogue Theater

Readers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Reader 1: We have four trees. We must sell the trees.

Reader 2: I know how to sell the trees. We will sell them

in town.

Reader 3: Trees for sale! Four trees for sale!

Reader 4: May I buy a tree, please? I want a big tree.

Reader 1: Yes. You may buy a tree. Here is a big tree.

Reader 2: Now we need to sell three trees.

Reader 3: Trees for sale! Three trees for sale!

Reader 5: May I buy a tree? I want a little tree.

Reader 1: Yes. You may buy a tree. Here is a little tree.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name ___________________________________ Date______________

Trees for Sale

Dialogue Theater (continued)

Reader 2: Now we need to sell two trees.

Reader 3: Trees for sale! Two trees for sale!

Reader 6: May I buy a tree? I want a tall tree.

Reader 1: Yes. You may buy a tree. Here is a tall tree.

Reader 2: Now we need to sell one tree.

Reader 3: I have an idea. Let’s keep this tree. We will

plant it at home.

Readers 1, 2, 3: Yes, let’s!

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name ___________________________________ Date______________

Three Homes for Three Puppies

Dialogue Theater

Readers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Reader 1: Our dog Daisy has three puppies.

Daisy has a black puppy,
a brown puppy,
and a black and brown
and tan puppy.

Reader 2: We must find homes

for Daisy’s puppies.
We must find a good home
for each puppy.
We will need three homes
for three puppies.

Reader 1: I know how to find homes

for the puppies.
I will find three good homes
for Daisy’s puppies.

Reader 2: Puppies for free!

Three free puppies!

Reader 3: Let’s see the puppies.

Can we keep the black puppy, please?

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name ___________________________________ Date______________

Three Homes for Three Puppies

Dialogue Theater (continued)

Reader 4: Yes. We can keep the black puppy.

Reader 1: Now we need two homes

for two puppies.

Reader 2: Puppies for free!

Two free puppies!

Reader 5: Let’s see the puppies.

Can we keep the brown puppy, please?

Reader 6: Yes. We can keep the brown puppy.

Reader 1: Now we need one home

for one puppy,
a black and brown and tan puppy.
We must find a good home
for this puppy.

Reader 2: I know a good home

for this puppy.
We can keep this black and brown
and tan puppy!

Readers 1, 2: This puppy will have a good home

with us and Daisy!

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
lder readers who have struggled with their reading for several years often
O need reasons to read. When you ask them to read to a younger child who
needs help learning to read, you provide them with a true purpose for improving
their own oral reading fluency. They also gain confidence as they begin to make
a difference in another child’s life. This strategy proves to be very effective with
students who exhibit behavior problems and lack confidence in their abilities.
The Problem
The struggling, older reader lacks motivation for repeated reading practice.

The Symptoms
Reads word by word with choppy phrasing and a lack of accuracy; reads in a
monotone; does not like to reread text
Melvin, a third grader, was a tall, often belligerent student who had already been
retained and was reading at a beginning second-grade level. He rarely attended
to his work and disliked reading; as a consequence, he frequently disrupted the
classroom by bothering other children.

The Solution
Cross-Age Repeated Reading helps motivate reluctant second and third graders
who are reading below grade level to read and reread for fluency. Struggling
readers often become great mentors and role models as they support younger
peers—meanwhile, they build fluency skills by modeling good oral reading.
I paired Melvin with a beginning first-grade reader, and then later, at his request,
with a group of three children. He was tremendously proud of his ability to read
to the younger children. He mirrored many of the techniques I used when I read
aloud to him and he noticed how building background and reviewing unfamiliar
words with “his” students helped them read better. Melvin’s reading improved
tremendously as he continued to mentor—so did his attitude toward reading!

Putting It to Work in Your Classroom

Use Cross-Age Repeated Reading with individuals or small groups of older
struggling readers who have similar needs. The strategy provides children
with a purpose for the repeated reading of appropriately leveled text. Find a
first-grade teacher in your school who has struggling readers and is willing
to participate.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity
● Working with a first-grade teacher, partner one of your struggling readers
with a first-grade struggling reader. Consider abilities, personalities, interests,
and gender as you match children.
● Prepare a schedule for the children to read together once or twice a week.
● Help your reader select a book appropriate to his or her own reading level
as well as the age and interests of the first-grade partner. Make sure that
both partners can handle the length of the book.
2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading
● Read the selected book aloud fluently to the older reader.
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
● Have your student read the book to you, helping him or her with any
unfamiliar or difficult words. Give the child time to practice reading the
book aloud to a partner until he or she is able to read it with appropriate
expression, rate, and accuracy. Or you may want to have the child practice
the read-aloud using the Recorded Repeated Reading strategy (pages 71–73).
● Supervise or train a reliable classroom volunteer to supervise the partner
reading. Note how the older reader presents the book to the younger child
and how the younger child receives it. After each session, based on what
you observe, provide the older reader with one or two helpful tips (for
example, remind the student to pause at end marks and to make the dialogue
sound like a real conversation). Be sure to offer lots of encouragement.
4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading
Cross-Age Dialogue Theater Write a script based on a favorite book that several
partners have shared or select another script that will appeal to both the older
and younger readers. Assign the older and younger students parts in the script.
Have students practice their parts together and then perform for another
class of first graders. (See the Dialogue Theater strategy, pages 81–89.)

Encouraging the older readers to return to the text from which the script was written can help them
see the dialogue again in the context of the story, and thereby better understand characters’ feelings
and motives. This will help them add expression to their reading of the script.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
aving struggling readers conduct interviews with adults helps them build
H fluency and gain knowledge about careers and jobs. Children enjoy generating
questions, asking the questions during the interview, and reading the completed
interview transcripts. This strategy encourages them to engage in repeated reading,
providing lots of opportunities to write, recognize, and read many of the same
words across the different interviews they conduct.

The Problem
The unmotivated student reads below grade level.

The Symptoms
Unable to read with appropriate phrasing and expression and lacks motivation
for repeated reading practice; or reads too fast without meaningful phrasing
and expression
Joseph, a third grader, had a great deal of difficulty reading and received little
support at home for improvement. He stumbled slowly through text, reading
with choppy phrasing and a lack of expression. He did not like to read.

The Solution
The Interview Strategy can be used to motivate small groups of struggling readers
to practice repeated readings of texts that they have helped to author.
Joseph loved interviewing the school staff and the visitors we had. He was
diligent in writing and practicing his interview questions so that he could fluently
deliver them. I compiled Joseph’s and his classmates’ interview questions, the
transcribed responses, and the photos I took of the interviews and published
them in a booklet.The booklet served as a nonfiction text for Joseph and his
classmates to read in class and at home.

Putting It to Work in Your Classroom

Use the Interview Strategy with classes and small groups of struggling readers
who have similar needs. Arrange for students to interview school staff such
as the principal, custodian, and librarian. You may also want to invite local
professionals, such as artists, construction workers, or people in business or
medicine, to be interviewed by the whole class. Another good source for
interesting interviewees may be a field trip to a local business, which allows
children to interview people on the job.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
I find that learning to fluently read their questions and their interviewee’s answers provides children
with such valuable and enjoyable repeated reading practice that I have students interview many different
people over the course of a year. I compile the children’s interviews into class booklets for them to
practice reading in class and at home.

1. Preparing and Introducing the Activity

● Select a person to interview, obtain their consent, and set an interview
date. Ask the interviewee to plan on keeping his or her answers fairly short
(roughly one to three sentences) so that children can understand and
record answers.
● Two days prior to the interview, build background with children about
interviewing professional people; make sure they understand that in an
interview they can expect to find out about the interviewee’s job, family,
and what they like to do in their free time. Ask children to share what they
know about interviews they may have seen on TV. Let children view or read
a short interview. (An easy way to prepare an interview model is to conduct
a three- to four-question interview with a willing teaching colleague whom
the children know well and then transcribe the interview onto chart paper.)
● A day before the interview, tell the class whom the visiting interviewee will
be and have children share what they know about his or her job. Ask children
what they would like to know about the interviewee and list or make a web
of their ideas on the board or overhead (number of children, hobbies or
interests, job title, favorite parts of their job, least favorite parts of the job,
job training, and so on). For example, to prepare for an interview with a
zookeeper, I used the categories my students brainstormed to create this web:

Family Pets Family Life

Zoo Keeper

Job Favorite and Least

Responsibilities Favorite Animals
to Care For

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
● Using an overhead transparency of the Zookeeper Interview on page 95,
show children a model class interview.
● Help students generate and write two to five interview questions each,
using their categories and the other interviews they’ve heard or read as a
guide. Make sure students understand that some questions may not be
appropriate in an interview. (For example, it’s usually not a good idea to
ask interviewees their age, but asking them how old they were when they
began training for their job is fine.)
● Help each child read aloud one or two of their questions and select or have
the class decide on four to six of these questions. Write the questions on
the board or a sheet of chart paper.
● Read the questions aloud, showing children how to use appropriate inflection
when asking a question in a polite manner.
● Help children prepare and practice for the interview by reading aloud the
questions with a partner.
● Conduct the interview. Let individuals or small groups ask the questions.
Record the interview and take photographs.
● Later, transcribe the interviewee’s answers, simplifying his or her responses
as needed.
● Make copies of the transcription and distribute to children.
2. Modeling Fluent Oral Reading
● Read aloud the questions and answers from the interview transcript fluently,
emphasizing appropriate phrasing and expression.
3. Guiding Repeated Oral Reading
● Group children in pairs and ask them to take on the roles of interviewer
and interviewee. Have one partner read the questions and the other read
the answers. Then have them switch roles and read the interview again. As
students practice, provide them with suggestions for improving their phrasing
and expression.
4. Extending Repeated Oral Reading
● Student-Selected Group Interviews When children have practiced the strategy
once or twice, encourage a small group to select a person they want to
interview. Offer the group assistance in arranging, recording, and transcribing
the interview.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name ___________________________________ Date______________

Zookeeper Interview
Question 1: What do you do at the zoo?

Answer: I am a zookeeper and I work with the mammals.

Question 2: Do you like working at the zoo?

Answer: Yes, I like working at the zoo because I like

working with animals. I even like the reptiles.
My favorite one is the boa constrictor.

Question 3: How many animals do you care for?

Answer: I help with all of the animals wherever I’m


Question 4: How did you learn to take care of the animals

at the zoo?

Answer: First I was a zookeeper’s assistant at another

zoo. Then, when I came to this zoo, I had
special training by other zookeepers.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name ___________________________________ Date______________

Zookeeper Interview (continued)

Question 5: How do you know what to feed the animals?

Answer: A zoo dietician and a veterinarian tell us what

to feed each animal. They know how much
and what kind of food the animals will eat
every day.

Question 6: Is it hard work taking care of the animals?

Answer: Sometimes it’s fun and sometimes it’s hard

work. It’s fun when I get to bring an animal to
the vet for a checkup. Other parts are not so
much fun. Cleaning the cages is hard work.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Assessing Fluency

ome struggling readers exhibit just one disfluency

S symptom: getting stuck on multisyllabic words, or

reading in a monotone, or stumbling through text
in a halting, disjointed manner. However, most
struggling readers experience a combination of disfluency
symptoms. Given the importance of fluency to a reader’s
comprehension and the range of fluency skills readers
must master—from decoding to expression—it’s critically
important that our assessment and instruction target the
specific fluency elements that will best help a reader attain
grade-level fluency.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

● pace him- or herself when reading. Is the child’s reading rate too slow or too
quick to make his or her delivery meaningful?
● recognize and decode. Is the child able to immediately recognize sight words
and to sound out unknown words without getting stuck or missing important
information as he or she reads?
● phrase appropriately. Can the child group written words together in mean-
ingful chunks, the way the words would be spoken?
● deliver the text expressively. Do the child’s voice, face, and gestures carry
the intent or emotional texture intended by the author?
● read prosodically. Does the child effectively use elements such as tempo,
pitch, volume, and rhythm to follow punctuation marks and other typograph-
ical elements in the text?
In addition to using a baseline assessment that helps us determine areas for
targeted instruction, we need to monitor the progress of our struggling readers
carefully and frequently. Given our limited time as classroom teachers, the
assessment tools we use for individual readers must be simple and quick to
administer. This chapter describes assessment tools that meet these criteria and
help you keep track of the progress of each struggling reader throughout the

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Appropriate Assessment for Fluency
irst-grade struggling readers will not be ready for a passage-based fluency
F assessment until they are reading connected text. However, exposure to and
practice with connected text in the form of two- to four-word sentences can
begin immediately, even as readers are still learning letter sounds. As the lessons
in Chapters 1 and 2 recommend, you can create simple sentences and stories in
which sight words or words with target sounds appear and have children practice
reading and re-creating those sentences with letter cards and in writing. Listen to
the quality of children’s oral reading as they practice with these and other texts,
and use the strategies from Chapters 3 and 4 in this book to ensure the children
are developing the use of appropriate phrasing and expression.
Often teachers are very concerned with struggling readers’ pace or rate of read-
ing. According to the fluency norms adapted by Rasinski (2003b) from
Hasbrouck & Tindal (1992) and Howe & Shinn (2001), by the end of first grade,
children should be reading 60 words correct per minute (wcpm) in a grade-level
passage. This is a good indicator of whether a reader can process text at an
appropriate rate. While the assessment tools I recommend in this chapter do
measure reading rate, I do not use isolated strategies to help young children
improve their reading rate; a child’s reading rate will naturally increase as his or
her skills in accuracy, decoding, phrasing, and expression increase.

As Tim Rasinski reminds us (2003a), focusing reading instruction exclusively on improving children’s
rate of reading will most likely help children read faster, but with little comprehension. Recently I
worked with a group of primary-grade teachers who had been focusing solely on helping their
students read text quickly and had been surprised by the low comprehension scores of their students
whose reading rates had improved dramatically. I showed them how to integrate strategies from
Chapters 3 and 4 into their instruction so they could build in time for students to practice phrasing,
expression, and retelling. Their students are now making gains in comprehension in tandem with their
improved rate.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
ndividually assess second- and third-grade struggling readers’ fluency at the
I beginning of the school year, at midyear, and at the end of the year using a
passage-based fluency assessment tool such as the Individual Oral Reading
Fluency Assessment described on the following pages. Taken at the beginning of
the year, the fluency assessment provides you with baseline data that highlights
specific challenges facing the reader and helps you determine the appropriate
instruction he or she needs to gain fluency. Taken in the middle of the year, this
assessment allows you to note areas of progress and adjust your instruction
as needed—perhaps a shift in focus from recognizing and decoding to phrasing.
And at the end of the year, a final assessment helps you evaluate the effectiveness
of your instruction and make recommendations for continued fluency support
over the summer and into the next school year.
A child’s reading rate increases as his or her ability to handle increasingly
challenging texts increases. According to Rasinski’s fluency norms, second
graders should be reading grade-level text at a rate of 53 wcpm at the beginning
of the school year, 78 wcpm by the middle of the year, and 94 wcpm by the end
of the year. According to the same norms, third graders should be reading
grade-level text at a rate of 79 wcpm at the beginning of the school year, 93 wcpm
by the middle of the year, and 114 wcpm by the end of the year. Remember that
as children gain skills in their target areas, their rate will automatically improve.

As an alternative to the assessment tools presented here, you may want to assess children’s fluency
using commercially published fluency assessments such as Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills
(Good & Kaminski, 2002), 3-Minute Reading Assessments (Rasinski & Padak, 2005), or the assessment
tools provided by your school district or reading basal. Review the components listed in the Individual
Oral Reading Fluency Assessment (pages 101–103), the Oral Reading Quality Scale (page 108), and the
Retelling Comprehension Rubric (page 109) to make sure the assessment you choose covers elements
of rate and accuracy, quality, and retelling.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Individual Oral Reading Fluency Assessment
ver the course of the last two years, my colleague Patsy Capps and I have
O developed a short individual assessment that provides teachers with a
snapshot of their struggling readers’ fluency strengths and weaknesses.
Administered at least three times over the course of the year, it measures a
student’s oral reading fluency rate and word recognition accuracy by determining
how many correct words the child can read in a grade-level passage in one
minute. We also look at the percentage of words the child accurately recognizes.
We assess rate and decoding in tandem with two other fluency elements: the
quality of oral reading and the quality of the retelling or summarizing of what has
been read. The tools we’ve adapted include the Oral Reading Quality Scale, a
qualitative assessment of phrasing, expression, and prosody that rates the child’s
oral reading performance (page 108) and the Retelling Comprehension Rubric, a
guideline for evaluating the completeness and sequence of a retelling (page 109).
In all, the full assessment and evaluation takes about three to four minutes,
which enables you to meet with and assess several struggling readers over the
course of an independent work period.
An explanation of how to use these tools and keep track of progress on the
Fluency Assessment Record (page 110) follows.


Following are some simple procedures to use when assessing children’s oral
reading fluency. If you have not done this type of assessment before, you’ll want
to practice giving the assessment to a child in your family or practice with a
colleague to become familiar with marking the passage as the child reads.
1. Select a grade-level passage for children to read. Make enough copies so
that you have one to mark for each child you evaluate. Either plan to spend
a minute in between assessments to do the evaluation, or tape-record the
reading of each student so you can review it later.
2. Assess children individually, away from their peers, to ensure privacy and
minimize distraction (remember that struggling readers are often embarrassed
to read aloud). Make sure the rest of the class is engaged in quiet, independent
seat work. Have the child sit next to or across from you, facing away from
his or her peers. Position yourself so you can see the other children.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
3. Encourage the child to read the passage to you as best he or she can. Let
the child know that when he or she has finished, you will ask him or her to
retell the story.
4. Time the child’s reading for one minute. On your copy of the passage, put a
line through any word the child misses (this includes all mispronunciations,
substitutions, and omissions). Do not mark repetitions or hesitations under
three seconds. If the child hesitates for three seconds and makes no attempt
to read the word, pronounce the word for the child and mark it incorrect.
Do not count words the child has added that make sense in context (for
example, if in a reading of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, a child reads
“the bears’ house” for “the house,” neither count bears’ as a correct word
nor as an error). If a child reads a word incorrectly and then reads the word
correctly, write c above the word and do not count it as an error. Mark a
slash after the last word the child reads when one minute is up.

Use a stopwatch or kitchen timer to help you focus on children’s oral reading without having to
watch a clock. Inexpensive kitchen timers may be found at discount and dollar stores.

5. Have the child turn the passage facedown. Ask the child to tell you what he
or she read, using his or her own words. On the passage, put a check mark
in the text over the details the child recalls. For example, if the sentence
reads The three pigs went for a walk, and the child says, “It’s about some
pigs who go for a walk,” put a check mark over the words pigs and walk.
You may also want to write on the passage the actual words the child says
and to jot down any additional information that will be helpful in rating the
child’s retelling, as shown in the example. For instance, if the child’s
retelling is in logical order, you might jot down logical.
6. Thank the child, and provide directions for returning to independent work.
7. Immediately following the assessment, or after you have reviewed it with the
tape recording later, count the total number of words the child read correctly
(wcpm) and rate the quality of the child’s oral reading using the Oral Reading
Quality Scale on page 108. Rate the child’s retelling using the Retelling
Comprehension Rubric on page 109. Note the rating scores on the passage
and keep the passage in an assessment folder for reference (comparing
scored passages taken at different points in the year is a great way to show
parents and administrators evidence of a reader’s growth).

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
8. Record the child’s scores for accuracy, rate, oral reading quality, and retelling
on the Fluency Assessment Record (see page 104 for an example).
You may want to do the additional steps listed below once you feel comfortable
performing a basic rate and accuracy analysis, as described above. Noting more
information from the child’s reading will help you to better tailor your instruction.
1. Above each word the child misses, write the mispronunciation or substitution
the child makes for that word. For example, if in reading the word house, the
child reads horse, write horse above the missed word.
2. Slash with a diagonal line any part of a word omitted. For example, if the child
reads sun for sunshine, put a line through the word and draw a diagonal line
through shine.
3. As the child reads, mark a slash each time the child pauses after a word or
phrase grouping to denote the child’s phrasing. You are watching for phrases
that are awkwardly grouped and for word-by-word reading.
4. Mark an X on any punctuation mark the child omits to indicate that the
reader ignores punctuation (this is typical of rapid readers).

This marked passage shows the results of a second

grader’s one-minute reading performance taken by his
teacher. The assessment shows that Quincy read 36
words with 11 word errors. (Subtract the 11 word
errors Quincy made from the 36 total words he read
to find his rate: 25 wcpm.) We can see from Quincy’s
word errors that he missed some basic sight words.
He also could not recognize or decode two-syllable
words (including the compound word hillside) and the
three-syllable word villagers. Since he read very slowly
with a mixture of awkward phrasing and word-by-word
reading, he scored 1 out of 4 for oral reading quality.
He also scored 1 out of 6 for retelling quality, as he
could only correctly recall two details, a boy and the
sheep. (Though the section Quincy read was short,
the details that he missed in his retelling include the
village setting, the boy’s name, and what the boy did.)

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Using Assessment to Guide Instruction
ased on each child’s pre-assessment scores on the Fluency Assessment
B Record, you’ll be able to determine what elements need attention. Then use
the chart on page 11 to find strategies that match the needs of each of your readers.
Later, based on the growth demonstrated in a midyear assessment, you may wish
to focus more intensely on an area where the child needs more support.
In general, readers who need help identifying sight words and sounding out longer
words may need to start with activities suggested in the lessons in Chapters 1
and 2. Readers who are having trouble at the sentence level with phrasing may
benefit from the activities suggested in Chapter 3. Those who struggle with
expression, attending to typographical cues, and retellings may benefit from
the activities in Chapter 4. For most struggling readers you may need to apply a
combination of techniques from the lessons presented in this book, including
repeated readings of texts that support ongoing sight-word recognition, as well
as phrasing and expression skills.

At the beginning of the year, Quincy’s teacher administered the individual fluency
assessments to three struggling readers in her second-grade class. She recorded the data
on the Fluency Assessment Record and used this information to determine the fluency
instruction she would provide each reader and to decide how she would group them
with the other children for instruction.

She found that the oral

reading rates of all three
of the children were well
below the norm of 53
wcpm for second graders
at the beginning of the
year. She also discovered
that the word recognition
accuracy of all three of
the children was well
below the recommended
95 percent, with Quincy
and Larry at 69 and 66
percent respectively.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
She saw that these two children primarily missed basic sight words and two-syllable
words while Nan knew her basic sight words but could not recognize or decode some of
the two- and three-syllable words in the text. The children’s oral reading quality scores
show that all three lack appropriate phrasing and expression when they read aloud. The
teacher also found that these assessment results reinforced her own informal observations
of the three children’s daily reading performance in the classroom.

The teacher’s end-of-year goal was to help these children build their fluency to achieve 94
wcpm and to read smoothly with expression and understanding when reading a grade-level
passage. She developed a plan to implement word recognition, decoding, and repeated
reading strategies each week to increase their skills in reading aloud with accuracy,
expression, phrasing, and appropriate rate.

For Quincy and Larry and others in the class with similar needs, the teacher decided to
work daily with the Sight-Word Fluency strategy and the Sight-Word Wall Dictionary to build a
basic word bank for each reader. To help Nan decode words with two or more syllables,
she began with the VIP and Multisyllabic Decoding strategies. (See Chapter 2 for a discussion
of these strategies).

To increase the children’s phrasing and expression skills, the teacher implemented
Dialogue Theater and The Interview Strategy (Chapter 4). She also engaged them in writing
and reading their own texts through the use of such strategies as Subject Paragraphs
and Individual Experience Stories (Chapter 3).

Since the children’s retelling scores indicated they were unable to recall details about what
they had read, the teacher also began to use retelling and summarizing strategies after
stories the children both heard and read. She also consistently reminded the children, prior to
their reading, that they would be responsible for remembering what they had read. She used
the retelling rubric to guide and score children’s retellings of passages and favorite stories.

“Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies: Promoting Word Recognition, Fluency, and Reading Comprehension in
Young Children” by Doug and Lynne Fuchs (The Journal of Special Education, 39, 1) is a helpful
resource for developing children’s retelling and summarizing abilities. It includes best-practice ideas
for implementing partner reading and teaching techniques for retelling and summarizing such as
“paragraph shrinking.”

Ongoing evaluations and a formal midyear assessment will help guide this teacher in
determining areas of growth and adjusting the instructional strategies she is now putting
into place.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Ongoing Assessment
little assessment at least several times a week helps you make small
A adjustments to instruction that can scaffold a child’s reading growth. Make
sure to provide children with opportunities to read aloud every day—to you, with
a partner, or in a small guided-reading group. While children are reading, listen
for difficulty they may experience with word recognition and decoding, phrasing,
and expression. Notice whether their reading rate is too slow or too fast.
As with the formal assessment, use the chart on page 11 to find instructional
strategies that will support your readers. For example, a child who has trouble
recognizing and decoding key words in a nonfiction reading passage you’ve
reviewed in class needs explicit decoding instruction prior to reading the textbook,
followed by multiple opportunities to practice reading the selected passages.
(See VIP, pages 30–32; Multisyllabic Decoding, pages 33–35; and Text Chunking,
page 36.)
The steps I follow for ongoing fluency assessment for individual readers are:
1. Provide the child a passage for which he or she has learned new vocabulary
words through decoding and meaning-based instruction.
2. Observe the child’s ability to read aloud the passage—check for an appropriate
pace and accurate decoding and note any awkward phrasings or difficulties
with expression.
3. Break the text into several manageable chunks and provide the child time to
practice repeated readings of the passage with you and a partner.
4. Reassess the child’s reading of the passage and record or have the child record
his or her rate and accuracy.
5. Ask the child to tell you what the passage is about.


Throughout the year, continue ongoing fluency assessment that encourages your
struggling readers to track and record their own progress—and watch themselves
grow as readers. If you take regular (weekly) assessments that provide an accuracy/
rate score, encourage children, especially older ones, to record their own rate
and accuracy on an individual bar graph you have prepared for them. As shown
in the example on the next page, you can create a simple graph by writing the
rates (in wcpm) on the y-axis from bottom to top. Across the top or bottom of

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
the graph, mark regular intervals for each bar, leaving a space for the child to
write the passage name or the date the passage was read. Your students may time
each other or you may time them. Have children do at least two timed readings
of the passage—one before and the other after they have practiced reading.
(Some children may want or need to read the passage more than two times.)
Record the results of both on the graph so they can see their progress.
You may find that rates fluctuate due to the content and difficulty of the passages.
You may want to explain this to children so they understand why they may see big
differences between two consecutive timed reading scores. You might also assign
or suggest students use similarly leveled texts each time they test themselves.
I also recommend discussing with children the elements of the Oral Reading
Quality Scale, such as appropriate phrasing and expression and actively using
these and other fluency terms in your work with struggling readers. The more
you use the language of fluency, the more focus and attention you draw to the
specific expectations you have of your readers and the more consciously and
effectively they can work on skills in those areas. Remember also to include
some form of retelling or summarizing as a part of this process to focus children
on gaining meaning from the print they are learning to read so fluently.

Ongoing weekly assessments

recorded on fluency graphs
and kept by you or your
students are a big motivator:
They enable you, children,
parents, and administrators
to see and celebrate progress.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Oral Reading Quality Scale

Directions: Listen to the child read a grade-level passage and rate the quality
of reading, using a scale of 1 to 4. (A score of 1 or 2 indicates the child exhibits
disfluent reading behaviors and needs additional support; a score of 3 or 4
indicates the child is reading with satisfactory to very good fluency.)

4 Meaningful phrasing; appropriate rate; engaging expression

3 Appropriate three- to four-word phrasing, rate, and expression

Awkward word groupings with some word-by-word phrasing;

very slow or fast rate; little or no expression

Word-by-word and/or awkward two- to three-word phrasing;

very slow rate; no expression
1 or
Rapid rate; no attention to punctuation or phrasing; little or
no expression

Adapted from Rasinski, T. V. (2003). “Beyond speed: Reading fluency is more than reading fast.” The
California Reader, 37, 2: 5–1 1; Rasinski, T. V. (2003). The Fluent Reader. New York: Scholastic Inc.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Retelling Comprehension Rubric

Directions: Listen to the child read a grade-level passage, ask the child to retell
what he or she has read, and rate the quality of retelling on a scale of 1 to 6.
(A score of 1 to 3 indicates that the child has little understanding of what he or
she has read and needs support learning to read for understanding and to
summarize the reading. A score of 4 indicates the child is able to retain some
details but may need help recalling the most important details and putting
them in order. A score of 5 or 6 indicates that the child has good to excellent
skills in comprehending and summarizing grade-level text.)


6 Summarizes the passage in logical order; includes main idea

and supporting details; connects to own experiences or
other text

5 Summarizes the passage in logical order; includes main idea

and supporting details

4 Recalls main idea and a few supporting details in sequence

3 Recalls main idea and a few supporting details out of sequence

2 Recalls several unrelated facts

1 Recalls one or two facts or none

Adapted from Rasinski, T. V. (2005). 3-Minute Reading Assessments. Grades 1–4. New York: Scholastic Inc.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Fluency Assessment Record
One- Minute Timed Oral Reading of Grade-Level Passage
Teacher______________________________________________________ Grade______________ Year______________

Name Words Correct Per Minute Quality of Oral Retelling

(Rate and Accuracy) Reading Comprehension

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
* To record the rating number: count the total number of words in the passage and subtract the number of words missed (for example, 100 words read with
3 errors is scored as 97/3).

Dolch Sight-Word List

a been come

about before could

after best cut

again better did

all big do

always black does

am blue done

an both don’t

and bring down

any brown draw

are but drink

around buy eat

as by eight

ask call every

at came fall

ate can far

away carry fast

be clean find

because cold first

From Problems in Reading by Edward William Dolch, Ph.D. (The Garrard Press,1948). 111
Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Dolch Sight-Word List (continued)

five has jump

fly have just

for he keep

found help kind

four her know

from here laugh

full him let

funny his light

gave hold like

get hot little

give how live

go hurt long

goes I look

going if made

good in make

got into many

green is may

grow it me

had its much

112 From Problems in Reading by Edward William Dolch, Ph.D. (The Garrard Press,1948).

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Dolch Sight-Word List (continued)

must over seven

my own shall

myself pick she

never play show

new please sing

no pretty sit

not pull six

now put sleep

of ran small

off read so

old red some

on ride soon

once right start

one round stop

only run take

open said tell

or saw ten

our say thank

out see that

From Problems in Reading by Edward William Dolch, Ph.D. (The Garrard Press,1948). 113
Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Dolch Sight-Word List (continued)

the upon why

their us will

them use wish

then very with

there walk work

these want would

they warm write

think was yellow

this wash yes

those we you

three well your

to went

today were

together what

too when

try where

two which

under white

up who

114 From Problems in Reading by Edward William Dolch, Ph.D. (The Garrard Press,1948).

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Basic Noun List

dd to this list of nouns that you want children to recognize immediately any
A names of people, places, or things that are specific to your school or town.

afternoon cloud friend

apple cookie game
aunt corn garden
baby country girl
bear cousin goodbye
bed cow grandfather
bike dad grandmother
bird day grass
birthday desk ground
boat dog hall
boy doll hill
bread door home
brother duck horse
bus evening house
cake eye kitten
car family library
cat farm light
chair farmer line
chicken father lunchroom
children fish man
city floor men
classroom flowers milk

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Basic Noun List (continued)

mom snow
money song
month squirrel
morning street
mother sun
name table
nephew teacher
niece today
night tomorrow
parent tonight
party truck
playground uncle
principal van
puppy watch
rabbit water
rain way
ring week
road wind
room window
school woman
secretary women
sister wood
sleet year
snack yesterday

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Suggested Children’s Literature

for Building Fluency
hese are some of the titles I recommend when you use the strategies Teacher
T Read-Aloud With Multiple Copies, Literature Response Stories, and Dialogue
Theater. You will have your favorites to add, too. The asterisks indicate the level
of difficulty. Books marked * are appropriate for beginning readers who need
practice reading basic sight words in connected text. Books marked ** contain
sight words and longer text and are appropriate for children reading at
approximately a mid-first-grade level. Books marked *** are picture books
containing no text. These books give children opportunities to retell the picture
stories orally and in writing. Books not marked are above mid-first-grade level and
are most appropriate for use with strategies that target expression and prosody
(chapters 3 and 4).

Allard, H. (1977). Miss Nelson is missing. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

*Antle, N. & S. J. (1993). The good bad cat. Grand Haven, MI: School Zone
Publishing Company.

**Arnold, M. (1996). Quick, quack, quick. New York: Random House Children’s

Asbjornsen, P. C. (1973). The three billy goats gruff. New York: Seabury Press.

Benjamin, C. (1994). Footprints in the snow. New York: Scholastic Inc.

Bourgeois, P. (1963). Franklin in the dark. New York: Scholastic Inc.

Brett, J. (1990). Goldilocks and the three bears. New York: Putnam Juvenile.

Brown, J. (2003). Flat Stanley. New York: HarperTrophy.

Bunting, E. (1989). The Wednesday surprise. New York: Clarion Books.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Suggested Children’s Literature

for Building Fluency (continued)
Burton, V. L. (1943). Katy and the big snow. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

Burton, V. L. (1988). The little house. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

Burton, V. L. (1967). Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel. Boston, MA: Houghton

Carle, E. (1994). The very hungry caterpillar. New York: Philomel Books.

**Cobb, A. (1996). Wheels. New York: Random House Children’s Books.

Coerr, E. (1986). The Josefina story quilt. New York: Harper & Row.

**Cole, J. (2003). Norma Jean, jumping bean. New York: Random House
Children’s Books.

Cronin, D. (2000). Click, clack, moo: Cows that type. New York: Simon
& Schuster Children’s Publishing.

Daugherty, J. (1938). Andy and the lion. New York: Viking Press.

**Eastman, P. D. (1998). Are you my mother? New York: Random House Children’s

**Eastman, P. D. (2003). Big dog, little dog. New York: Beginner Books.

**Edwards, R. (2003). Five silly fishermen. New York: Random House Children’s

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Suggested Children’s Literature

for Building Fluency (continued)
Freeman, D. (1968). Corduroy. New York: Viking Juvenile.

Galdone, P. (1968). Bremen Town musicians. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Galdone, P. (1968). Henny Penny. New York: Seabury Press.

Galdone, P. (1972). The three bears. New York: Seabury Press.

Galdone, P. (1970). The three little pigs. New York: Seabury Press.

**Gelman, R. G. (1992). More spaghetti, I say! New York: Scholastic Inc.

**Gerver, J. E. (2001). The big red sled. New York: Scholastic Inc.

**Gregorich, B. (1992). The fox on the box. Grand Haven, MI: School Zone
Publishing Company.

**Gregorich, B. (1992). I want a pet. Grand Haven, MI: School Zone Publishing

**Gregorich, B. (1992). Up went the goat. Grand Haven, MI: School Zone Publishing

Guilfoile, E. (1957). Nobody listens to Andrew. Chicago, IL: Follett Publishing.

Hall, D. (1979). Ox-cart man. New York: Viking Press.

**Harrison, D. L. (2003). Wake up, sun! New York: Random House Children’s Books.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Suggested Children’s Literature

for Building Fluency (continued)
*Hillert, M. (1981). The baby bunny. Chicago, IL: Follett Publishing Co.

**Hillert, M. (1982). The boy and the goats. Chicago, IL: Follett Publishing Co.

*Hillert, M. (1963). The funny baby. Chicago, IL: Follett Publishing Co.

*Hillert, M. (1966). The magic beans. Chicago, IL: Follett Publishing Co.

*Hillert, M. (1981). Not I, not I. Chicago, IL: Follett Publishing Co.

**Hillert, M. (1969). The snow baby. Chicago, IL: Follett Publishing Co.

*Hillert, M. (1963). The three bears. Chicago, IL: Follett Publishing Co.

*Hillert, M. (1963). The three little pigs. Chicago, IL: Follett Publishing Co.

*Hillert, M. (1966). The yellow boat. Chicago, IL: Follett Publishing Co.

Hoban, L. (1985). Arthur’s loose tooth. New York: Harper & Row.

***Hutchins, P. (1968). Rosie’s walk. New York: Simon & Schuster Children’s

Keats, E. J. (1996). The snowy day. New York: Viking Juvenile.

Keats, E. J. (1998). Whistle for Willie. New York: Viking Juvenile.

Kraus, R. (1980). Leo the late bloomer. New York: Windmill/Wanderer Books.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Suggested Children’s Literature

for Building Fluency (continued)
Leaf, M. (1938). The story of Ferdinand. New York: Viking Juvenile.

Lionni, L. (1963). Swimmy. New York, Knopf Books for Young Readers.

Lobel, A. (1979). Days with Frog and Toad. New York: Harper & Row.

Lobel, A. (1976). Frog and Toad all year. New York: Harper & Row.

Lobel, A. (1970). Frog and Toad are friends. New York: Harper & Row.

Lobel, A. (1999). Frog and Toad together. New York: HarperFestival.

Lobel, A. (1969). Small pig. New York: Harper & Row.

MacDonald, M. (1990). Hedgehog bakes a cake. New York: Bantam Books for
Young Readers.

**Martin, B. (1992). Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? New York: Henry
Holt and Co.

***Mayer, M. (1975). One frog too many. New York: Dial Press.

McCloskey, R. (1948). Blueberries for Sal. New York: Viking Juvenile.

McCloskey, R. (1941). Make way for ducklings. New York: Viking Juvenile.

McQueen, L. (1985). The little red hen. New York: Scholastic Inc.

Miles, M. (1971). Annie and the old one. Boston, MA: Little, Brown.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Suggested Children’s Literature

for Building Fluency (continued)
Miller, J. P. (1982). Little red hen. New York: Golden Books.

Minarik, E. H. (1968). A kiss for little bear. New York: Harper & Row.

Munsch, R. (1980). The paper bag princess. Toronto, ON: Annick Press.

Numeroff, L. J. (1995). If you give a mouse a cookie. New York: HarperCollins.

O’Connor, J. (1986). The teeny tiny woman. New York: Random House Children’s

Parish, P. (1999). Amelia Bedelia. New York: HarperFestival.

Payne, E. (1944). Katy no-pocket. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

Peet, B. (1962). Smokey. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

**Phillips, J. (2003). Tiger is a scaredy cat. New York: Random House Children’s

Scieszka, J. (1999). The true story of the 3 little pigs! By New York: Viking

Sendak, M. (1963). Where the wild things are. New York: Harper & Row.

Silverstein, S. (1964). The giving tree. New York: Harper & Row.

Siracusa, C. (1990). No mail for Mitchell. New York: Random House Children’s

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Suggested Children’s Literature

for Building Fluency (continued)
Slobodkina, E. (1985). Caps for sale. New York: Harper & Row.

Steig, W. (1980). Sylvester and the magic pebble. New York: Windmill/Wanderer

Steptoe, J. (1987). Mufaro’s beautiful daughters. New York: Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Books.

Viorst, J. (1987). Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
New York: Aladdin Paperbacks.

Westcott, N. B. (1987). Peanut butter and jelly: A play rhyme. New York: E. P. Dutton.

White, E. B. (1952). Charlotte’s web. New York: Harper & Row.

Wood, D. & Wood, A. (1990). The little mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the
big hungry bear. New York: Child’s Play (International).

**Ziefert, H. (2003). A dozen dogs: A math reader. New York: Random House
Children’s Books.

Zion, G. (2002). Harry the dirty dog. New York: HarperCollins.

Zion, G. (1999). Harry and the lady next door. New York: HarperFestival.

Zion, G. (1958). No roses for Harry. New York: Harper & Row.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Professional Sources Cited
Fuchs, D., & Fuchs, L. S. (2005). Peer-assisted learning strategies: Promoting word
recognition, fluency, and reading comprehension in young children. The Journal
of Special Education, 39 (1), 34–44.

Good, R. H., & Kaminski, R. A. (Eds.). (2002). Dynamic indicators of basic early
literacy skills (6th ed.). Eugene, OR: Institute for the Development of
Educational Achievement. Avail: http://dibels.uoregon.edu/.

Harris, T. L., & Hodges, R. E. (Eds.). (1995). The literacy dictionary. Newark, DE:
International Reading Association.

Hasbrouck, J. E. & Tindal, G. (1992, Spring). Curriculum-based oral reading fluency

forms for students in grades 2 through 5. Teaching Exceptional Children, 41–44.

Howe, K. B., & Shinn, M. M. (2001). Standard reading assessment passages (RAPS)
for use in general outcome measurements: A manual describing development
and technical features. Eden Prairie, MN: Edformations.

Kuhn, M. R., & Stahl, S. A. (2000). Fluency: A review of developmental remedial

practices. Ann Arbor, MI: Center for the Improvement of Early Reading

LaBerge, D., & Samuels, S. J. (1974). Toward a theory of automatic information

processing in reading. Cognitive Psychology, (6), 293–323.

National Reading Panel. (2000). Report of the national reading panel: Teaching
children to read. Report of the subgroups. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health. Available:

Opitz, M., & Rasinski, T. V. (1998). Goodbye round robin. Portsmouth, NH: Heineman.

Pressley, M. (2002). Comprehension strategies instruction: A turn-of-the-century

status report. In C. C. Block & M. Pressley (Eds.), Comprehension instruction:
Research-based best practice. New York: Guilford Press.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Professional Sources Cited (continued)
Pressley, M. & Block, C. C. (2002). Summing up. In C. C. Block & M. Pressley (Eds.),
Comprehension instruction: Research-based best practice. New York:
Guilford Press.

Rasinski, T. V. (2003a). Beyond speed: reading fluency is more than reading fast.
California Reader, (37) 2, 5–11.

Rasinski, T. V. (2003b). The fluent reader. New York: Scholastic Professional Books.

Rasinski, T. V., & Padak, N. (2005). 3-minute reading assessments: Word recognition,
fluency, and comprehension, Grades 1–4. New York: Scholastic.

Samuels, J. (1979). The method of repeated readings. Reading Teacher, 32, 403–408.

Sinatra, G. M., Brown, K. J., & Reynolds, R. E. (2002). Implications of cognitive

resource allocation for comprehension strategies instruction. In C. C. Block & M.
Pressley (Eds.), Comprehension instruction: Research-based best practice.
New York: Guilford Press.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Children’s Literature Cited
Asbjornsen, P. C. (1973). The three billy goats gruff. New York: Seabury Press.

Bourgeois, P. (1963). Franklin in the dark. New York: Scholastic.

Brown, M. W. (1947). Goodnight moon. New York: HarperCollins.

Eastman, P. D. (2003). Big dog, little dog. New York: Beginner Books.

Galdone, P. (1970). The three little pigs. New York: Seabury Press.

Lobel, A. (1970). Frog and Toad are friends. New York: Harper & Row.

McQueen, L. (1985). The little red hen. New York: Scholastic Inc.

Piper, W. (1978). The little engine that could. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.

Seuss, Dr. (1960). One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. New York:
Random House Books for Young Readers.

Slobodkina, E. (1985). Caps for sale. New York: Harper & Row.

White, E. B. (1952). Charlotte’s web. New York: Harper & Row.

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
accuracy, 13–14, 22 expression, 14
phrasing, expression and, 37 accuracy, phrasing and, 37
assessments, 97–98 prosody and, 77
first grade, 99
individual oral reading fluency, 100, 101–103 fluency, 13–14
instruction guidance and, 104–105 norms, 99
ongoing, 106–107 Fluency Assessment Record, 101, 110
Retelling Comprehension Rubric, 101, 109 using and guiding instruction and, 104–105
second, third grade, 100
thorough, 98 Hi-Tech Stories, 58
automatic decoding, 13–14, 22
Individual Experience Story, 45–50
Before and After activity, 73 Individual Fluency Assessment, 100, 101–103
Book Conversations, 83 instruction based on, 104–105
Build-and-Read Sentence Center, 41 Interview Strategy, the, 92–94
Zookeeper Interview activity, 95–96
Class, Group Experience Story, 50
Cliffhanger Reading activity, 80 Just Ask Me activity, 55
Compare-and-Contrast Group Dialogue Theater, 83
comprehension, 13–14 Letter Bingo, 18
Create-a-Book activity, 63 Letter-Name Fluency, 16–18
Cross-Age Dialogue Theater, 91 Letter-Sound Flip Chart, 21
Cross-Age Repeated Reading, 90–91 Letter-Sound Fluency, 19–21
Cross-Age Dialogue Theater activity, 91 Literature Response Stories, 68–70
Response in Print activity, 70
decoding, multisyllabic, 33–35 Response Journal Writing, 70
self-competition, 35 Little Red Hen Dialogue Theater, 84–85
Dialogue Theater, 81–89
Book Conversations activity, 83 Match It! game, 18
Compare-and-Contrast Group Dialogue Theater Multisyllabic Decoding, 33–35
activity, 83 My Choice Reading Activity, 76
“Little Red Hen, The,” reproducible, 84–85
“Three Homes for Three Puppies,” reproducible, oral reading assessment, 101–103
88–89 administering, 101–103
“Trees for Sale,” reproducible, 86–87 Oral Reading Quality Scale, 101, 107, 108
disfluency, 97
phrasing, 14
emergent reader strategies, 16–21 Picture Prompt Sheet reproducible, 60
letter-name fluency, 16–18 Poem Time, 80
letter-sound fluency, 19–21 prosody, 14
Experience Story Question Generation, 51–56 expression and, 77

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Index (continued)

questions, generating, 51–56 Sight-Word Sentences to Build reproducible, 44

activities, 55 word cards, 39
oral, 53 Sight-Word Sentences to Build reproducible, 44
written, 54 Sight-Word Wall Dictionary, 27–29
Question the Class, 55 spelling, sight-words and, 27–29
Sound Spelling activity, 21
Rasinski, Tim, 99–100 Sports Paragraphs, 67
Recorded Repeated Reading, 71–73 Story Picture Prompts, 56–60
Before and After activity, 73 Hi-Tech Stories, 58
Select and Share activity, 73 struggling readers, 13–14, 15
Remember the Words! activity, 29 Student-Selected Group Interviews, 94
Reproducibles Subject Paragraphs, 65–67
Fluency Assessment Record, 110 sports, 67
“Little Red Hen, The,” dialogue theater, 84–85
Picture Prompt Sheet, 60 Teacher Read-Aloud With Multiple Copies, 78–80
Retelling Comprehension Rubric, 109 Cliffhanger Reading activity, 80
Sight-Word Cards, 42–43 Poem Time activity, 80
Sight-Word Sentences to Build, 44 text chunking, 36
“Three Homes for Three Puppies,” dialogue Three Houses for Three Puppies Dialogue Theater,
theater, 88–89 88–89
“Trees for Sale,” dialogue theater, 86–87 Tree for Sale Dialogue Theater, 86–87
Zookeeper Interview, 95–96
Response in Print, 70 Untimed Repeated Reading, 74–76
Response Journal Writing, 70 My Choice Reading activity, 76
Retelling Comprehension Rubric, 101, 109
Vocabulary Identification and Practice (VIP), 30–32
Select and Share activity, 73 Word ID game, 32
Sentence Building Zone activity, 41
Sight-Word Bingo, 26 word cards, 39
Sight-Word Books, 61–64 Word ID game, 32
Create-a-Book Center activity, 63 writing, 45–50
make-your-own, 64 class, group experience story, 50
Sight-Word Cards reproducible, 42–43 individual experience story, 45–50
Sight-Word Fluency, 23–26 Subject Paragraphs, 65–67
Sight-Word Match game, 25
Sight-Word Mini-Flip Chart, 26 Zookeeper Interview, 95–96
Sight-Word Sentence Building, 38–44
Build-and-Read Sentence Center activity, 41
identifying problem with, 38
Sentence Building Zone activity, 41
Sight-Word Cards reproducible, 42–43

Fluency Strategies for Struggling Readers © Marcia Delany, Scholastic Teaching Resources

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