Mass Effect - Savage Worlds - Conversion Book PDF
Mass Effect - Savage Worlds - Conversion Book PDF
Mass Effect - Savage Worlds - Conversion Book PDF
Beyond the
Past all
Searching the
Finding the
A Savage
Worlds RPG
of the
Mass Effect
By Jim at Exploding Dice (dot) Com Universe.
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at
Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission.
Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
In the year 2148, explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient space-faring
civilization. In the decades that followed, these mysterious artifacts revealed startling new
technologies, enabling travel to the furthest stars. The basis for this incredible technology
was a force that controlled the very fabric of space and time. They called it the greatest
discovery in human history.
The Year is 2185 AD. Thirty-five years prior, humankind discovered a cache of technology on Mars,
built by a technologically advanced but long-extinct race called the Protheans. Studying and adapting
this technology, humanity has managed to break free of the solar system and has established
numerous colonies and encountered various extraterrestrial species within the Milky Way galaxy.
Utilizing alien artifacts known as Mass Relays, the various space-faring races are able to travel
instantly across vast stretches of the galaxy. Humanity has formed the Human Systems Alliance, one
of many independent bodies that make up the collective of "Citadel space".
The Human Systems Alliance is a rising power in the galactic stage. The only war they have
participated in was the "First Contact War" in 2157. A human exploration expedition was activating
dormant mass relays (which was a practice considered unsafe by citadel races). The turians attacked
the small fleet and proceeded to capture the closest human world, Shanxi. Facing starvation the
human garrison surrendered to the Turian Hierarchy. One month later, the human Second Fleet
responded by annihilating the turian fleet around Shanxi. In response the turians prepared for full
scale war. The citadel council saw that humanity would either be annihilated or annexed by the
turians and stepped in. The humans were then given an embassy in the Citadel Council.
Citadel space is ruled by a body of government known as the Council, which is made up of members
of the three prominent alien races: the asari, a race of mono-gendered aliens which resembling blue-
skinned human females; the short-lived and amphibian salarians; and the raptor-like turians. Other
alien species include the reptilian krogan, the methodical and quadrupedal elcor, and the envirol-
suited quarians and volus. Dozens of other aliens are asserted to exist throughout the galaxy.
The Citadel
aprx. 2000 BCE - Global conflict on the Krogan home-world of Tuchanka results in a nuclear
winter, reducing the species to primitive clans.
aprx. 0900 BCE - The Asari become the first to discover the Citadel. The Salarians arrive shortly
after and together they colonize it and begin developing the society that would become Citadel
aprx. 0183 AD - Salarians rescue the Krogan from the self-created nuclear winter by giving them
advanced technology and relocating them to a more hospitable planet in order to use them as
soldiers. The Krogan population quickly explodes.
At the same time, the Council was engaged in a prolonged galactic war with the Rachni. However,
once the Krogan population grows, they are able to successfully eradicate the Rachni from existence,
ending the Rachni Wars.
aprx. 1100 AD - In what would become known as the Krogan Rebellions, the Krogan used their
newfound power to establish colonies by force. When they started a conflict with the Turians, the
Turians responded by infecting the Krogan with the genophage, which made only 1 in 1000 Krogan
births successful.
There they discover several more dormant relays. Over the next decade humanity expands rapidly,
establishing colonies and activating dormant relays to open up more and more unexplored regions of
Humans establish the Systems Alliance to coordinate exploration and colonization of extra-solar
2151 AD - A Shipping accident at Singapore International Spaceport exposes downwind
communities to containers of dust-form element zero.
Alliance begins construction of Arcturus Station.
2155 AD - To defend its rapidly expanding empire, humanity assembles a massive fleet and
constructs an enormous military space station at the nexus of several key mass relayseven though
they have yet to encounter another intelligent space-faring species.
The Alliance begins to move into the completed portions of the Arcturus Station.
2156 AD - It is discovered that some children in Singapore are exhibiting telekinetic abilities.
2157 AD - Humanity makes first contact with another space-faring culture: the Turians.
Unfortunately, the encounter is far from peaceful. Over the next several months a brief, but tense,
conflict ensues which would come to be known as the First Contact War to Humans and the Relay
Cerberus Station
314 Incident to Turians. During the conflict, the Alliances Shanxi colony becomes occupied by the
This conflict draws the attention of the Citadel Council a
multi-species government body that maintains peace and
stability throughout the known galaxy. The Council
intervenes before hostilities escalate further, revealing the
existence of the greater galactic community to humanity
and brokering a peace between them and the Turians.
2159 AD - The Citadel Council sees Saren Arterius as
intelligent, cunning, and capable and name him a
SPECTRE, making him the youngest Turian to receive the
honor. First Contact Did Not Go Well
2160 AD - Systems Alliance Parliament formed.
2165 AD - Humanity continues to expand, founding more colonies and establishing trade alliances
with many of the other species who recognize the authority of the Citadel Council. The Council
makes official recognition of humanitys growing power and influence in the galactic community.
Humanity is granted an embassy on the Citadel, the political and economic heart of the galaxy.
2170 AD - Batarian slavers attack the Alliance colony of Mindoir.
The asari were the first species to discover the Citadel. When
the salarians arrived, it was the asari who proposed the
establishment of the Citadel Council to maintain peace
throughout the galaxy. Since then, the asari have served as
the mediators and centrists of the councils.
Asari can live for over 1000 years, passing through three stages of life. In the Maiden stage, they
wander restlessly, seeking new knowledge and experience. When the Matron stage begins, they
'meld' with interesting partners to produce their offspring. This ends when they reach the Matriarch
stage, where they assume the roles of leaders and councilors.
The krogan evolved in a hostile and vicious environment. Until the
invention of gunpowder weapon, 'eaten by predators' was still the
number one cause of krogan fatalities. Afterwards, it was 'death
by gunshot'.
The genophage makes only one in 1000 pregnancies viable, and today the krogan are a slowly dying
breed. Understandably, the krogan harbor a grudge against all other species, specially the turians.
The homeworld and capital of humanity is entering a new
golden age. The resource wealth of a dozen settled
colonies and a hundred industrial outposts flows back to
Earth, fueling great works of industry, commerce, and art.
The great cities are greening as arcology skyscrapers and
telecommuting allow more efficient use of land.
Earth is still divided among nation-states, though all are Dr Chakwas & Kaiden Alenko
affiliated beneath the overarching banner of the Systems
Alliance. While every human enjoys longer and better life then ever, the gap between rich and poor
widens daily. Advanced nations have eliminated most genetic disease and pollution. Less fortunate
regions have not progressed beyond 20th century technology, and are often smog-choked,
overpopulated slums.
Sea levels have risen two meters in the last 200 years, and violent weather is common due to
environmental damage inflicted during the late 21st century. The past few decades, however, have
seen significant improvement due to recent technological advances.
Driven from their home system by the geth nearly three
centuries ago, most quarians now live aboard the Migrant
Fleet, a flotilla of fifty thousand vessels ranging in size
from passenger shuttles to mobile space stations.
Other species often tend to look down on the quarians for creating the geth and for the negative
impact their fleet has when it enters a system. This has led to may myths and rumors about the
quarians, including the belief that under their cloths and breathing masks, they are actually
cybernetic creatures: a combination of organic and synthetic parts.
The second species to join the Citadel, the salarians are warm-blooded
amphibians with a hyperactive metabolism. Salarians think fast, talk
fast, and move fast. To salarians, other species seem sluggish and dull-
witted. Unfortunately, their metabolic speed leaves them with a
relatively short lifespan, salarians over the age of 40 are a rarity.
Salarians are known for their observational capability and non-linear Captain Kirrahe
thinking. This manifests as an aptitude for research and espionage. They are constantly
experimenting and inventing, and it is generally accepted that they always know more then they let
Roughly 1200 years ago, the turians were invited to join the Citadel
Council to fulfill the role of galactic peacekeeper. The turians have
the largest fleet in Citadel space, and they make up the single
largest portion of the Council's military forces.
As their territory and influence has spread, the turians have come to Specter Nihlus Kryik
rely on the salarians for military intelligence and the asari for diplomacy. Despite a somewhat colonial
Turians come from an autocratic society that values discipline and possesses a strong sense of
personal and collective honor. There is lingering animosity between turians and humans over the First
Contact War of 2157, which is known as the "Relay 314 Incident" to the turians. Officially, however,
the two species are allies and they enjoy civil, if cool, diplomatic relations.
Race Ht Wt Variance Adult Middle Old Notes
Asari 5'3 135 20% 200 500 900 Parthenogenesis Reproduction
Krogan (female) 5'6 240 15% 30 60 90 4 Month Gestation
Krogan (male) 6' 280 20% 25 40 70
Human (female 5'3 135 35% 20 70 110
Human (male) 5'10 185 35% 20 60 100
Quarian (female) 5'1 125 15% 25 60 100 Deficient Immune System
Quarian (male) 5'5 145 15% 25 60 100 Deficient Immune System
Salarian (female) 5'3 85 5% 10 20 35 Hyperactive metabolism
Salarian (male) 5'3 90 5% 10 20 35 Hyperactive metabolism
Turian (female) 5'3 100 20% 20 80 130
Turian (male) 5'10 150 20% 20 80 130
Like turians, the quarians are a dextro-protein species of reverse chirality from humans and asari.
The food of levo-protein races such as humans or asari is at best inedible and at worst poisonous,
most likely triggering a dangerous allergic reaction.
Arcane Background only the Arcane Background
(Biotics) and Arcane Background (Tech) are used in this
setting. See Biotics and Tech sections.
Champion and Holy/Unholy Warrior are not used
Power Edges: All of the Power Edges are used except for
the Soul Drain edge. All Power Edges have the trappings
of Bio-Amp or Omni-tool upgrades.
Doubting Thomas This Hindrance is not used as there are no supernatural elements in this setting.
Guts Fear is not a major component of this setting and is not used.
Electronics (Smarts) Used for the Arcane Background (Tech) and all non specialized uses such as
hacking and computer systems use.
GEAR Starting Funds 1000 Credits. All prices listed are credits.
Sleeper Units 10
Hotel Room 50/120/400
Apartment (month) 500/800/2000
Storage Unit Small (shoe box), Medium (large trunk), Large (ground vehicle) 5/20/100 per month
Back Pack, Survival 80 wt 1 (uses on back side, center back and lumbar store point).
Medi-gel 100 wt 1/10, +2 to healing rolls (apply once per injury)
MREs (1 day) 10 wt 1
Hydration unit 500, wt 2 supplies enough water for 4 people per day in non-hostile environments.
Omni-Tools - 1000
Omni-tools are multipurpose diagnostic and minifacturing tools used for a
variety of battlefield tasks, such as hacking, decryption, scanning or repair.
They are also necessary to perform tech powers. When equipped, an omni-
tool appears over a persons left or right hand and forearm as a hologram.
The actual physical device is very small and fits into a slot on all armor types
or small bracelets when armor isn't worn.
Versatile and reliable, an omni-tool can be used to analyze and adjust the
functionality of most standard equipment, including weapons and armor, from
a distance.
The fabrication module can rapidly assemble small three-dimensional objects
from common, reusable industrial plastics, ceramics, and light alloys. This
allows for field repairs and modifications to most standard items, as well as
the reuse of salvaged equipment.
Without an Omni-tool the following skills are rolled at a -2 penalty: Healing Omni-Tool
(basic supplies), Investigation (unless computer terminal is available),
Lockpicking (to help by-pass and decrypt), & Repair (counts as basic tools).
Trappings: Aldrin Bluewire, Sirta Chameleon, Elkoss Combine Cipher, Ariake Logic Arrest, Armali
Nexus, Serrice Savant.
Environmental Suits protect against toxins, bacteria etc. All Armor can include environmental seals at
double the suit's cost.
An Infantry Battle Suit is much like the Light armor but includes lightweight ablative ceramic plates
on the chest, arms and legs.
Hard Armor is a fully armored suit with environmental seals and can withstand the rigors of vacuum
Standard equipment for all armor includes an on-board mini-frame and a communications,
navigations, and sensing suite. The mini-frame is designed to accept and display data from a
weapon's smart targeting system to make is easier to locate and eliminate enemies (+2 to Notice
Rolls, and a bonus to Shooting Rolls with high-end weapons).
Trappings: Note, some armor types come in several grades such as the Aldrin Onyx. Light Armor;
Aldrin Onyx, Aldrin Agent , Elanus Risk Duelist, Hahne-Kedar Scorpion, Serrice Phantom, Armax
Predator, Ariake Mercenary. Infantry Battle Suit; Aldrin Onyx, Aldrin Agent, Devlon Survivor,
Hahne-Kedar Scorpion, Serrice Phantom, Elkoss Assassin, Hahne-Kedar Silverback, Devlon Liberator.
Hard Armor; Aldrin Onyx, Aldrin Agent, Serrice Geist, Hahne-Kedar Scorpion, Serrice Phantom,
Devlon Justicar, Sirta Viridian, Devlon Arbiter.
Kinetic Barriers add an extra layer of toughness that must be punched through to even reach the
armor of the wearer. If any attack does damage greater than the shield toughness, the excess is
applied to the toughness of the wearer. Any damage result that does this has overwhelmed the
kinetic barrier and it goes down. It comes back up on the wearer's next action card, next round.
All modern infantry weapons from pistols to assault rifles use micro-scaled mass accelerator
technology. Projectiles consist of tiny metal slugs suspended within a mass-reducing field,
accelerated by magnetic force to speeds that inflict kinetic damage. When the mass effect field
collapses upon impact all of the built up kinetic energy is violently released.
Top-of-the-line weapons also feature smart targeting that allows them to correct for weather and
environment. Firing on a target in a howling gale feels the same as it does on a calm day on a
practice range. Smart targeting does not mean the bullet will automatically find the mark every time
the trigger is pulled; it only makes it easier for the marksman to aim.
All modern weapons have a store mode which enables them to fold/compress into a rectangular box-
like shape. When so stored, they cannot fire and are extremely durable. You can hit them with a
sledge hammer with little effect.
Ranged Weapons
Type Range Damage RoF Cost Wt Min Str Notes
Pistol 12/24/48 2d6+1 2 250 1 - AP 1, double tap
Shotgun 12/24/48 1-3d6+1 1 150 3 - SP 2
Assault Rifle 24/48/96 2d8+1 3 400 5 - AP 3, Auto, 3RB
Sniper Rifle 50/100/200 2d10+1 1 1300 8 d6 AP 5, SP 1, snap fire, HW
AP only applies when shields are down!
The ammo magazine is a simple block of metal. The gun's internal computer calculates the mass
needed to reach the target based on distance, gravity, and atmospheric pressure, then shears off an
appropriate sized slug from the block. A single block can supply thousands of rounds, making ammo
a non-issue during any engagement.
To simulate this, ammo is treated much like that of allies found in on page 98 of SWEX with the
following exceptions: Ammo is reduced at the end of each game session. Ammo only runs out on a
duce if the weapon started the game session at the low ammo rating.
Heavy Weapons
Heavy Weapons can be also be found in this setting but
are often only available to military units. Heavy weapons
have limited ammunition as listed in the table below. All
heavy weapons require a minimum Strength of d6.
M-451 Firestorm - The Firestorm is an excellent option for "crowd control." This weapon is
extremely effective against swarming, melee-based units such as husks and varren.
M-490 Blackstorm - The Blackstorm, colloquially called the "black hole gun" encases a few
particles of matter within a high-powered mass-increasing field, elevating them to near-infinite mass.
This creates a gravitational singularity that draws nearby enemies and objects inward for a short
Arc Projector - The Arc Projector ionizes targets with a non-visible laser to ready them for a high-
voltage electrical attack. As the lightning-like bolt hits its first target, a sophisticated auto-targeting
system paints succeeding targets with the ionization laser, allowing the electricity to take the path of
least resistance and arc between them. An entire enemy strike team can be shocked to death with a
few pulls of the trigger.
Type Wt Cost Damage Notes
Frag 1/5 75 4d4 Med Burst Template
Incendiary 75 3d6 Large Burst Template
The term biotics refers to powers that are accessed and augmented by using bio-amps, or users
thereof. The effects are produced through biological manipulation of dark energy. The various effects
range from the ability to raise kinetic barriers, to creating small gravitational vortexes, to raising
enemies helplessly into the air.
Biotic abilities arise from a creature with small pockets of element zero throughout their nervous
system. The natural electrical nervous impulses create mass effect fields from these pockets, creating
the effects seen as biotic abilities.
Exposure to element zero in the womb can sometimes lead to biotic abilities arising (such as in the
case of the first human biotics), but often leads to conditions such as cancer. Biotic abilities are of
varying rarity in many species. Some, like the asari, are naturally biotic, while others, like humanity,
were exposed through artificial means.
Bio-amps are artificial devices used to increase the probability of biotic abilities surfacing in an
Quarian biotics are very rare. This is likely due to their life aboard the Flotilla. Element zero is such a
rare resource that it is probably too precious to be spent on encouraging biotic potential in quarians,
and because the quarians live aboard ships, any engine accident severe enough to release dust-form
element zero would also be fatal to the crew.
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Self
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Trappings: An electric blue glow surrounding the biotic.
Barrier creates a kinetic barrier surrounding the biotic that
is effective alone or can enhance an already active shield. Biotic vs Biotic
Success grants the biotic 4 points of Shield and a raise
grants 8.
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2
Range: Vigor
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Trappings: electric blue glow surrounds target and they are lifted a meter into the air.
Lift is a biotic power that is used to raise a target off their feet, dramatically limiting their combat
effectiveness while the power persists. The weight a biotic can lift is equal to 10 lbs times his Vigor
die type, or 50 lbs times his Vigor with a raise.
All physical actions have a 2 penalty. If the character rolls a 1 on his trait die, regardless of Wild Die,
he has lost control of his body and begins to tumble in three dimensions. Treat the character as
Shaken, but he must make an Agility roll to recover rather than Spirit. While under the effect of Lift,
the victim's movement rate is effectively zero.
Living targets may resist with an opposed agility roll. If the roll is greater than the biotic's skill total,
the victim has managed to grab onto something. If the creature loses, however, it is lifted as usual
and does not get another attempt to break free. Note if the victim is not adjacent to anything that
could be used to prevent lifting they do not get the Agility roll to save themselves.
Occasionally a victim might manage to grab onto something solid to prevent itself from being lifted.
The victim would have to be adjacent to an object to take advantage of this. An Agility roll is
required to grab on in time. If successful, the victim may make an opposed Strength roll versus the
caster's arcane skill. If the victim is wins this contested roll, he manages to grab onto whatever was
available and is not lifted.
Reave employs mass effect fields to biotically attack the target's nervous or synthetic systems.
Additional Reave Attacks: The biotic may attack up to three times by spending a like amount of
Power Points. This must be decided before the power is used. The reave attacks may be spread
among targets as the character chooses. Using multiple reave attacks does not incur any attack
Additional Damage: The biotic may also increase the damage to 3d6 by doubling the Power Point
cost per reave attack. This may be combined with the additional reave attacks, so using 3 reave
attacks of 3d6 damage costs 6 Power Points. [This is the bolt power from SWEX.]
Rank: Veteran
Power Points: 2
Range: Special
Duration: Instant
Trappings: a series of
explosive tiny singularities
extending out from the biotic.
Singularity is as per the Lift power but it affects a Medium Burst Template and causes 1d6 damage to
all victims per round. The power extends to a Large Burst Template and causes 2d6 damage to all
victims per round on a raise.
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2-6
Range: 24/48/96
Duration: Instant
Trappings: each victim is yanked a meter
into the air and them slammed into the ground
through violent manipulation of gravitational
forces. There is a burst of blue energy in a
column around each victim.
The area of effect is a Medium Burst Template. If the roll is failed, the s lam deviates as a launched
Targets within the slam suffer 2d6 damage. Unlike other attacks, rises on the attack roll do not add
to damage to area effect attacks.
Additional Effects: For double the Power Points, slam does 3d6 damage or the size is increased to
a Large Burst Template. For triple the points, it does both. Note this leaves victims prone. [It is
otherwise the blast power from SWEX.]
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2
Range: Vigor
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Trappings: An electric blue glow
surrounding the target.
Lifting Creatures: Living targets may resist with an opposed agility roll. If the roll is greater than
the biotic's skill total, the victim has managed to grab onto something. If the creature loses, however,
it is lifted as usual and does not get another attempt to break free.
Occasionally a victim might manage to grab onto something solid to prevent itself from being lifted.
The victim would have to be adjacent to an object to take advantage of this. An Agility roll is
required to grab on in time. If successful, the victim may make an opposed Strength roll versus the
caster's arcane skill. If the victim wins this contested roll, he manages to grab onto whatever was
available and is not moved, bashed, or otherwise affected that round.
Dropping things: Particularly ruthless characters often use Lift to drop their foes or bash them into
walls and the like. A creature affected by this power can be moved up to the biotic's Vigor in inches
per turn in any direction. Dropped creatures suffer falling damage as usual.
Victims who are bashed into walls or other solid objects suffer the biotic's Vigor+d6 as damage. If a
biotic with a d12 Vigor smashes a batarian into a wall, for example, the batarian suffers d12+d6
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Vigor
Duration: Instant
Trappings: A visible wave-like pattern extending from the biotic.
Warp produces a large fan of alternating mass effect fields that damages its targets with strong ,
alternating gravitational forces.
When used, place the thin end of the Cone Template at the character's front. Targets within the
template may make Agility rolls versus the biotic's arcane skill roll to avoid the blaze. Those who fail
suffer 2d10 damage. This counts as a Heavy Weapon.
Arcane Background (Tech)
Arcane Skill: Electronics (Smarts)
Starting Power Points: 5
Starting Powers: none
Trappings: Use of Omni Tool, Power Edges are Omni-tool upgrades, Power Points represent smarts,
talent, and sophisticated hacking programs.
Electronic warfare plays a very important role in Savage Mass Effect. The ability to turn enemy mechs
on their users, or shut down turrets can best be represented by the Arcane Background rules. ALL
players begin with the Arcane Background (Tech). All they need to use it is an Omni-tool and a
power. This Arcane Background can be combined with other Arcane Backgrounds.
AI Hacking
Rank: Veteran
Power Points: 3
Range: Smarts
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Turn an enemies mechs on him! AI hacking is an opposed roll of the
character's electronics skill versus the target's Spirit. The user must
score a success and beat the target's roll to gain complete control. The
victim will attack friends and even commit suicide if it is a simple VI
device such as drones and mechs.
Sentient synthetics such as the Geth are allowed another oppose Spirit
roll to break the hack if ordered to attach allies or commit suicide.
Rank: Veteran Never Forget the
Power Points: 3 Importance of Electronic
Range: Smarts Warfare
Duration: Instant
This power dampens Tech Talents and Biotics.
The Tech picks a single target within range and makes an opposed arcane skill roll. The tech suffers
a -2 modifier if the target power is of another type (e.g. Tech vs Biotic).
With a success, he drains 1d6+1 Power Points from the victim. ON a raise, the victim loses 1d8+2
Power Points.
The victim cannot be reduced below zero Power Points. Drained Power Points are simply lost.
Drained Power Points recharge as normal.
Energy Drain
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2-6
Range: 24/48/96
Duration: Instant
This is an area effect power that can put down many synthetic opponents at once. The character first
The area of effect is a Medium Burst Template. If the roll is failed, the energy drain deviates as a
launched projectile.
If the Tech scores a success, targets within the area of effect must make Vigor rolls or be Shaken.
With a raise, the victims must make Vigor rolls at -2.
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 (1/round)
This power can only be used on small arms. It overcharges the micro mass accelerators for a short
amount of time. It affects just one weapon per use. While the power is in effect, the weapon's
damage is increased by +2, or +4 with a raise.
Tactical Cloak
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 5
Range: Self
Duration: 3 (1/round)
With a success, the character is barely detectable by eyes, optics and other sensors. He appears but
a vague outline. A character may detect the cloaked tech if he has a reason to look and makes a
Notice roll at -4. Once detected, he may attack the tech at -4 as well. With a raise, the tech is
completely invisible to the eye, optics and other sensors. The penalty to Notice him or hit him is -6.
In either case, the power affects the character and his personal items and anything he subsequently
picks up if he can carry it.
Tech Armor
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 (1/round)
Tech armor boosts the existing shields a tech has. Success grants the biotic 4 points of Shield and a
raise grants 8. The tech can also use this power to automatically reactivate his shields if they are
currently down.
Zero G
All physical actions have a 2 penalty. If the character rolls a 1 on his trait die, regardless of Wild Die,
he has lost control of his body and begins to tumble in three dimensions. Treat the character as
Shaken, but he must make an Agility roll to recover rather than Spirit.
SHIPS exploration, trade, and combat.
MODS enhancements to armor, weapons and equipment such as bio amps and omni-tools, mod
your character with racial edges and more.