Property Management System
Property Management System
Property Management System
1.1 Introduction
One of the tasks of any manager is to plan and control the organization in the way that the
organization can achieve its goals. Issues relative with the well-being of man like shelter and others
issues are very important to take decision in the organization. With the help of property management
system those issues would be easily tackle. This property management system is a software where
property details such as available house details, schedules, address, and others are been setup by an
1.2.1 Aims
The main aim of this project is to ensure that management abides by regulations and laws when
interacting with tenants and vendors.
Another aim is to match with properties for sale by number of bedrooms / price criteria.
1.2.2 Objectives
To maintain property details, registration of property for sale includes property address, property
description, price, facilities available. Store property floor plan, property documents. Creation of
thumbnail of property images for brochure.
1.3Project Category
This project focuses on the design and development of a web-enable database management system
for the organization and property management system.
1.4Scope of Project
The scope of the project is to design and implement an automated institution housekeeping system.
This project is very mayor to all real estate departments. The key focus is given on data security, as the
project is online and will be transferred in network. The speed and accuracy will be maintained in a proper
way. Through this project I have tried to automate the task of:
Category of Property
Features of Property
Details of Property
Price Details
Available property information
Entering the detail contact information, and other information.
Checking password and confirm password.
Checking username available or not during the registration process.
Member management
Member id is generated automatically from the table by auto generation.
Entering the details like primary information, professional information, contact information and
other information.
Add Banners and property images
Save time of search
Give a modification power to sites owner. So, Administrator of site can make any changes such
like can add a new property category and property type details on the working windows.
Administrator can also change the Banner.
1.5 Tools/Platform
Tools refer to the hardware and software that can be used to achieve the project goals
SQL Server
When we choose a backend for an enterprise level application we have so many options, like
Oracle, Sybase, MySql, however we choose Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as our database, and it
has so many features which is ideal for our dot net based application. Includes
ASP.NET is a set of web development technologies marked be Microsoft. Programmers can
use it to build dynamic web sites. Web applications and XML web services. It is part of
Microsofts .net platform and is the successor to Microsofts Active Server Pages (ASP)
Principles of ASP.NET
Even though ASP.NET takes its name from Microsofts old web development technology, ASP, the
two differ significantly. Microsoft has completely rebuilt ASP.NET, based on the Common Language
Runtime (CLR) shared by all Microsoft .NET applications. Programmers can write ASP.NET code
using any of the different programming languages supported by the .net framework, usually
(proprietary) Visual Basic .NET, Jscript .NET, or (Standardized) C#, but also including open-source
languages such as Perl and Python. ASP.NET has performance benefits over previous script-based
technologies because the server-side code is compiled to one or a few DLL files on a web server.
Processor: Intel P-IV (or above)
RAM: 512 MB (or above)
Hard disk: 20 GB (or above)
Processor: Celeron 500 MHz or more, Intel Pentium III (or above)
RAM: 128 MB RAM (or above)
Hard disk: 10 GB (or above)
1.6 Limitation
Limitations are matters and occurrences that arise in a study which are out of the researcher's
control. They limit the extensity to which a study can go, and sometimes affect the end result and
conclusions that can be drawn. The few limitations in this web application are as follows:
Lack of funds
Inadequate timing
Property is displayed for the limited number of days.
1.7 Methodology
The methodologies of this research include:
Using available data/information
Oral interview.
According to Scarrett (1995) property management system seeks to advice the establishment of an
appropriate framework within which to oversee property holdings to achieve the agreed short and long-
term objectives of the estate owner and particularly to have regard to the purpose for which the estate is
held. The basic needs will be to carry out such tasks as negotiating lettings on suitable terms; initiating
and negotiating rent reviews and lease renewals, overseeing physical maintenance and the enforcement
of lease covenants (Michael, 2003).
Successful property management system is a demanding activity which requires relevant understanding,
ability and appropriate technical and organizational skills as well as resources to successfully maintain
and improve property value through to its obsolescence (Huang, 2000). Property assets, which include
land and buildings, are a key resource for all types of organizations, including local authorities and
central governments. In the same way as other resources - human, financial and information - contribute
to the success of these organizations, and so does the property resource. (Rhodes, 2008).
These activities will take place within an agreed strategic framework where there is a need to be mindful
of the necessity of upgrading and merging interests where possible, recognizing other opportunities for
the development of potential and fulfilling the owners legal and social duties to the community (James
and Donald 2000). Not only is a large amount of capital devoted to these assets, they can also add value
to an organization through effective and often creative management.
Two of the major criticisms of inadequate management practices are the lack of a strategic approach to
property management and the limited recognition of the value of these assets by property users and
operational decision makers, resulting in potential asset becoming a major liability (Huang, 2000). But
many organizations, internally and externally, have responded to the challenges and introduced a number
of measures in order to improve their management practices related to operational property.
Property management system for this organization uses traditional method of keeping records of the
clients files. This manual record keeping in the organization has been characterized by a lot of
problems, such as:
a. Lack of skill in interpretation of reports from the activities of the organization.
b. Data losses: loss of data perhaps would happen if all information only kept inside paper on.
c. Data redundancies: abundant and repetition data also perhaps will happen.
d. No database to store information: by using manual system, loss of data perhaps will happen.
e. No backup and security: still information to contemporary system perhaps have been trespassed
easily or stolen, this is because of the insecurity in the manual system used in the organization.
Without a full and complete schedule, the project manager will be unable to communicate the complete
effort, in terms of cost and resources, necessary to deliver the project.
A PERT chart is a project management tool used to schedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within a
project. PERT stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique. The fig1 below shows the pert chart
expression used in this project
Design 7 days
Analysis 3 days
Implement 10 days
Maintenance 7 days
The systems development life-cycle concept applies to a range of hardware and software configurations,
as a system can be composed of hardware only, software only, or a combination of both. If the SDLC
concept is adhere to, the programmer will derive good software that is error free that will satisfied all the
needs in a good condition. The phases are as follows:
Requirements Phase: automation needs of the business functions are collected and quantified. The
requirements include business rules that govern the work of the user, definition of specific business
functions or processes, and levels of security needed to protect the business information.
Analysis phase: In the analysis phase the requirements gathered in the requirements phase, are used to
create report definitions and layouts, screen definitions and layouts, data element definitions, workflow
diagrams, and security matrices.
Design phase: In the design phase the logical model developed in the analysis phase, is used to develop
a physical model of the application. The physical model contains business object logic, database
schemas identifying relationships, web object design and layout, report calculations and processing, and
the security object definition.
Testing phase: This encompasses three testing stages; component testing, requirements testing, and
acceptance testing. In all testing stages, defects are identified and returned to the development/coding
phase for correction.
Maintenance phase: In the maintenance phase the deployed application is maintained through
scheduled backups. Any changes to the application are presented to the programmer. If a change or
enhancement has been approved by the programmer, it is presented to the organization and the software
development life cycle begins again.
The development of an improved property management system for any organization starts with the
analysis of a particular problem that can be solved and ends up with the newly-developed system being
fasted and put into place. First you need to investigate and analyze the problem, then, software needs to
be written, and computer programmers write instruction for the computer in a language it can
understand. There is need to think in a logical, detailed and careful way in order to develop a successful
The proposed system is an automated property management system for organizations which store and
record information about property available for sale by the organization. It accepts data as inputs,
processes and produces to stored record information of the department. The inputs specifications are
variable that are attribute of the staffs, administrator and their section they belongs to.
2. Develop prototypes that enable a user to understand how human machine interaction will occur.
4. Use multiple views of requirements like building data, function and behavioral models.
To provide an indication of how data are transformed as they move through the system.
To depict the functions that transformation the data flow.
Data Objects:
A data object is a representation of almost any composite information that must be understood by the
software. By composite information, we mean something that has a number of different properties or
attributes. A data object encapsulates data only there is no reference within a data object to operations
that act on the data.
Attributes define the properties of a data object and take on one of three different characteristics. They
can be used to:
Fig 3: ER diagram
Property owner.html
Quick Search.html
Fig 4: complete structure
3.2.2 Data structures as per the project requirement for all modules
Field Description Type
1 Banner Image
2 Links Text
3 Body Image and Text
4 Footer Text
1 Banner Image
2 Links Text
3 Body Image
4 Footer Text
Main menu: The main menu will contain banner of the company, will be visually engaging and also
provide clear navigation to the rest of the web page. And the customers can see more about our new
product. Below is the graphical representation of the main menu.
Fig 5: main menu
Property master: To post property on website the property owner has to register first. After successful
registration property owner can login to proceed ahead. Below is the snapshot of property master.
Fig 6: property master
Search module: In search module user can search for different types of property uploaded by registered
user. User will get to know all information about property its location, area, its approximate price, owner
details. The search module snapshot is below:
Fig 7: search module
Agent module: Agent is having the same functionality as property owner. The main advantage of agent
is that if the user is having property to sell or rent but he does not have knowledge of computer and
internet then he can sell or rent property through agent.
Fig 8: Agent module
Administrator module: In administrator module administrator allow the property to be uploaded and
active that property to show other user who search for property. Administrator can add new category and
type of property to the system so that users can add their property according to the category and type.
Below is the administration module snapshot
Fig 9: Administrator module
Based on my research, expertise and industry best practices, an implementation methodology is to offer
unparalleled service. The implementation processes are as follows:
3.3 Overall network architecture
Network Architecture
UML standard has no separate kind of diagrams to describe network architecture and provides no
specific elements related to the networking. Deployment diagrams could be used for this purpose usually
with some extra networking stereotypes. Network architecture diagram will usually show networking
nodes and communication paths between them. The example of the network diagram below shows
network architecture with configuration called "two firewall demilitarized zone". Demilitarized zone
(DMZ) is a host or network segment located in a "neutral zone" between the Internet and an
organizations intranet (private network). It prevents outside users from gaining direct access to an
organizations internal network while not exposing a web, email or DNS server directly to the Internet.
The following diagram is the Network architecture diagram overview - network devices and
communications. Note: this diagram uses networking icons that are not part of the UML standard.
UML's standard for the node or device is a 3-dimensional view of a cube.
4.1 Implementation of security mechanisms at various levels.
This document describes the user acceptance test plan for the Property Management System. The
complete test strategy for the Property Management System is to perform the following kinds of tests, in
Testing plays a vital role in the success of the system. System testing makes a logical assumption that if
all parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved. Once program code has been
developed, testing begins. The testing process focuses on the logical internals of the software, ensuring
that all statements have been tested, and on the functional externals, that is conducted tests to uncover
errors and ensure that defined input will produce actual results that agree with required results.
The Minimum aim of testing process is to identify all defects existing in software product. Software
product testing accomplishes a variety of things, but most importantly it measures the quality of the
software that is developed. This view presupposes that there as defects in the software waiting to be
discovered and this view is rarely disproves or even dispute.
ii) Response criteria
x) Security
Each test plan item should have the following specific characteristics:
i) It should be uniquely identifiable.
iv) It should have well-defined pass/fail criteria for each sub-item and overall-criteria for the pass/fail of
the entire test itself.
v) It should be easy to record.
Load Testing
Stress Testing
Endurance Testing
point as it is the last opportunity to check the system before it is being used. The testing stage seeks to
ensure following aspects of system from user point of view:
Thus a testing plan is necessary, as it will aid to maximize the effectiveness of discovering error by early
& controlled production of test plans & test specification.
5.1 Future Scope
As per the user Requirement our whole project is designed. We can add an additional constraint to our
project. We will also try to make the modification, update, delete, any other facility in our project. This
can be used in educational institutions as well as for other commercial purpose. Some of them are:-
This will be a user-friendly one and can successfully overcome strict and severe validation checks. The
system will be a flexible one and changes whenever can be made easy. Using the facility and flexibility
in .NET and SQL, the software can be developed in a neat and simple manner there by reducing the
operators work.
Since the project is developed in .NET as a front-end and SQL Server as a back-end it can be modified
easily and used for a long period. Following are some of the enhancement proposed to be implemented
in final version.
Maps are provided to facilitate the users.
Lease option should be provided regarding properties.
Give access of website on mobile and PDAs
Send SMS to property owner who have registered and uploaded his property.
Giving property site for all metro cities.
Upload videos / 3d views of the property.
Working on the project was good experience. I understand the importance of Planning and Designing as
a part of software development. But its very difficult to complete the program for single person.
system provide major advantages such as speed and accuracy of operation, Time Efficiency, Cost
Efficiency, Automatic data validation, Data security and reliability, Easy performance check ,Dynamic
and User Friendly. Generates real-time, comprehensive reports and ensures access to complete and critical
information, instantly.
Property management: All functions necessary for the proper determination of need, source,
acquisition, receipt, accountability, utilization, maintenance, rehabilitation, storage, distribution, and
disposal of property.
Real estate: Land and interests therein, leaseholds, buildings, improvements, and appurtenances thereto.
It also includes piers, docks, warehouses, rights-of-way, and easements, whether temporary or
permanent, and improvements permanently attached to and ordinarily considered real estate. It does not
include machinery, equipment, or tools, which have been affixed to, or which may be removed without
destroying the usefulness of the structure.
Real estate instrument: Lease, license, permit or similar document authorizing the use or possession of
real property controlled by one Federal agency to another Federal, state, or local Government agency or
private organization for a designated period of time.
Software: The application and operating system programs, procedures, rules, and any associated
documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system.
System: Two or more individual items (equipment components) that are part of a self-contained group,
that are joined physically, electronically, or electromechanically, programmed or designed specially to
rely on each other, and cannot function independently if separated, and cannot be easily disconnected
and reconfigured to function with or within another unit or system.
cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Property_Owner where Username='" + txtUserName.Text + "'
And Password='" + txtPassword.Text + "'", con);
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.HasRows)
while (dr.Read())
Session["POwnerUserName"] = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(1));
Label1.Text = "Check Your uid and pwd";
}//end of try
}//end of function
public void AgentLogin()
cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Agent where Username='" + txtUserName.Text + "' And
Password='" + txtPassword.Text + "'", con);
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.HasRows)
while (dr.Read())
Session["AgentUserName"] = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(1));
Label1.Text = "Check Your uid and pwd";
}//end of try
}//end of function
public void AdvertiserLogin()
cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Advertiser where Username='" + txtUserName.Text + "' And
Password='" + txtPassword.Text + "'", con);
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.HasRows)
while (dr.Read())
Session["AdvertiserUserName"] = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(1));
Label1.Text = "Check Your uid and pwd";
}//end of try
}//end of function
public void BuyerLogin()
cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Buyer where Username='" + txtUserName.Text + "' And
Password='" + txtPassword.Text + "'", con);
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.HasRows)
while (dr.Read())
Session["BuyerUserName"] = Convert.ToString(dr.GetValue(1));
Label1.Text = "Check Your uid and pwd";
}//end of try
}//end of function
protected void Role_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ddlRole.SelectedIndex == 0)
txtPassword.Enabled = false;
txtUserName.Enabled = false;
txtPassword.Enabled = true;
txtUserName.Enabled = true;
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtUserName.Text = "";
protected void OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
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