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general mission analysis tool

User Guide

General Mission
Analysis Tool (GMAT)
User Guide

The GMAT Development Team

General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT): User Guide
Table of Contents
Documentation Overview ........................................................................................... vii
Using GMAT .............................................................................................................. 1
Welcome to GMAT ............................................................................................. 3
Features Overview ....................................................................................... 3
Licensing ..................................................................................................... 4
Platform Support ......................................................................................... 4
Development Status and Usage ..................................................................... 4
Contributors ................................................................................................ 4
Getting Started .................................................................................................... 7
Installation ................................................................................................... 7
Running GMAT .......................................................................................... 7
Sample Missions .......................................................................................... 8
Getting Help ............................................................................................... 8
Tour of GMAT ................................................................................................... 9
User Interfaces Overview ............................................................................. 9
Resources Tree ........................................................................................... 14
Mission Tree .............................................................................................. 17
Command Summary ................................................................................... 25
Output Tree ............................................................................................... 27
Script Editor .............................................................................................. 27
Configuring GMAT ............................................................................................ 33
File Structure ............................................................................................. 33
Configuring Data Files ................................................................................ 35
Tutorials .................................................................................................................... 37
Simulating an Orbit ............................................................................................ 39
Objective and Overview ............................................................................. 39
Configure the Spacecraft ............................................................................. 39
Configure the Propagator ............................................................................ 40
Configure the Propagate Command ............................................................. 42
Run and Analyze the Results ....................................................................... 43
Simple Orbit Transfer ......................................................................................... 45
Objective and Overview ............................................................................. 45
Configure Maneuvers, Differential Corrector, and Graphics ............................ 45
Configure the Mission Sequence .................................................................. 46
Run the Mission ......................................................................................... 52
Target Finite Burn to Raise Apogee ..................................................................... 55
Objective and Overview ............................................................................. 55
Create and Configure Spacecraft Hardware and Finite Burn ............................ 55
Create the Differential Corrector and Target Control Variable ......................... 60
Configure the Mission Sequence .................................................................. 61
Run the Mission ......................................................................................... 65
Mars B-Plane Targeting ...................................................................................... 69
Objective and Overview ............................................................................. 69
Configure Fuel Tank, Spacecraft properties, Maneuvers, Propagators, Differ-
ential Corrector, Coordinate Systems and Graphics ........................................ 71
Configure the Mission Sequence .................................................................. 76
Run the Mission with first Target Sequence .................................................. 85
Run the Mission with first and second Target Sequences ................................ 95
Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multiple Shooting ....................................................... 99
Objective and Overview ............................................................................. 99

General Mission Analysis Tool

Configure Coordinate Systems, Spacecraft, Optimizer, Propagators, Maneu-

vers, Variables, and Graphics ..................................................................... 102
Configure the Mission Sequence ................................................................ 106
Design the Trajectory ................................................................................ 113
Reference Guide ....................................................................................................... 119
I. Resources ..................................................................................................... 121
Array ....................................................................................................... 123
Barycenter ................................................................................................ 127
CelestialBody ............................................................................................ 131
CoordinateSystem ..................................................................................... 141
DifferentialCorrector ................................................................................. 155
EphemerisFile .......................................................................................... 159
FiniteBurn ................................................................................................ 169
FminconOptimizer ................................................................................... 173
Formation ................................................................................................ 179
FuelTank .................................................................................................. 181
GroundStation .......................................................................................... 191
GroundTrackPlot ...................................................................................... 197
ImpulsiveBurn .......................................................................................... 205
LibrationPoint .......................................................................................... 211
MatlabFunction ........................................................................................ 215
OrbitView ................................................................................................ 219
Propagator ............................................................................................... 235
ReportFile ................................................................................................ 259
SolarSystem .............................................................................................. 267
Spacecraft ................................................................................................ 271
Spacecraft Attitude ................................................................................... 273
Spacecraft Ballistic/Mass Properties ........................................................... 289
Spacecraft Epoch ...................................................................................... 293
Spacecraft Hardware ................................................................................. 301
Spacecraft Orbit State ............................................................................... 307
Spacecraft Visualization Properties ............................................................. 323
String ....................................................................................................... 327
Thruster .................................................................................................. 329
Variable ................................................................................................... 345
VF13ad .................................................................................................... 347
XYPlot .................................................................................................... 351
II. Commands .................................................................................................. 357
Achieve .................................................................................................... 359
Assignment (=) ......................................................................................... 361
BeginFiniteBurn ....................................................................................... 367
BeginMissionSequence .............................................................................. 373
BeginScript ............................................................................................... 375
CallMatlabFunction ................................................................................... 377
ClearPlot .................................................................................................. 381
EndFiniteBurn ......................................................................................... 383
Equation .................................................................................................. 385
For .......................................................................................................... 387
If ............................................................................................................ 391
Maneuver ................................................................................................. 395
MarkPoint ................................................................................................ 399
Minimize .................................................................................................. 401

General Mission Analysis Tool

NonlinearConstraint .................................................................................. 405

Optimize .................................................................................................. 409
PenUpPenDown ....................................................................................... 413
Propagate ................................................................................................. 417
Report ..................................................................................................... 427
Stop ........................................................................................................ 431
Target ...................................................................................................... 433
Toggle ..................................................................................................... 439
Vary ........................................................................................................ 443
While ....................................................................................................... 451
III. System ....................................................................................................... 455
Calculation Parameters .............................................................................. 457
Command-Line Usage ............................................................................... 481
MATLAB Interface .................................................................................. 483
Script Language ........................................................................................ 487
Startup File .............................................................................................. 499
Release Notes ........................................................................................................... 505
GMAT R2013a Release Notes ........................................................................... 505
GMAT R2012a Release Notes ........................................................................... 509
GMAT R2011a Release Notes ........................................................................... 515
Index ....................................................................................................................... 525

Documentation Overview
Welcome, and thank you for using GMAT! This User Guide contains a wealth of material to
introduce you to GMAT and how it works. It also provides an extensive Reference Guide that
contains data on every Resource, Command, and major subcomponent in the system.

Using GMAT
The Using GMAT chapter contains high level and introductory information on the sytem. If you
need information on how to install and run the system, would like a tour of the system, want
know how to configure data files, or how GMAT is organized, start here.

The Using GMAT section provides general information on GMAT and how to use the software.

The Welcome to GMAT contains a brief project and software overview, including project status,
licensing, and contributors.

The Getting Started section describes how to get and install GMAT, how to run the provided
samples, and where to turn for further help.

The Tour of GMAT is an in-depth guide through some of the key interface features, including
the Resources tree, Mission tree, Command Summary, and Script Editor.

We consider the User Interfaces Overview section to be essential reading, as it describes
some fundamental aspects of how GMAT works.

The Tutorials section contains in-depth tutorials that show you how to use GMAT for end-to-end
analysis. The tutorials are designed to teach you how to use GMAT in the context of performing
real-world analysis and are intended to take between 30 minutes and several hours to complete.
Each tutorial has a difficulty level and an approximate duration listed with any prerequisites in
its introduction, and are arranged in a general order of difficulty.

Here is a summary of selected Tutorials. For a complete list of tutorials see the Tutorials chapter.

The Simulating an Orbit tutorial is the first tutorial you should take to learn how to use GMAT
to solve mission design problems. You will learn how to specify an orbit and propagate to orbit

The Mars B-Plane Targeting tutorial shows how to use GMAT to design a Mars transfer trajectory
by targeting desired B-plane conditions at Mars.

The Target Finite Burn to Raise Apogee tutorial shows how to raise orbit apogee using finite ma-
neuver targeting.

Reference Guide
The Reference Guide contains individual topics that describe each of GMAT's resources and com-
mands. When you need detailed information on syntax or application-specific examples for spe-

Documentation Overview

cific features, go here. It also includes system-level references that describe the script language
syntax, parameter listings, external interfaces, and configuration files.

The Resources section provides general information on GMAT Resources such as Spacecraft,
Propagators, Coordinate Systems, and EphemerisFiles to name just a few. Go here for de-
tails regarding syntax, options, variable ranges and data types, defaults, and expected behavior.
Each section contains detailed, copy-and-paste ready examples.

The Commands section provides general information on GMAT Commands such as Maneuver,
Assignment, Optimize, and Propagate to name just a few. Go here for details regarding syntax,
options, variable ranges and data types, defaults, and expected behavior. Each section contains
detailed, copy-and-paste ready examples.

The System section provides information on system configuration, external interfaces, the script
language, and the command line interface.

This document uses two typographical conventions throughout:

• Graphical user interface (GUI) elements and resource and command names are
presented in bold.
• Filenames, script examples, and user input are presented in monospace.

Using GMAT
The Using GMAT chapter contains high level and introductory information on the sytem. If you need
information on how to install and run the system, would like a tour of the system, want know how to
configure data files, or how GMAT is organized, start here.

The Using GMAT section provides general information on GMAT and how to use the software.

The Welcome to GMAT contains a brief project and software overview, including project status, licensing,
and contributors.

The Getting Started section describes how to get and install GMAT, how to run the provided samples, and
where to turn for further help.

The Tour of GMAT is an in-depth guide through some of the key interface features, including the Resources
tree, Mission tree, Command Summary, and Script Editor.

We consider the User Interfaces Overview section to be essential reading, as it describes some
fundamental aspects of how GMAT works.
Using GMAT

Welcome to GMAT
Do you want to go Mars but don't know when to leave or how much to bring? Do you want
to study Earth protection by planning a mission to a near-Earth asteroid? The General Mission
Analysis Tool (GMAT) is an open-source space mission design tool to answer just those types
of questions. GMAT is designed to model and optimize spacecraft trajectories in flight regimes
ranging from low Earth orbit to lunar, libration point , and deep space missions. GMAT is
developed by a team of NASA, private industry, public, and private contributors and is used for
real-world engineering studies, as a tool for education and public engagement, and starting in
Sept. 2013 to fly operational spacecraft.

Features Overview
GMAT is a feature rich system containing high fidelity space system models, optimization and
targeting, built in scripting and programming infrastructure, and customizable plots, reports
and data products, to enable flexible analysis and solutions for custom and unique applications.
GMAT can be driven from a fully featured, interactive GUI or from a custom script language.
Here are some of GMAT’s key features broken down by feature group.

Dynamics and Environment Modelling

• High fidelity dynamics models including harmonic gravity, drag, tides, and relativistic correc-
• High fidelity spacecraft modeling
• Formations and constellations
• Impulsive and finite maneuver modeling and optimization
• Propulsion system modeling including tanks and thrusters
• Solar System modeling including high fidelity ephemerides, custom celestial bodies, libration
points, and barycenters
• Rich set of coordinate system including J2000, ICRF, fixed, rotating, topocentric, and many
• SPICE kernel propagation
• Propagators that naturally synchronize epochs of multiple vehicles and avoid fixed step inte-
gration and interpolation

Plotting, Reporting and Product Generation

• Interactive 3-D graphics
• Customizable data plots and reports
• Post computation animation
• CCSDS and SPK ephemeris generation

Optimization and Targeting

• Boundary value targeters
• Nonlinear, constrained optimization
• Custom, scriptable cost functions
• Custom, scriptable nonlinear equality and inequality constraint functions
• Custom targeter controls and constraints

Programming Infrastructure
• User defined variables, arrays, and strings

Using GMAT Welcome to GMAT

• User defined equations using MATLAB syntax. (i.e. overloaded array operation)
• Control flow such as If, For, and While loops for custom applications
• Matlab interface
• Built in parameters and calculations in multiple coordinate systems

• Fully featured, interactive GUI that makes simple analysis quick and easy
• Custom scripting language that makes complex, custom analysis possible
• Matlab interface for custom external simulations and calculations
• Command line interface for batch analysis

GMAT is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Platform Support
GMAT has been rigorously tested on the Windows 7 platform and we perform nightly regression
tests running almost 11,000 test cases for the script engine and over 4000 test cases for the GUI

While the system is routinely built on Mac and Linux, we consider the software to be in alpha
form on those plaforms. For release R2013a, we have only addressed issues on Mac and Linux
that also occur on the Windows 7 platform. Part of our planning effort for the next release will
be to access the future of GMAT on Mac and Linux.

Development Status and Usage

R2013a is a major maintenance release with completely updated documentation and greatly im-
proved quality. GMAT is no longer Beta software. Historically, solutions from GMAT have been
verified in other operational systems. However, with release R2013a, the GMAT team will per-
form final operational certifications testing of the system be completed in the summer of 2013.
After completion of operarational certification, GMAT will be used for operational support of
flight projects.

GMAT has been used to optimize maneuvers for flight projects such as NASA’s LCROSS and
ARTEMIS missions, and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). ARTEMIS and LRO flew
trajectories optimized in GMAT and verified in the operational ground system. GMAT has been
used extensively for launch window verification for OSIRIS-REx. The MMS project has used
GMAT for formation maneuver planning and Monte Carlo analysis. GMAT has been used on
numerous concept studies from Earth-Sun libration point missions, LEO missions, lunar mis-
sions, and interplanetary missions to Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and near-Earth and Trojan asteroids.

The Navigation and Mission Design Branch at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center performs
project management activities and is involved in most phases of the development process includ-
ing requirements, algorithms, design, and testing. The Ground Software Systems Branch per-
forms design, implementation, and integration testing. Commecial particpants contribute to de-
sign, implementation, testing and documentation. Commercial participants for R2013a include:

• Thinking Systems, Inc. (system architecture and all aspects of development)

• a.i. solutions (testing)

Welcome to GMAT Using GMAT

Past commercial and external contributors to GMAT include:

• Air Force Research Lab (all aspects of development)

• Boeing (algorithms and testing)
• The Schafer Corporation (all aspects of development)
• Honeywell Technology Solutions (testing)
• Computer Sciences Corporation (requirements)

The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has provided funding for integration of the SPICE
toolkit into GMAT. Additionally, the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Advanced Concepts team
has developed optimizer plug-ins for the Non-Linear Programming (NLP) solvers SNOPT
(Sparse Nonlinear OPTimizer) and IPOPT (Interior Point OPTimizer).

Using GMAT

Getting Started
Installers and application bundles are available on the GMAT SourceForge project page, located
at https://sourceforge.net/projects/gmat.

The following packages are available for the major platforms:

  Installer Binary bundle Source code

(XP, Vista, 7) ✔ ✔ ✔

Mac OS X     ✔
Linux     ✔

To use the Windows installer, download the appropriate gmat-winInstaller-*.exe file
from the SourceForge download page and run it. You'll be asked a series of questions, and GMAT
will be installed to your local user account.

By default, GMAT installs to the %LOCALAPPDATA% folder in your user directory, and does not
require elevated privileges to install. On Windows Vista and Windows 7, this generally corre-
sponds to the C:\Users\username\AppData\Local folder. You are free to choose anoth-
er install location during the installation process, but elevated privileges may be required to do so.

Binary Bundle
A binary bundle is available on Windows as a .zip archive. To use it, unzip it anywhere in your
file system, making sure to keep the folder structure intact. To run GMAT, run the GMAT\bin
\GMAT.exe executable in the extracted folder.

Source Code
GMAT is available as a platform-independent source code bundle. Note that all testing is per-
formed on Windows, so on other platforms it is considered a beta release. See the GMAT Wiki
for compiling instructions.

Rather than compiling from the source bundle, however, we generally recommend checking out
a snapshot from the Subversion repository:


There are tags available for reach release.

Running GMAT
Starting GMAT
On Microsoft Windows platforms there are several ways to start a GMAT session. If you used the
GMAT installer, you can click the GMAT R2013a item in the Start menu. If you installed GMAT

Using GMAT Getting Started

from a .zip file or by compiling the system, locate the GMAT bin directory double-click

To start GMAT from the command line, run GMAT.exe. Various command-line parameters are
available; see Command-Line Usage for details.

Exiting GMAT
To end a GMAT session on Windows or Linux, in the menu bar, click File, then click Exit. On
Mac OS X, in the menu bar, click GMAT, then click Quit GMAT, or type Command+Q.

Sample Missions
The GMAT distribution includes more than 30 sample missions. These samples show how to
apply GMAT to problems ranging from the Hohmann transfer to libration point station-keeping
to trajectory optimization. To locate and run a sample mission:

1. Open GMAT.
2. On the toolbar click Open.
3. Navigate to the samples folder located in the GMAT root directory.
4. Double-click a script file of your choice.
5. Click Run ( ).

To run optimization missions, you will need MATLAB and the MATLAB Optimization Tool-
box or the internal libVF13Optimizer plugin. These are proprietary libraries and are not
distributed with GMAT. MATLAB connectivity is not yet fully supported in the Mac and Linux,
and therefore you cannot run optimization missions that use MATLAB’s fmincon optimizer on
those platforms. See MATLAB Interface for details on configuring the MATLAB optimizer.

Getting Help
This User Guide provides documentation and tutorials for all of GMAT's feature. But if you
have further questions, or want to provide feedback, here are some additional resources:

• Homepage: http://gmat.gsfc.nasa.gov
• Wiki: http://gmatcentral.org
• User forums: http://forums.gmatcentral.org
• Downloads and source code: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gmat
• Submit bug reports and feature requests: http://bugs.gmatcentral.org
• Official contact: <[email protected]>

Using GMAT

Tour of GMAT
User Interfaces Overview
GMAT offers multiple ways to design and execute your mission. The two primary interfaces are
the graphical user interface (GUI) and the script interface. These interfaces are interchangeable
and each supports most of the functionality available in GMAT. When you work in the script
interface, you are working in GMAT’s custom script language. To avoid issues such as circular
dependencies, there are some basic rules you must follow. Below, we discuss these interfaces and
then discuss the basic rules and best practices for working in each interface.

GUI Overview
When you start a session, the GMAT desktop is displayed with a default mission already loaded.
The GMAT desktop has a native look and feel on each platform and most desktop components
are supported on all platforms.

Windows GUI
When you open GMAT on Windows and click Run in the Toolbar, GMAT executes the default
mission as shown in the figure below. The tools listed below the figure are available in the GMAT

Figure 1. GMAT Desktop (Windows)

Menu Bar The menu bar contains File, Edit, Window and Help functionality.

On Windows, the File menu contains standard Open, Save, Save As,
and Exit functionality as well as Open Recent. The Edit menu con-

Using GMAT Tour of GMAT

tains functionality for script editing when the script editor is active. The
Window menu contains tools for organizing graphics windows and the
script editor within the GMAT desktop. Examples include the ability to
Tile windows, Cascade windows and Close windows. The Help menu
contains links to Online Help, Tutorials, Forums, and the Report An
Issue option links to GMAT’s defect reporting system, the Welcome
Page, and a Provide Feedback link.
Toolbar The toolbar provides easy access to frequently used controls such as
file controls, Run, Pause, and Stop for mission execution, and controls
for graphics animation. On Windows and Linux, the toolbar is located
at the top of the GMAT window; on the Mac, it is located on the left
of the GMAT frame. Because the toolbar is vertical on the Mac, some
toolbar options are abbreviated.

GMAT allows you to simultaneously edit the raw script file representa-
tion of your mission and the GUI representation of your mission. It is
possible to make inconsistent changes in these mission representations.
The GUI/Script Sync Status indicator located in the toolbar shows
you the state of the two mission representations. See the the section
called “GUI/Script Interactions and Synchronization” section for fur-
ther discussion.
Resources Tab The Resources tab brings the Resources tree to the foreground of the
Resources Tree The Resources tree displays all configured GMAT resources and orga-
nizes them into logical groups. All objects created in a GMAT script us-
ing a Create command are found in the Resources tree in the GMAT
Mission Tab The Mission tab brings the Mission Tree to the foreground of the desk-
Mission Tree The Mission tree displays GMAT commands that control the time-
ordered sequence of events in a mission. The Mission tree contains
all script lines that occur after the BeginMissionSequence command
in a GMAT script. You can undock the Mission tree as shown in the
figure below by right-clicking on the Mission tab and dragging it into
the graphics window. You can also follow these steps:
1. Click on the Mission tab to bring the Mission Tree to the fore-
2. Right-click on the Mission Sequence folder in the Mission tree
and select Undock Mission Tree in the menu.

Tour of GMAT Using GMAT

Figure 2. Undocked Mission Tree

Output Tab The Output tab brings the Output Tree to the foreground of the desk-
Output Tree The Output tree contains GMAT output such as report files and graph-
ical displays.
Message Window When you run a mission in GMAT, information including warnings,
errors, and progress are written to the message window. For example, if
there is a syntax error in a script file, a detailed error message is written
to the message window.
Status Bar The status bar contains various informational messages about the state
of the GUI. When a mission is running, a Busy indicator will appear in
the left pane. The center pane displays the latitude and logitude of the
mouse cursor as it moves over a ground track window.

Script Interface Overview

The GMAT script editor is a textual interface that lets you directly edit your mission in GMAT's
built-in scripting language. In Figure 3 below, the script editor is shown maximized in the GMAT
desktop and the items relevant to script editing are labeled.

Using GMAT Tour of GMAT

Figure 3. GMAT Script Editor

Scripts Folder The GMAT desktop allows you to have multiple script files
open simultaneously. Open script files are displayed in the
Scripts folder in the Resources tree. Double click on a script
in the Scripts folder to open it in the script editor. The GMAT
desktop displays each script in a separate script editor. GMAT
indicates the script currently represented in the GUI with a
boldface name. Only one script can be loaded into the GUI
at a time.
Script Status Box The Script Status box indicates whether or not the script be-
ing edited is loaded in the GUI. The box says Active Script
for the script currently represented in the GUI and Inactive
Script for all others.
Save,Sync Button The Save,Sync button saves any script file changes to disk,
makes the script active, and synchronizes the GUI with the
Save,Sync,Run Button The Save,Sync,Run button saves any script file changes to
disk, makes the script active, synchronizes the GUI with the
script, and executes the script.
Save As Button When you click Save As, GMAT displays the Choose A File
dialog box and allows you to save the script using a new file
name. After saving, GMAT loads the script into the GUI, mak-
ing the new file the active script.
Close The Close button closes the script editor.

GUI/Script Interface Interactions and Rules

The GMAT desktop supports both a script interface and a GUI interface and these interfaces
are designed to be consistent with each other. You can think of the script and GUI as different

Tour of GMAT Using GMAT

"views" of the same data: the resources and the mission command sequence. GMAT allows you
to switch between views (script and GUI) and have the same view open in an editable state
simultaneously. Below we describe the behavior, interactions, and rules of the script and GUI
interfaces so you can avoid confusion and potential loss of data.

GUI/Script Interactions and Synchronization

GMAT allows you to simultaneously edit both the script file representation and the GUI repre-
sentation of your mission. It is possible to make inconsistent changes in these representations.
The GUI/Script Sync Status window located in the toolbar indicates the state of the two rep-
resentations. On the Mac, the status is indicated in abbreviated form in the left-hand toolbar.
Synchronized (green) indicates that the script and GUI contain the same information. GUI
Modified (yellow) indicates that there are changes in the GUI that have not been saved to the
script. Script Modified (yellow) indicates that there are changes in the script that have not been
loaded into the GUI. Unsynchronized (red) indicates that there are changes in both the script
and the GUI.

GMAT will not attempt to merge or resolve simultaneous changes in the Script and
GUI and you must choose which representation to save if you have made changes
in both interfaces.

The Save button in the toolbar saves the GUI representation over the script. The Save,Sync
button on the script editor saves the script representation and loads it into the GUI.

How the GUI Maps to a Script

Clicking the Save button in the toolbar saves the GUI representation to the script file; this is the
same file you edit when working in the script editor. GUI items that appear in the Resources
tree appear before the BeginMissionSequence command in a script file and are written in a
predefined order. GUI items that appear in the Mission Tree appear after the BeginMissionSe-
quence command in a script file in the same order as they appear in the GUI.

If you have a script file that has custom formatting such as spacing and data orga-
nization, you should work exclusively in the script. If you load your script into the
GUI, then click Save in the toolbar, you will lose the formatting of your script. (You
will not, however, lose the data.)

How the Script Maps to the GUI

Clicking the Save,Sync button on the script editor saves the script representation and loads it
into the GUI. When you work in a GMAT script, you work in the raw file that GMAT reads
and writes. Each script file must contain a command called BeginMissionSequence. Script
lines that appear before the BeginMissionSequence command create and configure models
and this data will appear in the Resources tree in the GUI. Script lines that appear after the
BeginMissionSequence command define your mission sequence and appear in the Mission
tree in the GUI. Here is a brief script example to illustrate:

Create Spacecraft Sat

Using GMAT Tour of GMAT

Sat.X = 3000
Sat.X = 1000

The line Sat.X = 3000 sets the x-component of the Cartesian state to 3000; this value will
appear on the Orbit tab of the Spacecraft dialog box. However, because the line Sat.X =
1000 appears after the BeginMissionSequence command, the line Sat.X = 1000 will appear
as an assignment command in the Mission tree in the GUI.

Basic Script Syntax Rules

• Each script file must contain one and only one BeginMissionSequence command.
• GMAT commands are not allowed before the BeginMissionSequence command.
• You cannot use inline math statements (equations) before the BeginMissionSequence com-
mand in a script file. (GMAT considers in-line math statements to be an assignment com-
mand. You cannot use equations in the Resources tree, so you also cannot use equations
before the BeginMissionSequence command.)
• In the GUI, you can only use in-line math statements in an assignment command. So, you
cannot type 3000 + 4000 or Sat.Y - 8 in the text box for setting a spacecraft’s dry mass.
• GMAT’s script language is case-sensitive.

For a more complete discussion of GMAT's script language, see the Script Language docu-

Resources Tree
The Resources tree displays GMAT resources and organizes them into logical groups and rep-
resents any objects that might be used or called in the Mission tree. This tree allows a user to
add, edit, rename, or delete most available resources. The Resources tree can be edited either
in the GMAT GUI or by loading or syncing a script file. All objects created in a GMAT script
using a Create command are found in the Resources tree in the GMAT desktop. The default
Resource tree is displayed below (Figure 4).

Tour of GMAT Using GMAT

Figure 4. Default Resources tree

The Resources tree displays created resources organized into folders by object category. The
SolarSystem and Solvers folders contain more specific folders which can be found by clicking
the expand (+) icon. Conversely, folders can be collapsed by clicking the minimize (-) icon.

Folder Menus
Resources can be added by right clicking the folder of the resource and clicking the resource type
from the available menu. Most folders have only one available resource type; for example if the
Spacecraft folder is right-clicked, the user can only click “Add Spacecraft” (Figure 5). Other
folders have multiple objects that can be added and the user must first select the “Add” menu
before selecting the object; for example to add a FuelTank, right click the “Hardware” folder,
select “Add”, then the list of available resource types is displayed and the user can click “Fuel
Tank” (Figure 6). User-defined solar system resources are added by right-clicking either Sun or
a default CelestialBody resource. By right-clicking Sun the user can add a Planet, Comet, or
Asteroid to the solar system. By right-clicking a Planet the user can add a Moon to that Planet.

Figure 5. Folder menu for Spacecraft

Using GMAT Tour of GMAT

Figure 6. Folder menu for Hardware

Resource Menus
Resources can be edited by right-clicking on the resources and selecting one of the options from
the menu (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Resource menu


To open a resource, you can either right-click the resource and select “Open”, or you can double
click the resource. Conversely, the resource can be closed either by options in the resource prop-
erties window or selecting “Close” from the resource menu. When a resource is opened and
the name is right-clicked in the Resource tree, the only options in the object menu are “Open”
and “Close”.


Once a resource has been created, the user can rename it to any valid name. Valid names must
begin with a letter and may be followed by any combination of letters digits and underscores.
Invalid names include:

• Folder names (eg, Spacecraft)

• Command names (eg, Propagate)
• Names already in use (eg, naming two variables “var”)
• Keywords (eg, “GMAT” or “function”)
• Names with spaces

Tour of GMAT Using GMAT


Resources can be deleted by right clicking the object and selecting “Delete”. Resources can-
not be deleted if they are used by another resource or command and an error with be
thrown. For example, a Spacecraft resource cannot be deleted if one of its properties (eg.
DefaultSC.A1ModJulian) is being used by the Report command. Some default objects cannot
be deleted. In such cases, the Delete menu item will not be shown. They include:

• Default coordinate systems

• EarthMJ2000Eq
• EarthMJ2000Ec
• EarthFixed
• EarthICRF
• Default planetary bodies
• Sun
• Mercury
• Venus
• Earth
• Luna
• Mars
• Jupiter
• Saturn
• Uranus
• Neptune
• Pluto


Objects can be cloned by selecting the “Clone” option in the menu. A cloned object will be an
exact copy of the original object with a different name. Some objects cannot be cloned. In such
cases, the Clone menu item will not be available. The only objects that cannot be cloned are:

• Default coordinate systems (listed above)

• Default planetary bodies (listed above)
• Propagator resource objects

Mission Tree
The Mission Tree is an ordered, hierarchical, display of your GMAT script command mission
sequence (everything after the BeginMissionSequence in your script). It represents the ordered
list of commands to be executed to model your mission. The hierarchical grouping in the mission
tree represent commands that are executed inside a control logic command, e.g., If, For, While,
etc. The mission tree allows you to add, edit, delete and rename commands. It allows you to
configure or filter the display of the commands in the Mission Tree to make the command
execution easier to understand or modify. An example Mission Tree screenshot is below. The
Mission Tree window is made up of 2 elements: the Mission Sequence on the left and the view
filters toolbar on the right.

Using GMAT Tour of GMAT

Edits to the Mission Tree will be reflected in your script after it is synchronized and
vice-versa. If you edit the Mission Tree, you need to synchronize with the script to
see it in the script editor. If you edit the script, you need to synchronize with the
GUI to see your changes reflected in the Mission Tree.

Mission Tree Display

The Mission Tree Display shows your hierarchical, ordered list of commands. Normally, the
Mission Tree displays only the command name in the tree for each command node (more infor-
mation such as command type, construction information, etc can be displayed using the Show
Detail menu option). Commands are executed in the order they appear, e.g., GMAT executes
commands from the top of the Mission Tree to the bottom. For control logic (If, For, and
While) and the Optimize and Target commands, you can define a block of commands that
execute as children of the parent command. These child commands of the control logic or the
Optimize and Target commands appear indented. Use the plus (+) symbol to the left of the
control logic command to show all the grouped commands and the minus (-) symbol to hide
all the grouped commands. Commands that are grouped under control logic commands (e.g. If,
For, and While) only execute if that control logic command is successfully executed (e.g., if the
local expression evaluates to true for If command, or the loop condition evaluates to true for
For and While commands).

In general, commands are executed only once. However, child commands grouped under the
loop commands (e.g. For and While) may execute multiple times. These commands will execute
for each time the loop command evaluates to true. Commands under the If commands are only
executed if the If condition evaluates to true; otherwise, they are skipped. For the If-Else com-
mand, child commands grouped under the If portion of the command execute if the conditional
statement evaluates to true; otherwise, the child commands grouped under the Else portion of
the command execute.

Tour of GMAT Using GMAT

Note that all commands in the Mission Tree are grouped under a special Mission
Sequence home item. This home item is always present as the first item in the
Mission Tree and cannot be deleted.

View Filters Toolbar

The Mission Tree may display a subset of the commands of the full mission sequence based on
your view filter options. There are 3 basic filtering options available within GMAT:

• Filter by branch level

• Filter by command types (inclusive)
• Filter by command types (exclusive)

The view filters activate by clicking one of the view filter buttons to the right of the Mission
Tree. The pressed (pushed in) button indicates which filter is currently enabled. The four buttons
on the top are the Filter by branch level buttons. The next four buttons in the middle are the
inclusive filter-by-command-types buttons, and the four buttons on the bottom are the exclu-
sive filter-by-command-types buttons. The button at the very bottom of the view filters toolbar
allows you to define a custom filter. You cannot combine filter-by-branch-level filters with the
filter-by-command-type filters nor combine inclusive and exclusive command type filters. How-
ever, multiple inclusive command type filters can be combined (e.g., filter both physics related
and solver related commands) or multiple exclusive command type filters can be combined.

Note that all parents of a viewable command are displayed, even if the parent com-
mand is not part of the viewable command set.

Also note that the Mission Tree automatically reconfigures to show all commands
when the user Appends or Inserts a new command.

Filter by Branch Level

Filtering by branch level causes GMAT to not display commands in the mission tree that are
below a certain level. To select the number of levels you wish to display, click the buttons on the
top. The four buttons correspond to (from top to bottom):

• Show all branches

• Show one level of branching
• Show two levels of branching
• Show three levels of branching

Only one filter-by-branch-level button may be active at a time. The default GMAT behavior is
to display all branches of a mission tree.

Filter by Command Types

GMAT allows you to filter what commands are displayed by their command type. You may
select to only display commands that are in a filter command type set (inclusive) or only display

Using GMAT Tour of GMAT

commands that are not in a filter command type set (exclusive). GMAT provides both pre-
configured command type sets (e.g., physics related or output related) and custom command
type sets that you define

The four middle buttons in the View Options toolbar are pre-configured inclusive command
filters, e.g., only display commands that are in the desired command set. The four inclusive filter
buttons correspond to (from top to bottom):

• Physics Related (Propagate, Maneuver, BeginFiniteBurn, and EndFiniteBurn)

• Solver Related (Target, Optimize, Vary, Achieve, NonlinearConstraint, Minimize, End-
Target, EndOptimize)
• ScriptEvent commands
• Control Flow (If, If-Else, For, and While)

Multiple inclusive command type filters can be active at once. For example, to filter both physics
related and solver related commands, click both the physics-related and solver-related filter but-
tons so that they appear pressed down. This option will show all physics related and solver re-
lated commands and hide all other commands (except Parents of the viewable commands)).

The four buttons at the bottom in the View Options toolbar are pre-configured exclusive com-
mand filters, e.g., only display commands that are not in the command set. The four exclusive
filter buttons correspond to (from top to bottom):

• Report
• Equation
• Output-related (Report, Toggle, PenUp, PenDown, MarkPoint, and ClearPlot)
• Function calls (CallMatlabFunction)

Multiple exclusive command type filters can be active at once. For example, to show everything
but Report and output-related commands, click both the Report and output-related filter but-
tons so that they appear pressed down.

Note that the Mission Tree shows an ellipsis (…) after a command name if the
command is followed by items not graphically displayed in the tree because of filter

Mission Sequence Menu

The Mission Tree has two context-sensitive popup menus, depending on whether you right-click
the Mission Sequence home item or a command in the Mission Tree. The Mission Sequence
popup menu primarily allows you to manipulate the Mission Tree window and the entire com-
mand sequence. It also enables appending (adding to the end) commands to the mission tree.

Tour of GMAT Using GMAT

Mission Sequence menu options are always available and active in the menu list.

Mission Sequence Menu Options:

Collapse All

This menu option collapses all the branches in the Mission Tree so that you only see the top-level
commands. To show branches, click the plus (+) button next to a command or select Expand
All from the Mission Sequence popup menu.

Expand All

This menu option expands all the branches and sub-branches in the Mission Tree so that you
see every command in the mission sequence. To hide branches, click the minus (-) button next
to a command or select Collapse All from the Mission Sequence popup menu.


The Append menu option displays the submenu of commands that can be appended to the
mission sequence. This menu is not available when the Mission Tree view is filtered.


The Run menu option executes the mission command sequence. This menu option is always

Show Detail

The Show Detail menu option toggles an option to display the mission tree with short or ver-
bose text. When the show detail menu option is checked, each command is displayed with the
script line for the command (e.g. what appears in “Show Script” for the command). When the
show detail menu option is unchecked, the mission tree shows only the label for the command
which will be your custom label if you have provided one and a system provided label if you have
not labelled the command. This menu option is always available.

Using GMAT Tour of GMAT

Show Mission Sequence

The Show Mission Sequence menu option displays a streamlined text view of the mission se-
quence in text window. This view shows a hierarchical view of every command (similar to a script
view) in the mission sequence. Unlike the script editor, this view only includes the command
names and labels. This menu option is always available.

Show Script

The Show Script menu option displays the script associated with the GUI version of the current
mission script. This is the complete script that would be saved to a file if you clicked the GUI
save button. Note that when the GUI is unsynchronized with the script editor (please see Script
Editor for more details), this mission script is different than the script displayed in the script
editor. This menu option is always available

Mission Summary - All

The Mission Summary - All menu option displays a mission simulation summary for the all
commands in the mission sequence. This summary information includes spacecraft state infor-
mation, spacecraft physical properties, time information, planetodetic properties, and other or-
bit data for each command. This information is only available after a mission simulation is run
and the data shows state information after the execution of the command. Showing Mission
Summary data for a ScriptEvent command is equivalent to showing summary data for the last
command in that ScriptEvent. If commands are nested in control flow or solver branches, the
summary data that is displayed is for the last pass through the sequence. This menu option is
always available.

Mission Summary - Physics

The Mission Summary - Physics menu option displays a mission simulation summary for
physics related commands in the mission sequence. This summary information includes space-
craft state information, spacecraft physical properties, time information, planetodetic properties,
and other orbit data for each command. This information is only available after a mission simu-
lation is run and the data shows state information after the execution of the command. Note that
if you have physics-based commands such as Propagate or Maneuver inside a ScriptEvent
command, then summary information for those commands, are not displayed. Showing Mission
Summary data for a ScriptEvent is equivalent to showing summary data for the last command in
that ScriptEvent. If commands are nested in control flow or solver branches, the summary data
that is displayed is for the last pass through the sequence. This menu option is always available.

Dock Mission Tree

The Dock Mission Tree menu option docks the Mission Tree window in the notebook con-
taining the Resources tree and Output tree. This option is only selectable if the Mission Tree is
currently floating or undocked. Please see the Docking/Undocking/Placement section for more

Undock Mission Tree

The Undock Mission Tree menu option undocks, or makes floating, the Mission Tree window
from the Resources tree and Output tree. The undocked Mission Tree window may be resized,
moved, maximized, minimized, and restored. This option is only selectable if the Mission Tree
is currently docked. Please see the the section called “Docking/Undocking/Placement” section
for more information.

Tour of GMAT Using GMAT

Command Menu

The Command popup menu allows you to add, edit, or delete the commands in the Mission
Tree by using the right mouse button. This displays a context sensitive menu for adding and
modifying commands as well as viewing your command sequence and command summary. To
add commands to the Mission Tree, right click a command and select Append, Insert Before, or
Insert After. To edit commands, double click the command name or right click and select Open.

Most commands in GMAT can appear anywhere in the mission sequence. However, there are
some exceptions and the Command popup menu is context sensitive, meaning the options avail-
able under the menu change based on what command is selected and where in the tree the com-
mand occurs. Here is a complete list of context sensitivities:

• Insert and Append are not available unless the mission tree filter is set to show all levels.
• Achieve commands can only appear inside of a Target sequence.
• Vary commands can only appear in a Target or Optimize sequence,
• NonlinearConstraint and Minimize commands can only appear in an Optimize sequence.

Using GMAT Tour of GMAT

Command Menu Options

This menu option opens the command editor window for the selected command. The Open
menu option is always active in the menu list. If the window is already open, the Open option
brings the window to the front and makes it the active window.

This menu options closes the command editor window for the selected command. The Close
menu option is always active in the menu list.

The Append menu option displays the submenu of commands that can be appended as the last
sub-item of the selected command in the Mission Tree. As such, the Append menu option only
appears when the selected tree item can contain sub-items, e.g., the Mission Sequence home
item, control logic commands, and Optimize and Target commands. Note that the Append
submenu is context-sensitive and will only show commands that may be appended to the selected
command. Finally, this menu is not available when the Mission Tree view is filtered.

Insert After
The Insert After menu option displays the submenu of commands that can be inserted after
the selected command (and any child commands, if any) in the Mission Tree. Nominally, the
new command is inserted at the same level as the selected command. However, if the selected
command is the “End” command of a control logic or Optimize or Target command (e.g., End
For, End If, End Optimize, etc), the new command is inserted after the End command and
on the same level (e.g., the next level up) as the parent command. The Insert After menu option
is always active in the menu list except when the Mission Sequence home item is selected. Note
that the Insert After submenu is context-sensitive and will only show commands that may be
added after the selected command. Finally, this menu is not available when the Mission Tree
view is filtered.

Insert Before
The Insert Before menu option displays the submenu of commands that can be inserted before
the selected command (and any child commands, if any) in the Mission Tree. The new command
is always inserted at the same level as the selected command. The Insert Before menu option is
always active in the menu list except when the Mission Sequence Home item is selected. Note
that the Insert Before submenu is context-sensitive and will only show commands that may be
added before the selected command. Finally, this menu is not available when the Mission Tree
view is filtered.

The Rename menu option displays a dialog box where you can rename the selected command. A
command name may contain any characters except the single quote. Note that, unlike resources,
command names do not have to be unique. The Rename menu option is always active in the
menu list except when the Mission Sequence home item is selected.

The Delete menu option deletes the selected command. GMAT does not confirm the option
before deletion occurs. The Delete menu option is always active in the menu list except when
the Mission Sequence home item is selected.

Tour of GMAT Using GMAT

Command Summary

The Command Summary menu option displays a mission simulation summary for the selected
command, including spacecraft state information, time information, planetodetic properties, and
other orbit data. This information is only available after a mission simulation run. This menu
option is always available. However, command summary data is not available for Propagate
command in single step mode. The button is available but no data is displayed.


The Mission Tree window may be used as a floating window or docked with the Resource tree.
GMAT remembers the placement and docking status of the Mission Tree even after you quit.
The undocked Mission Tree window may be resized, moved, or minimized. When the Mission
Tree is undocked, and the user opens a dialog box for a GUI component, the dialog box does
not cover the Mission Tree.

To undock the Mission Tree Display, either:

• Right click and drag the Mission tab out of the Resource Tree window.
• Right click the Mission Sequence home item and select Undock Mission Tree.

To dock the Mission Tree display, either:

• Left click the close button (x) of the undocked Mission Tree window.
• RIght click the Mission Sequence home item and select Dock Mission Tree.

Command Summary
The Command Summary is a summary of orbit and spacecraft state information after execu-
tion of a command. For example, if the command is a Propagate command, the Command
Summary contains state data after propagation is performed.

To view the Command Summary, right-click on the desired command, and select Command
Summary. Or alternatively, double-click on the desired command, and click the Command
Summary icon located near the lower left corner of the panel. You must run the mission before
viewing Command Summary data.

Using GMAT Tour of GMAT

Data Availability

To view a Command Summary, you must first run the mission. If the mission has not been run
during the current session, the Command Summary will be empty. If changes are made to your
configuration, you must rerun the mission for those changes to take effect in the Command

Data Contents

The Command Summary contains several types of data. Orbit state representations include
Cartesian, spherical, and Keplerian. For hyperbolic orbits, B-Plane coordinates, DLA and RLA
are provided. Planetodetic information includes Longitude and Latitude among others. For a
Maneuver command, the Maneuver properties are displayed in the CoordinateSystem specified
on the ImpulsiveBurn resource.

Tour of GMAT Using GMAT

Supported Commands
For performance reasons, propagation in step mode does not write out a command summary.
Additionally, if a command is nested in control logic and that command does not execute as a
result, no command summary data is available.

Coordinate Systems
The Coordinate System menu at the top of the Command Summary dialog allows you to
select the desired coordinate system for the state data. GMAT currently requires that the origin
of the coordinate system is a celestial body (this will change in a future release) and the Coordi-
nateSystem cannot reference another spacecraft.

Output Tree
The Output tree contains data files and plots after a mission is executed. Files consist of out-
put from ReportFile and EphemerisFile resources. Plots consist of graphical OrbitView,
GroundTrackPlot, and XYPlots windows.

To display the contents of an output file, double-click the name in the Output tree. A simple text
display window will appear with the contents of the file.

Graphical output is automatically displayed during the mission run, but double-clicking the name
of the output window in the Output tree will bring that display to the front. If you close the
display window, however, you must rerun the mission to display it again.

A populated Output tree is shown in the following figure.

Script Editor
A GMAT mission can be created in either the graphical user interface (GUI), or in a text script
language. When a mission is loaded into the GUI from a script, or when it is saved from the GUI,
there is a script file that can be accessed from the Scripts folder in the resources tree. When you
open this script, it opens in a dedicated editor window called the Script Editor. While a GMAT
script can be edited in any text editor, the GMAT script editor offers more features, such as:

• GUI/script synchronization
• Mission execution from the editor
• Syntax highlighting
• Comment/uncomment or indent blocks of text
• Standard features like copy/paste, line numbering, find-and-replace, etc.

Using GMAT Tour of GMAT

The following figure shows a basic script editor session with the major features labeled.

Figure 8. Parts of the script editor

Active Script
When you load a script into the GMAT GUI, it is added to the script list in the resources tree.
GMAT can have many scripts loaded at any one time, but only one can be synchronized with
the GUI. This script is called the active script, and is distinguished by a bolded name in the script
list. The editor status indicator in the script editor for the active script shows “Active Script” as
well. All other scripts are inactive, but can be viewed and edited in the script editor.

Figure 9. Active script indicators

To synchronize with the GUI, you must make an inactive script active by clicking either of the
synchronization buttons (described in the next section). This will change the current script to
active, synchronize the GUI, and change the the previously active script to inactive. Alternately,
you can right-click the script name in the resources tree and click Build.

Tour of GMAT Using GMAT

GUI/Script Synchronization
GMAT provides two separate representations of a mission: a script file and the GUI resources
and mission trees. As shown in Figure 8, you can have both representations open and active at
the same time, and can make changes in both places. The GUI/Script Sync Status indicator
shows the current status of the two representations relative to each other. The following states
are possible:

Synchro- The GUI and script representations are synchronized (they contain the same data).
Script The mission has been modified in the script representation, but has not been
Modified synchronized to the GUI. Use the synchronization buttons in the script editor to
perform this synchronization. To revert the modifications, close the script editor
without saving your changes.
GUI Modi- The mission has been modified in the GUI, but has not been synchronized to
fied the script. To perform this synchronization, click the Save button in the GMAT
toolbar. To revert the modifications, use the synchronization buttons in the script
editor, or restart GMAT itself.
Unsyn- The mission has been modified both in the GUI and in the script. The changes
chronized cannot be merged; you have a choice of whether to save the modifications in
either representations, or whether to revert either of them. See the notes above
for instructions for either case.
Script Er- There is an error in the script. This puts the GUI in a minimal safe state. The error
ror must be corrected before continuing.

Saving modifications performed in the GUI will overwrite the associated script. The
data will be saved as intended, but with full detail, including fields and settings that
were not explicitly listed in the original script. A copy of the original script with the
extension “.bak” will be saved alongside the new version.

The script editor provides two buttons that perform synchronization from the script to the
GUI. Both the Save,Sync and the Save,Sync,Run buttons behave identically, except that the
Save,Sync,Run button runs the mission after synchronization is complete. The following para-
graphs describe the behavior of the Save,Sync button only, but the description applies to both
buttons. If you right-click the name of a script in the resources tree, a context menu is displayed
with the items Save, Sync and Save, Sync, Run. These are identical to the Save,Sync and
Save,Sync,Run buttons in the script editor.

When pressed, the Save,Sync button performs the following steps:

1. Saves any modifications to the script

2. Closes all open windows (except the script editor itself)
3. Validates the script file
4. Refreshes the GUI by loading the saved script
5. Sets GUI/Script Sync Status to Synchronized.

If the GUI has existing modifications, a confirmation prompt will be displayed. If confirmed,
the GUI modifications will be overwritten.

Using GMAT Tour of GMAT

If the script is not active, a confirmation prompt will be displayed. If confirmed, the script will
be made active before the steps above are performed.

If the script has errors, the GUI will revert to an empty base state until all errors are corrected
and the script is synchronized successfully.

Scripts List
The scripts folder in the Resources tree contains items for each script that has been loaded into
GMAT. Individual scripts can be added to the list by right-clicking the Scripts folder and clicking
Add Script.

The right-click menu for an individual script contains several options:

• Open: opens the script in the edit window

• Close: closes any open edit windows for this script
• Save, Sync: opens the script and synchronizes it with the GUI, making it the active script.
This is identical to the Save,Sync button in the script editor.
• Save, Sync, Run: builds the script (see above), and also runs it. This is identical to the
Save,Sync,Run button on the script editor.
• Reload: reloads the script from the last-saved version and refreshes the script editor
• Remove: removes the script from the script list

Edit Window
The edit window displays the text of the loaded script and provides tools to edit it. The edit
window provides the following features:

• Line numbering: Line numbers along the left side of the window
• Syntax highlighting: Certain elements of the GMAT script language are colored for immediate
• Folding: Script blocks (like For loops, Target sequences, etc.) can be collapsed by clicking the
black downward-pointing triangle to the left of the command that begins the block.

If you right-click anywhere in the edit window, GMAT will display a context menu with the
following options:

• Undo/Redo: Undo or redo any number of changes since the last time the script was saved
• Cut/Copy/Paste: Cut, copy, or paste over the current selection, or paste the current clip-
board contents at the location of the cursor
• Delete: Delete the current selection
• Select All: Select the entire script contents

When the script editor is active in the GMAT GUI, the Edit menu is also available with the
following options:

• Undo/Redo: Undo or redo any number of changes since the last time the script was saved
• Cut/Copy/Paste: Cut, copy, or paste over the current selection, or paste the current clip-
board contents at the location of the cursor
• Comment/Uncomment: Add or remove a comment symbol (%) at the beginning of the
current selection
• Select All: Select the entire script contents
• Find/Replace: Starts the Find & Replace utility (see below)
• Show line numbers: When selected (default), the editor window displays line numbering to
the left of the script contents.

Tour of GMAT Using GMAT

• Goto: Place the cursor on a specific line number

• Indent more/less: Adds or removes an indentation from the current line or selection. The
default indentation is three space characters.

The following keyboard shortcuts are available when working in the script editor:

F3 Find next (when using Find & Replace)

Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+F Open Find & Replace utility
Ctrl+G Goto
Ctrl+H Open Find & Replace utility
Ctrl+I Indent more
Ctrl+Shift+IIndent less
Ctrl+R Comment
Ctrl+T Uncomment
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+Y Redo
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+mouse Increase or decrease script editor font size

Find and Replace

On the Edit menu, if you click Find or Replace (or press Ctrl+F or Ctrl+H), GMAT displays
the Find & Replace utility, which can be used to find text in the active script and optionally
replace it with different text. The utility looks like the following figure.

To find text within the active script, type the text you wish to find in the Find What box and
click Find Next or Find Previous. Find Next (F3) will start searching forward (below) the
current cursor position, while Find Previous will start searching backward (above). If a match is
found, the match will be highlighted. You can continue clicking Find Next or Find Previous to
continue searching. The search text (in the Find What box) can be literal text only; wildcards are
not supported. To replace found instances with different text, type the replacement text in the
Replace With box. Click Replace to replace the currently-highlighted match and highlight the
next match, or click Replace All to replace all matches in the file at once. The Find & Replace
utility saves a history of text previously entered in the Find What and Replace With boxes in
the current session. Click the down arrow in each box to choose a previously-entered value.

Using GMAT Tour of GMAT

File Controls
The Save button saves the current script without checking syntax or synchronizing with the
GUI, and without switching the active script. The Save As button is identical, but allows you
to save to a different file.

The Close button closes the script editor, and prompts you to save any unsaved changes.

Save Status Indicator

When the contents of the script have been modified, the script editor displays “**modified**”
in the save status indicator. This is a visual indicator that there are unsaved changes in the script.
Once the changes are saved or reverted, the indicator turns blank.

Using GMAT

Configuring GMAT
Below we discuss the files and data that are distributed with GMAT and are required for GMAT
execution. GMAT uses many types of data files, including planetary ephemeris files, Earth ori-
entation data, leap second files, and gravity coefficient files. This section describes how these
files are organized and the controls provided to customize them.

File Structure
The default directory structure for GMAT is broken into eight main subdirectories, as shown
in Figure 10. These directories organize the files and data used to run GMAT, including binary
libraries, data files, texture maps, and 3D models. The only two files in the GMAT root directory
are license.txt, which contains the text of the Apache License 2.0, and README.txt, which
contains user information for the current GMAT release. A summary of the contents of each
subdirectory is provided in the sections below.

Figure 10. GMAT Root Directory Structure


The bin directory contains all binary files required for the core functionality of GMAT. These
libraries include the executable file (GMAT.exe on Windows, GMAT.app on the Mac, and GMAT
on Linux) and platform-specific support libraries. The bin directory also contains two text files:
gmat_startup_file.txt and gmat.ini. The startup file is discussed in detail in a separate
section below. The gmat.ini file is used to configure some GUI panels, set paths to external
web links, and define GUI tooltip messages.


The data directory contains all required data files to run GMAT and is organized according to
data type, as shown in Figure 11 and described below.

Using GMAT Configuring GMAT

Figure 11. GMAT Data Directory Structure

The graphics directory contains data files for GMAT’s visualization utilities, as well as appli-
cation icons and images. The splash directory contains the GMAT splash screen that is dis-
played briefly while GMAT is initializing. The stars directory contains a star catalogue used
for displaying stars in 3D graphics. The texture folder contains texture maps used for the 2D
and 3D graphics resources. The icons directory contains graphics files for icons and images
loaded at run time, such as the GMAT logo and GUI icons.

The gravity directory contains gravity coefficient files for each body with a default non-spher-
ical gravity model. Within each directory, the coefficient files are named according to the model
they represent, and use the extension .cof.

The gui_config directory contains files for configuring some of the GUI dialog boxes for
GMAT resources and commands. These files allow you to easily create a GUI panel for a user-
provided plugin, and are also used by some of the built-in GUI panels.

The planetary_coeff directory contains the Earth orientation parameters (EOP) provided
by the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) and nutation coefficients for different nuta-
tion theories.

The planetary_ephem directory contains planetary ephemeris data in both DE and SPK
formats. The de directory contains the binary digital ephemeris DE405 files for the 8 planets,
the Moon, and Pluto developed and distributed by JPL. The spk directory contains the DE421
SPICE kernel and kernels for selected comets, asteroids and moons. All ephemeris files distrib-
uted with GMAT are in the little-endian format.

The time directory contains the JPL leap second kernel naif0010.tls and the GMAT leap
second file tai-utc.dat.

The vehicle directory contains ephemeris data and 3D models for selected spacecraft. The
ephem directory contains SPK ephemeris files, including orbit, attitude, frame, and time kernels.
The models directory contains 3D model files in 3DS or POV format for use by GMAT’s
OrbitView visualization resource.

The docs directory contains end-user documentation, including draft PDF versions of the
Mathematical Specification, Architectural Specification, and Estimation Specification. The

Configuring GMAT Using GMAT

GMAT User’s Guide is available in the help directory in PDF and HTML formats, and as a
Windows HTML Help file.


The extras directory contains various extra convenience files that are helpful for working with
GMAT but aren't part of the core codebase. The only file here so far is a syntax coloring file for
the GMAT scripting language in the Notepad++ text editor.


The matlab directory contains M-files required for GMAT’s MATLAB interfaces, including
the interface to the fmincon optimizer. All files in the matlab directory and its subdirectories
must be included in your MATLAB path for the MATLAB interfaces to function properly.


The output directory is the default location for file output such as ephemeris files and report
files. If no path information is provided for reports or ephemeris files created during a GMAT
session, then those files will be written to the output folder.


The plugins directory contains optional plugins that are not required for use of GMAT. The
proprietary directory is used for for third-party libraries that cannot be distributed freely
and is an empty folder in the open source distribution.


The samples directory contains over 45 sample missions, ranging from a Hohmann transfer to
libration point station-keeping to Mars B-plane targeting. Example files begin with "Ex_" and
files that corresponde to GMAT tutorials begin with "Tut_". These files are intended to demon-
strate GMAT’s capabilities and to provide you with a potential starting point for building com-
mon mission types for your application and flight regime. Samples with specific requirements
are located in subdirectories such as NeedMatlab and NeedVF13ad.


The userfunctions directory contains MATLAB functions that are included in the GMAT
distribution. You can also store your own custom MATLAB functions in this folders.

Configuring Data Files

You can configure the data files GMAT loads at run time by editing the
gmat_startup_file.txt file located in the bin directory. The startup file contains path
information for data files such as ephemeris, Earth orientation parameters and graphics files.
By editing the startup file, you can customize which files are loaded and used during a GMAT
session. Below we describe the customization features available in the startup file. The order of
lines in the startup file does not matter.

For all details, see the Startup File reference.

Using GMAT Configuring GMAT

Leap Second and EOP files

GMAT reads several files that are used for high fidelity modelling of time and coordinate systems:
the leap second files and the Earth orientation parameters (EOP) provided by the IERS. The
EOP file is updated daily by the IERS. To update your local file with the latest data, simply replace
the file eopc04_08.62-now in the data/planetary_coeff directory. Updated versions
of this file are available from the IERS.

There are two leap second files provided with GMAT in the data/time directory. The
naif0010.tls file is used by the JPL SPICE libraries when computing ephemerides. When a
new leap second is added, you can replace this file with the new file from NAIF. GMAT reads
the tai-utc.dat file for all time computations requiring leap seconds that are not performed
by the SPICE utilities. When a new leap second is added, you can replace this file with the new
file from the US Naval Observatory. In addtion, you can modify the file if a new leap second
is added by simply duplicating the last row and updating it with the correct information for the
new leap second. For example, if a new leapsecond were added on 01 Jul 2013, you would add
the following line to the bottom of tai-utc.dat:

2013 JUL 1 =JD 2456474.5 TAI-UTC= 35.0 S + (MJD - 41317.) X 0.0

Loading Custom Plugins

Custom plugins are loaded by adding a line to the startup file (bin/
gmat_startup_file.txt) specifying the name and location of the plugin file. In order for
a plugin to work with GMAT, the plugin library must be placed in the folder referenced in the
startup file. For all details, see the Startup File reference.

Configuring the MATLAB Inteface

GMAT contains an interface to MATLAB. See the MATLAB Interface reference to configure
the MATLAB interface.

User-defined Function Paths

If you create custom MATLAB functions, you can provide the path to those files and GMAT
will locate them at run time. The default startup file is configured so you can place MATLAB
functions (with a .m extension) in the userfunctions/matlab directory. GMAT automati-
cally searches that location at run time. You can change the location of the search path to your
MATLAB functions by changing these lines in your startup file to reflect the location of your
files with respect to the GMAT bin folder:

MATLAB_FUNCTION_PATH = ../userfunctions/matlab

If you wish to organize your custom functions in multiple folders, you can add multiple search
paths to the startup file. For example,

MATLAB_FUNCTION_PATH = ../MyFunctions/utils
MATLAB_FUNCTION_PATH = ../MyFunctions/StateConversion
MATLAB_FUNCTION_PATH = ../MyFunctions/TimeConversion

GMAT will search the paths in the order specified in the startup file and will use the first function
with a matching name.

The Tutorials section contains in-depth tutorials that show you how to use GMAT for end-to-end analysis.
The tutorials are designed to teach you how to use GMAT in the context of performing real-world analysis
and are intended to take between 30 minutes and several hours to complete. Each tutorial has a difficulty
level and an approximate duration listed with any prerequisites in its introduction, and are arranged in a
general order of difficulty.

Here is a summary of selected Tutorials. For a complete list of tutorials see the Tutorials chapter.

The Simulating an Orbit tutorial is the first tutorial you should take to learn how to use GMAT to solve
mission design problems. You will learn how to specify an orbit and propagate to orbit periapsis.

The Mars B-Plane Targeting tutorial shows how to use GMAT to design a Mars transfer trajectory by targeting
desired B-plane conditions at Mars.

The Target Finite Burn to Raise Apogee tutorial shows how to raise orbit apogee using finite maneuver targeting.

Simulating an Orbit
Audience Beginner
Length 30 minutes
Prerequisites None
Script File Tut_SimulatingAnOrbit.script

Objective and Overview

The most fundamental capability of GMAT is to propagate, or simulate the orbital
motion of, spacecraft. The ability to propagate spacecraft is used in nearly every
practical aspect of space mission analysis, from simple orbital predictions (e.g. When
will the International Space Station be over my house?) to complex analyses that
determine the thruster firing sequence required to send a spacecraft to the Moon
or Mars.

This tutorial will teach you how to use GMAT to propagate a spacecraft. You will learn how to
configure Spacecraft and Propagator resources, and how to use the Propagate command to
propagate the spacecraft to orbit periapsis, which is the point of minimum distance between the
spacecraft and Earth. The basic steps in this tutorial are:

1. Configure a Spacecraft and define its epoch and orbital elements.

2. Configure a Propagator.
3. Modify the default OrbitView plot to visualize the spacecraft trajectory.
4. Modify the Propagate command to propagate the spacecraft to periapsis.
5. Run the mission and analyze the results.

Configure the Spacecraft

In this section, you will rename the default Spacecraft and set the Spacecraft’s initial epoch and
classical orbital elements. You’ll need GMAT open, with the default mission loaded. To load the
default mission, click New Mission ( ) or start a new GMAT session.

Rename the Spacecraft

1. In the Resources tree, right-click DefaultSC and click Rename.
2. Type Sat.
3. Click OK.

Set the Spacecraft Epoch

1. In the Resources tree, double-click Sat. Click the Orbit tab if it is not already selected.
2. In the Epoch Format list, select UTCGregorian. You’ll see the value in the Epoch field
change to the UTC Gregorian epoch format.
3. In in the Epoch box, type 22 Jul 2014 11:29:10.811. This field is case-sensitive, and
must be entered in the exact format shown.
4. Click Apply or press the ENTER key to save these changes.

Tutorials Simulating an Orbit

Set the Keplerian Orbital Elements

1. In the StateType list, select Keplerian. In the Elements list, you will see the GUI reconfigure
to display the Keplerian state representation.
2. In the SMA box, type 83474.318.
3. Set the remaining orbital elements as shown in the table below.

Table 1. Sat Orbit State Settings

Field Value
ECC 0.89652
INC 12.4606
RAAN 292.8362
AOP 218.9805
TA 180

4. Click OK.
5. Click Save ( ). If this is the first time you have saved the mission, you’ll be prompted to
provide a name and location for the file.

Figure 12. Spacecraft State Setup

Configure the Propagator

In this section you’ll rename the default Propagator and configure the force model.

Simulating an Orbit Tutorials

Rename the Propagator

1. In the Resources tree, right-click DefaultProp and click Rename.
2. Type LowEarthProp.
3. Click OK.

Configure the Force Model

For this tutorial you will use an Earth 10×10 spherical harmonic model, the Jacchia-Roberts
atmospheric model, solar radiation pressure, and point mass perturbations from the Sun and

1. In the Resources tree, double-click LowEarthProp.

2. Under Gravity, in the Degree box, type 10.
3. In the Order box, type 10.
4. In Atmosphere Model list, click JacchiaRoberts.
5. Click the Select button next to the Point Masses box. This opens the CelesBodySelect-
Dialog window.
6. In the Available Bodies list, click Sun, then click -> to add Sun to the Selected Bodies list.
7. Add the moon (named Luna in GMAT) in the same way.
8. Click OK to close the CelesBodySelectDialog.
9. Select Use Solar Radiation Pressure to toggle it on. Your screen should now match Fig-
ure 13.
10.Click OK.

Figure 13. Force Model Configuration

Configuring the Orbit View Plot

Now you will configure an OrbitView plot so you can visualize Sat and its trajectory. The orbit
of Sat is highly eccentric. To view the entire orbit at once, we need to adjust the settings of

1. In the Resources tree, double-click DefaultOrbitView.

Tutorials Simulating an Orbit

2. In the three boxes to the right of View Point Vector, type the values -60000, 30000, and
20000 respectively.
3. Under Drawing Option to the left, clear Draw XY Plane. Your screen should now match
Figure 14.
4. Click OK.

Figure 14. DefaultOrbitView Configuration

Configure the Propagate Command

This is the last step before running the mission. Below you will configure a Propagate command
to propagate (or simulate the motion of) Sat to orbit periapsis.

1. Click the Mission tab to display the Mission tree.

2. Double-click Propagate1.
3. Under Stopping Conditions, click the (...) button to the left of Sat.ElapsedSecs. This will
display the ParameterSelectDialog window.
4. In the Object List box, click Sat if it is not already selected. This directs GMAT to associate
the stopping condition with the spacecraft Sat.
5. In the Object Properties list, double-click Periapsis to add it to the Selected Values list.
This is shown in Figure 15.

Simulating an Orbit Tutorials

Figure 15. Propagate Command ParameterSelectDialog Configuration

6. Click OK. Your screen should now match Figure 16.

7. Click OK.

Figure 16. Propagate Command Configuration

Run and Analyze the Results

Congratulations, you have now configured your first GMAT mission and are ready to run the
mission and analyze the results.

Tutorials Simulating an Orbit

1. Click Save ( ) to save your mission.

2. Click the Run ( ).

You will see GMAT propagate the orbit and stop at orbit periapsis. Figure 17 illustrates what you
should see after correctly completing this tutorial. Here are a few things you can try to explore
the results of this tutorial:

1. Manipulate the DefaultOrbitView plot using your mouse to orient the trajectory so that
you can to verify that at the final location the spacecraft is at periapsis. See the OrbitView
reference for details.
2. Display the command summary:

1. Click the Mission tab to display the Mission tree.

2. Right-click Propagate1 and select Command Summary to see data on the final state
of Sat.
3. Use the Coordinate System list to change the coordinate system in which the data is
3. Click Start Animation ( ) to animate the mission and watch the orbit propagate from the
initial state to periapsis.

Figure 17. Orbit View Plot after Mission Run


Simple Orbit Transfer

Audience Beginner
Length 30 minutes
Prerequisites Complete Simulating an Orbit
Script File Tut_SimpleOrbitTransfer.script

Objective and Overview

One of the most common problems in space mission design is to design a trans-
fer from one circular orbit to another circular orbit that lie within the same orbital
plane. Circular coplanar transfers are used to raise low-Earth orbits that have de-
graded due to the effects of atmospheric drag. They are also used to transfer from a
low-Earth orbit to a geosynchronous orbit and to send spacecraft to Mars. There is
a well known sequence of maneuvers, called the Hohmann transfer, that performs
a circular, coplanar transfer using the least possible amount of fuel. A Hohmann
transfer employs two maneuvers. The first maneuver raises the orbital apoapsis (or
lowers orbital periapsis) to the desired altitude and places the spacecraft in an ellip-
tical transfer orbit. At the apoapsis (or periapsis) of the elliptical transfer orbit, a
second maneuver is applied to circularize the orbit at the final altitude.

In this tutorial, we will use GMAT to perform a Hohmann transfer from a low-Earth parking
orbit to a geosynchronous mission orbit. This requires a targeting sequence to determine the
required maneuver magnitudes to achieve the desired final orbit conditions. In order to focus
on the configuration of the targeter, we will make extensive use of the default configurations for
spacecraft, propagators, and maneuvers.

The target sequence employs two velocity-direction maneuvers and two propagation sequences.
The purpose of the first maneuver is to raise orbit apoapsis to 42,165 km, the geosynchronous
radius. The purpose of the second maneuver is to nearly circularize the orbit and yield a final
eccentricity of 0.005. The basic steps of this tutorial are:

1. Create and configure a DifferentialCorrector resource.

2. Modify the DefaultOrbitView to visualize the trajectory.
3. Create two ImpulsiveBurn resources with default settings.
4. Create a Target sequence to (1) raise apoapsis to geosynchronous altitude and (2) circularize
the orbit.
5. Run the mission and analyze the results.

Configure Maneuvers, Differential Corrector, and Graphics

For this tutorial, you’ll need GMAT open, with the default mission loaded. To load the default
mission, click New Mission ( ) or start a new GMAT session. We will use the default config-
urations for the spacecraft (DefaultSC), the propagator (DefaultProp), and the two maneuvers.
DefaultSC is configured by default to a near-circular orbit, and DefaultProp is configured to
use Earth as the central body with a nonspherical gravity model of degree and order 4. You may
want to open the dialog boxes for these objects and inspect them more closely as we will leave
them at their default settings.

Tutorials Simple Orbit Transfer

Create the Differential Corrector

The Target sequence we will create later needs a DifferentialCorrector resource to operate, so
let’s create one now. We'll leave the settings at their defaults.

1. In the Resource tree, expand the Solvers folder if it isn’t already.

2. Right-click the Boundary Value Solvers folder, point to Add, and click DifferentialCor-
rector. A new resource called DC1 will be created.

Modify the Default Orbit View

We need to make minor modifications to DefaultOrbitView so that the entire final orbit will
fit in the graphics window.

1. In the Resource Tree, double-click DefaultOrbitView to edit its properties.

2. Set the values shown in the table below.

Table 2. DefaultOrbitView settings

Field Value
Solver Iterations, under Drawing Option Current
Axis, under View Up Defintion X
View Point Vector boxes, under View Definition 0, 0, and 120000 respectively

3. Click OK to save these changes.

Create the Maneuvers.

We’ll need two ImpulsiveBurn resources for this tutorial, both using default values. Below, we’ll
rename the default ImpulsiveBurn and create a new one.

1. In the Resources tree, right-click DefaultIB and click Rename.

2. In the Rename box, type TOI, an acronym for Transfer Orbit Insertion, and click OK.
3. Right-click the Burns folder, point to Add, and click ImpulsiveBurn.
4. Rename the new ImpulsiveBurn1 resource to GOI, an acronym for Geosynchronous Orbit

Configure the Mission Sequence

Now we will configure a Target sequence to solve for the maneuver values required to raise
the orbit to geosynchronous altitude and circularize the orbit. We’ll begin by creating an initial
Propagate command, then the Target sequence itself, then the final Propagate command.
To allow us to focus on the Target sequence, we’ll assume you have already learned how to
propagate an orbit to a desired condition by working through the Simulating an Orbit tutorial.

Configure the Initial Propagate Command

1. Click on the Mission tab to show the Mission tree.
2. Configure Propagate1 to propagate to DefaultSC.Earth.Periapsis.
3. Rename Propagate1 to Prop To Periapsis.

Simple Orbit Transfer Tutorials

Create the Target Sequence

Now create the commands necessary to perform the Target sequence. Figure 18 illustrates the
configuration of the Mission tree after you have completed the steps in this section. We’ll discuss
the Target sequence after it has been created.

Figure 18. Final Mission Sequence for the Hohmann Transfer

To create the Target sequence:

1. In the Mission tree, right-click Prop To Periapsis, point to Insert After, and click Target.
This will insert two separate commands: Target1 and EndTarget1.
2. Right-click Target1 and click Rename.
3. Type Hohmann Transfer and click OK.
4. Right-click Hohmann Transfer, point to Append, and click Vary.
5. Rename Vary1 to Vary TOI.
6. Complete the Target sequence by appending the commands in Table 3.

Table 3. Additional Target Sequence Commands

Command Name
Maneuver Perform TOI
Propagate Prop To Apoapsis
Achieve Achieve RMAG = 42165
Vary Vary GOI
Maneuver Perform GOI
Achieve Achieve ECC = 0.005

Tutorials Simple Orbit Transfer

Let’s discuss what the Target sequence does. We know that two maneuvers are re-
quired to perform the Hohmann transfer. We also know that for our current mis-
sion, the final orbit radius must be 42,165 km and the final orbital eccentricity must
be 0.005. However, we don’t know the size (or ΔV magnitudes) of the maneuvers
that precisely achieve the desired orbital conditions. You use the Target sequence
to solve for those precise maneuver values. You must tell GMAT what controls
are available (in this case, two maneuvers) and what conditions must be satisfied
(in this case, a specific orbital radius and eccentricity). You accomplish this using
the Vary and Achieve commands. Using the Vary command, you tell GMAT what
to solve for—in this case, the ΔV values for TOI and GOI. You use the Achieve
command to tell GMAT what conditions the solution must satisfy—in this case,
the final orbital conditions.

Create the Final Propagate Command

We need a Propagate command after the Target sequence so that we can see our final orbit.

1. In the Mission tree, right-click End Hohmann Transfer, point to Insert After, and click
Propagate. A new Propagate3 command will appear.
2. Rename Propagate3 to Prop One Day.
3. Double-click Prop One Day to edit its properties.
4. Under Condition, replace the value 12000.0 with 86400, the number of seconds in one
5. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 19. Prop One Day Command Configuration

Configure the Target Sequence

Now that the structure is created, we need to configure the various parts of the Target sequence
to do what we want.

Simple Orbit Transfer Tutorials

Configure the Vary TOI Command

1. Double-click Vary TOI to edit its properties. Notice that the variable in the Variable box
is TOI.Element1, which by default is the velocity component of TOI in the local Veloc-
ity-Normal-Binormal (VNB) coordinate system. That’s what we need, so we’ll keep it.
2. In the Initial Value box, type 1.0.
3. In the Max Step box, type 0.5.
4. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 20. Vary TOI Command Configuration

Configure the Perform TOI Command

1. Double-click Perform TOI to edit its properties. Notice that the command is already set to
apply the TOI burn to the DefaultSC spacecraft, so we don’t need to change anything here.
2. Click OK.

Figure 21. Perform TOI Command Configuration

Configure the Prop to Apoapsis Command

1. Double-click Prop to Apoapsis to edit its properties.

2. Under Parameter, replace DefaultSC.ElapsedSecs with
3. Click OK to save these changes.

Tutorials Simple Orbit Transfer

Figure 22. Prop to Apoapsis Command Configuration

Configure the Achieve RMAG = 42165 Command

1. Double-click Achieve RMAG = 42165 to edit its properties.

2. Notice that Goal is set to DefaultSC.Earth.RMAG. This is what we need, so we make
no changes here.
3. In the Value box, type 42164.169, a more precise number for the radius of a geosynchro-
nous orbit (in kilometers).
4. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 23. Achieve RMAG = 42165 Command Configuration

Configure the Vary GOI Command

1. Double-click Vary GOI to edit its properties.

2. Next to Variable, click the Edit button.
3. Under Object List, click GOI.
4. In the Object Properties list, double-click Element1 to move it to the Selected Value(s)
list. See the image below for results.

Simple Orbit Transfer Tutorials

Figure 24. Vary GOI Parameter Selection

5. Click OK to close the ParameterSelectDialog window.

6. In the Initial Value box, type 1.0.
7. In the MaxStep text box, type 0.2.
8. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 25. Vary GOI Command Configuration

Configure the Perform GOI Command

1. Double-click Perform GOI to edit its properties.

2. In the Burn list, click GOI.
3. Click OK to save these changes.

Tutorials Simple Orbit Transfer

Figure 26. Perform GOI Command Configuration

Configure the Achieve ECC = 0.005 Command

1. Double-click Achieve ECC = 0.005 to edit its properties.

2. Next to Goal, click the Edit button.
3. In the Object Properties list, double-click ECC.
4. Click OK to close the ParameterSelectDialog window.
5. In the Value box, type 0.005.
6. In the Tolerance box, type 0.0001.
7. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 27. Achieve ECC = 0.005 Command Configuration

Run the Mission

Before running the mission, click Save ( ) and save the mission to a file of your choice. Now
click Run ( ). As the mission runs, you will see GMAT solve the targeting problem. Each iter-
ation and perturbation is shown in DefaultOrbitView window in light blue, and the final solu-
tion is shown in red. After the mission completes, the 3D view should appear as in to the image
shown below. You may want to run the mission several times to see the targeting in progress.

Simple Orbit Transfer Tutorials

Figure 28. 3D View of Hohmann Transfer

If you were to continue developing this mission, you can store the final solution of the Target
sequence as the initial conditions of the TOI and GOI resources themselves, so that if you make
small changes, the subsequent runs will take less time. To do this, follow these steps:

1. In the Mission tree, double-click Hohmann Transfer to edit its properties.

2. Click Apply Corrections.
3. Now re-run the mission. If you inspect the results in the message window, you will see
that the Target sequence converges in one iteration because you stored the solution as the
initial condition.


Target Finite Burn to Raise Apogee

Audience Intermediate level
Length 45 minutes
Prerequisites Complete Simulating an Orbit and Simple Orbit Transfer
Script File Tut_Target_Finite_Burn_to_Raise_Apogee.script

Objective and Overview

One of the most common operational problems in space mission design is the de-
sign of a finite burn that achieves a given orbital goal. A finite burn model, as op-
posed to the idealized impulsive burn model used for preliminary design, is needed
to accurately model actual spacecraft maneuvers.

In this tutorial, we will use GMAT to perform a finite burn for a spacecraft in low Earth orbit.
 The goal of this finite burn is to achieve a certain desired apogee radius.  Since the most efficient
orbital location to affect apoapsis is at periapsis, the first step in this tutorial is to propagate the
spacecraft to perigee.

To calculate the duration of the perigee burn needed to achieve a desired apogee radius of 12000
km, we must create the appropriate targeting sequence.  The main portion of the target sequence
employs a Begin/End FiniteBurn command pair, for a velocity direction maneuver, followed
by a command to propagate the spacecraft to orbit apogee.

The basic steps of this tutorial are:

1. Create and configure the Spacecraft hardware and FiniteBurn resources

2. Create the DifferentialCorrector and Target Control Variable
3. Configure the Mission Sequence. To do this, we will

a. Create Begin/End FiniteBurn commands with default settings.

b. Create a Target sequence to achieve a 12000 km apogee radius.
4. Run the mission and analyze the results.

Create and Configure Spacecraft Hardware and Finite Burn

For this tutorial, you’ll need GMAT open with the default mission loaded. To load the default
mission, click New Mission ( ) or start a new GMAT session. We will use the default config-
urations for the spacecraft (DefaultSC) and the propagator (DefaultProp). DefaultSC is con-
figured by default to a near-circular orbit, and DefaultProp is configured to use Earth as the
central body with a nonspherical gravity model of degree and order 4. You may want to open
the dialog boxes for these objects and inspect them more closely as we will leave them at their
default settings.

Create a Thruster and a Fuel Tank

To model thrust and fuel use associated with a finite burn, we must create a Thruster and a
FuelTank and then attach the newly created FuelTank to the Thruster.

Tutorials Target Finite Burn to Raise

1. In the Resources tree, right-click on the Hardware folder, point to Add, and click
Thruster.  A resource named Thruster1 will be created.
2. In the Resources tree, right-click on the Hardware folder, point to Add, and click Fu-
elTank.  A resource named FuelTank1 will be created.
3. Double-click Thruster1 to edit its properties.
4. Select the Decrement Mass box so that GMAT will model fuel use associated with a finite
5. Use the drop down menu to the right of the Tank field to select FuelTank1 as the fuel
source for Thruster1.  Click OK.

Figure  29 below shows the default FuelTank1 configuration that we will use and Figure  30
shows the finished Thruster1 configuration.

Figure 29. FuelTank1 Configuration

Target Finite Burn to Raise Tutorials

Figure 30. Thruster1 Configuration

Note that the default Thruster1 Coordinate System, as shown in Figure 30, is Earth-based
Velocity, Normal, Bi-normal (VNB) and that the default Thrust Vector of (1,0,0) represents our
desired velocity oriented maneuver direction.

For a general finite burn, if desired, we can specify how both the thrust and the fuel use depend
upon fuel tank pressure. The user does this by inputting coefficients of certain pre-defined poly-
nomials. To view the values for the thrust coefficients, click the Edit Thruster Coef. button
and to view the ISP coefficients which determine fuel use, click the Edit Impulse Coef. button.
For this tutorial, we will use the default ISP polynomial coefficient values but we will change the
Thruster1 polynomial coefficients as follows.

Modify Thruster1 Thrust Coefficients

1. In the Resources tree, double-click Thruster1 to edit its properties

2. Click the Edit Thruster Coef. button to bring up the ThrusterCoefficientDialog box,
shown in Figure 31. Replace the default C1 coefficient value of 10 with 1000. Click OK.

Tutorials Target Finite Burn to Raise

Figure 31. Thruster1 Thrust Coefficients

The exact form of the pre-defined Thrust polynomial, associated with the coefficients above,
are given in the Thruster help. We note that, by default, all of the Thrust coefficients associated
with terms that involve tank pressure are zero. We have kept the default zero values for all of
these coefficients. We simply changed the constant term in the Thrust polynomial from 10 to
1000 which is much larger than the thrust for a typical chemical thruster. The Thrust and ISP
polynomials used in this tutorial are shown below.

Thrust = 1000 (Newtons)

ISP = 300 (seconds)

Attach FuelTank1 and Thruster1 to DefaultSC

1. In the Resources tree, double-click DefaultSC to edit its properties.

2. Select the Tanks tab. In the Available Tanks column, select FuelTank1. Then click the
right arrow button to add FuelTank1 to the SelectedTanks list. Click Apply.
3. Select the Actuators tab. In the Available Thrusters column, select Thruster1. Then click
the right arrow button to add Thruster1 to the SelectedThrusters list. Click OK.

Target Finite Burn to Raise Tutorials

Figure 32. Attach FuelTank1 to DefaultSC

Figure 33. Attach Thruster1 to DefaultSC

Tutorials Target Finite Burn to Raise

Create the Finite Burn Maneuver

We’ll need a single FiniteBurn resource for this tutorial.

1. In the Resources tree, right-click the Burns folder and add a FiniteBurn. A resource
named FiniteBurn1 will be created.
2. Double-click FiniteBurn1 to edit its properties.
3. Use the menu to the right of the Thruster field to select Thruster1 as the thruster asso-
ciated with FiniteBurn1. Click OK.

Figure 34. Creation of FiniteBurn Resource FiniteBurn1

Create the Differential Corrector and Target Control Variable

The Target sequence we will create later needs a DifferentialCorrector resource to operate, so
let’s create one now. We'll leave the settings at their defaults.

1. In the Resources tree, expand the Solvers folder if it isn’t already.

2. Right-click the Boundary Value Solvers folder, point to Add, and click DifferentialCor-
rector. A new resource called DC1 will be created.

The Target sequence we will later create uses the Vary command to adjust a user defined target
control variable in order to achieve the desired orbital goal of raising apogee to 12000 km. We
must first create this variable which we will name BurnDuration.

1. In the Resources tree, right-click the Variables/Arrays/Strings folder, point to Add, and
click Variable. A new window will come up with two input fields, Variable Name and
Variable Value. For Variable Name, input BurnDuration and for Variable Value, input
0. Click the Create button and then the Close button.
2. To verify that we have created this new variable correctly, double-click BurnDuration to
view its properties.

Figure 35. Creation of Variable Resource, BurnDuration

Target Finite Burn to Raise Tutorials

Configure the Mission Sequence

Now we will configure a Target sequence to solve for the finite burn duration required to raise
apogee to 12000 km. We’ll begin by creating the initial Propagate command, then the Target
sequence itself.

Configure the Initial Propagate Command

1. Click on the Mission tab to show the Mission tree.
2. Configure Propagate1 to propagate to DefaultSC.Earth.Periapsis.
3. Rename Propagate1 to Prop To Perigee.

Figure 36. Prop To Perigee Command Configuration

Create the Target Sequence

Now create the commands necessary to perform the Target sequence. Figure 37 illustrates the
configuration of the Mission tree after we have completed the steps in this section. We’ll discuss
the Target sequence after it has been created.

Figure 37. Final Mission Sequence

To create the Target sequence:

1. In the Mission tree, right-click Prop To Perigee, point to Insert After, and click Target.
This will insert two separate commands: Target1 and EndTarget1.
2. Right-click Target1 and click Rename. Type Raise Apogee and click OK.

Tutorials Target Finite Burn to Raise

3. Right-click Raise Apogee, point to Append, and click Vary. Rename the newly created
command as Vary Burn Duration.
4. Right-click Vary Burn Duration, point to Insert After, and click BeginFiniteBurn. Re-
name the newly created command as Turn Thruster On.
5. Complete the Target sequence by inserting the commands shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Additional Target Sequence Commands

Command Name
Propagate Prop BurnDuration
EndFiniteBurn Turn Thruster Off
Propagate Prop To Apogee
Achieve Achieve Apogee Radius = 12000

Configure the Target Sequence

Now that the structure is created, we need to configure the various parts of the Target sequence
to do what we want.

Configure the Raise Apogee Command

1. Double-click Raise Apogee to edit its properties.
2. In the ExitMode list, click SaveAndContinue. This instructs GMAT to save the final
solution of the targeting problem after you run it.
3. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 38. Raise Apogee Command Configuration

Configure the Vary Burn Duration Command

1. Double-click Vary Burn Duration to edit its properties. We want this command to adjust
(or “Vary”) the finite burn duration represented by the previously created control variable,
BurnDuration. To accomplish this, click on the Edit button to bring up the Parame-
terSelectDialog. Use the ObjectType menu to select the Variable object type. The Ob-
jectList menu will then display a list of user defined variables. Double-click on the variable,
BurnDuration, so that BurnDuration appears in the SelectedValues(s) menu. Click the
OK button to save the changes and return to the Vary Burn Duration command menu.
2. In the Initial Value box, type 200

Target Finite Burn to Raise Tutorials

3. In the Upper box, type 10000

4. In the Max Step box, type 100.
5. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 39. Vary Burn Duration Command Configuration

Configure the Turn Thruster On Command

1. Double-click Turn Thruster On to edit its properties. Notice that the command is already
set to apply FiniteBurn1 to the DefaultSC spacecraft, so we don’t need to change anything
2. Click OK.

Figure 40. Turn Thruster On Command Configuration

Configure the Prop BurnDuration Command

1. Double-click Prop BurnDuration to edit its properties.

2. We will use the default Parameter value of DefaultSC.ElapsedSecs.
3. Under Condition, replace the default value with Variable, BurnDuration.
4. Click OK to save these changes.

Tutorials Target Finite Burn to Raise

Figure 41. Prop BurnDuration Command Configuration

Configure the Turn Thruster Off Command

1. Double-click Turn Thruster Off to edit its properties. Notice that the command is already
set to end FiniteBurn1 as applied to the DefaultSC spacecraft, so we don’t need to change
anything here..
2. Click OK.

Figure 42. Turn Thruster Off Command Configuration

Configure the Prop To Apogee Command

1. Double-click Prop to Apogee to edit its properties.

2. Under Parameter, replace DefaultSC.ElapsedSecs with DefaultSC.Earth.Apoapsis.
3. Click OK to save these changes.

Target Finite Burn to Raise Tutorials

Figure 43. Prop To Apogee Command Configuration

Configure the Achieve Apogee Radius = 12000 Command

1. Double-click Achieve Apogee Radius = 12000 to edit its properties.
2. Notice that Goal is set to DefaultSC.Earth.RMAG. This is what we need, so we make
no changes here.
3. In the Value box, type 12000
4. Click OK to save these changes

Figure 44. Achieve Apogee Radius = 12000 Command Configuration

Run the Mission

Before running the mission, click Save to save the mission to a file of your choice. Now click
Run. As the mission runs, you will see GMAT solve the targeting problem. Each iteration and
perturbation is shown in DefaultOrbitView window in light blue, and the final solution is shown
in red. After the mission completes, the 3D view should appear as shown in the image shown
below. You may want to run the mission several times to see the targeting in progress.

Inspect Orbit View and Message Window

Inspect the 3D DefaultOrbitView window. Manipulate the window as needed to view the orbit
"face-on." Visually verify that apogee has indeed been raised.

Tutorials Target Finite Burn to Raise

Figure 45. 3D View of Finite Burn to Raise Apogee

As shown below, we inspect the output message window to determine the number of iterations
it took the DifferentialCorrector to converge and the final value of the control variable, Burn-
Duration. Verify that you obtained a similar value for BurnDuration.

*** Targeting Completed in 13 iterations

Final Variable values:

BurnDuration = 1213.19316329

Explore the Command Summary Reports

All of the commands in the Mission tree have associated Command Summary reports. As
shown below, we review these reports to help verify that our script performed as expected.

1. In the Mission tree, select Prop To Perigee, then right-click to open the associated Com-
mand Summary which describes the state of DefaultSC after the Prop To Perigee com-
mand has been performed. We verify perigee has indeed been achieved by finding the mean
anomaly value of DefaultSC. To do this, we look at the value of MA under the Keplerian
State. As expected, the mean anomaly is zero.
2. View the Turn Thruster On command summary. Note that, as expected, prior to the start
of the maneuver, the fuel mass is 756 kg.
3. View the Turn Thruster Off command summary.

a. Note that the mean anomaly at the end of the maneuver is 25.13 degrees. Thus, as
the burn occurred, the mean anomaly increased from 0 to 25.13 degrees. By orbital
theory, we know that an apogee raising burn is best performed at perigee. Thus, we
may be able to achieve our orbital goal using less fuel if we “center” the burn. For
example, we could try starting our burn at a mean anomaly of –(25.13/2) instead
of 0 degrees.
b. Note that, at the end of the maneuver, the fuel mass is 343.76990815648 kg. Thus,
this finite burn used approximately 756 – 343.8 = 412.2 kg of fuel.

Target Finite Burn to Raise Tutorials

4. View the Prop To Apogee command summary.

a. We note that the mean anomaly is 180 degrees which proves that we are indeed at
b. We note that the orbital radius (RMAG) is 11999.999998192 km which proves
that we have achieved our desired 12000 km apogee radius to within our desired
tolerance of 0.1 km.


Mars B-Plane Targeting

Audience Advanced
Length 75 minutes
Prerequisites Complete Simulating an Orbit, Simple Orbit Transfer and a basic understand-
ing of B-Planes and their usage in targeting is required.
Script File Tut_Mars_B_Plane_Targeting.script

Objective and Overview

One of the most challenging problems in space mission design is to design an in-
terplanetary transfer trajectory that takes the spacecraft within a very close vicinity
of the target planet. One possible approach that puts the spacecraft close to a target
planet is by targeting the B-Plane of that planet. The B-Plane is a planar coordinate
system that allows targeting during a gravity assist. It can be thought of as a target
attached to the assisting body. In addition, it must be perpendicular to the incoming
asymptote of the approach hyperbola. Figure 46 and Figure 47 show the geome-
try of the B-Plane and B-vector as seen from a viewpoint perpendicular to orbit
plane. To read more on B-Planes, please consult the GMATMathSpec document. A
good example involving the use of B-Plane targeting is a mission to Mars. Sending a
spacecraft to Mars can be achieved by performing a Trajectory Correction Maneu-
ver (TCM) that targets Mars B-Plane. Once the spacecraft gets close to Mars, then
an orbit insertion maneuver can be performed to capture into Mars orbit.

Figure 46. Geometry of the B-Plane as seen

from a viewpoint perpendicular to the B-Plane

Tutorials Mars B-Plane Targeting

Figure 47. The B-vector as seen from a

viewpoint perpendicular to orbit plane

In this tutorial, we will use GMAT to model a mission to Mars. Starting from an out-going
hyperbolic trajectory around Earth, we will perform a TCM to target Mars B-Plane. Once we are
close to Mars, we will adjust the size of the maneuver to perform a Mars Orbit Insertion (MOI) to
achieve a final elliptical orbit with an inclination of 90 degrees. Meeting these mission objectives
requires us to create two separate targeting sequences. In order to focus on the configuration
of the two targeters, we will make extensive use of the default configurations for spacecraft,
propagators, and maneuvers.

The first target sequence employs maneuvers in the Earth-based Velocity (V), Normal (N) and
Bi-normal (B) directions and includes four propagation sequences. The purpose of the maneu-
vers in VNB directions is to target BdotT and BdotR components of the B-vector. BdotT is
targeted to 0 km and BdotR is targeted to a non-zero value to generate a polar orbit that has
inclination of 90 degrees. BdotR is targeted to -7000 km to avoid having the orbit intersect Mars,
which has a radius of approximately 3396 km.

The second target sequence employs a single, Mars-based anti-velocity direction (-V) maneuver
and includes one propagation sequence. This single anti-velocity direction maneuver will occur at
periapsis. The purpose of the maneuver is to achieve MOI by targeting position vector magnitude
of 12,000 km at apoapsis. The basic steps of this tutorial are:

1. Modify the DefaultSC to define spacecraft’s initial state. The initial state is an out-going
hyperbolic trajectory that is with respect to Earth.
2. Create and configure a Fuel Tank resource.
3. Create two ImpulsiveBurn resources with default settings.
4. Create and configure three Propagators: NearEarth, DeepSpace and NearMars
5. Create and configure DifferentialCorrector resource.
6. Create and configure three DefaultOrbitView resources to visualize Earth, Sun and Mars
centered trajectories.
7. Create and configure three CoordinateSystems: Earth, Sun and Mars centered.
8. Create first Target sequence to target BdotT and BdotR components of the B-vector.
9. Create second Target sequence to implement MOI by targeting position magnitude at
10. Run the mission and analyze the results.

Mars B-Plane Targeting Tutorials

Configure Fuel Tank, Spacecraft properties, Maneuvers, Propaga-

tors, Differential Corrector, Coordinate Systems and Graphics
For this tutorial, you’ll need GMAT open, with the default mission loaded. To load the default
mission, click New Mission ( ) or start a new GMAT session. DefaultSC will be modified to
set spacecraft’s initial state as an out-going hyperbolic trajectory.

Create Fuel Tank

We need to create a fuel tank in order to see how much fuel is expended after each impulsive
burn. We will modify DefaultSC resource later and attach the fuel tank to the spacecraft.

1. In the Resources tree, right-click the Hardware folder, point to Add and click Fuel Tank.
A new resource called FuelTank1 will be created.
2. Right-clickFuelTank1 and click Rename.
3. In theRename box, type MainTank and click OK.
4. Double click onMainTank to edit its properties.
5. Set the values shown in the table below.

Table 5. MainTank settings

Field Value
Fuel Mass 1718
Fuel Density 1000
Pressure 5000
Volume 2

6. Click OK to save these changes.

Modify the DefaultSC Resource

We need to make minor modifications to DefaultSC in order to define spacecraft’s initial state
and attach the fuel tank to the spacecraft.

1. In the Resources tree, under Spacecraft folder, right-click DefaultSC and click Rename.
2. In the Rename box, type MAVEN and click OK.
3. Double-click on MAVEN to edit its properties. Make sure Orbit tab is selected.
4. Set the values shown in the table below.

Tutorials Mars B-Plane Targeting

Table 6. MAVEN settings
Field Value
Epoch Format UTCGregorian
Epoch 18 Nov 2013 20:26:24.315
Coordinate System EarthMJ2000Eq
State Type Keplerian
SMA under Elements -32593.21599272796
ECC under Elements 1.202872548116185
INC under Elements 28.80241266404142
RAAN under Elements 173.9693759331483
AOP under Elements 240.9696529532764
TA under Elements 359.9465533778069

5. Click on Tanks tab now.

6. Under Available Tanks, you'll see MainTank. This is the fuel tank that we created earlier.
7. We attach MainTank to the spacecraft MAVEN by bringing it under Selected Tanks box.
Select MainTank under Available Tanks and bring it over to the right-hand side under
the Selected Tanks.
8. Click OK to save these changes.

Create the Maneuvers

We’ll need two ImpulsiveBurn resources for this tutorial. Below, we’ll rename the default Im-
pulsiveBurn and create a new one. We’ll also select the fuel tank that was created earlier in order
to access fuel for the burns.

1. In the Resources tree, under the Burns folder, right-click DefaultIB and click Rename.
2. In the Rename box, type TCM, an acronym for Trajectory Correction Maneuver and click
OK to edit its properties.
3. Double-Click TCM to edit its properties to edit its properties.
4. Check Decrement Mass under Mass Change.
5. For Tank field under Mass Change, select MainTank from drop down menu.
6. Click OK to save these changes.
7. Right-click theBurns folder, point to Add, and click ImpulsiveBurn. A new resource
called ImpulsiveBurn1 will be created.
8. Rename the new ImpulsiveBurn1 resource to MOI, an acronym for Mars Orbit Insertion
and click OK.
9. Double-click MOI to edit its properties.
10. For Origin field under Coordinate System, select Mars.
11. Check Decrement Mass under Mass Change.
12. For Tank field under Mass Change, select MainTank from the drop down menu.
13. Click OK to save these changes.

Create the Propagators

We’ll need to add three propagators for this tutorial. Below, we’ll rename the default DefaultProp
and create two more propagators.

Mars B-Plane Targeting Tutorials

1. In the Resources tree, under the Propagators folder, right-click DefaultProp and click
2. In the Rename box, type NearEarth and click OK.
3. Double-click on NearEarth to edit its properties.
4. Set the values shown in the table below.

Table 7. NearEarth settings
Field Value
Initial Step Size under Integrator 600
Accuracy under Integrator 1e-013
Min Step Size under Integrator 0
Max Step Size under Integrator 600
Model under Gravity JGM-2
Degree under Gravity 8
Order under Gravity 8
Atmosphere Model under Drag None
Point Masses under Force Model Add Luna and Sun
Use Solar Radiation Pressure under Force Model Check this field

5. Click on OK to save these changes.

6. Right-click the Propagators folder and click Add Propagator. A new resource called
Propagator1 will be created.
7. Rename the new Propagator1 resource to DeepSpace and click OK.
8. Double-click DeepSpace to edit its properties.
9. Set the values shown in the table below.

Table 8. DeepSpace settings
Field Value
Type under Integrator PrinceDormand78
Initial Step Size under Integrator 600
Accuracy under Integrator 1e-012
Min Step Size under Integrator 0
Max Step Size under Integrator 864000
Central Body under Force Model Sun
Primary Body under Force Model None
Point Masses under Force Model Add Earth, Luna, Sun,
Mars, Jupiter, Neptune,
Saturn, Uranus, Venus
Use Solar Radiation Pressure under Force Model Check this field

10. Click OK to save these changes.

11. Right-click the Propagators folder and click Add Propagator. A new resource called
Propagator1 will be created.
12. Rename the new Propagator1 resource to NearMars and click OK.

Tutorials Mars B-Plane Targeting

13. Double-click on NearMars to edit its properties.

14. Set the values shown in the table below.

Table 9. NearMars settings
Field Value
Type under Integrator PrinceDormand78
Initial Step Size under Integrator 600
Accuracy under Integrator 1e-012
Min Step Size under Integrator 0
Max Step Size under Integrator 86400
Central Body under Force Model Mars
Primary Body under Force Model Mars
Model under Gravity Mars-50C
Degree under Gravity 8
Order under Gravity 8
Atmosphere Model under Drag None
Point Masses under Force Model Add Sun
Use Solar Radiation Pressure under Force Model Check this field

15. Click OK to save the changes.

Create the Differential Corrector

Two Target sequences that we will create later need a DifferentialCorrector resource to oper-
ate, so let’s create one now. We'll leave the settings at their defaults.

1. In the Resources tree, expand the Solvers folder if it isn’t already.

2. Right-click the Boundary Value Solvers folder, point to Add, and click DifferentialCor-
rector. A new resource called DC1 will be created.
3. Rename the new DC1 resource to DefaultDC and click OK.

Create the Coordinate Systems

The BdotT and BdotR constraints that we will define later under the first Target sequence
require us to create a coordinate system. Orbit View resources that we will create later also
need coordinate system resources to operate. We will create Sun and Mars centered coordinate
systems. So let’s create them now.

1. In the Resources tree, right-click the Coordinate Systems folder and click Add Coordi-
nate System. A new Dialog box is created with a title New Coordinate System.
2. Type SunEcliptic under Coordinate System Name box.
3. Under Origin field, select Sun.
4. For Type under Axes, select MJ2000Ec.
5. Click OK to save these changes. You’ll see that a new coordinate system SunEcliptic is
created under Coordinate Systems folder.
6. Right-click the Coordinate Systems folder and click Add Coordinate System. A new
Dialog Box is created with a title New Coordinate System.

Mars B-Plane Targeting Tutorials

7. Type MarsInertial under Coordinate System Name box.

8. Under Origin field, select Mars.
9. For Type under Axes, select BodyInertial.
10. Click OK to save these changes. You’ll see that a new coordinate system MarsInertial is
created under Coordinate Systems folder.

Create the Orbit Views

We’ll need three DefaultOrbitView resources for this tutorial. Below, we’ll rename the default
DefaultOrbitView and create two new ones. We need three graphics windows in order to visu-
alize spacecraft’s trajectory centered around Earth, Sun and then Mars

1. In the Resources tree, under Output folder, right-click DefaultOrbitView and click Re-
2. In the Rename box, type EarthView and click OK.
3. In the Output folder, delete DefaultGroundTrackPlot.
4. Double-click EarthView to edit its properties.
5. Set the values shown in the table below.

Table 10. EarthView settings
Field Value
View Scale Factor under View Definition 4
View Point Vector boxes, under View Definition 0, 0, 30000

6. Click OK to save these changes.

7. Right-click the Output folder, point to Add, and click OrbitView. A new resource called
OrbitView1 will be created.
8. Rename the new OrbitView1 resource to SolarSystemView and click OK.
9. Double-click SolarSystemView to edit its properties.
10. Set the values shown in the table below.

Table 11. SolarSystemView settings
Field Value
From Celestial Object under View Object, add following Mars, Sun (Do not remove
objects to Selected Celestial Object box Earth)
Coordinate System under View Definition SunEcliptic
View Point Reference under View Definition Sun
View Point Vector boxes, under View Definition 0, 0, 5e8
View Direction under View Definition Sun
Coordinate System under View Up Definition SunEcliptic

11. Click OK to save these changes.

12. Right-click the Output folder, point to Add, and click OrbitView. A new resource called
OrbitView1 will be created.
13. Rename the new OrbitView1 resource to MarsView and click OK.
14. Double-click MarsView to edit its properties.
15. Set the values shown in the table below.

Tutorials Mars B-Plane Targeting

Table 12. MarsView settings
Field Value
From Celestial Object under View Object, add following Mars (You don’t have to re-
object to Selected Celestial Object box move Earth)
Coordinate System under View Definition MarsInertial
View Point Reference under View Definition Mars
View Point Vector boxes, under View Definition 22000, 22000, 0
View Direction under View Definition Mars
Coordinate System under View Up Definition MarsInertial

16. Click OK to save the changes.

Configure the Mission Sequence

Now we will configure first Target sequence to solve for the maneuver values required to achieve
BdotT and BdotR components of the B-vector. BdotT will be targeted to 0 km and BdotR is
targeted to a non-zero value in order to generate a polar orbit that will have an inclination of 90
degrees. To allow us to focus on the first Target sequence, we’ll assume you have already learned
how to propagate an orbit by having worked through Simulating an Orbit tutorial.

The second Target sequence will perform the MOI maneuver so that the spacecraft can orbit
around Mars, but that sequence will be created later.

Create the First Target Sequence

Now create the commands necessary to perform the first Target sequence. Figure 48 illustrates
the configuration of the Mission tree after you have completed the steps in this section. We’ll
discuss the first Target sequence after it has been created.

Figure 48. Mission Sequence for the First Target sequence

To create the first Target sequence:

1. Click on the Mission tab to show the Mission tree.

2. You’ll see that there already exists a Propagate1 command. We need to delete this com-

Mars B-Plane Targeting Tutorials

3. Right-click on Propagate1 command and click Delete.

4. Right-click on Mission Sequence folder, point to Append, and click Target. This will
insert two separate commands: Target1 and EndTarget1.
5. Right-click Target1 and click Rename.
6. Type Target desired B-plane Coordinates and click OK.
7. Right-click Target desired B-plane Coordinates, point to Append, and click Propagate.
A new command called Propagate1 will be created.
8. Right-click Propagate1 and click Rename.
9. In the Rename box, type Prop 3 Days and click OK.
10. Complete the Target sequence by appending the commands in Table 13.

Table 13. Additional First Target Sequence Commands

Command Name
Propagate Prop 12 Days to TCM
Vary Vary TCM.V
Vary Vary TCM.N
Vary Vary TCM.B
Maneuver Apply TCM
Propagate Prop 280 Days
Propagate Prop to Mars Periapsis
Achieve Achieve BdotT
Achieve Achieve BdotR

Let’s discuss what the first Target sequence does. We know that a maneuver is re-
quired to perform the B-Plane targeting. We also know that the desired B-Plane co-
ordinate values for BdotT and BdotR are 0 and -7000 km, resulting in a polar orbit
with 90 degree inclination. However, we don’t know the size (or ΔV magnitude)
and direction of the TCM maneuver that will precisely achieve the desired orbital
conditions. We use the Target sequence to solve for those precise maneuver values.
We must tell GMAT what controls are available (in this case, three controls associ-
ated with three components of the TCM maneuver) and what conditions must be
satisfied (in this case, BdotT and BdotR values). You accomplish this by using the
Vary and Achieve commands. Using the Vary command, you tell GMAT what to
solve for—in this case, the ΔV value and direction for TCM. You use the Achieve
command to tell GMAT what conditions the solution must satisfy—in this case,
BdotT and BdotR values that result in a 90 degree inclination.

Configure the First Target Sequence

Now that the structure is created, we need to configure various parts of the first Target sequence
to do what we want.

Configure the Target desired B-plane Coordinates Command

1. 1Double-click Target desired B-plane Coordinates to edit its properties.

Tutorials Mars B-Plane Targeting

2. In the ExitMode list, click SaveAndContinue. This instructs GMAT to save the final
solution of the targeting problem after you run it.
3. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 49. Target desired B-plane Coordinates Command Configuration

Configure the Prop 3 Days Command

1. Double-click Prop 3 Days to edit its properties.
2. Under Propagator, make sure that NearEarth is selected
3. Under Parameter, replace MAVEN.ElapsedSeconds with MAVEN.ElapsedDays.
4. Under Condition, replace 0.0 with 3.
5. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 50. Prop 3 Days Command Configuration

Configure the Prop 12 Days to TCM Command

1. Double-click Prop 12 Days to TCM to edit its properties.
2. Under Propagator, replace NearEarth with DeepSpace.
3. Under Parameter, replace MAVEN.ElapsedSeconds with MAVEN.ElapsedDays.
4. Under Condition, replace 0.0 with 12.

Mars B-Plane Targeting Tutorials

5. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 51. Prop 12 Days to TCM Command Configuration

Configure the Vary TCM.V Command

1. Double-click Vary TCM.V to edit its properties. Notice that the variable in the Variable
box is TCM.Element1, which by default is the velocity component of TCM in the local
Velocity-Normal-Binormal (VNB) coordinate system. That’s what we need, so we’ll keep it.
2. In the Initial Value box, type 1e-005.
3. In the Perturbation box, type 0.00001.
4. In the Lower box, type -10e300.
5. In the Upper box, type 10e300.
6. In the Max Step box, type 0.002.
7. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 52. Vary TCM.V Command Configuration

Tutorials Mars B-Plane Targeting

Configure the Vary TCM.N Command

1. Double-click Vary TCM.N to edit its properties. Notice that the variable in the Variable
box is still TCM.Element1, which by default is the velocity component of TCM in the
local VNB coordinate system. We need to insert TCM.Element2 which is the normal
component of TCM in the local VNB coordinate system. So let’s do that.
2. Next to Variable, click the Edit button..
3. Under Object List, click TCM.
4. In the Object Properties list, double-click Element2 to move it to the Selected Value(s)
list. See the image below for results.
5. Click OK to close the ParameterSelectDialog window.
6. Notice that the variable in the Variable box is now TCM.Element2.
7. In the Initial Value box, type 1e-005.
8. In the Perturbation box, type 0.00001.
9. In the Lower box, type -10e300.
10. In the Upper box, type 10e300.
11. In the Max Step box, type 0.002.
12. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 53. Vary TCM.N Parameter Selection

Mars B-Plane Targeting Tutorials

Figure 54. Vary TCM.N Command Configuration

Configure the Vary TCM.B Command

1. Double-click Vary TCM.B to edit its properties. Notice that the variable in the Variable
box is still TCM.Element1, which by default is the velocity component of TCM. We need
to insert TCM.Element3 which is the bi-normal component of TCM in the local VNB
coordinate system. So let’s do that.
2. Next to Variable, click the Edit button.
3. Under Object List, click TCM.
4. In the Object Properties list, double-click Element3 to move it to the Selected Value(s)
list. See the image below for results.
5. Click OK to close the ParameterSelectDialog window.
6. Notice that the variable in the Variable box is now TCM.Element3.
7. In the Initial Value box, type 1e-005.
8. In the Perturbation box, type 0.00001.
9. In the Lower box, type -10e300.
10. In the Upper box, type 10e300.
11. In the Max Step box, type 0.002.
12. Click OK to save these changes.

Tutorials Mars B-Plane Targeting

Figure 55. Vary TCM.B Parameter Selection

Figure 56. Vary TCM.N Command Configuration

Configure the Apply TCM Command

• Double-click Apply TCM to edit its properties. Notice that the command is already set to
apply the TCM burn to the MAVEN spacecraft, so we don’t need to change anything here.

Mars B-Plane Targeting Tutorials

Figure 57. Apply TCM Command Configuration

Configure the Prop 280 Days Command

1. Double-click Prop 280 Days to edit its properties.

2. Under Propagator, replace NearEarth with DeepSpace.
3. Under Parameter, replace MAVEN.ElapsedSeconds with MAVEN.ElapsedDays.
4. Under Condition, replace 0.0 with 280.
5. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 58. Prop 280 Days Command Configuration

Configure the Prop to Mars Periapsis Command

1. Double-click Prop to Mars Periapsis to edit its properties.

2. Under Propagator, replace NearEarth with NearMars.
3. Under Parameter, replace MAVEN.ElapsedSeconds with MAVEN.Mars.Periapsis.
4. Click OK to save these changes.

Tutorials Mars B-Plane Targeting

Figure 59. Prop to Mars Periapsis Command Configuration

Configure the Achieve BdotT Command

1. Double-click Achieve BdotT to edit its properties.
2. Next to Goal, click the Edit button.
3. In the Object Properties list, click BdotT.
4. Under Coordinate System, select MarsInertial and double-click on BdotT.
5. Click OK to close the ParameterSelectDialog window.
6. In the Value box, type 0.
7. In the Tolerance box, type 0.00001.
8. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 60. Achieve BdotT Command Configuration

Configure the Achieve BdotR Command

1. Double-click Achieve BdotR to edit its properties.
2. Next to Goal, click the Edit button.

Mars B-Plane Targeting Tutorials

3. In the Object Properties list, click BdotR.

4. Under Coordinate System, select MarsInertial and double-click on BdotR.
5. Click OK to close the ParameterSelectDialog window.
6. In the Value box, type -7000.
7. In the Tolerance box, type 0.00001.
8. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 61. Achieve BdotR Command Configuration

Run the Mission with first Target Sequence

Before running the mission, click Save ( ) and save the mission to a file of your choice. Now
click Run ( ). As the mission runs, you will see GMAT solve the targeting problem. Each
iteration and perturbation is shown in EarthView, SolarSystemView and MarsView windows
in light blue, and the final solution is shown in red. After the mission completes, the 3D views
should appear as in the images shown below. You may want to run the mission several times
to see the targeting in progress.

Tutorials Mars B-Plane Targeting

Figure 62. 3D View of departure hyperbolic trajectory (EarthView)

Mars B-Plane Targeting Tutorials

Figure 63. 3D View of heliocentric transfer trajectory (SolarSystemView)

Tutorials Mars B-Plane Targeting

Figure 64. 3D View of approach hyperbolic

trajectory. MAVEN stopped at periapsis (MarsView)

Since we are going to continue developing the mission tree by creating the second Target se-
quence, we will store the final solution of the first Target sequence as the initial conditions of
the TCM resource. This is so that when you make small changes, the subsequent runs will take
less time. To do this, follow these steps:

1. In the Mission tree, double-click Target desired B-plane Coordinates to edit its prop-
2. Click Apply Corrections.
3. Click OK to save these changes.
4. Now re-run the mission. If you inspect the results in the message window, you will see
that the first Target sequence converges in one iteration. This is because you stored the
solution as the initial conditions.
5. In the Mission tree, double-click Vary TCM.V, Vary TCM.N and Vary TCM.B, you will
notice that the values in Initial Value box have been updated to the final solution of the
first Target sequence.

Mars B-Plane Targeting Tutorials

If you want to know TCM maneuver’s delta-V vector values and how much fuel was expended
during the maneuver, do the following steps:

1. In the Mission tree, right-click Apply TCM, and click on Command Summary.
2. Scroll down and under Maneuver Summary heading, values for delta-V vector are:

Delta V Vector:

Element 1: 0.0039376963731 km/s

Element 2: 0.0060423170483 km/s

Element 3: -0.0006747125434 km/s

3. Scroll down and under Mass depletion from MainTank heading, Delta V and
Mass Change tells you TCM maneuver’s magnitude and how much fuel was used for
the maneuver:

Delta V: 0.0072436375569 km/s

Mass change: -6.3128738639690 kg

4. Click OK to close Command Summary window.

Just to make sure that the goals of first Target sequence were met successfully, let us access
command summary for Prop to Mars Periapsis command by doing the following steps:

1. In the Mission tree, right-click Prop to Mars Periapsis, and click on Command Sum-
2. Under Coordinate System, select MarsInertial.
3. Under Hyperbolic Parameters heading, see the values of BdotT and BdotR. Under
Keplerian State, see the value for INC. You can see that the desired B-Plane coordi-
nates were achieved which result in a 90 degree inclined trajectory:

BdotT = -0.0000053320678 km

BdotR = -7000.0000019398 km

INC = 90.000000039301 deg

Create the Second Target Sequence

Recall that we still need to create second Target sequence in order to perform Mars Orbit
Insertion maneuver to achieve the desired capture orbit. In the Mission tree, we will create the
second Target sequence right after the first Target sequence.

Now let’s create the commands necessary to perform the second Target sequence. Figure 65 il-
lustrates the configuration of the Mission tree after you have completed the steps in this section.
Notice that in Figure 65, the second Target sequence is created after the first Target sequence.
We’ll discuss the second Target sequence after it has been created.

Tutorials Mars B-Plane Targeting

Figure 65. Mission Sequence showing

first and second Target sequences

To create the second Target sequence:

1. Click on the Mission tab to show the Mission tree.

2. In the Mission tree, right-click on Mission Sequence folder, point to Append, and click
Target. This will insert two separate commands: Target2 and EndTarget2.
3. Right-click Target2 and click Rename.
4. Type Mars Capture and click OK.
5. Right-click Mars Capture, point to Append, and click Vary. A new command called Vary4
will be created.
6. Right-click Vary4 and click Rename.
7. In the Rename box, type Vary MOI.V and click OK.
8. Complete the Target sequence by appending the commands in Table 14.

Table 14. Additional Second Target Sequence Commands

Command Name
Maneuver Apply MOI
Propagate Prop to Mars Apoapsis
Achieve Achieve RMAG

Mars B-Plane Targeting Tutorials

Let’s discuss what the second Target sequence does. We know that a maneuver is
required for the Mars capture orbit. We also know that the desired radius of capture
orbit at apoapsis must be 12,000 km. However, we don’t know the size (or ΔV mag-
nitude) of the MOI maneuver that will precisely achieve the desired orbital condi-
tions. You use the second Target sequence to solve for that precise maneuver value.
You must tell GMAT what controls are available (in this case, a single maneuver)
and what conditions must be satisfied (in this case, radius magnitude value). Once
again, just like in the first Target sequence, here we accomplish this by using the
Vary and Achieve commands. Using the Vary command, you tell GMAT what to
solve for—in this case, the ΔV value for MOI. You use the Achieve command to
tell GMAT what conditions the solution must satisfy—in this case, RMAG value
of 12,000 km.

Create the Final Propagate Command

We need a Propagate command after the second Target sequence so that we can see our final

1. In the Mission tree, right-click End Mars Capture, point to Insert After, and click Prop-
agate. A new Propagate6 command will appear.
2. Right-click Propagate6 and click Rename.
3. Type Prop for 1 day and click OK.
4. Double-click Prop for 1 day to edit its properties.
5. Under Propagator, replace NearEarth with NearMars.
6. Under Parameter, replace MAVEN.ElapsedSeconds with MAVEN.ElapsedDays.
7. Under Condition, replace the value 0.0 with 1.
8. Click OK to save these changes

Figure 66. Prop for 1 day Command Configuration

Configure the second Target Sequence

Now that the structure is created, we need to configure various parts of the second Target
sequence to do what we want.

Tutorials Mars B-Plane Targeting

Configure the Mars Capture Command

1. Double-click Mars Capture to edit its properties.

2. In the ExitMode list, click SaveAndContinue. This instructs GMAT to save the final
solution of the targeting problem after you run it.
3. Click OK to save these changes

Figure 67. Mars Capture Command Configuration

Configure the Vary MOI.V Command

1. Double-click Vary MOI.V to edit its properties. Notice that the variable in the Variable
box is TCM.Element1. We want MOI.Element1 which is the velocity component of
MOI in the local VNB coordinate system. So let’s change that.
2. Next to Variable, click the Edit button.
3. Under Object List, click MOI.
4. In the Object Properties list, double-click Element1 to move it to the Selected Value(s)
list. See the image below for results.
5. Click OK to close the ParameterSelectDialog window.
6. In the Initial Value box, type -1.0.
7. In the Perturbation box, type 0.00001.
8. In the Lower box, type -10e300.
9. In the Upper box, type 10e300.
10. In the Max Step box, type 0.1.
11. Click OK to save these changes.

Mars B-Plane Targeting Tutorials

Figure 68. Vary MOI Parameter Selection

Figure 69. Vary MOI Command Configuration

Configure the Apply MOI Command

1. Double-click Apply MOI to edit its properties.

2. In the Burn list, click MOI.
3. Click OK to save these changes.

Tutorials Mars B-Plane Targeting

Figure 70. Apply MOI Command Configuration

Configure the Prop to Mars Apoapsis Command

1. Double-click Prop to Mars Apoapsis to edit its properties.

2. Under Propagator, replace NearEarth with NearMars.
3. Under Parameter, replace MAVEN.ElapsedSeconds with MAVEN.Mars.Apoapsis.
4. Click OK to save these changes.

Figure 71. Prop to Mars Apoapsis Command Configuration

Configure the Achieve RMAG Command

1. Double-click Achieve RMAG to edit its properties.

2. Next to Goal, click the Edit button.
3. In the Object Properties list, click RMAG.
4. Under Central Body, select Mars and double-click on RMAG.
5. Click OK to close the ParameterSelectDialog window.
6. In the Value box, type 12000.
7. Click OK to save these changes.

Mars B-Plane Targeting Tutorials

Figure 72. Achieve RMAG Command Configuration

Run the Mission with first and second Target Sequences

Before running the mission, click Save ( ). This will save the additional changes that we imple-
mented in the Mission tree. Now click Run ( ). The first Target sequence will converge in
one-iteration. This is because earlier, we stored the solution as the initial conditions. The second
Target sequence may converge after 10 to11 iterations.

As the mission runs, you will see GMAT solve the second Target sequence’s targeting problem.
Each iteration and perturbation is shown in MarsView windows in light blue, and the final
solution is shown in red. After the mission completes, the MarsView 3D view should appear
as in the image shown below. EarthView and SolarSystemView 3D views are same as before.
You may want to run the mission several times to see the targeting in progress.

Tutorials Mars B-Plane Targeting

Figure 73. 3D view of Mars Capture

orbit after MOI maneuver (MarsView)

If you were to continue developing this mission, you can store the final solution of the second
Target sequence as the initial condition of MOI resource. This is so that when you make small
changes, the subsequent runs will take less time. To do this, follow these steps:

1. In the Mission tree, double-click Mars Capture to edit its properties.

2. Click Apply Corrections.
3. Now re-run the mission. If you inspect the results in the message window, you will see that
now the second Target sequence also converges in one iteration. This is because you stored

Mars B-Plane Targeting Tutorials

the solution as the initial condition. Now whenever you re-run the mission, both first and
second Target sequences will converge in just one iteration.
4. In the Mission tree, double-click Vary MOI.V, you will notice that the values in Initial
Value box have been updated to the final solution of the second Target sequence.

If you want to know MOI maneuver’s delta-V vector values and how much fuel was expended
during the maneuver, do the following steps:

1. In the Mission tree, right-click Apply MOI, and click on Command Summary.
2. Scroll down and under Maneuver Summary heading, values for delta-V vector are:

Delta V Vector:

Element 1: -1.6034665169868 km/s

Element 2: 0.0000000000000 km/s

Element 3: 0.0000000000000 km/s

3. Scroll down and under Mass depletion from MainTank heading, Delta V and
Mass Change tells you MOI maneuver’s magnitude and how much fuel was used for the

Delta V: 1.6034665169868 km/s

Mass change: -1076.0639629424 kg

Just to make sure that the goal of second Target sequence was met successfully, let us access
command summary for Achieve RMAG command by doing the following steps:

1. In the Mission tree, right-click Achieve RMAG, and click on Command Summary.
2. Under Coordinate System, select MarsInertial.
3. Under Keplerian State and and Spherical State headings, see the values of TA
and RMAG. You can see that the desired radius of the capture orbit at apoapsis was achieved

TA = 180.00000241484 deg

RMAG = 12000.019889021 km


Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multiple

Audience Advanced
Length 90 minutes
Prerequisites Complete Simulating an Orbit, Simple Orbit Transfer, Mars B-Plane Tar-
geting tutorial and take GMAT Fundamentals training course or watch
Script File Tut_MultipleShootingTutorial_Step1.script,

Objective and Overview

For highly elliptic earth orbits (HEO), it is often cheaper to use the Moon’s gravity
to raise periapsis or to perform plane changes, than it is to use the spacecraft’s
propulsion resources. However, designing lunar flyby’s to achieve multiple specific
mission constraints is non-trivial and requires modern optimization techniques to
minimize fuel usage while simultaneously satisfying trajectory constraints. In this
tutorial, you will learn how to design flyby trajectories by writing a GMAT script
to perform multiple shooting optimization. As the analyst, your goal is to design
a lunar flyby that provides a mission orbit periapsis of TBD km and changes the
inclination of the mission orbit to TBD degrees. (Note: There are other mission
constraints that will be discussed in more detail below.)

To efficiently solve the problem, we will employ the Multiple Shooting Method
to break down the sensitive boundary value problem into smaller, less sensitive
problems. We will employ three trajectory segments. The first segment will begin at
Transfer Orbit Insertion (TOI) and will propagate forward; the second segment is
centered at lunar periapsis and propagates both forward and backwards. The third
segment is centered on Mission Orbit Insertion (MOI) and propagates forwards
and backwards. See figures 1 and 2 that illustrate the final orbit solution and the
“Control Points” and “Patch Points” used to solve the problem.

To begin this tutorial we start with a several views of the solution to provide a physical under-
standing of the problem. In Fig. 1, an illustration of a lunar flyby is shown with the trajectory
displayed in red and the Moon’s orbit displayed in yellow. The Earth is at the center of the frame.
We require that the following constraints are satisfied at TOI:

1. The spacecraft is at orbit perigee,

2. The spacecraft is at an altitude of 285 km.
3. The inclination of the transfer orbit is 28.5 degrees.

At lunar flyby, we only require that the flyby altitude is greater than 100 km. This constraint
is satisfied implicitly so we will not explicitly script this constraint. An insertion maneuver is
performed at earth perigee after the lunar fly to insert into the mission orbit. The following
constraints must be satisfied after MOI.

Tutorials Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi-
ple Shooting

1. The mission orbit perigee is 15 Earth radii.

2. The mission orbit apogee is 60 Earth radii.
3. The mission orbit inclination is 10 degrees.

Note: (Phasing with the moon is important for these orbits but design considerations for lunar
phasing are beyond the scope of this tutorial)

Figure 74. View of Lunar Flyby from Normal to Earth Equator

Figure 75. View of Lunar Flyby Geometry

Figure 3 illustrates the mission timeline and how control points and patch points are defined.
Control points are drawn using a solid blue circle and are defined as locations where the state

Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi- Tutorials
ple Shooting

of the spacecraft is treated as an optimization variable. Patch points are drawn with an empty
blue circle and are defined as locations where position and/or velocity continuity is enforced.
For this tutorial, we place control points at TOI, the lunar flyby and MOI. At each patch point,
the six Cartesian state elements, and the epoch are varied for a total of 18 optimization variables.
At the MOI patch point, there is an additional optimization variable for the delta V to

Figure 76. Definition of Control and Patch Points

Notice that while there are only three patch points, we have 5 segments (which will result in
5 spacecraft). The state at the lunar flyby, which is defined as a control point, is propagated
backwards to a patch point and forwards to a patch point. The same occurs for the MOI control
point. To design this trajectory, you will need to create the following GMAT resources.

1. Create a Moon-centered coordinate system.

2. Create 5 spacecraft required for modeling segments.
3. Create an Earth-centered and a Moon-centered propagator.
4. Create an impulsive maneuver.
5. Create many user variables for use in the script.
6. Create A VF13ad optimizer.
7. Create plots for tracking the optimization process.

After creating the resources using script snippets you will construct the optimization sequence
using GMAT script. Pseudo-code for the optimization sequence is shown below.

Define optimization initial guesses

Initialize variables
Loop initializations
Vary control point epochs
Set epochs on spacecraft
Vary control point state values
Configure/initialize spacecraft
Apply constraints on initial control points (i.e before propagation)
Propagate spacecraft
Apply patch point constraints
Apply constraints on mission orbit
Apply cost function

After constructing the basic optimization sequence we will perform the following steps:

1. Run the sequence and analyze the initial guess.

2. Run the optimizer satisfying only the patch point constraints.
3. Turn on the mission orbit constraints and find a feasible solution.

Tutorials Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi-
ple Shooting

4. Use the feasible solution as the initial guess and find an optimal solution.
5. Apply an altitude constraint at lunar orbit periapsis

Configure Coordinate Systems, Spacecraft, Optimizer, Propaga-

tors, Maneuvers, Variables, and Graphics
For this tutorial, you’ll need GMAT open, with a blank script editor open. To open a blank script
editor, click the New Script button in the toolbar.

Create a Moon-centered Coordinate System

You will need a Moon-centered CoordinateSystem for the lunar flyby control point so we begin
by creating an inertial system centered at the moon. Use the MJ2000Eq axes for this system.

% Configure coordinate systems

Create CoordinateSystem MoonMJ2000Eq

MoonMJ2000Eq.Origin = Luna
MoonMJ2000Eq.Axes = MJ2000Eq

Create the Spacecraft

You will need 5 Spacecraft for this mission design. The epoch and state information will
be set in the mission sequence and here we only need to configure coordinate systems for
the Spacecraft. The Spacecraft named satTOI models the transfer orbit through the first
patch point. Use the EarthMJ200Eq CoordinateSystem for satTOI. satFlyBy_Forward
and satFlyBy_Backward model the trajectory from the flyby backwards to patch point
1 and forward to patch point 2 respectively. Use the MoonMJ2000Eq CoordinateSys-
tem for satFlyBy_Forward and satFlyBy_Backward. Similarly, satMOI_Forward and
satMOI_Backward model the trajectory on either side of the MOI maneuver. Use the
MoonMJ2000Eq CoordinateSystem for satMOI_Forward and satMOI_Backward.

% Configure spacecraft
% The TOI control point
Create Spacecraft satTOI
satTOI.DateFormat = TAIModJulian
satTOI.CoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq

% Flyby control point

Create Spacecraft satFlyBy_Forward
satFlyBy_Forward.DateFormat = TAIModJulian
satFlyBy_Forward.CoordinateSystem = MoonMJ2000Eq

% Flyby control point

Create Spacecraft satFlyBy_Backward
satFlyBy_Backward.DateFormat = TAIModJulian
satFlyBy_Backward.CoordinateSystem = MoonMJ2000Eq

% MOI control point

Create Spacecraft satMOI_Backward
satMOI_Backward.DateFormat = TAIModJulian

Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi- Tutorials
ple Shooting

satMOI_Backward.CoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq

% MOI control point

Create Spacecraft satMOI_Forward
satMOI_Forward.DateFormat = TAIModJulian
satMOI_Forward.CoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq

Create the Propagators

Modeling the motion of the spacecraft when near the earth and near the moon requires two prop-
agators; one Earth-centered, and one Moon-centered. The script below configures the Force-
Model named NearEarthForceModel to use JGM-2 8x8 harmonic gravity model, with point
mass perturbations from the Sun and Moon, and the SRP perturbation. The ForceModel named
NearMoonForceModel is similar but uses point mass gravity for all bodies. Note that the in-
tegrators are configured for performance and not for accuracy to improve run times for the
tutorial. There are times when integrator accuracy can cause issues with optimizer performance
due to noise in the numerical solutions.

% Configure propagators and force models

Create ForceModel NearEarthForceModel

NearEarthForceModel.CentralBody = Earth
NearEarthForceModel.PrimaryBodies = {Earth}
NearEarthForceModel.PointMasses = {Luna, Sun}
NearEarthForceModel.SRP = On
NearEarthForceModel.GravityField.Earth.Degree = 8
NearEarthForceModel.GravityField.Earth.Order = 8

Create ForceModel NearMoonForceModel

NearMoonForceModel.CentralBody = Luna
NearMoonForceModel.PointMasses = {Luna, Earth, Sun}
NearMoonForceModel.Drag = None
NearMoonForceModel.SRP = On

Create Propagator NearEarthProp

NearEarthProp.FM = NearEarthForceModel
NearEarthProp.Type = PrinceDormand78
NearEarthProp.InitialStepSize = 60
NearEarthProp.Accuracy = 1e-11
NearEarthProp.MinStep = 0.0
NearEarthProp.MaxStep = 86400

Create Propagator NearMoonProp

NearMoonProp.FM = NearMoonForceModel
NearMoonProp.Type = PrinceDormand78
NearMoonProp.InitialStepSize = 60
NearMoonProp.Accuracy = 1e-11
NearMoonProp.MinStep = 0
NearMoonProp.MaxStep = 86400

Create the Maneuvers

We will require one ImpulsiveBurn to insert the spacecraft into the mission orbit. Define the
maneuver as MOI and configure the maneuver to be applied in the VNB (Earth-referenced)

Tutorials Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi-
ple Shooting

% Configure maneuvers
Create ImpulsiveBurn MOI
MOI.CoordinateSystem = Local
MOI.Origin = Earth
MOI.Axes = VNB

Create the User Variables

IThe optimization sequence requires many user variables that will be discussed in detail later
in the tutorial when we define those variables. For now, we simply create the variables (which
initializes them to zero). The naming convention used here is that variables used to define con-
straint values begin with “con”. For example, the variable used to define the constraint on TOI
inclination is called conTOIInclination. Variables beginning with “error” are used to compute
constraint variances. For example, the variable used to define the error in MOI inclination is
called errorTOIInclination.

% Create user data: variables, arrays, strings

% Variables for defining constraint values

Create Variable conTOIPeriapsis conMOIPeriapsis conTOIInclination
Create Variable conLunarPeriapsis conMOIApoapsis conMOIInclination
Create Variable launchRdotV finalPeriapsisValue

% Variables for computing constraint violations

Create Variable errorPos1 errorVel1 errorPos2 errorVel2
Create Variable errorMOIRadApo errorMOIRadPer errorMOIInclination

% Variables for managing time calculations

Create Variable patchTwoElapsedDays patchOneEpoch patchTwoEpoch refEpoch
Create Variable launchEpoch flybyEpoch moiEpoch patchOneElapsedDays
Create Variable deltaTimeFlyBy

% Constants and miscellaneous variables

Create Variable earthRadius earthMu launchEnergy launchVehicleDeltaV
Create Variable toiDeltaV launchCircularVelocity loopIdx Cost

Create the Optimizer

The script below creates a VF13ad optimizer provided in the Harwell Subroutine Library.
VF13ad is an Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) optimizer that uses a line search method
to solve the Non-linear Programming Problem (NLP). Here we configure the optimizer to use
forward differencing to compute the derivatives, define the maximum iterations to 200, and de-
fine convergence tolerances.

% Configure solvers

Create VF13ad NLPOpt

NLPOpt.ShowProgress = true
NLPOpt.ReportStyle = Normal
NLPOpt.ReportFile = 'VF13adVF13ad1.data'
NLPOpt.MaximumIterations = 200

Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi- Tutorials
ple Shooting

NLPOpt.Tolerance = 1e-004
NLPOpt.UseCentralDifferences = false
NLPOpt.FeasibilityTolerance = 0.1

Create the 3-D Graphics

You will need an OrbitView 3-D graphics window to visualize the trajectory and especial-
ly the initial guess. Below we configure an orbit view to view the entire trajectory in the
EarthMJ2000Eq coordinate system. Note that we must add all five Spacecraft to the Or-
bitView. Updating an OrbitView during optimization can dramatically slow down the optimiza-
tion process and they are best use to check initial configuration and then us XY plots to track
numerical progress. Later in the tutorial, we will toggle the ShowPlot field to false once we have
verified the initial configuration is correct.

Create OrbitView EarthView

EarthView.ShowPlot = true
EarthView.SolverIterations = All
EarthView.UpperLeft = [ 0.4960127591706539 0.00992063492063492 ];
EarthView.Size = [ 0.4800637958532695 0.5218253968253969 ];
EarthView.RelativeZOrder = 501
EarthView.Add = ...
{satTOI, satFlyBy_Forward, satFlyBy_Backward,...
satMOI_Backward, Earth, Luna, satMOI_Forward}
EarthView.CoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq
EarthView.DrawObject = [ true true true true true]
EarthView.OrbitColor = ...
[ 255 32768 1743054 16776960 32768 12632256 14268074 ]
EarthView.TargetColor = ...
[ 65280 124 4227327 255 12345 9843 16711680 ];
EarthView.DataCollectFrequency = 1
EarthView.UpdatePlotFrequency = 50
EarthView.NumPointsToRedraw = 300
EarthView.ViewScaleFactor = 35
EarthView.ViewUpAxis = X
EarthView.UseInitialView = On

Create XPPlots/Reports
Below we create several XYPlots and a ReportFile. We will use XYPlots to monitor the
progress of the optimizer in satisfying constraints. PositionError1 plots the position error at
the first patch point... VelocityError2 plots the velocity error at the second patch point, and so
on. OrbitDimErrors plots the errors in the periapsis and apoapsis radii for the mission orbit.
When optimization is proceeding as expected, these plots should show errors driven to zero.

Create XYPlot PositionError

PositionError.SolverIterations = All
PositionError.UpperLeft = [ 0.02318840 0.4358208955223881 ];
PositionError.Size = [ 0.45942028 0.5283582089552239 ];
PositionError.RelativeZOrder = 378
PositionError.XVariable = loopIdx
PositionError.YVariables = {errorPos1, errorPos2}
PositionError.ShowGrid = true
PositionError.ShowPlot = true

Create XYPlot VelocityError

VelocityError.SolverIterations = All
VelocityError.UpperLeft = [ 0.0246376 0.01194029850746269 ];

Tutorials Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi-
ple Shooting

VelocityError.Size = [ 0.4565217 0.4208955223880597 ];

VelocityError.RelativeZOrder = 410
VelocityError.XVariable = loopIdx
VelocityError.YVariables = {errorVel1, errorVel2}
VelocityError.ShowGrid = true
VelocityError.ShowPlot = true

Create XYPlot OrbitDimErrors

OrbitDimErrors.SolverIterations = All
OrbitDimErrors.UpperLeft = [ 0.4960127591706539 0.5337301587301587 ];
OrbitDimErrors.Size = [ 0.481658692185008 0.4246031746031746 ];
OrbitDimErrors.RelativeZOrder = 347
OrbitDimErrors.XVariable = loopIdx
OrbitDimErrors.YVariables = {errorMOIRadApo, errorMOIRadPer}
OrbitDimErrors.ShowGrid = true
OrbitDimErrors.ShowPlot = true

Create XYPlot IncError

IncError.SolverIterations = All
IncError.UpperLeft = [ 0.4953586497890296 0.01306240928882438 ];
IncError.Size = [ 0.479324894514768 0.5079825834542816 ];
IncError.RelativeZOrder = 382
IncError.YVariables = {errorMOIInclination}
IncError.XVariable = loopIdx
IncError.ShowGrid = true
IncError.ShowPlot = true

Create a ReportFile to allow reporting useful information to a text file for review after the
optimization process is complete.

Create ReportFile debugData

debugData.SolverIterations = Current
debugData.Precision = 16
debugData.WriteHeaders = Off
debugData.LeftJustify = On
debugData.ZeroFill = Off
debugData.ColumnWidth = 20
debugData.WriteReport = false

Configure the Mission Sequence

Overview of the Mission Sequence
Now that the resources are created and configured, we will construct the optimization sequence.
Pseudo-script for the optimization sequence is shown below. We will start by defining initial
guesses for the control point optimization variables. Next, selected variables are initialized. Take
some time and study the structure of the optimization loop before moving on to the next step.

Define optimization initial guesses

Initialize variables
Loop initializations
Vary control point epochs
Set epochs on spacecraft
Vary control point state values
Set state values on spacecraft
Apply constraints on control points (i.e before propagation)

Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi- Tutorials
ple Shooting

Propagate spacecraft
Apply patch point constraints (i.e. after propagation)
Apply constraints on mission orbit
Apply cost function

Define Initial Guesses

Below we define initial guesses for the optimization variables. Initial guesses are often difficult
to generate and to ensure you can take this tutorial we have provided a reasonable initial guess
for this problem. You can use GMAT to produce initial guesses and the sample script named
Ex_GivenEpochGoToTheMoon distributed with GMAT can be used for that purpose for this

The time variables launchEpoch, flybyEpoch and moiEpoch are the TAI modified Julian
epochs of the launch, flyby, and MOI. It is not obvious yet that these are TAI modified Julian
epochs, but later we use statements like this to set the epoch: satTOI.Epoch.TAIModJulian
= launchEpoch. Recall that we previously set up the spacecraft to used coordinate systems
appropriate to the problem. Setting satTOI.X sets the quantity in EarthMJ2000Eq and
satFlyBy_Forward.X sets the quantity in MoonMJ2000Eq because of the configuration of the

% Define initial guesses for optimization variables

BeginScript 'Initial Guess Values'

toiEpoch = 27698.1612435
flybyEpoch = 27703.7658714
moiEpoch = 27723.305398
satTOI.X = -6659.70273964
satTOI.Y = -229.327053112
satTOI.Z = -168.396030559
satTOI.VX = 0.26826479315
satTOI.VY = -9.54041067213
satTOI.VZ = 5.17141415746
satFlyBy_Forward.X = 869.478955662
satFlyBy_Forward.Y = -6287.76679557
satFlyBy_Forward.Z = -3598.47087228
satFlyBy_Forward.VX = 1.14619150302
satFlyBy_Forward.VY = -0.73648611256
satFlyBy_Forward.VZ = -0.624051812914
satMOI_Backward.X = -53544.9703742
satMOI_Backward.Y = -68231.6310266
satMOI_Backward.Z = -1272.76362793
satMOI_Backward.VX = 2.051823425
satMOI_Backward.VY = -1.91406286218
satMOI_Backward.VZ = -0.280408526046
MOI.Element1 = -0.0687322937282


Initialize Variables
The script below is used to define some constants and to define the values for various constraints
applied to the trajectory. Pay particular attention to the constraint values and time values. For
example, the variable conTOIPeriapsis defines the periapsis radius at launch constraint to be

Tutorials Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi-
ple Shooting

at about 285 km (geodetics will cause altitude to vary slightly). The variable conMOIApoapsis
defines the mission orbit apoapsis to be 60 earth radii. The variables patchOneElapsedDays,
patchTwoElapsedDays, and refEpoch are particularly important as they define the epochs
of the patch points later in the script using lines like this patchOneEpoch = refEpoch +
patchOneElapsedDayspatchOneEpoch. The preceding line defines the epoch of the first
patch point to be one day after refEpoch (refEpoch is set to launchEpoch). Similarly, the
epoch of the second patch point is defined as 13 days after refEpoch. Note, the patch point
epochs can be treated as optimization variables but that was not done to reduce complexity of
the tutorial.

% Define constants and configuration settings

BeginScript 'Constants and Init'

% Some constants
earthRadius = 6378.1363

% Define constraint values and other constants

conTOIPeriapsis = 6378 + 285 % constraint on launch periapsis
conTOIInclination = 28.5 % constraint launch inclination
conLunarPeriapsis = 8000 % constraint on flyby altitude
conMOIApoapsis = 60*earthRadius % constraint on mission apoapsis
conMOIInclination = 10 % constraint on mission inc.
conMOIPeriapsis = 15*earthRadius % constraint on mission periapsis
patchOneElapsedDays = 1 % define epoch of patch 1
patchTwoElapsedDays = 13 % define epoch of patch 2
refEpoch = launchEpoch % ref. epoch for time quantities


% The optimization loop

Optimize 'Optimize Flyby' NLPOpt ...
{SolveMode = Solve, ExitMode = DiscardAndContinue}

% Loop initializations
loopIdx = loopIdx + 1


In the above script snippet, we have included the EndOptimize command so that
your script will continue to build while we construct the optimization sequence.
You must paste subsequence script snippets inside of the optimization loop.

Vary and Set Spacecraft Epochs

Now we will write the commands that vary the control point epochs and apply those epochs
to the spacecraft. The first three script lines below define launchEpoch, flybyEpoch, and
moiEpoch to be optimization variables. It is important to note that when a Vary command is
written like this

Vary NLPOpt(launchEpoch = launchEpoch, . . .

that you are telling the optimizer to vary launchEpoch (the RHS of the equal sign), and to use
as the initial guess the value contained in launchEpoch when the command is first executed.

Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi- Tutorials
ple Shooting

This will allow us to easily change initial guess values and perform “Apply Corrections” via the
script interface which will be shown later. Continuing with the script explanation, the last five
lines below set the epochs of the spacecraft according to the optimization variables and set up
the patch point epochs.

% Vary the epochs

Vary NLPOpt(launchEpoch = launchEpoch, ...
{Perturbation = 0.0001, MaxStep = 0.5})
Vary NLPOpt(flybyEpoch = flybyEpoch, ...
{Perturbation = 0.0001, MaxStep = 0.5})
Vary NLPOpt(moiEpoch = moiEpoch, ...
{Perturbation = 0.0001, MaxStep = 0.5})

% Configure epochs and spacecraft

satTOI.Epoch.TAIModJulian = launchEpoch
satMOI_Backward.Epoch.TAIModJulian = moiEpoch
satFlyBy_Forward.Epoch.TAIModJulian = flybyEpoch
patchOneEpoch = refEpoch + patchOneElapsedDays
patchTwoEpoch = refEpoch + patchTwoElapsedDays

Vary Control Point States

The script below defines the control point optimization variables and defines the initial guess
values for each optimization variable. For example, the following line

Vary NLPOpt(satTOI.X = satTOI.X, {Perturbation = 0.00001, MaxStep

= 100})

tells GMAT to vary the X Cartesian value of satTOI using as the initial guess the value of
satTOI.X at initial command execution. The Perturbation used to compute derivatives is
0.00001 and the optimizer will not take steps larger than 100 for this variable. Note: units of
settings like Perturbation are the same as the unit for the optimization variable.

Notice the lines at the bottom of this script snippet that look like this:

satFlyBy_Backward = satFlyBy_Forward

This line assigns an entire Spacecraft to another Spacecraft. Because we are varying one con-
trol point in the middle of a segment, this assignment allows us to conveniently set the second
Spacecraft without independently varying its state properties.

% Vary the states and delta V

Vary NLPOpt(satTOI.X = satTOI.X, ...
{Perturbation = 0.00001, MaxStep = 100})
Vary NLPOpt(satTOI.Y = satTOI.Y, ...
{Perturbation = 0.000001, MaxStep = 100})
Vary NLPOpt(satTOI.Z = satTOI.Z, ...
{Perturbation = 0.00001, MaxStep = 100})
Vary NLPOpt(satTOI.VX = satTOI.VX, ...
{Perturbation = 0.00001, MaxStep = 0.05})
Vary NLPOpt(satTOI.VY = satTOI.VY, ...
{Perturbation = 0.000001, MaxStep = 0.05})
Vary NLPOpt(satTOI.VZ = satTOI.VZ, ...
{Perturbation = 0.000001, MaxStep = 0.05})
Vary NLPOpt(satFlyBy_Forward.X = satFlyBy_Forward.MoonMJ2000Eq.X, ...

Tutorials Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi-
ple Shooting

{Perturbation = 0.00001, MaxStep = 100})

Vary NLPOpt(satFlyBy_Forward.Y = satFlyBy_Forward.MoonMJ2000Eq.Y, ...
{Perturbation = 0.00001, MaxStep = 100})
Vary NLPOpt(satFlyBy_Forward.Z = satFlyBy_Forward.MoonMJ2000Eq.Z, ...
{Perturbation = 0.00001, MaxStep = 100})
Vary NLPOpt(satFlyBy_Forward.VX = satFlyBy_Forward.MoonMJ2000Eq.VX, ...
{Perturbation = 0.00001, MaxStep = 0.1})
Vary NLPOpt(satFlyBy_Forward.VY = satFlyBy_Forward.MoonMJ2000Eq.VY, ...
{Perturbation = 0.00001, MaxStep = 0.1})
Vary NLPOpt(satFlyBy_Forward.VZ = satFlyBy_Forward.MoonMJ2000Eq.VZ, ...
{Perturbation = 0.00001, MaxStep = 0.1})
Vary NLPOpt(satMOI_Backward.X = satMOI_Backward.X, ...
{Perturbation = 0.000001, MaxStep = 40000})
Vary NLPOpt(satMOI_Backward.Y = satMOI_Backward.Y, ...
{Perturbation = 0.000001, MaxStep = 40000})
Vary NLPOpt(satMOI_Backward.Z = satMOI_Backward.Z, ...
{Perturbation = 0.000001, MaxStep = 40000})
Vary NLPOpt(satMOI_Backward.VX = satMOI_Backward.VX, ...
{Perturbation = 0.00001, MaxStep = 0.1})
Vary NLPOpt(satMOI_Backward.VY = satMOI_Backward.VY, ...
{Perturbation = 0.00001, MaxStep = 0.1})
Vary NLPOpt(satMOI_Backward.VZ = satMOI_Backward.VZ, ...
{Perturbation = 0.00001, MaxStep = 0.1})
Vary NLPOpt(MOI.Element1 = MOI.Element1, ...
{Perturbation = 0.0001, MaxStep = 0.005})

% Initialize spacecraft and do some reporting

satFlyBy_Backward = satFlyBy_Forward
satMOI_Forward = satMOI_Backward
deltaTimeFlyBy = flybyEpoch - launchEpoch

Apply Constraints at Control Points

Now that the control points have been set, we can apply constraints that occur at the control
points (i.e. before propagation to the patch point). Notice below that the NonlinearContraint
commands are commented out. We will uncomment those constraints later. The commands
below, when uncommented, will apply constraints on the launch inclination, the launch periapsis
radius, the mission orbit periapsis, and the last constraint ensures that TOI occurs at periapsis
of the transfer orbit.

% Apply constraints on initial states

%NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satTOI.INC=conTOIInclination)
%NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satTOI.RadPer=conTOIPeriapsis)
%NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satMOI_Backward.RadPer = conMOIPeriapsis)
errorMOIRadPer = satMOI_Backward.RadPer - conMOIPeriapsis

% This constraint ensures that satTOI state is at periapsis at injection

launchRdotV = (satTOI.X *satTOI.VX + satTOI.Y *satTOI.VY + ...
satTOI.Z *satTOI.VZ)/1000
%NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(launchRdotV=0)

Propagate the Segments

We are now ready to propagate the spacecraft to the patch points. We must propagate satTOI
forward to patchOneEpoch, propagate satFlyBy_Backward backwards to patchOneEp-
och, propagate satFlyBy_Forward to patchTwoEpoch, and propagate satMOI_Backward

Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi- Tutorials
ple Shooting

to patchTwoEpoch. Notice that some Propagate commands are applied inside of If state-
ments to ensure that propagation is performed in the correct direction.%


If satFlyBy_Forward.TAIModJulian > patchTwoEpoch
Propagate BackProp NearMoonProp(satFlyBy_Forward) . . .
Propagate NearMoonProp(satFlyBy_Forward) . . .

If In the script below, you will notice like this:


Propagate NearEarthProp(satTOI) {satTOI.TAIModJulian = patchOneEpoch, …
PenUp EarthView % The next three lines handle plot epoch discontinuity
Propagate BackProp NearMoonProp(satFlyBy_Backward)
PenDown EarthView

These lines are used to clean up discontinuities in the OrbitView that occur because we are
making discontinuous changes to time in this complex script.

% Propagate the segments

Propagate NearEarthProp(satTOI) {satTOI.TAIModJulian = ...
patchOneEpoch, StopTolerance = 1e-005}
% The next three lines handle epoch discontinuity in plotting
PenUp EarthView
Propagate BackProp NearMoonProp(satFlyBy_Backward)
PenDown EarthView
Propagate BackProp NearMoonProp(satFlyBy_Backward) ...
{satFlyBy_Backward.TAIModJulian = patchOneEpoch, StopTolerance = 1e-005}

% Propagate FlybySat to Apogee and apply apogee constraints

% The next three lines handle epoch discontinuity in plotting
PenUp EarthView
Propagate NearMoonProp(satFlyBy_Forward)
PenDown EarthView
Propagate NearMoonProp(satFlyBy_Forward)...
{satFlyBy_Forward.Earth.Apoapsis, StopTolerance = 1e-005}
Report debugData satFlyBy_Forward.RMAG

% Propagate FlybSat and satMOI_Backward to patchTwoEpoch

If satFlyBy_Forward.TAIModJulian > patchTwoEpoch
Propagate BackProp NearMoonProp(satFlyBy_Forward) ...
{satFlyBy_Forward.TAIModJulian = patchTwoEpoch,StopTolerance=1e-005}
Propagate NearMoonProp(satFlyBy_Forward)...
{satFlyBy_Forward.TAIModJulian = patchTwoEpoch,StopTolerance = 1e-005}
PenUp EarthView
% The next three lines handle epoch discontinuity in plotting
Propagate BackProp NearMoonProp(satMOI_Backward)
PenDown EarthView
Propagate BackProp NearMoonProp(satMOI_Backward)...
{satMOI_Backward.TAIModJulian = patchTwoEpoch, StopTolerance = 1e-005}

Tutorials Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi-
ple Shooting

Compute Some Quantities and Apply Patch Constraints

The variables errorPos1 and others below are used in XYPlots to display position and velocity
errors at the patch points.

% Compute constraint errors for plots

errorPos1 = sqrt((satTOI.X - satFlyBy_Backward.X)^2 + ...
(satTOI.Y - satFlyBy_Backward.Y)^2 + ...
(satTOI.Z - satFlyBy_Backward.Z)^2)
errorVel1 = sqrt((satTOI.VX - satFlyBy_Backward.VX)^2 + ...
(satTOI.VY - satFlyBy_Backward.VY)^2 +...
(satTOI.VZ - satFlyBy_Backward.VZ)^2)
errorPos2 = sqrt((satMOI_Backward.X - satFlyBy_Forward.X)^2 + ...
(satMOI_Backward.Y - satFlyBy_Forward.Y)^2 + ...
(satMOI_Backward.Z - satFlyBy_Forward.Z)^2)
errorVel2 = sqrt((satMOI_Backward.VX - satFlyBy_Forward.VX)^2 + ...
(satMOI_Backward.VY - satFlyBy_Forward.VY)^2 + ...
(satMOI_Backward.VZ - satFlyBy_Forward.VZ)^2)

Apply Patch Point Constraints

The NonlinearConstraint commands below apply the patch point constraints.

% Apply the collocation constraints constraints on final states

NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satTOI.EarthMJ2000Eq.X= ...
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satTOI.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y= ...
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satTOI.EarthMJ2000Eq.Z= ...
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satTOI.EarthMJ2000Eq.VX= ...
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satTOI.EarthMJ2000Eq.VY=...
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satTOI.EarthMJ2000Eq.VZ=...
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satMOI_Backward.EarthMJ2000Eq.X=...
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satMOI_Backward.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y=...
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satMOI_Backward.EarthMJ2000Eq.Z=...
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satMOI_Backward.EarthMJ2000Eq.VX=...
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satMOI_Backward.EarthMJ2000Eq.VY=...
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satMOI_Backward.EarthMJ2000Eq.VZ=...

Apply Constraints on Mission Orbit

We can now apply constraints on the final mission orbit that cannot be applied until after prop-
agation. The script snippet below applies the inclination constraint on the final mission orbit,
and applies the apogee radius constraint on the final mission orbit after MOI is applied.

% Apply mission orbit constraints and others on segments after propagation

Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi- Tutorials
ple Shooting

errorMOIInclination = satMOI_Forward.INC - conMOIInclination

%NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satMOI_Forward.EarthMJ2000Eq.INC...
% = conMOIInclination)
% Propagate satMOI_Forward to apogee
% The next three lines handle epoch discontinuity in plotting
PenUp EarthView
Propagate NearEarthProp(satMOI_Forward)
PenDown EarthView
If satMOI_Forward.Earth.TA > 180
Propagate NearEarthProp(satMOI_Forward) ...
Propagate BackProp NearEarthProp(satMOI_Forward)...
Maneuver MOI(satMOI_Forward)
Propagate NearEarthProp(satMOI_Forward) {satMOI_Forward.Earth.Apoapsis}
%NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satMOI_Forward.RadApo=conMOIApoapsis)
errorMOIRadApo = satMOI_Forward.Earth.RadApo - conMOIApoapsis

Apply Cost Function

The last script snippet applies the cost function and a Stop command. The Stop command is so
that we can QA your script configuration and make sure the initial guess is providing reasonable
results before attempting optimization.

% Apply cost function and

Cost = sqrt( MOI.Element1^2 + MOI.Element2^2 + MOI.Element3^2)
%Minimize NLPOpt(Cost)

% Report stuff at the end of the loop

Report debugData MOI.Element1
Report debugData satMOI_Forward.RMAG conMOIApoapsis conMOIInclination


Design the Trajectory

We are now ready to design the trajectory. We’ll do this in a couple of steps:

1. Run the script configuration and verify your configuration.

2. Run the mission applying only the patch point constraints to provide a smooth trajectory.
3. Run the mission with all constraints applied generating an optimal solution.
4. Run the mission with an alternative initial guess.
5. Add a new constraint and rerun the mission.

Step 1: Verify Your Configuration

If your script is configured correctly, when you click Save-Sync-Run in the bottom of the script
editor, you should see an OrbitView graphics window display the initial guess for the trajectory
as shown below. In the graphics, satTOI is displayed in green, satFlyBy_Backward is displayed
in orange, satFlyBy_Forward is displayed in dark red, and satMOI_Backward is displayed in
bright red, and satMOI_Forward is displayed in blue.

Tutorials Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi-
ple Shooting

Figure 77. View of Discontinuous Trajectory

You can use the mouse to manipulate the OrbitView to see that the patch points are indeed
discontinuous for the initial guess as shown below in the two screen captures. If your configu-
ration does not provide you with similar graphics, compare your script to the one provided for
this tutorial and address any differences.

Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi- Tutorials
ple Shooting

Figure 78. Alternate View (1) of Discontinuous Trajectory

Figure 79. Alternate View (2) of Discontinuous Trajectory

Step 2: Find a Smooth Trajectory

At this point in the tutorial, your script is configured to eliminate the patch point discontinuities
but does not apply mission constraints. We need to make a few small modifications before pro-
ceeding. We will turn off the OrbitView to improve the run time, and we will remove the Stop
command so that the optimizer will attempt to find a solution.

1. Near the bottom of the script, comment out the Stop command.
2. In the configuration of EarthView, change ShowPlot to false.

Tutorials Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi-
ple Shooting

3. Click Save Sync Run.

After a few optimizer iterations you should see “NLPOpt converged to within target accuracy"
displayed in the GMAT message window and your XY plot graphics should appear as shown
below. Let’s discuss the content of these windows. The upper left window shows the RSS history
of velocity error at the two patch points during the optimization process. The lower left window
shows the RSS history of the position error. The upper right window shows error in mission
orbit inclination, and the lower right window shows error mission orbit apogee and perigee radii.
You can see that in all cases the patch point discontinuities were driven to zero, but since other
constraints were not applied there are still errors in some mission constraints.

Figure 80. Smooth Trajectory Solution

Before proceeding to the next step, go to the message window and copy and paste the final
values of the optimization variables to a text editor for later use:

Step 3: Find an Optimal Trajectory

At this point in the tutorial, your script is configured to eliminate the patch point discontinuities
but does not apply constraints. We need to make a few small modifications to the script to find
an solution that meets the constraints.

1. Remove the “%” sign from the all NonlinearConstraint commands and the Minimize com-

NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satTOI.INC=conTOIInclination)
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satTOI.RadPer=conTOIPeriapsis)
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satMOI_Backward.RadPer = conMOIPeriapsis)
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(launchRdotV=0)
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satMOI_Forward.EarthMJ2000Eq.INC =. . .
NonlinearConstraint NLPOpt(satMOI_Forward.RadApo=conMOIApoapsis)
Minimize NLPOpt(Cost)
2. Click Save Sync Run.

The screen capture below shows the plots after optimization has been completed. Notice that
the constraint errors have been driven to zero in the plots

Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi- Tutorials
ple Shooting

Figure 81. Optimal Trajectory Solution

Another way to verify that the constraints have been satisfied is to look in the message window
where the final constraint variances are displayed as shown below. We could further reduce the
variances by lowering the tolerance setting on the optimizer.

Equality Constraint Variances:

Delta satTOI.INC = 1.44773082411e-011
Delta satTOI.RadPer = 7.08496372681e-010
Delta satMOI_Backward.RadPer = -3.79732227884e-007
Delta launchRdotV = -1.87725390788e-014
Delta satTOI.EarthMJ2000Eq.X = 0.00037122167123
Delta satTOI.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y = 2.79954474536e-005
Delta satTOI.EarthMJ2000Eq.Z = 2.78138068097e-005
Delta satTOI.EarthMJ2000Eq.VX = -3.87579257577e-009
Delta satTOI.EarthMJ2000Eq.VY = 1.5329883335e-009
Delta satTOI.EarthMJ2000Eq.VZ = -6.84140494256e-010
Delta satMOI_Backward.EarthMJ2000Eq.X = 0.0327844279818
Delta satMOI_Backward.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y = 0.0501471919124
Delta satMOI_Backward.EarthMJ2000Eq.Z = 0.0063349630509
Delta satMOI_Backward.EarthMJ2000Eq.VX = -7.5196416871e-008
Delta satMOI_Backward.EarthMJ2000Eq.VY = -7.48570442854e-008
Delta satMOI_Backward.EarthMJ2000Eq.VZ = -6.01668809219e-009
Delta satMOI_Forward.EarthMJ2000Eq.INC = -1.25488952563e-010
Delta satMOI_Forward.RadApo = -0.000445483252406

Finally, let’s look at the delta-V of the solution. In this case the delta-V is simply the value of
MOI.Element1 which is displayed in the message window with a value of -0.09171 km/s.

Step 4: Use a New Initial Guess

In Step 2 above, you saved the final solution for the smooth trajectory run. Let’s use those values
as the initial guess and see if we find a similar solution as found in the previous step. In the
ScriptEvent that defines the initial guess, paste the values below, below the values already there.
(don’t overwrite the old values!). Once you have changed the guess, run the mission again.

launchEpoch = 27698.2503232
flybyEpoch = 27703.7774182

Tutorials Optimal Lunar Flyby using Multi-
ple Shooting

moiEpoch = 27723.6487435
satTOI.X = -6651.63393843
satTOI.Y = -229.372171037
satTOI.Z = -168.481408909
satTOI.VX = 0.244028352166
satTOI.VY = -9.56544906767
satTOI.VZ = 5.11103080924
satFlyBy_Forward.X = 869.368923086
satFlyBy_Forward.Y = -6284.53685414
satFlyBy_Forward.Z = -3598.94426638
satFlyBy_Forward.VX = 1.14614444527
satFlyBy_Forward.VY = -0.726070354598
satFlyBy_Forward.VZ = -0.617780594192
satMOI_Backward.X = -53541.9714485
satMOI_Backward.Y = -68231.6304631
satMOI_Backward.Z = -1272.77554803
satMOI_Backward.VX = 2.0799329871
satMOI_Backward.VY = -1.89082570193
satMOI_Backward.VZ = -0.284385092038

We see in this case the optimization converged and found essentially the same solution of
-0.0907079 km/s

Figure 82. Solution Using New Guess

Step 5: Apply a New Constraint

We leave it as an exercise, to apply a constraint that the lunar flyby periapsis radius must be
greater than or equal to 5000 km.

Reference Guide
The Reference Guide contains individual topics that describe each of GMAT's resources and commands. When
you need detailed information on syntax or application-specific examples for specific features, go here. It
also includes system-level references that describe the script language syntax, parameter listings, external
interfaces, and configuration files.

The Resources section provides general information on GMAT Resources such as Spacecraft, Propagators,
Coordinate Systems, and EphemerisFiles to name just a few. Go here for details regarding syntax, op-
tions, variable ranges and data types, defaults, and expected behavior. Each section contains detailed, copy-
and-paste ready examples.

The Commands section provides general information on GMAT Commands such as Maneuver, Assign-
ment, Optimize, and Propagate to name just a few. Go here for details regarding syntax, options, variable
ranges and data types, defaults, and expected behavior. Each section contains detailed, copy-and-paste ready

The System section provides information on system configuration, external interfaces, the script language,
and the command line interface.
Reference Guide

Table of Contents
Array ....................................................................................................................... 123
Barycenter ................................................................................................................ 127
CelestialBody ............................................................................................................ 131
CoordinateSystem ..................................................................................................... 141
DifferentialCorrector ................................................................................................. 155
EphemerisFile .......................................................................................................... 159
FiniteBurn ................................................................................................................ 169
FminconOptimizer ................................................................................................... 173
Formation ................................................................................................................ 179
FuelTank .................................................................................................................. 181
GroundStation .......................................................................................................... 191
GroundTrackPlot ...................................................................................................... 197
ImpulsiveBurn .......................................................................................................... 205
LibrationPoint .......................................................................................................... 211
MatlabFunction ........................................................................................................ 215
OrbitView ................................................................................................................ 219
Propagator ............................................................................................................... 235
ReportFile ................................................................................................................ 259
SolarSystem .............................................................................................................. 267
Spacecraft ................................................................................................................ 271
Spacecraft Attitude ................................................................................................... 273
Spacecraft Ballistic/Mass Properties ........................................................................... 289
Spacecraft Epoch ...................................................................................................... 293
Spacecraft Hardware ................................................................................................. 301
Spacecraft Orbit State ............................................................................................... 307
Spacecraft Visualization Properties ............................................................................. 323
String ....................................................................................................................... 327
Thruster .................................................................................................................. 329
Variable ................................................................................................................... 345
VF13ad .................................................................................................................... 347
XYPlot .................................................................................................................... 351

Reference Guide

A user-defined one- or two-dimensional array variable

The Array resource is used to store a one- or two-dimensional set of numeric values, such as
a vector or a matrix. Individual elements of an array can be used in place of a literal numeric
value in most commands.

Arrays must be dimensioned at the time of creation, using the following syntax:
Create Array anArray[rows, columns]

If only one dimension is specified, a row vector is created.

Array values are initialized to zero at creation. Values can be assigned individually using literal nu-
meric values or (in the Mission Sequence) Variable resources, Array resource elements, resource
parameters of numeric type, or Equation commands that evaluate to scalar numeric values.
anArray(row, column) = value

If only one dimension is specified during assignment, row is assumed to be 1.

An Array can also be assigned as a whole in the Mission Sequence using another Array resource
or an Equation that evaluates to an array. Both sides of the assignment must be identically-sized.
anArray = array expression

See Also: String, Variable

The Array resource has no fields; instead, the resource elements themselves are set to the desired

Field Description
rows The number of rows (during creation), or the row being addressed. The total size
of the array is rows × columns. This field is required.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values 1 ≤ rows ≤ 1000
Access set
Default Value 1
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
columns The number of columns (during creation), or the column being addressed. The
total size of the array is rows × columns. This field is required.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values 1 ≤ columns ≤ 1000
Access set
Default Value 1
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Array

Field Description
value The value of the array element being addressed.

Data Type Real number

Allowed Values -∞ < value < ∞
Access set, get
Default Value 0.0
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


The GMAT GUI lets you create multiple Array resources at once without leaving the window.
To create an Array:

1. In the Array Name box, type the desired name of the array.
2. In the Row and Column boxes, type the desired number of rows and columns, respectively.
To create a one-dimensional array, set Row to 1.
3. Click the => button to create the array and add it to the list on the right.
4. Click the Edit button to edit the array element values.

You can create multiple Array resources this way. To edit an existing array in this window, click
it in the list on the right. Click Edit to change the element values, or edit the Row and Column
values. You must click the => button again to save changes to the size of the array.

Array Reference Guide

You can edit the elements of an Array by either clicking Edit while creating an array, or by
double-clicking the array in the resources tree in the main GMAT window. The edit window
allows you to change array elements individually using the row and column lists and clicking
Update, or by directly entering data in the table in the lower portion of the window. The data
table recognizes a few different mouse and keyboard controls:

• Click a cell once to select it

• Click a selected cell again, double-click an unselected cell, or press F2 to edit the value
• Use the arrow keys to select adjacent cells
• Click the corner header cell to select the entire table
• Drag the column and row separators to adjust the row height or column width
• Double-click the row or column separators in the heading to auto-size the row height or
column width

GMAT Array resources store an arbitrary number of numeric values organized into one or two
dimensions, up to a maximum of 1000 elements per dimension. Internally, the elements are
stored as double-precision real numbers, regardless of whether or not fractional portions are
present. Array resources can be created and assigned using one or two dimension specifiers.
This example shows the behavior in each case:

% a is a row vector with 3 elements

Create Array a[3]
a(1) = 1 % same as a(1, 1) = 1
a(2) = 2 % same as a(1, 2) = 2
a(3) = 3 % same as a(1, 3) = 3

% b is a matrix with 5 rows and 3 columns

Create Array b[5, 3]
b(1) = 1 % same as b(1, 1) = 1

Reference Guide Array

b(2) = 2 % same as b(1, 2) = 2

b(3) = 3 % same as b(1, 3) = 3
b(4) = 4 % error: b(1, 4) does not exist
b(4, 3) = 4 % row 4, column 3

Creating and reporting an array:

Create ReportFile aReport

Create Variable i idx1 idx2
Create Array fib[9]


fib(1) = 0
fib(2) = 1
For i=3:9
idx1 = i-1
idx2 = i-2
fib(i) = fib(idx1) + fib(idx2)
Report aReport fib

Reference Guide

The center of mass of selected celestial bodies

A Barycenter is the center of mass of a set of celestial bodies. GMAT contains two barycenter
resources: a built-in SolarSystemBarycenter resource and the Barycenter resource that allows
you to build a custom Barycenter such as the Earth-Moon barycenter. This resource cannot be
modified in the Mission Sequence.

See Also: LibrationPoint, CoordinateSystem, CelestialBody, SolarSystem

Option Description
BodyNames The list of CelestialBody resources included in the Barycenter.

Data Type String array

Allowed Values array of celestial bodies. You cannot add bod-
ies to the built-in SolarySystemBarycenter
resource. A CelestialBody can only appear
once in the BodyNames list.
Access set
Default Value Earth, Luna
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


The Barycenter dialog box allows you to define the celestial bodies included in a custom
Barycenter. All celestial bodies, including user-defined bodies, are available for use in a

Reference Guide Barycenter

Barycenter and appear in either the Available Bodies list or the Selected Bodies list. The
example above illustrates the default configuration which contains Earth and Luna.

The SolarySystemBarycenter dialog box shown above is a built-in object and you cannot mod-
ify its configuration. See the Remarks section for details regarding the model for the SolarSys-

Built-in SolarSystemBarycenter Object

The built-in SolarSystemBarycenter is modelled using the ephemerides selected in

the SolarySystem.EphemerisSource field. For example, if you select DE421 for
SolarSystem.EphemerisSource, then the barycenter location is computed by calling the
DE421 ephemeris routines. For DE and SPICE ephemerides, the model for the solar system
barycenter includes the planets and several hundred minor planets and asteroids. Note that you
cannot add bodies to the SolarSystemBarycenter.

Custom Barycenter Objects

You can create a custom barycenter using the Barycenter resource. The position and velocity
of a Barycenter is a mass-weighted average of the position and velocity of the included celestial
bodies. In the equations below mi, ri, and vi are respectively the mass, position, and velocity of
the ith body in the barycenter, and rb and vb are respectively the position and velocity of the

Barycenter Reference Guide

Define the state of a spacecraft in SolarSystemBarycenter coordinates.

Create CoordinateSystem SSB

SSB.Origin = SolarSystemBarycenter
SSB.Axes = MJ2000Eq

Create ReportFile aReport

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

aSpacecraft.CoordinateSystem = SSB
aSpacecraft.X = -27560491.88656896
aSpacecraft.Y = 132361266.8009069
aSpacecraft.Z = 57419875.95483227
aSpacecraft.VX = -29.78491261798486
aSpacecraft.VY = 2.320067257851091
aSpacecraft.VZ = -1.180722388963864


Report aReport aSpacecraft.EarthMJ2000Eq.X aSpacecraft.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y ...


Report the state of a spacecraft in SolarSystemBarycenter coordinates.

Create CoordinateSystem SSB

SSB.Origin = SolarSystemBarycenter
SSB.Axes = MJ2000Eq

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

Create ReportFile aReport


Report aReport aSpacecraft.SSB.X aSpacecraft.SSB.Y aSpacecraft.SSB.Z ...

aSpacecraft.SSB.VX aSpacecraft.SSB.VY aSpacecraft.SSB.VZ

Create an Earth-Moon Barycenter and use it in a Sun-Earth-Moon LibrationPoint.

Create Barycenter EarthMoonBary

EarthMoonBary.BodyNames = {Earth,Luna}

Create LibrationPoint SunEarthMoonL2

SunEarthMoonL2.Primary = Sun
SunEarthMoonL2.Secondary = EarthMoonBary
SunEarthMoonL2.Point = L2

Reference Guide Barycenter

Create CoordinateSystem SEML2Coordinates

SEML2Coordinates.Origin = SunEarthMoonL2
SEML2Coordinates.Axes = MJ2000Eq

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

GMAT aSpacecraft.DateFormat = UTCGregorian
GMAT aSpacecraft.Epoch = '09 Dec 2005 13:00:00.000'
GMAT aSpacecraft.CoordinateSystem = SEML2Coordinates
GMAT aSpacecraft.X = -32197.88223741966
GMAT aSpacecraft.Y = 211529.1500044117
GMAT aSpacecraft.Z = 44708.57017366499
GMAT aSpacecraft.VX = 0.03209516489451751
GMAT aSpacecraft.VY = 0.06086386504053736
GMAT aSpacecraft.VZ = 0.0550442738917212

Create ReportFile aReport


Report aReport aSpacecraft.EarthMJ2000Eq.X aSpacecraft.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y ...


Reference Guide

A celestial body model


The CelestialBody resource is a model of a celestial body containing settings for the physical
properties, as well as the models for the orbital motion and orientation. GMAT contains built-in
models for the Sun, the 8 planets, Earth's moon, and Pluto. You can create a custom Celestial-
Body resource to model a planet, asteroid, comet, or moon. This resource cannot be modified
in the Mission Sequence.

See Also: SolarSystem, Barycenter, LibrationPoint, CoordinateSystem


Field Description
CentralBody The central body of the celestial body. The central body field is
used primarily by the GUI.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Comet, Planet, Asteroid, or Moon
Access set
Default Value For Comet, Planet, Asteroid, the default
is Sun. For Moon, the default is Earth.
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
EquatorialRadius The body's equatorial radius.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0
Access set
Default Value 6378.1363
Units km
Interfaces GUI, script
FileName Path and/or name of texture map file used in OrbitView graphics.

Data Type String

Allowed Values A file of the following format:

.jpeg, .bmp, .png, .gif, .tif, .pcx, .pnm, .tga,

or .xpm
Access set
Default Value '../
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide CelestialBody

Field Description
Flattening The body's polar flattening.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real >= 0
Access set
Default Value 0.0033527
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Mu The body's gravitational parameter.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0
Access set
Default Value 398600.4415
Units km^3/s^2
Interfaces GUI, script
NAIFId NAIF Integer ID for body.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer
Access set
Default Value -123456789
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
NutationUpdateInterval The time interval between updates for Earth nutation matrix. If
NutationUpdateInterval = 3600, then GMAT only updates nuta-
tion on an hourly basis.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real >= 0
Access set
Default Value 60
Units sec.
Interfaces GUI, script
OrbitSpiceKernelName List of SPK kernels.

Data Type Reference array

Allowed Values valid array of SPK kernels
Access set
Default Value N/A
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
OrientationEpoch The reference epoch for orientation data.

Data Type String

Allowed Values 6116.0 <= Epoch <= 58127.5
Access set
Default Value 21545.0
Units A1 Modified Julian Epoch
Interfaces GUI, script

CelestialBody Reference Guide

Field Description
PosVelSource The model for user-defined body orbit ephemeredes. GMAT cur-
rently only supports a single ephemeris model for custom bodies
(SPICE) and this is set using PosVelSource field. The default for
PosVelSource is SPICE and it is not necessary to configure this
field in the current version of GMAT. This field has no effect for
built-in bodies.

Data Type String

Allowed Values SPICE
Access set
Default Value DE405 for build in bodies. SPICE for
user defined bodies.
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
RotationConstant The body's spin angle at the orientation epoch.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real
Access set
Default Value 190.147
Units deg
Interfaces GUI, script
RotationDataSource For Earth default is FK5IAU1980, for Luna default is DE405, for
selected built in bodies IAU2000, and for selected built in bodies
and all user defined bodies, default is IAUSimplified.

Data Type String

Allowed Values IAUSimplified, DE405, FK5IAU1980,
IAU2000. See discussion below for more
details as not all options are allowed for
all bodies.
Access set
Default Value For Earth default is FK5IAU1980, for
Luna default is DE405, for selected built
in bodies IAU2000, and for selected built
in bodies and all user defined bodies, de-
fault is IAUSimplified.
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
RotationRate The body's spin rate.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real
Access set
Default Value 360.9856235
Units deg/day
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide CelestialBody

Field Description
SpinAxisDECConstant The declination of the body's spin axis at the orientation epoch.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real
Access set
Default Value 90
Units deg
Interfaces GUI, script
SpinAxisDECRate The rate of change of the body's spin axis declination.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real
Access set
Default Value -0.5570
Units deg/century
Interfaces GUI, script
SpinAxisRAConstant The right ascension of the body's spin axis at the orientation epoch.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real
Access set
Default Value -0.641
Units deg
Interfaces GUI, script
SpinAxisRARate The rate of change of the body's right ascension.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real
Access set
Default Value -0.641
Units deg/century
Interfaces GUI, script


The CelestialBody GUI has three tabs that allow you to set the physical properties, orbital
properties, and the orientation model. CelestialBody resources can be used in ForceModels,
CoordinateSystems, LibrationPoints, and Barycenters, among others. For a built-in Celes-
tialBody, the Orbit and Orientation tabs are largely inactive and the behavior is discussed be-
low. To create a custom Asteroid - as an example of how to create a custom CelestialBody -
perform the following steps.

1. In the Resource Tree, expand the SolarSystem folder.

2. Right-click Sun and select Add -> Asteroid.
3. In the New Asteroid dialog box, type the desired name.

CelestialBody Reference Guide

The CelestialBody Properties tab is shown below. GMAT models all bodies as spherical ellip-
soids and you can set the Equatorial Radius, Flattening, and Mu (gravitational parameter) on
this dialog box, as well as the texture map used in OrbitView graphics displays.

The CelestialBody Orbit tab is shown below for creating a custom CelestialBody. Settings
on this panel are inactive for built-in celestial bodies and the ephemeris for built-in bodies is
configured on the SolarSystem dialog. The CentralBody field is populated automatically when
the object is created and is always inactive. To configure SPICE ephemerides for a custom body,
provide a list of SPK files and the NAIF ID. See the discussion below for more information
on configuring SPICE files.

Reference Guide CelestialBody

The CelestialBody Orientation tab is shown below. Most settings on this panel are inactive
for built-in celestial bodies and exceptions for the Earth and Earth's moon are described further
below. To define the orientation for a celestial body you provide a reference epoch, the initial
orientation at the reference epoch, and angular rates. See the discussion below for a more detailed
description of the orientation model.

CelestialBody Reference Guide

The Earth and Earth's moon have unique fields to configure their orientation models. The Earth
has an extra field called NutationUpdateInterval that can be used when lower fidelity, higher
performance simulations are required.

Reference Guide CelestialBody

Celestial Body Orientation Model
The orientation of built-in celestial bodies is modeled using high fidelity theories on a per-body
basis. The orientation of Earth is modeled using IAU-1976/FK5. The orientation of the Moon
is modeled using lunar librations from the DE405 file. The remaining built-in celestial body
orientations are modeled using data published by the IAU/IAG in "Report of the IAU/IAG
Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements of the Planets and Satel-
lites: 2000".

The orientation of a custom CelestialBody is modeled by providing three angles and their
rates based on IAU/IAG conventions. The figure below illustrates the angles. The angles αo,
δo, and W, are respectively the SpinAxisRAConstant, SpinAxisDECConstant, and Rotation-
Constant. The angular rates are respectively SpinAxisRARate, SpinAxisDECRate, and Ro-
tationRate. All angles are referenced to the X-Y plane of the ICRF axis system. The constant
values SpinAxisRAConstant, SpinAxisDECConstant, and RotationConstant are defined to
be the values at the epoch defined in OrientationEpoch.

Below is an example illustrating how to configure a CelestialBody according to the IAU 2006
recommended values for Vesta. Note the orientation epoch typically used by the IAU is 01 Jan
2000 12:00:00.00.000 TDB and this must be converted to A1ModJulian which can easily be
performed using the Spacecraft Orbit dialog box.

Create Asteroid Vesta

Vesta.CentralBody = Sun
% Note that currently the only available
% format for OrientationEpoch is A1ModJulian
Vesta.OrientationEpoch = 21544.99962789878
Vesta.SpinAxisRAConstant = 301.9
Vesta.SpinAxisRARate = 0.9
Vesta.SpinAxisDECConstant = 90.9
Vesta.SpinAxisDECRate = 0.0
Vesta.RotationConstant = 292.9
Vesta.RotationRate = 1617.332776

Note: The orientation models available for Earth and Luna have additional fields for configura-
tion. Earth has an additional field called NutationUpdateInterval that controls the update fre-
quency for the Nutation matrix. For high fidelity applications, NutationUpdateInterval should
be set to zero. The RotationDataSource field for Earth and Luna defines the theory used for

CelestialBody Reference Guide

the rotation of those bodies. Currently, only FK5IAU1980 and DE405 are available for Earth
and Luna respectively and the field is displayed for information purposes only. Future versions
of GMAT will support DE421 for Luna and IAU-2000A theory for Earth.

Configuring Orbit Ephemerides

The ephemerides for built-in celestial bodies is specified by the SolarSystem.EphemerisSource
field and the same source is used for all built-in bodies. Ephemerides for a custom CelestialBody
are provided by SPICE files. Archives of available SPICE files can be found at the JPL NAIF
site and the Solar System Dynamics site . JPL provides utilities to create custom SPICE files
in the event existing kernels don't satisfy requirements for your application. To create custom
SPICE kernels, see the documentation provided by JPL. The list of NAIF Ids for celestial bodies
is located here.

Note that the DE files model the barycenter of planetary systems. So for Jupiter, when using
DE405 for example, you are modeling Jupiter's location as the barycenter of the Jovian system.
SPICE kernels differentiate the barycenter of a planetary system from the location of the indi-
vidual bodies. So when using SPICE to model Jupiter, you are modeling the location of Jupiter
using Jupiter's center of mass.

To specify the SPICE kernels for a custom CelestialBody, use the NAIFId, CentralBody, and
SourceFileName fields. GMAT is distributed with an SPK file for CERES which has NAIF ID
2000001. Here is how to configure a CelestialBody to use the CERES SPICE ephemeris data.

Create CelestialBody Ceres

Ceres.CentralBody = Sun
Ceres.SourceFilename = '../data/planetary_ephem/spk/ceres_1900_2100.bsp'

Note: GMAT currently only supports a single ephemeris model for custom bodies (SPICE) and
this is set using PosVelSource field. The default for PosVelSource is SPICE and it is not necessary
to configure this field in the current version of GMAT.

NIAF distributes SPICE kernels for many celestial bodies and each kernel is con-
sistent with a particular primary ephemeris release such as DE421. For high pre-
cision analysis, it is important to ensure that the ephemerides used for a cus-
tom celestial body are consistent with the ephemeris source selection in the
SolarSystem.EphemerisSource field. SPICE kernels are typically distributed with
a ".cmt" file and in that file the line that contains the ephemeris model looks like this:

Planetary Ephemeris Number: DE-0421/LE-0421

Configuring Physical Properties

GMAT models all celestial bodies as spherical ellipsoids. To define the physical properties use
the Flattening, EquatorialRadius, and Mu fields.

Configure a CelestialBody to model Saturn's moon Titan. Note you must obtain the SPICE
kernel named "sat351.bsp" from here and place it in the directory identified in the script snippet

Reference Guide CelestialBody

Create Moon Titan

Titan.NAIFId = 606
Titan.OrbitSpiceKernelName = {...
Titan.EquatorialRadius = 2575
Titan.Flattening = 0
Titan.Mu = 8978.5215
Titan.PosVelSource = 'SPICE'
Titan.CentralBody = 'Saturn'
Titan.RotationDataSource = 'IAUSimplified'
Titan.OrientationEpoch = 21545
Titan.SpinAxisRAConstant = 36.41
Titan.SpinAxisRARate = -0.036
Titan.SpinAxisDECConstant = 83.94
Titan.SpinAxisDECRate = -0.004
Titan.RotationConstant = 189.64
Titan.RotationRate = 22.5769768

Reference Guide

An axis and origin pair


A CoordinateSystem in GMAT is defined as an origin and an axis system. You can select
the origin of a CoordinateSystem from various points such as a CelestialBody, Spacecraft,
GroundStation, or LibrationPoint to name a few. GMAT supports numerous axis systems such
as J2000 equator, J2000 ecliptic, ICRF, ITRF, Topocentric, and ObjectReferenced among
others. CoordinateSystems are tightly integrated into GMAT to enable you to define, report,
and visualize data in coordinate systems relevant to your application. This resource cannot be
modified in the Mission Sequence.

See Also: Spacecraft, Calculation Parameters, OrbitView


Field Description
Axes The axes of the CoordinateSystem.

Data Type String

Allowed Values MJ2000Eq, MJ2000Ec, ICRF, ITRF, MODEq,
TOEEq, TOEEc, ObjectReferenced, Equator,
BodyFixed, BodyInertial, GSE, GSM, Topocentric,
Access set
Default Value MJ2000Eq
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Epoch The reference epoch for the CoordinateSystem. This field is only used for TOE
amd MOE axis types.

Data Type String

Allowed Values A1 Modified Julian epoch.
Access set
Default Value 21545
Units Modified Julian Date
Interfaces GUI, script
Origin The origin of the CoordinateSystem.

Data Type String

Allowed Values CelestialBody, Spacecraft, LibrationPoint, Barycen-
ter, SolarSystemBarycenter, GroundStation
Access set
Default Value Earth
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide CoordinateSystem

Field Description
Primary The primary body for an ObjectReferenced axis system. This field is only used
if Axes = ObjectReferenced. See the discussion below for more information on
how Primary and Secondary are used to compute ObjectReferenced axes.

Data Type String

Allowed Values CelestialBody, Spacecraft, LibrationPoint, Barycen-
ter, SolarSystemBarycenter, GroundStation
Access set
Default Value Earth
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Secondary The secondary body for an ObjectReferenced axis system. This field is only used
if Axes = ObjectReferenced. See the discussion below for more information on
how Primary and Secondary are used to compute ObjectReferenced axes.

Data Type String

Allowed Values CelestialBody, Spacecraft, LibrationPoint, Barycen-
ter, SolarSystemBarycenter, GroundStation
Access set
Default Value Luna
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
XAxis The x-axis definition for an ObjectReferenced axis system. This field is only used
if Axes = ObjectReferenced. See the discussion below for more information on
how the axes are computed for ObjectReferenced axis systems.

Data Type String

Allowed Values R,V, N, -R, -V, -N, or empty
Access set
Default Value R
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
YAxis The y-axis definition for an ObjectReferenced axis system. This field is only used
if Axes = ObjectReferenced. See the discussion below for more information on
how the axes are computed for ObjectReferenced axis systems.

Data Type String

Allowed Values R,V, N, -R, -V,-N, or empty
Access set
Default Value No Default
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

CoordinateSystem Reference Guide

Field Description
Zaxis The z-axis for an ObjectReferenced axis system. This field is only used if Axes
= ObjectReferenced. See the discussion below for more information on how
the axes are computed for ObjectReferenced axis systems.

Data Type String

Allowed Values R,V, N, -R, -V,-N, or empty
Access set
Default Value N
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


The New Coordinate System dialog box shown above appears when you add a new coordi-
nate system in the Resource Tree. You provide a name for the new CoordinateSystem in the
Coordinate System Name box and configure the CoordinateSystem by selecting the Origin
and Axes types along with other settings. Some settings, such as Primary and Secondary, are
only active for particular Axes types and those dependencies are described below.

Reference Guide CoordinateSystem

When editing an existing CoordinateSystem, you use the CoordinateSystem dialog box. The
default configuration is shown above.

If you select ObjectReferenced for the Axes type, then the Primary, Secondary, X, Y, and Z
fields are activated. You can use the ObjectReferenced axis system to define coordinates based
on the motion of two space objects such as Spacecraft, CelestialBodies, or Barycenters to
name a few. See the discussion below for a detailed definition of the ObjectReferenced axis

CoordinateSystem Reference Guide

If you select TOEEq, TOEEc, MOEEq, or MOEEc as the axis type, then the A1MJd Epoch
field is activated. Use the A1MJd Epoch field to define the reference epoch of the coordinate


Computation of J2000-Based Axes using IAU76/FK5 Reduction

FK5 reduction is the transformation that rotates a vector expressed in the MJ2000Eq system to
the EarthFixed CoordinateSystem. There are many coordinate systems that are intermediate
rotations in FK5 reduction and this section describes how the following axes types are comput-
ed: MJ2000Eq, MJ2000Ec, EarthFixed, MODEq, MODEc,TODEq,TODEc, MODEq,
MODEc, TODEq, and TODEc axes systems.

The time varying orientation of the Earth is complex due to interactions between the Earth and
its external environment (the Sun and Moon and Planets) and internal dynamics. The orientation
cannot currently be modelled to the accuracy required by many space applications and FK5
reduction is a combination of dynamical modelling along with daily corrections from empirical
observations. The figure below illustrates components of motion of the Earth with respect to
inertial space. The primary components of the motion of the Earth with respect to inertial space
are Precession, Nutation, Sidereal time and, Polar Motion.

Reference Guide CoordinateSystem

The principal moment of inertia is defined as the Celestial Ephemeris Pole. Due to the fact
that Earth’s mass distribution changes with time, the Celestial Ephemeris Pole is not constant
with respect to the Earth’s surface. Precession is defined as the coning motion that the Celestial
Ephemeris Pole makes around the ecliptic north pole. The other principal component of the
motion of the Celestial Ephemeris Pole is called nutation and is the oscillation in the angle
between the Celestial Ephemeris Pole and the north ecliptic pole. The theory of Precession and
Nutation come from dynamical models of the Earth’s motion. The Sidereal time is the rotation
of the Earth about the Celestial Ephemeris Pole. The sidereal time model is a combination of
theory and observation. The Earth’s spin axis direction is not constant with respect to the Earth’s
crust and its motion is called Polar Motion. A portion of polar motion is due to complicated
dynamics, and a portion is due to unmodelled errors in nutation. Polar motion is determined
from observation.

The True of Date (TOD) systems and Mean of Date (MOD) systems are intermediate coordinate
systems in FK5 reduction and are commonly used in analysis. The details of the computations
are contained in the GMAT mathematical specification and the figure below is included here
for summary purposes. The following abbreviations are used in the figure. PM: Polar Motion,
ST: Sideral Time, NUT: Nutation, PREC: Precession, ITRF: International Terrestrial Reference
Frame (Earth Fixed), PEF: Pseudo Earth Fixed, TODEq: True of Date Equator, TODEc: True
of Date Ecliptic, MODEc: Mean of Date Ecliptic, MODEq: Mean of Date Equator, FK5: J2000
Equatorial Inertial (IAU-1976/1980).

CoordinateSystem Reference Guide

Computation of ICRF and ITRF Axes using IAU2000 Conventions

The computation for the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) and the International
Terestrial Reference Fame (ITRF) are computed using the IAU 2000A theory with the 2006 up-
date to precession. GMAT uses the Celestial Intermediate Origin (CIO) method of transforma-
tion which avoids issues associated with precession and nutation. In the CIO model, the Celestial
Intermediate Pole unit vector is modeled using the variables X and S and the CIO locator, s. For
performance reasons, GMAT interpolates X, Y, and s, from precomputed values stored in the
file named ICRF_Table.txt distributed with GMAT.

GMAT models the rotation from ICRF to MJ200Eq by rotating through the EarthFixed frame
which is identical for both the old (1976) and new (2000) theories. For performance reasons, the
conversion from ICRF to MJ2000Eq is interplolated from pre-computed values of the Euler
axis and angle between those frames. Note that GMAT does not currenty support the IAU2000
body fixed frame for Earth and that model will be included in a future release.

Computation of ObjectReference Axis System

An ObjectReferenced axis system is defined by the motion of one object with respect to an-
other object. The figure below defines the six principal directions of an Object Referenced axis
system. One is the relative position of the secondary object with respect to the primary object,
denoted by r, expressed in the inertial frame. The second is the relative velocity, denoted here by
v, of the secondary object with respect to the primary, expressed in the inertial frame. The third
direction is the vector normal to the direction of motion which is denoted by n and is calculated
using n = r × v. The remaining three directions are the negative of the first three yielding the
complete set: {R,-R, V,-V, N,-N}.

Reference Guide CoordinateSystem

You define an Object Referenced axis system by defining two axes from the three available
[X, Y, and Z] using the six available options {R,-R, V,-V, N,-N}. Given two directions, GMAT
constructs an orthogonal, right-handed CoordinateSystem. For example, if you choose the x-
axis to be in the direction of R and the z-axis to be in the direction of N, GMAT completes
the right-handed set by setting the y-axis in the direction of NxR. If you choose permutations
that result in a non-orthogonal or left-handed CoordinateSystem, GMAT will throw an error

GMAT currently assumes that terms involving the cross and dot product of accel-
eration are zero when computing ObjectReferenced rotation matrices.

Overview of Built-in Coordinate Systems

Name Origin Axes Description

EarthMJ2000Eq Earth MJ2000Eq An Earth equator inertial system based on IAU-1976/
FK5 theory with 1980 update to nutation.
EarthMJ2000Ec Earth MJ2000Ec An Earth ecliptic inertial system based on IAU-1976/
FK5 theory with 1980 update to nutation.
EarthFixed Earth BodyFixed An Earth fixed system based on IAU-1976/FK5 theo-
ry with 1980 update to nutation.
EarthICRF Earth ICRF An Earth equator inertial system based on IAU-2000
theory with 2006 update to precession.

CoordinateSystem Reference Guide

Description of Axes Types

Axes Name Origin Base Type Description

MJ2000Eq None IAU-1976 An inertial coordinate system. The nominal x-axis
FK5 points along the line formed by the intersection of the
Earth’s mean equatorial plane and the mean ecliptic
plane (at the J2000 epoch), in the direction of Aries.
The z-axis is normal to the Earth’s mean equator at the
J2000 epoch and the y-axis completes the right-handed
system. The mean planes of the ecliptic and equator, at
the J2000 epoch, are computed using IAU-1976/FK5
theory with 1980 update for nutation.
MJ2000Ec None IAU-1976 An inertial coordinate system. The x-axis points along
FK5 the line formed by the intersection of the Earth’s mean
equator and the mean ecliptic plane at the J2000 epoch.
The z-axis is normal to the mean equatorial plane at
the J2000 Epoch and the y-axis completes the right-
handed set. This system is computed using IAU-1976/
FK5 theory with 1980 update for nutation.
ICRF None IAU-2000 An inertial coordinate system. The axes are close to the
mean Earth equator and pole at the J2000 epoch, and
at the Earth’s surface, the RSS difference between vec-
tors expressed in MJ2000Eq and ICRF is less than 1
m. Note that since MJ2000Eq and ICRF are imper-
fect realizations of inertial systems, the transformation
between them is time varying. This axis system is com-
puted using IAU-2000A theory with 2006 update for
MODEq None IAU-1976 A quasi-inertial coordinate system referenced to
FK5 Earth’s mean equator at the current epoch. The cur-
rent epoch is defined by the context of use and usual-
ly comes from the spacecraft or graphics epoch. This
system is computed using IAU-1976/FK5 theory with
1980 update for nutation.
MODEc None IAU-1976 A quasi-inertial coordinate system referenced to the
FK5 mean ecliptic at the current epoch. The current epoch
is defined by the context of use and usually comes from
the spacecraft or graphics epoch. This system is com-
puted using IAU-1976/FK5 theory with 1980 update
for nutation.
TODEq None IAU-1976 A quasi-inertial coordinate system referenced to
FK5 Earth’s true equator at the current epoch. The cur-
rent epoch is defined by the context of use and usual-
ly comes from the spacecraft or graphics epoch. This
system is computed using IAU-1976/FK5 theory with
1980 update for nutation.

Reference Guide CoordinateSystem

Axes Name Origin Base Type Description

TODEc None IAU-1976 A quasi-inertial coordinate system referenced to
FK5 Earth’s true ecliptic at the current epoch. The cur-
rent epoch is defined by the context of use and usual-
ly comes from the spacecraft or graphics epoch. This
system is computed using IAU-1976/FK5 theory with
1980 update for nutation.
MOEEq None IAU-1976 A quasi-inertial coordinate system referenced to
FK5 Earth’s mean equator at the reference epoch. The ref-
erence epoch is defined on the CoordinateSystem ob-
ject. This system is computed using IAU-1976/FK5
theory with 1980 update for nutation.
MOEEc None IAU-1976 A quasi-inertial coordinate system referenced to the
FK5 mean ecliptic at the reference epoch. The reference
epoch is defined on the CoordinateSystem object.
This system is computed using IAU-1976/FK5 theory
with 1980 update for nutation.
TOEEq None IAU-1976 A quasi-inertial coordinate system referenced to
FK5 Earth’s true equator at the reference epoch. The refer-
ence epoch is defined on the CoordinateSystem ob-
ject. This system is computed using IAU-1976/FK5
theory with 1980 update for nutation.
TOEEc None IAU-1976 A quasi-inertial coordinate system referenced to the
FK5 true ecliptic at the reference epoch. The reference
epoch is defined on the CoordinateSystem object.
This system is computed using IAU-1976/FK5 theory
with 1980 update for nutation.
ObjectRefer- None IAU-1976 An ObjectReferenced system is a CoordinateSys-
enced FK5 tem whose axes are defined by the motion of one ob-
ject with respect to another object. See the discussion
above for a detailed description of the ObjectRefer-
enced axis system.
Equator Celes- IAU-1976 A true of date equator axis system for the celestial
tial FK5 body selected as the origin. The Equator system is
Body defined by the body’s equatorial plane and its inter-
section with the ecliptic plane, at the current epoch.
The current epoch is defined by the context of use
and usually comes from the spacecraft or graphics
epoch. The Equator system for Earth is computed us-
ing IAU-1976/FK5 theory. For the Moon, the Equa-
tor system is computed using the theory selected in
the field Luna.RotationDataSource. For other built-
in celestial bodies, the body fixed axes are computed
using models provided by the IAU in “Report of the
IAU/IAG Working Group on Cartographic Coordi-
nates and Rotational Elements of the Planets and Satel-
lites: 2000”.

CoordinateSystem Reference Guide

Axes Name Origin Base Type Description

BodyFixed Celes- IAU-1976 The BodyFixed axis system is referenced to the
tial FK5 body equator and the prime meridian of the body.
Body The BodyFixed system for Earth is computed using
IAU-1976/FK5 theory. For the Moon, the BodyFixed
system is computed using the theory selected in the
field Luna.RotationDataSource. For other built-in ce-
lestial bodies, the body fixed axes are computed us-
ing models provided by the IAU in “Report of the
IAU/IAG Working Group on Cartographic Coordi-
nates and Rotational Elements of the Planets and Satel-
lites: 2000”.
BodyInertial Celes- IAU-1976 An inertial system referenced to the equator ( at the
tial FK5 J2000 epoch ) of the celestial body selected as the origin
Body of the CoordinateSystem. Because the BodyInertial
axis system uses different theories for different bod-
ies, the following definitions describe only the nomi-
nal axis configurations. The x-axis points along the line
formed by the intersection of the bodies equator and
earth’s mean equator at J2000. The z-axis points along
the body's spin axis direction at the J2000 epoch. The
y-axis completes the right-handed set. For Earth, the
BodyInertial axis system is identical to the MJ2000Eq
system. For the Moon, the orientation at the J2000
epoch is computed using the theory selected in the field
Luna.RotationDataSource. For all other built-in ce-
lestial bodies, the BodyInertial axis system is based
upon the IAU report entitled “Report of the IAU/IAG
Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Ro-
tational Elements of the Planets and Satellites: 2000”
GSE None IAU-1976 The Geocentric Solar Ecliptic system. The x-axis
FK5 points from Earth to the Sun. The z-axis is defined
as the cross product RxV where R and V are earth’s
position and velocity with respect to the sun respec-
tively. The y-axis completes the right-handed set. The
GSE axes are computed using the relative motion of
the Earth and Sun even if the origin is not Earth.
GSM None IAU-1976 The Geocentric Solar Magnetic system. The x-axis
FK5 points from Earth to the Sun. The z-axis is defined
to be orthogonal to the x-axis and lies in the plane of
the x-axis and Earth’s magnetic dipole vector. The y-
axis completes the right-handed set. The GSM axes are
computed using the relative motion of the Earth and
Sun even if the origin is not Earth.
Topocentric Earth IAU-1976 A GroundStation-based coordinate system. The y-ax-
FK5 is points due East and the z-axis is normal to the local
horizon. The x-axis completes the right handed set.

Reference Guide CoordinateSystem

Axes Name Origin Base Type Description

BodySpinSun Celes- IAU-1976 A celestial body spin-axis-referenced system. The x-ax-
tial FK5 is points from the celestial body to the Sun. The y-axis
Body is computed as the cross product of the x-axis and the
body's spin axis. The z-axis completes the right-hand-
ed set.

Define a Spacecraft’s state in EarthFixed coordinates.

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

aSpacecraft.CoordinateSystem = EarthFixed
aSpacecraft.X = 7100
aSpacecraft.Y = 0
aSpacecraft.Z = 1300
aSpacecraft.VX = 0
aSpacecraft.VY = 7.35
aSpacecraft.VZ = 1

Report a Spacecraft’s state in GroundStation Topocentric coordinates.

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp
Create GroundStation aStation

Create CoordinateSystem stationTopo

stationTopo.Origin = aStation
stationTopo.Axes = Topocentric

Create ReportFile aReport

aReport.Filename = 'ReportFile1.txt'
aReport.Add = {aSat.stationTopo.X aSat.stationTopo.Y aSat.stationTopo.Z ...
aSat.stationTopo.VX aSat.stationTopo.VY aSat.stationTopo.VZ}


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 8640.0}

View a trajectory in an ObjectReferenced, rotating-LibrationPoint system.

% Create the Earth-Moon Barycenter and Libration Point

Create Barycenter EarthMoonBary
EarthMoonBary.BodyNames = {Earth,Luna};

Create LibrationPoint SunEarthMoonL1

SunEarthMoonL1.Primary = Sun;
SunEarthMoonL1.Secondary = EarthMoonBary
SunEarthMoonL1.Point = L1;

% Create the coordinate system

Create CoordinateSystem RotatingSEML1Coord
RotatingSEML1Coord.Origin = SunEarthMoonL1
RotatingSEML1Coord.Axes = ObjectReferenced
RotatingSEML1Coord.XAxis = R

CoordinateSystem Reference Guide

RotatingSEML1Coord.ZAxis = N
RotatingSEML1Coord.Primary = Sun
RotatingSEML1Coord.Secondary = EarthMoonBary

% Create the spacecraft and propagator

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft
aSpacecraft.DateFormat = UTCGregorian
aSpacecraft.Epoch = '09 Dec 2005 13:00:00.000'
aSpacecraft.CoordinateSystem = RotatingSEML1Coord
aSpacecraft.X = -32197.88223741966
aSpacecraft.Y = 211529.1500044117
aSpacecraft.Z = 44708.57017366499
aSpacecraft.VX = 0.03209516489451751
aSpacecraft.VY = 0.06100386504053736
aSpacecraft.VZ = 0.0550442738917212

Create Propagator aPropagator

aPropagator.FM = aForceModel
aPropagator.MaxStep = 86400
Create ForceModel aForceModel
aForceModel.PointMasses = {Earth,Sun,Luna}

% Create a 3-D graphic

Create OrbitView anOrbitView
anOrbitView.Add = {aSpacecraft, Earth, Sun, Luna}
anOrbitView.CoordinateSystem = RotatingSEML1Coord
anOrbitView.ViewPointReference = SunEarthMoonL1
anOrbitView.ViewPointVector = [-1500000 0 0 ]
anOrbitView.ViewDirection = SunEarthMoonL1
anOrbitView.ViewUpCoordinateSystem = RotatingSEML1Coord
anOrbitView.Axes = Off
anOrbitView.XYPlane = Off


Propagate aPropagator(aSpacecraft, {aSpacecraft.ElapsedDays = 180})

Reference Guide

A numerical solver


A DifferentialCorrector (DC) is a numerical solver for solving boundary value problems. It is

used to refine a set of variable parameters in order to meet a set of goals defined for the modeled
mission. The DC in GMAT uses a simple shooting method where the derivatives are determined
using finite differencing. In the mission sequence, you use the DifferentialCorrector resource in
a Target control sequence to solve the boundary value problem. In GMAT, differential correc-
tors are often used to determine the maneuver components required to achieve desired orbital
conditions, say, B-plane conditions at a planetary flyby.

You must create and configure a DifferentialCorrector resource for your application by setting
numerical properties of the solver such as the maximum number of allowed iterations and choice
of derivative method used to calculate the finite differences. You can also select among different
output options that show increasing levels of information for each differential corrector iteration.

This resource cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

See Also: Target, Vary, Achieve


Field Description
DerivativeMethod Chooses between one-sided and central differencing for numerically
determining the derivative.

Data Type String

Allowed Values ForwardDifference, BackwardDifference,
Access set
Default Value ForwardDifference
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
MaximumIterations Sets the maximum number of nominal passes the DifferentialCorrec-
tor is allowed to take during the attempt to find a solution. If the max-
imum iterations is reached, GMAT exits the target loop and continues
to the next command in the mission sequence. In this case, the objects
retain their states as of the last nominal pass through the targeting loop.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer >= 1
Access set
Default Value 25
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide DifferentialCorrector

Field Description
ReportFile Specifies the path and file name for the DifferentialCorrector report.
  The report is only generated if ShowProgress is set to true.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Filename consistent with OS
Access set
Default Value DifferentialCorrectorDCName.data,
where DCname is the name of the Differen-
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ReportStyle Controls the amount and type of information written to the file defined
in the ReportFile field. Currently, the Normal and Concise options
contain the same information: the Jacobian, the inverse of the Jacobian,
the current values of the control variables, and achieved and desired
values of the constraints. Verbose contains values of the perturbation
variables in addition to the data for Normal and Concise. Debug con-
tains detailed script snippets at each iteration for objects that have con-
trol variables.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Normal, Concise, Verbose, Debug
Access set
Default Value Normal
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ShowProgress When the ShowProgress field is set to true, then data illustrating the
progress of the differential correction process are written to the mes-
sage window and the ReportFile. The message window is updated with
information on the current control variable values and the contraint
variances.  When the ShowProgress field is set to false, no information
on the progress of the differential correction process is displayed to the
message window or written to the ReportFile.

Data Type String

Allowed Values true, false
Access set
Default Value true
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

The DifferentialCorrector dialog box allows you to specify properties of a DifferentialCor-
rector such as maximum iterations, choice of derivative method used to calculate the finite dif-
ferences, and choice of reporting options.

To create a DifferentialCorrector resource, navigate to the Resources tree, expand the Solvers
folder, right-click on the Boundary Value Solvers folder, point to Add, and click Differential-
Corrector. A resource named DC1 will be created. Double-click on the DC1 resource to bring
up the following Differential Corrector dialog box.

DifferentialCorrector Reference Guide

Resource and Command Interactions
The DifferentialCorrector object can only be used in the context of targeting-type commands.
Please see the documentation for Target, Vary, and Achieve for more information and worked

Create a DifferentialCorrector object.

Create DifferentialCorrector DC1

DC1.ShowProgress = true
DC1.ReportStyle = Normal
DC1.ReportFile = 'DifferentialCorrectorDC1.data'
DC1.MaximumIterations = 25
DC1.DerivativeMethod = ForwardDifference


To see how the DifferentialCorrector object is used in conjunction with Target, Vary, and
Achieve commands to solve orbit problems, see the Target command examples.

Reference Guide

Generate spacecraft’s ephemeris data


EphemerisFile is a user-defined resource that generates spacecraft’s ephemeris data in a re-

port format. You can generate spacecraft’s ephemeris data in any of the user-defined coordinate
frames. GMAT allows you to output ephemeris data in either CCSDS or SPK file formats. See
the Remarks section for more details. EphemerisFile resource can be configured to generate
ephemeris data at default integration steps or by entering user-selected step sizes.

GMAT allows you to generate any number of ephemeris data files by creating multiple Epher-
misFile resources. Spacecraft’s ephemeris data is always provided in UTC epoch format. An
EphemerisFile resource can be created using either the GUI or script interface. GMAT also
provides the option of when to write and stop writing ephemeris data to a text file through
the Toggle On/Off commands. See the Remarks section below for detailed discussion of the
interaction between EphemerisFile resource and Toggle command.

See Also: CoordinateSystem, Toggle


Field Description
InterpolationOrder Allows you to set the interpolation order for the available interpolator
methods (Lagrange or Hermite) for either CCSDS-OEM or SPK
file formats. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values 1 <= Integer Number <= 10
Access Set
Default Value 7
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
StepSize The ephemeris file is generated at the step size that is specified for
StepSize field. The user can generate ephemeris file at default Integra-
tion step size (using raw integrator steps) or by defining a fixed step
size provided by user. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Se-

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number > 0.0 or equals Default Value
Access Set
Default Value IntegratorSteps
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide EphemerisFile

Field Description
EpochFormat Allows you to select format of the epoch that the user defines in Ini-
tialEpoch and FinalEpoch fields. This field cannot be modified in the
Mission Sequence.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values UTCGregorian, UTCModJulian, TAI-
Gregorian, TAIModJulian, TTGregorian,
TTModJulian, A1Gregorian, A1ModJulian
Access Set
Default Value UTCGregorian
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
FileFormat Allows the user to generate ephemeris file in two available file formats:
CCSDS-OEM or SPK. This field cannot be modified in the Mission

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values CCSDS-OEM, SPK
Access Set
Default Value CCSDS-OEM
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
FileName Allows the user to name the generated ephemeris file and save it in
user-specified location. This field cannot be modified in the Mission

Data Type String

Allowed Values Valid File Path and Name
Access set
Default Value EphemerisFile1.eph
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
FinalEpoch Allows the user to specify the time span of an ephemeris file. Ephemeris
file is generated up to final epoch that is specified in FinalEpoch field.
This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type String

Allowed Values user-defined final epoch or Default Value
Access set
Default Value FinalSpacecraftEpoch
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

EphemerisFile Reference Guide

Field Description
InitialEpoch Allows the user to specify the starting epoch of the ephemeris file.
Ephemeris file is generated starting from the epoch that is defined in
InitialEpoch field. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Se-

Data Type String

Allowed Values user-defined initial epoch or Default Value
Access set
Default Value InitialSpacecraftEpoch
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Interpolator This field defines the available interpolator method that was used to
generate ephemeris file. Available Interpolators are Lagrange or Her-
mite. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Lagrange for CCSDS file, Hermite for SPK
Access set
Default Value Lagrange
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
WriteEphemeris Allows the user to optionally calculate/write or not calculate/write an
ephemeris that has been created and configured. This field cannot be
modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values true,false
Access set
Default Value true
Units Unit
Interfaces GUI, script
CoordinateSystem Allows the user to generate ephemeris data in the coordinate system
that is selected from CoordinateSystem field. The user can choose to
also generate ephemeris data in user-defined coordinate system. This
field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type String

Allowed Values CoordinateSystem resource
Access set, get
Default Value EarthMJ2000Eq
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide EphemerisFile

Field Description
Spacecraft Allows the user to generate ephemeris data of spacecraft(s) that are de-
fined in Spacecraft field. This field cannot be modified in the Mission

Data Type String

Allowed Values Default spacecraft or any number of user-de-
fined spacecrafts or formations
Access set, get
Default Value DefaultSC
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
UpperLeft Allows the user to pan the generated ephemeris file display window
in any direction. First value in [0 0] matrix helps to pan the window
horizontally and second value helps to pan the window vertically. This
field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Real array

Allowed Values Any Real number
Access set
Default Value [00]
Units N/A
Interfaces script
Size Allows the user to control the display size of generated ephemeris file
panel. First value in [0 0] matrix controls horizonal size and second
value controls vertical size of ephemeris file display window. This field
cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Real array

Allowed Values Any Real number
Access set
Default Value [00]
Units N/A
Interfaces script
RelativeZOrder Allows the user to select which generated ephemeris file display window
is to displayed first on the screen. The EphemerisFile resource with
lowest RelativeZOrder value will be displayed last while Ephemeris-
File resource with highest RelativeZOrder value will be displayed first.
This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer ≥ 0
Access set
Default Value 0
Units N/A
Interfaces script

EphemerisFile Reference Guide

Field Description
Maximized Allows the user to maximize the generated ephemeris file window. This
field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values true,false
Access set
Default Value false
Units N/A
Interfaces script


The figure below shows the default settings for the EphemerisFile resource:

GMAT allows you to modify InitialEpoch, FinalEpoch and StepSize fields of Ephemeris-
File resource. Instead of always generating the ephemeris file at default time span settings of
InitialSpacecraftEpoch and FinalSpacecraftEpoch, you can define your own initial and final
epochs. Similarly, instead of using the default IntegratorSteps setting for StepSize field, you
can generate the ephemeris file at the step size of your choice.

The GUI figure below shows ephemeris file which will be generated from initial epoch of 01
Jan 2000 14:00:00.000 to final epoch of 01 Jan 2000 20:00:00.000 while using non-default step
size of 300 seconds:

Reference Guide EphemerisFile

Behavior of Coordinate System Field for CCSDS File Format
If the selected CoordinateSystem uses MJ2000Eq axes, the CCSDS ephemeris file contains
“EME2000” for the REF_FRAME according to CCSDS convention. By CCSDS requirements,
non-standard axes names are allowed when documented in an ICD. The CoordinateSystems
specifications document in the user's guide is the ICD for all axes supported by GMAT. Also
if you create a new coordinate system whose origin is Luna, then the CCSDS ephemeris file
contains “Moon” for the CENTER_NAME.

There is one important difference between GMAT and IAU conventions. By IAU convention,
there is no name for the IAU2000 axes that is independent of the origin. GCRF is coordinate
system centered at earth with IAU2000 axes, and ICRF is a coordinate system centered at the
solar system barycenter with IAU2000 axes. We have chosen to name the IAU2000 axes ICRF
regardless of the origin. Please refer to CoordinateSystems specifications document to read
more about built-in coordinate systems and description of Axes types that GMAT supports.

Behavior of Ephemeris File during Discontinuous & Iterative Process-

When generating an ephemeris file for a mission sequence, GMAT separately interpolates
ephemeris segments that are bounded by discontinuous or discrete mission events. Discontin-
uous or discrete mission sequence events can range from impulsive or finite-burn maneuvers,
changes in dynamics models or when using assignment commands. Furthermore, when a mis-
sion sequence employs iterative processes such as differential correction or optimization, GMAT

EphemerisFile Reference Guide

only writes the ephemeris for the final solution from the iterative processes. See the Examples
section below to see how an ephemeris file is generated during a discontinuous event such as an
impulsive burn and iterative process like differential correction.

Version 1 of CCSDS Orbit Data Messages (ODMs) document used to require that the ephemeris
be generated in increasing time order and only going forward. However version 2 of CCSDS
ODM document now allows for ephemeris file to be generated backwards as well. Currently in
GMAT, when you propagate a spacecraft backwards in time, then the ephemeris is also generated

Behavior of Ephemeris File When It Does Not Meet CCSDS File For-
mat Requirements
When an ephemeris file is generated, it needs to follow the Recommended Standard for ODMs
that has been prepared by the CCSDS. The set of orbit data messages described in the Recom-
mended Standard is the baseline concept of trajectory representation in data interchange appli-
cations that are cross-supported between Agencies of the CCSDS. CCSDS-ODM Recommend-
ed Standard documents establishes a common framework and provides a common basis for the
interchange of orbit data.

Currently, the ephemeris file that is generated by GMAT meets most of the recommended stan-
dards that are prescribed by the CCSDS. However whenever there is a case when GMAT’s
ephemeris violates CCSDS file format requirements, then the generated ephemeris file will dis-
play a warning in ephemeris file’s Header section. More specifically, this warning will be given
under COMMENT and it will let you know that this ephemeris file does not fully satisfy CCSDS
file formatting requirements.

Behavior of Interpolation Order Field for CCSDS and SPK File For-
For CCSDS file formats, whenever there is not enough raw data available to support the request-
ed interpolation type and order, GMA throws an error message and stops interpolation. GMAT
still generates the ephemeris file but no spacecraft ephemeris data is written to the file and only
the file’s Header section will be there. Within the Header section and under COMMENT, a mes-
sage will be thrown saying that not enough raw data is available to generate spacecraft ephemeris
data at the requested interpolation order.

For SPK file formats, raw data is always collected at every integrator step for each segment and
then sent to SPK kernel writer. No interpolation takes place for SPK ephemeris file.

Behavior When Using EphemerisFile Resource & Toggle Command

EphemerisFile resource generates ephemeris file at each propagation step of the entire mis-
sion duration. If you want to generate ephemeris data during specific points in your mission,
then a Toggle On/Off command can be inserted into the Mission tree to control when the
EphemerisFile resource writes data. When Toggle Off command is issued for an Ephemer-
isFile subscriber, no data is sent to a file until a Toggle On command is issued. Similarly, when
a Toggle On command is used, ephemeris data is sent to a file at each integration step until a
Toggle Off command is used.

Below is an example script snippet that shows how to use Toggle Off/On commands while
using the EphemerisFile resource. No ephemeris data is sent for first two days of propagation
and only the data that is collected during last four days of propagation is sent to text file called

Reference Guide EphemerisFile

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create EphemerisFile anEphmerisFile

anEphmerisFile.Spacecraft = aSat
anEphmerisFile.Filename = 'EphemerisFile1.eph'


Toggle anEphmerisFile Off

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 2}
Toggle anEphmerisFile On
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 4}

This example shows how to generate a simple ephemeris file. Ephemeris file is generated for
two days of propagation. At default settings, ephemeris file is generated at each integrator step
and in CCSDS file format. Ephemeris data is sent to text file called ‘EphemerisFile2.eph’:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create EphemerisFile anEphmerisFile

anEphmerisFile.Spacecraft = aSat
anEphmerisFile.Filename = 'EphemerisFile2.eph'


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 2}

This example shows how an ephemeris file is generated during an iterative process like differ-
ential correction that includes a discontinuous event like an impulsive burn. Ephemeris data is
sent to text file called ‘EphemerisFile3.eph’:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create ImpulsiveBurn TOI

Create DifferentialCorrector aDC

Create EphemerisFile anEphmerisFile

anEphmerisFile.Spacecraft = aSat
anEphmerisFile.Filename = 'EphemerisFile3.eph'


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Earth.Periapsis}

Target aDC
Vary aDC(TOI.Element1 = 0.24, {Perturbation = 0.001, Lower = 0.0, ...
Upper = 3.14159, MaxStep = 0.5})
Maneuver TOI(aSat)
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Earth.Apoapsis}
Achieve aDC(aSat.Earth.RMAG = 42165)

EphemerisFile Reference Guide


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}

Reference Guide

A finite burn

The FiniteBurn resource is used when continuous propulsion is desired. Impulsive burns hap-
pen instantaneously through the use of the Maneuver command, while finite burns occur con-
tinuously starting at the BeginFiniteBurn command and lasting until the EndFiniteBurn com-
mand is reached in the mission sequence. In order to apply a non-zero Finite Burn, there must
be a Propagate command between the BeginFiniteBurn and EndFiniteBurn commands.

See Also: FuelTank, Thruster, Spacecraft, BeginFiniteBurn, EndFiniteBurn


Field Description
Thruster The Thruster field allows the selection of which Thruster, from a list
of previously created thrusters, to use when applying a finite burn. Cur-
rently, using the GUI, you can only select  one Thruster to attach to
a FiniteBurn resource. Using the scripting interface, you may attach
multiple thrusters to a FiniteBurn resource. Using the scripting inter-
face, you may attach multiple thrusters to a FiniteBurn resource. In a
script command, an empty list, e.g., FiniteBurn1.Thruster={},
is allowed but is of limited utility since the GUI will automatically asso-
ciate a Thruster, if one has been created, with the FiniteBurn. This
field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Reference Array

Allowed Values Any Thruster created by user
Access set
Default Value No Default
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script, or only one
VectorFormat Deprecated. Allows you to define the format of the finite burn thrust
direction. This field has no affect. The finite burn thrust direction, as
specified in the Thruster resource, is always given in Cartesian for-

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values Cartesian, Spherical
Access set
Default Value Cartesian
Units N/A
Interfaces script

The FiniteBurn dialog box allows you to specify which thruster to use for the finite burn. The
layout of the FiniteBurn dialog box is shown below.

Reference Guide FiniteBurn

Configuring a FiniteBurn
To perform a finite burn, the FiniteBurn resource itself and a number of related resources
and commands must be properly configured. You must associate a specific Thruster hardware
resource with a created FiniteBurn. You must associate a specific FuelTank hardware resource
with the chosen Thruster. Finally, you must attach both the chosen Thruster and FuelTank
to the desired Spacecraft. See the example below for additional details.

FiniteBurn Using Multiple Thrusters

Using the GUI, a FiniteBurn resource must be associated with exactly one Thruster. Future
GMAT GUI versions will allow multiple thrusters to be attached to a single FiniteBurn resource.

Using the scripting interface, one can assign multiple thrusters to a single FiniteBurn resource.


Field Description
Spacecraft re- Must be created in order to apply any burn.
Thruster re- As discussed in the Remarks, every FiniteBurn resource must be associ-
source ated with at least one Thruster. Any Thruster created in the resource tree
can be incorporated into a FiniteBurn.
FuelTank re- To perform a finite burn, a FuelTank must be attached to the Spacecraft.
source (A FuelTank is needed to provide pressure and temperature data used when
modeling the thrust and specific impulse. A FuelTank is also needed if you
want to model mass depletion.)
BeginFinite- After a FiniteBurn is created, to apply it in the mission sequence, a Be-
Burn and ginFiniteBurn and EndFiniteBurn command must be appended to the
EndFiniteBurn mission tree.
Propagate com- In order to apply a non-zero finite burn, there must be a Propagate com-
mand mand between the BeginFiniteBurn and EndFiniteBurn commands.

Create a default Spacecraft and FuelTank Resource; Create a default Thruster that allows for
fuel depletion from the default FuelTank; Attach FuelTank and Thruster to the Spacecraft;
Create default ForceModel and Propagator; Create a Finite Burn that uses the default thruster
and apply a 30 minute finite burn to the spacecraft.

FiniteBurn Reference Guide

% Create a default Spacecraft and FuelTank Resource

Create Spacecraft DefaultSC
Create FuelTank FuelTank1

% Create a default Thruster. Allow for fuel depletion from

% the default FuelTank.
Create Thruster Thruster1
Thruster1.DecrementMass = true
Thruster1.Tank = {FuelTank1}

% Attach FuelTank and Thruster to the spacecraft

DefaultSC.Thrusters = {Thruster1}
DefaultSC.Tanks = {FuelTank1}

% Create default ForceModel and Propagator

Create ForceModel DefaultProp_ForceModel
Create Propagator DefaultProp
DefaultProp.FM = DefaultProp_ForceModel

% Create a Finite Burn that uses the default thruster

Create FiniteBurn FiniteBurn1
FiniteBurn1.Thrusters = {Thruster1}


% Implement 30 minute finite burn

BeginFiniteBurn FiniteBurn1(DefaultSC)
Propagate DefaultProp(DefaultSC) {DefaultSC.ElapsedSecs = 1800}
EndFiniteBurn FiniteBurn1(DefaultSC)

Reference Guide

The Sequential Quadratic Processor (SQP) optimizer, fmincon


fmincon is a Nonlinear Programming solver provided in MATLAB's Optimization Toolbox.

fmincon performs nonlinear constrained optimization and supports linear and nonlinear con-
straints. To use this solver, you must configure the solver options including convergence criteria,
maximum iterations, and how the gradients will be calculated. In the mission sequence, you im-
plement an optimizer such as fmincon by using an Optimize/EndOptimize sequence. Within
this sequence, you define optimization variables by using the Vary command, and define cost
and constraints by using the Minimize and NonlinearConstraint commands respectively.

This resource cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

See Also: VF13ad,Optimize,Vary, NonlinearConstraint, Minimize


Field Description
DiffMaxChange Upper limit on the perturbation used in MATLAB's finite differencing
algorithm. For fmincon, you don't specify a single perturbation value,
but rather give MATLAB a range, and it uses an adaptive algorithm that
attempts to find the optimal perturbation.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Real Number > 0
Access Set
Default Value 0.1
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
DiffMinChange Lower limit on the perturbation used in MATLAB's finite differencing
algorithm. For fmincon, you don't specify a single perturbation value,
but rather give MATLAB a range, and it uses an adaptive algorithm that
attempts to find the optimal perturbation.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Real Number > 0
Access Set
Default Value 1e-8
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide FminconOptimizer

Field Description
MaxFunEvals Specifies the maximum number of cost function evaluations used in an
attempt to find an optimal solution. This is equivalent to setting the
maximum number of passes through an optimization loop in a GMAT
script. If a solution is not found before the maximum function evalua-
tions, fmincon outputs an ExitFlag of zero, and GMAT continues.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Integer > 0
Access Set
Default Value 1000
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
MaximumIterations Specifies the maximum allowable number of nominal passes through
the optimizer.  Note that this is not the same as the number of optimizer
iterations that is shown for the VF13ad optimzer.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Integer > 0
Access Set
Default Value 25
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
ReportFile Contains the path and file name of the report file.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Any user-defined file name
Access Set
Default Value FminconOptimizerSQP1.data
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
ReportStyle Determines the amount and type of data written to the message win-
dow and to the report specified by field ReportFile for each iteration
of the solver (when ShowProgress is true).  Currently, the Normal,
Debug, and Concise options contain the same information: the values
for the control variables, the constraints, and the objective function.  In
addition to this information, the Verbose option also contains values
of the optimizer-scaled control variables.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Normal, Concise, Verbose, Debug
Access Set
Default Value Normal
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script

FminconOptimizer Reference Guide

Field Description
ShowProgress Determines whether data pertaining to iterations of the solver is both
displayed in the message window and written to the report specified by
the ReportFile field. When ShowProgress is true, the amount of in-
formation contained in the message window and written in the report is
controlled by the ReportStyle field.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values true, false
Access Set
Default Value true
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
TolCon Specifies the convergence tolerance on the constraint functions.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Real Number > 0
Access Set
Default Value 1e-4
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
TolFun Specifies the convergence tolerance on the cost function value.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Real Number > 0
Access Set
Default Value 1e-4
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
TolX Specifies the termination tolerance on the vector of independent vari-
ables, and is used only if the user sets a value for this field.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Real Number > 0
Access Set
Default Value 1e-4
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script


The FminconOptimizer dialog box allows you to specify properties of a FminconOptimizer

resource such as maximum iterations, maximum function evaluations, control variable termina-
tion tolerance, constraint tolerance, cost function tolerance, finite difference algorithm parame-
ters, and choice of reporting options.

To create a FminconOptimizer resource, navigate to the Resources tree, expand the Solvers
folder, highlight and then right-click on the Optimizers sub-folder, point to Add and then select
SQP (fmincon). This will create a new FminconOptimizer resource, SQP1. Double-click on
SQP1 to bring up the FminconOptimizer dialog box shown below.

Reference Guide FminconOptimizer


fmincon Optimizer Availability

This optimizer is only available if you have access to both MATLAB and MATLAB's Optimiza-
tion toolbox. GMAT contains an interface to the fmincon optimizer and it will appear to you
that fmincon is a built in optimizer in GMAT. Field names for this resource have been copied
from those used in MATLAB’S optimset function for consistency with MATLAB in contrast
with other solvers in GMAT.

GMAT Stop Button Does Not work, in Some Situations, When Using

Sometimes, when developing GMAT scripts, you may inadvertently create a situation where
GMAT goes into an inifinite propagation loop. The usual remedy for this situation is to apply
the GMAT Stop button. Currently, however, if the infinite loop occurs within an Optimize
sequence using fmincon, there is no way to stop GMAT and you have to shut GMAT down.
Fortunately, there are some procedures you can employ to avoid this situation. You should use
multiple stopping conditions so that a long propagation cannot occur. For example, if fmincon
controls variable, myVar, and we know myVar should never be more than 2, then do this.

Propagate myProp(mySat){mySat.ElapsedDays = myVar, mySat.ElapsedDays = 2}

Resource and Command Interactions

The FminconOptimizer resource can only be used in the context of optimization-type com-
mands. Please see the documentation for Optimize, Vary, NonlinearConstraint, and Mini-
mize for more information and worked examples.

FminconOptimizer Reference Guide

Create a FminconOptimizer resource named SQP1.

Create FminconOptimizer SQP1

SQP1.ShowProgress = true
SQP1.ReportStyle = Normal
SQP1.ReportFile = 'FminconOptimizerSQP1.data'
SQP1.MaximumIterations = 25
SQP1.DiffMaxChange = '0.1000'
SQP1.DiffMinChange = '1.0000e-08'
SQP1.MaxFunEvals = '1000'
SQP1.TolX = '1.0000e-04'
SQP1.TolFun = '1.0000e-04'
SQP1.TolCon = '1.0000e-04'

For an example of how a FminconOptimizer resource can be used within an optimize sequence,
see the Optimize command examples.

Reference Guide

A collection of spacecraft.

A Formation resource allows you to combine spacecraft in a “container” object and then
GMAT’s propagation subsystem will model the collection of spacecraft as a coupled dynamic
system. You can only propagate Formation resources using numerical-integrator type propaga-
tors. This resource cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

See Also: Propagate


Field Description
Add Adds a list of Spacecraft to the Formation. The list cannot be empty.

Data Type Resource array

Allowed Values array of spacecraft
Access set
Default Value empty list
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

To create a simple Formation and configure its Spacecraft, in the Resource Tree:

1. Right-click the Spacecraft folder and select Add Spacecraft.

2. Right click the Formations folder and select Add Formation.
3. Double-click Formation1 to open its dialog box.
4. Click the right-arrow button twice to add DefaultSC and Spacecraft1 to Formation1.
5. Click Ok.

Reference Guide Formation

A Spacecraft can only be added to one Formation.

A Formation is a container object that allows you to model a group of Spacecraft as a coupled
system. You can add Spacecraft to a Formation using the Add field as shown in the script
examples below or in the GUI example above. The primary reasons to use a Formation Re-
source are (1) to simplify the propagation of multiple spacecraft and (2) for performance rea-
sons. GMAT’s propagation subsystem models Formations as a coupled dynamic system. Once
spacecraft have been added to a Formation, you can easily propagate all of the spacecraft by
simply including the formation in the Propagate command statement like this:

Propagate aPropagator(aFormation) {aSat1.ElapsedSecs = 12000.0}

You can only propagate Formation resources using numerical-integrator type propagators.
GMAT does not support propagation of the orbit state transition matrix when propagating for-

When propagating a Formation, all spacecraft in the Formation must have equivalent epochs.
GMAT will allow you to separately propagate a Spacecraft that has been added to a Formation,
like this:

aFormation.Add = {aSat1, aSat2}

Propagate aPropagator(aSat1) {aSat1.ElapsedSecs = 12000.0}

However, when a Formation is propagated, if the epochs of all Spacecraft in the Formation are
not equivalent to a tolerance of a few microseconds, GMAT will throw an error and execution
will stop.

Create two Spacecraft, add them to a Formation, and propagate the Formation.

Create Spacecraft aSat1 aSat2

Create Formation aFormation

aFormation.Add = {aSat1, aSat2}

Create Propagator aPropagator


Propagate aPropagator(aFormation) {aSat1.ElapsedSecs = 12000.0}

Reference Guide

Model of a chemical fuel tank

A FuelTank is a thermodynamic model of a tank and is required for finite burn modeling or for
impulsive burns that use mass depletion. The thermodynamic properties of the tank are modeled
using Boyle’s law and assume that there is no temperature change in the tank as fuel is depleted.
To use a FuelTank, you must first create the tank, and then attach it to the desired Spacecraft
and associate it with a Thruster as shown in the example below.

See Also ImpulsiveBurn,Thruster

Field Description
AllowNegativeFuelMass This field allows the FuelTank to have negative fuel mass which
can be useful in optimization and targeting sequences before
convergence has occurred. This field cannot be modified in the
Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values true, false
Access set
Default Value false
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
FuelDensity The density of the fuel.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0
Access set, get
Default Value 1260
Units kg/m^3
Interfaces GUI, script
FuelMass The mass of fuel in the tank.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0
Access set, get
Default Value 756
Units kg
Interfaces GUI, script
Pressure The pressure in the tank.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0
Access set, get
Default Value 1500
Units kPa
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide FuelTank

Field Description
PressureModel The pressure model describes how pressure in the FuelTank
changes as fuel is depleted. This field cannot be modified in the
Mission Sequence.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values PressureRegulated, BlowDown
Access set
Default Value PressureRegulated
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
RefTemperature The temperature of the tank when fuel was loaded.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > -273.15 and |Real| > 0.01
Access set, get
Default Value 20
Units C
Interfaces GUI, script
Temperature The temperature of the fuel and ullage in the tank. GMAT cur-
rently assumes ullage and fuel are always at the same tempera-

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > -273.15
Access set, get
Default Value 20
Units C
Interfaces GUI, script
Volume The volume of the tank. GMAT checks to ensure that the input
volume of the tank is larger than the calculated volume of fuel
loaded in the tank and throws an exception in the case that the
calculated fuel volume is larger than the input tank volume.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0 such that calculated fuel vol-
ume is < input tank Volume.
Access set, get
Default Value 0.75
Units m^3
Interfaces GUI, script


The FuelTank dialog box allows you to specify properties of a fuel tank including fuel mass,
density, and temperature as well as tank pressure and volume. The layout of the FuelTank dialog
box is shown below.

FuelTank Reference Guide

The Thruster resource is closely related to the FuelTank resource and thus, we also discuss
it here. The Thruster dialog box allows you to specify properties of a thruster including the
coordinate system of the Thrust acceleration direction vector, the thrust magnitude and Isp. The
layout of the Thruster dialog box is shown below.

Reference Guide FuelTank

When performing a finite burn, you will typically want to model fuel depletion. To do this, select
the Decrement Mass button and then select the previously created FuelTank as shown below.

FuelTank Reference Guide

Thus far, we have created both a FuelTank and a Thruster, and we have associated a FuelTank
with our Thruster. We are not done yet. We must tell GMAT that we want to attach both the
FuelTank and the Thruster to a particular spacecraft. To do this, double click on the desired
spacecraft under the Spacecraft resource to bring up the associated GUI panel. Then click on
the Tanks tab to bring up the following GUI display.

Reference Guide FuelTank

Next, select the desired FuelTank and use the right arrow button to attach the FuelTank to
the spacecraft. Then, click the Apply button as shown below.

Similarly, to attach a Thruster to a spacecraft, double click on the desired spacecraft under the
Spacecraft resource and then select the Actuators tab. Then select the desired thruster and

FuelTank Reference Guide

use the right arrow to attach the thruster to the spacecraft. Finally, click the Apply button as
shown below.

Use of FuelTank Resource in Conjunction with Maneuvers
A FuelTank is used in conjunction with both impulsive and finite maneuvers. To implement
an impulsive maneuver, one must first create an ImpulsiveBurn resource and (optionally) as-
sociate a FuelTank with it. The actual impulsive maneuver is implemented using the Maneuver
command. See the Maneuver command documentation for worked examples on how the Fu-
elTank resource is used in conjunction with impulsive maneuvers.

To implement a finite maneuver, you must first create both a Thruster and a FiniteBurn re-
source. You must also associate a FuelTank with the Thruster resource and you must associate
a Thruster with the FiniteBurn resource. The actual finite maneuver is implemented using the
BeginFiniteBurn/EndFiniteBurn commands. See the BeginFiniteBurn/EndFiniteBurn
command documentation for worked examples on how the FuelTank resource is used in con-
junction with finite maneuvers.

Behavior When Configuring Tank and Attached Tank Properties

Create a default FuelTank and attach it to a Spacecraft and Thruster.
% Create the FuelTank Resource
Create FuelTank aTank
aTank.AllowNegativeFuelMass = false
aTank.FuelMass = 756
aTank.Pressure = 1500
aTank.Temperature = 20
aTank.RefTemperature = 20

Reference Guide FuelTank

aTank.Volume = 0.75
aTank.FuelDensity = 1260
aTank.PressureModel = PressureRegulated
% Create a Thruster and assign it a FuelTank
Create Thruster aThruster
aThruster.Tank = {aTank}

% Add the FuelTank and Thruster to a Spacecraft

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft
aSpacecraft.Tanks = {aTank}
aSpacecraft.Thrusters = {aThruster}

As exhibited below, there are some subtleties associated with setting and getting parent vs.
cloned resources. In the example above, aTank is the parent FuelTank resource and the field
aSpacecraft.Tanks is populated with a cloned copy of aTank.

Create a second spacecraft and attach a fuel tank using the same procedure used in the previous
example. Set the FuelMass in the parent resource, aTank, to 900 kg.
% Add the FuelTank and Thruster to a second Spacecraft
Create Spacecraft bSpacecraft
bSpacecraft.Tanks = {aTank}
bSpacecraft.Thrusters = {aThruster}
aTank.FuelMass = 900 %Can be performed in both resource and
%command modes

Note that, in the example above, setting the value of the parent resource, aTank, changes
the fuel mass value in both cloned fuel tank resources. More specifically, the value of both
aSpacecraft.aTank.FuelMass and bSpacecraft.aTank.FuelMass are both now
equal to the new value of 900 kg. We note that the assignment command for the parent resource,
aTank.FuelMass, can be performed in both resource and command modes.

To change the value of the fuel mass in only the first created spacecraft, aSpacecraft, we do
the following.
% Create the Fuel Tank Resource
aTank.FuelMass = 756 %Fuel tank mass in both s/c set back to default
aSpacecraft.aTank.FuelMass = 1000 %Can only be performed in command mode.

As a result of the commands in the previous example, the val-

ue of aSpacecraft.aTank.FuelMass is 1000 kg and the value of
bSpacecraft.aTank.FuelMass is 756 kg. We note that the assignment command for the
cloned resource, aSpacecraft.aTank.FuelMass, can only be performed in command

Caution: Value of AllowNegativeFuelMass Flag Can Affect Iterative Process-


By default, GMAT will not allow the fuel mass to be negative. However, occasionally in iterative
processes such as targeting, a solver will try values of a maneuver parameter that result in total fuel
depletion. Using the default tank settings, this will throw an exception stopping the run unless
you set the AllowNegativeFuelMass flag to true. GMAT will not allow the the total spacecraft
mass to be negative. If DryMass + FuelMass is negative GMAT will throw an exception and stop.

Create a default FuelTank and attach it to a Spacecraft and Thruster.

FuelTank Reference Guide

% Create the Fuel Tank Resource

Create FuelTank aTank
aTank.AllowNegativeFuelMass = false
aTank.FuelMass = 756
aTank.Pressure = 1500
aTank.Temperature = 20
aTank.RefTemperature = 20
aTank.Volume = 0.75
aTank.FuelDensity = 1260
aTank.PressureModel = PressureRegulated

% Create a Thruster and assign it a FuelTank

Create Thruster aThruster
aThruster.Tank = {aTank}

% Add the FuelTank and Thruster to a Spacecraft

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft
aSpacecraft.Tanks = {aTank}
aSpacecraft.Thrusters = {aThruster}


Reference Guide

A ground station model.

A GroundStation models a facility fixed to the surface of a CelestialBody. There are several
state representations available for defining the location of a ground station including Cartesian
and spherical. This resource cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

See Also: CoordinateSystem


Field Description
Altitude The altitude of the station with respect to the HorizonReference.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set
Default Value 0
Units km
Interfaces GUI, script
CentralBody The central body of the GroundStation.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Earth. (Ground stations are currenly only sup-
ported with respect to Earth)
Access set
Default Value Earth
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
HorizonReference The system used for the horizon. Sphere is equivalent to Geocentric,
Ellipsoid is equivalent to Geodetic.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Sphere, Ellipsoid
Access set
Default Value Sphere
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Id The Id of the GroundStation used in estimation and measurement

Data Type String

Allowed Values Must begin with a letter; may contain letters,
integers, dashes, underscores
Access set,
Default Value StationId
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide GroundStation

Field Description
Latitude The latitude of the station with respect to HorizonReference.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -90 < Real < 90
Access set
Default Value 0
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
Location1 The first component of the GroundStation location. When StateType
is Cartesian, Location1 is the x-component of station location in the
body-fixed system. When StateType is Spherical or Elliposoid, Lo-
cation1 is the Longitude (deg.) of the GroundStation.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞ for Cartesian, See Longitude,
Latitude, Altitude for others.
Access set
Default Value 6378.1363
Units see description
Interfaces GUI, script
Location2 The second component of the GroundStation location. When State-
Type is Cartesian, Location2 is the y-component of station location
in the body-fixed system. When StateType is Spherical or Ellipsoid,
Location2 is the Latitude (deg.) of the GroundStation.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞ for Cartesian, See Longitude,
Latitude, Altitude for others.
Access set
Default Value 0
Units see description
Interfaces GUI, script
Location3 The third component of the GroundStation location. When State-
Type is Cartesian, Location3 is the z-component of station location
in the body-fixed system. When StateType is Spherical or Elliposoid,
Location3 is the height (km) of the GroundStation above the refer-
ence shape.

Data Type Reals

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞ for Cartesian, See Longitude,
Latitude, Altitude for others.
Access set,
Default Value 0
Units see description
Interfaces GUI, script

GroundStation Reference Guide

Field Description
Longitude The longitude of the station.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values value >=0
Access set
Default Value 0
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
StateType The type of state used to define the location of the ground station. For
example, Cartesian or Ellipsoid.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Cartesian, Spherical, Ellipsoid
Access set
Default Value Cartesian
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


To create a GroundSation, starting from the Resource Tree:

1. Right-click the GroundStation folder and select Add Ground Station.

2. Double-click GroundStation1.

You can set the ground station location in several state representations. The Cartesian repre-
sentation is illustrated above. To set the Longitude, Latitude, and Altitude to 45 deg., 270 deg.,
and 0.1 km respectively, with respect to the reference ellipsoid:

1. In the StateType menu, select Spherical.

2. In the HorizonReference menu, select Ellipsoid.
3. In the Latitude text box, type 45.
4. In the Longitude text box, type 270.
5. In the Altitude text box, type 0.1.

Reference Guide GroundStation

The GroundStation model allows you to configure a facility by defining the location in body-
fixed coordinates using one of several state representations. GMAT supports Cartesian, Sphere,
and Ellipsoid representations and examples below show how to configure a GroundStation
in each representation. When using the Ellipsoid model or Sphere representations, GMAT
uses the physical properties - flattening and radius for example - defined on the CelestialBody

Configure a GroundStation in Geodetic coordinates.

Create GroundStation aGroundStation

aGroundStation.CentralBody = Earth
aGroundStation.StateType = Spherical
aGroundStation.HorizonReference = Ellipsoid
aGroundStation.Location1 = 60
aGroundStation.Location2 = 45
aGroundStation.Location3 = 0.01

% or alternatively

aGroundStation.Latitude = 60
aGroundStation.Longitude = 45
aGroundStation.Altitude = 0.01

Configure a GroundStation in Geocentric coordinates.

Create GroundStation aGroundStation

aGroundStation.CentralBody = Earth
aGroundStation.StateType = Spherical
aGroundStation.HorizonReference = Sphere
aGroundStation.Location1 = 59.83308194090783
aGroundStation.Location2 = 45
aGroundStation.Location3 = -15.99424674414058

% or alternatively

aGroundStation.Latitude = 59.83308194090783
aGroundStation.Longitude = 45

GroundStation Reference Guide

aGroundStation.Altitude = -15.99424674414058

Configure a GroundStation in Geocentric coordinates.

Create GroundStation aGroundStation

aGroundStation.CentralBody = Earth
aGroundStation.StateType = Cartesian
aGroundStation.Location1 = 2260.697433050543
aGroundStation.Location2 = 2260.697433050542
aGroundStation.Location3 = 5500.485954732006

Reference Guide

A user-defined resource that draws longitude and latitude time-history of a spacecraft


The GroundTrackPlot resource allows you to draw spacecraft’s longitude and latitude time-
history onto the texture map of a user-selected central body. GMAT allows you to draw ground
track plots of any number of spacecrafts onto a single texture map. You can also create multiple
GroundTrackPlot resources by using either the GUI or script interface of GMAT. GMAT also
provides the option of when to plot and stop plotting ground track of a spacecraft to a Ground-
TrackPlot through the Toggle On/Off command. See the Remarks section below for detailed
discussion of the interaction between GroundTrackPlot resource and the Toggle command.
GroundTrackPlot resource also allows you to display any number of user-defined ground sta-
tions onto the texture map of the central body.

See Also: Toggle, GroundStation


Field Description
Add Allows the user to pick selected resources such as Spacecraft(s) or
GroundStation(s) whose ground track is drawn in GroundTrack-
Plot. To select multiple Spacecrafts or GroundStations, seperate
the list by comma and enclose the list in curly brackets. For Ex-
ample: DefaultGroundTrackPlot.Add = {aSat, bSat,
aGroundStaton, bGroundStation}. This field cannot be
modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Reference Array

Allowed Values Spacecraft, GroundStation
Access Set
Default Value DefaultSC
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
CentralBody The central body of the Ground track plot. This field cannot be
modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Resource reference

Allowed Values CelestialBody
Access set
Default Value Earth
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide GroundTrackPlot

Field Description
DataCollectFrequency The number of integration steps to skip between plot points. This
field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values integer >= 1
Access set
Default Value 1
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Maximized Allows the user to maximize the GroundTrackPlot window. This
field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values true,false
Access set
Default Value false
Units N/A
Interfaces script
NumPointsToRedraw The number of plot points to retain and redraw during propagation
and animation. 0 indicates to redraw all. This field cannot be mod-
ified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values integer >= 0
Access set
Default Value 0
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
RelativeZOrder Allows the user to select which GroundTrackPlot window to dis-
play first on the screen. The GroundTrackPlot with lowest Rel-
ativeZOrder value will be displayed last while GroundTrackPlot
with highest RelativeZOrder value will be displayed first. This field
cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer ≥ 0
Access set
Default Value 0
Units N/A
Interfaces script
ShowPlot This field specifies whether to show ground track plot during a mis-
sion run. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values True, False
Access set
Default Value True
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

GroundTrackPlot Reference Guide

Field Description
Size Allows the user to control the display size of GroundTrackPlot
window. First value in [0 0] matrix controls horizonal size and sec-
ond value controls vertical size of GroundTrackPlot display win-
dow. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Real array

Allowed Values Any Real number
Access set
Default Value [00]
Units N/A
Interfaces script
SolverIterations This field determines whether or not ground track data associated
with perturbed trajectories during a solver (Targeter, Optimize)
sequence is displayed in the GroundTrackPlot. When SolverIter-
ations is set to All, all perturbations/iterations are plotted in the
GroundTrackPlot. When SolverIterations is set to Current, on-
ly the current solution or perturbation is plotted in GroundTrack-
Plot. When SolverIterations is set to None, only the final nominal
run is plotted on the GroundTrackPlot.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values All, Current, None
Access set
Default Value Current
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
TextureMap Allows you to enter or select any user-defined texture map image
for the central body. This field cannot be modified in the Mission

Data Type String

Allowed Values Valid File Path and Name
Access set
Default Value ../
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
UpdatePlotFrequency The number of plot points to collect before updating a ground track
plot. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values integer > 1
Access set
Default Value 50
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide GroundTrackPlot

Field Description
Upperleft Allows the user to pan the GroundTrackPlot display window in
any direction. First value in [0 0] matrix helps to pan the Ground-
TrackPlot window horizontally and second value helps to pan the
window vertically. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Se-

Data Type Real array

Allowed Values Any Real number
Access set
Default Value [00]
Units None
Interfaces script

Default Name and Settings for the GroundTrackPlot Resource:

Behavior when using GroundTrackPlot Resource & Toggle Command
The GroundTrackPlot resource draws the longitude and latitude time-history of a spacecraft at
each propagation step of the entire mission duration. If you want to report data to a Ground-

GroundTrackPlot Reference Guide

TrackPlot at specific points in your mission, then a Toggle On/Off command can be inserted
into the mission sequence to control when the GroundTrackPlot is to draw data. When Toggle
Off command is issued for a GroundTrackPlot, no ground track data is drawn until a Toggle
On command is issued. Similarly when a Toggle On command is used, ground track data is
drawn at each integration step until a Toggle Off command is used.

Below is an example script snippet that shows how to use Toggle Off and Toggle On command
while using the GroundTrackPlot resource. GroundTrackPlot is turned off for the first 2 days
of the propagation:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create GroundTrackPlot aGroundTrackPlot

aGroundTrackPlot.Add = {aSat}


Toggle aGroundTrackPlot Off

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 2}
Toggle aGroundTrackPlot On
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 4}

Behavior when Plotting Data in Iterative Processes

GMAT allows you to specify how data is plotted onto a plot during iterative processes such
as differential correction or optimization. The SolverIterations field of GroundTrackPlot re-
source supports 3 options which are described in the table below:

SolverIterations Description
Current Shows only current iteration/perturbation in an iterative process and draws
current iteration to a plot
All Shows all iterations/perturbations in an iterative process and draws all iter-
ations/perturbations to a plot
None Shows only the final solution after the end of an iterative process and draws
only final solution to a plot

Behavior when Plotting Longitude and Latitude time-history of a


GMAT’s GroundTrackPlot resource allows you to draw longitude and latitude time-history of
a spacecraft. You can choose to draw ground track plot of multiple spacecrafts onto a single
texture map of a central body.

The longitude and latitude of a spacecraft is drawn as an approximation that includes
straight line segments and longitude/latitude data does not takes into account cen-
tral body shape or its oblateness.

Reference Guide GroundTrackPlot

Behavior When Specifying Empty Brackets in GroundTrackPlot's Add

When using GroundTrackPlot.Add field, if brackets are not populated with user-defined space-
crafts, then GMAT turns off GroundTrackPlot resource and no plot is generated. If you run
the script with Add field having empty brackets, then GMAT throws in a warning message in
the Message Window indicating that GroundTrackPlot resource will be turned off since no
SpacePoints were added to the plot. Below is a sample script snippet that generates such a warn-
ing message:

Create Spacecraft aSat aSat2

Create Propagator aProp
Create GroundTrackPlot aGroundTrackPlot

aGroundTrackPlot.Add = {}

Propagate aProp(aSat, aSat2) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}

This example shows how to use GroundTrackPlot resource. A single spacecraft and a ground
station is added to the GroundTrackPlot. Spacecraft’s ground track is plotted for one day of

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create GroundStation aGroundStation

Create GroundTrackPlot aGroundTrackPlot

aGroundTrackPlot.Add = {aSat, aGroundStation}


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}

Propagate a spacecraft for two days around a non-default central body. Spacecraft’s ground track
is plotted on planet Mars:

Create Spacecraft aSat

aSat.CoordinateSystem = MarsJ2000Eq
aSat.SMA = 8000
aSat.ECC = 0.0003

Create ForceModel aFM

aFM.CentralBody = Mars
aFM.PointMasses = {Mars}

Create Propagator aProp

aProp.FM = aFM

Create CoordinateSystem MarsJ2000Eq

MarsJ2000Eq.Origin = Mars
MarsJ2000Eq.Axes = MJ2000Eq

Create GroundTrackPlot aGroundTrackPlot

GroundTrackPlot Reference Guide

aGroundTrackPlot.Add = {aSat}
aGroundTrackPlot.CentralBody = Mars


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 2}

Reference Guide

An impulsive maneuver


The ImpulsiveBurn resource allows the spacecraft to undergo an instantaneous Delta-V (ΔV),
as opposed to a finite burn which is not instantaneous, by specifying the three vector compo-
nents of the Delta-V. You can configure the burn by defining its coordinate system and vector
component values. For Local coordinate systems, the user can choose the Origin and type of
Axes. Depending on the mission, it may be simpler to use one coordinate system over another.

See Also Maneuver,FuelTank,BeginFiniteBurn


Field Description
Axes Allows you to define a spacecraft centered set of axes for the impulsive
burn. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type String

Allowed Values VNB, LVLH, MJ2000Eq, SpacecraftBody
Access set
Default Value VNB
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
B Deprecated. Z-component of the applied impulsive burn (Delta-V)

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units km/s
Interfaces GUI, script
CoordinateSystem Determines what coordinate system the orientation parameters, Ele-
ment1, Element2, and Element3 refer to. This field cannot be mod-
ified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Reference Array

Allowed Values Local, EarthMJ2000Eq, EarthMJ2000Ec,
EarthFixed, or any user defined system
Access set
Default Value Local
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide ImpulsiveBurn

Field Description
DecrementMass Flag which determines if the FuelMass is to be decremented as it used.
This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type String

Allowed Values true, false
Access set
Default Value false
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Element1 X-component of the applied impulsive burn (Delta-V)

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units km/s
Interfaces GUI, script
Element2 Y-component of the applied impulsive burn (Delta-V)

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units km/s
Interfaces GUI, script
Element3 Z-component of the applied impulsive burn (Delta-V)

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units km/s
Interfaces GUI, script
GravitationalAccel Value of the gravitational acceleration used to calculate fuel depletion.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0
Access set, get
Default Value 9.81
Units m/s^2
Interfaces GUI, script
Isp Value of the specific impulse of the fuel

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real
Access set, get
Default Value 300
Units s
Interfaces GUI, script

ImpulsiveBurn Reference Guide

Field Description
N Deprecated. Y-component of the applied impulsive burn (Delta-V)

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units km/s
Interfaces GUI, script
Origin The Origin field, used in conjunction with the Axes field, allows the
user to define a spacecraft centered set of axes for the impulsive burn.
This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Reference Array

Allowed Values Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Luna,
Mars,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
Access set
Default Value Earth
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Tank FuelTank from which the Thruster draws propellant from. This field
cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Reference Array

Allowed Values User defined list of FuelTanks
Access set
Default Value N/A
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
V Deprecated. X-component of the applied impulsive burn (Delta-V)

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units km/s
Interfaces GUI, script
VectorFormat Deprecated. Allows you to define the format of the ImpulsiveBurn
Delta-V Vector. This field has no affect. The ImpulsiveBurn Delta-
V Vector is always given in Cartesian format.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values Cartesian, Spherical
Access set
Default Value Cartesian
Units N/A
Interfaces script

Reference Guide ImpulsiveBurn

The ImpulsiveBurn dialog box allows you to specify properties of an ImpulsiveBurn including
Delta-V component values and choice of Coordinate System. If you choose to model fuel loss
associated with an impulsive burn, you must specify choice of fuel tank as well as ISP value and
gravitational acceleration used to calculate fuel use. The layout of the ImpulsiveBurn dialog
box is shown below.

The Origin and Axes fields are only relevant if Coordinate System is set to Local. See the
Remarks for more detail on local coordinate systems.

If Decrement Mass is checked, then you can select the desired FuelTank used as the fuel
supply for mass depletion.

Local Coordinate Systems
Here, a Local Coordinate System is defined as one that we configure "locally" using the Im-
pulsiveBurn resource interface as opposed to defining a coordinate system using the Coordi-
nate Systems folder in the Resources Tree.

To configure a Local Coordinate System, you must specify the coordinate system of the input
Delta-V vector, Element1-3. If you choose a local Coordinate System, the four choices avail-
able, as given by the Axes sub-field, are VNB, LVLH, MJ2000Eq, and SpacecraftBody. VNB
or Velocity-Normal-Binormal is a non-inertial coordinate system based upon the motion of the
spacecraft with respect to the Origin sub-field. For example, if the Origin is chosen as Earth,
then the X-axis of this coordinate system is the along the velocity of the spacecraft with respect
to the Earth, the Y-axis is along the instantaneous orbit normal (with respect to the Earth) of

ImpulsiveBurn Reference Guide

the spacecraft, and the Z-axis points away from the Earth as much as possible while remaining
orthogonal to the other two axes, completing the right-handed set.

Similarly, Local Vertical Local Horizontal or LVLH is a non-inertial coordinate system based
upon the motion of the spacecraft with respect to the body specified in the Origin sub-field. If
you choose Earth as the origin, then the X-axis of this coordinate system points from the center
of the Earth to the spacecraft, the Z-axis is along the instantaneous orbit normal (with respect
to the Earth) of the spacecraft, and the Y-axis completes the right-handed set. For typical bound
orbits, the Y-axis is approximately aligned with the velocity vector. In the event of a perfectly
circular orbit, the Y axis is exactly along the velocity vector.

MJ2000Eq is the J2000-based Earth-centered Earth mean equator inertial Coordinate System.
Note that the Origin sub-field is not needed to define this coordinate system.

SpacecraftBody is the coordinate system used by the spacecraft. Since the thrust is applied in
this system, GMAT uses the attitude of the spacecraft, a spacecraft attribute, to determine the
inertial thrust direction. Note that the Origin sub-field is not needed to define this coordinate

Deprecated Field Names for an ImpulsiveBurn

Note that the standard method, as shown below, for specifying the components of an Impul-
siveBurn is to use the Element1, Element2, and Element3 field names.

Create ImpulsiveBurn DefaultIB

DefaultIB.Element1 = -3
DefaultIB.Element2 = 7
DefaultIB.Element3 = -2

For this current version of GMAT, you may also use the field names V, N, and B in place of
Element1, Element2, and Element3, respectively. The commands below are equivalent to the
commands above.

Create ImpulsiveBurn DefaultIB

DefaultIB.V = -3
DefaultIB.N = 7
DefaultIB.B = -2

It is important to note that the V, N, B field names do not necessarily correspond to some
Velocity, Normal, Binormal coordinate system. The coordinate system of any ImpulsiveBurn is
always specified by the CoordinateSystem, Origin, and Axes fields. Because of the confusion
that the V, N, B field names can cause, their use will not be allowed in future versions of GMAT.
If you use the V, N, B field names in this version of GMAT, you will receive a warning to this


Resource Description
Spacecraft Must be created in order to apply any ImpulsiveBurn
FuelTank If you want to model mass depletion for an ImpulsiveBurn, attach a FuelTank
resource to the maneuvered Spacecraft as a source of fuel mass.
Maneuver Must use the Maneuver command to apply an ImpulsiveBurn to a Spacecraft.

Reference Guide ImpulsiveBurn

Resource Description
Vary com- If you want to allow the ImpulsiveBurn components to vary in order to achieve
mand some goal, then the Vary command, as part of a Target or Optimize command
sequence, must be used.

Create a default FuelTank and an ImpulsiveBurn that allows for fuel depletion, assign the
ImpulsiveBurn the default FuelTank, attach the FuelTank to a Spacecraft, and apply the
ImpulsiveBurn to the Spacecraft.

% Create the FuelTank Resource

Create FuelTank FuelTank1
FuelTank1.AllowNegativeFuelMass = false
FuelTank1.FuelMass = 756
FuelTank1.Pressure = 1500
FuelTank1.Temperature = 20
FuelTank1.RefTemperature = 20
FuelTank1.Volume = 0.75
FuelTank1.FuelDensity = 1260
FuelTank1.PressureModel = PressureRegulated

Create ImpulsiveBurn DefaultIB

DefaultIB.CoordinateSystem = Local
DefaultIB.Origin = Earth
DefaultIB.Axes = VNB
DefaultIB.Element1 = 0.001
DefaultIB.Element2 = 0
DefaultIB.Element3 = 0
DefaultIB.DecrementMass = true
DefaultIB.Tank = {FuelTank1}
DefaultIB.Isp = 300
DefaultIB.GravitationalAccel = 9.810000000000001

% Add the the FuelTank to a Spacecraft

Create Spacecraft DefaultSC
DefaultSC.Tanks = {FuelTank1}

Maneuver DefaultIB(DefaultSC)

Reference Guide

An equilibrium point in the circular, restricted 3-body problem


A LibrationPoint, also called a Lagrange point, is an equilibrium point in the circular restricted
three-body problem (CRTBP). There are five libration points, three of which are unstable in the
CRTBP sense, and two that are stable. See the discussion below for a detailed explanation of
the different libration points and for examples configuring GMAT for common libration point
regimes. This resource cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

See Also: Barycenter


Option Description
Point The libration point index.

Data Type String

Allowed Values L1, L2, L3, L4, or L5
Access set
Default Value L1
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Primary The primary body or barycenter.

Data Type String

Allowed Values CelestialBody or Barycenter. Primary cannot be So-
larSystemBarycenter and Primary cannot be the same
as Secondary.
Access set
Default Value Sun
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Secondary The secondary body or barycenter.

Secondary String
Allowed Values CelestialBody or Barycenter. Secondary cannot be
SolarSystemBarycenter and Primary cannot be the
same as Secondary.
Access set
Default Value Earth
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide LibrationPoint


The LibrationPoint dialog box allows you to select the Primary Body, Secondary Body,
and the libration point index. You can select from celestial bodies and barycenters. You cannot
choose the SolarSystemBarycenter as either the Primary or Secondary and the Primary and
Secondary cannot be the same object.

Overview of Libration Point Geometry

A LibrationPoint, also called a Lagrange point, is an equilibrium point in the Circular Restrict-
ed Three Body Problem (CRTBP). The definitions for the libration points used in GMAT are
illustrated in the figure below where the Primary and Secondary bodies are shown in a rotating
frame defined with the x-axis pointing from the Primary to the Secondary. GMAT is config-
ured for the full ephemeris problem and computes the location of the libration points by assum-
ing that at a given instant in time, the CRTBP theory developed by Lagrange and Szebehely can
be used to compute the location of the libration points using the locations of the primary and
secondary from the JPL ephemerides. The three collinear points (L1, L2, and L3) are unstable
(even in the CRTBP) and the triangular points (L4, and L5) are stable in CRTBP.

Configuring a Libration Point

GMAT allows you to define the Primary and/or Secondary as a CelestialBody or Barycen-
ter (except SolarSystemBarycenter). This allows you to set the Primary as the Sun, and the

LibrationPoint Reference Guide

Secondary as the Earth-Moon barycenter for modelling Sun-Earth-Moon libration points. See
the examples below for details.


Create and use an Earth-Moon LibrationPoint.

% Create the libration point and rotating libration point coordinate system
Create LibrationPoint EarthMoonL2
EarthMoonL2.Primary = Earth
EarthMoonL2.Secondary = Luna
EarthMoonL2.Point = L2

Create CoordinateSystem EarthMoonRotLibCoord

EarthMoonRotLibCoord.Origin = EarthMoonL2
EarthMoonRotLibCoord.Axes = ObjectReferenced
EarthMoonRotLibCoord.XAxis = R
EarthMoonRotLibCoord.ZAxis = N
EarthMoonRotLibCoord.Primary = Earth
EarthMoonRotLibCoord.Secondary = Luna

% Configure the spacecraft and propagator

Create Spacecraft aSat
aSat.DateFormat = TAIModJulian
aSat.Epoch = '25220.0006220895'
aSat.CoordinateSystem = EarthMoonRotLibCoord
aSat.DisplayStateType = Cartesian
aSat.X = 9999.752137149568
aSat.Y = 1.774296833900735e-007
aSat.Z = 21000.02640446094
aSat.VX = -1.497748388797418e-005
aSat.VY = -0.2087816321971509
aSat.VZ = -5.42471673237177e-006

Create ForceModel EarthMoonL2Prop_ForceModel

EarthMoonL2Prop_ForceModel.PointMasses = {Earth, Luna, Sun}
Create Propagator EarthMoonL2Prop
EarthMoonL2Prop.FM = EarthMoonL2Prop_ForceModel

% Create the orbit view

Create OrbitView ViewEarthMoonRot
ViewEarthMoonRot.Add = {Earth, Luna, Sun,...
aSat, EarthMoonL2}
ViewEarthMoonRot.CoordinateSystem = EarthMoonRotLibCoord
ViewEarthMoonRot.ViewPointReference = EarthMoonL2
ViewEarthMoonRot.ViewDirection = EarthMoonL2
ViewEarthMoonRot.ViewScaleFactor = 5

Create Variable I


% Prop for 3 xz-plane crossings

For I = 1:3
Propagate 'Prop to Y Crossing' EarthMoonL2Prop(aSat) ...
{aSat.EarthMoonRotLibCoord.Y = 0}

Reference Guide LibrationPoint

Create and use a Sun, Earth-Moon LibrationPoint.

% Create the Earth-Moon Barycenter and Libration Point

Create Barycenter EarthMoonBary
EarthMoonBary.BodyNames = {Earth,Luna}

Create LibrationPoint SunEarthMoonL1

SunEarthMoonL1.Primary = Sun
SunEarthMoonL1.Secondary = EarthMoonBary
SunEarthMoonL1.Point = L1

% Create the coordinate system

Create CoordinateSystem RotatingSEML1Coord
RotatingSEML1Coord.Origin = SunEarthMoonL1
RotatingSEML1Coord.Axes = ObjectReferenced
RotatingSEML1Coord.XAxis = R
RotatingSEML1Coord.ZAxis = N
RotatingSEML1Coord.Primary = Sun
RotatingSEML1Coord.Secondary = EarthMoonBary

% Create the spacecraft and propagator

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft
aSpacecraft.DateFormat = UTCGregorian
aSpacecraft.Epoch = '09 Dec 2005 13:00:00.000'
aSpacecraft.CoordinateSystem = RotatingSEML1Coord
aSpacecraft.X = -32197.88223741966
aSpacecraft.Y = 211529.1500044117
aSpacecraft.Z = 44708.57017366499
aSpacecraft.VX = 0.03209516489451751
aSpacecraft.VY = 0.06100386504053736
aSpacecraft.VZ = 0.0550442738917212

Create Propagator aPropagator

aPropagator.FM = aForceModel
aPropagator.MaxStep = 86400
Create ForceModel aForceModel
aForceModel.PointMasses = {Earth,Sun,Luna}

% Create a 3-D graphic

Create OrbitView anOrbitView
anOrbitView.Add = {aSpacecraft, Earth, Sun, Luna}
anOrbitView.CoordinateSystem = RotatingSEML1Coord
anOrbitView.ViewPointReference = SunEarthMoonL1
anOrbitView.ViewPointVector = [-1500000 0 0 ]
anOrbitView.ViewDirection = SunEarthMoonL1
anOrbitView.ViewUpCoordinateSystem = RotatingSEML1Coord
anOrbitView.Axes = Off
anOrbitView.XYPlane = Off


Propagate aPropagator(aSpacecraft, {aSpacecraft.ElapsedDays = 180})

Reference Guide

Declaration of an external MATLAB function

The MatlabFunction resource declares to GMAT that the name given refers to an existing
external function in the MATLAB language. This function can be called in the Mission Sequence
like a built-in function, with some limitations. See the CallMatlabFunction reference for details.
Both user-created functions and built-in functions (like cos or path) are supported.

GMAT supports passing data to and from MATLAB through the function. It requires that a
supported and properly configured version of MATLAB exist on the system. See the MATLAB
Interface documentation for general details on the interface.

See Also: CallMatlabFunction, MATLAB Interface


Field Description
Function- Paths to add to the MATLAB search path when the associated function is called.
Path Separate multiple paths with semicolons (on Windows) or colons (on other plat-

Data Type String

Allowed Values Valid file path(s)
Access set, get
Default Value MATLAB_FUNCTION_PATH properties in the startup file
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


The MatlabFunction GUI window is very simple; it has a single file input box for the function
path, and a Browse button that lets you graphically select the path.


Search Path

When a function declared as a MatlabFunction is called, GMAT starts MATLAB in the back-
ground with a custom, configurable search path. MATLAB then searches for the named func-

Reference Guide MatlabFunction

tion in this search path. The search is case-sensitive, so the name of the function name and the
MatlabFunction resource must be identical.

The search path consists of the following components, in order:

1. FunctionPath field of the associated MatlabFunction resource (default: empty)

2. MATLAB_FUNCTION_PATH entries in the GMAT startup file (default:
3. MATLAB search path (returned by the MATLAB path() function)

If multiple MATLAB functions are called within a run, the FunctionPath fields for each are
prepended to the search path at the time of the function call.

Multiple paths can be combined in the FunctionPath field by separating the paths with a semi-
colon (on Windows) or a colon (on Mac OS X and Linux).

Working Directory

When MATLAB starts in the background, its working directory is set to the GMAT bin direc-

Call a simple built-in MATLAB function:

Create MatlabFunction sinh

Create Variable x y


x = 1
[y] = sinh(x)

Call an external custom MATLAB function:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ImpulsiveBurn aBurn
Create Propagator aProp

Create MatlabFunction CalcHohmann

CalcHohmann.FunctionPath = 'C:\path\to\functions'

Create Variable a_target mu dv1 dv2

mu = 398600.4415


% calculate burns for circular Hohmann transfer (example)

[dv1, dv2] = CalcHohmann(aSat.SMA, a_target, mu)

% perform first maneuver

aBurn.Element1 = dv1
Maneuver aBurn(aSat)

% propagate to apoapsis
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Apoapsis}

MatlabFunction Reference Guide

% perform second burn

aBurn.Element1 = dv2
Maneuver aBurn(aSat)

Return the MATLAB search path and working directory:

Create MatlabFunction path pwd

Create String pathStr pwdStr
Create ReportFile aReport


[pathStr] = path
[pwdStr] = pwd

Report aReport pathStr

Report aReport pwdStr

Reference Guide

A user-defined resource that plots 3-Dimensional trajectories


The OrbitView resource allows you to plot trajectories of a spacecraft or a celestial body. GMAT
also allows you to plot trajectories associated with multiple spacecrafts or celestial bodies. You
can create multiple OrbitView resources by using either the GUI or script interface of GMAT.
OrbitView plots also come with multiple options that allow you to customize the view of
spacecraft’s trajectories. See the Fields section below for detailed discussion on available plotting
and drawing options.

GMAT also provides the option of when to start and stop plotting spacecraft’s trajectories to
an OrbitView resource through the Toggle On/Off command. See the Remarks section be-
low for detailed discussion of the interaction between an OrbitView resource and the Toggle
command. GMAT’s Spacecraft, SolarSystem and OrbitView resources also interact with each
other throughout the entire mission duration. Discussion of the interaction between these re-
sources is also mentioned in the Remarks section.

See Also: Toggle, Spacecraft, SolarSystem, CoordinateSystem


Field Description
Add This field allows you to add a Spacecraft, Celestial body, Libra-
tion Point, or Barycenter to a plot. When creating a plot, the
Earth is added as a default body and may be removed by the user.
The user can add a Spacecraft, Celestial body, Libration Point,
or Barycenter to a plot by using the name used to create the re-
source. The GUI's Selected field is the equivalent of the script's
Add field. In the event of no Add command or no resources in
the Selected field, GMAT should run without the OrbitView plot
and a warning message will be displayed in the message window.
The following warning message is sufficient: The OrbitView named
"DefaultOrbitView" will be turned off. No SpacePoints were added
to plot. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Reference Array

Allowed Values Spacecraft, CelestialBody, Libration-
Point, Barycenter
Access set
Default Value DefaultSC, Earth
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide OrbitView

Field Description
Axes Allows the user to tell GMAT to draw the Cartesian axis system
associated with the coordinate system selected under the Coordi-
nateSystem field of an OrbitView plot. This field cannot be mod-
ified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values On, Off
Access set
Default Value On
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
EclipticPlane Allows the user to tell GMAT to draw a grid representing the Eclip-
tic Plane in an OrbitView plot. This field cannot be modified in
the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values On, Off
Access set
Default Value Off
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
CoordinateSystem Allows the user to select which coordinate system to use to draw
the plot data. A coordinate system is defined as an origin and
an axis system. The CoordinateSystem field allows the user to
determine the origin and axis system of an OrbitView plot. See
the CoordinateSystem resource fields for information of defining
different types of coordinate systems. This field cannot be mod-
ified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type String

Allowed Values CoordinateSystem resource
Access set
Default Value EarthMJ2000Eq
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
DataCollectFrequency Allows the user to define how data is collected for plotting. It is
often inefficient to draw every ephemeris point associated with a
trajectory. Often, drawing a smaller subset of the data still results
in smooth trajectory plots, while executing more quickly. The Dat-
aCollectFrequency is an integer that represents how often to col-
lect data and store for plotting. If DataCollectFrequency is set to
10, then data is collected every 10 integration steps. This field can-
not be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer ≥ 1
Access set
Default Value 1
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

OrbitView Reference Guide

Field Description
DrawObject The DrawObject field allows the user the option of displaying
Spacecraft or Celestial resources on the OrbitView plot. This
field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean array

Allowed Values true, false
Access set
Default Value [true true]
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
EnableConstellations Allows the user the option of displaying star constellations on the
OrbitView Plot. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Se-

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values On, Off
Access set
Default Value On
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
EnableStars Allows the user the option of displaying stars on the OrbitView
Plot. When the EnableStars field is turned off, then EnableCon-
stellations field is automatically diabled. This field cannot be mod-
ified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values On, Off
Access set
Default Value On
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Grid Allows the user to draw a grid representing the longitude and lati-
tude lines on the celestial bodies added to an OrbitView plot. This
field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values On, Off
Access set
Default Value Off
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Maximized Allows the user to maximize the OrbitView plot window. This field
cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values True, False
Access set
Default Value false
Units N/A
Interfaces script

Reference Guide OrbitView

Field Description
NumPointsToRedraw When NumPointsToRedraw field is set to zero, all ephemeris
points are drawn. When NumPointsToRedraw is set to a positive
integer, say 10 for example, only the last 10 collected data points are
drawn. See DataCollectFrequency for explanation of how data is
collected for an OrbitView plot. This field cannot be modified in
the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer ≥ 1
Access set
Default Value 0
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
OrbitColor Allows the user to be able to select colors for both spacecraft and
celestial body trajectories. This field cannot be modified in the Mis-
sion Sequence.

Data Type Integer Array

Allowed Values Any color available from the Orbit Color
Access set
Default Value [ 255 32768 ]
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
RelativeZOrder Allows the user to select which OrbitView window to display first
on the screen. The OrbitViewPlot with lowest RelativeZOrder
value will be displayed last while OrbitViewPlot with highest Rela-
tiveZOrder value will be displayed first. This field cannot be mod-
ified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer ≥ 0
Access set
Default Value 0
Units N/A
Interfaces script
ShowPlot Allows the user to turn off a plot for a particular run, without delet-
ing the plot, or removing it from the script. If you select true, then
the plot will be shown. If you select false, then the plot will not be
shown. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values True, False
Access set
Default Value True
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

OrbitView Reference Guide

Field Description
Size Allows the user to control the display size of OrbitViewPlot win-
dow. First value in [0 0] matrix controls horizonal size and second
value controls vertical size of OrbitViewPlot display window. This
field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Real array

Allowed Values Any Real number
Access set
Default Value [0 0]
Units N/A
Interfaces script
SolverIterations This field determines whether or not data associated with per-
turbed trajectories during a solver (Targeter, Optimize) sequence
is plotted to OrbitView. When SolverIterations is set to All, all
perturbations/iterations are plotted to an OrbitView plot. When
SolverIterations is set to Current, only current solution is plot-
ted to an OrbitView. When SolverIterations is set to None, this
shows only final solution after the end of an iterative process and
draws only final trajectory to an OrbitView plot.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values All, Current, None
Access set
Default Value Current
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
StarCount Allows the user to enter the number of stars that need to be dis-
played in an OrbitView plot. This field cannot be modified in the
Mission Sequence.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer ≥ 1
Access set
Default Value 7000
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
SunLine Allows the user to tell GMAT to draw a line that starts at the center
of central body and points towards the Sun. This field cannot be
modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values On, Off
Access set
Default Value Off
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide OrbitView

Field Description
TargetColor Allows the user to select any available color for perturbing trajec-
tories during iterative processes such as Differential Correction
or Optimization. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Se-

Data Type Integer array

Allowed Values Any color available from Target Color se-
lect box
Access set
Default Value [ 8421440 0 ]
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
UpdatePlotFrequency Allows the user to specify how often to update an OrbitView plot
is updated with new data collected during the process of propagat-
ing spacecraft and running a mission. Data is collected for a plot
according to the value defined by DataCollectFrequency. An Or-
bitView plot is updated with the new data, according to the value
set in UpdatePlotFrequency. If UpdatePlotFrequency is set to
10 and DataCollectFrequency is set to 2, then the plot is updated
with new data every 20 (10*2) integration steps. This field cannot
be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer ≥ 1
Access set
Default Value 50
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
UpperLeft Allows the user to pan the OrbitView plot window in any direc-
tion. First value in [0 0] matrix helps to pan the OrbitView window
horizontally and second value helps to pan the window vertically.
This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Real array

Allowed Values Any Real number
Access set
Default Value [0 0]
Units N/A
Interfaces script

OrbitView Reference Guide

Field Description
UseInitialView Allows the user to control the view of an OrbitView plot between
multiple runs of a mission sequence. The first time a specific Or-
bitView plot is created, GMAT will automatically use the view as
defined by the fields associated with View Definition, View Up
Direction, and View Option. However, if the user changes the
view using the mouse, GMAT will retain this view upon rerunning
the mission as long as UseInitialView is set to false. If UseIni-
tialView is set to true, the view for an OrbitView plot will be re-
turned to the view defined by the initial settings. This field cannot
be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values On, Off
Access set
Default Value On
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ViewDirection Allows the user to select the direction of view in an OrbitView plot.
The user can specify the view direction by choosing a resource to
point at such as a Spacecraft, Celestial body, Libration Point, or
Barycenter. Alternatively, the user can specify a vector of the form
[x y z]. If the user specification of ViewDirection, ViewPointRef-
erence, and ViewPointVector results in a zero vector, GMAT uses
[0 0 10000] for ViewDirection. This field cannot be modified in
the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Reference array

Allowed Values Spacecraft, CelestialBody, Libration-
Point, Barycenter, or a 3-vector of nu-
merical values
Access set
Default Value Earth
Units km or N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ViewPointReference This optional field that allows the user to change the reference point
from which ViewPointVector is measured. ViewPointReference
defaults to the origin of the coordinate system for the plot. A View-
PointReference can be any Spacecraft, Celestial body, Libra-
tion Point, or Barycenter. This field cannot be modified in the
Mission Sequence.

Data Type Reference array

Allowed Values Spacecraft, CelestialBody, Libration-
Point, Barycenter, or a 3-vector of nu-
merical values
Access set
Default Value Earth
Units km or N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide OrbitView

Field Description
ViewPointVector The product of ViewScaleFactor and ViewPointVector field de-
termines the view point location with respect to ViewPointRef-
erence. ViewPointVector can be a vector, or any of the follow-
ing resources: Spacecraft, Celestial body, Libration Point, or
Barycenter. The location of the view point in three-dimensional
space is defined as the vector addition of ViewPointReference
and the vector defined by product of ViewScaleFactor and View-
PointVector in the coordinate system chosen by the user. This field
cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Reference array

Allowed Values Spacecraft, CelestialBody, Libration-
Point, Barycenter, or a 3-vector of nu-
merical values
Access set
Default Value [30000 0 0]
Units km or N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ViewScaleFactor This field scales ViewPointVector before adding it to View-
PointReference. The ViewScaleFactor allows the user to back
away from an object to fit in the field of view. This field cannot be
modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number ≥ 0
Access set
Default Value 1
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ViewUpAxis Allows the user to define which axis of the ViewUpCoordi-
nateSystem field will appear as the up direction in an OrbitView
plot. See the comments under ViewUpCoordinateSystem for
more details of fields used to determine the up direction in an
OrbitView plot. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Se-

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values X , -X , Y , -Y , Z , -Z
Access set
Default Value Z
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

OrbitView Reference Guide

Field Description
ViewUpCoordinateSys- The ViewUpCoordinateSystem and ViewUpAxis fields are used
tem to determine which direction appears as up in an OrbitView plot
and together with the fields associated the the View Direction,
uniquely define the view. The fields associated with the View De-
finition allow the user to define the point of view in three-dimen-
sional space, and the direction of the line of sight. However, this
information alone is not enough to uniquely define the view. We
also must provide how the view is oriented about the line of sight.
This is accomplished by defining what direction should appear as
the up direction in the plot and is configured using the ViewUpCo-
ordinateSystem field and the ViewUpAxis field. The ViewUp-
CoordinateSystem allows the user to select a coordinate system
to define the up direction. Most of the time this system will be the
same as the coordinate system chosen under the CoordinateSys-
tem field. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type String

Allowed Values CoordinateSystem resource
Access set
Default Value EarthMJ2000Eq
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
WireFrame When the WireFrame field is set to On, celestial bodies are drawn
using a wireframe model. When the WireFrame field is set to Off,
then celestial bodies are drawn using a full map. This field cannot
be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values Off, On
Access set
Default Value Off
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
XYPlane Allows the user to tell GMAT to draw a grid representing the XY-
plane of the coordinate system selected under the CoordinateSys-
tem field of the OrbitView plot. This field cannot be modified in
the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values On, Off
Access set
Default Value On
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


The figure below shows the default settings for the OrbitView resource:

Reference Guide OrbitView

OrbitView Window Mouse Controls

The list of controls in the table below helps you navigate through the OrbitView graphics win-
dow. "Left" and "Right" designate the mouse button which have to be pressed.

Control Description
Left Drag Helps to change camera orientation. Camera orientation can be changed in
Up/Down/Left/Right directions.
Right Drag Helps to zoom in and out of the graphics window. Moving the cursor in Up
direction leads to zoom out of the graphics window. Moving the cursor in
Down direction helps to zoom into the graphics window.
Shift+Right Helps to adjust the Field of View.

Behavior when using OrbitView Resource & Toggle Command
The OrbitView resource plots spacecraft’s trajectory at each propagation step of the entire mis-
sion duration. If you want to report data to an OrbitView plot at specific points in your mission,
then a Toggle On/Off command can be inserted into the mission sequence to control when
OrbitView is to plot a given trajectory. When Toggle Off command is issued for an OrbitView,
no trajectory is drawn until a Toggle On command is issued. Similarly, when a Toggle On com-
mand is used, trajectory is plotted at each integration step until a Toggle Off command is used.

Create Spacecraft aSat

OrbitView Reference Guide

Create Propagator aProp

Create OrbitView anOrbitView

anOrbitView.Add = {aSat, Earth}


Toggle anOrbitView Off

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 2}
Toggle anOrbitView On
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 4}

Behavior when using OrbitView, Spacecraft and SolarSystem Re-

Spacecraft resource contains information about spacecraft’s orbit. Spacecraft resource inter-
acts with OrbitView throughout the entire mission duration. The trajectory data retrieved from
the spacecraft is what gets plotted at each propagation step of the entire mission duration. Sim-
ilarly, the sun and all other planets available under the SolarSystem resource may be plotted or
referenced in the OrbitView resource as well.

Behavior when reporting data in Iterative Processes

GMAT allows you to specify how trajectories are plotted during iterative processes such as dif-
ferential correction or optimization. The SolverIterations field of OrbitView resource supports
3 options which are described in the table below:

SolverIterations Description
Current Shows only current iteration/perturbation in an iterative process and plots
current trajectory.
All Shows all iterations/perturbations in an iterative process and plots all per-
turbed trajectories.
None Shows only the final solution after the end of an iterative process and plots
only that final trajectory.

Behavior when plotting multiple spacecrafts

GMAT allows you to plot trajectories of any number of spacecrafts when using the OrbitView
resource. The initial epoch of all the spacecrafts must be same in order to plot the trajectories.
If initial epoch of one of the spacecrafts does not match with initial epoch of other spacecrafts,
then GMAT throws in an error alerting you that there is a coupled propagation error mismatch
between the spacecrafts. GMAT also allows you to propagate trajectories of spacecrafts using
any combination of the propagators that the user creates.

Below is an example script snippet that shows how to plot trajectories of multiple spacecrafts
that use different propagators:

Create Spacecraft aSat aSat2 aSat3

aSat2.INC = 45.0
aSat3.INC = 90.0
aSat3.SMA = 9000

Create Propagator aProp

Reference Guide OrbitView

Create Propagator bProp

Create OrbitView anOrbitView anOrbitView2

anOrbitView.Add = {aSat, aSat2, Earth}

anOrbitView2.Add = {aSat3, Earth}


Propagate aProp(aSat, aSat2) bProp(aSat3) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 12000.0}

Behavior when using View Definition panel of OrbitView Resource

Currently in OrbitView resource’s View Definition panel, fields like ViewPointReference,

ViewPointVector and ViewDirection are initialized but not dynamically updated during a mis-
sion run. OrbitView resource’s View Definition panel sets up geometry at initial epoch and then
mouse controls geometry of the simulation from that point on.

Spacecraft Model Considerations in GMAT's OrbitView

GMAT displays spacecraft models by reading model data from 3D Studio files describing the
spacecraft shape and colors. These files have the file extension .3ds, and are generally called
3ds files. 3ds files contain data that defines the 3-dimensional coordinates of vertices outlining
the spacecraft, a mapping of those vertices into triangles used to create the displayed surface of
the spacecraft, and information about the colors and texture maps used to fill in the displayed

GMAT's implementation of the spacecraft model can display models consisting of up to 200,000
vertices that map up to 100,000 triangles. The GMAT model can use up 500 separate color or
texture maps to fill in these triangles.

Behavior When Specifying Empty Brackets in OrbitView's Add Field

When using OrbitView.Add field, if brackets are not populated with user-defined spacecrafts,
then GMAT turns off OrbitView resource and no plot is generated. If you run the script with
Add field having empty brackets, then GMAT throws in a warning message in the Message
Window indicating that OrbitView resource will be turned off since no SpacePoints were added
to the plot. Below is a sample script snippet that generates such a warning message:

Create Spacecraft aSat aSat2

Create Propagator aProp

Create OrbitView anOrbitView

anOrbitView.Add = {}

Propagate aProp(aSat, aSat2){aSat.ElapsedSecs = 12000.0}

Propagate spacecraft for 1 day and plot the orbit at every integrator step:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create OrbitView anOrbitView

OrbitView Reference Guide

anOrbitView.Add = {aSat, Earth}


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}

Plotting orbit during an iterative process. Notice SolverIterations field is selected as All. This
means all iterations/perturbations will be plotted.

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create ImpulsiveBurn TOI

Create DifferentialCorrector aDC

Create OrbitView anOrbitView

anOrbitView.Add = {aSat, Earth}
anOrbitView.SolverIterations = All


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Earth.Periapsis}

Target aDC
Vary aDC(TOI.Element1 = 0.24, {Perturbation = 0.001, Lower = 0.0, ...
Upper = 3.14159, MaxStep = 0.5})
Maneuver TOI(aSat)
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Earth.Apoapsis}
Achieve aDC(aSat.Earth.RMAG = 42165)

Plotting spacecraft’s trajectory around non-default central body. This example shows how to plot
a spacecraft’s trajectory around Luna:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create CoordinateSystem LunaMJ2000Eq

LunaMJ2000Eq.Origin = Luna
LunaMJ2000Eq.Axes = MJ2000Eq

aSat.CoordinateSystem = LunaMJ2000Eq
aSat.SMA = 7300
aSat.ECC = 0.4
aSat.INC = 90
aSat.RAAN = 270
aSat.AOP = 315
aSat.TA = 180

Create ForceModel aFM

aFM.CentralBody = Luna
aFM.PointMasses = {Luna}

Create Propagator aProp

aProp.FM = aFM

Create OrbitView anOrbitView

anOrbitView.Add = {aSat, Luna}

Reference Guide OrbitView

anOrbitView.CoordinateSystem = LunaMJ2000Eq
anOrbitView.ViewPointReference = Luna
anOrbitView.ViewDirection = Luna


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}

Plotting spacecraft’s trajectory around non-default central body. This example shows how to plot
a spacecraft’s trajectory around Mars:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create CoordinateSystem MarsMJ2000Eq

MarsMJ2000Eq.Origin = Mars
MarsMJ2000Eq.Axes = MJ2000Eq

aSat.CoordinateSystem = MarsMJ2000Eq
aSat.SMA = 7300
aSat.ECC = 0.4
aSat.INC = 90
aSat.RAAN = 270
aSat.AOP = 315
aSat.TA = 180

Create ForceModel aFM

aFM.CentralBody = Mars
aFM.PointMasses = {Mars}

Create Propagator aProp

aProp.FM = aFM

Create OrbitView anOrbitView

anOrbitView.Add = {aSat, Mars}

anOrbitView.CoordinateSystem = MarsMJ2000Eq
anOrbitView.ViewPointReference = Mars
anOrbitView.ViewDirection = Mars


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}

Plotting spacecraft’s trajectory around non-default central body. This example shows how to
plot a spacecraft’s trajectory around Sun. This is an interplanetary trajectory. Spacecraft is shown
on an out-going hyperbolic trajectory in an EarthView and then an interplanetary trajectory is
drawn around Sun in a SunView. Mars Orbit around Sun is also shown:

Create Spacecraft aSat

aSat.CoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq
aSat.DateFormat = UTCGregorian
aSat.Epoch = '18 Nov 2013 20:26:24.315'

aSat.X = 3728.345810006184
aSat.Y = 4697.943961035268
aSat.Z = -2784.040094879185
aSat.VX = -9.502477543864449

OrbitView Reference Guide

aSat.VY = 5.935188001372066
aSat.VZ = -2.696272103530009

Create ForceModel aFM

aFM.CentralBody = Earth
aFM.PointMasses = {Earth}

Create ForceModel bFM

aFM.CentralBody = Sun
aFM.PointMasses = {Sun}

Create Propagator aProp

aProp.FM = aFM

Create Propagator bProp

aProp.FM = bFM

Create CoordinateSystem SunEcliptic

SunEcliptic.Origin = Sun
SunEcliptic.Axes = MJ2000Ec

Create OrbitView EarthView SunView

EarthView.Add = {aSat, Earth}

EarthView.CoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq
EarthView.ViewPointReference = Earth
EarthView.ViewDirection = Earth

SunView.Add = {aSat, Mars, Sun}

SunView.CoordinateSystem = SunEcliptic
SunView.ViewPointReference = Sun
SunView.ViewDirection = Sun
SunView.ViewPointVector = [ 0 0 500000000 ]


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 3}

Propagate bProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 225}

Reference Guide

A propagator models spacecraft motion

Overview of Propagator Components

A Propagator is the GMAT component used to model spacecraft motion. GMAT contains two
types of propagators: a numerical integrator type, and an ephemeris type. When using a numerical
integrator type Propagator, you can choose among a suite of numerical integrators implement-
ing Runge-Kutta and predictor corrector methods. Numeric Propagators also require a Force-
Model. Additionally, you can configure a Propagator to use SPICE kernels for propopagation.
This resource cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence. However, you set one Propagator
equal to another Propagator in the mission,( i.e. myPropagator = yourPropagator ).

GMAT's documentation for Propagator components is broken down into three sections:

• For numerical Propagator documentation see Numerical Propagator

• For ForceModel documentation see Force Model
• For SPICE Propagator documentation see SPK-Configured Propagator

See Also: Spacecraft, Propagate

Numerical Propagator
A Propagator object that uses a numerical integrator (as opposed to an ephemeris propagator)
is one of a few objects in GMAT that is configured differently in the scripting and in the GUI.
In the GUI, you configure the integrator and force model setting on the same dialog box. See
the Remarks section below for detailed discussion of GMAT’s numerical integrators as well
as performance and accuracy comparisons, and usage recommendations. This resource cannot
be modified in the Mission Sequence. However, you can do whole object assignment in the
mission,( i.e. myPropagator = yourPropagator ).

When working in the script, you must create a ForceModel object separately from the Propa-
gator and specify the force model using the “FM” field on the propagator object. See the Ex-
amples section later in this section for details.

Option Description
Accuracy The desired accuracy for an integration step. GMAT uses the method
selected in the ErrorControl field on the Force Model to determine a
metric of the integration accuracy. For each step, the integrator ensures
that the error in accuracy is smaller than the value defined by the Er-
rorControl metric.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0 AND Real < 1
Default Value 1e-11 except for ABM integrator which is
Interfaces GUI, script
Access set
Units N/A

Reference Guide Propagator

Option Description
FM Identifies the force model used by an integrator. If no force model is
provided, GMAT uses an Earth centered propagator with a 4x4 gravity

Data Type Resource reference

Allowed Values ForceModel
Default Value N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Access set
Units N/A
InitialStepSize The size of the first step attempted by the integrator.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0.0001
Default Value 60
Interfaces GUI, script
Access set
Units sec.
LowerError The lower bound on integration error, used to determine when to make
the step size larger. Applies only to AdamsBashforthMoulton inte-

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0 AND 0 < LowerError <TargetEr-
ror < Accuracy
Default Value 1e-13
Interfaces GUI, script
Access set
Units N/A
MaxStep The maximum allowable step size.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0 AND MinStep <= MaxStep
Default Value 2700
Interfaces GUI, script
Access set
Units N/A
MaxStepAttempts The number of attempts the integrator takes to meet the tolerance de-
fined by the Accuracy field.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer >= 1
Default Value 50
Interfaces GUI, script
Access set
Units N/A

Propagator Reference Guide

Option Description
MinStep The minimum allowable step size.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0 AND MinStep <= MaxStep
Default Value 0.001
Interfaces GUI, script
Access set
Units sec.
StopIfAccura- Flag to stop propagation if integration error value defined by Accuracy
cy-IsViolated is not satisfied.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values true, false
Default Value true
Interfaces GUI, script
Access set
Units N/A
TargetError The nominal bound on integration error, used to set the target integra-
tion accuracy when adjusting step size. Applies only to AdamsBash-
forthMoulton integrator.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0 AND 0 < LowerError < TargetEr-
ror < Accuracy
Default Value 1e-11
Interfaces GUI, script
Access set
Units N/A
Type Specifies the integrator or analytic propagator used to model the time
evolution of spacecraft motion.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values PrinceDormand78, PrinceDormand45,
RungeKutta89,RungeKutta68, RungeKut-
ta56, AdamsBashforthMoulton, SPK
Default Value RungeKutta89
Interfaces GUI, script
Access set
Units N/A

Reference Guide Propagator


Settings for the embedded Runge-Kutta integrators. Select the desired integrator from the Type

The Adams-Bashforth-Moulton integrator has additional settings as shown.


Best Practices for Using Numerical Integrators

The comparison data presented in a later section suggest that the PrinceDormand78 integra-
tor is the best all purpose integrator in GMAT. When in doubt, use the PrinceDormance78
integrator, and set MinStep to zero so that the integrator’s adaptive step algorithm controls the
minimum integration step size. Below are some important comments on GMAT’s step size con-
trol algorithms and the dangers of using a non-zero value for the minimum integration step size.
The AdamsBashforthMoulton integrator is a low order integrator and we only recommend its
use for low precision analysis when a predictor-corrector algorithm is required. We recommend
that you study the performance and accuracy analysis documented later in this section to select
a numerical integrator for your application. You may need to perform further analysis and com-
parisons for your application.

Propagator Reference Guide

Caution: GMAT’s default error computation mode is RSStep and this is a more
stringent error control method than RSSState that is often used as the default in
other software such as STK. If you set Accuracy to a very small number, 1e-13 for
example, and leave ErrorControl set to RSSStep, integrator performance will be
poor, for little if any improvement in the accuracy of the orbit integration. To find
the best balance between integration accuracy and performance, we recommend
you experiment with the accuracy setting for your selected integrator for your ap-
plication. You can start with a relatively high setting of Accuracy, say 1e-9, and
lower the accuracy by an order of magnitude at a time and compare the final orbital
states to determine where smaller values of Accuracy result in longer propagation
times without providing more accurate orbital solutions.

Caution: GMAT allows you to set a minimum step on numerical integrators. It is
possible that the requested Accuracy cannot be achieved given the MinimumStep
setting. The Propagator flag StopIfAccuracyIsViolated determines the behavior
if Accuracy cannot be satisfied. If StopIfAccuracyIsViolated is true, GMAT will
throw an error and stop execution if integration accuracy is not satisfied. If StopI-
fAccuracyIsViolated is false, GMAT will only throw a warning that the integration
accuracy was not satisfied but will continue to propagate the orbit.

Numerical Integrators Overview

The table below describes each numerical integrator in detail.

Option Description
RungeKutta89 An adaptive step, ninth order Runge-Kutta integrator with
eighth order error control. The coefficients were derived by J.
Verner. Verner developed several sets of coefficients for an 89
integrator and we have chosen the coefficients that are the most
robust but not necessarily the most efficient.
PrinceDormand78 An adaptive step, eighth order Runge-Kutta integrator with
seventh order error control. The coefficients were derived by
Prince and Dormand.
PrinceDormand45 An adaptive step, fifth order Runge-Kutta integrator with fourth
order error control. The coefficients were derived by Prince and
RungeKutta68 A second order Runge-Kutta-Nystrom type integrator with co-
efficients developed by by Dormand, El-Mikkawy and Prince.
The integrator is a 9-stage Nystrom integrator, with error con-
trol on both the dependent variables and their derivatives. This
second order implementation will correctly integrate forces that
are non-conservative but it is not recommended for this use. See
the integrator comparisons below for numerical comparisons.
You cannot use this integrator to integrate mass during a finite
maneuver because the mass flow rate is a first order differential
equation not supported by this integrator.

Reference Guide Propagator

Option Description
RungeKutta56 An adaptive step, sixth order Runge-Kutta integrator with
fifth order error control. The coefficients were derived by E.
AdamsBashforthMoulton A fourth-order Adams-Bashford predictor / Adams-Moulton
corrector as described in Fundamentals of Astrodynamics by
Bate, Mueller, and White. The predictor step extrapolates the
next state of the variables using the the derivative information at
the current state and three previous states of the variables. The
corrector uses derivative information evaluated for this state,
along with the derivative information at the original state and
two preceding states, to tune this state, giving the final, corrected
state. The ABM integrator uses the RungeKutta89 integrator to
start the integration process. The ABM is a low order integrator
and should not be used for precise applications or for highly
nonlinear applications such as celestial body flybys.

Performance & Accuracy Comparison of Numerical Integrators

The tables below contain performance comparison data for GMAT's numerical integrators. The
first table shows the orbit types, dynamics models, and propagation duration for each test case
included in the comparison. Five orbit types were compared: low earth orbit, Molniya, Mars
transfer (Type 2), Lunar transfer, and finite burn (case 1 is blow down, and case 2 is pressure
regulated). For each test case, the orbit was propagated forward for a duration and then back-
propagated to the intial epoch. The error values in the table are the RSS difference of the final
position after forward and backward propagation to the initial position. The run time data for
each orbit type is normalized on the integrator with the fasted run time for that orbit type.
For all test cases the ErrorControl setting was set to RSSStep. Accuracy was set to 1e-12 for
all integrators except for AdamsBashfourthMoulton which was set to 1e-11 because of poor
performance when Accuracy was set to 1e-11.

Orbit Dynamics Model Duration

LEO Earth 20x20, Sun, Moon, drag using 1 day
MSISE90 density, SRP
Molniya Earth 20x20, Sun, Moon, drag using Jacchia 3 days
Roberts density, SRP
Mars Transfer Near Earth: Earth 8x8, Sun, Moon, SRP 333 days

Deep Space: All planets as point mass per-


Near Mars: Mars 8x8 SRP

Lunar Transfer Earth central body with all planets as point 5.8 days
mass perturbations
Finite Burn (case 1 and 2) Point mass gravity 7200 sec.

Comparing the run time data for each integrator shown in the table below we see that the Prince-
Dormand78 integrator was the fastest for 4 of the 6 cases and tied with the RungeKutta89 in-
tegrator for LEO test case. For the Lunar flyby case, the RungeKutta89 was the fastest integra-
tor, however, in this case the PrinceDormand78 integrator was at least 2 orders of magnitude

Propagator Reference Guide

more accurate given equaivalent Accuracy settings. Notice that the AdamsBashforthMoulton
integrator has km level errors for some orbits because it is a low-order integrator.

Fields Unique to the AdamsBashforthMoulton Integrator

The AdamsBashforthMoulton integrator has two additional fields named TargetError and
LowerError that are only active when Type is set to AdamsBashforthMoulton. If you are
using another integrator type, those fields must be removed from your script file to avoid parsing
errors. When working in the GUI, this is performed automatically. See examples below for more


Propagate an orbit using a general purpose Runge-Kutta integrator:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ForceModel aForceModel

Create Propagator aProp

aProp.FM = aForceModel
aProp.Type = PrinceDormand78
aProp.InitialStepSize = 60
aProp.Accuracy = 1e-011
aProp.MinStep = 0
aProp.MaxStep = 86400
aProp.MaxStepAttempts = 50
aProp.StopIfAccuracyIsViolated = true


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = .2}

Propagate using a fixed step configuration. Do this by setting InitialStepSize to the desired
fixed step size and setting ErrorControl to None. This example propagates in constant steps
of 30 seconds:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ForceModel aForceModel
aForceModel.ErrorControl = None

Create Propagator aProp

aProp.FM = aForceModel

Reference Guide Propagator

aProp.Type = PrinceDormand78
aProp.InitialStepSize = 30


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = .2}

Propagate an orbit using an Adams-Bashforth-Moulton predictor-corrector integrator:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ForceModel aForceModel
aForceModel.ErrorControl = RSSStep

Create Propagator aProp

aProp.FM = aForceModel
aProp.Type = AdamsBashforthMoulton
aProp.InitialStepSize = 60
aProp.MinStep = 0
aProp.MaxStep = 86400
aProp.MaxStepAttempts = 50
% Note the following fields must be set with decreasing values!
aProp.Accuracy = 1e-010
aProp.TargetError = 1e-011
aProp.LowerError = 1e-013
aProp.StopIfAccuracyIsViolated = true


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = .2}

Force Model


A ForceModel is a model of the environmental forces and dynamics that affect the motion of a
spacecraft. GMAT supports numerous force models such as point mass and spherical harmonic
gravity models, atmospheric drag, solar radiation pressure, tide models, and relativistic correc-
tions. A ForceModel is configured and attached to the Propagator object (see the Propagator
object for differences between script and GUI configuration when configuring a Propagator).
The Propagator, along with the Propagate command, uses a ForceModel to numerically solve
the orbital equations of motion (forwards or backwards in time) using the forces configured in
the ForceModel object, and may include thrust terms in the case of powered flight. See the dis-
cussion below for detailed information on how to configure force models for your application.
This resource cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

See Also: Propagator

Propagator Reference Guide


Option Description
CentralBody The central body of propagation. CentralBody must be a
celestial body and cannot be a LibrationPoint, Barycen-
ter, Spacecraft, or other special point.

Data Type Resource reference

Allowed Values CelestialBody
Access set
Default Value Earth
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Drag Deprecated. This field has been replaced with
Drag.AtmosphereModel Specifies the atmosphere model used in the drag force. This
field is only active if there is a PrimaryBody.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values None, JacchiaRoberts,
Access set
Default Value MSISE90
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Drag.F107 The instantaneous value of solar flux at wavelength of 10.7
cm. This field is only active if there is a PrimaryBody.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values 50 <= Drag.F107 <= 400
Access set
Default Value 150
Units W/m^2/Hz
Interfaces GUI, script
Drag.F107A The average (monthly) value of solar flux at wavelength of
10.7 cm. This field is only active in the script if there is a

Data Type Real

Allowed Values 50 <= Drag.F107A <= 400
Access set
Default Value 150
Units W/m^2/Hz
Interfaces script

Reference Guide Propagator

Option Description
Drag.MagneticIndex The geomagnetic index (Kp) used in density calculations.
Kp is a planetary 3-hour-average, geomagnetic index that
measures magnetic effects of solar radiation. This field is
only active if there is a PrimaryBody.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values 0 <= Real Number <= 9
Access set
Default Value 3
Units N/A
Interfaces script
ErrorControl Controls how error in the current integration step is esti-
mated. The error in the current step is computed by the
selection of ErrorControl and compared to the value set
in the Accuracy field to determine if the step has an ac-
ceptable error or needs to be improved. All error measure-
ments are relative error, however, the reference for the rel-
ative error changes depending upon the selection of Error-
Control. RSSStep is the Root Sum Square (RSS) relative
error measured with respect to the current step. RSSState is
the (RSS) relative error measured with respect to the current
state. LargestStep is the state vector component with the
largest relative error measured with respect to the current
step. LargestState is the state vector component with the
largest relative error measured with respect to the current
state. Setting ErrorControl to None turns off error control
and the integrator takes constant steps at the value defined
by InitialStepSize on the numerical integrator.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values None, RSSStep, RSSState,
LargestState, LargestStep
Access set
Default Value RSSStep
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
GravityField. Flag for type of Earth tide model. This field is always active
Earth.EarthTideModel but only used in the dynamics when there is a harmonic
gravity model for Earth.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values None, SolidAndPole
Access set
Default Value None
Units N/A
Interfaces script

Propagator Reference Guide

Option Description
GravityField. The degree of the harmonic gravity field. This field is only
PrimaryBodyName.Degree active if there is a PrimaryBody.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values 0<Degree<Max Degree On File
Access set
Default Value 4 (When loading a custom file in
the GUI, GMAT sets Degree to
the max value on the file)
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
GravityField. The order of the harmonic gravity field. This field is only
PrimaryBodyName.Order active if there is a PrimaryBody.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values 0<Order<Max Degree On File
AND Degree <= Order
Access set
Default Value 4 (When loading a custom file in
the GUI, GMAT sets Order to the
max value on the file)
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
GravityField. The gravity potential file. This field is only active if there
PrimaryBodyName.PotentialFileis a PrimaryBody. See discussion below for detailed expla-
nation of supported file types and how to configure gravity

Data Type String

Allowed Values path and name of .cof OR .grv file
Access set
Default Value JGM2.cof
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Model A GUI list of "configured' gravity files defined in the file
gmat_startup_file.txt. Model allows you to quickly choose
between gravity files distributed with GMAT. For exam-
ple, if PrimaryBody is Earth, you can select among Earth
gravity models provided with GMAT such as JGM-2 and
EGM-96. If you select Other, you can provide the path and
filename for a custom gravity file.

Data Type String

Allowed Values JGM-2, JGM-3, EGM-96,
Mars-50C, MGNP-180U
Access set,get
Default Value JGM-2
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI

Reference Guide Propagator

Option Description
PointMasses A list of celestial bodies to be treated as point masses in
the force model. A body cannot be both the PrimaryBody
and in the PointMasses list. An empty list "{}" removes all
points masses from the list.

Data Type Resource array

Allowed Values array of CelestialBodies not se-
lected as PrimaryBody
Access set
Default Value Empty List
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
PrimaryBodies A body modeled with a "complex" force model. A primary
body can have an atmosphere and harmonic gravity model.
Currently GMAT only supports one primary body per force
model. The primary body must be the same as the Central-
Body, and cannot be included in the PointMasses field.

Data Type Resource reference

Allowed Values CelestialBody not included in
Access set
Default Value Earth
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
RelativisticCorrection Sets relativistic correction on or off.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values On, Off
Access set
Default Value Off
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
SRP Sets SRP force on or off. See the Remarks section for a
detailed explanation of SRP configuration.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values On, Off
Access set
Default Value Off
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Propagator Reference Guide

Option Description
SRP.Flux The value of SRP flux at 1 AU. This field is only active in
the script if SRP is on.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values 1300 <SRP.Flux < 1450
Access set
Default Value 1367
Units W/m^2
Interfaces script
SRP.Flux_Pressure The solar flux at 1 AU divided by the speed of light. This
field is only active in the script if SRP is on. See the Remarks
section for a detailed explanation of SRP configuration.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values 4.33e-6 < SRP.Flux_Pressure <
Access set
Default Value 4.55982118135874e-006
Units W *s/m^3
Interfaces script
SRP.Nominal_Sun The value of one Astronomical Unit in km used in scaling
SRP.Flux, which is flux at 1 AU, to the flux at spacecraft dis-
tance from sun. This field is only active in the script if SRP
is on. See the Remarks section for a detailed explanation of
SRP configuration.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values 135e6<Nominal_Sun<165e6
Access set
Default Value 149597870.691
Units km
Interfaces script

Reference Guide Propagator


Settings for the ForceModel object.

Overview of Primary Body/Central Body and Field Interactions

In GMAT, a primary body is a celestial body that is modeled with a complex force model which
may include a spherical harmonic gravity model, tides, or drag. A body cannot appear in both
the PrimaryBodies and PointMasses fields. GMAT currently requires that there are no more
than one primary body per ForceModel, but this behavior will change in future versions and
the user interface is designed to naturally support this future development area.

GMAT currently requires that the primary body is either the same as the CentralBody or set to
None. If you change the CentralBody in the GUI, GMAT changes the primary body to None,
and you can then select between None and the central body. When you select a primary body in
the GUI, the Gravity and Drag fields activate and allow you to select models for those forces
consistent with the body selected in the PrimaryBodies field. For example, if you select Earth
as the primary body, you can only select Earth drag models in the Drag.AtmosphereModel
field. See the field list above for available models.

Configuring Gravitational Models

GMAT supports point mass gravity, spherical harmonic, and Earth tide models. On a Propa-
gator, all celestial bodies are classified into two mutually exclusive categories: PrimaryBodies,
and Point Masses. To model a body as a point mass, add it to the PointMasses list. GMAT
currently requires that there be only a single body in the PrimaryBodies list. When a primary
body is selected, the CentralBody and primary body must be the same.

Bodies modeled as PointMasses use the gravitational parameter defined on the body (i.e.
Earth.Mu) in the equations of motion. Bodies defined as PrimaryBodies use the constants de-
fined on the potential file in the equations of motion. GMAT supports two gravity file formats:
the .cof format and the STK .grv format. You can provide a custom potential file for your ap-

Propagator Reference Guide

plication as long as it is one of the supported formats. Potential files defined in the startup file
are available in the Model list in the GUI. For example, the following lines in the startup file
configure GMAT so that EGM96 is an available option for Model in the GUI when the primary
body is Earth:
EARTH_POT_PATH = DATA_PATH/gravity/earth/

Below is an example script snippet for configuring a custom gravity model including Earth tides.
Create ForceModel aForceModel
aForceModel.CentralBody = Earth
aForceModel.PrimaryBodies = {Earth}
aForceModel.GravityField.Earth.Degree = 21
aForceModel.GravityField.Earth.Order = 21
aForceModel.GravityField.Earth.PotentialFile = 'c:\MyData\File.cof'
aForceModel.GravityField.Earth.EarthTideModel = 'SolidAndPole'

Configuring Drag Models

GMAT supports many density models for Earth including Jacchia-Roberts and various MSISE
models. Density models for non-Earth bodies -- the Mars-GRAM model for example -- are in-
cluded using custom plug-in components and are currently only supported in the script interface.

To configure Earth density models, select Earth as the primary body, In the GUI, this activates
the AtmosphereModel list. You can configure the solar flux values using the Setup button
next to the AtmosphereModel list after you have selected an atmosphere model. Below is an
example script snippet for configuring the NRLMSISE00 density model.
Create ForceModel aForceModel
GMAT aForceModel.PrimaryBodies = {Earth}
GMAT aForceModel.Drag.AtmosphereModel = NRLMSISE00
GMAT aForceModel.Drag.F107 = 145
GMAT aForceModel.Drag.F107A = 160
GMAT aForceModel.Drag.MagneticIndex = 4

Caution: GMAT uses the original single precision FORTAN code developed by
the scientists who created the MSISE models. At low altitudes, the single precision
density can cause numeric issues in the double precision integrator step size control
and integration can be unacceptably slow. You can avoid the performance issue
by using either fixed step integration or by using a relatively high Accuracy value
such as 1e-8. You may need to experiment with the Accuracy setting to a value
acceptable for your application.

Note that when you select None for Drag.AtmosphereModel , the fields Drag.F107,
Drag.F107A, and Drag.MagneticIndex are inactive and must be removed from your script file
to avoid parsing errors. When working in the GUI, this is performed automatically.

The table below describes the limits on altitude for drag models supported by GMAT.

Model Theoretical Altitude (h) Comments

MSISE86 90 < h < 1000 GMAT will not allow propagation below
90 km altitude.

Reference Guide Propagator

Model Theoretical Altitude (h) Comments

MSISE90 0 < h <1000 GMAT will allow propagation below 0
km altitude but results are non-physical.
NRLMSISE00 0 < h <1000 GMAT will allow propagation below 0
km altitude but results are non-physical.
JacchiaRoberts h > 100 GMAT will not allow propagation below
100 km altitude.

Configuring an SRP Model

GMAT uses a dual cone model to model central body shadowing of the spacecraft and models
solar radiation pressure using a spherical spacecraft model. You can define the solar flux using
two approaches which are currently only supported in the script interface. One approach is to
define the flux value using the SRP.Flux field and the value of an astronomical unit (in km)
using the Nominal_Sun field as shown in the following example.

Create ForceModel aForceModel

GMAT aForceModel.PrimaryBodies = {Earth}
GMAT aForceModel.SRP = On
GMAT aForceModel.SRP.Flux = 1367
GMAT aForceModel.SRP.Nominal_Sun = 149597870.691

An alternative approach is to define the flux pressure at 1 astronomical unit using the
Flux_Pressure field as shown below..

Create ForceModel aForceModel

GMAT aForceModel.PrimaryBodies = {Earth}
GMAT aForceModel.SRP = On
GMAT aForceModel.SRP.Flux_Pressure = 4.53443218374393e-006
GMAT aForceModel.SRP.Nominal_Sun = 149597870.691

If you mix flux settings, as shown in the example below, GMAT will use the last approach in the
script. Here, GMAT will use the Flux_Pressure setting.

Create ForceModel aForceModel

GMAT aForceModel.PrimaryBodies = {Earth}
GMAT aForceModel.SRP = On
GMAT aForceModel.SRP.Flux = 1370
GMAT aForceModel.SRP.Nominal_Sun = 149597870
GMAT aForceModel.SRP.Flux_Pressure = 4.53443218374393e-006

Caution: GMAT’s default option for configuring solar flux for an SRP mod-
el is to use SRP.Flux and Nominal_Sun fields. If you initially configured the
Flux_Pressure field, when you save your mission via the save button in the toolbar,
GMAT will write out SRP.Flux and Nominal_Sun values consistent with your
setting of Flux_Pressure.

Variational Equations and the STM

GMAT can optionally propagate the orbit State Transition Matrix (STM). For more information
on how to configure GMAT to compute the STM, see the Propagate command documentation.

Propagator Reference Guide

Caution: GMAT allows you to propagate the State Transition Matrix (STM) along
with the orbital state. However, not all variational terms are implemented for STM
propagation. The following are implemented: point mass perturbation, spherical
harmonics (with tide models), and solar radiation pressure. The following are NOT
implemented: drag and relativistic terms, and finite burns. Additionally, the SRP
variational term does not include the partial derivative of the percent shadow with
respect to orbital state. This approximation is acceptable for orbits with short
penumbra durations but is inaccurate for orbits that spend relatively long periods
of time in penumbra.

A ForceModel for point mass propagation.

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ForceModel aForceModel

aForceModel.CentralBody = Earth
aForceModel.PointMasses = {Earth}

Create Propagator aProp

aProp.FM = aForceModel


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = .2}

A ForceModel for high fidelity low Earth orbit propagation.

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ForceModel aForceModel

aForceModel.CentralBody = Earth
aForceModel.PrimaryBodies = {Earth}
aForceModel.PointMasses = {Sun, Luna}
aForceModel.SRP = On
aForceModel.RelativisticCorrection = On
aForceModel.ErrorControl = RSSStep
aForceModel.GravityField.Earth.Degree = 20
aForceModel.GravityField.Earth.Order = 20
aForceModel.GravityField.Earth.PotentialFile = 'EGM96.cof'
aForceModel.GravityField.Earth.EarthTideModel = 'None'
aForceModel.Drag.AtmosphereModel = MSISE90
aForceModel.Drag.F107 = 150
aForceModel.Drag.F107A = 150
aForceModel.Drag.MagneticIndex = 3
aForceModel.SRP.Flux = 1359.388569998901
aForceModel.SRP.Nominal_Sun = 149597870.691

Create Propagator aProp

aProp.FM = aForceModel


Reference Guide Propagator

Propagate aProp(aSat){aSat.ElapsedDays = .2}

A ForceModel for high fidelity lunar orbit propagation.

Create Spacecraft moonSat

GMAT moonSat.DateFormat = UTCGregorian
GMAT moonSat.Epoch.UTCGregorian = 01 Jun 2004 12:00:00.000
GMAT moonSat.CoordinateSystem = MoonMJ2000Eq
GMAT moonSat.DisplayStateType = Cartesian
GMAT moonSat.X = -1486.792117191545200
GMAT moonSat.Y = 0.0
GMAT moonSat.Z = 1486.792117191543000
GMAT moonSat.VX = -0.142927729144255
GMAT moonSat.VY = -1.631407624437537
GMAT moonSat.VZ = 0.142927729144255

Create CoordinateSystem MoonMJ2000Eq

MoonMJ2000Eq.Origin = Luna
MoonMJ2000Eq.Axes = MJ2000Eq

Create ForceModel MoonLP165P

GMAT MoonLP165P.CentralBody = Luna
GMAT MoonLP165P.PrimaryBodies = {Luna}
GMAT MoonLP165P.SRP = On
GMAT MoonLP165P.SRP.Flux = 1367
GMAT MoonLP165P.SRP.Nominal_Sun = 149597870.691
GMAT MoonLP165P.Gravity.Luna.PotentialFile = ../data/gravity/luna/LP165P.cof
GMAT MoonLP165P.Gravity.Luna.Degree = 20
GMAT MoonLP165P.Gravity.Luna.Order = 20

Create Propagator RKV89

GMAT RKV89.FM = MoonLP165P


Propagate RKV89(moonSat) {moonSat.ElapsedSecs = 300}

SPK-Configured Propagator


An SPK-configured Propagator propagates a spacecraft by interpolating user-provided SPICE

kernels. You configure a Propagator to use an SPK kernel by setting the Type field to SPK.
SPK kernels and the NAIFId are defined on the Spacecraft Resource. You control propagation,
including stopping conditions, using the Propagate command. This resource cannot be modi-
fied in the Mission Sequence. However, you can do whole object assignment in the mission,( i.e.
myPropagator = yourPropagator ).

See Also: Spacecraft, Propagate

Propagator Reference Guide


Field Description
CentralBody The central body of propagation. This field has no affect for SPK

Data Type Resource reference

Allowed Values Celestial body
Access set
Default Value Earth
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
EpochFormat Only used for an SPK propagator. The format of the epoch con-
tained in the StartEpoch field.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values A1ModJulian, TAIModJulian, UTC-
ModJulian, TTModJulian, TDBMod-
Julian, A1Gregorian, TAIGregorian,
TTGregorian, UTCGregorian, TDB-
Access set
Default Value A1ModJulian
Units N/A unless Mod Julian and in that case
Modified Julian Date
Interfaces GUI, script
Start Epoch Only used for an SPK propagator. The initial epoch of propaga-
tion. When an epoch is provided that epoch is used as the initial
epoch. When the keyword "FromSpacecraft" is provided, the start
epoch is inherited from the spacecraft.

Data Type String

Allowed Values "Gregorian: 04 Oct 1957 12:00:00.000
<= Epoch <= 28 Feb 2100 00:00:00.000
Modified Julian: 6116.0 <= Epoch <=
58127.5 or "FromSpacecraft"
Access set
Default Value 21545
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
StepSize The step size for an SPK Propagator.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0
Access set
Default Value 300
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Propagator

Field Description
Type Specifies the integrator or analytic propagator used to model time
evolution of spacecraft motion.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values PrinceDormand78, PrinceDor-
RungeKutta56, BulirschStoer, Adams-
BashforthMoulton, SPK
Access set
Default Value RungeKutta89
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


To configure a Propagator to use SPK files, on the Propagator dialog box, select SPK in the
Type menu. There are four fields you can configure for an SPK propagator including StepSize,
CentralBody, EpochFormat, and StartEpoch. Note that changing the EpochFormat setting
converts the input epoch to the selected format. You can also type FromSpacecraft into
the StartEpoch field and the Propagator will use the epoch of the Spacecraft as the initial
propagation epoch.

To use an SPK-configured Propagator, you must specify the SPK kernels and NAIFId on the
Spacecraft, configure a Propagator to use SPK files as opposed to numerical methods, and
configure the Propagate command to use the configured SPK propagator. The subsections and
examples below discuss each of these items in detail.

Configuring Spacecraft SPK Kernels

To use an SPK-configured Propagator, you must add the SPK kernels to the Spacecraft and
define the pacecraft's NAIFId. SPK Kernels for selected spacecraft are available here. Two

Propagator Reference Guide

sample vehicle spk kernels, (GEOSat.bsp and MoonTransfer.bsp) are distributed with GMAT
for example purposes. An example of how to add spacecraft kernels via the script interface is
shown below.

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

GMAT aSpacecraft.NAIFId = -123456789
GMAT aSpacecraft.OrbitSpiceKernelName = {...

To add Spacecraft SPK kernals via the GUI:

1. On the Spacecraft dialog box, click the SPICE tab.

2. Under the SPK Files list, click Add.
3. Browse to locate and select the desired SPK file
4. Repeat to add all necessary SPK kernels
5. In the NAIF ID field, enter the spacecraft integer NAIF id number. Note: For a given
mission, each spacecraft should have a unique NAIF ID if the spacecraft are propagated
with an SPK propagator.

You can add more than one kernel to a spacecraft as shown via scripting below, where the files
GEOSat1.bsp and GEOSat2.bsp are dummy file names used for example purposes only and are
not distributed with GMAT. In the script, you can use relative path or absolute path to define
the location of an SKP file. Relative paths are defined with respect to the GMAT bin directory
of your local installation.

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

aSpacecraft.OrbitSpiceKernelName ={'C:\MyDataFiles\GEOSat1.bsp',...

Reference Guide Propagator

Configuring an SPK Propagator

You can define the StartEpoch of propagation of an SPK-configured Propagator on either the
Propagator Resource or inherit the StartEpoch from the Spacecraft. Below is a script snippet
that shows how to inherit the StartEpoch from the Spacecraft. To inherit the StartEpoch
from the Spacecraft using the GUI

1. Open the SPK propagator dialog box,

2. In the StartEpoch field., type FromSpacecraft or select FromSpacecraft from the
drop-down menu

To explicitly define the StartEpoch on the Propagator Resource use the following syntax.

Create Propagator spkProp

spkProp.EpochFormat = 'UTCGregorian'
spkProp.StartEpoch = '22 Jul 2014 11:29:10.811'

Create Propagator spkProp2

spkProp2.EpochFormat = 'TAIModJulian'
spkProp2.StartEpoch = '23466.5'

To configure the step size, use the StepSize field.

Create Propagator spkProp

spkProp.Type = SPK
spkProp.StepSize = 300

Interaction with the Propagate Command

An SPK-configured Propagator works with the Propagate command in the same way numer-
ical propagators work with the Propagate command with the following exceptions:

• If a Propagate command uses an SPK propagator, then you can only propagate one space-
craft using that propagator. You can however, mix SPK propagators and numeric propagators
in a single propagate command.
• SPK-configured Propagators will not propagate the STM or compute the orbit Jacobian (A

In the example below, we assume a Spacecraft named aSpacecraft and a Propagator named
spkProp have been configured a-priori. An example command to propagate aSpacecraft to
Earth Periapsis using spkProp is shown below.

Propagate spkProp(aSpacecraft) {aSpacecraft.Earth.Periapsis}

Below is a script snippet that demonstrates how to propagate backwards using an SPK propa-

Propagate BackProp spkProp(aSpacecraft) {aSpacecraft.ElapsedDays = -1.5}

Behavior Near Ephemeris Boundaries

In general, ephemeris interpolation is less accurate near the boundaries of ephemeris files and
we recommend providing ephemeris for significant periods beyond the initial and final epochs
of your application for this and other reasons. When propagating near the beginning or end of
ephemeris files, the use of the double precision arithmetic may affect results. For example, if an
ephemeris file has has an initial epoch TDBModJulian = 21545.00037249916, and you specify
the StartEpoch in UTC Gregorian, round off error in time conversions and/or truncation of

Propagator Reference Guide

time using the Gregorian format (only accurate to millisecond) may cause the requested epoch
to fall slightly outside of the range provided on the ephemeris file. The best solution is to provide
extra ephemeris data to avoid time issues at the boundaries and the more subtle issue of poor

To locate requested stopping conditions, GMAT needs to bracket the root of the
stopping condition function. Then, GMAT uses standard root finding techniques
to locate the stopping condition to the requested accuracy. If the requested stopping
condition lies at or near the beginning or end of the ephemeris data, then bracketing
the stopping condition may not be possible without stepping off the ephemeris file
which throw an error and execution will stop. In this case, you must provide more
ephemeris data to locate the desired stopping condition.

Propagate a GEO spacecraft using an SPK-configured Propagator. Define the StartEpoch
from the spacecraft. Note: the SPK kernel GEOSat.bsp is distributed with GMAT.

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft;

aSpacecraft.Epoch.UTCGregorian = '02 Jun 2004 12:00:00.000'
aSpacecraft.NAIFId = -123456789
aSpacecraft.OrbitSpiceKernelName = {'..\data\vehicle\ephem\spk\GEOSat.bsp'}

Create Propagator spkProp

spkProp.Type = SPK
spkProp.StepSize = 300
spkProp.CentralBody = Earth
spkProp.StartEpoch = FromSpacecraft

Create OrbitView EarthView

EarthView.Add = {aSpacecraft, Earth, Luna}
EarthView.ViewPointVector = [ 30000 -20000 10000 ]
EarthView.ViewScaleFactor = 2.5

Propagate spkProp(aSpacecraft) {aSpacecraft.TA = 90}
Propagate spkProp(aSpacecraft) {aSpacecraft.ElapsedDays = 2.4}

Simulate a lunar transfer using an SPK-configured Propagator. Define StartEpoch on the

Propagator. Note: the SPK kernel MoonTransfer.bsp is distributed with GMAT.

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

aSpacecraft.NAIFId = -123456789
aSpacecraft.OrbitSpiceKernelName = {...

Create Propagator spkProp

spkProp.Type = SPK
spkProp.StepSize = 300
spkProp.CentralBody = Earth
spkProp.EpochFormat = 'UTCGregorian'
spkProp.StartEpoch = '22 Jul 2014 11:29:10.811'

Create OrbitView EarthView

Reference Guide Propagator

EarthView.Add = {aSpacecraft, Earth, Luna}

EarthView.ViewPointVector = [ 30000 -20000 10000 ]
EarthView.ViewScaleFactor = 30

Propagate spkProp(aSpacecraft) {aSpacecraft.ElapsedDays = 12}

Reference Guide

Report data to a text file


The ReportFile resource allows you to write data to a text file that can be viewed after a mission
run has been completed. GMAT allows you to report user-defined Variables, Arrays, Strings
and Object Parameters. GMAT gives you control over setting formatting properties of the out-
put report file that is generated at the end of a mission run. You can create ReportFile resource
in either the GUI or script interface. GMAT also provides the option of when to write and stop
writing data to a text file through the Toggle On/Off command. See the Remarks section below
for detailed discussion of the interaction between ReportFile resource and Toggle command.

See Also: Report, Toggle


Field Description
Add Allows a user to add any number of user-defined Variables, Arrays,
Strings or Object Parameters to a report file. To add multiple user-
defined variables or parameters, enclose the reported values with curly
brackets. Ex. MyReportName.Add ={Sat.X, Sat.Y, Var1,
Array(1,1)}; The GUI's Selected Value(s) field is the equivalent
of the script's Add field. This field cannot be modified in the Mission

Data Type Reference array

Allowed Values Any user-defined parameter. Ex. Variables, Ar-
rays, Strings, or Object parameters
Access set
Default Value {DefaultSC.A1ModJulian,
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ColumnWidth This field defines the width of the data columns in a report file. The
value for ColumnWidth is applied to all columns of data. For example,
if ColumnWidth is set to 20, then each data column will be 20 white-
spaces wide.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer > 1
Access set
Default Value 20
Units Characters
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide ReportFile

Field Description
Filename Allows the user to define the file path and file name for a report file.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Valid File Path and Name
Access set
Default Value ReportFile1.txt
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
LeftJustify When the LeftJustify field is set to On, then the data is left justified
and appears at the left most side of the column. If the LeftJustify field
is set to Off, then the data is centered in the column.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values On, Off
Access set
Default Value On
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Maximized Allows the user to maximize the ReportFile window. This field cannot
be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values true,false
Access set
Default Value false
Units N/A
Interfaces script
Precision Allows the user to set the number of digits of the data written to a

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer > 1
Access set
Default Value 16
Units Same as variable being reported
Interfaces GUI, script
RelativeZOrder Allows the user to select which ReportFile to display first on the
screen. The ReportFile with lowest RelativeZOrder value will be dis-
played last while ReportFile with highest RelativeZOrder value will be
displayed first. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer ≥ 0
Access set
Default Value 0
Units N/A
Interfaces script

ReportFile Reference Guide

Field Description
Size Allows the user to control the display size of generated report file. First
value in [0 0] matrix controls horizonal size and second value controls
vertical size of report file window. This field cannot be modified in the
Mission Sequence.

Data Type Real array

Allowed Values Any Real number
Access set
Default Value [00]
Units N/A
Interfaces script
SolverIterations This field determines whether or not data associated with perturbed
trajectories during a solver (Targeter, Optimize) sequence is written to
a report file. When SolverIterations is set to All, all perturbations/iter-
ations are written to a report file. When SolverIterations is set to Cur-
rent, only current solution is written to a report file. When SolverIter-
ations is set to None, this shows only final solution after the end of an
iterative process and reports only final solution to a report file.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values All, Current, None
Access set
Default Value Current
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Upperleft Allows the user to pan the generated report file display window in any
direction. First value in [0 0] matrix helps to pan the report file window
horizontally and second value helps to pan the window vertically. This
field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Real array

Allowed Values Any Real number
Access set
Default Value [00]
Units N/A
Interfaces script
WriteHeaders This field specifies whether to include headers that describe the vari-
ables in a report file.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values True, False
Access set
Default Value True
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide ReportFile

Field Description
WriteReport This field specifies whether to write data to the report FileName.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values True, False
Access set
Default Value True
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ZeroFill Allows zeros to be placed in data written to a report to match set pre-

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values On, Off
Access set
Default Value Off
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Figure below shows default name and settings for the ReportFile resource:

Behavior When using Filename field
GMAT allows you to specify the name of the report file in two ways. The default naming con-
vention for a report file when using FileName field is shown below:

Create ReportFile aReport

aReport.Filename = 'ReportFile1.txt'

ReportFile Reference Guide

aReport.WriteReport = true

An alternate method for naming a report file is to name the file without using any single quotes
around the report file’s name.

Create ReportFile aReport

aReport.Filename = ReportFile1.txt
aReport.WriteReport = true

How data is reported to a report file

GMAT allows you to report data to a report file in two ways: You can use ReportFile.Add field
or a Report command.

You can add data using the .Add field of ReportFile resource and this method reports data to
the report file at each propagation step. Below is an example script snippet that shows how to
report epoch and selected orbital elements using the .Add field:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ReportFile aReport

aReport.Add = {aSat.UTCGregorian aSat.Earth.SMA, aSat.Earth.ECC, ...

aSat.Earth.TA, aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.RAAN}

Create Propagator aProp

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 8640.0}

GMAT’s ReportFile.Add field will not report selected data to the report file at each propagation
step if Propagate command is not included under the BeginMissionSequence.

An alternative method of reporting data to the report file is via the Report command. Using the
Report command allows you to report data to the report file at specific points in your mission.
Below is an example script snippet that shows how to report epoch and selected orbital elements
using the Report command:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ReportFile aReport

Create Propagator aProp


Report aReport aSat.UTCGregorian aSat.Earth.SMA aSat.Earth.ECC ...

aSat.Earth.TA aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.RAAN

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 8640.0}

Report aReport aSat.UTCGregorian aSat.Earth.SMA aSat.Earth.ECC ...

aSat.Earth.TA aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.RAAN

Behavior and Interactions when using ReportFile Resource & Report

Suppose you utilize a ReportFile resource and opt not to write a report and select false for the
field name WriteReport, as shown in the example below:

Reference Guide ReportFile

Create ReportFile aReport

aReport.Filename = ReportFile1.txt
aReport.Add = {aSat.A1ModJulian, aSat.Earth.SMA}
aReport.WriteReport = false

Now assume that at the same time, you decide to utilize Report command in the Mission tree,
as shown in the example script snippet below:

Report aReport aSat.A1ModJulian aSat.Earth.SMA aSat.Earth.ECC
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Earth.Periapsis}
Report aReport aSat.A1ModJulian aSat.Earth.SMA aSat.Earth.ECC

At this point, you may think that since false option is selected under the field
name WriteReport in ReportFile resource, hence GMAT will not generate the report
file called ReportFile1.txt. On the Contrary, GMAT will generate a report called
ReportFile1.txt, but this report will only contain data that was requested using the Report
command. ReportFile1.txt text file will contain epoch, semi-major-axis and eccentricity
only at specific points of the mission.

Behavior when reporting data in Iterative Processes

GMAT allows you to specify how data is written to reports during iterative processes such as
differential correction or optimization. SolverIterations field of ReportFile resource supports
3 options which are described in the table below:

SolverIterations Description
All Shows only current iteration/perturbation after the end of an iterative
process and reports current solution to a report file.
Current Shows all iterations/perturbations in an iterative process and reports all it-
erations/perturbations to a report file.
None Shows only final solution after the end of an iterative process and reports
only final solution to a report file.

Where Reports are written

GMAT allows you to write reports to any desired path or location. You can do this by going
to GMAT’s startup file called gmat_startup_file.txt and define an absolute path under
OUTPUT_PATH. This allows you to save report files in the directory of your choice as oppose to
saving report files in GMAT's default Output folder. In ReportFile.FileName field, If no path
is provided and only name of the report file is defined, then report files are written to GMAT's
default Output folder. The default path where reports are written to is the Output folder located
in the main directory where GMAT is installed.

Below is an example script snippet that shows where generated reports are written
when only report file’s name is provided under the FileName field. In this example,
'ReportFile1.txt'report is written to the Output folder located in the main directory
where GMAT is installed:

Create ReportFile aReport

aReport.Filename = 'ReportFile1.txt'
aReport.Add = {aSat.A1ModJulian, aSat.Earth.ECC}

ReportFile Reference Guide

An alternate method where report files can be written is by defining a relative path. You
can define the relative path in GMAT’s startup file gmat_startup_file.txt under
OUTPUT_PATH. For example, you can set a relative path by setting OUTPUT_PATH = C:/
Users/rqureshi/Desktop/GMAT/mytestfolder/../output2/. In this path, the syn-
tax ".." means to “go up one level”. After saving the startup file, when the script is executed,
the generated report file named under FileName field will be written to a path C:\Users

Another method where report files can be written to is by defining an absolute path in GMAT’s
startup file gmat_startup_file.txt under OUTPUT_PATH. For example, you can set an ab-
solute path by setting OUTPUT_PATH = C:/Users/rqureshi/Desktop/GMAT/mytest-
folder/. When the script is executed, report file named under FileName field will be written
to an absolute path C:\Users\rqureshi\Desktop\GMAT\mytestfolder.

Instead of defining a relative or an absolute path in GMAT's startup file, you can choose to define
an absolute path under FileName field too. For example, if you set ReportFile.FileName
= C:\Users\rqureshi\Desktop\GMAT\mytestfolder\ReportFile.txt, then re-
port file will be saved in mytestfolder.

Behavior when using ReportFile Resource & Toggle Command

GMAT allows you to use Toggle command while using the Add field of ReportFile resource.
When Toggle Off command is issued for a ReportFile, not data is sent to a report file until a
Toggle On command is issued. Similarly, when a Toggle On command is used, data is sent to
a report file at each integration step until a Toggle Off command is used.

Below is an example script snippet that shows how to use Toggle Off and Toggle On command
while using the ReportFile resource. Spacecraft’s cartesian position vector is reported to the
report file.

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create ReportFile aReport

aReport.Filename = 'ReportFile1.txt'
aReport.Add = {aSat.UTCGregorian, aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.X ...
aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.Z}


Toggle aReport Off

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 2}
Toggle aReport On
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 4}

Behavior When Specifying Empty Brackets in ReportFile's Add Field

When using ReportFile.Add field, GMAT does not allow brackets to be left empty. The brackets
must always be populated with values that you wish to report. If brackets are left empty, then
GMAT throws in an exception. Below is a sample script snippet that shows an example of empty
brackets. If you were to run this script, then GMAT throws in an execption reminding you that
brackets cannot be left empty.

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Reference Guide ReportFile

Create ReportFile aReport

aReport.Add = {}

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 8640.0}

Propagate an orbit and write cartesian state to a report file at every integrator step

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create ReportFile aReport

GMAT aReport.Filename = 'ReportFile1.txt'
aReport.Add = {aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.X aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y ...
aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.Z aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.VX ...
aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.VY aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.VZ}


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 8640.0}

Propagate an orbit for 1 day and write cartesian state to a report file at specific points in your

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create ReportFile aReport

GMAT aReport.Filename = 'ReportFile1.txt'


Report aReport aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.X aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y ...

aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.Z aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.VX ...
aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.VY aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.VZ

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}

Report aReport aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.X aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y ...

aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.Z aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.VX ...
aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.VY aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.VZ

Reference Guide

High level solar system configuration options


The SolarSystem resource allows you to define global properties for the model of the solar sys-
tem including the ephemeris source for built-in celestial bodies and selected settings to improve
performance when medium fidelity modelling is acceptable for your application. This resource
cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

See Also: CelestialBody, LibrationPoint, Barycenter, CoordinateSystem


Field Description
DEFilename The path and name of the DE file.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Valid DE file
Access set
Default Value ../data/planetary_ephem/de/
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
EphemerisSource The ephemeris model for built-in celestial bodies.

Data Type String

Allowed Values DE405, DE421, DE424, or SPICE
Access set
Default Value DE405
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
EphemerisUpdateInter- The time between time updates for celetial body ephemeris. For
val example, if EphemerisUpdateInterval = 60, if an ephemeris call
is made at time t = 1200, and a subsequent call is made at time t =
1210, the same ephemeris will be returned for the second call. This
option is for high speed, low fidelity modelling or for use when
modelling orbits far from third body perturbation sources.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real >= 0
Access set
Default Value 0
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide SolarSystem

Field Description
LSKFilename The path and name of the SPK leap second kernel.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Valid SPK leapsecond kernel
Access set
Default Value ../data/time/naif0010.tls
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
SPKFilename The path and name of the SPK orbit ephemeris kernel.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Valid SPK ephemeris kernel (.bsp)
Access set
Default Value ../data/planetary_ephem/spk/
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
UseTTForEphemeris Flag to use Terrestrial Time (TT) as input to the orbital ephemeris
routines. When set to false, TDB is used.

Data Type String

Allowed Values true,false
Access set
Default Value false
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


The SolarSystem dialog box allows you to configure global properties for solar system mod-
elling and the default configuration is illustrated above. Use EphemerisSource to choose the
ephemeris model for built-in celestial bodies. If you select either DE405, DE421, or DE424 the
dialog box above illustrates available options.

SolarSystem Reference Guide

Caution: GMAT allows you to provide user-created DE or SPK kernel files but we
recommend using the files distributed with GMAT. The files provided with GMAT
have been extensively tested for consistency and accuracy with the original data
provided by JPL and other models in GMAT. Using inconsistent ephemeris files or
user-generated files can result in instability or numerical issues if the files are not
generated correctly.

Changing the ephemeris source for an application is equivalent to making a fun-

damental change to the model of the solar system. We recommend selecting the
EphemerisSource early in the analysis process and using that model consistently.
In the event that an ephemeris model change is necessary, we recommend that you
change the model in the script file and not via the GUI. We allow you to change
EphemerisSource via the GUI for convenience in early design phases when rig-
orous consistency in modelling is less important.

If you select SPICE for EphemerisSource, the SolarSystem dialog box reconfigures to allow
you to define the SPK Kernel and the leap second kernel.


GMAT uses the ephemeris file selected in the EphemerisSource field for all built-in celestial
bodies. For user-defined bodies, the ephemeris model is specified on the CelestialBody object.

• For more information on the DE files provided by JPL see here.

• For general information on SPICE ephemeris files see the JPL NAIF site.
• For information on the SPK kernel named DE421AllPlanets.bsp distributed with
GMAT see the SPK.Readme located in \data\planetary_ephem\spk in the GMAT

Note: The SolarSystem and built-in CelestialBody resources require several hundred fields for
full configuration. GMAT only saves non-default values for SolarSystem and CelestialBody
to the script so that scripts are not populated with hundreds of default settings.

Reference Guide SolarSystem

Use DE421 for ephemeris.

GMAT SolarSystem.EphemerisSource = 'DE421'

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

Create Propagator aPropagator
aPropagator.FM = aForceModel
Create ForceModel aForceModel
aForceModel.PointMasses = {Luna, Sun}


Propagate aPropagator(aSpacecraft) {aSpacecraft.ElapsedSecs = 12000.0}

Use SPICE for ephemeris.

GMAT SolarSystem.EphemerisSource = 'SPICE'

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

Create Propagator aPropagator
aPropagator.FM = aForceModel
Create ForceModel aForceModel
aForceModel.PointMasses = {Luna, Sun}


Propagate aPropagator(aSpacecraft) {aSpacecraft.ElapsedSecs = 12000.0}

Reference Guide

A spacecraft model

A Spacecraft resource is GMAT's spacecraft model and includes data and models for the
spacecraft's orbit, epoch, attitude, and physical parameters (such as mass and drag coefficient),
as well as attached hardware, including tanks and thrusters. The Spacecraft model also contains
the data that configures how the Spacecraft 3-D CAD model is used in an OrbitView. Space-
craft has certain fields that can be set in the Mission Sequence and some that cannot. See the
field tables on the pages below for more information.

GMAT's documentation for Spacecraft is extensive and is broken down into the following

• Spacecraft Orbit State

• Spacecraft Epoch
• Spacecraft Ballistic/Mass Properties
• Spacecraft Attitude
• Spacecraft Hardware
• Spacecraft Visualization Properties

Reference Guide

Spacecraft Attitude
The spacecraft attitude model


GMAT models the orientation and rate of rotation of a spacecraft using several different mathe-
matical models. Currently, GMAT assumes that a Spacecraft is a rigid body. The currently sup-
ported attitude models are Spinner, CoordinateSystemFixed, and SpiceAttitude. The Spin-
ner model is a simple, inertially fixed spin axis model. The CoordinateSystemFixed model
allows you to use any CoordinateSystem supported by GMAT as the attitude of a Spacecraft.
The SpiceAttitude model allows you to define the Spacecraft attitude based on SPICE attitude

See Also: Spacecraft


Field Description
AngularVelocityX The x-component of Spacecraft body angular velocity ex-
pressed in the inertial frame. AngularVelocityX is used for the
following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real< ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units deg/sec
Interfaces GUI, script
AngularVelocityY The y-component of Spacecraft body angular velocity ex-
pressed in the inertial frame. AngularVelocityY is used for the
following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real< ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units deg/sec
Interfaces GUI, script
AngularVelocityZ The z-component of Spacecraft body angular velocity ex-
pressed in the inertial frame. AngularVelocityZ is used for the
following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real< ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units deg/sec
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Spacecraft Attitude

Field Description
Attitude The attitude mode for the Spacecraft.

Data Type String

Allowed Values CoordinateSystemFixed, Spinner,
Access set
Default Value CoordinateSystemFixed
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
AttitudeCoordinateSystem The CoordinateSystem used in attitude computations. The At-
titudeCoordinateSystem field is only used for the following
attitude models: CoordinateSystemFixed.

Data Type String

Allowed Values CoordinateSystem resource.
Access set
Default Value EarthMJ2000Eq
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
AttitudeRate-DisplayState- The attitude rate representation to display in the GUI and script
Type file. AttitudeRateDisplayType is used for the following atti-
tude models: Spinner.

Data Type String

Allowed Values AngularVelocity, EulerAngleRates
Access set
Default Value AngularVelocity
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
AttitudeSpiceKernelName SPK Kernels for Spacecraft attitude. SPK atttitude kernels
have extension ".BC". This field cannot be set in the Mission

Data Type String array

Allowed Values Array of attitude kernel files
Access set
Default Value empty array
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
DCM11 Component (1,1) of the Direction Cosine Matrix. DCM11 is
used for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -1 <= Real <=1
Access set,get
Default Value 1
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Spacecraft Attitude Reference Guide

Field Description
DCM12 Component (1,2) of the Direction Cosine Matrix. DCM12 is
used for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -1 <= Real <=1
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
DCM13 Component (1,3) of the Direction Cosine Matrix. DCM13 is
used for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -1 <= Real <=1
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
DCM21 Component (2,1) of the Direction Cosine Matrix. DCM21 is
used for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -1 <= Real <=1
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
DCM22 Component (2,2) of the Direction Cosine Matrix. DCM22 is
used for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -1 <= Real <=1
Access set,get
Default Value 1
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
DCM23 Component (2,3) of the Direction Cosine Matrix. DCM23 is
used for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -1 <= Real <=1
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Spacecraft Attitude

Field Description
DCM31 Component (3,1) of the Direction Cosine Matrix. DCM31 is
used for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -1 <= Real <=1
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
DCM32 Component (3,2) of the Direction Cosine Matrix. DCM32 is
used for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -1 <= Real <=1
Access set,get
Default Value 1
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
DCM33 Component (3,3) of the Direction Cosine Matrix. DCM33 is
used for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -1 <= Real <=1
Access set,get
Default Value 1
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
EulerAngle1 The value of the first Euler angle. EulerAngle1 is used for the
following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
EulerAngle2 The value of the second Euler angle. EulerAngle2 is used for
the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script

Spacecraft Attitude Reference Guide

Field Description
EulerAngle3 The value of the third Euler angle. EulerAngle3 is used for the
following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
EulerAngleRate1 The value of the first Euler angle rate. EulerAngleRate1 is used
for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units deg./sec.
Interfaces GUI, script
EulerAngleRate2 The value of the second Euler angle rate. EulerAngleRate2 is
used for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 1
Units deg./sec.
Interfaces GUI, script
EulerAngleRate3 The value of the third Euler angle rate. EulerAngleRate3 is
used for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 1
Units deg./sec.
Interfaces GUI, script
FrameSpiceKernelName SPK Kernels for Spacecraft body frame. SPK Frame kernels
have extension ".TF". This field cannot be set in the Mission

Data Type String array

Allowed Values Array of .tf files.
Access set
Default Value emtpy array
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Spacecraft Attitude

Field Description
EulerAngleSequence The Euler angle sequence used for Euler angle input and out-

Data Type String

Allowed Values 123,231,312,132,321,213,121,
Access set
Default Value 321
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
MRP1 The value of the first modified Rodrigues parameter. MRP1 is
used for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units dimensionless
Interfaces GUI, script
MRP2 The value of the second modified Rodrigues parameter. MRP2
is used for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units dimensionless
Interfaces GUI, script
MRP3 The value of the second modified Rodrigues parameter. MRP2
is used for the following Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units dimensionless
Interfaces GUI, script
Q1 First component of quaternion. GMAT’s quaternion represen-
tation includes the three “vector” components as the first three
elements in the quaternion and the “rotation” component as
the last element in the quaternion. Q1 is used for the following
Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units dimensionless
Interfaces GUI, script

Spacecraft Attitude Reference Guide

Field Description
Q2 Second component of quaternion. GMAT’s quaternion repre-
sentation includes the three “vector” components as the first
three elements in the quaternion and the “rotation” component
as the last element in the quaternion. Q2 is used for the follow-
ing Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units dimensionless
Interfaces GUI, script
Q3 Third component of quaternion. GMAT’s quaternion represen-
tation includes the three “vector” components as the first three
elements in the quaternion and the “rotation” component as
the last element in the quaternion. Q3 is used for the following
Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units dimensionless
Interfaces GUI, script
Q4 Fourth component of quaternion. GMAT’s quaternion repre-
sentation includes the three “vector” components as the first
three elements in the quaternion and the “rotation” component
as the last element in the quaternion. Q4 is used for the follow-
ing Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 1
Units dimensionless
Interfaces GUI, script
Quaternion The quaternion vector. GMAT’s quaternion representation in-
cludes the three “vector” components as the first three elements
in the quaternion and the “rotation” component as the last ele-
ment in the quaternion. Quaternion is used for the following
Attitude models: Spinner.

Data Type Real array

Allowed Values Real array (length four)
Access set,get
Default Value [0 0 0 1];
Units dimensionless
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Spacecraft Attitude

Field Description
SCClockSpiceKernelName SPK Kernels for spacecraft clock. SPK clock kernels have ex-
tension ".TSC". This field cannot be set in the Mission Se-

Data Type String array

Allowed Values Array of .tsc file names
Access set,get
Default Value empty array
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


Overview of Availble Attitude Models

GMAT models the orientation and rate of rotation of a Spacecraft using several different math-
ematical models. Different attitude models require different information to fully configure the
model. For example, when you select the CoordinateSystemFixed model, the attitude and body
rates are entirely determined by the CoordinateSystem model and defining Euler angles or an-
gular velocity components are not required and have no effect. The table below describes which
interface elements such as the AttitudeCoordinateSystem, attitude representation, attitude rate
fields among others are required/supported for a given model. Attitude representations fields
include the DCM, EulerAngles, Quaternion, and MRPs (Modified Rodriguez Parameters).
Attitude rate fields include the body angular velocity and the Euler angle rates. If a field is marked
as inactive for a particular model, fields of that type have no effect for that model. Similarly,
fields marked as active do affect the attitude for a particular model.

Attitude Mod- Coord. Sys. Attitude Repressenta- Attitude Rate Euler Sequence
el tion
Spinner Inactive Active Active Active
Coordi- Active Inactive Inactive Active
SpiceAttitude Inactive Inactive Inactive Active

Overview of State Representations


The quaternion is a four element, non-singular attitude representation. GMAT’s quaternion rep-
resentation includes the three “vector” components as the first three elements in the quaternion
and the “rotation” component as the last element in the quaternion. In assignment mode, you
can set the quaternions element by element like this

aSpacecraft.Q1 = 0.5
aSpacecraft.Q2 = 0.5
aSpacecraft.Q3 = 0.5
aSpacecraft.Q4 = 0.5

or simultaneously set the entire quaternion like this

Spacecraft Attitude Reference Guide

aSpacecraft.Quaternion = [0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]

GMAT normalizes the quaternion before use. In command mode, you must enter the entire
quaternion as a single vector to avoid scaling components of the quaternion before the entire
quaternion is set.

DirectionCosineMatrix (DCM)

The Direction Cosine Matrix is a 3x3 array that contains cosines of the angles between the x, y,
and z body axes and the x, y, and z inertial axes. The direction cosine matrix must be ortho-normal
and you define the DCM element by element. Here is an example that shows how to define the
attitude using the DCM.

aSpacecraft.DCM11 = 1
aSpacecraft.DCM12 = 0
aSpacecraft.DCM13 = 0
aSpacecraft.DCM21 = 0
aSpacecraft.DCM22 = 1
aSpacecraft.DCM23 = 0
aSpacecraft.DCM31 = 0
aSpacecraft.DCM32 = 0
aSpacecraft.DCM33 = 1

Euler Angles

Euler angles are a sequence of three rotations about coordinate axes to transform from one
system to another system. GMAT supports all 12 Euler angle sequences. Here is an example
setting attitude using a “321” sequence.

aSpacecraft.EulerAngleSequence = '321'
aSpacecraft.EulerAngle1 = 45
aSpacecraft.EulerAngle2 = 45
aSpacecraft.EulerAngle3 = 90

Caution: The Euler angles have singularities that can cause issues during modeling.
We recommend using other representations for this reason.

Modified Rogriques parameters

The modified Rodgriques parameters are a modification of the Euer Axis/Angle representation.
Specifically, the MRP vector is equal to nhat* tan(Euler Angle/4) where nhat is the unitized
Euler Axis.

aSpacecraft.MRP1 = 0.2928932188134525
aSpacecraft.MRP2 = 0.2928932188134524
aSpacecraft.MRP3 = 1.149673585146546e-017

Euler Angles Rates

The Euler angle rates are the first time derivative of the Euler angles and can be used to define
the body rates. Euler angle rates use the same sequence as the EulerAngles. The example below
shows how to define the Euler angle rates for a spacecraft.

Reference Guide Spacecraft Attitude

aSpacecraft.EulerAngleSequence = '321'
aSpacecraft.EulerAngleRate1 = -5
aSpacecraft.EulerAngleRate2 = 20
aSpacecraft.EulerAngleRate3 = 30

Angular Velocity

The angular velocity is the angular velocity of the spacecraft body with respect to the inertial
frame, expressed in the inertial frame. The example below shows how to define the angular
velocity for a spacecraft.

aSpacecraft.AngularVelocityX = 5;
aSpacecraft.AngularVelocityY = 10;
aSpacecraft.AngularVelocityZ = 5;

Coordinate System Fixed Attitude Model

The CoordinateSystemFixed model allows you to use any existing CoordinateSystem to de-
fine the attitude of a Spacecraft. The attitude uses the axes defined on the CoordinateSystem
to compute the body fixed to inertial matrix and attitude rate parameters such as the angular ve-
locity. To configure this attitude mode, select CoordinateSystemFixed, for Attitude. You can
define the EulerAngleSequence used when outputting EulerAngles and EulerAngle rates.

For the CoordinateSystemFixed attitude model, the attitude is completely de-
scribed by the selected coordinate system. If you are working in the script, setting
attitude parameters (Euler Angles, Quaternion etc.) or setting attitude rate parame-
ters such as (Euler Angle Rates etc.) has no effect.

The script example below shows how to configure a Spacecraft to use a spacecraft VNB attitude

Spacecraft Attitude Reference Guide

Create Spacecraft aSat

aSat.Attitude = CoordinateSystemFixed
aSat.ModelRotationZ = -90
aSat.AttitudeCoordinateSystem = 'attCoordSys'

Create ForceModel Propagator1_ForceModel

Create Propagator Propagator1
Propagator1.FM = Propagator1_ForceModel
Propagator1.MaxStep = 10

Create CoordinateSystem attCoordSys

attCoordSys.Origin = Earth
attCoordSys.Axes = ObjectReferenced
attCoordSys.XAxis = V
attCoordSys.YAxis = N
attCoordSys.Primary = Earth
attCoordSys.Secondary = aSat

Create OrbitView OrbitView1;

OrbitView1.Add = {aSat, Earth}
OrbitView1.ViewPointReference = Earth
OrbitView1.ViewPointVector = [ 30000 0 0 ]


Propagate Propagator1(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 12000.0}

Spinner Attitude Model

The Spinner attitude model propagates the attitude assuming the spin axis direction is fixed
in inertial space. You define the attitude by providing initial body orientation and rates. GMAT
propagates the attitude by computing the angular velocity and then rotates the Spacecraft about
that angular velocity vector at a constant rate defined by the magnitude of the angular velocity.
You can define the initial attitude using quaternions, Euler angles, the DCM, or the modified
Rodriques parameters. You can define the attitude rates using Euler angles rates or angular ve-
locity. When working with Euler angles, the rotation sequence is determined by the EulerAn-
gleSequence field.

Caution: If you are working in the script, setting the CoordinateSystem for the
Spinner attitude model has no effect.

Reference Guide Spacecraft Attitude

The example below configures a spacecraft to spin about the inertial z axis.

Create Spacecraft aSat;

aSat.Attitude = Spinner
aSat.ModelRotationZ = -90
aSat.AngularVelocityZ = 5

Create ForceModel Propagator1_ForceModel

Create Propagator Propagator1
GMAT Propagator1.FM = Propagator1_ForceModel
GMAT Propagator1.MaxStep = 10

Create CoordinateSystem attCoordSys

attCoordSys.Origin = Earth
attCoordSys.Axes = ObjectReferenced
attCoordSys.XAxis = V
attCoordSys.YAxis = N
attCoordSys.Primary = Earth
attCoordSys.Secondary = aSat

Create OrbitView OrbitView1;

OrbitView1.Add = {aSat, Earth}
OrbitView1.ViewPointReference = Earth
OrbitView1.ViewPointVector = [ 30000 0 0 ]


Propagate Propagator1(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 12000.0}

SPK Attitude Model

The SpiceAttitude model propagates the attitude using attitude SPICE kernels. To configure a
Spacecraft to use SPICE kernels select SpiceAttitude for the Attitude field as shown below.

Spacecraft Attitude Reference Guide

Caution: For the SpiceAttitude model, the attitude is completely described by the
spice kernels. When working in the script, setting the CoordinateSystem, attitude
parameters (EulerAngles, Quaternion etc.) or attitude rate parameters such as
(EulerAngleRates etc.) has no effect.

You must provide three SPICE kernel types for the SpiceAttitude model: the attitude kernel (.bc
file), the frame kernel (.tf file) and the spacecraft clock kernel (.tsc file). These files are defined on
the Spacecraft SPICE tab as shown below. In addition to the kernels, you must also provide the
Spacecraft NAIFId and the NAIFIdReferenceFrame. Below is an illustration of the SPICE
tab configured for MarsExpress script found later in this section.

Reference Guide Spacecraft Attitude

The example below configures a Spacecraft to use SPK kernels to propagator the attitude for
Mars Express. The SPK kernels are distributed with GMAT.
Create Spacecraft MarsExpress
MarsExpress.NAIFId = -41
MarsExpress.NAIFIdReferenceFrame = -41001
MarsExpress.Attitude = 'SpiceAttitude'
MarsExpress.OrbitSpiceKernelName = ...
MarsExpress.AttitudeSpiceKernelName = ...
MarsExpress.SCClockSpiceKernelName = ...
MarsExpress.FrameSpiceKernelName = ...

Create Propagator spkProp

spkProp.Type = SPK
spkProp.StepSize = 60
spkProp.CentralBody = Mars
spkProp.EpochFormat = 'UTCGregorian'
spkProp.StartEpoch = '01 Jun 2010 16:59:09.815'

Create CoordinateSystem MarsMJ2000Eq

MarsMJ2000Eq.Origin = Mars
MarsMJ2000Eq.Axes = MJ2000Eq

Create OrbitView Enhanced3DView1

Enhanced3DView1.Add = {MarsExpress, Mars}
Enhanced3DView1.CoordinateSystem = MarsMJ2000Eq
Enhanced3DView1.ViewPointReference = Mars

Spacecraft Attitude Reference Guide

Enhanced3DView1.ViewPointVector = [ 10000 10000 10000 ]

Enhanced3DView1.ViewDirection = Mars


Propagate spkProp(MarsExpress) {MarsExpress.ElapsedDays = 0.2}

Reference Guide

Spacecraft Ballistic/Mass Properties

The physical properties of the spacecraft


The Spacecraft ballistic and mass properties include the drag and SRP areas and coefficients as
well as the spacecraft dry mass. These quantities are used primarily in orbital dynamics modelling.

See Also: Propagate, Propagator,Spacecraft


Field Description
Cd The coefficent of drag used to compute the acceleration due to drag.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real >= 0
Access set, get
Default Value 2.2
Units dimensionless
Interfaces GUI, script
Cr The coefficent of reflectivity used to compute the acceleration due toSRP.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values 0 <= Cr <= 2.0
Access set, get
Default Value 1.8
Units dimensionless
Interfaces GUI, script
Drag Area The area used to compute acceleration due to atmospheric drag.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > = 0
Access set, get
Default Value 15
Units m^2
Interfaces GUI, script
DryMass The dry mass of the Spacecraft (does not include fuel mass).

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real >=0
Access set, get
Default Value 850
Units kg
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Spacecraft Ballistic/Mass Proper-

Field Description
SRPArea The area used to compute acceleration due to solar radiation pressure.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0
Access set, get
Default Value 1
Units m^2
Interfaces GUI, script


The GUI interface for ballistic and mass properties is contained on the Ballistic/Mass tab of
the Spacecraft resource. You can enter physical properties such as the drag and SRP areas and
coefficients and the Spacecraft dry mass which are used in orbital dynamics modelling.

Configuring Ballistic and Mass Properties
GMAT uses a cannonball model for drag and SRP. In the cannonball model, the area is assumed
to be independent of the spacecraft’s orientation with respect to the local velocity vector and
the sun vector. For more details on the computation and configuration of drag and SRP models
see the Force Model documentation.

Total Mass Computation

The TotalMass property of a Spacecraft is a read-only property that is the sum of the DryMass
value and the sum of the fuel mass in all attached fuel tanks. GMAT’s propagators will not allow

Spacecraft Ballistic/Mass Proper- Reference Guide

the total mass of a spacecraft to be negative. However, GMAT will allow the mass of a FuelTank
to be negative. See the FuelTank documentation for details.

Configure physical properties.

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

aSpacecraft.Cd = 2.2
aSpacecraft.Cr = 1.8
aSpacecraft.DragArea = 40
aSpacecraft.SRPArea = 35
aSpacecraft.DryMass = 2000
Create Propagator aPropagator


Propagate aPropagator(aSpacecraft, {aSpacecraft.ElapsedSecs = 600})

Reference Guide

Spacecraft Epoch
The spacecraft epoch

The epoch of a Spacecraft is the time and date corresponding to the specified orbit state. See
the Spacecraft Orbit State section for interactions between the epoch, coordinate system, and
spacecraft state fields.

See Also: Spacecraft

GMAT’s Modified Julian Date (MJD) format differs from that of other software.
The Modified Julian format is a constant offset from the full Julian date (JD):
MJD = JD - offset

GMAT uses a non-standard offset, as shown in the following table.

Epoch Type GMAT common

reference epoch 05 Jan 1941 12:00:00.000 17 Nov 1858 00:00:00.000
Modified Julian offset 2430000.0 2400000.5

Field Description
DateFormat The time system and format of the Epoch field. In the GUI,
this field is called EpochFormat.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values A1ModJulian, TAIModJulian,
UTCModJulian, TTModJulian,
TDBModJulian, A1Gregorian, TAI-
Gregorian, TTGregorian, UTCGre-
gorian, TDBGregorian
Access set only
Default Value TAIModJulian
Interfaces GUI, script
Epoch The time and date corresponding to the specified orbit state.

Data Type Time

Allowed Values Gregorian: 04 Oct 1957
12:00:00.000 <= Epoch <= 28
Feb 2100 00:00:00.000

Modified Julian: 6116.0 <= Epoch

<= 58127.5
Access set only
Default Value 21545
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Spacecraft Epoch

Field Description
A1ModJulian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the A.1 system and the Modified
Julian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get (mission sequence only)
Default Value 21545.00000039794
Units Days
Interfaces script
Epoch.A1ModJulian The spacecraft orbit epoch in the A.1 system and the Modified
Julian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get
Default Value 21545.00000039794
Units Days
Interfaces none
CurrA1MJD This field has been deprecated and should no longer be used.

The current epoch in the A1ModJulian format. This field can

only be used within the mission sequence.

Data Type Time

Allowed Values 6116.0 <= CurrA1MJD <=
Access get, set (mission sequence only)
Default Value converted equivalent of 21545 Modi-
fied Julian (TAI)
Interfaces script only
A1Gregorian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the A.1 system and the Grego-
rian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get (mission sequence only)
Default Value 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00.034
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
TAIGregorian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the TAI system and the Grego-
rian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get (mission sequence only)
Default Value 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00.000
Units Gregorian date
Interfaces GUI, script

Spacecraft Epoch Reference Guide

Field Description
TAIModJulian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the TAI system and the Modi-
fied Julian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get (mission sequence only)
Default Value 21545
Units See A1ModJulian
Interfaces GUI, script
TDBGregorian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the TDB system and the Gre-
gorian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get (mission sequence only)
Default Value 01 Jan 2000 12:00:32.184
Units See A1Gregorian
Interfaces GUI, script
TDBModJulian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the TDB system and the Mod-
ified Julian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get (mission sequence only)
Default Value 21545.00037249916
Units See A1ModJulian
Interfaces GUI, script
TTGregorian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the TT system and the Grego-
rian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get (mission sequence only)
Default Value 01 Jan 2000 12:00:32.184
Units See A1Gregorian
Interfaces GUI, script
TTModJulian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the TT system and the Modified
Julian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get (mission sequence only)
Default Value 21545.0003725
Units See A1ModJulian
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Spacecraft Epoch

Field Description
UTCGregorian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the UTC system and the Gre-
gorian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get (mission sequence only)
Default Value 01 Jan 2000 11:59:28.000
Units See A1Gregorian
Interfaces GUI, script
UTCModJulian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the UTC system and the Mod-
ified Julian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get (mission sequence only)
Default Value 21544.99962962963
Units See A1ModJulian
Interfaces GUI, script
Epoch.A1Gregorian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the A.1 system and the Grego-
rian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get
Default Value 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00.034
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Epoch.TAIGregorian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the TAI system and the Grego-
rian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get
Default Value DefaultValue
Units 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00.000
Interfaces GUI, script
Epoch.TAIModJulian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the TAI system and the Modi-
fied Julian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch.A1ModJulian
Access set, get
Default Value 21545
Units See Epoch.A1ModJulian
Interfaces GUI, script

Spacecraft Epoch Reference Guide

Field Description
Epoch.TDBGregorian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the TDB system and the Gre-
gorian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get
Default Value 01 Jan 2000 12:00:32.184
Units See Epoch.A1Gregorian
Interfaces GUI, script
Epoch.TDBModJulian The Spacecraftorbit epoch in the TDB system and the Modi-
fied Julian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get
Default Value 21545.00037249916
Units See Epoch.A1ModJulian
Interfaces GUI, script
Epoch.TTGregorian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the TT system and the Grego-
rian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get
Default Value 01 Jan 2000 12:00:32.184
Units See Epoch.A1Gregorian
Interfaces GUI, script
Epoch.TTModJulian The Spacecraftorbit epoch in the TT system and the Modified
Julian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get
Default Value 21545.0003725
Units See Epoch.A1ModJulian
Interfaces GUI, script
Epoch.UTCGregorian The Spacecraftorbit epoch in the UTC system and the Grego-
rian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values See Epoch
Access set, get
Default Value 01 Jan 2000 11:59:28.000
Units See Epoch.A1Gregorian
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Spacecraft Epoch

Field Description
Epoch.UTCModJulian The Spacecraft orbit epoch in the UTC system and the Mod-
ified Julian format.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Range
Access See Epoch
Default Value 21544.99962962963
Units See Epoch.A1ModJulian
Interfaces GUI, script


A change in EpochFormat causes an immediate update to Epoch to reflect the chosen time
system and format.

GMAT supports five time systems or scales and two formats:

A.1 USNO atomic time; GMAT’s internal time sys-

TAI International Atomic Time
TDB Barycentric Dynamical Time
TT Terrestrial Time
UTC Coordinated Universal Time

Spacecraft Epoch Reference Guide

Gregorian Text with the following format: dd mmm yyyy


dd two-digit day of month

mmm first three letters of month
yyyy four-digit year
HH two-digit hour
MM two-digit minute
SS two-digit second
FFF three-digit fraction of second
Modified Julian Floating-point number of days from a refer-
ence epoch. In GMAT, the reference epoch is
05 Jan 1941 12:00:00.000 (JD 2430000.0).

The epoch can be set in multiple ways. The default method is to set the DateFormat field to
the desired time system and format, then set the Epoch field to the desired epoch. This method
cannot be used to get the epoch value, such as on the right-hand side of an assignment statement.

aSat.DateFormat = UTCGregorian
aSat.Epoch = '18 May 2012 12:00:00.000'

An alternate method is to specify the DateFormat in the parameter name. This method works
in both “get” and “set” modes.

aSat.Epoch.UTCGregorian = '18 May 2012 12:00:00.000'

Report aReport aSat.Epoch.UTCGregorian

A third method can be used in “get” mode everywhere, but in “set” mode only in the mission
sequence (i.e. after the BeginMissionSequence command).

aSat.UTCGregorian = '18 May 2012 12:00:00.000'

Report aReport aSat.UTCGregorian

GMAT uses the A.1 time system in the Modified Julian format for its internal calculations. The
system converts all other systems and formats on input and again at output.

Leap Seconds

When converting to and from the UTC time system, GMAT includes leap seconds as appropri-
ate, according to the tai-utc.dat data file from the IERS. This file contains the conversion
between TAI and UTC, including all leap seconds that have been added or announced.

GMAT applies the leap second as the last second before the date listed in the tai-utc.dat
file, which historically has been either January 1 or July 1. In the Gregorian date format, the
leap second appears as a “60th second”: for example, “31 Dec 2008 23:59:60.000”. GMAT will
correctly output this epoch, and will accept it as input. GMAT’s Modified Julian format is based
on an 86,400-second day, however, and will repeat the first second of the following day. Input
of the leap second in Modified Julian format is not supported. (See Release Notes for a known
bug related to this functionality).

For epochs prior to the first entry in the leap-second file, the UTC and TAI time systems are
considered identical (i.e. zero leap seconds are added). For epochs after the last entry, the leap
second count from the last entry is used.

Reference Guide Spacecraft Epoch

The tai-utc.dat file is periodically updated by the IERS when new leap sec-
onds are announced. The latest version of this file can always be found at http://
maia.usno.navy.mil/ser7/tai-utc.dat. To replace it, download the latest version and
replace GMAT’s file in the location <GMAT>/data/time/tai-utc.dat, where <GMAT> is
the install directory of GMAT on your system.

Setting the epoch for propagation

Create Spacecraft aSat

aSat.DateFormat = TAIModJulian
aSat.Epoch = 25562.5

Create ForceModel aFM

Create Propagator aProp
aProp.FM = aFM

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}

Plotting and reporting the epoch (syntax #1)

Create Spacecraft aSat

aSat.DateFormat = A1Gregorian
aSat.Epoch = '12 Jul 2015 08:21:45.921'

Create XYPlot aPlot

aPlot.XVariable = aSat.UTCModJulian
aPlot.YVariables = aSat.Earth.Altitude

Create Report aReport

aReport.Add = {aSat.UTCGregorian, aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.ECC}

Plotting and reporting the epoch (syntax #2)

Create Spacecraft aSat

aSat.DateFormat = TTGregorian
aSat.Epoch = '01 Dec 1978 00:00:00.000'

Create XYPlot aPlot

aPlot.XVariable = aSat.Epoch.TTModJulian
aPlot.YVariables = aSat.Earth.RMAG

Create Report aReport

aReport.Add = {aSat.Epoch.A1Gregorian, aSat.Earth.RMAG}

Reference Guide

Spacecraft Hardware
Add hardware to a spacecraft


The hardware fields allow you to attach pre-configured hardware models to a spacecraft. Current
models include FuelTank and Thruster. Before you attach a hardware model to a Spacecraft,
you must first create the model.

See Also: FuelTank, Thruster


Field Description
Tanks This field is used to attach FuelTank(s) to a Spacecraft. In a script command, an
empty list, e.g., DefaultSC.Tanks={}, is allowed and is used to indicate that
no FuelTank(s) is attached to the spacecraft.

Data Type Reference Array

Allowed Values Any user-defined FuelTank.
Access set
Default Value N/A
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script.
Thrusters This field is used to attach Thruster(s) to a Spacecraft. In a script command, an
empty list, e.g., DefaultSC.Thrusters={}, is allowed and is used to indicate
that no Thrusters are attached to the spacecraft.

Data Type Reference Array

Allowed Values Any user-defined Thruster.
Access set
Default Value N/A
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


There are two spacecraft hardware items, the FuelTank and the Thruster, that can be attached
to a Spacecraft. Here, we describe the method used to create and then attach these items to a
Spacecraft. For details on how to configure the FuelTank and Thruster resources, see the help
for the individual hardware item.

As shown below, to add a FuelTank to your script, highlight the Hardware resource and then
right click to add a FuelTank.

Reference Guide Spacecraft Hardware

To add a Thruster to your script, highlight the Hardware resource and then right click to add
a Thruster.

Spacecraft Hardware Reference Guide

Thus far, we have created both a FuelTank and a Thruster. Next, we attach both the FuelTank
and the Thruster to a particular Spacecraft. To do this, double click on the desired Spacecraft
under the Spacecraft resource to bring up the associated GUI panel. Then click on the Tanks
tab to bring up the following GUI display.

Reference Guide Spacecraft Hardware

Next, select the desired FuelTank and use the right arrow button to attach the FuelTank to
the Spacecraft as shown below. Then click the Apply button.

Similarly, to attach a Thruster to a Spacecraft, double click on the desired Spacecraft under
the Spacecraft resource and then select the Actuators tab. Then select the desired Thruster

Spacecraft Hardware Reference Guide

and use the right arrow to attach the Thruster to the Spacecraft as shown below. Finally, click
the Apply button.

To actually use the Thruster to apply a finite burn to a Spacecraft, additional steps are required.
For example, when you create the Thruster resource, you have to associate a FuelTank with
the Thruster. For details on this and related matters, see the help for the FuelTank, Thruster,
and FiniteBurn resources.

Create a default Spacecraft. Create FuelTank and Thruster resources and attach them to the

% Create default Spacecraft FuelTank, and Thruster Resources

Create Spacecraft DefaultSC
Create FuelTank FuelTank1
Create Thruster Thruster1

% Attach FuelTank and Thruster to the spacecraft

DefaultSC.Thrusters = {Thruster1}
DefaultSC.Tanks = {FuelTank1}


Reference Guide

Spacecraft Orbit State

The orbital initial conditions

GMAT supports a suite of state types for defining the orbital state, including Cartesian and
Keplerian, among others. In addtion, you can define the orbital state in different coordinate
systems, for example EarthMJ2000Eq and EarthFixed. GMAT provides three general state
types that can be used with any coordinate system: Cartesian, SphericalAZFPA, and Spher-
icalRADEC. There are three additional state types that can be used with coordinate systems
centered at a celestial body: Keplerian, ModifiedKeplerian, and Equinoctial.

In the section called “Remarks” below, we describe each state type in detail including state-
type definitions, singularities, and how the state fields interact with the CoordinateSystem and
Epoch fields. There are some limitations when setting the orbital state during initialization,
which are discussed in the section called “Remarks”. We also include examples for setting each
state type in commonly used coordinate systems.

See Also: Spacecraft, Propagator, and Spacecraft Epoch


Field Description
AOP The orbital argument of periapsis expressed in the coordinate system
chosen in the CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set, get
Default Value 314.1905515359921
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
AZI The orbital velocity azimuth expressed in the coordinate system chosen
in the CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set, get
Default Value 82.37742168155043
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
DEC The declination of the orbital position expressed in the coordinate sys-
tem chosen in the CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -90 <= Real <= 90
Access set, get
Default Value 10.37584492005105
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Spacecraft Orbit State

Field Description
DECV The declination of orbital velocity expressed in the coordinate system
chosen in the CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -90 <= Real <= 90
Access set, get
Default Value 7.747772036108118
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
ECC The orbital eccentricity expressed in the coordinate system chosen in
the CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values ECC < 0.9999999 or ECC > 1.0000001. If
ECC > 1, SMA must be < 0
Access set, get
Default Value 0.02454974900598137
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
EquinoctialH A measure of the orbital eccentricity and argument of periapsis.
EquinoctialH and EquinoctialK together govern how elliptic an
orbit is and where the periapsis is located. EquinotialH = ECC *
sin(AOP) .

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -0.99999 < EquinoctialH < 0.99999, AND
sqrt(EquinoctialH^2 + EquinoctialK^2) <
Access set, get
Default Value -0.02423431419337062
Units dimless
Interfaces GUI, script
EquinoctialK A measure of the orbital eccentricity and argument of periapsis.
EquinoctialH and EquinoctialK together govern how elliptic an
orbit is and where the periapsis is located. EquinotialK = ECC *

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -0.99999 < EquinoctialK < 0.99999, AND
sqrt(EquinoctialH^2 + EquinoctialK^2) <
Access set, get
Default Value -0.003922778585859663
Units dimless
Interfaces GUI, script

Spacecraft Orbit State Reference Guide

Field Description
EquinoctialP A measure of the orientation of the orbit. EquinoctialP and Equinoc-
tialQ together govern how an orbit is oriented. EquinotialP =

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -Inf <= Real <= Inf
Access set, get
Default Value -0.09038834725719359
Units dimless
Interfaces GUI, script
EquinoctialQ A measure of the orientation of the orbit. EquinoctialP and Equinoc-
tialQ together govern how an orbit is oriented. EquinotialQ =

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -Inf <= Real <= Inf
Access set, get
Default Value 0.06716454898232072
Units dimless
Interfaces GUI, script
FPA The orbital flight path angle expressed in the coordinate system chosen
in the CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values 0<= Real <= 180
Access set, get
Default Value 88.60870365370448
Units Deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
INC The orbital inclination expressed in the coordinate system chosen in
the CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values 0<= Real <= 180
Access set, get
Default Value 12.85008005658097
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
MLONG A measure of the location of the spacecraft in it's orbit. MLONG =

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -360 <= Real <=360
Access set, get
Default Value 357.9131803707105
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Spacecraft Orbit State

Field Description
OrbitSpiceKernel- SPK Kernels for spacecraft orbit. SPK orbit kernels have extension
Name ".BSP". This field cannot be set in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type String array

Allowed Values List of path and filenames.
Access set
Default Value No Default. The field is emtpy.
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
RA The right ascension of the orbital position expressed in the coordinate
system chosen in the CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Input: -∞ < Real < ∞, Output -180<= Real
<= 180
Access set,get
Default Value 0
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
RAAN The orbital right ascension of the ascending node expressed in the co-
ordinate system chosen in the CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set, get
Default Value 306.6148021947984
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
RadApo The orbital radius of apoapsis expressed in the coordinate system cho-
sen in the CoordinateSystem field. The radius of apoapsis is the max-
imum distance (osculating) between the Spacecraft and celestial body
at the origin of CoordinateSystem.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values abs(RadApo) >= 1 meter.
Access set, get
Default Value 7368.49911046818
Units km
Interfaces GUI, script
RadPer The orbital radius of periapsis expressed in the coordinate system cho-
sen in the CoordinateSystem field. The radius of periapsis is the min-
imum distance (osculating) between the Spacecraft and celestial body
at the origin of CoordinateSystem.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values abs(RadPer) >= 1 meter.
Access set, get
Default Value 7015.378524789846
Units km
Interfaces GUI, script

Spacecraft Orbit State Reference Guide

Field Description
RAV The right ascension of orbital velocity expressed in the coordinate sys-
tem chosen in the CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Input: -∞ < Real < ∞, Output -180<= RA <=
Access set,get
Default Value 90
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
RMAG The magnitude of the orbital position vector expressed in the coordi-
nate system chosen in the CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values RMAG >= 1e-10
Access set, get
Default Value 7218.032973047435
Units km
Interfaces GUI, script
SMA The orbital semi-major axis expressed in the coordinate system chosen
in the CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values SMA < -0.001 m or SMA > 0.001 meter. If
SMA < 0, then ECC must be > 1
Access set,get
Default Value 7191.938817629013
Units km
Interfaces GUI, script
TA The orbital true anomaly expressed in the coordinate system chosen in
the CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set, get
Default Value 99.8877493320488
Units deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
VMAG The magnitude of the orbital velocity vector expressed in the coordinate
system chosen in the CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real >= 1e-10
Access set, get
Default Value 7.417715281675348
Units km/s
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Spacecraft Orbit State

Field Description
VX The x-component of the Spacecraft velocity with respect to the coor-
dinate system chosen in the spacecraft's CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units km/s
Interfaces GUI, script
VY The y-component of the Spacecraft velocity with respect to the coor-
dinate system chosen in the spacecraft's CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set, get
Default Value 7.35
Units km/s
Interfaces GUI, script
VZ The z-component of the Spacecraft velocity with respect to the coor-
dinate system chosen in the spacecraft's CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set, get
Default Value 1
Units km/s
Interfaces GUI, script
X The x-component of the Spacecraft position with respect to the coor-
dinate system chosen in the spacecraft's CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set,get
Default Value 7100
Units km
Interfaces GUI, script
Y The y-component of the Spacecraft position with respect to the coor-
dinate system chosen in the spacecraft's CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units km
Interfaces GUI, script

Spacecraft Orbit State Reference Guide

Field Description
Z The z-component of the Spacecraft position with respect to the coor-
dinate system chosen in the spacecraft's CoordinateSystem field.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -∞ < Real < ∞
Access set, get
Default Value 1300
Units km
Interfaces GUI, script
DisplayStateType The orbital state type displayed in the GUI. Allowed state types are de-
pendent upon the selection of CoordinateSystem. For example, if the
coordinate system does not have a celestial body at the origin, Kepler-
ian, ModifiedKeplerian, and Equinoctial are not allowed options for

Data Type String

Allowed Values Cartesian, Keplerian, ModifiedKeplerian,
SphericalAZFPA, SphericalRADEC, or
Access set
Default Value Cartesian
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
CoordinateSystem The coordinate system with respect to which the orbital state is de-
fined. The CoordinateSystem field is dependent upon the DisplayS-
tateType field. If the coordinate system chosen by the user does not
have a gravitational body at the origin, then the state types Keplerian,
ModifiedKeplerian, and Equinoctial are not permitted.

Data Type String

Allowed Values CoordinateSystem resource
Access set
Default Value EarthMJ2000Eq
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
NAIFId The spacecraft Id used in SPICE kernels.

Data Type String

Allowed Values String
Access set
Default Value -123456789
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Spacecraft Orbit State

Field Description
Id The spacecraft Id used in tracking data files. This field is only used for
EstimationPlugin protype functionality.

Data Type String

Allowed Values String
Access set
Default Value SatId
Units N/A
Interfaces script


The Spacecraft orbit state dialog box allows you to set the epoch, coordinate system, and state
type values for the Spacecraft orbital state. When you specify an orbital state, you define the
state in the representation selected in the StateType menu, with respect to the coordinate system
specified in the CoordinateSystem menu, at the epoch defined in the Epoch menu. If the
selected CoordinateSystem is time varying, the epoch of the coordinate system is defined by
the Epoch field, and changing the epoch changes the inertial representation of the orbital state.

A change in Epoch Format causes an immediate update to Epoch to reflect the chosen time
system and format.

The Keplerian, ModifiedKeplerian, and Equinoctial state types cannot be computed if the
CoordinateSystem does not have a central body at the origin, or if the CoordinateSystem
references the current spacecraft (resulting in a circular reference). For example, if you have
selected the Keplerian state type, coordinate systems for which the Keplerian elements cannot
be computed do not appear in the CoordinateSystem menu. Similarly, if you have selected a

Spacecraft Orbit State Reference Guide

CoordinateSystem that does not have a celestial body at the origin, Keplerian-based state types
will not appear as options in the StateType menu.


Cartesian State

The Cartesian state is composed of the position and velocity components expressed with re-
spect to the selected CoordinateSystem.

Keplerian and Modified Keplerian State Types

The Keplerian and ModifiedKeplerian state types use the osculating Keplerian orbital ele-
ments with respect to the selected CoordinateSystem. To use either the Keplerian or Modi-
fiedKeplerian state type, the Spacecraft’s coordinate system must have a central body at the
origin. The two representations differ in how the orbit size and shape are defined. The Kepler-
ian state type is composed of the following elements: SMA, ECC, INC, RAAN, AOP, and TA.
The ModifiedKeplerian state type is composed of the following elements: RadApo, RadPer,
INC, RAAN, AOP, and TA. The tables and figures below describe each Keplerian state ele-
ment in detail including singularities.

Geometry of the Keplerian Elements

Name Description
SMA SMA contains information on the type and size of an orbit. If SMA > 0 the orbit
is elliptic. If SMA <0 the orbit is hyperbolic. SMA is infinite for parabolic orbits.
ECC ECC contains information on the shape of an orbit. If ECC = 0, then the orbit is
circular. If 0 < ECC < 1, the orbit is elliptical. If , ECC = 1 the orbit is parabolic.
If ECC > 1 then the orbit is hyperbolic.
INC INC is the angle between the orbit angular momentum vector and the z-axis. If
INC < 90 deg., then the orbit is prograde. If INC > 90 deg, then the orbit is
RAAN RAAN is defined as the angle between x-axis and the node vector measured coun-
terclockwise. The node vector is defined as the cross product of the z-axis and
orbit angular momentum vector. RAAN is undefined for equatorial orbits.
AOP AOP is the angle between a vector pointing at periapsis and a vector pointing in
the direction of the line of nodes. AOP is undefined for circular orbits.
TA TA is defined as the angle between a vector pointing at periapsis and a vector
pointing at the spacecraft. TA is undefined for circular orbits.

Reference Guide Spacecraft Orbit State

The Keplerian and ModifiedKeplerian state types have several singularities. The table below
describes the different singularities and how each is handled in the state conversion algorithms.

Singularity Comments and Behavior

ECC = 1 SMA is infinite and cannot be used to define the size of the orbit.
GMAT requires ECC < 0.9999999 or ECC > 1.0000001 when setting
ECC or when performing conversions. For transformations performed
near these limits, loss of precision may occur.
ECC = 0 AOP is undefined. If ECC <= 1e-11, GMAT sets AOP to zero in
the conversion from Cartesian to Keplerian/ModKeplerian and in-
cludes all orbital-plane angular displacement in the true anomaly.
SMA = 0 Results in a singular conic section. GMAT requires |SMA| > 1 meter
when inputting SMA.
SMA = INF SMA is infinite and another parameter is required to capture the size
of the orbit. Keplerian elements are not supported.
INC = 0 RAAN is undefined. If INC < 1e-11, GMAT sets RAAN to 0 degrees
in conversion from Cartesian to Keplerian/ModKeplerian. Then, if
ECC is also < 1e-11, AOP is set to 0 and GMAT includes all angular
displacement between the x-axis and the spacecraft in the true anom-
aly. If ECC > 1e-11, then AOP is computed as the angle between the
eccentricity vector and the x-axis
INC = 180 RAAN is undefined. If INC > 180 - 1.0e-11, Keplerian, Modified
Keplerian, and Equinoctial elements are not supported. For transfor-
mations performed near these limits, loss of precision may occur.

Spacecraft Orbit State Reference Guide

Singularity Comments and Behavior

RadPer = 0 Singular conic section. GMAT requires RadPer > 1 meter in state con-
RadApo = 0 Singular conic section. GMAT requires abs(RadApo) > 1 meter in state

Spherical State Types

The SphericalAZFPA and SphericalRADEC state types are composed of the polar coordi-
nates of the spacecraft state expressed with respect to the selected CoordinateSystem. The
two spherical representations differ in how the velocity is defined. The SphericalRADEC state
type is composed of the following elements: RMAG, RA, DEC, VMAG, RAV, and DECV.
The SphericalAZFPA state type is composed of the following elements: RMAG, RA, DEC,
VMAG, AZI and FPA. The tables and figures below describe each spherical state element in
detail including singularities.

Geometry of the Spherical Elements

Name Description
RMAG The magnitude of the position vector.
RA The right ascension which is the angle between the projection of the position
vector into the xy-plane and the x-axis measured counterclockwise.
DEC The declination which is the angle between tjhe position vector and the xy-plane.
VMAG The magnitude of the velocity vector.
FPA The vertical flight path angle. The angle measured from a plane normal to the
postion vector to the velocity vector , measured in the plane formed by position
vector and velocity vector.
AZI The flight path azimuth. The angle measured from the vector perpendicular to
the position vector and pointing north, to the projection of the velocity vector,
into a plane normal to the position vector.
RAV The right ascension of velocity. The angle between the projection of the velocity
vector into the xy-plane and the x-axis measured counterclockwise.
DECV The flight path azimuth. The angle between the velocity vector and the xy-plane.

Reference Guide Spacecraft Orbit State

Singularities in the Spherical Elements

Singularity Comments and Behavior

RMAG = 0 Results in a singular conic section: declination and flight path angle are
undefined. GMAT will not allow transformations if RMAG < 1e-10.
For RMAG values greater than, but near 1e-10, loss of precision may
occur in transformations.
VMAG = 0 Results in a singular conic section: velocity declination and flight path
angle are undefined. GMAT will not allow transformations if VMAG <
1e-10.For VMAG values greater than, but near 1e-10, loss of precision
may occur in transformations.

Equinoctial State Type

GMAT supports the Equinoctial state representation which is non-singular for elliptic orbits
with inclinations less than 180 degrees. To use the Equinoctial state type, the spacecraft’s co-
ordinate system must have a central body at the origin.

Element Description
SMA See Keplerian section.
EquinoctialH A measure of the orbital eccentricity and argument of periapsis.
EquinoctialH and EquinoctialK together govern how ellipti-
cal an orbit is and where the periapsis is located. EquinotialH
= ECC * sin(AOP).
EquinoctialK A measure of the orbital eccentricity and argument of periapsis.
EquinoctialH and EquinoctialK together govern how elipti-
cal an orbit is and where the periapsis is located. EquinotialK
= ECC * cos(AOP)
EquinoctialP A measure of the orientation of the orbit. EquinoctialP
and EquinoctialQ together govern how an orbit is oriented.
EquinotialP = tan(INC/2)*sin(RAAN).

Spacecraft Orbit State Reference Guide

Element Description
EquinoctialQ A measure of the orientation of the orbit. EquinoctialP
and EquinoctialQ together govern how an orbit is oriented.
EquinotialQ = tan(INC/2)*cos(RAAN).
MLONG A measure of the mean location of the spacecraft in its orbit.

Singularities in the Spherical Elements

Element Description
INC = 180 RAAN is undefined. If INC > 180 - 1.0e-11, GMAT sets
RAAN to 0 degrees. GMAT does not support Equinoctial el-
ements for true retrograde orbits.
ECC > 0.9999999 Equinoctial elements are not defined for parabolic or hyper-
bolic orbits.

State Component Interactions with the Spacecraft Coordinate System

When you define Spacecraft state elements such as SMA, X, or DEC for example, these values
are set in coordinates defined by the Spacecraft’s CoordinateSystem field. For example, the
following lines result in the X-component of the Cartesian state of MySat to be 1000, in the
EarthFixed system.

aSpacecraft.CoordinateSystem = EarthFixed
aSpacecraft.X = 1000

When the script lines above are executed in a script, GMAT converts the state to the specified
coordinate system, in this case EarthFixed, sets the X component to 1000, and then converts
the state back to the internal inertial representation.

The following example sets SMA to 8000 in the EarthMJ2000Eq system, then sets X to 6000
in the Earth fixed system. (Note this is NOT allowed in initialization mode; see later remarks
for more information).

aSpacecraft.CoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq
aSpacecraft.SMA = 8000
aSpacecraft.CoordinateSystem = EarthFixed
aSpacecraft.X = 6000

State Component Interactions with the Spacecraft Epoch Field

When you specify the Spacecraft’s epoch, you define the initial epoch of the spacecraft in the
specified coordinate system. If your choice for the Spacecraft's coordinate system is a time
varying system such as the EarthFixed system, then you define the state in the EarthFixed
system at that epoch. For example, the following lines would result in the cartesian state of
MySat to be set to [7000 0 1300 0 7.35 1] in the EarthFixed system at 01 Dec 2000
12:00:00.000 UTC.

Create Spacecraft MySat

MySat.Epoch.UTCGregorian = '01 Dec 2000 12:00:00.000'
MySat.CoordinateSystem = EarthFixed
MySat.X = 7000

Reference Guide Spacecraft Orbit State

MySat.Y = 0
MySat.Z = 1300
MySat.VX = 0
MySat.VY = 7.35
MySat.VZ = 1

The corresponding EarthMJ2000Eq representation is

X = -2320.30266
Y = -6604.25075
Z = 1300.02599
VX = 7.41609
VY = -2.60562
VZ = 0.99953

You can change the epoch of a Spacecraft in the mission sequence using a script line like this:

MySat.Epoch.TAIGregorian = '02 Dec 2000 12:00:00.000'

When the above line is executed in the mission sequence, GMAT converts the state to the spec-
ified coordinate system and then to the specified state type — in this case EarthFixed and
Cartesian respectively — sets the epoch to the value of 02 Dec 2000 12:00:00.000,
and then converts the state back to the internal representation. This behavior is identical to
that of the spacecraft orbit dialog box in the GUI. Because the coordinate system in this case
is time varying, changing the spacecraft epoch has resulted in a change in the spacecraft's iner-
tial state representation. After the epoch is changed to 02 Dec 2000 12:00:00.000, the
EarthMJ2000Eq state representation is now:

X = -2206.35771
Y = -6643.18687
Z = 1300.02073
VX = 7.45981
VY = -2.47767
VZ = 0.99953

Scripting Limitations during Initialization

When setting the Spacecraft orbit state in a script, there are a few limitations to be aware of.
In the initialization portion of the script (before the BeginMissionSequence command), you
should set the epoch and coordinate system only once; multiple definitions of these parameters
will result in either errors or warning messages and may lead to unexpected results.

Also when setting a state during initialization, you must set the orbit state in a set of fields
corresponding to a single state type. For example, set the orbit state using the X, Y, Z, VX, VY,
VZ fields (for the Cartesian state type) or the SMA, ECC, INC, RAAN, AOP, TA fields (for
the Keplerian state type), but not a mixture of the two. If you need to mix state types, coordinate
systems, or epochs to define the state of a spacecraft, you must set the state using scripting in
the mission sequence (after the BeginMissionSequence command).

Define a Spacecraft’s Earth MJ2000Eq coordinates in the Keplerian representation:

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

aSpacecraft.CoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq
aSpacecraft.SMA = 7100
aSpacecraft.ECC = 0.01

Spacecraft Orbit State Reference Guide

aSpacecraft.INC = 30
aSpacecraft.RAAN = 45
aSpacecraft.AOP = 90
aSpacecraft.TA = 270

Define a Spacecraft’s Earth fixed coordinates in the Cartesian representation:

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

aSpacecraft.CoordinateSystem = EarthFixed
aSpacecraft.X = 7100
aSpacecraft.Y = 0
aSpacecraft.Z = 1300
aSpacecraft.VX = 0
aSpacecraft.VY = 7.35
aSpacecraft.VZ = 1

Define a Spacecraft’s Moon centered coordinates in ModifiedKeplerian representation.

Create CoordinateSystem MoonInertial

MoonInertial.Origin = Luna
MoonInertial.Axes = BodyInertial

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

aSpacecraft.CoordinateSystem = MoonInertial
aSpacecraft.RadPer = 2100
aSpacecraft.RadApo = 2200
aSpacecraft.INC = 90
aSpacecraft.RAAN = 45
aSpacecraft.AOP = 45
aSpacecraft.TA = 180

Define a Spacecraft’s Rotating Libration Point coordinates in the SphericalAZFPA represen-


Create LibrationPoint ESL1

ESL1.Primary = Sun
ESL1.Secondary = Earth
ESL1.Point = L1

Create CoordinateSystem EarthSunL1CS

EarthSunL1CS.Origin = ESL1
EarthSunL1CS.Axes = ObjectReferenced
EarthSunL1CS.XAxis = R
EarthSunL1CS.ZAxis = N
EarthSunL1CS.Primary = Sun
EarthSunL1CS.Secondary = Earth

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

aSpacecraft.CoordinateSystem = EarthSunL1CS
aSpacecraft.DateFormat = UTCGregorian
aSpacecraft.Epoch = '09 Dec 2005 13:00:00.000'
aSpacecraft.RMAG = 1520834.130720907
aSpacecraft.RA = -111.7450242065574
aSpacecraft.DEC = -20.23326432189756
aSpacecraft.VMAG = 0.2519453702907011
aSpacecraft.AZI = 85.22478175803107
aSpacecraft.FPA = 97.97050698644287

Set a Spacecraft’s Earth MJ2000 ecliptic coordinates in the Equinoctial representation:

Reference Guide Spacecraft Orbit State

Create Spacecraft aSpacecraft

aSpacecraft.CoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Ec
aSpacecraft.SMA = 9100
aSpacecraft.EquinoctialH = 0.00905
aSpacecraft.EquinoctialK = 0.00424
aSpacecraft.EquinoctialP = -0.1059
aSpacecraft.EquinoctialQ = 0.14949
aSpacecraft.MLONG = 247.4528

Reference Guide

Spacecraft Visualization Properties

The visual properties of the spacecraft

The Spacecraft Visualization Properties lets you define a spacecraft model, translate the
spacecraft in X,Y, Z directions or apply a fixed rotation to the attitude orientation of the model.
You can also adjust the scale factor of the spacecraft model size. Spacecraft visualization prop-
erties can be configured either through GMAT’s GUI or the script interface.

See Also: OrbitView

Field Description
ModelOffsetX This field lets you translate a spacecraft in +X or -X axis of central
body's coordinate system.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -3.5 <= Real <= 3.5
Access set
Default Value 0.000000
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ModelOffsetY Allows you to translate a spacecraft in +Y or -Y axis of central body's
coordinate system.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -3.5 <= Real <= 3.5
Access set
Default Value 0.000000
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ModelOffsetZ Allows you to translate a spacecraft in +Z or -Z axis of central body's
coordinate system.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -3.5 <= Real <= 3.5
Access set
Default Value 0.000000
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ModelRotationX Allows you to perform a fixed rotation of spacecraft's attitude w.r.t X-
axis of central body's coordinate system.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -180 <= Real <= 180
Access set
Default Value 0.000000
Units Deg.
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Spacecraft Visualization Properties

Field Description
ModelRotationY Allows you to perform a fixed rotation of spacecraft's attitude w.r.t Y-
axis of central body's coordinate system.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -180 <= Real <= 180
Access set
Default Value 0.000000
Units Deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
ModelRotationZ Allows you to perform a fixed rotation of spacecraft's attitude w.r.t Z-
axis of central body's coordinate system.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values -180 <= Real <= 180
Access set
Default Value 0.000000
Units Deg.
Interfaces GUI, script
ModelScale Allows you to apply a scale factor to the spacecraft model's size.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values 0.001 <= Real <= 1000
Access set
Default Value 3.000000
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ModelFile Allows you to load spacecraft models that are in .3ds model formats.

Data Type String

Allowed Values . 3ds spacecraft model formats only
Access set
Default Value ../data/vehicle/models/aura.3ds
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


The figure below shows the default settings for the Spacecraft Visualization Properties re-

Spacecraft Visualization Properties Reference Guide

The GUI interface for Spacecraft Visualization Properties is contained on the Visualization
tab of the Spacecraft resource. You can configure visualization properties of the spacecraft and
visualize the changes in the Display window.

Within the Display window, you can Left click and drag your mouse to change camera orien-
tation. Camera orientation can be changed in Up/Down/Left/Right directions. You can also
Right click and drag your mouse to zoom in and out of the Display window. Right click and
moving the cursor in Up direction helps to zoom out and moving the cursor in Down direction
helps to zoom in.


Configuring Spacecraft Visualization Properties

GMAT lets you define any spacecraft model but currently GMAT supports only .3ds model for-
mat. Several .3ds spacecraft model formats are available here. You can also download more .3ds
models by clicking here. Most of these models are in .3ds format, which can be read by most
3D programs.

GMAT lets you apply fixed rotation to the attitude orientation of the spacecraft model or trans-
late the model in any of the X, Y and Z directions. You can also apply a scale factor to the selected
spacecraft model to adjust the size of the model. Any changes that are made to the spacecraft
model, attitude orientation, translation or scale size factor will also be displayed in OrbitView
resource’s graphics window. The configured spacecraft visualization properties will only show
up in OrbitView graphics window after you have run the mission. See OrbitView resource’s
user-specification document to learn more about OrbitView graphics window.

Reference Guide Spacecraft Visualization Properties

This example shows you how to configure Spacecraft Visualization Properties resource. All
values are non-default values.

Create Spacecraft aSat

aSat.ModelFile = '../data/vehicle/models/aura.3ds'
aSat.ModelOffsetX = 1.5
aSat.ModelOffsetY = -2
aSat.ModelOffsetZ = 3
aSat.ModelRotationX = 180
aSat.ModelRotationY = 180
aSat.ModelRotationZ = 90
aSat.ModelScale = 15

Create Propagator aProp

Create OrbitView anOrbitView

anOrbitView.Add = {aSat, Earth}

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 9000}

Reference Guide

A user-defined string variable

The String resource is used to store a string value for use by commands in the Mission Sequence.

In the script environment, String resources are initialized to the string

'STRING_PARAMETER_UNDEFINED' on creation. In the GUI environment, they’re initialized
to the empty string (''). String resources can be assigned using string literals or (in the Mission
Sequence) other String resources, numeric Variable resources, or resource parameters that have
string types.

See Also: Array, Variable

The String resource has no fields; instead, the resource itself is set to the desired value.

Field Description
value The value of the string variable.

Data Type String

Allowed Values N/A
Access set, get
Default Value '' (empty) (GUI)

Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


The GMAT GUI lets you create multiple String resources at once without leaving the window.
To create a String:

1. In the String Name box, type the desired name of the string.
2. In the String Value box, type the initial value of the string. This is required and must be a
literal string value. Quotes are not necessary when setting the value.

Reference Guide String

3. Click the => button to create the string and add it to the list on the right.

You can create multiple String resources this way. To edit an existing string in this window, click
it in the list on the right and edit the value. You must click the => button again to save your

You can also double-click an existing String in the resources tree in the main GMAT window.
This opens the string properties box above that allows you to edit the value of that individual

String resources can (in the Mission Sequence) be set using numeric Variable resources. The
numeric value of the Variable is converted to a string during the assignment. The numeric value
is converted to a string representation in either floating-point or scientific notation (whichever
is more appropriate) with a maximum of 16 significant figures.

Creating a string and assigning it a literal value:

Create ReportFile aReport

Create String aStr

aStr = 'MyString'


Report aReport aStr

Reference Guide

A chemical thruster model

The Thruster resource is a model of a chemical thruster which uses polynomials to model the
thrust and specific impulse as a function of tank pressure and temperature. The Thruster model
also allows you to specify properties such as a duty cycle and scale factor and to connect a
Thruster with a FuelTank. You can flexibly define the direction of the thrust by specifying the
thrust components in coordinate systems such as (locally defined) SpacecraftBody or LVLH,
or by choosing any configured CoordinateSystem resource.

See Also: BeginFiniteBurn,FuelTank,FiniteBurn

The constants Ci below are used in the following equation to calculate thrust (in Newtons), FT,
as a function of pressure P (kPa) and temperature T (Celsius).

The constants Ki below are used in the following equation to calculate ISP (in seconds), Isp, as
a function of pressure P (kPa) and temperature T (Celsius).

Field Description
Axes Allows the user to define a spacecraft centered set of axes for the
Thruster. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence

Data Type Reference Array

Allowed Values VNB, LVLH, MJ2000Eq, SpacecraftBody
Access set
Default Value VNB
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
CoordinateSystem Determines what coordinate system the orientation parameters,
ThrustDirection1, ThrustDirection2, and ThrustDirection3 refer
to. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Reference Array

Allowed Values Local, EarthMJ2000Eq, EarthMJ2000Ec,
EarthFixed, or any user defined system
Access set
Default Value Local
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Thruster

Field Description
C1 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 10
Units N
Interfaces GUI, script
C2 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units N/kPa
Interfaces GUI, script
C3 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units N
Interfaces GUI, script
C4 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units N/kPa
Interfaces GUI, script
C5 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units N/kPa2
Interfaces GUI, script
C6 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units N/kPaC7
Interfaces GUI, script

Thruster Reference Guide

Field Description
C7 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
C8 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units N/kPaC9
Interfaces GUI, script
C9 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
C10 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units N/kPaC11
Interfaces GUI, script
C11 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
C12 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units N
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Thruster

Field Description
C13 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
C14 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units 1/kPa
Interfaces GUI, script
C15 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
C16 Thrust coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units 1/kPa
Interfaces GUI, script
DecrementMass Flag which determines if the FuelMass is to be decremented as it used.
This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values true, false
Access set
Default Value false
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Thruster Reference Guide

Field Description
DutyCycle Fraction of time that the thrusters are on during a maneuver. The thrust
applied to the spacecraft is scaled by this amount. Note that this scale
factor also affects mass flow rate.

Data Type Real Number

Allowed Values 0 <= Real <= 1
Access set, get
Default Value 1
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
GravitationalAccel Value of the gravitational acceleration used for the FuelTank/Thruster

Data Type Real Number

Allowed Values Real > 0
Access set, get
Default Value 9.81
Units m/s2
Interfaces GUI, script
K1 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 300
Units s
Interfaces GUI, script
K2 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units s/kPa
Interfaces GUI, script
K3 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units s
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Thruster

Field Description
K4 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units s/kPa
Interfaces GUI, script
K5 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units s/kPa2
Interfaces GUI, script
K6 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units s/kPaC7
Interfaces GUI, script
K7 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
K8 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units s/kPaC9
Interfaces GUI, script
K9 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script

Thruster Reference Guide

Field Description
K10 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units s/kPaC11
Interfaces GUI, script
K11 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
K12 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units s
Interfaces GUI, script
K13 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
K14 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units 1/kPa
Interfaces GUI, script
K15 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Thruster

Field Description
K16 ISP coefficient.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units 1/kPa
Interfaces GUI, script
Origin This field, used in conjunction with the Axes field, allows the user to
define a spacecraft centered set of axes for the Thruster. Origin has
no affect when a Local coordinate system is used and the Axes are set
to MJ2000Eq or SpacecraftBody. This field cannot be modified in
the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Reference Array

Allowed Values Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Luna,
Mars,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
Access set
Default Value Earth
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Tank FuelTank from which the Thruster draws propellant from. In a script
command, an empty list, e.g., Thruster1.Tank = {}, is NOT
allowed. Via the script, if you wish to indicate that no FuelTank
is associated with a Thruster, do not include commands such as
Thruster1.Tank = ... in your script. This field cannot be modi-
fied in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Reference Array

Allowed Values User defined list of FuelTank(s).
Access set
Default Value N/A
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ThrustDirection1 X component of the spacecraft thrust vector direction.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 1
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

Thruster Reference Guide

Field Description
ThrustDirection3 Z component of the spacecraft thrust vector direction.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real Number
Access set, get
Default Value 0
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ThrustScaleFactor ThrustScaleFactor is a scale factor that is multiplied by the thrust vec-
tor, for a given thruster, before the thrust vector is added into the total
acceleration. Note that the value of this scale factor does not affect the
mass flow rate.

Data Type Real Number

Allowed Values Real >= 0
Access set, get
Default Value 1
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


Command or Re- Description

BeginFinite- Use these commands, which require a Spacecraft and a FiniteBurn
Burn/EndFinite- name as input, to implement a finite burn.
Burn command
FuelTank resource This resource contains the fuel used to power the Thruster specified by
the FiniteBurn resource.
FiniteBurn re- When using the BeginFiniteBurn/EndFiniteBurn commands, you
source must specify which FiniteBurn resource to implement. The FiniteBurn
resource specifies which Thruster(s) to use for the finite burn.
Spacecraft re- When using the BeginFiniteBurn/EndFiniteBurn commands, you
source must specify which Spacecraft to apply the finite burn to.
Propagate com- In order to implement a non-zero finite burn, a Propagate statement
mand must occurr within the BeginFiniteBurn and EndFiniteBurn state-


The Thruster dialog box allows you to specify properties of a Thruster including the Coor-
dinate System of the thrust acceleration direction vector, the thrust magnitude and Isp coeffi-
cients, and choice of FuelTank. The layout of the Thruster dialog box is shown below.

Reference Guide Thruster

When configuring the Coordinate System field, you can choose between existing coordinate
systems or use locally defined coordinate systems. The Axes field is only active if Coordinate
System is set to Local. The Origin field is only active if Coordinate System is set to Local
and Axes is set to either VNB or LVLH.

As shown below, if Decrement Mass is checked, then you can input the gravitational accelera-
tion value used to calculate fuel use. The value of the gravitational acceleration input here only
affects fuel use and does not affect the force model.

Thruster Reference Guide

Selecting the Edit Thruster Coef. button brings up the following dialog box where you may
input the coefficients for the Thruster polynomial.

Reference Guide Thruster

Similarly, clicking the Edit Impulse Coef. button brings up the following dialog box where you
may input the coefficients for the specific impulse (ISP) polynomial.

Thruster Reference Guide


Use of Thruster Resource in Conjunction With Maneuvers

A Thruster resource is used only in association with finite maneuvers. To implement a finite
maneuver, you must first create both a FuelTank and a FiniteBurn resource. You must also
associate a FuelTank with the Thruster resource and you must associate a Thruster with the
FiniteBurn resource. The actual finite maneuver is implemented using the BeginFiniteBurn/
EndFiniteBurn commands. See the BeginFiniteBurn/EndFiniteBurn command documen-
tation for worked examples on how the Thruster resource is used in conjunction with finite

Thrust and ISP Calculation

Unscaled thrust, FT, and Isp, as a function of Pressure, in kPa, and Temperature, in degrees
Celsius, are calculated using the following polynomials.

The thrust, T, output in Newtons, is scaled by the Duty Cycle and Thrust Scale Factor. The
thrust acceleration direction vector (the direction of the actual acceleration not the thruster noz-
zle) is given by ThrustDirection1-3 and is applied in the input Coordinate System. The Isp
is output in seconds.

The mass flow rate and the thrust equations are shown below where FT and Isp are defined
above, fd is the duty cycle, fs is the thrust scale factor, RiT is the rotation matrix from the thrust
coordinate system to the inertial system, and Td is the unitized thrust direction.

Local Coordinate Systems

Here, a Local coordinate system is defined as one that we configure "locally" using the Thruster
resource interface as opposed to defining a coordinate system using the Coordinate Systems
folder in the Resources Tree.

To configure a local coordinate system, you must specify the coordinate system of the input
thrust acceleration direction vector, ThrustDirection1-3. If you choose a local coordinate sys-
tem, the four choices available, as given by the Axes sub-field, are VNB, LVLH, MJ2000Eq,
and SpacecraftBody. VNB or Velocity-Normal-Binormal is a non-inertial coordinate system

Reference Guide Thruster

based upon the motion of the spacecraft with respect to the Origin sub-field. For example, if
the Origin is chosen as Earth, then the X-axis of this coordinate system is the along the velocity
of the spacecraft with respect to the Earth, the Y-axis is along the instantaneous orbit normal
(with respect to the Earth) of the spacecraft, and the Z-axis completes the right-handed set.

Similarly, Local Vertical Local Horizontal or LVLH is also a non-inertial coordinate system based
upon the motion of the spacecraft with respect to the Origin sub-field. Again, if we choose
Earth as the origin, then the X-axis of this coordinate system is the position of the spacecraft
with respect to the Earth, the Z-axis is the instantaneous orbit normal (with respect to the Earth)
of the spacecraft, and the Y-axis completes the right-handed set.

MJ2000Eq is the J2000-based Earth-centered Earth mean equator inertial coordinate system.
Note that the Origin sub-field is not needed to define this coordinate system.

SpacecraftBody is the attitude system of the spacecraft. Since the thrust is applied in this system,
GMAT uses the attitude of the spacecraft, a spacecraft attribute, to determine the inertial thrust
direction. Note that the Origin sub-field is not needed to define this coordinate system.

Caution When Setting the FuelTank Temperature and Reference Tem-

Note that both the thrust and ISP polynomials have terms that involve the ratio, (Temperature /
Reference Temperature). For GMAT, this temperature ratio is calculated in Celsius units, and
thus, there is a discontinuity when the Reference Temperature is equal to zero. For this reason,
GMAT requires that the absolute value of the input Reference Temperature is greater than 0.01.

Note also that the form of the Thrust and ISP polynomial has some behavior, when the Refer-
ence Temperature is near 0 degrees Centigrade, that you need to be aware of. Because of the
previously mentioned discontinuity, the polynomials do not vary smoothly when the Reference
Temperature is near zero. For example, consider the two Reference Temperatures, -0.011 and +
0.011 degrees Centigrade. These two temperatures are close to each other in value and one might
expect that they have roughly similar thrust and ISP values. This may not be the case, depending
upon your choice of thrust/ISP coefficients, since the temperature ratios associated with the two
Reference Temperatures have the same magnitude but different signs. You may choose to set the
input Reference Temperature equal to the input Temperature, thus eliminating any dependence
of thrust and ISP with temperature when using the currently implemented FuelTank model
based upon Boyle’s Law where the fuel Temperature does not change as fuel is depleted.

Create a default FuelTank and a Thruster that allows for fuel depletion, assign the Thruster
the default FuelTank, and attach both the Thruster and FuelTank to a Spacecraft.

% Create the FuelTank Resource

Create FuelTank FuelTank1
FuelTank1.AllowNegativeFuelMass = false
FuelTank1.FuelMass = 756
FuelTank1.Pressure = 1500
FuelTank1.Temperature = 20
FuelTank1.RefTemperature = 20
FuelTank1.Volume = 0.75
FuelTank1.FuelDensity = 1260
FuelTank1.PressureModel = PressureRegulated

% Create a Thruster, that allows fuel depletion, and assign it a FuelTank

Thruster Reference Guide

Create Thruster Thruster1

Thruster1.CoordinateSystem = Local
Thruster1.Origin = Earth
Thruster1.Axes = VNB
Thruster1.ThrustDirection1 = 1
Thruster1.ThrustDirection2 = 0
Thruster1.ThrustDirection3 = 0
Thruster1.DutyCycle = 1
Thruster1.ThrustScaleFactor = 1
Thruster1.DecrementMass = true
Thruster1.Tank = {FuelTank1}
Thruster1.GravitationalAccel = 9.810000000000001
Thruster1.C1 = 10
Thruster1.C2 = 0
Thruster1.C3 = 0
Thruster1.C4 = 0
Thruster1.C5 = 0
Thruster1.C6 = 0
Thruster1.C7 = 0
Thruster1.C8 = 0
Thruster1.C9 = 0
Thruster1.C10 = 0
Thruster1.C11 = 0
Thruster1.C12 = 0
Thruster1.C13 = 0
Thruster1.C14 = 0
Thruster1.C15 = 0
Thruster1.C16 = 0
Thruster1.K1 = 300
Thruster1.K2 = 0
Thruster1.K3 = 0
Thruster1.K4 = 0
Thruster1.K5 = 0
Thruster1.K6 = 0
Thruster1.K7 = 0
Thruster1.K8 = 0
Thruster1.K9 = 0
Thruster1.K10 = 0
Thruster1.K11 = 0
Thruster1.K12 = 0
Thruster1.K13 = 0
Thruster1.K14 = 0
Thruster1.K15 = 0
Thruster1.K16 = 0

% Add the Thruster and the FuelTank to a Spacecraft

Create Spacecraft DefaultSC
DefaultSC.Tanks = {FuelTank1}
DefaultSC.Thrusters = {Thruster1}


Reference Guide

A user-defined numeric variable

The Variable resource is used to store a single numeric value for use by commands in the Mission
Sequence. It can be used in place of a literal numeric value in most commands. Variable resources
are initialized to zero on creation, and can be assigned using literal numeric values or (in the
Mission Sequence) Variable resources, Array resource elements, resource parameters of numeric
type, or Equation commands that evaluate to scalar numeric values.

See Also: Array, String

The Variable resource has no fields; instead, the resource itself is set to the desired value.

Field Description
value The value of the variable.

Data Type Real number

Allowed Values -∞ < value < ∞
Access set, get
Default Value 0.0
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


The GMAT GUI lets you create multiple Variable resources at once without leaving the window.
To create a Variable:

1. In the Variable Name box, type the desired name of the variable.
2. In the Variable Value box, type the initial value of the variable. This is required and must
be a literal numeric value.
3. Click the => button to create the variable and add it to the list on the right.

You can create multiple Variable resources this way. To edit an existing variable in this window,
click it in the list on the right and edit the value. You must click the => button again to save
your changes.

Reference Guide Variable

You can also double-click an existing variable in the resources tree in the main GMAT window.
This opens the Variable properties box above that allows you to edit the value of that individual

GMAT Variable resources store a single numeric value. Internally, the value is stored as a dou-
ble-precision real number, regardless of whether or not a fractional portion is present.

Creating a variable and assigning it a literal value:

Create ReportFile aReport

Create Variable aVar

aVar = 12


Report aReport aVar

Using variables in Mission Sequence commands:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ForceModel anFM
Create ReportFile aReport

Create Propagator aProp

aProp.FM = anFM

Create Variable i step totalDuration nSteps


step = 60
totalDuration = 24*60^2 % one day
nSteps = totalDuration / step

% Report Keplerian elements every 60 seconds for one day

For i=1:nSteps
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = step}
Report aReport aSat.TAIModJulian aSat.SMA aSat.ECC aSat.INC ...
aSat.RAAN aSat.AOP aSat.TA

Reference Guide

The Sequential Quadratic Processor (SQP) optimizer, VF13ad


The VF13ad optimizer is a SQP-based Nonlinear Programming solver available in the Harwell
Subroutine Library. VF13ad performs nonlinear constrained optimization and supports both
linear and nonlinear constraints. To use this solver, you must configure the solver options includ-
ing convergence criteria, maximum iterations, and gradient computation method. In the mission
sequence, you implement an optimizer such as VF13ad by using an Optimize/EndOptimize
sequence. Within this sequence, you define optimization variables by using the Vary command,
and define cost and constraints by using the Minimize and NonlinearConstraint commands

This resource cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

See Also: FminconOptimizer,Optimize,Vary, NonlinearConstraint, Minimize


Field Description
FeasibilityTolerance Specifies the accuracy to which you want constraints to be satisfied.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0
Access set
Default Value 1e-3
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
MaximumIterations Specifies the maximum allowable number of nominal passes through
the Solver Control Sequence.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer > 0
Access set
Default Value 200
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
ReportFile Contains the path and file name of the report file.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Any user-defined file name
Access set
Default Value VF13adVF13ad1.data
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide VF13ad

Field Description
ReportStyle Determines the amount and type of data written to the message win-
dow and to the report specified by field ReportFile for each iteration
of the solver (When ShowProgress is true).  Currently, the Normal,
Debug, and Concise options contain the same information: the val-
ues for the control variables, the constraints, and the objective func-
tion.  In addition to this information, the Verbose option also contains
values of the optimizer-scaled control variables.

Data Type String

Allowed Values Normal, Concise, Verbose, Debug
Access set
Default Value Normal
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
ShowProgress Determines whether data pertaining to iterations of the solver is both
displayed in the message window and written to the report specified
by the ReportFile field. When ShowProgress is true, the amount
of information contained in the message window and written in the
report is controlled by the ReportStyle field.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values true, false
Access set
Default Value true
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
Tolerance Specifies the measure the optimizer will use to determine when an
optimal solution has been found based on the value of the goal set in
a Minimize command.

Data Type Real

Allowed Values Real > 0
Access set
Default Value 1e-5
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script
UseCentralDiffer- Allows you to choose whether or not to use central differencing for
ences numerically determining the derivative. For the default, 'false' value of
this field, forward differencing is used to calculate the derivative.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values true, false
Access set
Default Value false
Units None
Interfaces GUI, script

VF13ad Reference Guide

The VF13ad dialog box allows you to specify properties of a VF13ad such as as maximum
iterations, cost function tolerance, feasibility tolerance, choice of reporting options, and choice
of whether or not to use the central difference derivative method.

To create a VF13ad resource, navigate to the Resources tree, expand the Solvers folder, high-
light and then right-click on the Optimizers sub-folder, point to Add and then select VF13ad.
This will create a new VF13ad resource, VF13ad1. Double-click on VF13ad1 to bring up the
VF13ad dialog box shown below.

VF13ad Optimizer Availability

This optimizer is not included as part of the nominal GMAT installation and is only available if
you have created and installed the VF13ad plug-in.

Resource and Command Interactions

The VF13ad resource can only be used in the context of optimization-type commands. Please
see the documentation for Optimize, Vary, NonlinearConstraint, and Minimize for more
information and worked examples.

Create a VF13ad resource named VF13ad1.

Create VF13ad VF13ad1

VF13ad1.ShowProgress = true
VF13ad1.ReportStyle = Normal
VF13ad1.ReportFile = 'VF13adVF13ad1.data'
VF13ad1.MaximumIterations = 200
VF13ad1.Tolerance = 1e-005

Reference Guide VF13ad

VF13ad1.UseCentralDifferences = false
VF13ad1.FeasibilityTolerance = 1e-003

For an example of how a VF13ad resource can be used within an Optimization sequence, see
the Optimize command examples.

Reference Guide

Plots data onto the X and Y axes of a graph

The XYPlot resource allows you to plot data onto the X and Y axis of the graph. You can
choose to plot any number of parameters as a function of a single independent variable. GMAT
allows you to plot user-defined variables, array elements, or spacecraft parameters. You can create
multiple XYPlots by using either the GUI or script interface of GMAT. GMAT also provides
the option of when to plot and stop plotting data to a XYPlot through the Toggle On/Off
command. See the Remarks section below for detailed discussion of the interaction between an
XYPlot resource and the Toggle command. GMAT’s Spacecraft and XYPlot resources also
interact with each other throughout the entire mission duration. Discussion of the interaction
between Spacecraft and XYPlot resources can also be found in the Remarks section.

See Also: Toggle, Spacecraft

Field Description
Maximized Allows the user to maximize the XYPlot window. This field cannot be
modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values true,false
Access set
Default Value false
Units N/A
Interfaces script
UpperLeft Allows the user to pan the XYPlot display window in any direction.
First value in [0 0] matrix helps to pan the XYPlot window horizontally
and second value helps to pan the window vertically. This field cannot
be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Real array

Allowed Values Any Real number
Access set
Default Value [0 0]
Units N/A
Interfaces script
RelativeZOrder Allows the user to select which XYPlot window to display first on
the screen. The XYPlot with lowest RelativeZOrder value will be dis-
played last while XYPlot with highest RelativeZOrder value will be
displayed first. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Integer

Allowed Values Integer ≥ 0
Access set
Default Value 0
Units N/A
Interfaces script

Reference Guide XYPlot

Field Description
ShowGrid When the ShowGrid field is set to True, then a grid is drawn on an xy-
plot. When the ShowGrid field is set to False, then a grid is not drawn.
This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values True,False
Access set
Default Value True
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
ShowPlot Allows the user to turn off a plot for a particular run, without deleting
the XYPlot resource, or removing it from the script. If you select True,
then the plot will be shown. If you select False, then the plot will not
be shown. This field cannot be modified in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Boolean

Allowed Values True,False
Access set
Default Value True
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
Size Allows the user to control the display size of XYPlot window. First
value in [0 0] matrix controls horizonal size and second value controls
vertical size of XYPlot display window. This field cannot be modified
in the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Real array

Allowed Values Any Real number
Access set
Default Value [00]
Units N/A
Interfaces script
SolverIterations This field determines whether or not data associated with perturbed tra-
jectories during a solver (Targeter, Optimize) sequence is displayed in
the XYPlot. When SolverIterations is set to All, all perturbations/it-
erations are plotted in the XYPlot. When SolverIterations is set to
Current, only the current solution or perturbation is plotted in XYPlot.
When SolverIterations is set to None, only the final nominal run is
plotted on the XYPlot.

Data Type Enumeration

Allowed Values All, Current, None
Access set
Default Value Current
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script

XYPlot Reference Guide

Field Description
XVariable Allows the user to define the independent variable for an XYPlot. Only
one variable can be defined as an independent variable. For example, the
line MyXYPlot.XVariable = DefaultSC.A1ModJulian sets
the independent variable to be the epoch of DefaultSC in the A1 time
system and modified Julian format. This field cannot be modified in
the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Resource reference

Allowed Values Variable, Array, array element, Spacecraft
parameter that evaluates to a real number
Access get, set
Default Value DefaultSC.A1ModJulian
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script
YVariable Allows the user to add dependent variables to an xy-plot.
All dependent variables are plotted on the y-axis vs the in-
dependent variable defined by XVariable field. The dependent
variable(s) should always be included in curly braces. For example,
MyXYPlot.YVariables = {DefaultSC.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y,
DefaultSC.EarthMJ2000Eq.Z}. This field cannot be modified in
the Mission Sequence.

Data Type Reference array

Allowed Values Any user variable, array element, or spacecraft
parameter that evaluates to a real number
Access get, set
Default Value DefaultSC.EarthMJ2000Eq.X
Units N/A
Interfaces GUI, script


The figure below shows the default settings for the XYPlot resource:

Reference Guide XYPlot


Behavior when using XYPlot Resource & Toggle Command

The XYPlot resource plots data onto the X and Y axis of the graph at each propagation step of
the entire mission duration. If you want to report data to an XYPlot at specific points in your
mission, then a Toggle On/Off command can be inserted into the mission sequence to control
when the XYPlot is to plot data. When Toggle Off command is issued for a XYPlot, no data
is plotted onto the X and Y axis of the graph until a Toggle On command is issued. Similarly
when a Toggle On command is used, data is plotted onto the X and Y axis at each integration
step until a Toggle Off command is used.

Below is an example script snippet that shows how to use Toggle Off and Toggle On com-
mands while using the XYPlot resource. Spacecraft’s position magnitude and semi-major-axis
are plotted as a function of time.

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create XYPlot aXYPlot

aXYPlot.XVariable = aSat.ElapsedDays
aXYPlot.YVariables = {aSat.Earth.RMAG, aSat.Earth.SMA}


Toggle aXYPlot Off

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 2}
Toggle aXYPlot On
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 4}

Behavior when using XYPlot & Spacecraft resources

Spacecraft resource contains information about spacecraft’s orbit, its attitude, physical parame-
ters (such as mass and drag coefficient) and any attached hardware, including thrusters and fuel

XYPlot Reference Guide

tanks. Spacecraft resource interacts with XYPlot throughout the entire mission duration. The
data retrieved from the spacecraft is what gets plotted onto the X and Y axis of the graph at
each propagation step of the entire mission duration.

Behavior When Specifying Empty Brackets in XYPlot's YVariables

When using XYPlot.YVariables field, GMAT does not allow brackets to be left empty. The
brackets must always be populated with values that you wish to plot against a variable in XVari-
able field. If brackets are left empty, then GMAT throws in an exception. Below is a sample script
snippet that shows an example of empty brackets. If you were to run this script, then GMAT
throws in an execption reminding you that brackets for YVariables field cannot be left empty.

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp
Create XYPlot aXYPlot

aXYPlot.XVariable = aSat.ElapsedDays
aXYPlot.YVariables = {}

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 2}

Behavior when Reporting Data in Iterative Processes

GMAT allows you to specify how data is plotted onto a plot during iterative processes such
as differential correction or optimization. The SolverIterations field of an XYPlot resource
supports three options which are described in the table below:

SolverIterations Description
Current Shows only current iteration/perturbation in an iterative process and plots
current iteration to a plot.
All Shows all iterations/perturbations in an iterative process and plots all itera-
tions/perturbations to a plot.
None Shows only the final solution after the end of an iterative process and plots
only that final solution to the plot.

Propagate an orbit and plot the spacecraft’s altitude as a function of time at every integrator step:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create XYPlot aXYPlot

aXYPlot.XVariable = aSat.ElapsedSecs
aXYPlot.YVariables = {aSat.Earth.Altitude}


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 4}

Plotting data during an iterative process. Notice SolverIterations field is selected as All. This
means all iterations/perturbations will be plotted.

Reference Guide XYPlot

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create ImpulsiveBurn TOI

Create DifferentialCorrector aDC

Create XYPlot aXYPlot

aXYPlot.SolverIterations = All
aXYPlot.XVariable = aSat.ElapsedDays
aXYPlot.YVariables = {aSat.Earth.RMAG}


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Earth.Periapsis}

Target aDC
Vary aDC(TOI.Element1 = 0.24, {Perturbation = 0.001, Lower = 0.0, ...
Upper = 3.14159, MaxStep = 0.5})
Maneuver TOI(aSat)
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Earth.Apoapsis}
Achieve aDC(aSat.Earth.RMAG = 42165)

Reference Guide

Table of Contents
Achieve .................................................................................................................... 359
Assignment (=) ......................................................................................................... 361
BeginFiniteBurn ....................................................................................................... 367
BeginMissionSequence .............................................................................................. 373
BeginScript ............................................................................................................... 375
CallMatlabFunction ................................................................................................... 377
ClearPlot .................................................................................................................. 381
EndFiniteBurn ......................................................................................................... 383
Equation .................................................................................................................. 385
For .......................................................................................................................... 387
If ............................................................................................................................ 391
Maneuver ................................................................................................................. 395
MarkPoint ................................................................................................................ 399
Minimize .................................................................................................................. 401
NonlinearConstraint .................................................................................................. 405
Optimize .................................................................................................................. 409
PenUpPenDown ....................................................................................................... 413
Propagate ................................................................................................................. 417
Report ..................................................................................................................... 427
Stop ........................................................................................................................ 431
Target ...................................................................................................................... 433
Toggle ..................................................................................................................... 439
Vary ........................................................................................................................ 443
While ....................................................................................................................... 451

Reference Guide

Specify a goal for a Target sequence

Script Syntax
Achieve SolverName (Goal = Arg1, [{Tolerance = Arg2}])

The Achieve command is used in conjunction with the Target command as part of the Target
sequence. The purpose of the Achieve command is to define a goal for the targeter (currently,
the differential corrector is the only targeter available within a Target sequence) to achieve. To
configure the Achieve command, you specify the goal object, its corresponding desired value,
and an optional tolerance so the differential corrector can find a solution. The Achieve com-
mand must be accompanied and preceded by a Vary command in order to assist in the targeting

See Also: DifferentialCorrector, Target, Vary


Option Description
Arg1 Specifies the desired value for the Goal after the DifferentialCorrector has

Accepted Data Types Array, ArrayElement, Variable, String

Allowed Values Real Number, Array element, or Variable
Default Value 42165
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script
Arg2 Convergence tolerance for how close Goal equals Arg1

Accepted Data Types Real Number, Array element, Variable, or any

user-defined parameter > 0
Allowed Values Real Number, Array element, Variable, or any
user-defined parameter > 0
Default Value 0.1
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script
Goal Allows you to select any single element user defined parameter, except a number,
as a targeter goal.

Accepted Data Types Object parameter, ArrayElement, Variable

Allowed Values Spacecraft parameter, Array element, Vari-
able, or any other single element user defined
parameter, excluding numbers
Default Value DefaultSC.Earth.RMAG
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Achieve

Option Description
SolverName Specifies the DifferentialCorrector being used in the Target sequence

Accepted Data Types String

Allowed Values Any user defined DifferentialCorrector
Default Value DefaultDC
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script

You use an Achieve command, which is only valid within a Target sequence, to define your de-
sired goal. More than one Achieve command may be used within a Target command sequence.
The Achieve command dialog box, which allows you to specify the targeter, goal object, goal
value, and convergence tolerance, is shown below.

Command Interactions
A Target sequence must contain at least one Vary and one Achieve command.

Target An Achieve command only occurs within a Target sequence

Vary com- Associated with any Achieve command is at least one Vary command. The Vary
mand command identifies the control variable used by the targeter. The goal specified
by the Achieve command is obtained by varying the control variables.

As mentioned above, an Achieve command only occurs within a Target sequence. See the
Target command help for examples showing the use of the Achieve command.

Reference Guide

Assignment (=)
Set a variable or resource field to a value, possibly using mathematical expressions

Script Syntax
settable_item = expression


The assignment command (in the GUI, the Equation command) allows you to set a resource
field or parameter to a value, possibly using mathematical expressions. GMAT uses the assign-
ment operator ('=') to indicate an assignment command. The assignment operator uses the fol-
lowing syntax, where LHS denotes the left-hand side of the operator, and RHS denotes the right-
hand side of the operator:


In this expression, the left-hand side (LHS) is being set to the value of the right-hand side (RHS).
The syntax of the LHS and RHS expressions vary, but both must evaluate to compatible data
types for the command to succeed.

Left-hand side

The left-hand side of the assignment command must be a single item of any of the following

• allowed resource (e.g. Spacecraft, Variable, Array)

• resource field for allowed resources (e.g. Spacecraft.Epoch, Spacecraft.DateFormat)
• settable resource parameter (e.g. Spacecraft.X, ReportFile.Precision)
• Array or Array element

See the documentation for a particular resource to determine which fields and parameters can
be set.

Right-hand side

The right-hand side of the assignment command can consist of any of the following:

• literal value
• resource (e.g. Spacecraft, Variable, Array)
• resource field (e.g. Spacecraft.Epoch, Spacecraft.DateFormat)
• resource parameter (e.g. Spacecraft.X, Thruster.K1)
• Array or Array element
• mathematical expression (see below)

MATLAB function calls are considered distinct from the assignment command. See the refer-
ence pages for more information.

Reference Guide Assignment (=)


The assignment command in the script language corresponds to the Equation command in the
GUI. The Equation properties box allows you to input both sides of the expression into free-
form text boxes. The default values on each side are “Not_Set”; these are placeholders only,
and are not valid during the mission run. You can type into each box the same syntax described
above for the script language. When you click OK or Apply, GMAT validates each side of the
expression and provides feedback for any warnings or errors.


Data type compatibility

In general, the data types of the left-hand side and the right-hand side must match after all
expressions are evaluated. This means that a Spacecraft resource can only be set to another
Spacecraft resource, numeric parameters can only be set to numeric values, and String resources
can only be set to string values. Additionally, the dimension of Array instances must match for
the command to succeed. For numeric quantities, the assignment command does not distinguish
between integers and floating-point values.


Parameters can be used on either side of an assignment command, but there may be certain

On the right-hand side of the command, any parameter can be used. If a parameter accepts
a dependency (such as Spacecraft.CoordinateSystem.X) and the dependency is omitted, a
default dependency value will be used. For coordinate-system-dependent parameters, the default
is EarthMJ2000Eq. For central-body-dependent parameters, the default is Earth.

On the left-hand side, only settable (writable) parameters can be used. Furthermore, no depen-
dency can be specified, except in the special case that the dependencies on both sides of the
assignment command are equivalent. On the left-hand side, the default values of omitted depen-
dencies are automatically taken to be the current values of the CoordinateSystem field of the
referenced Spacecraft and its origin.

These examples show valid and invalid usage of parameters:

Create Spacecraft aSat1 aSat2

aSat2.CoordinateSystem = 'EarthFixed'
Create Variable x
x = aSat1.EarthFixed.X % Valid: Parameter with dependency on RHS
x = aSat1.EarthMJ2000Eq.X % Valid: This and next statement are equiv.
x = aSat1.X % Valid: Default dep. value is EarthMJ2000Eq.

Assignment (=) Reference Guide

x = aSat1.Mars.Altitude % Valid: Parameter with dependency on RHS

x = aSat1.Earth.Altitude % Valid: This and next statement are equiv.
x = aSat1.Altitude % Valid: Default dependency value is Earth.

aSat2.X = 1e5 % Valid: Default parameter value is EarthFixed.

aSat2.EarthMJ2000Eq.X = 1e5 % INVALID: Dependencies not allowed on LHS.
aSat2.EarthFixed.X = 1e5 % Valid: Special case because value = default.

aSat2.EarthMJ2000Eq.X = aSat1.EarthFixed.X % INVALID: Dependency on LHS

aSat2.EarthMJ2000Eq.X = aSat1.EarthMJ2000Eq.X % INVALID: Dependency on LHS
aSat2.EarthFixed.X = aSat1.EarthFixed.X % Valid: Special case

% DANGEROUS! Valid, but sets EarthMJ2000Eq RHS values to EarthFixed LHS param.
aSat2.X = aSat1.EarthMJ2000Eq.X

% DANGEROUS! RHS default is EarthMJ2000Eq, LHS default is current setting on

% aSat2 (EarthFixed in this case).
aSat2.X = aSat1.X

Mathematical Expressions

The assignment command supports the use of inline mathematical expressions on the right-
hand side of the command. These expressions follow the general syntax rules of MATLAB
expressions, and can use a variety of operators and built-in functions.


Mathematical expressions are recognized by the presence of any of the operators or built-in
functions described below. Before execution, all white space (e.g. spaces and tabs) is removed
from the expression.

Data Types

Mathematical expressions operate on numeric values (integers or floating-point numbers). This

includes the following:

• literal values
• numeric resources (Variable, Array)
• gettable resource parameters (e.g. Spacecraft.X, Thruster.K1)
• Array elements
• calculation parameters (e.g. Spacecraft.OrbitPeriod)
• nested mathematical expressions

Several of GMAT’s operators and functions are vectorized, so they operate on full Array re-
sources as well as scalar numeric values.

Reference Guide Assignment (=)


Vectorized + Addition or unary plus. X+Y adds X and Y. X and Y must have the same di-
operators mensions unless either is a scalar.
- Subtraction or unary minus. -X is the negative of X, where X can be any size.
X-Y subtracts Y from X. X and Y must have the same dimensions unless either
is a scalar.
* Multiplication. X*Y is the product of X and Y. If both X and Y are scalars, this
is the simple algebraic product. If X is a matrix or vector and Y is a scalar, all
elements of X are multiplied by Y (and vice versa). If both X and Y are non-
scalar, X*Y performs matrix multiplication and the number of columns in X
must equal the number of rows in Y.
' Transpose. X' is the transpose of X. If X is a scalar, X' is equal to X.
Scalar op- / Division. X/Y divides X by Y. If both X and Y are scalars, this is the simple
erators algebraic quotient. If X is a matrix or vector, each element is divided by Y. Y
must be a non-zero scalar quantity.
^ Power. X^Y raises X to the Y power. X and Y must be scalar quantities. A
special case is X^(-1), which when applied to a square matrix X, returns the
inverse of X.

When multiple expressions are combined, GMAT uses the following order of operations. Op-
erations begin with those operators at the top of the list and and continue downwards. Within
each level, operations proceed left-to-right.

1. parentheses ()
2. transpose ('), power (^)
3. unary plus (+), unary minus (-)
4. multiplication (*), division (/)
5. addition (+), subtraction (-)

Built-in Functions

GMAT supports the following built-in functions in mathematical expressions. Such functions
are either scalar, meaning they accept a single value only, or are matrix functions that operate
on an entire matrix or vector.

Assignment (=) Reference Guide

Scalar sin Sine. In Y = sin(X), Y is the sine of the angle X. X must be in

functions radians. Y will be in the range [-1, 1].
cos Cosine. In Y = cos(X), Y is the cosine of the angle X. X must be
in radians. Y will be in the range [-1, 1].
tan Tangent. In Y = tan(X), Y is the tangent of the angle X. X must
be in radians. The tangent function is undefined at angles that nor-
malize to π/2 or -π/2.
asin Arcsine. In Y = asin(X), Y is the arcsine of X. X must be in the
range [-1, 1], and Y will be in the range [-π/2, π/2].
acos Arccosine. In Y = acos(X), Y is the arccosine of X. X must be
in the range [-1, 1], and Y will be in the range [0, π].
atan Arctangent. In Y = atan(X), Y is the arctangent of X. Y will be
in the range (-π/2, π/2).
atan2 Four-quadrant arctangent. In A = atan2(Y, X), A is the arc-
tangent of Y/X. A will be in the range (-π, π]. atan2(Y, X) is
equivalent to atan(Y/X) except for the expanded range.
log Natural logarithm. In Y = log(X), Y is the natural logarithm of
X. X must be non-zero positive.
log10 Common logarithm. In Y = log10(X), Y is the common
(base-10) logarithm of X. X must be non-zero positive.
exp Exponential. In Y = exp(X), Y is exponential of X (eX).
DegToRad Radian conversion. In Y = DegToRad(X), Y is the angle X in
units of radians. X must be an angle in degrees.
RadToDeg Degree conversion. In Y = RadToDeg(X), Y is the angle X in
units of degrees. X must be an angle in radians.
abs Absolute value. In Y = abs(X), Y is the absolute value of X.
sqrt Square root. In Y = sqrt(X), Y is the square root of X. X must
be non-negative.
Matrix norm 2-norm. In Y = norm(X), Y is the 2-norm of X, where X must be a
functions vector (i.e. one dimension must be 1). If X is a scalar, Y is equal to X.
det Determinant. In Y = det(X), Y is the determinant of X. X must be a
matrix or a scalar. If X is a matrix, the number of rows must equal the
number of columns. If X is a scalar, Y is equal to X. For efficiency, GMAT’s
implementation of the determinant is currently limited to matrices 9×9
or smaller.
inv Inverse. In Y = inv(X), Y is the inverse of X. X must be a matrix or
a scalar. If X is a matrix, the number of rows must equal the number of
columns. X^(-1) is an alternate syntax.

Evaluate a basic algebraic equation:

Create Variable A B C x y
x = 1
Create ReportFile aReport


A = 10
B = 20

Reference Guide Assignment (=)

C = 2

y = A*x^2 + B*x + C
Report aReport y

Matrix manipulation:

Create Array A[2,2] B[2,2] C[2,2] x[2,1] y[2,1]

Create ReportFile aReport

A(1,1) = 10
A(2,1) = 5
A(1,2) = .10
A(2,2) = 1

x(1,1) = 2
x(2,1) = 3


B = inv(A)
C = B'
y = C*x
Report aReport A B C x y

Cloning a resource:

Create Spacecraft Sat1 Sat2

Sat1.Cd = 1.87
Sat1.DryMass = 123.456

Create ReportFile aReport


Sat2 = Sat1
Report aReport Sat2.Cd Sat2.DryMass

Using built-in functions:

Create Variable pi x y1 y2 y3
Create Array A[3,3]
Create Spacecraft aSat
Create ReportFile aReport


pi = acos(-1)

aSat.TA = pi/4
x = pi/4
A(1,1) = pi/4

y1 = sin(x)
y2 = sin(aSat.TA)
y3 = sin(A(1,1))

Report aReport y1 y2 y3

Reference Guide

Model finite thrust maneuvers

Script Syntax
BeginFiniteBurn aFiniteBurn(aSpacecraft)

EndFiniteBurn aFiniteBurn(aSpacecraft)


When you apply a BeginFiniteBurn command, you turn on the thruster configuration given in
the specified FiniteBurn model. Similarly, when you apply an EndFiniteBurn command, you
turn off the thruster configuration in the specified FiniteBurn model. After GMAT executes
a BeginFiniteBurn command, all propagation for the spacecraft affected by the FiniteBurn
object will include the configured finite thrust in the dynamics until an EndFiniteBurn line
is executed for that configuration. In order to apply a non-zero finite burn , there must be a
Propagate command between the BeginFiniteBurn and EndFiniteBurn commands.

To apply the BeginFiniteBurn and EndFiniteBurn commands, a FiniteBurn object must be

configured. This object requires the configuration of FuelTank and Thruster models. See the
Remarks section and the examples below for a more detailed explanation.

See Also: Spacecraft, Thruster, FuelTank, FiniteBurn


Option Description
BeginFiniteBurn - Burn Specifies the FiniteBurn object activated by the Begin-
FiniteBurn command.

Accepted Data Types Reference Array

Allowed Values FiniteBurn resource
Default Value DefaultFB
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script
BeginFiniteBurn - SpacecraftList Specifies the Spacecraft (currently only a single Space-
craft can be in this list) acted upon by the Begin-
FiniteBurn command. The Spacecraft listed in Space-
craftList will have thrusters activated according to the
configuration of the FiniteBurn object defined by the
Burn field.

Accepted Data Types Reference Array

Allowed Values Spacecraft Objects
Default Value DefaultSC
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide BeginFiniteBurn

Option Description
EndFiniteBurn - Burn Specifies the FiniteBurn object de-activated by the
EndFiniteBurn command.

Accepted Data Types Reference Array

Allowed Values FiniteBurn Object
Default Value DefaultFB
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script
EndFiniteBurn - SpacecraftList Specifies the Spacecraft (currently only a single Space-
craft can be in this list) acted upon by the EndFinite-
Burn command. Spacecraft listed in SpacecraftList
will have thrusters de-activated according to the config-
uration of the FiniteBurn object defined by the Burn

Accepted Data Types Spacecraft

Allowed Values Spacecraft resource
Default Value DefaultSC
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script


The BeginFiniteBurn and EndFiniteBurn command dialog boxes allow you to implement
a finite burn by specifying which finite burn model should be used and which spacecraft the
finite burn should be applied to. The dialog boxes for BeginFiniteBurn and EndFiniteBurn
are shown below.

BeginFiniteBurn Reference Guide

Use the Burn menu to select the FiniteBurn model for the maneuver. Use the Spacecraft text
box to select the spacecraft for the finite burn. You can either type the spacecraft name in the
Spacecraft text box or click the Edit button and select the spacecraft using the ParameterS-
electDialog box.

If you add a BeginFiniteBurn command or EndFiniteBurn command to the mission se-

quence, without first creating a FiniteBurn object, GMAT will create a default FiniteBurn
object called DefaultFB. However, you will need to configure the required FuelTank and
Thruster objects required for a FiniteBurn object before you can run the mission. See the
Remarks section for detailed instructions.

Configuring a Finite Burn
To use the BeginFiniteBurn and EndFiniteBurn commands in your mission sequence, you
must configure a FiniteBurn object along with FuelTank and Thruster objects as shown in
the examples below and as described in these steps:

1. Create and configure a FuelTank model.

2. Create a Thruster model:
a. Set the parameters (direction, thrust, specific impulse, etc) for the thruster
b. Configure the Thruster to use the FuelTank created in Step 1.
3. Add the FuelTank and Thruster created in the previous two steps to the Spacecraft.
4. Create a FiniteBurn model and configure it to use the Thruster created in Step 2.

Initial Thruster Status

When you configure the Spacecraft, FuelTank, Thruster, and FiniteBurn objects, GMAT
initializes these objects with the thrusters turned off, so that no finite burns are active. You must
use the BeginFiniteBurn command to turn on the thruster if you want to apply a finite burn
during propagation.

Caution: If GMAT throws the error message “Propagator Exception: MassFlow is
not a known propagation parameter on DefaultSC”, then you have not configured
all of the required models to perform a finite burn. See detailed instructions above
and examples to configure models required by the EndFiniteBurn/BeginFinite-
Burn commands.

Reference Guide BeginFiniteBurn

BeginFiniteBurn and EndFiniteBurn commands are NOT branch com-


The BeginFiniteBurn and EndFiniteBurn commands are NOT branch commands, meaning,
a BeginFiniteBurn command can exist without an EndFiniteBurn command (however, this
may result in depleting all the fuel in the spacecraft model). For behavior when fuel mass is fully
depleted during a finite burn see the FuelTank object.

Similarly, since the BeginFiniteBurn and EndFiniteBurn commands are used to turn on or
off the thrusters, applying the same command multiple times in a script without its inverse is the
same as applying it once. In other words, if you do this:

BeginFiniteBurn aFiniteBurn(aSat)
BeginFiniteBurn aFiniteBurn(aSat)
BeginFiniteBurn aFiniteBurn(aSat)

The effect is the same as only applying the BeginFiniteBurn command one time. The same
holds true for the EndFiniteBurn command.

Perform a finite burn while the spacecraft is between true anomaly of 300 degrees and 60 degrees.

% Create objects
Create Spacecraft aSat
Create Thruster aThruster
Create FuelTank aTank
Create FiniteBurn aFiniteBurn
Create Propagator aPropagator

% Configure the physical objects

aSat.Thrusters = {aThruster}
aThruster.Tank = {aTank}
aSat.Tanks = {aTank}
aFiniteBurn.Thrusters = {aThruster}


% Prop to TA = 300 then maneuver until TA = 60

Propagate aPropagator(aSat, {aSat.TA = 300})
BeginFiniteBurn aFiniteBurn(aSat)
Propagate aPropagator(aSat, {aSat.TA = 60})
EndFiniteBurn aFiniteBurn(aSat)

Perform a velocity direction maneuver firing the thruster for 2 minutes.

% Create objects
Create Spacecraft aSat
Create Thruster aThruster
Create FuelTank aTank
Create FiniteBurn aFiniteBurn
Create Propagator aPropagator

% Configure the physical objects

aThruster.CoordinateSystem = Local
aThruster.Origin = Earth
aThruster.Axes = VNB

BeginFiniteBurn Reference Guide

aThruster.ThrustDirection1 = 1
aThruster.ThrustDirection2 = 0
aThruster.ThrustDirection3 = 0

% Configure the physical objects

aSat.Thrusters = {aThruster}
aThruster.Tank = {aTank}
aSat.Tanks = {aTank}
aFiniteBurn.Thrusters = {aThruster}


% Fire thruster for 2 minutes

BeginFiniteBurn aFiniteBurn(aSat)
Propagate aPropagator(aSat, {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 120})
EndFiniteBurn aFiniteBurn(aSat)

Reference Guide

Begin the mission sequence portion of a script

Script Syntax

The BeginMissionSequence command indicates the end of resource initialization and the be-
ginning of the mission sequence portion of a GMAT script. It must appear once as the first
command in the script, and must follow all resource creation lines.

See Also: Script Language

The BeginMissionSequence command is managed automatically when building mission se-
quences using the GUI mission tree. However, when editing the GMAT script directly, either
with the GMAT script editor or with an external editor, you must insert the BeginMissionSe-
quence command manually.

The BeginMissionSequence is a script-only command that is not needed when working from
the GUI. It indicates to GMAT that the portion of the script above the command consists of
static resource initialization that can be performed in any order, and that the portion below the
command consists of mission sequence commands that must be executed sequentially. This and
other rules of the scripting language are discussed in detail in the script language reference.

A minimal GMAT script that propagates a spacecraft:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}

Reference Guide

Execute free-form script commands

Script Syntax
[script statements]



The BeginScript and EndScript commands (ScriptEvent in the GUI) allow you to write free-
form script statements in the mission sequence without the statements being shown as individual
commands in the GMAT GUI. This is useful as a way to group and label a complex sequence
of statements as one unit, or to write small sequences of script statements when otherwise using
the GUI to create the mission sequence. Within the script itself, there is no difference in the
execution of statements within a BeginScript/EndScript block and those outside of it.

See Also: the section called “Script Editor”


The ScriptEvent GUI window divides the command into three parts: an initial comment, fixed
BeginScript and EndScript commands, and the content of the block itself. The scripting win-
dow is a miniature version of the main script editor, and features line numbers, syntax highlight-
ing, code folding, and all of the editing tools available in the full editor. See the the section called
“Script Editor” documentation for more information. The ScriptEvent window performs script
syntax validation when changes are applied. Nested BeginScript/EndScript blocks in the script
language are collapsed into a single ScriptEvent when loaded into the GUI, and are saved to a
single BeginScript/EndScript block when saved to a script.

Reference Guide BeginScript

Perform a calculation inside a BeginScript/EndScript block. When loaded into the GUI,
the calculations within the BeginScript/EndScript block will be contained within a single
ScriptEvent command.

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp
Create ImpulsiveBurn aBurn
Create Variable a_init v_init
Create Variable a_transfer v_transfer_1 v_transfer_2
Create Variable a_target v_final mu
Create Variable dv_1 dv_2
mu = 398600.4415
a_target = 42164


% calculate Hohmann burns

a_init = aSat.SMA
v_init = aSat.VMAG
a_transfer = (a_init + a_target) / 2
v_transfer_1 = sqrt(2*mu/a_init - mu/a_transfer)
v_transfer_2 = sqrt(2*mu/a_target - mu/a_transfer)
v_final = sqrt(mu/a_target)
dv_1 = v_transfer_1 - v_init
dv_2 = v_final - v_transfer_2

% perform burn 1
aBurn.Element1 = dv_1
Maneuver aBurn(aSat)

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Apoapsis}

% perform burn 2
aBurn.Element1 = dv_2
Maneuver aBurn(aSat)

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = aSat.OrbitPeriod}

Reference Guide

Call a MATLAB function

Script Syntax
MatlabFunction(input_argument[, input_argument]...)
[output_argument[, output_argument]...] = MatlabFunction
[output_argument[, output_argument]...] = ...
MatlabFunction(input_argument[, input_argument]...)

GMAT provides a special command that allows you to call a function written in the MATLAB
language or provided with the MATLAB software. In the GUI, this is the CallMatlabFunction

In the syntax description, MatlabFunction is a MatlabFunction resource that must be declared

during initialization. Arguments can be passed into and returned from the function, though some
data-type limitations apply. See Remarks for details.

When a MATLAB function is called, GMAT opens a MATLAB command-line window in the
background. This functionality requires that MATLAB be properly installed and configured on
your system.

See Also: MatlabFunction, MATLAB Interface


The CallMatlabFunction GUI provides two input boxes for input and output arguments and
a list to select a function to call.

The Output box lists all configured output argument parameters. These must be selected by
clicking Edit, which displays a parameter selection window. See the Calculation Parameters ref-
erence for details on how to select a parameter.

The Input box is identical in behavior to Output, but lists all configured input arguments to the
function. Arguments must be selected by clicking Edit. The Function list displays all functions
that have been declared as MatlabFunction resources in the Resources tree. Select a function
from the list to call it.

Reference Guide CallMatlabFunction

When the changes are accepted, GMAT does not perform any validation of input or output
arguments. This validation is performed when the mission is run, when MATLAB has been

The input arguments (input_argument values in the syntax description) can be any of the
following types:

• resource parameter of real number type (e.g. Spacecraft.X)

• resource parameter of string type (e.g. Spacecraft.UTCGregorian)
• Array, String, or Variable resource
• Array resource element

The output arguments (output_argument values in the syntax description) can be any of the
following types:

• resource parameter of real number type (e.g. Spacecraft.X)

• resource parameter of string type (e.g. Spacecraft.UTCGregorian)
• Array, String, or Variable resource
• Array resource element

Data type conversion is performed for the following data types when values are passed between
MATLAB and GMAT. When data is passed from GMAT to MATLAB as input arguments, the
following conversions occur.

real num- double
ber (e.g.
Array ele-
string (e.g. char array
String re-
Array re- double array

When data is passed from MATLAB to GMAT as output arguments, the following conversions

char array string
double real number
double array Array resource

Call a simple built-in MATLAB function:

CallMatlabFunction Reference Guide

Create MatlabFunction sinh

Create Variable x y


x = 1
[y] = sinh(x)

Call an external custom MATLAB function:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ImpulsiveBurn aBurn
Create Propagator aProp

Create MatlabFunction CalcHohmann

CalcHohmann.FunctionPath = 'C:\path\to\functions'

Create Variable a_target mu dv1 dv2

mu = 398600.4415


% calculate burns for circular Hohmann transfer (example)

[dv1, dv2] = CalcHohmann(aSat.SMA, a_target, mu)

% perform first maneuver

aBurn.Element1 = dv1
Maneuver aBurn(aSat)

% propagate to apoapsis
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Apoapsis}

% perform second burn

aBurn.Element1 = dv2
Maneuver aBurn(aSat)

Return the MATLAB search path and working directory:

Create MatlabFunction path pwd

Create String pathStr pwdStr
Create ReportFile aReport


[pathStr] = path
[pwdStr] = pwd

Report aReport pathStr

Report aReport pwdStr

Reference Guide

Allows you to clear all data from an XYPlot

Script Syntax
ClearPlot OutputNames

OutputNames is the list of subscribers whose data is to be
cleared. When data of multiple subscribers is to be cleared,
then they need to be separated by a space.

The ClearPlot command allows you to clear all data from an XYPlot after it has been plotted.
The ClearPlot command works only for the XYPlot resource and data from multiple XYPlot
resources can be cleared. ClearPlot command can be used through GMAT’s GUI or the script

Option Description
OutputNames The ClearPlot command allows the user to clear data from an XY-
Plot subscriber. When more than one subscriber is being used, the sub-
scribers need to be separated by a space.

Accepted Data Types Resource reference

Allowed Values XYPlot resource
Default Value DefaultXYPlot
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script

Figure below shows default settings for ClearPlot command.

GMAT allows you to insert ClearPlot command into the Mission tree at any location. This
allows you to clear data output from an XYPlot at any point in your mission. The XYPlot

Reference Guide ClearPlot

subscriber plots data at each propagation step of the entire mission duration. If you want to
report data to an XYPlot at specific points in your mission, then a ClearPlot command can be
inserted into the mission sequence to control when a subscriber plots data. Refer to the Examples
section below to see how ClearPlot command can be used in the Mission tree.

This example shows how to use ClearPlot command on multiple subscribers. Data from XYPlot
subscribers is cleared after 2 days of the propagation:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create XYPlot aPlot1 aPlot2 aPlot3

aPlot1.XVariable = aSat.ElapsedSecs
aPlot1.YVariables = {aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.X}

aPlot2.XVariable = aSat.ElapsedSecs
aPlot2.YVariables = {aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y}

aPlot3.XVariable = aSat.ElapsedSecs
aPlot3.YVariables = {aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.VX, aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.VY, ...


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 2}

ClearPlot aPlot1 aPlot2 aPlot3

This example shows how to use ClearPlot command on a single subscriber. Data from XYPlot
is cleared for the first 3 days of the propagation and only the data retrieved from last day of
propagation is plotted:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create XYPlot aPlot1

aPlot1.XVariable = aSat.ElapsedDays
aPlot1.YVariables = {aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.X, aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y}


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 3}

ClearPlot aPlot1
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}

Reference Guide

Model finite thrust maneuvers in the mission sequence

To implement a finite burn, you use a pair of commands, the BeginFiniteBurn command and
the EndFiniteBurn command. The use of both of these commands is described in the Begin-
FiniteBurn command help.

Reference Guide

Perform an equation command


The Equation command uses the Equation to make one variable equal to some combination of
previously defined variables and values. It is highly useful for storing values so that they aren't
lost. Additionally, it is very useful for advanced commands.

Arg1 The Arg1 option allows the user to set Arg1 to Arg2.
Default None
Limits Spacecraft Parameter, Array element, Variable, or any other single element
user defined parameter
Units None
Arg2 The Arg2 option allows the user to define Arg1.
Default None
Limits Spacecraft Parameter, Array element, Variable, any other single element
user defined parameter, or a combination of the aforementioned parame-
ters using math operators
Units None

Script Syntax
GMAT Arg1 = Arg2;

Script Examples
% Setting a variable to a number
GMAT testVar = 24;
% Setting a variable to the value of a math statement
GMAT testVar = (testVar2 + 50)/2;

Reference Guide

Execute a series of commands a specified number of times

Script Syntax
For Index = Start:[Increment:]End
[script statement]



The For command is a control logic statement that executes a series of commands a specified
number of times. The command argument must have one of the following forms:

Index = Start:End

This syntex increments Index from Start to End in steps of 1, repeating the script statements
until Index is greater than End. If Start is greater than End, then the script statements do not

Index = Start:Increment:End

This syntax increments Index from Start to End in steps of Increment, repeating the script
statements until Index is greater than End if Increment is positive and less than End if Incre-
ment is negative. If Start is less than End and Increment is negative, or if Start is greater than
End and Increment is positive, then the script statements do not execute.

See Also: If, While


Option Description
Index Independent variable in a for loop. Index is computed according to the arithmetic
progression defined by the values for Start, Increment, and End.

Accepted Data Types Variable

Allowed Values -∞ < Index < ∞
Default Value Variable named I
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script
Start Initial value for the Index parameter

Accepted Data Types parameter

Allowed Values -∞ < Start < ∞
Default Value 1
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide For

Option Description
Increment The Increment parameter is used to compute the arithmetic progression of the
loop Index such that pass i through the loop is Start + i* Increment if the
resulting value satisfies the constraint defined by End.

Accepted Data Types parameter

Allowed Values -∞ < Increment < ∞
Default Value 1
Required no
Interfaces GUI
End The End parameter is the upper (or lower if Increment is negative) bound for
the Index.

Accepted Data Types parameter

Allowed Values -∞ < End < ∞
Default Value 10
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script


The For command GUI panel contains fields for all of its parameters: Index, Start, Increment,
and End. To edit the values, click the field value you wish to change and type the new value (e.g.
5, anArray(1,5), or Spacecraft.X). Alternately, you can either right-click the field value
or click the ellipses (…) button to the left of the field. This displays the ParameterSelectDialog
window, which allows you to choose a parameter from a list.

For Reference Guide

The values of the Index, Start, Increment, and End parameters can be any of the following

• Literal numeric value (e.g. 1, 15.2, -6)

• Variable resource
• Array resource element
• Resource parameter of numeric type (e.g. Spacecraft.X, Thruster.K1)

The index specification cannot contain mathematical operators or parentheses. After execution
of the For loop, the value of Index retains its value from the last loop iteration. If the loop does
not execute, the value of Index remains equal to its value before the loop was encountered.

Changes made to the index variable inside of a For loop are overwritten by the For loop state-
ment. For example, the output from the following snippet:

For I = 1:1:3
I = 100
Report aReport I



Changes made to the the Start, Increment, and End parameters made inside of a loop do not
affect the behavior of the loop. For example, the output from the following snippet:

J = 2
K = 2
L = 8

Reference Guide For

For I = J:K:L
J = 1
K = 5
L = 100
Report aReport I



Propagate a spacecraft to apogee 3 times:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aPropagator
Create Variable I


For I = 1:1:3
Propagate aPropagator(aSat, {aSat.Apoapsis})

Index into an array:

Create Variable I J
Create Array anArray[10,5]

For I = 1:10
For J = 1:5
anArray(I,J) = I*J

Reference Guide

Conditionally execute a series of commands

Script Syntax
If logical expression
[script statement]


If logical expression
[script statement]

[script statement]


The If command is a control logic statement that executes a series of commands if the value
of the provided logical expression is true. The syntax of the logical expression is described in
the script language reference.

The If command can optionally contain an Else clause that defines a series of commands to
execute if the associated logical expression is false.

See Also: Script Language, For, While


The If command GUI panel features a table in which you can build a complex logical expression.
The rows of the table correspond to individual relational expressions in a compound logical
expression (up to 10), and the columns correspond to individual elements of those expressions.
The first line automatically contains a default statement:

Reference Guide If

If DefaultSC.ElapsedDays < 1.0

The first column of the first row contains a placeholder for the If command name. This cannot
be changed. The first column of each additional row contains the logical operator (&, |) that
joins the expression in that row with the one above it. To select a logical operator, double-click
or right-click in the appropriate box in the table to display a selection window. Click the correct
operator and click OK to select it.

The Left Hand Side column contains the left-hand side of each individual expression. Dou-
ble-click the cell to type a parameter name. To set this value from a parameter selection list
instead, either click “…” to the left of the cell you want to set, or right-click the cell itself. A
ParameterSelectDialog window will appear that allows you to choose a parameter.

If Reference Guide

The Condition column contains the conditional operator (==, ~=, <, etc.) that joins the left-
hand and right-hand sides of the expression. To select a relational operator, double-click or right-
click in the appropriate box in the table, and a selection window will appear. Click the correct
operator and click OK to select it.

Finally, the Right Hand Side column contains the right-hand side of the expression. This value
can be modified the same way as the Left Hand Side column.

When you are finished, click Apply to save your changes, or click OK to save your changes and
close the window. The command will be validated when either button is clicked.

A simple If statement:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ForceModel aForceModel

Create Propagator aProp

aProp.FM = aForceModel


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1, aSat.Altitude = 300}

If aSat.Altitude < 301 & aSat.Altitude > 299
% propagation stopped on altitude constraint
% propagation continued for 1 day

Reference Guide

Perform an impulsive (instantaneous) maneuver

Script Syntax
Maneuver BurnName (SpacecraftName)


The Maneuver command applies a selected ImpulsiveBurn to a selected Spacecraft. To per-

form an impulsive maneuver using the Maneuver command, you must create an Impulsive-
Burn. If you wish to model fuel depletion, you must associate a specific FuelTank hardware
object with this ImpulsiveBurn and attach the FuelTank to the desired Spacecraft. See the
Remarks and example shown below for more details.

See Also: FuelTank, ImpulsiveBurn, Spacecraft


Option Description
ImpulsiveBurn- Allows the user to select which ImpulsiveBurn to apply. As an exam-
Name ple, to maneuver DefaultSC using DefaultIB, the script line would ap-
pear as Maneuver DefaultIB(DefaultSC).

Accepted Data Types Reference Array

Allowed Values Any ImpulsiveBurn existing in the
resource treet
Default Value DefaultIB
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script
SpacecraftName Allows the user to select which Spacecraft to maneuver. The maneuver
applied is specified by the ImpulsiveBurnName option above.

Accepted Data Types Reference Array

Allowed Values Spacecraft resource
Default Value DefaultSC
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script


The Maneuver command dialog box, as shown below, allows you to select which previously
created ImpulsiveBurn should be applied to which Spacecraft.

Reference Guide Maneuver

Fuel Depletion
To model fuel depletion associated with your chosen ImpulsiveBurn, you must configure the
ImpulsiveBurn object as follows:

• Set the ImpulsiveBurn parameter, Decrement Mass, equal to true.

• Select a FuelTank for the ImpulsiveBurn object and attach this selected FuelTank to the
• Set values for the ImpulsiveBurn parameters, Isp and GravitationalAccel, which are used
to calculate, via the Rocket Equation, the mass depleted.


ImpulsiveBurn The Maneuver command applies the specified ImpulsiveBurn to the

specified Spacecraft.
FuelTank The FuelTank specified by the ImpulsiveBurn object is (optionally)
used to power the ImpulsiveBurn.
Spacecraft This is the object that the ImpulsiveBurn is applied to.

Create a default Spacecraft and FuelTank and attach the FuelTank to the Spacecraft. Perform
a 100 m/s impulsive maneuver in the Earth VNB-V direction.

% Create default Spacecraft and FuelTank and attach the FuelTank

% to the Spacecraft.
Create Spacecraft DefaultSC
Create FuelTank FuelTank1
DefaultSC.Tanks = {FuelTank1}

% Set FuelTank1 parameters to default values

FuelTank1.AllowNegativeFuelMass = false
FuelTank1.FuelMass = 756
FuelTank1.Pressure = 1500
FuelTank1.Temperature = 20
FuelTank1.RefTemperature = 20
FuelTank1.Volume = 0.75
FuelTank1.FuelDensity = 1260
FuelTank1.PressureModel = PressureRegulated

% Create ImpulsiveBurn associated with the created FuelTank

Maneuver Reference Guide

Create ImpulsiveBurn IB
IB.CoordinateSystem = Local
IB.Origin = Earth
IB.Axes = VNB
IB.Element1 = 0.1
IB.Element2 = 0
IB.Element3 = 0
IB.DecrementMass = true
IB.Tank = {FuelTank1}
IB.Isp = 300
IB.GravitationalAccel = 9.810000000000001

% Apply impulsive maneuver to DefaultSC
Maneuver IB(DefaultSC)

Reference Guide

Allows you to add a special mark point character on an XYPlot

Script Syntax
MarkPoint OutputNames

OutputNames is the list of subscribers and a special mark point
will be added to each subscriber’s XYPlot. When mark points need
to be added to multiple subscribers, then the subscribers need
to be separated by a space.

The MarkPoint command allows you to add a special mark point character to highlight a sin-
gle data point on an XYPlot. MarkPoint command works only for XYPlot subscriber. This
command also allows you to add special mark points on multiple XYPlot resources. MarkPoint
command can be used through GMAT’s GUI or the script interface.

Option Description
OutputNames The MarkPoint command allows the user to add a special mark point
character to highlight an individual data point on an XYPlot.

Accepted Data Types Resource reference

Allowed Values XYPlot resource
Default Value DefaultXYPlot
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script

Figure below shows default settings for MarkPoint command:

GMAT allows you to insert MarkPoint command into the Mission tree at any location. This
allows you to add special mark points on an XYPlot at any point in your mission. The XYPlot

Reference Guide MarkPoint

subscriber plots data at each propagation step of the entire mission duration. If you to want to
place mark points on an XYPlot at specific points, then a MarkPoint command can be inserted
into the mission sequence to control when mark points are placed onto an XYPlot. Refer to the
Examples section below to see how MarkPoint command can be used in the Mission tree.

This example shows how to use MarkPoint command on multiple subscribers. Mark points are
added on two XYPlots after every 0.2 days through an iterative loop:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create XYPlot aPlot1 aPlot2

aPlot1.XVariable = aSat.A1ModJulian
aPlot1.YVariables = {aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.X}

aPlot2.XVariable = aSat.A1ModJulian
aPlot2.YVariables = {aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.VX}


While aSat.ElapsedDays < 1.0

MarkPoint aPlot1 aPlot2
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 0.2}

This example shows how to use MarkPoint on a single subscriber. In this example, mark points
are placed on the XYPlot the moment spacecraft’s altitude goes below 750 Km. Note that mark
points are placed on the XYPlot at every integration step:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create XYPlot aPlot1

aPlot1.XVariable = aSat.A1ModJulian
aPlot1.YVariables = {aSat.Earth.Altitude}


While aSat.ElapsedDays < 2

Propagate aProp(aSat)
If aSat.Earth.Altitude < 750
MarkPoint aPlot1

Reference Guide

Define the cost function to minimize

Script Syntax
Minimize OptimizerName (ObjectiveFunction)


The Minimize command is used within an Optimize/EndOptimize Optimization sequence

to define the objective function that you want to minimize.

See Also: Vary, NonlinearConstraint, Optimize


Option Description
ObjectiveFunction Specifies the objective function that the optimizer will try to minimize.

Accepted Data Types String

Allowed Values Spacecraft parameter, Array element,
Variable, or any other single ele-
ment user defined parameter, exclud-
ing numbers
Default Value DefaultSC.Earth.RMAG
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script
OptimizerName Specifies which optimizer to use to minimize the cost function

Accepted Data Types Reference Array

Allowed Values Any VF13ad or fminconOptimizer
Default Value DefaultSQP
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script


You use a Minimize command, within an Optimize/EndOptimize Optimization sequence as

shown below, to define a cost function that you wish to minimize.

Double click on Minimize1 to bring up the Minimize command dialog box shown below..

Reference Guide Minimize

You must provide two inputs for the Minimize command dialog box above:

• Choice of optimizer.
• Object (and associated variable) to be minimized. You can input an object directly or you can
click the Edit button to the right of this field to select the type of object from three possible
choices, Spacecraft, Variable, or Array.

Number of Vary, NonlinearConstraint, and Minimize Commands With-
in an Optimization Sequence
An Optimization sequence must contain one or more Vary commands. Vary commands must
occur before any Minimize or NonlinearConstraint commands.

At most, a single Minimize command is allowed within an optimization sequence.

It is possible for an Optimize/EndOptimize optimization sequence to contain no Minimize

commands. In this case, since every optimization sequence must contain (a) one or more Nonlin-
earConstraint commands and/or (b) a single Minimize command, the optimization sequence
must contain at least one NonlinearConstraint command.

Command Interactions
The Minimize command is only used within an Optimize/EndOptimize Optimization se-
quence. See the Optimize command documentation for a complete worked example using the
Minimize command.

Vary command Every Optimization sequence must contain at least one Vary command.
Vary commands are used to define the control variables associated with
an Optimization sequence.
NonlinearConstraint NonlinearConstraint commands are used to define the constraints
command (i.e., goals) associated with an Optimization sequence. Note that multi-
ple NonlinearConstraint commands are allowed within an Optimiza-
tion sequence.
Optimize command A Minimize command can only occur within an Optimize/EndOp-
timize command sequence.

% Minimize the eccentricity of Sat, using SQP1
Minimize SQP1(Sat.ECC)

Minimize Reference Guide

% Minimize the Variable DeltaV, using SQP1

Minimize SQP1(DeltaV)

% Minimize the first component of MyArray, using VF13ad1

Minimize VF13ad1(MyArray(1,1))

As mentioned above, the Minimize command only occurs within an Optimize sequence. See
the Optimize command help for complete examples showing the use of the Minimize com-

Reference Guide

Specify a constraint used during optimization

Script Syntax
NonlinearConstraint OptimizerName ({logical expression})


The NonlinearConstraint command is used within an Optimize/EndOptimize optimization

sequence to apply a linear or nonlinear constraint.

See Also: Vary, Optimize, Minimize


Option Description
LHS Allows you to select any single element user defined parameter, except
a number, to define the constraint variable.  The constraint function is
of the form LHS Operator RHS

Accepted Data Types String

Allowed Values Spacecraft parameter, Array element,
Variable, or any other single ele-
ment user defined parameter, exclud-
ing numbers
Default Value DefaultSC.SMA
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script
Operator logical operator used to specify the constraint function.  The constraint
function is of the form LHS Operator RHS

Accepted Data Types Reference Array

Allowed Values >=,  <=, =
Default Value =
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script
OptimizerName Specifies the solver/optimizer object used to apply a constraint.

Accepted Data Types Reference Array

Allowed Values Any VF13ad or fminconOptimizer
Default Value DefaultSQP
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide NonlinearConstraint

Option Description
RHS Allows you to select any single element user defined parameter, includ-
ing a number, to specify the desired value of the constraint variable.
  The constraint function is of the form LHS Operator RHS

Accepted Data Types String

Allowed Values Spacecraft parameter, Array element,
Variable, or any other single ele-
ment user defined parameter, includ-
ing numbers
Default Value 7000
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script

You use a NonlinearConstraint command, within an Optimize/EndOptimize sequence as
shown below, to define an equality or inequality constraint that you want to be satisfied at the
end of the optimization process.

Double click on NonlinearConstraint1 to bring up the NonlinearConstraint command dialog

box, shown below.

You must provide four inputs for the NonlinearConstraint command dialog box above:

• Choice of Optimizer.
• Constraint Object. Click the Edit button to the right of this field to select the type of con-
straint object from three possible choices, Spacecraft, Variable, or Array.
• Logical operator. Select one from three choices, =, <=, or >=.
• Constraint Value.

Note that Inputs 2-4 define a logical expression. In the example above, we have:
DefaultSC.SMA = 7000

Number of Vary, NonlinearConstraint, and Minimize Commands With-
in an Optimization Sequence
An Optimization sequence must contain one or more Vary commands. Vary commands must
occur before any Minimize or NonlinearConstraint commands.

NonlinearConstraint Reference Guide

Multiple NonlinearConstraint commands are allowed. There is exactly one NonlinearCon-

straint command for every constraint.

It is possible for an Optimize/EndOptimize optimization sequence to contain no Nonlin-

earConstraint commands. In this case, since every optimization sequence must contain (a) one
or more NonlinearConstraint commands and/or (b) a single Minimize command, the opti-
mization sequence must contain a single Minimize command.

Command Interactions
The Minimize command is only used within an Optimize/EndOptimize Optimization se-
quence. See the Optimize command documentation for a complete worked example using the
NonlinearConstraint command.

Optimize NonlinearConstraint commands can only occur within an Optimize/EndOp-

command timize command sequence.
Vary com- Every Optimization sequence must contain at least one Vary command. Vary
mand commands are used to define the control variables associated with an Optimiza-
tion sequence.
Minimize A Minimize command is used within an Optimization sequence to define the
command objective function that will be minimized. Note that an optimization sequence is
allowed to contain, at most, one Minimize command. (An Optimization sequence
is not required to contain a Minimize command)

% Constrain SMA of Sat to be 7000 km, using SQP1
NonlinearConstraint SQP1( Sat.SMA = 7000 )

% Constrain SMA of Sat to be less than or equal to 7000 km,

% using SQP1
NonlinearConstraint SQP1( Sat.SMA <= 7000 )

% Constrain the SMA of Sat to be greater than or equal to 7000 km,

% using VF13ad1
NonlinearConstraint VF13ad1( Sat.SMA >= 7000 )

As mentioned above, the NonlinearConstraint command only occurs within an Optimize

sequence. See the Optimize command help for complete examples showing the use of the
NonlinearConstraint command.

Reference Guide

Solve for condition(s) by varying one or more parameters

Script Syntax
Optimize SolverName [{[SolveMode = value], [ExitMode = value]}]
Vary command …
script statement …
NonlinearConstraint command …
Minimize command …

The Optimize command in GMAT allows you to solve optimization problems by using a solver
object. Currently, you can choose from one of two available solvers, the FminconOptimizer
solver object available to all GMAT users with access to the Matlab optimization toolbox and
the VF13ad solver object plug-in that you must install yourself.

You use the Optimize and EndOptimize commands to define an Optimize sequence to de-
termine, for example, the maneuver components required to raise orbit apogee to 42164 km
while simultaneously minimizing the DeltaV required to do so. Optimize sequences in GMAT
are applicable to a wide variety of problems and this is just one example. Let’s define the quanti-
ties that you don’t know precisely, but need to determine, as the Control Variables. We define the
conditions that must be satisfied as the Constraints and we define the quantity to be minimized
(e.g., DeltaV) as the Objective function. An Optimize sequence numerically solves a boundary
value problem to determine the value of the Control Variables required to satisfy the Constraints
while simultaneously minimizing the Objective function. As was the case for the Target/End-
Target command sequence, you define your control variables by using Vary commands. You
define the constraints that must be satisfied by using the NonlinearConstraint command and
you define the objective function to be minimized by using the Minimize command. The Op-
timize/EndOptimize sequence is an advanced command. The examples later in this section
give a more detailed explanation.

See Also: Vary, NonlinearConstraint, Minimize, VF13ad

Option Description
ApplyCorrections The ApplyCorrections GUI button replaces the initial guess values
specified in the Vary commands with those computed by the optimizer
during a run. If the Optimize sequence converged, the converged val-
ues are applied. If the Optimize sequence did not converge, the last cal-
culated values are applied. There is one situation where the action spec-
ified above, where the initial guess values specified in the Vary com-
mands are replaced, does not occur. This happens when the initial guess
value specified in the Vary command is given by a variable.

Accepted Data Types N/A

Allowed Values N/A
Default Value N/A
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Optimize

Option Description
ExitMode Controls the initial guess values for Optimize sequences nested in con-
trol flow. If ExitMode is set to SaveAndContinue, the solution of
an Optimize sequence is saved and used as the initial guess for the next
time this Optimize sequence is run. The rest of the mission sequence is
then executed. If ExitMode is set to DiscardAndContinue, then the
solution is discarded and the initial guess values specified in the Vary
commands are used for each Optimize sequence execution. The rest
of the mission sequence is then executed. If ExitMode is set to Stop,
the Optimize sequence is executed, the solution is discarded, and the
rest of the mission sequence is not executed.

Accepted Data Types Reference Array

Allowed Values DiscardAndContinue,SaveAndContinue,
Default Value DiscardAndContinue
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script
SolveMode Specifies how the optimization loop behaves during mission execution.
When SolveMode is set to Solve, the optimization loop executes and
attempts to solve the optimization problem. When SolveMode is set
to RunInitialGuess, the Optimizer does not attempt to solve the op-
timization problem and the commands in the Optimize sequence ex-
ecute using the initial guess values defined in the Vary commands.

Accepted Data Types Reference Array

Allowed Values Solve, RunInitialGuess
Default Value Solve
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script
SolverName Specifies the solver/optimizer object used in the Optimize sequence

Accepted Data Types Reference Array

Allowed Values Any VD13ad or FminconOptimizer
Default Value DefaultSQP
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script

The Optimize command allows you to use an optimization process to solve problems. To solve
a given problem, you need to create a so-called Optimize sequence which we now define. When
you add an Optimize command to the mission sequence, an EndOptimize command is auto-
matically added as shown below.

In the example above, the Optimize command sequence is defined as all of the commands be-
tween the Optimize1 and EndOptimize1 commands, inclusive. Although not shown above, an
Optimize command sequence must contain a Vary command which is used to define the control

Optimize Reference Guide

variables that can be varied in order to help solve our problem. An Optimize command must
also contain a Minimize command and/or one or more NonlinearConstraint commands. You
use a Minimize command to define a cost function that you wish to minimize and you use the
NonlinearConstraint command to define either an equality or inequality constraint that you
want to be satisfied at the end of the optimization process.

Double click on the Optimize1 command above to open the Optimize command dialog box,
shown below, which allows you to specify your choice of Solver (i.e., your choice of optimizer),
Solver Mode, and Exit Mode. As described in the Remarks section, the Optimize command
dialog box also allows you to apply corrections to your Optimize command sequence.

Content of an Optimize/EndOptimize Sequence
An Optimize/EndOptimize sequence must contain at least one Vary command and at least
one of the following commands: NonlinearConstraint and Minimize. See the Vary, Nonlin-
earConstraint, and Minimize command sections for details on the syntax for those commands.
The first Vary command must occur before the first NonlinearConstraint or Minimize com-
mand. Each Optimize command field in the curly braces is optional. You can omit the entire
list and the curly braces and the default values will be used for Optimize configuration fields
such as SolveMode and ExitMode.

Relation to Target/EndTarget Command Sequence

There are some functional similarities between the Target/EndTarget and Optimize/En-
dOptimize command sequences. In both cases, we define Control Variables and Constraints.
For both Target and Optimize sequences, we use the Vary command to define the Control
Variables. For the Target sequence, we use the Achieve command to define the constraints
whereas, for an Optimize sequence, we use the NonlinearConstraint command. The big dif-
ference between the Target and Optimize sequences is that the Optimize sequence allows for
the minimization of an Objective function through the use of the Minimize command.

Command Interactions
Vary command Every Optimize sequence must contain at least one Vary command.
Vary commands are used to define the control variables associated with
an Optimize sequence.
NonlinearConstraint NonlinearConstraint commands are used to define the constraints
command associated with an Optimize sequence. Note that multiple Nonlin-
earConstraint commands are allowed within an Optimize sequence.

Reference Guide Optimize

Minimize command A Minimize command is used within an Optimize sequence to define

the Objective function that will be minimized. Note that an Optimize
sequence is allowed to contain, at most, one Minimize command. (An
Optimize sequence is not required to contain a Minimize command)

Use an Optimize sequence with the fmincon solver object to find the point, (x, y), on the unit
circle with the smallest y value. Note that the use of the FminconOptimizer solver assumes
you have access to the Matlab optimization toolbox.

Create FminconOptimizer SQP1

SQP1.MaximumIterations = 50
Create Variable x y Circle

Optimize SQP1
Vary SQP1(x = 1)
Vary SQP1(y = 1)
Circle = x*x + y*y
NonlinearConstraint SQP1(Circle = 1)
Minimize SQP1(y)

Similar to the example given in the Target command Help, use an Optimize sequence to raise
orbit apogee. In the Target command example, we had one control variable, the velocity com-
ponent of an ImpulsiveBurn object, and the single constraint that the position vector magni-
tude at orbit apogee equals 42164. For this example, we keep this control variable and constraint
but we now add a second control variable, the true anomaly of where the burn occurs. In addi-
tion, we ask the optimizer to minimize the Delta-V cost of the burn. As expected, the best (DV
minimizing) orbit location to perform an apogee raising burn is near perigee (i.e., nearTA = 0).
In this example, since the force model in use in not perfectly two body Keplerian, the optimal
TA value obtained is close to but not exactly 0. Note that the use of the VF13ad solver object
in this example assumes that you have installed this optional plug-in.

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aPropagator
Create ImpulsiveBurn aBurn
Create VF13ad VF13ad1
VF13ad1.Tolerance = 1e-008
Create OrbitView EarthView
EarthView.Add = {Earth, aSat}
EarthView.ViewScaleFactor = 5
Create Variable ApogeeRadius DVCost

Optimize VF13ad1
Vary VF13ad1(aSat.TA = 100, {MaxStep = 10})
Vary VF13ad1(aBurn.Element1 = 1, {MaxStep = 1})
Maneuver aBurn(aSat)
Propagate aPropagator(aSat) {aSat.Apoapsis}
GMAT ApogeeRadius = aSat.RMAG
NonlinearConstraint VF13ad1(ApogeeRadius=42164)
GMAT DVCost = aBurn.Element1
Minimize VF13ad1(DVCost)

Reference Guide

Allows you to stop or begin drawing data on a plot

Script Syntax
PenUp OutputNames

OutputNames is the list of subscribers that
PenUp command operates on. When PenUp
command is used on multiple subscribers, then the subscribers
need to be separated by a space.

PenDown OutputNames

OutputNames is the list of subscribers
that PenDown command operates on.
When PenDown command is used on multiple subscribers, then the
subscribers need to be separated by a space.

The PenUp and PenDown commands allow you to stop or begin drawing data on a plot. The
PenUp and PenDown commands operate on XYPlot, OrbitView and GroundTrackPlot sub-
scribers. GMAT allows you to insert PenUp and PenDown commands into the Mission tree
at any location. This allows you to stop or begin drawing data output on a plot at any point in
your mission. The PenUp and PenDown commands can be used through GMAT’s GUI or
the script interface.


Option Description
OutputNames When a PenUp command is issued for a plot, no data is drawn to that
plot until a PenDown command is issued for that plot

Accepted Data Types Resource reference

Allowed Values XYPlot, OrbitView or Ground-
TrackPlot resources
Default Value DefaultOrbitview
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script
OutputNames When a PenDown command is issued for a plot, data is drawn for each
integration step until a PenUp command is issued for that plot.

Accepted Data Types Resource reference

Allowed Values XYPlot, OrbitView or Ground-
TrackPlot resources
Default Value DefaultOrbitview
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide PenUpPenDown

Figures below show default settings for PenUp and PenDown commands:

XYPlot, OrbitView and GroundTrackPlot subscribers plot data at each integration step of
the entire mission duration. If you want to plot data at specific points in your mission, then a
PenUp and PenDown command can be inserted into the mission sequence to control when a
subscriber plots data. For example, when a PenUp command is issued for XYPlot, OrbitView
or GroundTrackPlot, no data is drawn to that plot until a PenDown command is issued for
that same plot. Similarly, when a PenDown command is issued for any of the three subscribers,
then data is drawn for each integration step until a PenUp command is issued for that specific
subscriber. Refer to the Examples section below to see how PenUp and PenDown commands
can be used in the Mission tree.

This example shows how to use PenUp and PenDown commands on multiple subscribers.
PenUp and PenDown commands are used on XYPlot, OrbitView and GroundTrackPlot.
Data is drawn to the plots for first day of the propagation, turned off for second day of propa-
gation and then data is drawn for third day of the propagation:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create XYPlot aPlot

PenUpPenDown Reference Guide

aPlot.XVariable = aSat.ElapsedDays
aPlot.YVariables = {aSat.Earth.SMA}

Create OrbitView anOrbitViewPlot

anOrbitViewPlot.Add = {aSat, Earth}

Create GroundTrackPlot aGroundTrackPlot

aGroundTrackPlot.Add = {aSat, Earth}


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}

PenUp aGroundTrackPlot anOrbitViewPlot aPlot
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}
PenDown aGroundTrackPlot anOrbitViewPlot aPlot
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}

This example shows how to use PenUp and PenDown commands on a single XYPlot sub-
scriber. Data is drawn to the plot for one-third of the day, turned off for second one-third of the
day and then data is drawn again for last one-third of the day:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create XYPlot aPlot1

aPlot1.XVariable = aSat.ElapsedDays
aPlot1.YVariables = {aSat.Earth.Altitude}

Create Variable I
I = 0


While aSat.ElapsedDays < 1.0

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 60}

If I == 480
PenUp aPlot1

If I == 960
PenDown aPlot1

GMAT I = I +1


Reference Guide

Propagates spacecraft to a requested stopping condition

Script Syntax

The Propagate command is a complex command that supports multiple Propagators, multiple
Spacecraft, and multiple stopping conditions. In the syntax definition below, SatList is a comma
separated list of spacecraft and StopList is a comma separated list of stopping conditions. The
general syntax of the Propagate command is:

Propagate [Mode] [BackProp] Propagator1Name(SatList1,{StopList1})...



Propagate [Mode] [BackProp] Propagator1Name(SatList1)...


Most applications propagate a single Spacecraft, forward, to a single stopping condition. In that
case, the syntax simplifies to:

Propagate PropagatorName(SatName,{StopCond});


Propagate PropagatorName(SatName){StopCond};


The Propagate command controls the time evolution of spacecraft. GMAT allows you to propa-
gate single Spacecraft, multiple non-cooperative Spacecraft, and Formations in a single Prop-
agate command. The Propagate command is complex and controls the following aspects of
the temporal modelling of spacecraft:

• The Spacecraft to be propagated

• The model(s) used for the propagation (numerical integration, ephemeris interpolation)
• The condition(s) to be satisfied at the termination of propagation
• The direction of propagation (forwards or backwards in time)
• The time synchronization of multiple Spacecraft
• Propagation of STM and computation of state Jacobian (A-matrix)

See Also: Propagator, Spacecraft, Formation

Reference Guide Propagate


Option Description
Mode Optional flag to time-synchronize propagation of Spacecraft per-
formed by multiple Propagators in a single Propagate command. See
the section called “Remarks” for more details.

Accepted Data Types String

Allowed Values Synchronized
Default Value Not used
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script
BackProp Optional flag to propagate all Spacecraft in a Propagate command
backwards in time.

Accepted Data Types String

Allowed Values BackProp
Default Value Not used
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script
StopList A comma separated list of stopping conditions. Stopping conditions
must be parameters of propagated Spacecraft in SatList. See the sec-
tion called “Remarks” for more details.

Accepted Data Types Reference array

Allowed Values Valid list of stopping conditions
Default Value ElapsedSecs = 12000
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script
SatList A comma separated list of Spacecraft. For SPK type Propagators, the
Spacecraft must be configured with valid SPK kernels.

Accepted Data Types Resource array

Allowed Values Valid list of spacecraft and/or forma-
Default Value DefaultSC
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script
PropagatorName A propagator name.

Accepted Data Types Propagator

Allowed Values Valid Propagator name
Default Value DefaultProp
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script

Propagate Reference Guide

Option Description
StopTolerance Tolerance on the stopping condition root location. See the section
called “Remarks” for more details.

Accepted Data Types Real

Allowed Values Real number > 0
Default Value 0.0000001
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script
STM Optional flag to propagate the orbit STM. STM propagation only oc-
curs for numerical integrator type propagators.

Accepted Data Types String

Allowed Values STM
Default Value Not used
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script
AMatrix The Jacobian of the orbital acceleration. The partial of the first order
acceleration vector with respect to the state vector.

Accepted Data Types String

Allowed Values AMatrix
Default Value Not used
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script

The Propagate command GUI provides an interface to assign Spacecraft to Propagators used
for propagation and to define a set of conditions to terminate propagation. The GUI also allows
you to define the direction of propagation, the synchronization mode for multiple spacecraft,
and whether or not to propagate the STM and compute the A-Matrix.

To follow the examples below, you can load the following script snippet or create a new mis-
sion with three spacecraft (named sat1, sat2, and sat3) and two propagators (named prop1 and

Create Spacecraft sat1 sat2 sat3

Create Propagator prop1 prop2

Defining Spacecraft and Propagators

To demonstrate how to define a set of propagators and Spacecraft for propagation, you will set
up a Propagate command to propagate a Spacecraft named sat1 using a Propagator named
prop1 and Spacecraft named sat2 and sat3 using a Propagator named prop2. You will con-
figure the command to propagate for 1 day or until sat2 reaches periapsis, whichever happens
first. You will need to configure GMAT as described in the the section called “Introduction”
section and add a new Propagate command to your mission sequence. GMAT auto-populates
the Propagate command GUI with the first Propagator in the GUI list and the first Spacecraft
when you add a new Propagate command so you should start from this point.

Reference Guide Propagate

To add a second Propagator to propagate sat2 and sat3 using prop2:

1. In the Propagator list, click the ellipsis button in the second row to open the Propagator
Select Dialog.

2. In the Available Propagators list, click on prop2, and click OK.

3. In the Spacecraft List, click the ellipsis button in the second row to open the Space Object
Select dialog.
4. Click the right-arrow twice to add sat2 and sat3 to the list of selected spacecraft and click Ok.

Propagate Reference Guide

Stopping conditions

Continuing with the example above, now you will configure GMAT to propagate for one elapsed
day or until sat2 reaches periapsis.

1. In the Parameter list, click the ellipsis button in the first row to bring up the Parameter
Select Dialog.
2. In the ObjectProperties list, double click ElapsedDays, and click OK.

3. In the Condition list, double click the first row containing 12000, type 1, and click OK.
4. In the Parameter list, click the ellipsis button in the second row to bring up the Parameter
Select Dialog.
5. In the Object list, click Sat2.
6. In the ObjectProperties list, double click Periapsis and click OK.

The Propagate1 dialog should now look like the image below.

Reference Guide Propagate



The Propagate command documentation below describes how to propagate single and multi-
ple Spacecraft to desired conditions forward and backwards in time. To streamline the script
examples, the objects numSat, spkSat, numProp, and spkProp are assumed to be configured
as shown below. GMAT is distributed with the SPK kernels used in the examples.

Create Spacecraft spkSat;

spkSat.Epoch.UTCGregorian = '02 Jun 2004 12:00:00.000'
spkSat.NAIFId = -123456789;
spkSat.OrbitSpiceKernelName = {'..\data\vehicle\ephem\spk\GEOSat.bsp'};

Create Spacecraft numSat

numSat.Epoch.UTCGregorian = '02 Jun 2004 12:00:00.000'

Create Propagator spkProp;

spkProp.Type = SPK;
spkProp.StartEpoch = FromSpacecraft

Create Propagator numProp

numProp.Type = PrinceDormand78


How to Propagate a Single Spacecraft

Note: See the the section called “Introduction” section for a script snippet to configure GMAT
to execute the examples in this section.

The Propagate command provides a simple interface to propagate a Spacecraft to a stopping

condition or to take a single propagation step. To propagate a single Spacecraft you must specify
the desired Propagator, the Spacecraft to propagate, and if desired, the stopping condition. The
Propagate command supports numerical integrator and ephemeris type propagators. For single
Spacecraft propagation, the syntax is the same regardless of propagator type. For example, to
propagate a Spacecraft using a numerical integrator, you can use the following script snippet:

Propagate numProp(numSat){numSat.Periapsis}
% or
Propagate numProp(numSat,{numSat.Periapsis})

To propagate a single Spacecraft using a Propagator configured to use an SPK kernel use the

Propagate spkProp(spkSat){spkSat.TA = 90}

% or
Propagate spkProp(spkSat,{spkSat.TA = 90})

To take a single propagation step, simply omit the stopping conditions as shown below. The
Propagator will take a step based on its step size control algorithm. See the Propagator docu-
mentation for more information on step size control.

Propagate numProp(numSat)
% or
Propagate spkProp(spkSat)

Propagate Reference Guide

How to Propagate Multiple Spacecraft

The Propagate command allows you to propagate multiple Spacecraft by including a list of
Spacecraft in a single Propagator, by including a Formation in a Propagator, and/or by
including multiple Propagators in a single command. For example purposes, here is a script
snippet that propagates multiple Spacecraft.
Propagate Synchronized Prop1(Sat1,Sat2) Prop2(Sat3,Sat4)...

In the script line above Sat1 and Sat2 are propagated using Prop1; Prop2 is used to propagate
Sat3 and Sat4; all Spacecraft added to aFormation are propagated using Prop3. The Propa-
gate command configured above propagates all Spacecraft until Sat1 reaches Earth periapsis.

All Spacecraft propagated by the same Propagator are time synchronized during propagation.
By time synchronization, we mean that all Spacecraft are propagated across the same time step.
The Synchronized keyword tells GMAT to keep Spacecraft propagated by different Propa-
gators synchronized in time during propagation. Time synchronization among multiple Prop-
agators is performed by taking a single step for all Spacecraft controlled by the first Propaga-
tor (Prop1 in the above example), and then stepping all other Propagators to that time. When
the Synchronized keyword is omitted, Spacecraft propagated by different Propagators are
not synchronized in time. In that case, each Propagator takes steps determined by its step size
control algorithm without regard to the other Propagators in the Propagate command. Time
synchronization is particularly useful if you need ephemeris files for multiple spacecraft with
consistent time tags, or if you are visualizing multiple spacecraft in an OrbitView.

Caution: When using a Propagator configured to use SPK kernels, you can only
have one Spacecraft per Propagator.

This is supported:

Propagate numProp(numSat) spkProp(spkSat1)


This is NOT supported!

Propagate numProp(numSat) spkProp(spkSat1,spkSat2)

Behavior of Stopping Conditions

GMAT allows you to define a set of stopping conditions when propagating Spacecraft that
define conditions that must be satisfied at the termination of the Propagate command. For
example, it is often useful to propagate to an orbital location such as Apogee. When no stopping
condition is provided, the Propagate command takes a single step. When given a set of stopping
conditions, the Propagate command propagates the Spacecraft to the condition that occurs
first in elapsed propagation time and terminates propagation. There are several ways to define
stopping conditions via the script interface. One is to include a comma separated list of stopping
conditions with each Propagator like this.
Propagate Prop1(Sat1,{Sat1.Periapsis}) Prop2(Sat2,{Sat2.Periapsis})

A second approach is to define a comma separated list of stopping conditions at the end of the
Propagate command like this.

Reference Guide Propagate

Propagate Prop1(Sat1) Prop2(Sat2) {Sat1.Periapsis,Sat2.Periapsis}

Note that the above two methods result in the same stopping epoch. When you provide a set
of stopping conditions, regardless of where in the command the stopping condition is defined,
GMAT builds a list of all conditions and tracks them until the first condition occurs.

The Propagate command currently requires that the left hand side of a stopping condition is
a valid Spacecraft parameter. For example, the first line in the following example is supported
and the second line is not supported.

Propagate Prop1(Sat1) {Sat1.TA = 45} % Supported

Propagate Prop1(Sat1) {45 = Sat1.TA} % Not supported

GMAT supports special built-in stopping conditions for apoapsis and periapsis like this:

Propagate Prop1(Sat1) {Sat1.Apoapsis}

Propagate Prop1(Sat1) {Sat1.Mars.Periapsis}

You can define the tolerance on the stopping condition by including the StopTolerance keyword
in the Propagate command as shown below. In this example, GMAT will propagate until the
true anomaly of Sat1 is 90 degrees to within +/- 1e-5 degrees.

Propagate Prop1(Sat1) {Sat1.TA = 90, StopTolerance = 1e-5}

Caution: GMAT currently propagates Spacecraft to a time quantization of a few
microseconds. Depending upon the rate of the stopping condition function, it may
not be possible to locate the stopping condition to the requested StopTolerance.
In that case, GMAT throws a warning to alert you that the tolerance was not sat-
isfied and provides information on the achieved stopping value and the requested

Note: GMAT does not currently support tolerances on a per stopping condition ba-
sis. If you include StopTolerance multiple times in a single Propagate command,
GMAT uses the last value provided.

The Propagate command uses an algorithm called the First Step Algorithm (FSA) when back-
to-back propagations occur and both propagations have at least one stopping condition that is
the same in both commands. For example:

Propagate prop1(Sat1) {Sat1.TA = 90}

Propagate prop1(Sat1) {Sat1.TA = 90, StopTolerance = 1e-4}

The FSA determines the behavior of the first step when the last propagation performed on a
Spacecraft was terminated using a stopping condition listed in the current command. If the
error in the stopping condition at the initial epoch of the second Propagate command is less
than SafetyFactor*StopTolerance, the propagate command will take one integration step be-
fore attempting to locate the stopping condition again. In the FSA, SafetyFactor = 10, and the
StopTolerance is from the second Propagate command. Continuing with the example above,
if abs(TA_Achieved - TA_Desired) < 1e-3 -- where TA_Achieved is the TA after the first Prop-
agate command and TA_Desired is the requested value of TA in the second Propagate com-
mand -- then the Propagate command will take one step before attempting to locate the stop-
ping condition. The first step algorithm works the same way for forward propagation, backwards
propagation, and changing propagation directions.

Propagate Reference Guide

Caution: It is possible to specify a StopTolerance that cannot be satisfied by the
stopping condition root locators and in that case, a warning is thrown. However,
subsequent Propagate commands using the same stopping conditions may not
behave as desired. For the FSA algorithm to work as designed, you must provide
StopTolerance values that are achievable.

How to Propagate Backwards

To propagate backwards using the script interface, include the keyword BackProp between the
Propagate command and the first Propagator in the command as shown below. All Propaga-
tors in the command will propagate backwards.

Propagate Synchronized BackProp Prop1(Sat1,Sat2) Prop2(Sat3,Sat4)...


Propagate Backprop numProp(numSat){numSat.Periapsis}

How to Propagate the STM and Compute the Jacobian (A-matrix)

GMAT propagates the STM for all Spacecraft propagated using numerical integrators by in-
cluding the STM keyword in a Propagate command as shown below. If the STM keyword is
included anywhere in a Propagate command, the STM is propagated for all spacecraft using
numerical propagators.

Propagate Backprop numProp(numSat,’STM’){numSat.Periapsis}

GMAT does not currently support propagating the STM when propagating Formation re-
sources or when using SPK type propagators.

Limitations of the Propagate Command

• When using an SPK-type Propagator, only a single Spacecraft can be propagated by a given
• GMAT does not currently support propagating the STM when propagating Formation ob-
• When computing the A-matrix during propagation, the A-matrix values are only accessible
via the C-Interface.

Propagate a single Spacecraft to Earth periapsis

Create Spacecraft numSat

numSat.Epoch.UTCGregorian = '02 Jun 2004 12:00:00.000'

Create Propagator numProp

numProp.Type = PrinceDormand78


Propagate numProp(numSat) {numSat.Earth.Periapsis}

Propagate a single Spacecraft for one day.

Reference Guide Propagate

Create Spacecraft numSat

numSat.Epoch.UTCGregorian = '02 Jun 2004 12:00:00.000'

Create Propagator numProp

numProp.Type = PrinceDormand78


Propagate numProp(numSat) {numSat.ElapsedDays = 1}

Propagate a single Spacecraft backwards to true anomaly of 90 degrees.

Create Spacecraft numSat

numSat.Epoch.UTCGregorian = '02 Jun 2004 12:00:00.000'

Create Propagator numProp

numProp.Type = PrinceDormand78


Propagate BackProp numProp(numSat) {numSat.TA = 90}

Propagate two Spacecraft, each using a different Propagator, but keep the Spacecraft syn-
chronized in time. Propagate until either Spacecraft reaches a mean anomaly of 45 degrees.

Create Spacecraft aSat1 aSat2

aSat1.Epoch.UTCGregorian = '02 Jun 2004 12:00:00.000'
aSat2.Epoch.UTCGregorian = '02 Jun 2004 12:00:00.000'
aSat2.TA = 0;

Create Propagator aProp1

aProp1.Type = PrinceDormand78
Create Propagator aProp2
aProp2.Type = PrinceDormand78


Propagate Synchronized aProp1(aSat1) aProp2(aSat2) ...

{aSat1.MA = 45,aSat2.MA = 45}

Reference Guide

Allows you to write data to a text file

Script Syntax
Report ReportName DataList

ReportName option allows you to specify the
ReportFile for data output.
DataList option allows you to output data to the Filename
specified by the ReportName. Multiple objects can be written
in the DataList when they are separated by spaces.

The Report command allows you to report data at specific points in your mission sequence.
GMAT allows you to insert Report command into the Mission tree at any location. Report
command can be used through GMAT’s GUI or via the script interface. The parameters reported
by Report command are placed into a report file that can be accessed at the end of the mission

See Also: ReportFile


Option Description
ReportName The ReportName option allows the user to specify the ReportFile
for data output.

Accepted Data Types Resource reference

Allowed Values ReportFile resource
Default Value DefaultReportFile
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script
DataList The DataList option allows the user to output data to the file name
that is specified by the ReportName. Multiple objects can be in the
DataList when they are separated by spaces.

Accepted Data Types Reference array

Allowed Values Spacecraft, ImpulsiveBurn re-
portable parameters, Array, Array El-
ement, Variable, or a String.
Default Value DefaultSC.A1ModJulian
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script

Figure below shows default settings for Report command:

Reference Guide Report

Report command can be used to report data to a report file at specific points in your mission. If
you want data to be reported at each propagation step of the entire mission duration, then you
should not use Report command. Instead you should use ReportFile resource. See ReportFile
resource section of the User's Guide to learn about the syntax that allows you to report data at
each raw integrator steps.

Propagate an orbit for two days and report epoch and selected orbital elements to a report file
using the Report command.

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ReportFile aReport

Create Propagator aProp


Report aReport aSat.UTCGregorian aSat.Earth.SMA aSat.Earth.ECC ...

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 2}
Report aReport aSat.UTCGregorian aSat.Earth.SMA aSat.Earth.ECC ...

Report user-defined parameters such as variables, array elements and a string to a report file
using the Report command.

Report Reference Guide

Create ReportFile aReport

Create Variable aVar aVar2

aVar = 100
aVar2 = 2000

Create Array aArray[2,2]

aArray(1, 1) = 2
aArray(1, 2) = 3
aArray(2, 1) = 4
aArray(2, 2) = 5

Create String aString

aString = 'GMAT is awesome'


Report aReport aVar aVar2 aArray(1,1) aArray(1,2) aArray(2,1) ...

aArray(2,2) aString

While spacecraft propagates for less than a day, report spacecraft's true anomaly, eccentricity and
altitude after every 3600 seconds using the Report command:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ReportFile aReport
Create Propagator aProp


While aSat.ElapsedDays < 1

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 3600 }
Report aReport aSat.Earth.TA aSat.Earth.ECC aSat.Earth.Altitude

Reference Guide

Stop mission execution

The Stop command stops execution of the current mission at the point that the command is
encountered and returns control to the GMAT interface. The effect is similar to that of the Stop
button on the GUI toolbar.

The Stop command can be inserted into and deleted from Mission tree, but the command has
no GUI panel of its own.

The Stop command stops execution of the current mission, not the GMAT application. All
data displayed to the point, at which the script was stopped (e.g. OrbitView windows, Ground-
TrackPlot windows), remain available for manipulation. Using the Stop command within a loop
or solver structure will stop execution at the first iteration during which the command is en-

Stopping the execution of a script between commands:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ForceModel aForceModel
Create Propagator aProp
aProp.FM = aForceModel


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 30};

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 30};

Stopping the execution of a solver structure for further investigation:

Create FuelTank aTank

Create ForceModel aForceModel
Create DifferentialCorrector aDC

Create Spacecraft aSat

aSat.Tanks = {aTank}

Create Propagator aProp

aProp.FM = aForceModel

Create ImpulsiveBurn anIB

anIB.DecrementMass = true
anIB.Tanks = {aTank}


Reference Guide Stop

Target aDC
Vary aDC(anIB.Element1 = 0.5)
Maneuver anIB(aSat)
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Periapsis}
If aSat.aTank.FuelMass < 10
Achieve aDC(aSat.Altitude = 1000)

Reference Guide

Solve for condition(s) by varying one or more parameters

Script Syntax
Target SolverName [{[SolveMode = value], [ExitMode = value]}]
Vary command …
script statement …
Achieve command …

See the section called “Remarks” and the section called “Description” for this com-
plex command. Multiple Vary and Achieve commands are permitted. Script state-
ments can appear anywhere in the Target sequence.

The Target and EndTarget commands are used to define a Target sequence to determine, for
example, the maneuver components required to raise the orbit apogee to 42164 km. Another
common targeting example is to determine the parking orbit orientation required to align a lunar
transfer orbit with the moon. Target sequences in GMAT are general and these are just examples.
Let’s define the quantities whose values you don’t know precisely, but need to determine, as the
control variables. Define the conditions that must be satisfied as the constraints. A Target sequence
numerically solves a boundary value problem to determine the value of the control variables
required to satisfy the constraints. You define your control variables by using Vary commands
and you define the problems constraints using Achieve commands. The Target/EndTarget
sequence is an advanced command. The examples later in this section give additional details.

See also: DifferentialCorrector,Vary,Achieve,Optimize,


Option Description
ApplyCorrections This GUI button replaces the initial guess values specified in the Vary
commands. If the Target sequence converged, the converged values
are applied. If the Target sequence did not converge, the last calculated
values are applied. There is one situation where the action specified
above, where the initial guess values specified in the Vary commands
are replaced, does not occur. This happens when the initial guess value
specified in the Vary command is given by a variable. See the Remarks
section of the help for additional details.

Accepted Data Types N/A

Allowed Values N/A
Default Value N/A
Required no
Interfaces GUI

Reference Guide Target

Option Description
ExitMode Controls the initial guess values for Target sequences nested in control
flow. If ExitMode is set to SaveAndContinue, the solution of a Tar-
get sequence is saved and used as the initial guess for the next Target
sequence execution. The rest of the mission sequence is then execut-
ed. If ExitMode is set to DiscardAndContinue, then the solution is
discarded and the initial guess values specified in the Vary commands
are used for each Target sequence execution. The rest of the mission
sequence is then executed. If ExitMode is set to Stop, the Target se-
quence is executed, the solution is discarded, and the rest of the mission
sequence is not executed.

Accepted Data Types Reference Array

Allowed Values DiscardAndContinue, SaveAnd-
Continue, Stop
Default Value DiscardAndContinue
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script
SolveMode Specifies how the Target sequence behaves during mission execution.
When SolveMode is set to Solve, the Target sequence executes and
attempts to solve the boundary value problem satisfying the targeter
constraints (i.e, goals). When SolveMode is set to RunInitialGuess,
the targeter does not attempt to solve the boundary value problem and
the commands in the Target sequence execute using the initial guess
values defined in the Vary commands.

Accepted Data Types Reference Array

Allowed Values Solve, RunInitialGuess
Default Value Solve
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script
SolverName Identifies the DifferentialCorrector used for a Target sequence.

Accepted Data Types DifferentialCorrector

Allowed Values Any user-defined or default Differen-
Default Value DefaultDC
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script


The Target command allows you to use a differential correction process to solve problems. To
solve a given problem, you need to create a so-called Target sequence which we now define.
When you add a Target command to the mission sequence, an EndTarget command is auto-
matically added as shown below.

Target Reference Guide

In the example above, the Target command sequence is defined as all of the commands be-
tween the Target1 and End Target1 commands, inclusive. Although not shown above, a Tar-
get command sequence must contain both a Vary command and an Achieve command. The
Vary command is used to define the control variables which can be varied in order to achieve a
certain goal. The Achieve command is used to define the desired goal. In order for the Target
aequence to be well formed, there must be at least one Vary command before any Achieve
commands, so that the variable defined in the Vary command can affect the goal specified in
the subsequent Achieve commands. Double click on Target1 command above to bring up the
Target command dialog box, shown below, which allows you to specify your choice of Solver
(i.e., your choice of DifferentialCorrector), Solver Mode, and Exit Mode. As described in the
Remarks section, the Target command dialog box also allows you to apply corrections to your
Target command sequence.

Content of a Target/EndTarget Sequence
A Target/EndTarget sequence must contain at least one Vary command and at least one
Achieve Command. See the Vary and Achieve command sections for details on the syntax
for those commands. The First Vary command must occur before the first Achieve command.
Target commands must be be coupled with one and only one EndTarget command. Each
Target command field in the curly braces is optional. You can omit the entire list and the curly
braces and the default values will be used for Target configuration fields such as SolveMode
and ExitMode.

Use of a Target/EndTarget Sequence

GMAT Target sequences can solve square problems (the number of Control Variables equals
the number of constraints), over-determined problems (the number of Control Variables is less

Reference Guide Target

than the number of constraints) and under-determined problems (the number of Control Vari-
ables is greater than the number of constraints). In any of these cases, there may not be a solution
and the type of solution found depends on the selection of the targeter (currently, only differ-
ential correctors are supported). Assuming a solution to the problem exists and assuming cer-
tain mathematical conditions are satisfied, there is often one solution for a square problem and
many solutions to an under-determined problem. Problems with more goals (i.e., constraints)
than variables may not have a solution. If your problem is under-determined, consider using an
Optimize sequence to find an optimal solution in the space of feasible solutions.

If you configure a Target sequence and get the error “Rmatrix error: matrix is
singular”, then your control variables defined in the Vary commands do not affect
the constraints defined in the Achieve commands. A common mistake in this case
is that you forgot to apply a maneuver.

Note on Using Apply Corrections

After the Target sequence has been run, you may choose to apply corrections by navigating
to the Mission tree, right-clicking the Target command to bring up the Target window, and
clicking the Apply Corrections button. The Apply Corrections button replaces the initial guess
values specified in the Vary commands . If the Target sequence converged, the converged values
are applied. If the Target sequence did not converge, the last calculated values are applied. Note
that the Apply Corrections feature is only currently available through the GUI interface.

There is one situation where the action specified above, where the initial guess values specified
in the Vary commands are replaced, does not occur. This happens, as illustrated in the example
below, when the initial guess value specified in the Vary command is given by a variable. In this
situation, the Apply Corrections button has no affect since GMAT does not allow variables
to be overwritten.

Create Variable InitialGuess_BurnDuration BurnDuration

Create DifferentialCorrector aDC
Target aDC
Vary aDC(BurnDuration = InitialGuess_BurnDuration)
Achieve aDC(BurnDuration = 10) % atypical Achieve command for
% illustrative purposes only

Command Interactions

Vary com- Every Target sequence must contain at least one Vary command. Vary commands
mand are used to define the control variables associated with a Target sequence.
Achieve Every Target sequence must contain at least one Achieve command. Achieve
command commands are used to define the goals associated with a Target sequence.

Use a Target sequence to solve for a root of an algebraic equation. Here we provide an initial
guess of 5 for the Control Variable (or independent variable) x, and solve for the value of x that
satisfies the Constraint y = 0, where y :=3*x^3 + 2*x^2 - 4*x + 8. After executing this example

Target Reference Guide

you can look in the message window to see the solution for the variable x. You can easily check
that the value obtained does indeed satisfy the constraint.

Create Variable x y
Create DifferentialCorrector aDC


Target aDC
Vary aDC(x = 5)
y = 3*x^3 + 2*x^2 - 4*x + 8
Achieve aDC(y = 0,{Tolerance = 0.0000001})

Use a Target sequence to raise orbit apogee. Here the control variable is the velocity component
of an ImpulsiveBurn object. The Constraint is that the position vector magnitude at orbit
apogee is 42164.

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aPropagator
Create Variable I
Create ImpulsiveBurn aBurn
Create DifferentialCorrector aDC

Create OrbitView EarthView

EarthView.Add = {Earth,aSat}
EarthView.ViewScaleFactor = 5


Target aDC
Vary aDC(aBurn.Element1 = 1.0, {Upper = 3})
Maneuver aBurn(aSat)
Propagate aPropagator(aSat,{aSat.Apoapsis})
Achieve aDC(aSat.RMAG = 42164)

Similar to the previous example, we use a Target sequence to raise orbit apogee except that this
time we use a finite burn. Here the control variable is the duration of the Velocity component
of a FiniteBurn object. The Constraint is that the position vector magnitude at orbit apogee is
12000. Additional detail on the example below can be found in the Target Finite Burn to Raise
Apogee tutorial.

Create Spacecraft DefaultSC

Create Propagator DefaultProp
Create Thruster Thruster1
GMAT Thruster1.C1 = 1000
GMAT Thruster1.DecrementMass = true
Create FuelTank FuelTank1
GMAT Thruster1.Tank = {FuelTank1}
Create FiniteBurn FiniteBurn1
GMAT FiniteBurn1.Thrusters = {Thruster1}
GMAT DefaultSC.Tanks = {FuelTank1}
GMAT DefaultSC.Thrusters = {Thruster1}
Create Variable BurnDuration
Create DifferentialCorrector DC1


Reference Guide Target

Propagate DefaultProp(DefaultSC) {DefaultSC.Earth.Periapsis}

Target DC1
Vary DC1(BurnDuration = 200, {Upper = 10000})
BeginFiniteBurn FiniteBurn1(DefaultSC)
Propagate DefaultProp(DefaultSC){DefaultSC.ElapsedSecs=BurnDuration}
EndFiniteBurn FiniteBurn1(DefaultSC)
Propagate DefaultProp(DefaultSC) {DefaultSC.Earth.Apoapsis}
Achieve DC1(DefaultSC.Earth.RMAG = 12000)

Reference Guide

Allows you to turn data output off or on

Script Syntax
Toggle OutputNames Arg

OutputNames is the list of subscribers that are to be toggled.
When multiple subscribers are being toggled in the OutputNames,
then they need to be separated by a space.
Arg option allows you to turn off or on the data output to
the selected subscribers listed in the OutputNames.

The Toggle command allows you to turn data output off or on for the subscribers that you se-
lect such as ReportFile, XYPlot, OrbitView, GroundTrackPlot and EphemerisFile. GMAT
allows you to insert Toggle command into the Mission tree at any location and data output
can be turned off or on at any point in your mission. Toggle command can be used through
GMAT’s GUI or the script interface.


Option Description
OutputNames The Toggle option allows the user to assign subscribers such as Re-
portFile, XYPlot, OrbitView, GrounTrackPlot or EphemerisFile
to be toggled. When more than one subscriber is being toggled, they
need to be separated by a space.

Accepted Data Types Resource reference

Allowed Values ReportFile, XYPlot, OrbitView,
GroundTrackPlot or Ephemeris-
File resources
Default Value DefaultOrbitView
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script
Arg The Arg option allows the user to turn off or on the data output to the
selected subscriber.

Accepted Data Types Boolean

Allowed Values On, Off
Default Value On
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script

Figure below shows default settings for Toggle command:

Reference Guide Toggle

The subscribers such as ReportFile, XYPlot, OrbitView, GroundTrackPlot and Ephemer-
isFile report or plot data at each propagation step of the entire mission duration. If you want to
report data to any of these subscribers at specific points in your mission, then a Toggle On/Off
command can be inserted into the mission sequence to control when a subscriber reports or
plots data. For example, when a Toggle Off command is issued for a XYPlot, no data is plotted
onto the X and Y axis of the graph until a Toggle On command is issued. Similarly when a
Toggle On command is used, data is plotted onto the X and Y axis at each integration step until
a Toggle Off command is used.

This example shows how to use Toggle Off and Toggle On commands while using the XYPlot
resource. Spacecraft’s position magnitude and semi-major-axis are plotted as a function of time.
XYPlot is turned off for the first 2 days of the propagation:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create XYPlot aPlot

aPlot.XVariable = aSat.ElapsedDays
aPlot.YVariables = {aSat.Earth.RMAG, aSat.Earth.SMA}


Toggle aPlot Off

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 2}
Toggle aPlot On
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 4}

This example shows how to use Toggle Off and Toggle On commands while using the Re-
portFile resource. Spacecraft’s cartesian position vector is reported to the report file. Report file
is turned off for the first day of the propagation:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create ReportFile aReport

aReport.Filename = 'ReportFile1.txt'
aReport.Add = {aSat.ElapsedDays aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.X ...

Toggle Reference Guide

aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.Z}


Toggle aReport Off

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}
Toggle aReport On
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 4}

This example shows how to toggle multiple subscribers. Toggle Off and Toggle On commands
are used on multiple subscribers like ReportFile, XYPlot and EphemerisFile. Subscribers are
turned off for first 3 days of the propagation:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create ReportFile aReport

aReport.Filename = 'ReportFile1.txt'
aReport.Add = {aSat.ElapsedDays aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.X ...
aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.Y aSat.EarthMJ2000Eq.Z}

Create XYPlot aPlot

aPlot.XVariable = aSat.ElapsedDays
aPlot.YVariables = {aSat.Earth.RMAG, aSat.Earth.SMA}

Create EphemerisFile aEphemerisFile

aEphemerisFile.Spacecraft = aSat


Toggle aReport aPlot aEphemerisFile Off

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 3}
Toggle aReport aPlot aEphemerisFile On
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 1}

Reference Guide

Specifies variables used by a solver

Script Syntax
Vary SolverName(<UserSelectedControl>=InitialGuess,
[{[Perturbation=Arg1], [MaxStep=Arg2],
[Lower=Arg3], [Upper=Arg4],
[AdditiveScalefactor=Arg5], [MultiplicativeScalefactor=Arg6]}])


The Vary command is used in conjunction with either the Target or the Optimize command.
The Vary command defines the control variable used by the targeter or optimizer. The Target
or Optimize sequence then varies these control variables until certain desired conditions are
met. Every Target or Optimize sequence must contain at least one Vary command.

See Also: DifferentialCorrector, FminconOptimizer, VF13ad, Target, Optimize


Option Description
AdditiveScaleFactor Number used to nondimensionalize the independent variable.
The solver sees only the nondimensional form of the variable.
The nondimensionalization is performed using the following
equation: xn = m (xd + a). (xn is the non-dimensional parame-
ter. xd is the dimensional parameter. a= additive scale factor.
m= multiplicative scale factor.)  Note the nondimensionaliza-
tion process occurs after the perturbation to the control vari-
able has been applied.  Thus, xd represents a perturbed control

Accepted Data Types Real Number, Array element,

Variable, or any user defined
Allowed Values Real Number, Array element,
Variable, or any user defined
Default Value 0
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Vary

Option Description
InitialGuess Specifies the initial guess for the selected Variable

Accepted Data Types Real Number, Array element,

Variable, or any user-defined
parameter that obeys the con-
ditions for the selected Vari-
able object
Allowed Values Real Number, Array element,
Variable, or any user-defined
parameter that obeys the con-
ditions for the selected Vari-
able object
Default Value 0.5
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script
Lower The Lower option (only used for the Differential Corrector and
fmincon solvers) is used to set the lower bound of the control
Variable. Lower must be less than Upper.

Accepted Data Types Real Number, Array element,

Variable, or any user defined
Allowed Values Real Number, Array element,
Variable, or any user defined
para- meter (Upper > Lower )
Default Value 0
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script
MaxStep The MaxStep option (only used for the DifferentialCorrector
and VF13ad solvers) is the maximum allowed change in the
control variable during a single iteration of the solver.

Accepted Data Types Real Number, Array element,

Variable, or any user defined
parameter > 0
Allowed Values Real Number, Array element,
Variable, or any user defined
parameter > 0
Default Value 0.2
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script

Vary Reference Guide

Option Description
MultiplicativeScaleFactor Number used to nondimensionalize the independent variable.
The solver sees only the nondimensional form of the variable.
The nondimensionalization is performed using the following
equation: xn = m (xd + a). (xn is the non-dimensional parame-
ter. xd is the dimensional parameter. a= additive scale factor.
m= multiplicative scale factor.)  Note the nondimensionaliza-
tion process occurs after the perturbation to the control vari-
able has been applied.  Thus, xd represents a perturbed control

Accepted Data Types Real Number, Array element,

Variable, or any user defined
Allowed Values Real Number, Array element,
Variable, or any user defined
parameter > 0
Default Value 1
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script
Perturbation The Perturbation option (only used for the DifferentialCor-
rector and VF13ad solvers) is the perturbation step sized used
to calculate the finite difference derivative

Accepted Data Types Real Number, Array element,

Variable, or any user defined
Allowed Values Real Number, Array element,
Variable, or any user defined
parameter != 0
Default Value 0.0001
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script
SolverName Allows you to choose which solver to assign to the Vary com-
mand. In the context of a Target sequence, you will choose
a DifferentialCorrector object. In the context of an Opti-
mize sequence, you will choose either a FminconOptimizer
or VF13ad object.

Accepted Data Types Solver (either an Optimizer or

a Targeter)
Allowed Values Any user defined Optimizer or
Default Value DefaultDC in a Target se-
quence and DefaultSQP in
an Optimize sequence
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script

Reference Guide Vary

Option Description
Upper The Upper option (only used for the DifferentialCorrec-
tor and FminconOptimizer solvers) is used to set the upper
bound of the control Variable. Lower must be less than Upper.

Accepted Data Types Real Number, Array element,

Variable, or any user defined
Allowed Values Real Number, Array element,
Variable, or any user defined
para- meter (Upper > Lower )
Default Value 3.14159
Required no
Interfaces GUI, script
UserSelectedControl Allows you to select any single element user-defined parame-
ter, except a number, to vary. For example, DefaultIB.V,
DefaultIB.N, DefaultIB.Element1, DefaultSC.TA,
Array(1,1), and Variable are all valid values. The three ele-
ment burn vector or multidimensional Arrays are not valid val-

Accepted Data Types Parameter, Array element,

Variable, or any other single
element user-defined parame-
ter, excluding numbers.  Note
that the variable chosen must
be settable in the Mission
Allowed Values Spacecraft parameter, Array el-
ement, Variable, or any other
single element user-defined pa-
rameter, excluding numbers
Default Value DefaultIB.Element1
Required yes
Interfaces GUI, script


The Vary command, only valid within either a Target or an Optimize sequence, is used to
define the control variables which will be used to solve a problem. The Vary command dialog
box is shown below.

Vary Reference Guide

The Vary command dialog box allows you to specify

• Choice of Solver (a differential corrector if using a Target sequence or an optimizer if using

an Optimize sequence).
• Control Variable object. To define the control Variable used in the Vary command, click the
Edit button to bring up the ParameterSelectDialog as shown below. Use the arrow to select
the desired object and then click OK.
• Initial Value for the control variable object.
• Perturbation Step size used as part of the finite differencing algorithm. As noted in the
Remarks section, this field is only used if the solver chosen is a differential corrector or a
VF13AD optimizer.
• Lower allowed limit for the converged control variable object. As noted in the Remarks sec-
tion, this field is only used if the solver chosen is a differential corrector or a fmincon opti-
• Upper allowed limit for the converged control variable object. As noted in the Remarks sec-
tion, this field is only used if the solver chosen is a differential corrector or a fmincon opti-
• Maximum step size (Max Step), per iteration, for the control variable object. As noted in
the Remarks section, this field is only used if the solver chosen is a differential corrector or
a VF13AD optimizer.
• Additive Scale Factor used to scale the control variable object.
• Multiplicative Scale Factor used to scale the control variable object.

Vary Command Options
The Vary command is designed to work with all three of the GMAT targeters and optimizers
(Differential Corrector, fmincon, and VF13AD). The solvers, which are developed by different
parties, all work slightly differently and thus have different needs. The table below shows which
command options are available for a given solver.

Differential Corrector fmincon VF13AD

SolverName X X X
Variable X X X
InitialGuess X X X

Reference Guide Vary

Differential Corrector fmincon VF13AD

AdditiveScaleFactor X X X
MultiplicativeScaleFactor X X X
Lower X X
Upper X X
Perturbation X X
MaxStep X X

The Vary syntax allows you to specify the value of an option even if a particular solver would
not use the information.

Vary Command Accepts Repeated Parameters

As shown in the example below, the Vary command accepts repeated parameters.

Vary DefaultDC(ImpulsiveBurn1.Element1 = 2, ...

{Perturbation = 1e99, Perturbation = .001})

The accepted best practice is not to repeat parameters in any given command. However, for the
Vary command, if you accidentally sets the same parameter multiple times, the last setting takes
precedence. Thus, in the example above, the perturbation step size is set to 0.001.

Use of Thruster Parameters in a Vary Command

If you wish to use thruster parameters, such as thrust direction, in a Vary command, then you
must reference the cloned (child) object directly. In the example below, we first show syntax,
using the parent object that does not work. We then show the correct syntax using the cloned
(child) object.

%Referencing the parent object, thruster1, does not work.

Vary DC1(thruster1.ThrustDirection1 = 0.4)
Vary DC1(thruster1.ThrustDirection2 = 0.5)

%Referencing the cloned (child) object, Sc.thruster1, does work.

Vary DC1(Sc.thruster1.ThrustDirection1 = 0.4)
Vary DC1(Sc.thruster1.ThrustDirection2 = 0.5)

Command Interactions

Target command A Vary command only occurs within a Target or

Optimize sequence.
Optimize command A Vary command only occurs within a Target or
Optimize sequence.
Achieve command The Achieve command, used as part of a Target se-
quence, specifies the desired result or goal (obtained
by using the Vary command to vary the control vari-
NonlinearConstraint command The NonlinearConstraint command, used as part
of an Optimize sequence, specifies the desired re-
sult or goal (obtained by using the Vary command
to vary the control variables).

Vary Reference Guide

Minimize command The Minimize command, used as part of an Opti-

mize sequence, specifies the desired quantity to be
minimized (obtained by using the Vary command to
vary the control variables).

As mentioned above, the Vary command only occurs within either a Target or an Optimize
sequence. See the Target and Optimize command help for examples showing the use of the
Vary command.

Reference Guide

Execute a series of commands repeatedly while a condition is met

Script Syntax
While logical expression
[script statement]


The While command is a control logic statement that executes a series of commands repeatedly
as long as the value of the provided logical expression is true. The logical expression is evaluated
before every iteration of the loop. If the expression is initially false, the loop is never executed.
The syntax of the expression is described in the script language reference.

See Also: Script Language, For, If


The While command GUI panel features a table in which you can build a complex logical
expression. The rows of the table correspond to individual relational expressions in a compound
logical expression, and the columns correspond to individual elements of those expressions. The
first line automatically contains a default statement:

While DefaultSC.ElapsedDays < 1.0

The first column of the first row contains a placeholder for the While command name. This
cannot be changed. The first column of each additional row contains the logical operator (&,
|) that joins the expression in that row with the one above it. To select a logical operator, dou-
ble-click or right-click in the appropriate box in the table, and a selection window will appear.
Click the correct operator and click OK to select it.

Reference Guide While

The Left Hand Side column contains the left-hand side of each individual relational expression.
Double-click the cell to type a parameter name. To set this value from a parameter selection list
instead, either click “…” to the left of the cell you want to set, or right-click the cell itself. A
ParameterSelectDialog window will appear that allows you to choose a parameter.

The Condition column contains the conditional operator (==, ~=, <, etc.) that joins the left-
hand and right-hand sides of the expression. To select a relational operator, double-click or right-
click in the appropriate box in the table, and a selection window will appear. Click the correct
operator and click OK to select it.

While Reference Guide

Finally, the Right Hand Side column contains the right-hand side of the expression. This value
can be modified the same way as the Left Hand Side column.

When you are finished, click Apply to save your changes, or click OK to save your changes and
close the window. The command will be validated when either button is clicked.

Propagate a spacecraft until it reaches a predefined altitude, reporting data at each periapsis

Create Spacecraft aSat

aSat.SMA = 6800
aSat.ECC = 0

Create ForceModel aForceModel

aForceModel.Drag.AtmosphereModel = MSISE90

Create Propagator aProp

aProp.FM = aForceModel

Create ReportFile aReport


While aSat.Altitude > 300

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Periapsis}
Report aReport aSat.TAIGregorian aSat.Altitude

Reference Guide

Table of Contents
Calculation Parameters .............................................................................................. 457
Command-Line Usage ............................................................................................... 481
MATLAB Interface .................................................................................................. 483
Script Language ........................................................................................................ 487
Startup File .............................................................................................................. 499

Reference Guide

Calculation Parameters
Resource properties available for use by commands and output


Parameters are named resource properties that can be used to obtain data for use by Mission
Sequence commands or by output resources. Some parameters, such as the Altitude parameter
of Spacecraft, are calculated values that can only be used to retrieve data. They cannot be set
directly. Others, such as the Element1 parameter of ImpulsiveBurn, share the same name as a
resource field and can be used both to set data and retrieve it. Parameters are distinguished from
resource fields by their extra functionality: fields are static resource properties that are usually
set in initialization (or in the GUI Resources tree), while parameters can be calculated on the fly
and used in plots, reports, and mathematical expressions.

Parameters are classified as one of four types: central-body-dependent parameters, coor-

dinate-system-dependent parameters, attached-hardware parameters, and standalone parame-
ters. Standalone parameters are the simplest type, as they have no dependencies. The
ElapsedSecs parameter of Spacecraft is an example of this; it is simply referenced as

Central-body-dependent parameters, as the name suggests, have a value that is dependent on the
chosen celestial body. The Altitude parameter of Spacecraft is an example of this. To reference
this parameter, you must specify a central body, such as Spacecraft.Mars.Altitude. Any
built-in central body or user-defined Asteroid, Comet, Moon, or Planet is valid as a dependen-
cy. If the dependency is omitted, Earth is assumed.

Likewise, coordinate-system-dependent parameters have a value that is dependent on the cho-

sen coordinate system. The DEC parameter of Spacecraft is an example of this. To refer-
ence this parameter, you must specify the name of a CoordinateSystem resource, such as
Spacecraft.EarthFixed.DEC. Any default or user-defined CoordinateSystem resource
is valid as a dependency. If the dependency is omitted, EarthMJ2000Eq is assumed.

Attached-hardware parameters have no dependencies, but are themselves dependent on being

attached to a Spacecraft. FuelTank and Thruster parameters are examples of this. The Fuel-
Mass parameter of FuelTank cannot be referenced without first attaching the FuelTank to a
Spacecraft. Then, the parameter can be referenced as: Spacecraft.FuelTank.FuelMass.

The individual parameters are resource-specific, and are documented in the tables below. The
GUI has a parameter selection interface that is common to all parameters. This interface is
documented in GUI, below.

See Also: Array, FuelTank, ImpulsiveBurn, Spacecraft, String, Thruster, Variable


Parameters can be used as input in several places throughout GMAT, such as the ReportFile
and XYPlot resources and the If/Else, Propagate, and Report commands. In the GUI, all
of these use a common interface called the ParameterSelectDialog that allows for interactive
parameter selection. A basic ParameterSelectDialog window looks like the following:

Reference Guide Calculation Parameters

The ParameterSelectDialog window is used to build a parameter, along with any dependencies,
for use in a command or resource. Some resources and commands have different requirements
for the types of parameters that can be used, so the ParameterSelectDialog can take slightly
different forms, depending on where it's used. This section will describe the generic interface,
then mention any resource- or command-specific exceptions.

General Usage
The first step in choosing a parameter is to select the object (or resource) type from the Object
Type list in the upper left. Five types can appear in this list: Spacecraft, ImpulsiveBurn, Vari-
able, Array, and String.

Once you've selected a type, The Object List box is populated with all existing resources of that
type. Use this list to choose the specific resource you'd like to reference.

If the Spacecraft type is selected, the Attached Hardware List appears below the Object List.
This list displays any hardware (such as FuelTank resources) attached to the selected Spacecraft.
If the Array type is selected, Row and Col boxes appear. Use these to specify a row and column
to select an individual array element, or check Select Entire Object to choose the entire array.

Once a resource is selected, the Object Properties list is populated with all available parameters
provided by that resource. Some resources, such as instances of Variable or Array, are them-
selves parameters, so this list remains empty.

Parameters with different dependency types are commingled in the Object Properties list.
When you select one, the appropriate dependency (if any) appears below the list. For example,
after selecting the Spacecraft AOP parameter, a CoordinateSystem list appears. After select-
ing the Spacecraft Apoapsis parameter, a Central Body list appears. And after selecting the
Spacecraft Cd parameter, no dependency list appears. To select a range of parameters from the
Object Properties list, hold down the Shift key while selecting the second endpoint of the range.
To select multiple individual parameters, hold down the Ctrl key while making each selection.

To select a parameter, select the appropriate Object Type, the specific resource from the Object
List or Attached Hardware List, the desired parameter from the Object Properties list, and

Calculation Parameters Reference Guide

the required dependency, and add it to the Selected Value(s) list on the right. There are six
buttons available to control this list:

• UP: Move the selected item in the Selected Value(s) list up one position (if allowed).
• DN: Move the selected item in the Selected Value(s) list down one position (if allowed).
• ->: Add the selected item in the Object Properties list to the Selected Value(s) list.
• <-: Remove the selected item in the Selected Value(s) list.
• =>: Add all items to the Selected Value(s) list.
• <=: Remove all items from the Selected Value(s) list.

When finished, the Selected Value(s) list contains the final selected parameters. Click OK to
accept the selection.

The ordering of the Selected Value(s) list is significant in certain circumstances (such as in
the Add field of ReportFile), but not in others. See the documentation for each resource or
command for details.

Special Considerations
Some resources and commands (such as the Propagate command Parameter argument) only
accept a single parameter as input; in this context the ParameterSelectDialog only allows one
parameter in the Selected Value(s) list and does not allow use of the UP, DN, and => buttons.

In some instances (such as in the Vary command), only parameters that are also fields (and so
can be set in the Mission Sequence) can be used. In this case only the allowed parameters will
be shown in the Object Properties list.

In the Propagate command Parameter argument, only parameters of Spacecraft can be used.
In this case only Spacecraft will be shown in the Object Type list.


Parameter Settable Plottable Description

A1Gregorian Y N Spacecraft epoch in the A.1 system and the Gre-
gorian format.

Data Type String

Dependency (None)
Units (N/A)
A1ModJulian Y Y Spacecraft epoch in the A.1 system and the
Modified Julian format.

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units d
AOP Y Y See Spacecraft.AOP

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Output Range 0° ≤ AOP < 360°
Units deg

Reference Guide Calculation Parameters

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

AZI Y Y See Spacecraft.AZI

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Output Range -180° ≤ AZI ≤ 180°
Units deg
Altitude N Y Distance to the plane tangent to the surface of
the specified celestial body at the sub-satellite
point. GMAT assumes the body is an ellipsoid.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Units km
AngularVelocityX Y Y See Spacecraft.AngularVelocityX

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units deg/s
AngularVelocityY Y Y See Spacecraft.AngularVelocityY

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units deg/s
AngularVelocityZ Y Y See Spacecraft.AngularVelocityZ

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units deg/s
Apoapsis N Y A parameter that equals zero when the space-
craft is at orbit apoapsis. This parameter can on-
ly be used as a stopping condition in the Prop-
agate command.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Units (None)
BVectorAngle N Y B-plane angle between the B vector and the T
unit vector. See the BdotR parameter for notes
on this calculation.

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Output Range -180° ≤ BVectorAngle ≤
Units deg

Calculation Parameters Reference Guide

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

BVectorMag N Y B-plane B vector magnitude. See the BdotR pa-
rameter for notes on this calculation.

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units km
BdotR N Y B-plane B·R magnitude.

GMAT computes the B-plane coordinates in

the coordinate system specified in the depen-
dency. In many implementations, the B-plane
coordinates are computed in a pseudo-rotat-
ing coordinate system where the ω×r term is
not applied when transforming velocity vectors.
GMAT does apply the ω×r term in the velocity
transformation. When computing B-plane coor-
dinates in inertial systems, this term is identically
zero. For rotating systems such as the Sun-Earth
body-body rotating system, the effect of includ-
ing ω×r is small but noticeable when comparing
results between systems. When the rotation of
the selected coordinate system is "fast", the val-
ues may differ significantly.

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units km
BdotT N Y B-plane B·T magnitude. See the BdotR parame-
ter for notes on this calculation.

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units km
BetaAngle N Y Beta angle (or phase angle) between the orbit
normal vector and the vector from the celestial
body to the sun.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Output Range -90° ≤ BetaAngle ≤ 90°
Units deg
C3Energy N Y C3 (characteristic) energy.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Units MJ/kg (km2/s2)

Reference Guide Calculation Parameters

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

Cd Y Y See Spacecraft.Cd

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
Cr Y Y See Spacecraft.Cr

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
CurrA1MJD Y Y Deprecated. Spacecraft epoch in the A.1 system
and the Modified Julian format.

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units d
DCM11 Y Y See Spacecraft.DCM11

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
DCM12 Y Y See Spacecraft.DCM12

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
DCM13 Y Y See Spacecraft.DCM13

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
DCM21 Y Y See Spacecraft.DCM21

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
DCM22 Y Y See Spacecraft.DCM22

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
DCM23 Y Y See Spacecraft.DCM23

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)

Calculation Parameters Reference Guide

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

DCM31 Y Y See Spacecraft.DCM31

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
DCM32 Y Y See Spacecraft.DCM32

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
DCM33 Y Y See Spacecraft.DCM33

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
DEC Y Y See Spacecraft.DEC

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Output Range -90° ≤ DEC ≤ 90°
Units deg
DECV Y Y See Spacecraft.DECV

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Output Range -90° ≤ DECV ≤ 90°
Units deg
DLA N Y Declination of the outgoing hyperbolic asymp-

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Output Range -90° ≤ DLA ≤ 90°
Units deg
DragArea Y Y See Spacecraft.DragArea

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units m2
DryMass Y Y See Spacecraft.DryMass

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units kg

Reference Guide Calculation Parameters

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

EA N Y Eccentric anomaly.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Output Range 0° ≤ EA < 360°
Units deg
ECC Y Y See Spacecraft.ECC

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Output Range
Units (None)
ElapsedDays N Y See Spacecraft.ElapsedDays

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units d
ElapsedSecs N Y See Spacecraft.ElapsedSecs

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units s
Energy N Y Specific orbital energy.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Units MJ/kg (km2/s2)
EulerAngle1 Y Y See Spacecraft.EulerAngle1

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Output Range 0° ≤ EulerAngle1 < 360°
Units deg
EulerAngle2 Y Y See Spacecraft.EulerAngle2

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Output Range 0° ≤ EulerAngle2 < 360°
Units deg
EulerAngle3 Y Y See Spacecraft.EulerAngle3

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Output Range 0° ≤ EulerAngle3 < 360°
Units deg

Calculation Parameters Reference Guide

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

EulerAngleRate1 Y Y See Spacecraft.EulerAngleRate1

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units deg/s
EulerAngleRate2 Y Y See Spacecraft.EulerAngleRate2

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units deg/s
EulerAngleRate3 Y Y See Spacecraft.EulerAngleRate3

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units deg/s
FPA Y Y See Spacecraft.FPA

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Output Range 0° ≤ FPA ≤ 180°
Units deg
HA N Y Hyperbolic anomaly.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Output Range -∞ < HA < ∞
Units deg
HMAG N Y Magnitude of the angular momentum vector.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Units km2/s
HX N Y X component of the angular momentum vector.

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units km2/s
HY N Y Y component of the angular momentum vector.

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units km2/s
HZ N Y Z component of the angular momentum vector.

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units km2/s

Reference Guide Calculation Parameters

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

INC Y Y See Spacecraft.INC

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Output Range 0° ≤ INC ≤ 180°
Units deg
LST N Y Local sidereal time of the spacecraft from the
celestial body's inertial x-axis.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Output Range 0° ≤ LST < 360°
Units deg
Latitude N Y Planetodetic latitude.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Output Range -90° ≤ Latitude ≤ 90°
Units deg
Longitude N Y Planetodetic longitude.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Output Range -180° ≤ Longitude ≤
Units deg
MA N Y Mean anomaly.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Output Range 0° ≤ MA < 360°
Units deg
MHA N Y Angle between celestial body's body-fixed and
inertial axes. For Earth, this is the Greenwich
Hour Angle.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Output Range 0° ≤ MHA < 360°
Units deg
MM N Y Mean motion.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Output Range
Units rad/s

Calculation Parameters Reference Guide

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

MRP1 Y Y See Spacecraft.MRP1

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
MRP2 Y Y See Spacecraft.MRP2

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
MRP3 Y Y See Spacecraft.MRP3

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
OrbitPeriod N Y Osculating orbit period.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Units s
OrbitSTM N N State transition matrix.

Data Type Array (6×6)

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units (None)
OrbitSTMA N N Upper-left quadrant of the state transition ma-

Data Type Array (3×3)

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units (None)
OrbitSTMB N N Upper-right quadrant of the state transition ma-

Data Type Array (3×3)

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units (None)
OrbitSTMC N N Lower-left quadrant of the state transition ma-

Data Type Array (3×3)

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units (None)
OrbitSTMD N N Lower-right quadrant of the state transition ma-

Data Type Array (3×3)

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units (None)

Reference Guide Calculation Parameters

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

Periapsis N Y A parameter that equals zero when the space-
craft is at orbit periapsis. This parameter can on-
ly be used as a stopping condition in the Prop-
agate command.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Units (None)
Q1 N Y See Spacecraft.Q1

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
Q2 N Y See Spacecraft.Q2

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
Q3 N Y See Spacecraft.Q3

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
Q4 N Y See Spacecraft.Q4

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
Quaternion Y N Attitude quaternion.

Data Type Array (1×4)

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
RA Y Y See Spacecraft.RA

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Output Range -180° ≤ RA ≤ 180°
Units deg
RAAN Y Y See Spacecraft.RAAN

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Output Range 0° ≤ RAAN < 360°
Units deg

Calculation Parameters Reference Guide

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

RAV Y Y See Spacecraft.RAV

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Output Range -180° ≤ RAV ≤ 180°
Units deg
RLA N Y Right ascension of the outgoing hyperbolic as-

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Output Range -180° ≤ RLA ≤ 180°
Units deg
RMAG Y Y See Spacecraft.RMAG

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Units km
RadApo Y Y See Spacecraft.RadApo

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Units km
RadPer Y Y See Spacecraft.RadPer

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Units km
SMA Y Y See Spacecraft.SMA

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Units km
SRPArea Y Y See Spacecraft.SRPArea

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units m2
SemilatusRectum N Y Semilatus rectum of the osculating orbit.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Units km
TA Y Y See Spacecraft.TA.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Output Range 0° ≤ TA < 360°
Units deg

Reference Guide Calculation Parameters

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

TAIGregorian Y N Spacecraft epoch in the TAI system and the
Gregorian format.

Data Type String

Dependency (None)
Units (N/A)
TAIModJulian Y Y Spacecraft epoch in the TAI system and the
Modified Julian format.

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units d
TDBGregorian Y N Spacecraft epoch in the TDB system and the
Gregorian format.

Data Type String

Dependency (None)
Units (N/A)
TDBModJulian Y Y Spacecraft epoch in the TDB system and the
Modified Julian format.

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units d
TTGregorian Y N Spacecraft epoch in the TT system and the Gre-
gorian format.

Data Type String

Dependency (None)
Units (N/A)
TTModJulian Y Y Spacecraft epoch in the TT system and the Mod-
ified Julian format.

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units d
TotalMass N Y Total mass, including fuel mass from attached
FuelTank resources.

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units kg
UTCGregorian Y N Spacecraft epoch in the UTC system and the
Gregorian format.

Data Type String

Dependency (None)
Units (N/A)

Calculation Parameters Reference Guide

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

UTCModJulian Y Y Spacecraft epoch in the UTC system and the
Modified Julian format.

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units d
VMAG Y Y See Spacecraft.VMAG

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Output Range
Units km/s
VX Y Y See Spacecraft.VX

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units km/s
VY Y Y See Spacecraft.VY

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units km/s
VZ Y Y See Spacecraft.VZ

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units km/s
VelApoapsis N Y Scalar velocity at apoapsis.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Units km/s
VelPeriapsis N Y Scalar velocity at periapsis.

Data Type Real

Dependency CelestialBody
Units km/s
X Y Y See Spacecraft.X

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units km
Y Y Y See Spacecraft.Y

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units km

Reference Guide Calculation Parameters

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

Z Y Y See Spacecraft.Z

Data Type Real

Dependency CoordinateSystem
Units km

FuelTank parameters are accessible only after attaching the FuelTank resource to a Spacecraft,
like so:
Create FuelTank aTank
Create Spacecraft aSat
aSat.Tanks = {aTank}

Then, FuelTank parameters are accessible by specifying the FuelTank name as the parameter
Create ReportFile aReport
aReport.Add = {aSat.aTank.FuelMass}

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

FuelDensity Y Y See FuelTank.FuelDensity

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units kg/m3
FuelMass Y Y See FuelTank.FuelMass

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units kg
Pressure Y Y See FuelTank.Pressure

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units kPa
RefTemperature Y Y See FuelTank.RefTemperature

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units °C
Temperature Y Y See FuelTank.Temperature

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units °C
Volume Y Y See FuelTank.Volume

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units m3

Calculation Parameters Reference Guide


Thruster parameters are accessible only after attaching the Thruster resource to a Spacecraft,
like so:

Create Thruster aThruster

Create Spacecraft aSat
aSat.Thrusters = {aThruster}

Then, Thruster parameters are accessible by specifying the Thruster name as the parameter

Create ReportFile aReport

aReport.Add = {aSat.aThruster.DutyCycle}

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

C1 Y Y See Thruster.C1

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units N
C10 Y Y See Thruster.C10

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units N/kPaC11
C11 Y Y See Thruster.C11

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
C12 Y Y See Thruster.C12

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units N
C13 Y Y See Thruster.C13

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
C14 Y Y See Thruster.C14

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units 1/kPa
C15 Y Y See Thruster.C15

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)

Reference Guide Calculation Parameters

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

C16 Y Y See Thruster.C16

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units 1/kPa
C2 Y Y See Thruster.C2

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units N/kPa
C3 Y Y See Thruster.C3

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units N
C4 Y Y See Thruster.C4

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units N/kPa
C5 Y Y See Thruster.C5

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units N/kPa2
C6 Y Y See Thruster.C6

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units N/kPaC7
C7 Y Y See Thruster.C7

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
C8 Y Y See Thruster.C8

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units N/kPaC9
C9 Y Y See Thruster.C9

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)

Calculation Parameters Reference Guide

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

DutyCycle Y Y See Thruster.DutyCycle

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
GravitationalAccel Y Y See Thruster.GravitationalAccel

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units m/s2
K1 Y Y See Thruster.K1

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units s
K10 Y Y See Thruster.K10

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units s/kPaC11
K11 Y Y See Thruster.K11

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
K12 Y Y See Thruster.K12

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units s
K13 Y Y See Thruster.K13

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
K14 Y Y See Thruster.K14

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units 1/kPa
K15 Y Y See Thruster.K15

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)

Reference Guide Calculation Parameters

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

K16 Y Y See Thruster.K16

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units 1/kPa
K2 Y Y See Thruster.K2

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units s/kPa
K3 Y Y See Thruster.K3

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units s
K4 Y Y See Thruster.K4

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units s/kPa
K5 Y Y See Thruster.K5

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units s/kPa2
K6 Y Y See Thruster.K6

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units s/kPaC7
K7 Y Y See Thruster.K7

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
K8 Y Y See Thruster.K8

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units s/kPaC9
K9 Y Y See Thruster.K9

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)

Calculation Parameters Reference Guide

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

ThrustDirection1 Y Y See Thruster.ThrustDirection1

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
ThrustDirection2 Y Y See Thruster.ThrustDirection2

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
ThrustDirection3 Y Y See Thruster.ThrustDirection3

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
ThrustScaleFactor Y Y See Thruster.ThrustScaleFactor

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)


Parameter Settable Plottable Description

B Y Y See ImpulsiveBurn.B

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
Element1 Y Y See ImpulsiveBurn.Element1

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
Element2 Y Y See ImpulsiveBurn.Element2

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
Element3 Y Y See ImpulsiveBurn.Element3

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)
N Y Y See ImpulsiveBurn.N

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)

Reference Guide Calculation Parameters

Parameter Settable Plottable Description

V Y Y See ImpulsiveBurn.V

Data Type Real

Dependency (None)
Units (None)

Array, String, Variable

Array, String, and Variable resources are themselves parameters, and can be used as any other
parameter would. All of these are writable parameters, though only Variable resources and in-
dividual elements of Array resources can be plotted.

Using parameters in the Mission Sequence:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp
Create ReportFile aReport
Create Variable i


% propagate for 100 steps

For i=1:100
Propagate aProp(aSat)
% write four parameters (one standalone, three coordinate-system-dependent) to a file
Report aReport aSat.TAIGregorian aSat.EarthFixed.X aSat.EarthFixed.Y aSat.EarthFixed.Z

Using parameters as plot data:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create XYPlot aPlot

aPlot.XVariable = aSat.TAIModJulian
aPlot.YVariables = {aSat.Earth.Altitude, aSat.Earth.ECC}

Create Variable i


% propagate for 100 steps

For i=1:100
Propagate aProp(aSat)

Using parameters as stopping conditions:

Create Spacecraft aSat

aSat.SMA = 6678

Create ForceModel anFM

anFM.Drag.AtmosphereModel = MSISE90

Calculation Parameters Reference Guide

Create Propagator aProp

aProp.FM = anFM


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Earth.Altitude = 100, aSat.ElapsedDays = 365}

Reference Guide

Command-Line Usage
Starting the GMAT application from the command line

GMAT [option...] [script_file]

The GMAT command starts the GMAT graphical interface. If run with no arguments, GMAT
starts with the default mission loaded. If script_file is specified, and is a valid path to a
GMAT script, GMAT loads the script and remains open, but does not run it.

-h, --help
Start GMAT and display command-line usage information in the message window.
-m, --minimize
Start GMAT with a minimized interface.
-r, --run
Automatically run the specified script after loading.
-v, --version
Start GMAT and display version information in the message window.
-x, --exit
Exit GMAT after running the specified script. This option has no effect if specified alone.

Start GMAT and run the script MyScript.script:

GMAT MyScript.script

Run a script with the interface minimized, and exit afterwards:

GMAT --minimize --exit MyScript.script

Reference Guide

MATLAB Interface
Interface to MATLAB system


The MATLAB interface provides a link to the Mathworks MATLAB environment, allowing
GMAT to run MATLAB functions as if they were native functions in the GMAT script language.

The interface cannot be controlled directly through the script language, though it can be in
the GMAT GUI. Instead, GMAT starts the interface automatically when it calls a MATLAB

There are two GMAT components that provide user access to the interface. For details on de-
claring a MATLAB function, see the MatlabFunction reference. For details on calling a func-
tion and passing data, see the CallMatlabFunction reference.

See Also: CallMatlabFunction, MatlabFunction


The MATLAB interface provides an icon in the Interfaces folder in the Resources tree that can
be used to control the interface. Right-clicking the icon shows two options: Open and Close.

The Open menu item causes GMAT to open a connection to the MATLAB Engine, which in
turns displays a MATLAB command window in the background. This connection is then used
for all communication between GMAT and MATLAB until the connection is closed. Only one
connection can be open at a time.

The Close menu item causes GMAT to close any open connection to the MATLAB Engine. If
no connection is open, it has no effect.

Reference Guide MATLAB Interface


Interface Setup

The following conditions must be true for GMAT to successfully initiate communication with
MATLAB. All conditions must be true for the same instance of MATLAB.

• A compatible, licensed version of MATLAB must be installed on the same machine on which
GMAT is running. GMAT is tested with the latest version of MATLAB at the time of release,
though versions R2006b and newer have been known to work.
• The architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) of GMAT and the installed version of MATLAB must
match. For example, the 32-bit version of GMAT is compatible only with the 32-bit version
• On Windows:
• The following path (where MATLAB is the path to the installed version of MATLAB) must
be present in the Path environment variable. For some older versions of MATLAB, this
path must be present before the default Windows paths.

MATLAB\bin\win32 (or win64 for use with 64-bit versions of GMAT)

• MATLAB must be registered as a COM server. This is done automatically by the MATLAB
installer. To do it manually, open an elevated command window and run the command:
matlab -regserver. Make sure the proper instance of MATLAB is being run by this
• On Mac OS X:
• The MATLABFORGMAT environment variable must exist and contain the full
path to the MATLAB application bundle (e.g. /Applications/MATLAB_R2010a/

Note that 64-bit GMAT must be used to interface with MATLAB after version R2010a.

Common troubleshooting tips on Windows:

• If you are using the officially-released 32-bit version of GMAT, make sure you
have the 32-bit version of MATLAB installed.
• If the path above exists in your system Path variable, try place it at the front.
• Make sure the same instance of MATLAB is referenced both in the Path variable
and when running matlab -regserver.

MATLAB Interface Reference Guide

MATLAB Engine Connection

Caution: GMAT does not close the MATLAB Command Window it creates after
a run has completed. This allows manual inspection of the MATLAB workspace,
but it can lead to confusing behavior if MATLAB functions or paths are changed
and rerun in the same window.

We recommend closing the MATLAB Command Window by right-clicking Matlab

in the Resources tree and clicking Close between each run if you are actively editing
the script.

When GMAT runs a mission that contains a MATLAB function call, it opens a connection to
the MATLAB engine before it makes the function call. It then reuses this connection for the
rest of the GMAT session.

The MATLAB Engine can be controlled manually through the Open and Close options avail-
able by right-clicking the Matlab item in the Resources tree.

See the MatlabFunction reference for common examples.

Reference Guide

Script Language
The GMAT script language

Script Structure
A GMAT script is a text file consisting of valid script syntax elements, such as initialization
statements, Mission Sequence commands, and comments. These syntax elements are described
later in this specification.

At the highest level, a GMAT script is made up of two sections: Initialization and the Mission
Sequence. These sections each contain statements, but they have different rules about which
sorts of statements are valid. The BeginMissionSequence command defines the beginning of
the Mission Sequence section.

The first section in a script file, referred to as Initialization, is responsible for creating resources
and setting their initial state. The Initialization section can contain the following types of state-

• resource creation statements (the Create statement)

• initialization statements

Only literal assignments are allowed in this section; no execution of commands or evaluation of
parameters is done. In the GUI, the Initialization section maps directly to the Resources tree.
All resources created, and all fields set, in this section appear as resources in the GUI when the
script is loaded.

Mission Sequence
The Mission Sequence section contains the Mission Sequence, or the list of GMAT commands
that are executed sequentially when the mission is run. The Mission Sequence section can contain
the following types of statements:

• command statements

Reference Guide Script Language

The Mission Sequence begins at the first instance of the BeginMissionSequence command;
therefore, this must be the first command statement in the script file. For backwards compati-
bility, if the BeginMissionSequence command is missing, the Mission Sequence begins with
the first command encountered.

In the GUI, the Mission Sequence section maps directly to the Mission tree. Each statement in
the script (with the exception of the BeginScript/EndScript compound command) is displayed
as a single element in the tree.

Basic Syntax

Source Text

A GMAT script consists of a single file containing characters from the 7-bit US-ASCII character
set. The script language is case-sensitive, so this line creates four different Variable resources:

Create Variable x X y Y

The script language is made up of lines. A line can be:

• empty
• a comment (see Comments, below)
• a statement (see Statements)

Statement lines can be split over multiple physical lines with the continuation marker (“...”).

Line Termination

Script lines are terminated by any of the following ASCII character sequences:

• line feed (hex: 0A)

• carriage return (hex: 0D)
• carriage return followed by line feed (hex: 0D0A)

White Space

White space can appear above or below any line, before or after any statement within a line, and
many other places in a script. The following characters are recognized as white space:

• space (hex: 20)

• horizontal tab (hex: 09)

When loading a script with tab characters into the GUI, all tabs are converted to spaces internally.


Comments begin with the percent symbol (“%”, hex: 25) and extend to the end of the line. There
is no multi-line or embedded comment in the script language.

File Paths

Several resource types have fields that accept file paths as input. The general syntax of such paths
is common to the language, but some specific behavior is specified by each resource.

Script Language Reference Guide

Forward slashes and backslashes can be used interchangeably within GMAT, and can be mixed
in a single path. The following three paths are considered identical:


Absolute paths are passed to the underlying operating system as-is, aside from normalizing the

Relative paths are considered relative to a location defined by each resource type separately, and
usually defined in the GMAT startup file. For details, see the reference documentation for each
resource type.

File paths are written as string literals (see Strings under Data Types). Quotes are mandatory if
the path contains spaces, but are optional otherwise.

Data Types



Integers are written as a sequence of literal digits, with no decimal. Preceding zeros and prepend-
ed signs (+ or -) are allowed. Scientific notation is not permitted.

Real Numbers

Real numbers can be written in any of the following formats:

• 12 (whole number)
• 12.5 (decimal)
• 1.25e1 or 1.25e-1 (scientific notation)

In all formats, the base can contain preceding or trailing zeros. In scientific notation, the expo-
nent can be prepended by a sign (+ or -) and can contain preceding zeros, but cannot contain a
decimal. The exponent delimiter is case-insensitive (e.g. "e" or "E").


String literals are delimited by single-quote characters (“'”, hex: 27).

All language-supported characters are allowed in strings, with the exceptions below. There are
no escape characters or character substitute sequences (such as “\n” for line feed).

In Initialization, the following characters are not allowed in string literals:

• some non-printable characters (NUL, SUB) (hex: 00, 1A)

• line termination characters (LF, CR) (hex: 0A, 0D)
• percent character (“%”) (hex: 25)

In the Mission Sequence, the following characters are not allowed in string literals:

• some non-printable characters (NUL, SUB) (hex: 00, 1A)

Reference Guide Script Language

• line termination characters (LF, CR) (hex: 0A, 0D)

• percent character (“%”) (hex: 25)
• semicolon (“;”) (hex: 3B)

Quotes are generally optional, but are mandatory in Initialization if the string contains white-
space, any script language symbols, or any GMAT-recognized elements (e.g. keywords, resource
names). They are mandatory in the Mission Sequence in the same instances, and additionally if
the string contains mathematical operators and certain non-printable characters. We recommend
quoting all string literals.


The following boolean values are supported:

• true (alias: on)

• false (alias: off)

Boolean literals are case-insensitive.

Enumerated Values

Many resource fields accept enumerated values. For example, Spacecraft.DateFormat accepts
one of 10 values (A1ModJulian, A1Gregorian, etc.). Enumerated values are written as string
literals. Quotes are always optional, as none contain spaces or special characters.


References to resources and resource parameters are indicated by the name of the resource
or resource parameter. References are written as string literals. Quotes are always optional, as
resource names and parameters cannot contain spaces or special characters.


Resource Types

Resources in GMAT are instances of a base resource type that are given user-defined names and
store data independently of other resources of the same type. Resource types include Spacecraft,
GroundStation, and Variable. They cannot be used directly; they must first be instantiated with
the Create statement. For example:

Create Spacecraft aSat

In the example, Spacecraft is the resource type and aSat is the resource. This is similar to
the concept of classes and objects in object-oriented programming, where GMAT’s resource
types are analogous to classes and its resources are analogous to objects.

Naming Rules

Resources must be named according to these rules:

• Name must be made up of ASCII letters, numbers, or the underscore character (“_”). This
corresponds to hex values 30–39, 41–5A, 5F, and 61–7A.
• Name must begin with a letter (A–Z or a–z, hex: 41–5A or 61–7A)
• Name cannot be a reserved keyword or command name

Script Language Reference Guide


When the same name is used for multiple purposes in a script, the shadowing rules apply to
determine how a reference to the name is interpreted.

Resource names must be unique within a script. If a script attempts to create multiple resources
that have the same case-sensitive name, the first Create statement in the script with that name
is executed and all subsequent ones are ignored. The conflict is noted in a warning message.

Command names and keywords are reserved. They cannot be used as resource names. See the
Keywords section for a list of keywords.

Built-in function names (like sin or cos) can be used as resource names with one exception: a
reference to, for example, “sin(1)” on the right-hand side of an equal sign will be interpreted
as a call to the sin built-in function, not element 1 of an Array resource named sin. The same
is true for the other built-in functions.

Resource type names (like “Spacecraft”) can be used as resource names. In such an instance,
the conflict is resolved by the context. For example:

Create Spacecraft Spacecraft

Create Spacecraft aSat

In the example, GMAT knows by context that in the second Create statement, the argument
“Spacecraft” refers to the resource type, not the resource instance created in the first state-

Compound Types
Array of Literals

Arrays of literals are accepted as input by some resources. Arrays of booleans, integers, and real
numbers are surrounded by square brackets (“[“ and “]”, hex: 5B and 5D). Arrays of strings
are surrounded by curly brackets (“{“ and “}”, hex: 7B and 7D). In all cases, the values are
separated by whitespace or commas. Only one-dimensional arrays of literals are supported. See
the following examples.

anOrbitView.DrawObject = [true true] % boolean array

anOrbitView.OrbitColor = [255 32768] % integer array
anOrbitView.ViewPointVector = [3e4, 1.2, -14] % real array
aSpacecraft.OrbitSpiceKernelName = ...
{'file1.bsp', 'file2.bsp'} % string array

Arrays of References

Some resources accept arrays of references to other resources or resource fields. These reference
arrays are surrounded by curly brackets (“{“ and “}”, hex: 7B and 7D) and the values are sepa-
rated by whitespace or commas. Only one-dimensional arrays of references are supported. The
values can optionally be surrounded by single quotes. See the following example.

aForceModel.PointMasses = {'Luna', Mars} % array of resource references

aReport.Add = {Sat1.X, 'Sat1.Y', Sat1.Z} % array of parameter references


In contexts that accept a real number, integer literals (those with no fractional value) are auto-
matically converted to the equivalent floating-point value upon execution.

Reference Guide Script Language

There is no built-in conversion between string values and numeric values, though such a con-
version may be implemented by individual commands.


The script language recognized these reserved keywords:

• Create
• function

In addition, all command names are reserved, including commands created by active plugins.

The only types of expressions common to multiple commands are logical expressions, which
are used by the If/Else and While commands. They are documented here instead of in both
command references.

Relational Operators

The following relational operators are supported in logical expressions:

< less than

<= less than or equal to
> greater than
> greater than or equal to
== equal to
~= not equal to

The relational operators are scalar operators; they do not operate on Array resources (only in-
dividual elements).

Each relational operator operates on the values of its arguments, not on their identity. Consider
the example:

Create Variable x y
x = 5
y = 5


If x == y
% body

Logical Operators

The following logical operators are supported in logical expressions:

& logical AND (short-circuit operator)

Script Language Reference Guide

| logical OR

The logical AND operator exhibits short-circuit behavior. That is, if the left-hand side of the
operator evaluates to false, the right-hand side is not evaluated, though it is still parsed for syn-
tactic validity.

Logical Expressions
Logical expressions are composed of relational expressions combined with logical operators.

Relational expressions must contain one relational operator and two valid arguments. Literal
boolean values are not supported, and numeric values are not interpreted as truth or falsehood.
See the following examples:

1 == 5 % false
1 ~= 5 % true
true % error
1 % error
A % where "A" is an Array resource; error
1 == 5 <= 3 % error

Logical expressions must contain at least one relational expression. Multiple relational expres-
sions are combined using logical operators. All relational expressions are evaluated first, from
left to right, then the full logical expression is evaluated from left to right, though the short-
circuit AND operator (“&”) may terminate the full evaluation. Parentheses are not allowed. See
the following examples:

1 == 1 % true
2 ~= 4 | 3 == 3 % true
8 >= 3 & 3 < 4 % true
2 < 4 & 1 > 3 | 5 == 5 % true
2 < 4 & (1 > 3 | 5 == 5) % error
1 & 1 % error
true | false % error

Statement Structure
Script statements consist of (in order):

1. Optional "GMAT " prefix

2. Valid statement syntax (with optional line continuation)
3. Optional semicolon
4. Line termination sequence

Any statement in the script may be prefixed by the characters “GMAT “. This prefix is optional
and has no effect, but is supported for backward compatibility.

A statement can be split over multiple physical lines by using the line continuation marker, three
sequential period characters (“...”, hex: 2E2E2E), before each line break within the statement.

Any statement may be terminated with a semicolon character (“;”, hex: 3B). The semicolon
is optional and has no effect, but is supported for backward compatibility. Multiple statements
cannot be combined on a line.

Reference Guide Script Language

White space may occur before or after a statement, or between any of the components listed
above. It is also generally allowed anywhere inside of a statement, and any exceptions are noted
in the documentation specific to that statement.

The Create Statement

The Create statement is a special statement that creates resources and assigns them names. It is
only valid in the Initialization section of the script. It has the following components:

1. Create keyword
2. Resource type
3. Resource name(s)

The Create keyword indicates the start of the statement. It is followed by the resource type,
which indicates the type of resource to create. This is followed by a resource name, a user-defined
name that is then used to refer to that particular resource. This name must follow the resource
naming rules, listed previously.

The only exception to this syntax is when creating an Array resource, in which case the dimension
of the resource must also be specified

Multiple resource names are allowed, in which case multiple resources of the same type will be
created. Multiple names are separated by white space or by commas (“,”, hex: 2C).

See the following examples:

Create Spacecraft aSat % creates a resource "aSat" of type Spacecraft

Create ForceModel aFM
Create Propagator aProp
Create Variable x y % creates two Variable resources: "x" and "y"
Create String s1, s2 % creates two String resources: "s1" and "s2"
Create Array A[2,2] % creates a 2x2 Array resource named "A"

Initialization Statements
Initialization statements are special statements that assign initial values to resource fields. They
are only valid in the Initialization section of the script, and generally take the following form:

resource.field = value

Some fields, like those on ForceModel resources, have a multiple-dotted form:

ForceModel.GravityField.PrimaryBody.Degree = value

All initialization statements are composed of the following elements:

1. Resource name
2. Period character (“.”, hex: 2E)
3. Field name, potentially in multiple-dotted form
4. Equal character (“=”, hex: 3D)
5. Initial field value

The resource name must refer to a resource created previously in same script.

The field name must refer to a valid field that exists for the associated resource type. Parameters
cannot be set with an initialization statement, though it is valid to set a dual-mode field (one

Script Language Reference Guide

that can also be a parameter). Fields and parameters are listed in the documentation for each
resource type.

All values are taken literally; no evaluation is performed. Therefore, numeric and string values
must be specified as literals, and resource names and parameters are stored as references. See
the following example:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create XYPlot aPlot
Create Variable x y z

x = 7100 % valid
aSat.X = 7100 % valid
aSat.X = 7100 + 2 % error (mathematical expression)

aSat.X = x % error (field accepts literal, and variable

% evaluation does not occur)
aPlot.XVariable = x % valid (field accepts reference to Variable x)
aPlot.YVariables = {y, z} % valid (field accepts array of references to
% Variables y and z)

For backwards compatibility, there is one exception to the literal-value rule: Spacecraft resources
can copied with an initialization statement like:

Create Spacecraft aSat1 aSat2

aSat2 = aSat1 % Valid only for Spacecraft resources

Fields that have no assigned value in the Initialization section of the script remain at their default
values, as specified in the documentation for each resource type.

Command Statements
Command statements invoke GMAT commands. They must appear in the Mission Sequence
section of the script. One special command, BeginMissionSequence, initiates the Mission Se-

Command statements are displayed by the GUI as individual line items in the Mission tree. The
only exception is the BeginScript/EndScript compound command; this is displayed as a single
ScriptEvent item by the GUI.

Command statements are composed of the following elements:

1. Command name (except assignment commands)

2. Optional label
3. Command arguments

The command name is the name of the command being invoked (e.g. Propagate or Begin-
FiniteBurn). The command name is mandatory with one exception: the assignment command
is indicated by its structure (“LHS = RHS”) instead of its name.

A command label is an optional string literal that can be added immediately after the command
name. This label is used by the GUI to “name” the statement in the Mission tree, and is intended
for a short text description to aid the user. It must be single-quoted, whether or not it contains
spaces. The command label may contain any ASCII character except certain non-printable char-
acters (NUL, SUB), line termination characters (LF, CR), the percent sign (“%”), and the single
quote (“'“). If the command label is omitted, the Mission tree statement is given a default label

Reference Guide Script Language

made up of the command name and an ID number. For example, if the third Propagate com-
mand in the script is unlabeled, it will be given the default label “Propagate3”.

The command arguments control the behavior of the command. The syntax of the arguments is
specified by each command individually, and is documented separately. Some commands, such
as Stop, have no arguments.

See the following example:

Propagate 'Prop to periapsis' aProp(aSat) {aSat.Periapsis}

In the example, “Propagate” is the command name, “'Prop to periapsis'” is the

command label, and “aProp(aSat) {aSat.Periapsis}” is the argument string.

Compound Statements
Compound statements are command statements that control the execution of other command
statements. Compound statements are composed of three elements:

1. Begin statement
2. Body
3. End statement

The begin statement carries the name of the command itself, while the end statement begins
with the string “End”. For example, the While command is a compound command composed
of two statements:

While ['label'] arguments


The If/Else compound command is composed of three statements:

If ['label'] arguments

The body of a compound command may consist of independent command statements, possibly
including other compound statements. Certain compound commands may limit the commands
that can be present in the body, while other commands may only be contained within certain
compound commands. These limitations are documented separately for each command.

GMAT processes a script in two phases: interpretation and execution. This section gives an
overview of the processing sequence; low-level details are documented in Chapter 17 of the
GMAT Architectural Specification.

GMAT interprets a script in two stages: a parsing stage and a validation stage. In the parsing
stage, GMAT reads and interprets each line of the script sequentially. As it interprets a line, it
checks it for syntactic correctness and performs any initialization needed by the line. For example,
if the line being interpreted is a Create statement, the related resource is created. If GMAT

Script Language Reference Guide

encounters an initialization line, it assigns the appropriate value to the indicated resource field.
And if it encounters a command statement, it creates the command structure and interprets its
arguments. All language, resource initialization, and command syntax errors are caught during
this parsing stage.

In the validation stage, GMAT checks that all references between resources are valid. For exam-
ple, if the script indicates that a Spacecraft resource should be defined in relation to a specific
CoordinateSystem resource, the reference is validated during this stage. The validation checks
that all referenced resources exist and are of the correct type.

The two-stage interpretation method affects the order of statements in the script. For example,
Create statements must appear in the script above any initialization statements that reference the
resource being created. But because validation is performed separately, the Create statement for
a CoordinateSystem resource can appear in the script below an initialization line that references
this resource. See the following examples:

Create Spacecraft aSat

% This is valid; the aSat resource has been created by the line above.
aSat.DateFormat = TAIGregorian

% This is invalid; the aReport resource has not yet been created.
aReport.Filename = 'report.txt'
Create ReportFile aReport

Create XYPlot aPlot

% This is valid; the reference to aSat is validated

% after all resources are created.
aPlot.XVariable = aSat.A1ModJulian

Create Spacecraft aSat

Once both stages have completed, the script has been loaded into GMAT. In the GUI, if any, the
Resources tree is populated with the resources created in the Initialization section of the script,
and the Mission tree is populated with the command statements in the Mission Sequence.

The interpretation phase is also sometimes called the “build” phase or the “load” phase.

When a mission is run, GMAT first builds interconnections between resources, then performs
command execution. In this phase, all commands in the Mission Sequence are executed sequen-
tially, in the order of definition in the script. When a command statement is executed, its argu-
ments are fully processed by the command, and any remaining errors are reported. Examples
of execution-phase errors include mismatched data types, out-of-bounds array references, and
divide-by-zero errors.

Processing Errors
If GMAT encounters an error during the interpretation stage (parsing or validation), the mission
is not loaded. Instead, GMAT reverts to a minimum mission consisting of:

• SolarSystem
• Default CoordinateSystem resources: EarthMJ2000Eq, EarthMJ2000Ec, EarthFixed,

Reference Guide Script Language

If an error is encountered during the execution stage (linking or command execution), execution
of the mission stops at the point of the error.

Reference Guide

Startup File
The gmat_startup_file.txt configuration file

The GMAT startup file (gmat_startup_file.txt) contains basic configuration settings for
the GMAT application. This includes the locations of data files and plugins, search paths for
user-defined functions, and various options that control execution.

The startup file must be located in the same location as the GMAT executable, and must be
named gmat_startup_file.txt. GMAT loads the startup file once during program initial-

File Format

Basic Syntax

The startup file is a text file containing characters from the 7-bit US-ASCII character set. The
startup file is case-sensitive.

Lines are terminated by any of the following ASCII character sequences:

• line feed (hex: 0A)

• carriage return (hex: 0D)
• carriage return followed by line feed (hex: 0D0A)

White space can appear above or below any line and before or after any key or value. The fol-
lowing characters are recognized as white space:

• space (hex: 20)

• horizontal tab (hex: 09)

Comments begin with the number sign (“#”) and must appear on their own line. Inline comments
are not allowed.

Setting Properties

Properties are specified via key-value pairs, with the following syntax:


Properties are one word, with no spaces. Values extend from the first non-whitespace character
after the equal sign to the end of the line. At least one whitespace character is required on both
sides of the equal sign.

Properties are named according to the following conventions:

• Properties that accept directory paths end with “_PATH”.

• Properties that accept file paths end with “_FILE”.

The behavior of duplicate property entries is dependent on the individual property. In general:

Reference Guide Startup File

• Multiple PLUGIN entries cause GMAT to load each named plugin.

• Multiple identical *_FUNCTION_PATH entries add each path to the search path, starting with
the first.
• Multiple identical *_FILE entries are ignored; the last value is used.

Accessing Property Values

The value of any property ending in “_PATH” (including custom ones) can be referenced by
other values. To reference a value, include the property name as part of the value. Repeated slash
characters are collapsed. For example:


sets OUTPUT_PATH to a value of "../output/".

File Paths

Forward slashes and backslashes can be used interchangeably, and can be mixed in a single path.
The following three paths are considered identical:


Absolute paths are passed to the underlying operating system as-is, aside from normalizing the

Relative paths are relative to the location of the GMAT executable.

The available properties are shown here, with default values where appropriate.


Path to GMAT root directory.


Path to plugin library, without extension. Multiple PLUGIN properties are allowed, one per


Default output directory path for EphemerisFile resources.
Path of application log file
Path of simulated measurement data files. Only used with the libGmatEstimation plu-

Startup File Reference Guide

Output directory path for ReportFile resources.
Output path and base filename for screenshots. The base filename is appended with
“_###.png”, where “###” is a number sequence starting from 001. If the base filename
is missing, it defaults to “SCREEN_SHOT”.

Data Files

Search path for gravity potential files for CELESTIALBODY. CELESTIALBODY is the name
of any celestial body defined in a given GMAT mission. This property has no default for
user-defined celestial bodies.
Path to directory containing data files.
Path to directory containing DE ephemeris files.
Path to DE405 DE-file ephemeris file.
Path to DE421 DE-file ephemeris file.
Path to DE424 DE-file ephemeris file.
Path to EGM-96 Earth gravity potential file.
Path to IERS “EOP 08 C04 (IAU1980)” Earth orientation parameters file.
Path to data required for computing rotation matrix from FK5 to ICRF
Path to JGM-2 Earth gravity potential file.
Path to JGM-3 Earth gravity potential file.
Path to cumulative leap seconds file from http://maia.usno.navy.mil.
Path to LP165P Moon gravity potential file.
Path to SPICE leap second kernel.
Path to Mars50c Mars gravity potential file.
Path to MGNP180U Venus gravity potential file.
Path to nutation series data for FK5 reduction (NUTATION.DAT).
Path to directory containing planetary coefficient files.
Path to SPICE ephemeris kernel for default celestial bodies.

Reference Guide Startup File

Path to directory containing SPICE ephemeris kernels
Path to directory containing leap-second files.

Application Files

Path to texture file for CELESTIALBODY. CELESTIALBODY is the name of any of the
built-in celestial bodies in GMAT. DefaultTextureFile is the default texture file defined for
that celestial body.
Path to constellation catalog.
Path to directory containing GUI configuration files.
Path to help file.
Path to directory containing application icons.
Path to GUI icon.
Path to directory containing 3D spacecraft models.
Path to GUI configuration and history file.
Path to default Spacecraft 3D model file.
Path to GUI splash image.
Path to directory containing splash file.
Path to star catalog.
Path to directory containing star and constellation catalogs.
Path to directory containing celestial body texture files.

Program Settings

MATLAB interface connection mode. The available options are:
Disables the MATLAB interface.
Each GMAT instance shares a single MATLAB connection. Default.
Each GMAT instance uses its own MATLAB connection.
Write “GMAT “ prefix before assignment lines when saving a GMAT script file. Accepted
values are ON and OFF.

Startup File Reference Guide

Debug Settings

Write table of available parameters to log file on startup. Accepted values are ON and OFF.
Hide the SaveMission command from the GUI. Accepted values are TRUE and FALSE.
XYPlot window placement mode. The only accepted value is TILE, which will cause GMAT
to ignore plot window placement fields and tile the windows.
GMAT execution mode. The available options are:
When GMAT is called with the -r or --run command-line argument, automatically
exit after the run is finished.
Shows testing options in the GUI.
Same as TESTING, but also disables all graphical output in the GUI.

Release Notes
GMAT R2013a Release Notes ................................................................................... 505
GMAT R2012a Release Notes ................................................................................... 509
GMAT R2011a Release Notes ................................................................................... 515

GMAT R2013a Release Notes

The General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) version R2013a was released in April, 2013. This
is the first public release since May 23, 2012, and is the 6th public release for the project. R2013a
is a major release transitioning GMAT from beta to production status. In this release:

• End-user documentation was rewritten and greatly expanded.

• 11,000 script-based regression tests run nightly.
• 5,000 GUI-based regression tests run weekly.
• Code and documentation was contributed by 11 developers from 3 organizations.

GMAT is now licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0. According to the Open Source Pro-
liferation Report, the Apache License 2.0 is one of the most widely-used open source licenses,
thereby making GMAT compatible with more existing software and projects.

Major Improvements

Production Status

Release R2013a is a major release of GMAT that transitions from beta to production status. Most
of our efforts have been devoted to improving the quality of the software and its documentation.
This year we made a complete sweep through the system, starting by updating engineering spec-
ifications for all features, identifying test gaps, writing new tests, addressing known and newly
found bugs, and completing user documentation.


The GMAT User Guide now contains 5 in-depth tutorials that show how to use GMAT for
end-to-end analysis. The tutorials are designed to teach you how to use GMAT in the context of
performing real-world analysis and are intended to take between 30 minutes and several hours
to complete. Each tutorial has a difficulty level and an approximate duration listed with any
prerequisites in its introduction, and is arranged in a general order of difficulty. The simplest
tutorial shows you how to enter orbital initial conditions and propagate to orbit perigee, while
more advanced tutorials show how to perform finite-maneuver targeting, Mars B-plane targeting,
and lunar flyby optimization.

Reference Guide

We have written a complete reference manual for GMAT for R2013a. The reference manual
contains detailed information on all GMAT components. Whether you need detailed informa-
tion on syntax or application-specific examples, go here. For each GMAT resource (e.g. Space-
craft, Thruster, XYPlot) and command (e.g. Optimize, Propagate), the following information
is documented:

Release Notes

• Brief description of the feature

• List of related or coupled features
• Complete syntactical specification of the interface
• Tables with detailed options, variable ranges and data types, defaults, and expected behavior
• Copy-and-paste-ready examples

The guide also contains general reference material about the system, such as:

• Script language syntax

• External interfaces
• Parameter listings
• Configuration files
• Command line interface


We have spent much of our time preparing for R2013a on testing. Our script and GUI-based
regression test systems doubled in size in the last year. They now contain:

• Over 6,000 new system, validation, and end-to-end script-based tests

• 30 new end-to-end GUI tests
• 3,000 new GUI system tests

GUI test are performed using SmartBear’s TestComplete software. Script tests are performed
using a custom MATLAB-based automated test system. A complete execution of the regression
test system now takes almost four days of computer time.

Minor Enhancements
While most of our effort has been focused on quality for this release, we have included some
new features.

• ICRF is now supported for input and output of orbit state data:

• The Earth texture map is improved:

Release Notes

• CCSDS ephemeris files are now accessible in the output tab:

• Improved mouse controls for interactive 3-D graphics. See the OrbitView reference for de-
• Improved 3ds model support
• Improved error messages system-wide
• New BodySpinSun axis system for asteroid survey missions
• Improved system modularization by moving more features to plugins

Compatibility Changes
Our last release, R2012a, was beta software. R2013a is mature, production software. We made
some changes that may cause backwards compatibility issues with scripts written in previous
beta versions. Examples of changes in R2013a that affect backwards compatibility with previous
beta versions include:

• Fixed many poorly-named fields and/or parameters (i.e. OrbitView.CelestialPlane →

• Corrected missed or invalid data validation checking
• Removed partially-implemented functionality from previous releases
• Removed improperly-exposed internal fields and functions
• Disabled configuration of some resources in the mission sequence

In all cases, we modified GMAT to work correctly as specified in the documentation, but did not
always maintain backwards compatibility with previous versions. This was a one-time, “pull-of-
the-Band-Aid” approach, and future releases will maintain backwards compatibility with R2013a
or provide deprecation notifications of features that are no longer supported.

In addition, there were some features that did not meet quality expectations for this release and
have been turned off in the release package. Most of these features can be turned on for analysis
purposes, but they are not fully tested and should be used with caution.

• Orbit Designer (disabled)

• GMAT functions (libGmatFunctions)
• Save command (libSaveCommand)
• Bulirsh-Stoer integrator (libExtraPropagators)

To turn on these features, see the Startup File reference.

Known & Fixed Issues

Over 720 bugs and issues were closed in this release. See the "Critical Issues Fixed for R2013a"
report for a list of critical bugs and resolutions for R2013a. See the "Minor Issues Fixed for
R2013a" report" for minor issues addressed in R2013a.

Release Notes

Known Issues
All known issues that affect this version of GMAT can be seen in the "Known issues in R2013a"
report in JIRA.

There are several known issues in this release that we consider to be significant:

ID Description
GMT-2561 UTC Epoch Entry and Reporting During Leap Second is incorrect.
GMT-3043 Inconsistent validation when creating variables that shadow built-in math func-
GMT-3108 OrbitView with STM and Propagate Synchronized does not show spacecraft in
correct locations
GMT-3289 First step algorithm fails for backwards propagation using SPK propagator
GMT-3321 MATLAB uses stale version of function if command window isn't restarted be-
tween runs
GMT-3350 Single-quote requirements are not consistent across objects and modes
GMT-3556 Unable to associate tank with thruster in command mode
GMT-3629 GUI starts in bad state when started with --minimize
GMT-3669 Planets not drawn during optimization in OrbitView
GMT-3738 Cannot set standalone FuelTank, Thruster fields in CallMatlabFunction
GMT-3745 SPICE ephemeris stress tests are not writing out ephemeris for the entire mis-
sion sequence

Release Notes

GMAT R2012a Release Notes

The General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) version R2012a was released May 23, 2012. This is
the first public release in over a year, and is the 5th public release for the project. In this release:

• 52,000 lines of code were added

• Code and documentation was contributed by 9 developers from 2 organizations
• 6847 system tests were run every weeknight

This is a beta release. It has undergone extensive testing in many areas, but is not considered
ready for production use.

New Features

Ground Track Plot

GMAT can now show the ground track of a spacecraft using the new GroundTrackPlot re-
source. This view shows the orbital path of one or more spacecraft projected onto a two-dimen-
sional map of a celestial body, and can use any celestial body that you have configured. Here's
an example of the plot created as part of the default mission:

Orbit Designer

Sometimes you need to create a spacecraft in a particular orbit but don't exactly know the proper
orbital element values. Before, you had to make a rough estimate, or go back to the math to figure
it out. Now, GMAT R2012a comes with a new Orbit Designer that does this math for you.

The Orbit Designer helps you create one of six different Earth-centered orbit types, each with
a flexible array of input options:

• sun-synchronous
• repeat sun-synchronous
• repeat ground track
• geostationary
• molniya
• frozen

Once you've created your desired orbit, it is automatically imported into the Spacecraft resource
for later use. Here's an example of a sun-synchronous orbit using the Designer. To open the
Orbit Designer, click the button on the Spacecraft properties window.

Release Notes

Eclipse Locator [alpha]

We've done significant work toward having a robust eclipse location tool in GMAT, but this
work is not complete. This release comes with an alpha-stage plugin (disabled by default) called
libEventLocator. When enabled, this plugin adds a new EclipseLocator resource that can
be configured to calculate eclipse entry and exit times and durations with respect to any config-
ured Spacecraft and celestial bodies. The eclipse data can be reported to a text file or plotted
graphically. Some known limitations include an assumption of spherical celestial bodies and a
lack of light-time correction. This feature has not been rigorously tested, and may be brittle.
We've included it here as a preview of what's coming in future releases.

Release Notes

C Interface [alpha]
Likewise, we've included an experimental library and plugin that exposes a plain-C interface to
GMAT's internal dynamics model functionality. This interface is intended to fill a very specific
need: to expose force model derivates from GMAT to external software, especially MATLAB,
for use with an external integrator (though GMAT can do the propagation also, if desired). The
interface is documented by an API reference for now.

Dynamics Models
We've made lots of improvements to GMAT's already capable force model suite. Here's some

• GMAT now models Earth ocean and pole tides. This is a script-only option that can be turned
on alongside an Earth harmonic gravity model; turn it on with a line like this:

ForceModel.GravityField.Earth.EarthTideModel = 'SolidAndPole'
• You can now apply relativistic corrections using the checkbox on the properties for Propa-

Solar System
GMAT can now use the DE421 and DE424 ephemerides for the solar system. These files are
included in the installer, but are not activated by default. To use either of these ephemerides,
double-click the SolarSystem folder and select it from the Ephemeris Source list. Or include
the following script line:

SolarSystem.EphemerisSource = 'DE421'

There's also a new SolarSystem resource called SolarSystemBarycenter that represents the
barycenter as given by the chosen ephemeris source (DE405, DE421, SPICE, etc.). This resource
can be used directly in reports or as the origin of a user-defined coordinate system.

TDB Input
You can now input the epoch of a Spacecraft orbit in the TDB time system (in both Modified
Julian and Gregorian formats).

Mission Tree
We've made significant improvements to the mission tree to make it more user-friendly to heavy
users. The biggest improvement is that you can now filter the mission sequence in different ways

Release Notes

to make complex missions easier to understand, for example by hiding non-physical events or
collapsing the tree to only its top-level elements.

GMAT also now lets you name your mission sequence commands. Thus, instead of a sequence
made up of commands like "Optimize1" and "Propagate3", you can label them "Optimize LOI"
and "Prop to Periapsis". This example shows the Ex_HohmannTransfer.script sample
with labeled commands.

Finally, we added the ability to undock the mission tree so you can place it and the resources tree
side by side and see both at the same time. To undock the tree, right-click the Mission tab and
drag it from its docked position. To dock it again, just close the new Mission window.

Mission Summary

You can now change the coordinate system shown in the Mission Summary on the fly: just
change the Coordinate System list at the top of the window and the numbers will update. This
feature can use any coordinate system currently defined in GMAT, including user-defined ones.

There's also a new Mission Summary - Physics-Based Commands that shows only physical
events (Propagate commands, burns, etc.), and further data was added to both Mission Sum-
mary types.

Release Notes

Window Persistency

The locations of output windows are now saved with the mission in the script file. This means
that when running a mission, all the output windows that were open when the mission was last
saved will reappear in their old positions.

In addition, the locations of certain GMAT windows, like the mission tree, the script editor, and
the application window itself are saved to the user preferences file (MyGMAT.ini).

Switch to Visual Studio on Windows

With this release, the official GMAT binaries for Windows are now compiled with Microsoft
Visual Studio 2010 instead of GCC. The biggest benefit of this is in performance; we've seen up
to a 50% performance improvement in certain cases in unofficial testing. It also leads to more a
industry-standard development process on Windows, as the MinGW suite is no longer needed.

New Icons

The last release saw a major overhaul of GMAT's GUI icons. This time we've revised some and
added more, especially in the mission tree.

Training Manual

The non-reference material in the GMAT User Guide has been overhauled, partially rewritten,
and reformatted to form a new GMAT Training Manual. This includes the "Getting Started"
material, some short how-to articles, and some longer tutorials. All of this information is included
in the GMAT User Guide as well, in addition to reference material that is undergoing a similar
rewrite later this year.

Release Notes

The GMAT project has implemented several infrastructure improvements in the last year. The
biggest of these was switching from our old Bugzilla system to JIRA for issue tracking.

This year also saw the creation of the GMAT Blog and the GMAT Plugins and Extensions
Blog with a fair number of posts each, plus reorganizations for the wiki and the forums. We
reactivated our two mailing lists, gmat-developers and gmat-users, but haven't seen much usage
of each yet. And finally, we created a new mailing list, gmat-buildtest, for automated daily build
and test updates.

Compatibility Changes
Application Control Changes
The command-line arguments for the GMAT executable have changed. See the following table
for replacements.

Old New Description

-help --help, -h Shows available options
-date --version, -v Shows GMAT build date
-ms --start-server Starts GMAT server on startup
-br filename --run, -r scriptname Builds and runs the script
-minimize --minimize, -m Minimizes GMAT window
-exit --exit, -x Exits GMAT after a script is

Script Syntax Changes

Resource Field Replacement

ForceModel Drag Drag.AtmosphereModel
Propagator MinimumTolerance (Bu- (none)

Known & Fixed Issues

Many bugs were closed in this release, but a comprehensive list is difficult to create because of
the move from Bugzilla to JIRA. See the "Bugs closed in R2012a" report in for a partial list.

All known issues that affect this version of GMAT can be seen in the "Known issues in R2012a"
report in JIRA.

Release Notes

GMAT R2011a Release Notes

The General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) version R2011a was released April 29, 2011 on the
following platforms:

Windows (XP, Vista, 7) Beta

Mac OS X (10.6) Alpha
Linux Alpha

This is the first release since September 2008, and is the 4th public release for the project. In
this release:

• 100,000 lines of code were added

• 798 bugs were opened and 733 were closed
• Code was contributed by 9 developers from 4 organizations
• 6216 system tests were written and run nightly

New Features
GMAT's old OpenGLPlot 3D graphics view was completely revamped and renamed OrbitView.
The new OrbitView plot supports all of the features of OpenGLPlot, but adds several new ones:

• Perspective view instead of orthogonal

• Stars and constellations (with names)
• A new default Earth texture
• Accurate lighting
• Support for user-supplied spacecraft models in 3ds and POV formats.

All existing scripts will use the new OrbitView object automatically, with no script changes need-
ed. Here's a sample of what can be done with the new graphics:

User-Defined Celestial Bodies

Users can now define their own celestial bodies (Planets, Moons, Asteroids, and Comets) through
the GMAT interface, by right-clicking on the Sun resource (for Planets, Asteroids, and Comets)

Release Notes

or any other Solar System resource (for Moons). User-defined celestial bodies can be customized
in many ways:

• Mu (for propagation), radius and flattening (for calculating altitude)

• User-supplied texture file, for use with OrbitView
• Ephemeris from two-body propagation of an initial Keplerian state or from a SPICE kernel
• Orientation and spin state

Ephemeris Output
GMAT can now output spacecraft ephemeris files in CCSDS-OEM and SPK formats by using
the EphemerisFile resource. For each ephemeris, you can customize:

• Coordinate system
• Interpolation order
• Step size
• Epoch range

SPICE Integration for Spacecraft

Spacecraft in GMAT can now be propagated using data from a SPICE kernel rather than by
numerical integration. This can be activated on the SPICE tab of the Spacecraft resource, or
through the script. The following SPICE kernels are supported:

• SPK/BSP (orbit)
• CK (attitude)
• FK (frame)
• SCLK (spacecraft clock)

New features can now be added to GMAT through plugins, rather than being compiled into
the GMAT executable itself. The following plugins are included in this release, with their release
status indicated:

Release Notes

libMatlabPlugin Beta
libFminconOptimizer (Windows only) Beta
libGmatEstimation Alpha (preview)

Plugins can be enabled or disabled through the startup file (gmat_startup_file.txt), lo-
cated in the GMAT bin directory. All plugins are disabled by default.

GUI/Script Synchronization
For those that work with both the script and the graphical interface, GMAT now makes it ex-
plicitly clear if the two are synchronized, and which script is active (if you have several loaded).
The possible states are:

• Synchronized (the interface and the script have the same data)
• GUI or Script Modified (one of them has been modified with respect to the other)
• Unsynchronized (different changes exist in each place)

The only state in which manual intervention is necessary is Unsynchronized, which must be
merged manually (or one set of changes must be discarded). The following status indicators
are available on Windows and Linux (on Mac, they appear as single characters on the GMAT

Estimation [Alpha]
GMAT R2011a includes significant new state estimation capabilities in the libGmatEstimation
plugin. The included features are:

• Measurement models
• Geometric
• TDRSS range
• USN two-way range
• Estimators
• Batch
• Extended Kalman
• Resources
• GroundStation
• Antenna
• Transmitter
• Receiver
• Transponder

This functionality is alpha status, and is included with this release as a preview only.
It has not been rigorously tested.

Release Notes

User Documentation

GMAT’s user documentation has been completely revamped. In place of the old wiki, our formal
documentation is now implemented in DocBook, with HTML, PDF, and Windows Help formats
shipped with GMAT. Our documentation resources for this release are:

• Help (shipped with GMAT, accessed through the Help > Contents menu item)
• Online Help (updated frequently, http://gmat.sourceforge.net/docs/)
• Video Tutorials (http://gmat.sourceforge.net/docs/videos.html)
• Help Forum (http://gmat.ed-pages.com/forum/)
• Wiki (for informal and user-contributed documentation, samples, and tips: http://gmat.ed-

Screenshot ( )

GMAT can now export a screenshot of the OrbitView panel to the output folder in PNG format.


Automatic MATLAB Detection

MATLAB connectivity is now automatically established through the libMatlabInterface plugin,

if enabled in your gmat_startup_file.txt. We are no longer shipping separate executables with
and without MATLAB integration. Most recent MATLAB versions are supported, though con-
figuration is necessary.

Dynamics Model Numerics

All included dynamics models have been thoroughly tested against truth software (AGI STK,
and A.I. Solutions FreeFlyer, primarily), and all known numeric issues have been corrected.

Script Editor [Windows]

GMAT’s integrated script editor on Windows is much improved in this release, and now features:

• Syntax highlighting for GMAT keywords

• Line numbering
• Find & Replace
• Active script indicator and GUI synchronization buttons

Release Notes

Regression Testing

The GMAT project developed a completely new testing system that allows us to do nightly,
automated tests across the entire system, and on multiple platforms. The new system has the
following features:

• Focused on GMAT script testing

• Written in MATLAB language
• Includes 6216 tests with coverage of most of GMAT’s functional requirements
• Allows automatic regression testing on nightly builds
• Compatible with all supported platforms

The project is also regularly testing the GMAT graphical interface on Windows using the Smart-
Bear TestComplete tool. This testing occurs approximately twice a week, and is focused on en-
tering and running complete missions through the interface and checking that the results match
those generated in script mode.

Visual Improvements

This release features numerous visual improvements, including:

• A new application icon and splash screen (shown below)

• Many new, professionally-created icons
• A welcome page for new users

Release Notes

Compatibility Changes
Platform Support

GMAT supports the following platforms:

• Windows XP
• Windows Vista
• Windows 7
• Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6)
• Linux (Intel 64-bit)

With the exception of the Linux version, GMAT is a 32-bit application, but will run on 64-bit
platforms in 32-bit mode. The MATLAB interface was tested with 32-bit MATLAB 2010b on
Windows, and is expected to support 32-bit MATLAB versions from R2006b through R2011a.

Mac: MATLAB 2010a was tested, but version coverage is expected to be identical to Windows.

Linux: MATLAB 2009b 64-bit was tested, and 64-bit MATLAB is required. Otherwise, version
coverage is expected to be identical to Windows.

Script Syntax Changes

The BeginMissionSequence command will soon be required for all scripts. In this release
a warning is generated if this statement is missing.

The following syntax elements are deprecated, and will be removed in a future release:

Resource Field Replacement

DifferentialCorrector TargeterTextFile ReportFile
DifferentialCorrector UseCentralDifferences DerivativeMethod =
EphemerisFile FileName Filename
FiniteBurn Axes
FiniteBurn BurnScaleFactor
FiniteBurn CoordinateSystem
FiniteBurn Origin
FiniteBurn Tanks
FiniteBurn CoordinateSystem = CoordinateSystem =
"Inertial" "MJ2000Eq"
FiniteBurn VectorFormat

FiniteBurn V Element1

ImpulsiveBurn N Element2

B Element3

Release Notes

Resource Field Replacement

FuelTank PressureRegulated PressureModel = Pres-
OpenGLPlot OrbitView
OrbitView EarthSunLines SunLine
OrbitView ViewDirection = Vec- ViewDirection = [0 0 1]

ViewDirection = [0 0
OrbitView ViewPointRef ViewPointReference
OrbitView ViewPointRef = Vector ViewPointReference =
[0 0 1]
ViewPointRefVector =
[0 0 1]
OrbitView ViewPointVector = ViewPointVector = [0 0
Vector 1]

= [0 0 1]
SolarSystem Ephemeris EphemerisSource
Spacecraft StateType DisplayStateType
Thruster X_Direction ThrustDirection1

Y_Direction ThrustDirection2

Z_Direction ThrustDirection3



XYPlot Add YVariable
XYPlot Grid ShowGrid
XYPlot IndVar XVariable

Command Old Syntax New Syntax

Propagate Propagate - Propagate BackProp
DefaultProp(sc) DefaultProp(sc)

Fixed Issues

733 bugs were closed in this release, including 368 marked “major” or “critical”. See the full
report for details.

Release Notes

Known Issues

There remain 268 open bugs in the project’s Bugzilla database, 42 of which are marked “major”
or “critical”. These are tabulated below.

Table 15. Multiple platforms

407 Multi-Matlab run bug

636 MATLAB Callbacks on Linux and Mac
648 DOCUMENT BEHAVIOR - Final orbital
state does not match for the two report meth-
776 Batch vs Individual Runs different
1604 Keplerian Conversion Errors for Hyperbolic
1668 Decimal marker not flexible enough for inter-
national builds
1684 MMS script in GMAT takes 300 times longer
than similar run in FreeFlyer
1731 Major Performance issue in GMAT Functions
1734 Spacecraft allows conversion for singular conic
1992 Determinant of "large" disallowed due to poor
algorithm performance
2058 Can't set SRP Flux and Nominal Sun via GUI
2088 EOP file reader uses Julian Day
2147 Empty parentheses "( )" are not caught in math
2313 Finite Burn/Thruster Tests Have errors >
1000 km but may be due to script differences
2322 DOCUMENT: MATLAB interface requires
manual configuration by user
2344 when a propagator object is deleted, its associ-
ated force model is not deleted
2349 Performance Issue in Force Modelling
2410 Ephemeris propagator has large numeric error
2416 STM Parameters are wrong when using Coor-
dinate System other than EarthMJ2000Eq

Release Notes

Table 16. Windows

970 Matlab connection issue

1012 Quirky Numerical Issues 2 in Batch mode
1128 GMAT incompatible with MATLAB R14 and
1417 Some lines prefixed by "function" are ingored
1436 Potential performance issue using many prop-
agate commands
1528 GMAT Function scripts unusable depending
on file ownership/permissions
1580 Spacecraft Attitude Coordinate System Con-
version not implemented
1592 Atmosphere Model Setup File Features Not
2056 Reproducibility of script run not guaranteed
2065 Difficult to read low number in Spacecraft At-
titude GUI
2066 SC Attitude GUI won't accept 0.0:90.0:0.0 as a
3-2-1 Euler Angle input
2067 Apply Button Sometimes Not Functional in
SC Attitude GUI
2374 Crash when GMAT tries to write to a folder
without write permissions
2381 TestComplete does not match user inputs to
2382 Point Mass Issue when using Script vs. User

Table 17. Mac OS X

1216 MATLAB->GMAT not working

2081 Texture Maps not showing on Mac for Or-
2092 GMAT crashes when MATLAB engine does
not open
2291 LSK file text ctrl remains visible when source
set to DE405 or 2Body
2311 Resource Tree - text messed up for objects in
2383 Crash running RoutineTests with plots ON

Release Notes

Table 18. Linux
1851 On Linux, STC Editor crashes GMAT on
1877 On Linux, Ctrl-C crashes GMAT if no
MDIChildren are open

Index If, 391
ImpulsiveBurn, 205
A Installation, 7
Achieve, 359
Array, 123 L
Assignment, 361 LibrationPoint, 211

Barycenter, 127 Maneuver, 395
BeginFiniteBurn, 367 MarkPoint, 399
BeginMissionSequence, 373 MatlabFunction, 215
BeginScript, 375 MATLAB Interface, 483
Minimize, 401
Mission Tree, 17
Calculation Parameters, 457 N
CallMatlabFunction, 377 NonlinearConstraint, 405
CelestialBody, 131 Numerical Integrator, 235
ClearPlot, 381
Command-Line Usage, 481 O
Command Summary, 25
Optimize, 409
CoordinateSystem, 141
OrbitView, 219
Output Tree, 27
DifferentialCorrector, 155 P
PenDown, 413
E PenUp, 413
Else, 391 Propagate, 417
EndFiniteBurn, 383 Propagator, 235
EndFor, 387
EndIf, 391 R
EndScript, 375 Report, 427
EndTarget, 433 ReportFile, 259
EndWhile, 451 Resources Tree, 14
EphemerisFile, 159
Equation, 361, 385 S
Sample Missions, 8
F Script Editor, 27
FiniteBurn, 169 ScriptEvent, 375
FminconOptimizer, 173 Script Language, 487
For, 387 SolarSystem, 267
Force Model, 242 Spacecraft, 271
Formation, 179 Spacecraft Attitude, 273
FuelTank, 181 Spacecraft Ballistic/Mass Properties, 289
Spacecraft Epoch, 293
Spacecraft Hardware, 301
G Spacecraft Orbit State, 307
gmat_startup_file.txt, 499
Spacecraft Visualization Properties, 323
GMAT command, 481
SPICE Orbit Propagation, 252
GroundStation, 191
Startup File, 499
GroundTrackPlot, 197
Stop, 431


String, 327

Target, 433
Thruster, 329
Toggle, 439

Variable, 345
Vary, 443
VF13ad, 347

While, 451

XYPlot, 351


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