Democracy Assessments: Tool Summary
Democracy Assessments: Tool Summary
Democracy Assessments: Tool Summary
Democracy Assessments
Keboitse Machangana
Tool summary
What is it?
1.1 Nationhood & 2.1 Free & Fair 3.1 The media in a 4.1 External
Citizenship: Is elections: Do democratic society: influences on the
there agreement elections give the Do the media operate countrys
on a common people control over in a way that sustains democracy: Is the
citizenship governments & their democratic values? impact of external
without policies? influences broadly
discrimination? supportive of the
Head of Democracy Assessment and Analysis, International IDEA
Category: Public Oversight 2
Tool: Democracy Assessments
2.6 Integrity in
public life: Is
integrity in the
conduct of public life
How is it done?
Key resources
CCD: Prospects for Democratic Transition in the Middle East and North
Africa: Implications of the Central/EastEuropean and African Experiences. A
Conference report on the same theme organized in Budapest in 2007
The report contains several case studies of countries in democratic
transition based on assessment of the quality of democracy
Democracy Centre
Founded in San Francisco in 1992, The Democracy Center works
globally to advance social justice through a combination of
investigation and reporting, training citizens in the art of public
advocacy, and organizing international citizen campaigns. Their
website gives very useful links to organizations and other resources
concerned with democracy assessments.
Democracy Digest
Democracy Digest provides news, analysis and information on
democracy assistance and related issues. The blog is a daily
installment of the Democracy Digest e-bulletin and produced at the
National Endowment for Democracy. The Network is affiliated with the
World Movement for Democracy, a global network of democrats
including activists, practitioners, academics, policy makers and
funders, who have come together to cooperate in the promotion of
Freedom House
Freedom House, a non-profit, nonpartisan organization, is a clear voice
for democracy and freedom around the world. Through a vast array of
international programs and publications, Freedom House is working to
advance the remarkable worldwide expansion of political and economic
International Idea
The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
(International IDEA) is an intergovernmental organization that supports
sustainable democracy worldwide. It is a pioneer in democracy
assessments. The publications and resources section of their website
is a virtual treasure of information and reports on the state of
democracy from a global perspective.
Case studies