Negotiable Instrument Law Syllabus

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A. Forms and Interpretation I. Presentment for payment

1. Requisites of Negotiability Sec. 1 1. Necessity of presentment for
2. Kinds of Negotiable Instruments payment Sec. 70 - 74
Sec. 2 - 12 2. Parties to whom presentment for
payment should be made Sec. 75 -
B. Completion and Delivery 78
1. Insertion of Date Sec. 13 3. Dispensation with presentment for
2. Completion of Blanks Sec. 14 payment Sec.79 - 82
3. Incomplete and Undelivered 4. Dishonor by non-payment Sec. 83 –
Instruments Sec. 15 84
4. Complete but Undelivered 5. Payment in Due Course – Sec. 88
Instruments Sec. 16
J. Notice of Dishonor
C. Signature 1. Parties to be notified Sec. 89
1. Signing in Trade Name Sec. 18 2. Parties who may give notice and
2. Signature of Agent Sec. 19 - 21 dishonor Sec. 90 - 91
3. Indorsement by Minor or Corporation 3. Effect of Notice Sec. 92 - 95
Sec. 22 4. Form of Notice Sec. 96 - 108
4. Forgery Sec. 23 5. Waiver Sec. 109 - 111
6. Dispensation with Notice Sec. 112 -
D. Consideration 116
1. Presumption of Consideration Sec. 24 7. Effect of failure to give notice Sec.
2. Value Sec. 25 117
3. Holder for Value Sec. 26
4. Lien on Instrument Sec. 27 K. Discharge of Negotiable Instrument
5. Effect of Want of Consideration Sec. 1. Discharge of Negotiable Instrument
28 Sec. 119
2. Discharge of parties secondarily
E. Accomodation Party Sec. 29 liable Sec. 120
3. Right of Party who discharged
F. Negotiation instrument Sec. 121
1. Distinguished from Assignment 4. Renunciation by holder Sec. 122 -
2. Modes of Negotiation Sec. 30 - 32 123
3. Kinds of Indorsements Sec. 33 – 46
4. Continuation of Negotiable L. Material Alteration
Character Sec. 47 1. Concept Sec. 125
5. Striking out Indorsement Sec. 48 2. Effect of Material Alteration Sec. 124
6. Effect of Transfer without
Endorsement Sec. 49 M. Bills of Exchange
7. When prior party may negotiate 1. Definition Sec. 126
instrument Sec. 50 2. Manner Sec. 127 - 131
3. Acceptance Sec. 132 – 142
G. Rights of Holder 4. Presentment for Acceptance Sec.
1. Rights of Holder to sue Sec. 51 143 – 151
2. Holder in Due Course Sec. 52 5. Protest Sec.152 – 160
3. Defense against the Holder Sec. 53 6. Acceptance for Honor Sec. 161 –
- 56 170
4. Rights of Holder in Due Course Sec. 7. Payment for Honor - Sec. 171 – 177
57 8. Bills in Set - Sec. 178 - 183
5. Shelter Rule Sec. 58
N. Promissory Notes Sec. 184
H. Liabilities of Parties
1. Maker Sec. 60 O. Checks
2. Drawer Sec. 61 1. Definition Sec. 185
3. Acceptor Sec. 62 2. Kinds
4. Indorser Sec. 66 3. Presentment for Payment Sec. 186 -
5. Warranties Sec. 65 189

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