A Formal Synthesis of Reserpine: Hydrindane Approach To The Woodward's Ring-E Precursor
A Formal Synthesis of Reserpine: Hydrindane Approach To The Woodward's Ring-E Precursor
A Formal Synthesis of Reserpine: Hydrindane Approach To The Woodward's Ring-E Precursor
A formal synthesis of reserpine: hydrindane approach to the
Woodwards ring-E precursor
Received (in Cambridge, UK) 17th January 2000, Accepted 2nd March 2000
Published on the Web 11th April 2000
A new synthetic approach to a functionally and stereochemically embellished cyclohexanoid, corresponding to the
Woodwards ring-E intermediate 24 of the complex indole alkaloid reserpine 1 is delineated. Our scheme emanates
from a readily available endo-tricyclo[,6]decane system from which cis-hydrindane and cyclohexanoid moieties
are sequentially extracted. The strategy outlined here exploits the propensity of the endo-tricyclo[,6]decane
and cis-hydrindane systems to react from the convex face to generate the requisite stereochemical pattern. Since
24 has been previously elaborated to the natural product, the present eort constitutes a formal synthesis of
The pentacyclic indole alkaloid reserpine 1, rst isolated from chemistry. Intramolecular [2 2] photocycloaddition in a
the Indian snake root, Rauwola serpentina Benth, occupies a cyclohexene derivative and cyclobutane fragmentation was the
historically important position among natural products for a stratagem employed by Pearlman 3b in accessing ring E of 1.
variety of reasons.1,2 Besides having a complex structure, 1 2 was Stork et al.3e and Liao et al.3g employed the bicyclo[2.2.2]octane
among the very rst few natural products to have been used scaold to deliver the desired stereochemistry of ring E. Fraser-
clinically. For quite some time, reserpine 1 was commonly Reid 3f and Hanessian 3h employed glucose and quinic acid,
employed for the treatment of hypertension and mental dis- respectively, as chirons in their approach to reserpine 1.
orders. The pentacyclic framework of reserpine 1 with six stereo- On the other hand, Wender et al.3c and Martin et al.3d in their
genic centres and ample functionalisation was considered as a successful synthesis of reserpine have focused on assembling a
major synthetic challenge in the 1950s and 1960s. Its rst syn- cis-hydroisoquinoline moiety 3, incorporating the DE-rings of
thesis by Woodward,3a nearly forty years ago, was a landmark the natural product, employing DielsAlder/Cope rearrange-
and ranks among the classics of modern organic synthesis. ment and intramolecular DielsAlder reaction as the key steps,
Over the years, reserpine has continued to sustain the interest respectively. In both, the E-ring as well as DE-ring approaches,
and attention of synthetic chemists 3,4 and as many as eight total appropriately constructed precursors 2 and 3 are condensed
syntheses have been recorded to date.3ah The approaches with indole derived AB-ring partners 4 and 5, respectively, to
adopted towards the successful syntheses of 1 fall into two generate the pentacyclic framework of reserpine 1, Scheme 1.
broad categories. In the rst group are the approaches that Several innovative and interesting solutions to ring-E con-
focus on the construction of ring E of reserpine wherein ve of struction have been presented en route to the synthesis of 1. We
the six stereogenic centres and much of the functionality reside. have conceptualised a new approach to Woodwards ring-E
The original Woodward approach 3a and those of Pearlman,3b precursor of reserpine 1 from readily accessible endo-tricyclo-
Stork,3e Fraser-Reid,3f Liao 3g and Hanessian 3h have targeted an [,6]decane derivative 6.5 The key feature of this strategy
appropriately functionalised ring-E precursor 2 in which the is the retrieval of the six-membered ring (see bold portion in 6)
requisite stereochemistry is built in. Woodward 3a employed the embedded within the tricyclic frame of 6. Another distinctive
DielsAlder adduct of vinylacrylic acid and benzoquinone as aspect of this approach is that all the ten carbon atoms of
the starting material in which a series of clever functional group Woodwards ring-E intermediate (see 8) are present in the tri-
manipulations were orchestrated to attain the ring-E stereo- cyclic framework 6, which in turn is assembled from two C5
Scheme 1
Scheme 2
mers 20 was obtained. The major epimer formed during the Experimental
reduction of 19 was the -isomer with endo-methoxycarbonyl
group corresponding to the required C20-stereochemistry in 1. General
The separation of epimers 20 proved dicult at this stage and Melting points were recorded on a Bchi SMP-20 apparatus
therefore we proceeded further as such towards the Wood- and are uncorrected. Infrared spectra were recorded on Perkin-
wards intermediate. DIBAL-H reduction of 20 to the Elmer model 1310 or JASCO FT-IR. Solid samples were
aldehyde 21 and Wittig olenation furnished 22. The Wittig recorded as KBr pellets and liquids as thin lms. 1H NMR
olenation was necessitated by our intent to protect the alde- spectra were recorded at 200 MHz or 300 MHz and 13C NMR
hyde functionality in 21 during subsequent steps. It was spectra were recorded at 50 MHz or 75 MHz on Bruker AC 200
reasoned that the aldehyde functionality, which is present in the or JNM -300 spectrometers respectively. 1H and 13C NMR
target structure could be readily regenerated at an appropriate samples were made in CDCl3 solvent and chemical shifts are
stage from the olen. As 22 turned out to be a nice solid, crys- reported on the scale using tetramethylsilane (Me4Si) as the
tallization led to ready purication and it was obtained as a internal standard. J values are given in Hz. The standard
single stereoisomer and fully characterized. The secondary abbreviations br, s, d, t, q and m refer to broad, singlet, doublet,
hydroxy group in 22 was now acetylated to 23. The nal man- triplet, quartet and multiplet, respectively. Mass spectra
oeuvre now was the unraveling of the cis disposed methoxy- measurements were carried out on a JEOL JMS DX-303
carbonyl and acetic acid side arms on the E-ring, corresponding spectrometer. Elemental analyses were carried out using a
to C16 and C15 of reserpine, respectively, from the ve mem- Perkin-Elmer 240C elemental analyzer or Carlo Erba 1106-
bered ring of the cis-hydrindane 23. A four step sequence con- CHN analyzer. Analytical thin-layer chromatography (TLC)
sisting of acetonide deprotection, periodate cleavage of the was performed on (10 5 cm) glass plates coated with
resultant diol to dialdehyde, Jones oxidation to the dicarboxylic Acmes silica gel G (containing 13% calcium sulfate as binder).
acid and diazomethane esterication led to the diester 24 in Column chromatography was performed using Acmes silica gel
modest yield, Scheme 4. The diester 24 has been recently (100200 mesh) and ethyl acetatehexane was used as eluent.
reported by Fraser-Reid et al.3f and our synthetic sample was Moisture sensitive reactions were performed using standard
found to be identical with their sample in all respects. On syringe-septum techniques under a nitrogen atmosphere. All
ozonolysis, the olenic moiety in 24 is readily transformed to solvents were distilled over appropriate drying agents, prior to
the aldehyde functionality and the resulting product is the use. Yields reported are isolated yields of materials judged
Woodwards reserpine precursor 9,3f which has been earlier homogeneous by TLC and NMR.
elaborated to the natural product.3a
In short, we have outlined a new approach to a densely func-
tionalised cyclohexanoid, identical with Woodwards ring-E
ene-3,4-diol 12
intermediate from readily available cyclopentadiene based
building-blocks. Our approach, notable for its conceptual Osmium tetroxide (115 mg, 0.45 mmol, 0.5 mol%) was added to
simplicity, relies on the topology of the endo-tricyclo- a stirred solution of adduct 11 (30 g, 90 mmol), prepared from
[,6]decane and cis-hydrindane ring systems to achieve the tetrachlorodimethoxycyclopentadiene 10 and cyclopentadiene
desired stereoselectivity. by following the literature procedure,5 NMO (16 g, 136