Dorf Introduction - To.electric - Circuits.8e

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88 )-------R e s i s t i v e C i r c u i t s


Section 3.2 Kirchhoff s Laws 20 V

P 3.2-1 Consider the circuit shown in Figure P 3.2-1. Deter
mine the values of the power supplied by branch B and the
power supplied by branch F.
Figure P 3.2-4
+ 4 V-
P 3.2-5 Determine the power absorbed by each of the resis
tors in the circuit shown in Figure P 3.2-5.
Answer: The 4 -0 resistor absorbs 16 W, the 6-11 resistor
t 1A absorbs 24 W, and the 8-0 resistor absorbs 8 W.

-1 A 8V
Figure P 3.2-1

P 3.2-2 Determine the values of z2, *4, v2, v3, and v6 in Figure
P 3.2-2. Figure P 3.2-5
v3 4 v-
P 3.2-6 Determine the power supplied by each current source
in the circuit of Figure P 3.2-6.
Answer: The 2-mA current source supplies 6 mW, and the
| 3 A 1-mA current source supplies 7 mW.
5V 2 mA

Figure P 3.2-2

P 3.2-3 Consider the circuit shown in Figure P 3.2-3.

(a) Suppose that /?! = 8 0 and R2 = 4 O. Find the current i and
the voltage v.
(b) Suppose, instead, that i = 2.25 A and v = 42 V. Determine
the resistances R\ and R2.
(c) Suppose, instead, that the voltage source supplies 24 W of
power and that the current source supplies 9 W of power.
Determine the current i, the voltage v, and the resistances P 3.2-7 Determine the power supplied by each voltage source
R\ and R2. in the circuit of Figure P 3.2-7.
Answer: The 2-V voltage source supplies 2 mW and the 3-V
voltage source supplies 6 mW.

3V 2V

P 3.2-4 Determine the power absorbed by each of the resis

tors in the circuit shown in Figure P 3.2-4.
Answer: The 4-0 resistor absorbs 100 W, the 6-0 resistor
absorbs 24 W, and the 8-0 resistor absorbs 72 W.
P r o b l e m s ------ ( 89

P 3.2-8 What is the value of the resistance R in Figure

P 3.2-8.
Hint: Assume an ideal ammeter. An ideal ammeter is
equivalent to a short circuit.
Answer: R 4 0
I v7

Figure P 3.2-11

P 3.2-12 Determine the power received by each of the

resistors in the circuit shown in Figure P 3.2-12.
P 3.2-9 The voltmeter in Figure P 3.2-9 measures the value of
the voltage across the current source to be 56 V. What is the + i>i -
value of the resistance R?
Hint: Assume an ideal voltmeter. An ideal voltmeter is
equivalent to an open circuit.
Answer: R = 10 H

Figure P 3.2-9

P 3.2-10 Determine the values of the resistances R\ and R 2 in P 3.2-13 Determine the voltage and current o f each of the
Figure P 3.2-10. circuit elements in the circuit shown in Figure P 3.2-13.
Hint: Youll need to specify reference directions for the
element voltages and currents. There is more than one way
to do that, and your answers will depend on the reference
directions that you choose.

15 V 0.25 A

10 ft
Figure P 3.2-13

P 3.2-14 Determine the voltage and current o f each of the

circuit elements in the circuit shown in Figure P 3.2-14.
P 3.2-11 The circuit shown in Figure P 3.2-11 consists of five Hint: You'll need to specify reference directions for the
voltage sources and four current sources. Express the power element voltages and currents. There is more than one way
supplied by each source in terms of the voltage source voltages to do that, and your answers will depend on the reference
and the current source currents. directions that you choose.
0 -
R e s is t iv e C i r c u i t s

P 3.2-19 The voltage source in Figure P 3.2-19 supplies

3.6 W of power. The current source supplies 4.8 W. Determine
the values of the resistances, R\ and R2-

P 3.2-20 Determine the current / in Figure P 3.2-20.

Figure P 3.2-14
Answer: i = 4 A
P 3.2-15 Determine the value of the current that is measured 4a
by the meter in Figure P 3.2-15.

V (T )2 A

Figure P 3.2-20

P 3.2-21 Determine the value of the current im in Figure

Figure P 3.2-15
P 3.2-21ar.
P 3.2-16 Determine the value of the current that is measured
by the meter in Figure P 3.2-16. 6Q

k z u Ammeter Q va ( T ) 3 A \ i / 2/5 v ,

4 n

Figure P 3.2-16

P 3.2-17 Determine the value of the voltage that is measured

by the meter in Figure P 3.2-17.


Figure P 3.2-21 (a) A circuit containing a VCCS. (b) The circuit

after labeling the nodes and some element currents and voltages.

P 3.2-18 Determine the value of the voltage that is measured

by the meter in Figure P 3.2-18. Hint: Apply KVL to the closed path a-b-d-c-a in Figure
'1 60 ft P 3.2-21/? to determine va. Then apply KCL at node b to find im.
Answer: im = 9 A
P 3.2-22 Determine the value of the voltage vm in Figure
P 3.2-22a.
Hint: Apply KVL to the closed path a-b-d-c-a in Figure
P 3.2-22b to determine va.
Answer: vm = 24 V
P r o b le m s ( 91

P 3.2-26 Determine the value of the voltage v5 for the circuit

shown in Figure P 3.2-26.


Figure P 3.2-26

P 3.2-27 Determine the value of the voltage v6 for the circuit

shown in Figure P 3.2-27.

Figure P 3.2-22 (a) A circuit containing a VCVS. (b) The circuit

after labeling the nodes and some element currents and voltages. v6

P 3.2-23 Determine the value of the voltage v6 for the circuit

shown in Figure P 3.2-23.
i/5 = 10 i2
P 3.2-28 Determine the value of the voltage v5 for the circuit
shown in Figure P 3.2-28.

250 mA

220 mA

Figure P 3.2-23

P 3.2-24 Determine the value of the voltage v6 for the circuit 25 mA

0 .5 u2
shown in Figure P 3.2-24.
Figure P 3.2-28
15 mA v5 l Ou 2
P 3.2-29 The voltage source in the circuit shown in Figure
r -/ )
K J ----- P 3.2-29 supplies 2 W of power. The value of the voltage
25 n across the 2 5 -0 resistor is v2 = 4 V. Determine the values of
12 v O 50 a s the resistance R\ and of the gain, G, of the VCCS.
v2 -
----- O ___
25 mA
Figure P 3.2-24

P 3.2-25 Determine the value of the voltage v5 for the circuit

shown in Figure P 3.2-25.
45 Q 250 mA

Figure P 3.2-29

P 3.2-30 Consider the circuit shown in Figure P 3.2-30.

Determine the values of
(a) The current ia in the 20-11 resistor.
(b) The voltage vb across the 10-0 resistor.
Figure P 3.2-25
(c) The current ic in the independent voltage source.
R e s is t iv e C i r c u i t s

20 ft ia

Figure P 3.2-30
P 3.3-4 Determine the voltage v in the circuit shown in
Figure P 3.3-4.
Section 3.3 Series Resistors and V oltag e Division
P 3.3-1 Use voltage division to determine the voltages vb v2,
v3, and v4 in the circuit shown in Figure P 3.3-1.

P 3.3-2 Consider the circuits shown in Figure P 3.3-2.

P 3.3-5 The model of a cable and load resistor connected to a
(a) Determine the value of the resistance R in Figure P 3.3-2 b
source is shown in Figure P 3.3-5. Determine the appropriate
that makes the circuit in Figure P 3.3-2b equivalent to the
cable resistance, R, so that the output voltage, vG, remains
circuit in Figure P 3.3-2a.
(b) Determine the current / in Figure P 3.3-26. Because the between 9 V and 13 V when the source voltage, vs, varies
circuits are equivalent, the current i in Figure P 3.3-2a is between 20 V and 28 V. The cable resistance can assume
equal to the current i in Figure P 3.3-2b. integer values only in the range 20 < R < 100 H.
(c) Determine the power supplied by the voltage source.

-o----- V A -
6 ft 3 ft 2 ft
A A A r - ^ /W - -v w - Cable yo > 1 0 0 f t

4 ft -o-----V v \
Figure P 3.3-5 Circuit with a cable.
( a)

P 3.3-6 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 3.3-6 is

the voltage of the voltage source, va. The output of this circuit is
the voltage measured by the voltmeter, vb. This circuit produces
an output that is proportional to the input, that is,
Vb = k va
Figure P 3.3-2 where k is the constant of proportionality.
(a) Determine the value of the output, vb, when R = 180 Cl and
P 3.3-3 The ideal voltmeter in the circuit shown in Figure va= 18 V.
P 3.3-3 measures the voltage v. (b) Determine the value of the power supplied by the voltage
source when R = 180 Cl and va = 18 V.
(a) Suppose R2 = 50 fl. Determine the value of R\.
(c) Determine the value of the resistance, R, required to cause
(b) Suppose, instead, 7 ^ = 5 0 Cl. Determine the value of
Ri . the output to be vb = 2 V when the input is va = 18 V.
(c) Suppose, instead, that the voltage source supplies 1.2 W of (d) Determine the value of the resistance, R, required to cause
power. Determine the values of both R { and R2. vb = 0.2va (that is, the value of the constant of proportion
ality is k = ).
P r o b l e m s -------I 93

P 3.3-7 Determine the value of voltage v in the circuit shown
in Figure P 3.3-7. t (l-a)tfp
o------ W V --------<j>
15 ft 18 V
s ( p aRP < Urn

Figure P 3.3-9

Figure P 3.3-7 P 3.3-10 Determine the value of the voltage measured by the
meter in Figure P 3.3-10.
P 3.3-8 Determine the power supplied by the dependent
source in the circuit shown in Figure P 3.3-8.

Figure P 3.3-10

P 3.3-11 For the circuit of Figure P 3.3-11, find the voltage v3

and the current i and show that the power delivered to the three
Figure P 3.3-8 resistors is equal to that supplied by the source.
Answer: v3 = 3 V, I = 1 A
P 3.3-9 A potentiometer can be used as a transducer to
convert the rotational position of a dial to an electrical
quantity. Figure P 3.3-9 illustrates this situation. Figure
P 3.3-9a shows a potentiometer having resistance Rp con
nected to a voltage source. The potentiometer has three 3 ft
terminals, one at each end and one connected to a sliding
contact called a wiper. A voltmeter measures the voltage v3 +
between the wiper and one end of the potentiometer.
Figure P 3.3-9b shows the circuit after the potentiome Figure P 3.3-11
ter is replaced by a model of the potentiometer that consists of
P 3.3-12 Consider the voltage divider shown in Figure
two resistors. The parameter a depends on the angle, #, o f the
P 3.3-12 when R x= 8 ft. It is desired that the output power
dial. Here a = and 0 is given in degrees. Also, in Figure P
absorbed by R\ be 4.5 W. Find the voltage vD and the
3.3-96, the voltmeter has been replaced by an open circuit, and
required source vs.
the voltage measured by the voltmeter, vm, has been labeled.
The input to the circuit is the angle 0 , and the output is the 2 ft 4 ft
voltage measured by the meter, vm.
(a) Show that the output is proportional to the input.
(b) Let Rp = 1 kfl and v924 V. Express the output as a
function of the input. What is the value of the output when
0 = 45? What is the angle when vm= 10 V? Figure P 3.3-12
R e s is t iv e C i r c u i t s

P 3.3-13 Consider the voltage divider circuit shown in Figure

P 3.3-13. The resistor R represents a temperature sensor. The 4 1 6 A ( f
resistance R. in fi, is related to the temperature T, in C, by the
( a) (b)
R = 50 + -T
Figure P 3.4-2
(a) Determine the meter voltage, vm, corresponding to tem
P 3.4-3 The ideal voltmeter in the circuit shown in Figure
peratures 0C, 75C and 100C.
(b) Determine the temperature. T, corresponding to the meter
P 3.4-3 measures the voltage v.
voltages 8 V, 10 V, and 15 V. (a) Suppose R2 = 6 ft. Determine the value of R j and of the
current i.
(b) Suppose, instead, R\ = 6 ft. Determine the value of R2 and
of the current /.
(c) Instead, choose R\ and R2 to minimize the power absorbed
by any one resistor.

P 3.3-14 Consider the circuit shown in Figure P 3.3-14.

(a) Determine the value of the resistance R required to cause

v0 = 17.07 V.
(b) Determine the value of the voltage vDwhen R = 14 ft. P 3.4-4 Determine the current / in the circuit shown in Figure
(c) Determine the power supplied by the voltage source when P 3.4-4.
v0 = 14.22 V.

Figure P 3.3-14

Section 3.4 Parallel Resistors and Current Division Figure P 3.4-4

P 3.4-1 Use current division to determine the currents iu i2,
/'3, and t4 in the circuit shown in Figure P 3.4-1. P 3.4-5 Consider the circuit shown in Figure P 3.4-5 when
4 ft < /?, < 6 ft and R2 = 10 ft. Select the source is so that
v0 remains between 9 V and 13 V.

Figure P 3.4-1
Figure P 3.4-5
P 3.4-2 Consider the circuits shown in Figure P 3.4-2.
P 3.4-6 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 3.4-6 is the
(a) Determine the value of the resistance R in Figure P 3.4-2/?
current of the current source, za. The output of this circuit is the
that makes the circuit in Figure P 3.4-2/? equivalent to the
circuit in Figure P 3.4-2a. current measured by the ammeter, ij,. This circuit produces an
output that is proportional to the input, that is,
(b) Determine the voltage v in Figure P 3.4-2/?. Because the
circuits are equivalent, the voltage v in Figure P 3.4-2a is ib = k ia
where k is the constant of proportionality.
equal to the voltage v in Figure P 3.4-2/?.
(a) Determine the value of the output, *b, when R = 24 ft and
(c) Determine the power supplied by the current source.
/a = 2.1 A.
P r o b l e m s -------( 95

(b) Determine the value of the resistance, R , required to cause P 3.4-9 Determine the value of the voltage v in Figure P 3.4-9.
the output to be ib = 1.5 A when the input is za = 2 A.
(c) Determine the value of the resistance, R , required to cause 40 ft 20 ft b
ib = 0.4 ia (that is, the value of the constant of proportion O | W \ r -AAAr- -AAAr- -Oi
40 ft
ality is k -j^).
12 Q A-
AAA/ <___ H
- e -
3 mA

Figure P 3.4-9

Figure P 3.4-6 P 3.4-10 A solar photovoltaic panel may be represented by the

circuit model shown in Figure P 3.4-10, where RL is the load
P 3.4-7 Figure P 3.4-7 shows a transistor amplifier. The values
resistor. Determinethe values of the resistances R\ and RL.
of R i and R2 are to be selected. Resistances R i and R2 are used to
bias the transistor, that is, to create useful operating conditions. 12 ft a
In this problem, we want to select R i and R2 so that vb = 5 V. We I----------------------T----V A -----------9
expect the value of zb to be approximately 10 ^jlA. Wlien /j <
( t ) 30 mA Ri > * 5 mA R l > 2 V
10zb, it is customary to treat /b as negligible, that is, to assume
zb= 0. In that case, R \ and R2 comprise a voltage divider.
(a) Select values for Rl and R2 so that vb = 5 V, and the
total power absorbed by R x and R2 is no more than 5 mW. Figure P 3.4-10
(b) An inferior transistor could cause /b to be larger than
expected. Using the values of R x and R2 from part (a), P 3.4-11 Determine the power supplied by the dependent
determine the value of vbthat would result from ib = 15 jiA. source in Figure P 3.4-11.

Figure P 3.4-11

Figure P 3.4-7
P 3.4-12 The voltmeter in Figure P 3.4-12 measures the value
of the voltage vm.
P 3.4-8 Determine the value of the current i in the circuit
shown in Figure P 3.4-8. (a) Determine the value of the resistance R.
2A (b) Determine the value o f the power supplied by the current

Figure P 3.4-12

P 3.4-13 Determine the values of the resistances R^ and R2

Figure P 3.4-8
for the circuit shown in Figure P 3.4-13.
R e s is tiv e C irc u its

P 3.4 -1 7 Consider the combination of resistors shown in

Figure P 3.4-17. Let Rp denote the equivalent resistance
(a) Suppose 40(1 < R < 40011. Determine the correspond
1.6 A
ing range of values of Rp.
(b) Suppose, instead, /? = 0 (a short circuit). Determine the
value of Rp.
(c) Suppose, instead, R = oc (an open circuit). Determine the
value of Rp.
(d ) Suppose, instead, the equivalent resistance is Rp = 80 fl.
P 3.4-14 Determine the values of the resistances R i and R2
Determine the value of R.
for the circuit shown in Figure P 3.4-14.

+ 0 .3 84 V -

P 3.4-15 Determine the value of the current measured by the

meter in Figure P 3.4-15. Figure P 3.4-17

P 3 .4 -1 8Consider the combination of resistors shown in

Figure P 3.4-18. Let Rp denote the equivalent resistance.
(a) Suppose 5011 < R < 80011. Determine the correspond
ing range of values of Rp.
(b ) Suppose, instead, R = 0 (a short circuit). Determine the
value of Rp.
(c) Suppose, instead, R = oc (an open circuit). Determine the
value of Rp.
(d ) Suppose, instead, the equivalent resistance is Rp 150 0 .
Determine the value of R.

P 3.4-16 Consider the combination of resistors shown in

Figure P 3.4-16. Let Rp denote the equivalent resistance.
(a) Suppose 20 fl < R < 32011. Determine the correspond
ing range of values of Rp.
(b) Suppose, instead, R = 0 (a short circuit). Determine the
value of Rp.
(c) Suppose, instead, R = oo (an open circuit). Determine the
value of Rp.
(d) Suppose, instead, the equivalent resistance is Rp = 4011.
Determine the value of R.
Figure P 3.4-18

P 3 .4 -1 9 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 3.4-19 is

the source current, /s. The output is the current measured by
the meter, iQ. A current divider connects the source to the
meter. Given the following observations:
(a) The input /, = 5 A causes the output to be iQ = 2 A.
(b) When i%= 2 A, the source supplies 48 W.
Figure P 3.4-16
Determine the values of the resistances R x and R2.
P r o b le m s ------- 97

(a) Determine the value of the resistance R in Figure P 3.6-1 b

that makes the circuit in Figure P 3.6-1 b equivalent to the
circuit in Figure P 3.6-la.
(b) Find the current i and the voltage v shown in Figure P 3.6-
1b. Because of the equivalence, the current i and the
voltage v shown in Figure P 3.6-la are equal to the current
i and the voltage v shown in Figure P 3.6-1 b.
Figure P 3.4-19 (c) Find the current z2, shown in Figure P 3.6-1 a, using current
Section 3.5 Series Voltage Sources and Parallel
Current Sources
P 3.5-1 Determine the power supplied by each source in
the circuit shown in Figure P 3.5-1.

) 1.25 A

Figure P 3.5-1

P 3.5-2 Determine the power supplied by each source in the

circuit shown in Figure P 3.5-2.
Figure P 3.6-1
2V 0.5 A

- 0 - - 0 -
P 3.6-2 The circuit shown in Figure P 3.6-2a has been
divided into three parts. In Figure P 3.6-2 b, the rightmost
part has been replaced with an equivalent circuit. The rest of
(p the circuit has not been changed. The circuit is simplified
further in Figure 3.6-2c. Now the middle and rightmost parts
have been replaced by a single equivalent resistance. The
leftmost part of the circuit is still unchanged.
Figure P 3.5-2 (a) Determine the value o f the resistance R { in Figure P 3.6-2 b
that makes the circuit in Figure P 3.6-2 b equivalent to the
P 3.5-3 Determine the power received by each resistor in the circuit in Figure P 3.6-2 a.
circuit shown in Figure P 3.5-3. (b) Determine the value of the resistance R2 in Figure P 3.6-2 c
3V that makes the circuit in Figure P 3.6-2c equivalent to the
circuit in Figure P 3.6-2b.
(c) Find the current ix and the voltage Vj shown in Figure P
3.6-2c. Because of the equivalence, the current ij and the
0 .2 5 A (^ 2aO 7n> 0 125A voltage vj shown in Figure P 3.6-2b are equal to the
current /'i and the voltage V] shown in Figure P 3.6-2c.
o Hint: 24 = 6 (/,-2 ) + /,rt2
(d) Find the current i2 and the voltage v2 shown in Figure
Figure P 3.5-3
P 3.6-2 b. Because of the equivalence, the current i2
and the voltage v2 shown in Figure P 3.6-2a are equal
Section 3.6 Circuit Analysis to the current i2 and the voltage v2 shown in Figure
P 3 6-1 The circuit shown in Figure P 3.6-la has been P 3.6-2b.
divided into two parts. In Figure P 3.6-1 b, the right-hand Hint: Use current division to calculate i2 from i\.
part has been replaced with an equivalent circuit. The left- (e) Determine the power absorbed by the 3-1) resistance
hand part of the circuit has not been changed. shown at the right of Figure P 3.6-2a.
R e s is t iv e C i r c u i t s

Figure P 3.6-4

P 3.6-5 The voltmeter in the circuit shown in Figure P 3.6-5

shows that the voltage across the 30-0 resistor is 6 volts.
Determine the value of the resistance R\.
Hint: Use the voltage division twice.
Answer: R\ = 40 H

Figure P 3.6-2

P 3.6-6 Determine the voltages va and vc and the currents i b

P 3.6-3 Find i, using appropriate circuit reductions and the
and i d for the circuit shown in Figure P 3.6-6.
current divider principle for the circuit of Figure P 3.6-3.
Answer: va = - 2 V, vc = 6 V, i b = -1 6 mA, and i d = 2 mA
1 ft 1ft 1 ft 1ft

P 3.6-4
(a) Determine values of and R2 in Figure P 3.6-46 that
make the circuit in Figure P 3.6-46 equivalent to the P 3.6-7 Determine the value of the resistance R in Figure
circuit in Figure P 3.6-4a. P 3.6-7.
(b) Analyze the circuit in Figure P 3.6-46 to determine the
Answer: R = 2SkCl
values of the currents za and i b.
(c) Because the circuits are equivalent, the currents za
12 kft
and ib shown in Figure P 3.6-46 are equal to the currents
ia and ib shown in Figure P 3.6-4a. Use this fact to
determine values of the voltage vj and current i 2 shown
in Figure P 3.6-4a.

- Uj +
Figure P 3.6-7

P 3.6-8 Most of us are familiar with the effects of a mild

electric shock. The effects of a severe shock can be devastating
and often fatal. Shock results when current is passed through
the body. A person can be modeled as a network of resistances.
Consider the model circuit shown in Figure P 3.6-8. Determine

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