Paper I Questions
Paper I Questions
Paper I Questions
Sociology is preeminently study of modern societies. Discuss.
Is sociology common sense. Give reasons in support of your argument.
Discuss the relevance of historical method in study of society.
How had Enlightenment contributed to the emergence of sociology.
How did the emergence of industrial society change the family life in Western Europe ?
How is sociological approach to human actions different from that of psychological approach ?
In what way biographies could be used to study social life ?
Compare and contrast sociology with anthropology.
Sociology emerged in Europe and flourished to begin with on social reformist orientation in the USA. Comment
How did the French revolution and Industrial revolution play an important role in the emergence of sociology.
What can sociology show us about our actions ? Discuss the practical significance of sociology.
Emergence of sociology is an outcome of modernity and social change in Europe.
Sociology without history is rootless and history without sociology is fruitless. Elaborate.
Comparison between sociology and economics. 20 marks
What is value-free sociology. Clarify.
Describe the basic postulates of scientific method. How far are these followed in sociological research ?
Examine Max Weber's method of maintaining objectivity in social research.
Is sociology a science ? Give reasons for your answer.
Non-positivistic methodology is essential for understanding human behaviour.
How is objectivity different from value neutrality ? Discuss with reference to Weber's view on methodology
In what way 'interpretative' method is different from 'positivist' approach in the study of social phenomena ?
Critically examine positivistic approach in sociological studies.
Fact value and objectivity
Interpretative sociology
Fact and value
Comment on the reasons why neo-idealists and symbolic interactionists are critical of positivism in sociology ? 30 marks
Problems of objectivity in sociological research. 20 marks
Analyse the importance of qualitative method in social research.
Hypothesis is a statement of relationship between two or more variables. Elucidate by giving example of poverty and illiteracy.
Participant observation is the most effective tool for collecting facts. Comment.
What are variables ? Discuss their role in experimental research.
Examine the problems of maintaining objectivity and value neutrality in social science research.
Why is random sampling said to have more reliability and validity in research ?
Which research technique would be most suitable for the study of consumer behaviour and its social correlates ? Explain
Analyse the limitations of quantitative method in social research.
Differentiate between the qualitative and quantitative methods in research.
Comparative method
What is subjective method in social research ? Examine focus group discussion (FGD) as a technique for data collection, with su
Reliability and Validity
Nomothetic and Ideographic methods
Content analysis.
Distinguish between probability and non-probability sampling methods. How many types of sampling designs are there ? 30 m
Evaluate Marx's ideas on mode of production.
Describe the functional prerequisites of a social system as given by Talcott Parsons. Examine in the context of university as a so
Analyuse the manifest and latent functions of 'security of the tenure of bureaucrats' in the light of merton's theory.
Discuss the role of Calvinist ethic in the development of capitalism.
Self and society are twin born. Examine the statement of Mead.
How is social equilibrium maintained in Parsonian framework ?
Anomie is rooted in social structure. Explain with reference to R.K Merton's contribution.
How can we use reference group theory to understand fashion in society ?
Identify the similarities and differences between Marx's theory of alienation and Durkheim's theory of anomie ?
How could one use Merton's concept of Deviance to understand the traffic problem in urban india ?
According to Max Weber, 'class' and 'status' are two different dimensions of power. Discuss
Using Merton's concept of 'manifest' and 'latent' functions, explain the persistence of corruption in Indian society.
How does Weber use the notion of 'ideal type' in his theory of bureaucracy
Using Mead's theory of symbolic interactionism, discuss the stages in the formation of gender identity.
For Marx, class divisions are outcomes of exploitation. Discuss
According to Durkheim, the essence of religion in modern society is the same as religion in primitive society.Comment
According to Marx, capitalism transforms even the personal relations between men and women. Critically examine with illustra
Examine the relevance of Parsonian social system in the present society.
Critically analyse the contributions of G.H.Mead to symbolic interactionism.
Compare Karl Marx with Emile Durkheim with reference to the framework of division of labour.
Analyse the salient features of historical materialism.
Critically examine the functionalist tradition in sociology.
Social fact is to be treated as a thing. Discuss.
Sometimes workers do not feel attachment for their work. Marx formed a theory for this situation. Discuss that theory.
Explain how Weber's characterisation of capitalism is different from those of Marx.
Show how Durkheim through the study of Totemism demonstrates the reality of religion.
Universalism vs Particularism
Give conceptual meaning of social system. What is cognitive consonance between pattern variables and paradigm.
Define ideal type and explain Weber's concept of Verstehen for understanding social phenomena.
The protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism
Examine Karl Marx's views on 'class-in-itself' and 'class-for-itself' with reference to proletarians. 30 marks
Critically analyse the contributions of G.H.Mead to symbolic interactionism.
Compare Karl Marx with Emile Durkheim with reference to the framework of division of labour.
Work in capitalism is reduced to mere labour in which the individual does not develop freely his physical and mental energy bu
To Robert Merton deviant behaviour is a result of anomie. Analyse his sociological theory of deviant behaviour with a special re
Vertical mobility brings structural change even in a closed social system. Comment.
Elucidate the basic premises of Davis' structural-functional theory of social stratification. How far is it relevant in understanding
Discuss the relationship between poverty and social exclusion.
Education is a major source of social mobility in contemporary society. Explain.
No society can either be absolutely open or absolutely closed. Comment.
Differentiate between Marxian and Weberian theories of social stratification.
How do Weber and Marx differ in terms of their analysis of social stratification ?
Distinguish between people being socially excluded and people excluding themselves socially in societies.
Examine how open and closed systems of stratification are undergoing transformation in the emergence of new hierarchical so
In our society hierarchical relations are influenced by social mobility. Explain how ?
Stratification of classes.
What do you mean by social mobility. Discuss the major sources and causes of mobility.
Distinguish between people being socially excluded and people excluding themselves socially in societies.
Examine how open and closed systems of stratification are undergoing transformation in the emergence of new hierarchical so
What are the reasons for calling Kingsley Davis and Wibert Moore's theory of social stratification a functional theory ? 30 mark
Describe the nature of social organisation of work in industrial society.
Globalisation has pushed the labour into informal organisation of work. Substantiate your answer with suitable examples.
Distinguish between the social organisation of work in feudal society and capitalist society.
The increasing importance of tertiary sector has weakened the formal organisation of work in recent times. Examine the statem
What are the distinctive features of social organisation of work in slave society ? How is it different from feudal society ?
Examine the social impact of globalisation on labour and society.
How do formal and informal organisation of work influence labour's mobility ? Explain with examples.
In Marxian classification of society, feudal and slave societies are very important. How are they different from each other ?
What is formal organisation. The growth of bureaucracy has resulted in extreme concentration of power at larger levels of soci
Self-help group (SHG) as an informal organisation of work.
Analyse the social impact of market economy on traditional societies.
There has been a substantial decline in labour class and increase in labour force in non-manual jobs with the advent of new tec
Human Relations school of thought by Elton Mayo as a social organisation of work process in industry.
Feminisation of labour in informal sector
Cybernetic hierarchy of control
Discuss the importance of 'power elite' in democracy.
Examine the role of protest movements in changing the status of Dalits in India.
To what extent revolution replaces the existing order of society ? Discuss.
What concepts did Weber use to analyse the forms of legitimate domination.
Ideology is crucial for social transformation in a democracy. Discuss.
Explain the conditions under which a collective action transforms into a social movement.
Caste ideology appears to have strengthened democracy. Comment.
Globalisation involves de-territorialisation. Examine with reference to nation-state.
Discuss T.H.Marshall's views on citizenship.
Distinguish between political parties and presure groups.
Power is not a zero-sum game. Discuss with reference to Weber's and Parsons' views.
What do you understand by social movement ? How has the mobilisation of Scheduled Castes helped them in constructing a n
Critically examine the role of civil society in democracy.
Evaluate how civil society and democracy mutually reinforce each other.
Define social movement. Elucidate the role of reformist movement in social change.
Examine the role of pressure groups in parliamentary democracy.
Examine the salient features of Weberian bureaucracy.
What do you understand by nation? Is the nation same as the state? Discuss.
Are social movements always influenced by ideologies ? Discuss.
Millenarian movements
Citizenship and civil society.
Industrial democracy
Power and authority go together. Examine. Explain the various types of authority also.
Explain the concept of participatory democracy. What conditions are supposed to be conducive to participation.
Collective action in politics can bring integration and disintegration in society. Comment.
Highlight prerequisites of social movement. Bring out the differences between social movement and revolution.
Cultural pluralism
Power elite
Evaluate how civil society and democracy reinforce each other. 30 marks
List the various sources of power and explain the various indicators based on which power can be measured.
Identity politics
C.W.Mills Power Elite. 20 marks.
Structure of a social movement. 20 marks.
Is religion playing an important role in increasing fundamentalism ? Give reasons for your answer.
Religious pluralism is the order of present day societies. Explain by giving suitable examples.
How is Durkheim's theory of religion different from Max Weber's theory of religion.
Distinguish between sects and cults with illustrations.
Define secularisation. What are its major dimensions in the modern world ?
Elaborate the views of Durkheim on The Elementary Forms of Religious Life.
According to Durkheim, the essence of religion in modern society is the same as religion in primitive society.Comment
How is religious revivalism different from communalism ? Elaborate with suitable examples from Indian context.
Is religion antithetical to science ? Comment
Science has empirical means to logical ends and religion has non-empirical means to logical ends. Comment
Discuss the factors leading to growing religious revivalism in the contemporary world.
Sacred and profane.
Define sect cult and religion. In what way do Weber's views on religion differ from those of Durkheim
Science has empirical means to logical ends and religion has non-empirical means to logical ends. Comment
Positive religion
Examine the social dimensions of religious revivalism and fundamentalism in the context of globalisation.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." Comment on this statement critically in the light of emergi
What, according to Max Weber, is the role of particular religious ideas in the emergence of modern capitalism ? 30 marks
Secularisation of societies in the modern world. 20 marks
To what extent is patriarchy a cause for the problems of women? Discuss.
Discuss the contemporary trends in family as a response to social change in modern society.
Distinguish between family and household as sociological concepts.
Is male authority absent in matrilineal society ? Discuss
How do the rules of descent and alliance in kinship differ from each other ? Illustrate.
Critically examine functionalist views on the institutions of family. How do those help us in understanding family in present tim
What do you understand by institutionalisation of live-in relationships ?
How is the increasing use of technology changing the status of women in Indian society ?
What do you understand by 'gender' ? How does it shape 'male' identity ?
Examine the emerging trends in marriage and family as a response to the changes in economic and social order.
Analyse the gender bias in the present society with examples.
Is patriarchy a universal phenomenon ? Critically examine how does patriarchy affect sexual division of labour in societies.
Analyse the contemporary trends in family with examples.
Show how family is distinct from household.
Describe the importance of lineage and descent in kinship and family.
Lineage and descent
What do you mean by marriage and family. Discuss the structural and functional changes in family in modern society.
The problem of gender
Kinship and social capital
Discuss the emerging forms of marriage and family with examples from the West and the East. Can there be family without ma
Industrialisation and changes in the family functions.
Social conflict is both a cause and consequence of social change. Explain.
Social change can be brought about through development. Illustrate from the contemporary situation of India.
Explain the relevance of the idea of cultural lag in understanding social change.
Education helps in perpetuating social and economic inequalities. Critically examine the statement.
Examine the dialectical relations between tradition and modernity in the study of social change.
Education is viewed as an agency of social change. However in reality it also reinforces inequality and conservatism. Discuss
Write a short essay on the Latin American perspective on 'dependency'
Critically examine the cultural theories of social change with suitable examples of change.
Illustrate the conflicts and tensions experienced by societies undergoing social change.
Examine the social dimensions of displacement induced by development.
Examine science and technology as agents of social change.
Revolutionary changes have some specific characteristics. Discuss with examples.
Theory of cultural lag - Ogburn and Nimkoff.
Science and technology are major forces accelerating the process of social change.
Discuss World System Theory in the context of modern society.
Social support mechanism needs to be strengthened for effective implementation of development programmes. Comment
Development and Dependency
Examine the social dimensions of displacement induced by development.
Ethnicity and development
Comment on the critics' charge that Immanuel Wallerstein's dependency theory is simplistic and wrong. 30 marks
Comment on the responses of functionalist school to Karl Marx views on social change. 30 marks
ignou notes
yogendra singh last chapter
ignou notes
sorokin from coser
think marx, industrial revolution, french revolution, modernisation
new land act