Inter Op Publisher User Guide

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SmartPlant Interop Publisher

User's Guide

Version 2017 R1
March 2017
Copyright 2017 Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Intergraph is part of Hexagon.

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The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and are subject to applicable
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SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 2

The software, Documentation and Other Documentation discussed in this document are furnished under a license and may be used
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SmartPlant Interop Publisher incorporates portions of: (1) ST-Developer software licensed by STEP Tools, Inc.; (2) ACIS and
Interop components owned by Spatial Corp. 1986-2016; (3) Portions of the user interface copyright 2012-2016 Telerik AD; All
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functionality from Xceed Zip for .NET owned by Xceed Software Inc. (c) 2002-2013; (10) mVueConvertor.x64.Release.dll and
myVRFeatureExport.x64.v120.Release.dll by myVR Software AS (Copyright (C) 2015 myVR Software AS).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 3

Preface SmartPlant Interop Publisher................................................................................................... 9
Internationalization............................................................................................................................. 9
Additional Documentation ................................................................................................................ 11
Customer Support and Technical User Forum .................................................................................. 12

What's New: SmartPlant Interop Publisher ......................................................................................... 13

Welcome to SmartPlant Interop Publisher .......................................................................................... 16

Terminology..................................................................................................................................... 17
Get Help information ........................................................................................................................ 18

Learn the Basics .................................................................................................................................. 20

What are Smart Models? ................................................................................................................. 20
What are Smart Drawings? .............................................................................................................. 21
What source files can I use? ............................................................................................................ 21
Supported 3D Model Formats: What source files can I use? ...................................................... 22
Supported Drawings Formats .................................................................................................... 27
How do I organize my files? ............................................................................................................. 28
How can I see my object properties in Intergraph applications? ........................................................ 29
Generated file types......................................................................................................................... 30
Review Your SmartPlant Interop Publisher Interface ........................................................................ 31
IOP Home menu........................................................................................................................ 32
Projects View ............................................................................................................................ 34
Models View .............................................................................................................................. 35
Drawings View .......................................................................................................................... 39
Job Manager View ..................................................................................................................... 41
Customize the Views ................................................................................................................. 43
Status and Error Messaging ...................................................................................................... 45
Use Search Filters ........................................................................................................................... 46
Open file locations ........................................................................................................................... 47

Get Started ........................................................................................................................................... 48

QuickStart ....................................................................................................................................... 48
Define a site database ..................................................................................................................... 51
Configure a site database .......................................................................................................... 51
Upgrade Site Databases and Projects ....................................................................................... 54
Open SmartPlant Interop Publisher .................................................................................................. 58
Exit SmartPlant Interop Publisher..................................................................................................... 58
Translate to Smart 3D and SmartPlant Review Workflow ................................................................. 59
Translate to SmartPlant Foundation Workflow .................................................................................. 60
Translate to Web Portal Applications Workflow ................................................................................ 62

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 4


Organize Your Work with Projects ...................................................................................................... 64

Upgrade a project ............................................................................................................................ 65
Create a project ............................................................................................................................... 66
Define project settings ..................................................................................................................... 68
Open a SmartPlant Interop Publisher project.................................................................................... 74
Delete SmartPlant Interop Publisher projects ................................................................................... 74
Add a project back to SmartPlant Interop Publisher .......................................................................... 74
Register with SmartPlant ................................................................................................................. 75
Open the shared content location..................................................................................................... 76
Find Documents to Publish .............................................................................................................. 76
Use concurrent translation ............................................................................................................... 78

Define Translation Settings ................................................................................................................. 80

AutoCAD options ............................................................................................................................. 84
CAESAR II options .......................................................................................................................... 85
CIS/2 options ................................................................................................................................... 85
COMPRESS options........................................................................................................................ 86
Mechanical CAD (MCAD) defeaturing options .................................................................................. 86
MicroStation options ........................................................................................................................ 90
Navisworks options .......................................................................................................................... 94
PDMS options ................................................................................................................................. 94
PDS 3D options ............................................................................................................................... 96
Smart 3D options ............................................................................................................................. 98

Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks ........................................................................................... 100

Start the Folder Monitoring Service ................................................................................................ 101
Create folder settings for automation.............................................................................................. 102
Translation Folder Settings ...................................................................................................... 104
Scheduling Folder Settings ...................................................................................................... 106
SmartPlant Foundation Folder Settings.................................................................................... 107
Edit folder settings ......................................................................................................................... 109

Create and Manage Smart Models .................................................................................................... 111

Use 3D Model Source Files ........................................................................................................... 111
Prepare model source files for translation ................................................................................ 112
Add 3D model source files ....................................................................................................... 112
Remove 3D model source files ................................................................................................ 113
Translate to Smart Models ....................................................................................................... 114
Reduce the translated .vue file size ......................................................................................... 119
Change SmartSolid Display ..................................................................................................... 120
Work with Smart Models ................................................................................................................ 121
Add Smart Models ................................................................................................................... 123
Remove a Smart Model ........................................................................................................... 123
Copy Smart Models ................................................................................................................. 124
Create Composite (.svf) Smart Models .................................................................................... 124
Manage Smart Model properties .............................................................................................. 126
Open in SmartPlant Review ..................................................................................................... 127
Attach and review in Smart 3D................................................................................................. 128

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 5


Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation ........................................................................... 129

Revise ..................................................................................................................................... 129
Publish .................................................................................................................................... 130
View File in SmartPlant Foundation ......................................................................................... 131
Terminate a Published Smart Model ........................................................................................ 132
Update .......................................................................................................................................... 133
Update in SmartPlant Review .................................................................................................. 139
Update in Portal Applications ................................................................................................... 139
Update in Smart 3D ................................................................................................................. 139
Update and re-publish in SmartPlant Foundation ..................................................................... 140
Format-Specific 3D Model Translations .......................................................................................... 140
Translate AutoPLANT source files ........................................................................................... 141
Translate CIS/2 source files ..................................................................................................... 143
Translate CADWorx source files .............................................................................................. 149
Translate IFC source files ........................................................................................................ 154
Translate IGES source files ..................................................................................................... 158
Translate MCAD assembly files ............................................................................................... 160
Translate MCAD files with defeaturing options ......................................................................... 163
Translate MicroStation V8 .dgn file .......................................................................................... 166
Translate source files exported from Navisworks ..................................................................... 170
Translate PDMS source files ................................................................................................... 173
Translate PDS source files ...................................................................................................... 177
Translate PlantSpace source files ............................................................................................ 181
Translate Smart 3D source files ............................................................................................... 184
Translate .vue files from SPRDirect ......................................................................................... 186
Translate XMpLant source files................................................................................................ 189

Create and Manage Smart Drawings ................................................................................................. 192

Use Drawing Source Files.............................................................................................................. 192
Add drawing source files.......................................................................................................... 193
Remove drawing source files ................................................................................................... 194
Translate to Smart Drawings ................................................................................................... 194
Work with Smart Drawings ............................................................................................................. 196
Add Smart Drawings................................................................................................................ 197
Remove a Smart Drawing ........................................................................................................ 198
Update Smart Drawings........................................................................................................... 198
Access Drawings in SmartPlant Foundation ................................................................................... 199
Revise Smart Drawings (Optional) ........................................................................................... 199
Publish Smart Drawings .......................................................................................................... 200
Terminate a Published Smart Drawing ..................................................................................... 202
View Smart Drawings in SmartPlant Foundation ...................................................................... 202

Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications ............................................................... 204

Schedule Jobs ................................................................................................................................... 205

Configure batch services account mappings .................................................................................. 206
Set the Batch Services job run limit ................................................................................................ 207
Schedule a job ............................................................................................................................... 208
Schedule a translation job ....................................................................................................... 210

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 6


Schedule a Smart Model update job ........................................................................................ 211

Schedule a Composite Smart Model update job ....................................................................... 213
Schedule a Smart Drawing update job ..................................................................................... 215
Schedule a publish to SmartPlant Foundation job .................................................................... 216
Schedule a recurring job ................................................................................................................ 218

Edit Scheduled Jobs .......................................................................................................................... 219

Run a job immediately ................................................................................................................... 219
Edit a schedule .............................................................................................................................. 219
Remove a schedule ....................................................................................................................... 221

Move, Rotate, and Scale (Transform) Smart Models ........................................................................ 222

Transform a Smart Model in SmartPlant Interop Publisher ............................................................. 223
Review and change transformations in SmartPlant Review ............................................................ 225
Review and change transformations in Smart 3D ........................................................................... 226

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display .................................................................................. 228

Review Key Mapping Concepts ..................................................................................................... 229
Use your existing custom and generic mapping files ...................................................................... 231
Review the delivered mapping files ................................................................................................ 231
Use custom mapping for property data ........................................................................................... 233
Edit the custom mapping template file...................................................................................... 236
Set the units of measure (UoM) in custom mapping ................................................................. 239
Edit the UIDs ........................................................................................................................... 240
Check publish mapping for SmartPlant Foundation .................................................................. 241
Extend the Reference 3D schema ........................................................................................... 242
Set the custom option .............................................................................................................. 243
Use generic mapping for property data .......................................................................................... 244
Export to a .drv file format ........................................................................................................ 246
Use the GenerateMapping tool ................................................................................................ 247
Add classes and properties to the generic mapping file ............................................................ 248
Set the generic mapping option ............................................................................................... 249
Use level mapping for graphics ...................................................................................................... 251

Best Practices .................................................................................................................................... 253

Recommended Project Organization .............................................................................................. 253
IFC to SmartPlant Foundation Workflow......................................................................................... 254
1. Start SmartPlant Interop Publisher and create a project ....................................................... 255
2. Add the source file and translate .......................................................................................... 256
3. Map a property to the SmartPlant Interop Publisher schema ................................................ 256
4. Map the property to the SmartPlant Schema ........................................................................ 257
5. Update, revise, and publish.................................................................................................. 259
6. Open in SmartPlant Review ................................................................................................. 260
CAESAR II to Smart 3D Workflow .................................................................................................. 261
1. Place hangers and supports ................................................................................................ 262
2. Export the data for CAESAR II ............................................................................................. 264
3. Configure mapping files ....................................................................................................... 266
4. Create a CAESAR II project ................................................................................................. 267

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 7


5. Import PCFs into CAESAR II ............................................................................................... 267

6. Export to SmartPlant Interop Publisher ................................................................................ 270
7. Translate the CAESAR II source file .................................................................................... 270
8. Open the file in SmartPlant Review ...................................................................................... 271
9. Attach as Reference 3D data ............................................................................................... 273
Create a custom mapping of PDMS equipment nozzles ................................................................. 274
AutoPLANT to SmartPlant Construction ......................................................................................... 276
1. Export source .dwg files ....................................................................................................... 277
2. Define the units of measure (UoM)....................................................................................... 277
3. Create your AutoPLANT project ........................................................................................... 278
4. Configure mapping .............................................................................................................. 279
5. Add source files and translate .............................................................................................. 280
6. Revise and publish to SmartPlant Foundation ...................................................................... 280
7. Open in SmartPlant Construction ......................................................................................... 281
MCAD NX to Smart 3D .................................................................................................................. 281
1. Add instance level UDAs ..................................................................................................... 282
2. Create your NX project ........................................................................................................ 283
3. Map NX custom properties (UDAs) ...................................................................................... 284
4. Add NX source file and translate .......................................................................................... 286
5. Attach MCAD NX model as Reference 3D Data ................................................................... 287

Troubleshooting................................................................................................................................. 290
Log Files........................................................................................................................................ 290
Why Are Certain Commands and Options Unavailable? ................................................................. 291
Troubleshooting: General Operations............................................................................................. 293
Concurrent Translation Issues ....................................................................................................... 303
Cyrillic Characters.......................................................................................................................... 303
Complete - No Graphics Status...................................................................................................... 304

Validation Criteria .............................................................................................................................. 305

Units of Measure Entries ................................................................................................................... 308

Glossary ............................................................................................................................................. 311

Index ................................................................................................................................................... 318

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 8

Preface SmartPlant Interop Publisher
This document is the user's guide for SmartPlant Interop Publisher. The content is the same as
the online Help delivered inside the product. The SmartPlant Interop Publisher (SPIOP)
application provides a single solution to translate data from Intergraph and third-party sources
for display in Intergraph Smart 3D, SmartPlant Review, SmartPlant Foundation, and
web-based Portal target applications.
Intergraph gives you permission to print as many copies of this document that you need for
non-commercial use at your company. You cannot print this document for resale or redistribution
outside your company.

Supporting internationalization in a homogeneous environment is one of the enhancements
available in SmartPlant Enterprise. A homogeneous environment uses elements from only a
single locale. For example, a German customer running on a German operating system using
only German characters and German cultural conventions is a fully supported homogeneous
environment configuration.

Homogeneous Environments
When starting a new project, use extra care during installation and configuration to ensure the
proper creation and maintenance of homogeneous environments:
All the computers (servers and clients) within an integrated SmartPlant Enterprise
implementation must have the same regional settings, and no one should change the
regional settings after the project has started.
Do not cross the decimal locale boundary. This is the most common cause of numeric data
corruption and calculation errors. Having users with different regional settings (such as with
a period versus a comma for the decimal point) causes the software to interpret values
unpredictably. For example, a pipe run with a pressure of 35.3 psi can be read by the
software as 353 psi to the user with different regional settings. A cable length defined as 39
ft 11,21 inches has been interpreted as 121718910971323 meters when published to an
XML file. These incorrect interpretations may be used in internal software calculations and
can be impossible to backtrack or correct. Do not change the decimal point character to try
to solve an issue. Doing so will only corrupt values in the database or in text files.
Do not cross the character-set locale boundary. For example, the character set boundary
between Western (Latin-based) and Eastern Europe (Cyrillic-based), or between Eastern
Europe and Japan.
Create Oracle databases using AL32UTF8 for the database character set and AL16UTF16
for the NLS character set.
Never modify the NLS_LANG registry entry on an Oracle client. Doing so causes the
character data not to convert to Unicode.
Create Microsoft SQL Server databases with locale-specific collation settings and ensure
that all databases have the same setting.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 9

Preface SmartPlant Interop Publisher

Heterogeneous Environments
In contrast, a heterogeneous environment using elements from different, or even multiple
locales, is not supported. Many customers are currently operating in unsupported
heterogeneous environments and are often not aware of that fact. Examples of heterogeneous
Entering or viewing Japanese data on a US/English operating system
Using German Regional Settings (where the decimal point is a comma) on a US/English
operating system
Using databases with different character encodings such as CL8MSWIN1251 or JA16SJIS
Using multiple languages in a project, especially when crossing language-group boundaries
Using an English server with different local language clients

International / Bi-lingual Projects

International bi-lingual projects are possible; however, great care must be used when
configuring these environments. Limitations exist and must be properly understood:
Oracle and MS SQL Server databases can reside on any language operating system, as
long as the databases have been created and configured with proper Unicode and collation
All SQL Server databases must have the same collation setting and reflect the master
language. Text is stored, sorted, indexed, and presented based on the collation setting. You
must determine which language will be used primarily to generate output (P&IDs, SLDs,
reports, approval documents, and so forth.) If Russian and English text is entered, and
Russian is the target locale, choose the collation based on the Cyrillic character set.
All Microsoft operating systems (Japanese, Russian, German, and so forth) can enter
English characters. The reverse, however, is not true in most cases.
Keyboard-locale can be changed as long as a character-set and code-page boundary is not
crossed. For example, English, German, French, and Spanish characters can all be used in
the same project because the same Windows code-page (1252) is used. However, Russian
characters (code-page 1251) cannot be used in a US/English environment.
You must decide which language operating system is the master for bi-lingual projects.
The following is an example of a Russian-based project:
Companies in the United States and the United Kingdom are working a project with a Russian
company and the deliverables (drawings, reports, and so forth) must ultimately be provided in
Russian. The companies in the U.S. and the U.K. are working the project using the master
Russian operating systems (possibly using virtual Russian operating systems running on
VMware Workstation). The U.S. and U.K. companies can install and use English Microsoft
Office products on the Russian operating system because Office products are globally enabled.
If a Russian interface exists for the SmartPlant Enterprise application, then Russian users can
use the Russian interface while the English-speaking users continue to use the US/English
interface. English-speaking engineers can enter English characters. Russian-speaking
engineers can enter Russian characters.
However, because the Russian locale uses different decimal and character-set locales,
everyone (English and Russian engineers) must use the Russian decimal symbol which is a
comma. For customization purposes, databases can be modified to accommodate new

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 10

Preface SmartPlant Interop Publisher

Russian-specific requirements (fields, properties, and so forth.) Using filters, display sets, and
other software features, bi-lingual projects can be further customized. Graphic data, reports, and
so forth can be created in either or both languages.
Do not change regional settings to reflect a U.S. environment in order to resolve
problems in a non-US/English homogeneous configuration. Doing this creates a heterogeneous
configuration that will cause other possibly hidden problems that cannot be corrected. Everyone
working on a project must use the same regional settings and character set throughout the life of
the project.

Citrix XenApp Solutions for International Projects

Using Citrix XenApp Solutions, you can define environments that isolate users from having to
interact with non-native language operating systems while improving data integrity and
minimizing opportunities for data corruption. However, users must enter data using master
locale conventions for the project (decimal separator and date conventions, for example). You
can create these environments using different combinations of languages, but some limitations
exist. For example, you cannot use Russian and Chinese text together in a project. In addition,
special language characters (the German and for example) cannot be used if the master
locale is outside the western Latin-based languages (the master locale is Russian, Chinese,
Japanese, or Korean, for example).

Questions and Assistance

Please contact your support representative for assistance and answers to your questions: see
Intergraph Customer Support.

Additional Documentation
SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides the following documentation:
SmartPlant Interop Publisher Installation Guide (InteropPublisherInstallGuide.pdf) - Provides
installation and configuration information for system administrators. This guide can be accessed
from the SmartPlant Interop Publisher CD and the AutoPlay dialog box. When you install
SmartPlant Interop Publisher, the guide is placed in the \SmartPlant\Interop
Publisher\resdlls\0009 folder on your computer.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide (InteropPublisherUserGuide.pdf) - Provides all of
the information found in the Online Help file, presented in a printable PDF format. This guide is
placed in the \SmartPlant\Interop Publisher\resdlls\0009 folder on your computer when you
install the software.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher README (readme.html) - Contains installation and
configuration information, along with notes about last-minute fixes and other helpful hints. This
file is placed in the \SmartPlant\Interop Publisher folder on your computer when you install the
SmartPlant Interop Publisher Services README (readme.txt) - Contains installation and
configuration information. This file is on the SmartPlant Interop Publisher CD and placed in the
\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher folder when you install the software.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 11

Preface SmartPlant Interop Publisher

Customer Support and Technical User Forum

For the latest support information for this product, go to
( Also, please send any documentation comments or suggestions
you may have to this Intergraph support site.
To access the Technical User Forum, go to Select the SmartPlant Interop
Publisher Group.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 12

What's New: SmartPlant Interop

Version 2017 R1
Support for a new target type has been added. You can now create Smart Models and
Smart Drawings for review using Intergraph web-based portal applications. For more
information, see Translate to Web Portal Applications Workflow (on page 62) and Open
Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204).
You can create composite portal data for viewing in Intergraph portal applications. Refer to
the documentation for your web portal application for information on navigation and opening
files. For more information on how to compose Smart Models, see Create Composite (.svf)
Smart Models (on page 124).
Support for several more Intergraph 2D drawing formats such as .pid from SmartPlant P&ID
and .sma from SmartPlant Instrumentation. For more information, see Supported Drawings
Formats (on page 27).
SmartPlant Interop Publisher allows you to set up a hands free project that monitors a folder
and then automatically performs add, translation, schedule, and publish operations. Create a
shared folder location to store a specific set of source files, and then set up projects that
direct SmartPlant Interop Publisher to perform configured tasks on the source files. For more
information, see Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks (on page 100).
Projects now require a shared content location to be defined that contains internal support
files. The software also automatically creates subfolders in the shared content location that
allow you to organize files related to a project. For more information, see Configure a site
database (on page 51) and Define project settings (on page 68).
From the Projects view, you can open the designated shared content folder for a selected
project. For more information, see Open the shared content location (on page 76).
You can define a default translation settings group in project settings. For more information,
see Define project settings (on page 68).
You can now create a single .vue file from multiple Isogen source files. This allows you to
create 3D visualizations of piping that can be published to SmartPlant Foundation. For more
information, see Translate to Smart Models (on page 114).
You can publish both graphics and properties from Reference 3D data in a Smart 3D project
to SmartPlant Foundation. Run the SPRDirect report in Smart 3D to create the .vue, .mdb,
and .mdb2 source files. Then use SmartPlant Interop Publisher to translate the files and
publish them to SmartPlant Foundation. For information on supported third-party formats,
see Translate .vue files from SPRDirect (on page 186).
The Translate reference models MicroStation translation option supports MicroStation
V7/J .dgn files. For more information on translating MicroStation files, see MicroStation
options (on page 90).
SmartPlant Interop Publisher can translate and publish Navisworks graphics. A translation
option has been added to increase image quality at a lower performance cost. For more

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 13

What's New: SmartPlant Interop Publisher

information, see Supported 3D Model Formats: What source files can I use? (on page 22)
and Navisworks options (on page 94).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher enhances support of SmartPlant Construction by providing the

Correlation between Smart Model objects published by SmartPlant Interop Publisher
from Isogen .pcf source files, and 2D isometric drawing objects published by Isogen
using the external Unique Component Identifier (UCI). The external UCI is a database
identifier assigned to objects in Isogen.
Correlation between Smart Model objects from IFC source files and Smart Model
objects translated from Smart 3D using the CIS_GUID. The CIS_GUID property is a
database identifier assigned to objects in IFC.
A level mapping option has been added so that you can customize graphics display for
CAD-based models. You can use the new levels spreadsheet to map levels in CAD-based
applications such AutoCAD and Microstation files to levels in SmartPlant Review. This
allows you to create more compact Smart Models. For more information, see Use level
mapping for graphics (on page 251).
You can translate and publish visible tags that are in MicroStation source files. For more
information, see Supported 3D Model Formats: What source files can I use? (on page 22)
and Translate MicroStation V8 .dgn file (on page 166).
The Keep named views option in MicroStation translation settings now supports saved
views from V7 and V8 .dgn source files. When SmartPlant Interop Publisher translates the
.dgn source files, all saved views are placed in a view group that can be opened in
SmartPlant Review. For more information, see MicroStation options (on page 90).
You can immediately update or schedule updates of a composite (.svf) Smart Model. For
more information, see Update (on page 133) and Schedule a Composite Smart Model
update job (on page 213).
The Single Label Database option has been added for creating and updating Composite
(.svf) Smart Models that contain .vue files from Smart 3D SPRDirect or 3D Model Data.
Select the option to create a single label database (.mdb2) file for an .svf project instead of a
label database created for every .vue file in the project. A single label database can provide
a faster model load time in SmartPlant Review. For more information, see Create Composite
(.svf) Smart Models (on page 124) and Update (on page 133).
SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides a Create Frame Connection option for CIS/2
translation settings. This option allows you to create a frame connection at each end of a
member so that connections display in target applications SmartPlant Review and Smart 3D.
Cylinders graphically represent frame connections in the 3D model. You can also define the

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 14

What's New: SmartPlant Interop Publisher

color of the displayed frame connection. For more information, see CIS/2 options (on page
SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports piping TUBI properties contained in .att files. The
pipe primitives with TUBI properties are now mapped to CR3DPipe. When you update any
Smart Models generated from .att source files, please review any custom or generic
mapping you might have done to ensure you get the required results in the Smart Models in
all target applications.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports the Approval Status property of Smart 3D
Reference 3D objects. This property can also be published to SmartPlant Foundation and
then downstream to SmartPlant Construction for use.
You can now translate COMPRESS (.xml3d) source files in SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
For more information, see Supported 3D Model Formats: What source files can I use? (on
page 22) and COMPRESS options (on page 86).
Industry Foundation Class (IFC) file translation has been updated to support
IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace and IFCHalfSpaceSolid objects. For more information, see
Translate IFC source files (on page 154).
A PDS Legacy option called Resolve duplicate linkages has been added so that you can
translate and publish PDS .dgn source files containing duplicate linkages to SmartPlant
Foundation. The .dgn source files contained in a .dri file can have the same linkages. Select
this option to create new, unique linkages required for publishing to SmartPlant Foundation.
Be aware that there are downstream impacts for updating existing translated Smart Models
with this option. For more information, see PDS 3D options (on page 96).
You can now translate .pod (Isogen) source files in SmartPlant Interop Publisher. For more
information, Supported 3D Model Formats: What source files can I use? (on page 22) and
Translate to Smart Models (on page 114).
SmartPlant Interop Publisher preserves the Unique Identifier (UID) for Isogen files and also
retrieves additional properties such as Size1, Size2, Size3, CharacteristicBore, and
Use the new Support Composite model creation with S3D documents Project Settings
option to combine Smart Models with Smart 3D Model Data documents in a SmartPlant
Foundation Composite model. For more information, see Define project settings (on page
The new Aspects Smart 3D translation option allows you to translate selected or all
pre-defined aspects provided in Smart 3D data for Portal target applications. For more
information, see Smart 3D options (on page 98).
The Maintain unique DMRS linkages translation option has been added so that the
software assigns each object in a translated source file a new and unique linkage. This
linkage is maintained throughout the life cycle of a Smart Model. The option can affect Smart
Models used in a SmartPlant Review session. For more information, see Define Translation
Settings (on page 80).
You can translate both Intergraph and third-party 2D drawing files to the web-based Portal,
and SmartPlant Foundation target applications. For more information, see Supported
Drawings Formats (on page 27) and Translate to Smart Drawings (on page 194).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 15

Welcome to SmartPlant Interop
The SmartPlant Interop Publisher (SPIOP) application provides a single solution to translate 2D
drawings and 3D model data from Intergraph and third-party sources. You can take the
translated 3D model data and display it in Intergraph Smart 3D, SmartPlant Review, and
SmartPlant Foundation. For web viewing, SmartPlant Interop Publisher can translate 3D and 2D
files for display in Intergraph web-based portal applications. You can translate data from
Intergraph and a variety of third-party sources such as PDMS, Tekla, AutoCAD, or MicroStation
SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides the following key features:
Local and remote SQL server access offers a multi-user environment. Multiple users can
work on the same projects at the same time.
You can run translations immediately or schedule translations to run at later, timed intervals.
Use projects to organize your work and register into SmartPlant Foundation.
Attach as a reference model and then position, rotate, and scale it to the active plant so that
you can:
View the reference model data graphically and model against it.
Use multiple reference files from different sources.
Translate a variety of common formats so that the resulting property labels are common in
all Intergraph applications.
Scale and position models relative to the active plant so that you can attach the reference
model as required in Smart 3D. In an environment using Smart 3D and SmartPlant Review,
you can change the position in one application and see the results in the other applications.
Extend the delivered Smart 3D mapping to support custom classes, interfaces, and
Use a disconnected workshare. Because the software translates the data to files at the
source site and attaches them as a reference at the target site, live connection between the
databases is not required. Periodic publish and update of the Smart Models allows multiple
partners to work on a joint venture product.
Maintain better security in joint venture projects. Network connectivity is not required. You
can transfer the translated files using any appropriate method.
Design projects in parallel. If a project has many similar units, only one unit has to be
modeled and translated. This translated unit can then be attached multiple times with the
required positioning.
Configure a hands-free project that monitors a folder and then automatically performs add,
translation, schedule, and publish operations.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 16

Welcome to SmartPlant Interop Publisher

Smart Model
Contains graphics and data extracted from a variety of sources that have object and label
(property) mapping standard between SmartPlant applications in an integrated environment.
The source file data is translated to file formats that can be opened in Intergraph design and
visualization applications, and is stored in SmartPlant Foundation. Applications such as
SmartPlant Construction that are integrated with SmartPlant Foundation can access the
Smart Model data for operations such as work package creation.
Smart Drawing
Contains data and 2D graphics that are translated from Smart 3D-generated orthographic
and isometric drawings. When you create a Smart Drawing, the graphics and data can be
opened in SmartPlant Foundation.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher Project
Provides a way to organize source files, Smart Models, and mapping information for a
particular plant or section of a plant. A project can contain multiple Smart Models.
Represents the acronym sometimes used in referring to SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
Source File
Specifies single file or multiple files required to produce a Smart Model.
Target Application
Represents SmartPlant Review, Smart 3D, SmartPlant Foundation, and the Intergraph
web-based viewer (Portal) applications.
Converts selected source files into Smart Models.
Moves and rotates a Smart Model into a specific location. Data is always moved with
respect to the global coordinate system. If the area that you move was modeled with respect
to a rotated coordinate system, the results of the move may not be as expected. This occurs
because the software calculates the move based on the orientation of the global coordinate
system, which is zero (0) degrees.
See Also
Learn the Basics (on page 20)
What are Smart Models? (on page 20)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 17

Welcome to SmartPlant Interop Publisher

Get Help information

As you work, you can find information for SmartPlant Interop Publisher using the following
The standard HTML help system that comes with SmartPlant Interop Publisher. Click IOP
Home to access the Help menu.

The context-sensitive help to find out about options or views you are working with. To get
context-sensitive help, open the dialog box, or click in an area or view, and then press F1.
The related Help topic displays.
The installation and user guides provided in PDF format. To access them, go to Home >
Help > Printable Guides. You must have a standard PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat to
open the PDF files.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 18

Welcome to SmartPlant Interop Publisher

Search for information

From the Help, you can use the global Search feature to look through the entire Help file for
specific content. From the Help page, click Search and then (A) enter text for the search

When you are on a Help topic, press CTRL + F to use the Topic Search for finding specific
text contained in that topic. The software highlights the located text.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 19


Learn the Basics

SmartPlant Interop Publisher serves as a translator, file manager, and data converter. This
section describes SmartPlant Interop Publisher projects, Smart Models, and the available

In This Section
What are Smart Models? ............................................................ 20
What are Smart Drawings? ......................................................... 21
What source files can I use? ....................................................... 21
How do I organize my files? ........................................................ 28
How can I see my object properties in Intergraph applications? ... 29
Generated file types .................................................................... 30
Review Your SmartPlant Interop Publisher Interface ................... 31
Use Search Filters ...................................................................... 46
Open file locations ...................................................................... 47

What are Smart Models?

A SmartPlant Interop Publisher project can contain one or more Smart Models. A Smart Model
contains graphics and data that are translated from either Intergraph or third-party authoring
tools. When you create a Smart Model from selected source files, the data is converted to file
formats that can be opened in SmartPlant Foundation, SmartPlant Review, Smart 3D, and
Intergraph web-based Portal target applications. What makes these translated 3D models
'Smart' is the object and label mapping, which creates a consistent model display between
target applications.
The created or translated file types include:
.vue - Graphics data file
.mdb - Non-graphical database file
.mdb2 - Label database file
.zvf - Contains an .svf project file and multiple .vue files. A .zvf file allows you to access a
sub-set of your model data without having to load the entire model. If the entire model data
does not fit into memory, portions are still accessible.
SmartPlant Foundation decompresses the .zvf file project into the .zip file versions of
the .svf project so that they can be streamed remotely from the SPF server to
SmartPlant Review.
Smart 3D uses the .zvf file as a reference file format to allow you to export and import
reference external model graphics to and from a Smart 3D model database.
PDS 3D-published source files (.zvf + .xml + .xrf) are translated to a Smart Model ZVF
project containing: .zvf, .mdb2, and .xrg files.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 20

Learn the Basics

For the Portal target application, SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates .bin and other
additional files containing the 3D model information.

Composite (.svf) Smart Models

SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides a Compose command that allows you to create .svf
projects called Composite Smart Models. A Composite Smart Model consists of an .svf file that
contains one or more Smart Model .vue files. The Composite Smart Model allows graphic
objects and attribute data from multiple files to be reviewed in a single runtime session. For
more information, see Create Composite (.svf) Smart Models (on page 124).
SmartPlant Interop Publisher also allows you to add older .svf projects created using
SmartPlant Review and SmartPlant Review Publisher. These files are also referred to as
Composite Smart Models.

DRV Files
SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates .drv files for most source file types. The .drv file is
generated in the [Smart Model location]\Supporting Files folder. The exceptions are listed below.
The generated .drv files for .sat and .iges file formats are empty. No property data is written.
For a MicroStation V7 .dgn file with no tag data, SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not
generate a .drv file. Other products, like Intergraph PDS, create the .drv files along with
output .dgn files.
For, non-PDS V7 .dgn files, the .drv files are generated by SmartPlant Interop Publisher only
if the .dgn files contain tags. Therefore the generated .drv files contain only tag-related
See Also
Generated file types (on page 30)
Translate to Smart Models (on page 114)

What are Smart Drawings?

A SmartPlant Interop Publisher project can contain Smart Models and Smart Drawings. A Smart
Drawing contains data and 2D graphics.
See Also
Supported Drawings Formats (on page 27)

What source files can I use?

SmartPlant Interop Publisher enables you to translate model and drawings source files. For
model translation, you can use file types from a variety of data sources. If your authoring tool
can output any of the industry standard graphic and data formats listed below, or if your
authoring tool can export data to an Intergraph generic .dgn/.drv format, SmartPlant Interop
Publisher can translate your source files. For drawings, SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports
orthographic and isometric drawings generated from Smart 3D.
Supported 3D Model Formats: What source files can I use? (on page 22)
Supported Drawings Formats (on page 27)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 21

Learn the Basics

Supported 3D Model Formats: What source files can I use?

SmartPlant Interop Publisher enables you to work with file types from a variety of data sources.
If your authoring tool can output any of the industry standard graphic and data formats listed
below, or if your authoring tool can export data to an Intergraph generic .dgn/.drv format,
SmartPlant Interop Publisher can translate your source files.

General Requirements
SmartPlant Interop Publisher and source file translation of both Intergraph and third-party files
SmartPlant License Manager (SPLM) Client and Server 2012
SmartPlant Interop Publisher translation license (SRP)

3D Model Formats and Files

Authoring tools can output 3D modeling information to graphics and data files, or they can
output to a single graphics file that contains the three-dimensional geometry information. When
you add source files in SmartPlant Interop Publisher for translation, select only the graphics file,
but make sure the graphics and data (if any) files reside in the same folder. The following tables
list Intergraph and some of the main third-party authoring tools that output source files supported
by SmartPlant Interop Publisher. The Source Files column in each table lists the graphics and
data file type combinations that can be used.

Products Version Source Extension Notes/Requirements

CADWorx Plant 2015 .dwg For .dwg files containing proxy objects, the following software is
Professional, required:
Equipment MicroStation V8i and RealDWG 2013 SP1
Install and activate MicroStation V8i SS3, and then
install RealDWG 2013 SP1 to translate any proxy
objects inside these files. For normal AutoCAD
entities, the presence of MicroStation is ignored.
However, if the file contains at least one proxy object
and MicroStation V8i is installed, translation is done
using MicroStation.
CADWorx Plant Object Enabler:
For CADWorx data, you must install the CADWorx
Plant Object Enabler to view CADWorx Plant
components stored in an AutoCAD drawing (.dwg)
file. You can install the utility from the SmartPlant
Interop Publisher DVD (Prerequisite Software), or go
to the Intergraph Smart Support website and
download the latest version from CADWorx Freeware
Tools and Utilities.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports AutoCAD 2014 or earlier
.dwg files.
You can use CADWorx 2015 SP1 to export .vue and .mdb2
files that can be opened in SmartPlant Review.

CAESAR II 5.1 - .mdb Microsoft Office is required for source file translation.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 22

Learn the Basics

Products Version Source Extension Notes/Requirements

Isogen (IDF, 2014 .idf, .pcf, .pod

PCF, POD), R1 and
SmartPlant earlier

PDS, V7 Graphics: .dri, .dgn, The .prp file can have accompanying data file types: .lin,.sld
FrameWorks .prp, .zvf and .nmg.
Plus Data: .drv, .lin,.sld
and .nmg

Smart 3D (3D 2014 Graphics: .vue or Data is translated based on the P3DComponent.xml schema
Model R1 and .zvf file and the RelationshipMapping.txt file.
earlier Data: .xml

Smart 3D v2009.1 Graphics: .vue

SPRDirect and Data: .mdb2

Third Party Source

Products Version Extension Notes/Requirements

ACIS - Design ACIS R25 .sat The size of the SAT file to be translated should not
model data from and earlier exceed 2 GB.
products such as Graphics only.
Inventor, Creo, JT
Open, Solid Edge,
and SolidWorks

AutoCAD 2014 and .dwg, .dxf MicroStation V8i and RealDWG 2013 SP1 are required for DWG
earlier files containing proxy objects.
Install and activate MicroStation V8i, and then install
RealDWG 2013 SP1 to translate any proxy objects
inside these files.

Autodesk 2013 and .nwd and .nwf You must have Autodesk Navisworks Manage or Autodesk
Navisworks later Navisworks Simulate to translate .nwd and .nwf files.
Manage or

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 23

Learn the Basics

Third Party Source

Products Version Extension Notes/Requirements

AutoPlant - SmartPlant Interop Publisher MicroStation V8i SS3 and RealDWG 2013 SP1 are required for
supports versions that can export .dwg, .dgn, AutoPLANT graphics files.
and i.dgn files.
Install and activate MicroStation V8i. Then download
and install install RealDWG 2013 SP1 to translate any
proxy objects inside the graphics files.
Source files must be exported from AutoPlant using
the Project Packager utility.

CATIA V5 .CATPart, For CATIA V6, you must export your database objects as CATIA
(R8R24) .CATProduct V5 CATParts and CATProducts.
and V6
(V6 You must have an MCD license and the Intergraph MCAD
R2014x). module installed with SmartPlant Interop Publisher to translate
MCAD source files.
You can set defeaturing options to reduce model complexity. For
more information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80)
and Mechanical CAD (MCAD) defeaturing options (on page 86).
Graphics and data. Document level (part and assembly) and
Instance level user-defined properties are supported. Feature or
body level user-defined properties are not supported.

CIS/2 (design 203, 214 .stp, .step Where possible, we recommend using the IFC format for data
model data from exchange.
products such as
SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports only physical models and
SDS/2, StruCAD,
not analytical models.
Tekla Structures,
and ProSteel, For more information on CIS/2 supported entities, see CIS/2
among others) Entities and Cross-Section Data.

COMPRESS 7600 and .xml3d


CREO Parametric 16 - Creo .prt, .prt.*, You must have an MCD license and the Intergraph MCAD
(formerly 3.0 .asm, .asm.* module installed with SmartPlant Interop Publisher to translate
Pro/Engineer), MCAD source files.
You can set defeaturing options to reduce model complexity. For
more information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80)
and Mechanical CAD (MCAD) defeaturing options (on page 86).

IGES (products 5.3 and .igs, .iges The size of the file to be translated should not exceed 2 GB.
that export IGES) earlier
Graphics only.

i-model MicroStati .i.dgn

on V8i
SS3 and

Industry 2x3_TC1 This is the recommended data exchange format for reading
Foundation schema .ifc SDS/2, Tekla, and Revit projects. SmartPlant Interop Publisher
Classes (IFC) version only supports IFC 2x3_TC1 schema.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 24

Learn the Basics

Third Party Source

Products Version Extension Notes/Requirements

Inventor V11 - .ipt, .iam You must have the Intergraph MCAD module and MCD license
2015 installed with SmartPlant Interop Publisher to translate MCAD
source files.
You can set defeaturing options to reduce model complexity. For
more information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80)
and Mechanical CAD (MCAD) defeaturing options (on page 86).

MicroStation J V07.01.05. .dgn In the MicroStation Translation Settings, you can turn on the
03 Change SmartSolids to surfaces for V7 DGN files option.

MicroStation V8: V8.05 .dgn, .dtm MicroStation V8 and later

MicroStation XM V8.09 .dgn, .dtm

MicroStation V8i V8.11.09 .dgn, .dtm MicroStation V8i SS3 and earlier

NX NX 1 - NX .prt You must have the Intergraph MCAD module and MCD license
9 installed with SmartPlant Interop Publisher to translate MCAD
source files.
You can set defeaturing options to reduce model complexity. For
more information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80)
and Mechanical CAD (MCAD) defeaturing options (on page 86).
Graphics and data. Document level (part and assembly) and
Instance level user-defined properties are supported. Feature or
body level user-defined properties are not supported.

Parasolid 9.0 27.0 .x_t, .xmt_txt, You must have an MCD license and the Intergraph MCAD
x_b, .xmt_bin module installed with SmartPlant Interop Publisher to translate
MCAD source files.
You can set defeaturing options to reduce model complexity. For
more information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80)
and Mechanical CAD (MCAD) defeaturing options (on page 86).

PlantSpace V8.05, .dgn

V8.09, and

PlantSpace AutoCAD .dwg


SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 25

Learn the Basics

Third Party Source

Products Version Extension Notes/Requirements

PDMS V12.1 and Graphics: .rvm When there is an .att and .datal file, SmartPlant Interop Publisher
earlier (Binary only) uses only the .att file. If the .rvm and .datal are used, not all
objects can have properties. You might have to go back to your
Data: .att/.datal PDMS application and ensure that tags are written for all objects
in the .datal file.

ProStructures v8i .dwg, .dgn, .dxf MicroStation V8i SS3 and the ProStructures v8i SELECTseries 6
SELECTs plugin are required for ProStructures graphics files.
eries 6
Install and activate MicroStation V8i. Then download
and install ProStructures v8i SELECTseries 6 plugin to
translate any ProStructures proxy objects inside the
graphics files.

Solid Edge V18 - ST7 .par, .asm, You must have an MCD license and the Intergraph MCAD
.psm module installed with SmartPlant Interop Publisher to translate
MCAD source files.
You can set defeaturing options to reduce model complexity. For
more information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80)
and Mechanical CAD (MCAD) defeaturing options (on page 86).

SolidWorks 2003 - .sldprt, .sldasm You must have an MCD license and the Intergraph MCAD
2014 module installed with SmartPlant Interop Publisher to translate
MCAD source files.
You can set defeaturing options to reduce model complexity. For
more information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80)
and Mechanical CAD (MCAD) defeaturing options (on page 86).

Speedikon, Tribon M2 / M3 - SmartPlant Interop MicroStation V8i SS3 and RealDWG 2013 SP1 are required.
Publisher supports versions that can export MicroStation v8i SS3 must be installed and activated.
MicroStation .dgn files.

Tekla , StruCAD, IFC: .stp, .step, .ifc For more information on CIS/2 supported entities, see CIS/2
Xsteel, SDS/2, 2x3_TC1 Entities and Cross-Section Data.
Autodesk Revit, schema
ProSteel version We recommend using the IFC format for data exchange.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports only physical models and
not analytical models.
To find the schema version of an .ifc file, open the file in any text
editor such as Windows Notepad, and check the FILE_SCHEMA
version listed in the File Header section. For IFC files that are
supported by SmartPlant Interop Publisher, the File Header has
the FILE_SCHEMA(('IFC2X3')); entry. For more information, see
Translate IFC source files (on page 154).

XMpLant - SmartPlant Interop Publisher Supports xml files that have the root node as "PlantModel".
supports versions that can export .xml files.

For all supported versions of MicroStation, the software can translate and publish tags
visible in any of the eight views.
For ACIS and IGES files, the .drv and .mdb2 files generated by SmartPlant Interop
Publisher during translation are created with empty label data. This can also apply to
MicroStation V7 .dgn files that do not have tag data.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 26

Learn the Basics

Both SmartPlant Review and Smart 3D target applications require licenses from Leica, Z+F
or Quantapoint to display laser data.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not support .dtm files created with Inroads.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not support non-uniform scaling.

Supported Drawings Formats

SmartPlant Interop Publisher can work with 2D drawing files from the third-party and Intergraph
applications listed below.

General Requirements
SmartPlant Interop Publisher and drawing source file translation require:
SmartPlant License Manager (SPLM) Client and Server 2012
SmartPlant Interop Publisher translation license (SRP)

Intergraph Source
Products Version Extension Notes

PDS 2011 R1 .dgn

SmartSketch 2016 .igr

SmartPlant 2014 R1 .pid


SmartPlant 2016 .sma


SmartPlant 2015 R1 .spe


Smart 3D 2011 R1 - .sha, .xml You can translate orthographic and isometric drawings files
2014 R1 from Smart 3D Drawings and Reports to the portal target
and publish to SmartPlant Foundation. For Isometric
Drawings, Composed Drawings, or Volume Drawings in
Smart 3D, use the SmartPlant Foundation (*.xml) target
file type to generate an .sha file and two XML files; an .xml
data file and an .xml metadata file. These .xml files support
the hotspotting feature used in SmartPlant Markup and
Smart Construction.
The data .xml file is named ToolData_<Drawing Name> and
the metadata file is named MetaData_<Drawing Name>.
Add the .sha file in SmartPlant Interop Publisher for
translation and publish. For more information on generating
the .sha and .xml files in Smart 3D, refer to the Save as
SmartPlant Foundation (*.xml) topic in the Smart 3D
Reports User's Guide and Online Help.

Zyqad V9 (18.1.0) .zyq

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 27

Learn the Basics

Third-party Source
Products Version Extension Notes

AutoCAD 2014 and .dwg, .dxf


MicroStation V8.11.09 .dgn, .dtm


How do I organize my files?

SmartPlant Interop Publisher is a database-oriented application and uses Microsoft's SQL
Server technology as the means to set up model data organization, storage, and retrieval. You
can create one or more SQL Server instances, which allow you to organize site databases for
various applications. Use the default instance for SmartPlant Interop Publisher, or you can
create an instance dedicated for SmartPlant Interop Publisher. For more information on
installing and configuring an instance in SQL Server, see the SmartPlant Interop Publisher
Installation and Setup Guide.
Each SQL Server instance can host one or more site databases. SmartPlant Interop Publisher
requires you to create at least one site database, which you can do using the IOP Home >
Options > Configure Site Database command. A site database for SmartPlant Interop
Publisher contains a custom SmartPlant Interop Publisher projects database. The SmartPlant
Interop Publisher project provides the way to organize source files, Smart Models, and Smart
Drawings for a particular plant or section of a plant. You can create a project containing Smart
Models that can be used or shared in multiple site databases. When you create a project, all
project information is defined in the corresponding project database file.
Although the basic hierarchy is SQL Server instance > Site Database, you can create and set up
site databases and projects to meet any modeling requirements. From using a single, simple
SQL Server instance > Site Database > Project setup, to a data organization with different site
databases and projects hosted by different SQL Server instances, you control the level of

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 28

Learn the Basics

The following figure shows a SQL Server instance hosting two site databases containing
projects, Smart Models, and Smart Drawings. The SPIOP Project C.mdf and its Smart Models
and Smart Drawings reside in both site databases.

The first time that you open SmartPlant Interop Publisher, you must select the SQL Server
instance to serve as the host, and then create a site database. For more information, see
Configure a site database (on page 51).
The Projects view lets you see, at a glance, the projects you created and the host SQL Server
instance name and the path name of the site database. You can also use the sorting options
provided in the Projects grid to organize the view. For example, you can sort on the SQL Server
instance name so that you can see all projects associated to each instance you have.
See Also
Organize Your Work with Projects (on page 64)
What are Smart Models? (on page 20)

How can I see my object properties in Intergraph

SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses mapping to migrate data from external data sources into a
common format supported by Intergraph target applications. This is necessary in cases where
Intergraph software and third-party authoring tools have different names or labels for the same
attribute or property. Additionally, different expressions and units of measure can result in
conflicting representation of the same data. Mapping helps to resolve these property conflicts so
that model data can be opened and compared in the different Intergraph target applications:
SmartPlant Review, SmartPlant Foundation, Smart 3D, and web portal applications.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 29

Learn the Basics

Mapping is done through the use of spreadsheet and .xml files (also referred to as configuration
files). A mapping file defines mappings for section names, material names, member types, and
attribute or property labels between Intergraph software and supported third-party applications.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher delivers a set of default mapping files that includes the basic
classes and their properties for the SmartPlant Enterprise application format. For any object
data and properties that are not covered, you can create and use your own custom mapping
files. For more information on customizing your graphic and label display, see Configure
Mapping to Control Model Display (on page 228).
See Also
Get Started (on page 48)
Organize Your Work with Projects (on page 64)

Generated file types

SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates and manages different files when translating and
publishing Smart Models.
We recommend that you do not edit these generated files because you can
encounter unexpected results in SmartPlant Interop Publisher behavior.

Extension Description

.bin The 3D model format generated for Intergraph web-based portal


.binz The zipped 3D model format for Intergraph web-based portal applications.
These files are generated when you select both SmartPlant Foundation
and Portal as targets. Some Intergraph Portal applications require
SmartPlant Foundation.

.cfg Contains the Project, Translation Settings, and Folder Settings you
defined for Smart Models in a project. This file is stored in your designated
Smart Model folder with the same base file name as the Smart Model.

.drv Contains data and schema information. SmartPlant Interop Publisher

generates .drv files for most source file types. The exceptions include:
The generated .drv files for .sat and .iges file formats are empty. No
property data is written.
For a V7 PDS .dgn file, SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not generate
a .drv file. PDS creates the .drv files along with output .dgn files.
For, non-PDS V7 .dgn files, the .drv files are generated by SmartPlant
Interop Publisher only if the .dgn files contain tags. Therefore the
generated .drv files contain only tag-related information.

.iop Contains transformation settings and allows this information to be shared

between SmartPlant Interop Publisher and target applications, SmartPlant
Review and Smart 3D.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 30

Learn the Basics

Extension Description

.mdb Contains the basic data information and settings. This file is only used by
SmartPlant Review.

.sha Contains the drawing file information. Drawings can only be translated and
then published to SmartPlant Foundation.

.mdb2 Contains the property information. In the SmartPlant Review target

application, this is also referred to as the label database file.

.svf A streaming file that contains one or more .vue files. The .svf files allow
graphic objects and attribute data from multiple files to be reviewed in a
single runtime session. The .svf files are generated using the SmartPlant
Interop Publisher Compose command, and can be opened in SmartPlant

.vec The 2D drawing format for Intergraph web-based portal target applications.

.vecz The zipped 2D drawing format for Intergraph web-based portal target
applications. These files are generated when you select both SmartPlant
Foundation and Portal as targets.

.vue The Intergraph 3D graphic file format and is read by SmartPlant Review.

.xml Contains the publishable form of the data read from the database file for
the SmartPlant Foundation target application.

.xrg Contains the range information per graphic object for .zvf files. It is used by
the SmartPlant Interop Publisher SmartPlant Foundation adapter to
associate range information per graphic object. This information is required
for launching SmartPlant Review from SmartPlant Foundation with a subset
of model data instead of the entire model.

.zvf A compressed .zip format file of an .svf Smart Model. A .zvf file contains an
.svf file and multiple .vue files. A .zvf file allows you to access a sub-set of
your model data without your having to load the entire model. Therefore, if
the entire model data does not fit into memory, portions are still accessible.

Review Your SmartPlant Interop Publisher Interface

This section describes the work environment and main interface elements. The Models view
displays when you open SmartPlant Interop Publisher and provides the work area for selecting
projects, using source files, and working with Smart models and drawings.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 31

Learn the Basics

IOP Home
Provides access to Help, product information, and default project settings. For more
information, see IOP Home menu (on page 32).
Allows you to select the active SmartPlant Interop Publisher project in which to work.

Displays the projects contained in the current site database. From this view, you can create,
delete, and edit settings. For more information, see Organize Your Work with Projects (on
page 64).
Displays the source files and Smart Models contained in the active project. For more
information, see Create and Manage Smart Models (on page 111).
Displays the source files and Smart Drawings contained in the active project. For more
information, see Create and Manage Smart Drawings (on page 192).
Job Manager
Displays all scheduled jobs in the currently-selected project. You can edit or remove the
schedules for each job. For more information, see Edit Scheduled Jobs (on page 219).
See Also
Customize the Views (on page 43)
Get Started (on page 48)

IOP Home menu

Provides the commands listed below. Access the IOP Home menu commands by clicking
on the IOP Home button.
Allows you to access system and default settings.
Configure Site Database
Specifies a site database to contain projects created in SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
You must also specify the SQL Server instance name to host the site database. For
more information, see Configure a site database (on page 51).
Project Settings
Specifies general operations for SmartPlant Interop Publisher projects, such as
validation, log file generation, and file locations. For more information, see Create a
project (on page 66).
Translation Settings
Specifies options to control converting data and graphics from one file format to the

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 32

Learn the Basics

Intergraph target application format. For more information, see Define Translation
Settings (on page 80).
Folder Settings
Configures SmartPlant Interop Publisher to monitor a folder and then automatically
perform add, and scheduled translation and publish operations. For more information,
see Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks (on page 100).
Change Theme
Specifies the display of the SmartPlant Interop Publisher user interface. You can select
either a glacier (light) theme or a shadow (dark) theme. The glacier theme is set by
default. To change the display, go to IOP Home > Options > Change Theme. For more
information, see Customize the Views (on page 43).
Allows you to access product information.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher Help
Opens the SmartPlant Interop Publisher online help.
Printable Guides
Allows you to open delivered PDF manuals. You must have a PDF reader to open the
Technical user forum
Opens the online SmartPlant Review Technical User Forum that contains discussions
on SmartPlant Review and SmartPlant Interop Publisher. See
Provides SmartPlant Interop Publisher version information.
Closes SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
See Also
Review Your SmartPlant Interop Publisher Interface (on page 31)
QuickStart (on page 48)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 33

Learn the Basics

Projects View
Lists the projects you have created in the current site database. You can create, remove, and
define translation options for source for files contained in each project. The colored tab and the
title bar indicate the selected view type (Projects, Models, Drawings, or Job Manager).
You can select and edit one project at a time in the Projects view. The Register and shortcut
menu commands in the Projects view are available or enabled when specific conditions are

Projects Toolbar and Properties

Create a new Creates a new project with the user-defined name and
project location. The new project displays in the Projects grid.

Remove Removes one or more selected projects from the grid. If you
remove the active project, you must either select another
project or create a new one.

Register with Maps the project and all associated Smart Models and Smart
SmartPlant Drawings to a single SmartPlant Foundation URL, which
points to one SmartPlant Foundation database.

Upgrade project Upgrades a selected project to the currently-installed version

of SmartPlant Interop Publisher. This command is only
available if a project has not been upgraded. You cannot use
the project or any Smart Models and Smart Drawings in that
project until you upgrade.

The columns in the Projects grid represent the basic properties for each project you have
created in the current site database. The project properties are read-only. For more information
on setting project options, see Define project settings (on page 68) and Configure a site
database (on page 51). You can only work with one project at a time in the Projects grid.
Shows the project name.
SPF Site
Shows the node name and virtual directory of the SmartPlant Foundation database with
which the project is registered.
SPF Plant
Shows the SmartPlant Foundation plant to which the project is registered.
SPF Signature
Lists the unique identifier provided by SmartPlant Foundation for the relationship between a
plant in SmartPlant Foundation and the project.
Shows the folder location that contains copies of the application support files such as

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 34

Learn the Basics

SPIOPToolMap.xml that you can modify. The value Not Defined indicates that you have not
upgraded a project and designated a shared content folder. Select the project and click
Upgrade to use the project.
If you have set up a remote SQL Server with multiple users accessing the same
project, we recommend that you copy your shared content folder onto a network file share
SQL Server Name
Shows the SQL Server instance path with which the project is associated.
SQL Database Pathname
Shows the folder containing the [project name].mdf file.
SQL Log Pathname
Shows the folder containing the log file generated by SQL Server. The value Default SQL
Path means that the log file path defined in the SQL Server Configuration Manager is
From this view, you can perform the following tasks:
Define project settings (on page 68)
Define Translation Settings (on page 80)
Upgrade a project (on page 65)
Create a project (on page 66)
Register with SmartPlant (on page 75)
Find Documents to Publish (on page 76)
Use concurrent translation (on page 78)

Models View
Represents the work area for organizing 3D model source files, creating Smart Models, and
then distributing them to target systems for a selected project. SmartPlant Interop Publisher
Smart Models can be opened by Smart 3D, SmartPlant Review, SmartPlant Foundation, and
web portal applications. The navigation tab (Projects, Models, Drawings, or Job Manager)
that you select is indicated by the color and the title bar.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 35

Learn the Basics

From this view, you can perform the following operations:

Customize the Views (on page 43)
Use 3D Model Source Files (on page 111)
Work with Smart Models (on page 121)
Move, Rotate, and Scale (Transform) Smart Models (on page 222)
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Revise (on page 129)
Publish (on page 130)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 36

Learn the Basics

Source Files Grid (Models View)

Allows you to add and remove source files from the current project. You can then translate them
to Smart Models. You can use one source file to create multiple Smart Models.
You cannot combine different file formats to create a single Smart Model.

Source Files Toolbar

Add Allows you to select one or more source files.

Remove Allows you to remove one or more selected source files. If you create
a Smart Model and then remove the corresponding source file, you
lose the link between the two. You can no longer update the Smart
Model without the source file.

Translate Converts the selected source file formats to Smart Model formats.

Shows the file name.
Shows the path to the location of the file.
Source File Type
Shows the type of source file, such as PDS or AutoCAD.
To show or hide columns, right-click in a column header to open the shortcut menu. Check the
titles of the columns to remain displayed and clear those to be hidden.
To change the name and path for source files, you must use Windows Explorer.
Remove the old filename in SmartPlant Interop Publisher, and then add the updated file back
into SmartPlant Interop Publisher.

Smart Models Grid

Allows you to add, remove, and open created Smart Models. The grid shows the status of each
Smart Model.

Smart Models Toolbar

Add Allows you to select one or more source files. See Add 3D model
source files (on page 112).

Remove Removes one or more selected Smart Models. See Remove a

Smart Model (on page 123).

Copy Copies a selected Smart Model. You can then edit model
properties. See Copy Smart Models (on page 124).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 37

Learn the Basics

Update Updates the selected Smart Models. Use this command to

update Smart Models when the corresponding source files have
changed. See Update (on page 133).

Compose Generates an .svf Smart Model from selected Smart Models so

that you can open them in SmartPlant Review. See Create
Composite (.svf) Smart Models (on page 124).

Open in Opens each selected Smart Model in the SmartPlant Review

SmartPlant application, provided the application is installed on your system.
Review See Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127).

SmartPlant Provides integrated commands listed below. The commands are

enabled when you register your project with SmartPlant

Revise Creates a revision for the Smart Model with Major and Minor
revision sets, depending on the revision scheme you have
selected in SmartPlant Foundation. You must revise the Smart
Model before publishing. For more information, see Configuring
Different Revision Scheme Strategies in the How to Configure
Document Management guide. See Revise (on page 129).

Publish Publishes and loads the selected Smart Model data into
SmartPlant Foundation. See Publish (on page 130).

If any commands are inactive, refer to Troubleshooting (on page 290) for more

The column information represents properties for a Smart Model. To see the properties that can
be edited in the grid, see Manage Smart Model properties (on page 126). The following columns
are read-only and can be used to organize the grid display.
Model Group
Applies only to Smart Models translated from a MicroStation V8 source file containing
one or more design models with the Translate each design model separately option
selected. This option takes the individual design models in the V8 .dgn file and creates
separate Smart Models. SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the naming convention
[Smart Model name]_[design model file name] for each generated Smart Model. Use
Model Group to organize your grid to see all Smart Models associated to a specific
MicroStation V8 source file. For more information, see MicroStation options (on page
90) and Translate MicroStation V8 .dgn file (on page 166).
Translation Time

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 38

Learn the Basics

Translation Status
Translation Date
SPF Publish Status
SPF Publish Date
SPF Document Major Revision
SPF Document Minor Revision
You can drag a column header and drop it to change the display order and grouping. To show or
hide columns, right-click in a column heading to open the shortcut menu. Check the titles of the
columns to remain displayed and clear those to be hidden.
See Also
Source Files Grid (Models View) (on page 37)
Customize the Views (on page 43)

Drawings View
Represents the work area for organizing 2D isometric and orthographic drawing source files,
creating Smart Drawings, and then publishing them to SmartPlant Foundation and an Intergraph
Portal application.
From this view, you can perform the following operations:
Customize the Views (on page 43)
Use Drawing Source Files (on page 192)
Work with Smart Drawings (on page 196)
Revise Smart Drawings (Optional) (on page 199)
Publish Smart Drawings (on page 200)

Source Files Grid (Drawings View)

Allows you to add, remove, and translate source files in the current project.

Source Files Toolbar

Add Selects one or more source files. For more information, see Add
drawing source files (on page 193).

Remove Removes one or more selected source files. If you create a Smart
Drawing and then remove the corresponding source file, you lose
the link between the two. You can no longer update the Smart
Drawing without the source file. For more information, see Remove
drawing source files (on page 194).

Translate Converts the selected source file formats to Smart Drawing

formats. For more information, see Translate to Smart Drawings
(on page 194).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 39

Learn the Basics

Displays the file name.
Displays the path to the location of the file.
Source File Type
Displays the type of source file.
To show or hide columns, right-click in a column header to open the shortcut menu. Check the
titles of the columns to remain displayed and clear those to be hidden.
To change the name and path for source files, you must use Windows Explorer.
Remove the old filename in SmartPlant Interop Publisher, and then add the updated file back
into SmartPlant Interop Publisher.

Smart Drawings Grid

Allows you to add, remove, update, and publish Smart Drawings to SmartPlant Foundation. The
grid shows the status of each Smart Drawing.

Smart Drawings Toolbar

Add Selects one or more Smart Drawings. For more information, see
Add Smart Drawings (on page 197).

Remove Removes one or more selected Smart Drawings. For more

information, see Remove a Smart Drawing (on page 198).

Update Updates the selected Smart Drawings. Use this command to update
Smart Drawings when the corresponding source files have changed.
For more information, see Update Smart Drawings (on page 198).

Schedule Schedules a Smart Drawing to be updated once or at a recurring

Update time. For more information, see Schedule a Smart Model update job
(on page 211).

SmartPlant Provides integrated commands listed below. The commands are

enabled when you register your project with SmartPlant Foundation.

Revise Creates a revision for the Smart Drawing with Major and Minor
revision sets, depending on the selected revision scheme in
SmartPlant Foundation. You must revise the Smart Drawing before
publishing. For more information, see Configuring Different
Revision Scheme Strategies in the How to Configure Document
Management guide.

Publish Publishes and loads the selected Smart Drawing data into
SmartPlant Foundation.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 40

Learn the Basics

If any commands are inactive, refer to Troubleshooting (on page 290) for more

The column information represents Smart Drawing properties. You can drag a column header
and drop it to change the display order and grouping. To show or hide columns, right-click in a
column heading to open the shortcut menu. Check the titles of the columns to remain displayed
and clear those to be hidden.

Job Manager View

Lists the jobs you have scheduled for the project you have currently selected. Select a different
project to see scheduled jobs related to Smart Models and source files contained in that project.

Job Manager Toolbar and Properties

Run Job Submit and run the selected jobs immediately. The job runs again
If the job is scheduled to run at a later time.

Edit Changes scheduling options such as the job name and start/end

Remove Deletes one or more selected jobs.

The columns show the job properties as read-only. You can drag a column header to the far left
so that you can sort the grid display based on that column.

Job Name
Specifies the user-defined job name.
Smart File Name
Specifies the name of the Smart Model or Smart Drawing associated to the job.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 41

Learn the Basics

Specifies that the Smart File is either a 3D Model or a 2D Drawing.
Batch Job ID
Specifies the unique alphanumeric string that identifies a job. A batch job ID is in the form
[ID number].[server name]. The ID number is a sequentially assigned number up to five
digits in length. When a job is scheduled and successfully submitted, it is assigned a unique
job ID. For more information, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
Specifies the server containing the scheduled job (remote or local).
Specifies the batch queue selected when the job was scheduled. Create the batch queues
using the Intergraph Batch Manager. For more information, see Create Queue in the
Intergraph Batch Services Online Help.
Specifies the type of job that was scheduled: Translate or Publish. Because a Smart Model
or Smart Drawing update re-translates the source files, Translate indicates both first-time
translate and update operations.
Next Run Date
Specifies the date and time for the next scheduled operation for a job.
Specifies how often the recurring job runs. SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays
Unsupported in this column if you change the frequency in the Intergraph Batch Manager
to one that SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not support such as an hourly frequency.
From this view, you can perform the following tasks:
Run a job immediately (on page 219)
Edit a schedule (on page 219)
Remove a schedule (on page 221)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 42

Learn the Basics

Customize the Views

SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides two user interface themes you can use: glacier (light) and
shadow (dark). The glacier theme is set by default. The image below is an example of the darker
shadow theme.

To switch the display, click IOP Home and then click Options > Change Theme.

Display and Sort Order

You can change the order of the columns in each of the grid views by dragging the column
heading over to a new location.

Show and Hide Columns

In the Source Files and Smart Models grids, you can also show or hide columns. Right-click in
a column header to open the shortcut menu. Select the titles of the columns to remain displayed
and clear those to be hidden.

Grid Locations
You can customize the Models view by dragging the Source Files and Smart Models grids
either inside or outside the view. A grid can be moved and then docked inside a view.
To change the grid locations, you can:
Undock a Grid (on page 44)
Dock a Grid (on page 44)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 43

Learn the Basics

Create Tabbed Grids

Undock a Grid
Click and drag the title bar to undock the grid and display the grid as a floating window.
You can move the floating grid inside or out of the Models view. The example figure below
shows the Source Files grid floating outside the view.

Dock a Grid
1. Click and drag the title bar to undock or move the grid from its current location.
As soon as you move the grid, SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays docking points (shown
in the figure below) at which you can place the grid for alignment it within the main screen.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 44

Learn the Basics

2. Drag the grid over to one of the anchoring points, and when your cursor touches the
anchoring point, a shadow displays to show you where the grid will be placed as well as the
grid size. The example figure below shows the Source Files grid being moved to align over
to the left.

3. Release the mouse button to place the grid. The example below shows the Source Files
grid in place.

See Also
Undock a Grid (on page 44)

Status and Error Messaging

As you work, SmartPlant Interop Publisher can display status and error messages at the top of
each view and in dialog boxes. In addition to the text description, each message type has an
associated color code.
Represents an error message for which an operation had to be stopped, as shown in the
example below.

Click the blue Information icon on the right-hand side of the message to expand the
error and see additional information to help you resolve the problem.
Click X on the right-hand side of the message to close it. Otherwise, the error message
continues to display. As further error or status messages display, they accumulate in the
messaging section with the most recent message displaying at the top.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 45

Learn the Basics

Represents a general status message. Status messages display for a short time and are
automatically closed.

If you are in a dialog box, any options containing invalid entries are surrounded by a dark red
border. An error message also displays with a brief description of the problem. The message is
closed when the option becomes valid.
See Also
Troubleshooting (on page 290)

Use Search Filters

A search filter is available for each column in the Models and Projects views so that you can
locate and organize information.
1. Click Create Filter in the grid column.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays all items in the selected column. The above example
shows source files available in the Models view.
2. Click on the items you want to see in the grid.
3. Use the Show rows with value that option to further filter information.
4. Click Filter to save your changes.
Click Clear Filter to remove the current filter settings.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher darkens the Create Filter icon in each column to indicate
that a filter is in use.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 46

Learn the Basics

Open file locations

You can open the file locations of selected Smart Models, Smart Drawings, or source files.
1. Use CTRL+ or SHIFT+ keys to select:
One or more Smart Models in the Smart Models grid.
One or more Smart Drawings in the Smart Drawings grid.
One or more source files in the Source Files grid.
2. Right-click to open the shortcut menu, and select Open File Location.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher opens each selected file location. You can then open and copy
files as required. For example, you can select and copy a generated .zvf file.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 47


Get Started
When you first open SmartPlant Interop Publisher, you must set up a site database, and then
either create a custom project or use the default project to contain your translation work. You
can subsequently create multiple projects to better organize your file translations.
The first time you open SmartPlant Interop Publisher, you must configure your site database.
Then perform standard operations to create projects, define project settings, add, and then
translate your source files.

What do you want to do?

QuickStart (on page 48)
Define a site database (on page 51)
Upgrade Site Databases and Projects (on page 54)
Open SmartPlant Interop Publisher (on page 58)
Exit SmartPlant Interop Publisher (on page 58)
Translate to Smart 3D and SmartPlant Review Workflow (on page 59)
Translate to SmartPlant Foundation Workflow (on page 60)
Translate to Web Portal Applications Workflow (on page 62)

Using the default project and project settings, SmartPlant Interop Publisher allows you to
immediately translate source files into Smart Models and Smart Drawings.

1. Double-click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .

From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. On the Configure Database Site dialog box, specify the options below.
SQL Server Name - Specifies the SQL Server instance to use for SmartPlant Interop
Publisher. For more information on how to set up a SQL Server or SQL Server Express
instance, refer to the SmartPlant Interop Publisher Installation and Setup Guide.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 48

Get Started

Name - Specifies the database site name.

3. You can use the default path for the SQL Server Data Pathname and SQL Server Log File
Pathname options.
4. Check the Create default project option, and then browse or type a Shared Content
Location. Every SmartPlant Interop Publisher project requires a shared content location.
This folder contains internal files used by SmartPlant Interop Publisher to support work done
in the specified project.

5. Click Configure.
The software creates subfolders under your shared content location in which you can
organize all your work for the selected project. Unless you specify a location, SmartPlant
Interop Publisher uses the shared content location and its subfolders for default location

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 49

Get Started

SmartPlant Interop Publisher also creates a project called [site database name]_General.
6. On the project list, select your default project as shown in the example figure below.

7. To create Smart Models, click Models to go to the Models view, and then click Add in
the Source Files grid.
8. To create Smart Drawings, click Drawings to go to the Drawings view, and then click Add
in the Source Files grid.
9. Select the source files to use.
Each added source file displays in the Source Files grid as shown in the example Models
view Source Files grid.

10. In the Source Files grid, select the added source file in the grid view, and then click
Translate .
The software displays the Translate dialog box.
11. On the Translate Source File dialog box, select a Smart Model or Smart Drawing
Location, and then click Translate to use the default settings.
If you select multiple source files of the same type when translating to a Smart Model,
SmartPlant Interop Publisher prompts you on whether to create a single Smart Model for
each source file or a Smart Model that is made up of all the selected source files. If you
select source files of different types, SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates a Smart Model
for each source file.
Each created Smart Model and Smart Drawing displays in the Smart Models and Smart
Drawings grid.
See Also
Supported 3D Model Formats: What source files can I use? (on page 22)
Organize Your Work with Projects (on page 64)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 50

Get Started

Define a site database

A SQL Server-based site database for SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides a way for you to
organize projects containing Smart Models. The first time you start the product, you are
prompted to either create a new site database or upgrade site databases that you have defined
in previous versions of SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
You must have at least one site database to contain your projects. Afterwards, you can use the
Configure Site Database command to create other site databases for various projects.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports both local and remote SQL server sites. For more
information, see How do I organize my files? (on page 28).

What do you want to do?

Configure a site database (on page 51)
Upgrade Site Databases and Projects (on page 54)

Configure a site database

1. If you are starting SmartPlant Interop Publisher for the first time, SmartPlant Interop
Publisher displays the Configure Site Database dialog box.
To create a new site database, click IOP Home .
2. Click Options > Configure Site Database.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Configure Site Database dialog box.

3. In the SQL Server Name box, select the SQL Server instance name you created for
SmartPlant Interop Publisher.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 51

Get Started

4. Type a name for your site database Name.

Each site name must be unique.

The following characters cannot be used in a site database name:
Plus (+)
Minus (-)
Period (.)
Comma (,)
Question mark (?)
Quotation mark (")
Greater than (>)
Less than (<)
Pipe or bar (|)
Forward slash (/)
Back slash (\)
Asterisk (*)
Colon (:)
Semicolon (;)
Site names cannot start with a number.
Do not insert spaces in the site name.
Site names cannot be longer than 16 characters.
5. When you create a new SmartPlant Interop Publisher site or project database, you can use
either the default SQL Server location or specify your own location. Clear Use the SQL
Server default locations to select different locations for SQL Server Data Pathname and
SQL Server Log File Pathname.
Keep the Use the SQL Server default locations option selected to use the default location.
Default SQL Path displays in the location boxes for SQL Server Data Pathname and SQL
Server Log File Pathname, and the software uses the locations defined for these in SQL

After you create a database, you cannot change the SQL Server Data Pathname and
SQL Log File Pathname locations.
If you are creating a project or site connected to a remote SQL Server instance, you
cannot change the SQL Server Data Pathname and SQL Log File Pathname
6. To check the paths, open the SQL Server Configuration Manager and look at the site
7. In the SQL Server Data Path Name box, browse to the folder for the site database file.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 52

Get Started

8. In the SQL Server Log File Path Name box, browse to the full path of the SQL
Server-generated log file.
9. Keep the Create default project option checked for SmartPlant Interop Publisher to
automatically create a project called [site database name]_General. Otherwise, you must
create a project before you can add source files.
10. If you selected Create default project, browse to or type a Shared Content Location.
Every SmartPlant Interop Publisher project requires a shared content location. This folder
contains internal files used by SmartPlant Interop Publisher to support work done in the
specified project.

11. Click Configure.

The software creates subfolders under your shared content location in which you can
organize all your work for the selected project.

Unless you specify a location, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the shared content
location and its subfolders for default location settings.
You can now create the required projects. When you create and change to another site, all
projects and project data (source files and Smart Models) are removed from the views. Only
projects created within a site display.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 53

Get Started

Upgrade Site Databases and Projects

After you have installed the latest version of SmartPlant Interop Publisher, you must perform a
database upgrade. At a minimum, you must either (a) upgrade your previous site databases, or
(b) create a new site database. You can choose to upgrade your project databases at a later
time. Follow the steps below to either upgrade or create a new site database.

Option A: Upgrade
1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Upgrade Database dialog box.

2. Select one of the following to upgrade:

Upgrade site and project databases - Upgrades all your site and project databases on
the current system.
Upgrade site database only - Upgrades only the site databases without upgrading the
projects contained within the site. If you choose to use the projects at a later time, you
must run the Upgrade Project command in the Projects view.
3. Click Create Backup, and then browse to a location to store the backup.
4. Click Continue.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher performs the backup and then the upgrade.
When the process finishes, SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Projects view.

5. You can create new projects for the site database.


SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 54

Get Started

Upgrade projects. For more information, see Create a project and Upgrade a project topics
in the SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide.

Option B: Create a New Site Database

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Upgrade Database dialog box.

2. Select Create a new site database and then click Continue.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Configure Site Database dialog box.

3. In the SQL Server Name box, select the SQL Server instance name you created for
SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
4. Type a name for your site database Name.

Each site name must be unique.

The following characters cannot be used in a site database name:

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 55

Get Started

Plus (+)
Minus (-)
Period (.)
Comma (,)
Question mark (?)
Quotation mark (")
Greater than (>)
Less than (<)
Pipe or bar (|)
Forward slash (/)
Back slash (\)
Asterisk (*)
Colon (:)
Semicolon (;)
Site names cannot start with a number.
Do not insert spaces in the site name.
Site names cannot be longer than 16 characters.
5. When you create a new SmartPlant Interop Publisher site or project database, you can use
either the default SQL Server location or specify your own location. Clear Use the SQL
Server default locations to select different locations for SQL Server Data Pathname and
SQL Server Log File Pathname.
Keep the Use the SQL Server default locations option selected to use the default location.
Default SQL Path displays in the location boxes for SQL Server Data Pathname and SQL
Server Log File Pathname, and the software uses the locations defined for these in SQL

After you create a database, you cannot change the SQL Server Data Pathname and
SQL Log File Pathname locations.
If you are creating a project or site connected to a remote SQL Server instance, you
cannot change the SQL Server Data Pathname and SQL Log File Pathname
6. To check the paths, open the SQL Server Configuration Manager and look at the site
7. In the SQL Server Data Path Name box, browse to the folder for the site database file.
8. In the SQL Server Log File Path Name box, browse to the full path of the SQL
Server-generated log file.
9. Keep the Create default project option checked for SmartPlant Interop Publisher to
automatically create a project called [site database name]_General. Otherwise, you must
create a project before you can add source files.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 56

Get Started

10. If you selected Create default project, browse to or type a Shared Content Location.
Every SmartPlant Interop Publisher project requires a shared content location. This folder
contains internal files used by SmartPlant Interop Publisher to support work done in the
specified project.

11. Click Configure.

The software creates subfolders under your shared content location in which you can
organize all your work for the selected project.

Unless you specify a location, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the shared content
location and its subfolders for default location settings.
When the process finishes, SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Projects view.
12. Use the default project.
Create new projects.
For more information, see Create a project in the SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 57

Get Started

Open SmartPlant Interop Publisher

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays. For a description of the user interface, see Review
Your SmartPlant Interop Publisher Interface (on page 31).
2. The first time you open SmartPlant Interop Publisher, follow the prompts to select a SQL
Server instance and site database. For more information on setting these options, see
Configure a site database (on page 51).
3. To exit SmartPlant Interop Publisher, click Close on the SmartPlant Interop Publisher view.
See Also
QuickStart (on page 48)
Organize Your Work with Projects (on page 64)

Exit SmartPlant Interop Publisher

To close SmartPlant Interop Publisher, you can select Exit the Application from the IOP Home
Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the window.
If you close SmartPlant Interop Publisher before any translation or update operations have been
completed, SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays a message informing you that operations have
not been finished. You can open SmartPlant Interop Publisher and check the Translation
Status column in the Smart Models and Smart Drawings grids. Run Update on the Smart
Models and Smart Drawings where translations were not completed.
See Also
Update (on page 133)
Manage Smart Model properties (on page 126)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 58

Get Started

Translate to Smart 3D and SmartPlant Review

The steps below show the workflow in using SmartPlant Interop Publisher to translate models.
For the generated Smart Model, you can open the model in SmartPlant Review, or attach it as
reference 3D data in Smart 3D.

1. (First-time Startup Only) Follow the prompts to create a site database and connect it to your
SQL Server instance.
Configure a site database (on page 51)
2. Create your SmartPlant Interop Publisher project.
Use the default project ([site database name]_General) provided with SmartPlant Interop
Create a project (on page 66)
3. Define project settings to select Smart 3D and SmartPlant Review as targets.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 59

Get Started

Define project settings (on page 68)

4. (Optional) Define translation settings for each source file type you are using.
Define Translation Settings (on page 80)
5. (Optional) Create custom or generic mapping.
Configure Mapping to Control Model Display (on page 228)
6. Add your source files.
Add 3D model source files (on page 112)
7. Translate source files.
Translate to Smart Models (on page 114)
8. (Optional) Edit Smart Model properties such as the file location and transformation settings.
Move, Rotate, and Scale (Transform) Smart Models (on page 222)
Manage Smart Model properties (on page 126)
9. Open the Smart Model in the selected Intergraph target application.
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)

Translate to SmartPlant Foundation Workflow

The steps below show the workflow in using SmartPlant Interop Publisher to translate models
and drawings so they can be accessed from SmartPlant Foundation.

Smart Drawing Work Process Diagram

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 60

Get Started

Smart Models Work Process Diagram

1. (First-time Startup Only) Follow the prompts to create a site database and connect it to your
SQL Server instance.
Configure a site database (on page 51)
2. Create your SmartPlant Interop Publisher project.
Use the default project ([site database name]_General) provided with SmartPlant Interop
Create a project (on page 66)
3. Register your project to SmartPlant Foundation (SPF) to publish data to SmartPlant
Register with SmartPlant (on page 75)
4. (Optional) Define configuration and translation settings for each source file type you are
Define project settings (on page 68)
Define Translation Settings (on page 80)
Configure Mapping to Control Model Display (on page 228)
5. Add your source files.
Add 3D model source files (on page 112)
Add drawing source files (on page 193)
6. Translate source files.
Translate to Smart Models (on page 114)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 61

Get Started

Translate to Smart Drawings (on page 194)

7. (Optional) Edit Smart Model properties such as the file location and transformation settings.
Move, Rotate, and Scale (Transform) Smart Models (on page 222)
Manage Smart Model properties (on page 126)
8. Access the Smart Model or Smart Drawing in SmartPlant Foundation.
Smart Model:
Revise (on page 129)
Publish (on page 130)
Smart Drawing:
Revise Smart Drawings (Optional) (on page 199)
Publish Smart Drawings (on page 200)

Translate to Web Portal Applications Workflow

The steps below show the workflow to translate models and drawings so they can be accessed
from Intergraph web-based portal applications. Because some Intergraph portal applications
require SmartPlant Foundation to access the translated Smart Models and Smart Drawings, you
must select Portal and SmartPlant Foundation as targets. Verify that you have a version of
SmartPlant Foundation and the SmartPlant Client that supports publishing portal data files (.binz
and .vecz). For this information, log on to Smart Support and select SPIOP on the Compatibility

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 62

Get Started

1. (First-time Startup Only) Follow the prompts to create a site database and connect it to your
SQL Server instance.
Configure a site database (on page 51)
2. Create your SmartPlant Interop Publisher project.
Use the default project ([site database name]_General) provided with SmartPlant Interop
Create a project (on page 66)
3. (Optional) Register your project to SmartPlant Foundation (SPF) to publish data to
SmartPlant Foundation.
Register with SmartPlant (on page 75)
4. (Optional) Define configuration and translation settings for each source file type you are
Define project settings (on page 68)
For Portal applications that must receive model data from the SmartPlant
Foundation vault, select both SmartPlant Foundation and Portal as the targets in your
project settings.
Define Translation Settings (on page 80)
Configure Mapping to Control Model Display (on page 228)
5. Add your source files.
Add 3D model source files (on page 112)
Add drawing source files (on page 193)
6. Translate source files.
Translate to Smart Models (on page 114)
Translate to Smart Drawings (on page 194)
7. Publish to SmartPlant Foundation, if required.
Publish (on page 130)
8. Open using the Intergraph portal application setup.
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 63


Organize Your Work with Projects

SmartPlant Interop Publisher projects allow you to organize your source files, Smart Models,
and Smart Drawings. For example, you can have projects containing Smart Models representing
different sections in a model, or you can have one project containing all required Smart Models
and Smart Drawings. A SmartPlant Interop Publisher project also contains the settings that
define the translation of the source files. SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides default or
standard settings that allow you to immediately begin working without requiring any further
changes. If you find that you need more precision in the display of the translated Smart Models
such as object size, coloring or property labels, you can modify settings to fit your requirements.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher requires at least one project. If you remove all projects,
SmartPlant Interop Publisher prompts you to create a project the next time you open the
product. You can select and edit one project at a time.
In a multi-user environment, each user can run SmartPlant Interop Publisher and work on a
different project. You can also have multiple users working on the same project. However, to
see any changes, you must close and then re-open SmartPlant Interop Publisher to refresh the

Projects Work Process Diagram

What do you want to do?

Upgrade a project (on page 65)
Create a project (on page 66)
Define project settings (on page 68)
Open a SmartPlant Interop Publisher project (on page 74)
Delete SmartPlant Interop Publisher projects (on page 74)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 64

Organize Your Work with Projects

Add a project back to SmartPlant Interop Publisher (on page 74)

Register with SmartPlant (on page 75)
Open the shared content location (on page 76)
Find Documents to Publish (on page 76)
Use concurrent translation (on page 78)
Define Translation Settings (on page 80)

Upgrade a project
Run the Upgrade Project command on any projects that have not been upgraded for the
currently-installed version of SmartPlant Interop Publisher. When the command is not available,
the project has already been upgraded. Until you upgrade the selected project, the Register and
shortcut menu commands are not available.
1. Click Projects.

2. Select the project to upgrade, and then click Upgrade Project . Upgrade one project at a
3. From the Upgrade Database dialog box, click Create Backup, and then select a location to
store the backup.
4. Select a Shared Content Location. This location is required for projects so that SmartPlant
Interop Publisher can store application files, project-specific files and provide support for the
automated Folder Settings feature.
5. Click Continue.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher upgrades the project and displays a status message upon
See Also
Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks (on page 100)
Define project settings (on page 68)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 65

Organize Your Work with Projects

Create a project
1. Click Projects.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides a default project called [site database

name]_General that can be used if you do not require a custom project. The General
project can be automatically created when you configure your site database and select the
Create default project (new site only) option.
2. Click Create from the Projects toolbar.
Right-click in the grid, and then click Create.

3. Type the project name. You can use the menu list to see all project contained in the current
SQL Server instance.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher checks the name and displays a message indicating if the
name is already in use.

The .mdf file name and the project name that display in SmartPlant Interop Publisher
are not required to be identical.
Project names are not case-sensitive.
Each project name must be unique.
The following characters cannot be used in a project name:
Plus (+)
Minus (-)
Period (.)
Comma (,)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 66

Organize Your Work with Projects

Question mark (?)

Quotation mark (")
Greater than (>)
Less than (<)
Pipe or bar (|)
Forward slash (/)
Back slash (\)
Asterisk (*)
Colon (:)
Semicolon (;)
Caret (^)
Percent (%)
Dollar sign ($)
Project names cannot start with a number.
Do not insert spaces in the project name.
Project names cannot be longer than 16 characters.
4. Use the default SQL Server Data Pathname and SQL Server Log File Pathname
locations (recommended). SQL Server Data Pathname and SQL Server Log File
Pathname become read-only.
Clear Use the SQL Server default locations for data and log files, and then type or
browse to data and log file locations.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher stores the project database file in the selected SQL Server
data location.
5. Click Test SQL Connection to check the connection to your specified SQL Server instance.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher connects to the SQL Server instance and then displays a
connection successful message in the SmartPlant Interop Publisher messaging area, which
is located at the top of the view window. After you create a database, you cannot change the
SQL Server Data and SQL Log File locations.
6. For Shared Content Location, type or browse to a folder in which copies of the application
support files such as SPIOPToolMap.xml can be stored.
The software creates subfolders under your shared content location in which you can
organize all your work for the selected project.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 67

Organize Your Work with Projects

Unless you specify a location, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the shared content
location and its subfolders for default location settings.
7. Click Create.
The new project displays in the Projects grid.
8. Repeat steps 2-7 for each new project.
9. (Optional) To change general default behaviors and file locations, right-click on the project in
the grid, and then click Project Settings. For detailed information and steps, see Define
project settings (on page 68).
10. (Optional) To create or change settings groups that contain translation settings for data and
graphics, right-click on the project in the grid, and then click Translation Settings. For more
detailed information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80).
You can now add and translate your source files for your project. For more information on how
to add object data and properties not provided in the default mapping files for translation, see
Configure Mapping to Control Model Display (on page 228).
See Also
Create and Manage Smart Models (on page 111)
Create and Manage Smart Drawings (on page 192)

Define project settings

Specifies operations for SmartPlant Interop Publisher projects. Create and edit settings for one
project at a time.

This command is not available if you do not have a project, or if you have not yet upgraded
the project.
If you plan to schedule any translation, update, or publish of Smart Models, you must use
the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) file path for the source file, Smart Model, and
mapping file locations.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher organizes project settings such as validation, log file generation,
file locations, and property mapping setup as follows:

Provides settings that apply to both Smart Drawings and Smart Models in a project.
Smart File Location
Specifies the folder containing the translated Smart Models or Smart Drawings.
Shared Content Location
Specifies the folder containing copies of the application support files such as
SPIOPToolMap.xml that you can modify. The value Not Defined indicates that you have not
upgraded a project and designated a shared folder. Run Upgrade on the project so that you
can define a location and use the project. If you have set up a remote SQL Server with
multiple users accessing the same project, we recommend that you copy your shared
content folder onto a network file share location. When you define a shared content location,
the software creates subfolders in which you can organize your work for the selected

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 68

Organize Your Work with Projects


Unless you specify a location, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the shared content
location and its subfolders for default location settings.
Translation Settings Group
Specifies the default translation settings to use for all files contained in the project. You can
create different translation settings depending on your project and selected source files. For
more information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80).

Label Schema
Defines the table layout in the label or property database. This file contains the property
definitions and deciphers the contents of the label files. We recommend that you use the
provided default schema file.

SmartPlant Review
If you are not using SmartPlant Review as a target application, you do not have to set
these options.
Project Schema
Defines the layout of tables in the database for SmartPlant Review.
SmartPlant Review Site Name
Sets the site name. The site name is stored in the site table and helps you to identify the
project origin. This is helpful if you require information from different sites for activities such
as merging tables or tags.
SmartPlant Review Site ID
Sets an abbreviation for the site name identifier. You can type a maximum of four letters or
numbers in this box.

Logging Options
Specifies log file generation and its content.
Logging off - Turns logging off. This is the default option. If you enable logging, you
must check the log file. Information sent to the log file is accumulated and its size could
get extremely large after just a few translation operations. If the file size gets too large,
translation operations can fail. Delete the log file so that SmartPlant Interop Publisher
generates a new log file at the next translation.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 69

Organize Your Work with Projects

Summary log - Generates a log file containing the number of graphic objects that were
created, the number of graphics that failed, the total number of objects, and the number
of unsupported entities.
Detailed log - Generates a log file containing detailed information on the graphic
objects in the file, such as handle information, color, layer, and so forth.
Log File Location
Specifies the folder containing the generated log file for graphics file translation. By default,
SmartPlant Interop Publisher creates the [source file name_file type].log file in the shared
content location path. Use the default location or change it.

Mapping Options
Specifies the type of mapping. Select Default to use the delivered mapping files. Select
Custom to use your modified mapping files. Select Generic to use the generated mapping
Mapping Files Location
Specifies the folder containing the mapping files being used. For Custom or Generic types,
the project Shared Content Location (defined in the Project settings > General tab) is
listed by default. Use the provided location or change it. For more information on how to
extend the default mapping to use either the Custom or Generic mapping option, see
Configure Mapping to Control Model Display (on page 228).

Target Applications
Specifies the Intergraph application in which to view the Smart Models. For Smart
Drawings, you can only publish to SmartPlant Foundation. You must select at least one
target application. The Smart Model files generated for target applications that you can
copy and move are listed below. For more information on all files that can be generated
by SmartPlant Interop Publisher, see Generated file types (on page 30).
SmartPlant Review - .vue, .mdb, and .mdb2
Smart 3D - .vue, .zvf, .mdb, .mdb2, .xrg, and .iop
SmartPlant Foundation - .vue, .zvf, .mdb, mdb2, and .xrg (3D models)/ .xml (2D
Portal - SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates intermediary 3D and 2D files for
data exchange to the Portal and SmartPlant Foundation applications. For Portal
applications that must receive model data from the SmartPlant Foundation vault,
select both SmartPlant Foundation and Portal as targets.
By default, all applications are selected. To improve translation speeds, select only the
applications that you require.
To publish when you select both SmartPlant Foundation and Portal targets,
SmartPlant Interop Publisher requires a SmartPlant Foundation version that supports
portal file types. For version information, go to Smart Support and check SmartPlant
Interop Publisher on the Compatibility Matrix. If you do not have a required version, the
publish to SmartPlant Foundation operation continues, but the portal files are not

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 70

Organize Your Work with Projects

Concurrent Translations
Specifies the number of source files, default is 1, that can be translated at the same time.
The progress of the concurrent translation depends on the availability of SPLM licenses and
the amount of system resources available on the computer. If you set a concurrent
translation value, be aware that in some cases you can get a significant performance
increases while in other cases performance can be adversely affected. The possible effects
are based on multiple factors such as file type, size, and contained geometries. For more
information, see Use concurrent translation (on page 78). This option applies to both the
Translate and Update commands.
The Concurrent Translations setting does not apply to translate and update
operations that are scheduled. You can configure the Run Limit option in Intergraph Batch
Services to define the number of jobs that can be run simultaneously when using
scheduling. For more information, see Schedule Jobs (on page 205).
Create a single object for the same object in multiple files
Creates a single object in SmartPlant Foundation for cases in which the same object is in
multiple Smart Models. By default, this option is not enabled and SmartPlant Interop
Publisher publishes the same object in different Smart Models as separate objects in
SmartPlant Foundation. The default behavior allows for SmartPlant Interop Publisher to
create Smart Models that can be copied for model data reuse.
Object Behavior
Single object behavior when publishing to SmartPlant Foundation:

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 71

Organize Your Work with Projects

Default behavior:

Support SPF Composite model creation with S3D documents

Matches the measurement resolutions in translated Smart Models to measurements
generated in Smart 3D 3D Model Data documents so that you can view objects together in a
SmartPlant Foundation Composite model. This option applies only when combining 3D
Model Data published from Smart 3D and Smart Models. The option is turned off by default.
The following diagram shows the workflow that requires this option to be enabled:

How To
1. Click Projects.

2. Select a project in the grid, and then right-click to select Project Settings.
You can also access the Project Settings command from the IOP Home menu.
Click IOP Home , and then click Options > Project Settings.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the settings for the active project in the Projects
Settings dialog box.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 72

Organize Your Work with Projects

3. Select the file locations in General.

4. Select a default Translation Settings Group if you have created one for the project. For
more information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80).
5. For Smart Model properties, you can define settings in the Schema tab to set up the label
schema, but we recommend that you use the default file.
6. (Optional) Define SmartPlant Review settings if you plan on opening the Smart Model in
SmartPlant Review. Otherwise, you can ignore them.
7. In Logging, set up log files to help troubleshoot Smart Model translation issues. If you
enable logging, make sure you periodically check the log file. Information sent to the log file
is accumulated, and its size could get extremely large after just a few translation operations.
If the file size gets too large, delete the file. SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates a new
log file at the next translation.
For Smart Drawings, SmartPlant Interop Publisher creates a log file in the Smart
File folder along with the generated .sha and .xml Smart Drawing files.
8. In Target Applications, select the Intergraph applications in which to use the Smart
SmartPlant Interop Publisher automatically generates the database files required for your
Smart models to open in each selected target application, and also generates subfolders
under the output location for the generated files. You can use the Compose command to
create Smart Model .svf files. For more information, see Create Composite (.svf) Smart
Models (on page 124).
By default, all target applications are selected. For faster translations, select only the target
application you plan to use. This causes SmartPlant Interop Publisher to generate files
specific only to the selected target application.
For Smart Drawings, SmartPlant Interop Publisher only publishes to SmartPlant
9. Click Save when you have finished to close the Project Settings dialog box.
See Also
Upgrade a project (on page 65)
Register with SmartPlant (on page 75)
Use 3D Model Source Files (on page 111)
Validation Criteria (on page 305)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 73

Organize Your Work with Projects

Open a SmartPlant Interop Publisher project

Open a project created in the Projects view. You work within one project at a time. With your
project open in SmartPlant Interop Publisher, you can go to the Models view to add and remove
source files, and then translate them to Smart Models.
Select your project from the SmartPlant Interop Publisher Projects menu.

In the Models and Drawings views, any source files, Smart Models, and Smart Drawings
associated to the project display.

Delete SmartPlant Interop Publisher projects

1. Go to the Projects view.
2. Select the project, and then click Remove .
SmartPlant Interop Publisher removes the project from the Projects grid view. This
operation removes the project and all contained Smart Models from the Projects,
Drawings, and Models views.
The Remove operation does not delete the database, source files, Smart Models, Smart
Drawings, and any other generated files corresponding to that project from the file location
in your system. This allows you to add the projects, Smart Models, and Smart Drawings
back into SmartPlant Interop Publisher.

Add a project back to SmartPlant Interop Publisher

Because SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not delete the project files when you remove a
project from the Projects grid, you can locate the corresponding .mdf file and re-open the
1. Click Create from the Projects toolbar.
Right-click in the view, and then click Create.
2. On the Create Project dialog box, locate the project database file you want to re-open, and
then click Create.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the project in the grid view. All associated settings,
source files, and Smart models are available for that project.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 74

Organize Your Work with Projects

Register with SmartPlant

SmartPlant Enterprise publishes and retrieves data through a central repository, SmartPlant
Foundation (SPF). To use Smart Models and Smart Drawings that you have translated for the
SmartPlant Foundation target application, you must register the project to the SmartPlant
Enterprise integrated environment. This registration process maps the project and all associated
Smart Models to a single SmartPlant Foundation URL, which points to one SmartPlant
Foundation database and returns a unique signature for the project being registered.
To register, you must have the following:
SRP (SmartPlant Interop Publisher translation) and SIP (SmartPlant Interop Publisher
Adaptor-to-SmartPlant Foundation) licenses
SmartPlant Client
SmartPlant Schema Component

1. On the Projects view, select your project in the grid.
2. Click Register .
Right-click and select Register.
The SmartPlant > Register command displays the SmartPlant Foundation Registration
wizard that steps you through the following tasks:
Specifying the server name and virtual web site folder for the SmartPlant Foundation
database. To quickly find the web site URL set up for the SPF database, click Help >
About SmartPlant Foundation in the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client
Selecting the plant to register.
Providing a unique description when used in a multi-registration configuration.
Click the Help button on the Wizard dialog boxes or press F1 for information on the current
step. This opens Help for the SmartPlant Foundation application.

Register to a different SmartPlant Foundation database

Follow the steps below to register projects that already contain Smart Models to a different
SmartPlant Foundation database.
1. (Optional) Before you register to the next Smart Plant Foundation database, you can use the
Find Documents to Publish command if you are required to remove any published Smart
Models or Smart Drawings from the original SmartPlant Foundation database. For more
information, see Find Documents to Publish (on page 76).
You can create and register a new project if you intend to frequently register
projects to different SmartPlant Foundation databases.
2. In the Projects view, select your project in the grid.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 75

Organize Your Work with Projects

3. Click Register .
Right-click, and then select Register.
4. Follow the SmartPlant Foundation Registration wizard steps.
5. When you finish registration, go to the Models view.

6. Select all Smart Models in the grid and click Update so that all the .zvf files for the Smart
Models are recreated for the new SmartPlant Foundation database. In cases where you
register your project to a different database and you do not make any changes to source
files, always manually run Update and do not set up a scheduled update.
This process also applies to Smart Drawings.

Open the shared content location

You can open the shared content location of the selected project so that you can see its
contents and subfolders at any time.
1. From the Projects view, select the project in the grid and right-click to open the shortcut
2. Select Open Shared Content Location.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher opens the selected file location.
See Also
Upgrade a project (on page 65)
Define project settings (on page 68)

Find Documents to Publish

Generates a list of Smart Models from the grid that either have not been published or have been
modified and require re-publishing. Use this command to remove both Smart Models and Smart
Drawings that have been published to SmartPlant Foundation.

This command is not enabled for the following conditions:

If you are not registered with SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see
Register with SmartPlant (on page 75).
If you do not have the License Manager client installed on the same computer on which
SmartPlant Interop Publisher is installed.
Currently, the Find capability of this command applies only to Smart Models. If you make
any changes to Smart Drawings that have been published, you must use the Update and
Publish commands. For more information, see Update Smart Drawings (on page 198)
and Publish Smart Drawings (on page 200).
You can use the Terminate capability on both Smart Models and Smart Drawings.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 76

Organize Your Work with Projects

Find and Publish Smart Models

1. From the Projects view, select the project containing Smart Models to use.
2. Right-click to select Find Documents to Publish.
3. Log in to SmartPlant Foundation. Type your User name and Password, and then click OK.
4. From the Select documents to publish list, select the options corresponding to the
documents to publish.
You can quickly select the entire list by clicking Select All, or clear the entire list by
clicking Clear All.
You can sort documents in the Select document to Publish list in ascending or
descending order by the Name, Type, or Last Published columns.

5. Click OK to accept the selections. The documents selected for publishing now display in the
Documents to Publish list on the Publish dialog box. For more information, see Publish
Documents in the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client User's Guide.

When you remove a Smart Model or Smart Drawing that has been published to SmartPlant
Foundation, the model and drawing display in the Terminate list in the Find Documents to
Publish dialog box. Use the Find Documents to Publish command, and then check each
Smart Model document to remove.
1. From the Projects view, select the project containing the Smart Models or Smart Drawings
to terminate.
2. Right-click to select Find Documents to Publish.
3. Log in to SmartPlant Foundation. Type your User name and Password, and then click OK.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 77

Organize Your Work with Projects

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Find Documents to Publish dialog box.

4. From the Terminate list, select the Smart Models and Smart Drawings to remove. You can
quickly select the entire list by clicking Select All, or clear the entire list by clicking Clear
5. Click OK to accept the selections.

Use concurrent translation

You can purchase multiple licenses to support concurrent translations. (For information on
purchasing additional licenses, contact your Intergraph consultant for more information.)
Concurrent translation is an advanced option in SmartPlant Interop Publisher Project Settings
that allows you to perform multiple parallel translations. This setting applies to immediate
translate and update operations.
This setting does not apply to translate and update operations that are scheduled.
You can configure the Run Limit option in the Intergraph Batch Services product to define the
number of jobs that can be run simultaneously when using scheduling. For more information,
see Schedule Jobs (on page 205).
You define the number of concurrent users for translating with SmartPlant Interop Publisher on a
project-wide basis. For every project you create, you can set up the number of concurrent
translations that can be performed. SmartPlant Interop Publisher pulls as many SmartPlant
Interop Publisher translation (SRP) licenses as specified by the concurrent translation value. If
you do not have enough licenses, SmartPlant Interop Publisher queues files for translation until
more licenses become available.

The number of concurrent users that can be set up depends on several factors, including your
system memory, the number of SmartPlant License Manager (SPLM) licenses for SmartPlant
Interop Publisher that are available, and the Concurrent Translations setting defined in the
Project Settings dialog box. Use these considerations along with those listed below when
creating your SmartPlant Interop Publisher projects and setting up concurrent translation for
each project.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 78

Organize Your Work with Projects

SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not load-balance the translation of files. Therefore
translating multiple files simultaneously may decrease performance if the number of
processors and the amount of RAM are insufficient to handle the maximum number of
specified translations.
As source files are modified, translation performance can change. Perform periodic
translation monitoring to ensure optimal performance.
We recommend the following practice:
a. Translate files in your project one at a time, logging the length of time it takes for each
b. Document the Minimum/Maximum/Average processor and RAM usage during the
translation of each file.
c. Estimate. From this information, you can then estimate how many concurrent
translations your hardware can support. More monitoring must be performed as the
concurrent translations are gradually increased to ensure that optimal performance is
d. Define the Concurrent Translation value for each project you have in SmartPlant
Interop Publisher in accordance with your estimate.

Define the Concurrent User Setting Per Project

1. Click Projects.

2. Right-click to select Project Settings. To create a new project, see Create a project (on
page 66) for more information.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Project Settings dialog box.
3. Click Advanced.
4. For Concurrent Translations, type in the number of source files that can be translated at
the same time. When entering this number, consider your system's available memory and
the number of translation licenses that have been purchased. For example, if you set the
value at 5 in Project A, then:
If there is enough memory and you have five or more licenses, only five translations can
If there is not enough memory available or you do not have five licenses, SmartPlant
Interop Publisher still tries to perform concurrent translation based on the memory that
is available and the number of licenses that you do have.
If you have five licenses and define all five licenses in the Project Settings for Project
A, then users working on files in Project A can simultaneously translate up to five
source file types.
5. Click OK to save your edits, and then go to the Models view.
6. On the Source Files grid, add the source files to use, and then click Translate .
SmartPlant Interop Publisher attempts to translate up to the number of Concurrent
Translations you set.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 79

Define Translation Settings
Specifies options to control converting data and graphics from one file format to the target
Intergraph application format. The goal is for the resulting model to display in the Intergraph
applications as accurately as possible when compared to the original data set. The Translation
Settings command allows you to create a set of default translation options, called a Settings
Group, that you can set up for each data format type you are using. You can create and apply
different settings groups to further customize the contents of the generated Smart Models.
Define translation settings for one project at a time.
The Translation Settings command is not enabled if you do not have a project, or if
you have not yet upgraded the project.
To define objects and the mapping of object property labels from the source files to their display
in Intergraph target applications, see Configure Mapping to Control Model Display (on page

Translation Options
Common Translation Options
The following options apply to all file types in a translation settings group.
Reduces the size of the translated model by removing objects that are hidden inside other
objects such as parts inside equipment, or any blocked objects that are not visible from the
outside. The translated model with occlusion takes less memory and can be opened faster.
Use hardware acceleration
Becomes available when you select Occlusion. By default, the hardware acceleration is
selected so that SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses your graphics card to perform occlusion.
Clear this option to use the CPU to perform occlusion in case you have issues with your
graphics card.

The number of objects that can be removed by occlusion is based on the graphics card.
Higher-end graphics cards do a better job of removing objects. Lower-end graphics
cards remove less objects. Using different graphics cards also provides inconsistent or
different object removal results.
The type of graphic card you have and its driver date can affect hardware acceleration
performance. Make sure you use the most current driver for your graphics card.
We recommend that you do not use occlusion for open models in which ranges are high
and the entire model does not fit in the source application or in the SmartPlant Review
Main view.
Keep lines and line strings
Uses the lines and line strings in a MicroStation model or PDS project. When you select this
option, the model display rate is slower, depending on the number of lines or line strings in
the model.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 80

Define Translation Settings

Turn on validation
Allows validation of graphics. Validation checks the graphics as the source files are being
translated. Invalid graphics are removed and noted in the log file, if you have logging
enabled. This option is turned off by default. With validation active, the translation time can
take longer, depending on the file sizes.
Maintain unique DMRS linkages
Allows the software to assign new, unique object identifiers or linkages for objects during
translation that are maintained for subsequent translation updates. The software ties the
new linkages to the source file name, and to the UID column in the provided mapping
spreadsheets. For example, if you translate and then update a Piping411.dgn file multiple
times, the software maintains the same linkages. However, if you rename Piping411.dgn to
Piping201.dgn, the linkages change. You can also customize the UID column to generate
unique linkages depending on your project requirements. For more information, see Edit the
UIDs (on page 240).
This option is enabled by default and impacts Smart Models used in the SmartPlant Review
and Smart 3D target applications. If you select this option and then update Smart Models:
Display sets in SmartPlant Review that were created based on DMRS linkages must
be re-created.
Any resolved markers in Smart 3D Interference Checking must be updated with the
new linkages. In the example below, the highlighted list (A) shows Interference
Checking markers changed to 'Deleted Part' when you update corresponding Smart
Models with the option selected. The markers must be updated as shown in the
lower list (B).

Therefore, we recommend that you select this option for all new translations. If you already
have Smart Models created from previous versions of SmartPlant Interop Publisher and are
satisfied with the resulting objects, then clear the option.
Source files from PDS and Smart 3D do not require this option.
Working Units
Working units are set for all file format types with the exception of CAESAR II, for which only a
scaling factor for load cones is required. Working units are coordinate units that correspond to
the position and definition of a point in a model. There are a fixed number of points on each axis
of a model. You establish working units to ensure that the objects that you want to draw can be
entered with adequate precision, and at the same time fit in the design plane.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 81

Define Translation Settings

Working units include Master Units (the largest unit in use in a design), Sub Units (a portion of a
Master Unit), and Positional Units (a portion of a Sub Unit). Positional Units are the smallest
degree of accuracy possible in your design. Working units are usually referred to as MU:SU:PU.
Master Units
Specifies the largest working unit. Click the Master Units list menu to see the available
imperial and metric units.
Sub Units
Possible values for this field are the same as Master Units. Sub Units must be defined the
same as Master Units unless the Positional Units per Master Units are greater than the
conversion factor between the defined Master Unit and Sub Unit. For example, if the Master
Units are meters, then the Sub Units must also be meters. If the number of Positional Units
per Master Units is 100, then the Sub Units can be defined as centimeters. If the number of
Positional Units per Master Units is 1000, then the Sub Units can be defined as millimeters.
Sub Units per Master Units
Defines the actual conversion factor between the defined Sub Units and the Master Units.
For example, if the Master Units is defined as meters and the Sub Units are defined as
centimeters, then this value must be 100. If the Master Units and Sub Units are set to the
same unit type, then this value must be defined as 1. For most situations with currently
supported data types, the Sub Units are set equal to the Master Units. The value can be set
to 1.
Positional Units per Sub Unit
Defines the number of Positional Units in the model dataset that equals a single Sub Unit. A
Positional Unit is the smallest whole number (unit of resolution) used to represent model
coordinates in the dataset. Modify this value to scale your data. Increase this value to scale
your model data to be smaller in terms of the defined master units. Decrease this value to
scale your model data to be larger in terms of the Master Units.

If the source data is already using working units that measure correctly in the Smart Model,
you do not need to change the working units.
The working unit settings provide basic conversion between systems, but round-off errors
can occur. If the source data was modeled in one system but needs to be converted to
another system, then we recommend you recreate the model in the required system before
using SmartPlant Interop Publisher. If you do not, you can scale to the largest unit possible
in the other system to help minimize round-off error.
Translation of MicroStation V7 source files always uses only the working units defined in the
source file.
For AutoPLANT .dgn files, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the working units in the
source file if you check the Working Units Keep units from V8 source files option in
the MicroStation translation settings. For more information, see MicroStation options
(on page 90).
For unitless AutoPLANT .dwg source files, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the
working units set in the AutoCAD translation settings. The default working units are in

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 82

Define Translation Settings

When SmartPlant Interop Publisher reads the source files to get the Master and Sub Units,
such as in the case of MicroStation V7 files, SmartPlant Interop Publisher recognizes the
units listed below and uses the corresponding unit values such as 1 m = 1000mm, and 1 ft.
= 12 in., or 1' = 12 ".
INCH: in
FOOT: ft
YARD: yd
MILE: mi
For both MicroStation V7 and V8, if there are unsupported units in the source files, or if the
Sub Units Per Master Units ratio is incorrect, then SmartPlant Interop Publisher defaults all
units to meters.
Additional options are available for the following format types:
AutoCAD options (on page 84)
CAESAR II options (on page 85)
CIS/2 options (on page 85)
COMPRESS options (on page 86)
MicroStation options (on page 90)
Navisworks options (on page 94)
PDMS options (on page 94)
PDS 3D options (on page 96)
Smart 3D options (on page 98)
Mechanical CAD (MCAD) defeaturing options (on page 86)

Define a Settings Group

1. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

2. Select a project in the grid, and then right-click to select Translation Settings.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Translation Settings dialog box.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 83

Define Translation Settings

You can also access the Translation Settings command from the IOP Home
menu. Click IOP Home , and then click Options > Translation Settings. The settings
for the active project display.
3. Click New in the Select or Create Settings Group list.
4. Type in the name to use.
5. Click in either the left-hand side of the dialog box to select a format type.
Scroll down to the format type to define.
6. Define the working units for the format types you are using. For ACIS and IGES files, the
generated .drv and .mdb2 files are created with empty label data.
7. Define options for the specific format you are using.
8. Click Apply, and then repeat steps 3-7 to create additional settings groups.
If you do not click Apply, SmartPlant Interop Publisher prompts you to save your settings
each time you create a new settings group. Click Yes to save your changes and group
setting, or click No to discard all edits.
9. Click Save to close the dialog box. Again, if you made any changes, you are prompted to
save them before exiting.
When you translate your source files to Smart Models, apply the Settings Group you created.
You can go back and edit any of your group settings. The updated settings are applied to the
next source file translation process. For more information, see Translate to Smart Models (on
page 114).

AutoCAD options
Display proxy entities
Specifies whether SmartPlant Interop Publisher translates proxy objects. Select this option
to translate and then display proxy objects. This option is enabled by default.
AutoCAD applications that create proxy objects must be able to export their graphics into a
standard AutoCAD file, or into another format that can be read by SmartPlant Interop
Publisher. Otherwise, the converters cannot read the graphics. As an example, the
converters cannot read the graphics if graphic entities are generated using object enablers.
If you have AutoCAD formats that cannot be converted, please contact the application
provider for a solution to export the graphics into a readable format.
Publish reference models
Enables or disables publishing reference attachments that are present in the AutoCAD
source file. If you disable or clear the option, SmartPlant Interop Publisher ignores the
reference models and publishes the graphics that are present only in the master .dwg file.
This option is enabled by default.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports AutoCAD 2013 or earlier .dwg files.

Installing MicroStation V8i SS3 provides translation for any proxy objects inside these files.
For typical AutoCAD entities, the presence of MicroStation does not make any difference.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 84

Define Translation Settings

However, if the file contains at least one proxy object and MicroStation V8i is installed on the
machine, then translation is performed using MicroStation.
For reliable publishing of AutoCAD proxy entities load MicroStation V8i SS3 and RealDWG
2013 SP1.
You can set up level mapping for graphics in Smart Models translated for the SmartPlant
Review target. Use levels to show specific graphics and remove unnecessary ones to
control the size of the Smart Model. For more information, see Use level mapping for
graphics (on page 251)

CAESAR II options
Scaling Factor for Load Cone
Specifies the default load size displayed in the translated Smart Model. When loads are
exported from CAESAR II input files to .vue files, they are shown in correspondence with the
global coordinate axis (between CAESAR II and SmartPlant Review and Smart 3D) and
units of measurement. You can adjust the size of the loads displayed by changing the value
of the load cones.

CAESAR II file translation requires Microsoft Office installed on the system with SmartPlant
Interop Publisher.
When translating CAESAR II .mdb data, you must set the Lines and Line Strings flag to be
enabled to successfully translate the files. Lines and line strings must be switched on by
default while exporting the CAESAR II .mdb files to .vue/.zvf files. For more information,
refer to topics on the Data Export Wizard in the CAESAR II User's Guide.
The default scaling factor value is 10.
The higher the value of the scaling factor, the larger the size of the load cone in the model.
Restraints listed in the RESTRAINT_EXCLUDE_TABLE_USER table contained in the
exported CAESAR II .mdb file contains node numbers to be excluded while publishing. If you
do not enter any node number restraint information in the CAESAR II application, then all
restraints are translated.
CAESAR II does not require working units to be set.

CIS/2 options
Color for Planar Elements
Sets the color of planar and other elements. The color code is the same as the PDMS color
table values. For example, a color table index value of (1.0,0.0,0.0) defines the color red,
and a value of (0.0,1.0,0.0) defines the color green.
Color for all Other Elements
Sets the color of other elements in the model set.
Create Frame Connections
Creates a frame connection at each end of a member. The frame connection is represented
as a cylinder object with properties, and can be selected in target applications SmartPlant

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 85

Define Translation Settings

Review and Smart 3D. By default, the software does not create frame connections and the
option is turned off. The example figure below shows frame connections on beams.

Color for Frame Connections

Select the color for the cylinder representations of frame connections. Click More
Colors to create and select a custom color. The default color is red.

COMPRESS options
Working Units
Uses the units defined in COMPRESS source files if the Keep units from COMPRESS
source file is selected. This option is selected by default. Clear this option to set custom
Master Units and Sub Units for the source files translated with the translation settings group
you are currently defining.
For any COMPRESS source file, SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports the units that are
defined in the Translation Settings. For any other units in the source file, SmartPlant Interop
Publisher defaults to meters.

Mechanical CAD (MCAD) defeaturing options

You must have an Intergraph MCD license and the MCAD module installed
with SmartPlant Interop Publisher for the defeaturing options to be available. Contact your
Intergraph representative for more information on the MCAD module.
Mechanical Computer-aided Design (MCAD) software provides features and options to create
complex, accurate 3D models for design analysis and manufacturing. The following defeaturing
options allow you to simplify MCAD models by removing small features and unnecessary details
on specific objects. This detail removal reduces the model complexity, resulting in smaller Smart
Model file sizes and quicker load times for the target applications. Defeaturing is turned off by
In addition, SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports translation of property data from MCAD
CATIA and NX formats. Document level (part and assembly) and Instance level user-defined
properties are supported. Feature or body level user-defined properties are not supported.
Default and custom mapping spreadsheet files have been added to support CATIA and NX
MCAD data translation.
You can apply defeaturing settings to source files exported from the third-party software
applications listed below.
CATIA (.CATPart, .CATProduct)
CREO Parametric (.prt, .prt.*, .asm, .asm.*)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 86

Define Translation Settings

Inventor (.ipt, .iam)

NX (.prt)
Parasolid (.x_t,.x_b,.xmt_txt,and .xmt_bin)
SolidWorks (.sldprt, sldasm)
Solid Edge (.par, .asm, .psm)
You must always enter the blend radius, chamfer width, and hole width values in
millimeters, regardless of the units of the file that is being defeatured.

A blend is a convex or concave rounding applied to the edges or faces of a part. The options in
this section apply to all the blends present in the model. Defeature blends to basic straight
edges by setting the minimum angle and radius values.
Defeature Blends
Turns defeaturing of blends on or off. Clear the option to turn off defeaturing for blends. The
blend options are not available until you check this option.
Minimum Blend Angle
Specifies the blend angle value to defeature. Any blend angle less than or equal to the
specified value is removed and replaced with straight edges in the translation process.
Minimum Blend Radius
Specifies the blend radius value to defeature. Any blend radius less than or equal to the
specified value is removed in the translation process.The blend radius can either be
constant or variable. Any combination of variable radius and constant radius blends can
exist in a sequence of edges.
For example, type 90 as the Minimum Blend Angle and 3 (millimeters) for the
Minimum Blend Radius.

This causes blended objects with 90 degree or less angles, and with less than a
3-millimeter radius to be removed and replaced with straight edges.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 87

Define Translation Settings

A chamfer is a beveled edge connecting two surfaces and is typically 45-degrees. Chamfers are
used to remove the sharp edges on a material.
Defeature Chamfers
Turns defeaturing of chamfers on or off. Clear the option to turn off defeaturing for chamfers.
The chamfer options are not available until you check this option.
Miminum Chamfer Angle
Specifies the chamfer angle value to defeature. Any chamfer angle less than or equal to
the specified value is removed and replaced with straight edges in the translation
process. For example, if you type 90, any chamfer with 90 degrees or less angles are
removed and replaced with straight edges and lines.
One way to calculate the Minimum Chamfer Angle value:
i. Select a chamfered object in your source data that represents the minimum size to

ii. Add the values of two angles making up the corner or straight edges to be formed.

iii. Enter the resulting value in the Minimum Chamfer Angle box.
Minimum Chamfer Width
Specifies the chamfer width value to defeature. A chamfer radius less than or equal to
the specified value is removed in the translation process.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 88

Define Translation Settings

For example, type 90 degrees for the Minimum Chamfer Angle and 3 mm for the
Minimum Chamfer Width. Chamfers at a 90 degree or less angle and less than a
3-millimeter width are replaced with straight edges.

A hole is a hollow space or an opening in a solid body or surface.
Defeature Holes
Turns defeaturing of holes on or off. Clear the option to turn off defeaturing. The hole
options are not available until you check this option.
Defeature Spherical Holes
Removes spherical holes along with other holes on a part.
Minimum Hole Diameter
Specifies the hole diameter value to defeature. Any hole diameter less than or equal to
the specified value is removed in the translation process.
For example, type 3 (millimeters) for the Minimum Hole Diameter.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 89

Define Translation Settings

This causes holes with a diameter of 3 millimeters or less to be filled.

Holes (cylindrical, conical, spherical, and toroidal) that are split along or across the axis
because of interaction with other features are recognized as a single hole only if they are
completely overlapping along their axis.
Partial overlap holes are not recognized as a single hole feature.
Filleted holes are recognized as toroidal holes and not as a hole and a fillet.
Partial spherical holes where the angle of wrap is less than 360 degrees are not recognized.
If a spherical hole is cut, it is recognized only if the cut is normal to the axis.
Partial holes are not supported. If at least 75% of a hole intersects a feature edge, it is a
partial hole.

MicroStation options
These options apply to any .dgn files from MicroStation-based applications.
Working Units
Uses the units defined in MicroStation V8 source files if the Keep units from V8 source file
is selected. This option is selected by default. Clear this option to set custom Master Units
and Sub Units for the source files translated with the translation settings group you are
currently defining.
For any Microstation V8 source file, SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports the units that are
defined in the Translation Settings. For any other units in the MicroStation V8 source file,
SmartPlant Interop Publisher defaults to meters.

Translation of MicroStation V7 source files always uses only the working units defined in
the source file.
For both MicroStation V7 and V8, if there are unsupported units in the source files, or if
the Sub Units Per Master Units ratio is incorrect, then SmartPlant Interop Publisher
defaults all units to meters.
When a MicroStation V8 .dgn file has an associated .drv file in the same source folder
location, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the .drv file for the translation.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 90

Define Translation Settings

Model Options
Translate active design model only
Turns on or off the ability to translate only the active design model, which is the model
that displays by default when the .dgn file is opened. Clear this option to translate all
design models in the .dgn file. By default, this option is enabled. This option requires
MicroStation V8 to be installed on the system performing the translation.
You can enable this option, and then specify the required model to translate by
entering -M[model name] in the Command line arguments option. For example, to
translate only the model "Plan", enter -MPlan in the Command line arguments box.
Translate each design model separately
Translates the individual design models in the V8 .dgn file to create separate Smart
Models. SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the naming convention [Smart Model
name]_[design model file name]. If a Smart Model already exists with the name [Smart
Model name]_[design model name], then SmartPlant Interop Publisher assigns the
name [Smart model name]_[design model name](2) to the new Smart Model. For .drv
file, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the naming convention
[source_file_name]_[design_model_name].drv for each design model. This option
requires MicroStation V8 to be installed on the system performing the translation.

If you change the Translate each design model separately after a Smart Model
has been translated, SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not apply the option change
if you update that Smart Model; instead, it applies the default setting during the
update. Your file is updated with the Translate active design model only option
enabled, which is the default setting. You must re-translate the source files and
create a new Smart Model to see any changes.
The Translate each design model separately option takes precedence over the
-M command in the Command line arguments option. SmartPlant Interop
Publisher ignores the design model specified with the -M command line switch
during translation.
Translate all design models together
Translate all design models in the V8 .dgn file into one Smart Model. This option
requires MicroStation V8 to be installed on the system performing the translation.
Translate reference models
Turns on or off translating reference models in a .dgn file. Clear the option to disable it
and ignore the reference models so that SmartPlant Interop Publisher translates only
those models that exist in the input file. By default, this setting is enabled.
If you use the Command line arguments option and enter MicroStation
arguments containing -O (Do not open any references), SmartPlant Interop Publisher
does not publish any reference models even if you have this option selected.
Display Options
Translate all levels
Turns on or off the translation of objects in levels defined in V8 .dgn files. Although
objects in the levels set to OFF or FROZEN in MicroStation do not display, they can be
translated and displayed in target applications using this option. This option is enabled
by default. For more information, see Use level mapping for graphics (on page 251).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 91

Define Translation Settings

Keep construction elements

Turns on or off the display of construction elements in V7 and V8 .dgn files in the
translated Smart Models. Check the option to display construction elements. By default,
this option is not active.
Keep named views
Keeps any named views found in the MicroStation design file. This option is specific to
the SmartPlant Review target application. MicroStation can save named views to .dgn
files. When you select this option. SmartPlant Interop Publisher translates the named
views to the Smart Model so that you can open them using the SmartPlant Review Save
and Recall Views command. Saved views in SmartPlant Review can be used to create
key frame animations and other presentation images.
SmartPlant Review does not support saved views with roll angles other
than 0 degrees or 360 degrees. SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not translate
these unsupported saved views. If you selected the Detailed Log option in your
project settings, the software writes the names of the untranslated saved views to
the log file.
MicroStation V7 .dgn files
If a view group is not available, the software creates a new group called Named
views from DGN files and translates the named views into the group. The software
saves named views from .dgn files the first time they are encountered. If the named
view exists, it is not overwritten during subsequent sessions.
MicroStation V8 .dgn files
Because saved views are stored in each model of the V8 design file, SmartPlant
Interop Publisher creates a view group for each model (including reference models)
and stores the saved views of the model in the group. SmartPlant Interop Publisher
translates MicroStation saved view settings such as Description, Aspect Ratio,
Near/Far Clipping Planes, Shaded/Wireframe, Axis Display, and Shadows Display
to their equivalent settings in SmartPlant Review.
When you translate multiple source V8 .dgn files into a single Smart Model (a .dri
with V8 .dgn files):
The software assigns all of the view group names to begin with the .dgn file
name for easier identification of the source files.
The level settings from the MicroStation saved views are not translated if the
target applications are Smart 3D or SmartPlant Foundation. Instead, the
software turns on all levels for all views.
For the models in the actual source design file, the view groups are named after the
model name. The description of the view group represents the model name for
which this view group is created. For the models in the reference attachments, the
view groups are named after the root model name and the slot numbers of the
references. The view group description contains the filename, model name, and
logical name (if any) of each reference model in the hierarchy. As an example, for
source file model A with a reference model B at slot number 1 in which there is
another reference model C at slot number 3, the saved views inside the reference
model C are translated into a view group named A_S1_S3 to uniquely name the
view groups for each model.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 92

Define Translation Settings

If you turn levels off for MicroStation V8 saved views, SmartPlant Review
automatically turns off levels when you recall a saved view in the resulting Smart
Model. For MicroStation level numbers that fall outside the range supported by
SmartPlant Review (1 63), the levels in the saved views that are turned off in
MicroStation and wrapped to valid SmartPlant Review level ranges are also turned
off in SmartPlant Review if there are no conflicts.
Approximate MicroStation colors
Specifies a brighter color table so that the display resembles MicroStation colors. Turn
this option off to use a darker color table.
Additional Options
PlantSpace Logging
Enables or disables logging specific to MicroStation Plantspace files. The name of the
file and its type is used to create the generated log file name as [source file name_file
type_PlantSpaceAttributes].log. For example, while publishing the Plantspace.dgn file,
the log file would be generated with the name Plantspace
_MICROSTATION_PlantSpaceAttributes.log. This log file is created in the log file folder
location defined in your project settings.
Logging off - Turns logging off. This is the default option.
Summary log - Lists the attribute values for only those graphic objects for which
the attribute data is missing in the mapping file.
Detailed log - Lists detailed information. The text of all the graphic objects is placed
into the log file. This text contains the attribute values.
Command line arguments
Specifies MicroStation command line arguments to be used when translating source
files from MicroStation. When SmartPlant Interop Publisher translates .dgn files, it
invokes MicroStation in the background. You can type command line arguments
supported by MicroStation with the exception of the following:
-S <startup_file>
MS_INITAPPS through -WS,-WU, or any other argument combinations
You can type multiple arguments separated by a space. Refer to your MicroStation
documentation for available command line arguments.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 93

Define Translation Settings

To clear the text box, move your cursor to the end of the text box until the delete icon
(X) displays. Click X to remove the argument.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher ignores and automatically removes the -DEBUG and
-RestoreDefaults arguments if you type them into the text box.
Make sure you type command line arguments correctly because SmartPlant Interop
Publisher does not provide any further validation checking.
For more information on translating MicroStation data, see Translate MicroStation V8 .dgn file
(on page 166).

Navisworks options
Working Units
Uses the units defined in the Navisworks source files if the Keep units from the source file
is selected. This option is selected by default. Clear this option to set custom Master Units
and Sub Units for the source files translated with the translation settings group you are
currently defining.
For any Navisworks source file, SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports the units that are
defined in the Translation Settings. For any other units in the Navisworks source file,
SmartPlant Interop Publisher defaults to meters.
You must have Autodesk Navisworks Manage or Autodesk Navisworks Simulate loaded on
the same system to publish .nwd and .nwf files.
Smooth object surfaces
Provides a smoother display of model objects by generating smaller polygons. This option is
selected by default and significantly increases the size of the resulting Smart Model.
The increase in model size can cause slower load times when opening in a target

PDMS options
Allow substructure selection
Specifies the translation of individual substructure objects such as beams or columns so that
they have properties and can be individually selected. You can select this option and run
Update on any Smart Models being used to implement the change. This option is not
activated by default.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 94

Define Translation Settings

The following example shows an individual beam selected in SmartPlant Review.

Attribute Hierarchy
Sets the attribute hierarchy written into the .drv file to publish an .rvm file with an associated
.att file. When there is a .att and .datal file, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses only the .att
Top - Bottom - Specifies a Top-Down hierarchy such as SITE >ZONE>...>PRIMITIVE.
Bottom - Up - Specifies a Bottom-Up hierarchy such as PRIMITIVE>...>ZONE>SITE.
HVAC Specs
Specifies the HVAC types. The default type is PIPE. You must update this PDMS translation
setting whenever a new specification is created for HVAC types. To add a new spec:
1. In the New field, click Add .

2. Type in the new spec name, and then click anywhere outside the box.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher adds the new spec to the list. The list shows the most recently
added specs first.
Cable Tray Specs
Specifies the cable tray types. You can add new specs. Follow the same steps listed above
for the HVAC specs.
Conduit Specs
Specifies the conduit types. You can add new specs. Also follow the same steps listed
above for the HVAC specs.
Color Selection
Specifies that if you have Use custom colors selected, then the PDMS color table value is
honored, and you can change the index of any color.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 95

Define Translation Settings

1. Click Use custom colors.

2. Type in a new Color Index number (an integer between 0 and 271).

3. Type in the RGB syntax in the form of three comma-separated values for red, green,
and blue:
The RGB value is the percentage values for red, green, and blue. Because each range
goes from 0 to 255, 100 percent is represented by the value 1, which maps to 255. For
example, to designate the color blue, type in 0, 0, 1 to get 0, 0, 255. To designate the
color white, you would type in 1, 1, 1 to get 255, 255, 255.
4. Click Add .
5. The new color is added to the list.
The list display order is based on the Color Index number (lowest to highest).
If you clear Use custom colors, then the default color table is honored.
For more information on preparing PDMS data for translation in SmartPlant Interop Publisher,
see Translate PDMS source files (on page 173).

PDS 3D options
PDS Published
Allows you to translate PDS-published source files (.zvf, .xml, and .xrg) into a Smart Model .zvf.
Set the following locations of the configuration files you can modify to translate PDS
3D-generated files. The files can be opened in SmartPlant Review, Smart 3D, and SmartPlant
Specifies the PDSComponent.xml file which is required to obtain the property definitions
and to decipher the contents of the label files published from PDS 3D. The software
defaults to the file in the current project folder, if it exists. Otherwise, the file in the
product folder is used if one has been copied to that location.
Relationship Mapping
Specifies the RelationshipMapping.txt file you can use to filter out the component
relationships from PDS 3D that are not required.

PDS Legacy
Allows you to specify pipeline and equipment data from .dgn/.drv source files exported from
PDS for translation to a Smart Model.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 96

Define Translation Settings

Nozzle Parent Identifier

Specifies the label name in the .drv source files that relates a nozzle to its parent
equipment. Nozzles belong to a parent equipment. By default, the software uses Equip
no as the label name that specifies the parent equipment for a nozzle. Type in the
required label name if Equip no is not used in your .drv files.
Piping Component Parent Identifier
Specifies the label name in the .drv source files that defines a GenericSystemHierarchy
relationship between a pipe part and its parent pipeline. Pipe parts belong to a parent
pipeline. If you use a label other than Line no in your .drv files, type in the label name
used for the pipeline parent. If you require part of that label to be mapped as the
pipeline name, define the Pipeline Number Delimiter indicating the position where the
string should be truncated.
Pipeline Number Delimiter
Specifies the delimiter used to create the pipeline names from the .drv source files. The
default Pipeline Number Delimiter value is the hyphen (-). You can enter a space for
no delimiter setting, which causes the entire name (string) of the label specified as the
Pipeline Component Parent Identifier to be used as the pipeline number. If another
character is specified, the string occurring before the Pipeline Number Delimiter
character is used as the pipeline name.
The property format displays as [pipeline]-[specification]-[insulation purpose]. For
example, a Line no property value of WC800101-260036-N results in the pipeline
number WC800101, which is the string occurring before the first hyphen (-).
Resolve duplicate linkages
Allows you to publish PDS legacy .dgn files with duplicate linkages to SmartPlant
Foundation. This option causes the software to create new, unique linkages for PDS
objects. By default, the option is not active.
We recommend that you select this option if you are having publishing issues, or if your
PDS legacy source files have duplicate linkages. If you have already translated and
published source files containing either unique or mixed linkages, and are satisfied with
the resulting objects in SmartPlant Foundation and SmartPlant Review, then do not
select this option.
Impacts to published files:
For SmartPlant Foundation and downstream clients:
If you select this option and then run an update on the PDS legacy-based Smart
Models, the software re-publishes the model and creates new objects. The new objects
are assigned new UIDs. For downstream SPF clients such as SmartPlant Construction,
the new UIDs cause object assignments to be updated. For example, any work
packages containing specific objects must be updated.
For SmartPlant Review:
If you select this option, update the PDS legacy-based Smart Models, and then open
them in SmartPlant Review, any display sets that were created based on DMRS
linkages must be re-created.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 97

Define Translation Settings

Smart 3D options
Set the following locations of the configuration files you can modify to translate Smart
3D-generated files so they can be opened in SmartPlant Review and SmartPlant Foundation.
Specifies the P3DComponent.xml file, which is required to obtain the property
definitions and to decipher the contents of the label files published from Smart 3D. By
default, the software looks for this file in the current project folder. If the file is not there,
the software looks in the SmartPlant Interop Publisher folder. Set the location of the
P3DComponent.xml file associated to your Smart 3D model.
Map Components to Disciplines
Specifies the mapping text file you can use to build the label database. The file maps
Smart 3D graphic objects into files and levels (disciplines and components). The default
mapping file is the MapClassIdToLevelDisciplines.txt file.
Relationship Mapping
Specifies the RelationshipMapping.txt file you can use to filter out the many component
relationships from Smart 3D that are not required.
Optional Label Template File
Specifies a label template file (SPRSP3dLabels.bin) to use while creating the label
database (.mdb2) file for your project. The settings you specify are saved in this file so
that you can retrieve them each time you open or translate the project, or to use as a
template each time you set up a project for translation.

Portal Only Options

Select these options to be applied only for Portal target applications. This provides more control
over the Smart 3D objects being translated for review.
Allows you to select aspects from Smart 3D source data for Portal translation.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher translates data only for the selected aspects from the list.
Aspects can be selected from 3D Model Data (.zvf and .vue + .xml) and SPRDirect
(.vue + .mdb2) Smart 3D source files. By default, all aspects are selected for translation.
An aspect is a geometric area or space related to an object. The aspect represents
information about the object, such as its physical shape or the space required around
the object. Select the one or more of the following pre-defined Smart 3D aspects:
The Simple Physical aspect includes primitive shapes. The space could be a field
junction box displayed in both the model and in drawings.
The Detailed Physical aspect provides a more detailed view of equipment in the
model. For example, certain types of equipment may include legs and lugs. The
Detailed Physical aspect shows all the graphical details associated with the
The Insulation aspect shows an area around a piece of equipment indicating
insulation is present. This aspect is also used to display structural fireproofing

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 98

Define Translation Settings

The Operation aspect includes the area or space around the object required for
operation of the object.
The Maintenance aspect includes the area or space around the object required to
perform maintenance on the object.
The Reference Geometry aspect shows graphical objects that do not participate in
interference checking.
The Centerline aspect displays objects as a single line representation. For
example, handrails or structural members display as a single-line on drawings.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 99


Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks

You can configure SmartPlant Interop Publisher to monitor a folder and then automatically
perform add and scheduled translation and publish operations. By automatically performing
administrative operations, SmartPlant Interop Publisher allows you to manage multiple large
projects containing thousands of files. You can create multiple folder settings groups to
accommodate every supported source file type contained in your project.

The Folder Settings command is not available if you do not have a project, or if you have
not yet upgraded the project.
To set up automation for scheduling and publishing to SmartPlant Foundation, you must
register your project to SmartPlant Foundation, and have SmartPlant Foundation version 5.2
or later.
To create and edit your folder settings, you must be an administrator on the computer
running SmartPlant Interop Publisher. Also, if the User Account Control (UAC) is enabled,
you must use the Run as administrator command on SmartPlant Interop Publisher to edit
Folder Settings.

How it Works

Each SmartPlant Interop Publisher project has settings that define the overall translation of
contained source files. These project settings serve as defaults for folder settings groups. These
groups contain the translation settings and scheduling tasks to perform automatically and in the
background. You can use the Default folder settings group or create multiple folder settings
groups to automate the following operations:
Add source files. When you add source files in the designated folder, SmartPlant Interop
Publisher automatically updates the Source Files grid.
Translate new source files and automatically place the generated Smart Models in the
Smart Models grid.
Perform any scheduling operations.
Revise and then schedule a publish to a registered SmartPlant Foundation site.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 100

Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks

SmartPlant Interop Publisher stores your folder settings groups in a configuration (.SPIOPCfg)
file in a shared content folder. You can copy the .SPIOPCfg file to other shared folder locations
so that you can use the same settings in other SmartPlant Interop Publisher projects. You can
create different folder settings groups to meet your requirement such as a source file specific
group, or a group that translates and publishes files on a particular scheduled time.
For each folder settings group, SmartPlant Interop Publisher monitors the designated source
folders. When you make a change to source files in the folder, SmartPlant Interop Publisher
updates the associated Smart Model at the next scheduled time.

What do you want to do?

Start the Folder Monitoring Service (on page 101)
Create Folder Settings for Automation (on page 102)
Edit Folder Settings (on page 109)

Start the Folder Monitoring Service

To use the automated folder settings feature with remote client systems, you must log on to the
SmartPlant Interop Publisher Folder Monitoring service and enter required password
credentials. Otherwise, the Folder Monitoring service only runs as a local service.
1. Log on with Administrative privileges to the computer on which SmartPlant Interop
Publisheris installed.
2. Open the Control Panel, and then double-click Administrative Tools.
3. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Services.
4. Right-click the Intergraph SPIOP Folder Monitor service, and then select Properties from
the shortcut menu.
5. On the Log On tab, select This account, and then type the user name that has permissions
on the remote SQL Server system.
6. In the Password and Confirm password boxes, type the password for the user account.
7. On the General tab, verify that the Startup type is set to Automatic.
8. In the Service status section, click Start.
9. Click OK.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 101

Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks

Create folder settings for automation

For each SmartPlant Interop Publisher project, you can modify the Default settings group or
create your own groups to monitor different folder locations or different source file formats.

Before You Begin (Automated Folder Settings)

Use your Smart 3D or third-party authoring tool to create your source files to be translated in
SmartPlant Interop Publisher. For Smart 3D, use the Save As SmartPlant Review
command to export 3D Model data to .vue and .xml files or use SPRDirect to create .vue
and .mdb2 files.
Create any required folders to use for the source file and Smart Model locations.
You must be an administrator on the computer running SmartPlant Interop Publisher. Also, if
the User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, you must run SmartPlant Interop Publisher as
an administrator to work with folder settings (from the Start menu, right-click on SmartPlant
Interop Publisher to select Run as administrator).

Folder Settings Options

Translation Folder Settings (on page 104)
Scheduling Folder Settings (on page 106)
SmartPlant Foundation Folder Settings (on page 107)

Automate Settings
1. If you have not specified a shared folder or a location for the translated Smart Models or
Drawings for your project:
a. Go to the Projects view, select a project, and then right-click to open Project Settings.
b. On the General tab, type or browse to a Smart File Location folder and a Shared
Content Location folder.

c. Select a default Translation Settings Group if you have created any additional groups.
For more information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80).
d. Save your changes and exit.
2. From the Projects view, select the project to use, and then right-click to select Folder

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 102

Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks

Click IOP Home , and then click Options > Folder Settings. The settings for the active
project display.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Folder Settings dialog box.
3. Click New on the Folder Settings menu list.

4. Type the name for the folder Settings Group, and then click Create.
5. Click Source Locations, and then click Add to select your source folders. Make sure the
folder contains your required source files. The settings you define get applied to all source
files that get placed in the designated folders and sub-folders.

6. Click Translation to set up basic options such as the target applications, mapping
information, and file locations. Advanced options are provided for specific file types and

The Replicate source folder structure option is on by default. Use this advanced
option to save time and allow the software to automatically create the folder structure you
have for the original source files under your designated Smart Model location. Otherwise,
clear the option for the software to place all generated Smart Models and associated files
into the Smart Model location.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 103

Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks

7. Click Scheduling.

a. Click Schedule Translation and Updates > Schedule, and then schedule a job to be
applied to each folder source file.

b. To set up a schedule for publishing to SmartPlant Foundation, click Schedule

Publishes > Schedule. For more information on SmartPlant Foundation job information,
see Schedule a publish to SmartPlant Foundation job (on page 216).
8. Click SmartPlant Foundation to define settings for publishing to SmartPlant Foundation.
9. Click Save.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher adds your folder settings group to the menu list.
10. You can close SmartPlant Interop Publisher and then periodically open it to check the
translated files in the Source Files grid and in the Job Manager.
For .dri source projects containing other source files, SmartPlant Interop
Publisher only adds the .dri files to the Source Files grid.

See Also
Edit folder settings (on page 109)

Translation Folder Settings

Smart File Location
Specifies the folder containing the translated Smart Models or Smart Drawings.
(Optional) Specifies a custom lettering or a name to use as a prefix for the generated
Smart Model or Smart Drawing name. Type the required prefix name.
(Optional) Specifies a custom lettering or a name to append to the generated Smart
Model or Smart Drawing name. Type your required suffix name.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the source file name as the name of the
Smart Model or Smart Drawing, and then adds any defined prefix and suffix entry.
Translation Settings Group
Defines the translation settings to use for the graphics. Use the Default translation
settings group, or you can select a user-defined custom group. For more information on
settings groups and creating a settings group for translation, see Define Translation

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 104

Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks

Settings (on page 80).

Reduce VUE file geometry memory
Creates a potentially smaller .vue file. SmartPlant Interop Publisher reduces geometry
representations as much as possible without losing the rendering compatibility between
all SmartPlant Enterprise applications. This means that the display of graphics must be
the same whether you are opening the .vue file with SmartPlant Review, SmartPlant
Foundation, or adding it as reference 3D data in Smart 3D. This reduction option can
cause a longer load time. By default, this option is not selected. This option does not
apply to MicroStation V7 .dgn source files.
Mapping Options
Specifies the type of mapping. Select Default to use the delivered mapping files. Select
Custom to use your modified mapping files. Select Generic to use the generated
mapping file.
Mapping File Locations
Specifies the folder containing the mapping files being used. For Custom or Generic
types, the project Shared Content Location (defined in the Project settings > General
tab) is listed by default. Use the provided location or change it. For more information on
how to extend the default mapping to use either the Custom or Generic mapping
option, see Configure Mapping to Control Model Display (on page 228).
Target Applications
Specifies the Intergraph application in which to view the Smart Models. For Smart
Drawings, you can only publish to SmartPlant Foundation. You must select at least one
target application. The Smart Model files generated for target applications that you can
copy and move are listed below. For more information on all files that can be generated
by SmartPlant Interop Publisher, see Generated file types (on page 30).
SmartPlant Review - .vue, .mdb, and .mdb2
Smart 3D - .vue, .zvf, .mdb, .mdb2, .xrg, and .iop
SmartPlant Foundation - .vue, .zvf, .mdb, mdb2, and .xrg (3D models)/ .xml (2D
Portal - SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates intermediary 3D and 2D files for
data exchange to the Portal and SmartPlant Foundation applications. For Portal
applications that must receive model data from the SmartPlant Foundation vault,
select both SmartPlant Foundation and Portal as targets.
By default, all applications are selected. To improve translation speeds, select only the
applications that you require.
To publish when you select both SmartPlant Foundation and Portal targets,
SmartPlant Interop Publisher requires a SmartPlant Foundation version that supports
portal file types. For version information, go to Smart Support and check SmartPlant
Interop Publisher on the Compatibility Matrix. If you do not have a required version, the
publish to SmartPlant Foundation operation continues, but the portal files are not

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 105

Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks

Reduce VUE file geometry memory
Creates a potentially smaller .vue file. SmartPlant Interop Publisher reduces geometry
representations as much as possible without losing the rendering compatibility between
all SmartPlant Enterprise applications. This means that the display of graphics must be
the same whether you are opening the .vue file with SmartPlant Review, SmartPlant
Foundation, or adding it as reference 3D data in Smart 3D. This reduction option can
cause a longer load time. By default, this option is not selected. This option does not
apply to MicroStation V7 .dgn source files.
Change SmartSolids to Surfaces for v7 .dgn files
Changes the SmartSolid display from wireframe to surface mode. If you do not select
this option, SmartSolids are automatically translated to display in wireframe mode. This
option displays when:
There is a .dgn selected as one of the source files.
You have MicroStation J (ver. 07.01) installed. If you do not have MicroStation
V7.01 installed, but you have a .dgn file as one of your source files, this option
displays, but it is not available.
Replicate source folder structure
Creates and adds the folder [Smart Model File Location]\[Source file Location] in which
new and scheduled Smart Models are added. For example, you can schedule source
files in folder Source\XYZ1 and Source\XYZ2 for translation and update, and specify
C:\SmartModel as the Smart Model file location. The software creates the folder
C:\SmartModel\XYZ1 and C:\SmartModel\XYZ2 and places the translated Smart Models
into that folder when the scheduling service runs. All source folders and subfolders are
replicated. This option is enabled by default.

Scheduling Folder Settings

Schedule Translation and Updates
Click Schedule for the following options.
Job Name
Specifies a name for the translation job.
Queue Name
Specifies the queue to which the translation job is submitted. If you do not have any

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 106

Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks

batch queues set up, SmartPlant Interop Publisher creates a default queue called
PublisherBatchQ. If the queue is not created, create a queue with that name.
Start Date

Specifies the day when the schedule starts. Enter the day, or click the Calendar to
select a date.
Start Time
Specifies the time when the job runs. Enter the time, or click Time for an hourly
Specifies the end date for a recurring translation job. End options are not applicable for
a job scheduled to run once.
Schedules a job to run a certain number of times.
No End Date
Sets up a recurring job that runs indefinitely.
Specifies the frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly) to run a translation job.
Scheduling options specific to each frequency type display. For example, when Weekly
is selected, the weekly occurrence time and each week day displays.

Schedule Publishes
Click Schedule to set up a publish to SmartPlant Foundation job schedule. If the Schedule
button is not available (dimmed), then check your installed version of Intergraph Batch Services.
For an example workflow, seeSchedule a publish to SmartPlant Foundation job (on page 216).

SmartPlant Foundation Folder Settings

These settings are not available under the following conditions:
If you do not have SmartPlant Foundation version 5.2 or later.
If you are not registered with SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see Register
with SmartPlant.
If you do not have the License Manager client installed on the same computer on which
SmartPlant Interop Publisher is installed.
If you do not have the SIP (SmartPlant Interop Publisher Adaptor to SmartPlant Foundation)
If you do not have SmartPlant Foundation selected as a Target Application.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 107

Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks

User Name
Specifies your SmartPlant Foundation site user name, and represents the account by which
all transactions such as revising, scheduling, and publishing are made.
Specifies your SmartPlant Foundation site password. You can leave this blank if you have
not set a password.
Revision Scheme
Choose the revision scheme to be applied. Only revision schemes that are applicable to the
configuration (plant) or classification (document type) are available in the menu list. If none
of the revision schemes are related to the configuration or classification, then all revision
schemes are available.
Owning Group
Specifies ownership of data by department or discipline. Owning groups can be used to
control access to an object or parts of an object based on its ownership. This control
operates independently of domains and configurations, both within and across multiple
domains and configurations.
Publish Workflow
Specifies the type of publish workflow used by SmartPlant Foundation. When a SmartPlant
application publishes, the user can publish documents using a workflow. The following list
describes the delivered publish workflows and use cases for the workflows.

Workflow Workflow Description Workflow Use Cases

Auto-Correlate Compares the objects in a Use Auto-correlate

published document to the objects
that are already in SmartPlant When a publishing tool does not
Foundation. If the object correlates have correlation functionality.
(by name) to an object with the When a publishing tool does not
same shared object definition, retrieve.
SmartPlant Foundation
automatically correlates the objects.
When using SmartPlant
Foundation to perform
If the object can correlate to more
consistency checking and the
than one object through multiple
authoring applications do not
shared object definitions, a task is
placed in the To Do list to allow the
user to select the correlation. When Shared Objects To
Correlate option is used to
configure which types of objects
are auto-correlated.

AutoLoadPublish Generates a document load task Use AutoLoadPublish when you

and consolidate task for the intend to load the published
publishing document. These tasks document data into SmartPlant
are performed by the SmartPlant Foundation.
Foundation Scheduler.

AutoLoadPublish Publish large 3D models. Creates Use AutoLoadPublishMerge when

the published 3D document, loads you intend to view or navigate

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 108

Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks

Workflow Workflow Description Workflow Use Cases

Merge the 3D data in SmartPlant multiple 3D models as one
Foundation, then merges these composite 3D model document in
object sets into a new composite one 3D view.
document that represents the entire
3D model.

Correlate Places published objects with Correlate works similar to

possible correlations in the To Do Auto-Correlate except you can view
list. From the To Do list, the user the possible correlations before the
manually correlates selected items. actual correlation takes place.
SmartPlant Foundation creates a
shared object.

Publish Takes the document through an Use Publish when you want the
approval step. Upon approval, it published document approved
creates the document load and before it is loaded into SmartPlant
consolidate tasks. Foundation. The approval step is
added to the To Do list.

PublishWithDocL Loads document into a document Use PublishWithDocLoad when you

oad configuration and submits want to view the document data in
document to approval step. Upon SmartPlant Foundation before
approval, it creates document the approval. The approval step is added
load and consolidate tasks. to the To Do list.

PublishForLoadO Generates a document load task Use PublishForLoadOnly when you

nly and consolidate task for the want to publish documents to view,
publishing document and makes the navigate and also for consistency
documents irretrievable by any tool. checking in SmartPlant Foundation
These tasks are performed by the without the possibility of the
SmartPlant Foundation Scheduler. document being retrieved by any

Use tool revisions for 2D Drawings

Specifies whether to use the revision information in the metadata file generated by Smart 3D
for the 2D drawings, or use a SmartPlant Foundation revision scheme. Check the option to
use the Smart 3D revisioning. Clear the option for SmartPlant Interop Publisher to use the
selected Revision Scheme listed above.

Edit folder settings

You can change your existing folder settings at any time. The software applies the modified
settings to any new source files, Smart Models, and Smart drawings. The changes do not affect
any existing source files, Smart Models, and Smart Drawings that used the previous folder
1. To change your shared content folder location:
a. Go to the Projects view, select a project, and then right-click to open Project Settings.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 109

Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks

b. On the General tab, type or browse to a Shared Content folder.

c. Save your changes and exit.

The software does not copy any previously-used settings groups or files to the
new folder locations.
2. From the Projects view, select the project, and then right-click to select Folder Settings.
Click IOP Home , and then click Options > Folder Settings. The settings for the active
project display.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Folder Settings dialog box.
3. Select the settings group to edit in the menu list.

4. Make the required changes, and then click Save.

Click X to delete the folder settings.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher applies your changes to new source files.
See Also
Translation Folder Settings (on page 104)
Scheduling Folder Settings (on page 106)
SmartPlant Foundation Folder Settings (on page 107)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 110


Create and Manage Smart Models

Use commands in the Models view to add, organize, and translate 3D model source files to
Smart Models.

In This Section
Use 3D Model Source Files......................................................... 111
Work with Smart Models ............................................................. 121
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation ........................ 129
Update........................................................................................ 133
Format-Specific 3D Model Translations ....................................... 140

Use 3D Model Source Files

Add, remove, and organize source files from Intergraph and supported third-party applications
for Smart Model translation. See Supported 3D Model Formats: What source files can I use? (on
page 22) for more information on file types.

Source Files Grid

Allows you to add and remove source files from the current project. You can then translate them
to Smart Models. You can use one source file to create multiple Smart Models.
You cannot combine different file formats to create a single Smart Model.

Source Files Toolbar

Add Allows you to select one or more source files.

Remove Allows you to remove one or more selected source files. If you create
a Smart Model and then remove the corresponding source file, you
lose the link between the two. You can no longer update the Smart
Model without the source file.

Translate Converts the selected source file formats to Smart Model formats.

Shows the file name.
Shows the path to the location of the file.
Source File Type
Shows the type of source file, such as PDS or AutoCAD.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 111

Create and Manage Smart Models

To show or hide columns, right-click in a column header to open the shortcut menu. Check the
titles of the columns to remain displayed and clear those to be hidden.
To change the name and path for source files, you must use Windows Explorer.
Remove the old filename in SmartPlant Interop Publisher, and then add the updated file back
into SmartPlant Interop Publisher.

What do you want to do?

Add 3D model source files (on page 112)
Remove 3D model source files (on page 113)
Translate to Smart Models (on page 114)
Reduce the translated .vue file size (on page 119)
Change SmartSolid Display (on page 120)

Prepare model source files for translation

Use the following tips and guidelines to get your source files ready for translation in SmartPlant
Interop Publisher: The more you know in advance of the translation, the more efficient the
process becomes.
Know basic information about your source file and the authoring tool or application that
created the files. The source files from certain authoring tools can have additional
requirements for translation. For example, .dwg files containing proxy objects require
MicroStation v8i and ReadDWG 2013 applications to be loaded on the system performing
the translation.
Organize source files into folders based on a specific criteria such as type- or
company-specific, For example, put your source files from MicroStation in one folder, and
source files from Intergraph PDS into another folder.
Know the target application that is using the translated Smart Model (SmartPlant Review,
Reference 3D in Smart 3D, SmartPlant Foundation, and web-based (portal) applications.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates only the required files for each selected target
Use the default project or create a new project, and then review and define translation
settings. You can create several different translation settings groups to handle a specific set
of source files. This also allows you to review the settings beforehand and see how they
apply to your files. For more information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80).
Review the default mapping files to determine if you require custom mapping for your data.
If so, make a copy of the mapping file that corresponds to your source file and place it in a
new location. Populate the delivered custom mapping files. For more information, see Use
custom mapping for property data (on page 233).

Add 3D model source files

1. Use the [site database name]_General project provided with SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
This project is available only if you selected the option to create a default project the first

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 112

Create and Manage Smart Models

time you opened SmartPlant Interop Publisher or created a new site database.
From the Projects menu, select a project you created.

For more information on setting up projects, see Organize Your Work with Projects (on page
2. If you are not in the Models view, click Models.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Models view.

3. On the Source Files grid, click Add .
Right-click in the Source Files grid, and then click Add.
4. Select the source files to use, and then click Open. You cannot use .vue and .zvf files from
existing Smart Models as source files.
Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple files of the same type.
Each added source file displays in the Source Files grid.

You can organize the sources in the Sources grid using the column headers. For
example, if you want to organize your source files by file type, drag the Source File
Type column header and move it to the left so that it is the first column.

You can also create filters to change the display of source files in the grid. For more
information, see Use Search Filters (on page 46).

Remove 3D model source files

1. Select the project containing the source files to remove.
2. From the Models view, use CTRL+ or SHIFT+ to select one or more source files, and then
click Remove .

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 113

Create and Manage Smart Models

Select the source file in the Source Files grid, and then press DELETE.
Right-click on the source file, and then click Remove.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher removes the source files from the grid and from the project.

The Smart Models translated from those files are not removed, and the source files are
not deleted from the system. However, you cannot update the Smart Models without the
source files available in the grid.
You can use the Add command to bring deleted source files back into a project. You
must remove any corresponding Smart Models in the Smart Models grid, and then
re-translate the source files to set up a new source file-to-Smart Model association.

Translate to Smart Models

The process of creating Smart Models involves opening a project, adding source files, and then
translating them. You can create Smart Models for:
Viewing in SmartPlant Review and Smart 3D.
Publishing the Smart Model as a document and then using SmartPlant Markup Plus or
SmartPlant Construction to view the model.
Viewing in SmartPlant Enterprise
The steps below show you how to translate source files into Smart Models. You can choose to
translate your source files now, or you can schedule the translation for a later time.
When you translate files, SmartPlant Interop Publisher establishes a
relationship between the Smart Model in the Smart Model grid and the files making up the
Smart Model in the generated .vue and .zvf subfolders. If any of the Smart Model files are
deleted or moved, the Smart Model cannot be edited, updated, or revised. You must delete the
Smart Model and translate the source files again, or restore the files back to their translated
folder locations.

Translate Source File Options

SmartPlant Interop Publisher lists the main translation settings in the Smart Model Information
tab. The option values that display are taken from the project settings. If you change an option,
the project setting is temporarily overwritten for the current translation. The Part Assembly tab
displays when you select an MCAD assembly source file.
Smart Model Information
Create a single Smart Model?
Displays if you selected multiple files of the same file type. This option applies to the
following file types:
.dgn, .dtm, .prp, or .rvm files
.pcf or .idf files
Click Yes to create a single .vue file, or click No to create individual Smart Models, one
per each source file.
If you select source files of different types, SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates a

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 114

Create and Manage Smart Models

Smart Model for each source file.

If you are working with MicroStation V8 source files, the Translate each V8
design model separately option in the MicroStation translation settings affects the
number of Smart Models that are created. This option causes SmartPlant Interop
Publisher to create a separate Smart Model for each design model that is in the
selected V8 .dgn source file. For example, if you have two .dgn source files with each
containing two design models, then SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates four Smart
Models. For more information on translation settings, see Define Translation Settings
(on page 80) and MicroStation options (on page 90).
Smart Model Name
Defines the name. By default, the name of the source file displays in the field. You can
keep that name or type in a new one. Names are not case sensitive. If you set the
MicroStation translation setting to generate Smart Models for design models in a V8
.dgn file, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the naming convention [file name]_[Smart
Model name] for the generated Smart Model.
Smart Model Location
Defines the path to store the Smart Model and all generated project files. The default
location is the \SmartFiles subfolder in the Shared Content Location (defined in
Project Settings > General). Use the default location or change it.
Settings Group
Defines the translation settings to use for the graphics. Use the Default translation
settings group, or you can select a user-defined custom group. For more information on
settings groups and creating a settings group for translation, see Define Translation
Settings (on page 80).
Mapping Files
Specifies the type of mapping. Select Default to use the delivered mapping files. Select
Custom to use your modified mapping files. Select Generic to use the generated
mapping file.
Mapping Files Location
Specifies the folder containing the mapping files being used. For Custom or Generic
types, the project Shared Content Location (defined in the Project settings > General
tab) is listed by default. Use the provided location or change it. For more information on
how to extend the default mapping to use either the Custom or Generic mapping
option, see Configure Mapping to Control Model Display (on page 228).
Reduce VUE file geometry memory
Creates a potentially smaller .vue file. SmartPlant Interop Publisher reduces geometry
representations as much as possible without losing the rendering compatibility between
all SmartPlant Enterprise applications. This means that the display of graphics must be
the same whether you are opening the .vue file with SmartPlant Review, SmartPlant
Foundation, or adding it as reference 3D data in Smart 3D. This reduction option can
cause a longer load time. By default, this option is not selected. This option does not
apply to MicroStation V7 .dgn source files.
Change SmartSolids to Surfaces for V7 DGN files
Changes the SmartSolid display from wireframe to surface mode. If you do not select
this option, SmartSolids are automatically translated to display in wireframe mode. This

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 115

Create and Manage Smart Models

option displays when:

There is a .dgn selected as one of the source files.
You have MicroStation J (ver. 07.01) installed. If you do not have MicroStation
V7.01 installed, but you have a .dgn file as one of your source files, this option
displays, but it is not available.
Opens a scheduling dialog box for you to set up a later time to translate the selected
source files. When the source files are translated into a Smart Model, you can schedule
updates if the source files are going to be changing at certain time intervals. For more
information, see Schedule translation and update jobs.
If the Schedule button is not active, make sure you have the Intergraph
Batch Services and the License Manager client applications installed on the same
computer on which SmartPlant Interop Publisher is installed.
Generates the Smart Model using the current information and all required files for the
selected target applications.

Part Assembly
After you define the Smart Model Location in the Smart Model Information tab for the MCAD
assembly, search for and then select the required part sub-assembly files.
Search box
Use the search feature to locate the MCAD sub-assembly files to use. As you type your
search text, SmartPlant Interop Publisher starts filtering the objects in the source file
tree view.
Expand or Collapse
Allows you to show or hide sub-assembly files.
Include or Exclude
Displays only when you enter text in the Search box. You can filter the search and
automatically select or clear files based on what you have typed in the Search box. Use
Include to select nodes and files containing the search text, or use Exclude to clear
nodes and files that contain the search text.
Opens a scheduling dialog box for you to set up a later time to translate the selected
source files. When the source files are translated into a Smart Model, you can schedule
updates if the source files are going to be changing at certain time intervals. For more
information, see Schedule translation and update jobs.
If the Schedule button is not active, make sure you have the Intergraph
Batch Services and the License Manager client applications installed on the same
computer on which SmartPlant Interop Publisher is installed.
Generates the Smart Model using the current information and all required files for the
selected target applications.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 116

Create and Manage Smart Models

If the Translate button is not available, make sure you have the License Manager
client installed on the same computer on which SmartPlant Interop Publisher is installed.
1. Use the default project ([site database name]_General) provided with SmartPlant Interop
Publisher. This project is available only if you selected the configure option to create a
default project the first time you opened SmartPlant Interop Publisher or created a new site
database. For more information on configuration, see Configure a site database (on page
Select an existing project from the Projects menu.

For more information on setting up projects, see Organize Your Work with Projects (on page
2. If you are not in the Models view, click Models.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Models view.

3. Select each source file to use in creating the Smart Model in the Source Files grid, and
then click Translate .
Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.
Multiple .dgn, .dtm, .prp, and .rvm, or .pcf, .idf, and .pod files can translate into a single
Smart Model. To do this, place the source files in the same folder.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher can translate source files that are in a read-only folder.
PDS-published source files (.zvf + .xml + .xrg) are translated as a Smart Model ZVF
project. All PDS 3D source file types must be in the input location. Also, an .xrg file must
be provided for a Smart Model .zvf project that is going to be opened in SmartPlant
Foundation. Without an .xrg source file, the generated Smart Model .zvf project cannot
be published to SmartPlant Foundation.
4. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.
5. Define the remaining translation options as required.
For MCAD assemblies, click the Part Assembly tab and select the required assembly sub
files. For more information on translating MCAD assemblies, see Translate MCAD assembly
files (on page 160).
6. Click Translate.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 117

Create and Manage Smart Models

To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
The Translate button in the dialog box is not active if you enter any invalid files or
file locations.
The figure below shows a MonroviaPlant.vue Smart 3D source file being translated to the
MonroviaPlant Smart Model.

In the Smart Models grid, the created Smart Model displays with its Translation Status set
to Complete. If problems are encountered, an ERROR status displays in the column. The
software automatically creates a [source file name_file type].log file each time you translate
source files. This log file is created in the .vue or .zvf subfolder of the designated translation
When a translated Smart Model does not contain any graphics, the software sets
the status to Complete - No graphics. For more information, see Complete - No Graphics
Status (on page 304).
7. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)
See Also
Validation Criteria (on page 305)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 118

Create and Manage Smart Models

Reduce the translated .vue file size

SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides a memory reduction setting to potentially decrease the
size of your file so that more graphic objects can be loaded and displayed. The data reduction
that can be done, if any, depends on the dataset. This setting is located in the Translate
Source File dialog box that opens when you click Translate as described below.

The lines included in complex geometry are ignored when this option is enabled. When
selected, this option removes lines from graphic objects that have a mix of both lines and
shaded geometry. A complex geometry is a graphic object that is composed of multiple
geometry primitives instead of a single geometry primitive.
This option does not apply to MicroStation V7 .dgn source files.
1. Use the default project ([site database name]_General) provided with SmartPlant Interop
Publisher. This project is available only if you selected the configure option to create a
default project the first time you opened SmartPlant Interop Publisher or created a new site
database. For more information on configuration, see Configure a site database (on page
Select a project you created from Projects. For more information on setting up projects, see
Organize Your Work with Projects (on page 64).
2. On the Models view, select each source file in the Source Files grid to use in creating the
Smart Model, and then click Translate .

Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.

For .dgn or .rvm files, you can select multiple source files to translate into a single Smart
Model. To do this, place the .rvm or .dgn source files in the same folder.
3. Check the Reduce VUE file geometry memory option.
4. Set other options as required, and then click Translate.
You can also set this option for a Smart Model in the Reduce VUE file geometry
memory column in the Smart Model grid. Select Yes in the column for the Smart Model, and
then click Update .

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 119

Create and Manage Smart Models

Change SmartSolid Display

SmartPlant Interop Publisher allows you to change the SmartSolid display from wireframe to
surface mode for MicroStation V7.01 source files. If you do not select this option, SmartSolids
are automatically translated to display in wireframe mode. This option displays when:
There is a .dgn selected as one of the source files.
You have MicroStation J (ver. 07.01) installed. If you do not have MicroStation V7.01
installed, but you have a .dgn file as one of your source files, this option displays but it is
1. Use the default project provided with SmartPlant Interop Publisher. This project is available
only if you selected the configure option to create a default project the first time you opened
SmartPlant Interop Publisher or created a new site database. For more information on
configuration, see Configure a site database (on page 51).
Select a project you created from the Projects List button. For more information on setting
up projects, see Organize Your Work with Projects (on page 64).
2. On the Models view, select each source file in the Source Files grid to use in creating the
Smart Model, and then click Translate .
3. Check the Change SmartSolids to surfaces for V7 DGN files option.

4. Select other options as required, and then click Translate.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 120

Create and Manage Smart Models

Work with Smart Models

Use commands in the Smart Models toolbar and grid to create, add, remove, and modify Smart

Smart Models Grid

Allows you to add, remove, and open created Smart Models. The grid shows the status of each
Smart Model.

Smart Models Toolbar

Add Allows you to select one or more source files. See Add 3D model
source files (on page 112).

Remove Removes one or more selected Smart Models. See Remove a

Smart Model (on page 123).

Copy Copies a selected Smart Model. You can then edit model properties.
See Copy Smart Models (on page 124).

Update Updates the selected Smart Models. Use this command to update
Smart Models when the corresponding source files have changed.
See Update (on page 133).

Compose Generates an .svf Smart Model from selected Smart Models so that
you can open them in SmartPlant Review. See Create Composite
(.svf) Smart Models (on page 124).

Open in Opens each selected Smart Model in the SmartPlant Review

SmartPlant application, provided the application is installed on your system. See
Review Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127).

SmartPlant Provides integrated commands listed below. The commands are

enabled when you register your project with SmartPlant Foundation.

Revise Creates a revision for the Smart Model with Major and Minor
revision sets, depending on the revision scheme you have selected
in SmartPlant Foundation. You must revise the Smart Model before
publishing. For more information, see Configuring Different
Revision Scheme Strategies in the How to Configure Document
Management guide. See Revise (on page 129).

Publish Publishes and loads the selected Smart Model data into SmartPlant
Foundation. See Publish (on page 130).

If any commands are inactive, refer to Troubleshooting (on page 290) for more

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 121

Create and Manage Smart Models

The column information represents properties for a Smart Model. To see the properties that can
be edited in the grid, see Manage Smart Model properties (on page 126). The following columns
are read-only and can be used to organize the grid display.
Model Group
Applies only to Smart Models translated from a MicroStation V8 source file containing
one or more design models with the Translate each design model separately option
selected. This option takes the individual design models in the V8 .dgn file and creates
separate Smart Models. SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the naming convention
[Smart Model name]_[design model file name] for each generated Smart Model. Use
Model Group to organize your grid to see all Smart Models associated to a specific
MicroStation V8 source file. For more information, see MicroStation options (on page
90) and Translate MicroStation V8 .dgn file (on page 166).
Translation Time
Translation Status
Translation Date
SPF Publish Status
SPF Publish Date
SPF Document Major Revision
SPF Document Minor Revision
You can drag a column header and drop it to change the display order and grouping. To show or
hide columns, right-click in a column heading to open the shortcut menu. Check the titles of the
columns to remain displayed and clear those to be hidden.
See Also
Source Files Grid (Models View) (on page 37)
Customize the Views (on page 43)

What do you want to do?

Add Smart Models (on page 123)
Remove a Smart Model (on page 123)
Copy Smart Models (on page 124)
Create Composite (.svf) Smart Models (on page 124)
Manage Smart Model properties (on page 126)
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 122

Create and Manage Smart Models

Update (on page 133)

Move, Rotate, and Scale (Transform) Smart Models (on page 222)

Add Smart Models

You can add existing Smart Model files (.vue and .zvf) to a project at any time. This allows you
to share Smart Models within multiple projects.
1. Use the default project ([site database name]_General project provided with SmartPlant
Interop Publisher.
Select a project you created from the Projects menu. For more information on creating
projects, see Organize Your Work with Projects (on page 64).
2. If you are not in the Models view, click Models.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Models view.

3. On the Smart Models grid, click Add to select the Smart Model .vue file.
Right-click in the Smart Models grid, and then click Add.
Each added Smart Model displays in the Smart Model grid.
To update the Smart Model, you must open the project containing the Smart Model
and its related source files, and then click Update . You cannot update a Smart Model that
does not have related source files in the Source Files grid.

Remove a Smart Model

1. Select the project containing the Smart Models to remove.
2. From the Models view, use CTRL+ or SHIFT+ to select one or more Smart Models from the
grid, and then click Remove .
Select one or more Smart Models in the Smart Models grid, and then press DELETE.
Right-click the Smart Model, and then click Remove.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher removes the Smart Models from the grid and from the project.
The source files used to create the Smart Models are not removed and display in the
Source Files grid.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 123

Create and Manage Smart Models

The resulting Smart Model files (.vue, .mdb, .mdb2, and so on) are not removed.
To completely remove the Smart Model from your system, you must remove the Smart
Model from SmartPlant Interop Publisher and manually delete all the generated Smart
Model files.

If you did not remove the generated project files from your translated Smart Model location,
you can use the Add command to bring deleted Smart Models back into a project.
If you select the source files and translate again, you are prompted to assign a new name to
the generated Smart Model. SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not overwrite the Smart
When you remove a Smart Model that has been published to SmartPlant Foundation, the
Smart Model displays in the Terminate list in the Find Documents to Publish dialog box.
You can no longer update the document. Select the Smart Model in the list to remove it from
SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see Terminate a Published Smart Model (on
page 132).

Copy Smart Models

When you copy a Smart Model, its name, source files, and properties are copied. You can make
a copy of an existing Smart Model to rename it, and then modify its properties to create a new
Smart Model in a project.
1. Select the project containing the Smart Models to copy. For more information on setting up
projects, see Organize Your Work with Projects (on page 64).
2. From the Models view, select the Smart Model, and then click Copy .
SmartPlant Interop Publisher by default names it [model name]_Copy.
3. (Optional) Rename the model and change the Smart Model Location. By default, it is in the
same location as the Smart Model you are copying.
4. On the Copy Smart Model dialog box, click Copy.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher creates the model and places it in the Smart Model grid.
5. You can edit properties such as transformation settings. For more information, see Move,
Rotate, and Scale (Transform) Smart Models (on page 222).
6. Repeat steps 2-4 for each model you want to copy.
If your target application is SmartPlant Review, then you may be prompted by
SmartPlant Review to update the .mdb file when you are opening a copied Smart Model. Follow
the SmartPlant Review prompts.

Create Composite (.svf) Smart Models

You can create or compose a Composite Smart Model, which includes one or more Smart
Model .vue files. A Composite Smart Model is a collection of Smart Models that allow you to
review graphic objects and attribute data in a single runtime session in SmartPlant Review and
in Intergraph portal application targets. If you run into memory limitations, you can create
subsets of your model data, translate the subsets to Smart Models, and then create composite
Smart Models.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 124

Create and Manage Smart Models

Notes about Composite Smart Models

You can open the composite Smart Models in SmartPlant Review and in a supported
Intergraph web portal application. The Revise, Publish, and Publish All commands cannot
be applied to composite Smart Models.
You can run an update or schedule an update of composite Smart Models. For more
information, see Update (on page 133).
You cannot create a copy of a composite Smart Model. You can create copies of the Smart
Model .vue files making up the composite Smart Model, and then use the copies to create a
new composite Smart Model.
To move or scale sections of models represented by a composite Smart Model, apply
transformation settings to the individual Smart Model .vue file. For more information, see
Move, Rotate, and Scale (Transform) Smart Models (on page 222).
If you remove one or more Smart Model .vue files contained in a composite Smart Model
from the Smart Models grid, SmartPlant Review can still open the composite Smart Model
because the files have not been deleted from your computer's folder. However, if you
remove the Smart Model .vue files contained in a composite Smart Model from the grid and
from the folder, SmartPlant Review displays an error indicating that files are missing. You
must add the Smart Model .vue files back to the folder and Smart Models grid, or create a
new composite Smart Model.
To make sure measurements are consistent in a composite Smart Model containing 3D
Model Data, use the Support SPF Composite model creation with S3D documents
Advanced Project Settings option. This option allows SmartPlant Interop Publisher to
adapt the measurements in the Smart Model to match the measurements in 3D Model Data
published from Smart 3D. For more information, see Define project settings (on page 68).
1. Make sure all Smart Model .vue files are in the same folder. You cannot create a Composite
Smart Model from .vue files that reside in separate folders.
2. Use the default project ([site database name]_General) provided with SmartPlant Interop
Publisher. This project is available only if you selected Configure to create a default project
the first time you opened SmartPlant Interop Publisher or created a new site database. For
more information on configuration, see Configure a site database (on page 51).
Select a project you created from the Projects menu. Make sure you select the targets for
the translated .svf Smart Model: SmartPlant Review and Portal in Project Settings. For
more information on setting target applications, see Define project settings (on page 68).
3. From the Models view, select the Smart Models to group in a Composite Smart Model, and
then click Compose .
4. Type the name for the Composite Smart Model.
5. Click Single Label Database to create a single label database (.mdb2) file for the selected
Composite Smart Model. This option displays for Composite Smart Models that contain .vue
files from either Smart 3D SPRDirect or 3D Model Data. By default, the option is turned off
so that the software creates a label database for each .vue file in the Composite Smart
The Single Label Database option is also turned off if (a) the source files for the
selected Smart Models are not in the Source Files grid, and (b) if you have selected .vue
files from both Smart 3D SPRDirect and 3D Model Data.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher creates the composite Smart Model, displays it in the Smart

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Create and Manage Smart Models

Models grid view, and places it in the same folder as the Smart Model .vue files.
6. To open in SmartPlant Review, select the generated composite Smart Model, and then click
Open in SmartPlant Review .
The SmartPlant Review application displays the Create Project dialog box.
a. In the General tab, check the configuration information, and change it if required.
b. Click OK to create the project in SmartPlant Review.
c. On the Load Vue Files dialog box, select the individual .vue files contained in the
composite Smart Model to open, and then click OK.
SmartPlant Review displays the selected .vue files.
7. For the Intergraph portal application, open the composite Smart Model in a configured web
viewer. Refer to the web portal documentation for more information on navigating and
opening files.
See Also
Update (on page 133)
Schedule a Composite Smart Model update job (on page 213)

Manage Smart Model properties

The Smart Models grid view provides a column for each available property setting. Some
properties are read-only and others (listed below) can be modified. When you change a property
setting other than for transformation, you must run the Update command on the modified Smart
Transformation changes are made automatically by SmartPlant Interop Publisher>.
For more information on transformation properties, see Transform a Smart Model in SmartPlant
Interop Publisher (on page 223).

Columns You Can Edit

Settings Group
Specifies translation settings for the Smart Model. SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays any
custom settings groups you have defined. For more information, see Define Translation
Settings (on page 80).
Mapping Files
Specifies Default, Custom, or Generic mapping files. For more information about using
Custom and Generic mapping, see Configure Mapping to Control Model Display (on page
If you change the Mapping Files, make sure the Mapping Files Location is
Mapping Files Location
Specifies the location of the selected type of Mapping Files.
Reduce VUE file geometry memory
Creates a potentially smaller .vue file. Select Yes to allow SmartPlant Interop Publisher to
reduce geometry representations as much as possible without losing the rendering
compatibility between all SmartPlant Enterprise applications. This means that the display of

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 126

Create and Manage Smart Models

graphics must be the same whether you are opening the .vue file with SmartPlant Review,
SmartPlant Foundation, or adding it as reference 3D data in Smart 3D. This option can
cause a longer load time. By default, this option is not enabled.

Edit Properties
1. Select a project containing the Smart Models to edit.
2. From the Models view, double-click the column value to change. Select a value from either
a menu list or type in the new value.
3. On the Smart Models grid, click Update .
SmartPlant Interop Publisher updates the project and database files for the selected Smart
When you are changing transformation values, you do not have to run Update.
4. If you have the Smart Model open in the target application, you must make sure the target
application you are using gets the updates. For more information on updating Smart Models
in the different target applications, see Update (on page 133)

Open in SmartPlant Review

If you have SmartPlant Review on the same machine as SmartPlant Interop Publisher, you can
start SmartPlant Review and open Smart Models directly from SmartPlant Interop Publisher.

1. Select the project containing the Smart Models to open. For more information on setting up
projects, see Organize Your Work with Projects (on page 64).
2. From the Models view, select the Smart Model, and then click Open in SmartPlant Review

For PDS 3D source files, SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates a Smart Model .zvf
project. Select the .zvf file in the Smart Model grid and click Open in SmartPlant
Review to open the PDS model in SmartPlant Review.
You can also open the Smart Models in SmartPlant Review by double-clicking the
generated .vue, .svf, or .zvf files in the specified Smart Model location.
If you change anything in the Smart Model, you must use the SmartPlant Interop Publisher
Update command. In SmartPlant Review, you must close the project file, and then re-open it so
that SmartPlant Review gets the latest changes.
See Also
Update (on page 133)
Create Composite (.svf) Smart Models (on page 124)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 127

Create and Manage Smart Models

Attach and review in Smart 3D

To add Smart Models to a Smart 3D session, you must attach it as a Reference 3D model using
the Reference 3D Model command in the Intergraph Smart 3D Project Management
application. When you translate your source files to a Smart Model with Smart 3D as a target,
SmartPlant Interop Publisher automatically generates graphic (.zvf) and label (.mdb2) files.

Attach in Smart 3D
The steps below provide the basic workflow for attaching 3D models in Project Management.
1. Select the project containing the Smart Models to attach in Smart 3D.
2. (Optional) If you have any customized mapping files, you must place them in the
Reference3DComponents subfolder under your SharedContent folder.
For more information on using custom mapping files, see Configure Mapping to Control
Model Display (on page 228).
3. In Project Management, select the plant to attach the reference model.
4. Open the New Reference 3D Model dialog box using one of the following methods:
Click Database > New > Reference 3D Model.
Right-click the Plant node, and select New Reference 3D Model.
Right-click the Reference 3D Models node, and then select New Reference 3D Model.
5. In the New Reference 3D Model dialog box, fill in the boxes with appropriate information to
include the following:
Model Type: Select SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
File Path - Type the full path or browse to the folder containing the generated .zvf file for the
selected Smart Model.
Name - Type in a name for the model.
The .zvf file is generated in a subfolder under the folder you defined in
SmartPlant Interop Publisher to contain the Smart Models.
6. (Optional) You can review and then change any transformation settings you made in
SmartPlant Interop Publisher. For more information on model transformation in Smart 3D,
see Review and change transformations in Smart 3D (on page 226).
7. Click OK to save your edits and close the dialog box.
The process of creating and updating the schema can take several minutes, so an
informational progress message displays during this time.
8. If prompted, click Yes to confirm that the schema packages should be updated.
9. You must either start a new Smart 3D session, or save and reopen an existing session to
see the new Reference 3D Model graphics.
For further modifications, you can refresh the Smart 3D workspace to see any
updated objects and data.
If you change anything in the Smart Model, you must use the SmartPlant Interop Publisher
Update command to trigger the Out of data Reference 3D Model notification to display in the

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 128

Create and Manage Smart Models

Project Management hierarchy tree view. For more information in Smart 3D, see the Modify
Reference 3D Model section in the Project Management User's Guide.

Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation

SmartPlant Foundation provides management of a plant's engineering information,
encompassing the plant design, configuration, modifications, upgrades, and refurbishment. In an
integrated environment, SmartPlant Foundation allows this data to be shared between
applications and users. Applications such as SmartPlant Markup Plus and SmartPlant
Construction can access the 3D model from the SmartPlant Foundation warehouse.
For any translation of Smart Models or Smart Drawings to be published to SmartPlant
Foundation, there is a limitation of 600,000 objects in a file.
When revised and published to SmartPlant Foundation, Smart Models are then managed as
documents, and can be accessed by other integrated applications. SmartPlant Foundation
documents are database objects with attached files that follow a controlled life cycle.
For the commands related to SmartPlant Foundation to be active, you must register your project
to a SmartPlant Foundation database. For more information, see Register with SmartPlant (on
page 75). You must also have the following software installed on your system:
SmartPlant Interop Publisher Adapter to SmartPlant Foundation license
SmartPlant Client
SmartPlant Schema Component
For Smart Models in SmartPlant Foundation, you can:
Revise (on page 129)
Publish (on page 130)
Find Documents to Publish (on page 76)
View File in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 131)

Creates a Major and Minor revision for a Smart Model, depending on the revision scheme that is
defined in SmartPlant Foundation. Select one or more Smart Models to revise, but not publish.
Revising and publishing are two separate actions. You cannot modify the Major and Minor
revision data in SmartPlant Interop Publisher. You must revise a Smart Model before you can
publish it to SmartPlant Foundation.
This command is not available for the following conditions:
If you are not registered with SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see
Register with SmartPlant (on page 75).
If you do not have the License Manager client installed on the same computer on which
SmartPlant Interop Publisher is installed.
If you do not have the SIP (SmartPlant Interop Publisher Adaptor to SmartPlant
Foundation) license.
1. Select the project containing the Smart Models to open.

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2. From the Models view, select the Smart Models, and then click Revise .
Use CTRL+ or SHIFT+ to select multiple Smart Models.
3. (Optional) If you have a password set up to SmartPlant Foundation, you need to login. The
SmartPlant Foundation Login dialog box can also display if you do not have a SmartPlant
Foundation account. Type in your User name and Password, and then click OK.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Revise dialog box.
4. If this is the first time to revise your Smart Model and a revision scheme has not yet been
defined, select the revision scheme to use from the Revision Scheme list.
Only revision schemes that are applicable to the configuration (plant) or
classification (document type) are available in the shortcut menu. The revision schemes
related to a configuration or classification are not available for any other configurations or
classifications. For more information on revision scheme configuration, see Configuring
Different Revision Scheme Strategies in the SmartPlant Foundation How to Configure
Document Management guide.
5. In the Revise in Tool section, select the next available major and minor revision numbers.
6. Set other required options indicated by asterisks (*) in the Revise dialog box.
7. Click OK. The document is saved to the model database. The command creates a revision
record by adding it to the document Revision properties. The command also reserves the
revision number.
8. You can now publish the Smart Model to SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see
Publish (on page 130).

A publish to SmartPlant Foundation performs the following:
Publishes a visual representation of the Smart Model that can be used by SmartPlant
Markup Plus or SmartPlant Review. You can also mark up the visual representation of the
document using SmartPlant Markup Plus.
Publishes associated data, depending on workflow approval. If the data is approved and
loaded, it is used for reporting and subsequent retrieval by downstream applications when
the authoring tools retrieve the latest data.
Places the published .zvf file and supporting files in the appropriate SmartPlant Foundation
To publish when you select both SmartPlant Foundation and Portal targets, SmartPlant
Interop Publisher requires a SmartPlant Foundation version that supports portal file types. To
find this information, go to Smart Support and check SmartPlant Interop Publisher on the
Compatibility Matrix. If you do not have a required version, the publish to SmartPlant Foundation
operation does continue, but it does not publish portal files.
After you have published Smart Models for the first time, new versions and revisions are created
for subsequent publishing.
This command is not enabled for the following conditions:
If you are not registered with SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see
Register with SmartPlant (on page 75).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 130

Create and Manage Smart Models

If you do not have the License Manager client installed on the same computer on which
SmartPlant Interop Publisher is installed.
If you do not have the SmartPlant Interop Publisher Adaptor to SmartPlant Foundation
(SIP) license.
1. Select the project containing the Smart Models to publish.
2. From the Models view, select the model.

Use CTRL+ or SHIFT+ to select multiple Smart Models.

You must have a successful Smart Model translation before you can publish.
3. From the Smart Model grid, click Publish .
4. If you have a password set up to SmartPlant Foundation, you need to login. Type in your
User name and Password, and then click OK.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Publish dialog box. When multiple documents are
selected, only property values shared by all of the selected documents appear in the table.
Changing a value in the table changes that value for all of the selected documents.
5. Set the Workflow to AutoLoadPublish so that the document is loaded automatically into
SmartPlant Foundation. Otherwise, it remains in the queue.
From Operation, select Scheduled Publish to publish the Smart Model at a later time. For
more information, see Schedule a publish to SmartPlant Foundation job (on page 216).
6. Click OK to publish the selected Smart Models.
SmartPlant Foundation provides a message to let you know if the publish was successful.
You can look at the generated log file.
7. Click Find > Published Data Documents, and search for your published Smart Model
8. Check the Data Load status to make sure the document has been published and loaded
successfully and not queued before you can open it.
9. Click Files > View and Markup to open the Smart Model document in SmartPlant Markup.

View File in SmartPlant Foundation

When you have revised and published to SmartPlant Foundation, the Desktop Client provides
two commands that allow you to view the Smart Model.
The Files > View and Markup command allows you to view the 3D model. If SmartPlant
Markup Plus is installed on your client computer, the file appears inside the View and
Markup window with the SmartPlant Markup Plus commands. For more information about
using SmartPlant Markup Plus, see the SmartPlant Markup Plus Help.
The View in SmartPlant Review command allows you to launch SmartPlant Review to view
a 3D model. This command is available when you right-click a model in the list view. For
more information about SmartPlant Review, see the SmartPlant Review Help.

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Create and Manage Smart Models

Open the File Using SmartPlant Markup

1. Right-click the document revision of the 3D model to open in the tree or list view, and then
click Files > View and Markup.
2. Use the drawing view controls on the toolbar to zoom in or out, fit, pan, and magnify different
areas of the view file.

3. To view properties for an object in the Properties window, click Select , and then click
the object in the file.

If the Properties window is not visible, click View > Properties on the Desktop Client
menu bar to display it before you click the object in the view file.
To view details for an object, right-click the object and click Details.
4. To see additional information and actions pertaining to the selected object, right-click the
object in the View and Markup window and use the shortcut menu.
If you change anything in the source files of the Smart Models that have been published to
SmartPlant Foundation, use the SmartPlant Interop Publisher Update command, and then use
the Publish command to send the document to SmartPlant Foundation.

See Also
Update (on page 133)

Terminate a Published Smart Model

When you remove a Smart Model that has been published to SmartPlant Foundation, the model
displays in the Terminate list in the Find Documents to Publish dialog box. To remove or
terminate a Smart Model, use the Find Documents to Publish command, and then check each
drawing document to remove.
1. From the Projects view, select the project containing the Smart Drawings to terminate.
2. Right-click to select Find Documents to Publish.
3. Log in to SmartPlant Foundation. Type your User name and Password, and then click OK.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Find Documents to Publish dialog box.

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Create and Manage Smart Models

4. From the Terminate list, select the Smart Models to remove. You can quickly select the
entire list by clicking Select All, or clear the entire list by clicking Clear All.
5. Click OK to accept the selections.

When you change the source files, translation settings, mapping files, or register your project to
a different database, you must run the Update command on the corresponding Smart Models or
Composite Smart Models. An update operation re-translates the out-of-date or modified Smart
Models using their corresponding source files listed in the Source Files grid. Composite Smart
Models apply only to SmartPlant Review. A Composite Smart Model update re-creates project
(.mdb) and label (.mdb2) databases.
You can also make changes and schedule an update to occur once or at regular intervals. For
example, if your source files that have been translated to a Smart Model get updated every
Friday morning, you can schedule an update to run on that Smart Model every Friday.

Update Options
SmartPlant Interop Publisher lists the general update options for Smart Models and Composite
Smart Models in the Smart Model Information tab. The option values that display are taken
from the project settings. If you change an option, the project setting is temporarily overwritten
for the current translation. The Part Assembly tab displays when you select a Smart Model
containing an MCAD assembly source file.
Update Smart Model Information
Keep Project Database
Allows you to update object data from the source files without overwriting the SmartPlant
Review project database (.mdb) file that was generated by the initial translation to a Smart
Model. When you open a Smart Model in the SmartPlant Review target application, the
software stores all your work, such as display set definitions, measurements, animations,
and so forth, in the project database file. If this option is not selected, the project database
file is overwritten during the update operation, and you lose all your SmartPlant Review
features and settings. The system preserves the project database file by default.
Keep original Smart Model settings?
Specifies whether or not to use the original translation settings to generate the Smart Model.
Click Yes to use the original translation settings specified in the Smart Models grid. The
remaining translation settings in the dialog box become unavailable. In this case,
SmartPlant Interop Publisher updates the .svf file and associated out-of-date Smart
Model .vue files.
Click No to change translation settings and update. SmartPlant Interop Publisher
updates the .svf file and all associated Smart Model .vue files.
If you selected multiple Smart Models with different translation settings, click Yes
to update each Smart Model with the current translation settings, or click No, edit the
translation settings, and then apply them to all the selected Smart Models.
Settings Group
Specifies a set of customized translation options. For more information, see Define
Translation Settings (on page 80).

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Create and Manage Smart Models

Mapping Options
Specifies the Default, Custom, or Generic mapping options applied during translation. For
more information, see Configure Mapping to Control Model Display (on page 228).
Mapping Files Location
Specifies the folder location of the mapping files to use.
Change SmartSolids to Surfaces for V7 DGN files
Changes the SmartSolid display from wireframe to surface mode. If you do not select this
option, SmartSolids are automatically translated to display in wireframe mode. This option
displays when:
There is a DGN selected as one of the source files.
You have MicroStation J (version 07.01) installed. If you do not have MicroStation V7.01
installed, but you have a DGN file as one of your source files, this option displays, but it
is unavailable.
Reduce VUE file geometry memory
Creates a potentially smaller .vue file. SmartPlant Interop Publisher reduces geometry
representations as much as possible without losing the rendering compatibility between all
SmartPlant Enterprise applications. This means that the display of graphics must be the
same whether you are opening the .vue file with SmartPlant Review, SmartPlant
Foundation, or adding it as reference 3D data in Smart 3D. This reduction option can cause
a longer load time. By default, this option is not selected.
Update all related Smart Models
Update all Smart Models that belong to the same source file translation. Because different
Smart Models can be created from the same source file, this option allows you to update
only the Smart Models created from the same initial translation as the selected Smart
Model. This option displays for Smart Models originally translated using the MicroStation
option Translate each design model separately. This option also adds new Smart Models
to the grid if there are new design models in the source file during an update. The
newly-added Smart Models get the same settings as those of the Smart Model selected for
the update. For more information, see MicroStation options (on page 90).
Single label database
Allows you to create a single label database for a Composite Smart Model or an older .svf
project created using SmartPlant Review or SmartPlant Review Publisher. Select the option
to create a single label database (.mdb2) file to provide a faster load time. By default, the
option is turned off so that the software creates a label database for each .vue file in the .svf
project or Composite Smart Model. This option displays when you have .svf files that contain
.vue files saved from 3D Model Data documents in Smart 3D or Smart 3D SPRDirect.
The Single Label Database option is also turned off if (a) the source files for the
selected Smart Models are not in the Source Files grid, and (b) if you have selected .vue
files from both Smart 3D SPRDirect and 3D Model Data. You can only have .vue files from
one or the other Smart 3D source.
Runs translation immediately on the selected Smart Models to include any settings and
source file changes.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 134

Create and Manage Smart Models

Opens a scheduling dialog box that allows you to schedule the update one time or on a
regular basis.
Update Part Assembly
After you define any general settings in the Smart Model Information tab for the MCAD
assembly, you can search for and then select the sub-assembly files to update.
Search box
Use the search feature to locate the MCAD sub-assembly files to use. As you type your
search text, SmartPlant Interop Publisher starts filtering the objects in the source file
tree view.
Expand or Collapse
Allows you to show or hide sub-assembly files.
Include or Exclude
Displays only when you enter text in the Search box. You can filter the search and
automatically select or clear files based on what you have typed in the Search box. Use
Include to select nodes and files containing the search text, or use Exclude to clear
nodes and files that contain the search text.
Opens a scheduling dialog box for you to set up a later time to translate the selected
source files. When the source files are translated into a Smart Model, you can schedule
updates if the source files are going to be changing at certain time intervals. For more
information, see Schedule translation and update jobs.
If the Schedule button is not active, make sure you have the Intergraph
Batch Services and the License Manager client applications installed on the same
computer on which SmartPlant Interop Publisher is installed.

Update Smart Models

Follow the steps below to update Smart Models and Composite Smart Models. You can perform
an update without making any changes to translation settings, or you can update based on
different project, mapping, and translation settings.
If you selected multiple Smart Models with different translation settings, the software applies the
same translation settings to all the selected Smart Models. This is also true for Smart Models in
a .svf Smart Model project. All Smart Models in the composed .svf project file are updated with
the same translation settings.
1. Select the project containing the files to update.
2. On the Smart Model grid view, select the Smart Models that are out of date, or that require
changes, and click Update .

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Create and Manage Smart Models

3. On the Update dialog box, click Yes for Keep original Smart Model settings? for the
software to use the original translation settings to create the Smart Model.
Click No, and then edit the any translation and mapping settings.

4. If you have Smart Models opened in Smart 3D or SmartPlant Review and the objects meet
your requirements, clear the Maintain unique DMRS linkages option in your Translation
Settings. If you are using the Default settings, the option is automatically selected. When
this option is selected, the software assigns new, unique linkages to objects, thus changing
DMRS-based display sets in SmartPlant Review and Interference Checking markers in
Smart 3D. For more information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80) and Common
Translation Options.

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Create and Manage Smart Models

5. (Optional) For an MCAD assembly file, click the Part Assembly tab and select the
sub-assembly files to update. By default, all translated sub-assembly files are selected.

6. Click Update to run translation immediately.

Click Schedule to open the scheduling dialog box and set up a schedule for the update. For
more information, see Schedule Jobs (on page 205).
7. When you update the Smart Model in SmartPlant Interop Publisher, you must also update it
in the target application you are using. For more information, see:
Update in SmartPlant Review (on page 139)
Update in Portal Applications (on page 139)
Update in Smart 3D (on page 139)
Update and re-publish in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 140)

Edit and Update a Composite Smart Model

1. Select the Composite Smart Model (.svf) file in the Smart Models grid, and then click
Update .

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 137

Create and Manage Smart Models

2. On the Update Smart Model dialog box, clear Keep Project Database to generate a new
project database.

3. If you have created custom settings groups or mapping files for the associated .vue files,
click No for Keep original Smart Model settings, and then set the custom options.
a. Select your custom Settings Group in the menu list. For more information, see Define
Translation Settings (on page 80).
b. Select Custom for the Mapping Options, and then browse to the location of your
custom mapping file. For more information, see Use your existing custom and generic
mapping files (on page 231).
Otherwise, select Default.
4. Click Reduce VUE file geometry memory to potentially make the associated .vue files
5. Click Single Label Database to create a single label database (.mdb2) file for the selected
Composite Smart Model. This option displays for Composite Smart Models that contain .vue
files from either Smart 3D SPRDirect or 3D Model Data.
The Single Label Database option is also turned off if (a) the source files for the
selected Smart Models are not in the Source Files grid, and (b) if you have selected .vue
files from both Smart 3D SPRDirect and 3D Model Data. You can only have .vue files from
one or the other Smart 3D source.
6. Click Update.
The software creates and updates the Smart Models and the project and label databases.
The software then places the generated files in the same folder as the Composite Smart
Model (.svf) file.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 138

Create and Manage Smart Models

7. Select the Composite Smart Model in the Smart Models grid, and then click Open in
SmartPlant Review .
SmartPlant Review opens the Composite Smart Model without displaying any upgrade
You can also schedule the Composite Smart Model to be periodically updated. For more
information, see Schedule a Composite Smart Model update job (on page 213).
See Also
Schedule a Smart Model update job (on page 211)

Update in SmartPlant Review

When you change the source files, translation settings, or mapping files for Smart Models or
Composite Smart Models, you must run the Update command in SmartPlant Interop Publisher
first, and then update them in SmartPlant Review.
1. (Optional) If you are modifying the source files, we recommend that you make a backup
copy of the current source files before you perform an update.
2. Close the Smart Model or Composite Smart Model in SmartPlant Review.
3. Modify the source files as required, or copy the modified source files into the current source
file location.
Change translation or mapping settings in the Smart Models grid.
You can also change these settings in the Update dialog box.
4. Select the project containing the Smart Model or .svf Smart Model project to update, and
then click Update . For more information, see Update (on page 133).
5. In SmartPlant Review, open the updated Smart Model or Composite Smart Model.
An update creates a new .mdb file and overwrites the existing .mdb file. This
deletes all display sets, animations, and all other SmartPlant Review-related settings. To avoid
this, select the Keep Project Database option when setting your Smart Model update options.
You can also create a backup of your SmartPlant Review .mdb file.

Update in Portal Applications

You must close and then re-open the Smart Model or Smart Drawing in the portal application to
get the updated information.

Update in Smart 3D
When you change the source files, translation settings, or mapping files for Smart Models, you
must run the Update command on the Smart Models first, and then update them in Smart 3D.
1. (Optional) If you are modifying the source files, we recommend that you make a backup
copy of the current source files before you perform an update.
2. Modify the source files as required, or copy the modified source files into the current source
file location.
Change translation or mapping settings in the Smart Models grid.

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Create and Manage Smart Models

You can also change these settings in the Update dialog box.
3. Select the project containing the Smart Model to update, and then click Update . For more
information, see Update (on page 133).
4. In Smart 3D, open Project Management, and select the Reference 3D Models node in the
tree view.
5. Right-click and select Update Reference 3D Model(s). You can also click Edit > Update
Reference 3D Model(s).
6. Select the Reference 3D projects pertaining to the updated Smart Model.
7. Click Submit Job to schedule the job to run on a pre-configured queue.
Click Update.
For more information, see the Reference 3D Model section in the Smart 3D Project
Management User's Guide.

Update and re-publish in SmartPlant Foundation

When you change the source files, translation settings, mapping files, or register your project to
a different database, you must run the Update command on the corresponding Smart Models
first, and then re-publish them to SmartPlant Foundation.
1. (Optional) If you are modifying the source files, we recommend that you make a backup
copy of the current source files before you perform an update.
2. Modify the source files as required, or copy the modified source files into the current source
file location.
Change translation or mapping settings in the Smart Models grid.
You can also change these settings in the Update dialog box.
3. Select the project containing the Smart Model to update, and then use the Update
command . For more information, see Update (on page 133).
4. (Optional) Use the Revise command to create a new revision. Unless the change affects
your revision scheme, you do not have to run the Revise command before publishing. For
more information, see Revise (on page 129).
5. Use the Publish command to send the Smart Model back to SmartPlant Foundation, which
automatically increments the version of the Smart Model document. For more information,
see Publish (on page 130).

Format-Specific 3D Model Translations

Although the basic process of translating source files to Smart Models is the same,
prerequisites, recommendations, and translation settings can vary from one format to another.
This section provides translation workflows for several supported formats. For more information
on the basic 3D model translation workflow, Translate to Smart 3D and SmartPlant Review
Workflow (on page 59)
For any translation of Smart Models or Smart Drawings to be published to SmartPlant
Foundation, there is a limitation of 600,000 objects in a file.

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Create and Manage Smart Models

What do you want to do?

Translate AutoPLANT source files (on page 141)
Translate CIS/2 source files (on page 143)
Translate CADWorx source files (on page 149)
Translate IFC source files (on page 154)
Translate IGES source files (on page 158)
Translate MCAD assembly files (on page 160)
Translate MCAD files with defeaturing options (on page 163)
Translate MicroStation V8 .dgn file (on page 166)
Translate PDMS source files (on page 173)
Translate PDS source files (on page 177)
Translate Smart 3D source files (on page 184)
Translate .vue files from SPRDirect (on page 186)
Translate XMpLant source files (on page 189)

Translate AutoPLANT source files

This section provides requirements and information specific to translating AutoPLANT source

Requirements and Considerations

Before you translate, make sure that MicroStation V8i SS3 and RealDWG 2013 SP1
applications are installed on the system performing the data translation.
To translate AutoPLANT source files, you must store the property data in the following two
In the source file itself. You can add the file directly to SmartPlant Interop Publisher for
In a separate AutoPLANT database file that must be converted before using it in
SmartPlant Interop Publisher. You can convert the database file to Briefcase mode
before adding them to SmartPlant Interop Publisher, or use the AutoPlant Project
Package utility for the conversion.
Refer to the AutoPlant documentation for more detailed information.

Custom Mapping (Optional)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides an AutoPLANT default mapping file
(AutoPLANTToR3DMapping.xls) and a corresponding custom mapping template file. The
default mapping file contains mixed units for basic properties. The custom mapping file provides

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a Units G column that is read by the software and used during the translation. You can used
Mixed, Metric only, or English only for the properties unit of measure labels.
1. Review the AutoPLANTToR3DMapping.xls default mapping file to see the classes and
properties that are currently mapped.
2. In the CustomMappingFiles folder, make a copy of the
customAutoPLANTToR3DMapping.xls file and place it in another location.
3. Edit the custom mapping file to either modify property labels or add classes and properties.
For more information, see Edit the custom mapping template file (on page 236).
To display unit strings such as 'meters' or 'inches' with specific property values in the translated
model, you can define the Units G column in the custom mapping file. For more information,
see Set the units of measure (UoM) in custom mapping (on page 239).

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.

4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.
5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.
6. Select the Target Applications to use.

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
7. Click Save to save your changes and close Project Settings.
8. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

9. On the Source Files grid, click Add , and then select the AutoPLANT files to translate.
The added file displays in the Source Files grid.
10. Select each source file to use in creating the Smart Model in the Source Files grid, and
then click Translate .
Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.

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Create and Manage Smart Models

11. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.
12. If you used custom mapping, set the Mapping Options to Custom and select the Mapping
Files Location of the custom AutoPLANT mapping template file you edited.
13. Click Translate.
To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
14. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)

Translate CIS/2 source files

This section provides information specific to CIS/2 source files. SmartPlant Interop Publisher
only supports physical models and not analytical models.

CIS/2 Entities and Cross-Section Data

Supported Entities
SmartPlant Interop Publisher can translate the .stp files of the CIS/2 design domain and schema
type STRUCTURAL_FRAME_SCHEMA. The entities within this domain and schema type that
the software supports are listed below along with the exceptions.
Design/Located Part
Section_Profile_Angle (Angle with leg slope is not supported)
Section_Profile_I_Type (The asymmetric and rail type I sections are not supported)
Section_Profile_T_Type (The T sections with flange and web slope are not supported)
Part_Prismatic_Simple_Curved (Only lines, polylines, ellipse, and circle curves are
Part_Sheet_Bounded_Simple (Only planar sheets are supported)
Part_Sheet_Bounded_Complex (The bounding curves, line and polyline, are supported.
Slabs/Sheets with openings/holes are also supported. Only planar sheets are supported.)

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Create and Manage Smart Models

Cross-Section Data
The dimension data of a cross-section in an .stp file is read from cross-section workbooks.
Cross-section workbooks contain the cross-section libraries delivered with SmartPlant Interop
Publisher for various standards such as AISC, BS, and CISC. SmartPlant Interop Publisher
provides standard catalog Excel spreadsheets and mapping .xml files for CIS/2. By default,
these files are delivered in the [Install drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Interop
Publisher\CIS2Dependencies folder.
If a cross-section name in an .stp file does not exist in any of the delivered cross-section
workbooks, SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not publish the structural members using that
cross-section. You can search for the missing members in the detailed log file that SmartPlant
Interop Publisher generates when it publishes an .stp file.
To publish missing members, you can use the following methods:
Add a new cross-section workbook (on page 148)
Add a cross-section to the catalog (on page 146)
Map a cross-section name to an existing cross-section (on page 147)

Custom Mapping (Optional)

You can include new classes and properties, map any unmapped properties that you have
added, and define unit of measure strings for property values using the
customCIS2ToR3DMapping.xls mapping template files. If you do not require this additional
mapping, use the default mapping provided with SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
1. Review the CIS2ToR3DMapping.xls default mapping file to see the classes and properties
that are currently mapped.
2. Make a copy of the customCIS2ToR3DMapping.xls file in the CustomMappingFiles folder,
and place it in another location.
3. Edit the custom mapping file to modify property labels or add classes and properties as
required. For more information, see Edit the custom mapping template file (on page 236).
To display unit strings such as 'meters' or 'inches' with specific property values in the translated
model, you can define the Units G column in the custom mapping file. For more information,
see Set the units of measure (UoM) in custom mapping (on page 239).

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.

4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.
5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.

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Create and Manage Smart Models

6. Select the Target Applications to use.

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
7. Click Save to save your changes and close Project Settings.
8. (Optional) Right-click the project to select Translation Settings.
9. Click New in the Select or Create Settings Group list, and type the name to use.
Edit the Default translation settings group.

10. (Optional) Define element color settings.

11. (Optional) Select Create Frame Connections, and then use the color picker to select
the frame connection color. The default color is red.
The software translates the frame connections as cylindrical objects with properties that can
be seen in SmartPlant Review and Smart 3D target applications.
For more information on the available translation options, see CIS/2 options (on page 85).
12. Save your changes, and close Translation Settings.
13. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

14. On the Source Files grid, click Add , and then select the CIS/2 files to translate.
The added file displays in the Source Files grid.
15. Select each source file to use in creating the Smart Model in the Source Files grid, and
then click Translate .
Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.
16. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.
17. If you used custom mapping, set the Mapping Options to Custom, and select the Mapping
Files Location of the custom CIS/2 mapping template file you edited.
18. Click Translate.
To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).

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Create and Manage Smart Models

19. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)

Add a cross-section to the catalog

Follow the steps below to add a cross-section and its parameters to a delivered workbook.
1. Identify the delivered workbook and cross-section to update. The following example uses
the cross-section workbook, StructCross-Sections-AISC-LRFD-3.1.xls.
2. Open StructCrossSections-AISC-LRFD-3.1.xls in the [Install drive]:\[Install
folder]\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher\CIS2Dependencies folder.
3. Identify the cross-section in which to add the name and parameters.
The example below shows data in the W4x13 cross-section in the W worksheet of the
StructCrossSections-AISC LRFD-3.1.xls library.

4. As an example, a new cross-section name, W123X456 can be placed in the W worksheet in

StructCrossSections-AISC-LRFD-3.1.xls as shown highlighted below.

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5. In the same folder, start the MapXSections.exe application to overwrite the existing mapping
.xml file of the cross-section workbook with the updated contents.

6. In the CIS/2 Mapping Filename section, click the Browse button and add the .xml file name
being generated.
7. Click Generate Mapping File.

Map a cross-section name to an existing cross-section

If a cross-section differs from an existing cross-section in any of the delivered workbooks by only
its name, then you can map this cross-section name to the existing cross-section name in the
corresponding mapping .xml file. For example, if the cross-section parameter values for the
cross-section ABC in the .stp file correspond to cross-section W40X362 in the
StructCrossSections-AISC-SHAPES-3.1.xls workbook, you can change the external name for
the cross-section W40X362 in the corresponding AISC-Shapes-3.1.xml spreadsheet to ABC.
You can then import the new cross-section.
1. Open the workbook to use for the mapping. Continuing with the earlier example, the
following excerpt is from the AISC-Shapes-3.1.xml file:

2. Change the ExternalName of cross-section W40X362 to ABC as shown:

3. Save your changes, and then publish the .stp file with the new cross-section.

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Add a new cross-section workbook

Follow the steps below to add a new cross-section workbook to the catalog. As an example, a
cross-section workbook StructCrossSections_XYZ.xls is being added. The resulting .xml file
added is called XYZ.xml.
1. Copy the new cross-section workbook to the [Install drive]:\[Install folder]\SmartPlant\Interop
Publisher\CIS2Dependencies folder.

The format of the added workbook, such as the column names of the cross-sections,
must be the same as in the delivered cross-section workbooks. For example, for the M
cross-section, the column names should be d, bf, tw, and tf. Also, the notations must
be consistent. For example, bf should mean flange width, tf should mean flange
thickness, and so forth.
If any cross section name contains two or more single quotes (), enter only two single
quotes in the .xls sheet as shown in the example below.
Cross-section name in the Step file: L2.1/2''''X1/4''''
Enter the name into the .xls file as: L2.1/2''X1/4''
2. In that same folder, start the MapXSections.exe application to generate a mapping .xml file
of the new cross-section workbook.

3. In the CIS/2 Mapping Filename section, click Browse and add the .xml file name to
4. Click Generate Mapping File.
The new mapping .xml file is generated in the same location as the new workbook.
So, in this workflow, the file is generated in the [Install drive]:\[Install folder]\SmartPlant\Interop
Publisher\CIS2Dependencies folder.
From the [Install drive]:\[Install folder]\Interop Publisher\CIS2Dependencies folder, locate and
open the Master_Mapping.xml file. Add the newly-generated mapping .xml file name and the
units of the data used in the new cross-section workbook as shown below:

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Create and Manage Smart Models

The example below is an excerpt from the Master_Mapping.xml file before updating it with your
new .xml file:

The excerpt below shows the updated entry to the Master_Mapping.xml file (the added file is
named XYZ.xml). The units in this example are set in meters.

The abbreviated unit names (such as M for meters, MM for millimeters, and so forth)
are listed in the Master_Mapping.xml file.

Translate CADWorx source files

SmartPlant Interop Publisher translates CADWorx Equipment and CADWorx Plant Professional
.dwg files so that each property label display is converted to a standard one for all target
SmartPlant Review can open the .vue file exported from CADWorx 2015 SP1
directly without requiring translation from SmartPlant Interop Publisher.

Requirements and Considerations

If your .dwg files contain proxy objects:
Install the CADWorx Plant Object Enabler to view CADWorx Plant components stored in an
AutoCAD drawing (.dwg) file. The Object Enabler is available on your product DVD, or you
can go to the Intergraph Smart Support website and download the latest version from
CADWorx Freeware Tools and Utilities
Install and activate MicroStation V8i SS3, and then install RealDWG 2013 SP1 so that proxy
objects contained in the files get translated. For normal AutoCAD entities, the presence of
MicroStation does not make any difference. However, if the file contains at least one proxy
object and MicroStation V8i is installed, translation is done using MicroStation.

CADWorx Attributes
If the AutoCAD project (.dwg) files contain attributes of CADWorx data, then those attributes are
also translated into .drv files. The example below shows how CADWorx attributes are translated
into .drv files:
App Name: CPD1
Alpha size: 2"
Short annotation: RF LWN
Long annotation: LONG WELD NECK, RF 150LB, A182-F316L
Line number: 2"-150SS--
Code: PTN-017.0008
Tag: tagvalue
Length: 9.00000
Weight: 16.00000

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Thickness: 0.00000
Object Type: Cross Socket Weld
Sort sequence: 33
For the Piping discipline, the following CADWorx attributes of the pipe component are
App Name
Alpha Size
Short annotation
Long annotation
Line number
Object Type
Sort sequence
For the Steel discipline, the following CADWorx attributes of the steel component are translated:
Application Name
Object Type
Part Type
Data file
Short annotation
Long annotation
Part number
For the HVAC discipline, the following CADWorx attributes of the HVAC component are
App Name
Long annotation
Part number

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Create and Manage Smart Models

Object Type
For the Equipment discipline, the following CADWorx attributes of the equipment component
are translated:
Application Name
Object Type
Equipment Name
Flange Rating
Nozzle Diameter
The Object Type property is published by reading program codes from the
ProgramCodeMapping.xls file delivered with SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
For Piping, the Object Type default value is GenericPiping.
For Equipment, the Object Type default value is GenericEquipment.
For Steel, the Object Type default value is LinearMember.
For HVAC, the program code and Draw mode properties are combined and output as the
Object Type. The first part is the Program Code, and then Duct or Tray is added,
depending on the Draw Mode value. If the Draw Mode is zero (0) or 1, it is Duct. For Draw
Mode 2 or 3, it is Tray. The default values are GenericDucting or GenericTray.

Custom Mapping (Optional)

You can include new classes and properties, map any unmapped properties that you have
added, and define unit of measure strings for property values using the
customCADWorxToR3DMapping.xls mapping template files. You can skip this section and use
the default mapping provided with SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
1. Review the CADWorxToR3DMapping.xls default mapping file to see the classes and
properties that are currently mapped.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 151

Create and Manage Smart Models

2. In the CustomMappingFiles folder, make a copy of the customCADWorxToR3DMapping.xls

file and place it in another location.
3. Edit the custom mapping file to either modify property labels or add classes and properties.
For more information, see Edit the custom mapping template file (on page 236).
To display unit strings such as 'meters' or 'inches' with specific property values in the
translated model, you can define the Units G column in the custom mapping file. For more
information, see Set the units of measure (UoM) in custom mapping (on page 239).

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.

4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.
5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.
6. Select the Target Applications to use.

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
7. Click Save to save your changes and close Project Settings.
8. (Optional) Right-click the project to select Translation Settings.
9. Click New in the Select or Create Settings Group list, and type the name to use.
Edit the Default translation settings group.

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Create and Manage Smart Models

10. For CADWorx files, use the AutoCAD Options to set the working units and scaling.

For more information, see AutoCAD options (on page 84).

You can create different translation settings groups to accommodate different settings for
your CADWorx source files.
11. Click Save when you have finished defining translation settings.
12. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

13. On the Source Files grid, click Add , and then select the CADWorx .dwg files to translate.
The added file displays in the Source Files grid.
14. Select each source file to use in creating the Smart Model in the Source Files grid, and
then click Translate .
Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.
15. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.
16. Select the Settings Group you defined earlier, or use the Default group.
17. If you used custom mapping, set the Mapping Options to Custom and select the Mapping
Files Location of the customCADWorxToR3DMapping.xls you edited.
18. Click Translate.
To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
19. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 153

Create and Manage Smart Models

Translate IFC source files

The IFC data model describes building and construction industry data. It is a commonly used
format for Building Information Modeling (BIM).
The .ifc files of only 2x3_TC1 schema version can be translated.
To find the schema version of an .ifc file, open the file in any text editor such as Windows
Notepad, and check the FILE_SCHEMA version listed in the File Header section. For .ifc
files that are supported by SmartPlant Interop Publisher, the File Header has the
FILE_SCHEMA(('IFC2X3')); entry.

IFC Requirements and Considerations

On publishing Industry Foundation Class (IFC) project files, each graphic object in the .vue file
has the properties defined on the .ifc element and the properties defined on the corresponding
.ifc project, site, building, and building storey belonging to the element. This defines the
hierarchical set of properties for the element.
File Information:
Property sets, units
Element type (wall, slab, column, beam, roof, stair, zone, and so forth)
Material, color, cross-sections, owners, and so forth
Properties for project, site, building, and building storeys
General properties
Property sets (simple and complex)
Element quantity properties (PhysicalSimpleQuantity)
Door style and door lining properties
Window style and window lining properties
Type properties
Material properties
SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports some part of IfcSIUnit and IfcConversionBasedUnit.
Structural Objects:
The following table lists the structural objects and their corresponding .ifc elements:

Structural Object IFC Element

Beam, Brace IfcBeam, IfcMember

Bolts, nuts and washers IfcMechanicalFastener

Column, Pile IfcColumn, IfcPile, IfcMember

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 154

Create and Manage Smart Models

Structural Object IFC Element

Curved beam IfcBeam, IfcMember

Footing IfcFooting

Handrail, Guard IfcRailing

Hole IfcOpeningElement

Plate IfcPlate

Polybeam IfcBeam, IfcMember

Reinforcing bar IfcReinforcingBar

Slab IfcSlab

Wall, Panel IfcWall, IfcWallStandardCase

SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports translating structural objects such as Beams, Columns,
Curved Beams, Polybeams, Braces, Slabs, Panels, Plates, Walls, Reinforcing bars, Handrails,
Angles, Guards, Ladders, Stairs, Holes, Footings, and Bolts with nuts and washers if their shape
representation is any one of the following types:

IFC Representation
Type IFC Shape Representation

SweptSolid IfcExtrudedAreaSolid / IfcRevolvedAreaSolid with

profile shape:

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 155

Create and Manage Smart Models

IFC Representation
Type IFC Shape Representation

Brep IfcFacetedBrep with IfcPolyLoop


AdvancedSweptSolid IfcSweptDiskSolid

MappedRepresentation IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel with IfcPolyLoop


The .ifc elements that cannot be translated by SmartPlant Interop Publisher are logged as
unsupported entities in the SmartPlant Interop Publisher log file, if you have the logging option
enabled. For more information on setting up log files, see Define project settings (on page 68).
Color applied to IFC Elements:
The color defined on the element shape representation is applied to the element. In case the
color is not defined on the shape representation, then the material color associated to the
element is applied. If the element is not associated to any material color, then the element is
shown in the default color GREY. Transparency defined on elements is also supported.
MappedRepresentation type with only uniform scale transformation is supported.
Material color associated to the element type is not supported.
Openings on only IfcExtrudedAreaSolid and IfcFacetedBrep types are supported.
Clippings of type IfcHalfSpaceSolid and IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace are supported.

Custom Mapping (Optional)

You can include new classes and properties, map any unmapped properties that you have
added, and define unit of measure strings for property values using the
customIFCToR3DMapping.xls mapping template files. You can skip this section and use the
default mapping provided with SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
1. Review the IFCToR3DMapping.xls default mapping file to see the classes and properties
that are currently mapped.
2. In the CustomMappingFiles folder, make a copy of the customIFCToR3DMapping.xls file
and place it in another location.
3. Edit the custom mapping file to either modify property labels or add classes and properties.
For more information, see Edit the custom mapping template file (on page 236).
To display unit strings such as 'meters' or 'inches' with specific property values in the
translated model, you can define the Units G column in the custom mapping file. For more
information, see Set the units of measure (UoM) in custom mapping (on page 239).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 156

Create and Manage Smart Models

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.

4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.
5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.
6. Select the Target Applications to use.

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
7. Click Save to save your changes and close Project Settings.
8. (Optional) Right-click the project to select Translation Settings.
9. Click New in the Select or Create Settings Group list, and type the name to use.
Edit the Default translation settings group.

10. Select IFC in the left pane, and then set the Working Units that are the coordinate units
corresponding to the position and definition of a point in a model. For more information, see
Define Translation Settings (on page 80).
11. Click Save when you have finished defining translation settings.
12. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

13. On the Source Files grid, click Add , and then select the .ifc files to translate.
The added file displays in the Source Files grid.
14. Select each source file to use in creating the Smart Model in the Source Files grid, and
then click Translate .

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 157

Create and Manage Smart Models

Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.

15. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.
16. If you used custom mapping, set the Mapping Options to Custom and select the Mapping
Files Location of the custom PDS mapping template file you edited.
17. Click Translate.
To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
18. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)

Translate IGES source files

SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports authoring tools that export IGES files with a model size
within a valid box. A valid box is the bounding box size of any ACIS entity. If the model size
exceeds the valid box, consider remodelling to scale down the model. If the model size is
smaller than the valid box, you can remodel to scale up the model. Any error information is
placed in the SmartPlant Interop Publisher log file, if you have the Detailed Log or Summary
Log option enabled in the Project Settings dialog box.

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.

4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.
5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.
6. Select the Target Applications to use.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 158

Create and Manage Smart Models

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
7. Click Save to save your changes and close Project Settings.
8. (Optional) Right-click the project to select Translation Settings.
9. Click New in the Select or Create Settings Group list, and type the name to use.
Edit the Default translation settings group.

10. Select IGES in the left pane.

11. Set the Working Units that are the coordinate units corresponding to the position and
definition of a point in a model. For more information, see Define Translation Settings (on
page 80).
12. Click Save when you have finished defining translation settings.
13. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

14. On the Source Files grid, click Add , and then select the IGES files to translate.
The added file displays in the Source Files grid.
15. Select each source file to use in creating the Smart Model in the Source Files grid, and
then click Translate .
Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.
16. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.
17. Click Translate.
To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
18. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)
The IGES and IGS source files contain only graphics.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 159

Create and Manage Smart Models

Translate MCAD assembly files

You must have the Intergraph MCAD module installed with SmartPlant Interop
Publisher to translate MCAD source files. Contact your Intergraph representative for more
information on the MCAD module.
For MCAD assembly (.asm) files, you can select and then translate one or more sub-assembly
files. The following third-party software applications can export MCAD assembly source files:
CATIA (.CATPart and .CATProduct) - default and custom property mapping files are
available for CATIA files. Document level (part and assembly) and Instance level
user-defined properties are supported. Feature or body level user-defined properties are not
supported. For more information on mapping, see Use custom mapping for property data (on
page 233).
CREO Parametric (.prt, .prt.*, .asm, .asm.*)
SolidWorks (.sldprt, sldasm)
For a complete list of supported MCAD applications, see Supported 3D Model Formats: What
source files can I use? (on page 22).

Requirements or Considerations
Make sure the individual sub-assembly files are in the same folder as the main assembly file.

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.

4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.
5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.
6. Select the Target Applications to use.

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
(Optional) Right-click the project to select Translation Settings. SmartPlant Interop
Publisher displays the Translation Settings dialog box.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 160

Create and Manage Smart Models

7. Click New in the Select or Create Settings Group list, and type the name to use.
Edit the Default translation settings group.

8. Use the Mechanical CAD Options to defeature blends, chamfers, and holes. This simplifies
the graphics and make the resulting Smart Model faster to open in target applications. In the
figure below, Blends have been selected for defeaturing.

For more information, see Mechanical CAD (MCAD) defeaturing options (on page 86).
9. Click Save when you have finished defining translation settings.
10. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

11. On the Source Files grid, click Add , and then select the MCAD assembly .asm file to
You can only translate one MCAD assembly file at a time.
The added file displays in the Source Files grid.
12. Select the source file, and then click Translate .
13. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.
14. If you defined translation settings, select the Settings Group you defined earlier, or use the
Default group.
15. Click Part Assembly.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 161

Create and Manage Smart Models

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the part sub-assembly files contained in the assembly
file as shown in the following example.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher shades the sub-assembly files that are not in the
source folder.
16. You can translate all the part sub-assembly files or select specific files. To filter the tree view
display, type numbers, letters, or parts of file names in the Search box. When you type an
entry in the Search box, the Include/Exclude options display to further refine your search.

17. Click Translate.

To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
18. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 162

Create and Manage Smart Models

Translate MCAD files with defeaturing options

You can translate MCAD files and use the MCAD translation settings to defeature or simplify the
graphics in the source files. This allows for a faster load time when opening the resulting Smart
Models in target applications. You can defeature chamfers and blends in objects to display them
as straight edges.

You can also remove holes of a pre-defined size from objects.

The following third-party software applications export MCAD source files:
CATIA (.CATPart, .CATProduct)
CREO Parametric (.prt, .prt.*, .asm, .asm.*)
NX (.prt)
SolidWorks (.sldprt, sldasm)
Parasolid (.x_t,.x_b,.xmt_txt,and .xmt_bin)
Inventor (.ipt, .iam)
Solid Edge (.par, .asm, .psm)
For a complete list of supported MCAD applications, see Supported 3D Model Formats: What
source files can I use? (on page 22).

Requirements or Considerations
You must have the Intergraph MCAD module installed with SmartPlant Interop Publisher for
MCAD and defeaturing options to be available. Contact your Intergraph representative for
more information on the MCAD module.
Review the graphics in your source files to determine the amount of defeaturing you require
for blends and chamfers, and the number of holes to remove.

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 163

Create and Manage Smart Models

4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.

5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.
6. Select the Target Applications to use.

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
(Optional) Right-click the project to select Translation Settings. SmartPlant Interop
Publisher displays the Translation Settings dialog box.
7. Click New in the Select or Create Settings Group list, and type the name to use.
Edit the Default translation settings group.

As an example, create a new Settings Group called MCAD.

8. Click Mechanical CAD in the left pane to see the options to defeature blends, chamfers,
and holes.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 164

Create and Manage Smart Models

In the figure below, Blends have been selected for defeaturing.

For more information, see Mechanical CAD (MCAD) defeaturing options (on page 86).
9. Click Save when you have finished defining the required defeaturing options.
10. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

11. On the Source Files grid, click Add , and then select the MCAD file to translate.
The added file displays in the Source Files grid.
12. Select the source file, and then click Translate .
13. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 165

Create and Manage Smart Models

14. If you defined translation settings, select the Settings Group you defined earlier, or use the
Default group. The example below shows MCAD as the Settings Group.

15. Click Translate.

To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
16. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)

Translate MicroStation V8 .dgn file

SmartPlant Interop Publisher can translate MicroStation .dgn files so that each property label
display is converted to a standard one for all target applications. For MicroStation V8 .dgn files,
you have settings that allow you to translate reference models and one or all design models that
are in the .dgn file. These options are described in the workflow below.

Requirements and Considerations

SmartPlant Interop Publisher requires MicroStation V8 2004 Edition or later installed on the
client system performing the translations.
For MicroStation V8 .dgn files, SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports SmartSolids that are
contained in the MicroStation V8 files. SmartPlant Interop Publisher automatically processes
any MicroStation V8 file in the Files list, and changes the SmartSolid display from wireframe
to surface.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 166

Create and Manage Smart Models

SmartPlant Interop Publisher can translate tags visible in any MicroStation (1-8) view. The
software translates tags as graphic objects that can be selected in SmartPlant Review and
SmartPlant Markup, and has properties.
Use the Keep named views MicroStation translation option to allow SmartPlant Interop
Publisher to translate named views into view groups that can be displayed in SmartPlant
For any V8 .dgn files, SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports translating models of type
"design" only out of design, sheet, and drawing models. MicroStation V8.05\08.09 treats
drawing models also as design models. The following list shows V8 (and i-model) graphics
that are currently not supported by SmartPlant Interop Publisher.

S. Type Description

1 5 Group Data

2 8 Digitizer Setup Data

3 9 Design File Header if level 8

4 10 Level Symbology

5 20 not used

6 38 DgnStore Component

7 39 DgnStore Header

8 66 MicroStation Application

9 87 Raster Header

10 88 Raster Component

11 90 Raster Reference Attachment

12 91 Raster Reference Component

13 92 Raster Hierarchy Element

14 93 Raster Hierarchy Component

15 94 Raster Frame Element

16 95 Table Entry Element

17 96 Table Header Element

18 97 View Group Element

19 98 View Element

20 99 Level Mask Element

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 167

Create and Manage Smart Models

21 101 Matrix Header

22 102 Matrix Int Data

23 103 Matrix Double Data

24 107 Extended Element (non-graphic)


25 108 Reference Override Element

26 110 Named Group Header

27 111 Named Group Component

Custom Mapping (Optional)

You can include new classes and properties, map any unmapped properties that you have
added, and define unit of measure strings for property values using the
customMICROSTATIONToR3DMapping.xls mapping template files. You can skip this section
and use the default mapping provided with SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
1. Review the MICROSTATIONToR3DMapping.xls default mapping file to see the classes and
properties that are currently mapped.
2. In the CustomMappingFiles folder, make a copy of the
customMICROSTATIONToR3DMapping.xls file and place it in another location.
3. Edit the custom mapping file to either modify property labels or add classes and properties.
For more information, see Edit the custom mapping template file (on page 236).
To display unit strings such as 'meters' or 'inches' with specific property values in the
translated model, you can define the Units G column in the custom mapping file. For more
information, see Set the units of measure (UoM) in custom mapping (on page 239).

When a MicroStation V8 .dgn file has an associated .drv file in the same source folder
location, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the .drv file for the translation.

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .

From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.

4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.
5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 168

Create and Manage Smart Models

6. Select the Target Applications to use.

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
Right-click the project to select Translation Settings. SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays
the Translation Settings dialog box.
7. Click New in the Select or Create Settings Group list, and type the name to use.
Edit the Default translation settings group.

8. Select MicroStation in the left pane.

9. Select the Keep units from V8 source file option to use the coordinate units in your .dgn
source files. Otherwise, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the working units defined in the
translation settings. When you clear the option, the Working Unit boxes become available.
10. For Model Options:
a. You can turn on or off the translation of a reference model in the .dgn file.
b. Set the option to translate either the active, selected, or all design models in the .dgn
file. SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the naming convention [design model file
name]_[Smart Model name] for each generated Smart Model.
If you are selecting multiple source files to translate, the Translate each
design model separately option affects the number of Smart Models that are created.
This option causes SmartPlant Interop Publisher to create a separate Smart Model for
each design model that is in the selected V8 .dgn source file. For example, if you have
two .dgn source files with each containing two design models, then SmartPlant Interop
Publisher generates four Smart Models.
11. Select any required Display Options, which affect the way the model looks when opened
by a target application.
12. (Optional) In the Command line arguments box, type in any additional MicroStation
options to be used during translation. When SmartPlant Interop Publisher translates .dgn
files, it invokes MicroStation in the background.
13. For more information on these translation settings, see MicroStation options (on page 90).
Click Save when you have finished defining translation settings.
14. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 169

Create and Manage Smart Models

15. Select each source file to use in creating the Smart Model in the Source Files grid, and
then click Translate .
Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.
16. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.
17. Select the Settings Group you defined earlier, or use the Default group.
18. If you used custom mapping, set the Mapping Options to Custom and select the Mapping
Files Location of the customMICROSTATIONToR3DMapping.xls you edited.
19. Click Translate.
To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
20. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)
Use Model Group to organize your grid to see all Smart Models associated to a specific
MicroStation V8 source file. The Model Group column applies only to Smart Models translated
from a MicroStation V8 source file containing one or more design models with the Translate
each design model separately option selected. For more information, see MicroStation options
(on page 90).

Translate source files exported from Navisworks

SmartPlant Interop Publisher can translate files exported from Navisworks, which is a 3D design
review package.

Requirements and Considerations

You must have Autodesk Navisworks Manage or Autodesk Navisworks Simulate loaded on
your system with SmartPlant Interop Publisher to translate the .nwd and .nwf files.

Custom Mapping (Optional)

Because Navisworks supports third-party design packages, we recommend that you be familiar
with the original authoring package and file data if you are going to do custom mapping. You can
include new classes and properties, map any unmapped properties that you have added, and
define unit of measure strings for property values using the
CustomNavisworksToR3DMapping.xls mapping template file. This custom mapping template file
is based on class and property mapping for PDMS and IFC formats.
1. Review the NavisworksToR3DMapping.xls default mapping file to see the classes and
properties that are currently mapped.
2. In the CustomMappingFiles folder, make a copy of the
CustomNavisworksToR3DMapping.xls file and place it in another location.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 170

Create and Manage Smart Models

3. Edit the custom mapping file to either modify property labels or add classes and properties.
For Navisworks exported source files from originating software other than IFC or
PDMS-based formats, all elements in the source file are mapped as Generic Elements. You
can review the other available custom mapping files. You can copy the class and property
mapping provided in those files and insert them in your
CustomNavisworksToR3DMapping.xls file.
For example, if the originating software is MicroStation or AutoCAD, you can look in the
default and custom MicroStation and AutoCAD mapping files to copy any required mapping
rows, paste them into the CustomNavisworksToR3DMapping.xls file, and then modify them
as required.
For more information, see Edit the custom mapping template file (on page 236).
4. To display unit strings such as 'meters' or 'inches' with specific property values in the
translated model, you can define the Units G column in the custom mapping file. For more
information, see Set the units of measure (UoM) in custom mapping (on page 239).

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.

4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.
5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.
6. Select the Target Applications to use.

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
7. Click Save to save your changes and close Project Settings.
8. (Optional) Right-click the project to select Translation Settings.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 171

Create and Manage Smart Models

9. Click New in the Select or Create Settings Group list, and type the name to use.
Edit the Default translation settings group.

10. Use the Navisworks Options to set the working units and scaling.

11. Select Smooth object surfaces to create a higher quality model display.
Clear this option to produce a normal quality image with a faster load time in the selected
target application.
For more information, see Navisworks options (on page 94).
12. Click Save when you have finished defining translation settings.
13. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

14. On the Source Files grid, click Add , and then select the Navisworks .nwf or .nwd files to
The added file displays in the Source Files grid.
15. Select each source file to use in creating the Smart Model in the Source Files grid, and
then click Translate .
Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.
16. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.
17. Select the Settings Group you defined earlier, or use the Default group.
18. If you used custom mapping, set the Mapping Options to Custom and select the Mapping
Files Location of the CustomNavisworksToR3DMapping.xls you edited.
19. Click Translate.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 172

Create and Manage Smart Models

To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
20. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)

Translate PDMS source files

SmartPlant Interop Publisher can translate PDMS .rvm files so that each property label display
is converted to a standard one for all target applications.

Requirements and Considerations

SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports .rvm files only exported in binary mode.
For .rvm files created from PDMS 12.0 SP5 or later, obstruction objects are translated as
transparent if they are exported with Representation. Otherwise, all obstruction objects are
translated and displayed as solid graphical objects.
SPIOP only supports Cyrillic (Windows 1251) encoding. You must use Windows
codepage-based fonts.

Use the AVEVA PDMS Export Utility to Generate the 3D Model Data Files
1. Use the Export commands on the Utilities menu in AVEVA PDMS to generate a document
set containing the data to view in SmartPlant Review.
2. PDMS allows you to set export rules that configure the colors for the exported data in the
.rvm (binary only) file. To set color export rules, select the color rule class in the PDMS
Export dialog box, edit the rule class, and set the color index for each type of element in
PDMS before you export. The color rule class defines the color index is to be applied to an
element type or list of elements that meet specific criteria. PDMS allows you to assign the
RGB values for each color index. You can set the color index at a high level (for example,
colors for all pipes, all components, and so on), or at a low level (for example, different
colors for some pipes based on some pipe attributes). For more information, see your
PDMS documentation.
3. Be sure the resulting .rvm file and its associated .att or .datal file have the same base file
name so that the label database (.mdb2) can be created during the translation process.
There should be a one-to-one correspondence between the graphic objects in the
.att or .datal file and the .rvm file. The attribute information of ALL the graphic objects that
are in the .rvm file should be present in the .att or .datal file to achieve a correct grouping of
graphic objects.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 173

Create and Manage Smart Models

Custom Mapping (Optional)

You can include new classes and properties, map any unmapped properties that you have
added, and define unit of measure strings for property values using the
customPDMSToR3DMapping.xls mapping template files. You can also skip this section and use
the default mapping provided with SmartPlant Interop Publisher.

Map the PDMS pipes to the corresponding HVAC, Cable tray, and Conduit classes of Smart
3D reference data with types provided for different pipe disciplines. For example, ELEC pipe
type can be mapped to R3DCableTray class.

Primitives of pipe have the parent pipe attributes. The name of the pipe primitive would have
its parent name appended, such as in HVAC PRIMITIVE.

Pipe component type names use the parent type as the suffix. For example, a new type for
Branch (BRAN) of a pipe is PIPEBRAN. For an Elbow, the type name is PIPEELBO, and for

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 174

Create and Manage Smart Models

Pipe primitives the type would be PIPEPART, HVACPART. You can map these pipe
components in Smart 3D reference data with the types that are provided. For example,
HVACNOZZ can be mapped to the R3DHVACNozzle class, and ELECPART can be
mapped to the R3DCableTrayComponent class.

1. Review the PDMSToR3DMapping.xls default mapping file to see the classes and properties
that are currently mapped.
2. In the CustomMappingFiles folder, make a copy of the customPDMSToR3DMapping.xls file
and place it in another location.
3. Edit the custom mapping file to either modify property labels or add classes and properties.
For more information, see Edit the custom mapping template file (on page 236).
To display unit strings such as 'meters' or 'inches' with specific property values in the
translated model, you can define the Units G column in the custom mapping file. For more
information, see Set the units of measure (UoM) in custom mapping (on page 239).

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.

4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.
5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.
6. Select the Target Applications to use.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 175

Create and Manage Smart Models

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
Right-click the project to select Translation Settings. SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays
the Translation Settings dialog box.
7. Click New in the Select or Create Settings Group list, and type the name to use.
Edit the Default translation settings group.

8. Click PDMS to see the PDMS Options page to set up your PDMS translation, as you
require. For option descriptions, see PDMS options (on page 94).
9. Define the working units and scaling.
10. Set the Attribute Hierarchy that written into the .drv file to translate an .rvm file with an
associated .att file.
11. To add any new HVAC, Cable Tray, and Conduit Specs:
a. Click Add in the New box as shown in the following HVAC example:

b. Type in the new spec name, and then click anywhere outside the box.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher adds the new spec to the list. The list shows the most
recently added specs first.
12. To use custom colors:
a. Click Use custom colors.
b. Type in a new Color Index number (an integer between 0 and 271).

c. Type in the RGB syntax in the form of three comma-separated values for red, green,
and blue:
The RGB value is the percentage values for red, green, and blue. Because each range
goes from 0 to 255, 100 percent is represented by the value 1, which maps to 255. For

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 176

Create and Manage Smart Models

example, to designate the color blue, type in 0, 0, 1 to get 0, 0, 255. To designate the
color white, you would type in 1, 1, 1 to get 255, 255, 255.
d. Click Add .
The new color is added to the list. The list display order is based on the Color Index
number (lowest to highest).
13. Click Save when you have finished defining translation settings. You can create different
translation settings groups to accommodate different settings for your PDMS source files.
14. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

15. On the Source Files grid, click Add , and then select the .rvm files to translate.
The added file displays in the Source Files grid.
16. Select each source file to use in creating the Smart Model in the Source Files grid, and
then click Translate .
Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.
17. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.
18. Select the Settings Group you defined earlier, or use the Default group.
19. If you used custom mapping, set the Mapping Options to Custom and select the Mapping
Files Location of the customPDMSToR3DMapping.xls you edited.
20. Click Translate.
To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
21. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)

Translate PDS source files

SmartPlant Interop Publisher can translate PDS legacy project files and PDS-published files so
that each property label display is converted to a standard one for all target applications.
PDS legacy files are exported from all versions of PDS, however, only PDS v11.0 and earlier
exports the published files (.zvf and .xml).

Requirements and Considerations

All PDS 3D source file types must be in the input location.
PDS-published source files (.zvf + .xml + .xrg) are translated to a Smart Model .zvf project
containing .zvf, .mdb2, and .xrg files. The .xrg file must be provided for a Smart Model .zvf
project that is going to be published to SmartPlant Foundation.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 177

Create and Manage Smart Models

For referencing in Smart 3D, an .xrg file is not required.

Make sure your export does not contain duplicate linkages.

PDS Legacy Files

You can use the PDS DesignReview Integrator to generate control (.dri) files, graphics (.dgn)
files, and any Frameworks Plus (.prp) files. The database or label (.drv) files can be created
from PE-HVAC, Piping, Equipment, Structural, Raceway, and PLANTGEN models. For more
information, see the Plant Design System (PDS) DesignReview Integrator User's Guide.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides default translation settings that define relationships
between nozzles and their parent equipment, pipe parts and parent pipelines, and pipeline
delimiters. Check this information in your .dgn or .drv source files before you translate so that
you can enter the required translation settings.

PDS Published Files

The Material Data and SmartPlant Publisher utility (MDP) allows you to generate graphics (.zvf),
database (.xml), and object range information (.xrg) files. An .xrg file is required for a translated
Smart Model .zvf project that is going to be opened in SmartPlant Foundation. The Material Data
and SmartPlant Publisher uses selection set files to determine what data to publish. The MDP
interface allows you to select specific disciplines, model areas, and models within the project to
publish, and to save different sets of models in separate selection set files. For more
information, see the Material Data Publishing Workflow and Working in an Integrated
Environment topics in the Plant Design System (PDS) Material Data and SmartPlant Publisher
User's Guide.

Custom Mapping (Optional)

You can include new classes and properties, map any unmapped properties that you have
added, and define unit of measure strings for property values using the custom PDS mapping
template files.
For translating PDS-published files (.zvf, .xml, and .xrg), use PDSToR3DMapping.xls and
customPDSToR3DMapping.xls template files. For PDS legacy files (.dri, .dgn, and .drv), use
PDSLegacyToR3DMapping.xls and customPDSLegacyToR3DMapping.xls template files.
1. Review the PDSToR3DMapping.xls or PDSLegacyToR3DMapping.xls default mapping file
to see the classes and properties that are currently mapped.
2. Make a copy of the customPDSToR3DMapping.xls or
customPDSLegacyToR3DMapping.xls file located in the CustomMappingFiles folder, and
place it in another folder location.
3. Edit the custom mapping file to either modify property labels or add classes and properties.
For more information, see Edit the custom mapping template file (on page 236).
To display unit strings such as 'meters' or 'inches' with specific property values in the
translated model, you can define the Units G column in the custom mapping file. For more
information, see Set the units of measure (UoM) in custom mapping (on page 239).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 178

Create and Manage Smart Models

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.

4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.
5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.
6. Select the Target Applications to use.

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
7. Click Save to save your changes and close Project Settings.
Right-click the project to select Translation Settings. SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays
the Translation Settings dialog box.
8. Click New in the Select or Create Settings Group list, and type the name to use.
Edit the Default translation settings group.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 179

Create and Manage Smart Models

9. For PDS published files, select the Schema file (PDSComponent.xml) and Relationship
Mapping file (RelationshipMapping.txt) provided by PDS. You can edit these configuration
files before translation, or use their default settings.
For PDS legacy files, make sure the Nozzle Parent Identifier, Piping Component Parent
Identifier, and Pipeline Number Delimiter settings match the settings listed in the PDS
source files being translated. SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides the following default

You can create different translation settings groups to accommodate different settings for
your PDS source files.
10. (Optional) If you are having problems publishing your PDS legacy files because of duplicate
linkages, select Resolve duplicate linkages. Otherwise, do not select the option. For more
information, see PDS 3D options (on page 96).
11. Click Save when you have finished defining translation settings.
12. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

13. On the Source Files grid, click Add , and then select either the PDS legacy source .dri
files or published .zvf file.

For either PDS-generated file type, make sure all data and graphics files are in the
same folder on your system.
For published PDS files, you must include the .xrg file in the same folder as the .zvf file
if your target application is SmartPlant Foundation.
The added file displays in the Source Files grid.
14. Select each source file to use in creating the Smart Model in the Source Files grid, and
then click Translate .
Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.
15. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.
16. Select the Settings Group you defined earlier, or use the Default group.
17. If you used custom mapping, set the Mapping Options to Custom and select the Mapping
Files Location of the custom PDS mapping template file you edited.
18. Click Translate.
To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
19. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 180

Create and Manage Smart Models

Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)

Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)

Translate PlantSpace source files

SmartPlant Interop Publisher can translate PlantSpace .dgn files so that each property label
display is converted to a standard display for all target applications. Additionally, for any
MicroStation-based .dgn files, you have settings that allow you to translate reference models
and one or all design models that are in the .dgn file.

Requirements and Considerations

PlantSpace can have a mapping .xml file with the source .dgn file that contains all the property
information. Any custom properties added to the PlantSpace .dgn file are placed in this
corresponding .xml file.
To support custom properties, you must replace the default PlantSpace DGN V8 Attributes
Mapping.xml file in SmartPlant Interop Publisher with the PlantSpace .xml file corresponding to
the .dgn file.
1. Make a copy of your PlantSpace mapping .xml file, and then rename it to PlantSpace DGN
V8 Attributes Mapping.xml.
2. Go to [Drive]:\[SmartPlant Interop Publisher Install Folder], locate the delivered default
PlantSpace.xml file, and then replace it with your custom .xml file.
3. Make sure you have a Component Type property in the .xml file; otherwise, the software
translates your property class as generic.
4. You can now either use the default PlantSpace mapping delivered with SmartPlant Interop
Publisher or use custom mapping spreadsheets to show additional properties in a target

Custom Mapping (Optional)

You can include new classes and properties, map any unmapped properties that you have
added, and define unit of measure strings for property values using the
CustomPlantSpaceToR3DMapping.xls mapping template files.
Skip this section and use the default mapping provided with SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
1. Review the PlantSpaceToR3DMapping.xls default mapping file to see the classes and
properties that are currently mapped.
2. In the CustomMappingFiles folder, make a copy of the
CustomPlantSpaceToR3DMapping.xls file, and place it in another location.
3. Edit the custom mapping spreadsheet file to either modify property labels or add classes
and properties. For more information, see Edit the custom mapping template file (on page

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 181

Create and Manage Smart Models

To display unit strings such as 'meters' or 'inches' with specific property values in the
translated model, you can define the Units G column in the custom mapping file. For more
information, see Set the units of measure (UoM) in custom mapping (on page 239).

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.

4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.
5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.
6. Select the Target Applications to use.

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
7. Click New in the Select or Create Settings Group list, and type the name to use.
Edit the Default translation settings group.

8. Because PlantSpace is a MicroStation-based application, select MicroStation in the left

9. For Model Options:
a. You can turn on or off the translation of a reference model in the .dgn file.
b. Set the option to translate either the active, selected, or all design models in the .dgn
file. SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the naming convention [design model file
name]_[Smart Model name] for each generated Smart Model.
If you are selecting multiple source files to translate, the Translate each
design model separately option affects the number of Smart Models that are created.
This option causes SmartPlant Interop Publisher to create a separate Smart Model for
each design model that is in the selected V8 .dgn source file. For example, if you have

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 182

Create and Manage Smart Models

two .dgn source files with each containing two design models, then SmartPlant Interop
Publisher generates four Smart Models.
10. Select any required Display Options. These options the way the model looks when opened
by a target application.
11. Click Save when you have finished defining translation settings. For more information on
these translation settings, see MicroStation options (on page 90).
12. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

13. Select each source file to use in creating the Smart Model in the Source Files grid, and
then click Translate .
Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.
14. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.
15. Select the Settings Group you defined earlier, or use the Default group.
16. If you used custom mapping, set the Mapping Options to Custom and select the Mapping
Files Location of the CustomPlantSpaceToR3DMapping.xls you edited.
17. Click Translate.
To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
18. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 183

Create and Manage Smart Models

Translate Smart 3D source files

You can translate .vue files from Smart 3D so that each property label display is converted to a
standard one for all target applications. You can translate a .vue file from Smart 3D that
represents a portion of a plant and then insert it into another Smart 3D model as 3D reference
For your Smart 3D source files, you must set up a 3D Model Data component and then use the
Save as SmartPlant Review command in the Smart 3D Drawings and Reports task to generate
the .vue and .xml source file for SmartPlant Interop Publisher. You can also use SPRDirect to
generate .vue files. For more information, see Translate .vue files from SPRDirect (on page
The following information provides the requirements and basic steps in going from Smart 3D to
SmartPlant Interop Publisher. The Help topics that correspond to the step are also listed.

Smart 3D
1. Define Your workspace. For more information on defining the workspace, see the Smart 3D
Common User's Guide.
2. Create a 3D Model Data component. When you create this component:
a. Create filters that specify the objects required for your output .vue file.
b. Right-click the component and select Properties. Then go to the Style tab to make sure
the Coordinate System property is set appropriately so that the software passes the
Plant Monument Coordinate Offset correctly to the .vue file.
c. Set any required surface styles rules and aspects.
d. Set the locations for the .vue and .xml files.
3. Select the Generate SmartPlant Review output (.vue file) option.
For more information on the 3D Model Data component, see Setup a 3D Model Data
Component in the Smart 3D Intergration Guide.
4. Review the property data listed in the P3DComponent.xml file. The P3DComponent.xml file
contains the data schema in the generated .xml file. If you added custom classes or
properties, use the Smart 3D Schema Editor to validate that the data conforms to the
SmartPlant schema. For more information, refer to Validate Schemas in the SmartPlant
Schema Editor User's Guide.

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.
3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.
4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.
5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 184

Create and Manage Smart Models

6. Select the Target Applications to use.

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
7. Right-click on the project to select Translation Settings.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Translation Settings dialog box.
8. Click New in the Select or Create Settings Group list, and type the name to use.
Edit the Default translation settings group.

9. Click Smart 3D in the left-hand side of the dialog box.

10. For Schema, select the folder containing the P3DComponent.xml file that is associated to
the generated .vue file. The software uses this file to obtain the property definitions and to
decipher the contents of the label files published from Smart 3D.
11. If you edited the MapClassIdToLevelDisciplines.txt and RelationshipMapping.txt
configuration files, browse to select their locations.
12. For translation to Portal target applications, you can select one or more pre-defined Smart
3D aspects for data translation. By default, SmartPlant Interop Publisher selects and
translates all aspects from Smart 3D source files for review in an Intergraph Portal
13. Save your translation settings.
14. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

15. On the Source Files grid, click Add , and then select the .vue file.
Each added source file displays in the Sources grid view.
16. Select each source file to use in creating the Smart Model in the Source Files grid, and
then click Translate .
Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.
17. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.
Define the translation options as required.
18. Click Translate.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 185

Create and Manage Smart Models

To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
19. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)

Translate .vue files from SPRDirect

You can translate .vue files from Smart 3D so that each property label display is converted to a
standard one for all target applications. The following information provides the requirements and
basic steps in going from Smart 3D SPRDirect to SmartPlant Interop Publisher. The Help topics
and product document that correspond to the step are also listed.

Make sure that the .vue, .mdb, and .mdb2 files are in the same folder location.

Smart 3D
1. Copy the following to the .xml folder in your current symbol share folder from its installed
2. Bulkload the SPRDirect catalog additions (upgrade only).
3. Optionally, add a custom label, surface style rule, or aspect:
a. Use the Smart 3D Label Editor to create custom labels and label rules.
b. Edit the ReportSettings.txt configuration file to add any new labels, surface style rules,
and aspects.
4. Optionally, edit the MapClassIDToLevelDisciplines.txt file to change discipline names or
assign different levels to disciplines.
SmartPlant Review reserves Level 1 for unmapped components. You can use
Find Level 1 to find all your unmapped components (if any). Thus, SmartPlant Review
increments by one the level numbers specified in the Smart 3D mapping file (either the
legacy MapComponentsToDisciplines.txt file or the replacement
MapClassIdToLevelDisciplines.txt file). For example, the P3DCable component is specified
as Level 1 but displays inside SmartPlant Review as Level 2. Change the P3DCable
component to be specified as Level 0 to have it mapped to Level 1.
5. Create and run the SPRDirect Report using the S3DtoSPRDirect spreadsheet report.
The software generates the .vue, .mdb, and .mdb2 files.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 186

Create and Manage Smart Models

Custom Mapping (Optional)

You can include new classes and properties, map any unmapped properties that you have
added, and define unit of measure strings for property values using the
customSPRDirectToR3DMapping.xls mapping template files. You can skip this section and use
the default mapping provided with SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
1. Review the SPRDirectToR3DMapping.xls default mapping file to see the classes and
properties that are currently mapped.
2. Make a copy of the customSPRDirectToR3DMapping.xls file located in the
CustomMappingFiles folder, and place it in another folder location.
3. Edit the custom mapping file to either modify property labels or add classes and properties.
For more information, see Edit the custom mapping template file (on page 236).
4. To display unit strings such as 'meters' or 'inches' with specific property values in the
translated model, you can define the Units G column in
customSPRDirectToR3DMapping.xls, For more information, see Set the units of measure
(UoM) in custom mapping (on page 239).
5. For publishing to SmartPlant Foundation, check the publish mapping in the SmartPlant
Schema Editor to make sure they match the classes and properties you added. If not, you
must add the new classes and properties using the Schema Editor. For more information,
see Edit the UIDs (on page 240) and then Check publish mapping for SmartPlant
Foundation (on page 241).
6. For attachment as a Reference 3D model, add the new classes and properties to the
schema file CustomR3DSchema.xls. A template file is delivered with Smart 3D.
7. Move your modified custom mapping file to another folder location such as in the same
folder structure as your source files or projects. You must do this so that at the next product
upgrade, your changes are not removed when the SmartPlant Interop Publisher install
overwrites the CustomMappingFiles folder contents.

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.

4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.
5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 187

Create and Manage Smart Models

6. Select the Target Applications to use.

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
7. Right-click on the project to select Translation Settings.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Translation Settings dialog box.
8. Click New in the Select or Create Settings Group list, and type the name to use.
Edit the Default translation settings group.

9. Click Smart 3D in the left-hand side of the dialog box.

10. For translation to Portal target applications, you can select one or more pre-defined Smart
3D Aspects for data translation. By default, SmartPlant Interop Publisher selects and
translates all aspects from Smart 3D source files for review in an Intergraph Portal
11. Save your translation settings.
12. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

13. On the Source Files grid, click Add , and then select the .vue file. Although you are just
selecting the .vue file in SmartPlant Interop Publisher to translate, make sure that the .vue,
.mdb, and .mdb2 files are all in the same folder location.
The .vue file displays in the Source Files grid.
14. Select each source file to use in creating the Smart Model in the Source Files grid, and
then click Translate .
Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.
15. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Model.
16. If you used custom mapping, set the Mapping Options to Custom and select the Mapping
Files Location of the customSPRDirectToR3DMapping.xls you edited.
17. Click Translate.
To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
18. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 188

Create and Manage Smart Models

Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)

Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)

Translate XMpLant source files

SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports files exported from authoring tools that implement the
XMpLant open standard technology.

Custom Mapping (Optional)

You can include new classes and properties, map any unmapped properties that you have
added, and define unit of measure strings for property values using the custom PDS mapping
template files.
For translating XMpLant files (.xml and .drv), use XMPlantToR3DMapping.xls and
customXMPlantToR3DMapping.xls template files.
1. Review the XMPlantToR3DMapping.xls default mapping file to see the classes and
properties that are currently mapped.
2. Make a copy of the customXMPlantToR3DMapping.xls file located in the
CustomMappingFiles folder, and place it in another folder location.
3. Edit the custom mapping file to either modify property labels or add classes and properties.
For more information, see Edit the custom mapping template file (on page 236) and Map an
XMpLant Name Against an Existing Name (on page 191).
To display unit strings such as 'meters' or 'inches' with specific property values in the
translated model, you can define the Units G column in the custom mapping file. For more
information, see Set the units of measure (UoM) in custom mapping (on page 239).

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. If you are not in the Projects view, click Projects.

3. Select or create a project to use in the grid.

4. Right-click the project, and then select Project Settings.
5. Use the default settings, or make any required changes.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 189

Create and Manage Smart Models

6. Select the Target Applications to use.

Selecting just the target application you require can produce a faster translation
time. SmartPlant Interop Publisher only generates files required for the selected target.
7. Click Save to save your changes and close Project Settings.
8. Click Models to go back to the Models view.

9. On the Source Files grid, click Add , and then select the .drv files to translate.
The added file displays in the Source Files grid.
10. Select each source file to use in creating the Smart Model in the Source Files grid, and
then click Translate .
Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple source files.
11. If you used custom mapping, set the Mapping Options to Custom, and then select the
Mapping Files Location of the custom mapping template file you edited.
12. Click Translate.
To schedule the translation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
13. Open the Smart Models you created in the target applications:
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Applications (on page 204)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 190

Create and Manage Smart Models

Map an XMpLant Name Against an Existing Name

Change an existing name in the mapping file:
Suppose the XMPlant schemas name "Cylinder" has been changed to "Pipe" and the "Height"
name has been changed to "Hieght". You can edit the mapping file with the corresponding
changes and save it. The following example shows these changes:

Add a new discipline in the mapping file:

You can accommodate a new discipline, if you choose. For example, the "DISCIPLINES"
category contains an entity with the class name "GAnyDiscipline". As shown in the following
example, a "class" called "GAnyDiscipline" accommodates any new discipline:

A default set of attributes are already listed under this entity; however, User Attributes
cannot be added to this list.
As another example, a new discipline called "HVACSection" can be edited in the mapping file
and saved to look as follows:

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 191


Create and Manage Smart Drawings

Use commands in the Drawings view to add, organize, and translate 2D drawing source files to
Smart Drawings.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher and drawing source file translation require:
SmartPlant License Manager (SPLM) Client and Server 2012
SmartPlant Interop Publisher translation license (SRP)

In This Section
Use Drawing Source Files ........................................................... 192
Work with Smart Drawings .......................................................... 196
Access Drawings in SmartPlant Foundation ................................ 199

Use Drawing Source Files

Add, remove, and organize source files from Intergraph applications for Smart Drawing
translation. See Supported Drawings Formats (on page 27) for more information on file types.

Source Files Grid (Drawings View)

Allows you to add, remove, and translate source files in the current project.

Source Files Toolbar

Add Selects one or more source files. For more information, see Add
drawing source files (on page 193).

Remove Removes one or more selected source files. If you create a Smart
Drawing and then remove the corresponding source file, you lose
the link between the two. You can no longer update the Smart
Drawing without the source file. For more information, see
Remove drawing source files (on page 194).

Translate Converts the selected source file formats to Smart Drawing

formats. For more information, see Translate to Smart Drawings
(on page 194).

Displays the file name.
Displays the path to the location of the file.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 192

Create and Manage Smart Drawings

Source File Type

Displays the type of source file.
To show or hide columns, right-click in a column header to open the shortcut menu. Check the
titles of the columns to remain displayed and clear those to be hidden.
To change the name and path for source files, you must use Windows Explorer.
Remove the old filename in SmartPlant Interop Publisher, and then add the updated file back
into SmartPlant Interop Publisher.

What do you want to do?

Add drawing source files (on page 193)
Remove drawing source files (on page 194)
Translate to Smart Drawings (on page 194)

Add drawing source files

1. Use the [site database name]_General project provided with SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
This project is available only if you selected the option to create a default project the first
time you opened SmartPlant Interop Publisher or created a new site database.
From the Projects menu, select a project you created.

For more information on setting up projects, see Organize Your Work with Projects (on page
2. If you are not in the Drawings view, click Drawings.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Drawings view.

3. On the Source Files grid, click Add .
Right-click in the Source Files grid, and then click Add.
4. Select the .sha source files to use, and then click Open.

Use SHIFT+ or CTRL+ key combinations to select multiple files.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 193

Create and Manage Smart Drawings

Make sure the .sha and associated data and metadata .xml files are in the same folder.
Each added source file displays in the Source Files grid.
See Also
Translate to Smart Drawings (on page 194)

Remove drawing source files

1. Select the project containing the source files to remove.
2. From the Drawings view, use CTRL+ or SHIFT+ to select one or more source files, and
then click Remove .
Select the source file in the Source Files grid, and then press DELETE.
Right-click on the source file, and then click Remove.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher removes the source files from the grid and from the project.

The Smart Drawings translated from those files are not removed, and the source files
are not deleted from the system. However, you cannot update the Smart Drawings
without the source files available in the grid.
You can use the Add command to bring deleted source files back into a project. You
must remove any corresponding Smart Drawings in the Smart Drawings grid, and then
re-translate the source files to set up a new source file-to-Smart Drawing association.

Translate to Smart Drawings

The process of creating Smart Drawings involves opening a project, adding source files, and
then translating them. You can create Smart Drawings for review in an Intergraph web portal
application or SmartPlant Foundation. SmartPlant Foundation allows Intergraph applications
such as SmartPlant Markup Plus or SmartPlant Construction access to the drawings.
The steps below show you how to translate source files into Smart Drawings. You can choose to
translate your source files now, or you can schedule the translation for a later time.
When you translate files, SmartPlant Interop Publisher establishes a
relationship between the Smart Drawing in the Smart Drawing grid and the files making up the
Smart Drawing subfolders. If any of the Smart Drawing files are deleted or moved, the Smart
Drawing cannot be edited, updated, or revised. You must delete the Smart Drawing and
translate the source files again.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 194

Create and Manage Smart Drawings

1. Use the default project ([site database name]_General) provided with SmartPlant Interop
Publisher. This project is available only if you selected the configure option to create a
default project the first time you opened SmartPlant Interop Publisher or created a new site
database. For more information on configuration, see Configure a site database (on page
Select an existing project from the Projects menu.

For more information on setting up projects, see Organize Your Work with Projects (on page
2. If you are not in the Drawings view, click Drawings.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Drawings view.

3. Select the source files to use, and then click Translate .
For more information on source files in the grid, see Add drawing source files (on page 193).
4. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type a name and location for the Smart Drawing.
5. Define the remaining translation options as required, and then click Translate.
To schedule the translation to a later time, click Schedule. For more information on
scheduling, see Schedule a job (on page 208).
The Translate button in the dialog box is not active if you enter any invalid files or
file locations.
In the Smart Drawings grid, the created Smart Drawing displays with its Translation
Status set to Complete. If problems are encountered, a Failed status displays in the
column. The software automatically creates a [Smart Drawing name].log file in the
translation destination Dwg subfolder.
6. Publish the Smart Drawing to SmartPlant Foundation and Intergraph Portal targets.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 195

Create and Manage Smart Drawings

Work with Smart Drawings

Use commands in the Smart Drawings toolbar and grid to create, add, remove, and modify
Smart Drawings.

Smart Drawings Grid

Allows you to add, remove, update, and publish Smart Drawings to SmartPlant Foundation. The
grid shows the status of each Smart Drawing.

Smart Drawings Toolbar

Add Selects one or more Smart Drawings. For more information, see Add
Smart Drawings (on page 197).

Remove Removes one or more selected Smart Drawings. For more

information, see Remove a Smart Drawing (on page 198).

Update Updates the selected Smart Drawings. Use this command to update
Smart Drawings when the corresponding source files have changed.
For more information, see Update Smart Drawings (on page 198).

Schedule Schedules a Smart Drawing to be updated once or at a recurring time.

Update For more information, see Schedule a Smart Model update job (on
page 211).

SmartPlant Provides integrated commands listed below. The commands are

enabled when you register your project with SmartPlant Foundation.

Revise Creates a revision for the Smart Drawing with Major and Minor
revision sets, depending on the selected revision scheme in
SmartPlant Foundation. You must revise the Smart Drawing before
publishing. For more information, see Configuring Different
Revision Scheme Strategies in the How to Configure Document
Management guide.

Publish Publishes and loads the selected Smart Drawing data into SmartPlant

If any commands are inactive, refer to Troubleshooting (on page 290) for more

The column information represents Smart Drawing properties. You can drag a column header
and drop it to change the display order and grouping. To show or hide columns, right-click in a
column heading to open the shortcut menu. Check the titles of the columns to remain displayed
and clear those to be hidden.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 196

Create and Manage Smart Drawings

What do you want to do?

Add Smart Drawings (on page 197)
Remove a Smart Drawing (on page 198)
Update Smart Drawings (on page 198)
Schedule a translation job (on page 210)
Schedule a Smart Drawing update job (on page 215)

Add Smart Drawings

You can add existing Smart Drawings to a project at any time. This allows you to share Smart
Drawings within multiple projects.
1. Use the default project ([site database name]_General project provided with SmartPlant
Interop Publisher.
Select a project you created from the Projects menu. For more information on creating
projects, see Organize Your Work with Projects (on page 64).
2. If you are not in the Drawings view, click Drawings.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Models view.

3. On the Smart Drawings grid, click Add to select the Smart Drawing file.
Right-click in the Smart Drawings grid, and then click Add.
Each added Smart Drawings displays in the Smart Drawings grid.
To update the Smart Model, you must open the project containing the Smart Drawing
and its related source files, and then click Update . You cannot update a Smart Drawing that
does not have related source files in the Source Files grid.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 197

Create and Manage Smart Drawings

Remove a Smart Drawing

1. Select the project containing the Smart Drawings to remove.
2. From the Drawings view, use CTRL+ or SHIFT+ to select one or more Smart Drawings
from the grid, and then click Remove .
Select one or more Smart Drawings in the Smart Drawings grid, and then press DELETE.
Right-click the Smart Drawing, and then click Remove.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher removes the Smart Drawings from the grid and from the
project. The source files used to create the Smart Models are not removed and display in
the Source Files grid.
The resulting Smart Drawing files are not removed. To completely remove them
from your system, you must remove the Smart Drawing from SmartPlant Interop Publisher
and manually delete all the generated files.

If you did not remove the generated project files from your translated Smart Drawing
location, you can use the Add command to bring deleted Smart Drawings back into a
If you select the source files and translate again, you are prompted to assign a new name to
the generated Smart Drawing. SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not overwrite the Smart
When you remove a Smart Drawing that has been published to SmartPlant Foundation, the
Smart Drawing displays in the Terminate list in the Find Documents to Publish dialog box.
You can no longer update the document. Select the Smart Drawing in the list to remove it
from SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see Terminate a Published Smart
Drawing (on page 202).

Update Smart Drawings

When you change the source files for Smart Drawings, you must run the Update command on
the Smart Drawings first, and then re-publish them to SmartPlant Foundation.
1. Select the project containing the corresponding Smart Drawing to update.
2. Modify the source files as required, or copy the modified source files into the current source
file location.
3. Click Drawings to go to the Drawings view.
4. Select the Smart Drawing to update in the Smart Drawings grid.
5. Click Update to update the drawing immediately.
Click the Update drop-down menu, and then select Schedule Update.
6. From the Schedule Update dialog box, create a job and select the date, time, and
frequency for the update. For more information, see Schedule Jobs (on page 205).
7. (Optional) Click Revise to create a new revision. Unless the change affects your revision
scheme, you do not have to run the Revise command before publishing.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 198

Create and Manage Smart Drawings

8. Click Publish to send the Smart Drawing back to SmartPlant Foundation, which
automatically increments the version of the Smart Drawing document.
See Also
Revise Smart Drawings (Optional) (on page 199)
Publish Smart Drawings (on page 200)

Access Drawings in SmartPlant Foundation

SmartPlant Foundation provides management of a plant's engineering information,
encompassing the plant's design, configuration, modifications, upgrades, and refurbishment. In
an integrated environment, it allows this data to be shared between applications and users.
When revised and published to SmartPlant Foundation, Smart Drawings are then managed as
documents, and can be accessed by other integrated applications. SmartPlant Foundation
documents are database objects with attached files that follow a controlled life cycle.
Applications such as SmartPlant Markup Plus and SmartPlant Construction can access the
drawing data from the SmartPlant Foundation warehouse.
For any translation of Smart Models or Smart Drawings to be published to SmartPlant
Foundation, there is a limitation of 600,000 objects in a file.
For the commands related to SmartPlant Foundation to be active, you must register your project
to a SmartPlant Foundation database. For more information, see Register with SmartPlant (on
page 75). You must also have the following software installed on your system:
SmartPlant Interop Publisher Adapter to SmartPlant Foundation license
SmartPlant Client
SmartPlant Schema Component
For Smart Drawings in SmartPlant Foundation, you can:
Revise Smart Drawings (Optional) (on page 199)
Publish Smart Drawings (on page 200)
Terminate a Published Smart Drawing (on page 202)
View Smart Drawings in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 202)

Revise Smart Drawings (Optional)

Access SmartPlant Foundation revisioning to create a Major and optional Minor revision for a
Smart Drawing, depending on the revision schemes that are defined in SmartPlant Foundation.
Unlike Smart Models, you do not have to revise a Smart Drawing to publish it. You can use the
revision information in the metadata file generated by Smart 3D. If you use this file revision
information, the Revision columns in the Smart Drawings grid are not populated.
The steps below describe how to modify Major and Minor revision data using the revisioning
schema defined in SmartPlant Foundation.
This command is not available for the following conditions:
If you are not registered with SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see
Register with SmartPlant (on page 75).
If you do not have the License Manager client installed on the same computer on which
SmartPlant Interop Publisher is installed.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 199

Create and Manage Smart Drawings

If you do not have the SIP (SmartPlant Interop Publisher Adaptor to SmartPlant
Foundation) license.
1. Select the project containing the Smart Drawings to open.
2. From the Drawings view, select the Smart Drawings, and then click Revise .
Use CTRL+ or SHIFT+ to select multiple Smart Drawings.
3. (Optional) If you have a password set up to SmartPlant Foundation, you need to login. The
SmartPlant Foundation Login dialog box can also display if you do not have a SmartPlant
Foundation account. Type your User name and Password, and then click OK.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Revise dialog box.
4. If this is the first time to revise your Smart Drawing and a revision scheme has not yet been
defined, select the revision scheme to use from the Revision Scheme list.
Only revision schemes that are applicable to the configuration (plant) or
classification (document type) are available in the shortcut menu. The revision schemes
related to a configuration or classification are not available for any other configurations or
classifications. For more information on revision scheme configuration, see Configuring
Different Revision Scheme Strategies in the SmartPlant Foundation How to Configure
Document Management guide.
5. In the Revise in Tool section, select the next available major and minor revision numbers.
6. Set other required options indicated by asterisks (*) in the Revise dialog box.
7. Click OK.
The document is saved to the model database. The software creates a revision record by
adding it to the document Revision properties and reserves the revision number.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher updates the SPF Document Major Revision, SPF Document
Minor Revision, and Revision Status columns in the Smart Drawings grid.
8. You can publish the Smart Drawing to SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see
Publish Smart Drawings (on page 200).

Publish Smart Drawings

A publish to SmartPlant Foundation performs the following:
Publishes a visual representation of the Smart Drawing that can be used in connecting
applications such as SmartPlant Construction.
Publishes associated data, depending on workflow approval. If the data is approved and
loaded, it is used for reporting and subsequent retrieval by downstream applications when
the authoring tools retrieve the latest data.
Places the published files in the appropriate SmartPlant Foundation vault.
To allow the selection of items associated to correlated Smart Drawings and Smart Models in
SmartPlant Foundation, you must publish the Smart Models first and then make sure the publish
and load tasks have been completed in SmartPlant Foundation. Then publish and load the
related Smart Drawings.
After you have published Smart Drawings for the first time, new versions and revisions are
created for subsequent publishing. Unlike Smart Models, you do not have to revise Smart
Drawings to do a first-time publish. Also, if you have made changes to drawing source files or

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 200

Create and Manage Smart Drawings

registered your project to a different database, you must run the Update command on the
corresponding Smart Drawings first, and then re-publish them to SmartPlant Foundation.
To publish when you select both SmartPlant Foundation and Portal targets, SmartPlant
Interop Publisher requires a SmartPlant Foundation version that supports portal file types. Refer
to the Readme file delivered with your installed version of SmartPlant Foundation for support
information. If you do not have a required version, the publish to SmartPlant Foundation
operation continues, but it does not publish portal files.
This command is not available for the following conditions:
If you are not registered with SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see
Register with SmartPlant (on page 75).
If you do not have the License Manager client installed on the same computer on which
SmartPlant Interop Publisher is installed.
If you do not have the SmartPlant Interop Publisher Adaptor to SmartPlant Foundation
(SIP) license.
1. Select the project containing the Smart Drawings to publish.
2. From the Drawings view, select the drawing in the Smart Drawing grid.

Use CTRL+ or SHIFT+ to select multiple Smart Drawings.

You must have a successful Smart Drawing translation before you can publish.
3. From the Smart Drawing grid, click Publish .
4. If you have a password set up to SmartPlant Foundation, you need to log in. Type in your
User name and Password, and then click OK.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Publish dialog box. When multiple documents are
selected, only property values shared by all of the selected documents appear in the table.
Changing a value in the table changes that value for all of the selected documents.
5. Set the Workflow to AutoLoadPublish so that the document is loaded automatically into
SmartPlant Foundation. Otherwise, it remains in the queue.
From Operation, select Scheduled Publish to publish the Smart Drawing at a later time.
For more information, see Schedule a publish to SmartPlant Foundation job (on page 216).
6. Click OK to publish the selected Smart Drawings.
SmartPlant Foundation provides a message to let you know if the publish was successful.
You can look at the generated log file.
If you select multiple Smart Drawings and some of them that have not been revised
using the SmartPlant Foundation revision scheme, the software prompts you to either use
an open tool revision scheme for all selected Smart Drawings and clear the SPF revision
scheme, or cancel publishing.
7. Click Find > Published Data Documents, and search for your published Smart Drawing
8. Check the Data Load status to make sure the document has been published and loaded
successfully and not queued before you can open it.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 201

Create and Manage Smart Drawings

Terminate a Published Smart Drawing

When you remove a Smart Drawing that has been published to SmartPlant Foundation, the
drawing displays in the Terminate list in the Find Documents to Publish dialog box. To
remove or terminate a Smart Drawing, use the Find Documents to Publish command, and
then check each drawing document to remove.
1. From the Projects view, select the project containing the Smart Drawings to terminate.
2. Right-click to select Find Documents to Publish.
3. Log in to SmartPlant Foundation. Type your User name and Password, and then click OK.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Find Documents to Publish dialog box.

4. From the Terminate list, select the Smart Drawings to remove. You can quickly select the
entire list by clicking Select All, or clear the entire list by clicking Clear All.
5. Click OK to accept the selections.

View Smart Drawings in SmartPlant Foundation

When you have revised and published to SmartPlant Foundation, you can use the Desktop
Client Files > View and Markup command to view the drawing. If SmartPlant Markup Plus is
installed on your client computer, the file displays inside the View and Markup window. For
more information about using SmartPlant Markup Plus, see the SmartPlant Markup Plus Help.
1. Right-click the document revision of the drawing to open in the tree or list view, and then
click Files > View and Markup.
2. Use the drawing view controls on the toolbar to zoom in or out, fit, pan, and magnify different
3. To view properties for an object in the Properties window, click Select , and then click
the object in the file.

If the Properties window is not visible, click View > Properties on the Desktop Client
menu bar to display it before you click the object in the view file.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 202

Create and Manage Smart Drawings

To view details for an object, right-click the object and click Details.
4. To see additional information and actions pertaining to a selected object, right-click the
object in the View and Markup window and use the shortcut menu.
If you register your project to a different database or change anything in the Smart Drawing
source files that have been published to SmartPlant Foundation, use the SmartPlant Interop
Publisher Update command, and then use the Publish command to send the updated drawing
document to SmartPlant Foundation.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 203

Open Smart Models and Drawings in
Portal Applications
When you select Portal as the target, you are generating Smart Model and Smart Drawing files
that can be viewed in an Intergraph web-based viewing application. Follow the installation and
setup instructions provided by the portal application. Some portal applications require the Smart
Model or Drawing to be in SmartPlant Foundation for access. The portal application gives you
access to the generated files to view 3D models or 2D drawings.
Refer to topics in your Intergraph portal application Help for more information on accessing
Smart Model and Drawing data, and then navigating through the 3D model.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 204


Schedule Jobs
SmartPlant Interop Publisher works with the Intergraph Batch Services program to support
scheduling the following job types:
Translating source files to Smart Models and Smart Drawings
Updating Smart Models and Smart Drawings
Publishing Smart Models and Smart Drawings to SmartPlant Foundation

Schedule Jobs Work Process Diagram

You can access the scheduling options through the Translate , Update , and SmartPlant >
Publish commands in the Models and Drawings views. You have the option to schedule
SmartPlant Interop Publisher jobs to run once or at regular intervals. If you choose to run jobs at
regular intervals, additional recurring job frequency controls are provided. When you have
scheduled jobs, you can use the Job Manager to review, modify, and delete scheduled jobs. For
more information, see Edit Scheduled Jobs (on page 219).

Any changes to batch settings or any scheduled jobs related to SmartPlant Interop Publisher
using the Intergraph Batch Services application can directly affect job status and SmartPlant
Interop Publisher scheduling performance.
You can configure the Run Limit option in the Intergraph Batch Services product to define
the number of jobs that can be run simultaneously when using scheduling.

Translation and Update Scheduling

You can schedule the translation of source files. For source files that get updated at timed
intervals, the corresponding Smart Models or Smart Drawings can be scheduled for updating.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 205

Schedule Jobs

Any source files that have been updated causes SmartPlant Interop Publisher to automatically
update them at the next scheduled time.

Publish to SmartPlant Foundation Scheduling

You can schedule a Smart Model and Smart Drawing publish to SmartPlant Foundation. If you
have not revised the Smart Model or Smart Drawing, the software prompts you to revise when
you set up the publish schedule. You can schedule a publish job to run once or at regular

What do you want to do?

Configure batch services account mappings (on page 206)
Set the Batch Services job run limit (on page 207)
Schedule a job (on page 208)
Schedule a recurring job (on page 218)

Configure batch services account mappings

If you did not set up account mapping during Batch Services installation, follow the steps
provided in this section.
Batch Services requires an account name and password to use when running jobs. The process
of determining the account name to use is called account mapping. You can use Batch Manager
to enter and modify account-mapping information for your system. An account mapping entry
comprises two parts: the user information to match (the from user), and whom that user maps
to (the to user). Account mapping entries allow users submitting a job to assume the
environment and permissions of the user to whom they are mapped.
To perform account mapping, the batch server tries to match the job owner with an account
mapping entry, using the following order (items are listed on the account mapping dialog box in
the order in which they are applied):
1. The batch server first tries to find an exact match, matching the job owners domain or
computer name and username with the from user in the account mapping entries.
2. If the batch server cannot find an exact match, the batch server then searches the account
mapping entries using the job owners domain or computer name, with * (meaning any
user) as the username.
3. If no match is found, the batch server then searches the account mapping entries using *
(meaning any computer or domain) as the domain name, with the job owners username.
4. Finally, if a match still has not been found, the batch server searches with * as the domain
name and * as the username.

Configure Account Mapping

In the Map To Account Domain/Host box listed below, you can give the domain and user
name for the person submitting the batch job. For example, to run all batch jobs as a single
user, type * for Account Domain/Host and the User.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 206

Schedule Jobs

1. Click Start > All Programs > Intergraph Smart Batch Services > Intergraph Batch
2. Select the computer name in the tree view.
3. Select Server > Account Mapping.
4. Type * for the Map From Account Domain/Host and the User.
5. In the Map To Account Domain Controller box, type the name of the domain controller.
The primary domain controller name displays as the default.
6. In the Map To Account Domain/Host box, select the domain of the Windows user account
you want to run jobs as.
7. In the Map To Account User box, type the user name to use.
8. Click Add.
9. Type and confirm the password for the "to account" user name.
10. Click OK.

Create and Configure a Desktop Folder

You must create a desktop folder and make sure all the designated account mapping users
have access to the folder for scheduling translations.
1. Create a 'Desktop' folder in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile and
2. Check the folder permissions to make sure access is available to the account mapping

Set the Batch Services job run limit

1. Click Start > All Programs > Intergraph Batch Services > Intergraph Batch Manager.
2. Select the computer name in the tree view.
3. Select the batch queue.
4. Select Queue > Properties.
Batch Manager displays the Queue Properties.
5. On the General tab, make sure Disable Job Inflow while Running Job is not selected.

6. Click Scheduling.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 207

Schedule Jobs

7. Set the Run Limit, which defines the number of jobs that can run simultaneously. The
allowable range is 1-60. The default setting is 1.

Schedule a job
You can schedule a translation, update, or publish operation to run once or at regular intervals.
This section describes the scheduling options and provides the basic workflow using the
Schedule dialog box.

If the Schedule button is not available (dimmed), then check your installed version of
Intergraph Batch Services. SmartPlant Interop Publisher requires version 2010 SP1 HF
When scheduling jobs to run on a mapped network drive, you must use the Universal
Naming Convention (UNC) file path. This applies to all file locations such as the source file,
Smart Model, and mapping files locations you must enter in Smart Model translation and
project settings.

Schedule Options
Job Name
Specifies a name for the translation job.
Queue Name
Specifies the queue to which the translation job is submitted. If you do not have any
batch queues set up, SmartPlant Interop Publisher creates a default queue called
PublisherBatchQ. If the queue is not created, create a queue with that name.
Start Date

Specifies the day when the schedule starts. Enter the day, or click the Calendar to
select a date.
Start Time
Specifies the time when the job runs. Enter the time, or click Time for an hourly
Specifies the end date for a recurring translation job. End options are not applicable for
a job scheduled to run once.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 208

Schedule Jobs

Schedules a job to run a certain number of times.
No End Date
Sets up a recurring job that runs indefinitely.
Specifies the frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly) to run a translation job.
Scheduling options specific to each frequency type display. For example, when Weekly
is selected, the weekly occurrence time and each week day displays.

Set up the Scheduled Job

Access to the Schedule dialog box depends on the operation type. For detailed steps on how to
schedule each operation, see:
Schedule a translation job (on page 210)
Schedule a Smart Model update job (on page 211)
Schedule a Smart Drawing update job (on page 215)
Schedule a publish to SmartPlant Foundation job (on page 216)
1. On the Schedule dialog box, type a Job Name.
2. For the Queue Name, select the queue name from the Intergraph Batch Services server to
which the job is submitted. If you do not have any batch queues set up, SmartPlant Interop
Publisher creates a default queue called PublisherBatchQ.
To create a queue, you must be an administrator on the computer running
SmartPlant Interop Publisher. Also, if the User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, you must
run SmartPlant Interop Publisher as an administrator to create a queue.
3. Set the Start Date and Start Time to run the translation job.
4. Set the Recurrence option to Once.
Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
5. Set the End date to select the last date of the job to run.
Enter the number of Occurrences to run the translation job based on the defined Start Date
and Time.
Click No end date to run the job indefinitely.
6. Click Schedule Job.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 209

Schedule Jobs

7. Click the Job Manager view to see all your scheduled jobs for the current project. You can
edit or remove schedules from this view. For more information, see Edit Scheduled Jobs (on
page 219).

Schedule a translation job

Follow the steps below to schedule a translation job to run once or at regular intervals. If the
source files associated to the Smart Model or Smart Drawing have not been changed or
updated, then SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not perform the translation at the scheduled
If the Schedule button is not available (dimmed), then check your installed version of
Intergraph Batch Services. SmartPlant Interop Publisher requires version 2010 SP1 HF
1. On the Models view, add the required source files to the Source Files grid, and click
Translate .
2. Set the translation options, and then click Schedule.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Schedule Translate dialog box with the current
date and time.

3. Type a Job Name.

4. For the Queue Name, select the queue name from the Intergraph Batch Services server to
which the job is submitted. If you do not have any batch queues set up, SmartPlant Interop
Publisher creates a default queue called PublisherBatchQ.
To create a queue, you must be an administrator on the computer running
SmartPlant Interop Publisher. Also, if the User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, you must
run SmartPlant Interop Publisher as an administrator to create a queue.
5. Set the Start Date and Start Time to run the translation job.
6. Set the Recurrence option to Once.
Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 210

Schedule Jobs

7. Set the End date to select the last date of the job to run.
Enter the number of Occurrences to run the translation job based on the defined Start Date
and Time.
Click No end date to run the job indefinitely.
8. Click Schedule Job.
9. Click the Job Manager view to see all your scheduled jobs for the current project. You can
edit or remove schedules from this view. For more information, see Edit Scheduled Jobs (on
page 219).

Schedule a Smart Model update job

Follow the steps below to schedule a Smart Model update. You can schedule an update to run
once or at regular intervals. If the source files associated to the Smart Model have not been
updated, then SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not perform the update at the scheduled time.
This allows for more efficient use of your system resources.
Also, if you register your project to a different database, make changes to Smart Model
properties, translation settings, or project settings, but do not make any changes to the source
files, SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not perform the scheduled update. In these cases, you
must select the Smart Model in the Models view, run Update , and then click Update.
If the Schedule button is not available (dimmed), then check your installed version of
Intergraph Batch Services. SmartPlant Interop Publisher requires version 2010 SP1 HF
1. On the Models view, select the Smart Model to schedule.
2. Click Update .
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Update Smart Model dialog box.

3. On the Update dialog box, change any of the options to be used for the .update, and then
click Schedule.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 211

Schedule Jobs

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Schedule Update dialog box with the current
date and time.

4. Type a Job Name.

5. For the Queue Name, select the queue name from the Intergraph Batch Services server to
which the job is submitted. If you do not have any batch queues set up, SmartPlant Interop
Publisher creates a default queue called PublisherBatchQ.
To create a queue, you must be an administrator on the computer running
SmartPlant Interop Publisher. Also, if the User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, you must
run SmartPlant Interop Publisher as an administrator to create a queue.
6. Set the Start Date and Start Time to run the translation job.
7. Set the Recurrence option to Once.
Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
8. Set the End date to select the last date of the job to run.
Enter the number of Occurrences to run the translation job based on the defined Start Date
and Time.
Click No end date to run the job indefinitely.
9. Click Schedule Job.
10. Click the Job Manager view to see all your scheduled jobs for the current project. You can
edit or remove schedules from this view. For more information, see Edit Scheduled Jobs (on
page 219).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 212

Schedule Jobs

Schedule a Composite Smart Model update job

You can schedule an update to run once or at regular intervals. When you update a Composite
Smart Model project, the software updates all .vue files contained in that project.
If the Schedule button is not available (dimmed), then check your installed version of
Intergraph Batch Services. SmartPlant Interop Publisher requires version 2010 SP1 HF
1. On the Models view, select the Composite Smart Model (.svf) file in the Smart Models grid.
2. Click Update .
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Update Smart Model dialog box.
3. On the Update Smart Model dialog box, clear Keep Project Database to generate a new
project (.mdb) database.

4. To change translation settings that are applied to all the related Smart Models in the
Composite Smart Model, set Keep original Smart Model to No, and then change any of
the remaining translation options. Otherwise, click Yes. For more information on the options,
see Update (on page 133).
If you selected No, the software updates the .svf file and all associated Smart Model .vue
files. If you selected Yes, the software updates the .svf file and any out-of-date Smart Model
.vue files.
5. Click Schedule.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 213

Schedule Jobs

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Schedule Update dialog box with the current
date and time.

6. Type a Job Name.

7. For the Queue Name, select the queue name from the Intergraph Batch Services server to
which the job is submitted. If you do not have any batch queues set up, SmartPlant Interop
Publisher creates a default queue called PublisherBatchQ.
To create a queue, you must be an administrator on the computer running
SmartPlant Interop Publisher. Also, if the User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, you must
run SmartPlant Interop Publisher as an administrator to create a queue.
8. Set the Start Date and Start Time to run the translation job.
9. Set the Recurrence option to Once.
Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
10. Set the End date to select the last date of the job to run.
Enter the number of Occurrences to run the translation job based on the defined Start Date
and Time.
Click No end date to run the job indefinitely.
11. Click Schedule Job.
12. Click the Job Manager view to see all your scheduled jobs for the current project. You can
edit or remove schedules from this view. For more information, see Edit Scheduled Jobs (on
page 219).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 214

Schedule Jobs

Schedule a Smart Drawing update job

Follow the steps below to schedule a Smart Drawing update. You can schedule an update to run
once or at regular intervals. If the source files associated to the Smart Drawing have not been
updated, then SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not perform the update at the scheduled time.
This allows for more efficient use of your system resources.
Also, if you register your project to a different database, but do not make any changes to the
source files, SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not perform the scheduled update. In these
cases, you must select the Smart Drawing in the Models view, run Update , and then click
If the Schedule button is not available (dimmed), then check your installed version of
Intergraph Batch Services. SmartPlant Interop Publisher requires version 2010 SP1 HF
1. On the Drawings view, select the Smart Drawing to schedule.
2. Click the Update drop-down menu, and select Schedule Update.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Schedule Update dialog box with the current
date and time.

3. Type a Job Name.

4. For the Queue Name, select the queue name from the Intergraph Batch Services server to
which the job is submitted. If you do not have any batch queues set up, SmartPlant Interop
Publisher creates a default queue called PublisherBatchQ.
To create a queue, you must be an administrator on the computer running
SmartPlant Interop Publisher. Also, if the User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, you must
run SmartPlant Interop Publisher as an administrator to create a queue.
5. Set the Start Date and Start Time to run the translation job.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 215

Schedule Jobs

6. Set the Recurrence option to Once.

Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
7. Set the End date to select the last date of the job to run.
Enter the number of Occurrences to run the translation job based on the defined Start Date
and Time.
Click No end date to run the job indefinitely.
8. Click Schedule Job.
9. Click the Job Manager view to see all your scheduled jobs for the current project. You can
edit or remove schedules from this view. For more information, see Edit Scheduled Jobs (on
page 219).

Schedule a publish to SmartPlant Foundation job

Follow the steps below to schedule a publish to SmartPlant Foundation job to run once or at
regular intervals.
If the Schedule button is not available (dimmed), then check your installed version of
Intergraph Batch Services. SmartPlant Interop Publisher requires version 2010 SP1 HF
1. When the Smart Model or Smart Drawing has a Complete translation status, select the
model or drawing in the grid, and then click Publish .
2. If you have a password set up to SmartPlant Foundation, you need to login. Type in your
User name and Password, and then click OK.
If you have not performed a revision, the software prompts you to set revision
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Publish dialog box.
3. Set the Owning Group.
This option is available in SmartPlant Foundation version 5.1 and later.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 216

Schedule Jobs

4. Select Scheduled Publish for the Operation.

5. Click OK to continue.
SmartPlant Foundation displays the Batch Publish dialog box.
6. Use the default settings, and click OK.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Schedule Publish dialog box.
7. Type in a Job Name.
8. For the Queue Name, select the queue name from the Intergraph Batch Services server to
which the job is submitted. If you do not have any batch queues set up, SmartPlant Interop
Publisher creates a default queue called PublisherBatchQ.
To create a queue, you must be an administrator on the computer running
SmartPlant Interop Publisher. Also, if the User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, you must
run SmartPlant Interop Publisher as an administrator to create a queue.
9. Set the Start Date and Start Time to run the translation job.
10. Set the Recurrence option to Once.
Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
11. Set the End date to select the last date of the job to run.
Enter the number of Occurrences to run the translation job based on the defined Start Date
and Time.
Click No end date to run the job indefinitely.
12. Click Schedule Job.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 217

Schedule Jobs

13. Click the Job Manager view to see all your scheduled jobs for the current project. You can
edit or remove schedules from this view. For more information, see Edit Scheduled Jobs (on
page 219).

Schedule a recurring job

Follow the steps below to set up a translation, update, or publishing operation to perform on a
specific day and time on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.
If the Schedule button is not available (dimmed), then check your installed version of
Intergraph Batch Services. SmartPlant Interop Publisher requires version 2010 SP1 HF
Access to the Schedule dialog box depends on the operation type. For details steps on how to
schedule each operation, see:
Schedule a translation job (on page 210)
Schedule a Smart Model update job (on page 211)
Schedule a publish to SmartPlant Foundation job (on page 216)
1. On the Schedule dialog box, type a Job Name.
2. For the Queue Name, select the queue name from the Intergraph Batch Services server to
which the job is submitted. If you do not have any batch queues set up, SmartPlant Interop
Publisher creates a default queue called PublisherBatchQ.
3. Set the Start Date and Start Time to run the translation job.
4. Set the required Recurrence options.
5. Set the End date to select the last date of the job to run.
Enter the number of Occurrences to run the translation job based on the defined Start Date
and Time.
Click No end date to run the job indefinitely.
6. Click Schedule Job.
7. Click the Job Manager view to see all your scheduled jobs for the current project. You can
edit or remove schedules from this view. For more information, see Edit Scheduled Jobs (on
page 219).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 218


Edit Scheduled Jobs

The Job Manager view shows the jobs you have scheduled for the current project.

From the Job Manager, you can perform the following:

Run a job immediately (on page 219)
Edit a schedule (on page 219)
Remove a schedule (on page 221)

Run a job immediately

The Run Job command allows you to run any selected job in the Job Manager grid. This
operation does not change the scheduled run time. You can either edit or remove the schedule if
you do not require it to be run at a later time.
If Run Job is not available (dimmed), then make sure you have Intergraph Batch
Services installed on the system performing the scheduling. For more information, see the
Requirements topics in the SmartPlant Interop Publisher Installation and Setup Guide.
1. Go to the Job Manager view.

2. Select the jobs in the grid, and then click Run Job .
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays a status message when the jobs are submitted.
See Also
Edit a schedule (on page 219)
Schedule a job (on page 208)

Edit a schedule
Follow the steps below to change the job name and edit the schedule for a translation, update,
or publish job. Select and edit just one job at a time in the Job Manager view.
If Edit is not available (dimmed), make sure you have Intergraph Batch Services
installed on the system performing the scheduling. For more information, see the Requirements
topics in the SmartPlant Interop Publisher Installation and Setup Guide.

Schedule Options
Job Name
Specifies a name for the translation job.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 219

Edit Scheduled Jobs

Queue Name
Specifies the queue to which the translation job is submitted. If you do not have any
batch queues set up, SmartPlant Interop Publisher creates a default queue called
PublisherBatchQ. If the queue is not created, create a queue with that name.
Start Date

Specifies the day when the schedule starts. Enter the day, or click the Calendar to
select a date.
Start Time
Specifies the time when the job runs. Enter the time, or click Time for an hourly
Specifies the end date for a recurring translation job. End options are not applicable for
a job scheduled to run once.
Schedules a job to run a certain number of times.
No End Date
Sets up a recurring job that runs indefinitely.
Specifies the frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly) to run a translation job.
Scheduling options specific to each frequency type display. For example, when Weekly
is selected, the weekly occurrence time and each week day displays.

1. Go to the Job Manager view.

2. Select the job to edit in the grid, and then click Edit .
3. To change the job name, type the new name in Job Name.
4. For the Queue Name, select the queue name from the Intergraph Batch Services server to
which the job is submitted. If you do not have any batch queues set up, SmartPlant Interop
Publisher creates a default queue called PublisherBatchQ.
5. Set the Start Date and Start Time to run the job.
6. Set the Recurrence option to Once to run the job one time.
Set options to make it a Daily, Weekly, or Monthly recurring job.
7. Click Schedule Job.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 220

Edit Scheduled Jobs

8. Click Job Manager to see all your scheduled jobs for the current project. You can edit or
remove schedules from this view. For more information, see Edit Scheduled Jobs (on page
See Also
Remove a schedule (on page 221)
Schedule a job (on page 208)

Remove a schedule
Follow the steps below to remove one or more scheduled jobs. When you remove a job, it is
also removed from Intergraph Batch Services.
1. Go to the Job Manager view.

2. Select the jobs to delete, and then click Remove .

SmartPlant Interop Publisher removes the selected jobs from the grid, and removes the job
from Batch Services.
See Also
Edit a schedule (on page 219)
Schedule a job (on page 208)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 221

Move, Rotate, and Scale (Transform)
Smart Models
You can set the rotation angles, scale factor, and move vectors to transform or define the
position of your Smart Model when reviewed in an Intergraph target application. If you have an
assembly of smaller Smart Models that make up a larger plant or ship site, this feature allows
you to place the model in its required location within that site. The coordinate values you enter
are related to the Global Coordinate system.

Smart 3D < SmartPlant Interop Publisher > SmartPlant Review Transformation

If you have both SmartPlant Review and Smart 3D applications, you can change transformation
settings in one application, and then see the resulting change in the other through SmartPlant
Interop Publisher.

What do you want to do?

Transform a Smart Model in SmartPlant Interop Publisher (on page 223)
Review and change transformations in SmartPlant Review (on page 225)
Review and change transformations in Smart 3D (on page 226)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 222

Move, Rotate, and Scale (Transform) Smart Models

Transform a Smart Model in SmartPlant Interop

Follow the steps below to set the move, rotate and scale factor for a single Smart Model or
Smart Models that make up a streaming .vue file (.svf) project. While defining the destination
coordinates, keep in mind that they are relative to the reference origin (where the model started
1. Use the default project ([site database name]_General) provided with SmartPlant Interop
Publisher. This project is available only if you selected the configure option to create a
default project the first time you opened SmartPlant Interop Publisher or created a new site
database. For more information on configuration, see Configure a site database (on page
Select an existing project from the Projects menu.

2. If you are not in the Models view, click Models.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Models view.

3. In the Smart Models grid, select a Smart Model.
The Smart Model row is highlighted.
Changing the Reference Origin
4. You can change the reference origin coordinates. The Move transform operation works as
an offset relative to the reference origin (the model start position). Double-click in the
columns below and type coordinates to change the reference origin.
Reference Origin East - Specifies the distance east to position the reference 3D
Reference Origin North - Specifies the distance north to position the reference 3D
Reference Origin Elevation - Specifies the elevation distance to position the reference
3D model.
Reference Point Units - Specifies the units of measure (inches or meters) for the
coordinates. The default is inches (in).
Defining the Move Transformation Settings
5. In the Destination Type column, type one of the values below:

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 223

Move, Rotate, and Scale (Transform) Smart Models

Delta Value - Defines an offset from the current position by a specified amount from the
reference origin.
Delta Direction - Defines an offset from the current position by a specified distance and
bearing from the reference origin.
Absolute - Defines the exact destination or no offset from the reference original of the
moved display set (not an offset).
6. Type values for the Destination Value (1-3) columns. The required values are determined
by the Destination Type that is selected.
For Absolute, specify the exact destination values:
Destination Value 1 = East
Destination Value 2 = North
Destination Value 3 = Elevation
For Delta Value, specify the destination delta or offset values:
Move Destination Value 1 = East delta
Move Destination Value 2 = North delta
Move Destination Value 3 = Elevation delta
For Delta Direction, specify the delta direction values:
Move Destination Value 1 = Distance
Move Destination Value 2 = Bearing angle
Move Destination Value 3 = Elevation angle
7. Move Destination Point Units - Specifies the units of measure (inches or meters) for the
destination type. The default is meters (m).
Defining the Rotate Transformation Settings
For the rotation, the reference origin is adjusted internally by the move deltas you
specified above as the Move Destination Type.
8. Double-click in the columns below and type coordinates (in degrees) to rotate the model.
Side (East) Rotation Angle - Specifies the angle in the east direction to rotate the
Front (North) Rotation Angle - Specifies the angle in the north direction to rotate the
Plan (Elevation) Rotation Angle - Specifies the angle in the elevation or Z axis to
rotate the model.
Defining the Scale Factor
9. In the Scale Factor column, type a uniform scale factor.
The specified move and/or rotate information is not scaled by the scale factor.
10. When you finish defining the transformation settings for each Smart Model, you can now
open or load each in your selected target applications.
Click Update if you have already opened the Smart Model in any of the target applications.
Then you must update (Smart 3D) or re-open the Smart Model (SmartPlant Review) to get
the transformation settings.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 224

Move, Rotate, and Scale (Transform) Smart Models

See Also
Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 127)
Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)

Review and change transformations in SmartPlant

When you define the transformation properties in SmartPlant Interop Publisher for Smart Models
or for SVF project files containing Smart Models, you can open the Smart Model .vue file in
SmartPlant Review and check the transformation settings. SmartPlant Review automatically
reads in the settings.
You need to have SmartPlant Review installed on the same machine as SmartPlant
Interop Publisher.
1. Use the default project ([site database name]_General) provided with SmartPlant Interop
Publisher. This project is available only if you selected the configure option to create a
default project the first time you opened SmartPlant Interop Publisher or created a new site
database. For more information on configuration, see Configure a site database (on page
Select an existing project from the Projects menu.

2. If you are not in the Models view, click Models.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Models view.

3. In the Smart Models grid, select the Smart Model and set up your transformation settings.
See Transform a Smart Model in SmartPlant Interop Publisher (on page 223).
4. With the Smart Model selected, click Open in SmartPlant Review .
Go to the folder containing the Smart Model project files, and then double-click the
generated .vue, .svf, or .zvf file.
SmartPlant Review opens. By default, SmartPlant Review automatically applies any
transformation (move, scale and rotation) settings when loading the file the first time after
the project database is created.
5. Click Edit > File Position > Information tab to see the current minimum and maximum
north, east, and elevation values for the model.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 225

Move, Rotate, and Scale (Transform) Smart Models

6. To change the model position, set options in the Move, Rotate, and Scale tabs in the Edit
File Position dialog box.

7. When you are finished, click Transform in the Information tab, and then click OK to close
the dialog box.
For more information, see the Move, Rotate, and Scale a Model section in the SmartPlant
Review Help.
8. (Optional) If you have the same Smart Model attached as a reference 3D model in Smart
3D, open Project Management and update the attachment so that you can see the new
transformation settings coming from SmartPlant Review.
9. To see any transformation changes made in SmartPlant Review in SmartPlant Interop
Publisher, close and then re-open SmartPlant Interop Publisher, or you can switch to
another project and then switch back to update the Smart Models grid values.

Review and change transformations in Smart 3D

When you define the transformation properties in SmartPlant Interop Publisher for Smart
Models, you can open the session file containing the attached Smart Model, check the
transformation settings, and modify the transformation settings.
The steps below outline the basic workflow in using Smart 3D to review Smart Models as
Reference 3D data. For more detailed information about working with attached Reference 3D
model data, see the Reference 3D Model section in the Smart 3D Project Management User's

Review Transformation Settings

You need to have Smart 3D installed on the same machine as SmartPlant Interop
1. Select the project containing the Smart Models to attach in Smart 3D.
2. From the Models view, select the Smart Model, and set up your transformation settings.
See Transform a Smart Model in SmartPlant Interop Publisher (on page 223).
3. Attach the generated .zvf Smart Model project file as a Reference 3D model in Smart 3D.
See Attach and review in Smart 3D (on page 128)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 226

Move, Rotate, and Scale (Transform) Smart Models

4. Open the session file in Smart 3D containing the attached Smart Model, and look at the
positioning of the Smart Model. Use the Reference 3D filter property to see just the
attached Smart Model.

Change Transformation Settings

You can make changes to the Smart Model transformation settings in Smart 3D. Your edits are
reflected back in SmartPlant Interop Publisher, and in SmartPlant Review if you are looking at
the same Smart Model.
1. From Project Management, select the Smart Model (Reference 3D model) to modify in the
tree view.
2. Open the Properties dialog box using one of the following methods:
Click Properties on the toolbar.
Click Edit > Properties in the toolbar.
Right-click to open the context menu and click Properties .
3. Modify the transformation settings properties.

4. Check the Reference 3D Model data has been updated... (files added, removed, or
modified) option.
5. Click OK.
The software rescans all subfolders listed in the path; then, it updates individual .vue files
within the File Path.
6. Reopen the session file containing your Smart Model to see the changes.
If you are also using SmartPlant Review to look at the same Smart Model, your
changes are shown there as well. To see the edits, you may need to close each application
and then re-open them. For more information, see Review and change transformations in
SmartPlant Review (on page 225).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 227

Configure Mapping to Control Model
Mapping ensures a meaningful translation of data display and property labeling from authoring
tool source files through SmartPlant Interop Publisher and out to SmartPlant Enterprise
applications SmartPlant Review, Smart 3D, and SmartPlant Foundation. For graphics display in
SmartPlant Review of CAD-based models, you can map levels. All translation mapping is done
through the use of Excel-based (.xls) mapping files.
Although SmartPlant Review and Smart 3D target applications can display unmapped
properties, you can set up mapping for data consistency. For SmartPlant Foundation, mapping
is required to show custom properties you have in your source files.

Mapping Options
Property Data Mapping:
Default - Use the delivered mapping files available for several format types. The mapping
file provides the definition of classes, interfaces, properties, and mappings for a basic set of
items common to the specified authoring tool data sets. The default location for these files is
[Install drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher\3DInteropMappingFiles.
Do not edit the default mapping files. These files are delivered with each
release of SmartPlant Interop Publisher, so any edits you make are overwritten unless you
move the files before you upgrade.
Custom - Use mapping files that can overwrite or extend the delivered default mapping to
include new classes and properties, or map any unmapped properties. SmartPlant Interop
Publisher provides template mapping files that can be populated with your required mapping
information. Each delivered template mapping file corresponds to a default mapping file of
the same data source type. For example, to map data from PDMS, the
PDMSToR3DMapping.xls default mapping file, and the CustomPDMSToR3DMapping.xls
template mapping file are provided. Modify the CustomPDMSToR3DMapping.xls.
Generic - Use a generic mapping file named GenericToR3DMapping.xls. To accommodate
a wide variety of authoring tools, SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports .drv files written to
Intergraph-defined specifications. Any authoring tool that can generate a .drv file can be
supported in SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
Graphics Level Mapping:
For CAD-based source files, SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides a level mapping option
that maps graphics levels in the source files to levels in SmartPlant Review. During
translation, SmartPlant Interop Publisher looks in the designated mapping folders if custom
or generic mapping was specified, and reads both the property mapping and level mapping

What do you want to do?

Review Key Mapping Concepts (on page 229)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 228

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

Use your existing custom and generic mapping files (on page 231)
Review the delivered mapping files (on page 231)
Use custom mapping for property data (on page 233)
Use generic mapping for property data (on page 244)
Use level mapping for graphics (on page 251)

Review Key Mapping Concepts

During a source file-to-Smart Model translation, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses mapping files
to convert the properties assigned to each model object so they can be displayed in target
applications. The conversion, or mapping, that is done takes an object property from the
authoring tool data and maps it to the same or a similar property in the target applications.

Data Terms
Data Hierarchy
Defines the overall data structure used by Intergraph target applications. This hierarchy is
shown in the figure below.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 229

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

Represents a group of data that has the same characteristics.
Contains a collection or group of related properties.
Defines a model design entity such as a pump or a valve.
Lists the characteristics of an object.
Specifies a unique identifier for data objects in a class. You can edit or add your own UID
values. We recommend that you use the same UID value for objects throughout the life of the
project work to support certain key functionalities in SmartPlant Foundation, SmartPlant Review,
and Smart 3D target applications. For example, for Smart 3D Reference 3D data, the Exclude
and Include commands require the unique identification of the objects across Reference 3D
updates in Project Management. If the UID for the same object changes or matches with
another existing object after an update, the Exclude behavior might not get applied as expected.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher (SPIOP) and SmartPlant Schemas

Data is organized into classes, which are groups of objects that share common properties.
Properties are attributes that characterize classes. The SPIOP schema provides the
class-to-class and interface/property-to-interface/property relationships and mapping supported
for SmartPlant Review, Smart 3D, and web portal target applications. For SmartPlant
Foundation, which provides integration to other Intergraph products, additional mapping is
required to map classes, interfaces, and properties from SmartPlant Interop Publisher to the
SmartPlant Foundation schema (also referred to as EFSchema). This process involves updating
the delivered SPIOPToolMap.xml file with any schema modifications.

Mapping Tools and Methods

Intergraph provides mapping spreadsheet files, a GenerateMappingTool utility, a reference
mapping file, and a Schema Component Editor that allow you to work with your data so that it
can be displayed as you require in the Intergraph target applications. Depending on the
complexity of your data and the level of mapping you require, you can use some or all the
available tools. The remaining sections describe these tools for custom and generic mapping.

Level Mapping for SmartPlant Review

For CAD-based model data from applications such as MicroStation and AutoCAD, SmartPlant
Interop Publisher allows you to map graphics levels to those in SmartPlant Review. The
SmartPlant Review Main view is composed of 63 identically-sized overlay planes called levels.
Levels can be thought of as stacked panes of glass with specific graphics on each pane. For
example, a model can be designed with handrails, platforms, and ladders all on separate levels.
You can view each level in SmartPlant Review by turning on the individual level, or you can view
the complete model by turning on all the levels. SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides a level
mapping template file that you can modify.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 230

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

Use your existing custom and generic mapping files

If you have custom or generic mapping files that you have created, you can use them with
SmartPlant Interop Publisher. In the project settings, or when you translate a Smart Model,
select the folder containing your mapping files.
During translation, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses your custom mapping file and the
corresponding default mapping file.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher Data Translation = Customized Template mapping file + Default
Mapping file
The customized template mapping takes precedence over the default mapping file. This allows
you to add or overwrite any delivered default mappings. Properties can be omitted if the default
property interfaces are not realized by the actual custom mapped class. For SmartPlant Review
level mapping, the custom and generic template level mapping files override any translation
settings for MicroStation and AutoCAD source files defined in Project Settings or Translate
Settings groups.
If you have existing mapping files containing numeric attributes, you must change the
cell format of the columns in your mapping file to Text so that numeric values are considered as
See Also
Translate to Smart Models (on page 114)

Review the delivered mapping files

SmartPlant Interop Publisher delivers a set of format-specific default mapping files and
corresponding custom mapping template files. The default installation folder for these files is
[Install drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher\3DInteropMappingFiles.
In cases where there are duplicate unmapped properties, SmartPlant Interop
Publisher translates the file and appends an incremented number for each duplicated property.
For example, a file containing a pipe that has unmapped properties "spec", "Spec", and "SPEC",
SmartPlant Interop Publisher translates the properties to "spec", "Spec1", and "SPEC2",

Default Mapping File

Maps the source classes and properties to those of the Intergraph target applications. Default
mapping files for many of the common authoring tools are available. You can use the mapping
that is already defined in the default mapping files, or create your own custom file to work as an
extension or supplement to the default mapping files. The default mapping files are read only
and should not be modified.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 231

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

Example: PDMSToR3DMapping.xls

Custom Mapping Template File

Provides the framework for entering additional classes and properties that are not mapped in the
default mapping file. SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the custom template file and the
corresponding default mapping file for translation. However, the custom template file takes
precedence over the default mapping file so that you can overwrite any delivered default
Make a copy of the custom mapping template files you are using and place them in a
different folder location. For your convenience, SmartPlant Interop Publisher automatically
creates a \3DInteropMappingFiles\CustomMappingFiles subfolder under your defined shared
content location that can contain your custom mapping files.

Generic Mapping Template File

Provides the framework for entering classes and properties for authoring tools not in the
currently-supported list, but that can export source data files to a standard .drv format. Generic
mapping capability extends support to a wider variety of authoring tools.
Make a copy of the generic mapping template file you modify and place it in a
different folder location. For your convenience, SmartPlant Interop Publisher automatically
creates a \3DInteropMappingFiles\GenericMappingFiles subfolder under your defined shared
content location that can contain your generic mapping files.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 232

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

Level Mapping Template Files

Use levels to control the graphics being translated by specifying which levels contain the
graphics in the resulting Smart Model .vue files. Use SmartPlant Review to see the .vue files
and turn on or off specific levels as you analyze the model. Levels currently apply to SmartPlant
Review standalone or opened in SmartPlant Foundation. The levels mapping file, shown below,
resides in the custom and generic mapping folders created during SmartPlant Interop Publisher

Provides a list of all classes, interfaces, and properties that Intergraph target applications
support. The Schema sheet provides the class-to-class and
interface/property-to-interface/property mapping for SmartPlant Review and Smart 3D. For
SmartPlant Foundation, additional mapping is needed to map classes, interfaces, and properties
from SmartPlant Interop Publisher to SmartPlant Foundation, which is listed in the
SPFMappings sheet. Use this file only as a reference when you are custom mapping. By
default, this file is delivered in [drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher.

Use custom mapping for property data

A custom mapping template file allows you to include new classes and properties, map any
unmapped properties, and define unit of measure strings for property values in the translated
Smart Models. SmartPlant Interop Publisher delivers a set of format-specific default mapping
files and corresponding custom mapping template files. The template files can be populated or
customized with your required information. During translation, SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses
your custom template file and the corresponding default mapping file.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher Data Translation = Customized template mapping file + Default
mapping file
During translation, the customized template mapping file takes precedence
over the default mapping file. This allows you to add or overwrite any delivered default
mappings. Properties can be omitted if the default property interface are not realized by the
actual custom mapped class.

Custom Mapping Property Data Example

To illustrate how custom and default mapping files work together, we can use an example case
in PDMS data with a source class called STRU, which can represent a ladder, a beam, a wall,

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 233

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

and so forth. We can map this source class to the CR3DGenericStructure class in the PDMS
default mapping file. In your custom mapping file, STRU is mapped to CR3DMemberPart, which
is listed in SPIOPSchema.xlsx.
Custom mapping (CustomPDMSToR3DMapping.xls):

Source Class Target Class

STRU CR3DMemberPart

Default mapping (PDMSToR3DMapping.xls):

Source Class Target Class

STRU CR3DGenericStruct

STRU have properties A, B, C, and D.

Custom mapping:

Source Target Interface Target Property


A IJR3DDimensionDat Length

B IJR3DDimensionDat Height

Default mapping:

Source Target Interface Target Property


C IJNamedItem Name

When the resulting PDMS Smart Model is translated with the above mapping files, the
properties display in the two classes.

Length Mapped property from custom

Height Mapped property from custom

Name Mapped property from default

D Unmapped property

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 234

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

Custom Mapping for Smart 3D Work Process Diagram

Custom Mapping for SPF Work Process Diagram

Process Overview
The general work process for modifying and then using the template mapping files is shown
1. Review the available default mapping files and see if one is available for your data type. The
corresponding custom mapping template files have the prefix Custom. As an example, for
PDMS data, look at the CustomPDMSToR3DMapping.xls template file. Its corresponding
default mapping file is PDMSToR3DMapping.xls.
If you do not see a default mapping file for your particular data format, you can
use generic mapping. For more information, see Use generic mapping for property data (on
page 244).
2. Copy the custom mapping template file to a different folder location, and then edit the file by
adding new classes and properties. Properties are case sensitive. We also recommend
making a backup of your custom file.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 235

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

See Edit the custom mapping template file (on page 236).

To display unit strings such as 'meters' or 'inches' with specific property values in the
translated model, you can create a custom mapping file and define the Units column,
For more information, see Set the units of measure (UoM) in custom mapping (on page
When you save your .xls mapping file, make sure you save the file as an .xls file; do not
save it as an .xlsx file. SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not support spreadsheet
mapping files with the .xlsx extension.
3. For publishing to SmartPlant Foundation, check the publish mapping in the SmartPlant
Schema Editor to make sure they match the classes and properties you added. If not, you
must add the new classes and properties using the Schema Editor.
See Edit the UIDs (on page 240) and then Check publish mapping for SmartPlant
Foundation (on page 241).
4. (Optional) For Smart 3D, if you added new classes and properties not provided in
SPIOPSchema.xlsx, you must also add these classes and properties to the schema file
CustomR3DSchema.xls. A template file is delivered with Smart 3D.
See Extend the Reference 3D schema (on page 242).
5. Set the Custom option in SmartPlant Interop Publisher so that the software uses your new
mapping file.
See Set the custom option (on page 243).
6. (Optional) You can map graphics levels in CAD-based source files to levels in SmartPlant
Review so that you can create smaller Smart Model .vue files. SmartPlant Interop Publisher
provides a custom levels template file that is read along with the custom property mapping
files. For more information, see Use level mapping for graphics (on page 251).

Edit the custom mapping template file

Populate the custom mapping template file related to your format type with the required classes
and properties. To help you map classes and properties to existing ones provided by SmartPlant
Interop Publisher, you can refer to the delivered SPIOPSchema.xlsx file to help you get the
correct names.

Custom mapping for Smart 3D does require you to specify the source interfaces. Other
format types currently supported do not have that requirement.
You can use custom mapping to completely remap classes and overwrite the target classes.
If you add new classes, interfaces, and properties that are not available in the
SPIOPSchema.xlsx file, you must also make sure these new entries are inserted into the
SPIOP schema (SPIOPToolMap.xml), and the schema for your target application (Smart 3D
and SmartPlant Foundation). For Smart 3D, you must also edit the delivered
CustomR3DSchema.xls file to add your new schema. For SmartPlant Foundation, use the
Schema Editor to add the new schema.
Any new custom interface names must contain the R3D substring. Otherwise, the software
does not map the properties contained in the interface.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 236

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

The exclamation point (!) in the A column comments out or excludes that row.
Refer to IFC to SmartPlant Foundation Workflow (on page 254) for a walkthrough in adding a
new property to a custom mapping template file and publishing to SmartPlant Foundation.

Mapping Template File Contents

The template files contain the following sheets:
ClassMap sheet
Lists the mapping between any new source object classes and the target object classes.
Also lists UIDs for data objects contained in the classes. The UID values apply only to Smart
Models being published to SmartPlant Foundation.
PropertyMap sheet
Lists the mapping between the source object properties and the target object properties.
You can add new property mappings, or override the default mappings.
Source Class
Specifies the top-level grouping to which objects from your particular source belong.
Source Property
Specifies properties of all the objects in your data model.
Source Interface
Specifies collections of properties for objects in your data model. A source interface is
basically a container of related properties. Most third-party authoring tools and legacy PDS
data do not implement or have the concept of source interfaces, so this column is optional.
Target Class
Specifies the top-level grouping in SmartPlant Interop Publisher into which source objects
Target Interface
Specifies a collection of object properties that are role-based. For Intergraph target
applications, an interface is a role made up of properties that describe that role. For
example, properties that define piping insulation such as thickness, purpose, and material
are placed in an Insulation interface.
Target Property
Specifies the property labels for the objects as they display in the target applications.
Specifies the working units of measure to use for the translation. The software reads the
units only from the Units G column. You can set up the required properties to show metric
or English string values.
When entering the units of measure for models being translated and
published to SmartPlant Foundation, you must type the format as specified in SmartPlant
Foundation. For the UoM list in their required SPF format, see Units of Measure Entries (on
page 308).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 237

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

Add source classes and properties

1. Copy the format-specific custom mapping template file to a different folder location. When
you upgrade SmartPlant Interop Publisher, this prevents your customization from being
overwritten. For your convenience, SmartPlant Interop Publisher automatically creates a
\3DInteropMappingFiles\CustomMappingFiles subfolder under your defined shared content
location in which you can copy the custom mapping file.
2. Open the custom mapping template file and the SPIOPSchema.xlsx schema file to use as a
3. In the ClassMap sheet:
a. Add a new row, and then enter the new class in the Source Class column.
b. In the Target Class column, type in the SmartPlant Interop Publisher class name that
relates to the class you are adding. Use the SPIOPSchema.xlsx to look up the available
4. In the PropertyMap sheet:
a. Add a new row and enter the new class in the Source Class column.
b. In the Source Property column for the new class, type in the new property name.
c. In the Target Property column, type in a property from SPIOPSchema.xlsx that relates
to your new property.
5. Repeat steps 2-3 for each new class and property.
In the example figure below, a new class called NewDuctClassA has been added with two
properties: NewDuctDiameter and NewDuctWidth50. Although these additions are not
actual classes and properties, you can see where they are added and the target information
to which they can be mapped.

6. Save your edits to the mapping template file, and close it. When you save your .xls mapping
file, make sure you save the file as an .xls file; do not save it as an .xlsx file. SmartPlant
Interop Publisher does not support spreadsheet mapping files with the .xlsx extension. If
your target application is SmartPlant Foundation, see:
Check publish mapping for SmartPlant Foundation (on page 241)
Edit the UIDs (on page 240)
If your target application is Smart 3D, see Extend the Reference 3D schema (on page 242).
7. Go to Set the custom option (on page 243).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 238

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

Add properties to an existing class

1. Open the custom mapping template file corresponding to the format or tool, and the
SPIOPSchema.xlsx schema file to use as a reference.
2. In the PropertyMap sheet:
a. Add a new row and locate the existing class to contain the new property.
b. In the Source Property column for the class, type in the new property name.
c. In the Target Property column, type in the property from SPIOPSchema.xlsx within the
class that relates to your new property.
3. Repeat steps 2-3 for each new class and property.
In the example figure below, two new properties, InternalPartNumber and RejectedStatus,
have been added to the EQUI source class in a PDMS custom mapping template file.
Although these additions are not actual properties, you can see where they are added and
the target information to which they can be mapped.

4. Save your edits to the mapping template file, and close it.
5. Move your custom mapping template file to a different folder.
6. If your target application is SmartPlant Foundation, see:
Check publish mapping for SmartPlant Foundation (on page 241)
Edit the UIDs (on page 240)
If your target application is Smart 3D, see Extend the Reference 3D schema (on page 242).
7. Go to Set the custom option (on page 243).

Set the units of measure (UoM) in custom mapping

The custom mapping sheets provide a Units G column for setting the units of measure that
display in the translated model. You can set the units for a property to show metric or English,
as required. SmartPlant Interop Publisher reads only the settings that are listed in the Units G
column in the PropertyMap sheets.
When entering the units of measure for models being translated and published
to SmartPlant Foundation, you must type the format as specified in SmartPlant Foundation. For
the UoM list in their required SPF format, see Units of Measure Entries (on page 308).
This section describes how you can define or edit units for new and existing properties using the
custom mapping file.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 239

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

Define Units for New Properties

When you use the custom mapping file to add properties, you can also define a unit of measure
string in the Units G column for each added property.
1. Open your custom mapping file. From the PropertyMap sheet, add properties as you
require. For more information on adding or modifying properties, see Edit the custom
mapping template file (on page 236).
2. To set the unit strings, go to a property row that you require a measurement string to
3. In the Units column G, type in the required unit string value.

Change or Define Units for Existing Properties

1. Open the default mapping file and copy the property rows to edit.
2. Open the corresponding custom mapping file, and in the PropertyMap sheet, paste the
3. To set or edit the unit strings, go to the Units column G for each added property and type in
the required unit string value.
If you need to define or change several delivered properties, you can create a copy
of the default mapping file of your required format, move it to a new location, and rename it
to match the SmartPlant Interop Publisher custom map file name convention: Custom[format
name]ToR3DMapping.xls. For example, if you have PDMS source files, you would copy the
default mapping file PDMSToR3DMapping.xls and rename it to
CustomPDMSToR3DMapping.xls. This allows you to quickly get a populated custom file
with the delivered default properties.
For either case when you translate the source file, select the Custom mapping option and set
the location containing your custom mapping file.
See Also
Set the custom option (on page 243)
AutoPLANT to SmartPlant Construction (on page 276)

Edit the UIDs

SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports Unique Identifiers (UIDs) for data objects in a class.
Because data can be versioned and updated in SmartPlant Foundation, you can enter a format
for a UID using multiple properties to ensure its uniqueness.
1. Copy the format-specific custom mapping template file to a different folder location. When
you upgrade SmartPlant Interop Publisher, this prevents your customization from being
overwritten. For your convenience, SmartPlant Interop Publisher automatically creates a
\3DInteropMappingFiles\CustomMappingFiles subfolder under your defined shared content
location in which you can copy the custom mapping file.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 240

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

2. In the ClassMap sheet, type the required UID value for the added or existing class. A UID
value can be created using multiple property names. Separate each property value with a
comma: Property1, Property2. In the example below, the UID value for the PIPEWELD class
is Name, WeldPart, Weight.

3. Save your edits to the mapping template file, and close it.

Check publish mapping for SmartPlant Foundation

After you have edited the custom or generic mapping template file to map your data to the
SmartPlant Interop Publisher schema, make sure the mapping is correct from SmartPlant
Interop Publisher schema to the SmartPlant schema. You can set up relationships by mapping
to an existing class and property in the SmartPlant schema, or you can extend the SmartPlant
schema by adding new classes and properties.
The steps below outline the processes involved in SmartPlant Foundation mapping. For more
detailed information, see the SmartPlant Mapping User's Guide and the SmartPlant Schema
Editor User's Guide available with SmartPlant Foundation.

Map to Existing Schema

When you are creating mapping relationships but not adding to or extending the
SmartPlant schema, you do not have to check out and use the EFSchema CMF file.
1. Go to All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Foundation > SmartPlant Schema
Component > Schema Editor.
2. Click File > Open > Schema File, and open SPIOPComponent.xml on your SmartPlant
Foundation server.
3. Click File > Open > Tool Schema File and locate SPIOPToolMap.xml, which is in the
Schema subfolder of the shared content location defined for your project.
4. Open the tool schema to see the relationships and classes.
5. Map the new properties in the Schema Editor. For more information, see the Create New
Property Definitions and Map Property Definitions to Tool Schema and SmartPlant Schema
topics in the SmartPlant Mapping User's Guide and Online Help.
6. (Optional) Define a mapping for the Units of Measure (UoM). This involves creating a map
unit of measure list definition, and then defining the measurement units to map. For more
information, see the topic Create a Map Unit of Measure List Definition in the SmartPlant
Schema Editor User's Guide and Help.

Extend the SmartPlant Schema

The steps below outline the processes involved in extending the schema in SmartPlant
1. Review the SPFMappings sheet in the provided SPIOPSchema.xls, which shows the
SmartPlant Interop Publisher classes, interfaces, and properties as they are currently
mapped to SmartPlant schema (EFSchema).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 241

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

2. Check out the SmartPlant schema Configuration Managed File (CMF) from the SmartPlant
Foundation Desktop Client.
3. Right-click the new revision of the CMF file in SmartPlant Foundation, and click Launch
Schema Editor. This provides the Schema Editor with the appropriate plant and SmartPlant
Foundation site for connection.
4. Select the schema version or versions to view in the Specify configurations to display
window of the Active Configurations dialog box.
5. Click Advanced on the Active Configurations dialog box to view the Set Configurations
for new objects window, in which you can specify to which version or versions of the
schema changes should be written.
6. Make changes to the schema as required. For more information, see Extending the
SmartPlant Schema in the Schema Editor User's Guide.
7. Save your changes and the SmartPlant schema session file created by the SmartPlant
Foundation Desktop Client.
8. Check in the updated CMF file.
9. Load the schema into SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see Load Schema
Changes into the SmartPlant Foundation Database in the Schema Editor User's Guide.
10. Use the Schema Editor to open SPIOPComponent.xml on your SmartPlant Foundation
11. Click File > Open > Tool Schema File and locate SPIOPToolMap.xml, which is in the
Schema subfolder of the shared content location defined for your project..
12. Open the tool schema to see the relationships and classes.
13. Map the new properties in the Schema Editor. For more information, see the Create New
Property Definitions and Map Property Definitions to Tool Schema and SmartPlant Schema
topics in the SmartPlant Mapping User's Guide and Online Help.
14. (Optional) Define a mapping for the Units of Measure (UoM). This involves creating a map
unit of measure list definition, and then defining the measurement units to map. For more
information, see the topic Create a Map Unit of Measure List Definition in the SmartPlant
Schema Editor User's Guide and Help.
15. When you have completed the mapping for SmartPlant Foundation, set your mapping option
(Custom or Generic). For more information, see Set the custom option (on page 243) or
Set the generic mapping option (on page 249).

Extend the Reference 3D schema

If you use custom mapping files and added new classes and properties not listed in
SPIOPSchema.xlsx, you must also add them to the Reference 3D schema file
CustomR3DSchema.xls. A template file that you can edit is delivered with Smart 3D in the
Smart 3D [Reference Data Product Folder]\SharedContent\Data\
Reference3DComponents\Templates folder. For more detailed information about Reference 3D
schema and mapping in Smart 3D, see User-defined Schema and Mapping Files in the Project
Management User's Guide.
1. Copy the delivered CustomR3DSchema.xls to the Reference3DComponents subfolder of
the active SharedContent folder for the respective catalog.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 242

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

Modifications to the CustomR3DSchema.xls file impact all Reference 3D models

attached to the active plant, as well as other plants sharing the same catalog. When you edit
this file, increase the version number on the PackageInformation sheet.
2. Edit the copied CustomR3DSchema.xls to add the new classes, interfaces, and properties.
Any new custom interface names must contain the R3D substring. Otherwise,
the software does not map the properties contained in the interface.
3. Use the custom option to translate your source files, and then attach the resulting Smart
Model as reference 3D data in Smart 3D. See Set the custom option (on page 243).

Set the custom option

SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides the following ways to set up your custom mapping files:
At the project level (default setting)
1. On the Projects view, select a project in the grid, and then right-click to select Project
Settings. Select Mapping > Mapping Options > Custom, and set the location of the
custom mapping file. SmartPlant Interop Publisher automatically creates a
\3DInteropMappingFiles\CustomMappingFiles subfolder under your defined shared content
location that you can use.
Select Custom for the Mapping Files and set the location of the custom files. This sets the
mapping for all Smart Models contained in the project.

At the source files level

On the Models view, select the source files in the grid to translate, and then click Translate
. On the Translate Source File dialog box, select Custom for the Mapping Files, and set
the location of the custom files.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 243

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

At the Smart Models level

On the Models view, select a Smart Model in the grid, and then go to the Mapping Files
and Mapping Files Location columns. Select Custom from the list, and set the file location
containing your mapping files. Click on the Smart Model, and then click Update .

See Also
Update (on page 133)

Use generic mapping for property data

To support a wide variety of third-party authoring tools, SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides a
generic mapping option. For any authoring tool that can export their source data files to a
standard .drv format, you can use the generic option to map the property data into SmartPlant

Generic Mapping for Smart 3D Work Process Diagram

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 244

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

Generic Mapping for SPF Work Process Diagram

Process Overview
The general work process to use the generic mapping option is described below.
1. Export your data to a .drv file format. The graphics data must be exported to a MicroStation
V7 .dgn file. For more information about the .drv file format, see Export to a .drv file format
(on page 246).
Use SmartPlant Interop Publisher initially to translate your data to generate a .drv file.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates .drv files for most source file types.
In this case, select the Generic mapping option when you are translating to get a
.drv file.
For more information, see Translate to Smart Models (on page 114).
2. Go to the SmartPlant Interop Publisher install folder, and use the
GenerateMappingTool.exe. The default location for the tool is [drive]:\Program
Files\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher.
See Use the GenerateMapping tool (on page 247).
3. Add your required classes and properties to the generated GenericToR3DMapping.xls
spreadsheet file.
See Add classes and properties to the generic mapping file (on page 248).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 245

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

4. (Optional) If you are publishing to SmartPlant Foundation, configure the publish mapping in
the Schema Editor to match any classes and properties you added to the generic mapping
template file.
See Edit the UIDs (on page 240) and Check publish mapping for SmartPlant Foundation (on
page 241).
Select the Generic option in SmartPlant Interop Publisher so that the software uses your
new mapping file. For more information, see Set the generic mapping option (on page 249).
If you used SmartPlant Interop Publisher in the first step to translate your source files to
generate a .drv file, then do the following:
a. Select the translated Smart Model in the Smart Models grid.
b. Go to the Mapping Files and Mapping Files Location columns.
c. Select Generic for the Mapping Files, and set the file location.
d. Click Update .
5. (Optional) You can map graphics levels in CAD-based source files to levels in SmartPlant
Review so that you can create smaller Smart Model .vue files. SmartPlant Interop Publisher
provides a generic levels template file that can be read along with the generic property
mapping files. For more information, see Use level mapping for graphics (on page 251).

Export to a .drv file format

You must export your model data to a .drv file in the Intergraph Atomized ASCII file format
described below.
The format consists of a pds_file_type entry followed by any number of lbl entries. The
pds_file_type entry allows you to identify that this label data originated in PDS. It is currently a
required entry but the atoms are not used. For example:
pds_file_type {02 00}
The lbl entry consists of four integers followed by a text entry. The four integers (in decimal
format) should match the DMRS linkage on some element in the corresponding design file. The
text entry can consist of multiple lines of the form "Name: value". Each line in the text entry is
treated as separate label data for that object. On each line, all characters up to and including the
colon (:) are considered part of the name, the first non-white space character after the name up
to the end of the line (excluding any trailing white space) is the value. If a colon is missing on a
line, the first white space character is taken to be the divider between name and value. The
body of the text entry cannot contain any embedded curly brackets { }.

lbl(0 5 21 8 text {Comp no: PAAAAAWAAA
NPD: 6" 6"
Sch/thk: S-STD S-STD
Length: 186
Line no: WC380401-6"-2C0032-P

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 246

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

Object type: Piping Component

Construction status:
Nor oper press: 100 psig
Nor oper temp: 60 degF
Steam out temp: 0 degF
Heat tracing: N
Insulation: 1 "
Cleaning: }}
Because curly brackets '{}' are considered as special characters, you must use &lcb
to represent the left curly brace and &rcb; for the right curly brace. For example:
Line no: WC380401-6"-2C0032-{P}
Line no: WC380401-6"-2C0032-&lcb;P&rcb;
This example has label names such as Comp no:, Nor oper press:, Insulation:, and so on, with
corresponding values of PAAAAAWAAA, 100 psig, 1". The Construction status: and Cleaning:
names have empty values.
When you have exported your data to a .drv file format, you must use the GenerateMapping tool
to create the mapping and schema files for SmartPlant Interop Publisher. Continue on to the
section, Use the GenerateMapping tool (on page 247).

Use the GenerateMapping tool

The GenerateMapping tool is delivered with SmartPlant Interop Publisher and is used to
generate the required mapping and schema files. The generated mapping file is named
GenericToR3DMapping.xls and lists source classes and their properties. You can specify
additional information for mapping, such as target class, target interface, and target property,
after the file is generated. The generated schema file is named GenericSchema.xls. It lists the
class names and their properties.
If you have previously used this tool to generate a GenericToR3DMapping.xls file and you have
the file in the designated output folder, the GenerateMapping tool recognizes the mapping file
and appends any new classes and properties from the input .drv files to the existing mapping
file. The new classes and properties from the .drv files are displayed in a purple color in the
GenericToR3DMapping.xls sheet. The GenericSchema.xls file is regenerated every time you
use the GenerateMapping tool and contains all class names and properties from the
GenericToR3DMapping.xls mapping file.
The tool is located in the SmartPlant Interop Publisher install folder. The default location is
[drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher.
The GenerateMappingTool can handle a maximum of 16383 rows in any mapping
1. Start the application to open the GenerateMappingTool dialog box.
2. Specify the Class identifying label, which is the property name in the .drv file that
corresponds to the class names.
In the example .drv file contents below, you would enter Object type in the Class
identifying label field. The class identifying label is case sensitive.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 247

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

lbl{0 5 21 8 text {Comp no: PAAAAAWAAA

NPD: 6" 6"
Sch/thk: S-STD S-STD
Length: 186
Line no: WC380401-6"-2C0032-P
Object type: Piping Component
Construction status:
Nor oper press: 100 psig
Nor oper temp: 60 degF
Steam out temp: 0 degF
Heat tracing: N
Insulation: 1 "
Cleaning: }}
3. Type the input folder location, or click Browse to navigate to the input folder that contains
the .drv files. You can use multiple .drv files to generate the GenericSchema.xls mapping
4. Type the output folder location, or click Browse to navigate to the output folder, where the
mapping and schema files are generated.
5. Click Generate.
The status bar of the tool shows the state of the generating process.
6. After the files are generated, click Open Map to display the mapping file.
7. Edit the mapping file to provide additional information for mapping such as target class,
target interface, and target property.
8. Click Open Schema to display the schema file.
9. To set properties in your mapping file, continue on to Add classes and properties to the
generic mapping file (on page 248).

Add classes and properties to the generic mapping file

Populate the generic file you created using the GenerateMapping tool with the required classes
and properties. For the target class, interface, and property entries, you can refer to the
delivered SPIOPSchema.xlsx file to help you get the correct names.
1. Copy the format-specific custom mapping template file to a different folder location. When
you upgrade SmartPlant Interop Publisher, this prevents your customization from being
overwritten. For your convenience, SmartPlant Interop Publisher automatically creates a
\3DInteropMappingFiles\GenericMappingFiles subfolder under your defined shared content
location that you can use.
2. Open the mapping file and the SPIOPSchema.xlsx schema file to use as a reference.
3. In the Target Class column in the ClassMap sheet, type in the SmartPlant Interop
Publisher class name that relates to the class you are adding. Use the SPIOPSchema.xlsx
to look up the available classes.
4. In the PropertyMap sheet:
a. In the Target Interface column, type the interface name from SPIOPSchema.xlsx that
relates to your source property.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 248

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

b. In the Target Property column, type a property from SPIOPSchema.xlsx that relates to
your source property.
5. Repeat steps 2-3 for each new class and property.
In the example below, a source class called NewDuctClassA has been added with two
properties: Name and Width. Refer to SPIOPSchema.xlsx to set up the mapping for Target
Interface and Target Property. The source Name and Width are mapped to Name and
DuctWidth for the target applications. Although these additions are not actual classes and
properties, you can see where they are added and the target information to which they can
be mapped.

6. Save your edits to the mapping file. When you save your .xls mapping file, make sure you
save the file as an .xls file; do not save it as an .xlsx file. SmartPlant Interop Publisher does
not support spreadsheet mapping files with the .xlsx extension. If your target application is
SmartPlant Foundation, see:
a. Check publish mapping for SmartPlant Foundation (on page 241)
b. Edit the UIDs (on page 240)
Otherwise, skip to the next step.
7. Go to Set the generic mapping option (on page 249).

Set the generic mapping option

When you have created your generic mapping file, SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides the
following ways to select this option:
At the project level (default setting)
On the Projects view, select a project in the grid, and then right-click to select Project
Settings. Select Mapping > Mapping Options > Generic, and set the location of the
generic mapping file. SmartPlant Interop Publisher automatically creates a
\3DInteropMappingFiles\GenericMappingFiles subfolder under your defined shared content
location that you can use.
This sets the mapping setting for all Smart Models contained in the project.

At the source files level

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 249

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

On the Models view, select the source files in the grid to translate, and then click Translate
. On the Translate Source File dialog box, select Generic for the Mapping Files, and set
the location of the custom files.

At the Smart Models level

On the Models view, select a Smart Model in the grid, and then go to the Mapping Files
and Mapping Files Location columns. Select Generic from the list, and set the file location
(if the files are not in the delivered, default location). Then right-click the Smart Model to
select Update .

See Also
Update (on page 133)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 250

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

Use level mapping for graphics

Use levels to control the graphics being translated from CAD-based source files for display in
the SmartPlant Review target application. By specifying which levels contain graphics, you can
create smaller Smart Model .vue files that include specific graphics and remove unnecessary
graphics. The level mapping file resides in the custom and generic mapping folders created
during SmartPlant Interop Publisher installation.

About Levels
In SmartPlant Review, the design area is composed of 63 identically-sized overlay planes called
levels. These levels can be thought of as stacked panes of glass with a set of graphics on each
pane. You can create a series of Smart Model .vue files each containing different graphics to
represent different parts or sections of a model. For example, graphics on Level 1 in a .dgn file
can be mapped to Level 5 in SmartPlant Review. In the SmartPlant Review environment, you
can turn level display on and off to inspect a model in detail. Levels also apply to SmartPlant
Foundation because you can open the Smart Model .vue files using SmartPlant Review or
SmartPlant Markup Plus from inside the Foundation environment.

Use the LevelMapping.xls spreadsheet to define the mapping and identify which levels the
software should consider when translating the model. You can apply the level mapping file to
one or more CAD files for translation. The LevelMapping.xls file has two sheets for each CAD
extension: DWG and DGN. For an AutoCAD file with MSTN proxy entities, map levels in the
DWG sheet. For Microstation V7 file that are comprised of .prp, .dtm, and .dgn files, the software
uses the DGN sheet for all three files for the level mapping.
During translation, the customized template mapping file takes precedence over
options defined in any translation settings group you have currently in use. For example, if the
MicroStation option Translate all levels is enabled, it is overridden if there is any entry in the
level mapping sheet to ignore a particular level. As such, the software ignores that level.
In the LevelMapping.xls file, the Source Level column can be the level name or number in the
CAD source file. The Target Level is the SmartPlant Review level (1 - 63). To ignore a level,
place an exclamation symbol (!) before the Source Level column. In the example below,
SmartPlant Interop Publisher translates the CAD source file and the resulting Smart Model does
not have any graphics from Level 2 source file. The graphics from Source Level 1 and
PLANT_ROADS are mapped to SmartPlant Review levels 63 and 42, respectively.

1. Copy the LevelMapping.xls to a different location so that it is not overwritten when you
perform a product upgrade.
If you are using MicroStation or AutoCAD source files for which you have also set up
property custom mapping, copy the level mapping file to that same folder. Your custom
folder must contain both the property and level mapping files.
If you set up property mapping using the generic mapping file, copy the level mapping file to

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 251

Configure Mapping to Control Model Display

the folder containing the generic property mapping. Like the custom option, your generic
folder must contain the property and level mapping files.
2. Select the sheet (DWG or DGN) that corresponds to your source file extension. For a
MicroStation source file that is comprised of multiple files such as Microstation V7 (.prp,
.dtm, and .dgn), the software uses the DGN sheet for all three files for the level mapping.
3. Edit the file by adding either the level number or name from your source file to the Source
Level column, and then mapping it to the corresponding SmartPlant Review Target Level.
Because the level names are case sensitive, you must enter the name exactly as
it is in the source file.
4. Place an exclamation symbol (!) in front of levels to be ignored.
5. Save your edits and then open SmartPlant Interop Publisher. When you save your .xls
mapping file, make sure you save the file as an .xls file; do not save it as an .xlsx file.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not support spreadsheet mapping files with the .xlsx
extension.Define your mapping option (Custom or Generic) and the folder location.
Set the custom option (on page 243)
Set the generic mapping option (on page 249)
During translation, the software looks for both the property data and level mapping files in
the selected folder. For level mapping, the software selects the sheet based on the source
file extension (.dwg or .dgn).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 252


Best Practices
This section provides recommendations and workflow examples to show SmartPlant Interop
Publisher features and capabilities.

In This Section
Recommended Project Organization ........................................... 253
IFC to SmartPlant Foundation Workflow ...................................... 254
CAESAR II to Smart 3D Workflow ............................................... 261
Create a custom mapping of PDMS equipment nozzles .............. 274
AutoPLANT to SmartPlant Construction ...................................... 276
MCAD NX to Smart 3D ............................................................... 281

Recommended Project Organization

You can create multiple projects in the active site database if you are working with a variety of
source files. For example, each project can contain source files of a specific type. To support
this organization, create a folder for each project, and place your source files in each project
folder. Creating and organizing your source files and the folder structure for projects before
running SmartPlant Interop Publisher is a key step in the efficient use of the product.
If you are using custom mapping, move your modified custom mapping file to another
folder location such as in the same folder structure as your source files or projects. You must do
this so that at the next product upgrade, your changes are not overwritten during the installation.
In the example below, the site database is Site101 and contains three projects reflecting the
source file types: Project101A_IFC, Project101B_PDS, and Project101C_PDMS.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher automatically creates the following subfolders under the
designated shared content location to provide an example project organization. You can create
your own folders or use the added shared content subfolders in which to place your custom
mapping, source files, and translated source files for each project.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 253

Best Practices

IFC to SmartPlant Foundation Workflow

The workflow described in this section shows how to translate a third-party source file such as
IFC, into a Smart Model and publish it to SmartPlant Foundation. In addition, you can see how
to map a Description property from the IFC source file to display in SmartPlant Foundation.
There are two parts to mapping to SmartPlant Foundation:
Use the custom or generic mapping spreadsheets to map properties into the SmartPlant
Interop Publisher schema.
Map the property in the SmartPlant schema (also referred to as EFSchema) using the
SmartPlant Schema Editor. You can extend or customize the SmartPlant schema, or you
can map new properties to existing properties. In this example, you are going to map your
new property to an existing property in SmartPlant Foundation.
The overall workflow consists of the processes listed below.
IFC Best Practices Work Process Diagram

1. Start SmartPlant Interop Publisher and create a project (on page 255)
2. Add the source file and translate (on page 256)
3. Map a property to the SmartPlant Interop Publisher schema (on page 256)
4. Map the property to the SmartPlant Schema (on page 257)
5. Update, revise, and publish (on page 259)
6. Open in SmartPlant Review (on page 260)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 254

Best Practices

1. Start SmartPlant Interop Publisher and create a project

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. The first time you open SmartPlant Interop Publisher, follow the prompts to select a SQL
Server instance and site database. For more information on setting these options, see
Configure a site database (on page 51).
3. Click Projects to go to the Projects view.

4. Click Create from the Projects toolbar.

Right-click in the grid, and then click Create.
5. On the Create Project dialog box, type a project name. For this example, type IFCProject.
6. Use the default SQL Server Data Pathname and SQL Server Log File Pathname
Clear Use the SQL Server default locations for data and log files, and then type or
browse to data and log file locations.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher stores the AutoPlantProject.mdf project database file in the
selected SQL Server data location.
7. Click Test SQL Connection to check the connection to your specified SQL Server instance.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher connects to the SQL Server instance and then displays a
connection successful message in the SmartPlant Interop Publisher messaging area, which
is located at the top of the view window.
8. For Shared Content Location, type or browse to a folder in which copies of the application
support files such as SPIOPToolMap.xml can be stored. For this example, you can select
any file location.
9. Click Create.
10. To register the project with SmartPlant Foundation, select IFCProject in the grid and click
Register .
Right-click and select Register.
The SmartPlant > Register command displays the SmartPlant Foundation Registration
wizard that steps you through the following tasks:
Specifying the server name and virtual web site folder for the SmartPlant Foundation
database. To quickly find the web site URL set up for the SPF database, click Help >
About SmartPlant Foundation in the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client
Selecting the plant to register.
Providing a unique description when used in a multi-registration configuration.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 255

Best Practices

11. With IFCProject selected, right-click to select Project Settings.

12. Select SmartPlant Foundation for the Target Application, and then click Save.

2. Add the source file and translate

The name of the example source file used in this workflow is B01 Structure.ifc. For this initial
translation, you are going to use basically all the default settings.
1. If you are not in the Models view, click Models.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Models view.

2. On the Source Files grid, click Add .
Right-click in the Source Files grid, and then click Add.
3. Select the B01 Structure.ifc file, and then click Open.
4. Select B01 Structure.ifc in the Source Files grid, and then click Translate .
5. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type in or browse to select a Smart Model
Location, and then click Translate.
When SmartPlant Interop Publisher finishes translating the file, Complete displays in the
Translation Status column of the Smart Models grid.
6. Minimize or move SmartPlant Interop Publisher over to the side as you do your mapping.

3. Map a property to the SmartPlant Interop Publisher

Add the Description property to an existing SmartPlant Interop Publisher class and interface. In
this case, you are going to add the Description property to a PLATE part. You can look at the
SPFMapping sheet in the delivered SPIOPschema.xlsx file to see the properties that are already
Review SPFMappings.xlsx
1. Go to [drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher and open SPIOPschema.xlsx.
2. Click SPFMappings.
3. Go to the CR3DPlatePart SmartPlant Interop Publisher class in the first column.
4. In the Interface (C) column, locate IJR3DElement. This is an interface that is common and
available for almost all SmartPlant Interop Publisher classes. You can add a Description to
this interface and the property displays for most objects in SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
5. Now that you have used SPIOPschema.xlsx to determine where in the schema to add the
property, you can close or minimize the file.
Edit CustomIFCToR3DMapping.xlsx
6. Go to [drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Interop

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 256

Best Practices

7. Copy the CustomIFCToR3DMapping.xlsx and place it in a different folder. Although you can
edit the custom mapping files in the delivered folder location, we recommend that you make
copies of delivered files and modify the copies.
8. Open the copied CustomIFCToR3DMapping.xlsx.
9. In the ClassMap sheet, insert a new PLATE row and enter the following column information:
Source Class - PLATE
Target Class - CR3DPlatePart
UID - GlobalId

10. In the PropertyMap sheet, create a new row and enter the following column information:
Source Class - PLATE
Source Property - Description
Target Interface - IJR3DElement
Target Property - Plate Description
The Target Property value is what you see in SmartPlant Foundation. This value
does not have to be the same name as the Source Property value.
11. Save your edits and close the custom mapping file. Close all other spreadsheet files.

4. Map the property to the SmartPlant Schema

Map the Description property from the SmartPlant Interop Publisher schema to an existing
Description property in SmartPlant Foundation. This involves adding the Description property to
the SmartPlant Interop Publisher SPIOPToolMap tool schema file, and then mapping the
SmartPlant Interop Publisher interface and property to an existing interface and property in the
SmartPlant schema.
When you are creating mapping relationships but not extending the SmartPlant
schema, you do not have to check out and use the schema CMF file.
1. Go to All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Foundation > SmartPlant Schema
Component > Schema Editor.
2. Click File > Open > Schema File, and open [drive]:\Program Files (x86)\Common
3. Click File > Open > Tool Schema File and locate SPIOPToolMap.xml which resides in the
folder containing the IFCProject.mdf file.
4. Open the tool schema to see the relationships and classes.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 257

Best Practices

5. In the tree view, locate the IJR3DElement interface in which you added the Description

6. Expand IJR3DElement.
7. Select MapProperties and right-click to select Create SPMapPropertyDef.

8. On the New Map Property Definition dialog box, enter the following:
Unique ID - IJR3DElement:Description
For the UID, you must always use the format [Interface name]:[Property].
Name - Description
Desc - Description of the element
The software displays the Description property under MapProperties in the tree view.

Now you are ready to map the Description property from the SmartPlant Interop Publisher
schema to the SmartPlant schema,
9. Right-click IJR3DElement and select Edit IJR3DElement.
10. For Publish to SmartPlant class/interface, click browse to select the SPF interface

11. Click Advanced Publish Map.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 258

Best Practices

12. On the Publish Map for Tool Class Definition dialog box, drag the Description property
under IObject over to the Maps To Property box, and then click OK.

The software maps IJR3DElement to the SPF IObject interface and the Description property
is now available under MapProperties in the tree view.
13. Click File > Save > Tool Schema File, and then close the Schema Editor.

5. Update, revise, and publish

When you have defined the required mapping, use SmartPlant Interop Publisher to update the
Smart Model, and then revise and publish to SmartPlant Foundation.
If you have a password set up to SmartPlant Foundation, enter your login information
when you use the Revise, Publish, and Find Documents to Publish commands, The
SmartPlant Foundation Login dialog box can also display if you do not have a SmartPlant
Foundation account. Type in your User name and Password, and then click OK.
1. From the Models view, select B01 Structure in the Smart Model grid.
2. Scroll to the Mapping Files column in the Smart Model grid and select Custom from the

3. On the Mapping Files Location column, type in the folder location containing the IFC
custom mapping file you modified.
4. Click Update .
SmartPlant Interop Publisher re-translates the file using the CustomIFCToR3DMapping.xls
file. Complete displays in the Translation Status column when the translation has finished
5. With B01 Structure selected, click Revise .
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Revise dialog box.
6. If this is the first time to revise your Smart Model and a revision scheme has not yet been
defined, select the revision scheme to use from the Revision Scheme list.
7. In the Revise in Tool section, select the next available major and minor revision numbers.
8. Set other required options indicated by asterisks (*) in the Revise dialog box.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 259

Best Practices

9. Click OK. The document is saved to the model database.

10. Go back to the Smart Model grid, and then click Publish .
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Publish dialog box.
11. Set the Workflow to AutoLoadPublish so that the document is loaded automatically into
SmartPlant Foundation.
12. Click OK to publish.
SmartPlant Foundation provides a message to let you know if the publish was successful.
You can look at the generated log file.
13. Click Find > Published Data > Documents in SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client, and
search for B01 Structure.
14. Check the Data Load status to make sure the document has been published and loaded
successfully and not queued before you can open it.

6. Open in SmartPlant Review

When you have revised and published to SmartPlant Foundation, the Desktop Client provides
two commands that allow you to view the Smart Model.
The Files > View and Markup command allows you to view the 3D model. If SmartPlant
Markup Plus is installed on your client computer, the file appears inside the View and
Markup window with the SmartPlant Markup Plus commands. For more information about
using SmartPlant Markup Plus, see the SmartPlant Markup Plus Help.
The View in SmartPlant Review command allows you to launch SmartPlant Review to view
a 3D model. This command is available when you right-click a model in the list view. For
more information about SmartPlant Review, see the SmartPlant Review Help.
You can also place the Smart Model document in the SmartPlant Foundation data
warehouse so that it can be accessed by other integrated applications such as SmartPlant
1. When the B01 Structure document has finished loading and consolidating, click Files >
View in SmartPlant Review.
2. In the file, select a plate in the Main view, and then right-click to select SmartPlant
Foundation > Show Comprised of.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 260

Best Practices

3. Look at the properties for the selected plate as shown in the example figure below.

CAESAR II to Smart 3D Workflow

The workflow described in this section shows how to use SmartPlant Interop Publisher to
translate CAESAR II piping stress analysis project data. You can then attach the translated
Smart Model into Smart 3D as reference 3D data and open the Smart Model in Smart Plant
The overall workflow consists of the processes listed below.
1. Place hangers and supports (on page 262)
2. Export the data for CAESAR II (on page 264)
3. Configure mapping files (on page 266)
4. Create a CAESAR II project (on page 267)
5. Import PCFs into CAESAR II (on page 267)
6. Export to SmartPlant Interop Publisher (on page 270)
7. Translate the CAESAR II source file (on page 270)
8. Open the file in SmartPlant Review (on page 271)
9. Attach as Reference 3D data (on page 273)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 261

Best Practices

1. Place hangers and supports

1. Open your workspace in Smart 3D with a model to contain hangers and supports.
2. Click Task > Hangers and Supports.
3. Click Place Support by Structure on the vertical toolbar.
4. Select the pipe feature on which you want to place the support.

5. Click Accept .
6. Select the member on which to place the hanger, and then select the Type.

7. Click Finish.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 262

Best Practices

The software places the hanger.

8. Click Select on the vertical toolbar, and then select Piping Features in the Locate Filter.
9. Select a piping component, and then click Properties on the ribbon bar.
10. Verify that the following properties are set on the piping components in Smart 3D before
creating the ISO stress piping component files (PCFs):
COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE2 Maximum temperature
COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE4 Wall thickness (reducing thickness in the case of
reducing components)
COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE5 Insulation thickness
COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE6 Insulation density
COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE7 Corrosion allowance
COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE10 Hydro test pressure
Some of these properties can be set on the pipeline and some can be set on the
piperun. Setting properties in Smart 3D before exporting to CAESAR II saves time because the
Pipe Stress Analyst does not have to set them.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 263

Best Practices

2. Export the data for CAESAR II

Follow these steps to create the ISO stress package, and then save the PCFs from the ISO
drawings so that the piping stress data can be imported by CAESAR II. For more information on
working with isometric drawings, refer to the SmartSketch Drawing Editor online help provided
with SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
Create the ISO Stress Package:
1. Click Task > Common.
2. Click Tools > Drawing Console.
The software opens the Drawing Console window.

3. Right-click the root node (the model name), and then select New.
4. On the Add Component dialog box, click Folder, and then click OK.
5. Select the newly-created folder and type in a name.
6. Right-click on the folder, and then select New.
7. On the Add Component dialog box, click Drawings By Query Manager, and then click
8. Rename the newly-created Drawings By Query Manager component.
It is best to store the Drawings by Query Manager component in the same location
as the other components with which it works.
9. Right-click on the new Drawings by Query Manager component, and select Setup.
The software displays the Setup dialog box.
10. Set the Filter that contains the pipes that need to have their stresses analyzed, and then set
the Package to Iso Stress. In the example figure below, SulphurRecoveryArea is the filter.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 264

Best Practices

11. Click OK.

12. Right-click on the Drawings By Query Manager component, and then select Run Query.
13. After running the query, right-click Drawings By Query Manager component, and then select
Create Drawing(s).
14. To update the drawings so they can be opened and edited, expand and navigate through
the Console tree view, and then select only the drawings to be updated.
15. Click Update Now.
You can also right-click on the Drawings by Query Manager, and then select Update
Saving the PCFs created from the ISO drawings:
1. Right-click on Drawings By Query Manager > Save As.
2. Select the Output Folder to contain the PCFs.
3. In File Types/Isometric Drawings, select *.pcf as the Target File Type.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 265

Best Practices

4. Click OK.

3. Configure mapping files

Before importing any PCFs into CAESAR II, set the mapping files so that the CAESAR II model
matches your company standard and pipe stress analysis norms. Use any standard text editor
to modify each required mapping file. The mapping files are described below.

PCF_MAT_MAP.TXT - Map the materials from Smart 3D to the CAESAR II

Material mapping file material database.

PCF_RES_MAP.TXT - Map the supports in Smart 3D (based on your

Support mapping file company standard) to support types definition in

PCF_SIF_MAP.TXT - Translate the components such as Tees to their

Component mapping corresponding category in the stress model with
file Stress Intensification Factors (SIFs)

PCF_UNITS_MAP.TXT Translate the units in the Smart 3D model to units for

- Units mapping file CAESAR II.

When editing the mapping files, make sure that the mapping files are in the CAESAR II system

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 266

Best Practices

1. Start CAESAR II, and then click Tools > Explore System Folder.
2. Make sure each of the above mapping files are in the System folder location.
For detailed information about setting up mapping files for CAESAR II, see External Interfaces in
the CAESAR II User's Guide or CAESAR II Help.

4. Create a CAESAR II project

1. Create a folder for CAESAR II stress model files, and then copy the ISO PCFs into that
2. From CAESAR II, click File > Specify the default data directory for future work, and then
select the folder containing the ISO PCFs.
3. Click OK.
4. Click File > New.
The software displays the New Job Name Specification dialog box.
5. Define values for the Piping Input:
Type in the NEW job file name.
Select Piping Input.
6. On the New Job Name Specification dialog box, click OK.
The software displays the Review Current Units dialog box to show the display units.
7. Click OK when you have finished.
CAESAR II can work with any set of units depending upon the user-defined
project configuration setup.
CAESAR II opens the Classic Piping Input module for the new job.

5. Import PCFs into CAESAR II

1. In the CAESAR II Piping Analysis environment, click Environment > Advanced PCF
Import (APCF).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 267

Best Practices

The software displays the Advanced PCF Import (APCF) dialog box.

2. Click Choose Files, and then navigate to where the location of the ISO PCFs.
3. Select all the files, and then click Begin Processing.
You may need to repeat steps 2-3 multiple times depending on the amount of
files and the amount of folders in the hierarchy to import all of the PCFs.
During the Conversion Process, status messages and warnings display in the message area
on the Advanced PCF Import (APCF) dialog box.
CAESAR II writes these messages to a LOG file with the name XXXX.LOG.RTF, where
XXXX represents the name (less the extension) of the combined CAESAR II file. The log file
is placed in the selected CAESAR II output file folder.
CAESAR II does not automatically close the dialog box if there are errors or
warnings. Click Save Warnings to save warning messages to a text file you can reference
later and close the Advanced PCF Import (APCF) dialog box.

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Best Practices

When the final processing is finished, the software shows the pipes in the right-hand pane
similar to the example graphic below.

4. Review the model to verify attributes such as materials, diameters, wall thicknesses, and
operating conditions got transferred correctly.
5. Click Start Run to check for errors.

You must resolve any errors for CAESAR II to run the analysis.
6. Click Batch Run to perform analysis with default load cases.
The software displays the Static Output Processor, which shows the results of the analysis.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 269

Best Practices

6. Export to SmartPlant Interop Publisher

When the stress analysis has been completed, you can share results back to design, structural,
and support departments.
1. In the CAESAR II main window, click Tools > External Interfaces > Data Export Wizard.
The Data Export Wizard displays.
2. Click Next to continue.
3. On the Input and Output Files screen, define the following options:
Make sure that the correct CAESAR II job name is selected. The Export Wizard
automatically populates this field with the name of the last viewed job.
Type in the Revision Number of the drawing.
Select Export Output Data Also.
Type in or browse and select the Data Export Output File location.
4. Click Next.
5. On the CAESAR II Input Export Options window, click Select All, and then click Next.
The wizard processes the information. The amount of processing time depends upon the
size of the model.
6. When the Export Completed message displays, click OK.
7. On the CAESAR II Output Report Options screen, click Select All for both the Static
Load Cases and Output Options sections.
8. Click Finish.
9. Click OK.

7. Translate the CAESAR II source file

Use SmartPlant Interop Publisher to translate the exported CAESAR II (.mdb) file to a .vue and
.zvf file. For this example, the CAESAR II source file name is CII.mdb. CAESAR II file translation
requires Microsoft Office installed on the system with SmartPlant Interop Publisher.

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .

From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. From the Projects view, create a project specific for the CAESAR II work.
Use an existing project.
3. Select the project, and then right-click to select Project Settings.
4. On the Project Settings dialog box, click SmartPlant Review and Smart 3D as the Target
5. Change any other settings as required, and then click Save.
For this workflow, you can use the default mapping file and mapping location.
6. From the Models view, click Add in the Source Files grid.

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Best Practices

7. Select the exported CII.mdb source file, and then click Open.
The added source file displays in the Source Files grid.
8. Select the added CII.mdb source file in the Source Files grid, and then click Translate .
9. On the Translate Source File dialog box, use the default file locations and settings, and
then click Translate.

In the Smart Models grid, the created CII Smart Model displays with its Translation Status
set to Complete. If problems are encountered, an Error status displays in the column.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher creates a VUE and ZVF folder and places the required files in
each folder. The VUE folder contains the generated .vue, .mdb, .mdb2, and .drv files for
SmartPlant Review. The ZVF folder contains the CII.zvf file to be used as reference 3D data
attached in Smart 3D.
. The .mdb file generated by SmartPlant Interop Publisher is not the same file as
the exported CAESAR II file.

8. Open the file in SmartPlant Review

You can now open the published .vue file to see graphics such as pipe centerlines and support
loads from CAESAR II.
1. From the Models view, select CII.vue in the Smart Models grid, and then click Open in
SmartPlant Review .

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 271

Best Practices

The figure below shows a pipe centerline from a stress model with cones indicating the
position of the supports.

2. Select a load cone feature in the main view, and then click View > Properties.
Select a load cone, and then right-click to select Properties.
The Properties dialog box displays. Using the Properties command, you can see the
properties from the CII data. The example figure below shows load cone properties and load

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 272

Best Practices

9. Attach as Reference 3D data

1. In Smart 3D Project Management, select the plant to attach the reference model.
2. Open the New Reference 3D Model dialog box using one of the following methods:
Click Database > New > Reference 3D Model.
Click the right mouse button on the Plant node, and select New Reference 3D Model.
Select the Reference 3D Models node in the Project Management tree view; then click the
right mouse button, and select New Reference 3D Model.
3. In the New Reference 3D Model dialog box, fill in the boxes with appropriate information to
include the following:
Model Type - Select SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
File Path - Type in or browse to the folder containing the generated CII.zvf file.
Name - Type in a name to use for the model.
4. Click OK to save your edits and close the dialog box.
The process of creating and updating the schema can take several minutes, so an
informational progress form displays during this time.
5. If prompted, click Yes to confirm that the schema packages should be updated.
6. You must either start a new Smart 3D session, or save and reopen an existing session to
see the new Reference 3D Model graphics.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 273

Best Practices

For further modifications, you can refresh the Smart 3D workspace to see any
updated objects and data.

Create a custom mapping of PDMS equipment

To obtain equipment nozzle properties for pipe routing using PDMS data, you can edit the
CATRefAdditionalProperties worksheet in the CustomPDMSToR3DMapping.xls mapping file.
This allows you to translate your PDMS source files to a Smart Model with the required nozzle
property data.
Follow the steps below to edit the custom PDMS mapping file to extract equipment nozzle data,
and then attach and open the Smart Model as a Reference 3D model in Smart 3D. The PDMS
CATRef/CATR Value column represents the catalog reference for each type of equipment
nozzle. The CATR value is what displays in the properties of the target application.
1. Open the PDMSToR3DMapping.xls default mapping file and go to the
CATRefAdditionalProperties worksheet.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher provides several catalog references with industry standard
equipment nozzle properties.

2. Copy one or more of the catalog references and corresponding properties, and either
minimize or close the default PDMSTo3DMapping file.
3. In the Custom folder, open the CustomPDMSToR3DMapping.xls template file, and click the
CATRefAdditionalProperties worksheet.
4. Paste in the copied catalog row, and then edit the catalog reference name and property
values as required.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 274

Best Practices

In the first example, the catalog reference name was changed to

300lb_Ansi_Flanged/AAZFBB0FF. The property values for this new catalog reference
equipment nozzle are translated into the Smart Model.

In the second example, an existing catalog reference name from the default mapping file is
used, but the property values have been changed. This causes the software to overwrite the
150lb_Ansi_Flanged/AAZFBB0FF property values with these in the custom file.

5. Continue adding and editing catalog reference data as required and then save your changes
to the CustomPDMSToR3D mapping file.
6. Copy your modified CustomPDMSToR3D mapping file to a different location. SmartPlant
Interop Publisher automatically creates mapping subfolders under the Shared Content
Location defined for your project to use. For more information, see Define project settings
(on page 68).
7. Open SmartPlant Interop Publisher, and from the Models view, select your PDMS source
files in the Source Files grid.
8. Click Translate .
9. On the Translate Source File dialog box, set Custom as the mapping option and select the
folder location of the CustomPDMSToR3D file.
10. Click Translate.
Click Schedule to perform the translation at a later time.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 275

Best Practices

11. You can view the file and check equipment nozzle properties in SmartPlant Review, Smart
3D, Intergraph web-based viewer (Portal), and SmartPlant Markup in SmartPlant
Foundation. The remaining steps show you how to open the file in Smart 3D as a Reference
3D model.
Attach and Review in Smart 3D
In Smart 3D Project Management, select the 3D model to attach the Smart Model.
1. Open the New Reference 3D Model dialog box using one of the following methods:
Click Database > New > Reference 3D Model.
Right-click the Plant node, and select New Reference 3D Model.
Right-click the Reference 3D Models node, and then select New Reference 3D Model.
2. In the New Reference 3D Model dialog box, fill in the boxes with appropriate information to
include the following:
Model Type: Select SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
File Path - Type the full path or browse to the folder containing the generated .zvf file for the
selected Smart Model.
Name - Type a name for the model.
The .zvf file is generated in a subfolder under the folder you defined in
SmartPlant Interop Publisher to contain the Smart Models.
3. Click OK to save your edits and close the dialog box.
The process of creating and updating the schema can take several minutes, so an
informational progress message displays during this time.
4. If prompted, click Yes to confirm that the schema packages should be updated.
5. You must either start a new Smart 3D session, or save and reopen an existing session to
see the new Reference 3D Model graphics.
For further modifications, you can refresh the Smart 3D workspace to see any
updated objects and data.
6. Select an equipment nozzle you added and check the properties.

AutoPLANT to SmartPlant Construction

Before you begin, install MicroStation V8i SS3, RealDWG 2013 SP1, and the
ProStructures SELECTseries 6 plugin on the system performing the data translation.
The workflow described in this section shows how to translate an AutoPLANT source file into a
Smart Model and publish it to SmartPlant Foundation. You can then use the SmartPlant
Construction application to access the model data. In the workflow, you also see how to use the
AutoPLANT custom mapping file to map a volume property to an Intergraph volume property,
and define the units of measurement string value to be shown in the translated model.
The overall workflow consists of the following processes:
1. Export source .dwg files (on page 277)
2. Define the units of measure (UoM) (on page 277)

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 276

Best Practices

3. Create your AutoPLANT project (on page 278)

4. Configure mapping (on page 279)
5. Add source files and translate (on page 280)
6. Revise and publish to SmartPlant Foundation (on page 280)
7. Open in SmartPlant Construction (on page 281)

1. Export source .dwg files

AutoPLANT source files can store property data in the following two ways:
In the source file itself. You can add the file directly to SmartPlant Interop Publisher for
In a separate AutoPLANT database file that must be converted before using it in SmartPlant
Interop Publisher. You can convert the database file to Briefcase mode before adding them
to SmartPlant Interop Publisher, or use the AutoPlant Project Package utility for the
Refer to the AutoPlant documentation for more detailed information.

2. Define the units of measure (UoM)

For this workflow, you are going to define metric only units of measure strings for properties. By
default, the mapping supports a mixed scenario in which some property unit strings display in
English while others display in metric unit strings. To define metric only or English only display,
you can copy and rename the default AutoPLANT mapping file to custom so that you already
have all the basic properties delivered with SmartPlant Interop Publisher. Then define the units
and place them in the Units G column in the PropertyMap sheet. SmartPlant Interop Publisher
only reads the G column to get the unit values to display.
Follow the steps below to (1) set up metric only units of measure to display for properties, and
(2) set the PipingFluidVolume property to display 'millimeters'.
1. Go to [drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher\3DInteropMappingFiles.
2. Copy the AutoPLANTToR3DMapping.xls file to a new location and rename it to
3. Open the copied CustomAutoPLANTToR3DMapping.xls file. In the PropertyMap sheet, you
see three columns to help you in defining units (Mixed, Metric, and English). By default,
mixed units display in column G.
4. Go to a property row to change the unit string.
5. In the Units (Metric) column, type in the metric value for the string (for example, type mm^3
for millimeters).
6. Enter the metric string in the Units (Metric) column for other properties, as required.
When entering the units of measure for models being translated and
published to SmartPlant Foundation, you must type the format as specified in SmartPlant
Foundation. For the units of measure list in the required SPF format, see Units of Measure
Entries (on page 308).
7. When you have finished entering all metric units, copy the Units (Mixed) G column to
another column in the sheet.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 277

Best Practices

8. Copy the Units (Metric) column you just edited and paste it in the G column.

9. Save your edits, and close the file.

3. Create your AutoPLANT project

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. The first time you open SmartPlant Interop Publisher, follow the prompts to select a SQL
Server instance and site database. For more information on setting these options, see
Configure a site database (on page 51).
3. Click Projects to go to the Projects view.

4. Click Create from the Projects toolbar.

Right-click in the grid, and then click Create.
5. On the Create Project dialog box, type a project name. For this example, type
6. Use the default SQL Server Data Pathname and SQL Server Log File Pathname
Clear Use the SQL Server default locations for data and log files, and then type or
browse to data and log file locations.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher stores the AutoPlantProject.mdf project database file in the
selected SQL Server data location.
7. Click Test SQL Connection to check the connection to your specified SQL Server instance.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher connects to the SQL Server instance and then displays a
connection successful message in the SmartPlant Interop Publisher messaging area, which
is located at the top of the view window.
8. For Shared Content Location, type or browse to a folder in which copies of the application
support files such as SPIOPToolMap.xml can be stored. For this example, you can select
any file location.
9. Click Create.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 278

Best Practices

10. To register the project with SmartPlant Foundation, select AutoPlantProject in the grid, and
click Register .
Right-click, and select Register.
The SmartPlant > Register command displays the SmartPlant Foundation Registration
wizard that steps you through the following tasks:
Specifying the server name and virtual web site folder for the SmartPlant Foundation
database. To quickly find the web site URL set up for the SPF database, click Help >
About SmartPlant Foundation in the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client
Selecting the plant to register.
Providing a unique description when used in a multi-registration configuration.
11. With AutoPlantProject selected, right-click to select Project Settings.
12. Select SmartPlant Foundation for the Target Application, and then click Save.

4. Configure mapping
Follow the steps below to use the AutoPLANT custom mapping file to map the VOLUME
property to the Intergraph PipingFluidVolume property under the IJR3DPipingItem interface.
This property is already mapped in SmartPlant Foundation. You do not have to do
additional steps on mapping into SmartPlant Foundation using SPF 2016. To check on all
property mapping available for SmartPlant Foundation, you can look at the SPFMapping sheet
in the SPIOPschema.xlsx file delivered by default in the [drive]:\Program
Files\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher folder.
1. Copy the custom mapping template file to a different folder location. For your convenience,
SmartPlant Interop Publisher automatically creates a
\3DInteropMappingFiles\CustomMappingFiles subfolder under your defined shared content
location in which you can copy the file.
2. From the PropertyMap sheet in the CustomAutoPLANTToR3DMapping.xls file, locate the
AT_PIPE Source Class and create a new row with the following information:
Source Property - VOLUME
Target Interface - IJR3DPipingItem
Target Property - PipingFluidVolume
SmartPlant Foundation displays the Target Property value in the translated model. This
value does not have to be the same name as the Source Property value.
3. In the Units column G , enter mm^3 to set the units of measure value to display

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 279

Best Practices

When entering the units of measure for models being translated and
published to SmartPlant Foundation, you must type in the format as specified in SmartPlant
Foundation. For the UoM list in their required SPF format, see Units of Measure Entries (on
page 308).
4. Save your edits.

5. Add source files and translate

The name of the example source file used in this workflow is AT_PIPE_Volume.dwg.
1. If you are not in the Models view, click Models.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Models view.

2. On the Source Files grid, click Add .
Right-click in the Source Files grid, and then click Add.
3. Select the AT_PIPE_Volume.dwg file, and then click Open.
4. Select AT_PIPE_Volume.dwg in the Source Files grid, and then click Translate .
5. On the Translate Source File dialog box, type in or browse to select a Smart Model
6. Select Custom for the Mapping Option.
7. Select the folder in which you copied the AutoPLANT custom mapping file for the Mapping
Files Location.
8. Click Translate.
When SmartPlant Interop Publisher finishes translating the file, Complete displays in the
Translation Status column of the Smart Models grid.

6. Revise and publish to SmartPlant Foundation

If you have a password set up to SmartPlant Foundation, enter your login information
when you use the Revise, Publish, and Find Documents to Publish commands, The
SmartPlant Foundation Login dialog box can also display if you do not have a SmartPlant
Foundation account. Type your User name and Password, and then click OK.
1. From the Models view, select AT_PIPE_Volume in the Smart Model grid.
2. Click Revise .
SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Revise dialog box.
3. Select the revision scheme to use from the Revision Scheme list.
4. In the Revise in Tool section, select the next available major and minor revision numbers.
5. Set other required options indicated by asterisks (*) in the Revise dialog box.
6. Click OK. The document is saved to the model database.
7. Return to the Smart Model grid, and then click Publish .

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 280

Best Practices

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Publish dialog box.

8. Set the Workflow to AutoLoadPublish so that the document is loaded automatically into
SmartPlant Foundation.
9. Click OK to publish.
SmartPlant Foundation provides a message to let you know if the publish was successful.
You can look at the generated log file.
10. Click Find > Published Data > Documents in SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client, and
search for AT_PIPE_Volume.
11. Check the Data Load status to make sure the document has been published and loaded

7. Open in SmartPlant Construction

When the Smart Model has been published into SmartPlant Foundation, it can be retrieved and
reviewed in SmartPlant Construction.
1. Open SmartPlant Construction and login using the required SPF/SPC credentials.
2. From the SmartPlant Construction main view, click Administration > Retrieve published
3. Locate and select the AT_PIPE_Volume Smart Model.
4. Click Retrieve.
The software displays the Retrieved status when it has completed the operation.
5. From the SmartPlant Construction main view, click Models and select the
AT_PIPE_Volume Smart Model to view.
6. Select an object containing the PipingFluidVolume property that you mapped earlier.

MCAD NX to Smart 3D
The workflow described in this section summarizes how to (a) map custom properties, referred
to in NX as User Defined Attributes (UDAs), to an NX model, (b) translate the model using the
MCAD NX source file (.prt), and (c) attach the translated Smart Model into Smart 3D as
Reference 3D data. Custom mapping allows required properties from the source files to be
visible so that you can logically build onto the referenced model.

Considerations and Requirements

You must have an Intergraph MCD license and the MCAD module installed with SmartPlant
Interop Publisher. Contact your Intergraph representative for more information on the MCAD
Make sure you have the CustomNXToR3DMapping.xls file in your SmartPlant Interop
Publisher-installed location: [drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Interop
This workflow supports source files from versions NX 1 - NX 9.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher supports NX instance level UDAs and document level UDAs,
and provides a custom mapping spreadsheet file for data translation.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 281

Best Practices

Workflow Summary
The overall workflow consists of the processes listed below.
1. Add instance level UDAs (on page 282)
2. Create your NX project (on page 283)
3. Map NX custom properties (UDAs) (on page 284)
4. Add NX source file and translate (on page 286)
5. Attach MCAD NX model as Reference 3D Data (on page 287)

1. Add instance level UDAs

The following model represents a piping component created using NX software:

In Smart 3D, we can add a pipe run to connect to the lower valve in the model. To provide
properties so that you can successfully add the pipe run, define the following UDAs at the
instance level in the NX software:
D2 = 2
Schedule Thickness = S-STD
Temp_Max = 10
The PART_NAME property must be added to the NX model. SmartPlant
Interop Publisher considers the NX PART_NAME property value as the source class. If you
do not assign PART_NAME, then SmartPlant Interop Publisher uses the
ISOGEN_COMPONENT_ID property value in the mapping file as the Source class.
Save your changes to your NX .prt file. For reference and workflow information, refer to the
documentation provided with NX.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 282

Best Practices

2. Create your NX project

1. Click the SmartPlant Interop Publisher icon on your desktop .
From the Start menu, click All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
2. The first time you open SmartPlant Interop Publisher, follow the prompts to select a SQL
Server instance and site database. For more information on setting these options, see
Configure a site database (on page 51).
3. Click Projects to go to the Projects view.

4. Click Create from the Projects toolbar.

Right-click in the grid, and then click Create.
5. On the Create Project dialog box, type a project name. For this example, type
6. Use the default SQL Server Data Pathname and SQL Server Log File Pathname
Clear Use the SQL Server default locations for data and log files, and then type or
browse to data and log file locations.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher stores the AutoPlantProject.mdf project database file in the
selected SQL Server data location.
7. Click Test SQL Connection to check the connection to your specified SQL Server instance.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher connects to the SQL Server instance and then displays a
connection successful message in the SmartPlant Interop Publisher messaging area, which
is located at the top of the view window.
8. For Shared Content Location, type or browse to a folder in which copies of the application
support files such as SPIOPToolMap.xml can be stored. For this example, you can select
any file location.
9. Click Create.
The software displays NXMCADProject in the Projects grid.

10. Select NXMCADProject in the grid, and then right-click to select Project Settings.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 283

Best Practices

11. On the General tab, type or browse to a location to store the generated Smart Models.

12. On the Mapping tab, select Custom for the Mapping Options and browse to the location of
the custom NX mapping file (CustomNXToR3DMapping.xls) you modified as shown in the
following example tab.

13. On the Target Applications tab, select Smart 3D, and then click Save.

3. Map NX custom properties (UDAs)

By default, SmartPlant Interop Publisher first uses the delivered default NXToR3DMapping.xls
file when translating. To map custom properties (UDAs) not available in the default mapping,
sheet, locate the NX custom mapping file CustomNXToR3DMapping.xls. The default and
custom mapping files for SmartPlant Interop Publisher are delivered in [drive]:\Program
Files\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher\3DInteropMappingFiles and \CustomMappingFiles. In this
section you are going to map the custom properties (UDAs) you previously added in the NX .prt
source file.
You must have Microsoft Excel to access the mapping .xls files.
1. Make a copy of CustomNXToR3DMapping.xls and place it at a different folder location. This
prevents any future product upgrades from overwriting your edits. For your convenience,

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 284

Best Practices

SmartPlant Interop Publisher automatically creates a

\3DInteropMappingFiles\CustomMappingFiles subfolder under your defined shared content
location in which you can copy the custom mapping file.
2. Open the file and go to the ClassMap sheet and locate the VALVE source class. This class
contains the custom properties to expose by mapping. It is mapped to the Smart 3D class

3. Let's see the Smart 3D property interfaces in CR3DPipingComponent to which we can map
the custom properties. Open the SPIOPschema.xlsx file delivered by default in the
[drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher folder. This file is provided for reference
purposes. The Schema sheet lists the class-to-class and
interface/property-to-interface/property mapping for SmartPlant Review and Smart 3D target
a. Locate the CR3DPipingComponent class.

b. Review the available interfaces and properties to see the closest match for custom
properties. For the custom properties you added in NX, let's use the following mapping
to Smart 3D:
Source Property - D2
Target Interface - IJR3DRoundCrossSectionItem
Target Property - NominalDiameter
Source Property - Schedule Thickness
Target Interface - IJR3DScheduleThickness
Target Property - Schedule Thickness
Source Property - Temp_Max

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 285

Best Practices

Target Interface - IJR3DProcessDatainfo

Target Property - DesignMaximumTemperature
4. Close SPIOPschema.xlsx.
5. Open your copy of CustomNXToR3DMapping.xls and map the properties to the VALVE
source class as shown in the example below. Map the Part_name property as Valve.
Otherwise, if the Part_Name property in the NX model was not mapped, then SmartPlant
Interop Publisher uses SPIOP treat ISOGEN_COMPONENT_ID" attribute value as Source

6. Save your edits and close the file.

4. Add NX source file and translate

Add your NX .prt source file to SmartPlant Interop Publisher and then translate using your
custom mapping sheet.
1. If you are not in the Models view, click Models.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the Models view.

2. Check the Projects list to make sure your NXMCADProject is active.

3. On the Source Files grid, click Add .

Right-click in the Source Files grid, and then click Add.
4. Select the .prt file in which you added the custom properties, and then click Open.
The software displays the file in the Source Files grid.
5. Select the file, and then click Translate .
6. On the Translate Source File dialog box, you can use the source file name as your Smart
Model Name, or type a different name.
The software automatically populates Smart Model Location, Mapping Option, and
Mapping Files Location with the values you defined in your Project Settings.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 286

Best Practices

7. (Optional) If your MCAD NX source file contains sub-assembly files, click the Part
Assembly tab and then select or clear the files to translate. By default, all sub-assembly
files are selected for translation.

8. Click Translate.
When SmartPlant Interop Publisher finishes translating the file, Complete displays in the
Translation Status column of the Smart Models grid.

5. Attach MCAD NX model as Reference 3D Data

1. In Smart 3D Project Management, select the plant to attach the reference model.
2. Open the New Reference 3D Model dialog box using one of the following methods:
Click Database > New > Reference 3D Model.
Right-click the Plant node, and then select New Reference 3D Model.
Select the Reference 3D Models node in the Project Management tree view, and then
right-click to select New Reference 3D Model.
3. In the New Reference 3D Model dialog box, fill in the boxes with appropriate information to
include the following:
Model Type - Select SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
File Path - Type in or browse to the folder containing the generated NX MCAD Smart Model
.zvf and .mdb2 files.
Name - Type in a name to use for the model.
4. Click OK to save your edits and close the dialog box.
The process of creating and updating the schema can take several minutes, so an
informational progress form displays during this time.
5. If prompted, click Yes to confirm that the schema packages should be updated.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 287

Best Practices

6. To see the new Reference 3D model, either start a new Smart 3D session, or save and
reopen an existing session. The example below shows the Reference 3D valve model
selected with its corresponding properties. The custom properties Schedule Thickness and
Design Maximum Temperate display.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 288

Best Practices

7. Build onto the referenced model using the exposed custom properties. For the piping
example, you can route a pipe from the valve end of the model. When you select the valve
end, the software displays New Pipe Run > Reference 3D and you can type values for the
remaining required properties to create a successful pipe run.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 289


This section contains information to help you resolve problems or issues you might encounter
using SmartPlant Interop Publisher.

In This Section
Log Files ..................................................................................... 290
Why Are Certain Commands and Options Unavailable? .............. 291
Troubleshooting: General Operations .......................................... 293
Concurrent Translation Issues..................................................... 303
Cyrillic Characters ....................................................................... 303
Complete - No Graphics Status ................................................... 304

Log Files
SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates various log files to help you analyze and correct
problems with graphics throughout your workflow.
Make sure you periodically check the log files. Information sent to a log file is
accumulated and its size could get extremely large after just a few translation operations. If the
file size gets too large, translation operations can fail. Delete the log file so that SmartPlant
Interop Publisher generates a new log file at the next translation.

Project Settings
To enable general or project-wide error logging for graphics file translation:
1. From the Projects view, select a project, and click Project Settings .
Right-click and select Project Settings.
2. On the Logging tab, select Detailed Log or Summary Log for Logging Options to
determine the log file content.
Summary log - Lists the number of graphic objects that were created, the number of
graphics that failed, the total number of objects, and the number of unsupported entities.
Detailed log - Lists detailed information on the graphic objects in the file such as handle
information, color, layer, and so forth.
3. For the Log File Location, type or Browse to set the path. The [source file name_file
type].log file is created in this path. For your convenience, SmartPlant Interop Publisher
automatically creates a Logging subfolder under your project shared content location in
which you can store the generated log file.
4. Click Save.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates and appends information to the log text file.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 290


Translation Location
The software automatically creates a [source file name_file type].log file each time you translate
source files to Smart Models or Smart Drawings. SmartPlant Interop Publisher places translation
information in the log file generated in the folder defined in Project Settings. The log file for
translation contains the translation status information and a record of any error messages that
were encountered.

Publish Location
A log file is automatically created each time you publish and update Smart Models and Smart
Drawings to SmartPlant Foundation.
For Smart Models, this log file is created in the ZVF subfolder of the Smart Model translation
location. For example, if you specify C:\Smart Models1 as the path, the log file is created in
C:\Smart Models1\ZVF.
For Smart Drawings, a log file is created in the DWG subfolder of the Smart Drawing
translation location. For example, if you specify C:\Smart Drawings1 as the path, the log file
is created in C:\Smart Drawings1\DWG.

Generate Mapping Tool Location

From the GenerateMappingTool dialog box, click View Log to see the log file generated after
you have used the tool to export your .drv files.

Why Are Certain Commands and Options

SmartPlant Interop Publisher contains commands and options that are available or enabled
when specific conditions are met.

Change SmartSolids to Surfaces for V7 DGN files Option

This option displays for .dgn source files, but is disabled if you do not have MicroStation J
(7.01) installed. This option also does not display for any other versions of MicroStation.
Install MicroStation J, and select this option to translate the display of SmartSolids from
wireframe to surface mode. If you do not select this option, SmartSolids are automatically
translated to display in wireframe mode.

Mechanical CAD translation options

Make sure you have the SmartPlant License Manager client installed on the same computer
on which SmartPlant Interop Publisher is installed.
Make sure you have an MCAD (MCD) license.

Open in SmartPlant Review Command

Make sure you have SmartPlant Review loaded on the same computer on which SmartPlant
Interop Publisher is installed.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 291


Register with SmartPlant Command

Make sure you have the following:
SmartPlant License Manager client (installed on the same computer on which
SmartPlant Interop Publisher is installed)
SmartPlant Interop Publisher Adaptor to SmartPlant Foundation module
SmartPlant Client
SmartPlant Schema Component

Revise, Publish, and Publish All Commands

You must register the project to SmartPlant Foundation using the Register with SmartPlant
command. For more information, see Register with SmartPlant (on page 75).
These commands are not applicable to .svf Smart Models.
Make sure you have the following:
SmartPlant License Manager client (installed on the same computer on which
SmartPlant Interop Publisher is installed)
SmartPlant Interop Publisher Adaptor to SmartPlant Foundation license
SmartPlant Client
SmartPlant Schema Component

Single Label Database Option (Composite .svf Smart Models)

The Single Label Database option is turned off if (a) the source files for the selected Smart
Models are not in the Source Files grid, and (b) if you have selected .vue files from both
Smart 3D SPRDirect and 3D Model Data. When you select multiple .vue files from Smart 3D
to create a Composite Model, make sure all the .vue files are from either SPRDirect only or
3D Model Data only, not a combination of the two, to enable this option.

Schedule Button
SmartPlant Interop Publisher requires version 2010 SP1 HF of Intergraph
Batch Services. If you do not have this version, contact your Intergraph support
representative for upgrade information.

Translate Command
Make sure you have the SmartPlant License Manager client installed on the same computer
on which SmartPlant Interop Publisher is installed.

Upgrade Command
Indicates a project that requires upgrading. The command is not active after you have
upgraded the project.

Register Project Command

You must upgrade the selected project for the Register command to be available.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 292


Project Settings and Translation Settings Commands

You must upgrade the selected project for the shortcut menu Project Settings and
Translation Settings commands to be available.

Folder Settings
Message: Some settings have been disabled because the current project is not registered.
The Folder Settings command is not available if you do not have a project, or if you have
not yet upgraded the project.
To set up automation for scheduling and publishing to SmartPlant Foundation, you must
register your project to SmartPlant Foundation, and have SmartPlant Foundation version 5.2
or later.
To create and edit your folder settings, you must be an administrator on the computer
running SmartPlant Interop Publisher. Also, if the User Account Control (UAC) is enabled,
you must use the Run as administrator command on SmartPlant Interop Publisher to edit
Folder Settings.

Troubleshooting: General Operations

Use the information and tips below to help resolve general issues that you might encounter
using SmartPlant Interop Publisher.

CADWorx data from the .dwg source file is not displaying in the Smart Model.
You must install the CADWorx Plant Object Enabler to view CADWorx Plant components
stored in an AutoCAD drawing file (*.dwg). Make sure you have MicroStation V8i SS3
installed. Insert the SmartPlant Interop Publisher DVD and run the installation. Click
Prerequisite Software, and then click CADWorx - Plant Object Enabler. Follow the
prompts to install the software.
Go to the Intergraph eCustomer website and download the latest version from CADWorx
Freeware Tools and Utilities.
After you have installed the Object Enabler utility, return to or open SmartPlant Interop
Publisher. Select the affected Smart Models in the Smart Models grid in SmartPlant Interop
Publisher, and then click Update .

Cannot create a Smart Model.

Check if you have the permissions to perform write operations on the Smart Model location
folder. Get the required folder permissions or change the location folder to where you have
write permissions.
Uninstall SmartPlant Interop Publisher and then reinstall.
Make sure the SmartPlant License Manager is installed and licenses are available.
Retry the translation.
Contact Intergraph support for more information and instructions if the problem persists.
Check the version of the source files. You might have to upgrade your third party application
to generate supported source files. Also make sure the files are not corrupted. For
information on formats, see Supported 3D Model Formats: What source files can I use? (on
page 22).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 293


Check the access permission to the source file and folder.

Run the Update command on Smart Models that have source files that are out of date.
Make sure you have loaded the latest Windows updates.

Cannot create a Smart Model. The source file application requires user interaction.
Source files from certain authoring applications, such as Navisworks and MicroStation,
require the source application to open during the translation. If these applications also
require an initial user input, you must enable the desktop interaction option in Intergraph
Batch Services. After the application opens for the first time and you enter the required input,
you can go back and clear the interaction option for future scheduling.
a. Open Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Services.
b. Right-click Intergraph Batch Server in the list, and then click Properties.
c. If not already selected, select Allow service to interact with desktop in the Log On
tab, and then click OK.

d. Re-start the Intergraph Batch Server service.

e. Verify that the Interactive Services Detection service has been started.

Cannot create display sets or use Find Object in SmartPlant Review integrated with the
SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client.
This can occur for published Smart Models from non-Intergraph application source files.
Contact Smart Support for more information.

Cannot translate .dtm files.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not support .dtm files created with Inroads. You must
export Inroads .dtm files to a supported format such as .dgn.

Cannot translate .rvm files.

You must export .rvm files in binary mode only. SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not
support .rvm files exported in text mode.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 294


Composite document in SmartPlant Foundation containing a Smart Model and 3D Model

Data from Smart 3D has incorrect measurements.
Use the Support SPF Composite model creation with S3D documents Advanced
Project Settings option to translate Smart Models used with 3D Model Data in SmartPlant
Foundation composite documents. This option allows SmartPlant Interop Publisher to adapt
the measurements in the Smart Model to match the measurements in 3D Model Data
published from Smart 3D.
a. Go to the Projects view, and then right-click on the project containing the Smart Models
used in the Composite SmartPlant Foundation document.
b. Select Project Settings > Advanced.
c. Click Support SPF Composite model creation with S3D documents, and then click
d. On the Models view, select the Smart Model in the Smart Model grid, and then click
Update .
e. Select either Default or your custom translation settings, and then click Update.

f. Select the Smart Model again, and then click Publish .

g. Check the composite document in SmartPlant Foundation to review the measurements.

Connection problems to an existing site

Open SQL Server Management Studio:
a. Connect to SQL Server instance.
b. Right-click to detach from the current site: SmartPlant Interop Publisher > Tasks >
c. Leave all boxes cleared, and then click OK.

d. From SmartPlant Interop Publisher, click the IOP Home button , and then click
Options > Configure Site Database.
e. Connect to the site.
You can also type in the path on the Configure Site Database dialog box instead of
browsing to it.

Custom classes and properties are not displaying in the target application. The object
labels are not available in the selected target application.
Check your mapping spreadsheets and make sure the classes and properties have all been
mapped correctly. Also, make sure you have set the correct location for your mapping files.
You can look in the Smart Models grid at the Mapping File Location column.
For data coming from 3D Model Data with custom classes, make sure the Display Name
property has been defined.
When you save your .xls mapping file, make sure you save the file as an .xls file; do not
save it as an .xlsx file. SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not support spreadsheet mapping
files with the .xlsx extension.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 295


Custom level mapping using LevelMapping.xls is not honored during scheduled

After scheduling a translation, do the following:
a. Create a 'Desktop' folder in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile and
b. Check the folder permissions to make sure access is available.
c. Update the Smart Model immediately.
Schedule a translation update.
For more information, see Schedule a Smart Model update job (on page 211).
d. For a recurring schedule, go to the Job Manager view and edit the job dates, if required.

Folder Settings does not show any added or translated source files. It is not working for
my remote client systems.
Make sure the Intergraph SPIOP Folder Settings service is running. For more information,
see Start the Folder Monitoring Service (on page 101)

Graphics in source files are not being translated properly.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not support non-uniform scaling in source files.

Hotspotting does not work for translated Smart Models and Smart Drawings displaying in
SmartPlant Markup.
When you change the source files, translation settings (Smart Models), mapping files (Smart
Models), or register your project to a different database, you must run the Update command
on the corresponding Smart Model or Smart Drawing first, and then re-publish to SmartPlant
Foundation. For more information, see Update and re-publish in SmartPlant Foundation (on
page 140) and Update Smart Drawings (on page 198).

Invalid Action: GetSPFFileTypes

Click OK to continue the publish operation. This message displays when you have the
Portal and SmartPlant Foundation targets selected while you are publishing to Smart
Foundation. To publish when you select both SmartPlant Foundation and Portal targets,
SmartPlant Interop Publisher requires a SmartPlant Foundation version that supports portal
file types. To get this information, log onto Smart Support and check SmartPlant Interop
Publisher on the Compatibility Matrix.

Licensing issues: Unable to return the license for this session

Make sure you have the SmartPlant License Manager set up and at least one SIP seat
available on the licensing server. Retry the operation in SmartPlant Interop Publisher. If you
are publishing to SmartPlant Foundation, make sure you have an SPF license and an
available seat.
Check your network connection to the system containing the License Manager.
Check the translation log file. SmartPlant Interop Publisher creates a [source file name_file
type].log file each time you translate source files to Smart Models or Smart Drawings.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 296


SmartPlant Interop Publisher places translation information in VUE and ZVF subfolders
under the designated Smart Model location.

Lines in the .vue file complex geometry are not displaying.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher ignores all lines included in complex geometry when the
Reduce VUE file geometry memory option is enabled during source file translation. You
can clear this option and re-translate your source files to see line elements.

MicroStation runs out of addressable memory and aborts while translating an AutoCAD file
containing proxy objects.
Set the MicroStation user configuration variable MS_REALDWG_VERSION to 2012.

Missing geometries in Smart Models translated from CIS/2 or Tekla source files.
If the source files contains analytical objects, SmartPlant Interop Publisher only supports
physical model objects.

Occlusion not removing expected objects.

Occlusion performance relies on the graphics card. Higher-end graphics cards do a better
job of removing objects. Lower-end graphics cards remove less objects.

Only a few properties and classes are listed when using the GenerateMappingTool.
The sheet size for the generic mapping file has exceeded 16384 rows. If you specified
multiple .drv files in the GenerateMappingTool:
a. Group them as smaller sets and then run the GenerateMappingTool utility.
b. Merge all the generated mapping files into a single mapping file.

Out of Memory error during translation

If you have logging enabled, check the log file size. The log file gets appended during
SmartPlant Interop Publisher operations such as translation and can generate large file
sizes. Keep the logging option enabled and delete the current log file. SmartPlant Interop
Publisher generates a new log file at the next translation.

PDS 3D Smart Model does not publish to SmartPlant Foundation.

SmartPlant Foundation requires an .xrg input source file. Make sure the .xrg file is in the
same location as the other PDS input source files for the Smart Model. With the Smart
Model .zvf selected in the Smart Model grid, click Update and then SmartPlant >
Publish .

Problems when trying to split large models into sections. The software created separate
objects for the same object contained in multiple Smart Models.
By default, SmartPlant Interop Publisher publishes the same object contained in multiple
Smart Models as different objects in SmartPlant Foundation. This allows for SmartPlant
Interop Publisher to provide Smart Models that can be copied for model data reuse.
However, if you have a large model that you have split up into separate Smart Models in

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 297


which you do not require separate objects to be made in SmartPlant Foundation, follow
these steps:
a. Select the project and then open Project Settings.
b. Click Advanced, and then select Create a single object for the same object in
multiple files.
c. Save your change and then re-translate and re-publish your Smart Models.
Because this option changes how objects in the Smart Model are
published to SmartPlant Foundation, you must terminate the current Smart Models in
SmartPlant Foundation, and then re-translate, and re-publish them in SmartPlant
Interop Publisher for the change to take affect.

Publishing limitations.
For any translation of Smart Models or Smart Drawings to be published to SmartPlant
Foundation, there is a limitation of 600,000 objects in a file.

Publishing problems when SmartPlant Foundation and Portal targets are selected.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher requires a SmartPlant Foundation version that supports portal
file types. Log onto Smart Support and check SmartPlant Interop Publisher on the
Compatibility Matrix. If you do not have a required version, the publish to SmartPlant
Foundation operation continues, but it does not publish the portal files.

Scheduling (General Notes)

If you change your Windows system password, make sure you update the password in the
Intergraph Batch Services server account mapping.
Any changes to batch settings or any scheduled jobs related to SmartPlant Interop Publisher
using the Intergraph Batch Services program can directly affect job status and SmartPlant
Interop Publisher scheduling performance. For more information, see Configure batch
services account mappings (on page 206) and Set the Batch Services job run limit (on page
When scheduling jobs to run on a mapped network drive, you must use the Universal
Naming Convention (UNC) file path. This applies to all file locations such as the source file,
Smart Model, and mapping files locations you must enter in Smart Model translation and
project settings.
After scheduling a translation of files that lists the status as Complete-No Graphics, or if
custom level mapping is not being completed, do the following:
a. Create a 'Desktop' folder in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile and
b. Check the folder permissions to make sure access is available.
c. Update the Smart Model immediately.
Schedule a translation update.
For more information, see Schedule a Smart Model update job (on page 211).
d. For a recurring schedule, go to the Job Manager view and edit the job dates, if

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 298


Scheduled translation of .dri files for Smart 3D or SmartPlant Foundation targets does not
Enable the desktop interaction option in Intergraph Batch Services:
a. Open Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Services.
b. Right-click Intergraph Batch Server in the list, and then click Properties.
c. If not already selected, select Allow service to interact with desktop in the Log On
tab, and then click OK.

d. Re-start the Intergraph Batch Server service.

e. Verify that the Interactive Services Detection service has been started.

Scheduled translation of MicroStation V8 .dgn files with the Translate each design model
separately option does not complete.
The Disable Job Inflow... option must be cleared in Batch Services.
a. From the Start menu, open Intergraph Batch Manager.
b. Right-click on your queue listed in Batch Servers, and then click Properties.
c. Clear the Disable Job Inflow while Running Job option in the General tab.
d. Click OK to save and exit.
e. Open SmartPlant Interop Publisher and schedule the translation.

Scheduled translation for Navisworks and other source file types does not complete.
Source files from certain authoring applications such as Navisworks and MicroStation
require the source application to open during the translation. If these applications also
require an initial user input, you must enable the desktop interaction option in Intergraph
Batch Services. After the application opens for the first time and you enter the required input,
you can go back and clear the interaction option for future scheduling. This applies to
scheduling selected during the interactive translation workflow and for Folder Settings
a. Open Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Services.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 299


b. Right-click Intergraph Batch Server in the list, and then click Properties.
c. If not already selected, select Allow service to interact with desktop in the Log On
tab, and then click OK.

d. Re-start the Intergraph Batch Server service.

e. Make sure the Interactive Services Detection service has been started.

Scheduled update of some edited Smart Models does not occur.

If you make any changes to Smart Model properties, translation settings, or project settings
in SmartPlant Interop Publisher and do not make any changes to the source files,
SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not perform the scheduled update.
Smart Models get updated only when there are changes to the associated source files. In
cases where you edit the Smart Model in SmartPlant Interop Publisher, you must:
a. Select the Smart Model in the Models view.
b. Click Update , and then click Update.

Scheduled translate or update operations for folder settings does not occur.
If you remove source files from the shared folder that have been scheduled for translation or
update, SmartPlant Interop Publisher cannot perform the operation.
Add the source files back to the shared folder.
Go to the Job Manager and remove the job associated to the Smart Model created from the
removed source files. For more information, see Remove a schedule (on page 221).
When scheduling jobs to run on a mapped network drive, you must use the Universal
Naming Convention (UNC) file path. This applies to all file locations such as the source file,
Smart Model, and mapping files locations you must enter in Smart Model translation and
project settings.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 300


Scheduling causes SmartPlant Interop Publisher to become unresponsive when you have
a Batch Services run Iimit greater than one, and the Disable Job Inflow while Running Job
option is selected.
The Disable Job Inflow... option must be cleared in Batch Services.
a. From the Start menu, open Intergraph Batch Manager.
b. Right-click your queue listed in Batch Servers, and then click Properties.
c. Clear the Disable Job Inflow while Running Job check box in the General tab.
d. Click OK to save and exit.
e. Open SmartPlant Interop Publisher and schedule the translation.

SmartPlant Review displays prompts to upgrade my databases after I updated the .svf
project file in SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
When you update or schedule an update of the .svf project file, clear the Keep Project
Database option.
a. Select the .svf file selected in the Smart Models grid, and click Update .
b. On the Update Smart Model dialog box, clear Keep Project Database to generate
new project and label databases.
c. Click Update.

SmartPlant Review has stopped working message displays when translating MicroStation
V7 .dgn files.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher was not able to translate MicroStation V7 .dgn files with
occlusion enabled. Turn off occlusion and either re-translate or update the corresponding
Smart Model, if one was generated.
a. Click Close the Program to dismiss the error message and return to SmartPlant Interop
b. Click Projects and select the project containing the V7 .dgn files.
c. On the Projects view, right-click to open Translation Settings.
Click IOP Home > Options > Translation Settings.
d. For the Settings Group being used, click Common, and then clear Occlusion.
e. Click Save, and then click Models.
f. On the Models view, either select the V7 .dgn source file, and click Translate .
Select the corresponding Smart Model and click Update .

SmartPlant Review settings and features such as display sets, animations, measurements,
and tags are no longer available in my Smart Model after an update.
After you have opened a Smart Model in SmartPlant Review and used any features such as
display set and animation creation, the settings are stored in the project database (.mdb) file.
When you must update the Smart Model, check the Keep Project Database update option

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 301


so that the Smart Model project database file is not overwritten. In the Smart Model grid,
select the Smart Model and click Update . In the Update dialog box, make sure the Keep
Project Database option is checked.
If you created display sets based on DMRS linkages, and then updated Smart Models with
the Common translation setting Maintain unique DMRS linkages option selected, you
must re-create the display sets with the new linkages. This option causes the software to
generate new and unique linkages for each object.

Source files in .dri projects used in automated Folder Settings are not listed in the Source
Files grid.
For .dri source projects containing other source files, SmartPlant Interop Publisher only
shows the .dri files in the Source Files grid.

The .sat files are not being translated. SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not generate a
.vue file if translation fails.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher does not support binary .sat/.sab files. Export the .sat files
from the native software in text mode. Also, the size of the .sat file to be translated cannot
exceed 2 GB. If possible, break the file down into smaller files and try again to translate.

The custom classes or properties containing numbers in their labels are not displaying in
the target application.
Change the cell format of the columns in your mapping file to Text so that numeric values
can be translated.

The property class for translated PlantSpace source files shows as Generic.
Make sure you have a Component Type property in the PlantSpace.xml file. For more
information, see Translate PlantSpace source files (on page 181).

Unable to select and view correlated Smart Drawings or Smart Models in SmartPlant
To allow the selection of items associated to correlated Smart Drawings and Smart Models,
you must publish the Smart Models first and then make sure the publish and load tasks have
been completed in SmartPlant Foundation. Then publish and load the related Smart
Drawings. This allows you to select items in SmartPlant Foundation, and then use View and
Show commands to see the Smart Drawing or Smart Model containing the selected item.

Units of Measure are not correct in the resulting .zvf file when opened in SmartPlant
You can define a mapping for the Units of Measure (UoM). This involves creating a map unit
of measure list definition, and then defining the measurement units to map using the
SmartPlant Schema Editor. For more information, see the topic Create a Map Unit of
Measure List Definition in the SmartPlant Schema Editor User's Guide and Help.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 302


Concurrent Translation Issues

If you are having problems with concurrent translation, use the steps below to recover.
1. Use concurrent translation when running on a physical machine rather than on a virtual
2. Individually update each Smart Model that failed.
a. On the Models view, select the Smart Model with a failed Translation Status.
b. Click Update .
c. Check the Translation Status to see if the update completes.
3. Reduce the Concurrent Translation value if any translation failure happens.
a. Go to the Projects view, and select the current project.
b. Right-click to select Project Settings.
c. Reduce the Concurrent Translations value.
d. Click OK to save your edit, and then go to the Models view.
e. On the Source Files grid, select the source files, and then click Translate .
4. Turn off error logging, and then translate.
a. Go to the Projects view and select the current project.
b. Right-click to select Project Settings.
c. For Logging Options, select Logging off.
d. Click OK to save your edit, and then go to the Models view.
e. On the Source Files grid, select the source files, and then click Translate .

Cyrillic Characters
When you open a translated Smart Model in SmartPlant Review, Cyrillic characters in the
attribute data stored in the PDMS .att file do not display correctly.
Two types of fonts are available in PDMS that can use Cyrillic characters:
Cyrillic (Windows 1251 encoding)
Latin Cyrillic (ISO 8859-5 encoding)
SPIOP only supports Cyrillic (Windows 1251 encoding). You must use Windows code
page-based fonts.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 303


Complete - No Graphics Status

Describes a situation where there are no graphics in the source files. For example, seed or
template files might not initially have any graphics, but you can set them up for translation and
later update the Smart Model as graphics are added.
When you select this type of source file for translation, SmartPlant Interop Publisher inserts a
row in the Smart Models grid with the user-defined Smart Model name as a placeholder. The
status displays as Complete - No Graphics. The software does not create a .vue or .zvf file.
However, you can run Update on the Smart Model whenever graphics are added to the
source file.
If you attempt to open the Smart Model, SmartPlant Interop Publisher displays the message No
VUE file found. You cannot open the model in SmartPlant Review or publish to SmartPlant
Foundation until you update the Smart Model with graphics.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 304


Validation Criteria
This section lists the validation checks performed by SmartPlant Interop Publisher. If the
graphical objects do not pass validation, they are not available in the translated .vue file.
Geometries being validated:
2D Curve Validation:
2D typed curve
2D ellipse
2D line-string
2D arc
2D ellipse
2D B-spline curve
2D rectangle
2D complex-string
2D boundary curve
2D fit curve
3D Curve Validation:
3D typed curve
3D line
3D line-string
3D arc
3D ellipse
3D B-spline curve
3D complex-string
3D boundary
Surface Validation:
Typed surface
Rule surface
Surface of revolution

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 305

Validation Criteria

Surface of projection
B-spline surface
Boundaries of a GTypedSurface
3D Boundaries of a GTypedSurface
2D boundaries of a B-spline surface
3D boundaries lie on a GTypedSurface
3D boundaries of a GTypedSurface have correct orientation
3D boundaries of a GTypedSurface have self-intersection
3D boundary of a GTypedSurface intersecting another boundary on the same surface
Possible validation issues with the above geometry types:
A boundary not on the surface
A boundary not oriented correctly
A boundary which intersects others
A boundary which is not closed
A boundary which is self-intersecting or overlapping
A degenerate boundary
A gap between the curves
A major radius value that is too small
A minor radius value that is too small
A nested complex string
A pointer error
A value greater than GInfinity
A value outside of the working domain
An Inconsistent 3D/2D boundary
An Invalid base value
An invalid curve or surface type
An invalid form or scope
An invalid number
An invalid number of knots or knots values
A valid number of poles
An invalid order or degree
An invalid parameter range
An invalid periodic value
An invalid property value

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 306

Validation Criteria

An invalid rational value

An invalid start and end
An invalid UV range
Inconsistent data
A non-unit vector
Uninitialized data
Vectors that are not orthogonal
A cosine value of zero
A degenerate curve
A null vector
An Intersection error
An invalid dimension
An invalid height and width ratio
An invalid orientation
An invalid ParamEdge
An invalid sweep angle
Capped with inconsistencies
The major axis is not aligned with the X axis
The sweep curve Intersects with the axis

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 307


Units of Measure Entries

When entering the units of measure for models being translated and published to SmartPlant
Foundation, you must type in the format as specified in SmartPlant Foundation. The list below
shows the formats supported by SmartPlant Foundation that you must enter in the Units G
column of the custom mapping sheet.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 308

Units of Measure Entries

Area UoMs Angle Length UoMs Mass UoMs Temperatu

UoMs re UoMs

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 309

Units of Measure Entries

Volume UoMs

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 310

(Also referred to as a Property) Represents a single type of non-graphical information that is
stored to describe an object such as diameter, width, or end preparation.
authoring tools
Applications where 3D model data is created. Authoring tools can be third-party applications and
Intergraph applications such as Smart 3D.
Grouping of individual objects that share some very significant, common characteristics.
Creates an .svf Smart Model, which includes one or more .vue files. An .svf Smart Model is a
collection of multiple .vue Smart Models that allows their graphic objects and attribute data to be
reviewed in a single runtime session.
For more information, see Create Composite (.svf) Smart Models (on page 124).
Composite Smart Model
Consists of an .svf file that contains one or more Smart Model .vue files. The Composite Smart
Model allows graphic objects and attribute data from multiple files to be reviewed in a single
runtime session in SmartPlant Review. For more information, see Create Composite (.svf) Smart
Models (on page 124).
SmartPlant Interop Publisher also allows you to add older .svf projects created using
SmartPlant Review and SmartPlant Review Publisher. These files are also referred to as
Composite Smart Models.
concurrent translation
Allows you to perform multiple translations in parallel. This setting applies to translate and
update operations. You define the number of concurrent users for translating with SmartPlant
Interop Publisher on a project-wide basis. For every project you create, you can set up the
number of concurrent translations that can be performed. SmartPlant Interop Publisher pulls as
many SmartPlant Interop Publisher translation (SRP) licenses as specified by the concurrent
translation value. If you do not have enough licenses, SmartPlant Interop Publisher queues files
for translation until more licenses become available.
For more information, see Use concurrent translation (on page 78).
custom mapping file
Allows you to overwrite or extend the delivered default mapping to include new classes and
properties, or map any unmapped properties. provides a custom translation option and
template mapping files that can be populated with your required mapping information. Each
delivered template mapping file corresponds to a default mapping file of the same data source
For more information, see Use custom mapping for property data (on page 233).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 311


default mapping file

Provides the definition of classes, interfaces, properties, and mappings for a basic set of items
common to the specified authoring tool data sets.
Do not edit the default mapping files. These files are delivered with each
release of SmartPlant Interop Publisher, so any edits you make are overwritten unless you move
the files before you upgrade.
Defeaturing automatically identifies and removes small features and unnecessary details on
specific objects. This detail removal reduces the model complexity, resulting in smaller Smart
Model files sizes and quicker load time for the SmartPlant Interop Publisher target
applications. For more information, see Mechanical CAD (MCAD) defeaturing options (on page
When revised and published to SmartPlant Foundation, Smart Models are managed as
documents, and can be accessed by other integrated applications such as SmartPlant Markup
Plus and SmartPlant Construction. SmartPlant Foundation documents are database objects with
attached files that follow a controlled life cycle.
For more information, see Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129).
generic mapping file
Supports a wide variety of authoring tools. If a custom mapping file is not available for your
format type, supports .DRV files written to Intergraph-defined specifications. Any authoring tool
that can generate a .DRV file for their data can be supported in .
For more information, see Use generic mapping for property data (on page 244).
(Also referred to as an SQL Server instance) Allows you to organize site databases. Use the
default instance for use with SmartPlant Interop Publisher, or you can create an instance
dedicated for SmartPlant Interop Publisher. For more information on installing and configuring
an instance in SQL Server, see the SmartPlant Interop Publisher Installation and Setup Guide.
Each SQL Server instance can host one or more site databases. SmartPlant Interop Publisher
requires you to create at least one site database.
For more information, see How do I organize my files? (on page 28) and Configure a site
database (on page 51).
Contains a collection or group of related properties.
log file
SmartPlant Interop Publisher generates various log files to help you analyze and correct
problems throughout your workflow. You can set up a general log file in Project Settings. Log
files are also automatically created during translation and placed in the corresponding .vue and
.zvf subfolders.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 312


For more information, see Define project settings (on page 68) and Troubleshooting (on page
Represents the fundamental task for data integration. Intergraph and third-party authoring tools
can have different names or labels for the same property. Additionally, different expressions and
units of measure can result in conflicting representation of the same data. So, mapping is
needed to help resolve these property conflicts when reviewing model data in different
Intergraph applications such as SmartPlant Review or Smart 3D.
Mapping is done through the use of spreadsheet mapping files (also referred to as configuration
files). A mapping file defines mappings for section names, material names, member types, and
attribute or property labels between Intergraph software and supported third-party applications.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher delivers a set of default mapping files that includes the basic
classes and their properties for the SmartPlant Enterprise application format. For any object
data and properties that are not covered, you can create and use your own custom mapping
There are three mapping options available: default, custom and generic. For more information
on customizing your graphic and label display, see Configure Mapping to Control Model Display
(on page 228).
master units
The largest unit in use in a design. Possible values for this field are:
Metric - meters, millimeters, centimeters
Imperial - inches, feet, yards, miles
For more information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80).
Defines a model design entity such as a pump or a valve.
positional units per sub unit
Scales your data by defining the number of positional units in the model dataset that equals a
single sub unit. A positional unit is the smallest whole number (unit of resolution) used to
represent model coordinates in the dataset.
For more information, see Define Translation Settings (on page 80).
(Also referred to as an Attribute) Represents a single type of non-graphical information that is
stored on an object such as diameter, width, or end preparation.
A publish to SmartPlant Foundation performs the following:
Smart Models:
Publishes a visual representation of the Smart Model that can be used by SmartPlant
Markup Plus or SmartPlant Review. You can also mark up the visual representation of the
document using SmartPlant Markup Plus.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 313


Publishes associated data, depending on workflow approval. If the data is approved and
loaded, it is used for reporting and subsequent retrieval by downstream applications when
the authoring tools retrieve the latest data.
Places the published .zvf file and any view files in the appropriate SmartPlant Foundation
For more information, see Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129).
Smart Drawings:
Publishes data and 2D graphics that are translated from Smart 3D-generated orthographic
and isometric drawings.
Places the published drawing files in the appropriate SmartPlant Foundation vault.
For more information, see Access Drawings in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 199).
In the SmartPlant Review Publisher application, the term publish was used to
describe the conversion of 3D model data from source files to .vue files. In SmartPlant Interop
Publisher, this term now applies to sending translated Smart Models or Smart Drawings to
SmartPlant Foundation.
Schema Component
A suite of ActiveX components that provide functionality surrounding the creation, parsing,
validation, and comparison of the SmartPlant schema and data. The tool adapters interact with
the Schema Component to read the SmartPlant schema, to create data for publish, and to
retrieve data.
Shared content location
Every SmartPlant Interop Publisher project requires a shared content location. This folder
contains internal files used by SmartPlant Interop Publisher to support work done in the
specified project. The shared content file location also contains subfolders in which you can
store files to support mapping, logging, and automation settings for your project. For more
information, see Define project settings (on page 68) and Configure a site database (on page
site database
Contains user-defined SmartPlant Interop Publisher projects database. The SmartPlant Interop
Publisher project provides the way to organize source files and Smart Models for a particular
plant or section of a plant. You can create a project containing Smart Models that can be used
or shared in multiple site databases. When you create a project, all project information is defined
in the corresponding project database file.
Although there is the basic hierarchy of SQL Server instance > Site Database, you can create
and set up site databases and projects to meet any modeling requirements.
For more information, see Configure a site database (on page 51) and How do I organize my
files? (on page 28).
Smart Drawing
Contains data and 2D graphics that are translated from Smart 3D-generated orthographic and
isometric drawings. When you create a Smart Drawing, the graphics and data can be
published to SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see Work with Smart Drawings (on
page 196).

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 314


Smart Model
Models that contain graphics and data extracted from a variety of sources, with object and label
(property) mapping standard between SmartPlant applications in an integrated environment.
The source file data is translated to file formats that can be opened in SmartPlant Review and
Smart 3D applications, and stored in SmartPlant Foundation. Applications such as SmartPlant
Construction that are integrated with SmartPlant Foundation can access the Smart Model data
for operations such as work package creation.
For more information, see What are Smart Models? (on page 20) and Work with Smart Models
(on page 121).
Refers to integration functionality. The SmartPlant menu in SmartPlant Interop Publisher
provides commands that integrate with SmartPlant Foundation.
For more information, see Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant Foundation (on page 129).
SmartPlant Enterprise
A suite of Intergraph engineering applications that are delivered together.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher project
Provides the way to organize source files, Smart Models, and mapping information for a
particular plant or section of a plant. A project can contain multiple Smart Models.
For more information, see How do I organize my files? (on page 28).
SmartPlant Schema
The key schema used for defining the data warehouse content of SmartPlant Foundation. The
SmartPlant schema (referred to as EFSchema) describes the structure of the .xml files
generated by authoring tools in much the same way as a data dictionary describes the structure
of a database. The Smart Models that are published to SmartPlant Foundation adhere to the
format defined by this schema.
source file
Specifies single file or multiple files required to produce a Smart Model or Smart Drawing. For
more information, see Supported 3D Model Formats: What source files can I use? (on page 22)
and Supported Drawings Formats (on page 27).
source format
Represents the source of data for SmartPlant Interop Publisher, which supports files from a
variety of third-party authoring tools and Smart 3D data.
For more information, see Supported 3D Model Formats: What source files can I use? (on page
22) and Supported Drawings Formats (on page 27).
Represents the acronym sometimes used in referring to SmartPlant Interop Publisher.
SPIOP schema
Defines the structure and organization format of data displayed in Intergraph target applications.
SmartPlant Interop Publisher translates the data in the source files to the format defined by the

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 315


SPIOP schema. The purpose and on-going implementation of the SPIOP schema is to ensure
that the display of 3D objects is consistent within Intergraph applications.
For more information, see Configure Mapping to Control Model Display (on page 228).
streaming vue file (.svf)
Contains one or more .vue files. The .svf files allow graphic objects and attribute data from
multiple files to be reviewed in a single runtime session. The .svf files are generated using the
SmartPlant Interop Publisher Compose command, and they can be opened in SmartPlant
For more information, see Create Composite (.svf) Smart Models (on page 124).
sub units
Sub units must be defined the same as master units unless the positional units per master units
are greater than the conversion factor between the defined master unit and sub unit. For
example, if the master units are meters, then the sub units must also be meters. If the number
of positional units per master units is 100, then the sub units can be defined as centimeters.
sub units per master units
Defines the actual conversion factor between the defined sub units and the master units. For
example, if the master unit is defined as meters and the sub units are defined as centimeters,
then this field must be 100.
target application
Represents SmartPlant Review, Smart 3D, SmartPlant Foundation, and web-based Portal
applications that can open Smart Models and Smart Drawings.
tool signature
A unique identifier for the relationship between a plant in SmartPlant Foundation and a specific
plant in an authoring tool database. The relationship is created when an authoring tool registers
with SmartPlant Foundation.
Moves and rotates a Smart Model into a specific location. Data is always moved with respect to
the Global coordinate system. If the area you are moving was modeled with respect to a rotated
coordinate system, the results of the move may not be as expected. This is because the
software calculates the move based on the orientation of the Global coordinate system, which is
zero (0) degrees.
For more information, see Move, Rotate, and Scale (Transform) Smart Models (on page 222).
Converts selected source files into Smart Models. For more information, see Translate to Smart
Models (on page 114).
unique identifier
Specifies a Unique Identifier (UID) for data objects in a class. You can edit or add your own UID
values only when using SmartPlant Foundation or Smart 3D as the target application. The
values you assign to the UID should remain the same throughout the life of your project work.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 316


work process diagram

A key part of a work process diagram is the use of swimlanes. A swimlane helps illustrate a
process that spans across different applications. A swimlane is depicted as a row containing
activities specific to the application or role represented by that swimlane. Swimlanes that
represent various products or product lines are color-coded.
working units
Working units are coordinate units that correspond to the position and definition of a point in a
model. There are a fixed number of points on each axis of a model. The idea in establishing
working units is to make sure that the objects that you want to draw can be entered with
adequate precision, and at the same time fit in the design plane.
Working units include Master Units (the largest unit in use in a design), Sub Units (a portion of a
Master Unit), and Positional Units (a portion of a Sub Unit). Positional Units are the smallest
degree of accuracy possible in your design. Working units are usually referred to as MU:SU:PU.
zip format file (.zvf)
Contains an .svf project file and multiple .vue files. A .zvf file allows you to access a sub-set of
your model data without having to load the entire model. If the entire model data does not fit into
memory, portions are still accessible.
SmartPlant Foundation decompresses the .zvf file project into the .zip file versions of the
.svf project so they can be streamed remotely from the SPF server to SmartPlant Review.
Smart 3D uses the .zvf file as a reference file format to allow you to export and import
reference external model graphics to and from a Smart 3D model database.

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 317

7. Translate the CAESAR II source file
1 270
1. Add instance level UDAs 282
1. Export source .dwg files 277 8
1. Place hangers and supports 262
1. Start SmartPlant Interop Publisher and 8. Open the file in SmartPlant Review 271
create a project 255
2 9. Attach as Reference 3D data 273
2. Add the source file and translate 256
2. Create your NX project 283 A
2. Define the units of measure (UoM) 277 Access a Smart Model in SmartPlant
2. Export the data for CAESAR II 264 Foundation 129
Access Drawings in SmartPlant Foundation
3 199
3. Configure mapping files 266 Add 3D model source files 112
3. Create your AutoPLANT project 278 Add a cross-section to the catalog 146
3. Map a property to the SmartPlant Interop Add a new cross-section workbook 148
Publisher schema 256 Add a project back to SmartPlant Interop
3. Map NX custom properties (UDAs) 284 Publisher 74
Add classes and properties to the generic
mapping file 248
4 Add drawing source files 193
4. Add NX source file and translate 286 Add Smart Drawings 197
4. Configure mapping 279 Add Smart Models 123
4. Create a CAESAR II project 267 Additional Documentation 11
4. Map the property to the SmartPlant Attach and review in Smart 3D 128
Schema 257 attribute 311
authoring tools 311
5 AutoCAD options 84
AutoPLANT to SmartPlant Construction
5. Add source files and translate 280
5. Attach MCAD NX model as Reference
3D Data 287
5. Import PCFs into CAESAR II 267 B
5. Update, revise, and publish 259 Best Practices 253

6 C
6. Export to SmartPlant Interop Publisher CAESAR II options 85
270 CAESAR II to Smart 3D Workflow 261
6. Open in SmartPlant Review 260 Change SmartSolid Display 120
6. Revise and publish to SmartPlant Check publish mapping for SmartPlant
Foundation 280 Foundation 241
CIS/2 options 85
7 class 311
Complete - No Graphics Status 304
7. Open in SmartPlant Construction 281
compose 311
Composite Smart Model 311

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 318


COMPRESS options 86 G
concurrent translation 311
Concurrent Translation Issues 303 Generated file types 30
Configure a site database 51 generic mapping file 312
Get Help information 18
Configure batch services account mappings
Get Started 48
Configure Mapping to Control Model
Display 228 H
Copy Smart Models 124 How can I see my object properties in
Create a custom mapping of PDMS Intergraph applications? 29
equipment nozzles 274 How do I organize my files? 28
Create a project 66
Create and Manage Smart Drawings 192
Create and Manage Smart Models 111
Create Composite (.svf) Smart Models IFC to SmartPlant Foundation Workflow
124 254
Create folder settings for automation 102 instance 312
custom mapping file 311 interface 312
Customer Support and Technical User Internationalization 9
Forum 12 IOP Home menu 32
Customize the Views 43
Cyrillic Characters 303 J
Job Manager View 41
default mapping file 312 L
defeaturing 312 Learn the Basics 20
Define a site database 51 log file 312
Define project settings 68 Log Files 290
Define Translation Settings 80
Delete SmartPlant Interop Publisher
projects 74 M
Dock a Grid 44 Manage Smart Model properties 126
document 312 Map a cross-section name to an existing
Drawings View 39 cross-section 147
Map an XMpLant Name Against an Existing
E Name 191
mapping 313
Edit a schedule 219 master units 313
Edit folder settings 109 MCAD NX to Smart 3D 281
Edit Scheduled Jobs 219 Mechanical CAD (MCAD) defeaturing
Edit the custom mapping template file 236 options 86
Edit the UIDs 240 MicroStation options 90
Exit SmartPlant Interop Publisher 58 Models View 35
Export to a .drv file format 246 Move, Rotate, and Scale (Transform) Smart
Extend the Reference 3D schema 242 Models 222

Find Documents to Publish 76 Navisworks options 94
Format-Specific 3D Model Translations
object 313

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 319


Open a SmartPlant Interop Publisher Schedule a publish to SmartPlant

project 74 Foundation job 216
Open file locations 47 Schedule a recurring job 218
Open in SmartPlant Review 127 Schedule a Smart Drawing update job 215
Open Smart Models and Drawings in Portal Schedule a Smart Model update job 211
Applications 204 Schedule a translation job 210
Open SmartPlant Interop Publisher 58 Schedule Jobs 205
Open the shared content location 76 Scheduling Folder Settings 106
Organize Your Work with Projects 64 Schema Component 314
Set the Batch Services job run limit 207
P Set the custom option 243
Set the generic mapping option 249
PDMS options 94 Set the units of measure (UoM) in custom
PDS 3D options 96 mapping 239
positional units per sub unit 313 Shared content location 314
Preface SmartPlant Interop Publisher 9 site database 314
Prepare model source files for translation Smart 3D options 98
112 Smart Drawing 314
Projects View 34 Smart Drawings Grid 40
property 313 Smart Model 315
Publish 130, 313 Smart Models Grid 37
Publish Smart Drawings 200 SmartPlant 315
SmartPlant Enterprise 315
Q SmartPlant Foundation Folder Settings
QuickStart 48 107
SmartPlant Interop Publisher project 315
SmartPlant Schema 315
R source file 315
Recommended Project Organization 253 Source Files Grid (Drawings View) 39
Reduce the translated .vue file size 119 Source Files Grid (Models View) 37
Register with SmartPlant 75 source format 315
Remove 3D model source files 113 SPIOP 315
Remove a schedule 221 SPIOP schema 315
Remove a Smart Drawing 198 Start the Folder Monitoring Service 101
Remove a Smart Model 123 Status and Error Messaging 45
Remove drawing source files 194 streaming vue file (.svf) 316
Review and change transformations in sub units 316
Smart 3D 226 sub units per master units 316
Review and change transformations in Supported 3D Model Formats
SmartPlant Review 225 What source files can I use? 22
Review Key Mapping Concepts 229 Supported Drawings Formats 27
Review the delivered mapping files 231
Review Your SmartPlant Interop Publisher
Interface 31
Revise 129 target application 316
Revise Smart Drawings (Optional) 199 Terminate a Published Smart Drawing 202
Run a job immediately 219 Terminate a Published Smart Model 132
Terminology 17
tool signature 316
S transform 316
Schedule a Composite Smart Model update Transform a Smart Model in SmartPlant
job 213 Interop Publisher 223
Schedule a job 208 translate 316

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 320


Translate .vue files from SPRDirect 186 Use Search Filters 46

Translate AutoPLANT source files 141 Use the GenerateMapping tool 247
Translate CADWorx source files 149 Use your existing custom and generic
Translate CIS/2 source files 143 mapping files 231
Translate IFC source files 154
Translate IGES source files 158 V
Translate MCAD assembly files 160
Translate MCAD files with defeaturing Validation Criteria 305
options 163 View File in SmartPlant Foundation 131
Translate MicroStation V8 .dgn file 166 View Smart Drawings in SmartPlant
Translate PDMS source files 173 Foundation 202
Translate PDS source files 177
Translate PlantSpace source files 181 W
Translate Smart 3D source files 184 Welcome to SmartPlant Interop Publisher
Translate source files exported from 16
Navisworks 170 What are Smart Drawings? 21
Translate to Smart 3D and SmartPlant What are Smart Models? 20
Review Workflow 59 What source files can I use? 21
Translate to Smart Drawings 194 What's New
Translate to Smart Models 114 SmartPlant Interop Publisher 13
Translate to SmartPlant Foundation Why Are Certain Commands and Options
Workflow 60 Unavailable? 291
Translate to Web Portal Applications work process diagram 317
Workflow 62 Work with Smart Drawings 196
Translate XMpLant source files 189 Work with Smart Models 121
Translation Folder Settings 104 working units 317
Troubleshooting 290
General Operations 293
zip format file (.zvf) 317
Undock a Grid 44
unique identifier 316
Units of Measure Entries 308
Update 133
Update and re-publish in SmartPlant
Foundation 140
Update in Portal Applications 139
Update in Smart 3D 139
Update in SmartPlant Review 139
Update Smart Drawings 198
Upgrade a project 65
Upgrade Site Databases and Projects 54
Use 3D Model Source Files 111
Use concurrent translation 78
Use custom mapping for property data
Use Drawing Source Files 192
Use Folder Settings to Automate Tasks
Use generic mapping for property data
Use level mapping for graphics 251

SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 321


SmartPlant Interop Publisher User's Guide 322

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