Smart Plant 3D (SP 3D)

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(SP 3D)
INTERGRAPH® PLANT The resulting 3D Modeling & Visualization solu-
DESIGN VISION tion provides true workflow-managed integration
While plant design software has grown in between the process engineering design basis
scope, power, and sophistication, its design and detailed engineering disciplines, extending
and engineering fundamentals have not altered across and beyond the project enterprise. This
for decades. Intergraph recognized that a step
consistent, multi-discipline environment is truly
change was needed: one that would result in “intelligent” and rules-based, “understanding” the
plant design technology anticipating and leading many object relationships that exist within the
rather than following the industry, as O/Os and plant model, and maintaining the design intent
EPCs embraced a concurrent and collaborative, as changes occur.
around-the-clock and around-the-world project
engineering environment. This environment augments and further extends
Intergraph’s data-centric approach by introduc-
The resulting solution offers more than an ing additional engineering “intelligence” to all 3D
incremental change to plant design. Faster plant design objects managed within the 3D plant
engineering design is still important, but no lon- model. This approach also extends beyond current
ger enough. The key component in Intergraph’s plant design technologies to address increasing
plant design vision is to extend the scope of market demands.
plant design software to more directly manage
and monitor evolving plant information and its It also allows for migration of legacy data from
associated project and plant relationships. This other plant design solutions into Intergraph’s 3D
approach represents Intergraph’s step change to Modeling & Visualization environment. The solu-
plant design, transforming the way plant design tion includes a more integrated, consistent 3D
is undertaken in the future. plant modeling environment. Powerful, automated
tools enable rapid creation and updating of intel-
THE SOLUTION: ligent drawing and report deliverables from the
3D MODELING & 3D plant model.
Intergraph’s 3D Modeling & Visualization solution Value Propositions
leverages the company’s domain and global
expertise to offer innovative applications that
meet your needs. It removes existing plant Save hours on
Engineering discipline
engineering tasks.
design limitations, and in their place introduces
new, multi-disciplinary, silo-free ways of working – Project Save weeks on schedule.
in an optimized, integrated design and
visualization environment. Save a percentage of total
Extended enterprise
installed costs (TIC).
Improved Performance
Intergraph has conducted research among
industry users to measure the impact of its 3D
Modeling & Visualization solution on a plant
environment. The results reveal that it:
• Delivers up to 35 percent productivity savings
in key plant design disciplines compared to
conventional software – and even more when
it is integrated using Intergraph’s SmartPlant®
Enterprise solution.
• Saves time on 3D design modification
compared to its conventional equivalent.
• Reduces remodeling between conceptual and
detailed design by seamlessly carrying forward
initial conceptual layouts into detailed design.
• Cuts the time taken to check P&ID
consistency and accuracy between the 2D
schematic model and 3D digital plant model. INTERGRAPH –
Setting a New Quality Benchmark THE MARKET
Intergraph is delivering a production-ready
commercial solution with the power to transform
the industry. Underpinning this step change is a
continued focus on design integrity and quality. Intergraph understands your needs,
Design integrity and quality can be measured based on more than a quarter-century of
in many different ways. It can be as simple as experience with the industries we serve and
maintaining certain design rules, or as complex the people who use our solutions:
as reducing engineering errors. Intergraph’s 3D
Modeling & Visualization solution addresses • Two-thirds of the plants built worldwide
both. For example: have been designed using Intergraph plant
• With real-time interference detection, you see design software.
potential spatial issues as they occur, rather
than after the fact as conventional modeling • Intergraph solutions are used by the
systems do today. leading chemical, petroleum, and life
• Automated rules preserve design intent as sciences companies.
model objects are moved and relocated in
the design, drastically reducing the amount of • Intergraph continues to reinvest about 15
rework caused by edits and modifications. percent of its revenue in the development
• The ability to track ownership of design of new technologies.

areas that break assigned, automated rules
increases the model quality and ensures the
design owner is still the person in control of
that section of the design.
• Integrating all the major disciplines, not just
piping and structural, guarantees a complete,
consistent design. This ability has not been
offered by traditional packages.
• Automated drawing production and model
monitoring ensure that all drawings produced
from the 3D plant model always reflect the cur-
rent and approved model status. This means
no more hand-checking of drawings is needed
to make sure they match the model.

Global, Concurrent Engineering Support

Whether your project leverages high-value
engineering centers, centers of expertise, or
around-the-clock engineering practices, the entire

Course Details design team can collaborate more effectively

than ever before. With Intergraph’s 3D Modeling
& Visualization, you can replicate project data
Course Duration:

anywhere in the world using established, industry-
1 Month standard tools. In practice, this means that as
Intergraph Smart™ 3D changes are made in one location, they are
Coursewas the top solution in our
Mode: automatically and incrementally propagated to

Online due partly to its other locations – with all project team members
integrated work share and working in a single, concurrent environment. The
other appealing features, its whole process can be managed from one site.
bright& future,
Timingand: integra- Enable different engineering disciplines to work
5 to 7tion with
Hours in other
a week SmartPlant concurrently with continuous interference checking
Enterprise solutions. Smart in force. This helps identify design problems more
3D will enable
Certification : Fives Cail to
improve design productivity
ASTSandGlobal Education India

Pvt. Ltd.
quickly. The earlier a problem is detected, the
easier it is to correct – at significantly lower cost.
improve design quality.

M. Alain Fruchart
Head of Information Systems
Fives Cail

Intergraph’s 3D Modeling & Visualization solution Enterprise objects validate and ensure the
helps the industry shorten its project schedules, consistency of your design. When one piece
allowing plant revenues to begin flowing earlier of design data is modified, others associated
and project financing costs to be reduced. It with it automatically update to reflect the design
also allows EPCs to better optimize their design modification, maintaining design intent. These
workforces, cut construction safety risks, and relationships promote easier updates. Again,
slash insurance costs. this accelerates the engineering process and
improves the overall quality of the underlying
Faster and Better Design – design data. The resulting 3D plant objects are
Without Compromise now truly “intelligent,” understanding their own
The 3D Modeling & Visualization solution provides functions and relationships relative to other 3D
a variety of business benefits. From a productivity plant objects designed within the SmartPlant
standpoint, the solution increases the level of Enterprise environment. Importantly, the 3D
drawing automation, increasing design accuracy. Modeling & Visualization environment creates a
Engineers can take advantage of a quick and unified disciplinary environment. A staff member
easy-to-use environment that employs “wizards” can easily learn how to use the tools of multiple
to support and assist more complex modeling disciplines – good news for productivity, and for
tasks, significantly shortening the learning curve smaller projects and plant configuration manage-
required to achieve productivity. Because 50 ment, in which one design engineer can now
percent of engineering time can be wasted looking handle all the work. All discipline-specific tools,
for drawings and other documents, this increased such as piping, structural, and equipment, only
automation boosts productivity and improves the require a few commands.
efficiency of engineering design.
Easier Modification Throughout the Life of
Importantly, the 3D Modeling & Visualization the Plant
environment also offers a unified, multi-disciplinary By improving the quality of asset design, the 3D
environment in which you can learn how to use Modeling & Visualization solution improves effi-
common tools spanning multiple disciplines. This ciency, making it easier and cheaper for O/Os to
is good news for design productivity, and for maintain and run their plants. O/Os can use the
smaller projects in which one designer can now solution to preserve the value of their engineering
handle a broader range of multi-discipline activities. data while also making the plant modifications
These optimized, consistent system commands that are inevitable during the life of the asset. The
and modeling functions also mean that engineers 3D Modeling & Visualization solution supports
can learn how to use the system more quickly, “as-is” and “to be” plant configurations, ensuring
shortening project schedules. data integrity while saving time and money.

Projects designed using Intergraph’s 3D Modeling

& Visualization offer built-in data intelligence.
Embedded engineering rules for all SmartPlant



• Member Creation
• SP3D Fundamentals
• Connection Type
• Attributes, Positioning and Orientation
• Creating Beam and Columns
• Login of SP3D
• Modify Beam and Columns
• Design Tasks
• Brazing Configuration
• Workspace Explorer
• Assembly Connections
• Create System
• Platform, Stairs and Ladders
• Common Views
• Pane and Plates • Exercises
• Zoom Tool
• Window Area
• Refresh View
• Active View Control
• Place Support by Structure
• Rotate View
• Place Support by Point
• Place Part
• Creating an Equipment
• Creating Shapes
• Nozzle and Nozzle Connections ELECTRICAL CABLE TRAY
• Equipment Positioning • Electrical System
• Creating Standard Equipment & • Cable Ways
Positioning • Cable Trays
• Rotate and Move Option • Define Properties
• Exercises • Edit Cable


• Create Grid System
• Duct Routing
• Create Coordinate System
• Spiting
• Linear System
• Plan Grid
• ISO Draft
• Radial Grid
• Volume Drawing
• Edit Grid
• Annotation
• Add Grid
• Dimensioning
• Labeling
• Create Pipe System
• Create Pipeline
• Set Default
• Insert Component
• Move Pipe Run
• Pipe Routing
• Pipe Splitting
• Create Branch
• Exercises
COCHIN : 4th Floor, A.K. Tower, Cusat Signal Junction,
South Kalamassery, Cochin - 682 033, Kerala, India.


DUBAI: The Bridge Building, level 2, The Sports City,
Dubai, UAE. Tel: +971 54 3456 210

3 Temasek Avenue, #21-00, Centennial Tower, Singapore 039190
Tel: +65 8726 9036
LONDON (UK): ASTS Global Corporate Limited
41 Norfolk Road, ELY Campus, CB 63 EJ, London
Tel: +44 7448 023990
IRELAND (EUROPE) : Higher Studies Abroad Limited.
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Tel: +353 86 255 6617
Email: [email protected]
+91 9020210210, +971 54 3456 210
Toll Free : 1800 121 6378


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