AIDT Leadership Skills I: Day One

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2-Day Outline

AIDT Leadership Skills I

Day One

I. Introduction
A. AIDT Overview
B. Program Content/Training Materials
C. Student Participation

II. Leading the Human Resource
A. Your Companys Most Valuable Resource
B. Leaders Role

III. Leader Responsibilities
A. Empowerment
B. Motivator
C. Leader
D. Evaluator
E. Communicator

IV. Improving Work Relationships
A. Respecting our Differences
B. Principles of Teamwork
C. Consensus Decision Making

Day Two

V. Communication
A. Effective Communication
B. Methods of Communication
C. Feedback
D. Whats My Communication Style?

VI. Motivation
A. The Law of Effect
B. The Pygmalion Effect
C. Hierarchy of Human Needs
D. Theory X and Y

VII. Leadership Skills
A. What is Leadership?
B. Managers vs. Leaders

VIII. Putting it all Together
A. Successful Leadership
B. Final Test and Evaluations
C. The Next Step

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