9B Compelete by Mildred and Shandy
9B Compelete by Mildred and Shandy
9B Compelete by Mildred and Shandy
Science 9B
SY 2017-2018
Content with 5Cs DepEd Learning Competencies Skills Activity Assessment (Evaluation)
A. Ionic Bond: Bond Formation - explain the formation of A1. Determine visually and in - predict the valence electron A1. FOR 20 Item Quiz on
and Properties ionic and covalent bonds; writing the corresponding for a given element Valence Electron, Lewis
- explain properties of metals valence electron, Lewis - draw the Lewis electron dot electron dot and oxidation
in electron dot and oxidation for a given element number (Evaluation: answer
terms of their structure; number (charge) of a - predict the oxidation key)
- explain how ions are certain element based on number (charge) for a given
formed; its placement in the element
periodic table
A2. Explain in writing the - answer a Frayer diagram on A2. FOR Venn Diagram on
principles that supports the bond formation and atom Octet Rule and Duet Rule
formation of ionic bond stability based on ionic (Evaluation: answer key)
bond formation
A3. Apply in writing the two - answer worksheet for ionic A3. FOR Worksheet on ionic
methods of ionic bond bond formation using bond formation using Arrow
formation Arrow (LEDs) Method (LEDs) Method (Evaluation:
- answer worksheet for ionic answer key)
bond formation using Criss-
cross (Oxidation Number) A3. FOR Worksheet on ionic
Method bond formation using Criss-
cross (Oxidation Number)
Method (Evaluation: answer
B. Covalent Bond : Bond B1. Explain in writing the - answer a Frayer diagram on B1. FOR 10 Item Quiz on
Formation and Properties principles that supports bond formation and atom Covalent Bond Formation
the formation of covalent stability based on covalent (Evaluation: answer key)
bond bond formation
B2. Apply in writing the method - predict the number of B2. FOR Worksheet on
of covalent bond formation covalent bonds formed Covalent Bond Formation
based on a given pair of (Evaluation: answer key)
A1-B2. Lab Act. 8: Ionic and
- answer worksheet for Covalent Compounds
covalent bond formation (Evaluation: Lab Act Rubric)
C. Attractive Forces: Definition C1. Determine in writing the - answer worksheet for type C1. FOR 10 Item Quiz on Type
and Properties different the bond types of bonds (polar and of Bonds (Evaluation: answer
and its properties nonpolar) key)
C2. Determine in in writing the - answer worksheet for C2. FOR 10 Item Quiz on
different classifications of classifications of attractive Classifications of Attractive
attractive force force (Ion-Dipole, Dipole- Forces (Evaluation: answer key)
(C3- is committed to leading, Dipole, London force, and
serving and working with Hydrogen Bond) B1- C2. SUM Long Test 2:
others) Covalent and IMF only
(Evaluation: answer key)
B. Covalent Compound: B1. Apply in writing rules on - answer worksheet for B1 B2. FOR 20 Item Quiz on
Chemical Formula, Name and determining the chemical writing and naming of writing and naming of chemical
Structure formula for covalent chemical formula for formula for covalent compound
compounds based on a covalent compound (stock (Evaluation: answer key)
given pair of elements name and classical name)
A1 - B2. Distinguish orally and - answer worksheet for A2 and B2. FOR Graphic
in writing the type of writing and naming of Organizer on properties and
inorganic compound based chemical formula for different rules on writing and
on the given chemical inorganic compounds naming of chemical formula for
name and/or formula inorganic compounds
(Evaluation: answer key)
A1 - B2. Summarize orally and
in writing properties
inorganic compounds
C. Molecular Geometry: C1. Identify visually the - answer worksheet for B1 B2. FOR 20 Item Quiz on
Bonding and Nonbonding bonding and nonbonding bonding and nonbonding Molecular Geometry
Domains, Shapes and Angles domains based on the domains and molecular (Evaluation: answer key)
given chemical formula geometry/shape based on
(C3 - constantly works towards and/or structure the given chemical formula A1- C2. SUM Long Test 3:
excellence) and/or structure Formula Writing and Naming
C2. Determine visually and in and Molecular Geometry
writing the molecular (Evaluation: answer key)
shape/geometry based on
the given chemical formula A1-C2. SUM Performance Task:
and/or structure 3-Dimensional Molecular
Model (Evaluation: Lab Act
A. Hydrocarbons: Number of - explain how the structure A1. Determine visually and in - answer worksheets for A1 A4. FOR Graphic
Carbons and Type of Bonds of the carbon atom affects writing the number of hydrocarbons Organizer on different
the type of bonds it forms; bonds and type of bonds hydrocarbons (Evaluation:
present in a given answer key)
- recognize the general hydrocarbon
classes and uses of organic A1 A4. FOR 20 Item Quiz on
compounds; A2. Explain in writing the Hydrocarbons (Evaluation:
principles that supports answer key)
the formation of
B. Derivatives: Functional B1. Determine visually and in - answer worksheet for B1 B4. FOR Graphic
Groups, Structure and Naming writing the functional derivatives Organizer on different
group present in organic derivatives (Evaluation: answer
(C2 - is imbued with love of compounds key)
and B2. Explain in writing the B1 B4. FOR 20 Item Quiz on
C3 - constantly works towards principles that supports derivatives (Evaluation: answer
excellence) the formation of key)
A1- B4. SUM Long Test 1:
B3. Illustrate visually the Organic Compounds
structure of a given (Evaluation: answer key)
A1- B4. SUM Performance Task:
B4. Apply in writing rules on Soap Making and Packaging
naming derivatives (Evaluation: Lab Act Rubric)
A. Mole Concept: Unit for - use the mole concept to A1. Solve in writing the number of - answer worksheet for A1-A3. FOR 20 Item Quiz on
Counting the Particles of express mass of moles of a substance, given conversion for mass to Quiz on Conversion of Moles
Matter substances; mass and vice versa number of mole and vice (Evaluation: answer key)
- determine the percentage versa
A2. Solve in writing the number of
composition of a
particles of a substance,
compound given its - answer worksheet for
given number of moles and
chemical formula and vice conversion for mole to
vice versa
versa. number of particles and
A3. Solve in writing the number
vice versa
particles, given mass of a
substance and vice versa - answer worksheet for
conversion for mole to
number of particles and
vice versa
B. Compound Composition: B1. Solve in writing the molar - answer worksheet for molar B1. FOR 20 Item Quiz on Molar
Mass, Formula and Percentage mass and molecular mass of a mass and molecular mass Mass and Molecular Mass
Composition given compound (Evaluation: answer key)
- answer worksheet for the
(C2 - is imbued with love of B2. Solve in writing the empirical B2. FOR 10 Item Quiz on
empirical and molecular
country, and molecular formula of a Empirical and Molecular formula
given compound
C4 - constantly works towards (Evaluation: answer key)
excellence B3.Solve in writing the percentage - answer worksheet for the
and composition of a given percentage composition B3. FOR 10 Item Quiz on
C5 - has a well-integrated compound Percentage Composition
character) (Evaluation: answer key)
A5-B3. Differentiate in
writing basic features and
importance of
photosynthesis and
A. Respiratory Systems: Parts - explain how the A1. Identify in writing the - Answer Biologue on A1. FOR 20-Item Quiz on
and Functions respiratory and circulatory parts of the respiratory Respiratory System: Respiratory Systems: Parts and
systems work together to system and their Organs and its functions Functions
B. Circulatory Systems: Parts transport nutrients, gases, functions (Evaluation: answer key)
and Functions and other molecules to - Answer Biologue on
and from the different A2. Describe in writing the Circulatory System: Organs A2. SUM Long Test 1:
(C1- is motivated by Christian parts of the body; main functions of the and its functions Respiratory
values and ideals, C4- - infer how ones lifestyle respiratory system (Evaluation: answer key)
constantly works towards can affect the functioning
excellence and C5- has a well- of respiratory and A3. Describe in writing the A3. SUMMATIVE: PT: Slogan on
integrated character) circulatory systems; phases involved in Anti-Smoking
breathing (Performance Rubric)
A4. Explain in writing the B1. FORMATIVE: Circulatory
mechanics involved in Systems: Parts and Functions
breathing (Evaluation: answer key)