Background: Depigmented Skin Lesions Are of Great Concern in The Society, Especially in The
Background: Depigmented Skin Lesions Are of Great Concern in The Society, Especially in The
Background: Depigmented Skin Lesions Are of Great Concern in The Society, Especially in The
Background: Depigmented skin lesions are of great concern in the society, especially in the
Indian subcontinent. These comprise many infective and inflammatory conditions that cause
apprehension and anxiety among patients due to the social stigma attached to these
conditions. Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis (IGH) appears similar to many depigmented
lesions and differentiation of IGH from these conditions is difficult clinically as well as
histopathologically. Methods: Clinically suspected IGH were included in the study. All IGH
lesions were confirmed by histopathology. Clinical data and dermoscopic patterns were
analyzed and presented in proportions and percentages. Results: Thirty patients were
included in the study with 16 females and 14 males. Dermoscopy showed amoeboid,
feathery, petaloid and nebuloid patterns in 12, 7, 6 and 1 patients respectively. Four patients
had combination of these patterns. Conclusion: Dermoscopy of IGH revealed consistent
patterns. Hence, we propose these patterns were specific to IGH and help clinician to
differentiate many depigmented skin lesions from IGH in clinical practice. However,
histopathology must be done for confirmation of diagnosis. Further studies on dermoscopy of
IGH with histopathology correlation are proposed.
Depigmented skin lesions are commonly encountered in day-to-day practice, and they pose a
diagnostic challenge for the clinician. Many of them appear similar clinically. One has to
differentiate depigmented lesions from vitiligo as it carries tremendous social implications as
social stigma, especially in India. [1] Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis (IGH) is one such
depigmented skin condition whos incidence in India is about 20% in patients below the age
of 30 years, and it shoots up to 80% of patients over the age of 70 years. [2] Morphologically,
IGH looks similar to other depigmented skin lesions including vitiligo making it difficult to
diagnose and differentiate IGH from other conditions on clinical grounds [Figure 1].
Therefore, there is a need for standardized criteria or patterns to differentiate these
conditions. IGH is commonly seen in elderly patients with obscure etiopathogenesis and
characterized by hypopigmented or depigmented macules and patches clinically. [3] Authors
thought dermoscopy may fill this gap making the possibility of clinical diagnosis of IGH.
Dermoscopy, a noninvasive, in vivo technique for the microscopic examination of pigmented
skin lesions, has the potential to improve the diagnostic accuracy. [4]
Figure 1: Well demarcated macules and patches of idiopathic guttate
hypomelanosis (IGH) on the back. Panels show IGH on wrist (a) and
on hand (b)
Although dermoscopy is widely used in the differential diagnosis of pigmented lesions, it has
expanded its applications in dermatology. Alternative applications of dermoscopy include
inflammatory diseases, parasitoses, hair and nail abnormalities. [5] Studies on dermoscopy of
IGH a lesions are not reported in the literature. Hence, a study on dermoscopic observation of
IGH lesions was carried out wherein authors could find particular dermoscopic patterns that
were consistently seen in IGH.
Written informed consent was taken from patients. The ethical clearance for the study was
obtained by the Institutional Ethical Committee.
This study was carried out among 30 patients attending Department of Dermatology in a
tertiary care hospital attached to S. Nijalingappa Medical College at Bagalkot, South India
between January and July 2013. Thirty patients with IGH lesions were subjected for a
complete history and dermatological examination. Demographic and clinical data was
Dermoscopic examination
Dermlite 3 dermoscope (3Gen, LLC, 31521 Rancho Veijo Road Suite104, San Jaun
Capistran,CA 92675, USA) with polarized light (10 magnification) was employed in the
study. Sony Cybershot camera DSC-W800 (Sony Electronics Inc., San Diego, California,
USA) was attached to save the images. Initially, ultrasound gel was applied either on the
faceplate of the dermoscope or on the skin lesions and then lesions were observed through the
eyepiece of dermoscopy. Although polarized dermoscopy was employed, ultrasound gel was
applied for clarity of images and to lessen distortions associated with light.
Skin biopsy
All IGH lesions were subjected to skin biopsy, and histopathological examination was done
to confirm the diagnosis.
Statistical analysis
Data were collected, analyzed and tabulated. The results were statistically described in terms
of distribution and duration of lesions, mean standard deviation (SD) and frequency of
dermoscopic patterns when appropriate.
There were 16 females and 14 males in the study. Average age of the patients was 54.5 years
with a range of 24 years to 85 years. The distribution of IGH lesions according to age groups
and sex is shown in [Figure 2]. Dermoscopy demonstrated amoeboid, feathery, petaloid and
nebuloid patterns in 14 (46.66%), 12 (40%), 7 (23.33%) and one patient (03.33%)
respectively [Figure 3]. The amoeboid pattern [Figure 4] with amoeba-like pseudopods
extending at periphery was commonly observed. Feathery pattern [Figure 5] having feather-
like striations extending into surrounding skin, petaloid pattern [Figure 6] with well-defined
borders and nebuloid pattern [Figure 7] with indistinct margins, merging into surrounding
skin were demonstrated in the decreasing order. Age of the patients and mean duration of
IGH lesions is presented in [Table 1]. Distribution of dermoscopic patterns among different
age groups is depicted in [Figure 8]. Feathery pattern (50.4 10.9) was observed in smaller
age groups and amoeboid (50.86 17.6), petaloid (52.6 15.3) and nebuloid (55) were seen
in older age groups. The distribution of dermoscopic patterns according to duration of IGH
lesions is given in [Figure 9]. The feathery pattern (8.93 6.97) was seen in patients with
longer duration of skin lesions, and nebuloid pattern (6.00) was observed in patients with
lesser duration of skin lesions. The basket-weave hyperkeratosis was observed in 40%
corresponding to whitish areas in feathery pattern and loss of melanin globules was seen in
100% corresponding to depigmentation in all patterns in histopathology [Figure 10].
Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis is an acquired leukoderma of unknown cause found in all
races. [6] Its pathogenesis may depend on various factors such as patient age and sun-
exposure. [7] Clinically, the lesions are porcelain-white macules, usually 2-6 mm in size, but
sometimes they are larger. The borders are sharply defined, often angular and irregular with
normal skin markings. [8] It is also known as disseminate lenticular leukoderma and can be
mistaken for vitiligo. [9] IGH has to be distinguished in clinical practice from other
depigmented and hypopigmented conditions such as leprosy, vitiligo, pityriasis alba, and
pityriasis versicolor. The histological findings associated with IGH are hyperkeratosis, an
atrophic epidermis, and flattened rete ridges and decreased melanin content, and reduced
numbers of melanocytes. [7] However, at times, it becomes difficult to differentiate IGH from
guttate vitiligo due to similar histopathological changes. Dermoscopy visualizes the color
patterns in the epidermis, dermo-epidermal junction and papillary dermis; when these
patterns are observed consistently in a given disease, they could aid in its diagnosis. [10]
Although clinicoepidemiological and histopathological studies of IGH abound in the
literature, studies on dermoscopic evaluation are rare. Bambroo et al. appreciated four
patterns dermoscopy of IGH namely nebuloid, petaloid, feathery and amoeboid. [1] Similar
patterns were observed in our study. Nebuloid pattern of IGH was observed in lesions of
recent onset and also among older patients. Feathery, amoeboid, and petaloid patterns were
more commonly seen in older lesions of IGH. Histopathology confirmed the clinical
diagnosis in our study. The authors believe that the whitish areas (yellow diamond) in the
center of feathery patterned lesions correlate with hyperkeratosis on histopathology, and
denote longstanding disease. Understanding this relationship may help in the diagnosis of
IGH. [11] Angular, irregular and convex borders on clinical examination also appear as
distinct patterns in dermoscopy. It may be stated that patterns documented here by authors are
dermoscopic variants of IGH, not histopathological variants.
A study of dermoscopic patterns in IGH will aid the clinician in making a correct diagnosis
thus ameliorating anxiety and apprehension associated with depigmented lesions in the
society. Larger studies of IGH incorporating histopathological correlation, and comparison
with the dermoscopic appearances in vitiligo are recommended.
Authors acknowledge the help of Dr. Manjula Kashinakunti for her statistical assistance.
7. Kim SK, Kim EH, Kang HY, Lee ES, Sohn S, Kim YC. Comprehensive understanding
of idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis: Clinical and histopathological correlation. Int J
Dermatol 2010;49:162-6.
8. Anstey AV. Disorders of skin colour. In: Rook's, Textbook of Dermatology. 8 th ed.
West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell; 2010.p. 58.1-59.
10. Nischal KC, Khopkar U. Dermoscope. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2005;71:300-
11. Bowling J. Introduction to dermoscopy. In: Bowling S, editor. Diagnostic Dermoscopy-
The Illustrated Guide. 1 st ed. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell; 2012. p. 2-14.