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Received 10 January 2008; Accepted 22 April 2008

JODDD, Vol. 2, No. 2 Spring 2008

athologic changes can occur in the per-
iradicular tissue, which has an almost
unlimited source of undifferentiated cells
that participate in inflammation as well as
repair. Inflammation of the periodontium
caused by irritants of endodontic origin may
be termed apical periodontitis. Chronic api-
cal periodontitis is a long-standing inflam-
mation of the periodontium that is character-
ized by the presence of a granulomatous tis-
sue. The lesion may be epithelialized or
nonepithelialized. Periradicular lesions have
been classified on the basics of their clinical
signs and symptoms and duration of lesions.
Histologically, chronic apical periodontitis is
classified either as granuloma or cyst. A per-
iradicular granuloma consists of granuloma-
tous tissue. The apical (radicular) cyst has a
central cavity filled with an eosinophilic
fluid or semi-solid material and is lined by
stratified squamous epithelium. The origin
of epithelium is the remnants of Hertwigs
epithelial sheath seen as the cell rests of
Periapical true cyst is an apical
inflammatory cyst with a distinct pathologic
cavity that is completely enclosed in an
epithelial lining without any communication
to the root canal exits. Periapical pocket cyst
A Twenty-year Survey of Pathologic Reports of Two
Common Types of Chronic Periapical Lesions in
Shiraz Dental School
Laaya Safi
* Alireza Adl
Mohammad Reza Azar
Raheleh Akbary

1. Assistant Professor, Department of Endodontics, Dental School, Shiraz University of Medical Science, Iran
2. Dentist, Private Practice, Shiraz, Iran
* Corresponding Author; E-mail: [email protected]
Background and aims. Accurate differential diagnosis between radicular cysts and periapical granu-
lomas cannot be made from radiographs alone. Histological prevalence studies, therefore, assume special
importance and may aid the clinician in making judgments regarding therapy. The incidence of radicular
cysts has ranged with wide discrepancies in data. The purpose of this study was to evaluate recorded
pathologic reports of two common types of chronic periapical lesion in Shiraz Dental School.
Materiasl and methods. In this study, biopsy reports of 227 specimens of chronic periapical lesions
were reviewed. The following information was extracted from each report: patients gender, age, tooth
associated with the lesion and the pathological diagnosis. Probable significant differences in the occur-
rence of lesions between different ages and genders were analyzed using chi-square test.
Results. 15.9% of the lesions were granulomas, and 84.1% were cysts. A slight difference in the occur-
rence of the lesions was found between males and females with no statistical significance (P >0.005).
The highest incidence of both lesions was in the third decade of life. No significant differences were
found in age distribution of the lesions. The most common location for two lesions was the maxillary an-
terior teeth.
Conclusion. Histological differentiation between cysts and granulomas is not always accurate and se-
rial sectioning of excisional biopsies is more valuable than randomized sectioning of curetted biopsies.
Key words: Chronic periapical lesion, cyst, granuloma.

Safi et al. Pathologic Reports of Periapical Lesions 64
JODDD, Vol. 2, No. 2 Spring 2008

(bay cyst) is an inflammatory cyst contain-
ing a saclike epithelial lined cavity that is
open to and continuous with the root canal.

The reported incidence of these lesions is
inconsistent. Variation may be due to sam-
pling methods and the histological criteria
used for diagnosis. Many lesions are combi-
nation of types and contain granulomatous
inflammation, cysts and areas of scarring but
do not include abscesses which would not be
recovered intact during surgery.
The re-
ported incidence of cysts among apical pe-
riodontitis lesions varies from 6% to 73 %
(Table 1).

The objective of this study was to study in
detail the type, incidence, distribution and
frequency of two common types of chronic
periapical lesions (granulomas and radicular
cysts) among human periapical lesions ob-
tained from biopsy reports in Department of
Oral Pathology at Shiraz Dental School.
Materials and methods
In this retrospective study, all biopsy reports
with periapical cyst or granuloma diagnosis
over a twenty-year period (19852005) were
retrieved from the records of the Department
of Oral Pathology at Shiraz University of
Medical Sciences Faculty of Dentistry.
The collected data included age, gender,
tooth associated with the lesion and the
pathological diagnosis. Data such as the
cause of surgery, presurgical endodontic
condition, diagnostic radiograph and the size
of lesions were not accessible and could not
be retrieved. The lesions were classified into
two categories, namely granuloma and cys-
tic lesions.
Chi-square test was used to analyze the
probable significant differences in the occur-
rence of lesions between different ages and
genders data.
From the total of 227 periapical biopsy re-
ports obtained, 36 cases (15.9%) were peri-
apical granuloma and 191 cases (84.1%)
were periapical cysts (Table 2). Patients age
ranged from 7 to 75 years old with a mean
of 30.23 years.
No significant differences were found in
age distribution of the lesions. The highest
incidence of both lesions was in the third
decade of life.
The studied records comprised of 129
(56.8%) males and 98 (43.2%) females.
There were no significant differences in the
occurrence of both lesions between two gen-
ders (P >0.005).
These lesions occurred in maxilla approxi-
mately two times as frequent as the mandi-
Table 2. Frequency of lesions from the studied
records in the present study
Lesion Number (percentage)
Periapical granuloma 36 (15.9)
Redicular cyst 191 (84.1)
Total 227 (100)
Table 1. The incidence of periapical cysts in different studies
Study No. of cases Cyst (%) Granuloma (%)
Baumann et al (1956)
121 26 74
Sommer et al (1956)
170 6 84
Wais (1958)
170 6.4 83
Patterson et al (1964)
510 14 84
Linenberg et al (1964)
110 9 80
Bhaskar (1966)
2308 42 48
Lalonde and Luebke (1968)
800 44 45
Morse et al (1973)
40 22.5 77.5
Block et al (1976)
230 6 94
Simon (1980)
35 17 54
Spatafore et al (1990)
1659 42 52
Nobuhara and del Rio (1993)
150 22 59
Mass et al (1995)
49 73 26
Ramachandran Nair et al (1996)
256 15 50
Safi et al. Pathologic Reports of Periapical Lesions 65
JODDD, Vol. 2, No. 2 Spring 2008

ble. The highest distribution of both lesions
were found in maxillary anterior teeth fol-
lowed by maxillary and mandibular poste-
rior teeth, and finally in mandibular anterior
The chronic periradicular lesions are classi-
fied on the basis of their clinical signs and
symptoms and duration of the lesion. The
best diagnostic method for differentiation of
cysts and granulomas are histopathologic
methods but the entire lesion is usually not
retrieved for biopsy; only fragments are ob-
tained during curettage.
In biopsy reports
assessed in the present study, histopa-
thological sections from biopsy specimens
were used.
There are two long-standing hypotheses re-
garding the formation of a cyst cavity; the
nutritional deficiency theory and the ab-
scess cavity theory. Because of the inherent
nature of epithelial cells to cover exposed
connective tissue surfaces, Ramachandran
Nair et al
postulated that it may be possible
that apical cyst formation is a genetically
programmed event.
Several techniques introduced for differen-
tiating cysts from granulomas according to
their radiographic appearance are based on
size and possession of a radiopaque cortex.
A number of studies were carried out to de-
termine the reliability of radiographs for dif-
ferentiation of periapical cysts and granulo-
mas. These studies indicate a considerable
correlation between increased size of radio-
graphic lesions and the incidence of
On the other hand, Sommer et
failed to show such a correlation. In addi-
tion, Bhaskar
in a major study of the inci-
dence of periapical lesions also observed a
lack of correlation between lesion size and
incidence of cysts.
Another method for differentiating the two
lesions is the use of an x-ray contrast me-
dium injected into the periapical lesion
through prepared root canals, which, in case
of cysts, assumes a round smooth bordered
and dense appearance.

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is an-
other method for diagnosis of radicular cysts
and granulomas. Root canal fluids are aspi-
rated from teeth with radiographic evidence
of periapical pathosis. Analysis of the root
canal fluids with an albumin patterns is
found in all of the cases diagnosed histologi-
cally as being granulomas. In cases that are
diagnosed histologically as cysts, there is a
much more intense albumin pattern and
other patterns in the globulin regions.
The histopathologic structure of the apical
cysts in relation to the root canal of the af-
fected teeth is of particular importance.
described the morphologic aspect
and clinical relevance of certain types of
periapical cysts and discovered two district
categories of radicular cysts, namely those
containing cavities completely enclosed in
epithelial lining or true cysts and those con-
taining epithelium lined cavities that are
open to the root canals as bay cysts.
There is continuing controversy regarding
the potential for inflammatory apical cysts to
heal after non-surgical endodontic therapy.
Ramachandran Nair et al
examined 256
periapical lesions and found that 9% of them
were apical true cysts and 6% were apical
pocket cysts.
In this study, biopsy reports of 227 speci-
mens of chronic periapical lesions were re-
viewed and it was found that 15.9% of the
lesions were granulomas, and 84.1% were
cysts. A very slight difference was found
between males and females which was not
statistically significant.
No significant differences were found in
age distribution of the lesions among age
groups; however, the highest occurrence of
the two lesions was found to be in the third
decade of life. The most common location
for both cysts and granulomas was the max-
illary anterior teeth.
There is a large discrepancy between the
reported incidences of cysts. The reported
incidence of radicular cysts among human
periapical lesion varies from 6% to 73%
(Table 1). Langeland et at
attributes this
variation to the investigators definition of a
cyst, the histological criteria used, and the
characteristics of the population sample. It is
important to note that the illustrations pro-
vided by Bhaskar
and several other investi-
gators are only high power views of small
segments of epithelial lesions and the low
power magnifications are not available.
In most of the previous studies, the inci-
dence of radicular cysts is less than that of
granuloma. In present study, however,
84.1% of chronic lesions were cysts. In al-
Safi et al. Pathologic Reports of Periapical Lesions 66
JODDD, Vol. 2, No. 2 Spring 2008

most all of the previous studies several pa-
rameters remain constant; all studies were
performed using curetted biopsy material
with serial sectioning in pathologic process-
ing. In the records assessed in the present
study, the specimens were extracted with
randomized sectioning that can cause patho-
logical misdiagnosis of periapical epitheli-
ated granuloma as cyst. Most of granulao-
mas contain an epithelial portion that can
lead to misdiagnosis. An accurate histopa-
thologic diagnosis of radicular cyst is possi-
ble only through serial sectioning of the le-
sion removed with excisional biopsy and if a
strip of epithelium is seen as a lining of a
cavity. In viewing random or a limited num-
ber of serial sections from an incisional bi-
opsy or fragmented lesions, a portion of the
specimens can show the appearance of
epithelial lined cavities that might not really
exist. If epitheliated granulomas which
could give the impression of a cyst are ex-
cluded from the cases diagnosed as cysts in
our study, the percentage of cysts could,
similar to other studies, be lower.
Another reason for high percentage of cysts
in present study is that usually large, chronic
lesions recalcitrant to endodontic therapy are
referred to the department of maxillofacial
surgery for treatment. These lesions are sub-
sequently sent to the department of oral pa-
thology after surgery. Therefore, this can be
assumed the reason why in the archive re-
cords evaluated, most of chronic periapical
lesions were cysts.
Therefore, it can be concluded that histo-
logical differentiation between cysts and
granuloma is not always accurate and serial
sectioning of excisional biopsies is more
valuable than randomized sectioning of cu-
retted biopsies.
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