Laws in Exceptional Children

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Special Education in the Philippines is anchored on the following fundamental legal documents

Republic Act No. 7277:

Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities
An Act Providing For The Rehabilitation, Self-Development And Self-Reliance Of Disabled
Person And Their Integration Into The Mainstream Of Society And For Other Purposes .

Batas Pambansa Bilang 344: "An Act to Enhance the Mobility of Disabled Persons."
required cars, buildings, institutions, establishments and public utilities to install facilities and
other devices for persons with disabilities

Presidential Decree No. 1509

Creating The National Commission Concerning Disabled Persons And For Other Purposes
the national government recognizes its responsibility to provide the handicapped with the
fullest measure of protection and assistance to help develop their abilities in all fields of
endeavor and to promote their integration into the mainstream of society, as well as its
primary duty for the prevention of physical and mental disabilities.


An act to provide for the promotion of vocational rehabilitation of the blind and other
handicapped persons and their return to civil employment. \


An act expanding the benefits and privileges of persons with disability (pwd)

Articles 356 and 259 of Commonwealth Act No. 3203

"the right of every child to live in an atmosphere conducive (making it easy) to his physical,
moral and intellectual development" and the concomitant duty of the government "to
promote the full growth of the faculties of every child."

Republic Act No. 3562: "An Act to Promote the Education of the Blind in the Philippines
provided for the formal training of special education teachers of blind children at the
Philippine Normal College, the rehabilitation of the Philippine National School for the Blind
(PNSB) and the establishment of the Philippine Printing House of the Blind

Republic Act No. 5250: "An Act Establishing a Ten-Year Teacher Training Program for
Teachers of Special and Exceptional Children."
provided for the formal training of teachers for deaf, hard-of-hearing, speech
handicapped, socially and emotionally disturbed, mentally retarded and mentally gifted
and youth at the Philippine Normal College and the University of the Philippines

Section 8, Article XV of the 1973 Constitution of the Philippines

"A complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national
Articles 3 and 74 of the Presidential Decree No. 603 of 1975
"The emotionally disturbed or socially maladjusted child shall be treated with sympathy and
understanding and shall be given the education and care required by his particular condition."
"Thus, where needs warrant, there shall be at least special classes in every province, and if
possible, special schools for the physically handicapped, the mentally retarded, the emotionally
disturbed and the mentally gifted. The private sector shall be given all the necessary inducement
and encouragement."

Presidential Decree No. 1509 of 1978

created the National Commission Concerning Disabled Persons (NCCDP)
Education Act of 1982 or Batas Pambansa Bilang 232
"The State shall promote the right of every individual to relevant quality education regardless of
sex, age, breed, socioeconomical status, physical and mental condition, social and ethnic origin,
political and other affiliations. The State shall therefore promote and maintain equality of access
to education as well as enjoyment of the benefits of education by all its citizens."

Section 24 of BP 232:
"Special Education Services"
"the State further recognizes its responsibility to provide, within the context of the formal education
system services to meet special needs of certain clientele. These specific types shall be guided by
the basic policies of state embodied on General Provisions of this Act which include the
education of persons who are physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, culturally different from
the so-called 'normal' individuals that they require modification of school practices/services to
develop to their maximum capacity."

Article XIV, Sections 1 and 2 of the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines

"The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels
and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all."
"The State shall provided adult citizens the disabled and out-of-school youth with training in
civics, vocational efficiency and other skills."
Republic Act No. 9442
An Act Amending Republic Act No. 7277, Otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Persons
with Disability as Amended, and For Other Purposes Granting Additional Privileges and
Incentives and Prohibitions on Verbal, Non-Verbal Ridicule and Vilification Against Persons
with Disability.
Persons with disability are part of Philippine society, and thus the State shall give full support
to the improvement of their total well being and their integration into the mainstream of
society. They have the same rights as other people to take their proper place in society.
They should be able to live freely and as independently as possible. This must be the
concern of everyone the family, community and all government and non-government
organizations. Rights of persons with disability must never be perceived as welfare services.
Prohibitions on verbal, non-verbal ridicule and vilification against persons with disability shall
always be observed at all times.

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