313-317 DEPTO One K
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313-317 DEPTO One K
SELECTING AND PLANNING THE PROCESS OF MANUFACTURE: Fundamental rules of the manufacturing process, Basic
design of the product, Influence of process engineering on product design, Rechecking specifications, how materials selected
affects the process cost, using materials more economically, the material cost balance sheet, Process planning and its types. (6)
SELECTION OF PROPER TOOLING: Classification, sources of tooling, tool holders, work piece holders, molds, patterns, core
boxes, dies and gauges. Availability of equipment, Effects of process parameters on performance and economy. (5)
Total L: 15
1. Donald F Eary and Gerald E Johnson, Process Engineering for Manufacturing, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2003.
2. Serope Kalpakjian and Seven R Schmid, Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, Pearson
3. Education, New Delhi, 2000.
HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT APPROACHES: Performance management, self motivation, employee relations, rights
and discipline, safety and health (5)
TRAINING AND DEVELOPING A COMPETITIVE WORKFORCE: Knowledge management practices, external and organizational
environments, team building (5)
Total L: 15
1. Randall S. Schuler, Strategic Human Resource Management, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2000
2. Gomez-mejia, Balkin and Cardy, Managing Human Resources, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2006.
MEASURE OF VIBRATION: Vibration instruments Mechanical Exciters Electrical exciters and Transducers Frequency
Analyzers Free vibration Measurement using Impact hammer vibration analyzers. (5)
MEASUREMENT OF SOUND : Nature of sound sound pressure level sound power level sound intensity level frequency
combining decibels sound propagation sound level meter (5)
CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT (KAIZEN): Understanding the current status of the industry -establish metrics - identifying the wastes
- applying lean principles (PDCA) - measure productivity. (2)
FMEA: Applying the principles of FMEA- understand severity, detection and occurrence - develop FMEA based on process flow-
prioritize the activities to reduce RPN (4)
CONTROL PLAN: Applying the principles of control plan (CP)- understand sections of CP - establish parameters driven by product
and process- verification needed before start of process- constant monitoring for stability of process- reaction plan. (4)
ERROR PROOFING (POKA-YOKE) - Understanding error proofing Vs mistake proofing (MP) - when EP and MP should be applied-
develop EP and MP for a process- cost implications (3)
Total L: 15
1. Ruffa, Stephen A, Going Lean: How the Best Companies Apply Lean Manufacturing Principles , AMACOM, A division of
American Association, Broadway, New York, 1995.
2. APQP Manual, Automotive Industry Action Group 2008
GOVERNING EQUATIONS: Application of physical principles, Deriving governing equations in conservation form- Continuity,
Momentum and Energy equation, Classification of equations in PDE form. (4)
DISCRETIZATION: Discretization, Grid types, Finite Difference Method - forward, central, backward difference, Truncation error,
Stability, Convergency, Consistency, Implicit and explicit method, Boundary conditions. (4)
CASE STUDIES: Solving practical fluid flow and heat transfer problems such as compressor, IC engine, pumps, and gear boxes
analytically and using CFD software. (4)
Total L: 15
1. John D Anderson, Computational Fluid Dynamics The Basics with Applications, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2005
2. Muralithar K, Sundararajan.T, Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, Narosa Publications, 2003
3. Chung.T.J, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, London, 2002
4. John C Tannehill et al, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, Taylor and Francis, 1997
HEAT TRANSFER ANALYSIS: Steady state one dimensional heat flow-conduction, Steady state two dimensional steady state
heat transfer involving conduction and convection. (3)
TRANSIENT HEAT TRANSFER ANALYSIS: One and two dimensional heat transfer involving conduction and convection (2)
CREATIVITY: Definition, Need for creativity, Generating creative ideas the seven Da-Vincian principles, Typology of idea
generation activities, Principles of creativity, Creativity and serentipity. (3)
CREATIVITY TOOLS/TECHNIQUES: Use of creative techniques, Lateral thinking vs. breakthrough thinking, Nine creativity tools
brainstorming, morphological analysis, analogic approach, bio-mimicry, TRIZ, contra-think, serendipity, technology forecast, six
thinking hats (3)
BRAINSTORMING AND TRIZ: Brainstorming definition, steps to do brainstorming, evaluation of ideas, TRIZ levels of invention,
physical contradictions, Contradiction matrix standard features and inventive principles, Evaluation of technical trends, S-field
analysis. (4)
INNOVATIVE DESIGN: Design rules, Evaluation, Audit, and Innovative design case studies. (3)
Total L: 15
1. Paul Trott, Innovation Management and New Product Development, Pearson education, 2004
2. Brain Clegg, Creativity and Innovation for Managers, Butterworth Heinmann publishers, 2005
3. Gopalakrishnan.P.S, Ideas, Creativity and Innovation: Keys to Survival, ICFAI university press, 2008
4. Srikant Surya Pala A, TRIZ: A New Framework for Innovation Concepts and Cases, ICFAI university press, 2005
SKILL SETS EVALUATION: Sketching skills and other skill sets evaluation, Design documentation (1)
CONCEPT DESIGN: Definition, Concept design, Concept generation and evaluation (4)
DETAILED DESIGN: Design factors manufacture, sales, purchase, cost, transport, and disposal. (2)
DESIGN PROCESS: Material selection, Manufacture, Marketing and evaluation of the final design. (4)
Total L: 15
1. Karl T Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger, Anita Goyal, Product Design and Development, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009.
2. Mike Ashby, Kara Johnson, Materials and Design: The Art and Science of Material Selection in Product Design, Butterworth
3. Heinemann, 2009.
4. Chitale.A.K, Gupta.R.C, Product Design and Manufacturing, Prentice Hall Of India, 2009.
5. Lal.G.K, Vijay Gupta, Venkata Reddy.N, Fundamentals of Design and Manufacturing, Narosa Book Distributors Private
Limited, 2010.
INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRONICS COOLING: Needs, Goals, Levels. Fundamentals of heat transfer: Extended surfaces, contact
resistance. (4)
AIR FLOW MANAGEMENT: Fan characteristics, System characteristics, Fan performance (2)
HEAT ANALYSIS: System level analysis, Board level analysis, and package level thermal analysis. Heat sink technologies: air
cooled components and boards, experimental methods. (2)
HEAT EXCHANGES AND COLD PLATES: Thermal design process, analytical techniques, thermal design of multi-chip module. (2)
HEAT SINK DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION: Free convection, liquid cooling, advanced cooling. (2)
Total L: 15
1. Incropera.F.P and DeWitt.D.P, "Fundamentals of Heat Transfer", John Wiley and Sons, 1985.
2. Steinberg.D.S "Cooling Techniques for Electronic Equipment", John Wiley and Sons, 1990.
3. Lian- Tuu Yeh, Richard C Chu and Dereje Agonafer, "Thermal Management of Microelectronic Equipment: Heat Transfer
Theory, Analysis Methods and Design Practices", 2002.
4. Tony Kordyban, "Hot Air Rises and Heat Sinks: Everything You Know about Cooling Electronics is Wrong", 1998.
VALUE ENGINEERING JOB PLAN: Intoduction, comparison of job plans of various value engineering authorities, components of
VE job plan (1)
ORIENTATION PHASE: training associates in Value Analysis and Value Engineering (VAVE), different trainings and certifications
available in VAVE, Method to conduct VAVE studies (1)
INFORMATION PHASE: information needed for VAVE, Method to collect and analyze information, ABC Analysis, Pareto Analysis,
Breakeven analysis (1)
FUNCTION ANALYSIS PHASE: Breakdown item into elements and sub-elements, questions to be asked, introduction to functions,
practice session, types of functions (use and sell function), levels of function (basic and secondary), identify various functions,
elements of cost, procedure for cost allocation, cost allocation to function, concept of worth, process flow for determining Worth,
discussions on Worth, meaning of FAST, use of FAST, development history of FAST, different types of FAST. Ground rules of
FAST, FAST diagram. (4)
CREATIVE PHASE: Definition of creativity, misconceptions about creativity, introduction to creative techniques like TRIZ, 3P, lateral
adoption and others (3)
EVALUATION PHASE: Selection of criteria, feasibility analysis, weighted evaluation methods, decision matrix (1)
RECOMMENDATION PHASE: Need for recommendation, method to make presentation, impact analysis and justification report,
implementation plan, presentation skills. (1)
IMPLEMENTATION PHASE: Detailed design, verification and validation, certification, change implementation. (1)
AUDIT PHASE: Need for audit, types of audit, how to do audit. (1)
Total L: 15
1. Iyer.S.S, Value Engineering - A How to Manual, New Age Publishers, Chennai, 2006.
2. Mukhophadhyaya A K, Value Engineering, Sage Publications Private Limited, New Delhi, 2003.
INTRODUCTION: Trends in industrial use of CFD - Preliminary design and geometry definitions (4)
MODELING & MESHING: Methods for computing through-flows, blade-to-blade flows and geometry generation -Mesh influence on
solution accuracy (4)
APPLICATION: Industrial use of CFD and the points of view of the designers (3)
Total L: 15
1. John D, Anderson, Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw Hill Series in Mechanical Engineering, 1995.
2. Dixon, S. L., Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, Elsevier, 1998.
MODELING & MESHING: Preliminary design and geometry definitions - Mesh influence on solution accuracy (6)
Total L: 15
1. Sadik Kaka, Hongtan Liu, Anchasa Pramuanjaroenkij, Heat Exchangers: Selection, Rating and Thermal Design,
CRC press, 2012.
2. John D. Anderson, Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw Hill Series in Mechanical Engineering, 1995.
For the detailed syllabi of the electives and one credit courses offered by other departments refer
to the syllabi of M.E- Automotive Engineering offered by Automobile Engineering Department.