Reading Material - Step by Step
Reading Material - Step by Step
Reading Material - Step by Step
a e i o u
1. bag beg big box bug
2. bad bed bid boy bud
3. pat pet pit pot put
4. pan pen pin fox fun
5. lag leg lip log lux
6. mad Med mid mod mud
7. ham hem him hot hut
8. tan ten tin ton tug
9. man men miss moss mug
10. fat fet fit fog fun
Read the following phrases.
men in the tent
a cap on a cop
pigs in a pit
the boy has a net
Words with sh
Words with ay
gay pay Fay gray
day May bay Kay
tray pray sway slay
ray way hay play
clay say lay spray
astray nay Jay stray
Read the following sentences.
1. “Ouch! I am in pain.
2. The cat bit the rat’s
3. Our maid can bake a
4. Those ships sail in the
5.He paid twenty pesos
for a pair of socks.
6. Daddy and Jimmy are
both male.
7.The sick old woman
was very pale.
8. Grandma told us an
old tale.
9. The horse has a long
The Brave Sailor
Dave was a sailor.
He sailed in his ship all
One day, a storm came.
It rained all day.
The wind blew hard.
His ship tossed with the
Up and down he went.
But Dave was not
The big waves pushed
Dave away from the
The ship sank to the
bottom of the sea.
Sadly, Dave swam in
the sea.
When day came, the
storm was gone.
Dave felt the pain all
over his body.
He felt he was sinking
Suddenly, there was a
And lo! Dave was on
top of the water.
He was sitting on top
of something.
He looked at it.
He was on top of a big
“You saved me, friend.
Thank you,” Dave said.
He swam away and
waved at the big whale.
He was safe at last.
Words with ie
pie vine lime hive
tie ride mine bite
tire bike side like
pipe kite mice pine
time rice wine fine
hide like dive line
wide smile polite five
ride shine alive fire
life swine arrive hire
Words with y
fry fly ply my
dry try sky by
cry why cry fly
dry shy shy try
my sky spy why
by spy dry sky
Read the following sentences.
1. There are five slices of
pie on this side.
2. There is ice in the glass of
3. Mike hides behind the
4. Ike likes his new bike.
5. Dad bites his pipe.
6. The white mice ate rice.
7. The plane will fly up in
the sky.
8. Why did Mom bake a
9. Mike will try to fly his
The Wise Little Fly
A little fly was looking
for food.
He saw a pine tree by the
“I will catch some bugs
there,” said the fly.
The little fly had
stepped into a white
spider’s web.
It was too late to get out.
“Let’s have lunch,” said
the white spider.
The little fly had to think
“Oh, my friends are out
Can I invite them, too?
asked the fly.
“Very well, invite your
friends to come to my
The spider helped the fly
get his feet out of the
sticky web.
“Thank you, Spider, and
goodbye,” said the fly as
he flew away.
Words with ee
bee peep freeze cheese
see tree street green
fee free sneeze screen
pee feet queer breeze
tee fleet queen been
wee meet sleep seen
deer greet teeth keen
deep sweet sleet jeep
keep sweep geese seem
Words with ea
tea neat dream hear
pea seat stream lean
sea beach eat mean
meat cream beat rear
seal teach dean seam
peak speak fear team
Read the following sentences.
1. The queen bee is sleepy.
2. Pete will help sweep the
3. Jean will freeze the meat.
4. Pete will eat ice cream.
5. Three bees are on a leaf up
in the tree.
6. The teacher will read
about the beast.
7. The breeze will make you
8. Rolly sat on the front seat.
9. Did you hear the queen
10. The seal can squeak.
Neal the Seal
Neal is a seal.
He can stretch on the
He eats the little fresh
But Neal is sad.
“Why do you weep?”
asked Peachy, the
“I can’t sleep,” says
Neal.“I am seasick.”
“I dream of the deep
green sea.”
Swim with me to the
green sea,” says Peachy,
the starfish.
“Then you will never
feel sad.”
“Thank you,” says Neal.
Off they swim into the
deep green sea.
Neal is happy at last.
The long O Sound
bone home bore Coke
mole lone Rome stroke
pole rode Pope store
pope hope close woke
rope phone broke poke
tone cope choke dome
sole hole spoke mode
robe stole hone node
cone rose joke wove
Words with oa
road boat soak roast
soap load croak road
coat float cloak coat
toad coach coast soap
toast Boast throat loaf
loaf goat bloat goat
1. Come and hear the funny
2. The Pope’s home is in
3. I hope not to lose this
4. The man with a robe rode
a horse.
5. The flag pole has a rope.
6. The goat met a toad.
7. The boat floats in the
8. The coach had a sore
9. Don’t soak the soap in
the soup.
10The truck is on the road.
Words with oo
good hook loose pool
food Look roof room
hood took cook tooth
tool nook shoot wood
stool moon booth wool
poor soon doom spoon
soon spoon fool goon
noon school hoof loose
book goose loom brook
Words with oe
Joe foes
toes tomatoes
doe potatoes
roe volcanoes
woe mosquitoes
Read the sentences
1. The good cook
served good food at
2. They sat on a wooden
stool in that room.
3. I read good books in
4. The goose took a
bath in the cool brook.
5. We looked for the
tools for fixing the
The Boastful Gander
Gootsie was a good
looking gander. His
clean, white feathers
shone like silver in the
sun. Gootsie was a
boastful gander. He
loved to show off and to
boast of his good looks.
One noontime, Gootsie
and the other geese
waddled and floated in
the pond.
Gootsie teased and joked
the other geese. The
other geese hizzed
Gootsie hizzed and
sneezed. Soon he had a
sore throat. Gootsie
hizzed with his croaky
voice. The other geese
laughed at him.Gootsie
felt sorry for himself.
A toad popped out of the
He sat on a big stone.
He raised his toe and
said, “God made us
different from one
another. He gave each
one a gift. But nobody is
Gootsie was never
proud again, even when
his sore throat was gone.
All the other geese
remembered what the
toad said.
The Sound of Long U
mule Cure mute prune