Petrol F.S
Petrol F.S
Petrol F.S
Petrol filling stations are particularly hazardous workplaces which are required to be licensed
because they store and sell a highly flammable liquid. The following details highlight some
hazards, which may exist, other than those controlled by the license conditions. They are by no
means exhaustive and will vary depending on your own particular business. As a starting point
use the blank sheet provided in this pack and carry out a simple risk assessment.
Hazardous Substances
Some items of stock and chemicals used in Store all hazardous chemicals in their original containers.
the car wash and for general cleaning Obtain information on all substances stored and used in the
can be harmful. Exposure to them premises from manufacturers hazard data sheets.
through use, accidental spillage Train staff and provide appropriate protective clothing.
or leaks, can cause respiratory problems,
dermatitis or chemical burns.
Manual Handling
The removal of access covers to storage Eliminate all unnecessary manual handling.
tanks, moving LPG cylinders and Train staff in proper lifting techniques.
positioning of large cleaning fluid Provide suitable equipment e.g. keys for lifting manhole covers.
containers may cause back injury or Avoid lifting items which are too heavy - use a trolley or castors
muscular strains. where possible.
Fire Risks
Obstructed exits e.g. by stock Keep all escape routes and fire exits clear and make regular checks
and/or accumulations of packaging to ensure that this is the case.
can prevent escape and provide Clear rubbish regularly (remember sand used for cleaning or
fuel for fires. containing petrol spills will be flammable and should be disposed
of safely, by a hazardous waste disposal company if necessary).
Violence to Staff
Robbery of goods or cash may place staff Consider the use of closed circuit television, panic alarms and other
at risk of violence. security measures e.g. the use of pay windows at night.