Ds Condensed Chemical HB
Ds Condensed Chemical HB
Ds Condensed Chemical HB
Epoxy Grout
Rapid Resin Repair PoxyChock is a 100% solids, VOC compliant two
Epoxy Repair Mortar Kit component high strength, pourable epoxy machine
Rapid Resin Repair is a three component, 100% sol- chock. PoxyChock is designed to replace steel
ids, low modulus, all weather, non-shrinking epoxy/ chocks for maintaining permanent alignment of
urethane hybrid concrete repair material. Rapid Resin machinery and equipment. PoxyChock exhibits
Repair utilizes 100% solids epoxy/urethane technol- excellent resistance to heavy loading, vibration
ogy with specialty graded aggregates for achieving and chemicals while providing an exceptional
rapid turn around concrete repairs in all weather degree of high strength and physical properties.
conditions. Unit consists of three parts: component PoxyChock has excellent flowability where tight
A epoxy resin, component B modified amine curing tolerances are present.
agent, and component C specially graded aggregate.
Sure Patch
Epoxy Repair Mortar Kit Sure Fil J52
Sure Patch is a three component, 100% solids, low Epoxy Joint Filler
modulus epoxy resin system containing specially se- Sure Fil J52 is a 100% solids, two component, low
lected aggregates. A unit consists of: component A shrink, moisture tolerant joint filler and crack repair
epoxy resin, component B modified amine curing material. Designed to fill cut joints to prevent join
agent, and component C specially graded aggregate. breakdown during load transfers.
Epoxy Grout J55 Rebar Spray J62
Epoxy Grout Rebar Coating
Epoxy Grout J55 is a three component system of Rebar Spray J62 is an epoxy coating packaged in
blended aggregates and pre-measured 100% solids, a ready-to-use 11 ounce spray can. Epoxy green.
very low exotherm epoxy resin. Place up to a maxi-
mum of 8 inches (20.3 cm) deep in a single pour re-
sulting in a 95% bearing area when properly installed
Perma Prime 3C
Epoxy Primer
Perma Prime 3C is a water based, three component,
epoxy modified cementitious bonding agent and cor-
rosion inhibitor.
Sure Seal Traffic Deck Coating Pro-Poxy Type III DOT
A 100 % solids blend of high strength epoxy - urethane The Unitex Pro-Poxy Type III DOT Bridge Deck Over-
polymers combined with specialty blended aggregates lay is a long-lasting solution in extending the life of
to produce a long lasting, non-skid durable parking new and existing concrete bridge decks by creating
deck surface. a highly durable surface, reducing deterioration rates
caused by high traffic and heavy freight loads result-
ing in decreased maintenance costs over the life of
the bridge deck.
A bridge deck overlay application consists of two coats
of an advanced polymer epoxy that quickly develops
a high tensile strength to seal, protect and extend
the life of bridge decks in both new and restoration
construction. This economical and highly effective
method blends an epoxy binder that is applied evenly
to the bridge deck surface. Aggregate is immediately
applied over the binder, increasing the texture depth
of the pavement and providing a long-lasting seal to
protect the bridge deck from the effects of traffic and
harsh weather conditions. In addition, the bridge deck
overlay provides increased pavement grip in wet and
dry conditions resulting in fewer accidents and more
saved lives.
Our training is a powerful, cost-
effective way to stay current with
products, technology, safety and
trends in the concrete construction
industry. Our industry professionals
share their expertise through:
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How to specify Dayton Superior Pro-Poxy Type III
Part 2 - Products
2.01 Manufacturer
A. Pro-Poxy Type III DOT, as manufactured by Dayton
Superior, 3101 Gardner Ave, Kansas City, MO
64120, 800-821-5846
2.02 Materials
A. Epoxy resin adhesive binder:
1. Epoxy resin system shall be a 100% solids,
epoxy urethane curing system.
2. The ratio of Component A: Component B
shall be 1:1 by volume.
2.03 Performance Criteria
A. Epoxy Binder Characteristics
Mix Ratio 1:1 by volume
Viscosity 15-25 poises ASTM D2556, RV3 @ 20 RPM
Gel time 15-45 min. ASTM C881
Compressive strength Min. 1,000 psi (6.9 MPa) @ 3 hrs ASTM C579
Min. 5,000 psi (34.4 MPa) @ 24 hrs.
Tensile strength (neat) 2,500 - 5,000 psi (17.2 - 34.4 MPa) ASTM D638
Tensile Elongation (neat) 30-70% ASTM D638
Adhesive strength 250 psi (1.7 MPa) or 100% concrete failure ACI 503R / ASTM C1583
Permeability to chloride ion Maximum of 100 coulombs at 28 days AASHTO T277
Absorption Maximum of 1% at 24 hrs. ASTM D570
Shore D Hardness 65-80
Thermal compatibility No delamination of overlay ASTM C884
Note: Values are based on specimens or samples cured or aged and tested at 75F (24C).
In addition to Bridge Deck Overlay applications, ProPoxy Type III DOT Epoxy is
typically used for:
Horizontal Curves Elevated Walkways Hospital Entrances
Intersections On-ramps Bike Lanes
Parking Areas High Occupancy Lanes Bus Lanes
Rural Roadways School Zones Pedestrian Walkways
Industrial Sites Toll Authority Entrances
Form Release
FORM RELEASE AGENTS Magic Kote is a low V.O.C., ready-to-use, petroleum
OIL BASED based, chemically neutral, diesel free concrete form
release. Magic Kote is water insoluble and contains
Clean Strip J1A no waxes. Magic Kote effectively prevents bonding
Form Release of concrete to forms and formliners. Regular use of
Clean Strip J1A is a low V.O.C., ready-to-use, pe- Magic Kote will increase the life of all forms.
troleum based, chemically reactive concrete form
release that effectively prevents bonding of concrete Also available - Magic Kote 100. VOC < 100 g/l.
to forms and formliners. Special note: Available in Meets SCAQMD, OTC, LADCO & CARB.
a Winter Grade - cold weather formula to increase WATER BASED
sprayability and application rates. Clean Strip J1EF
Clean Strip J2 Earth Friendly Form Release
Form Release Clean Strip J1EF is an economical low
Clean Strip J2 is a ready-to-use, petroleum based, V.O.C., concrete form release agent. Clean Strip J1EF
chemically reactive liquid concrete form release agent. works to ensure clean, positive release on plywood, fi-
Clean Strip J2 effectively prevents bonding of con- berglass, aluminum, steel, urethane and other concrete
crete to forms and formliners. Regular use of Clean forming materials and form liners. This product acts as
Strip J2 will increase the life of all forms. Special a barrier to the adhesion of concrete while minimizing
note: Available in a Winter Grade - cold weather for- surface dusting. Properly applied, Clean Strip J1EF
mula to increase sprayability and application rates. will not stain concrete or interfere with the adhesion
of coatings. Clean Strip J1EF is compliant with all US
Clean Strip Ultra J3 VOC regulations for Concrete Form Release agents in-
Form Release cluding Federal EPA, OTC, LADCO, SCAQMD & CARB.
Clean Strip Ultra J3 is a premium, low odor, readyto-
use, low V.O.C. chemically reactive form release ideal CURING COMPOUNDS
for architectural and precast concrete and for general RESIN BASED
forming applications. Clean Strip Ultra J3 works to
ensure clean, positive release of plywood, fiberglass, White Resin Cure J10W
aluminum, steel and other concrete forming materials. Concrete Curing Compound
Clean Strip Ultra J3 prolongs the life of plywood forms, A water-based, resin, liquid membrane forming curing
and reduces rusting of steel forms. Clean Strip Ultra compound for freshly finished concrete. White Resin
J3 is non-staining, reduces the number of surface air Cure J10W is white pigmented to reflect the heat of
voids (bugholes) and will not interfere with the adhe- the sun. Complies with ASTM C-309.
sion of subsequent coatings. Clear Cure VOC J7WB
Clean Strip J100 VOC Concrete Curing Compound
Clear Cure VOC J7WB is a VOC compliant, water based
Form Release
Clean Strip J100 VOC is a V.O.C. compliant in all areas clear resin dissipating curing compound. It contains
of the U.S., ready-to-use, petroleum based, chemically <100 g/L VOCs making it compliant in all areas of the
reactive concrete form release that effectively prevents United States & Canada. Clear Cure VOC J7WB may
bonding of concrete to forms and formliners. Regular contribute to LEED credits. It provides excellent curing
use will increase the life of all forms. Formulated for properties for newly placed concrete and is easier to
less than100 g/l environmental regulations. Complies remove than most curing membranes. Complies with
with SCAQMD, OTC, LADCO & CARB requirements. ASTM C-309.
Concrete Curing Compound
Clear Resin Cure J11W is an all resin, dissipating water-
based curing compound. Complies with ASTM C-309. Cure & Seal LV 25% J20UV
Solvent Based Cure & Seal
Resin Cure with Dye J11WD Cure & Seal LV 25% J20UV is an acrylic copolymer
Concrete Curing Compound cure, seal and dust-proofing compound in an aromatic
Resin Cure with Dye J11WD is an all resin, dissipating solvent containing 25% solids. Designed for ease of
water-based curing compound containing a fugitive application and better atomization when spraying in
dye. Complies with ASTM C-309. a wide temperature range from 35F to 90F (2C
WAX BASED to 32C). Cure & Seal LV 25% J20UV is ultraviolet
City White Cure J8 stable and resists yellowing. The higher acrylic sol-
ids content forms an excellent surface coating with
Concrete Curing Compound
a high gloss finish that provides an outstanding cure
City White Cure J8 is an economical, V.O.C. com-
performance. Complies with ASTM C-1315.
pliant, water-based, white pigmented concrete
curing compound. Cure & Seal 25% J22UV
White Wax Cure J9A Solvent Based Cure & Seal
Cure & Seal 25% J22UV is an acrylic copolymer
Concrete Curing Compound
cure, seal and dust-proofing compound in an aromatic
A water-based, wax, liquid membrane forming curing
solvent containing 25% solids with special U.V. sta-
compound for freshly finished concrete. White Wax
bilizers. The higher acrylic solids content will form
Cure J9A is white pigmented to reflect the heat of
an excellent surface coating with a high gloss finish
the sun. Complies with ASTM C-309.
and will provide an outstanding cure performance.
White Wax Cure CRD300 Cure & Seal 25% J22UV is ultraviolet light stable
Concrete Curing Compound and resists yellowing. Complies with ASTM C-1315.
A high solids, white pigmented, water based wax
concrete curing compound formulated to retain
Cure & Seal 30% J23UV
Solvent Based Cure & Seal
moisture in freshly finished concrete. The selected
Cure & Seal 30% J23UV is an 30% solids acrylic
white pigments reflect the hear of the sun, keeping the
copolymer cure, seal and dust-proofing compound in
concrete surface cooler. White Wax Cure CRD300 is
an aromatic solvent containing special U.V. stabilizers.
a membrane forming wax based material that seals
The higher acrylic solids content will form an excel-
the necessary moisture for proper cement hydration.
lent surface coating with a high gloss finish and will
Complies with ASTM C-309.
provide an outstanding cure performance. Complies
with ASTM C-1315.
Cure & Seal 309 J18
Water Based Cure & Seal
Cure & Seal 309 J18 is a water based acrylic copo-
lymer that offers a combination curing, sealing and
dust-proofing for freshly finished concrete surfaces.
This product dries to produce a non-yellowing, du-
rable, clear film on concrete. Formulated for interior
applications. Non-flammable and free of noxious
fumes. Complies with ASTM C-309.
Cure & Seal 1315 EF
Earth Friendly Cure & Seal
Cure & Seal 1315 EF is an Earth Friendly
(EF) non-yellowing 30% solids acrylic copolymer
curing and sealing compound that may contribute to
LEED Credits. The Cure & Seal 1315 EF formula is
low odor and contains VOC <100 g/L, making it VOC
compliant in all areas. Cure & Seal 1315 EF cures,
seals and dustproofs freshly finished concrete sur-
faces. Complies with ASTM C-1315.
Cure & Seal 309 EF
Earth Friendly Cure & Seal
Cure & Seal 309 EF is an Earth Friendly
(EF) non-yellowing acrylic copolymer curing and
sealing compound that may contribute to LEED
Credits. The Cure & Seal 309 EF formula is low odor Densifier J13
and contains VOC < 100 g/L, making it compliant in Liquid Densifier for Concrete
all areas. Cure & Seal 309 EF cures, seals and dust- Densifier J13 is a ready-to-use, water based so-
proofs freshly finished concrete surfaces. Complies lution of sodium orthosilicate that reacts with the
with ASTM C-309. free lime in the concrete to provide a chemically
hardened surface. NSF - 61 Approved.
Ultra Seal EF
Earth Friendly Concrete Sealer Pentra-Hard Densifier
Ultra Seal EF is an Earth Friendly (EF) Lithium Concrete Hardener for Concrete
acrylic, non-yellowing concrete sealer that may con- Pentra-Hard Densifier is advanced lithium chemis-
tribute to LEED Credits. The Ultra Seal EF formula is try that hardens and dust-proofs new and existing
low odor and contains VOC < 100 g/L, making it VOC concrete. This easy-to-use water-based solution
compliant in all areas. The Ultra Seal EF is designed requires no rinsing and is VOC compliant in all areas of
to seal, protect and add an attractive gloss to exist- the world. When sprayed on new or existing concrete,
ing concrete and decorative concrete surfaces. Ultra it penetrates into the concrete, where it reacts with
Seal EF is blush resistant and has good resistance free calcium to form insoluble calcium silica hydrate,
to common chemicals such as motor oil, antifreeze, which makes concrete more water, stain, and abra-
vinegar and bleach. sion resistant for easier maintenance and longer life.
It is also suitable for concrete polishing procedures
LIQUID HARDENERS / DENSIFIERS and helps prolong the life of polished finishes.
Densifier Concentrate J12
Liquid Densifier for Concrete
A concentrate solution of sodium orthosilicate with a
fugitive dye. Mix with water for an economical con-
crete hardener and dust-proofing compound.
Accelerating Admixture
CSet is an accelerating admixture for mortar, stucco
and concrete. It quickens the hydration of cement
resulting in shorter setting times and higher early
strengths. CSet provides improved workability, helps
prevent segregation and is a substantial aid in early
stiffening for mortar and stucco mixes. It is an aque-
ous solution of organic and inorganic compounds that
produces a rapid heat development of the mortar that
helps to protect it from freezing during its early life
at low temperatures. V.O.C. compliant.
Non Chloride, Non-Corrosive, Accelerating Admixture
QSet is a non-corrosive accelerating admixture
HIGH STRENGTH, FAST DRYING WATER BASED which contains no calcium chloride. It quickens
Sure Lift J6WB the hydration of cement resulting in shorter setting
Water-Based Bond Breaker times and high early strength. QSet provides im-
Sure Lift J6WB is a liquid, V.O.C. compliant, waterbased, proved workability, helps decrease segregation and
reactive and membrane forming bond breaker for use in is a substantial aid in early stiffening for mortar and
tilt wall construction. Sure Lift J6WB is a special formula stucco mixes. It is an aqueous solution of organic
of polymers and propriety ingredients designed to provide and inorganic compounds that produces a rapid
clean, easy lifting of tilt panel. Complies with ASTM C-309 heat development of the mortar that protects it from
curing standard when applied to a steel troweled concrete freezing during its early life at low temperatures.
substrate. Approved for use in all 50 states and Canada. V.O.C. compliant.
Water-Based Bond Breaker
Maxi Tilt with Dye is a V.O.C. compliant, waterbased, AquaFilm Concentrate J74
reactive and membrane forming bond breaker for use Evaporation Retardant
in tilt wall construction. Maxi Tilt with Dye is a special AquaFilm Concentrate J74 is a proprietary emulsion
formula of polymers and propriety ingredients designed of unique organic compounds designed to minimize
to provide clean, easy lifting of tilt panels. Maxi Tilt with moisture loss from fresh concrete. AquaFilm Con-
Dye has a fugitive dye for ease of visual inspection centrate J74 is economical as a concentrate and is
during application. Complies with ASTM C-309 cur- diluted with potable water at a 9 to 1 ratio. As a water
ing standard when applied to a steel troweled concrete based polymer, AquaFilm Concentrate J74 is V.O.C.
substrate. Approved for use in all 50 states and Canada. compliant and contains a blue fugitive dye for ease
of visual inspection during application.
GluDown Adhesive
Construction Adhesive
A spray adhesive designed for bonding
most construction related materials.
Weather Worker 40% J29
Water Repellent
Weather Worker 40% J29 is a proprietary 40% silane
that penetrates into concrete or masonry and provid-
ing long term weatherproofing protection.
Weather Worker 100% J29A
Water Repellent
Weather Worker 100% J29A is a proprietary 100%
silane that penetrates into concrete or masonry and
provides long term weatherproofing protection.
Tuf Seal Satin J35S
Tuf Seal Satin J35S is a scientifically formulated clear, Grip Aid
non-yellowing sealer comprised of methyl methacry- Anti Slip Additive
late polymers. It dries to a durable, satin finish that Grip Aid is a very fine anti-slip powder that adds
not only protects, but also beautifies floors. Tuf Seal texture to most clear or colored sealers.
Satin J35S provides resistance to most oil and gas
solutions. Protects concrete from excessive outdoor LATEX BONDING AGENTS / ADMIXTURES
weathering conditions.
Acrylic Bonding Agent J40
Ultra Seal EF A ready-to-use, non-reemulsifiable acrylic admixture
Earth Friendly Concrete Sealer and bonding agent designed to improve the adhesion
Ultra Seal EF is an Earth Friendly (EF) acrylic, non- and durability of concrete, masonry, terrazzo and
yellowing concrete sealer that may contribute to portland cement-sand mixes to horizontal and vertical
LEED Credits. It is low odor and contains VOC < concrete and other surfaces.
100 g/L, it is VOC compliant in all areas. Designed
to seal, protect and add an attractive gloss to exist-
PVA Bonding Agent J41
Bonding Agent
ing concrete and decorative concrete surfaces, Ultra
PVA Bonding Agent J41 is a concentrated reemulsifi-
Seal EF is blush resistant and has good resistance
able/rewettable polyvinyl acetate (PVA) emulsion for
to common chemicals such as motor oil, antifreeze,
use as a bonding agent for application on concrete,
vinegar and bleach.
cement board or masonry prior to installing patches,
WATER REPELLENTS mortars, stucco and plaster.
Weather Worker 10% J26WB Bonding Agent
Water Repellent Level Primer J42RTU is a ready-to-use re-emulsifiable
Weather Worker 10% J26WB is a water based primer designed to be used with Levelayer, Econolevel
emulsion of siloxane that penetrates into concrete and Level Topping self leveling underlayments.
or masonry to provide long term weatherproofing Level Primer J42
protection. Bonding Agent
Level Primer J42 is a concentrated re-emulsifiable
primer designed to be used with the Levelayer, Econo-
level and Level Topping self leveling underlayments.
Turbo Grout HP12
Cement Based Grout
Turbo Grout HP 12 is a non-shrink, non-corrosive,
non-metallic cementitious grout. Turbo Grout HP
12 is designed to provide a controlled, positive
expansion to ensure an excellent bearing area
and can be mixed from a plastic consistency
to a flowable consistency. Turbo Grout HP 12
develops 12,000 -14,000 psi (82.7 - 96.6 MPa)
in 28 days.
Sleeve-Lock Grout
Non-Shrink Grout
Sleeve-Lock Grout is a specially formulated cement
based, non-metallic , non-shrink grout designed for the
grouting of the Dayton Superior D410 SleeveLock
Grout Sleeve.
Perma Patch FP
Form and Pour Extended Repair Mortar
Perma Patch FP is a specially designed patching and
structural repair mortar formulated for maintenance
and new construction projects where prolonged
working time up to 40 minutes and fast strength in
2-3 hours is required.
Anchor All
Anchoring Cement
A fast-setting, non-shrink anchoring cement with
controlled expansion. Pourable and fast setting, An-
chor All provides a durable high strength anchor for
interior and exterior applications.
HD 25 VO Waterstop
Hydraulic Cement Repair Mortar
Vertical/Overhead Repair Mortar
Waterstop is a non-corrosive, non-rusting, extremely
HD 25 VO is a high strength mortar containing port-
fast setting hydraulic cement compound for plugging
land cement, special polymers and accelerators to
and stopping active water leaks in concrete structures
provide an accelerated early strength gain and set
or masonry surfaces. When mixed with water to a
time. It is a single component, fiber enhanced trow-
thick consistency and hand formed into a plug, it will
elable material formulated for vertical and overhead
stop active leaks even under water.
repairs of concrete.
Vertical/Overhead Repair Mortar TOPPINGS / HARDENERS
Perma Patch VO is a single component, cement based,
patching and repair mortar developed for vertical and
Emery Tuff
Emery Dry-Shake Floor Hardener
overhead applications. Perma Patch VOs unique rapid
Emery Tuff is a ready-to-use shake-on floor hardener
setting, shrinkage compensating formulation offers
comprised of a blend of 100% pure emery, special ad-
excellent durability and ease of application without
ditives and portland cement. Emery Tuff is a material
the use of forms.
that is extremely hard, tough and abrasion resistant.
CEMENT BASED FORM AND POUR It will impart very long life and extremely high dura-
Civil/Structural FPX bility to concrete surfaces. Emery Tuff is completely
Form and Pour Extended Repair Mortar non corrosive and rust free and can be used inside
Single component, shrinkage compensated Portland- or outside. Emery Tuff offers a superior alternative
Cement based concrete repair material containing to metallic floor hardeners.
blended coarse aggregate. Civil/Structural FPX is
enhanced with a corrosion inhibitor for rebar and
steel protection and is designed primarily for large
volume placements including structural elements,
typically in applications from 1 inch (2.54 cm) to 12
inches (30.48 cm).
Floor Underlayment
Econolevel is a cement based, non-shrink, self-leveling
interior floor underlayment that only requires the ad-
dition of water to produce a flowable mixture that can
be easily placed or pumped onto the floor. Econolevel
is not a gypsum based product.
Sure Finish
Floor Underlayment
Dayton Superior Sure Finish is a trowel applied, highly
polymer modified, cement based, rapid setting under-
layment. It produces a smooth, true feather finish to
LeveLayer a wide variety of substrates, including wood, concrete,
Floor Underlayment ceramic and existing resilient flooring. Sure Finish
Dayton Superior LeveLayer is a cement based, non- can also be used indoors to repair damaged concrete
shrink, self-leveling floor underlayment designed for wall surfaces and on exterior concrete walls that are
interior use. It provides a smooth subfloor formulated to be coated.
to accept floor coverings in as little as 14 hours after
installation. LeveLayer is not a gypsum based product TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT
Level Topping Spray-Pro
Floor Topping Spray Pumps That Simply Work Every Time
Level Topping is Dayton Superiors premium cement A comprehensive solution to cost effectively apply
based, non-shrinking, self-leveling interior floor top- our Earth Friendly (EF) Family of High Performance
ping designed as a wearing surface. It only requires Chemicals.
the addition of water to produce a free flowing mixture
that can be poured or pumped. Level Topping is not
Underlayment Tools
For Underlayments, Toppings and Decorative Products
a gypsum based product.
The Flooring Materials Tool Kit consists of all the tools
Level Topping Exterior necessary to mix and install self-leveling underlayments
Floor Topping and toppings. The kit can also be used for decorative
Level Topping Exterior is a premium cement based, concrete jobs as well. Professional Flooring Installers
nonshrink, self-leveling topping designed for leveling who know the importance of having the right tools to
horizontal concrete. It only requires the addition of successfully complete the job were instrumental in
water to produce a free flowing mixture that can be designing Dayton Superiors Flooring Materials Tool Kit.
poured or pumped onto the floor. Level Topping is
not a gypsum based product
Your vision is to take concrete construction to new heights.
We turn that vision into real-world solutions through
precision research and development, testing and technology.
Copyright 2016 Dayton Superior Corporation, All Rights Reserved.