Cauvery Economic and Political Weekly
Cauvery Economic and Political Weekly
Cauvery Economic and Political Weekly
Cauvery Award results. The government of India made
unsuccessful efforts to bring about an
agreement. Based on a report (1972) by
a fact-finding committee appointed by the
Some Questions and Answers government of India, and further studies
by an expert committee, an agreement was
The final order of the Cauvery Tribunal makes allocations of worked out in August 1976. The agree-
ment was even announced in Parliament.
Cauvery waters to the four parties to the dispute, recommends Unfortunately, the announcement was
proportionate adjustments in years of low rainfall, and proposes the premature. Tamil Nadu was then tempo-
establishment of a Cauvery Management Board for monitoring the rarily under central rule and it was felt that
implementation. There is no real basis for concern or dismay in the agreement should wait for a popularly
any of the states. The allocation numbers have no great practical elected government; and when an elected
All India Anna Dravida Munnetra
significance but what needs to be done is to arrive at an understanding Kazhagam government took over, it refused
on how water will be shared in distress years. What lies at the to ratify the understanding because it was
heart of this conflict is excessive demand by all the parties. not considered wholly satisfactory. The
prospects of a resolution of the dispute
RAMASWAMY R IYER state of Mysore. The dispute was about how which had seemed promising receded.
to allow Mysore to proceed with irrigation Thereafter, the central government con-
he long-awaited final order of the development and to build anicuts and other tinued to make efforts to settle the dispute,
Cauvery Tribunal has come at last, structures for this purpose on the Cauvery and there were also discussions at the level
and it is a matter of relief that despite and its tributaries while at the same time of the chief ministers but the dispute
the earlier indications of differences within protecting the interests of the Madras remained unresolved. Eventually, in July
the Tribunal, it is an unanimous order. The Presidency. After prolonged discussions, 1986, Tamil Nadu made a formal request
Tribunal has redeemed itself. The aim of there was an agreement in 1892; a further to the government of India under the Inter-
this article is mainly to take note of some dispute; arbitration under the auspices of State Water Disputes Act (ISWD Act)
of the responses to the final order that have the government of India; an appeal against 1956 to set up a tribunal to resolve the
been reported in the media, and to clarify that arbitral award to the secretary of state in dispute. For various reasons the central
the issues involved. However, it is neces- London; and, at the instance of the secretary government did not immediately
sary first to trace very briefly the history of state, a resumption of mutual negotia- establish a tribunal; it continued to favour
of the dispute and the developments that tions between the two parties leading to a negotiated settlement. Meanwhile, a long-
finally resulted in the Tribunals award, an agreement in 1924. The details of that pending petition by some Tamil Nadu
state in summary form the substance of the agreement will not be examined herein but farmers to the Supreme Court of India for
award (or final order those two terms a reference to the agreement will be made an assurance of irrigation water from the
are used interchangeably), and then pro- again later. The important point to note is Cauvery came up for a hearing, and the
ceed to discuss the responses to it. (The that it provided for the review of certain Supreme Court, taking note of the failure
account of past developments in this article clauses after 50 years, i e, in 1974 but the of negotiations and the fact that a request
draws upon the authors earlier writings.) review did not take place, nor was the from Tamil Nadu for a tribunal was pend-
The Cauvery is a system of rivers consis- agreement either terminated or renewed. ing, ordered the central government to
ting of the Cauvery itself and a number of (Whether the 1892 and 1924 agreements establish a tribunal within a month. The
tributaries such as the Hemavati, Kabini, continued in force and bound Tamil Nadu government of India accordingly estab-
Bhavani, Amaravati, and others. Karnataka and Karnataka as successors to the old lished the Cauvery Waters Tribunal on
and Tamil Nadu are the principal states in Madras Presidency and Mysore state, was June 2, 1990.
the Cauvery basin but a small part of the among the points of difference between the Article 262 of the Constitution and the
basin is in Kerala, and at the very end, the states.) The Cauvery dispute in its present ISWD Act 1956 enacted by the Parliament
Cauvery delta includes Karaikal which is form dates from that time (the 1970s). This under that article are important compo-
a part of the union territory of Pondicherry was essentially about the sharing of Cauvery nents of Indian federalism: they provide
(now Puducherry). waters by the four riparians (Kerala, for the adjudication of disputes between
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry). states over the waters of interstate rivers.
Brief History of the Dispute It was under that act that the Krishna,
Establishment of Tribunal Godavari and Narmada Tribunals had been
The dispute over the Cauvery has a long set up earlier, and the Cauvery Tribunal
history and goes back to the 19th century. Talks between Karnataka and Tamil was set up in 1990. The manner in which
The ruling parties then were the Madras Nadu went on intermittently for over two that mechanism has been working, the
Presidency in British India and the princely decades from the 1970s but produced no changes that were needed, and the
The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India has awarded a consultancy to the Ashoka
Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment [ATREE] for Defining Forest in an Indian Context.
The objective of the study is:
To evolve the definition(s) of forest in the Indian context keeping international commitments and
different orders of the Indian Apex court into consideration.
To develop ecologically sound and a socially desirable definition of forest.
Kindly forward your views and relevant material before 15th April 2007 at [email protected], or mail us
at ATREE, 659, 5A main, Hebbal, Bangalore 560024, or fax us at + 91 80 23530070.