Exposure To Traditional and New Media

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Exposure to

Traditional and New Media

I was exposed to media from the day that I
was born. From then until now even in my
own simplest way.
- Purisima, Frenzy Rose M.
On my 16 years of existence, Ive been
exposed to media which developed every year. I am
a user of media and a witness of its existence too.

Media did not only opened me up to

technology, but also to everything that molded me
to who I am as of now.

Let us sneak from the very beginning of

when and how I was exposed to media.
YEAR: 2000

On the year that I was born, I was

introduced and exposed to the technologies of the
hospital; check ups and injections, even in the most
natural way I became a part of society which used
media in everyday.
YEAR: 2001 - 2006

On my childhood, I am fond of playing and

playing then playing again. I was full focused on having
fun with my toys, specifically my cooking set.

Not just that, I was also exposed to camera.

Being the youngest, the attention was quite all on me
that is why I am used to being on the spotlight.
YEAR: 2007 - 2008

On the year 2007-2008, I found my

contentment on watching from the television. I became a
huge fan of how it works and how it entertain people to
the point that my mom scolded me for being to addicted.
YEAR: 2009 - 2010

On the year 2009- 2010, I became a fan of

listening to radio. Although Ive been exposed to it
years ago, this is the only time that I appreciated this
media. I became so fond of listening to DJs different
segments, may it be calling listener or listening to their
YEAR: 2011

On the year of 2011, aside from books from

school I became a little bit fan of reading books that are

Our technology is modernized but not that much

so I was attracted to reading books. Even though I was an
elementary student, I am not that persevering with my
studies yet. I am easily distracted and easily attracted to
YEAR: 2012 - 2013

On the year 2012-2013, Papa bought me an

ipad which I became fond of using. I was addicted to
listening to music and taking pictures too. It was the ever
first gadget that I used often back then. It was also my
way out of boredom and way out of stress since I was a
graduating student too.
YEAR: 2014

On the year 2014, I received my first phone. It even

has a keypad on it but I am really happy that I got one. It
lasted for 2 years until it went missing, luck I am, my dad
gave me a new one.
YEAR: 2015

On the year 2015, I was exposed to social medias. I

have my phone with me and also, I was exposed to using
laptop for academic and entertainment purposes.
YEAR: 2016 2017 - PRESENT

At this stage, I was aware of how exposed me

and everyone to media. May it be technological
inventions, social medias or even the littlest thing.

Also, being exposed to media ever since I was a

kid helped me to get through each day in any aspects.
On the whole, exposure to media is very common and natural since we
are now on the information stage or so called, digital age.

It only depends on our discipline upon usage. For me, it helped me to

get through each day. Both academic, household and for entertainment too. It
molded me to a wiser one which I am very thankful of.

Its just a matter of discipline and literacy.

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