CP Requirements

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Program Requirements

2008 Edition

CGFNS Certification Program for Registered Nurses

The CGFNS International Certification For an eligibility review,

Program (CP) is designed specifically
CGFNS International must receive:
for first-level general (registered) nurses
educated outside the United States who are 1. The completed and signed Certification Program
eligible to practice as registered nurses in the Application form.
United States. The program is comprised of 2. A bank check or international money order (drawn on a U.S.
three parts: a credentials review, which includes an bank in U.S. funds) made payable to CGFNS International,
evaluation of the secondary and nursing education, registration or credit card payment (Visa, MasterCard or Discover), for
and licensure; the CGFNS International Qualifying ExamSM, the full Certification Program application fee in U.S. dollars.
which tests nursing knowledge and is administered 3–4 times per DO NOT SEND CASH OR A PERSONAL CHECK.
year in over 50 locations worldwide (if applicant base warrants);
and an English language proficiency examination. 3. Documentation of your secondary school (high school)
education or external exam certificate with literal
In order to be eligible for the CGFNS International Qualifying English translations, including a Certificate of Accuracy
ExamSM, you must have completed sufficient classroom (if not in English).
instruction and clinical practice in: 4. The completed Request for Validation of Registration/
• Adult health (medical/surgical) nursing License form from your initial and current licensing
• Maternal/infant nursing (obstetrics), excluding gynecology agency where you have held registration/licensure as a
first-level general nurse; or, in cases where your diploma
• Care of children (pediatrics)
authorizes legal practice, this same form mailed to CGFNS
• Psychiatric/Mental health nursing, excluding neurology
International from the institution that issued your diploma.*
If you have not completed any and/or a sufficient number of 5. The completed Request for Academic Records form and full
hours in each of the above areas, you will be ineligible to take academic transcripts from your school of nursing.*
the CGFNS International Qualifying ExamSM until you complete
6. One passport-size photograph, signed on the front and
an entire course (both theory and clinical) in the deficient area
on the back.
from a government-approved nursing school. You must also
have been registered: 7. Certified English translation of all documents not in
English. CGFNS International will accept translations of
1. as a first-level (registered) nurse in your country
documents submitted (such as transcripts and validations)
of education, and
only from the issuing authorities. If a translation of your
2. currently hold a registration/license as a Registered Nurse documents can not be furnished, CGFNS International
in some jurisdiction. can provide an official translation of each document for
an additional fee.
Verification of both registrations must be sent to CGFNS
International directly from the licensing body(ies).

* Note: Some licensing/registration authorities and schools of nursing may charge a fee for verifying your license(s)/registration(s)
and transcript(s). You are responsible for any additional fees associated with processing your Certification Program application.

Revised 7/08  ©2008 CGFNS. All rights reserved.

CGFNS International is unable to accept any transcript or licensure Certification Program Re-Applicant
documentation sent by email or fax. All official documentation
for Examination requirements
must be in hard copy format with the appropriate seals and sent to
CGFNS International by the issuing agnecy using mail or courier. (For applicants who fail to pass the CGFNS International
Qualifying ExamSM after being rostered during the first year
of application)
English Language Proficiency 1. The completed and signed Certification Program
Applicants may select one of the following four English proficiency Re-­Application for Exam form
examinations to take as part of the Certification Program: 2. A bank check or international money order (drawn on a U.S.
• Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), bank in U.S. funds) made payable to CGFNS International,
administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). or credit card payment (Visa, MasterCard or Discover), for
Passing Score: 540 (paper/pencil version) or 207 the full Certification Program Re-Application for Exam
(computerized version) application fee in U.S. dollars within 60 days of the application
• Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
iBT (Internet Based Testing), administered by the 3. If­both your initial and current licenses have expired,
Educational Testing Service (ETS) only then does CGFNS International need the completed
Passing Score: 83 “Request for Validation of Registration/License” form from
your initial and current licensing agency where you have
• Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC),
held registration/licensure as a first-level, general nurse.
administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS)
In cases where your diploma authorizes legal practice, this
Passing Score: 725
same form must be mailed to CGFNS International from the
• International English Language Testing System (IELTS), institution that issued your diploma. Note: Some licensing/
administered by the Cambridge ESOL Examinations, registration authorities may charge a fee for verifying
the British Council and IDP Education Australia your license(s)/registration(s). You are responsible for any
Passing Score: 6.5 Overall (Academic Module) additional fees associated with processing your Certification
Program application.
Applicants must take and pass an approved English
language proficiency examination within two years of passing
the CGFNS International Qualifying ExamSM. The testing Certification Program Re-Process
organizations must forward your English language exam scores an Expired Initial Order requirements
directly to CGFNS International.
(For service that has not resulted in the applicant being rostered
For applicants to be exempt from the English proficiency for the CGFNS International Qualifying ExamSM within 12 months
requirement, they must meet ALL of the following criteria: of initial application date due to program requirements not
being met)
• country of nursing education was in the United Kingdom
(England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland), Australia, 1. The completed and signed Certification Program Re-Process
Canada (all provinces, in Quebec the only approved schools an Expired Initial Order application form
are McGill University and Dawson College in Montreal, Vanier 2. A bank check or international money order (drawn on a
College in St Laurent, John Abbot College in Sainte-Anne- U.S. bank in U.S. funds) made payable to CGFNS International
de-Bellevue, and Heritage College in Gatineau), South Africa, or credit card payment (Visa, MasterCard or Discover) for the
New Zealand, Ireland, Trinidad/Tobago, Jamaica, Barbados full re-process fee in U.S. dollars within 60 days of the second-
or  the United States. year re-applicant application date. DO NOT SEND CASH.
• language of instruction and language of texts was English.

3600 Market Street, Suite 400, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-2665 USA

Phone: +1 (215) 222 8454  •  Web site: www.cgfns.org
Revised 7/08  ©2008 CGFNS. All rights reserved.

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