1046 2016 Russian Imperial Stout Recipe
1046 2016 Russian Imperial Stout Recipe
1046 2016 Russian Imperial Stout Recipe
Thoroughly clean and sanitize ALL brewing equipment and utensils Brew Tips
that will come in contact with any ingredients, wort or beer with a certi- 1
We suggest doing a 2.5 gallon boil at minimum. If you have the
fied sanitizer, e.g., Star San or IO Star. equipment to boil more than 2.5 gallons feel free to do so. There is
no need to change the amount of any of the ingredients.
The grains should not be compacted inside the bag. Grains
Pour 2.5 gallons of clean water into your brew pot and begin to heat1. should steep loosely allowing the hot water to soak into all of the
Pour crushed grains into grain bag and tie a loose knot at the top of the grain evenly.
bag2. When the water is within an appropriate steeping temperature
Pay careful attention not to let your steeping water exceed 170F
(150 - 165F) place the grain bag into the brew pot3. Steep grains for which leeches tannins into the wort.
approximately 20 minutes. Remove grain bag and without squeezing,
Run canisters of LME under hot water to allow the extract to pour
allow liquid to drain back into brew pot. Your water is now wort. easier.
Pay careful attention that the extract does not accumulate and
caramelize on the bottom of your brew pot.
When consumed, hops can cause malignant hyperthermia in
Bring your wort to a gentle, rolling boil. Add all of the included LME, dogs, sometimes with fatal results. Even small amounts, including
DME and Maltodextrin to the boiling wort4. Continuously stir the ex- spent hops from brewing, can trigger a deadly reaction.
tract into the wort as it returns to a gentle, rolling boil5.
As directed on the BREW DAY SCHEDULE (right), slowly sprinkle the BREW DAY SCHEDULE
hops into the boiling wort. Be careful not to let the wort boil over the 1. Add 1 oz. pack Northern Brewer hops : (time)
pot. Using the provided BREW DAY SCHEDULE, note the time the
2. Boil 30 minutes
hops were added to help keep your brew on schedule. Continue the
3. Add the other .5 oz. Brewers Gold hops
gentle, rolling boil until the boil is complete.
: (time)
Sprinkle the contents of the yeast sachet over top of the entire wort surface (DO NOT
REHYDRATE) and stir well with sanitized spoon or paddle. Firmly secure the lid onto the
fermenter. Fill your airlock halfway with water and gently twist the airlock into the grom-
meted lid. Move fermenter to a dark, warm, temperature-stable area (approx. 64 - 72F).
Two-Stage (Secondary) Fermentation
Brewers Best recommends home brewers
9. MONITOR & RECORD employ the practice of a two-stage fermenta-
The wort will begin to ferment within 24 hours and you will notice CO2 releasing (bubbling) tion. This will allow your finished beer to have
out of the airlock. Within 4 - 6 days the bubbling will slow down until you see no more CO2 more clarity and an overall better, purer flavor.
being released. When fermentation is complete (no bubbles for 48 hours) take a FG read- All you need is a 5-gallon carboy, drilled stop-
ing with a sanitized hydrometer and record it in your ABV% CALCULATOR.9 per, airlock and siphon setup to transfer the
beer. You will also need to monitor and record
BOTTLING DAY (DATE / / ) the SG with your hydrometer when the beer is
in the primary. When the fermentation slows
10. READ
(5-7 days), but before it completes, simply
Read all of the recommended procedures before you begin.
transfer the beer into the carboy and allow fer-
mentation to finish in the secondary. Leave
11. SANITIZE the beer for about two weeks and then proceed
Thoroughly clean and sanitize ALL brewing equipment, utensils, and bottles that will come to Bottling Day. Consult your local retailer to
in contact with any ingredients, wort or beer with a certified sanitizer, e.g., Star San or IO learn more about this technique.