If You Don't See Your State Representative or Senator On This List, Please Contact Them and Encourage Them Not To Attend The Conference

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The Mississippi NAACP State Conference supports the Mississippi Legislative Black
Caucus' (MLBC) decision to boycott the Southern Legislative Conference held July 29,
2017. The MLBC has decided to boycott the event to send a clear message that the
confederate symbol needs to be removed from the state flag. This event is a regional
conference that could easily be held in a state where the confederate flag does not fly.

Here is a list of the caucus members who have decided to stand in solidarity against the
Confederate symbol on our state flag and have chosen not to attend the conference.

Senate House of Representatives

Juan Barnett Jeramey D. Anderson
Barbara Blackmon Willie L. Bailey
Albert Butler Earl S. Banks
Hillman T. Frazier Christopher M. Bell
John Horhn Edward Blackmon, Jr.
Robert L. Jackson Bryant W. Clark
Sampson Jackson, II Alyce Griffin Clarke
David L. Jordan Oscar Denton
Sollie B. Norwood Jarvis Dortch
Derrick T. Simmons Tyrone Ellis
Willie Simmons John G. Faulkner
Angela Turner Ford John W. Hines
Tammy F. Witherspoon Lataisha Jackson
Robert L. Johnson, III
Kabir Karriem
David Myers
Orlando W. Paden
Willie J. Perkins, Sr.
Rufus Straughter
Kenneth Walker
Percy Watson
Sonya Williams Barnes
Adrienne Wooten
Charles Young, Jr.

As a part of our ongoing efforts to remove the Confederate symbol from our flag, we are
asking you to support this boycott.

If you don't see your state representative or senator on this list, please contact
them and encourage them not to attend the conference.
Derrick Johnson
Mississippi NAACP State Conference President

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