Naval Reactor Handbook Vol 1

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Chapter I
A . Radkowsky


From the inception of the Naval Reactors and Shippingport

programs major effort has been devoted to reactor physics
and associated technology. The work in this area has been
motivated by the need for the design of safe, reliable, and
efficient reactors. In carrying out these reactor physics
programs, available techniques have been modified and extend-
ed, and new techniques have been developed. The latter can
always be traced back to basic problems associated with the
accurate predictability of the performance of particular
reactors. The problems have originated partly from the
appearance of new reactor concepts, partly from the demands
for the design of reactors having higher performance and other
improved characteristics. It is the purpose of this book to
describe a number of the reactor physics techniques that have
proved useful. It is hoped that this information will be of
assistance to the reactor physicist and nuclear engineer in
exemplifying the application of physics to the practical problems
of reactor design and analysis. There has been no attempt to
make a complete treatment of reactor physics nor, on the other
hand, to write a designmanual. Rather, eachdiscussion treats a
particular problem in reactor physics, presenting approaches
to the solution of these problems that have been profitable. As
pointed out in the Foreword, this volume emphasizes basic
and generalized approaches, while Vols. TI andIII 1 2 cover
applications to specific designs.
When the Naval Reactors program was initiated the only
cores of significant power output which had been built were of
the natural uranium graphite type. These cores had character-
istics lending themselves to relatively simple physics proce -
dures. Specifically, the cores were macroscopically homo-
geneous, the spectrum of neutrons causing fission was well
thermalized, leakage out of the core was low, control rods
were of circular shape, and core endurance was so short that

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