MySQL Fundraising Pitch Deck

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 1

This is a redacted version of a final

draft of the 2003 MySQL investor deck. In
this B round the company raised $16m from
Benchmark Capital and Index Ventures.
Hope this is useful to startup
entrepreneurs all over the world.

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 2

MySQL Business

The Opportunity To Disrupt the

Database Market

Mrten Mickos, CEO

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 3

How To Read This Plan

We assume the reader has a basic familiarity with
MySQL and its present business
Feel free to pick sections of this presentation in any
order you feel comfortable with (see TOC on next

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 4

Table of Contents
Section pages
The Case 4-9
Market and Opportunity 10-19
Open Source Info 20-31
MySQL Info 32-48
Figures 2002 49-63
Go currently not
Entering the Enterprise Market 64-98 updated
Management Presentation 99-108
Go Product and Service Information 109-165
Go Competition 166-172
Go Risks and Uncertainties 173-175
Investment Proposal and Exit 176-182
Additional Reading 183-185

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 5

The Business Case

Table of Contents

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 6

The Business Case

Yahoo, Google, Cisco, Nokia, Lucent, Census Bureau, Rhode
Island and 4 million trust MySQL with their database needs
Organisations urgently need to cut IT costs, or expand without
adding costs
ISVs need to reduce dependency on ORCL-MSFT-IBM
Linux is validating open source in the enterprise
Open source databases are maturing for enterprise use
Open source is a method for
producing high-quality software at a low cost
selling and distributing software at a low cost
MySQL is the worlds most popular OS DBMS
MySQL owns its software and has a revenue model: dual licensing

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 7

The Business Case (2)

For the customer
Amazing cost savings (TCO and capital investment)
Better reliability and uptime
Faster application deployment
Abundance of skilled personnel
MySQL supported 24/7 worldwide by a viable commercial
vendor - MySQL AB

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 8

The Business Case (3)

We are the only ones who can meet the economic desires of the
market while being profitable.
So let us
Sell to ISVs and the enterprise market
Forge alliances needed for enterprise business
Perfect the offering
Build the sales channel

and cause a permanent change to the way software is produced and


Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 9

The Business Case (4)

Why us?
Proven product leadership
Proven user base success
Proven open source business model
Vast and active community
Viable vision by owners and management
Proven management
Fully functional and clean company
New visible output every month
web market business is growing rapidly
embedded business is growing very rapidly
enterprise market is enticed

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 10

The Business Case (5)

Enterprise database
with new
funds for

Web Web database
data- current
base trajectory
data- Embedded
base database

past present future

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 11

Market and Opportunity

Table of Contents

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 12 17 Aug 02
Oracle, IBM, Microsoft May Lose Business
to Free Database Software MySQL

ComputerWorld 11 Feb 03
McNealy: ...if you want to save more money, make the default database MySQL.

It's free, it's bundled, you've got the whole open-source community working on
making it better. If Yahoo and Google can run their entire operations on MySQL,
then certainly there's a huge chunk of your operations you could run on it as well.

San Francisco Chronicle 14 Aug 02

Some major corporations, including 7-Eleven, Deutsche Telekom and,
are migrating to Linux servers to take advantage of low- cost, open-source
versions of data management software such as MySQL.

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 13

eWeeks DBMS Benchmark

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 14

Disruptive Business Model

Open Source/Linux software is a disruptive innovation that
has the potential to seriously erode the traditional software
business model by attacking the heart of its model high margin
software licensing fees.

Merrill Lynch 24 Oct 2001

the popularization of the Open Source movement continues

to pose a significant challenge to the Company's business
Microsoft 10-Q, February 2003

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 15

The Database Market

is dominated by the Big Three
Oracle, IBM and Microsoft command 83% of the market
MySQL owns 0.02% of the market by revenue
so the Big Three say MySQL is not a threat
and that is fine with us, because
MySQL commands an estimated 20% by installed
and makes money

Whats wrong? - Nothing!

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 16

Database Market

Embedded Database
Embedded in Software
$1B Embedded in Hardware

Web Database
Dynamic Content
$2B E-Commerce

Enterprise Database
Utility Database
$6B Data Warehousing Database
Business Transaction Database

N.B. Revenue split above is MySQL estimate.

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 17

Database Market

Embedded Database

MySQL Installed Base Web Database

Enterprise Database

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 18

Database Market

Embedded Database

MySQL Installed Base Web Database


Enterprise Database
Enter Select

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 19

Database Market

Embedded Database

MySQL Installed Base Web Database


Enterprise Database
Enter Select Legacy, Closed Source RDBMSs

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 20

Database Market Evolution

Embedded Database
$1B Business Model
(batteries included)

Web Database
$2B (web, rather than

Enterprise Database

Linux a dominant Mid-market Overall cost

platform showing life signs pressure

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 21

Estimated MySQL Potential

In the embedded market
In the web market
In the enterprise market
600m - 1bn

The above figures represent current best estimates by the management.

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 22

Open Source Info

Table of Contents

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 23

MySQL - The Cathedral in the Bazaar

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 24

Three Modes of Production

Individuals order their productive activities
1. as employees in firms, following the directions of managers
2. as individuals in markets, following price signals
and now, also
3. as groups of individuals in the world, following diverse
motivational drives and social signals (rather than either
market prices or managerial commands), successfully
collaborating on largescale projects
This third form of production has been dubbed
commons-based peer production

See research papers by Ronald Coase, Oliver Williamson (for items 1 and 2), and
Yochai Benkler (for item 3).
Copyright 2003 MySQL AB
MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 25

MySQL Has 2 Modes of Production

Two production modes
1. The Cathedral: employees of MySQL AB, following the
directions of managers.
2. The Bazaar: individuals all over the world, following diverse
motivational drives and social signals.
Both modes are Quid pro Quo
Employees receive salary and other benefits
Individuals receive GPLd software, rapid bug fixing, rapid
evolution, i.e. solutions to every-day problems, and,
additionally, peer recognition
Ideally for MySQL, it does not matter to an individual
whether he is in the cathedral or in the bazaar, or

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 26

MySQL Community Goals

1. Grow installed base from present 4m to 40m
2. Continually activate and engage community
3. Outsmart, outposition and outpromote Postgres

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 27

1. Grow Installed Base

from Present 4m to 40m
A. Make sure product is suitable for vast deployment
and usage
B. Encourage the worlds most powerful distributors to
distribute MySQL
C. Integrate with the worlds most popular software
tools, platforms and servers
D. Ensure MySQL is used in as many FOSS projects
as possible (FOSS = Free / Open Source Software)

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 28

2. Keep Community Active

Actively engage in rich, honest, relevant and frank
Encourage intelligent contributions to advance our
source code
Promote and augment our open source strategy
Encourage and enable peer recognition

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 29

3. Outsmart Postgres
Have financially viable business and go for goals 1.
and 2. with perfection and thats it

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 30

Dual Licensing
MySQL AB employs dual licensing for its product, the
MySQL server.
This means that MySQL is available under a regular
commercial licence for commercial customers, and
under the GPL licence for those who live by the Free
Software principles.
The product is technically the same under both
licences, but the financials and the legal ramifications
are different.
It is up to the customer to decide what path he wants
to follow and what licence to use.

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 31

Common Open Source Objections

Lack of proper support
MySQL operates worldwide 24/7 support since 1999
Lack of vendor accountability
MySQL owns its product and takes full responsibility
Lack of vendor viability
MySQL has made money since 1995
Lack of third-party software integration
MySQL is working with Sun, Novell, Veritas and others to ensure
Lack of skilled staff
There are more than 4 million installations worldwide and hundreds of
thousands of skilled developers and administrators. Use the community.

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 32

MySQL Info

Table of Contents

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 33

MySQL Mission

Make superior
database software
available and affordable to all

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 34

Do Differently

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 35

The Worlds Most Popular

Open Source Database
An estimated 4 million installations
More than 1.8 million web visits per month
Average of 29,000 downloads PER DAY
Google finds some 8 million pages with mysql (on par with
Every major Linux distribution includes MySQL
LAMP = Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP/Perl/Python
Mac OS X servers,Sun LX50 servers, Sun Cobalt Qube 3
appliances, Solaris 9 Companion CD, DELL PowerEdge
Web Servers, Packet Design Route Explorer, etc. equipped
with MySQL

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 36

The Entire World

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 37


MySQL is doing to databases

what DELL did to PCs:

In a maturing market, turning the key

product into a cost-efficiently produced
high-quality high-performance
mainstream product with excellent
customer service, giving new masses
of customers access to the value of the
offering at an affordable price.

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 38

Sustainable Business Model

What we have What we do
We own and develop our We let the free version of our
software software find its way into
We own and protect our every organisation
trademark We sell support and
We apply dual licensing to services to the users of the
our product free software
GNU General Public We sell commercial licences
Licence (GPL) - free and support to commercial
Commercial Licence - for a customers

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 39

Second Wave of Open Source

Preserve the benefits of Without compromising
open source business viability
battle-tested by millions ownership of source code
every day means responsibility can be
contributions from the taken
community ownership of trademark
an ecosystem far wider than means that customers can
yourself trust you

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 40

Virtuous Development Cycle

benefits: MySQL staff develop
new release every 4-6
- battle tested weeks
Proceeds from
- rapid New release
licence sales fed
development immediatley
back into
development downloaded by vast
numbers of users

Sold under
Massively parallel
testing and
debugging begins Community
Rapid stabilisation - commercial-
grade framework
free of charge

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 41

The MySQL Product Formula

1. Speed
2. Reliability & Stability
3. Ease of everything: installation, integration,
development, deployment, management
4. Economy

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 42

MySQL AB Overview
MySQL founded in 1995 by open source gurus Michael Monty
Widenius and David Axmark
Head office in Uppsala, Sweden
Some 65 staff in 14 countries
Privately owned
Profitable 1996-2000
MySQL AB owns the intellectual property rights of the MySQL
server, the domain name and the MySQL trademark
A total of EUR 4m in external investments so far by:
ABN AMRO Alfred Berg Industrifinans, NO
Scope Capital, SE
Servisen Management, SE
Respect Ventures (Holtron), FI

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 43

Historic Timeline

3.22 4.0 5.0

3.23 4.1
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Monty, David, Allan Reporting tool MySQL AB created

working on dataware- created
housing projects in Management, BoD
Sweden 1st VC funding
First data MySQL inception
softare is created

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 44

Corporate Structure

Open Ocean S..r.l Venture

(founders) Capitalists

Uppsala, Sweden

MySQL Finland Ab MySQL Inc. MySQL GmbH

As of 1 Jun 2002

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 45

Balance Sheet Etc.

No debt, no lines of credit
No equipment leases
No R&D costs deferred
Property & Equipment 364k
US GAAP compliant revenue recognition
Outstanding shares and options as of 1 Jan 2003:

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 46

More Information
Management team
Company fact sheet
Recent press releases and coverage
Product information:
Reference manual that includes company information, benchmark
information, product roadmap, and more
Product roadmap:
Recent press mentionings according to Google:

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 47

Figures 2002

Table of Contents

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 48

Year 2002 in Figures (Prel.)

Revenues 4,701k
Cost of revenues 1,325k (28%)
OPEX 5.037k
DEV 1,288k (27%)
S&M 2,123k
G&A 1,626k
Net income (1,486k)
Avg. no. of employees 49 (55 with subcontractors)
Product line split
Licences 52% - starting $200, $395 per copy
Support 23% - $1,500 - $48,000 p.a.
Training 12%
Other services 6%
Partner and other fees 7%

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB



20 0 6

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

20 0 7
20 0 8
20 0 9
20 1 0
20 1 1
20 1 2
20 0 1
20 0 2
20 0 3
20 0 4
20 0 5
20 0 6
20 0 7
20 0 8
20 0 9
20 1 0
20 1 1
20 1 2
20 0 1
Sales, 6 Month Trailing Average
MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database

cost level
Our present
MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 50

P&L: Actual vs. Budget



January February March April May June July August September October November December

EUR '000




Budget Actual
Cum. Budget Cum. Actual

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 51

Monthly Operating Cash Flow 2002

1 000


January February March April May June July August September October November December

EUR '000

-1 000

-1 500

-2 000

-2 500

Cash Flow Cum Cash Flow

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 52

Sales by Territory 2002


Germany, A, CH

North America

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 53

Deal Size Study

Deal size: < 250 < 1k < 10k < 50k < 250k < 1m < 4m

No. of 366 236 530 72 13 1 0

% of no. 30.0% 19.4% 43.5% 5.9% 1.1% 0.1% 0.0%

Sales 69,235 128,025 1,703,326 1,526,098 1,102,187 326,858 0

% of sales 1% 3% 35% 31% 23% 7% 0%

Avg. deal 189 542 3,214 21,196 84,784 326,858 -


7% of the deals make 61% of the business

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 54

Four Long-Term Initiatives


10,000,000 w hen 300m

1 2 w hen 100m




0 190 600 3,200 20,000 100,000 350,000 2,000,000

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 55

Largest Customers 2002

Over 100k 30-50k
Novell, Inc.
Cisco Systems Volvo
Veritas Software Inc. EMC
France Telecom Avocent International Ltd.
Svenska Kulturfonden Tekelec
Precise Software Solutions
50-100k Funworld ag
Hyperion [REDACTED]
Solutions Corp. Pathfire Inc.
Sabre, Inc. Kasenna, Inc.
Sterling Commerce De La Rue Cash Systems
BMC Software, Inc. Alcatel
SoftAgency Co., Ltd. Gamma Technologies Inc.
Amphus Iteration, Inc.
AutoSkill International Inc. Rackspace
Hummingbird Ltd DeepMetrix Corporation
Earthlink, Inc. Blueworld
Hewlett Packard
A total of 1,177 customers 4,126

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 56

Entering the Enterprise Market

Changing the Business Faster than the

Competition Can React

Table of Contents

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 57

Sales Team
Typical setting for field sales
$80k fixed annual base salary
4.7-5% commission on sales
quota of $1.6m p.a.
sales volume per sales mgr used for budgeting: $1m p.a.
$1m 2x ($80k + $50k) = $740k contribution per sales mgr
(assuming that fully loaded cost is 2x salary)
some sales mgr have higher packages and quotas, some
this works well with our present size for the future, a more
elaborate model is planned
to get $9m in direct sales we need 9 sales mgrs; today we
have 10

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 58

Earnings Logic - Alternatives

Commercial licences
Embedded Database

Web Database Services

Hosted services
Add-on tools

Enterprise Database Services

Add-on tools
Enterprise extensions
Commercial licences

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 59

Earnings Logic - Subscriptions

A concept dubbed Automated Notification Service
(ANS) is in early development
Under ANS, customers are to receive automated, customised,
relevant notifications of product and service changes directly to
their email, with clickable links for activating the suggested
operations (such as product updates, database health checks,
Pricing to be determined, current assumption is $80-200 per
person p.a.
Value proposition based on convenience; the same information
to be freely but not as conveniently available to the open source
Market potential estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands of
subscribers; subscriptions to be sold one by one or as
enterprise subscriptions

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 60

Software Services
MySQL under GPL - $0 Automated Notification
MySQL Light - $0 Service - $40-$190 p.a.
(to seed market and Support - $500-$48,000 p.a.
provide alternative to Certification $150-$500
JetEngine and MSDE)
MySQL Classic - $200
MySQL Pro - $495
Migration services
MySQL Enterprise - $2,000
to $30,000 Tangible products
MySQL utilities Reference Manual
pricing 0 or TBD Product Box
MySQL tools

N.B. Prices are tentative.

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 61

Innovative Sales Model

MySQLs sales model is based
on the fact that GPLd MySQL
installations are in use in most
organisations today, which
reduces marketing costs
shortens sales cycles
Our order of priority for sales
1. Enterprise buys off-the-shelf
app (and MySQL is the
batteries included database)
2. Enterprise builds new app (in-
house or outsourced) where
database choice is open
3. Enterprise rewrites old app
4. Enterprise migrates old app to
new database

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 62

Sales Model
Deal size
$0 $1,000 $10,000 $100,000 $1,000,000

Online Sales Field Sales

GPL Telesales Global
See- Accounts
Embedded Database

Web Database

Enterprise Database

Yellow arrows denote self-propagating product promotion. N.B. Box width means deal size span, but box size (area) has no specific meaning

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 63

4 Sells To Do (In this Order)

Sell to the business application ISV
Sell MySQL as the batteries included database for their
Sell to the enterprise system software ISV
Create integration with their software and MySQL
Sell to the SI
Sell the idea of the SI doing LAMP and other MySQL
projects for enterprises
Sell to the enterprise
Sell MySQL as the DBMS platform for the next in-house

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 64

CIO Magazine Survey Nov 2002

29% are using open source databases today, and for 33% it will
be the predominant type of software for databases in five years

The majority (64%) of companies surveyed are using open source

CIOs say the greatest benefits from using open source are
lower total cost of ownership,
lower capital investment and
greater reliability and uptime compared to their existing systems.
IT executives report that open source provides
greater flexibility, control and
faster, cheaper application development.
All things equal, the majority of IT executives surveyed said they would choose open source
for a new implementation over a proprietary vendor solution.
More info:

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 65

Our Enterprise Experience So Far

Enterprises appear to be open to multi-vendor DBMS
strategy (which wasnt the case earlier)
Enterprises appear to be open to open source
Enterprises typically see DBMSs in three categories:
High-end: Oracle, DB2
Middle: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL
Desktop: Microsoft Access
Many enterprises signed 3-5 year DBMS deals in
1999-2000 (and many overpurchased); those deals
now are coming to expiration

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 66

The Market Needs an Alternative



- onerous prices and licensing ORACLE vacant - compelling prices, low up-front
terms investment
- vendor lock-in - open standards, open software
stacks, open source
- products have too many features MICROSOFT
- products with just the right
- products continue to have bugs
amount of features
- mandatory DBAs
- battle-tested products
- performance requires tuning
- minimal admin overhead
- little bang for the buck
- superior performance
+ ISV aspect: Big Three DBMS vendors
- great bang for the buck
compete with many of their own ISVs in
the application space

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 67

Recipe for Market Entry

Pick entry segments Partners & Allies
Position MySQL as the 4th enemies of the enemies
player, the alternative Distribution
solution directly to ISVs for batteries
Compelling reason to buy: included
economy via platform vendors
speed, reliability, ease, via SIs
ubiquity directly to end customers
Whole product Pricing
MySQL Enterprise Choose earnings logic
Support and Services 10x present MySQL, 0.3x
Third-party integration and competitors
endorsement Competition

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 68

How to Sell to the Enterprise

CIO thinking
a DBMS is just one piece in the puzzle
how easy is it to retrain existing staff?
here I will use Open Source, here not
I dont want another vendor

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 69

Cost-Effectiveness is a Must
To keep prices low and our profitability high, we must
Keep the customer acquisition (and retention) cost low
see next slide
Keep the product development cost low
through open source
Keep COGS low
by focusing on selling high-margin offerings (licences and
automatic subscription services)
by automating the labour involved in providing services

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 70

Keep the Customer Acquisition Cost Low

Seed the market with GPLd software
and reduce need for advertising and promotion
and shorten sales cycles
Build a strong brand
and shorten sales cycles
and reduce price sensitivity among customers
and sell more online
Sell batteries included MySQL to ISVs and platform vendors
and get straight into the enterprise in one low-cost blow
Sell online
and reduce the need for an expensive sales force
Sell direct
and avoid spending money on a multi-tiered sales channel
Make buying easy
(by simple pricing, simple configuration, web-enabled processes)
and close more deals per account manager

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 71

Communicate the Positioning

Analysts, analysts, analysts
Landmark partnerships
PR & speaking engagements
Benchmarks and certifications
Build a community of enterprise CIOs and CTOs
Have regional sales offices

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 72

Ways of Achieving Recognition

Influenced by:

Top Corporate Open Source as an economic phenomenon

Blue chip affiliations

Analyst commentary
Seeding through batteries included

Special events
Divisional /
Departmental Mgmt Press & testimonials

Trade shows

Present Active community, web site

MySQL and documentation
Operational Level Recognition
GPL seeding

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 73

The CIO Making Decisions

MySQL takes the back-door
into the forces that MySQL:
influence the CIO in his/her Open source as an
decision-making. economic phenomenon
This is done in good time
before the MySQL sales
team is deployed into the
organisation to close
commercial deals.

MySQL: Batteries Peers, MySQL:

included database
CIO analysts, PR work, brand
in other products selling
making press building
decisions providing

MIS staff selling

ideas to their

MySQL sales
team ready to MySQL:
be deployed GPL seeding

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 74

Proposition to CIO
MySQL offers
all essential functionality
at a compelling upfront cost
and a compelling on-going maintenance cost
thus enabling organisations to continue to roll out new
applications while meeting the cost-cutting targets set
And, by the way,
you already run MySQL in these products: ...
this is open source, like Linux
there are millions of people with MySQL skills
and these are some of our top customers, partners and investors:

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 75

Potential Entry Segments

as they already use MySQL
Financial Services
as they are data-intensive and progressive
as they already use MySQL
as they are data-intensive and research-intensive
as they already use MySQL
Research and Academia
as they already use MySQL
Via ISVs
who look to reduce cost and reduce dependency on the Big Three

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 76

Sample TMT References

Technology Media Telecom

Veritas Software Vivendi Universal Cisco
Peregrine Systems Yahoo! Lucent
Compaq Google Nokia
Sun Microsystems Spiderman (Sony Ericsson
Apple Computer Telia
FIFA Soccer World
DELL Computer Tahoe Networks
Cup website

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 77

MySQL Enterprise (The Software)

Existing MySQL plus improvements in:
Syntax (triggers, views, SQL-92 ,etc.)
Load balancing, clustering
Fault tolerance, high availability, clustering
Huge datasets
Distributed use
Management of the database
OLAP, data warehousing, data mining
Third-party integration

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 78

Software Stack & ISVs

ERP/CRM: SAP, Peoplesoft,
BEA Siebel, Intuit, Sage
IBM BI: Hyperion, Business Objects,
Sun SAS Institute, Brio, Cognos
BMC SCA: i2, Manugistics, JDA
HP Software
Apache Business Applications
eCommerce: Sterling, Tibco,
Other: Mercury Interactive,
IDE etc.

Management & Integration

Veritas Peregrine
Checkpoint CMS: <numerous>, Vignette,
Utilities & Security

Symantec App Server / Web Server Hummingbird


Java / J2EE
Clustering, Storage etc.
Sun Borland
HP Rational
SteelEye, Emic Operating System Adobe
etc. Macromedia
Unisys Compuware
EMC Hardware / Processor

Linux: RedHat, SuSE, Mandrake IBI
Unix: Sun, HP
Windows CA

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 79

Potential Partners & Allies

Platform Vendors SIs
Apple Accenture
Dell EDS
HP IBM Global Services
ISVs Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
SAP, Peoplesoft, Siebel

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 80

Potential Counter-Actions by Big Three

may give away SQL Server free of charge with Windows (but anti-trust
considerations may prevent that)
may bundle SQL Server with technology stack
may port SQL Server to Linux
may attack with patents
may give away some version free of charge?
may block sales channels (ISVs, SIs)
may attack with patents
may attack in MySQLs home markets (embedded, web)
may acquire Red Hat and/or SuSE to attempt to block access to Linux
may give away DB2 free of charge?
may bundle DB2 inside technology stack
may attack in MySQLs home markets (embedded, web)

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 81

How to Deal with Competition

Let Linux do the fighting
Be easily available on Windows
Cost savings!
Cost savings!
Customers desire not to buy all from one vendor

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Table of Contents

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 83

Use of Proceeds
Status quo sufficient for: Use of new round
stepwise expansion into Enterprise marketing
France, UK, Far East Faster sales ramp-up
MySQL 5, MySQL 6, ... Services ramp-up
50-80% annual growth in Strategic alliances
the next few years MySQL Enterprise
100m in revenues in 6-7

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 84

Management positions
VP Marketing
VP Professional Services
VP Software Engineering
Skills and teams to ramp up
enterprise computing
migration & other professional services
Sales & Marketing
direct sales force
alliance management
product marketing

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 85

Stepwise Approach
Step 0 Step 2
Demonstrate MySQL viability Ramp-up
in web and OEM markets Perfect the offering
Done, and ramp up continues
Expand into other segments
Expand geographically
Step 1 Penetrate
Demonstrate MySQL viability
in enterprise market
Work closely with select Fortune500
companies and existing enterprise
Forge key partnerships with ISVs Steps 1 and 2 overlap, and
and platform vendors business build-up will be continuous.
Acquire and develop skill sets We estimate that Step 1 will be concluded within
needed 2-3 years and require funds of up to 10m.
Build MySQL Enterprise
(evolutionarily from MySQL Pro)
Position MySQL in the market
Enter select market segments
Test our assumptions
Test our ambitions

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 86

Assumptions & Ambitions of Step 1

Assumptions Ambitions
Open source is enterprise-ready and Have enterprise db ready in 3-4 years
enterprises are open source-ready Have revenue model that works in
Most platform vendors are open to a enterprise arena
fourth db player Build strong brand recognition and
Key ISVs are open to a fourth db player credibility among enterprise decision
Key SIs are open to a fourth db player makers
Batteries included gains ground in the Keep customer acquisition cost down
enterprise and single db strategy loses Price at roughly 1/3 of legacy players
ground in the enterprise without compromising own profitability
Enterprise dbs increasingly need to be
Mid-market is active (as opposed to top-
tier enterprise market)
The Big Three are unable to successfully
defend their perimeters

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 87


Launch and build enterprise business

Continue to build web and OEM business

Continue to collaborate with and expand worldwide MySQL community

In the radar

Under the radar

Build MySQL Enterprise (step by step)

Forge ISV partnerships

Forge platform vendor partnerships

Work closely with select Fortune500 enterprises

Step 1: Demonstrate

Step 2: Ramp up

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 88

Milestones (*DRAFT*)
Milestone Ideally NLT
additional VPs Q4/03 Q2/04
Landmark ISVs signed up
first ISV Q2/03 Q1/04
2 more Q4/03 Q3/04
Sales in a quarter
3m (run-rate 12m) Q1/04
4m (run-rate 16m) Q3/04
5m (run-rate 20m) Q1/05
Number of Fortune500 companies directly or indirectly
generating revenues as customers in excess of 50k p.a.
50 (totalling 2.5m) Q2/05
100 (totalling 5m) Q4/06
200 (totalling 10m) Q4/07

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 89

Product Release Timetable (*DRAFT*)

Product version alpha production
MySQL 4 Q4/01 Q1/03
MySQL 4.1 Q1/03 Q3/03
MySQL 5 Q4/03

MySQL 6 Q2/04
MySQL 6.x = MySQL Enterprise Q1/06

MySQL Control Center tbd

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 90

Projections: Revenue

Plus scenario
Scenario w. inv.
Base Scenario
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 91

Projected P&L 2003 2007



EUR '000



2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007



Net Profit Cum. Net Profit

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 92

Projections: EBIT, CapEx, FCF

50 000

40 000 Capex
Free Cash Flow
Cumulative FCF
30 000

20 000

10 000

-10 000
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 93

Projections: Funding Requirement

40 000 000

35 000 000

30 000 000

25 000 000

20 000 000

15 000 000

10 000 000

5 000 000

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
-5 000 000

-10 000 000

Mo n th

Ca s h Flo w Ca p ita l Re q u ir e me n t

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 94

Projections: Without Investment

10 000

8 000 Capex
Free Cash Flow
6 000 Cumulative FCF

4 000

2 000

-2 000

-4 000
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

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Pressentation of Management

Table of Contents

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 96

John Wattin, Chairman

Professional board member, serial
Colleagues say: Business man!
Lives in Sweden, age 55
Track record
Founded/Reconstructed: Enator AB, Sigma
AB, Mandator AB, Astral AB,
Scandiaconsult AB, Indevo AB
Chairman/Board Member: Akademikliniken
AB, Berit AB, Cherry AB, Establish AB,
Lemon Planet AB, Netentertainment AB,
Qbranch AB, MySQL AB
Senior Advisor, Prosper Capital Fund

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 97

Mrten Mickos, CEO

Skilled CEO and entrepreneur
Colleagues say: Motivator!
Lives in Finland, age 40
Track record
MatchON Sports Ltd, CEO 1999-2000
Intellitel Communications, CEO 1997-1999
Solid Information Technology, Channels
Marketing Director 1995-1997
Life outside MySQL
wife and 3 children
water and snow

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 98

Hans von Bell, CFO

Experienced builder-up of financial administration
Colleagues say: Pragmatist!
Lives in Sweden, age 42
Track record
Incirco AB, CFO 2000-2001
MSI AB, CFO 1996-2000,
Regional Controller EMEA 1998-2000
Unisource Mobile, Inv. Fin. Dir. 1994-1996
Life outside MySQL
family with two sons
scuba diving, skiing, guitars

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 99

Michael Widenius, CTO

a.k.a. Monty
Fanatic programmer who hates bugs
and loves speed
Colleagues say: Guru!
Lives in Finland, age 41
Track record: MySQL
Life outside MySQL
family with children My and Max
visiting exotic places

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 100

David Axmark, Co-founder

Free / Open Source evangelist
Colleagues say: Montys second brainhalf!
Lives in Sweden, age 40
Track record: MySQL
Life outside MySQL
ultimate (the frisbee sport), disc golf

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 101

Larry Stefonic, VP Sales

Knows the database market inside out
Colleagues say: Dealmakerl!
Lives in Seattle, USA, age 35
Track record
Centura / Gupta
Life outside MySQL
wife and son
boxing, skiing

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Kaj Arn, VP Training

Analytical thinker and extensive communicator
Colleagues say: Productive!
Lives in Germany, age 39
Track record: Polycon Ab
Life outside MySQL
wife and 2 children

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 103

Firmly in place VPs to be hired
CEO VP Marketing
CFO VP Software Engineering
CTO VP Professional Services
VP Sales VP Alliances (?)
Co-Founder Legal Counsel (?)
Advancing, filling VP Biz Dev. (?)
VP Prof. Serv. Directors to be hired /
Director Alliances promoted
Director Online Sales Internal IT
Director Support HR
Director Development Sales Directors

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 104

Advisors and Investors

John Wattin, Sweden, Chairman
Terje Laugerud, Norway
Morten Austestad, ABN Amro, Norway
Fredrik Oweson, Scope, Sweden
Michael Widenius, MySQL AB
Non-board investors and advisors
Ralf Wahlsten, Finland, Investor
Mina Gouran, UK, Investor
Natasha Bhatia, UK, Investor
Peter Harris, UK, Investor
Florian Mller, Germany, Advisor

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Table of Contents

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 106

Competition by Size
Tier 1 - the billion dollar league
Oracle (sales $10.5B, database licences $823m)
IBM DB2 (sales $85.9B)
Microsoft, SQL Server and Access
Sybase (sales $950.3M)
Tier 2 - the 100 million dollar league
Sybase SQL Anywhere, Progress
Tier 3 - the 5-50 million dollar league
Berkeley DB, Birdstep/Raima, Ardent, Interbase, Intersystems,
Pervasive, Centura/Gupta, TimesTen, Solid, Pointbase,
Polyhedra, Empress, Versant

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 107

Comparison Chart
SQL-compliant RDBMS
Low TCO - - -
Low capital expense - - -
Multi-platform -
Easy to deploy - -
High reliability and uptime
Top performance - -
Fast application development ? ? ?
Abundance of skilled staff
Supported by commercial vendor
Easy to administer - -

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 108

Microsoft vs. MySQL

Microsoft has (and relevance to MySQL is)
Enterprise Database
SQL Server (competitor)
Web Database
SQL Server (competitor) Microsoft is against open
source and GPL.
Embedded Database
SQL Server (competitor)
MS Access (too weak to be competitor, but GUI is useful as
front-end to MySQL)
Operating System
Windows (important platform for MySQL)
Windows CE (potential future platform for MySQL)

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 109

Oracle vs. MySQL

Oracle has (and relevance to MySQL is)
Enterprise Database
Oracle (competitor)
Web Database
Oracle (competitor)
Embedded Database
Oracle Lite, Personal Oracle (weak competitor)
Operating System

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 110


IBM has (and relevance to MySQL is)
Enterprise Database
DB2 (competitor)
Web Database
IBM invests heavily in Linux.
DB2 (competitor)
Embedded Database
DB2 Everywhere (competitor)
Operating System
AIX (good platform for MySQL)

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 111

Sybase SQL Anywhere vs. MySQL

SQL Anywhere has
SQL Anywhere lacks
Speed to match MySQL
Robustness through superior design
Platform availability
Massive user base support

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 112

Can the Competition Produce

Something Better?
By starting from scratch?
Hardly. It takes 10 years for any mission-critical software product to
By opensourcing a closed-source product?
Hardly. It takes years (or an eternity) for closed-source software to
become clean enough go gain open source acceptance.
By improving an existing open source product?
Perhaps. But note that MySQL is today several times more popular
than the next runner-up.
By forking a new version based on MySQL?
Anybody is free to modify and distribute MySQL under GPL, but
maintaining the code is extremely difficult for anyone but the core
development team of MySQL AB. Also, only MySQL AB can sell
commercial licences and use the MySQL name.
By giving away an existing product free of charge?
May happen, but that does not make the product open source or

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 113

Risks and Uncertainties

Table of Contents

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 114

Risks and Uncertainties

Open source business models partly unproven or immature
Dependance on success of Linux
Dependance on worldwide Internet infrastructure
Potential counter-actions by competitors (most notably
Potential competition from other open source databases
such as Postgres, Firebird and SAP DB

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 115

Risks and Uncertainties (2)

Limited operating history
Limited financial strength in the immediate future due to
Dependence on the success of OEM customers in their
Dependence on key personnel and recruitment of additional
Dependence on successful and timely delivery of new
product versions
Intellectual property right risks in relation to our software

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 116

Investment Proposal and Exit Potential

<NOTE: This info will be removed from this

file and put in a separate one, in order to
avoid it spreading to too many people in the
VC community.>

Table of Contents

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 117

Background Info
Cap table see appendix (xls)
External funding raised so far: EUR 4m
Use of proceeds see elsewhere in this document
Peer analysis see elsewhere in this document

Please send or cc all your email communication to Mr

Peter Liss, [email protected],
[REDACTED] who coordinates
all communication from now on

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 118

This Round
MySQL AB believes that a fair pre-money value of the company
presently is 28m (but please note that this is not a formal offer, and
that the valuation may change due to significant events in the
The company now wishes to raise 10m
In conjunction with the round a new share option pool will be launched,
to grow its percentage from existing 6.92% up to 9% of outstanding
The company is looking for one new active investor (or syndicate of 2)
from the UK or USA or continental Europe
The company may in parallel receive investment from strategic
The company presumes that the existing shareholders agreement be
extended to cover new investors as well
ABN Amro and Scope are likely to join pro rata, other present investors

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 119

Capitalisation Table
Open Ocean S..r.l [REDACTED] 1,000,000
Industrifinans SMB III ASA 292,132
Holtron Capital Fund I Ky 122,492
Scope Venture Capital 96,910
split on Scope Venture I KB, Erneholm & Haskel AB, and Ichor Holding SA
Texcel International AB 25,560
Sirius Consulting Ab 16,390
Terje Laugerud 16,390
Kaj S Arn 15,000
John Wattin 8,870
TMD Holding Ltd (N Bhatia) 8,190
Caversham Trustees Ltd (M Gouran) 8,190
Peter Harris 4,920
Employee share option pool 120,000

TOTAL outstanding shares & options 1,735,044

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 120

The MySQL Investment Team

Chief negotiators
Mrten Mickos, CEO, assisted by Hans von Bell, CFO
All owners & present investors represented by
John Wattin, Chairman
Coordinator of timetables, documents, meetings, Q&A
Peter Liss
Additional core management
Larry Stefonic, VP Sales
Michael Monty Widenius, CTO
David Axmark, Co-Founder
Key investor representatives
Morten Austestad, ABN Amro Industrifinans
Fredrik Oweson, Scope Venture Capital

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 121

4 Mar ready[REDACTED]
to send out investment memo
6-7 Mar MGM in New York
10-12 MGM may be unavailable
13-14 Mar MGM at CeBIT
Week of 17 Mar open for MGM, but HvB on holiday
22-25 Mar MGM at PC Forum, Phoenix
26-28 Mar MGM in the SF Bay Area
Week of 31 Mar open
7-9 Apr MGM in the SF Bay Area
10-12 Apr MGM in the SF Bay Area for MySQL Users Conference
14-15 Apr open
16-21 Apr MGM unavailable
22-25 Apr open
Week of 28 Apr open
5-7 May open
8-11 May staff meeting in Budapest
Week of 12 May open

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 122

Selection Criteria
MySQL AB reserves the right to accept or decline
offer letters at its discretion after the offer letter
MySQL AB will pay great attention to the following
selection criteria:
relevant market experience and value-add of the investor
personal chemistry between partner(s) in charge and MySQL
management and directors
adherence to the existing shareholders agreement
how well the VC matches The Ideal Investor list which was
authored by the MySQL management (see next page)

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 123

The Ideal Investor

The ideal investor in MySQL, in addition to bringing great tangible and
intangible value to the company:
takes a long-term view on his investment
understands and respects the open source philosophy of MySQL AB (as
demonstrated by MySQL AB and other open source companies such as
Trolltech and Sleepycat)
understands and respects the Nordic management culture (as
demonstrated by Nokia, VOLVO, MySQL AB and others)
understands and respects the MySQL core values as described at:
has ample industry experience and a vast network of relevant contacts
is at all times actively engaged in building a long-term viable business for
MySQL AB through active participation in board work and otherwise
lives up to and demands from others a business conduct of the highest
ethical standards

in summary, is a value-adding contributor rather than a zero-sum game


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Offer Letter
The signed letter from an interested investor shall be presented to the
company no later than 18 March 2003, covering the following topics at
a minimum:
Proposed investment size (and distribution between syndicated partners, if
Proposed pre-money valuation
Proposed partners of the VC firm who would be board members and in
charge of the investment for the VC, and list of references for such partners
Detailed comments on any proposed deviations from the existing
shareholders agreement to be disclosed to parties interested in submitting
an offer letter
Proposed timetable and execution plan for completing the transaction
The investors comments on the business plan and projections, in order to
where there is agreement
where there is disagreement or just doubt
where there is an alternative proposal from the investor
what may be missing in the investors view
Any other information deemed valuable

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 125

Exit Potential
Without the investment, the company estimates it can reach up to 100m in annual revenues. With the
investment now at hand, the management estimates the potential to rise to some 200m and beyond.

If the company is successful in its undertakings in the next few years and if the market develops as
anticipated, the management believes that the company can grow to a size 2-5 times bigger than above
depicted, given that appropriate additional growth funding is available.

The management and owners are committed to building a company with a sustainable business for the long
term. It is anticipated that the company will be able to float on an internationally acknowledged stock
exchange in the next 3-4 years and continue as an independent entity for the foreseeable future.

As a result of successful execution of the business plan, it is also likely that opportunities will emerge for a
trade sale to a major platform, software, or database player in the market. Such companies presently
include but are not limited to: Sun, HP, IBM, CA, Dell, SAP, Intuit, Microsoft, Oracle. No such discussions
have been conducted or initialised.

The founders of MySQL AB have stated their intention to build a great business and their interest to find the
best possible future for the company a future where the MySQL product can fulfill its mission of being
available and affordable to all.

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 126

Additional Reading

Table of Contents

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 127

Additional Reading
The following documents or compilations will be provided as part of the investment memo
Financial Figures 2002
Financial Projections 2003-2007
Financial Potential Long term
Sales statistics 2002 (xls)
Sales statistics Jan-Feb 2003 (xls)
Sales pipeline as of March 2003 (xls)
Compilation of internal business intelligence emails (doc)
Compilation of analyst reports, etc. (doc, pdf)
Staff list (xls)
Recruitment plan 2003 (xls)
References Mrten (text)
References Hans (text)
References Larry (text)
Investment timetable and contacts (doc)
Reference customers including contact info (doc)
Existing shareholders agreement (doc)
Cap table (xls)
Table of contents of due diligence material (doc)
User survey 2001
Investment Q&A (living document, updated as we go).

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 128

Projections and Statements

i.e. XLS files that will be provided to select potential investors

Year 2002 Years 2003-2005 Ultimate Ambition

P/L Revenue projections Revenue Analysis and P/L

by 3 scenarios including P/L, Projection for Maximum
BS BS and CF Market Potential in 3 Markets:
- Embedded database
CF Current Sales Pipeline
- Web and personal database
Sales - Enterprise database
Stats Current Sales Stats

Staff Table with FTE

deployment by Cost Centre

Hans: please scrutinise and make changes!

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 129

Product & Service Information

Table of Contents

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 130

MySQL in a nutshell
MySQL is an RDBMS, such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL
Server, IBM DB2 and others
MySQL is designed for mission critical applications,
where performance and reliability are key
MySQL runs on most operating systems
MySQL interfaces with most programming languages
MySQL aims to have everything necessary, and
nothing more: ACID transactions, replication,
MySQL is available both under GPL and a
commercial licence dual licensing

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 131

MySQL Customer Value:

Saving time, in many ways
Performance / speed
Ease of use
easy installation
limited complexity
many interfaces
Low total cost of ownership
low licence fees (at times free of charge)
low support costs
lower hardware costs, longer economic lifetime
low training and administration costs (low complexity)

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 132

How MySQL Software Develops

Core development
done by salaried employees of MySQL AB worldwide
licensing (InnoDB, Berkeley DB) or acquisiton (JDBC driver)
of technology developed in the open source community
case-by-case contributions by individuals and companies
(where ownership is transferred to MySQL AB)
some add-ons and APIs that remain in community ownership
(such as Perl-DBI and PHP-MySQL connection)

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 133

Principles of Software Development

Bugs are bad
Modular design
Compact code
Release early, release often
Never let new features compromise speed
Make the product easy to install - easy and practical
to use
Document while coding
Do it right the first time, every time

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 134

Ultra-Conservative Versioning
Not one single release leaves the company until all known
repeatable fatal bugs have been fixed or properly documented

first public release of a new version
feature freeze
many old customers put betas in production use
beta turns to gamma when one month has passed without fatal bugs
gamma turns to production when one month has passed without fatal

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 135

Four Concurrent Source Trees

Presently (Feb 03)
3.23 - production version
4.0 - in gamma
4.1 - in alpha
5.0 - being worked on
All versions available for public scrutiny at
Bug and other fixes are merged into all active source

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 136

Product Architecture
Programs that Interface with a Database

Windows exclusive Generic Linux/ MacOS X/Unix/Windows

MyODBC PHP, Perl , Python, C/C++, Ruby, Java

MySQL Client- Server Protocol

MySQL Server

SQL Layer
Parser Optimizer Executor

Storage Engines
MyISAM InnoDB InMemory

MySQL Client- Server Protocol

Character- based UI Web- based UI Graphical Client

mysql phpmyadmin MySQL Control

mycc Centre

Standard Administrative Clients

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 137

The LAMP model


Linux Server Computer LAMP is

a complete and integrated
Apache technology stack
Web Server process for rapid development and
PHP / Perl
Web Application of heavy-duty web
MySQL Server process
Many degrees of freedom
Move, duplicate, replicate
the MySQL Server process

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 138

The Client / Server Model

Server Computer / Host Client Computers

PHP Client process

PHP Client process process
mysqld process

MySQL Perl Client process

DB Server
process PHP Client process ODBC
localhost process
Java Client process process

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 139

Supported operating systems

AIX 4.x+ OpenBSD <2.5 / >2.5

Amiga OS/2 Warp 3, FixPack 29,
BSDI 2.x (mit-pthreads) Warp 4, FixPack 4
BSDI 3.0, 3.1, 4.x (native) SGI Irix 6.x
DEC Unix 4.x Solaris 2.5+
FreeBSD 2.x / 3.x, 4.x SunOS 4.x
HP-UX 10.20 / 11.x SCO OpenServer
Linux 2.0+ SCO UnixWare 7.0.1
Mac OS X Server Tru64 Unix
NetBSD 1.3/1.4 Win95, Win98, NT, Win2000,
Novell Netware 6 XP.

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 140

Supported APIs
C API based Others
PHP Java (Connector/J JDBC)
C++ VB
Python Word
Tcl Excel
Eiffel Access
Ruby Delphi
Delphi ASP

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 141

Where are the limits of MySQL?

Database size: Hundreds of gigabytes in practice
Scalability: >90 replication slaves at,
>2,500 queries per second in a single server at
Features: Subselects in 4.1, Stored Procedures, Triggers,
referential integrity of foreign keys in 5.0, then Views
Limitation unimportant in new applications
Porting of existing applications easier to 4.1 and 5.0
The most important limits of MySQL lie in user perceptions
Decision makers may know little about MySQL and Open Source

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 142

MySQL 1984-95: The Roots

1984-94: Michael Monty Widenius develops
database routines for his own purposes
10 % further development of ISAM database routines
90 % solution of customer problems in Data Warehousing
1986: David Axmark meets Richard Stallman
1994: Customer requires SQL interface to web
Monty needs 9 months to build a MySQL parser and
1995- Perl API identical to API of mSQL

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 143

MySQL 1995-2000: Growth

More: Users, development tools (such as PHP),
operating systems (such as Windows)
Commercial support available from the outset
Profitable from inception
Open Source all the time
Licences under GPL since June 2000
Technology is key; marketing limited to; hardly any administration
More and more employees through mailing lists

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 144

MySQL 2001-2003: Presence

New management: CEO, VP Training, CFO, VP
Monty CTO, David VP Community Relations
Scandinavian Venture Capitalists invest money
Focus: USA (largest growth), German second place
More employees worldwide (14 countries, 65 people)

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 145

MySQL Proliferation
MySQL is part of all Linux distributions
MySQL is downloaded 29 000+ times a day
>800.000 times a month or 10M times a year
We estimate some 4 million installations
Installed base on par with Oracle
more users according to iX Magazine in Germany 2002: MySQL
46%, Oracle 44%
more web pages with MySQL than with Oracle according to
20% of worldwide relational database use, 0.02% of licence

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 146

MySQL has grown from the roots

A significant portion of all large companies use
MySQL somewhere
Only in some of them, the management knows it
Some of them become customers of MySQL AB
Companies that publicly acknowledge using
Ericsson, NASA, Yahoo! Finance, Silicon Graphics,, Texas
Instruments, US Census Bureau, Virage, Silicon Storage Technology,
Lucent, Motorola, HP, Xerox,,
Search for "Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL in Google among
the 90,000+ results you will find a few others who use MySQL

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

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MySQL Inc: Services

Support Training Consulting
Support Wizard Open courses Deployment
Email responses In-house courses Migration
Login Support eTraining Specification
Phone Support Certification Solutions
Fast Worldwide Tuning
24/7 availability by MySQL On site / online
Insurance Trainers Embedding
From the Enhancements
developers Porting

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 148

Support Pricing

Standard Advanced
Monthly agreements:
support : N/A 250,-
Login installation: N/A 1.000,-

Yearly agreements:
Entry Level 1.500,- 2.500,-
Primary 4.000,- 6.000,-
Enhanced 9.000,- 12.000,-
Premium N/A 48.000,-

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 149

Five days of MySQL Training Week
Day 1: Overview, structure, basic SELECT
Day 3: Security, User Management, Server Setup
Day 4: Administration, installation, Storage Engine
Day 5: Tuning, EXPLAIN, database structures
Blocks of 2, 3 or 5 days
MySQL/PHP training from 2002

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 150

Enables market to assess quality of MySQL developer pool
Enhances MySQL brand recognition outside core Open Source developers
Adds to momentum among developers, focuses their attention as directed
Building block for MySQL in creating partnerships
Drives training income for MySQL AB
Delivered by 3,000 Pearson/VUE testing centres worldwide
Present levels
MySQL Core Certification (beta Dec 2002, GA Mar 2003)
MySQL Professional Certification (beta Apr 2003, GA Jul 2003)
Planned future levels
MySQL PHP Certification
MySQL DBA Certification
Cost $195 and up
Supported by MySQL Certification Study Guides under writing

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 151

Dimensions: on-site/online
Grows out of support and training cases
Grows out of application growth pains
Prices from 160 to 250 euro/h
Lower pricing implies at least three weeks of
scheduling time and long duration
Minimum duration of task 2-3 days

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 152

MySQL Press
To build and widely distribute the most helpful, accurate, and
timely documentation for MySQL
To draw the potential out of the joint branding of MySQL AB,
a leading publisher, and the best MySQL authors
To attain the predominant position in retail channels for the
target market
To build the premiere canon of published works related to
MySQL Goals
Publish at least four new titles a year by the best available
MySQL authors
Support MySQL AB goals of product positioning and
installed base growth
Provide an offering of MySQL AB at a low price point

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 153

MySQL Tomorrow

1. MySQL Release Logic

source alpha beta gamma production
4.0 gamma Nov/Dec 2002
4.1 Dec 2002
2. MySQL 4.0
3. MySQL 4.1
4. MySQL 5.0
5. MySQL 5.1

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 154

Active Versions
We are now working on 4 different MySQL major
versions at the same time
3.23 Stable Production Release
4.0 Feature Freeze Release (Gamma)
4.1 Out in Source code for some months
5.0 We will soon open the source code

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 155

MySQL 4.0
ACID transactions with versioning and high transaction
isolation (RepeatableRead) using InnoDB
DB2, MSSQL and PostgreSQL use only ReadCommited
embedded server library (libmysqld)
query cache: prestored answer sets
dynamic server variables
boolean FULLTEXT
multi-table deletes, updates
improved replication

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4.0: Handler (Navigation) Interface

Used when porting old database application with a
navigational (direct ISAM) interface
Also useful when you are doing a userinterface that
navigates a lot of data
This interface gives "Dirty" reads (but no other
MySQL commands are affected!)
HANDLER table_name OPEN;
HANDLER table_name READ index_name >
("Banana") LIMIT 10;
HANDLER table_name READ index_name

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4.0: Multiple table DELETE

Allows you to delete rows in multiple tables bases of
conditions from multiple tables
Like saying that you want to delete all rows found by
Syntax inspired by MS Access
DELETE t1,t2 FROM t1,t2,t3 WHERE and

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4.0: Dynamic Setting of Variables

Change options on the fly (per thread and globally)
No need to restart server to change cache sizes
Possible to set larger buffers for specific commands
This will set the sort buffer (used by ORDER BY queries) for
all new connections
Will set the same buffer but only for the current connection
Returns the default size of the variable

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4.0: Query Cache

Improves the speed of queries on read mostly tables.
Most (all?) websites has some query that will run
many times a second
3x speed improvement for web sites not uncommon
Does not change semantics at all!
To enable add a line to my.cnf
query_cache_size = 128MB
Or set it on a running server
Turns the Query Cache on with 128 MB memory

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4.0: Replication
Replication uses two threads
One to read the all queries and store them on disk in case
One to do the updates
This makes sure that the slave always catches up to the
latest changes even if it was executing a slow update when
the server went down
LOAD DATA INFILE commands are now replicated

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4.0: Other Features

SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH (title,body) AGAINST
('+apples -bananas' IN BOOLEAN MODE);
Find all records with the word "apples" but not the word "bananas"
using a full textindex
Make it possible to display the total number of rows even with a
limit. For "10 out of 124 items shown" things
Hash functions: SELECT SHA1("foo")
Limit a user (Very useful for ISP use)

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4.0: Faster ...

Bulk loading of data
Bulk updates of full text indexes
Removing all the rows in a table
TRUNCATE TABLE table_name;
SELECT * FROM table WHERE blob_col like "%keyword%"
Uses a fast turbo BoyerMore stringsearch
Support for spreading MyISAM files over many disks
Multithreaded index rebuilding in myisamchk

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MySQL 4.1
Subqueries / nested SELECTs
GIS / Geometric Data
Warnings when data is lost
Unicode support
Memory tables
SELECT * FROM table1, (SELECT b from table2) WHERE ...
Multiple table update
UPDATE t1,t2,t3 SET t1.c1=Val,t2.c2=val2 WHERE
Others: SSL

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 164

4.1: Prepared Statement

Instead of sending a query direct you do
Prepare SELECT foo from bar where a=?
Do ("1")
Do ("2")
Also works with binary data without quoting
The client server protocol has been extended for this
The whole protocol is now fully binary so it runs even

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 165

4.1: Subqueries
Scalar Subqueries
SELECT Country, Inhabitants, Area
FROM World.Country WHERE Area >
(SELECT Area FROM World.Country
WHERE Country=Finland);
Correlated Subqueries
SELECT * FROM World.City WHERE City.Country = ANY
(SELECT Country FROM World.Country
WHERE City.Inhabitants > Country.Inhabitants/4);
WHERE field IN (SELECT ...
SELECT * FROM World.Country WHERE Country IN
(SELECT Country FROM World.City WHERE
City.Inhabitants > 5000000);

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 166

4.1: GIS / Geometric Data

OpenGIS: New data type Geometry
CREATE TABLE geom (g Geometry, SPATIAL
(GeomFromText( POINT(1 1))),
(GeomFromText( POLYGON(0 0,10 0,10 10, 0 10, 0
New functions, e.g. AsText, IsClosed, Length, Area,
Intersection, Intersects, Within
Red-black index trees: Indexes for Within

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4.1: UNICODE Support

CREATE TABLE t (field_list) [CHARSET=latin1];
SELECT Last_name FROM Customer
ORDER BY Last_name COLLATE latin1_de;
SELECT MAX(Last_name COLLATE latin1_de);
(Last_name COLLATE latin1_de)=Mller;
CONVERT(Last_name USING utf8);
UCS2 support (two byte Unicode)
UTF8 support RFC2279, 1..3 bytes

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4.1: Other New Features

SSL connection from client to master
libmysqld smaller, faster
Online Help for server functions
Foreign Keys with CASCADING DELETE
Improved MEMORY tables (earlier name HEAP)
(faster, B-tree indexes)

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MySQL 5.0
Stored Procedures as in ANSI SQL
Referential integrity (foreign keys)
Online backup of MyISAM tables
New column types:
True VARCHAR (no space trimming)
Warning/Info system
Notify sysadmin when something may go or goes wrong
Give feedback while a slow command is running

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 170

5.0: Stored Procedures

ANSI SQL99, can be extended to e.g. PHP or
CALL MyProc(5,@MyVariable);

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MySQL 5.1
More ANSI SQL99 compatibility

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MySQL Command Center (mysqlcc)

Graphical MySQL client
Written in C++ using the
QT toolkit for UNIX &
Create/drop databases
Create/edit/drop tables
Write and execute SQL-
SyntaxHighlighting editor
List of servervariables
and status
View and kill other user-
And many more...

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MySQL Command Center

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High Availability by Replication

MySQL supports many sites that need high reliability
This is done by "mirroring" the data to many machines
The single Master logs all SQL commands that
update data
Slaves connect to the master or another slave to
read, and rerun the updates
Examples of users are
Yahoo (used car broker, over 300M page views/month)

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 175

Storage Engines
A storage engine is a low level data storage / retrieval
module (disk or memory)
This allows you to choose locking and speed trade
offs per table (instead of when choosing db!)
MySQL supported multiple storage engines from the
very beginning
CREATE TABLE (key int, value char(10), PRIMARY
ALTER TABLE table_name TYPE=InnoDB;

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 176

The Storage Engine Concept

Retrieve MySQL Database
Parse Optimize Store Management Level

Table Handler /

Storage Engine

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Storage Engine: MyISAM

Developed by MySQL AB (replaced original ISAM)
Static, dynamic and compressed (read-only) row
formats but no transactions
Text and compressed indexes
Data and indexes in separate files
Fast read/write performance but low r/w concurrency
Extremely good concurrency in the select and insert
at end case (logs)
External check and repair program (myisamchk)
Especially useful for websites & logging

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 178

Storage Engine: Hash/InMemory

Developed by MySQL AB
Completely in Memory with very fast hash based
Useful for
Temporary tables
Lookup tables
Bad for range queries (Already fixed in MySQL 4.1)

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Storage Engine: InnoDB

Actively developed code from InnoBase Oy & MySQL
Full transactions (ACID) with versioning row level
locking with automatic cleanup (no vacuum!)
Consistent reads (Oracle style MVCC)
Better concurrency than MyISAM for read/write on
the same table
Uses table spaces instead of individual files
MySQL AB provides full support for InnoDB
Is included in MySQL 4 & the MySQL Max binarys
Has now been in active use under heavy load. Was
for example used for the FIFA world cup site

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MySQL: The Worlds Most Popular Open Source Database 180

The InnoDB Storage Engine

IN memory On disk (workspace)

Log Buffer Log File 1

Redo Log

(buffered COMMIT
(+ checkpoint)
Log File 2
log records)
Log File 3

Table space

Undo Log
Buffer pool data file
data pages) checkpoint
data file
Addtl Mem Pool

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ibdata Data File Structure

Tablespace Segment (file)
1M extent 1M extent
Leaf node segment

1M extent 1M extent
Leaf node segment

Non-leaf node
N-l ns

Rollback segment Page

Row Row Row

64 pages 16 kB each
Transaction id 6 B Row Row Row
Roll pointer 7 B
Field pointers n x 1-2 B

Field 1 Field 2 Field n

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Standard Segment Types

Clustered index
Primary Key Index Secondary index
index pages
index pages











Primary Key Values

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InnoDB Row Structure

Records with variable (dynamic) size

Record hdr Trx ID Roll ptr Fld ptrs Field values ... Field values

Record header (6 B, ptr to next record, no of fields)

Transaction ID (6 B, timestamp)
Roll pointer (7 B, points to previous version of record)
Field pointers (1-2 B / field)
Start position of field within record
2 bytes if more than 255 fields
Out-of-page pointers if record size > page size/2 (8

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InnoDB Redo Log Structure

A collection of log records

PageNo Offset Record Type Changes on that page

Page Number (4 bytes, page within Tablespace)

Offset of the change within the page (2 bytes)
Log Record Type (1 byte)
Insert, Update, Delete
Other types (like fill space with blanks)
Changes (only redo values, no old values) except for
DELETEs, which need no change notes at all

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The InnoDB Rollback Segment

The History List: Committed Undo Logs

Undo Log Undo Log Undo Log Undo Log PURGE

The header of the transaction system

Free unnecessary
log entries

Rollback segment
used for:
Crash recovery
1000 slots per page

Read isolation

A transaction
Undo Log: Updates, Deletes
Two undo logs per trx

Undo Log: Inserts Discarded

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Thank you!

Table of Contents

Copyright 2003 MySQL AB

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