108 666 Aum and The Pentagram
108 666 Aum and The Pentagram
108 666 Aum and The Pentagram
108 and 666 are the same formula show in different fashions. 666 is relating to the trinity of
the trine nadis and their final union with the Magnum Opus. Within this is the formula AUM.
666 was used in the West by the Pagan Mysteries Theologies [ Spiritual Satanists] for mainly
this reason. In the root chakra there is a triangle pictured this is the symbol of the trine nadis
of the serpent power in the spine. Each one of these nadis equals a letter which is the A U
M. Now another triangle is showing in the crown chakra as well where the three come
together within the centre of the skull. Opening the crown chakra fully to super conscious.
The root and crown are also paired.
The symbol for the supreme formula AUM is a triangle which each line represents a letter
and a guna of creation of the three guna's also one of the trine nadis of the serpent power.
This triangle is important within this as the symbol of Akasa. Siva in the unmanifest from as
the Para Brahman is stated to be Akasa. This is also why the triangle is reshown in the crown
as the crown chakra is the Guru chakra and it connects one to the Para Brahman or
transcendental consciousness of which is this Akasa element. The LOTUS feet of the Guru is
the crown chakra.
The name of Brahman is AUM for this reason. The Logos. Brahman was never a theistic God
the ancients had no such concepts in their cosmology, Para Brahman translates out to the
Great Beyond. Its the underlying element of existence.
666 is such each 6 equals as mentioned one part of the triangle they add together into 18
which is two nines which relate to the center of the skull where Siva and Shakti unite and
create Brahma the new soul. Now it seems the actual number of sounds in the Sanskrit
alphabet is 54. This relates to the formula each of the 54 sounds has a male and female
component so it adds 54 for Siva and 54 for Shakti which add into 108.
Now this can also be added numerologically as 54 to 9 and 54 to nine which adds to 18. But
18 adds once more into 9. As does 108.
666 the trine nadis merging in the center of the skull so 9 of Shakti and 9 of Siva united into
the final 9 the reborn soul and consciousness. The equal armed cross or a symbol with the
same meaning in the East the three lines which are shown on the Siva Lingam which is
pictured in the root chakra here is the 666. Where put onto the forehead of the initiated to
show the union of opposites which occurs in the center of the skull where the three come
together. And open the transcendental eye of Siva. The third eye. Which is show as a Yoni
symbol the rebirth of consciousness. Its a third eye as the other two represent the sun and
moon where the third is the union and the power that awakens from it. This and the fact the
pineal gland operates like an inner eye and is structured like one.
With 18 we have also 108 in numerology zero has the equal of zero as well. But the zero also
has a mystical meaning in cosmology which is why its put before 1. Its the symbol of the ALL
of which everything comes from. This ALL is feminine in conception the cosmic womb which
is shown as a Yoni symbol of 0.
108 is such the 1 in Vedic numerology equals the sun the 0 what is already mentioned and
the 8 at the end equals the final destruction of the corruptible from into the purified state.
It also goes within this 1 is phalli, 0 is a Yoni sign and the 8 is symbol of the union of
opposites. Which brings about the great work.
A is Siva and U is Shakti the M is the glyph of the union of opposites within this the Goddess
giving birth to the reborn soul the divine androgynous God. The union of Siva and Shakti. 18
is still ten plus eight. So 108.
The Pentagram is shown by the Pagan schools of the West within a circle and it equals to
666. The pentagram is the symbol of the orbit of Venus the Goddess or Shakit and the
pentacle itself is the Siva aspect the physical form of geometry which is related to the
masculine part of creation. The Yantra for Siva in the East is the Pentacle.
By putting the pentacle into a pentagram it represents the union of feminine and masculine.
The circle around it is the divine Yoni the womb of creation the pentagram is the act of the
birth of the New soul emerging out of the divine Yoni into creation a child comes out of its
mother's yoni head first in the act of birth. The 666 is relating to unification of the soul.
Which is the working of the sun. Hence 666 being the added up digits of the sun square.
The triangle is also the capstone with the ALL think on that ALL, Seeing Eye. So here is the
trinity in finished from the reborn soul. The original number casing stones on the Great
Pyramid where 144,000 which in the East represents the number of nadis in the soul. The
capstone atop the Pyramid is the symbol of the transformed and purified soul which
generates the Akasamamsi the Word reborn in the flesh. AUM is the Word. The three
pyramids where colored White, red and black the three guna's of creation and the trinity.
The symbolical God is always a symbol of the purified elements and the transformation of
the individual into the subtle aspects of the elements which is Akasa or the Alchemical first
matter which grants the Magnum Opus. As this element is above the density field of time.
Its the eternal element all life is of. The universe in the big sense has no creation its always
existed. This is why Yoga is originally called Buddhi Suddha the purification and
transmutation of the elements. This is done by the fire of the serpent power from the texts.
Hence Siva as the destroyer of time the God always fights a spiritual war against the Titans
or Asura's and by defeating them achieves the Magnum Opus. This is why Zeus destroys the
Titans by this thunderbolt this is the symbol East and West and of the AUM formula. And
why the triangle is the capstone as the symbol of the work as the symbol of Akasa. Siva in
the East also wields the thunderbolt. In the Tantra the purified being is called the Akasa-
varja, this is also called the diamond-thunderbolt body. A diamond comes from a lump of
coal which it is the diamond and the dross, by the fires of the serpent power the dross is
purified out and the lump of matter is transformed into the immortal and incorruptible,
luminous diamond, the Akasa. A diamond is forever. The thunderbolt is the symbol of Akasa
and the Varja is within this as well. So calling it the Akasa-varja is obvious as to its meaning.
Tantric Buddhism is guised Vedism with Siva as the main God. This is why our God Satan in
His symbolic form as Sanat [anagram of Satan] states His name is AUM.
An ancient title of Siva is Budha. For those interested in that subject the article linked below
shows this in greater depth.
Primordial Buddhism: