JTNews - August 6, 2010
JTNews - August 6, 2010
JTNews - August 6, 2010
100 years & still going volunteer honors mish-mosh of music survivor
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A one-state solution?
Ambivalence among Jews about the Ground Zero mosque
Israel to cooperate in U.N. flotilla probe
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while disagreeing? I am glad to see coverage of the Olympia Co-op’s decision to boycott Israeli products.
It is a principled and courageous action and naturally they are taking heat for it. Many
Jews like myself are not represented by Israel and Zionism. I doubt even a majority of
Rabbi Bernie Fox Northwest Yeshiva High School U.S. Jews are. I am glad to see activism that seeks to overturn Israel’s crimes against
My wife Shirley and I spent not interested in telling me Palestinians and against Israel destroying Jewish traditions of fighting for the oppressed,
this past Shabbat in Pitts- about himself, his children, and of valuing honor and justice.
burgh visiting my mother. In and grandchildren until he Adrienne Weller
the morning, I arrived at syn- had heard about my family. Seattle
agogue and took my usual And he did not just act as if
seat next to where my father, he was listening so as to be The gift of life
of blessed memory, sat for polite while his mind roamed Thank you, Erez Ben-Ari, for a very moving column (“Not just for anyone,” July 9)
many decades. Two rows in the galaxy — he was fully making a very important point about how organ donation saves lives.
front of me was another vis- focused. Albert Behar and his family are very close friends of mine. I have nothing but admira-
itor. Slowly, I realized this When we show that level tion and respect for Lea Hanan for bravely donating one of her kidneys to save her father’s
guest was the many-decades- of interest in another person, life. It was not only a great Father’s Day gift, but shows a daughter’s love and gratitude
later version of a dear high school friend. we acknowledge that individual’s intrinsic to him for all he has done for her.
Just to make sure my analysis of the worth and sanctity. Speaking with Dov, I I’m delighted to hear both of them are doing well. Albert has been a very active vol-
effect of aging on facial and body features realized that by helping my students listen unteer at the Seattle Hebrew Academy, where he is affectionately called Uncle Albert.
was not flawed, I decided to wait before more intently to one another, I am not May he be blessed with many more years of good health to continue volunteering at the
introducing myself. When he was called only helping them dialogue more effec- school where he is much loved.
up to the Torah, his name and voice con- tively, I am teaching them to treat others Josh Basson
firmed my conclusion. With my analysis with the deference modeled by my friend. Seattle
completed, I introduced myself and dis- Sunday night we reconvened, now
covered that apparently aging had had joined by my brother-in-law and sister-
a greater effect on my features than on in-law. Dov shared a wonderful story
his. But slowly, the light of recognition about his mother, Evelyn. Evelyn’s grand- WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: We would love to hear from you! Our guide to writing a
illuminated his eyes. We embraced and father was an ardent Zionist even before letter to the editor can be found at www.jtnews.net/index.php?/letters_guidelines.html,
after services caught each other up on our Theodore Herzl popularized the con- but please limit your letters to approximately 350 words. The deadline for the next issue is
respective lives and adventures. cept. Evelyn was raised in a Zionist home August 10. Future deadlines may be found online.
My friend Dov is older than me. He and as an adult was a member of many of
was a senior in high school when I was Pittsburgh’s Zionist organizations; actu-
a freshman. But in a small yeshiva high
school with 75 students, these issues were
ally, she was a member of all of them. She
was active in Mizrachi, the religious Zion-
What should we do about
not crucial in forming friendships. Dov
became somewhat of a mentor to me. It
ist organization, gave a weekly class for
Hadassah, served as an officer of the Zion-
was interesting to speak to him decades ist Organization of America, and paid
later and reencounter some of the same dues to various other organizations. Joel Magalnick Editor, JTNews
qualities that so impressed me as a teen- At one point, a conflict had developed There’s going to come a time in the not- It says something when letters I see in
ager. with the ZOA regarding its direction. so-distant future that the news of a food the Seattle Times defending Israel exem-
I tell my students it is wonderful to Some members felt the organization had cooperative or some company deciding to plify that and do nothing to further the
debate one another. The process forces shifted to the right and ultimately these boycott Israel isn’t going to make the front argument in Israel’s favor.
the participants to clarify and to refine members left the ZOA to form a Pitts- page of the JTNews. Where many of us see the existence of
their positions. However, debate and dia- burgh chapter of a more moderate Zionist And if the past year is any indication, a Jewish homeland as something embed-
logue oftentimes fail to achieve this result organization. Evelyn immediately joined these events aren’t going to lose front-page ded in our DNA, plenty of others, even in
because the parties are simply not listen- the new organization. She explained that status because the issue is going to disap- religious communities, see a nation with
ing to one another. although she was an officer of the ZOA, pear. It’s going to be because it happens so the upper hand hell-bent on keeping an
Each participant is so enamored with she would not countenance the existence often, the issue is going to be become rou- underdog in its place. There’s generally
his own position that rather than con- of a Zionist organization in Pittsburgh in tine. Oh, look, there goes another one. not context attached to the images, but
sidering the what the other has to say, which she was not a member. So what do we do about this? The first there’s a growing consensus, even among
he blindly promotes his own. The partic- In other words, she believed that the thing we need to do is understand that Jews — especially among Jews — that what
ipants are not talking with one another; issue uniting all Zionists — love for and people on the different sides of this issue Israel is doing with the Palestinians needs
they are talking at one another. So, in support of the State of Israel — was far are not speaking the same language. to change.
order to enable my students to meaning- greater than the issues upon which differ- Earlier this summer Ethan Felson, That probably explains why the organi-
fully debate and discuss positions, I begin ent organizations disagreed. director of domestic concerns of the zations promoting BDS — that now-ubiq-
by teaching them to listen to one another. I believe that this attitude reflects the Jewish Council of Public Affairs, an uitous acronym of boycott, divestment
One way I do this is by insisting that a ability to be a good listener. Evelyn’s atti- umbrella group for Jewish public policy and sanctions — are so quick to point out
participant repeat his or her opponent’s tude required that she look beyond her organizations, spoke at a conference I the Jews in their midst.
position before posing a question or for- position in a tense dispute, understand the attended about boycotts against Israel. Felson suggests finding common
mulating a response. This is not merely a other party’s position, and recognize that “We are excellent at coming up with ground with people on the other side of
classroom exercise — it is a tool for life. despite the dispute, all the parties shared the self-resonating messages,” he said. “We this issue: Peace, personal stories, shared
How much conflict would be avoided or many of the same fundamental values. If know what they need to hear. And we are values, and giving context by moving the
resolved if the parties would merely take only we could all do this! very, very good at writing that letter to the conversation from occupation to terror-
the time to consider each others’ positions I also observe this attitude in my students editor and showing it to our spouse and ism. In essence, acknowledging the con-
rather than focusing exclusively on pro- at NYHS. They come from diverse religious saying, ‘Doesn’t that work?’ and then hear- cern about the offense while justifying the
moting their own perspectives! backgrounds. Many are from Orthodox ing exactly what we want to hear, not neces- defense. But the effort of personal contact
As I spoke to Dov, I was reminded sarily knowing that the person who reads it
how he is a remarkable listener. He was XXPage 8 might be looking for something different.” XXPage 4
“No, they’re not. Mine’s much more boring.” — Author Jonathan Tropper. See an interview on page 23.
4 opinion JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, august 6, 2010
WWbds Page 3 to a vote before the board tossed it out — tens of millions of members and churches For Israeli officials, Felson said, “divest-
because the phone calls and e-mails to the on almost as many corners as Starbucks. ment is another fly in the ointment.
might not be enough. People have to be store had gotten so voluminous the issue That brings us to Olympia. Last month, They’re used to Israel being criticized.”
willing to listen. had begun to get in the way of what the when the board there voted almost unani- But the BDS movement is growing, and
Let’s think about local efforts at BDS co-op is first and foremost supposed to be mously to take the handful of Israeli prod- both sides are doing so much “educating”
and how, until last month, they had been doing: Selling food. ucts they have off their shelves, the BDS that it really is getting harder and harder
unsuccessful. This is important, because But here’s the common thread: When supporters finally got a victory. to know who exactly is telling the truth,
it isn’t a story of right over might, as one these efforts, and the many others like it, As small as the Olympia Food Co-op is, and what one nugget of fact means when
would hope. It’s a story of procedure failed, it was because of procedural mis- the echo from the first domino finally fall- taken in a greater context. Most of us just
undoing passion. takes or unnecessary burdens on business. ing reverberated around the world. don’t have the time or inclination to parse
But make no mistake: People who feel Just because the boycott failed does not The co-op is holding a meeting next out each detail and figure out how exactly
a sense of attachment to Israel are start- mean the people who ended the effort agree week to discuss the issue — kind of the to combat what doesn’t sound quite right,
ing to see ourselves on the losing end of with Israel’s behavior. backward way of doing things — and though we just don’t know why. And then
this battle. And when the co-op board was getting the way this democratic organization so we scratch our heads when yet another co-
Consider what was probably the big- annoyed about this issue, it became imme- proudly stifled an open discussion before operative, that bastion of progressive cap-
gest local effort thus far, Initiative 97. That diately clear that their annoyance wasn’t the vote runs counter to cooperative prin- italism and democracy, decides to banish
effort in 2008 would have forced the City with the people supporting the boycott. ciples established nearly 80 years ago. The from its shelves the products from a capi-
of Seattle’s retirement board to divest A month ago, in Minnesota, Israel conditions set for repeal are, as one oppo- talist, democratic country.
from some companies that do business supporters got (another) reprieve when nent of the decision put it, a complete “dis- So the question for us American Jews
with Israel. Caterpillar, the heavy equip- language in a resolution presented to solution of Israel’s Jewish character.” is, what are we going to do about it? Are
ment company that sells its products to attendees at the General Assembly of the Between the hard lines drawn on both we going to continue to play defense and
the Israeli Defense Forces, was on that list, Presbyterian Church would have recom- sides will be, I hope, the glimmer of under- merely monitor the situation or are we
“which is quite remarkable because Cat- mended sanctions and divestment against standing about why boycotting an entire going to get in front of it — not with “edu-
erpillar operates under U.S. anti-boycott Israel. The recommendations were made country, as opposed to a corporation, for cational materials” and historical facts, but
laws,” Felson noted. “Caterpillar can’t not by a committee that accused Israel of example, is such a bad idea: It’s futile to with engagement and attempts to move
sell to Israel. And so they chastise Cater- apartheid tactics and would have asked pressure a government, which is looking the conversation forward? A slap on the
pillar for operating within the law.” the U.S. to withhold funding “as a means at more than the bottom line, to change its wrist in the form of a boycott does just
I-97 was thrown out due to a jurisdic- of pressuring Israel,” according to a report ways because a store 10,000 miles away is the opposite. But the continual black eyes
tional issue. by the JTA news service. refusing to sell bulk couscous. Not to men- Israel is receiving in the press are begin-
Then there’s the Central Co-op boy- This is, I don’t have to remind you, a tion that doing so doesn’t solve any prob- ning to take its toll, and a large number of
cott resolution, which never even made it mainline American Christian church, with lems. us are beginning to lose patience.
Kristin Maas is the Director of Public Affairs for QFC. She can be reached at [email protected] or 425-990-6182.
t h e v o i c e o f j e w i s h w a s h i n gto n
The Arts 20
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ing the news and events in Israel. We strive to contribute to Reach us directly at 206-441-4553 + ext.
Publisher *Karen Chachkes 267
the continued growth of our local Jewish community as we
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Rosh Hashanah
published by j e w i s h transcript media
6 community news JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, august 6, 2010
Order up! Community lunches bring together you
Jewish seniors Organizers of local senior lunches
say their programs often sell out, so
Charlene F. Kahn Special to JTNews reservations are a must. Contact the
For those in the 60-and-over set, three following for dates and times:
area synagogues and the Stroum Jewish Stroum JCC: Roni Antebi at
Community Center have created differ- 206-388-0832
ent opportunities to socialize over home- Herzl-Ner Tamid: Leslie Reibman at
cooked, balanced lunches. Each location 206-232-8555, ext. 207
offers a variety of activities: A film series, Sephardic Bikur Holim: Rachel Calde-
bingo or Mah Jongg, or musical perfor- ron at 206-723-3388
mance. But the main, and most popular, Ezra Bessaroth: Esther Sadis at 425-
course is the socializing. 747-0915
Retired lawyer Mo Epstein attends the Most lunches cost between $7-$8.
Herzl-Ner Tamid Daytimers program on Programs are open to non-members.
Mercer Island. He noted the social value in Endless Opportunities, a program
the event: It “brings us out,” he said. “The of Jewish Family Service, also has
food is good, and there’s camaraderie. I see Charlene Kahn programs for seniors in conjunction
people I haven’t seen in a while.” Herzl Daytimers, from left to right, Muriel Epstein, Maurice “Mo” Epstein, Ruth Sassoon, Lucie Kavesh, with local synagogues. Contact Ellen
Rachel Calderon is a member of the Diane Lilly, Mason Lilly and Fanny Marchevsky hold the poster from their summer film series Hendin at 206-861-3183 for details.
Sephardic Bikur Holim Social Club, where events.
she helps to cook and takes reservations
for the lunches. For Calderon, a long-time residence. “I come here [to Herzl-Ner brought successful adult education pro- from Video Judaica’s collection.”
congregant, “these lunches are fantastic, Tamid] because this is my synagogue.” gram ideas along with their furniture. Attendee Muriel Epstein, who has a
and it’s nice to see people come out and Some folks “cross over” and attend “We were among the founders of the background in dietetics and nutrition,
enjoy themselves,” she said. “People have more than one community lunch: Fanny DayTimers program at Congregation Har heads up the kitchen crew. Sometimes
to get out and come together.” Marchevsky, also a member of Herzl- Shalom in Potomac, Maryland,” recalled the film’s theme influences the spread:
For many of the attendees at the Day- Ner Tamid, enjoyed a recent meal at Ezra Diane Lilly. The July film, Sixty Six, featured a picnic-
timers events, it’s often the only opportu- Bessaroth’s Lunch and Lashon group. The Herzl Daytimers program was style meal.
nity they may have to see old acquaintances “The lunch was magnificent,” she said. “born out of an effort to meet people,” The two Sephardic synagogues in Seat-
with whom they’ve lost touch. “Even the rolls were homemade!” she said. “That was four-plus years ago. tle’s Seward Park neighborhood alternate
“I come here because I get to see people In Diane and Mason Lilly’s case, the Mason and I alternate researching, writing serving the monthly lunches. At Sephardic
I don’t normally,” said Ruth Fligstein, who couple moved to the Seattle area in 2005 and delivering introductions to the film,
lives at The Summit at First Hill retirement to be closer to their son and family; they chosen by committee and often rented XXPage 8
For further information, Gala and Luncheon reservations, contact Susan at 206-722-5500.
8 community news JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, august 6, 2010
the common values they share are far more
significant than their differences. They are
able to disagree on important issues while
demonstrating tolerance and respect for one
I am grateful to Dov, my students, and
to Evelyn for the lesson they have taught
me — to listen carefully to others, hear the
other party’s position, and not allow our
differences to conceal shared values and
If you’ve never joined us before, become part of the tradition this Rosh Hashanah when greetings from all around
our community fill the pages of JTNews. See page 12 for details.
friday, august 6, 2010 . www.jtnews.net . JTNews community news 9
Viewpointe Profile
Diane Diane joined the Viewpointe community EVERGREEN SPEECH & HEARING CLINIC, INC.
after two decades serving Seattle’s citizens Managing your hearing, speech, and balance needs since 1979
in her career with the city’s public utilities.
the viewpointe.com
10 community news JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, august 6, 2010
The wedding party for Morris and Gentil Israel, on the steps of the old Ezra Bessaroth on 15th and Fir,
Sept. 7, 1924.
to hire Rabbi Daniel Hadar from Silver appointed rabbi, we’re very excited about
Springs, Md., currently an attorney with that future.”
the United States Postal Service. Hadar Realistically, an increase in member-
has a strong background in outreach and ship also means an increase in “the bottom
growth, according to Ruben Owen, the line.” The 100th-anniversary gala dinner
congregation’s past president and grand at the Meydenbauer Center in Belle-
trustee. Owen acts as an advisor and sup- vue on August 22 will attract close to 350
port to the current president. people. In addition to the gala, a two-lec-
“We’re looking for him to be an out- ture series, the first on Aug. 12 featuring
reach person, to kind of bring our roots Dr. Aron Rodrigue, a Stanford University
back together, and strengthen our Sep- historian and the second on Aug. 19 with
hardic heritage,” said Owen, “while at the Rabbi Marc Angel, founder and director of HUNGER
same time, I would hope that he would the lnstitute of Jewish ldeas and ldeals are OR
maintain the ties with our non-Sephardic
all open to the community. Both speak-
ers have strong ties to Seattle’s Sephardic HOPE?
The synagogue is currently in negotia- communities. CHOOSE TO HELP.
tions with Hadar. “Finances in a recession are always
“We need to educate people about the challenging, but we have some very gen-
traditions, have Shabbat services that are erous donors,” Hemmat said. “This gala
more ‘user-friendly,’ and make the memo- is a major fundraiser for the congrega-
rial services more meaningful for people,” tion and we seem to be on track to do very
Owen said. “Like many Jewish institu- well there.”
tions, we are all trying to invigorate our- The leadership at Congregation Ezra
selves and make ourselves more relevant Bessaroth seem to thrive on the powerful Help Food Lifeline end childhood hunger, an issue that takes on
to the newer generations.” customs, rituals, and memories from their greater signicance during the summer months when children
Membership numbers have been past. In July 1944, the Germans moved are out of school and unable to count on school meal programs.
“static,” added Owen, with new member- with relentless precision into Rhodes and
ships being offset by those who are pass- nearby Kos, and deported all but 50 of the DONATE FOOD
ing on. 2,000 Jews who lived there, a mere three
Hemmat said he is hopeful that a new months before they were defeated. Those DONATE FUNDS
rabbi with the right set of skills will give 50 Jews that held Turkish citizenship were
Ezra Bessaroth the boost it needs. protected by the Turkish consulate. Only VOLUNTEER
“As we move away from the original 151 Rhodesli Jews survived the Holocaust.
roots, very few people are 100 percent Sep- Thirty-five Jews live in Rhodes today. www.foodlifeline.org/give
hardic,” said Hemmat. “People are seek- “This gala has to be looking in two
ing meaning and tradition in their lives directions,” said Benoliel. “The 100 years 206-545-6600
and it is a challenge to keep it relevant past, but it also has to look toward the 1702 NE 150th Street., Shoreline, WA 98155
in the modern day. But with our newly future.”
12 JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, august 6, 2010
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Complete this simple 1-2-3 form and mail it back to Jtnews with your payment today.
Or call becky to charge your greeting by phone: 206-774-2238.
Northwest Yeshiva graduate Yishai ness relationship and wanted Yishai hooked up with
Mizrachi-Varon (2005) has been to develop an “innovative and Shemspeed at a summer fes-
in Israel this summer as a fellow- creative outreach program tival called Jewzapalooza,
ship recipient of the PresenTense Global for Jewish college students,” where he saw “more Jews
Institute. which Yishai has been work- in one place than in all the
A Baruch College student in New York, ing on. synagogues of Seattle put
Yishai has been working in an unpaid “It is hip, cool, edgy, and together,” he writes. “Artists,
internship at Shemspeed, a Jewish world- fresh — perhaps even a little performers, and entrepre-
music recording label and promotion provocative,” Yishai wrote via neurs of every description…a
agency in Brooklyn (www.shemspeed.com). e-mail, and he believes that world of Jewish creativity and
He applied for and received one of only 16
fellowships worldwide after his mom, Rina,
gave them an edge in the grant
selection process. tribe innovation that I didn’t even
know existed.”
found an announcement about the pro- Attending the Global Institute is a six- Buying a t-shirt, he con-
gram in her daily scan of the week “business incubator nected with the vendor over
JTA Jewish wire service’s boot camp for Jewish social their mutual love of hip hop music. That
newsfeed. He proposed to entrepreneurs,” Yishai has vendor was Safar, Shemspeed’s founder. Ken Astrein
work on the Israeli keffiyeh, a been developing workshops Yishai began attending their parties and Cantor David Serkin-Poole, of
product of Dveykus, a “trendy on Jewish identity, on new events. Temple B’nai Torah, and his son
Jewish apparel company” and original Jewish music, “That slender thread lead me to an Gene were among the nearly 50
(www.thekef.com). and identifying role models internship with Shemspeed, which cul- attendees of a Shaarei Tikvah
“The keffiyeh is a Middle for “creativity, passion and minated in my receiving this very fellow- summer Shabbat service and dinner
Eastern scarf that has emerged Jewish commitment” around ship,” he says. for people with disabilities and
as the ultra-hip fashion acces- the keffiyeh theme. Yishai will graduate with a degree in special needs at Conservative
sory, especially among college Yishai Mizrachi-Varon The “extremely intense, advertising communications and market- Congregation Herzl-Ner Tamid.
students,” Yishai explained. hands-on program” allowed ing management next year. He hopes his This local group’s next activity
The Israeli version comes in blue him to clarify “the vision of our venture,” current work will lead to non-profit work will be its annual Rosh Hashanah
and white or camouflage, printed with he writes, while doing market research, with a focus on youth outreach and pro- service, on Thurs., Sept. 9 at 4 p.m.
Jewish messages. Erez Safar, Shemspeed’s developing the brand and “setting achiev- gramming. at Temple De Hirsch Sinai’s Seattle
founder and director, and Baruch Cher- able and measurable goals.” The Keffiyeh location.
tok of Dveykus had already formed a busi- Project is on track for a fall launch. XXPage 21
% days
of yodeling and lederhosen? Many With dens
A) The Swiss Chalet
B) Edelweiss 3 0 0
priced frOM
$499,500 - $749,500
C) Mozart’s Retreat
D) Alpenland i you already love this community, now
get ready for a low maintenance lifestyle
2. Which MI synagogue is home to the in a boutique building just steps to all
Nachas Ninjas? downtown Mercer island has to offer.
A) Congregation Shevet Achim plus only minutes to downtown seattle or
B) Luther Burbank Temple Bellevue. closings are happening
C) Herzl Ner Tamid Conservative now. congratulations to the new
Congregation homeowners!
The town called “Truth”: Better look for a place in the suburbs!
Martin Jaffee JTNews Columnist
The Talmud is famous for its stories One day his wife was was comforted in his skepti- from a prying neighbor. To the balabuste
and parables. My favorites are those so sitting and washing her cism by Rav Tavut’s (or Rav banging on the door he could have said,
allusive and ambiguous that we can hardly hair. Her neighbor came Tavyume’s) personal tes- “Sorry, Rivkele is indisposed.”
know what to make of them. and knocked on the door. timony that Truth indeed Instead, he claimed, “She’s not in!”
Consider the following, which I He thought it immodest to existed — not in the bais Not a huge deception, really. Can it
recently rediscovered. I taught it (that is, reveal what she was doing midrash, mind you, and not possibly matter whether Mrs. Tavut is
confessed to my students that I didn’t “get and said, “she’s not here.” in the hearts of great sages, doing her hair or engaged in retail therapy
it”) years ago and then forgot all about it. Immediately, his two nor even in the scrolls of the at the local Best Buy? She’s unavailable all
Then, one day, while preparing Daf Yomi, children died. Torah and the prophets. the same. Why does this minor discrep-
there it was, smack in the middle of San- The people of the town Truth was alive, it seems, ancy between Truth and its representation
hedrin 97a. came to him and asked: view in a scarcely known town vis- draw the consequence of the death of Rav
I’m still not sure what to make of it; “What’s this all about?” ited by virtually no one and Tavut’s innocent children, the very chil-
but nowadays I’m experienced enough to He told them all that happened. well off the beaten-path of dren raised wholly in Truth?
express my lack of imagination in the form They said to him: “We beg of you! Torah scholarship. Now, if not The point of the parable seems to be
of learned bafflement. So here we go: Get out of here before you bring Death of Torah, of what does the Truth in the that even the tiniest misrepresentation of
Said Rava: There was a time when upon all of us!” town called Truth consist? the most insignificant reality causes an
I claimed there was no Truth in the Now, we all know that Truth is pre- In the simple fact of calling things what immense crack in the cosmos that per-
world. cious and rare. But Rava, the teller of the they are. mits entry to the entropic forces that bring
Then one of our Masters, and Rav tale (by way of Rav Tavut — or maybe it As a reward for upholding the integrity annihilation to us all.
Tavut was his name (and others report: was Rav Tavyume?), originally doubted of language the residents of Truth live out Personally, I find the lack of propor-
Rav Tavyume was his name), told me that Truth existed at all! the span of life ordained by their Creator, tion between Rav Tavut’s “white lie” and
that if they’d give him all the wealth of Really? Wasn’t Rava a great sage of the suffering neither accidental death, dis- its deathly consequences appalling. Surely
the world, he would never speak decep- oral Torah? Wasn’t he immersed in learn- memberment, calamitous disease, or the there are some truths that are best left
tively. ing? A veritable oiker harim (“uprooter ravages of one’s fellow creatures. obscured? Is reality so fragile (or impor-
One time he chanced upon a town, of mountains”) by virtue of his powerful Call President Obama! Let Truth be the tant!) that it can’t bear the weight of a
and Truth was its name. And no one mind? How could he doubt the existence single provider! discrete fib or two to protect another’s dig-
there spoke deceptively, and no one of Truth — even to the point of being Unfortunately, as it happens, the stan- nity? Aren’t we prohibited from shaming
there died before his time. unsure of the very informant whose tale dard of Truth is very uncompromising. our neighbor in public?
He took a wife from among them, he relates? Rav Tavut (or Rav Tavyume) tells a little
and raised two children with her. Well, apparently, doubt he did. But he “white lie” to protect his wife’s privacy XXPage 15
98040 in review
8" 7525 SE 24th Street, Suite 350, Mercer Island, WA 98040
tXXXIOUPSH Marvin Meyers [email protected]
friday, august 6, 2010 . www.jtnews.net . JTNews a view from the u 15
WWview from the u Page 14 while doing her hair? the unraveling of the tapestry of Truth that Truth is a rough neighborhood!
Or, let’s face it, there might be an even protected the world of Truth from the cor-
Well, if you put it that way . . . darker interpretation. Might it have been rosive power of the Lie. Martin S. Jaffee currently holds the Samuel &
But maybe that way wasn’t the way it “mikvah night” at the Tavuts? After all, the What do we learn from Rava’s parable? Althea Stroum Chair in Jewish Studies at the
was. Perhaps, something less noble moti- Missus was bathing! Could the sage have I’m not sure. Is the veneer of respectabil- University of Washington. His award-winning
vated our sage? Perhaps he harbored a bent the truth in order to ensure a cozy ity we treasure so vulnerable that it cannot columns for JTNews have recently been
grudge against his wife or their neighbor, evening for the exercise of his own lust? bear the scrutiny of the Truth? Con- published in book form as The End of Jewish
and felt threatened by their chumminess? Even subliminally? As the saying goes: “The versely, is the harsh Truth so important as Radar: Snapshots of a Post-Ethnic American
Was he undermining his wife’s indepen- greater the tzaddik, the greater the yetzer!” to trump the simple decency and compas- Judaism by iUniverse press.
dence rather than preserving her privacy? We can never know. All we know is sion of the “white lie?”
Wasn’t it, after all, his wife’s prerogative that the Tavuts (or Tavyumes) were run Let every reader decide! But if you
to decide whether she wanted company out of town, lest their own breach cause choose Truth, Rava is here to tell you:
98040 in review
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16 JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, august 6, 2010
friday, august 6, 2010 . www.jtnews.net . JTNews community calendar 17
For a complete listing of events, or to add your Friday 13 August Wednesday 18 August non-members. At Unity of Bellevue, 16330 NE 4th
event to the JTNews calendar, visit www.jtnews. 6 p.m. – Get S’more Shabbat at Temple B’nai 11:30 a.m.–2 p.m. – Daytimers Movie & St., Bellevue.
net. Calendar events must be submitted no later Torah Lunch
than 10 days before publication.
Emily Harris-Shears at 206-861-8784 or event. $4/ children (ages 3-12). At Temple Beth Am,
Torah, 15727 NE 4th, Bellevue. [email protected] 2632 NE 80th St., Seattle.
Saturday 7 August Workshop covering job-hunting skills, health
9 a.m. – Hike to Goldmyer Hot Springs Sunday 15 August insurance information, and job training programs. At Sunday 22 August
Josh at [email protected] 9 a.m. – Mitzvah Mamas at the Movies PJ Jewish Family Service, 1601 5th Ave., Seattle. 9:30 a.m. – 12th Annual Golf Tournament
One-night backpacking trip to Goldmyer Hot Springs Party
206-722-8289 or [email protected]
with Jconnect. Must provide own gear. $15. Meet at
Laura at 206-579-5372 or Thursday 19 August Gold tournament and fundraising event for the
Hillel UW, 4745 17th Ave. NE, Seattle. [email protected] 1 p.m. – The Lasting Legacy of Judeo-Span- Seattle Kollel. $50 to enter. At Foster Golf Links,
Seattle Children’s Hospital guild the Mitzvah Mamas ish Civilization 13500 Interurban Ave. S, Tukwila.
Sunday 8 August is hosting a screening of retro cartoon shows. Kids
Petra Masellas at 253-564-7101 or event is a fundraiser for Children’s Hospital. $20/ A lecture by Rabbi Dr. Marc D. Angel. A part of
Susan Jensen at 206-722-5500 or Machzikay Hadath Congregation, 5145 S Morgan At Hillel UW, 4745 17th Ave. NE, Seattle.
[email protected] or www.wsherc.org
[email protected] St., Seattle. Henry Friedman survived the war hiding with his family
Dr. Aron Rodrigue, professor in Jewish studies 6:30 –8:30 p.m. – Young Professionals Happy in a barn owned by a Christian family. He’ll share
and history at Stanford University, presents a talk Tuesday 17 August Hour stories of his experience at this event. Sponsored by
on what Jewish life was like in Rhodes. Hosted by 7 p.m. – GSJBN Professional Networking &
Rebecca Cohen at 206-774-2272 or Hosted by Jconnect and JPro. At the Columbia Memorial Museum. At Seattle University, Le Roux
7–8:30 p.m. – The Jewish Practice of Dying [email protected] or Tower Club, 701 5th Ave., Seattle. Conference Center, Room 160, Seattle.
206-527-9399 or [email protected]
Alef Meditative Synagogue. $40/members, $70 for Mercer Island. Four workshops on the topics of life and death in
non-members. At Unity of Bellevue, 16330 NE 4th preparation for the High Holidays. Offered by Bet
St., Bellevue. Alef Meditative Synagogue. $40/members, $70 for
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18 back to school JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, august 6, 2010
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WWm.o.t. Page 13 grandparents and tutors at a local elemen- more than Marv, who found snowy win-
tary school. (More trivia: Maui Ocean ters challenging for getting around in his
“I see tremendous opportunities for Center is owned by the Israeli company wheelchair.
growth in the area of Jewish social entre- Coral World.) When Marv signed off with the tra-
preneurship,” he writes. The Paularenas came to Hawaii because ditional “aloha,” I replied, “aloha and
And despite the fact that he misses of “something called a granddaughter” shalom.”
walking the loop at Seward Park and little after living in the Seattle area for about Marv jumped right in. “Oh, we don’t
Seattle clubs that play jazz, and even “the 22 years. Michele misses the Northwest say that here. We say shaloha!”
Seattle drizzle,” the Big Apple seems to
have wormed its way into his heart for the
time being. WWsharsheret Page 9
You can read about all the interesting “Sharsheret is there to support those
PresenTense fellows at presentense.org. that had never before been present. Jewish women and families who may have
In 10 years, Sharsheret has fielded before our founding felt alone in their
Former Seattle-area residents more than 19,000 requests for help. The fight against breast cancer.”
Marvin Paularena and Michele New Jersey-based organization has helped In talking about her own fight with the
Brooks Paularena were nominated women across the United States with its disease, Shoretz explains the changes she’s
by Hawaii’s governer as Outstanding diverse programming, and has remained experienced since receiving treatment for
Older Americans in Maui, where they now in operation primarily from the contribu- a second breast cancer diagnosis.
live. But only Marvin got the award in the James Mariano/Maui County Office on Aging tions of individual donors. “The immediacy of it is more obvious
end. It wasn’t because Michele did any- Marvin Paularena and Michele Brooks Paularena When asked where she hoped now, with this diagnosis, than it was in the
thing wrong or wasn’t deserving. received an award from Hawaii’s governor for Sharsheret will be in 10 years, Shoretz was first,” she said. “Now that I can experience
“The nominees had to be 65 in Maui their vast amount of volunteerism. both hopeful and pragmatic. our program as a patient, Sharsheret, the
County,” Marv explained. Michele, a little “My real hope is that there isn’t a need chain, has really come full circle.”
shy of that benchmark, was too young. pushes me around all the time.” (A bit for Sharsheret, that breast cancer has been
On May 20 the couple traveled to of trivia: Hawaii’s Republican governor, cured,” she said. For more information, visit www.sharsheret.org.
the governor’s mansion in Honolulu to Linda Lingle, is Jewish!) But if there is that need, she hopes
receive the award. The Paularenas were nominated for
“I have told this to the governor…I’ve their work with Senior Medicare Patrol, a
told this to everyone else in the state office federal program that helps seniors detect
on aging…I’m in a wheelchair, and with- medical errors or fraud. They spend over
out Michele I couldn’t have done any of 100 hours a month on a wide range of
it,” Marv points out. “As the song goes, projects too numerous to list here, but
she’s the wind beneath my wings.” highlights include being certified marine Be part of the tradition this Rosh Hashanah when greetings from all
And then, with characteristic timing, naturalists working at the Maui Ocean
around our community fill the pages of JTNews. See page 12 for details.
he adds “I can actually say that my wife Center and for NOAA, and being foster
22 the arts JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, august 6, 2010
12715 Bel-Red Road • Suite 120 • Bellevue, WA 98005 10230 NE Points Dr., Suite 530 Kirkland, WA 98033
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W h E R E To Wo R S h i p
GREATER SEATTLE K’hal Ateres Zekainim (Orthodox) 206/722-1464 bREmERTon TAcomA
Chabad House (Traditional) 206/527-1411 at Kline Galland Home, 7500 Seward Park Ave. S Congregation Beth Hatikvah 360/373-9884 Chabad-Lubavitch of Pierce County
4541 19th Ave. NE Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation (Orthodox) 11th and Veneta 1889 N Hawthorne Dr. 253/565-8770
Bet Alef (Meditative Reform) 206/527-9399 6500 52nd Ave. S 206/723-3028 EVERETT / EdmondS Temple Beth El (Reform) 253/564-7101
16330 NE 4th St., Bellevue (in Unity Church) The Summit at First Hill (Orthodox) Chabad Jewish Center of Snohomish County 5975 S. 12th St.
Congregation Kol Ami (Reform) 425/844-1604 1200 University St. 206/652-4444 2225 100th Ave. W, Edmonds 425/967-3036 TRi ciTiES
16530 Avondale Rd. NE, Woodinville Temple Beth Am (Reform) 206/525-0915 Temple Beth Or (Reform) 425/259-7125 Congregation Beth Sholom (Conservative)
Cong. Beis Menachem (Traditional Hassidic) 2632 NE 80th St. 3215 Lombard St., Everett 312 Thayer Drive, Richland 509/375-4740
1837 156th Ave. NE, Bellevue 425/957-7860 Temple B’nai Torah (Reform) 425/603-9677 FoRT LEWiS VAncouVER
Congregation Beth Shalom (Conservative) 15727 NE 4th, Bellevue Jewish Chapel 253/967-6590 Chabad-Lubavitch of Clark County
6800 35th Ave. NE 206/524-0075 Temple De Hirsch Sinai (Reform) Liggett Avenue & 12th 9604 NE 126th Ave., Suite 2320 360/993-5222
Cong. Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath Seattle, 1441 16th Ave. 206/323-8486 iSSAquAh E-mail: [email protected]
(Orthodox) Bellevue, 3850 156th Ave. SE 425/454-5085 Chabad of the Central Cascades (Hassidic Traditional) www.chabadclarkcounty.com
5145 S Morgan 206/721-0970 SOuTH KING COuNTy 24121 SE Black Nugget Rd. 425/427-1654 Congregation Kol Ami 360/574-5169
Capitol Hill Minyan-BCMH (Orthodox) Bet Chaverim (Reform) 206/577-0403 oLympiA Service times and location can be found at
1501 17th Ave. E 206/721-0970 25701 14th Place S, Des Moines Chabad Jewish Discovery Center www.jewishvancouverusa.org
Congregation Eitz Or (Jewish Renewal) WEST SEATTLE 1611 Legion Way SE 360/584-4306 VAShon iSLAnd
6556 35th Ave. NE 206/467-2617 Kol HaNeshamah (Reform) 206/935-1590 Congregation B’nai Torah (Conservative) Havurat Ee Shalom 206/567-1608
Cong. Ezra Bessaroth (Sephardic Orthodox) Alki UCC, 6115 SW Hinds St. 3437 Libby Rd. 360/943-7354 15401 Westside Highway
5217 S. Brandon Street 206/722-5500 Torah Learning Center (Orthodox) Temple Beth Hatfiloh (Reconstructionist) P O Box 89, Vashon Island, WA 98070
Congregation Shaarei Tefilah-Lubavitch 5121 SW Olga St. 206/938-4852 201 8th Ave. SE 360/754-8519 WALLA WALLA
(Orthodox/Hassidic) poRT AnGELES And SEquim Congregation Beth Israel 509/522-2511
6250 43rd Ave. NE 206/527-1411 WAShinGTon STATE Congregation B’nai Shalom 360/452-2471 E-mail: [email protected]
Congregation Shevet Achim (Orthodox) AbERdEEn poRT ToWnSEnd WEnATchEE
5017 90th Ave. SE (at NW Yeshiva HS) Temple Beth Israel 360/533-5755 Congregation Bet Shira 360/379-3042 Greater Wenatchee Jewish Community
Mercer Island 206/275-1539 1819 Sumner at Martin puLLmAn, WA And moScoW, id 509/662-3333 or 206/782-1044
Congregation Tikvah Chadashah AnAcoRTES Jewish Community of the Palouse WhidbEy iSLAnd
(Gay/Lesbian) 206/355-1414 Anacortes Jewish Community 360/293-4123 509/334-7868 or 208/882-1280 Jewish Community of Whidbey Island
Emanuel Congregation (Modern Orthodox) bAinbRidGE iSLAnd SpokAnE 360/331-2190
3412 NE 65th Street 206/525-1055 Congregation Kol Shalom (Reform) Chabad of Spokane County yAkimA
Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation 9010 Miller Road NE 206/855-0885 4116 E. 37th Ave., Spokane 99223 Temple Shalom (Reform) 509/453-8988
(Conservative) 206/232-8555 Chavurat Shir Hayam 206/842-8453 509/443-0770 1517 Browne Ave.
3700 E. Mercer Way, Mercer Island bELLinGhAm Congregation Emanu-El (Reform) [email protected]
Hillel (Multi-denominational) Chabad Jewish Center of Whatcom County P O Box 30234, Spokane 99223 509/835-5050
4745 17th Ave. NE 206/527-1997 820 Newell St. 360/393-3845 www.spokaneemanu-el.org
Kadima (Reconstructionist) 206/547-3914 Congregation Beth Israel (Reform) Temple Beth Shalom (Conservative)
12353 NE 8th, Seattle 2200 Broadway 360/733-8890 1322 E. 30th Ave. 509/747-3304
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26 the arts JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, august 6, 2010
WWtropper Page 23 heard one or two who were a little scared — WWthe arts Page 20
“Do men really think like that?” And it’s on
resentments are going to build, the ten- purpose that the main character here sexu- Monday, August 9 at 7 p.m.
sions are going to build, and in what some alizes every woman he meets because he’s Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms at Summer Sings
of them are going through, whether it’s grappling with, in a sense, the loss of his Music
[narrator Judd’s] wife’s infidelity or Alice’s own manhood. His wife was sleeping with The Seattle Symphony Chorale announces its 30th Summer Sings schedule with
infertility, or Wendy or the mom and her another man for 14 months, so he’s trying three open choral reading sessions on select Monday nights, ending in August.
situation and obviously these people are to rediscover that. So no, I haven’t found Summer Sings offers singers of all skill levels the opportunity to come together
going to be stepping over each other until that actually. to sing choral masterpieces with the Seattle Symphony Chorale in an informal
something explodes. JT: So when you’ve written a novel that setting. Mon., Aug 9 Summer Sings will perform Chichester Psalms by Leonard
JT: I was cracking up throughout your gets people to laugh, do you often run Bernstein. Cost is $10 to participate. At Benaroya Hall, 200 University St., Seattle.
book, but I gave it to some female friends into people who demand that you say
and they didn’t appreciate it as much. Is this something funny?
what you’re seeing in your experience? Tropper: When I talk and I read and I
Tropper: I have significantly more female answer questions and stuff, I do try to be Monday, August 16
fans than male fans, because I think that’s funny and get some laughs and engage at 7:30 p.m.
the balance of who reads novels. I’ve heard people, but when people say, “Oh, you The Amina Figarova Sextet
very positive feedback from females. I’ve should have been a standup comic,” they Music
don’t understand that writing humor and The Amina Figarova Sextet,
delivering it are two very different things. led by composer-pianist-
SJCC Coed I have plenty of time to go back and hone bandleader Amina Figarova,
my lines over and over again until they’re celebrates the release of their
Softball League exactly the way I want them to be. new CD Sketches. There is no
I do chafe a little bit when people call it cover charge, but reservations
Congratulations a comic novel, because I don’t think of it as are required. Contact 206-441-
to the a comic novel. That’s just how I write. The 9729 or www.jazzalley.com. At Dimitrious’s Jazz Alley, 2033 6th Ave., Seattle.
League Leaders comedy facilitates a certain brutal hon-
esty. You can admit certain things, you can
examine certain things, and make them
A League more palatable with a little bit of humor. Sunday, August 22, 1-3 p.m.
The Jewcers JT: Is that your experience with your own The House That was Too Small
family? Play
B League Tropper: Maybe it’s an East Coast New yeslerswamptrail.wordpress.com
Temple De Hirsch Sinai York thing. I’ve always felt myself more an This performance, one of three audience-participation plays for children, is based
observer than a participant, which I think on a classic Jewish folk tale, followed by a guided nature walk. For ages 3 and up.
C League a lot of writers feel. I notice a lot and I take At Museum of History & Industry, 2700 24th Ave. E, Seattle. Free, but a suggested
Roanoke Inn in a lot, and it registers, and I save it and at donation of $10 per family benefits Yesler Swamp restoration.
some point it comes out in the writing.
D League When I’m really heavy in a novel I’ll
Toronto Jew Jays sometimes get ideas in the middle of the
night and literally leave myself voice mails. WWabraham inc. Page 21 site, Abraham Inc. is about “bringing
Sponsored by And then the next day I’ll turn on my phone people together with music, celebrating
and I’ll have three voicemails, and they’ll all relevant. While there are many things that differences and commonalities… Cultural
Jay agoado be from me. Just reminding myself of ideas
or phrases or things I want to say or a char-
define Jewish and black communities and
make each one unique, this album illus-
hybrid vigour in yo’face.” There really is no
better way to put it.
Your Real Estate Agent for Life
acter to do or things like that. trates that there is still much territory to
JT: And your wife is like, “Shut up, I’m explore and promote dialogue and collab- Find the album online at
trying to sleep”? oration between the two communities. www.abrahamincmusic.com.
Tropper: No, she sleeps through a lot. As Socalled writes on the band’s Web
Top 3%
Bar Mitzvah Bat Mitzvah
Adam Scott Davenport Esther Goldberg
Adam celebrated his Bar Mitzvah on July 31, 2010 at Esther will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on August 6 and 8,
Temple B’nai Torah in Bellevue. 2010. She will chant Shir Hashirim (the Song of Songs)
Adam is the son of Sue and Scott Davenport of Duvall and lead a women’s Kabbalat Shabbat service the evening
and the brother of Aaron. His grandparents are Barbara of Fri., Aug. 6 at the Kline Galland Home. She will then
and Paul Caraco of Kirkland, Richard and Joan Davenport have a siyum (completion ceremony) for finishing the study
of Lynnwood, and the late Douglas Koch. His great- of the entire tractate of Megillah (Babalonian Talmud) on
grandfather is Howard Michel of Bellevue. Aug. 8 at the Robinswood House in Bellevue.
Adam is entering the 8th grade at Tolt Middle School. Esther is the daughter of Shlomo (Sheldon) Goldberg and
He enjoys playing football, baseball and basketball and Karen Treiger and the sister of Elisheva, Jack and
spending time with friends and family, especially his Shoshana. Her grandparents are Betty Lou and Irwin
brother Aaron. For his mitzvah project, Adam collected Treiger of Seattle and the late Sam and Esther Goldberg.
and distributed sports equipment to kids in need. Esther has completed the 6th grade at the Seattle Hebrew
Academy, where she plays on the volleyball and basketball teams. Her interests include sports,
piano, reading and drama. Esther will make a donation to the Gvanim Association in Sderot,
Israel, which provides psychological counseling and support to those affected by the years of
Bat Mitzvah bombings from Gaza, as well as programs for disabled adults in the region.
Sara Greene
Sara celebrated her Bat Mitzvah on August 1, 2010 at
Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath in Seattle.
Sara is the daughter of Julie and Joey Greene and the Bat Mitzvah
sister of Benjamin and Rena. Her grandparents are A. Sara Flash
Richard and Ina Weiner of Omaha, Neb., Bernard Greene Sara will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on August 7, 2010
of Seattle, and the late Irene Greene. at Temple Beth Am in Seattle.
Sara is a student at the Torah Day School. Her interests Sara is the daughter of Edward and Rabbi Allison Flash
include shopping, animals, art, sports — swimming, of Newcastle and the sister of Adam and Daniel. Her
basketball and especially soccer — hanging out with grandparents are Ed and Sue Shulkin of Studio City, Calif.,
friends and attending Jr. NCSY events. For her mitzvah Phil Flash of Mercer Island and the late Claire Flash.
project, she is collecting items to be donated to various Sara is entering the 7th grade at Maywood Middle
homeless and animal shelters in Seattle. School. Her interests include swimming, art, photography,
and running. She also plays flute and piano. For her
mitzvah project, Sara planted a garden at the Ronald
McDonald House.
now seems far less outlandish than it did 60 Bogdanor, of The Jewish Divide Over Israel:
years ago. He believed that vengeance was Accusers and Defenders (2006). His most
not only repayment for the past but also a recent books are Lionel Trilling and Irving
warning for the future — without revenge Howe: A Literary Friendship (Transaction,
there would be a second Holocaust. When 2009) and Robert B. Heilman: His Life in
he learned of the existence of atomic weap- Letters (U. of Washington Press, 2009).
ons, he wanted them for Israel, to put the
28 JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, august 6, 2010
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