Kaity's Korner July 10
Kaity's Korner July 10
Kaity's Korner July 10
Volume 1, Issue 4
Bobbi Sudberry
President & Co-Founder
Bobbi is the mother of five
Kaity Remembered on her Birthday
and is a certified Senior
Paralegal/Legal Assistant. Dear Kaity, The way you interacted with stories. Good times they
Bobbi works full time as an the four legged members of were.
Operations Supervisor for On July 5th, 20 years ago the family was so
CareCentrix in Phoenix, you were born. What a impeccable that they felt the You had no problem
AZ. She enjoys most glorious day that was! loss as well. accepting all things as they
outdoor activities, were and letting someone
We have many memories of know you care. It seems as
gardening, reading and you playing with your though you came in to this
being creative. brothers and sisters. How world humble and remained
about the summer your that way. Not an easy feat.
cousin Earl was out to visit. You once spoke of equality
You, Earl, your brothers and and how all things should
Ric Sudberry sisters were like a school of be treated equal. Your heart
fish on a daily basis. went out to those in need or
Vice President & Co-
Over the years we watched Remember what fun we had that were less fortunate. We
Founder when we would take family
you grow into a beautiful love you for who you were
Ric is the father of five and young lady. We watched as portraits and go on family and keep you in our hearts.
spent five years in the US you excelled in school and vacations. Let’s not forget We miss and think of you
prepared for college. We all the family nights when every day, which brings a
Air Force as a Medical
remember you with the the family would get tear, but also a smile.
Technician. Ric works full together and play board
time at Home Depot in fondest of memories as our
daughter, sister, cousin, games like Yahtzee, your Happy Birthday Baby – We
Phoenix, AZ. He enjoys favorite, and how Dad Love You!
friend, niece and
reading, watching football granddaughter. would get so crazy when we
(Go Steelers!) and played Monopoly. --Your Loving Family
traveling. Your very presence lit up
any room you walked into, On July 5, 2010 we will
because you had the release balloons at 3:33
sweetest smile. You were pm AZ time, as this was
Susan Guinn- someone that people could the time of her birth. If
Lahm, MA, CRC, LPC trust and rely on for just
about anything. You were
you would like to join us,
Susan is a native of Ajo, AZ fun to be around and you please feel free to
where she works as the knew how to make a person contact us via email at
Then there were the [email protected] or
Lead Behavioral Health feel special. Your loving
Sunday dinners when the by phone
Clinician at Desert Senita nature was felt by all and for
rest of the family and
Community Health Center that we are so glad we had (602) 740 2734 and we
sometimes friends would
(DSCHC). Susan provides 17 years with you. You will give you the location.
come over and sit down to a
displayed patience and
general mental health good hearty meal and share
empathy for all living things.
counseling services,
specializing in patient’s
behavioral changes to
compliment their medical Kind words do not cost much. They never blister the tongue or lips. They make other people good-natured.
treatment. They also produce their own image on men's souls, and a beautiful image it is.
-- Blaise Pascal
Dating Violence Statistic
Kaity’s Way Volunteer Support
Teens report dating abuse via
Volunteer Support and Bella Q -- Kaity's Way
technology is a serious Appreciation Event Volunteer Planning
problem. Committee:
Cell phone calls and texting at Kaity’s Way thanks:
an unimaginable frequency – Alex W. putting together Debbie S., Donna M., Desi
mailing list to send out V., Sasia M., Heidi M., Ric
at all times of the day and
letters promoting the Telling S., Hillary V., Tony W.,
night – are keeping teens who of Kaity’s Story. Sarah M., David V.,
are in a relationship under Adrianna A., Diana L.,
constant control and Yadira W., Icela F., Tiffany
surveillance. T., Patti R., Sandra S.,
Andrea R., Maria H.,
Ingrid D., Monica M.,
From 10 pm to midnight: Kathy M.
Nearly one in three teens
in a relationship (30%)
say they’ve communicated
with their partner via cell
phone or texting 10 to 30
times hourly. Kaity’s Way Contact
From midnight to 5:00
Mailing Address: We’re on the Web!
AM: Nearly one in four P.O. Box 83494
teens in a relationship See us at:
Phoenix, AZ 85071
(24%) communicated with www.kaitysway.org
their partner via cell
phone or texting hourly Email Address: http://kaitysway.blogspot.com/
between midnight and [email protected]
5:00 AM.
Phone Number:
Liz Claiborne Inc., Tech
(602) 740-2734
Relationship Abuse Survey, http://twitter.com/KaitysWay
Research conducted by http://www.facebook.com/people/KaitysWay/1840801102
Teenage Research Unlimited
Help Wanted
Kaity’s Way needs volunteers
for the Evening of the Arts
West event tentatively
scheduled for February 2011.
Kaity’s Way also needs
volunteers to book Home
Parties for fundraising.
Kaity’s Way needs electronic
office supplies; computer,
printer & copier.
Please contact Bobbi Sudberry
via email or by phone if you
can provide help or know
someone who can help us out.