R1087 - Full FAO 2015
R1087 - Full FAO 2015
R1087 - Full FAO 2015
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FIPI/SLC/R1087 (En)
Fisheries and
Aquaculture Report
ISSN 2070-6987
Report of the
Report of the
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necessarily reflect the views or policies of FAO.
ISBN 978-92-5-108697-1
FAO, 2015
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FAO/Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission. 2015. Report of the first meeting of the
WECAFC Working Group on the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries, Christ Church, Barbados,
30 September2 October 2014. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 1087. Bridgetown,
FAO. 61 pp.
The first meeting of the Working Group on the Management of Deep-sea fisheries of the Western
Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) took the form of a Technical Workshop on
Bottom Fisheries in the High Seas Areas of the Western Central Atlantic. The meeting was held in
Christ Church, Barbados, from 30 September to 2 October 2014. This report contains a summary of
the presentations, discussions, conclusions and recommendations of the meeting. The report is
organized along topics rather than in chronological order.
The meeting brought together 31 fisheries experts from 17 WECAFC member States and
4 institutions. The Working Group compiled available information on the high seas fisheries in the
WECAFC area and noted that deep-sea fisheries in the High Seas had been and were occurring, and
that they were likely to increase in the future. The Working Group also noted the international
instruments and recommendations related to protecting vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) in the
high seas of the WECAFC area. The group also noted with some concern that some of their shallow
water fisheries were expanding into deeper waters.
FAO outlined the mechanisms currently used to manage deep-sea fisheries and VMEs that could be
affected by deep-sea fisheries. The FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines were presented to the group,
which then applied them to VME elements within the region. The Working Group proposed a total of
five potential VMEs within the WECAFC area.
The recommendations of this workshop/working group will be presented for review to the seventh
meeting of the WECAFC Scientific Advisory Group and to the sixteenth session of WECAFC.
Preparation of this Document ............................................................................................................... iii
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .......................................................................................... vii
Opening sessions.................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Instruments and concepts ....................................................................................................................... 3
International fisheries instruments of importance to fisheries in the ABNJ of the WECAFC region 3
FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines .................................................................................................. 5
Introduction to VMEs ........................................................................................................................ 7
Data requirements for deep-sea fisheries management ...................................................................... 9
Deep-sea fisheries and VMEs .............................................................................................................. 10
VMEs in the ABNJ of the Atlantic since the adoption of the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines 10
Deep-sea fisheries in the ABNJ of the Atlantic since 2006 ............................................................. 11
Sharing of experiences from the Northwest Atlantic (NAFO) ........................................................ 14
WECAFC MEMBER presentations..................................................................................................... 16
Deep-sea fishery in the Colombian Caribbean Sea: management and conservation strategies for an
ecosystem approach to fisheries ....................................................................................................... 16
Venezuelan deep-sea fisheries ......................................................................................................... 18
Mechanisms available for protecting fish and habitat in the waters of the United States of America
......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Summary responses to national questionnaires deep-sea fisheries ............................................... 20
VMEs in the WECAFC area ................................................................................................................ 22
Identifying VMEs in the WECAFC area ......................................................................................... 22
FAO projects of interest to the workshop ............................................................................................ 23
Introduction to the Worldwide Review of Bottom Fisheries ........................................................... 23
VME current processes and practices report .................................................................................... 24
FAO Global VME DataBase............................................................................................................ 24
Deep-sea fisheries project information session ................................................................................ 25
Workshop output .................................................................................................................................. 26
Reporting on potential VMEs in the WECAFC area ....................................................................... 26
Drafting recommendations for WECAFC ....................................................................................... 26
Update of the terms of reference of the Working Group ................................................................. 26
Other business ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Suggestions for regional and national actions.................................................................................. 26
Suggestions for actions by countries at national level ..................................................................... 26
Suggestions at regional level for the Working Group ...................................................................... 27
Next meeting .................................................................................................................................... 28
1. The first meeting of the Working Group on the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries of
FAO/Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) was the Technical Workshop on
Bottom Fisheries in the High Seas Areas of the Western Central Atlantic held in Christ Church,
Barbados, from 30 September to 2 October 2014. The meeting was hosted by the FAO/WECAFC
Secretariat at United Nations House, Christ Church. The opening address was delivered by Mr Deep
Ford, the FAO Subregional Coordinator for the Caribbean, and welcoming remarks were delivered by
Mr Stephen Willoughby, Chief Fisheries Officer, Fisheries Division of the Ministry of Agriculture,
Food, Fisheries and Water Resource Management of Barbados.
2. Representatives of the following countries and territories attended the meeting: Antigua and
Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana,
Nicaragua, Panama, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and
Tobago, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Bermuda), the United States of
America, and Venezuela (Bolivarian republic of). Also in attendance were representatives of the
Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), the Organizacin del Sector Pesquero y Acucola
del Istmo Centro Americano (SICA/OSPESCA), the Centre for Resource Management and
Environmental Studies (CERMES) of the University of the West Indies, the Caribbean Fisherfolk
Network of Organisations (CFNO), WECAFC, FAO and an invited FAO resource person. The list of
31 participants, including Working Group members, observers and other participants, can be found in
Appendix 1.
3. Mr Stephen Willoughby, Chief Fisheries Officer from the Fisheries Division, Barbados, was
elected Chairperson of the Meeting. Dr Tony Thompson from FAO agreed to act as rapporteur, with
the assistance of Dr Raymon van Anrooy and other FAO participants present.
5. Jessica Sanders presented the objectives of this workshop, which were based on the terms of
reference for the WECAFC Working Group on the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries as provided at
the fourteenth Commission meeting1 and as circulated in the prospectus sent to WECAFC members.
The objectives were:
Raise awareness on the FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea
Fisheries in the High Sea (FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines) and various United Nations
General Assembly (UNGA) resolutions for WECAFC members.
Identify initial deep-sea fisheries.
Review initial information on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) from the WECAFC
Recommendations for medium- to longer-term priorities and collaboration identified.
6. The outputs of the meeting were identified as:
a workshop report;
FAO Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission. 2012. Report of the fourteenth session of the Commission,
Panama City, Panama, 69 February 2012. Rapport de la quatorzime session de la Commission, Panama,
Panama, 6-9 fvrier 2012. Informe de la decimocuarta reunin de la Comisin, Ciudad de Panam, Panam, 6-
9 de febrero de 2012, Appendix L, pp. 9496. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report/FAO Rapport sur les
pches et laquaculture/FAO Informe de Pesca y Acuicultura No. 1000. Bridgetown, FAO. 2012. 99 pp. (also
available at www.fao.org/docrep/017/i2677t/i2677t.pdf).
8. Dr Raymon van Anrooy, WECAFC Secretary and FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Officer for
the Caribbean provided an Introduction of the Working Group. He started off with an introduction
to the WECAFC, detailing its history, objectives, guiding principles and membership. He then
continued by outlining the mandate area of WECAFC (Figure 1) and noted that 86 percent of the
mandate area could be considered deep sea.
Figure 1
9. Information was provided on the organizational structure of WECAFC and the outcomes of
the fifteenth session of WECAFC, which was held in Trinidad and Tobago in March 2014. He
mentioned that the fifteenth session of WECAFC: (i) adopted 9 of the 10 presented regional fisheries
management recommendations and resolutions; (ii) thanked FAO for the performance review
conducted on this regional fishery body (RFB); (iii) adopted the Strategic Plan 20142020; (iv)
approved the programme of work (201415); (v) endorsed the partnership between WECAFC
Fishery Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS); (vi) adopted the revised rules of procedures; and
(vii) discussed the options for strategic reorientation.
10. Reference was made to the report of WECAFC 14 (2012), which issued a Resolution of the
members of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission on strengthening the implementation
of international fisheries instruments (WECAFC/14/2012/1). This resolution requested that members
agree to take actions and measures to strengthen implementation of existing international fisheries
instruments and those that may be developed in the future, including the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries
Guidelines. In the same resolution, members agreed to establish a WECAFC Working Group on the
Management of Deep-sea Fisheries to inform the management of such fisheries by WECAFC
members in such a manner as to promote responsible fisheries that provide economic opportunities
while ensuring the conservation of marine living resources and the protection of marine biodiversity
and to facilitate the implementation of the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines.
11. The updated terms of reference of the Working Group on the Management of Deep-sea
Fisheries, as agreed by WECAFC 15, included the following tasks:
Collection and review of existing (past and present) data and information on the deep-sea
fisheries in the WECAFC area, in addition to identifying the potential of such fisheries in the
Meet and analyse the data and information collected and make recommendations for the
sustainability of the deep-sea fisheries in the WECAFC region.
Identify priority areas for future work and international funding and support for the work
Organize in 2014 a WECAFC Technical Workshop on Bottom Fisheries in the ABNJ of the
Western Central Atlantic to present and discuss the findings and recommendations of the
Working Group, and to obtain inputs from the WECAFC members.
Develop a chapter on the Western Central Atlantic for the 2014/2015 FAO Worldwide
Review of Bottom Fisheries in the High Seas.
Report to the Commission, at its next session, its conclusions and recommendations for
further activities.
12. Dr Van Anrooy noted that among the ten joint working groups established in 2012 and 2014,
the Working Group on the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries was the least active, owing to funding
constraints and relatively less interest in ABNJ fisheries by the WECAFC membership. The
WECAFC Secretary finalized his introductory presentation by mentioning that the Secretariat had
developed and circulated to potential members a draft work plan (in May 2012), established contacts
with the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition and various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) (in
2012), drafted a proposal and submitted it to France and the United States of America for supporting
some initial research on deep-sea fisheries in the WECAFC area (in 2013) and continued the search
for funding in support of the first meeting (201314).
13. Finally, he welcomed this technical workshop as the first real activity of the Working Group,
and emphasized that this was only made possible owing to generous support from the Government of
Japan, active participation from WECAFC members and the many efforts made by FAO colleagues.
14. Dr Raymon van Anrooy, WECAFC Secretary, presented International fisheries instruments
of importance to fisheries in the ABNJ of the WECAFC region. He discussed binding and non-
binding instruments of relevance to ABNJ fisheries; the main instrument being the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which lays down a comprehensive regime of law and
order in the worlds oceans and seas establishing rules governing all uses of the oceans and their
resources. Opened for signature on 10 December 1982 in Jamaica, UNCLOS entered into force on
16 November 1994 after the sixtieth ratification. The presentation described the main relevant
articles of UNCLOS for fisheries, responsibilities of coastal States and flag States, and highlighted the
differences in regimes for the exclusive economic zones (EEZs) and ABNJ areas.
15. He referred to the commonly used fisheries terminology, which is detailed in Figure 2.
Figure 2
Fishery terminology
Source: www.fao.org/fishery/en
16. After discussing various articles of UNCLOS relevant for WECAFC members active or
planning to become active in deep-sea fisheries, he then provided an overview of ratification of the
relevant binding instruments by the 34 WECAFC members (Table 1).
Table 1
Agreements Ratifications
Total Among
17. He described the common characteristics of the international instruments, as well as the focus,
objectives and main issues addressed by the FAO Compliance Agreement, the UN Fish Stocks
Agreement and the FAO Port State Measures Agreement.
18. Challenges for the management of shared fish stocks in the WECAFC area were discussed,
which included:
19. Reference was also made to various important parts of the UN Fish Stocks Agreement,
including the mechanisms for international cooperation, and to the possibility for developing States to
utilize resources made available under the Part VII Assistance Fund.2 It was noted that WECAFC
could serve as a mechanism for international cooperation among WECAFC members, in support of
implementation of the various international fisheries instruments in the region.
20. In this regard, it was also noted that various regional resolutions, declarations and policies
emphasize the awareness of governments and other stakeholders towards increased efforts on
implementation. The main policy documents are:
21. Dr van Anrooy also provided a short overview of the non-binding fisheries instruments that
relate to the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, including international plans of action
(sharks, capacity, seabirds, and illegal, unreported and unregulated [IUU] fishing), international
guidelines and technical guidelines.
22. Finally, he showed world maps depicting the tuna and non-tuna regional fisheries
management organizations (RFMO). He described in short the role of RFMO/As and explained that
WECAFC was not an RFMO/A but a regional fishery advisory body and that its fisheries
management decisions are non-binding.
23. Jessica Sanders presented the FAO International Guidelines on Deep-sea Fisheries in the
High Seas (FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines)3 that were developed following a request from the
FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) at its Twenty-seventh Session in 2007 to assist States and
RFMO/As to implement UNGA Resolution 61/105 (principally paragraphs 8090) on deep-sea
fisheries and VMEs. The FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines were developed through a series of
international consultations in 200608 and adopted in 2008.
24. The FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines are designed for fisheries that occur beyond national
jurisdiction, and where the catch includes species that can only sustain low exploitation rates, and for
fishing gear that are likely to contact the seafloor during normal use. The objective of the Guidelines
is to provide tools and guidance for sustainable deep-sea fisheries, and to facilitate and encourage the
efforts of States and RFMO/As towards:
More information on this fund is available at:
FAO. 2009. International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas. Directives
internationales sur la gestion de la pche profonde en haute mer. Directrices Internacionales para la
Ordenacin de las Pesqueras de Aguas Profundas en Alta Mar. Rome/Roma. 73 pp. (also available at
25. Many marine living resources exploited directly or caught as bycatch by deep-sea fisheries in
ABNJ have biological characteristics that create specific challenges for their sustainable
utilization and exploitation. These include:
26. As a result, many deep-sea marine living resources have low productivity and are only able to
sustain very low exploitation rates. Moreover, when these resources are depleted, recovery can take
more than 20 years, and is not assured. The greatest concern is about the impact of deep-sea fisheries
on VMEs, which are areas containing organisms with these challenging characteristics and defined by
a set of five criteria:
uniqueness or rarity;
functional significance of the habitat;
life-history traits of component species that make recovery difficult;
structural complexity.
27. The FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines explain that VMEs are principally areas that contain
ecosystems whose structure and function can be vulnerable to and compromised by SAIs.
Vulnerability is related to the likelihood that a population, community or habitat will experience
substantial alteration from short-term or chronic disturbance, and the likelihood that it would recover
and in what time frame. These are, in turn, related to the characteristics of the ecosystems themselves,
especially biological and structural aspects. Ecosystem integrity (i.e. ecosystem structure or function)
is compromised by SAIs in a manner that:
28. The FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines provide details of protocols to assess VMEs and
SAIs, and this has developed the need for fisheries scientists and benthic ecologists to work closely
together. With VMEs, there has been a need to map fisheries into existing and new fishing areas in an
attempt: to halt uncontrolled expansion and freeze effort at current levels; to introduce exploratory
fishing protocols in new fisheries areas to assess possible impacts prior to the commencement of any
commercial operation; to quantitatively monitor bycatch of corals and sponges and to relate this to the
activation of encounter protocols that trigger move-on rules or area closures; and to assess fisheries at
a much finer spatial scale than previously undertaken.
29. The implementation of the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines was the subject of an FAO
workshop in Busan, the Republic of Korea, in 2010.4 Although the workshop occurred only two years
after the deadlines imposed by UNGA Resolution 61/105, it was already observed that there was a
need to develop further guidance on: impacts and risk assessment, encounter protocols and related
mitigation measures, and the move-on rule; and the use of the VME criteria, including triggers for
what degree of presence constitutes a significant concentration. It has also become clear that the
state of knowledge of deep-sea fisheries needs to be improved in order to understand more fully the
overlap and relationships between the various deep-sea fisheries using longlines, gillnets pots and
bottom trawls, and the VMEs.
30. Initial discussions focused on placing deep-sea fisheries within the context of the current
regional fisheries programmes within the Caribbean that focus on inshore areas. Deep-sea fisheries
are not generally considered a priority for the region. However, members felt that developing a
process to safeguard fish stocks and VMEs within the ABNJ of the WECAFC region, now and for the
future as a common heritage, is the responsibility of all WECAFC members and, according to the
approach taken, may not in fact require that much time or cost, especially if costs can be borne by the
industry. It was also explained that most of the content of the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines can
also be applied by States within national waters, and examples of parallel processes being developed
within national waters of Canada, the European Union (Member Organization), the United States of
America, and others, were provided. Another discussion point was that the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries
Guidelines refer to collaboration with industry and the use of fishing vessels as sampling platforms.
Paragraph 80 of the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines states States should encourage dialogue and
collaboration with responsible deep-sea fisheries operators in the development of fishery management
plans, recognising the value of industry information and experience in resource assessment and
fisheries management, identification of VMEs, responsible fishing techniques, gear development, and
implementation methods to avoid or mitigate significant adverse impacts on VMEs. The
management of deep-sea fisheries and the collection of information on the deep seas, where there are
few widely dispersed vessels operating far from land, mean that operators need to be involved. There
are good examples of where interviews with deep-sea operators have been the starting point for
understanding the processes and management of deep-sea fisheries, and operators often want to be
seen as responsible fishers. An example of this can be seen in the Indian Ocean with the Southern
Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association (SIODFA). Another example comes from the Canadian
industry, which declared a voluntary closure in 2007.5 The offshore shrimp and groundfish sectors
introduced a 12 500 km2 coral protection zone in the northern Labrador Sea to protect coral
concentrations in that area. This is part of an industry-led initiative that also includes other
conservation measures designed to promote marine stewardship and the preservation of sensitive
marine ecological features. For example, fishing captains will collect data on other coldwater coral
they encounter and communicate this information to the fleets so that gear can be removed and/or
fishing activity halted in those regions.
Introduction to VMEs
31. Jessica Sanders presented a summary of the VME process to provide participants with an
overview that would be helpful when discussing possible VMEs within the WECAFC ABNJ. The
FAO. 2011. Report of the FAO Workshop on the Implementation of the International Guidelines for the
Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas Challenges and Ways Forward, Busan, Republic of
Korea, 1012 May 2010. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 948. Rome. 74 pp. (also available at
Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 2010. Northern Shrimp (SFAs) 0-7 and the Flemish Cap. In: Fisheries and
Oceans Canada [online]. [Cited 30 September 2014]. www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/peches-fisheries/ifmp-
concept of VMEs was developed for deep-sea fisheries that use fishing gear that contact the seafloor
during the normal course of operation. The process is designed to identify areas where there may be
SAIs on VMEs during the fishing operations, and to develop and implement measures to mitigate
such SAI. The VMEs meet one or more of the following criteria:
1. uniqueness or rarity;
2. functional significance of the habitat;
3. fragility;
4. life-history traits of component species that make recovery difficult;
5. structural complexity;
32. Examples of species groups, communities and habitat that can be identified as VMEs are
certain coldwater corals and hydroids, e.g. reef builders and coral forest, sponge-dominated
communities, communities composed of dense emergent fauna, and seep and vent communities.
These typically occur on certain topographical, hydrophysical or geological features such as:
submerged edges and slopes, seamounts, guyots, banks, knolls, and hills, canyons and trenches,
hydrothermal vents, and cold seeps. It was noted that the criteria for identifying VMEs and ecological
or biological significant areas (EBSAs) were broadly similar, and arose from a common beginning.
However, there are important differences in their rationale and application. While VMEs are a
management tool applied by RFMO/As and States to protect certain benthic communities from SAIs
caused by bottom-contact fishing gear, EBSAs describe and catalogue, as the name implies, areas of
ecological or biological significance in the worlds oceans, and they are shown in the EBSA
repository.6 The EBSAs are independent of management measures, although appropriate authorities
can use the EBSA repository as a source of information and apply measures, when and where
necessary, to ensure that the essential characteristics of the area are maintained.
33. The group also asked whether the VME concept within the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries
Guidelines could be applied to aggregations of fish, to turtles, or to other non-benthic animals. The
FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines do not limit themselves to benthic invertebrates, and
paragraph 42 talks about fish spawning areas and nursery areas. To date, VMEs have not been
identified for such vertebrate aggregations, and it is felt that there are generally more appropriate
protective measures that can be used by RFMO/As. However, the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries
Organization (NAFO) Scientific Council (NAFO SC Report 2013, p. 42) has identified the Southeast
Shoal as an area important for spawning aggregations of capelin, a nursery area for yellow tail
flounder and American plaice, an important habitat for wedge clam, cod, striped wolfish, and
humpback whales. It is also listed as a VME element based on its physical characteristics (NAFO
CEM 2014). This area crosses the international boundary with Canada and requires joint discussions
between Canada and NAFO for its full protection.7 As yet, it has not been listed as a VME based on
these attributes.
34. As WECAFC has only an advisory mandate, it is difficult to draw parallels with areas that
have RFMO/As. However, in regions with functioning RFMO/As that have divided their areas into
existing and unfished areas, the costs of any exploratory fishing in unfished areas are borne by the
industry. Encounters by commercial vessels also help map VMEs. However, the costs of detailed
research surveys are normally borne by the State undertaking the survey.
Convention on Biological Diversity. 2014. Ecologically or biologically significant marine areas. In:
Convention on Biological Diversity [online]. [Cited 30 September 2014]. www.cbd.int/ebsa/
Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 2013. Capelin on the Grand Banks. In: Fisheries and Oceans Canada [online].
[Cited 30 September 2014]. www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/Publications/article/2008/03-06-2008-eng.html
35. The FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines (paragraph 63) state that Until a functioning
regulatory framework is developed to prevent significant adverse impacts i. closing of areas to
deep-sea fisheries where VMEs are known or likely to occur, . As VMEs to date have mainly been
for the protection of attached corals and sponges, and as the Guidelines are written for fisheries where
the fishing gear is likely to contact the seafloor during the normal course of fishing operations.
(paragraph 8ii), the closures tend to be for gear types that contact the seafloor during normal use. This
includes bottom trawls, bottom-set longlines, gillnets and traps. In addition, bottom gear that could
come into contact with the seafloor also includes deep mid-water trawls that are designed to fish close
to the seafloor. The RFMO/As are free to select whatever mitigation measures they see appropriate to
avoid SAI, and this could further specify gear restrictions.
36. The management of deep-sea fisheries, the identification of VMEs, and an assessment of the
risk of SAIs require information that is invariably difficult and expensive to acquire. Moreover, once
acquired, this information needs to be shared with the appropriate committees and working groups, so
that scientific assessments can be undertaken, advice formulated, and measures adopted. Information
on deep-sea fisheries is scarce in the Caribbean; however, it is known that there has been some deep-
sea fishing within the WECAFC area. Indeed, there is evidence from the answers to the questions
circulated before and during this workshop, that some of the shallow-water snapper and shrimp
fisheries are moving into deeper waters.
37. WECAFC is an FAO RFB, and is the competent authority in the ABNJ of the Caribbean and
Western Central Atlantic. It can assist its member States and non-member flag States of vessels
fishing in the region in the collection of information from the region to help them in their efforts to
assess deep-sea fisheries and manage their vessels fishing in the ABNJ portion of the WECAFC
region. The current data collection procedures used by neighbouring RFMO/As were presented but
deemed to be too complex for WECAFC, given its advisory mandate. It was suggested that a
simplified data collection procedure would increase the chances of member and non-member flag
States providing information on deep-sea fisheries to WECAFC. The basic information required to
fulfil the requirements of implementing the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines is:
fishing location;
gear used;
depth and duration of deployment;
catch (tonnes by species);
effort (days fished);
bycatch (seabirds, turtles, corals, sponges).
38. Participants at the workshop discussed the means by which fishing location should be
submitted. The WECAFC major fishing are (Area 31 and the northern part of Area 41) is not divided
into subareas or divisions. Suggestions were made to use statistical areas of the International
Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), but subsequent investigations show
that these vary according to the stock being reported on. No decision was made at the meeting, and
the WECAFC Secretariat was asked to consider the matter further. Until such a decision is made on
the reporting resolution, a sentence has been included in the data collection form that, as per FAO
Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines (paragraph 32), it should be at as fine-scale as possible. The
participants suggested that the above data requirements should be developed into a data reporting
form (Appendix 3).
39. Participants also asked whether such a data request could be used to collect information on
both historical and current fisheries activities. It was noted that the form could be used for either, but
that it may be better to start with a request for the current fisheries and to review this at the next
meeting of the Working Group. Historical fishing locations would be important if there was going to
be a benefit from dividing the WECAFC area into fished and unfished areas to allow for the
application of an exploratory fishing protocol.
40. Dr Ellen Kenchington presented an overview of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the ABNJ
of the Atlantic since the adoption of the FAO Deep-Sea Guidelines. A timeline for the resolutions
was presented along with the actions taken by the RFMO/As. It was noted how quickly RFMO/As
moved to close areas, particularly seamounts. An example was given where an area had been
negotiated between a State and an RFMO to protect coral from the harmful impacts of bottom-contact
fishing gear. This area was partly within the EEZ of Canada and partly within the NAFO regulatory
area in ABNJ (the 3O Coral Closure8). Key points from UNGA Resolutions and the FAO Deep-sea
Fisheries Guidelines were provided, and it was noted that, for many areas of the deep sea, RFMO/As
have been guided by the precautionary approach and the language of the UNGA Resolutions that call
for actions where VMEs are known or likely to occur. The use of topographical features, such as
seamounts, hydrothermal vents, canyons and ridges, as proxies for VMEs was explained and justified.
Progress since the publication of the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines was summarized, including
the establishment of new RFMO/As and the move by the European Union (Member Organization
Spain) and the Republic of Korea to adopt regulations to implement UNGA Resolutions in non-
RFMO/A areas. Lastly, the suite of conservation and management tools used by RFMO/As to protect
VMEs and facilitate recovery of deep-sea fish stocks were discussed. These included: effort
restrictions, vessel licensing, vessel monitoring system (VMS) monitoring and improved data
reporting, total allowable catch (TACs) for selected species, bycatch limits, gear modifications (e.g.
exclusion devices), closed areas to certain gear types, freezing of the fishing footprint, encounter
protocols and move-on rules, gillnet ban > 200 m, and port State control and blacklisting to reduce
IUU fishing. For each of these, the context within the UNGA Resolutions and the FAO Deep-sea
Fisheries Guidelines was provided and an example of RFMO action was discussed. It was noted that
not all of these tools were used by every RFMO and that management actions were implemented
according to individual circumstances.
41. The group thanked Dr Kenchington for a very interesting, clear and comprehensive
presentation. The first question related to the impacts that VMEs have on the fisheries by way of
displacing effort off traditional fishing areas. It was explained that, in 200406, there had been a
general belief that bottom trawl fisheries were severely impacting on and destroying deepwater corals,
and that all seamounts contained extensive coral habitats. While there has been documented damage,
the overall impression that is now emerging is that the demersal fisheries tend not to occur in areas
with high concentrations of corals or sponges (although in some areas, research vessel trawls have
landed several tonnes of coral or sponge in a 1 km tow) and that fishers often avoid such areas so as
not to lose gear or contaminate catches. Therefore, the impact on the fisheries of the current bottom
closures in the Atlantic, for example, has typically resulted in only a very minor impact on the fishery.
Indeed, some fisheries are prosecuted close to current VME boundaries, indicating that VMEs may be
supporting the fishery production.
42. There was also a question on why current VME closures tend to be for 25 years when the
organisms they are protecting live for decades and sometimes centuries. It was explained that VMEs
were the result of fisheries measures based on knowledge available at the time of the adoption of the
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization. 2014. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization: Conservation
and Enforcement Measures [online]. [Cited 30 September 2014]. http://archive.nafo.int/open/fc/2014/fcdoc14-
measure to mitigate against threats that are currently seen to have a high risk of occurring. The VME
measures are part of the suite of measures aimed at sustainable fisheries. As circumstances change
and knowledge increases, it is appropriate to review VME information and measures on VMEs (and
on the relevant fisheries) to see whether they are still appropriate. In most cases, the reviews have
resulted in modification to boundaries or creation of new closures to afford greater protection to
43. Dr Tony Thompson from FAO gave a presentation outlining some more specific examples of
actions that have occurred in the Atlantic since 2006. The UNGA, in its Resolutions on sustainable
fisheries from 2003 onwards, started to include actions focusing on the management of deep-sea
fisheries in ABNJ. This included both the management of the targeted deep-sea fish stocks and
investigations on SAIs that deep-sea fisheries may cause, with an emphasis on deep-sea corals. This
presentation outlined some of the international instruments adopted to facilitate data collection for
stock assessment, and then looked at three examples in the Atlantic Ocean where changing practices
had improved sustainable fisheries management for certain deep-sea target species. Examples were
drawn from occasional seamount fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic, the provision of quantitative
advice on deep-sea stocks in the Northeast Atlantic, and the application of exploratory fishing
protocols and impact assessments in the Southeast Atlantic. The above examples were discussed with
reference to deep-sea fisheries in the Western Central Atlantic and on how mechanisms could be
established to collect and collate basic fisheries information that could be used collectively in the
44. It was noted during the discussions that these actions require considerable amounts of
information and participants asked how this information was collected. The broad answer to this
question is that information comes from a variety of sources but often originates from the flag State of
the fishing vessel for compilation and for sharing, possibly in summary form, in accordance with the
measures of the appropriate RFMO/As via the secretariats. Much supporting information, often of a
detailed and technical nature, and again from various sources, is also brought to the RFMO/A working
groups directly by working group participants. Some information used for compliance passes directly
to regional monitoring centres or to the RFMO/As, such as VMS information, electronic logbook
reporting, and certain regular catch reporting. The information is usually divided into that used for
compliance and that used for scientific purposes. In the past, this information used to be kept separate,
but there has been a tendency in recent times for information collected for compliance purposes to be
shared with scientific bodies, but usually in summary form. Overall, the information usually comes
from VMS, which now includes a range of gear, catch and effort information, including electronic
logbook reporting, compliance and scientific observers (when carried), logbooks, port sampling, and
biological sampling either on board by observers or in the ports. The sharing and access permissions
to this information vary and can require more formal data sharing agreements. The information used
for scientific stock assessments is usually supplemented by additional information where available,
such as scientific surveys and independent estimates.
45. It was further noted that there were few deep-sea fisheries being undertaken by the countries
represented at the workshop, and the deep-sea fisheries that representatives were involved in were
normally an extension of shallower-water fisheries into deeper waters, typically within the EEZ of the
country concerned. There is information from a few countries (see figure below) that have been
engaged in deep-sea fisheries in FAO Area 31 (Western Central Atlantic). Other countries may have
done so or may do so in the future. Previous fisheries are believed to have all occurred on the Corner
Seamounts, which is an area where deep-sea fisheries for alfonsino occur within both Area 21
(Northwest Atlantic) and Area 31 (Western Central Atlantic).9 There have also been catches of
alfonsino in the Southwestern Atlantic. These fisheries can be conducted by both bottom trawls and
deeper mid-water trawls, and so are not confined to a fishery using bottom-contact gear and,
therefore, may not impact on VMEs. Figures 35 show catches of alfonsino in the Northwest,
Western Central and Southwest Atlantic derived from the FAO FishStatJ database10 with,
respectively, maximum annual reported catches of 2 012, 278 and 749 tonnes from the three areas.
Vinnichenko (1977)11 provides a good summary of exploratory Russian fisheries on the Corner
Seamounts between 1976 and 1996, where 10 200 tonnes of deep-water fish (mainly alfonsino but
also other possible commercial species including black scabbard fish, black cardinal fish, wreckfish,
and flint-perch [Mediterranean slimefish; silver roughy]) were taken off the Corner Seamounts in
1976 and smaller amounts since that were not recorded in the FishStatJ database (although the catches
reported from 1977 onwards by Vinnichenko follow closely those provided by FishStatJ for
Figure 3
1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013
SovietUnion Spain RussianFederation
Thompson, A.B. & Campanis, G.M. 2007. NAFO SCR 07/06 [online]. [Cited 30 September 2014].
http://archive.nafo.int/open/sc/2007/scr07-006.pdf; and Worldwide review of bottom fisheries in the high seas,
2009, p. 39.
FAO. 20112014. Fisheries and aquaculture software. FishStatJ - software for fishery statistical time series.
In: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department [online]. Rome. Updated 22 July 2014. [Cited 30 September
2014]. www.fao.org/fishery/statistics/software/fishstatj/en
Vinnichenko, V.I. 1997. Russian Investigations and Deep Water Fishery on the Corner Rising Seamount in
Subarea 6. NAFO Sci. Coun. Studies, 30: 4149. (also available at
Figure 4
1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013
RussianFederation Iceland
Figure 5
1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013
46. Participants asked whether there was a method of collecting and collating such information
within the WECAFC area. Participants felt that flag States should be collecting information on their
vessels flying their flag, conducting fishing operations anywhere in ABNJ, as already provided for in
a number of international legal instruments. Participants reiterated that WECAFC does not require its
member States to provide information on vessels operating in the ABNJ of the WECAFC area of
competence. Any information provided by flag States on vessels operating in the ABNJ of the
WECAFC competence area should therefore be considered as being provided on a voluntary basis.
Participants pointed out that while many States have legislation that provides for the obligation of
vessels flying their flag and operating in ABNJ to submit information, possibly in a summary form, to
responsible authorities, WECAFC should request flag States to provide information on any vessel
operating in, or with an interest in the ABNJ of the WECAFC competence area. This topic was
discussed again on the last day and a recommendation was made for the collecting of such
information for Area 31.
47. Dr Andrew Kenny, Co-Chair, NAFO Working Group on Ecosystem Science and Assessment
(formerly the Working Group on Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries Management) presented an
overview of VME-related research in the NAFO regulatory area through Skype. Work started on
VMEs in NAFO in 2007, when it was agreed to establish a scientific working group to focus on
meeting the requirements of UNGA Resolution 61/105, specifically in identifying and protecting
VMEs by 2008. There are two main sources of data and information that support the ongoing studies
in NAFO: (i) a collaborative international research and development programme the NAFO
Potential Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems-Impacts of Deep-sea Fisheries (NEREIDA) which
completed surveys of the entire fishing footprint in 2009 and 2010, resulting in large numbers of
biological samples (dredges, cores, video), which continue to be analysed today; and (ii) the fishery-
independent trawl surveys conducted by the European Union (Member Organization) and Canadian
authorities each year, which document all the catch contents include invertebrates, e.g. VME indicator
species. The results of these surveys have allowed detailed maps of VME distribution to be produced.
From these maps, a set of closed areas have been agreed. As this process evolves each year, with the
addition of new sample data and updated analyses, revisions to the number and extent of fishery
closures are agreed, taking into account areas of active and historical fishing effort details of some
of the most recent outcomes can be found on the NAFO website and in the booklet describing
NAFOs conservation and enforcement measures.12
48. As VMEs are protected through area closures, the need to implement and rely upon VME
encounter thresholds to protect VME within the fishing footprint is greatly reduced. Currently, NAFO
is in the process of assessing the potential extent of SAIs likely to be caused by bottom fishing
activities on VMEs and VME indicator species. Some preliminary results indicate that a high
proportion of the recent fishing effort is exerted in relatively small regions within the fishing
footprint. At least for some areas, this fishing effort seems to be concentrated in the near
neighbourhood of VMEs, suggesting a potential functional connection between some VMEs and
commercially exploited fish species. A key requirement to perform an appropriate assessment of SAIs
is to understand and quantify the functional importance of VMEs.
49. The initial discussions centred on the extensive information and surveys that existed for the
Northwest Atlantic and how this allowed NAFO to undertake analyses that were not possible in the
Caribbean region. However, it was clarified that, although there had been a good bank of information
in 2006, the early closures to protect the benthos had been precautionary and based on only limited
information within these areas derived mainly from their physical attributes (seamounts and knolls). It
was mentioned that, in Canada, the initial information on coral and sponge distribution had been
acquired by interviewing fishers to find out the extent of their fishing areas and where they believed
corals and sponges might occur. The detailed survey work from the NEREIDA programme has been
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization. 2014. NAFO publications. In: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries
Organization [online]. [Cited 30 November 2014]. www.nafo.int/publications/frames/publications.html
extremely valuable in confirming the NAFO closures, making adjustments to boundaries, and
developing the important science base needed to implement the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines.
The importance of identifying the fishing footprint within the NAFO region was also stressed, as this
allowed fishing to continue in previously fished areas with minimal or no changes to current practices,
and then stricter measures involving exploratory fishing protocols to apply in areas that had not been
subject to prior bottom fishing activities. Exploratory fishing protocols also apply within existing
fishing areas when an existing fishery changes gear or shows a significant increase in effort. In
NAFOs opinion, closures to bottom-contact fishing gear are the best way to protect VMEs, but it also
notes that careful use of the encounter protocols and exploratory fishing protocols provide important
supporting mechanisms where detailed mapping is not available.
50. The choice of indicator species was discussed. It was noted that this had initially been based
on the FAO criteria and the examples provided in the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines annex of
the broad species groups and physical elements. Later, these have been refined by reviewing more
than 500 invertebrate taxa caught in research vessel surveys, and these are now listed in NAFOs
control and enforcement measures as VME indicator species and VME indicator elements.13
However, the encounter protocols used by NAFO require only the reporting of the catch of VME
indicator species above a threshold, and the threshold levels are set for sea pens, other live corals, and
sponges. Thus, although NAFO has onboard identification guides for corals14 and sponges,15 the
initial notification that a VME may be present is by using fairly large groupings. In other words, the
initial reporting requirements required from commercial bottom-fishing vessels are very simple.
51. A question was also asked as to whether closed areas were beneficial to the fishing industry.
This question is very difficult to answer directly, as there are still many unknowns about the
advantages of healthy ecosystems. Dr Kenchington reported that there was growing evidence that
redfish larvae utilize sea pen fields. She further noted that some of these benthic habitats (sponge
grounds, for example) had increased abundance and number of invertebrate species compared with
surrounding areas, and that all fish species ate invertebrates as juveniles and that some continued to
eat invertebrates as adults, even if they became piscivorous. Therefore, these VME areas may be
important for local fish productivity. In addition, VMS information shows that bottom fishing can
occur right up to the edge of a closure, indicating that there may be a positive spillover effect from the
closure. This in turn requires further investigations to better understand how bottom fishing activities
on the edge of closures can affect organisms within the closure itself, for example, by sediment
52. The use and sharing of VMS information among regions was also discussed, although with no
conclusions being made. It was believed that VMS information was the property of the vessels flag
State, and as such its use and distribution would be controlled by the flag State. The acquisition of
VMS information, for example, relating to the occasional Corner Rise alfonsino fishery that uses a
deep mid-water trawl that does not normally contact the sea floor, in the WECAFC area would
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization. 2014. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization: Conservation
and Enforcement Measures, Appendix 1.E. [online]. [Cited 30 September 2014].
Kenchington, E., Best, M., Cogswell, A., MacIsaac, K., Murillo-Perez, F.J., MacDonald, B., Wareham, V.,
Fuller, S.D., Jrgensbye, H.I.., Sklyar, V. & Thompson, A.B. 2009. Coral Identification Guide NAFO Area.
Sci. Coun. Studies, 42: 135. doi:10.2960/S.v42.m1 (also available at www.nafo.int/publications/studies/coral-
Best, M., Kenchington, E., MacIsaac, K., Wareham, V., Fuller, S.D. & Thompson, A.B. 2010. Sponge
Identification Guide NAFO Area. Sci. Coun. Studies, 43: 150. doi:10.2960/S.v43.m1 (also available at
probably need to be discussed with the flag State. Observer reports and logbooks also provide useful
information, and the sharing of these is typically easier than developing VMS sharing agreements.
53. Dr Jorge Paramos presentation was on Deep-sea fishery in the Colombian Caribbean Sea:
management and conservation strategies for an ecosystem approach to fisheries. He presented the
results of exploratory fish surveys and how such fisheries could be managed should commercial
interests develop. The aim of this research was to identify the potential of new deep-sea fisheries in
the Colombian Caribbean Sea, determining their biomass and spatial distribution in order to advise
management and conservation strategies, based on the ecosystem approach to fisheries management.
The research investigated possible new fishing areas, exploring the poorly understood deep-sea
habitats in the Colombian Caribbean Sea, to determine the potential for a viable deep-sea crustacean
fishery. The sampling area extended from the 100 m isobath to a depth of 550 m. In two experimental
trawl surveys carried out in November and December 2009, the investigation found high abundances
of the giant red shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea), the royal red shrimp (Pleoticus robustus), the pink
speckled deep sea shrimp (Penaeopsis serrata) and the deep sea lobster (Metanephrops binghami)
(Table 2), all of which are important commercially. The highest biomasses of these deep-sea
crustacean species were found mainly in the northern zone of the Colombian Caribbean Sea, where
the local oceanography is modulated by highly productive seasonal upwelling. The size structure of
these deep-sea crustaceans of commercial importance showed that the majority of adult individuals
reflect the non-fished populations in the study area. However, further scientific assessment is
necessary to determine population life-cycle parameters of these deep-sea crustaceans and associated
biodiversity before initiating a new commercial fishery. Therefore, studies of deep-sea biodiversity
are necessary in order to understand the degree of stability and vulnerability of deep-sea environments
and enable comparison of conditions before and after exploitation of the fishery. This will enable a
better understanding of the ecosystem to advise ecosystem-based conservation and fisheries
management strategies. Then, the research work identified deep-sea fish assemblages across a depth
range of 200550 m from the Colombian Caribbean Sea and their implications for an ecosystem
approach to fisheries management. A total of 102 species (13 Chondrichthyes and 89 Teleosteans)
from 58 families (9 Chondrichthyes and 49 Teleosteans) of deep-sea fish were sampled. The catch
composition of deep-sea crustaceans of commercial importance in the Colombian Caribbean Sea
showed that crustaceans of commercial importance comprise only 16.6 percent by abundance
(individuals per square kilometre) and 13.5 percent by biomass (kilograms per square kilometre).
They concluded that the management of the potential new deep-sea crustacean fishery should be
based on an ecosystem approach that considers population dynamics and structure, the optimum
allocation of catches and effort, protection of nursery and spawning areas, the development of
monitoring strategies, and the care of ecosystems. Therefore, commercial exploitation cannot begin
until scientific assessment suggests strategies of ecosystem conservation and sustainable use.
Table 2
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Suborder: Dendrobranchiata
Family: Aristeidae
Species: Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Risso,
Common name: Giant red shrimp
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Suborder: Dendrobranchiata
Family: Solenoceridae
Species: Pleoticus robustus (Smith, 1885)
Common name: Royal red shrimp
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Suborder: Dendrobranchiata
Picture used with permission of Perry and Larsen
Family: Penaeidae 2004 (www.gsmfc.org)
Species: Penaeopsis serrata (Bate, 1881)
Common name: Pink speckled shrimp
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Suborder: Pleocyemata
Family: Nephropidae
Species: Metanephrops binghami (Boone,
Common name: Caribbean lobster
54. The discussions focused on two aspects of the presentations: (i) why deep-sea fisheries had
not really developed within the Caribbean; and (ii) how to manage the fish/crustacean stock and
bycatch impacts of a developing deep-sea fishery. Participants generally felt that the first issue was
caused by a combination of factors, such as little experience of deep-sea fisheries, a fleet composed of
fishing vessels that are not designed to be away from port for longer periods, poorly adapted market
infrastructure, and, in general, catch rates that are expected to yield only low economic returns. It was
noted that some of the existing shallower snapper, grouper and shrimp fisheries were expanding their
range and moving into waters deeper than 200 m, and that this might eventually result in the
development of deep-sea fisheries capabilities. The second point is perhaps not one that is preventing
new fisheries from occurring, although some States do have strong regulations within their EEZs, but
one that would have to be considered if a licence were to be granted for a new fishery. To this end, it
was noted that trap fisheries may be a more appropriate starting point than bottom trawl fisheries, as
they can operate from smaller vessels, tend to have a lower operational cost, and have fewer bycatch
concerns. Some bottom-set longline fisheries do occur, and these may also offer opportunities for
expansion into deeper waters.
55. Dr Jos Javier Ali, currently an emeritus researcher and consultant at the Instituto Nacional
de Investigaciones Agrcolas and the Instituto Socialista de la Pesca y Acuicultura, Venezuela
(Bolivarian Republic of), presented work undertaken by a team of scientists that led to a publication
on the current and potential deep sea fishing in jurisdictional waters of Venezuela (Bolivarian
Republic of).16 Deep-sea fishery resources are considered to be those inhabiting the continental shelf
and the abyssal realm, below 200 m. Their presence has been recorded in Venezuela (Bolivarian
Republic of) from exploratory campaigns, and they have been commercially exploited only in recent
years. Between February and November 1988, R/V Fridtjof Nansen made four surveys of fishery
resources between northern Colombia and Suriname, at depths of 5900 m. Later, two private
companies also undertook deep-sea trawling. They identified 870 species or taxa, of which 409 were
found in the depth range 100900 m. Among the latter, there are at least 36 fish species, 5 lobsters,
5 shrimps and 2 crabs and 2 squids that may have commercial interest owing to their size or quality of
meat, in particular: the fish Epinephelus spp., Lutanus spp., Rhomboplites aurorubens, Erytrochles
monody, Merluccius albidus, Lophius gastrophysus and Zenopsis conchifera; the lobsters
Acanthocaris caeca, Metanephrops binghami, Nephropsis rosea, N. aculeata and N. neglecta; the
shrimps Aristaemorpha folicea, Aristeus virilis, A. antillensis, Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus and
Benthesicymus bartletti; and the crabs Chaceon quinquedens and C. eldorado. In recent years, fishers
from La Guaira, central coast of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), and Margarita Island, that
traditionally target snappers and groupers in the Venezuela-Brazil shelf at depths of 30 150 m,
started fishing for these species in the northern sector of the island beyond this depth range and down
to 430 m. The fishing methods and gear types used by these fishers were described. Considering the
sparse distribution of the deep-sea resources, their slow growth rate and the lack of knowledge about
key elements of their biology, the management strategy of their fisheries should involve a very limited
and highly controlled exploitation, along with research programmes using observers on board.
56. There was considerable discussion around many aspects of this presentation. First, the work
and indeed similar exploratory fishing surveys in other parts of the region (e.g. crustaceans off
Colombia, and crabs and shrimp off Bermuda also reported at this workshop) have indicated that there
are potential resources in deeper waters, but that the inshore fishing vessels and local markets may
need to adapt to a new fishery and potentially new products. Export markets for frozen products may
need to be explored, if local demand is low, for example, for offshore hake (Merluccius albidus).
There are also uncertainties on the economic potential of such deep-sea fisheries. The management
aspects need to be addressed if the fisheries are to be sustainable, with minimum impact on bycatch
species. It was also commented that trawl bans exist in some waters of the Caribbean and that trawls
are an expensive method requiring larger vessels. Under such circumstances, trap fisheries for crabs,
snappers or groupers, can be a viable alternative.
57. Also discussed were the partnerships that sometimes exist with taxonomists and that this was
in fact the first indication that fishers were moving into deeper waters. New species were being caught
and identified that do not occur in shallower waters. Such partnerships with taxonomists are
considered important and an initial step in the identification of new resources and in the monitoring of
bycatch. It was mentioned further that if identification of species is problematic DNA barcoding may
Ali, J.J., Lrez, A. & Trujillo, E. 2009. Especies marinas de profundidad como pesqueras potenciales en el
talud continental de Venezuela. BuenasTareas.com [online]. [Cited 30 July 2013].
be a useful means of identification. Moreover, the Internet now hosts many user groups formed
around species groups, which may respond to identification requests.
58. Also discussed was the potential for FAO to provide a neutral platform to work with
Governments and provide a forum whereby managers and scientists can come together to discuss
information relating to shared-stock fisheries or to the sharing of information on existing fisheries. It
was also felt that the current WECAFC workshop, combined with input from FAO headquarters,
supported this and raised the profile of important global issues that need to be understood and acted
upon within the region, even if they are not currently seen as a priority.
Mechanisms available for protecting fish and habitat in the waters of the United States of
59. Dr Robert Brock from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the
United States of America, gave a presentation and highlighted some of the mechanisms available for
protecting fish and habitat in the waters of the United States of America. The United States of
America possesses the largest EEZ in the world (11 351 000 km2). Although representing only
17 percent of the land area, 53 percent of the population of the United States of America (about
168 million people) live within 80 km of the coast. The ocean provides many economic, recreational
and cultural benefits to the nation. The NOAA is the federal agency legally mandated to responsibly
manage the living marine resources of the EEZ and the habitats they depend on. There are almost
30 legal authorities and additional guidance that drive the ocean conservation programmes of the
United States of America. The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act is the
chief legal mechanism for the conservation and management of the nations fishery resources through
the preparation and implementation of fishery management plans. The Sanctuaries Act allows the
Secretary of Commerce (the NOAA is in the Department of Commerce) to designate areas of national
significance national marine sanctuaries and to protect the natural and cultural resources there within.
The Antiquities Act allows the President of the United States of America to sign an executive order to
protect the marine environment by designating national monuments without the need for
congressional approval. On 25 September 2014, President Obama created the worlds largest fully
protected marine reserve in the central Pacific Ocean, signing an executive order that expanded the
existing Pacific Remote Islands National Marine Monument from almost 225 330 km2 to about
1 270 000 km2. Essential fish habitat (EFH) includes all types of aquatic habitat wetlands, coral
reefs, seagrasses, rivers where fish spawn, breed, feed, or grow to maturity. The EFH has been
described for about 1 000 managed species to date. Habitat areas of particular concern (HAPC) are
considered high-priority areas for conservation, management or research because they are rare,
sensitive, stressed by development, or important to ecosystem function. Impacts from certain fishing
practices as well as coastal and marine development threaten to alter, damage or destroy these
habitats. The HAPCs are designated throughout the United States of America, with particularly large
designations (about 325 000 nm2) appearing in the Aleutian Archipelago, Bering Sea and Gulf of
Alaska. Many of these areas are closed to all mobile fishing gear that contacts the bottom, and they
strive to protect the habitats (e.g. corals, sponges, seagrass) that species depend upon. The habitat
blueprint provides a forward-looking framework for NOAA to think and act strategically across
programmes and with partner organizations to address the growing challenge of coastal and marine
habitat loss and degradation. Together, NOAA, the regional fishery management councils and other
federal agencies work to minimize threats to the marine environment, and they have several statutory
instruments at their disposal to do so.
60. A general discussion followed the presentation. It was noted that the United States of America
has similar marine area categories to VMEs, EBSAs, etc., but uses different names, as mentioned
above. The setting up and establishment of these areas can follow many different processes.
Monitoring their use tends to be by tracking of vessels using VMS and then investigating permissions
to see whether their activities are consistent with the area designation and the licences that the vessels
operate under. The designated areas within the United States of America can be no-take zones where
there is no removal of organisms by human activities allowed, or they can allow limited harvests
under controlled conditions and regulations. The whole system within the United States of America is
one of transparency and this leads to a better understanding of the importance of marine areas both as
providers of a resource and as areas to be protected for their biodiversity and conservation value.
62. The replies to the circulated questionnaires included information on large pelagic fisheries as
well as information from within and outside of EEZs. It was difficult to identify which components
related to deep-sea fisheries using bottom-contact gear at depths of 200 m and greater. Therefore, it
was decided to circulate a simplified questionnaire to the workshop participants and discuss these in
smaller groups. The questionnaire asked participants to:
list the deep-sea bottom fisheries below 200 m within the EEZ and in the WECAFC ABNJ
indicate the use of the catch from the deep-sea fisheries listed above;
63. The replies increased the information available to the meeting and further contacts were
provided to gain additional information after the close of the meeting. Replies were received from
Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Grenada,
Guyana, Nicaragua, Panama, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname,
Trinidad and Tobago, Bermuda, and the United States of America. None of these countries reported
having deep-sea fisheries in the WECAFC ABNJ area, although Belize does have some distant deep-
sea fisheries in other regions. Japan, replying to the circulated questionnaire and not present at the
meeting, noted that it did have any fisheries within the WECAFC area. Within EEZs, Barbados
reported the occasional use of traps to catch silk snapper (Lutjanus vivanus) and vermilion snapper
(Rhomboplites aurorubens), and handlines to catch queen snapper (Etelis oculans) below 200 m, but
noted that the maximum depth of these fisheries was normally about 100 m. Colombia reported the
existence of deepwater crustaceans down to 550 m, but that there were no commercial deep-sea
fisheries. The Dominican Republic reported the occasional use of bottom set longlines for snapper
below 200 m, and Nicaragua reported using traps below 200 m for snappers and groupers. Suriname
reported a bottom trawl fishery for big sea shrimps down to 380 m. Bermuda reported an experimental
trap fishery for crabs at 800 m depth in 2013. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) has no commercial
deep-sea fisheries within its EEZ, although surveys have indicated that crustacean, snappers and
groupers may be present in commercial quantities.
64. FAO keeps global fisheries catch statistics that can be extracted through the FAO FishStatJ
software. The catches are assigned to FAO major statistical areas, and are not divided into EEZ and
ABNJ, or by depth or fishing gear. Therefore, it was difficult to interpret the information extracted for
the purposes of this report. A search for alfonsino and orange roughy, two typical deep-water species,
in the Western Central Atlantic returned catches of alfonsino of 278 tonnes (1995) and 15 tonnes
(1996) by the Russian Federation and 7 tonnes (1996) by Iceland. The location of these catches within
Area 31 is unknown. No orange roughy catches were reported.
65. The Dominican Republic, Bermuda and Barbados, all reported that their occasional catches in
deep-sea fisheries were sold fresh to the local market, whereas Suriname and Nicaragua also exported
some of their deep-sea fisheries products.
66. The simplified questionnaires also asked for sources of information from participants that
may be useful when accessing deep-sea fisheries and VMEs in the WECAFC area. In general, there is
a paucity of published information on the deep-sea benthos of this area. This is mainly due to the
apparent lack of demersal fisheries. The information within the EEZ of the United States of America
is likely to be more extensive. The sources in Table 3 may provide initial direction, and these need to
be combined with references contained within this report and in the recent Report of the Wider
Caribbean and Western Mid-Atlantic Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologically
or Biologically Significant Marine Areas published by the Convention on Biological Diversity (see
web link in Table 3).
Table 3
Information sources
67. Dr Ellen Kenchington provided the workshop with an overview of Identifying VMEs in the
WECAFC area drawing on the experiences and practices of RFMO/As. This began with a review of
the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines focusing on the criteria used for identification of VMEs and
the concept of SAIs. She then reviewed the concept of working under the precautionary approach,
both for identification of VMEs using topographical features and for assuming the degree of SAIs.
She discussed the concept of VME indicator species and species groups (taxa) and noted that the
groups identified in NAFO to the north of WECAFC could probably be used in the WECAFC area.
Specifically, these were: large gorgonian corals, small gorgonian corals, sea pens, stony corals, black
corals, sponge grounds, tube dwelling anemones, bryozoans, stalked tunicates and crinoids. Many of
the species within these groupings are probably the same, but others could be added given the
experience of WECAFC members. A VME indicator list is the first step in developing encounter
protocols. Potential VME areas in the WECAFC ABNJ were presented to the meeting for discussion.
These drew on published literature, including a review of CBD EBSAs that used its vulnerability
criterion, which has similarities with the VME criteria.
68. This presentation yielded specific discussions relating to the application of the VME criteria
in the FAO Deep-sea fisheries Guidelines to the areas proposed as being candidate VMEs in the
WECAFC area. A summary of the discussions is that the VME criteria should be set within a
framework of deep-sea fisheries using bottom-contact fishing gear and SAIs, although the impacts
should include potential impacts from expanding fisheries, which in the current context usually means
fisheries expanding into deeper waters. This is consistent with some of the closures made by NAFO,
North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) and South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation
(SEAFO) that are beyond current fishing depths but there to provide protection against uncontrolled
future expansion. The typical lower limits to commercial fisheries are about 1 5002 000 m, although
in most cases the depth fished is within the 3001 000 m depth range.
69. It was mentioned that deep-sea fisheries in ABNJ are documented to occur on the Corner
Seamounts and probably represent the area where deep-sea fisheries for alfonsino occur within both
Area 21 (Northwest Atlantic) and Area 31 (Western Central Atlantic).17 However, this fishery can be
conducted by both bottom trawls and deepwater mid-water trawls, and so it is not necessarily
confined to a fishery using bottom-contact gear, although alfonsino is regarded as a deep-water fish
species. Hence, impacts have probably occurred and are likely to continue to occur.
70. Participants were supportive of the proposed areas for the candidate VMEs, but felt that the
Atlantic Equatorial Fracture Zone in Area 41 required further research and justification than was
currently available. Moreover, the fact that this area borders directly the EEZ of Brazil and no
Brazilian expert was at the workshop made the participants decide to include this area in the report but
not to recommend it as a candidate VME. It was noted that this and other areas within the WECAFC
Area could contain VMEs and that these would be further discussed in future meetings should more
information become available.
71. It was decided that the workshop should focus on potential VMEs within the WECAFC
ABNJ, and that member States could if they wished apply a similar process within their national
jurisdiction (FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines, paragraph 10).
72. Jessica Sanders presented an Introduction to the Worldwide Review of Bottom Fisheries
and the future plans for FAO to update the Worldwide Review of Bottom Fisheries in the High Seas
that was published in 2009 based on information collected in 200306. This was the first publication
to document the major global ABNJ deep-sea fisheries using bottom-contact fishing gear at depths of
Thompson, A.B. & Campanis, G.M. 2007. NAFO SCR 07/06 [online]. [Cited 30 September 2014].
http://archive.nafo.int/open/sc/2007/scr07-006.pdf; and Worldwide review of bottom fisheries in the high seas,
2009, p. 39.
200 m and below. The main chapters were organized by region and described the geography and
bathymetry, management regimes, major deep-sea fisheries, stock status, impacts on VMEs, IUU
fishing, measures and reporting gaps. A similar format will be used to update this review based on
information provided for 20072013. The first edition covered 9 regions, and this will be extended to
11 regions in the updated edition, including the Western Central Atlantic, which was relevant to this
workshop but not included in the first edition. This review is expected to detail the wider initiatives to
reduce bycatch, leaving the more specific VME-related issues that were in the first review to a new
sister publication on VME processes and practices (described below). The hope was expressed that
a mechanism could be developed with participants at the workshop to allow for the drafting of the
chapter on the Western Central Atlantic.
73. Dr Tony Thompson presented an overview of a new synthesis of VME information that FAO
plans to develop as a follow on from the 2010 meeting FAO Workshop on the Implementation of the
FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas
Challenges and Ways Forward. It is also expected that the publication will be useful to States during
their preparation for the next UN Review on deep-sea fisheries. It is expected that this publication will
provide a useful overview to policy-makers, managers and scientists.
74. Participants noted the importance of such a publication, especially when combined with the
update of the Worldwide Review of Bottom Fisheries in the High Seas. Participants agreed that it
would be helpful for FAO to provide an initial draft of the chapter for the WECAFC area, but noted
that the draft should be completed by experts within the WECAFC community to provide the details.
It is appreciated that there is little information within the WECAFC region and that any expansion
from the deep-sea fisheries in the North Atlantic could result in the development of an unknown and
uncontrolled fishery in the Western Central Atlantic. It was therefore seen as important to investigate
further what has happened and may happen in the WECAFC ABNJ. The group felt that ownership
of the WECAFC ABNJ by member States was important and that the UN Part VII Assistance Fund18
could be used to support this.
75. Dr Tony Thompson briefly presented information on the VME DataBase, its structure,
content and functionality. The information on VMEs will be disseminated through the VME DataBase
website comprising web pages, images, video, documents, etc., and VME records that can be viewed
in map and factsheet format. The creation of the VME DataBase followed an invitation from the
UNGA to FAO in 2006 to provide a global database of information on vulnerable marine ecosystems
in areas beyond national jurisdiction to assist States in assessing any impacts of bottom fisheries on
vulnerable marine ecosystems UNGA 61/105, paragraph 89). The VME DataBase is a global
inventory of fisheries measures adopted in ABNJ to prevent SAIs of bottom fisheries on VMEs and
associated information. Information is provided on the oceanic regions and the management
authorities dealing with fisheries, and on the closed areas that satisfy the criteria for VMEs given in
the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines. The DataBase only includes areas associated with VMEs that
have been identified by the competent authority managing fisheries in the region. It includes
information in areas where there is no functioning RFMO/A, providing that flag States have identified
Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations. 2011. Assistance
Fund under Part VII of the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of
Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks. In: Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea,
Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations [online]. [Cited 30 September 2014].
the areas as VMEs and set measures for their flagged vessels. The VME DataBase was demonstrated
live using the web link. Its launch is scheduled for the near future, and RFMO/As have entered and
verified much of the information it holds.
76. There was a general comment from the group, following the live demonstration of this pre-
release version, that some of the language in the text could be more informative. For example, there
was confusion over the term closed area, and it was not clear whether the use of certain fishing gear
types is restricted. It was explained that this was a database that was developed upon specific requests
to assist States in their deliberations on VMEs. It is noted that there are other databases that cover
other spatial management measures in marine areas, and these are included in the table on sources of
information provided in this report. The content of the VME DataBase is primarily derived from
RFMO/As that have adopted measures to delineate areas where VMEs occur and to apply restrictions
as to the use of bottom-contact fishing gear within these areas. The VME DataBase also includes
supporting State measures where these apply to areas in ABNJ that have the characteristics of VME
areas, and these are made usually when there is no RFMO/A within a region.
77. Jessica Sanders informed participants about the upcoming Sustainable fisheries management
and biodiversity conservation of deep-sea living marine resources and ecosystems in the Areas
Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ Deep-seas) project (funded by the Global Environment Facility
[GEF]). The project was approved on 7 June 2014, and the project document can be found on the
web.19 The project is one of four projects within the Global Sustainable Fisheries Management and
Biodiversity Conservation in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) Programme, which
promotes efficient and sustainable management of fisheries resources and biodiversity conservation in
the ABNJ. The ABNJ deep-seas project has four main components: policy and legal frameworks;
VMEs and EBSAs; deep-sea fisheries management; and area-based planning. Under legal and policy
frameworks, there is the development of a guide to implementing existing fisheries frameworks, and
activities relating to networking and the sharing of global practices. Under VMEs and EBSAs, there is
the compilation and analysis of existing information, the worldwide review of deep-sea fisheries, the
VME processes and practices review, and the development of data collection and training manuals.
There are also capacity-building activities for VMEs and EBSAs that may be applicable in the
Western Central Atlantic and in which WECAFC members could participate. The presentation
concluded with a brief introduction to the Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group to study
issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of
national jurisdiction,20 where ongoing discussions are in progress at the UNGA. In addition, the draft
Sustainable Development Goals were presented, including one for oceans (Goal 14), which will be
adopted and released in 201521 and build upon the current Millennium Development Goals.
Available at: www.thegef.org/gef/sites/thegef.org/files/gef_prj_docs/GEFProjectDocuments/Multi%20
Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations. 2014. Ad Hoc
Open-ended Informal Working Group to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine
biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction. In: Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea,
Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations [online]. [Cited 30 September 2014].
www.un.org/depts/los/biodiversityworkinggroup/biodiversityworking group.htm
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development. 2014.
Open Working Group proposal for Sustainable Development Goals. In: United Nations Department of
Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development [online]. [Cited 30 September 2014].
Reporting on potential VMEs in the WECAFC area
78. Dr Raymon van Anrooy presented the draft document on potential VME areas within the
WECAFC area that was developed based on available bathymetric information and supported by
surveys and studies when available. These areas are supported by the criteria given in the FAO Deep-
sea Fisheries Guidelines for VMEs known or likely to occur.
79. There was also discussion on the overall mandate on proposing VME areas, and the opinion
of the workshop was that it could identify areas that satisfy the criteria in the FAO Deep-sea Fisheries
Guidelines for potential VMEs, describe the scientific process used for this, and make
recommendations on these delineated areas to the WECAFC Commission for review and adoption.
However, while management recommendations can be provided by WECAFC, these
recommendations are non-binding. This means that the implementation of management
recommendations is outside of the remit of WECAFC and remains within the domain of member
States and flag States fishing in the WECAFC ABNJ.
80. Following the discussions and amendments to the presented draft document, the areas
described as potential VMEs, and the justifications as to why they fit the criteria, are provided in
Appendix 4.
81. Draft recommendations, based on discussions held during this workshop, were prepared by
the WECAFC Secretariat and presented to the participants for discussion by Dr Raymon van Anrooy.
The participants then discussed these recommendations, and the necessary revisions were made. The
Working Group endorsed recommendations to the sixteenth session of WECAFC, which will be
reviewed by the WECAFC Scientific Advisory Group (SAG). These are given in Appendix 5.
82. Dr Raymon van Anrooy presented the terms of reference of the Working Group on the
Management of Deep Sea Fisheries to the participants for discussion. The updated terms of reference
that will be submitted to the sixteenth session of WECAFC are given in Appendix 6. The Working
Group welcomed with appreciation the offer by Dr Jorge Paramo (Colombia) to act as convener for
the work of the Working Group for the period 201417.
Suggestions for regional and national actions
83. Many ideas were developed throughout the course of the three-day workshop. These were
discussed by participants and an agreed list of suggested actions at the regional and national level was
Generate awareness among the relevant government agencies and fishers about the Deep-Sea
Fisheries Guidelines and the outcomes of this Working Group meeting.
Survey of who is involved in deep-sea fisheries, where, and whether fishing is done only in
the EEZ or also ABNJ, and what species are caught.
Compile information and, where not available, request information on foreign and national
vessels fishing in their EEZs to report on deep sea catches to increase data and information
availability (this may require additional regulations under the fisheries acts).
Investigate the national obligations under existing international and regional fisheries
instruments (e.g. CCCFP,22 OSPESCA-CRFM Memorandum of Understanding) and other
instruments (CBD,23 Cartagena Convention24) and try to implement these.
Develop policies and legislation to facilitate and regulate national fishers to participate in
deep-sea fisheries in respective EEZs (as required) and ABNJ areas.
Identify VMEs in their EEZs and prepare the justification and impact information for the next
Working Group meeting.
Where deep-sea fisheries are taking place in EEZs, pursue the development of
collaboration/projects/requests together with other countries for research, surveys or projects
to improve information and management.
Development of a research proposal for deep-sea fisheries and seek support from the Nansen
Carry out a desk study (mining of available data and information) on fisheries or other
sectoral research activities and commercial fisheries in the deep seas of the ABNJ in the
WECAFC area.
Request foreign fishing fleets operating in the area to report on deep-sea catches to increase
data and information availability (this may require additional regulations under fisheries acts).
Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy.
Convention on Biological Diversity. 1992. Text of the CBD. In: CBD [online]. [Cited 30 September 2014].
United Nations Environment Programme, Caribbean Environment Programme, Regional Co-ordinating Unit.
2000. Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean
Region [online]. [Cited 30 September 2014]. www.cep.unep.org/pubs/legislation/cartxt.html
Collaborate with RFBs in neighbouring regions (NAFO, NEAFC and SEAFO; Fishery
Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic [CECAF]) for improved information and
processes on deep-sea fisheries, IUU issues and others.
Next meeting
84. An offer was made, subject to approval, by Dr Jorge Paramo to host the next meeting of the
Working Group on the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in Colombia, with a tentative date set for
late 2016 or early 2017 following the sixteenth meeting of the Commission in 2016.
Press release
85. A press release was drafted by the WECAFC Secretariat soon after the meeting to publicize
the conclusions of the workshop. The release is included in this report for the sake of completeness,
but it should not be regarded as text agreed by the participants (Appendix 7).
86. The meeting secretariat presented the Working Group with the final agreed versions of the
draft recommendations (Appendix 5) and draft terms of reference (Appendix 6). These were adopted
by the members present at the meeting and will be forwarded to the sixth meeting of the SAG in 2015
and the sixteenth meeting of the Commission in 2016.
List of participants
Nicaragua Suriname
Kenny, Andrew
Lowestoft Laboratory,
Lowestoft, United Kingdom
E-mail: [email protected]
WECAFC Liaison Assistant
Tel.: (+246) 4267110/11 ext. 239
E-mail: [email protected]
Programme Assistant
Tel.: (+246) 4267110/11 ext. 244
E-mail: [email protected]
FAO/WECAFC Technical Workshop on Bottom Fisheries in the High Seas Areas of the
Western Central Atlantic
Morning session
- Opening address by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Water Resource
Management of Barbados
10:10 Adoption of the agenda and arrangements for the Working Group
11:00 International fisheries instruments of importance to high seas fisheries in the WECAFC region
Afternoon session
13:30 Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the high seas of the Atlantic since the adoption of the FAO
deep sea Guidelines
14:10 Deep sea fishery in the Colombian Caribbean Sea: management and conservation strategies
for an ecosystem approach to fisheries
17:15 Cocktail Reception hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Water
Resource Management of Barbados
Morning session
09:00 Deep Sea Fisheries in the high seas of the Atlantic, since the adoption of the FAO Deep Sea
Afternoon session
13:50 Mechanisms Available for Protecting Fish and Habitat in the Waters of the United States
Morning session
11:00 Group discussions on minimum reporting requirements for DSF in the ABNJ
11:30 DSF project information session
Afternoon session
Data reporting form for States fishing in the high seas of the WECAFC area
Data reporting form for States fishing in the High Seas WECAFC area. To be completed by the flag
State of the fishing vessel and forwarded to the WECAFC Secretariat. WECAFC kindly request that
information is provided at a level of detail consistent with the requirements of the FAO DSF
Guidelines (Section 5.1 Data, reporting and assessment, paragraph 32). Please return this form by
August for the previous year. Please complete separate forms for each gear type deployed. Fishing
location should be reported as precisely as possible consistent with confidentiality requirements; use
either latitude and longitude or a recognised name. Please use as many forms as required to submit the
Preliminary identification of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) within the high seas of the
WECAFC Area: seamounts, hydrothermal vents and trenches/ridges
The Workshop considered potential vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) in the WECAFC high seas
areas through application of the FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea
Fisheries in the High Seas (FAO, 2009) and through consideration of available evidence, including
ecologically or biologically significant areas (EBSAs) for the Wider Caribbean and Western Mid-
Atlantic region (CBD, 2012; http://www.cbd.int/ebsa/#!/ebsas) and those proposed for the Northwest
Atlantic (CBD, 2014), which were defined using the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
vulnerability, fragility, sensitivity, or slow recovery criterion (CBD Secretariat, 2009). This
preliminary review identified 4 seamount areas and 1 hydrothermal vent area as VMEs. There was
insufficient time to evaluate the Atlantic Equatorial Fracture Zone as a VME area, in particular owing
to the absence of Brazilian scientists at the meeting. Concerns over this area were expressed owing to
the potential for bottom fishing to cause significant adverse impacts (SAIs) given that the area is
within fishable depths. Those VME areas are indicated in Figure A4.1. It was also suggested that the
Mid-Atlantic Ridge could qualify as a VME area, following the practices of the North East Atlantic
Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) and the South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (SEAFO). The
potential for seamounts off the Brazilian EEZ as VME sites were also noted. These and other areas
will be further explored during the next meeting of the Deep-sea Fisheries Working Group.
A summary of the evidence for each of the proposed candidate VME areas is listed below:
x x X x X ?
or rarity
x x X x X X
of the
Fragility X X X x X x
x x X x x x
? ? ? ? ? ?
Comment Needs
Notes: X = strong evidence; x = some evidence based on limited observations; ? = uncertain but
Figure A4.1
Proposed candidate (shown in yellow) and potential (shown in brown) VME areas considered in
this report
The FAO/WECAFC Technical Workshop on Bottom Fisheries in the High Seas Areas of the Western
Central Atlantic identified five areas that met the VME criteria as detailed in the FAO International
Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas (FAO, 2009).
For each of these areas (Figure A4.2), a justification, physical location, general biology and summary
of known impacts are provided, with associated literature references. This information can be used to
populate the associated fact sheets in the FAO VME Database if the proposal is endorsed by
Figure A4.2
Proposed candidate VME areas recommended to the WECAFC Scientific Advisory Group
(SAG) by the FAO/WECAFC Technical Workshop on Bottom Fisheries in the High Seas Areas
of the Western Central Atlantic
Corner Seamounts (Caloosahatchee Seamount with Milne-Edwards Peak, Verrill Peak, Justus
The proposed candidate Corner Seamount VME area in the WECAFC area is delineated in yellow
(Figure A4.3). The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Corner Seamounts Closure (as
per Article 16 of the 2014 NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures) is indicated in red, and
the proposed CBD EBSA area (CBD, 2014) is indicated in grey. The NAFO/WECAFC boundary is
indicated along the 35 latitude parallel, with the NAFO Statistical Divisions 6G and 6H to the north.
Figure A4.3
Seamounts are rare islands of hard substratum and uniquely complex habitats that rise into bathyal
and epipelagic depths. They tend to support endemic populations and unique faunal assemblages.
Seamounts host complex coral and sponge communities comprised of species vulnerable to bottom-
contact fishing gear including trawls, gillnets, traps, benthopelagic trawls, etc. (Morato, William and
Pitcher, 2004; Stocks, 2004). Consequently, they are considered to be areas where VMEs are likely to
occur. Seamounts are listed as areas with potential VMEs in both UN General Assembly Resolutions
(e.g. UNGA, 2006) and the FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries
in the High Seas (FAO, 2009). A portion of the Corner Seamounts north of the WECAFC area is
closed to bottom fishing by NAFO, although exploratory fishing is permitted there (NAFO, 2014).
The area was identified as an EBSA by the North-west Atlantic Regional Workshop of the CBD
(CBD, 2014), and the CBD Sargasso Sea Summary Report (CBD, 2012) considered by the eleventh
meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 11) of the CBD also highlighted the high vulnerability
of the Corner Rise Seamounts.
Physical description:
The Corner Seamounts are the shallowest seamounts in the New England Corner Rise Seamount
system, rising from the sea floor to about 1 000 m depth or higher and cover about 1 270 km2 in area
from peaks above 2 000 m depth. This area, referred to as the New England hotspot, is more than
3 000 km long. The spatial gap of about 300 km between the New England and Corner Rise Seamount
chains arose through a pause in volcanic activity 83 million years ago (Shank, 2010). Named
seamounts within the Corner Rise Seamount chain include: Bean Seamount, Caloosahatchee
Seamount with Milne-Edwards Peak, Verrill Peak, Castle Rock Seamount, Corner Seamount with
Goode Peak and Kukenthal Peak, Justus Seamount, MacGregor Seamount, Rockaway Seamount, and
Yakutat Seamount. Some of these peaks fall outside of the WECAFC convention area. The
Caloosahatchee Seamount with Milne-Edwards Peak, Verrill Peak and Justus Seamount fall within
the WECAFC convention area.
General biology:
Pristine coral areas have been documented in five of the Corner Seamounts using remote operated
vehicles (Waller et al., 2007). Splendid alfonsino (Beryx splendens) is the most abundant deep-sea
fish species found in these seamounts (Vinnichenko, 1997; Durn Muoz et al., 2005; Murillo et al.,
2008, Auster et al., 2005; Auster, Moore and Sulak, 2010). This species appears to aggregate near
certain seamounts. In addition to alfonsino, other abundant fish species include black scabbardfish
(Aphanopus carbo), wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) and cardinal fish (Epigonus telescopus), a
slow-growing and long-lived species. Kukenthal Peak and, more generally, the western portion of the
Corner Rise have been shown to be areas of high fish species diversity and abundance compared with
other parts of the Corner Seamounts (Gonzlez-Costas and Lorenzo, 2007; Auster, Moore and Sulak,
2010). It is unknown to what degree there is connectivity among the seamounts in the Corner Rise
seamount chain, although some studies have shown clear distinctions between the New England and
Corner Rise seamount fauna (Cho, 2008).
Seamount ecosystems are sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance because the fishes and invertebrates
they are comprised of are mostly slow-growing, long-lived, late to mature, and experience low natural
mortality. Fisheries (using bottom trawl and mid-water trawl) on the Corner Seamounts for splendid
alfonsino (Beryx splendens) took place on a regular basis from 1976 to 1996, with total fish removals
between 1976 and 1995 exceeding 19 000 tonnes (alfonsino being the most abundant species in the
catch) (Vinnichenko, 1997). This fishing effort was followed by a nine-year pause and started again in
2004. Catches for this fishery ranged from about 50 to 1 200 tonnes and effort ranged from 4 to
50 days (NAFO, 2013). It is unclear to what extent these fish move over the seamount chain, and
removals in the NAFO convention area may affect the populations in the WECAFC convention area.
In recent years, this fishery has generally been small (catches of 302 tonnes in 2012). Bycatch of
vulnerable species, such as small-tooth sand tiger shark (listed as vulnerable under the IUCN Red List
for Threatened Species) may be an issue. Bottom trawling between 1976 and 1995 on the Corner
Seamounts caused extensive destruction of the benthic fauna on the summits of Kukenthal peak and
Yukutat Seamount in the NAFO convention area (Waller et al., 2007).
The proposed candidate New England Seamount VME area in the WECAFC area is delineated in
light blue in Figure A4.4. The NAFO New England Seamounts Closure (as per Article 16 of the 2014
NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures) is indicated in red, and the proposed CBD EBSA
area (CBD, 2014) is indicated in grey. The NAFO/WECAFC boundary is indicated along the 35
latitude parallel, with the NAFO Statistical Divisions 6F and 6G to the north.
Figure A4.4
Seamounts are rare islands of hard substratum and uniquely complex habitats that rise into bathyal
and epipelagic depths. They tend to support endemic populations and unique faunal assemblages.
Seamounts host complex coral and sponge communities comprised of species vulnerable to bottom-
contact fishing gear including trawls, gillnets, traps, benthopelagic trawls, etc. (Morato, William and
Pitcher, 2004; Stocks, 2004). Consequently, they are considered to be areas where VMEs are likely to
occur. Seamounts are listed as areas with potential VMEs in both UN General Assembly Resolutions
(e.g. UNGA, 2006) and the FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries
in the High Seas (FAO, 2009). A portion of the New England Seamounts north of the WECAFC area
is closed to bottom fishing by NAFO, although exploratory fishing is permitted there (NAFO, 2014).
The area was identified as an EBSA by the North-west Atlantic Regional Workshop of the CBD
(CBD, 2014), and the CBD Sargasso Sea Summary Report (CBD, 2012) considered by the eleventh
meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 11) of the CBD also highlighted the high vulnerability
of the New England Seamounts.
Physical description:
The New England Seamounts are a 1 200-km-long chain of about 30 volcanic peaks in the North
Atlantic extending from Georges Bank within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the United
States of America to the eastern end of the Bermuda Rise. The New England seamounts are in the
New England Corner Rise Seamount system (Shank, 2010). This area, referred to as the New
England hotspot, is more than 3 000 km long. The spatial gap of about 300 km between the New
England and Corner Rise Seamount chains arose through a pause in volcanic activity 83 million years
ago (Shank, 2010). Named seamounts within the New England Seamount chain include: Allegheny
Seamount, Asterias Seamount, Balanus Seamount, Bear Seamount, Buell Seamount, Gerda Seamount,
Gilliss Seamount, Gosnold Seamount, Gregg Seamount, Hodgson Seamount, Kelvin Seamount, Kiwi
Seamount, Manning Seamount, Michael Seamount, Mytilus Seamount, Nashville Seamount,
Panulirus Seamount, Picket Seamount, Physalia Seamount, Rehoboth Seamount, Retriever Seamount,
San Pablo Seamount, Sheldrake Seamount, Vogel Seamount. These fall almost entirely within the
NAFO convention area or the United States EEZ, except for Nashville Seamount, which falls within
the WECAFC convention area.
General biology:
These seamounts are rare islands of hard substratum and uniquely complex habitats that rise into
bathyal and epipelagic depths. In general, seamounts, owing to their isolation, tend to support
endemic populations and unique faunal assemblages. Scientific studies indicate that seamounts
summits and upper slopes can provide refugia for cold-water stony corals from ocean acidification as
they lie in shallower waters than the surrounding sea bed with a higher aragonite saturation horizon
(Tittensor et al., 2010; Rowden et al., 2010). Coral and other hard-bottom VME indicators have been
documented on these seamounts (Moore et al., 2001; Murillo et al., 2008; Watling et al., 2011).
Splendid alfonsino (Beryx splendens) is the most abundant deep-sea fish species found in these
seamounts (Durn Muoz et al., 2005; Auster et al., 2005; Auster, Moore and Saluk, 2010).
Seamount ecosystems are sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance because the fishes and invertebrates
they are comprised of are mostly slow-growing, long-lived, late to mature, and experience low natural
mortality. Some exploratory fishing may have been undertaken on the New England Seamounts.
Limited commercial fishing activity was observed on the New England Seamounts from VMS data
from 2003 to 2007.
The proposed candidate Wyoming Seamount (black points marking corners of area) and Congress and
Lynch Seamounts (white points marking corners of area) VME areas in the WECAFC area are
delineated in green in Figure A4.5. The proposed CBD EBSA area showing the Nashville Seamount
(CBD, 2014) is indicated in grey to the north. Depth below the surface (metres) is indicated on the
base map.
Figure A4.5
Proposed candidate Wyoming Seamount and Congress and Lynch Seamounts VME areas
Seamounts are rare islands of hard substratum and uniquely complex habitats that rise into bathyal
and epipelagic depths. They tend to support endemic populations and unique faunal assemblages.
Seamounts host complex coral and sponge communities comprised of species vulnerable to bottom-
contact fishing gear including trawls, gillnets, traps, benthopelagic trawls, etc. (Morato, William and
Pitcher, 2004; Stocks, 2004). Consequently, they are considered to be areas where VMEs are likely to
occur. Seamounts are listed as areas with potential VMEs in both UN General Assembly Resolutions
(e.g. UNGA, 2006) and the FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries
in the High Seas (FAO, 2009).
Physical description:
The Sohm Abyssal Plain is a T-shaped sedimentary province situated south of Georges Bank in the
Gulf of Maine, and the Scotian Shelf, covering an area of about 660 000 km2. The southern portion of
the vertical bar of the T extends about 780 km south of the Maritime Continental Margin and lies east
of Bermuda. Stanley et al. (1981) provide topographic details of the Congress and Lynch Seamounts.
They occur southeast of the New England Seamount Chain in the approximate centre of this part of
the Sohm Abyssal Plain. They are located on sea floor formed about 90 million years ago. Congress
Seamount is about 1 114 km due east of Bermuda. Its nearest large neighbours are the Wyoming and
Nashville Seamounts, about 150 and 210 km to the northwest, and Lynch Seamount about 90 km to
the southeast. Congress is a twin-peaked seamount, with each peak separated by 27 km. They are
situated on a northeastsouthwest axis with the northern summit slightly lower (2 554 m) than the
southern summit (2 578 m). They rise 2 803 m and 2 779 m, respectively, above the floor of the
surrounding Sohm Abyssal Plain (5 357 m). The average overall slope of the northern peak is about
9; the average slope of the southern peak is about 10. The Lynch Seamount is about 179 m deeper
(2642 m). The basal area of the single-peaked Lynch mount is comparable in size with that of either
of the Congress peaks. The summit of the Wyoming Seamount is 2 926 m below sea level, rendering
it deeper than the Congress and Lynch Seamounts. It also has a wider base than the Congress and
Lynch Seamounts. It is located on the eastward scarp of the northern Bermuda Rise and appears to be
influenced by westward-flowing bottom currents that create areas of erosion and deposition
(Helmrath, 1997).
General biology:
These seamounts are rare islands of hard substratum and uniquely complex habitats that rise into
bathyal and epipelagic depths. In general, seamounts, owing to their isolation, tend to support
endemic populations and unique faunal assemblages. Scientific studies indicate that seamounts
summits and upper slopes can provide refugia for cold-water stony corals from ocean acidification as
they lie in shallower waters than the surrounding sea bed with a higher aragonite saturation horizon
(Tittensor et al., 2010; Rowden et al., 2010). Stanley et al. (1981) report on seafloor photographs
taken at three stations on and near the Congress Seamount. These are too poor to identify benthos and
were taken for confirmation of surficial geology. The area lies within the region of highest suspended
particulate matter concentration in the North Atlantic Ocean (Biscaye and Eittreim, 1977). Congress
Seamount is influenced by high bottom-current activity related to the westward-directed return flow
of the southern Gulf Stream Gyre, indicating that the area is good habitat for deposit and suspension
No data were found to assess the impact of bottom fishing on these seamounts.
The proposed candidate Mid-Atlantic Ridge Hydrothermal Vents VME area in the WECAFC area is
delineated in orange in Figure A4.6. The proposed CBD EBSA area showing the EBSA of the same
name (CBD, 2014) is indicated in green.
Figure A4.6
Latitude (DMS) Longitude (DMS)
30 16' 32" N 41 41' 41" W
29 46' 5" N 42 01' 8" W
29 47' 23" N 42 34' 10" W
24 08' 30" N 45 26' 31" W
23 55' 33" N 44 36' 38" W
23 05' N 44 43' 7" W
23 41' 17" N 47 01' 46" W
30 50' 14" N 42 45' 50" W
Hydrothermal vents are unique habitats dominated by temperatures much warmer than those of the
surrounding deep sea and characterized by a sulphur-rich chemistry. A small number of endemic taxa
are adapted to these otherwise inhospitable environments and can occur at high density and biomass
(Bacharty, Legendre and Desbruyres, 2009). Consequently, they are considered to be areas where
VMEs are likely to occur. Hydrothermal vents are listed as areas with potential VMEs in both UN
General Assembly Resolutions (e.g. UNGA, 2006) and the FAO International Guidelines for the
Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas (FAO, 2009). The area was identified as an
EBSA by the North-west Atlantic Regional Workshop of the CBD (CBD, 2014).
Physical description:
The proposed candidate Mid-Atlantic Ridge Hydrothermal Vent VME follows the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
(MAR) from the Lost City Vent Fields at 30.125 N -42.1183 W to the Snake Pit vent fields at 23.3683
N -44.95 W and includes the confirmed active Broken Spur and Transverse-Atlantic Geotraverse
(TAG) vents. The Lost City vent field is estimated to have been active for more than 30 000 years and
has unique characteristics, being a relatively low temperature vent with high alkalinity. The entire
feature is in ABNJ within the WECAFC area.
The Lost City vent field is an extensive hydrothermal field at 30N near the eastern intersection of the
MAR and the Atlantis Fracture Zone first discovered in 2000 (Kelley et al., 2007). Four vents are
identified from the area: IMAX, Poseidon, Seeps and Nature (InterRidge Vents Database v. 3.2;
http://vents-data.interridge.org/ventfield/lost-city). It is located on a dome-like massif (the Atlantis
Massif) and is dominated by steep-sided white carbonate chimneys reaching to 60 m in height. The
vent field is estimated to have been active for more than 30 000 years, exceeding the known longevity
of black-smoker-type hydrothermal vents by two orders of magnitude.
The Broken Spur vent field, located at 2910'N on the MAR, is formed by five hydrothermal vents:
Bogdanov, Saracens Head (a black smoker), Spire, Wasps Nest, White Mushroom (InterRidge
Vents Database v. 3.2; http://vents-data.interridge.org/ventfield). Hydrothermal activity at the Broken
Spur vent field has been of the order of several thousand years. It is relatively isolated, being the only
vent field between 27 and 30N (Baker and German, 2004). Hydrothermal activity within the Broken
Spur vent field is controlled by a combination of recent volcanic and tectonic activity, similar to the
vents at Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike, and Snake Pit. The field can be subdivided into an eastern valley
and a western plateau. Three sulphide mounds, with high-temperature fluid vents (365 C), and two
weathered sulphide mounds, with low-temperature fluid seeps, are aligned across an axial summit
trench (geological term: graben) that lies along the crest of a ridge within the axial valley floor. The
largest high-temperature venting sulphide mound, which is up to 40 m high, is found in the centre of
this trench. Two further and smaller high-temperature sulphide mounds are located to the east and
west of the larger mound (cf. CBD, 2014).
The Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) hydrothermal vent field is located on base of the median
valley wall of the MAR crest near latitude 26N at 3 670 m. It was the first high-temperature (369 C)
vent field discovered on the MAR. Seven vents are associated with this black-smoker complex: Alvin
zone, Daibutsu, Kremlin, Mir zone, ODP 957M, ODP 957D and Shimmering Mound (InterRidge
Vents Database v. 3.2; http://vents-data.interridge.org/ventfield). The TAG is within a larger
hydrothermal field that extends over an area of at least 5 km 5 km and consists of currently active
low- and high-temperature zones, as well as a number of relict deposits (InterRidge Vents Database v.
3.2; http://vents-data.interridge.org/ventfield). Black-smoker fluids are extremely concentrated and
exit vigorously from a central black-smoker complex to form a large, buoyant black plume (Rona et
al., 1986).
The Snake Pit hydrothermal vent site lies on the axis of the MAR at 2322N latitude, about 30 km
south of the Kane Transform Intersection. Active black-smoker vents and a surrounding field of
hydrothermal sediment occur at the crest of a laterally extensive neovolcanic ridge. The Snake Pit
vents are located on a local peak of a volcanic ridge at a depth of 3 500 m. The vent field includes
four vents: Moose, Beehive, Fir Tree and Nail (InterRidge Vents Database v. 3.2; http://vents-
data.interridge.org/ventfield/snake-pit), and is at least 600 m long and up to 200 m wide and is
covered by a thick blanket of greenish to yellow-orange hydrothermal sediment. Both active and
extinct vents are perched along the crests of steep-sided sulphide mounds that reach heights of more
than 40 m. High-temperature (366 C) fluids are vented from black-smoker chimneys and low-
temperature (226 C) fluids seep from sulphide domes (Karson and Brown, 1989).
General biology:
Hydrothermal vents are habitats dominated by temperatures much warmer than those of the
surrounding deep sea and characterized by a sulphur-rich chemistry that is highly toxic to most life. A
small number of endemic taxa are adapted to these otherwise inhospitable environments and can
occur at high density and biomass. Globally, about 600 species have been described from
hydrothermal areas. Many of the invertebrates among them are endemic to the vents (Desbruyres,
Segonzac and Bright, 2006). These vent communities are dependent on chemosynthetic production of
microbial biomass, which on the MAR has been found to occur in warm water emissions, loosely
rock-attached flocculent material, dense bacterial mats covering the surfaces of polymetal sulphide
deposits, and filamentous microbes on the carapaces of shrimp (Wirsen, Jannasch and Molyneaux,
2012). The bacterial mats on polymetal sulphide surfaces contained unicellular and filamentous
bacteria. Primary production based on chemosynthesis forms the basis of the food web associated
with hydrothermal vents. The Lost City vent fluids are relatively cool (4091 C) and alkaline (pH
9.09.8), supporting dense microbial communities. In the Broken Spur vent field, the fauna colonizing
the vents are distinct from those found at other hydrothermal sites on the MAR (Murton, Van Dover
and Southward, 1995). Shell hash, possibly derived from vent clams in various stages of dissolution,
is identified on bottom photographs from the TAG. Massive swarms of bresiliid shrimp are associated
with the hydrothermal chimneys there (Gebruk, Pimenov and Savvichev, 1993). An abundance of
shrimps occurs around the chimneys at the Snake Pit vent field, while the vent fauna consists of
anemones, worm tubes, large gastropods, bivalves, crabs, and zoarcid fishes (Grassle et al., 1986;
Mevel et al., 1989).
No data were found to assess the impact of bottom fishing on this area.
Areas that might qualify as VMEs but which require more research
The potential Atlantic Equatorial Fracture Zone VME area in the WECAFC area (black) is delineated
in brown in Figure A4.7. The proposed CBD EBSA area extends into the Brazilian EEZ and to the
waters westward of the WECAFC boundary (CBD, 2012).
Figure A4.7
0 00' N 20 00' W
5 00' S 20 00' W
5 00' S 29 15' 7" W
0 00' N 26 08' 26" W
Trenches and ridges are typically hard-bottom features surrounded by the soft sediments of the
abyssal plain. Consequently, they are considered to be areas where VMEs are likely to occur. In
addition, yellowfin tuna may use part of this area as spawning grounds. The Wider Caribbean and
Western Mid-Atlantic region CBD Workshop (CBD, 2012) identified this area as an EBSA, and it has
been subsequently agreed upon by the CBD Conference of the Parties.
Physical description:
This feature is characterized by parallel ridge crests and trenches that extend in the eastwest direction
approaching the northeast Brazilian continental margin. These crests are typically 1 0002 000 m
deep, in the WECAFC area. Steep trenches delimit the northsouth width of the ridge crests and may
reach 4 0006 000 m abyssal depths (CBD, 2012). The average depth for the Atlantic Equatorial
Fracture Zone VME area within the WECAFC area is 4 861 m, with a minimum depth of 1 744 m and
a maximum depth of 6 808 m. These values were obtained using GEBCO bathymetry.
General biology:
The CBD Report of the Wider Caribbean and Western Mid-Atlantic Regional Workshop to Facilitate
the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) includes details of
the biology of this area (CBD, 2012). However, it was difficult for participants at this workshop to
determine what aspects were relevant to the WECAFC area. Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares),
bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) and swordfish (Xiphias gladius) concentrate in the equatorial area of
the Atlantic as part of their feeding and reproductive routes. Similarly, the largest-known population
of leatherback turtle (Demochelis coriacea), which nests on the coast of Gabon (West Africa),
includes the west Equatorial Atlantic as one of their main feeding grounds. High benthic biomass,
particularly on the western Equatorial area has been predicted through modelling exercises. The
southern MAR (MAR-ECO project) has shown high benthic diversity associated with the ridges and
No data were found to assess the impact of fishing on this area, although it was noted that parts of the
area are within fishable depth (less than 2 000 m) and so there is a risk of damage to VMEs through
bottom fishing. It was noted that ICCAT may have more data on the location of spawning
aggregations and that this should be followed up on. It was further noted that the
CFMC/WECAFC/OSPESCA/CRFM Working Group on Spawning Aggregations might be a useful
resource for this working group on determining the spawning aggregations of yellowfin tuna and
swordfish in the WECAFC area (FAO Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission, 2014).
Auster, P.J., Moore, J. & Sulak, K. 2010. Patterns of diversity of deep canyon and seamount fishes
in the Western North Atlantic. American Fisheries Society, 2010 Annual Meeting. Abstracts with
Auster, P.J., Moore, J., Heinonen, K. & Watling, L. 2005. A habitat classification scheme for
seamount landscapes: assessing the functional role of deepwater corals as fish habitat. In
A. Freiwald & J.M. Roberts, eds. Cold-water corals and ecosystems, pp. 761769. Berlin,
Bachraty, C., Legendre, P. & Desbruyres, D. 2009. Biogeographic relationships among deep-sea
hydrothermal vent faunas at global scale. Deep Sea Res. I., 56: 13711378.
Baker, E.T. & German, C.R. 2004. On the global distribution of hydrothermal vent fields. In
C.R. German, J. Lin & L.M. Parson, eds. Mid-ocean ridges: hydrothermal interactions between
the lithosphere and oceans, pp. 245266. Geophysical Monograph Series 148.
Biscaye, P.E. & Eittreim, S.E. 1977. Suspended particulate loads and transports in the nepheloid
layer on the abyssal Atlantic Ocean. Marine Geology, 23:155172.
CBD. 2012. Report of the Wider Caribbean and Western Mid-Atlantic Regional Workshop to
Facilitate the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs).
UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/16/INF/7. 23 April 2012 [online]. [Cited 30 September 2014].
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Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas. UNEP/CBD/EBSA/WS/2014/2/4. 26 May
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Directives internationales sur la gestion de la pche profonde en haute mer. Directrices
Internacionales para la Ordenacin de las Pesqueras de Aguas Profundas en Alta Mar.
Rome/Roma, FAO. 73 pp. (also available at www.fao.org/docrep/011/i0816t/i0816t00.HTM).
FAO Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission. 2014. Report of the first meeting of the
CFMC/WECAFC/OSPESCA/CRFM Working Group on Spawning Aggregations. Miami, United
States of America, 2931 October 2013. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 1059.
Bridgetown, FAO. 29 pp. (also available at
Gebruk, A.V., Pimenov, N.V. & Savvichev, A.S. 1993. Feeding specialization of bresiliid shrimps
in the TAG site hydrothermal community. MEPS, 98: 247253.
Grassle, F.J., Humphris, S.E., Rona, P.A., Thompson, G. & Van Dover, C.L. 1986. Animals at
Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vents. Eos, 67(44): 1022.
Gonzlez-Costas, F. & Lorenzo, J.V. 2007. Spanish fisheries information in Corner Rise Seamount
Complex (NAFO Divisions 6GH). NAFO SCR Doc. 07/26.
Helmrath, E. 1997. The influence of seamounts on the glacial-age drift sedimentation; Northern
Bermuda Rise. Abstract. Geological Society of Maine Spring Meeting, July 1997.
Karson, J.A. & Brown, J.R. 1989. Geologic setting of the Snake Pit hydrothermal site: an active
vent field on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Marine Geophysical Researches, 10: 91107.
Kelley, D.S., Frh-Green, G.L., Karson, J.A. & Ludwig, K.A. 2007. The Lost City hydrothermal
field revisited. Oceanography, 20(4): 9099.
Mevel, C., Auzende, J.-M., Cannat, M., Donval, J.-P., Dubois, J., Fouquet, Y., Gente, P.,
Grimaud, D., Karsson, J.A., Segonza, M. & Stievenard, M. 1989. La ride du Snake Pit (dorsale
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Moore, J.A., Vecchione, M., Hartel, K.E., Collette, B.B., Galbraith, J.K., Gibbons, R.,
Turnipseed, M., Southworth, M. & Watkins, E. 2001. Biodiversity of Bear Seamount, New
England seamount chain: results of exploratory trawling. NAFO SCR Doc. 01/155. 8 pp.
Morato, T., William, W.L. & Pitcher, T.J. 2004. Vulnerability of seamount fish to fishing: fuzzy
analysis of life-history attributes. In T. Morato & D. Pauly, eds. Seamounts: biodiversity and
fisheries, pp. 5159. Fisheries Centre Research Rep. 12(5).
Murillo, J., Durn Muoz, P., Sacau, M., Gonzlez-Troncoso, D. & Serrano, A. 2008.
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RECALLING that the objective of the Commission is to promote the effective conservation,
management and development of the living marine resources within the area of competence of the
Commission, in accordance with the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, and to address
common problems of fisheries management and development faced by members of the Commission;
MINDFUL of the fact that eighty-nine percent of the waters in the WECAFC area of competence
have a depth of 400 meters or greater, that eighty-six percent of the water surface area has a depth
greater than 1000 meters, and that fifty-one percent of the WECAFC area is considered high seas;
NOTING with concern the very limited information currently available about deep sea fish stocks and
their respective catches in the WECAFC area;
ACKNOWLEDGING that the 1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement and the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct
for Responsible Fisheries and the 2001 Reykjavik Declaration call for application of the precautionary
approach and an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF);
MINDFUL of the various UN General Assembly resolutions to sustainably manage fish stocks and
protect vulnerable marine ecosystems for deep-sea fisheries in the high seas, and noting particularly
the importance of paragraphs 80-90 of resolution 61/105 and of paragraphs 113-120 of resolution
ACKNOWLEDGING further that in the WECAFC mandate area currently no regional fishery
management organization (RFMO) exists which is responsible for deep sea fisheries management,
and that as a consequence (and in line with UNCLOS) States participating in deep sea fisheries should
cooperate to adopt and implement interim conservation and management measures to ensure
sustainable management of fisheries in the long term and to prevent significant adverse impacts on
RECALLING the establishment of the WECAFC Working Group on the management of deep-sea
fisheries by WECAFC 14 in 2012 and the Resolution WECAFC/14/2012/1 On Strengthening the
implementation of international fisheries instruments;
REAFFIRMING that the 2008 FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea
Fisheries in the High Seas provide the necessary guidance on management factors ranging from an
appropriate regulatory framework to the components of good data collection programs and include the
identification of key management considerations and measures necessary to ensure conservation of
target and non-target species, as well as affected habitats, and encourage implementation by all
WECAFC members involved in DSFs;
RECOGNIZING that deep sea fisheries RFMOs which cover adjacent areas to the WECAFC mandate
area (e.g. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization -NAFO, South East Atlantic Fisheries
Organisation SEAFO, and North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission -NEAFC) have made
considerable progress in managing deep sea fisheries and identification of Vulnerable Marine
Ecosystems (VMEs), and that lessons can be learned from their processes and measures;
NOTING the report with deliberations and outcomes of the FAO/WECAFC Technical Workshop on
Bottom Fisheries in the High Seas Areas of the Western Central Atlantic, Barbados, 30 September - 2
October 2014;
PENDING the delivery of additional information by the Working Group and the WECAFC Scientific
Advisory Group (SAG);
ADOPTS in conformity with the provision of Article 6 (h) of the Revised Statutes of the WECAFC
Corner Seamounts
Latitude (DMS) Longitude (DMS)
Wyoming Seamount
Latitude (DMS) Longitude (DMS)
6. Members of WECAFC collaborate in the identification of other VMEs in the areas beyond
national jurisdiction in the WECAFC mandate area. WECAFC explores options to work
cooperatively with neighbouring RFBs and FAO, on the improvement and harmonization of
exploratory fishing protocols, DSF management plans, precautionary measures, and
collection of monitoring data and other DSF information and statistics.
Terms of Reference of the Working Group on the Management of Deep Sea Fisheries
Deep sea fisheries in the high seas are those where the total catch includes species that can only
sustain low exploitation rates, and that are conducted using fishing gears that either contact or are
likely to contact the sea floor during the course of the fishing operations. Eighty-nine percent of the
waters in the WECAFC area of competence have a depth of 400 meters or greater. Eighty-six percent
of the water surface area has a depth greater than 1000 meters. Fifty-one percent of the WECAFC
area is considered high-seas. The information available about deep sea fish stocks and their catches in
the WECAFC area is insignificant.
Hardly any data on deep sea fish stocks and catches in the region are collected or reported. The
vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) in the deep sea areas and particularly in the high seas areas in
the WECAFC competence area have not been identified. The current gaps in knowledge and
information on this subject may have serious effects for the management of stocks and sustainability
of fisheries operations in the waters concerned. While in many regions countries and Regional
Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) have made efforts to increase knowledge and
information on this subject, this is not the case in the WECAFC area.
The 2008 FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas
provide guidance on management factors ranging from an appropriate regulatory framework to the
components of good data collection programs and include the identification of key management
considerations and measures necessary to ensure conservation of target and non-target species, as well
as affected habitats. Making a joint effort towards implementation of these internationally accepted
voluntary guidelines is highly necessary in the WECAFC region.
The objective of the Working group is to inform and provide guidance for the management of deep
sea fisheries by WECAFC members, in such a manner as to promote responsible fisheries that provide
economic opportunities, while ensuring the conservation of marine living resources and the protection
of marine biodiversity and to facilitate the implementation of the FAO International Guidelines for the
Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas.
a) Collect and review of existing (past and present) data and information on the deep sea
fisheries in the WECAFC area, in addition to identifying the potential of such fisheries in the
b) Meet and analyse the data and information collected and make recommendations for the
sustainability of the deep sea fisheries in the WECAFC region.
c) Identify priority areas for future work and international funding and support for the work
d) Organize in 2014 a WECAFC Technical Workshop on Bottom Fisheries in the High Seas
Areas of the Western Central Atlantic to present and discuss the findings and
recommendations of the working group, and to obtain inputs from the WECAFC members.
e) Develop a Chapter on the Western Central Atlantic for the 2014/2015 FAO Worldwide
review of bottom fisheries in the high seas.
f) Report to the Commission at its next session, its conclusions and recommendations for further
3. Mode of Operation
Membership shall consist of all Members of WECAFC, including Overseas Territories and
Departments, with an interest in deep sea fisheries. Membership may also include representatives of
deep sea fisheries stakeholders of Members, Non-members, as well as relevant regional and regional
organizations and experts.
The members of the Working Group, on behalf of WECAFC members, will have expertise in deep
sea fisheries and its management, deep sea fish species and the vulnerability of stocks, VMEs and/or
high seas legal frameworks, in their respective countries. They will play an important role through the
following activities and commitments:
Participate in agreed activities of the Working Group, and ensuring the participation of
appropriate other experts from the country (if required);
Support implementation of the draft recommendations prepared by the Working Group at the
national level;
Assist by hosting Working Group meetings on a rotational (periodic) basis (as appropriate).
The Working Group members from partner organizations at international and regional level will
provide (in-kind) expertise, participate in information and data collection, facilitate funding,
collaborate in the organization of workshop(s) and funding of experts participation (if appropriate),
support the co-ordination and communication in the Working Group and support the decision-making
process in the Wider Caribbean Region in order to reach well-balanced outputs and recommendations
that are acceptable to the region and can account with the support from the various partners in terms
of implementation and follow-up.
The Working Group shall elect a Convener from among its Members to serve over the two-year
The first task of the convener would be to seek for experts among the WECAFC Members on deep
sea fisheries and its management, deep sea fish species and the vulnerability of stocks, VMEs, high
seas legal frameworks, as well as to contact potential partner organizations and solicit their interest to
join in this working group.
Face-to-face meetings of the Working Group are foreseen to be convened at least once every two
years, or as required, if resources are available. Where possible the use of available ICT tools to
facilitate electronic meetings should be maximized. Meetings shall be chaired by the Convener of the
Working Group.
The Terms of Reference may be amended as required by Members at the level of WECAFC,
following each two-year period coinciding with meetings of the WECAFC.
Press release
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Western Central
Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) conducted last week a Technical Workshop on Bottom
Fisheries in the High Seas Areas of the Western Central Atlantic. This workshop, which was hosted
by the Government of Barbados on 30 September - 2 October, was the first meeting of the WECAFC
Working Group on the Management of Deep Sea Fisheries.
Experts from seventeen WECAFC member States1 and four regional institutions participated in the
Technical Workshop.
The workshop increased awareness on the FAO International Guidelines for the Management of
Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas, identified initial deep sea fisheries and reviewed initial
information on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) from the WECAFC area.
No commercial Deep Sea Fisheries in Areas Beyond national Jurisdiction (ABNJ) in the WECAFC
area were identified among States present at this workshop, though surveys identified potential deep
sea fisheries resources for crab, shrimp and snappers in other deep sea areas of the WECAFC area.
Relevant flag States will be requested to submit information on deep sea fisheries in the area to
WECAFC as some commercial fishing has taken place in the WECAFC ABNJ.
Available information on VME elements (seamounts, vents, ridge systems) and potential VME
indicator species, such as corals and sponges, was presented and discussed.
Recommendations for medium to longer-term priorities and collaboration were identified as well. The
Workshop produced draft recommendations to the 16th session of WECAFC, scheduled for 2016, on
bottom fisheries and VMEs in the high seas; agreed on a process for inclusion of a WECAFC chapter
in the upcoming Worldwide Review of Bottom Fisheries in the High Seas and a chapter in the FAO
Technical Paper on VME Current Practices and Processes. The information gathered and analyzed
will also be added to the FAO VME Database in the near future.
The member States that participated were the following: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize,
Colombia, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Nicaragua, Panama, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent and the
Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, United States of America and Venezuela.
More information on the workshop and its outcomes can be obtained from: [email protected] and
from the [email protected]
The first meeting of the Working Group on the Management of Deep Sea
Fisheries of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) was
held in Christ Church, Barbados, from 30 September to 2 October 2014.
The FAO Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines were presented to the group, which then
applied them to VME elements such as seamounts and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
hydrothermal vents. The Working Group proposed a total of five candidate VMEs
within the ABNJ of the WECAFC area. The management of these areas is outside
the current mandate of WECAFC and lies with the States operating fishing
vessels in the area.
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