EIS Outline
EIS Outline
EIS Outline
A[ prqiects orundertaktngs coverd by the EIB Syetem grd cla*rifed by fie DeBartrnent
of lfraafih (DOH) as lhalth Sereitiw Pnojsc*s or Mbd in rlGasfr Ssqsitirr€ Areas ehas
include a cfiapter dr Environmental Heafih lmpacd Assessment (EHIA). Tfre EHIA
Chapter shafi contain, amerq otherc, the fofio\$ng informdion:
r erd Saflffiion lnfumation of tha Affuc$ed Community
o €nvimnmental l'lea$h lnpaciAnalysidAssessrmnt
. Proposed Contrd and Mitigatirg Measureo for the Environrnental Health lmpacta