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2 B A C K T O S C H O O L S O U T H J E R S E Y AUG. 24, 2016

Mulford Dance Studio

Mulford Dance Studio is a multi- more. needed to move on to a profession-
faceted dance center that specializes Now starting its 64nd year, their al career. There are many opportu-
in preparing students of all ages for vision is still aimed to center the nities such as shows, performances
pre-professional performances in business on family values. Every stu- in-class and locally, competition
creative dance, ballet, pointe, hip- dent counts, from the very beginner teams, choreography opportunities,
hop, jazz, tap, Hawaiian, contempo- to the more serious student to the teacher-training program, trips to
rary, gymnastics, mommy and me, adult coming in for exercise and conventions to take classes with top-
and adult classes. The studio has recreation. notch teachers from all over the
made a name for itself in the South Along with quality instruction country.
Jersey and Philadelphia area per- from professional teachers and Some of our dancers have gone
forming in parades, shows and com- dance flooring in our four studios in on to dance with Koresh Youth
petitions. the building, the studio offers many Ensemble, Towson Dance Team,
Mulford Dance Studio is a rep- events with family in mind. Sixers Jr Dance Team, Sixers Pre-
utable South Jersey dance center. Free holiday parties for the entire pro dance team, Sixers Dance
Their companies have performed at family, movie nights, kid furniture in Team, Philadelphia SoulMates, Kixx
venues such as Madison Square the lobby, TV, free wifi, discounts for Dance team, Eagles Cheerleaders,
Garden, Wachovia Center, Disney tuition, online payment options, and Russian Ballet Theater of Delaware,
World, cruise ships, NJ Governors professional family-friendly recitals. Sesame Place, and many others.
Mansion, television programs Al The studio is now offering special Inspiration, guidance, friendships,
Alberts TV Showcase and March of classes for Daisies, Brownies and self-discipline, confidence, self-deter-
Dimes Telethon, the Philadelphia Girl Scouts to come in and earn mination are just some of the things
Thanksgiving Day Parade, Cherry badges. that every student learns that comes
Blossom Parade, Citrus Bowl, as well The serious dancer can be assured through Mulford Dance Studios
as nursing homes, hospitals and to get the training and opportunities doors.
AUG. 24, 2016 BACK TO SCHOOL S O U T H J E R S E Y 3

Our Lady of Mercy Academy

On July 1, Brooke A. Coyle facility improvements including a
became The Academys Head of new lobby/school entrance and com-
School - the first in 36 years and the pletely renovated gymnasium.
first lay person to hold this position. Theres no better time to be
As a teacher, coach and adviser, educating women, Coyle said.
Coyle has dedicated her profession- Opportunities are greater than
al life to mentoring and enriching ever and its our job to be sure that
students through faith-based aca- every OLMA student graduates with
demics. Using her passion for educa- the skills and experience necessary
tional excellence, coupled with her for her to not only succeed, but lead.
extensive experience, Coyle will lead Im incredibly excited to be part of a
Our Lady of Mercy Academy into a school with such a strong history,
new era of excellence for the young impressive alumnae, highly skilled
women of South Jersey. educators, and the support needed
Prior to joining OLMA, Coyle for us to grow beyond our wildest
worked for 19 years at St. Augustine dreams.
Prep - first as a member of the math OLMA is South Jerseys premier,
department and then as the schools privately owned, Catholic high
director of college guidance and school for young women. It offers a
member of the Prep Administrative small, supportive, faith-based, envi-
team. ronment in which to grow and learn.
Under Coyles lead, OLMA has While here, students learn to believe
already added a number of new hon- in themselves and in their ability to
ors courses and expects to add at succeed at whatever they decide to
least two more Advanced Placement do. Through a challenging academic
courses next year. This summer, curriculum, diverse extra-curricular
Coyle helped organize the schools program and spirit of sisterhood
first college tour visiting nine unique to an all-girls school, our stu-
schools in three states in two days. dents thrive and are forever bonded
In addition, OLMA will begin the in faith and friendship. To find out
new school year with a number of more, visit

The Bridge Academy

Founded by parents, educational a nurturing, homelike environment.
professionals and members of the Staff members use positive behavior
community in September 2003, The modification methods and a multi-
Bridge Academy is dedicated to generational approach to learning.
helping students with learning dis- Older students serve as role mod-
abilities bridge the gap between els and mentors for younger ones. A
potential and performance. All of the low 3:1 student-to-staff ratio ensures
academy's students possess learning that the curriculum is tailored to
disabilities that have impeded their meet the specific needs, learning
ability to succeed in a traditional style and Individual Education
school setting. Program of each student. The Bridge
To address these needs, The Academy is a private day school cer-
Bridge Academy strives to create an tified by the New Jersey Department
environment that is uniquely "stu- of Education. The school is located in

" " !
dent-centered" and empowers stu- Lawrenceville, but students come to
dents to succeed beyond the acade- the school from throughout the
my doors. Featuring the only accred- state of New Jersey, Pennsylvania
ited educational Orton-Gillingham and New York.
program in New Jersey, the academy Families are invited to learn more
is staffed by highly trained educators about The Bridge Academy by visit-
and professionals who provide a ing our web site at or
comprehensive, effective program in contacting us at (609) 844-0770.
4 B A C K T O S C H O O L S O U T H J E R S E Y AUG. 24, 2016

Once Upon a Child

Once Upon a Child is the perfect ing, shoes, toys and baby gear offer-
place to find back to school clothing ing you the opportunity to recycle
essentials. Weve got all your your children's nearly new items and
Presents favorite brands under one roof! Stop get paid on the spot. You can rest
in to shop our great selection of gen- assured that products found in your
the 28th Annual tly used kids clothes, shoes, acces- neighborhood store meet current
sories and more, all at up to 70 per- safety standards and have not been
cent less than youd pay at the mall. recalled. Check out what we're
at Voorhees Middle School Theatre Once Upon a Child in Maple looking to buy, visit your nearest
Shade and Deptford has been open location, and turn those items into
and locally owned for more than five cash or trade them in for things you
years. We pride ourselves on creat- need now!
Performances are December 9th 7pm. ing a space for people to sell their Save yourself the hassle of garage
December 10th 5pm, and December 11th 2pm gently used childrens items any day
of the week. If you put the money
sales, consignment stores, and online
listings when you can swing into the
you receive for your things toward nations leading buyer and seller of
Sugar Plum Fairy Tea & Show purchasing new items, youll receive name brand, gently used kids stuff.
a 10 percent off trade discount! Simply gather up your gently used
December 10th 3:30 pm-4:30pm There are also fantastic events every children's items including: clothing,
month to offer you even more value shoes, playards, changing tables,
on the clothing, equipment, and toys strollers, highchairs and toys and
Complete details can be found on our website your children need. bring them to Once Upon a Child
We know you want the best for for payment on-the-spot for all items your family: quality, value, and kids' accepted. We offer customers 30-40
stuff that is safe. Once Upon a Child percent off our retail price for each
buys and sells gently used kids' cloth- item accepted!

Future Scholars
Early education is the foundation weeks and older. We offer a private
for a childs future. Since children full-day kindergarten, before- and
spend some of their most impres- after-school care with free busing to
sionable years in our care, parents and from Hainesport School, private
should feel confident that their chil- tutoring, a summer camp with field
dren are happy, challenged, loved trips and an hourly drop-in daycare.
and comforted in their absence, The curriculum includes programs
says Future Scholars Early Learning such as fitness, computer lab, sign
Centers owner Ken Tenner in stat- language, music and Spanish. For
ing the Centers mission. your convenience Future Scholars
Our goal is to build self-esteem, also offers an optional daily hot lunch
enhance their strengths and abilities, and a Parents Night Out on the last
as well as teach them responsibility Friday of each month.
as an individual, she says. We treat Future Scholars is open from 6:30
every child who comes to visit with a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through
us like one of our own, and the little Friday. We provide a certified, expe-
ones flourish in our understanding, rienced and friendly staff with teach-
encouraging environment. We real- ing degrees and certifications in CPR
ize we are an important role model and first aid.
in each childs daily life and ultimate- To learn more, visit our website,
ly become their extended family.
Future Scholars Early Learning Call (609) 518-1333 today for a tour
Center is located in Bruni Square, of our state-of-the-art educational
1351 Route 38 West, Building B, facility.
Suite 1 in Hainesport. The center Invest in your childrens future.
provides early learning and child They deserve the best in early learn-
development for children ages 6 ing.
6 B A C K T O S C H O O L S O U T H J E R S E Y AUG. 24, 2016

The Voorhees Ballet Theatre

Suzanne C. Steinbach started The the company. Dancers are placed in they bring Fairy Tale Classics to the
Voorhees Ballet Theatre in 1986, as the petite, junior or senior ensem- stage. Our repertoire includes pro-
The Little Theatre Dance Troupe. ble. Each level has its own set of ductions such as, Cinderella,
Since then it has grown into a pre- requirements and expectations. Hansel & Gretel, The Firebird
professional company that performs Senior members may audition for and most recently, Snow White.
two full-length ballets a year and training programs with professional As part of our community out-
offers a four week Summer Intensive companies. Alumni have trained with reach efforts we offer a number of
Program. American Ballet Theatre, Boston special programs. Girl Scout troops
Our purpose is to give students Ballet, Pittsburgh Ballet, Joffery Ballet can earn badges by attending our bal-
performance and educational oppor- and Nashville Ballet, to name a few. lets and taking a behind the scenes
tunities parallel to that of a profes- August marks the time of year tour. Our dancers visit nursing
sional ballet company. when we begin preparations for our homes and to perform for and inter-
Students who aspire to a career in annual presentation of The act with the residents. They also per-
dance may audition to be part of the Nutcracker. 2016 will be our 30th form and give demonstrations at
Voorhees Ballet Theatre Danse year bringing this holiday classic to schools. We are happy to provide
Ensemble. In addition to their regular life! Performances will be held in the performance tickets, free of charge,
dance classes, performances in the Voorhees Middle School Theater on to military families and community
company ballets, and participation in Dec. 11-13 and tickets will be on sale organizations servicing under-privi-
the summer intensive these dedicat- in October. Come find out what all leged youth.
ed students also perform at commu- the hype is about! To learn more about Voorhees
nity events, take master classes and Spring is another exciting time for Ballet Theatre visit our website
are involved in fundraisers to benefit The Voorhees Ballet Theatre when

Advertise in the next special section by calling (856) 427-0933.

Founder and Board President Alfred Minicozz zzi is uniquely invested

in quality care. He star ted Crescent Hill Academy more than 40
years ago for his daughter, Rose Ellen, who has cerebral palsy.

Since 1970, we have welcomed so many exc xceptional children into

our program that combines learning and progress with encourage-
ment and independence. Your child deser ves to enjoy life at ever y
stage of growth and we are here to make that happen.

At Crescent Hill, we:

Serve multiple special needs children through you g g
Offer an extended school year CALL
C ALL 8856-662-7300
56-662-7300 F FOR YOUR
Are full accredited by the NJ Department of Special Education
Offer speech, occupational and physical therapy in a clean, home-like setting
Have a 3:1 Ration of accredited teachers, aides and therapists
7512 N. Crescent Blvd (Rt 130N) Pennsauken
Include field trips, farm to table gardenin projects, job coaching and high school proms
[email protected]
[email protected]
Upon graduation, your child is welcome to attend our Adult Activity Center in Collingswood for life
Assisted living & Group Homes coming
AUG. 24, 2016 BACK TO SCHOOL S O U T H J E R S E Y 7

Markeim Arts Center

Markeim Arts Center is gearing up a paint brush or a master of the pot- Markeim Arts Center is a spectac-
for a wonderful fall season. We will ter's wheel we have what they are ular art gallery, displaying monthly
be offering classes and activities for looking for. We offer classes in art exhibitions displaying art of both
all ages and interests. mediums of pottery, cartooning, local and regional artists. Please join
We welcome little art enthusiasts, drawing, painting and mixed-media us this fall for our upcoming exhibi-
ages 3-6, to join us for MAC Pack! and more. Saturday mornings we tions: Haddonfield Dreams: Reverie
MAC Pack is a structured yet whim- have a creative class for children to to Reality, Home Grown: the
sical Art, Music and Movement based jump start their weekend! Artists of Haddonfield Educational
curriculum. We focus on creativity Adults can enjoy classes like Open Trust and The Art Educators of
through various vehicles including Studio Painting & Drawing, DSLR New Jersey: Annual Exhibition. The
painting, drawing, clay, sculpture, col- Photography, Yoga, Beer Tasting, beautiful gallery is also offered as an
lage, printmaking, mixed media, wheel throwing, hand building and amazing space for party rentals.
movement, yoga, dancing, crafts, more. Consider Markeim for your next
games and more! MAC Pack is Please check our website in the event! There are always new and
offered Tuesday afternoons and upcoming weeks for full details, pric- exciting events at Markeim Arts
Thursday mornings. Pick which day ing and registration forms! Center. Join us on Facebook for all
or days work best for your little one! When school is out, art is in! This the current happenings! For informa-
Classes for our grade school November break, Markeim will offer tion on classes, camps, exhibitions
through high school aged children a full week of art or pottery camp. and events please visit
are offered after school, week nights Last fall camp filled up fast, so regis- Join us for
and Saturdays. Whether a novice to ter your kids soon! a fun and creative fall!

Advertise in the next special section by calling (856) 427-0933.

8 B A C K T O S C H O O L S O U T H J E R S E Y AUG. 24, 2016

IS BACK! Resurrection Catholic School

Finding the best environment for ed in 2015 to meet the growing aca- For 2016, RCS has a new principal,
Markeim Arts Centers pack of Pre-K and K Art Enthusiasts
their childs education is one of the demic expectations of full-day Mrs. Molly Webb. A Haddonfield
An interactive program that encourages creative expression!
most important decisions that a par- kindergarten. resident, Webb taught first grade at
Ages 3-6 ent makes. Resurrection Catholic With a strong enrollment, RCS the school for several years, then
Tuesday Afternoon Thursday Morning This Fall
School, in Cherry Hill, offers a faith- offers students the opportunity to moved to Cherry Hill Public Schools,
2D and 3D art projects based environment where students participate in various hands-on activ- before returning home to RCS.
Music Yoga Theater are challenged to reach their poten- ities within the school day. A daily, Her motto is learning to love, while
Dance and more tial academically, spiritually, and live newscast is run by the Middle loving to learn, believing that chil-
socially. Each day students, parents School students, developing writing dren learn to love by actively explor-
and teachers work together to sup- and technology skills. Students par- ing their faith each day, and they love
port one another and reach com- ticipate in community service proj- learning when provided with daily
New Fall Art & Pottery Classes mon goals. As a result, their students ects, allowing them to actively prac- lessons that engage, challenge, and
for all ages! thrive in this family-like environment tice their faith. expand their thinking. Webb and the
Check our website for more details where the focus is to develop the A new gymnasium and parish cen- teachers will work hard to build
whole child. ter opening in October provides the upon past successes and plan new
RCS proudly serves students from school their own venue for perform- and innovative ways to reach their
throughout the area, including those ing arts and basketball, further students.
from Cherry Hill, Haddonfield, expanding extra-curricular opportu- Find out firsthand what makes
Marlton, Mt. Laurel and Voorhees. nities. These activities, paired with RCS great (
They offer half-day and full-day pre- outstanding academics, help shape Visit the school or arrange for your
school and full-day kindergarten Resurrection Catholic students into child to shadow. Contact Alli Smith
through grade eight. The faculty at well-rounded individuals who go on in the schools Advancement Office
Lincoln Avenue & Walnut Street (104 Walnut) RCS strives to provide their stu- to achieve great success in both at (856) 667-3034, ext. 254 or
dents with a quality Catholic educa- Catholic and public high school set- [email protected] for addi-
Haddonfield, NJ 856.429.8585 tion, and the preschool was expand- tings. tional information. [email protected]
AuPairCares 10 questions to ask provider
AuPairCare Area Director of license, and how much driving expe- Sarah McNamara, Senior Vice
South Jersey, Kim Gamelli offers the rience do you have? President of AuPairCare. Its impor-
top 10 questions in interviewing 5. Can you offer flexible childcare tant that you are 100 percent confi-
your childcare provider. AuPairCare, hours, including nights and week- dent in your child care providers
an au pair matching agency, inter- ends? ability and that your child enjoys
views thousands of international au 6. Do you have any other obliga- spending time with your provider.
pair applicants each year to assure tions such as a part time job or chil- At AuPairCare we screen each au
they represent only the highest qual- dren of your own that might impact pair on a number of factors includ-
ity child care providers. Regardless your availability? ing educational background, medical
of what type of childcare provider 7. Tell me what you love most and psychological stability, criminal
you are seeking, AuPairCare recom- about taking care of children? What record, and child care references
mends you consider the following is the hardest part? before accepting them into our pro-
questions when interviewing appli- 8. What is your favorite food? gram. Au pairs also receive accident
cants who will be taking care of your What type of meals do you prepare and travel insurance, training in CPR
children. for kids? and First Aid, and constant support
1. Are you trained in either CPR 9. Do you have your own health by local staff. Most of all, we make
or First Aid? insurance? sure each au pair has a sincere inter-
2. What is your discipline philoso- 10. Why should we let you care est in caring for children.
phy? for our children? Whether you are getting ready for
3. Do you have a high school Parents need to have a complete Back to School welcoming a new
diploma and plans to continue your picture of their child care providers baby or looking for childcare with a
education? experience, child care philosophy cultural exchange, Contact Kim
4. Do you have a valid drivers and personality before hiring, said Gamelli for more information.

Advertise in the next special section by calling (856) 427-0933.

AUG. 24, 2016 BACK TO SCHOOL S O U T H J E R S E Y 9

Wholesale Mattress Warehouse

Wholesale Mattress Warehouse Carole Cutry is the owner and "My goal is for my customers to
truly is the little guy the big guys sole operator. With no employees, have fun buying a mattress," Cutry
hope you don't find. That is their virtually no paid advertising and says. "And if they are able to come
motto, and there may not be a more operating out of a warehouse rather here and find lower prices than they
fitting one for any business any- than a big expensive showroom, she will ever see them any place else
where. Located in a little warehouse simply does not have the overhead ever again, every minute of every
next to Dunkin Donuts at 2060 that all the others have and can day, and not have to haggle for those
Springdale Road in Cherry Hill, take therefore hit lower price points. prices, that is a fun buying experi-
one step inside the front door and How much lower you ask? ence. I want every person that walks
you will instantly realize it is unlike Shockingly, every mattress in her out of here to have a smile on their
any mattress store you have ever warehouse is 55 percent to 80 per- face. We want to be a breath of
been in. cent lower than regular store prices. fresh air in the marketplace."
Imagine walking into a discount Not only has she taken all of the Saving every customer 55 percent
store and finding every item marked overhead out of buying a mattress, to 80 percent every minute of every
down lower than it has ever been she also eliminated the deceptive day in a no haggle, no hassle, no
marked down before. That is what it advertising, phony sales and high pressure environment? Thats a
is like in their warehouse every pressure sales tactics that are unfor- breath of fresh air alright. Keep it up
minute of every day. tunately all too common nowadays. Carole!

Winning smile at Kadar Orthodontics

When Dr. Tom Kadar played improved patient comfort. they look in the mirror and say
sports as a kid, he realized the In the end, its all about creating a WOW! that reaction makes me
importance of teamwork. Regardless winning smile for each patient, said smile - its really why I come to work
of the sport, collaborative teamwork Dr. Kadar. Nothing compares to every day.
was the difference between who the moment when a patient first sees Kadar Orthodontics can be
won or lost. The notion of we not their new smile after their braces are reached at (856) 582-1400 or
me helped shape him as a person, removed, said Dr. Kadar. When
orthodontist, father and friend.
When Dr. Kadar opened Kadar
Orthodontics more than 20 years
ago, he knew that teamwork would
play an important role in making his
practice successful. Together with
his clinical and administrative team,
Dr. Kadar continually strives to
improve efficiency while providing
top-notch, personalized customer
Through teamwork, Dr. Kadar
has created a practice that prides
itself in providing outstanding patient
care and fast, superior results while FALL REGISTRATION:
minimizing the amount of time you
spend in the waiting room. Each In-Studio Throughout August: Tues & Weds 5-8pm
Kadar smile starts with the award- Starting 8/9/16
winning Insignia Advanced Smile
Design. Using Insignia, we generate or Online
a virtual 3D model of each patients
smile structure, said Dr. Kadar. Fall classes start September 8th!
Based on this model, Damon braces
are custom-tailored for each
patient. This is unlike traditional 245 South Black Horse Pike Mt. Ephraim, NJ
braces that are one-size-fits-all.
Customizing the treatment based on (856) 931-1830
each persons facial features mini-
mizes minor adjustments throughout
the process resulting in fewer in-
office visits, faster results and
1 0 B A C K T O S C H O O L S O U T H J E R S E Y AUG. 24, 2016

Crescent Hill Academy

Crescent Hill Academy is fully areas linked to the expanded New access to a variety of treatments to
accredited by the state Department Jersey Core Curriculum content promote maximum independence
of Special Education. We have a standards. Our speech language spe- and productivity.
three-to-one ratio of expert teach- cialists evaluate, plan and treat all Basic skills like self-feeding, per-
ers, aides and therapists to aid stu- speech, language, voice and fluency sonal care, dressing, social interac-
dents ages 3-21. We welcome minor disorders as needed, providing feed- tions and vocational skills are impor-
to severe conditions and plan our ing therapy intervention, augmenta- tant components of everyday activi-
curriculum accordingly, grouping tive communication evaluations and ties. We address them in a compas-
students with their peers in both age training, and assistive technology sionate and individualized manner.
and needs. Our staff provides indi- evaluations and training as needed. We also offer job coaching to maxi-
vidualized education programs for Crescent Hill Academys physical mize every student's potential to
every student. Your child will initial- therapy program is designed to help lead an independent and satisfying
ly meet with our child study team, every student reach his or her phys- life.
teachers and therapists to determine ical potential, no matter how severe Crescent Hill Academy is hosting
what is needed to provide the best the disability. an open house Friday, Sept. 9 from
education plan and progress for your We work on developmental stim- 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Come meet our
child. Periodic reviews ensure suc- ulation, teach range of motion exer- teachers and staff and let us show
cess and allow us to track progress cises, strength, endurance, joint sta- you why we can offer the best for
or alter plans to allow growth. In bility and many other skills to your child! The academy is located at
addition to general school subjects, improve physical motion and health. 7512 N. Crescent Blvd. in
they learn about travel, shopping, Every student is individually evaluat- Pennsauken. Enroll now by calling
appropriate socialization, job oppor- ed, and each program is customized. (856) 662-7300 for your personal
tunities and how to incorporate skill Students at Crescent Hill have tour!

Moorestown Theater Company

Moorestown Theater Company is MTC has also earned six acting Labor Day. Please visit our website
an award-winning community the- awards at the national Jr. Theater of call our office with specific ques-
ater that is in its 14th season of pre- Festival in Atlanta, GA since 2013, tions.
senting musical theater productions including their most prestigious, the Since last fall, MTC has been hon-
to the residents of Moorestown and full-cast Excellence In Acting ored to present the following:
its surrounding Southern New Awards, in both 2014 and 2015. The Jr. Theater Festival
Jersey and Delaware Valley commu- For the fall of 2016, MTC will Performance of Shrek, Jr. (January
nities. present the following: 2016)
The productions are presented by Fall Stage (Ages 10 to 17) A pilot production of Disneys
performers of all ages and are suit- Delaware Valley Premiere of Mary Poppins, Jr. (May 2016) at the
able for all audiences. Spamalot (Young At Part) request of Music Theatre
Since 2007, MTC has earned 19 Holiday Stage (Ages 6 and Up) International in New York City
Best Of Awards from these publica- A Christmas Carol: The Musical The Delaware Valley
tions or organizations: Quaker Stage (Students at Community Theater Premiere of
SJ Magazine (10, for Best Westfield Friends School only) A Disneys The Little Mermaid (July
Summer Camp and Best Year With Frog And Toad, Kids 2016!)
Community Theater) Extrava-Gala (Black-Tie optional MTC was also extremely honored
Suburban Family Magazine (five, Fund-Raising Dinner-Dance + to receive the Community
for Best Family Theater and Best Auction) on Saturday, October 15 at Enrichment Award from the
Childrens Theater) Riverton Country Club Burlington County Regional
South Jersey Magazine (two, for Studio Classes (for kids in Acting, Chamber of Commerce at its Voice
Best Theater Company) Dance, & Voice, and for adults in of Business Awards Dinner in April.
Burlington County Times (one, Dance) with a November For registration and information,
for Best Childrens Entertainment) Observation Day and May Recital v i s i t
Southern New Jersey Business All of these fall productions, www.MoorestownTheaterCompany
People (one, for Top Non-Profit). events, and classes will begin after .org or call (856) 778-8357.

Advertise in the next special section by calling (856) 427-0933.

AUG. 24, 2016 BACK TO SCHOOL S O U T H J E R S E Y 11

County College offers alternative for parents

So often, as parents, we find our- Readers Choice for Best of South evening students including: lactation
selves responsible not only for our Jersey by the Courier Post, to offer stations, Starbucks, evening caf
childrens well-being, but also for award-winning childcare right on the hours, quiet study areas, and evening
their entertainment. While snuggling Blackwood Campus. Kiddie Junction administration hours. Student
up and reading a few books, explor- takes care of children ages 6 to 12 Navigators are available until 8 p.m.
ing the park, or playing an imagina- years and is open until 9 p.m., based in the Taft Hall One-Stop Student
tive game with our children can be on enrollment. And, for some par- Center to help with everything from
extremely rewarding, it can also be ents, stipends are available to pay for course selection to financial aid.
exhausting. For parents who are stu- the childcare. Less than half of the 19 Career counselors are also on hand
dents, online classes allow them to community colleges in New Jersey to help with job placement or job
work from home, but can also pres- offer on-campus childcare and only a changes.
ent the challenge of managing their few offer evening hours. Camden Whether students are looking for
classes with the needs of their chil- County College is the only commu- me time with a yoga class, a
dren. So whats the alternative? How nity college in South Jersey to offer degree, or adult conversation just
about an on-campus childcare center this service. In addition to on-cam- for personal development, the
with both day and evening hours? pus childcare and mothering sup- College supports the communitys
Camden County College has con- port, CCC also offers many other needs. For more information, visit
tracted with Kiddie Junction, a amenities for both daytime and

The Princeton Review

The Princeton Review is on a mis- with chemistry homework at 10 your dream college goal attainable
sion to help more students get into p.m., we can help! We offer on- through College Admissions
to their best-fit colleges or grad demand, online Homework Help, Counseling. Our college counselors
schools. We understand that choos- 24/7 in 40 subjects, with more than all have years of experience working
ing where to apply, getting accepted, 3,000 tutors from which to choose. in admissions offices at top-tier uni-
and attending the right fit school are Each night more than 6,000 students versities such as Harvard, MIT,
among your most important life get help from The Princeton Stanford, Duke and UPenn to name
decisions. We believe that every stu- Reviews Homework Help. Visit us a few. We offer guidance for differ-
dent is unique, and promise to help
you find the school which best
at to sign up
for a free session!
ent stages of the college admission
process. Whether youre just enter- BACK TO DANCE SALE STARTS NOW!
matches who you are and to support For those students facing the SAT, ing high school, or a senior quickly
your success once you get there. ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, or approaching crunch time, we can
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Bike to school *must bring ad*
It is a proven fact through a num- and endorphins resulting in a reduc- your child safe and smart. +(3 '13+(+%#3'2 #1' #,2/ #4#+,#$,' +. #.6 &'./-+.#3+/.
ber of studies worldwide that kids tion of stress and an improvement of Wheelies also offers repair servic-
who bike or walk to school have mood, and increased growth factors es to make sure that your childs
better concentration abilities. Its that help to create new nerve cells bike runs safely and properly.
time to get ready for back to school and support synaptic plasticity. So if you want to make a smart
and Wheelies Bicycle can help. The But it is important to have a bike choice, let your child ride their bike
process of getting yourself from and the product that can get your to school and have Wheelies Bicycle
point A to point B has cognitive child to school safely with the ability make sure it is ready to ride.
effects that researchers do not yet to carry books and other school Stop by Wheelies to learn more.
fully understand. Some studies show necessities. That is where Wheelies Wheelies Bicycle is located at 176
that cycling to school will increase Bicycle can help. From bikes to bas- Route 70, Suite 1, in Medford and /5.2*+0 #.' 7 *'116 +,,
blood and oxygen flow to the brain, kets, backpacks to locks and lights, can be reached at (609) 953-9383 or
increase levels of norepinephrine Wheelies has the products to keep
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1 2 B A C K T O S C H O O L S O U T H J E R S E Y AUG. 24, 2016

Community Bikes and Boards

With a mission to get more peo- his family (especially his mom, his group rides on Tuesday nights,
ple to hit the trails, roads and water- brother Chad, and his wife), friends, weekly mountain bike rides on
ways, Community Bikes and Boards the SBDC of Widener (Professor Jim Wednesday nights, and two free
taps into local culture and really Porter, and the students), and transition mountain bike or yeti
shows what being part of the com- Entrepreneur works of Philly (Dan, mountain bike demos a month.
munity is all about. This locally- Earl and Leslie), he started bringing Also every February around
owned bike, board, art, and apparel his vision to life. Presidents Day, the shop offers a six
shop has be serving clients in the Communitys atmosphere is day surf, yoga, and relax trip to
Philadelphia area since 2011. unique in itself, offering an environ- Nicaragua. Students will be able to
Originally opening up shop in ment where customers can feel earn community service credits for
Philadelphia, Community is not only comfortable and share their riding the two days they will miss from
a full service bicycle and board shop, experiences with others. Supplying school.
but also a place where customers an extensive collection of top and Stop on by and visit Rob, his staff,
can experience the riding culture. local brand bikes, skateboards, surf- and senior shop dog, Lou Dog, at
Communitys down-to-earth owner, boards, snowboards as well as 142 Kings Highway East in
Rob Everitt hung up his jacket and tie apparel for kids, men and women, Haddonfield or 712 S. 4th St. in
after the recession in 2008 and Community is where real back to Philadelphia. The shops are open 11
moved his focus into sharing what he school shopping takes place. a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through
loved most with others; biking, surf- The new Haddonfield storefront Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
ing, and skating. offers weekly rides and monthly Sunday at the Haddonfield shop for
Building his business from the demos as well. Free early morning more information visit
We ground up, Everitt, with help from surf trips to Margate, weekly family
We Sell Sell
R tractabs
e Mattresse
Awn in g s Dr. Amy James and Associates
People seek treatment to make their dren have an orthodontic screening
People are often scared of dental smile beautiful and/or make their no later than age 7, children and
offices. Whether its sounds or
teeth fit together ideally. The out- young adults arent the only ones
sights that cause patients to be anx-
come is always great and people feel who benefit from orthodontics.
ious, this is one office that puts those
good about their investment. They More adults are opting for healthy,
feeling to rest! Dr. Amy James of Dr.
have better function and aesthetics. aesthetic smiles. Dr. James com-
Amy James and Associates relays her
The evolution in orthodontic ments. With the advent of invisible
practice philosophy, Our focus is
technology has been truly exciting. braces like INVISALIGN and HAR-
on individualized attention and
Our goal, says Dr. James is to stay MONY (lingual braces or braces on
Register Now meticulous, state-of-the-art specialty
on the cutting edge of technology. inside of the teeth), wearing braces
care in orthodontics. Our practice is
Digital scans of the patients mouth will not interfere with an adult
For Fall Classes! not volume oriented. We continue
and Cad-Cam (computer aided lifestyle. In fact, Dr. James and
to grow through recommendations
Ballet Tap Jazz Hip-hop Pointe Acro & Contemporary design-computer aided manufactur- Associates is the only provider in the
from enthusiastic patients and par-
ing) employ digital technology to area specializing in lingual braces and
! ents, and we are grateful for that
refine and enhance treatment patients love it!
support. Our plan is to treat you so
mechanics. Dr. Amy James Haddonfield office
well technically and personally that
Also, there are now procedures is conveniently located at 15 E. Euclid
you will become part of our practice
or devices like Propel and Ave., Haddonfield. For more infor-
AcceleDent to increase the rate of mation regarding orthodontics or to
Additionally, Dr. James is enthusi-
tooth movement which can shorten schedule a free consultation, please
astic about her passion for the field.
treatment time significantly. call the office at (856) 216-8009 or
Edge Start Package I love my career as an orthodontist
While the American Association visit their website at
because its a proactive specialty.
#' % '& ' # & of Orthodontics recommends chil-
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) Fun in the Sun
'( "'& " + ' #($#" *$ % &
Fun in the Sun is your Local Southern Shirt Co. and more. The with our community and our neigh-
Preppy Clothes destination right in classic look of the clothes will never bors. We offer several fund raising
1603 Rt. 38 Holly Center #8 Lumberton the heart of downtown Haddonfield. go out of style, and makes our opportunities, such as Shop &
609-702-8122 Fun in the Sun carries great quality brands popular among a wide age Donate events for local PTA organ-
1422 Rt 130 N. Main Line Center Cinnaminson clothes for men and women from variety, from sixth graders all the izations or sports boosters. Get in
brands you know and love, such as way up to grandma and grandpa. Fun touch with us at soleil@funsun-
856-829-0206 Vineyard Vines, Southern Tide, in the Sun is a community oriented if you are interested in Johnnie-O, Smathers & Branson, boutique; we love to get involved holding an event with Fun in the Sun!
AUG. 24, 2016 BACK TO SCHOOL S O U T H J E R S E Y 13
That question will soon be asked have had professional careers with geared for kids and their parents.
all over the all over United States. two of the greatest dance companies Competitive pricing, watching class-
Kids love to dance. It's a natural pas- in the world. Dalia with the es in HD, and being conveniently
sion that rewards students of all ages Pennsylvania Ballet, and I with the located less than a minute from I-295
with self-esteem, discipline, health, New York City Ballet. We take all contribute to the Dance Arts
strength, coordination, personal sat- great pride in passing our expertise experience. Students have the
isfaction and a profound sense of on to all of our students. We believe opportunity to perform and com-
accomplishment - to say nothing of that no matter a students aspirations pete during the school year in our
the friendships and yes, joy. or reasons for attending dance class- performing companies, competition
Whether you want the fun and es, learning correct technique and teams and live webcasts.
excitement of an occasional class, developing necessary strengths is Participation is open to all Dance
the skill to move up to the next level, essential to insuring a rewarding Arts students. Call (856) 874-0280
or want dance to propel you into dance experience -now and into the for more information or to arrange a
college or a professional career, future. From the first class of the free trial class, and remember, Dalia
Dance Arts Cherry Hill provides the year to the last, students focus on and I are always available to answer
foundation you need to succeed. My learning the art of dance, not simply any questions you may have. Visit
name is Douglas Hay and my wife the steps. In our elegant new facility,
Dalia and I have been fortunate to you'll find a relaxed atmosphere today!

Lightbridge Academy, innovators Academy offers working parents - in edge technology to enhance parent
in educational child care, is coming such a convenient spot, explains communication and the learning
to Mt. Laurel to offer residents its Speiser. environment. iPad technology and
unique Circle of Care program, Lauren Nolan has joined the team interactive whiteboards enrich the
where the needs of working parents as center director. We are very educational program by bringing Facebook: funsunnj Instagram: funsun_hfield Twitter: @funsunhfield
are as important as the care and edu- fortunate to have Lauren join us. She learning to life in classrooms and the
cation of their children. Lightbridge is an experienced center director indoor multipurpose room every
Academy serves children from six with nearly 15 years of early child- day. An eCommunication app pro-
weeks of age through pre-school and hood education experience. Her ref- vides parents with classroom
is conveniently building its center at erences raved about her ability to updates, pictures and videos of their
4518 Church Road next to Crispin care for their childrens unique childs day. As The Solution for
Square Shopping Center with easy needs and Laurens colleagues Working Parents, Lightbridge
access to all major highways. praised her leadership skills, com- Academy offers extended hours
Franchise owners, Phillip and Amy mented Phillip. from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., a biometric
Speiser, are thrilled to bring Lightbridge Academys propri- finger scanning security system, and
Lightbridge Academy to the area. etary Seedlings Early Childhood ParentView internet monitoring,
We have spent the last 20 years Education Curriculum utilizes a which allows parents to stay con-
commuting past the location on the whole child approach to learning nected to their child throughout the
way to work. When looking for care and enrichment including a read- day through closed circuit cameras
for our two daughters, we searched ing/writing readiness program, in each classroom.
in Mt. Laurel and would have wel- Musical Beginnings, American Sign For more information or to
comed a brand new facility with the Language, Spanish, and more. schedule a tour, visit
unique solution Lightbridge Teachers are provided with cutting

The Katz JCCs Just 4 Kids and JCCs spectacular facility. The chil- activity encourages your child to
JCrew after school programs, named dren have access to our indoor pool, express their creativity and grow as
2016 Best After School Program by full size gym, Imaginarium, Gaga an individual.
South Jersey Magazine, provides the courts and dedicated age-appropri- We offer flexible scheduling and
best after school care for students in ate space. transportation for no extra charge
kindergarten through eighth grade Our professional and compassion- from Kellman Brown Academy
and encourages your child to learn ate counselors, who serve as role Cherry Hill and Voorhees schools.
and grow through a variety of fun models to your children, provide To learn more the Katz JCCs
and enriching activities. them with one-on-one homework after school programs, please con-
Our program provides a vast help and supervise activities such as tact Sarah Rowland at (856) 424-
array of activities, ranging from science, sports, cooking, computer 4444 ext. 1113 or srowland@jfed-
sports to arts to science, in the lab and art. Each age-appropriate
1 4 B A C K T O S C H O O L S O U T H J E R S E Y AUG. 24, 2016

Fifty-plus years in a nutshell

Fifty years ago was the beginning ment to basement, accommodating pany providing students with per-
of a dream come true for one of growth until eventually renting a formance and educational opportu-
South Jersey's most successful dance room in a friend's home. The enroll- nities.
directors, Ruth M. Lowe. Miss Ruth ment continued to increase and It's unimaginable as to how many
stepped into a dance studio when required still a larger facility. Thus, families have gone through the doors
she was nine years old. She knew at the location at 1207 Berlin- of Lowe Dance Studio in the past 50
that very moment she would be a Haddonfield Road was opened in years!
dance teacher when she grew up. 1966. Multi-generations have experi-
She absorbed everything she could In addition to dance classes Lowe enced the joy of dance through the
from her dance teacher and mentor, Dance Studio offers numerous pro- guidance and nurture of Miss Ruth.
Mrs. Dorothea Riegert from The grams including Student Teaching, Upon her retirement in 2014, Miss
Crystal School of Dance. In 1958 she Competition Team and Voorhees Ruth, passed the studio on to her
opened her school in her parents' Ballet Theatre. daughter Suzanne C. Steinbach who
basement with five very eager stu- The Lowe Competition Team was has been an integral member of the
dents. A year and a half later the formed in the latter part of the '70s studio staff since 1980. Suzanne
school almost doubled in size and and is still going strong today. looks forward to many more years
Miss Ruth presented her first dance Competitors bring home perform- of success and growth for Lowe
recital at The Church of the Good ance awards, scholarships, choreog- Dance Studio!
Shepherd, with nine students! raphy awards, just to name a few. For information or to register visit
The next couple of years, the Voorhees Ballet Theatre is our in- or email us at
school's location moved from base- house, pre-professional ballet com- [email protected].

Viking Casual Furniture

Since 1955, Viking Casual lows. styles with plush seating in a contem-
Furniture has been Delaware Valleys Dining al fresco will once again porary look.
premier source of quality patio furni- remain a standard favorite from If you feel youre fully furnished,
ture, dinettes, rattan furniture, and spring through Autumn, which you can still freshen up your out-
bars and bar stools. Nationally rec- means comfortable yet functional door spaces with current trending
ognized for having one of the largest tables and chairs within close prox- colors.
selections of casual furniture avail- imity to the BBQ grill are a must. The bold, bright tones from 2015
able, Viking carries select models in Companies such as North Cape, are being replaced this year with
stock and offers customizability to DWL Garden Furniture, Telescope softer, slightly muted colors. Buttery
suit your homes unique style and Casual, Hanamint, Kingsley Tate and hues are supplanting lemon yellow,
needs. Always prepared for the lat- Tropitone, all lines carried by Viking, lime green is being taken over by
est trends, Viking is ready to update are filling the demand for all your avocado, and those brilliant reds are
your backyard this summer with outdoor furniture needs by provid- tempered down into rust or dusty
2016s most in-demand outdoor fur- ing a variety of styles that are mauve.
niture and accessories. durable, weather-resistant, comfort- All furniture from Viking comes
Last years trends saw intimate able and casual. fully assembled and they offer hassle-
and cozy backyard areas furnished North Cape specializes in high- free delivery throughout the
with conversation fire pits. This year, quality all-weather wicker furniture Midlantic Region, including down the
those spaces are growing larger and with thick cushioning in a full spec- shore. As an added bonus, if you
becoming outdoor rooms. trum of colors. DWL Garden hurry in now, youll be able to take
Complete with sectional sofas sur- Furniture is famous for its classic advantage of some special pricing. All
rounding fire pits, these rooms are lines and durable cast-aluminum clearance bar stools are buy one, get
tied together with complementing frames. one half price and all pictures and
weatherproof rugs and throw pil- And Tropitone brings you sleek accessories for a limited time.

Advertise in the next special section by calling (856) 427-0933.

AUG. 24, 2016 BACK TO SCHOOL S O U T H J E R S E Y 15

Edge Dance Center

Edge Dance Center is a Technique encouraging character development for you and your child! Choose from
based Performing Arts School locat- and leadership among students! one of our party themes: Ballerina
ed in Cinnaminson and Lumberton. Here at Edge Dance Center, we princess party, storybook princess
Our students are offered an out- offer many outstanding programs for party or a "just" dance party! Have a
standing dance curriculum in classes all types of dancers: Recreational, special request or theme idea in
such as classical ballet, pointe, tap intensive and pre-professional-pro- mind for your birthday child? Don't
and music theory. fessional. Edge Dance Center offers hesitate to ask! We can work with
We offer classes for Celtic styles the best performing arts opportuni- you to make a unique party experi-
of dance, jazz and theater arts, hip ties. ence for your child. Parties are avail-
hop and funk, modern dance tech- Our dancers are exposed to able at both studio locations.
nique, lyrical and contemporary dance conventions, seminars, per- Give us a call today at one of our
dance, acrobatics and tumbling. We forming arts competitions, perform- locations (609) 702-8122 for
also offer adult classes, fitness classes ance and showcase events. Our Lumberton or at our Cinnaminson
and pre-school programs for chil- dancers will also have opportunities location (856) 829-0206. You can
dren ages 2-3. for dance internships, teacher train- also visit us online at
The faculty and staff of Edge ing programs and community proj- for
Dance Center will strive for ects and much more! more information and class sched-
"Excellence in the Arts" by imple- Edge Dance Center also provides ules.
menting a strong education and per- a fun, exciting, hassle-free and unfor- Please join us for an exciting learn-
formance program as well as gettable birthday party experience ing opportunity!

Katz Early Childhood Center

For more than 25 years, the learning and self-esteem. enjoy the unique facilities of the Katz
award-winning Sari Isdaner Early New to our school in 2016, JCC, including music, art, sports
Childhood Center at the Katz JCC Destination Imagination will be classes taught by our Health &
has been a leader in early childhood incorporated into our curriculum to Wellness staff in the JCCs gymnasi-
education in South Jersey. encourage creative learning and um, swim lessons in our indoor pool
We offer full day infant/toddler problem solving for kids through taught by certified instructors
care, preschool and nursery school, teamwork and academic challenges through the Lenny Krayzelburg
full day certified Kindergarten, pre-K in the fields of STEAM (science, tech- Swim Academy and the Imaginarium
and transitional Kindergarten. nology, engineering, arts and mathe- indoor play structure.
Whether you are looking for full, matics.) Children participate in Jewish hol-
partial or half day programs, we have We make it seamless for teachers iday celebrations throughout the
a variety of options, including our and our directors to communicate year, as well as Shabbat celebrations
new Two Day 2s flexible toddler with parents through our digital both in their classroom and together
program for 2 year olds. communication tool, Tadpoles, as a school.
Strongly based in Jewish values, which provides parents with elec- To schedule a personal tour or for
our NAEYC accredited and state tronic daily reports, reminders, more information, please contact
licensed program encourages the notes and photos of their child dur- Donna Snyder, Director of Early
development of your childs inner ing the school day. Childhood and Family Engagement at
resources: curiosity, creativity, imag- Children enrolled in the Sari (856) 424-4444 ext. 1197 or donnas-
ination, independence, a love of Isdaner Early Childhood Center [email protected].
My Dance Bag
My Dance Bag owner Karen able friendly customer service, per- Keeping in mind each studio's
Giorgio welcomes back to school- sonalized Pointe shoe fittings and requirements, MDB keeps a on hand
back to dance customers with their high quality products at reasonable reference in -store to make purchas-
star of the season sale! This adorable prices. Who doesn't love Back to es easier for parents. Our sale starts
best-kept secret in town, provides Dance shopping! My Dance Bag is now with 15 percent off regular and
dancers and performers of all ages your one-stop shop for all your sale items including clearance items
throughout the South Jersey and dancewear needs, as well as, cheer thru Aug. 31. Regular fall hours begin
Philadelphia area with their and gymnastics apparel. Our staff is Aug. 15. For pointe shoe fittings,
dancewear or performance needs. ready to outfit and size the tiniest please call (856) 428-8844.
MDB has been in business in their ballerina or the most experienced My Dance Bag is located at 900
Cherry Hill location for more than dancers with latest and greatest Township Lane (behind the Philly
14 years specializing in knowledge- products at reasonable prices. Pretzel Factory) in Cherry Hill.

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