" " !
dent-centered" and empowers stu- Lawrenceville, but students come to
dents to succeed beyond the acade- the school from throughout the
my doors. Featuring the only accred- state of New Jersey, Pennsylvania
ited educational Orton-Gillingham and New York.
program in New Jersey, the academy Families are invited to learn more
is staffed by highly trained educators about The Bridge Academy by visit-
and professionals who provide a ing our web site at or
comprehensive, effective program in contacting us at (609) 844-0770.
4 B A C K T O S C H O O L S O U T H J E R S E Y AUG. 24, 2016
Future Scholars
Early education is the foundation weeks and older. We offer a private
for a childs future. Since children full-day kindergarten, before- and
spend some of their most impres- after-school care with free busing to
sionable years in our care, parents and from Hainesport School, private
should feel confident that their chil- tutoring, a summer camp with field
dren are happy, challenged, loved trips and an hourly drop-in daycare.
and comforted in their absence, The curriculum includes programs
says Future Scholars Early Learning such as fitness, computer lab, sign
Centers owner Ken Tenner in stat- language, music and Spanish. For
ing the Centers mission. your convenience Future Scholars
Our goal is to build self-esteem, also offers an optional daily hot lunch
enhance their strengths and abilities, and a Parents Night Out on the last
as well as teach them responsibility Friday of each month.
as an individual, she says. We treat Future Scholars is open from 6:30
every child who comes to visit with a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through
us like one of our own, and the little Friday. We provide a certified, expe-
ones flourish in our understanding, rienced and friendly staff with teach-
encouraging environment. We real- ing degrees and certifications in CPR
ize we are an important role model and first aid.
in each childs daily life and ultimate- To learn more, visit our website,
ly become their extended family.
Future Scholars Early Learning Call (609) 518-1333 today for a tour
Center is located in Bruni Square, of our state-of-the-art educational
1351 Route 38 West, Building B, facility.
Suite 1 in Hainesport. The center Invest in your childrens future.
provides early learning and child They deserve the best in early learn-
development for children ages 6 ing.
6 B A C K T O S C H O O L S O U T H J E R S E Y AUG. 24, 2016
Lightbridge Academy, innovators Academy offers working parents - in edge technology to enhance parent
in educational child care, is coming such a convenient spot, explains communication and the learning
to Mt. Laurel to offer residents its Speiser. environment. iPad technology and
unique Circle of Care program, Lauren Nolan has joined the team interactive whiteboards enrich the
where the needs of working parents as center director. We are very educational program by bringing Facebook: funsunnj Instagram: funsun_hfield Twitter: @funsunhfield
are as important as the care and edu- fortunate to have Lauren join us. She learning to life in classrooms and the
cation of their children. Lightbridge is an experienced center director indoor multipurpose room every
Academy serves children from six with nearly 15 years of early child- day. An eCommunication app pro-
weeks of age through pre-school and hood education experience. Her ref- vides parents with classroom
is conveniently building its center at erences raved about her ability to updates, pictures and videos of their
4518 Church Road next to Crispin care for their childrens unique childs day. As The Solution for
Square Shopping Center with easy needs and Laurens colleagues Working Parents, Lightbridge
access to all major highways. praised her leadership skills, com- Academy offers extended hours
Franchise owners, Phillip and Amy mented Phillip. from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., a biometric
Speiser, are thrilled to bring Lightbridge Academys propri- finger scanning security system, and
Lightbridge Academy to the area. etary Seedlings Early Childhood ParentView internet monitoring,
We have spent the last 20 years Education Curriculum utilizes a which allows parents to stay con-
commuting past the location on the whole child approach to learning nected to their child throughout the
way to work. When looking for care and enrichment including a read- day through closed circuit cameras
for our two daughters, we searched ing/writing readiness program, in each classroom.
in Mt. Laurel and would have wel- Musical Beginnings, American Sign For more information or to
comed a brand new facility with the Language, Spanish, and more. schedule a tour, visit
unique solution Lightbridge Teachers are provided with cutting
The Katz JCCs Just 4 Kids and JCCs spectacular facility. The chil- activity encourages your child to
JCrew after school programs, named dren have access to our indoor pool, express their creativity and grow as
2016 Best After School Program by full size gym, Imaginarium, Gaga an individual.
South Jersey Magazine, provides the courts and dedicated age-appropri- We offer flexible scheduling and
best after school care for students in ate space. transportation for no extra charge
kindergarten through eighth grade Our professional and compassion- from Kellman Brown Academy
and encourages your child to learn ate counselors, who serve as role Cherry Hill and Voorhees schools.
and grow through a variety of fun models to your children, provide To learn more the Katz JCCs
and enriching activities. them with one-on-one homework after school programs, please con-
Our program provides a vast help and supervise activities such as tact Sarah Rowland at (856) 424-
array of activities, ranging from science, sports, cooking, computer 4444 ext. 1113 or srowland@jfed-
sports to arts to science, in the lab and art. Each age-appropriate
1 4 B A C K T O S C H O O L S O U T H J E R S E Y AUG. 24, 2016