The Biology of Manual Therapies
The Biology of Manual Therapies
The Biology of Manual Therapies
arises from a variety of sources, and one key input to spinal and the static nuclear bag fibers transmit only information
and cortical processing of sensory information arises from about muscle length.36 The excitability of the muscle spin-
the muscle spindles, which is easily demonstrable by the dles is regulated by the activity of -motoneurons.36 When
illusions of movement that are created when the activity -motoneurons fire, they cause the intrafusal muscle fibers
of these sensors are manipulated.31-33 Figure 1 illustrates to contract, which makes the muscle spindle more taut
the key anatomic features and neuropathways of muscle and in turn increases the overall excitability of the spindle
spindles. Additionally, we refer the reader to the Web site (ie, increases the afferent discharge rate).
maintained by Arthur Prochazka, PhD, of the University
of Alberta for an interactive model explaining muscle Pain-Spasm-Pain Cycle
spindle behavior: The pain-spasm-pain cycle is the concept whereby pain
/spindle.html. leads to muscular hyperactivity (spasm), which in turn
Muscle spindles relay sensory information on the causes or exacerbates pain.18 The theoretical rationale for
length of and changes in the length of a muscle.34,35 Muscle the pain-spasm-pain cycle is illustrated in Figure 2. Two
spindles are collections of specialized muscle fibers (ie, potential neural pathways have been posited as the basis
intrafusal muscle fibers) that are not part of the high-force of the pain-spasm-pain cycle.19 In one of the proposed
producing muscle mass itself (ie, extrafusal muscle fibers pathways, nociceptive afferents directly transmit to exci-
that are innervated by -motoneurons).35 Although intra- tatory interneurons and then to -motoneurons, resulting
fusal fibers do not contribute substantially to the force pro- in increased muscle activation (spasm). In the other pro-
duced during muscle contraction, they do have contractile posed pathway, the muscle spindles serve as a key
elements at their ends that are innervated by -motoneu- anatomic structure involved in a feed-forward loop. The
rons.35 Muscle spindles reside parallel to extrafusal muscle loop begins when nociceptive fibers provide excitatory
fibers, stretching alongside these muscle fibers during both input to the -motoneurons that increase the sensitivity
active and passive movements. Muscle spindles contain of muscle spindles. This increased spindle sensitivity
nuclear chain and dynamic and static nuclear bag fibers, heightens spindle afferent activity and thus increases exci-
which have different shapes and convey different types tatory input to the -motoneurons, further increasing
of information.35 Group Ia afferents (primary afferents) muscle activation and pain.
have annulospiral endings that wrap around the central Numerous neurophysiologic studies have been con-
portion of all 3 types of intrafusal fibers and transmit infor- ducted to verify the existence of the pain-spasm-pain cycle
mation about both length and rate of length change.36 and the underlying neural pathways involved. A complete
Group II afferents (secondary afferents) have flower spray discussion of this evidence can be found in articles by van
endings that innervate the ends of the nuclear chain fibers, Dien et al19 and Knutson.6 The majority of these studies
examined whether nociceptive sub-
stances that increase the discharge
rate of the chemosensitive group III
and IV muscle afferents (eg, arachi-
Type II donic acid, bradykinin, lactate) also
Afferent increased the discharge rate of
Type Ia muscle spindle afferents. A series of
Afferent Intrafusal elegant studies37-43 conducted by sci-
Muscle Fibers entists at the Centre for Muscu-
loskeletal Research at Swedens
National Institute for Working Life
provided strong evidence that a wide
variety of nociceptive stimuli excite
Extrafusal muscle spindle afferents in animals.
Muscle Fibers For example, a series of articles from
Djupsjbacka et al37-39 from the mid-
1990s reported that injections of
arachidonic acid, lactic acid, potas-
sium chloride, and bradykinin
increased the firing rate of primary
and secondary muscle spindle affer-
Figure 1. Anatomic and neural pathways of the muscle spindle. ents in cats.37-39 A follow-up study41
to produce a reflex contraction (Figure 3).56,57 Howell et al4 Table, revealed that the strain-counterstrain treatment pro-
state the following: duced a 23.1% decrease in the amplitude of the stretch
reflex of the soleus (P<.05) in patients with Achilles ten-
The H-reflex is similar to the stretch reflex except for the fact dinitis. Similarly significant responses were observed in
that the H-reflex bypasses these muscle spindles, which serve the stretch reflexes of the lateral and medial heads of the
to initiate the stretch reflex.58 Because the H-reflex bypasses gastrocnemius muscles. The treatment did not alter the
the spindles, it cannot be modulated by the gamma efferent H-reflex. Additionally, subjective ratings of symptom
system, which modulates the stretch reflex.59 If an experi- severity (ie, soreness, stiffness, and swelling) were lower
mental or clinical intervention alters the stretch reflex, but following treatment. In control participants, neither reflex
not the H-reflex, alteration of spindle sensitivity is generally
was significantly affected by sham manipulative treatment.
suggested, whereas if an intervention alters both reflexes,
the mechanism is more likely to relate either to altered [-
In summary, the results of this study4 indicated that
motoneuron] excitability or to altered presynaptic inhibition the amplitude of the stretch reflex in patients with Achilles
at Ia afferent fiber endings on the [-motorneurons]. With tendinitis decreased after strain-counterstrain manual
this stated the idea that the stretch reflex and H-reflex are therapy. This finding suggests that a single strain-coun-
identical, except for the participation of the spindles, has terstain treatment reduces the excitability of the stretch
been in retreat in recent years. reflex, which the authors postulated was because of the
treatment decreasing nociceptor activity and subsequently
In this study,4 the authors quantified the amplitude of the decreasing the excitability of -motoneurons. Theoretically,
short-latency stretch reflex and H-reflex in the triceps surae a reduction in the overall excitability of the stretch reflex
muscles (ie, the soleus together with the lateral and medial could lead to a reduced level of involuntary muscle activity.
heads of the gastrocnemius) in 16 patients with Achilles Indeed, the basic tenet of the pain-spasm-pain model is
tendinitis both before and after a single strain-counterstrain that pain will result in more sustained and increased
session. Additionally, these measurements were also made muscle activation.19 Here, the pain-spasm-pain model pre-
in 15 asymptomatic control participants before and after dicts that muscle activity levels will be high during sub-
sham manipulative treatment. The results, detailed in the maximal tasks and under resting conditions. As such, the
authors of a follow-up study21 (see study
2) sought to address this issue. Studies
14 and 4,51 however, focused on identi-
fying the mechanisms of manual ther-
apies in the context of LBP. The key
EMG Amplifier
Stimulator rationale for shifting focus to the mech-
-Motoneuron anisms of manual therapies in LBP were
as follows:
Ia-Afferent Axone 1. Low back pain is clinically signifi-
3 cant. One of the most common rea-
EMG Recording sons for seeking medical care, LBP
Electrodes 1
Spinal Cord
accounts for more than 3.7 million
Stimulus physician visits each year in the
-Motoneuron Axone Electrode United States. Ninety percent of
adults will experience LBP in their
lifetime, 50% will experience recurrent
LBP, and 10% will develop chronic
pain and related disability.60-63
2. Low back pain is the most common
Figure 3. Schematic illustration of the Hoffmann-reflex (H-reflex) neural pathway. When reson for seeking manual therapies.
the peripheral nerve is electrically stimulated (1), action potentials are elicited selectively According to a 2007 national survey,
in the axones of the sensory Ia afferents because of their large axone diameter (2). The more than 18 million US adults aged
evoked action potentials propagate to the spinal cord, where they give rise to excitatory
postsynaptic potentials, in turn eliciting action potentials that travel in the -motoneuron
18 years or older received manual
axones toward the muscle (3). Subsequently, following a brief latency, the volley of afferent therapies in 2007, at a total annual
action potentials is recorded in the muscle as an H-reflex. Abbreviation: EMG, electromyo- out-of-pocket cost of $3.9 billion.64
gram. Reprinted from Aagaard et al57 with permission from The American Physiological The most common reason for seeking
Society. these treatments was LBP.64
reduced pain. It has long been postulated that the mech- ment techniquessuch as transcranial magnetic stimulation
anism(s) of manual therapies are related to an attenuation (TMS) to elicit motor evoked potentials (MEP)3,86-88 and
of the excitability of the muscle spindle afferents that mechanically elicited stretch reflexes50,86,87have begun to
reduces reflexive contractile activity.4,7 Thus, while these be applied to the study of the human lumbar musculature.
data alone do not provide insight into specific neurologic
mechanisms of manual therapies, they do suggest that in We previously demonstrated the reliability and stability
patients with acute LBP, manual therapies may function of these measures serially.86 The authors used these neu-
to normalize psoas muscle activity by reducing the activity rophysiologic techniques to determine the effects of a single
in the hyperactive side and presumably disrupt the pain- HVLA spinal manipulation thrust on corticospinal and
spasm-pain cycle. The 2 most recent studies25,51 in this stretch reflex excitability in patients with chronic LBP and
series (see studies 3 and 4) expanded on these findings by healthy participants. Further, the authors stated the fol-
trying to identify the neurophysiologic effects of 2 different lowing25:
types of manual therapies (ie, thrust-based and nonthrust-
based manual therapies) on the erector spinae muscles. In addition to determining whether the MEP and stretch
reflex amplitude were different in individuals with and
Study 3. Neurophysiologic effects of spinal without LBP, we also examined whether these physiologic
manipulation in patients with chronic LBP25 responses depended on whether the HVLA spinal manipu-
lation caused an audible sound from the joint (ie, the pop or
In this study,25 the authors examined the neurophysiologic
cracking sound that one often associates with joint manipu-
effects of a single HVLA spinal manipulation thrust to
lations). The role of the audible response in determining
determine whether these physiologic responses were treatment effects has long been a matter of intense debate.
dependent on HVLA spinal manipulation causing an Some studies have previously reported that an audible
audible joint sound. They wrote as follows25: response is not necessary to improve clinical outcomes.89,90
Post-OMT (48 h)
Post-OMT (48 h)
Post-OMT (48 h)
Post-OMT (48 h)
A B 140
Net tap force: 90 N
Tap rise time: 7.5 msec
Force, newtons
Figure 7. Depiction of the experimental
Pre-load: 30 N setup for evoking short-latency stretch
reflexes from the lumbar paraspinal mus-
cles. The tip of an electromechanical tap-
ping apparatus is gradually pressed into
Electrodes C SA
the erector spinae tissue (A) until a pre-
loaded force of 30 N is reached, after
65 V
Conceptual Model on the Mechanisms of Manual Do manual therapies alter nociceptive processing and,
Therapies and Perspectives if so, in what way?
The series of studies summarized in this article provide Do manual therapies exert effects on higher brain centers
consistent evidence suggesting that a single manual therapy and, if so, in what way?
reduces the sensitivity of the muscle spindles to stretch. Do different types of manual therapies (eg, thrust-based
In Figure 11, we present our working conceptual model vs nonthrust-based) have different mechanistic actions
on the pain-spasm-pain cycle (Figure 11A), as well as an (eg, exert effects directly on muscle spindle sensitivity
integrated model where we postulate on how manual independent of nociceptive mediators)?
therapies act to disrupt the pain-spasm-pain cycle (Figure
11B). Specifically, in Figure 11A, we postulate that muscu- Answers to these questions would provide critical insight
loskeletal pain conditions (eg, LBP) are associated with on the biological effects of manual therapies. From a trans-
heightened levels of nociceptive input arising from dam-
aged tissues, such as skeletal muscle (eg, class III and IV 140
afferents), tendons, ligaments, bone, and annulus fibrosus.
We postulate that this increased nociceptive input increases 120
Side-to-Side Difference, %
1. Musculoskeletal pain increases
nociceptive input 2. Excitatory input to -motoneuron pool
increases spindle sensitivity, leading to Figure 11. Conceptual model of the pain-spasm-
increased activity Ia-spindle afferents pain cycle (A) and conceptual model of manual
therapies disrupting the pain-spasm-pain cycle
Type II
Afferent (B). In panel A, musculoskeletal pain (eg, low back
pain) causes increased levels of nociceptive input
Type Ia when tissues such as muscles, tendons, or bones
Afferent Intrafusal
Muscle Fibers are damaged (1). The increased nociceptive input
transmits excitatory input to the -motoneurons
(2), which increases the excitability of muscle
spindle and muscle spindle afferents, particularly
in response to stretch or changes in muscle length.
Extrafusal Heightened levels of nociceptive input and
3. The -motoneuron pool receives Muscle Fibers
afferent activity would then transmit excitatory
excitatory input from nociceptors input to -motoneurons (3), resulting in involun-
and muscle-spindle afferents
-Motoneuron tary activation (ie, spasm) or involuntary discharge
of -motoneurons caused by lower levels of exci-
4. Increased excitatory input to -moto- tatory input from other sources (eg, descending
neuron pool results in increased muscle input) (4). Ultimately, the end-organ effect would
activity (spasm)
be increased muscle activity, which could further
exacerbate nociceptive input and, in turn, the
pain-spasm-pain cycle. In panel B, we postulate
B that manual therapies function by attenuating
1. Musculoskeletal pain increases nociceptive input (1), which in turn reduces exci-
nociceptive input 2. Excitatory input to -motoneuron pool is tatory input to the -motoneurons, thereby nor-
reduced, ultimately reducing muscle-spindle malizing the excitability of the stretch reflex (2).
(stretch) reflex excitability (studies 1, 3, and 4)
This decreased stretch reflex response, coupled
Type II
with the reduced nociceptive input, would result
Afferent in less excitatory input to -motorneuron pools
Therapies (3), ultimately decreasing muscle activity (4). Data
Type Ia
Afferent Intrafusal from studies 1, 3, and 4 support the theory that
Muscle Fibers manual therapies act to reduce the excitability
of the muscle spindles, and data from study 2
support the theory that manual therapies reduce
the hyperactivity of skeletal muscles.
-Motoneurons Extrafusal
Muscle Fibers
3. Excitatory input to -motoneuron
pool is reduced
lational science perspective, we still need to better define 14. Pickar JG, Sung PS, Kang YM, Ge W. Response of lumbar paraspinal muscles
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in optimizing the frequency and duration of manual ther- 16. Sung PS, Kang YM, Pickar JG. Effect of spinal manipulation duration on low
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