Kavitha2007 PDF
Kavitha2007 PDF
Kavitha2007 PDF
Received 22 August 2005; received in revised form 29 November 2005; accepted 2 December 2005
Available online 19 January 2006
Varying the parameters such as agitation time, dye concentration, adsorbent dose, pH and temperature carried out the potential fea-
sibility of thermally activated coir pith carbon prepared from coconut husk for removal of methylene blue. Greater percentage of dye was
removed with decrease in the initial concentration of dye and increase in amount of adsorbent used. Kinetic study showed that the
adsorption of dye on coir pith carbon was a gradual process. Lagergren rst-order, second-order, intra particle diusion model and
Bangham were used to t the experimental data. Equilibrium isotherms were analysed by Langmuir, Freundlich, DubninRadushkevich,
and Tempkin isotherm. The adsorption capacity was found to be 5.87 mg/g by Langmuir isotherm for the particle size 250500 lm. The
equilibrium time was found to be 30 and 60 min for 10 and 20 mg/L and 100 min for 30, 40 mg/L dye concentrations, respectively. A
maximum removal of 97% was obtained at natural pH 6.9 for an adsorbent dose of 100 mg/50 mL and 100% removal was obtained
for an adsorbent dose of 600 mg/50 mL of 10 mg/L dye concentration. The pH eect and desorption studies suggest that chemisorption
might be the major mode of the adsorption process. The change in entropy (DS0) and heat of adsorption (DH0) of coir pith carbon was
estimated as 117.20 J/mol/K and 30.88 kJ/mol, respectively. The high negative value of change in Gibbs free energy indicates the feasible
and spontaneous adsorption of methylene blue on coir pith carbon.
2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0960-8524/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Kavitha, C. Namasivayam / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 1421 15
bate and its substituent groups. The presence and concen- Table 1
tration of surface functional groups plays an important Characteristics of coir pith carbon
role in the adsorption capacity and the removal mechanism Physical parameters
of the adsorbates (Yenisoy et al., 2004). Specic surface area (m2/g) 167 pHZPC 8.0
Bulk density (g/mL) 0.12 pH (1% solution) 10.1
The recent studies on methylene blue adsorption onto Conductivity 2.3 Ash content (%) 79.87
activated carbon (Shaobin et al., 2005), rice husk (Vadive- (1% solution) (mS/cm)
lan and Vasanth Kumar, 2005), peanut hull (Renmin et al., Mechanical moisture 5.88 Porosity (%) 93.11
2005) KOH-activated and steam-activated carbons (Wu content (%)
et al., 2005), pumice powder (Feryal, 2005), glass bers Specic gravity 1.742 Volatile matter (%) 58.38
Decolourising power (mg/g) 21.0 Fixed carbon (%) 41.62
(Sampa and Binay, 2005) basic and acid dyes onto oxihum- Iodine number (mg/g) 101.52 Ion exchange capacity Nil
olite (oxidised young brown coal) (Pavel et al., 2005), cat-
Chemical parameters (%)
ionic and anionic dyes on pyrophyllite (Aslhan et al.,
Sodium 0.14 Potassium 0.18
2005), have been reported. Calcium 0.22 Phosphorous 0.01
Coir pith is a byproduct of coconut coir industries in Iron 0.18
southern India. It is a soft biomass separated from the
coconut husk during the preparation of coir ber. Eorts
have been made to carbonize the coir pith and to use it absorbance was measured. Eect of adsorbent dosage was
for wastewater treatment. Since the coir pith is abundantly studied with dierent adsorbent doses (25600 mg) and
available in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, coir pith carbon may 50 mL of dye solutions and agitated for equilibrium time.
prove to be not only as cost-eective and non-conventional Langmuir, Freundlich, Tempkin and DubininRadush-
adsorbent but also help reduce the solid waste disposal kevich isotherms were employed to study the equilibrium
problems. The colour removal by coir pith carbon (94%) adsorption. Eect of pH was studied by adjusting the pH
was comparable with commercial carbon (90%) at natural of dye solutions using dilute HCl and NaOH solutions
pH 8.6. coir pith carbon was also found to be eective for and the solutions were agitated with 300 mg/50 mL adsor-
the removal of metals (Kadirvelu and Namasivayam, bent dose at 40 and 60 min for 10 and 20 mg/L dye concen-
2001), and chlorophenols (Namasivayam and Kavitha, trations, respectively. Desorption studies of the adsorbent
2004). The purpose of this work was to investigate the that was used for the adsorption of 10 or 20 mg/L of dye
removal of methylene blue by coir pith carbon. solution was separated from the solution by centrifugation.
The dye-loaded adsorbent was ltered using Whatman lter
2. Methods paper and washed gently with water to remove any unad-
sorbed dye. Several such samples were prepared. Then the
2.1. Physico-chemical analysis of adsorbent spent adsorbent was agitated for 40 or 60 min with 50 mL
of distilled water and adjusted to dierent pH values. The
Coir pith was collected from nearby coconut coir indus- desorbed dye was estimated as before. For temperature
tries, dried in sunlight for 5 h and ground. The dried coir studies, adsorption of 10 mg/L of methylene blue by
pith powder was sieved to 250500 lm size. It was sub- 200 mg of adsorbent was carried out at 35, 40, 50 and
jected to carbonization at 700 C for 1 h using a mue fur- 60 C in the thermostated rotary shaker, respectively.
nace under closed condition. The carbonized material was
taken out, sieved to 250500 lm size again and used for 3. Results and discussion
adsorption studies. The characteristics of coir pith carbon
(APHA, 1980, 1998; ISI, 1977) reported in Table 1. The 3.1. Scanning electron micrograph analyses
porous texture was further examined by scanning electron
microscope (SEM) observation. The SEM analysis was car- The textural structure examination of coir pith particles
ried out on the Hitachi 2300 scanning electron microscope. can be observed from the SEM photographs (Fig. 1). This
photomicrograph shows brous structure of coir pith car-
2.2. Experimental procedures bon reveals surface texture and porosity. SEM is widely
used to study the morphological features and surface char-
Adsorption experiments were carried out by agitating acteristics of the adsorbent materials (Nelly and Isaco,
300 mg of carbon with 50 mL of dye solution of desired 1982; Rook, 1983).
concentration and pH at 200 rpm, 35 C in a thermostated
rotary shaker (ORBITEK, Chennai, India). Methylene blue 3.2. Adsorption experiment studies
concentration was estimated spectrophotometrically by
monitoring the absorbance at 660 nm using UVVIS spec- 3.2.1. Eects of agitation time and concentration of
trophotometer (Hitachi, model U-3210, Tokyo). pH was dye on adsorption
measured using pH meter (Elico, model LI-107, Hydera- The amount of dye adsorbed (mg/g) increased with
bad, India). The dye solution was separated from the adsor- increase in agitation time and reached equilibrium. The
bent by centrifugation at 20,000 rpm for 20 min and its equilibrium time was 40 and 60 min for 10 and 20 mg/L
16 D. Kavitha, C. Namasivayam / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 1421
dye concentration, respectively and 120 min for both 30 was still high (more than 90%). As the pH increased, the
and 40 mg/L dye concentration. The amount of dye removal increased slightly. Several investigations have
removed at equilibrium increased from 1.6 to 5.4 mg/g with reported that methylene blue adsorption usually increases
the increase in dye concentration from 10 to 40 mg/L. It is as the pH is increased (Gupta et al., 2004; Singh et al.,
clear that the removal of dyes depends on the concen- 2003; Janos, 2003). Basically, methylene blue and other cat-
tration of the dye. It also observed that for an initial dye ionic dyes produce an intense molecular cation (C+) and
concentration of 10 mg/L, the maximum amount (approx- reduced ions (CH+). At high pH, OH on the surface of
imately 97.3% of total amount of dye removed) of dye was adsorbent will favor the adsorption of cationic dye
adsorbed within the rst 30 min at an average adsorption molecules.
rate of 0.054 mg/g min and thereafter the adsorption rate
tends to decrease and proceeds at an average adsorption 3.2.3. Eect of temperature
rate of 0.016 mg/g min. A similar trend was observed for Increase of temperature increased the percent removal.
the remaining range of initial dye concentrations (20 The change in standard free energy, enthalpy and entropy
40 mg/L) studied. The initial rapid phase may be due to of adsorption were calculated using the following
increased the number of vacant sites available at the initial equations:
stage, as a result there exist increased concentration gradi-
ent between adsorbate in solution and adsorbate in the DG0 RT ln K c 1
adsorbent. where R is gas constant and Kc is the equilibrium constant
and T is the temperature in K.
3.2.2. Studies on pH eect According to vant Ho equation,
Eect of pH on the removal of methylene blue is shown
in Fig. 2. The percent removal was more than 90% in the log10 K c DS 0 =2:303R DH 0 =2:303RT 2
pH range 211. At pH 2, though positively charged surface 0
Positive values of DH (30.88 J/mol/K) show the endother-
sites on the adsorbent do not favor the adsorption of dye mic nature of adsorption. The negative values of (5.27,
cations due to the electrostatic repulsion, dye removal 5.72, 6.50 and 7.64) DG0 indicate the spontaneous
nature of adsorption for methylene blue at 35, 40, 50 and
102 20
60 C. The positive values of DS0 (117.2 kJ/mol) suggest
100 18 the increased randomness at the solid/solution interface
98 16 during the adsorption of dye on coir pith carbon. Kinetic
96 A 14 models also applied for temperature studies and it shows
% Desorption
94 12
92 10 ature studies and the equilibrium data obtained for all the
90 Dye conc. 8 kinetics are presented in Table 2.
10 mg/L
88 6
20 mg/L
B 4 3.2.4. Desorption studies
84 2 Regeneration of exhausted carbon and recovery of dye
82 0 contribute to the economy of wastewater treatment. Also
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Initial pH desorption studies help elucidate the mechanism of adsorp-
tion. Desorption was less than 10% in the entire pH range
Fig. 2. (A) Eect of pH on removal of methylene blue, adsorbent dose, 210 though there was slight increase from 0.5 to 9.0
300 mg/50 mL; 10 mg/L, agitation time 40 min; 20 mg/L, agitation time
60 min. (B) Eect of pH on desorption of dye from dye-loaded adsorbent.
(Fig. 2). Insignicant desorption at dierent pH values con-
Adsorbent dose, 300 mg/50 mL; 10 mg/L, agitation time 40 min; 20 mg/L, rms that chemisorption is the major mode of adsorption
agitation time 60 min. process.
D. Kavitha, C. Namasivayam / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 1421 17
Table 2
Kinetic parameters for the removal of methylene blue by coir pith carbon
Concentration k1 (min1) qe (mg/g) R2 Temperature (C) k1 (min1) qe (mg/g) R2
Pseudo-rst-order constants
10 0.1089 0.3663 0.9929 35 0.117 2.314 0.967
20 0.0525 0.6108 0.9864 40 0.124 1.992 0.989
30 0.0173 0.7803 0.9655 50 0.103 1.314 0.971
40 0.0233 1.3259 0.9780 60 0.081 0.586 0.927
h (mg/g min) k2 (g/mg min) R2 Temperature (C) h (mg/g min) k2 (g/mg min) R2
Pseudo-second-order constants
10 1.6913 0.6049 0.9998 35 1.9331 0.09 0.999
20 2.3924 0.2545 0.9998 40 2.4825 0.11 0.999
30 1.9534 0.1112 0.9999 50 3.6178 0.16 0.999
40 1.845 0.0646 0.9992 60 7.813 0.34 1.000
k0 (mL/g/L) a R2 Temperature (C) k0 (mL/g/L) a R2
Bangham constants
10 6.5109 0.0737 0.9733 35 5.2837 0.1246 0.9826
20 5.7179 0.0799 0.9852 40 6.3173 0.0763 0.9887
30 5.5788 0.0464 0.9517 50 6.885 0.0559 0.9882
40 4.495 0.086 0.9926 60 7.1258 0.0447 0.9957
30 mg/L 0.999
rst-order rate expression given by Lagergren and Svenska 40 40 mg/L 0.9992
logqe q log qe k 1 t=2:303 3 20
40 mg/L 0.9558
3 describe the equilibrium nature of adsorption. Some of
Table 3
Isotherm parameters for removal of methylene blue by coir pith carbon
Concentration Q0 (mg/g) b (L/mg) RL
Langmuir constants
10 0.766
20 5.87 0.93 0.621
30 0.522
40 0.451
kf (mg11/n L1/n g1) n R2
Freundlich constants
10 1.192 0.705 0.8972
20 0.845 0.731 0.8675
30 0.726 0.785 0.8968
40 0.778 0.860 0.8840
qs (mg/g) E (kJ/mol) R2
DubninRadushkevich constants
20 4.266 3.54 0.8421
KT (L/mg) B1 R2
Tempkin constants
20 23.25 0.9618 0.952
Table 4
Langmuir and Freundlich constants for methylene blue adsorption by various adsorbents reported in literature
Adsorbent Q0 (mg/g) b (L/mg) kf (mg11/n L1/n g1) n References
Bark 914.59 0.017 D D McKay et al. (1999)
Activated carbon 333.3 0.043 57.54 2.86 Singh and Srivastava (2001)
(rice husk-H3PO4 impregnated)
Coal 323.68 0.004 D D McKay et al. (1999)
Rice husk 312.26 0.017 D D McKay et al. (1999)
Cotton waste 277.78 0.009 D D McKay et al. (1999)
NaOH-treated raw clay 204.00 16.34 17.04 0.047 Ghosh and Bhattacharyya (2001)
Activated carbon 194.3 0.066 6.083 5.579 Rozada et al. (2003)
(sewage sludge-H2SO4 impregnated)
Hair 158.23 0.019 D D McKay et al. (1999)
Tree leaves 133.33 0.290 52.48 4.0 Singh and Srivastava (1999)
NaOH-treated pure clay 122.01 20.49 23.05 0.098 Ghosh and Bhattacharyya (2001)
Carbon slurry waste 96.2 6.67 104 D D Jain et al. (2003)
Pure clay 91.87 15.55 16.39 0.070 Ghosh and Bhattacharyya (2001)
Calcined pure clay 56.31 8.88 9.01 0.061 Ghosh and Bhattacharyya (2001)
Activated carbon from waste rubber P-700 49.0 0.05 D D Miguel et al. (2002)
Saw dust 32.26 0.38 14.58 0.26 De and Basu (1998)
Raw clay 27.49 13.99 14.85 0.151 Ghosh and Bhattacharyya (2001)
Calcined raw clay 13.44 7.59 6.57 0.075 Ghosh and Bhattacharyya (2001)
Boiler bottom ash * * 2.22 0.90 Vasanth Kumar and Bhagavanulu (2002)
Biogas residual slurry * * 21.38 1.46 Namasivayam and Yamuna (1994)
* Does not follow Langmuir isotherm/not reported.
1.6 removal of dye follows pore diusion process since the coef-
1.4 cient values are in the range of 10111013 cm2/s. values
of Dp for methylene blue are 0.884 and 0.589 1012 cm2/s
Dye conc. R2
for 10 and 20 mg/L and 0.295 1012 cm2/s for 30 and
10 mg/L
log (x/m)
20 mg/L 0.8675
40 mg/L have been observed.
30 mg/L 0.8968
40 mg/L 0.884 4. Conclusions
0.2 The present study shows that the coir pith carbon is an
eective adsorbent for the removal of methylene blue from
1 1.5 2
--1 -0.5 0 0.5
log ce
aqueous solution. Higher methylene blue by coir pith car-
bon is possible provided that the initial adsorbate concen-
Fig. 6. Freundlich plots for the adsorption of methylene blue by coir pith tration was low in the solution. Equilibrium adsorption
was achieved in about 40 min. Batch kinetic studies per-
formed on the carbondye system indicated the adsorption
capacity of coir pith carbon. Kinetics data tended to t well
qe RT =b lnK t C e 11
in second-order kinetics, conrming the chemisorption of
Eq. (11) can be expressed in its linear form as methylene blue onto coir pith carbon particles. By sec-
qe B1 ln K t B1 ln C e 12 ond-order model to study the mechanism of adsorption,
calculated qe values, agreed well with the qe experimental
where values, supporting the chemisorption. The Langmuir and
B1 RT =b 13 Tempkin isotherms best represent the equilibrium adsorp-
tion data. The eective diusion coecient of methylene
The adsorption data can be analysed according to Eq. (12).
blue is of the order of 1012 cm2/s. As the raw material,
A plot of qe versus ln Ce enables the determination of the
coir pith is discarded as waste in coir industries; the treat-
isotherm constants Kt and B1. Kt is the equilibrium binding
ment method using coir pith carbon is expected to be eco-
constant (L/mol) corresponding to the maximum binding
nomical. The cost and adsorption characteristics favor coir
energy and constant B1 is related to the heat of adsorption.
pith carbon to be used as an eective adsorbent for the
The values of the parameters are given in Table 3.
removal of methylene blue from wastewater.
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