SEAOC Blue Book Seismic Design Recommendations
SEAOC Blue Book Seismic Design Recommendations
SEAOC Blue Book Seismic Design Recommendations
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers. Producer of the standard ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads for
Buildings and Other Structures.
ATC Applied Technology Council. Producer of ATC 3-06 (ATC, 1978), precursor of the NEHRP Provisions.
BOCA Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. One of three statutory members of the ICC.
Producer of the National Building Code (NBC).
BSSC Building Seismic Safety Council. Producer, for FEMA, of the NEHRP Provisions and Commentary. For
more information, see BSSC (2001b, p.431-444).
CBC California Building Code. The 2001 CBC is based on the 1997 UBC model code.
IBC International Building Code. Published as a model code by ICC since 2000.
ICBO International Conference of Building Officials. One of three statutory members of the ICC. Producer of the
ICC International Code Council. Formed from three statutory members: BOCA, ICBO, and SBCCI. Producer of
the IBC.
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency. Funding source for NEHRP Provisions and Commentary.
NEHRP National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, a federally-funded program under which the NEHRP
Provisions and Commentary (BSSC, 2001a; 2001b) are produced. The NEHRP Provisions and
Commentary have been produced by BSSC for FEMA since 1985 as recommended design provisions and
as a resource for building code development. The 2000 provisions form the basis of the earthquake design
provisions in ASCE 7-02. For more information about NEHRP, see BSSC (2001b, p.431-444).
NFPA National Fire Protection Association. Producer of NFPA 5000, Building Construction and Safety Code,
published as a model code since 2002.
SBCCI Southern Building Code Congress International. One of three statutory members of the ICC. Producer of
the Standard Building Code (SBC).
STC Seismic Task Committee. A technical task committee of the ASCE 7 standards committee and developer of
earthquake design provisions for ASCE 7.
UBC Uniform Building Code. Published as a model code through 1997 by ICBO. Since 1961, its earthquake
design provisions were adapted from the SEAOC Seismology Committees Blue Book.
AISC (1992). Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, American Institute of Steel Construction, June 15.
AISC (1994). Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings. American Institute of
Steel Construction, December 1.
AISC (1997). Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, American Institute of Steel Construction, April 15.
AISC (1999a). Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (1997) Supplement No. 1, American Institute of
Steel Construction, February 15.
AISC (1999b). Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC 350-99).
American Institute of Steel Construction, December 27.
AISC (2000). Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (1997) Supplement No. 2, American Institute of
Steel Construction, November 10.
AISC (2002). Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 341-02), American Institute of Steel
Construction, May 21.
ASCE (2003). Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (SEI/ASCE 7-02, Second Edition),
American Society of Civil Engineers.
ASCE (2004). Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE/SEI 7-05 Pre-publication copy
for final review and editing), Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
ICBO (1997). 1997 Uniform Building Code, International Conference of Building Officials, April (with
supplements). With errata to the first printing dated September 1997, errata to the second printing dated May 1998,
errata dated January 2001, errata dated March 2001, and errata to the fifth printing dated October 2001.
ICBO (2001). 2001 California Building Code (California Code of Regulations Title 24, Part 2), International
Conference of Building Officials. With errata and supplements to Volume 2 dated October 1, 2002; November 7,
2003; January 30, 2004; May 18, 2004; and September 20, 2004.
ICC (2002). 2003 International Building Code, International Code Council, Inc., December (with supplements).
ICC (2003). Revision record for the City of Los Angeles, May 31. (See
ICC (2004). Revision record for the State of California, January 30 and September 20. (See
NFPA (2002). Building Construction and Safety Code (NFPA 5000, 2003 Edition), National Fire Protection
Tri-Chapter (2002). Trichapter Uniform Codes Program: 2002 CBC amendments and interpretation, March 1.
ATC (1978). Tentative Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for Buildings (ATC 3-06), Applied
Technology Council, Redwood City, CA. (A second printing, in 1984, includes 1982 amendments.)
Bachman, Robert E. (1995). Briefing on the 1995 Blue Book, approved seismic code provisions for the 1996 UBC
Supplement and proposed 1997 UBC seismic provisions for strength design, Proceedings: 64th Annual Convention,
Structural Engineers Association of California.
Blume, J.A., Newmark, N.M., and Corning, L.H. (1961). Design of Multi-story Concrete Buildings for Earthquake
Motions, Portland Cement Association.
BSSC (2001a). NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures,
2000 Edition, Part 1Provisions (FEMA 368). Building Seismic Safety Council, Washington, D.C., March.
BSSC (2001b). NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures,
2000 Edition, Part 2Commentary (FEMA 369). Building Seismic Safety Council, Washington, D.C., March.
BSSC (2004a). NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures,
Part 1: Provisions (FEMA 450-1/2003 Edition). Building Seismic Safety Council, Washington, D.C.
BSSC (2004b). NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures,
Part 2: Commentary (FEMA 450-2/2003 Edition). Building Seismic Safety Council, Washington, D.C.
Bush, George H.W. (1990). Executive Order No. 12699: Seismic Safety of Federal and Federally Assisted or
Regulated New Building Construction, available from the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
CBSC (2005). Building Standards Commission March 16, 2005 Meeting. (See
Cobeen, Kelly (1995). Nationalizing the design and materials chapters of the 1997 UBC: SEAOC Code Committee
proposal for the Uniform Building Code, Proceedings: 64 Annual Convention, Structural Engineers Association
of California.
Degenkolb, Henry J. (1986). Code provisions resulting from earthquake observations, in Learning from
Earthquakes, Structural Engineers Association of Northern California, San Francisco, March.
Hamburger, Ronald O. and Kircher, Charles A. (2000). Preface: Recent developments in seismic design
methodologies and codes, Earthquake Spectra, v. 16 n. 1, February.
Henry, John R. and Johnson, Mark A. (2003). Keeping up with the changes: Referenced standards and the 2003
IBC, Structural Engineer, June.
Mahoney, Michael and Sheckler, Timothy (2001). The world of building codes, standards and provisions: A view
according to FEMA, SEAOC 2001 70th Annual Convention Proceedings, Structural Engineers Association of
National Bureau of Standards (1982). Minimum Design Loads for Buildings (ANSI A58.1), Washington, D.C.
OSHPD (2003). Evaluation of the 2003 Model Codes: Final Report, Office of Statewide Health Planning and
Development, July 29. Available at
Pacific Coast Building Officials (1928). Uniform Building Code, Whittier, CA.
Porush, Allan R. and Zacher, Edwin G. (1987). SEAOC, the Blue Book and seismic codes: past, present, and
future, Proceedings: 56 Annual Convention, Structural Engineers Association of California.
SAC Joint Venture (2000a). Recommended Seismic Design Criteria for New Steel Moment Frame Buildings
(FEMA-350). Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington D.C.
SAC Joint Venture (2000b). Recommended Seismic Evaluation and Upgrade Criteria for Existing Welded Steel
Moment Frame Buildings (FEMA-351). Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington D.C.
SAC Joint Venture (2000c). Recommended Post-earthquake Evaluation and Repair Criteria for Welded, Steel
Moment Frame Buildings (FEMA-352). Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington D.C.
SAC Joint Venture (2000d). Recommended Specifications and Quality Assurance Guidelines for Steel Moment
Frame Construction for Seismic Applications (FEMA-353). Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington
SAC Joint Venture (2000e). State of the Art Report on Base Metals and Fracture (FEMA-355A), K. Frank and J.
Barsom, team leaders. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington D.C.
SAC Joint Venture (2000f). State of the Art Report on Welding and Inspection (FEMA-355B), M. Johnson, team
leader. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington D.C.
SAC Joint Venture (2000g). State of the Art Report on Systems Performance (FEMA-355C), H. Krawinkler, team
leader. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington D.C.
SAC Joint Venture (2000h). State of the Art Report on Connection Performance (FEMA-355D), C. Roeder, team
leader. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington D.C.
SAC Joint Venture (2000i). State of the Art Report on Past Performance of Steel Moment-Frame Buildings in
Earthquakes (FEMA-355E), D. Bonowitz and E. Reis, authors. Federal Emergency Management Agency,
Washington, D.C.
SAC Joint Venture (2000j). State of the Art Report on Performance Prediction and Evaluation (FEMA-355F), D.
Foutch, team leader. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington D.C.
Seismology (1959). Recommended Lateral Force Requirements, Seismology Committee, Structural Engineers
Association of California, July.
Seismology (1960). Recommended Lateral Force Requirements and Commentary, Seismology Committee,
Structural Engineers Association of California.
Seismology (1999). Recommended Lateral Force Requirements and Commentary, Seventh Edition, Seismology
Committee, Structural Engineers Association of California, September.