Shear Transfer at Top Plate, Drag Strut Design

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The text discusses how diaphragms transfer lateral loads to vertical lateral force resisting systems like shear walls through connections like blocking. It also covers design of drag struts used to transfer loads across openings in walls.

The diaphragm acts like a beam that is supported by the VLFRS. Sheathing resists shear forces while boundary elements resist bending moments. Blocking is often used to transfer shear forces from the diaphragm to the VLFRS.

Drag struts, also called collectors, are structural members like blocking that are required to transfer loads across openings in walls where the wall above the opening cannot resist shear forces. They provide a direct load path.



On Light Gauge Steel Construction

Light Gauge Steel Engineers Association • 2400 Crestmoor Road • Nashville, TN 37215 • (615) 386-7139



Summary: This Tech Note discusses the design for shear transfer between diaphragms and the supporting
vertical lateral force resisting system. Design requirements for drag struts at openings (interior and exterior)
and at offset walls, and diaphragm chord and strut splices are covered. The design procedure presented is based
on the requirement for a direct and positive load path to transfer forces.


Design of horizontal diaphragms for lateral forces produced in Figure 2, the blocking serves two purposes: (1) shear load
by wind or seismic activity depends on the connection be- transfer to the wall and (2) prevention of torsional instability
tween the diaphragm and the vertical lateral force resisting of the joist or roof truss at the wall.
system (VLFRS). Figure 1 illustrates the distribution of forces
for a simple diaphragm-shear wall system. The diaphragm
is assumed to act as a thin, deep beam in flexure which is Typical blocking details for shear transfer
supported by the VLRFS. The skin (sheathing) of the dia- Figure 2
phragm functions at the web of the beam (resisting shear, V)
and the boundary elements of the diaphragm, perpendicular
to the load, function as the beam’s flanges (resisting the in-
ternal moment, M).

Distribution of loads in a diaphragm.

Figure 1

Different framing techniques may be used to transfer the

shear, V, from the diaphragm to the wall. Figure 2 (LGSEA
Details Manual, 1996) shows two possible framing mecha-
nisms of load transfer. Note that in both of the cases shown

Light Gauge Steel Engineers Association 1 TECH NOTE (556a-4) 9/97

Load transfer in shear wall with opening Load transfer in offset shear wall
Figure 3 Figure 4

Openings in walls (see Figure 3) may prohibit adequate trans- no load transfer. In this case, to ensure the diaphragm shear
fer of diaphragm shear along the length of the wall above is transferred to the wall, a drag strut (collector) is needed
the opening (if not specifically accounted for in design). Thus, across the opening. A similar condition exists in diaphragms
unless explicitly designed to transfer shear, the portion of with plan irregularities where shear walls may be located in
the wall above the opening is typically assumed to provide offset walls (see Figure 4).


In the following section, a design example is presented which

illustrates some of the design considerations discussed above. Distribution of loads in the diaphragm.
Figure 6

Design for shear transfer

For the pitched roof structure shown in Figure 5, assume the

design lateral load is 500 lb/ft. in the roof diaphragm (in the
direction indicated). As discussed above, the sheathing is
designed to transfer load to the struts and the chords resist
the induced moment. The distribution of shear and the chord
forces may be computed using principles of mechanics, as
described below and illustrated in Figure 6.

Building system
Figure 5
Thus, treating the diaphragm as a simply supported mem-
ber, the maximum longitudinal shear, vmax, will be:

The tension and compression chord forces (Tc and Cc, re-
spectively), at the midspan of the transverse length may be
computed as follows:

Shear in the diaphragm varies from a maximum, vmax, at the

longitudinal edge to zero at the center of the transverse length.

TECH NOTE (556a-4) 9/97 2 Light Gauge Steel Engineers Association

Based on the above calculations, the attachment of the roof case where the diaphragm load is in the longitudinal direc-
sheathing to the trusses and blocking at the longitudinal tion.
boundaries must be sufficient to transfer 116 lb/ft. This can
be accomplished with 3/8-in. plywood sheathing attached Distribution of load in top plate
with No. 8 x 1-1/4 in. screws at 6 in. on center—at sup- across the opening
ported panel edges and intermediate supports. In cases where Figure 8
the computed design shear is higher, the screw schedule and
116 lb / ft
use of blocking must be modified in accordance with the
computed shear force.

The top chords of the trusses or the rafters (including splices

in these members) at the transverse ends of the diaphragm,
must be designed to resist the induced tension and compres- 137 lb / ft 137 lb / ft
sion equal to 866 lb. (ASD).

420 lbs.

Interior and exterior drag struts (collectors) Axial Force Diagram

Shear transfer from the roof sheathing to the wall is achieved
by attachment of the roof sheathing to the trusses and block-
ing along the wall, then from the trusses and blocking to the 740 lbs.
top of the wall. In the wall, if the sheathing above the open-
ing is assumed to transfer no shear, the design load across
Typ. Top Track Splice
the top plate will be: vroof = 116 lb/ft. and vwall = 137 lb/ft. (see
calculation below).
vroof • 65
vwall = = 137 lb/ft.
If flat strap X-bracing is used instead of a shear wall, resis- Screws @ 7/8" O.C. Top Track
tance at the top plate provided by the X-bracing will be at a Stagg. (Typ. Ea. Side Splice)

discrete point or at discrete points (if multiple braces are

used). In this example, assuming a single X-brace, at the
point where the strap is attached, the top plate must be de-
signed for a concentrated load of 7,540 lb.

(v roof )
• 65 ft. , as illustrated in Figure 7.
Top Track

Distribution of load across the top plate

Figure 7
116 lb/ft

Shear wall Stud

137 lb/ft 137 lb/ft
20 ft. 10 ft. 35 ft.
Where blocking is used to transfer the diaphragm shear, the
116 lb / ft blocking also provides flexural and torsional stability to the
X-braced 7,540 lb. track. Thus, the track capacity may be calculated based on
wall the effective section properties at the yield strength of the
65 ft.
material. Assuming 33 ksi steel is used, a 3-1/2 in., 20 gauge
flanges will be adequate for this application.
For the shear wall load distribution shown in Figure 7, the
top plate between the shear wall resisting elements must be The designer must ensure that any splices or holes in the
designed for a strut force of 740 lb. web of the top plate are accounted for in design. Holes cut in
the top plate for utilities may cause premature tensile or com-
(( 116 lb / ft • 30 ft ) - ( 137 lb / ft • 20 ft )), pressive failure of the diaphragm struts and must be check
as illustrated in the axial force diagram in Figure 8, for the by the designer.

Light Gauge Steel Engineers Association 3 TECH NOTE (556a-4) 9/97

Alternative shear wall configurations and distribution of load at top plate
Figure 8.


1. LGSEA (1996). "One- and Two-Story Light Gauge Steel Framing Details", Nashville, TN, July.
Primary author of this "Tech Note": Reynaud Serrette, Ph.D.

The information provided in this publication shall not constitute any representation or warranty, express or implied, on the part
of LGSEA or any individual that the information is suitable for any general or specific purpose, and should not be used without
consulting a qualified engineer, architect, or building designer. ANY INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY MAKING USE OF THE
ING FROM SUCH USE. LGSEA believes that the information contained within this publication are in conformance with
prevailing engineering standards of practice. However, none of the information provided in this publication is intended to
represent any official position of LGSEA or to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.

© Copyright 1997 Light Gauge Steel Engineers Association • 2400 Crestmoor Road • Nashville, TN 37215 • (615) 386-7139

TECH NOTE (556a-4) 9/97 4 Light Gauge Steel Engineers Association

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