Claudel 1986

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Ther~~hi~ica Acta, 102 (1986) 357-371 357

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands




Laboratoire de CinPtique et G&tie Chimiques, 404-INSA, 20 Avenue A. Einstein, F-69621
Villeurbanne (France)
(Received 3 December 1985)


The reversible decomposition of ammonium carbamate into urea and water

has been reinvestigated, from the thermodynamic and kinetic standpoints. The equilibrium
conditions have been reached from the right-hand side components. The equilibrium medium
is then liquid. From the equilibrium constant relative to molal fractions, an enthalpy
variation for the forward reaction of 5.5 kcal mol- can be derived. The kinetics of this
forward reaction have been investigated in conditions where the carbamate remains partly
solid. It follows the Prout-Tomp~s law, which is interpreted by the ability for water in
contact with the solid to create germs of its decomposition. The activation energy of reaction
1 is about 10 kcal mol-.


Ammonium carbamate NH,-CO,-NH, undergoes a reversible decom-

position into carbon dioxide and ammonia, according to the equilibrium
NH2-CO,-NH,,,,,CO,,, + 2NH,,,

with a standard enthalpy variation, for the forward reaction equal to 38.3
kcal mol-. This high value renders ammonium carbamate attractive as an
agent of energy storage. Its decomposition requires about 570 Wh per
kilogram, this energy being restored when carbon dioxide and ammonia are
allowed to recombine. Our laboratory is presently studying the feasibility of
this process of energy storage. A side reaction, however, complicates the
picture, namely, the reversible decomposition of ~monium carbamate into
urea and water, according to the equilibrium

NH,-CO,-NH, & NH,-CO-NH, + H,O


HO-~31/86/$03.50 0 1986 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 270 2.80 290 WO 3JO 120 3.30 $#O

Fig. 1. Variation with temperature of the total pressure P for the eq~~b~urn:
NH, -CO2 -NH, * CO, + 2NH,. In full line: theoretical curve derived from thermodynamic
calculations; (0) our experimental points; (e) according to ref. 6.

The interplay of both equilibria provides the basis of urea production from a
mixture of CO, and NH, [l]. However, whereas the former equilibrium is
rather well documented [2-41 the references on the latter are surprisingly
ancient and scanty [S-7]. In particular, the data from refs. 5 and 6 are
conflicting: the authors claim that their system is made of two phases, liquid
and gas. If, however, the values that they report for the total pressure P are
plotted in the coordinates In P, - the corresponding points lie quite
well on the straight line determined for the first equilibrium (Fig. 1). This
means that in their experiments, part of the carbamate is in the solid state.
This fact was acknowledged in a later study [7].
From the kinetic ~e~oint, Mati~on and Frejacques [6] give results that
we represent in Fig. 2. At their operating temperatures, the occurrence of the
component reactions of the first equilibrium is likely. Moreover, they
measure a net effect, due to the occurrence of the two opposite reactions 1
and 2. Finally, no quantitative treatment of curves of Fig. 2 is given. This is
why we attempted to re-examine, both from the the~odyn~c and kinetic
viewpoints, the reversible conversion of ammonium carbamate into urea and
water. A priori, it seemed advisable to operate at lower temperatures: a
rough estimate of the activation energy of its decbmposition into carbon

% Xl





5 15 25 35

Fig. 2. Fractional conversion of ammonium carbamate into urea as a function of time,

according to ref. 6: (- - -) 13OC; (- ) 134oc; (. . . . . a) 14oT; (.-.-.) 145C.

dioxide and ammonia gives, according to Janjics data [4] about 19 kcal
mol-, whereas our own determination of the activation energy of reaction 1
yields 10 kcal mol-. Therefore, it is legitimate to think that the first
equilibrium does not interfere at lower temperatures.


The initial components, either pure carbamate or an equimolar mixture of

urea and water, are put in glass tubes (1.5 mm in wall thickness), which are
cooled down to liquid nitrogen temperature, evacuated for the gas phase,
and sealed under vacuum. The tubes are then put in stoves at set tempera-
tures, between 68 and lOOC, for determined times. When this time has
elapsed, the tube is quenched at 0C and analyzed for its urea content using

the Fosses method [8]. It consists in condensing urea with xanthydrol,

according to the reaction

which forms a product dixanthylurea of high molecular weight, A4 = 420

g mol-, and thus allows an accurate gravimetric determination. The ana-
lytical procedure is the following: after quenching, the tube is broken, its
content is dissolved in 20 cm3 of distilled water to which are added 20 cm3 of
glacial acetic acid and 3 cm3 of a 10 wt% solution of xanthydrol in methanol.
The mixture is allowed to react for 6 hours with magnetic stirring. The
insoluble dixanthylurea is filtered off, washed with 20 cm3 of pure ethanol,
dried at 105C and finally weighed.
The weight w of dixanthylurea is known with an uncertainty 6~ = 10e4 g
at the most. The uncertainty Sn, in the mole number of urea is, therefore:
SW _- 1o-4
= 2 x 10e7. The initial number of moles of urea is determined
M 420
from the weight W: and the molal mass M, = 60 g. Hence,

= 2 X 10e6. If a conversion X is calculated from:

If X remains low, Xe 1, n2 = n: = 2.6 x low3 mol. Hence,

6x= 2.2 x lo+ = 10-3
2.6 x 1O-3
It can be noticed that ammonium carbamate also reacts with xanthydrol
through its amide group


However, this condensation product, of molecular weight inferior to that of

dixanthylurea, dissolves in washing ethanol.


Owing to the fact that reaction 2 is faster than reaction 1, the equilibrium
state is reached more rapidly when the initial components are urea (denoted
2 in the following) and water (denoted 3).

System composition
Component Carbamate Urea Water Total
1 2 3
Initial number 0 n: d
of moles
At number of n L:X,, &l- X3,) da - X3,) &7- - X3,)
equi- moles
libri- molal x3, I-- 4, I-- x,,
urn i fractions
2- X3, 2-- X3, 2- x3,

~ep~rtit~o~ of the components between the phases

Visual observations show that the system is made up of two phases: liquid
and gas. We shall show that the major part of each component lies in the
condensed phase. We shall make this calculation for water, the most volatile
component. The composition of the system is indicated by Table 1.
In the absence of data about the activities in solution, we shall assume
ideality. Therefore, the partial pressure of water vapour above the solution is
p3 = x3p3sat

Let us assume that the molal fraction x3 of water in the liquid is its overall
molal fraction (which anticipates on the computation result). Then

P3 = -21 -- &e
x3, Lt
If we take from Table 2 the values T= 341.4 K, X3, = 1.2 X 10S2, then
P 3sat= 218 Torr, and, given an internal volume of about 5 cm3, n3s = 2.6 x
10S5 mol. Whereas n3 = n(: = 2.6 x 10m3 mol. Therefore, only 1% of water is
in the vapour state, and the preceding computation is valid at this approxi-

Experimental measurements of X3,

T 6) 103 x3, KX In K, 6K
T K,
341.4 2.929 11.5 x 1o-3 42.73 3.755 0.09
346.0 2.890 9.9 x10-3 49.96 3.911 0.10
352.0 2.840 9.6x10-j 51.33 3.938 0.10
359.0 2.786 9.3 x10-3 53.01 3.970 0.13
361.4 2.767 8.7~10~~ 56.72 4.038 0.13
367.5 2.721 6.5 x~O-~ 76.17 4.333 0.16
371.4 2.693 6.0~10-~ 82.58 4.414 0.17

mation. In the following equilibrium calculations, we shall restrict ourselves

to the consideration of the liquid phase.

Thermodynamic calculations

For the equilibrium considered in the liquid phase, p = 1, the number n

of physical factors is 1 (no influence of pressure in the liquid), and the
number c of independent components is 1, since, in our case, the concentra-
tion of urea always equals that of water. It then results from the Gibbs
phase rule
that the variance u is one: it means that the two variables on which the
system at equilibrium depends, composition and temperature, are interre-
This inte~elationship is derived from the variation of Gibbs free enthalpy

AG= &EL, (1)

in which the chemical potentials pt in a solution which is supposed to be

ideal are expressed by
y,=&+9T In x, (2)

the reference state being the pure component i in the liquid state at
temperature T. Hence

AG = AG: + .92T lny

by putting

AG; = ~-02,
+ I& - P:, (3)
At equilibrium, AG = 0, and
In Kx= -z (4

Having regard to Table 1, we obtain

which allows one to exploit the expe~mental measurements of X3, according

In K,

4.60 _

4.40 _

4.20 I

4.00 _

3.110 "

3.60 _

3.43 r


XM 2.R 2.66 2.33 2.90 3.44

Fig. 3. Variation with temperature of the equilibrium constant K,_

to Table 2, in which the uncertainty y has been derived from eqn. (6)

The usual plot of In k-, vs. -!-

T gives a fairly good straight line (Fig. 3) from
which the enthalpy variation for reaction 1 can be deduced: AH = 5.5
(+ 0.5) kcal mol-, corresponding to an endothermal dehydration of am-
monium carbamate. This result fits well with earlier determinations [6].
More interestin~y, it is in agreement with values of heats of formation
found in the literature [9]. These values take as reference state for compo-
nents 1 and 2 their solutions in water at molality m, = 1. The molal fraction
is related to the molality by

xi =
t: m,+v
If we assume that Em, is reasonably less than 18, then


For the solutes 1 and 2, the chemical potential given by expression (2), is
~,=~4)1f%T In =$&+9T In mi

an expression in which a reference potential appears

Piliss = &, +LJU In &

The AGF given by eqn. (3) can then be rewritten
AGF = pii + 9T In & + ~103~
- & - 9T In $& = pidiSS+ & - &diSS
It follows that
AH = H2odiss
+ H30- Hpdiss
By using ref. 9 H;?odiSS= - 76.3 kcal mol-; Hi = -68.32 kcal mol-;
HfdiSS= - 150.4 kcal mol- a value AH = 5.8 kcal mol-i is obtained, in very
close agreement with the experimental one.


General features

Reaction 1 is followed at fixed temperatures starting from ammonium

carbamate. Visual observation shows that, for the conversions obtained in
these experiments, the system is triphasic: gas, liquid and solid, this last
phase consisting of unconverted carbamate.
Conversion is measured by titrating urea as explained above. The experi-
mental results are given in Table 3 and represented by Fig. 4. The isotherms
obtained, if the vicinity of origin is discarded, correspond to a self-accel-
erated reaction, i.e., a reaction the rate of which increases with time, for the
observed durations. This is why we tried to check the kinetic influence of the
products. We observed that initially added urea did not change the reaction

Variation of conversion with time

T (C)
68.4 78.4 88.4 98.4

t (h) x, t(h) X, t(h) X, t (h) X,

3 0.013 3 0.024 10 0.049 8 0.070
8 0.015 6 0.028 16.5 0.070 16.5 0.118
12 0.016 14.5 0.035 23.5 0.091 23.5 0.148
14.5 0.018 23.5 0.047 36 0.121 31.5 0.223
20 0.019 35.5 0.068 48.5 0.200 38.5 0.331
47.5 0.063 47.5 0.099 65.5 0.382 44.5 0.499
59.5 0.094 57.5 0.154 70 0.500
71.5 0.143 71.5 0.293






0 10 20 JO 40 50 60 70

Fig. 4. Variation with time of fractional conversion of ammonium carbamate into urea: (0)
68.4C; (a) 78.4C; (0) 88.4C; (A) 98.4C.

course. On the contrary, when we initially introduced water, a drastic change

of kinetics was observed.

Effect of an initial addition of water

The results at 78.4C are indicated by Table 4 and Fig. 5, for 6.2 x 10P4
mole of water added to 3.2 X 10e3 mole of carbamate. This clearly shows
the accelerating r8le of water. In order to generalize to variable amounts of
water (a mole of water per mole of carbamate), we measured the conversion
of carbamate at 78.4C after a duration of 20 hours. Table 5 gives the
obtained results.

Formulation of a kinetic law, and interpretation by a mechanism

-In the initial absence of water

The occurrence of a self-acceleration phase in heterogeneous kinetics is
rather common. One of the simplest formulas which accounts for this trend

Effect of addition of water
t (h) 13 20 40 50
x, 0.058 0.097 0.250 0.500







0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Fig. 5. Variation with time of fractional conversion of ammonium carbamate into urea: (0)
without initially added water; (0) with initially added water.

Results of conversion of carbamate
a 0.384 0.469 0.503 0.602 0.740 0.868 0.885 1.076
x, 0.224 0.229 0.244 0.310 0.340 0.385 0.401 0.432

-l.6 -

-t2 -

- 0.6. *.
\ t(h)
0 A c
0 4P 6.6 12P 16.0 20.0 24.0 26.0 32P 36D 40.0 44D 469

Fig. 6. Transformed curves of Fig. 4: (0) 68.4C; (0) 78.4C; (0) 88.4OC; (A) 98.4C.

is that of Prout and Tompkins [lo], which can be written, in the initial
absence of water

- = kX,(l - x,) (7)

The integration of this differential equation yields

x, = kt + const.
In -
1 - x,

The data of Table 3 can be transposed in coordinates t, In & and the

curves of Fig. 6 are obtained, which are reasonably linear for the shorter

Values of k

T CC> k (h-l)
68.4 1.7x1o-2
78.4 2.5 x 1o-2
88.4 4.1 x 1o-2
98.4 6.2~10-~
130 0.22

In k

Fig. 7. Variation with temperature of the rate law constant k; (0) our results; (0) point taken
from ref. 6.

durations, as expected from expression (8). The curvature observed for the
longer durations may be due to the occurrence of the reverse reaction. In
order to confirm these results, we exploited, in the same way, the initial part
of the curve of Fig. 2 corresponding to 130C (ref. 6), and found that the
points fit fairly well on a straight line. The values of k are obtained by linear
regression (Table 6).
Drawing In k vs. f allows one to get a fairly good straight line,
including the point corresponding to ref. 6, and to derive an activation
energy of about 10 kcal mol- (Fig. 7).
Case of initially added water
According to eqn. (7), the decomposition rate is proportional to the
fraction of undecomposed solid and to the fraction of decomposed solid. A

Fig. 8. Variation with the amount of initially added water of fractional conversion of
ammonium carbamate: (0) experimental points obtained at 78.4T; ( -) theoretical
curve representing eqn. (10).

possible interpretation is that the process is governed by the nucleation rate,

which is itself proportional on the one hand to the amount of undecomposed
solid, and on the other hand to the amount of a reaction product (here
water) which contributes to create decomposition germs in the solid. If such
an interpretation holds, when water is initially added in the amount of Q
moles per mole of carbamate, the kinetic expression (7) should be trans-
formed into

2 =k(l-X,)(a+X,)

where the constant k depends on temperature only, and therefore takes the
same value, at the same temperature, as in the preceding case. The integra-
tion of (9) gives
x =u exp k(a+l)t-1
aexpk(a+l)t+l (10)
The check consists in using the data of Table 5 and representing X1(a) for
given k and t. Figure 8 shows that this check is quite satisfactory, the points
derived from Table 5 fitting closely the theoretical curve derived from eqn.
In conclusion, the equilibrium between ammonium carbamate, water and
urea has been studied in conditions where it is realized in the liquid phase.
The heterogeneous kinetics of ammonium carbamate decomposition into

urea and water could be measured and interpreted. This interpretation rests
upon the key r-ale played by the reaction product water, which appears to
contribute to create decomposition germs.


a moles of water added per mole of carbamate

C number of independent components
G Gibbs free enthalpy
H enthalpy
k rate law constant
K equilibrium constant
In Napierian logarithm
E molal mass
number of moles
i number of physical factors
P pressure
9 ideal gas constant
t time
T temperature
u variance
W weight
X molal fraction in the liquid phase
X fractional conversion

Greek letters

6 uncertainty
A variation
P chemical potential
V algebraic stoichiometric coefficient
cp number of phases


1 relative to carbamate
2 relative to urea
3 relative to water
i relative to any component
at equilibrium
P in the liquid state
sat value at saturation

sol in the solid state

X relative to molal fractions


initial state or reference state


1 W. Foerst, Ullmatms Enzyklop;idie der Technischen Chemie, Band 8, Urban and

Schwarzenberg, Munich, 1957, p. 381.
2 C. Mat&non and M. Frejacques, Bull. Sot. Chim. Fr., 29 (1920) 21.
3 E.P. Egan, J.E. Potts and G.D. Potts, Ind. Eng. Chem., 38 (1946) 454.
4 D. Janjic, Helv. Chit-n. Acta, 47 (1964) 1879.
5 C. Mat&non and M. Frejacques, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 171 (1920) 1003.
6 C. Matignon and M. Frejacques, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 174 (1922) 455.
7 M. Frejacques, Chim. Ind., 60 (1948) 22.
8 R. Fosse, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 158 (1914) 1076; 159 (1915) 253.
9 R.C. Weast (Ed.), Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, The Chemical Rubber Co., 60th
edn., 1980, D. 64.
10 E.G. Prout and F.C. Tompkins, Trans. Faraday Sot., 40 (1944) 488.

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