Roles and Functions of Planning
Roles and Functions of Planning
Roles and Functions of Planning
Strategic Planning is concentrated towards attaining the long-term objectives of business, but if we talk
about Operation Planning, it is done to achieve short-term objectives of the company.
The planning is not made for a particular department or unit, but it covers the entire organization. The
strategic planning is done to determine the factors of the internal and external environment which directly
influences the organization. The plan focuses on the enduring development of the organization. The tools used in
this process are:
SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats)
Portfolio Analysis
PEST Analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological Environment)
Porters 5 forces Analysis (New Entrants, Rival Sellers, Substitute Products, Buyer Bargaining Power,
Supplier Bargaining Power)
BCG Matrix (Boston Consulting Group)
These tools help the management to design a strategy considering various elements that will lead the
organization towards its vision.
Middle-level management performs the function of the operational planning process. It includes planning of
regular business activities and operations for a short period. Under this process, the organization is classified into
the various department, division, unit, and center for which planning is performed individually, which is aligned
with the strategic planning to reach the organizations vision.
Modifications Generally, the plan lasts longer. The plan changes every year.
Emphasis on Planning of vision, mission and objectives Planning the routine activities of the company.
Every change should have a planned way. Planned change may help the person people to adapt with the
change environment, planned change is pre-determined. It is decided in advance what is to be done in future. It
is a deliberate process.
DEFINITION. Any kind of alternation or modification which is done in advance and differently for the
improvement of present position into brighter one is called planned change.
Psychological Resistance
These types of resistances are typically based on emotion and attitude. It is internally logical
from the perspective of the employee attitude and feelings about change. Employees may fear
the unknown, mistrust management, or feel that their security and ego needs are threatened.
Even though management may believe that there is no justification for these feelings they are
very rational to employees, and as such mangers must deal with them. Psychological or
emotional resistance may take place in the following manner:
1. Fear of unknown
2. Low tolerance of change
3. Dislike of management/change agent
4. Lack of trust in other
5. Need for security
6. Desire for status quo
Sociological Resistance
Sociological resistance may sometimes be logical. This happens when it is seen as a product of
challenge to group interests, norms, and values. Since social values are powerful force in the
environment, they must be carefully considered.
On a small group level, there is work friendship and relationships that may disrupt buy change.
Then resistance occurs. However, sociological resistance includes the following:
1. Political coalitions
2. Opposing group values
3. Parochial/narrow outlook
4. Vested interest
5. Desire to retain existing friendships
Whatever may be the types of resistance, mangers should be very careful and tolerant. Tolerance
sometimes helps the employees to realize about the need for change and employees accept that.
DEFINITIION. Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time
between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter not harder so that you get
more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high. Failing to manage your time damages
your effectiveness and causes stress.
It may seem counter-intuitive to dedicate precious time to learning about time management, instead of
using it to get on with your work, but the benefits are enormous:
Greater productivity and efficiency.
A better professional reputation.
Less stress.
Increased opportunities for advancement.
Greater opportunities to achieve important life and career goals.
Failing to manage your time effectively can have some very undesirable consequences:
Missed deadlines.
Inefficient work flow.
Poor work quality.
A poor professional reputation and a stalled career.
Higher stress levels.
Spending a little time learning about time-management techniques will have huge benefits now and throughout
your career.
Practice the following techniques to become the master of your own time:
1. Carry a schedule and record all your thoughts, conversations and activities for a week. This
will help you understand how much you can get done during the course of a day and where youre
precious moments are going. You'll see how much time is actually spent producing results and how
much time is wasted on unproductive thoughts, conversations and actions.
2. Any activity or conversation that's important to your success should have a time assigned to
Time is the most it. To-do lists get longer and longer to the point where they're unworkable. Appointment books
valuable coin in your life. work. Schedule appointments with yourself and create time blocks for high-priority thoughts,
conversations, and actions. Schedule when they will begin and end. Have the discipline to keep
You and you alone will
these appointments.
determine how that coin
3. Plan to spend at least 50 percent of your time engaged in the thoughts, activities and
will be spent. Be careful conversations that produce most of your results.
that you do not let other 4. Schedule time for interruptions. Plan time to be pulled away from what you're doing. Take,
people spend it for you. for instance, the concept of having "office hours." Isn't "office hours" another way of saying
Carl Sandburg "planned interruptions?"
5. Take the first 30 minutes of every day to plan your day. Don't start your day until you
complete your time plan. The most important time of your day is the time you schedule to schedule
6. Take five minutes before every call and task to decide what result you want to attain. This
will help you know what success looks like before you start. And it will also slow time down. Take
five minutes after each call and activity to determine whether your desired result was achieved. If
not, what was missing? How do you put what's missing in your next call or activity?
7. Put up a "Do not disturb" sign when you absolutely have to get work done.
8. Practice not answering the phone just because it's ringing and e-mails just because they
show up. Disconnect instant messaging. Don't instantly give people your attention unless it's
4. FISCAL PLANNING absolutely crucial in your business to offer an immediate human response. Instead, schedule a time
DEFINITION. to answer email and return phone calls.
Approximation of the cost 9. Block out other distractions like Facebook and other forms of social media unless you use
of an activity, job, these tools to generate business.
program or project, 10. Remember that it's impossible to get everything done. Also remember that odds are good
prepared for budgeting that 20 percent of your thoughts, conversations and activities produce 80 percent of your results.
and planning purposes only. Not accurate enough to provide a basis for a firm commitment, it represents only the
budget maker's understanding of the scope and expense of what needs to be done. Fiscal planning is not
intuitive; it is a learned skill that improves with practice. Fiscal planning requires vision, creativity, and a thorough
knowledge of the political, social, and economic forces that shape health care.
Role of the Nurse Manager in Fiscal Planning
To see that adequate resources are available to provide nursing services.
Nursing managers at all levels must become proficient in the budgeting process.
Good nurse manager who is in the best position to predict trends in census and acuity, supplies
and equipment needs.
Types of Budget
Personnel Budget
The Operating Budget or Revenue-And-Expense Budgets
Capital Budget
- The largest of budget expenditures is the workforce health care is labor intensive.
Includes: salaries, compensation for vacation time, sick leave, holidays, overtime,
- Personnel budget monitored closely to prevent under- or overstaffing, (be alert for
numbers and types of clients).
- Manager must be aware: the most economical level of nursing care- that will cover
patient needs can provided. A manager must monitor the personnel budget closely to
prevent understaffing or overstaffing. The manager must be aware of the patient acuity.
- The number of client's visits, or cases per day never remain constants, so manager
must be ready to alter staffing.
- The personnel budget includes actual worked time ( productive time or salary expense)
and time the organization pays the employee for not working ( nonproductive or benefit
The operating budget or revenue-and-expense budgets
- Includes: daily expenses as the cost of electricity, repairs and maintenance, and
medical, surgical supplies, office supplies, laundry, etc.
- Supplies are the second most significant component in the hospital budget next to
personnel costs.
- Formulation of the operating budget should begin several months before the beginning
of the next fiscal year to provide sufficient data and time for planning.
Capital Budget
- Budget plan for buildings and or major equipment that has a long life (usually greater
than five years).
- Cost effectiveness is the desired result of careful fiscal planning (unit managers goal)
- Cost effective does not mean cheap, it means using the money for getting the most
Takes into account factors regard Cost effectiveness:
1- Anticipated length of service.
2- Need for such a service.
3- Availability of other alternatives.
- In addition to the original price cost, examine the costs of implementation, installation,
upkeep, and technological updates.
Prerequisites to Budgeting
1. There is need for sound or organization structure with clear lines of authority and
Employees know their responsibilities and accountabilities about their actions.
Organization charts, job descriptions, Goals and objectives are available.
Then budgets developed to conform to the pattern of authority and responsibility
2. Statistical data
e.g. No. of admissions, average length of stay, and percentage of occupancy, etc. are
used for planning and control of the budgetary process.
3. Revenues and expenses are reported for planning and evaluation.
4. Managerial support: essential for a budgetary program, done at the department level and
valued by top administration.
5. Formal budgeting policies and procedures are available in a budget manual.
Objectives, Instructions, Procedures for reviews of the budgetary program are defined &
discussed in detail.
DEFINITION. Career Development is the lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure, and
transitions in order to move toward a personally determined and evolving preferred future. In educational
development, career development provides a person, often a student, and focus for selecting a career or subject
to undertake in the future. Often educational institutions provide career counsellors to assist students with their
educational development.
The International Council of Nurses (ICN) firmly believes that career development is a major contributing
factor in the advancement of health systems and the nursing profession worldwide, and is directly linked to the
maintenance of high quality care delivery. Career development must therefore be supported and sustained by
means of an articulated educational system, recognized career structures (including clinical ladders) flexible
enough to provide career mobility, and access. (International Council of Nurses)
ICN supports research demonstrating that career mobility provides incentives for professional
development and fosters higher levels of job satisfaction thus ensuring a more consistent coverage of health
facilities. Appropriate reward mechanisms need to be promoted, introduced and maintained so that achievement
is rewarded by recognition, advancement and/or remuneration.
Individual nurses have a responsibility to plan and develop their careers through continuous self-
assessment and goal setting. As health care providers, they must also participate in determining collective and
social development goals.
The Council believes that access to continuing education and professional development is critical and a
fundamental workers right. Continuing education should be available to all nursing personnel, using suitable
means to reach those working in isolated areas.
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