Math QRT 1 Week 5 Day 2-Mel

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Daily Lesson Log (DLL) in Grade 6 Mathematics

First Quarter, Week 5 Day 4

July 6, 2017
Grade VI 1 (7:50-8:40), Grade VI 2 ( 9:40-10:30)

Lesson 23: Multiplying decimals and mixed decimals with factors up to 2

decimal places

Demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental
A. Content
Standards operations involving fractions and decimals.

Is able to apply the four fundamental operations involving

B. Performance fractions and decimals in mathematical problems and real-life
Standards situations.

Multiplies decimals and mixed decimals with factors up to

C. Learning
2 decimal places.
A. Multiplies decimals and mixed decimals with factors up to 2
D. Lesson decimal places
Objectives B. Show speed in doing the different activities.
C. Participate actively in group activity
Multiplying Decimals and Mixed Decimals With Factors up to 2
Decimal Places
A. References
1. Teacher's Lesson Guide in Elementary Math 6, pages 83-86
2. Learner's
Building New Horizon in Math 6, pages 73-75
3. Textbook
pages Mathematics for Everyday Use 6, pages 157-158
@1st Century Mathletes
4. Additional
B. Other Learning
Mental Computation
Answer the puzzle individually. The first to get the
answer correctly will be declared the winner.
Who invented the decimal point?

Find the answer by solving the multiplication

sentences mentally. Use the code to find the letter.
Answer Letter
a) 51 x 2 _______ ______
b) 30 x 6 _______ ______
c) 25 x 3 _______ ______
d) 18 x 4 _______ ______
e) 27 x 5 _______ ______
f) 72 x 3 _______ ______
g) 12 x 9 _______ ______
h) 42 x 6 _______ ______

A. Reviewing Choose 20 volunteer pupils

previous Divide them into groups with 5 members, each
lesson or numbered 1 to 5.
presenting the
Call all 1s of each group to solve the first
new lesson
(Introductory equation dictate by the teacher
Activity) They will simultaneously solve it on the board.
The rest of the pupils will take same equation
by solving it on their show-me board
Do this process until all members of each
group able to solve on the board.
The group with the most numbers of correct
answers win.

Example equations
1. 0.53 x 0.06
2. 0.23 x 0.25
3. 0.68 x 0.89
4. 0.54 x 0.74
5. 0.96 x 0.52
Show picture of a boy selling newspapers.
Ask: What is this boy selling? Why do you think he do this?
B. Establishing a How many of you do the same to earn money? What do you do
purpose for the with your money?

Developmental Activity (Using life situation

C. Presenting
nces of the
new lesson Danise sells vegetables every weekend to support her
(Demonstration/ study. A kilogram of sayote cost P20.75. How much is her
Modelling) total sales if she sells 3.25 kilograms of sayote?

What is being asked in the problem?

What are given?
What do you notice of the two given numbers? What
decimals are they?
What shall we do with the two mixed numbers to answer
the problem?
What number sentence can we form out of the problem?
Discuss the step-by-step solution to the problem.
As much as possible, solicit some responses from the
D. Discussing
concepts and
practicing new
skills # 1

What do we need to do with the answer? Round to the

nearest centavo or hundredths
Emphasize that when the answer refers to amount or
cost, always round it to nearest centavo
How much is the total sales of Danise?
What character traits does Danise possess?

Give other examples.

Multiply: 4.56 x 3.62
What kind of decimals are the factors?
How many decimal places are there in the factors?
How many decimal places are there in the product?
What is the connection in the number of decimal places
in the product with the number of decimal places in the

Directions: Decide if each product has the decimal point in the

correct position. If not, write the correct product on the space
provided. Remember, decimal places in the product must be
E. Discussing the same in both factors.
new concepts
and practicing 1. 3.56 x 5.2 = 185.12 _____________
new skills # 2 2. 8.42 x 6.7 = 5.6414 _____________
3. 2.45 x 8.43 = 206.535 _____________
4. 9.36 x 2.64 = 24.7104 _____________
5. 7.09 x 3.24 = 2.29716 _____________

A. Find the product. Be careful in putting the decimal point.

F. Developing
B. Solve.
Practice) 4. A metre of cloth costs P82.25. How much will 2.15
metres cost?
5. Ricky can travel 5.12 kilometres per hour on his bike. How
far can he travel in 3.14 hours?

Cooperative Work
G. Finding
Divide the class into 5 groups
Each group will write a problem involving multiplying mixed
application of
decimals by mixed decimals
concepts and
They will write the problem as well as corresponding
skills in daily
solution and answer in manila paper
After the groups have completed the task they will present
their work to the class
H. Making How do you multiply mixed decimals by
generalization mixed decimals?
s and
about the
A. Multiply. Show your solution.
1. 2.21 x 3.2 = N
2. 4.35 x 2.24 = N
I. Evaluating 3. 3.12 x 2.03 = N
( Evaluation) B. Solve for what is being asked.
4. The product of 3.64 and 2.23 is ______
5. A rectangle is 2.75 m by 1.55 m. What is its area?

A. Multiply. Show your solution.

1. 6.34 x 1.25 = N
2. 1.56 x 3.28 = N
J. Additional 3. 5.92 x 2.61 = N
activities for
application or
remediation B. Solve for what is being asked.
(Assignment) 4. What is 8.22 times the sum 6.23 and 0.45?
5. What is the area of Danas backyard if it is 15.95 m long
and 6.45 m wide?


A. No. of learners
who earned at least
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teacher?

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